Glendora Natural History Website Data Compiled by Dick Swinney
Image used for spacing

III. Fresh Water Marshes

1. Swarthout Canyon Rd. & Cajon Blvd. Jnct.

Collection Dates:
October 17, 1992
August 12, 1996
November 10, 2008

San Bernardino County, 0.6 mi. s.w. of jnct. of Swarthout Cnyn. Rd. & Cajon Blvd., on w. side of Cajon Wash, just e. of RR Tracks, due east of “Pomona Ranch” property
Map Quad: Cajon
Lat: 34 deg. 16 ‘ 04 “ N
Long: 117 deg. 27 ‘ 35 “ W
Township: 2 N
Range: 6 W
Section: 12, SW/4 of SE/2
Elevation: 2,640 ft. (805 m.)
Marsh description:
Extending from the RR tracks on the west to the Cajon Wash on the east. A 2 to 5 ft. raised area distinguishes the marsh area from the lower wash, with its own source of water. Grayish fine-grained soil, fed by spring on w. side Swarthout Canyon Rd. at private residence (Pomona Ranch); very little canopy
Plant communities: Fresh water marsh surrounded by chaparral & coastal sage scrub

Species List:
*Collected November 10, 2008 - ID/verification pending)

Ferns & Their Allies:

Equisitaceae Horsetail Family
Equisetum arvensi L., Field Horsetail U, far e. area near Cajon Wash
*Equisetum laevigatum R, veg., far n.w. area


Anacardiaceae Sumac Family
Toxicodendron diversilobum (Torrey & A. Gray) E. Greene, Western (Pacific) Poison Oak NC U

Apiaceae Carrot Family
Berula erecta (Hudson) Cov., Cutleaf Waterparsnip C

Asteraceae Sunflower Family
*Ambrosia acanthicarpa Hook., Annual Bur-sage, Flatspine Bur Ragweed U
*Ambrosia psilostachya DC., Western Ragweed, Cuman Ragweed U, s.w. area
Artemisia douglasiana Besser, Mugwort, Douglas’ Sagewort FC
Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz Lopez & Pavon) Pers., Mule Fat NC A
Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten., Bull Thistle NC U
*Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq., Canadian Horseweed U
* Conyza sp. U
Euthamia occidentalis Nutt., Western Goldenrod or Goldentop, Western Flat-topped Goldenrod U
Helenium puberulum DC., Sneezeweed, Rosilla U, near wash and s. area, 1 in bloom in Nov., 2008
Solidago spectabilis (D.C. Eaton) A. Gray var. confinus (A. Gray) Cronquist, Southern Goldenrod, Nevada Goldenrod A
Sonchus asper(L.) Hill, Prickly or Spiny Sow Thistle R

Betulaceae Birch Family
Alnus rhombifolia Nutt., White Alder FC, near wash

Boraginaceae Borage Family
Heliotropum curassivicum L., Seaside or Salt Heliotrope U

Brassicaceae Mustard Family
Hirschfeldia incana (L.) Lagr.-Fossat, Shortpod Mustard FC
Nasturtium officinale W.T. Aiton, Water Cress FC

Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot Family
Chenopodium berlandieri Moq., var. zschackei (Murray) Murray, Pitseed Goosefoot

Fabaceae Pea Family
Melilotus indica (L.) All., Sourclover, Annual Yellow Sweetclover U
Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam., White Sweetclover FC

Fagaceae Oak Family
Quercus agrifolia Nee var. agrifolia, Coast Live Oak, Encina, California Live Oak R, seedlings under canopy near wash

Lythraceae Loosestrife Family
Lythrum californicum Torrey & A. Gray, California Loose-strife A

Oleaceae Olive Family
Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh ssp. velutina (Torr.) Miller FC

Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family
Epilobium ciliatum Raf., Fringed Willowherb FC
Oenothera elata Kunth ssp. hirsutissima (S. Watson) W. Dietr., Hooker’s Evening Primrose

Polygonaceae Buckwheat Family
Polygonum lapathifolium L., Willow Weed, Curlytop Knotweed FC
Rumex salicifolius J.A. Weinm., Willow Dock FC

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family
Clematus ligusticifolia C

Salicaceae Willow Family
Populus balsamifera L. ssp. trichocarpa (Torrey & A. Gray), Brayshaw, Black Cottonwood NC U, no large trees present in 2008
Populus fremontii S. Watson, Alamo or Fremont Cottonwood FC during 1992 & 1996 surveys, R in far n.w. area only, in 2008
Salix exigua Nutt., Slender Sandbar Willow, Narrowleaf Willow U
Salix lasiolepis Benth., Arroyo Willow FC

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Castilleja sp. R
* Castilleja minor (A. Gray) A. Gray ssp. spiralis (Jepson) Chuang & Heckard, Lesser Indian Paintbrush R, 1 plant in bloom in Nov. 2008 along stream at wash
Mimulus cardinalis Benth., Scarlet Monkeyflower NC R, at wash
Mimulus guttatus DC., Common Monkeyflower, Seep Monkeyflower C
*Verbascum blatteria L., Moth Mullein R
*Veronica anagalus-aquatica L., Water Speedwell FC, far e. area near Cajon Wash

Solanaceae Nighshade Family
Solanum douglasii Dunal, White Nightshade, Greenspot Nightshade U

Vitaceae Grape Family
Vitus girdiana Munson, Desert Wild Grape C


Cyperaceae Sedge Family
Eleocharis montividensis Kunth, Sand Spikerush FC
Eleocharis parishii Britton, Parish’s Spikerush FC
Schoenoplectis acutus (Muhl. ex Bigelow) A. Love & D. Love var. occidentalis (S. Watson) S.G. Sm., (Common) Tule A

Juncaceae Rush Family
Juncus arcticus Willd. ssp. littoralis (Engelm.) Hulten, Wire Rush, Mountain Rush
*Juncus dubius Engelm., Mariposa Rush, Questionable Rush R, at wash
Juncus rugulosus Engelm., Wrinkled Rush A
Juncus textilis Buchenau, Basket Rush FC
Juncus torreyi Coville, Torrey’s Rush U
Juncus xiphioides E. Meyer, Irisleaf Rush FC

Poaceae Grass Family
Andropogon glomeratus (Walter) Britton, Sterns, & Pogg. var. scabriglumis C.S. Campbell, Southwestern Bushy Bluestem or Roughglume A
Arundo donax L., Giant Reed NC U in 1992 & 1996. In 2008, only population was recently cut down, plants still alive
*Cortedaria sp. R
*Echinocloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv., Barnyard Grass C, especially in s.e. area
Muhlenbergia asperifolia (Nees & Meyer L. Parodi, Scratchgrass A, especially in n.w. & c. areas
Muhlenbergia rigens (Benth.) A. Hitchc., Deergrass FC
Paspalum urvillei Steudel, Vasey’s Grass C
*Piptatherum miliaceum (L.) Cosson, Smilograss U, far e. area near wash
*Polypogon viridis , Annual Beard Grass or Rabbitsfoot Grass
Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell, Mediterranean Schismus, Common Mediterranean Grass
Sorgum halepense (L.) Pers., Johnsongrass FC
Vulpia myuros (L.) C.C. Gmel., Rat-tail Fescue R

Typhaceae Cattail Family
Typha latifolia L., Broadleaf Cattail A
*Typha angustifolia L., Narrowleaf Cattail R

Selected plants surrounding the marsh:
(Not collected except for Glycyrriza lepidota)

Arctostaphylos glauca
Lindley, Bigberry Manzanita U
Artemisia dracunculus L., Tarragon U
Corethrogyne filaginifolia (Hook. & Arn.) Nutt., California Aster (Sandaster) FC
Ericameria pinifolia (A. Gray) H.M. Hall, Pine-goldenbush, Pinebush FC
Eriodictyon trichocalyx A.A. Heller, Smoothleaf Yerba Santa A
Eriogonum fasciculatum Benth.var. foliolosum (Nutt.) Abrams, California Buckwheat, Eastern Mojave Buckwheat A
Glycyrriza lepidota Pursh, Wild or American Licorice U
Hazardia squarrosa (Hook. & Arn.) E. Greene var. grindelioides (DC.) W. Clark, Saw- toothed Goldenbush, Sawtooth Bristleweed U
Malacothamnus fasciculatus (Torrey & A. Gray) E. Greene, Mendocino Bushmallow A
Lotus scoparius (Nutt.) Ottley, California Broom, Common Deerweed A
Toxicodendron diversilobum (Torrey & A. Gray) E. Greene, Western (Pacific) Poison Oak C
Additional plants recorded by other collectors:
Most records are not specific enough to place their specimens at the exact location.

Plants in order of abundance:
August 12, 1996

1. Eleocharis montividensis
2. Lythrum californicum
3. Schoenoplectus acutus var. occidentalis
4. Juncus rugulosus
5. Andropogon glomeratus
6. Typha latifolia
7. Baccharis salicifolia
8. Solidago spectabilis var. confinus
9. Berula erecta
10. Muhlenbergia asperifolia
11. Vitus girdiana nearly 50 % area coverage

Plants in order of abundance:
November 10, 2008

1. Andropogon glomeratus
2. Schoenoplectus acutus
var. occidentalis
3. Solidago spectabilis var. confinus
4. Juncus arcticus ssp. littoralis
5. Lythrum californicum
6. Typha latifolia
7. Vitus girdiana
(by coverage - # of individuals is probably low)
8. Muhlenbergia asperifolia
9. Eleocharis montividensis
10. Berula erecta
11. Echinocloa crus-galli
12. Euthamia occidentalis
13. Oenothera elata
ssp. hirsutissima

2. Wright Lake

Collection Dates:
August 25, 1994
July 9, 1995
August 12, 1996
October 30, 2008

San Bernardino County, Wrightwood, s.w. jnct. of Lark Rd. & Mill Rd., due n. of Mockingbird Rd. & Mill Rd. jnct., due e. of Wright’s Ranch House (landmark - 1910)
Map Quad: Mount San Antonio
Lat: 34 deg. 21 ‘ 37 “ N
Long: 117 deg. 38 ‘ 32 “ W
Township: 3 N
Range: 7 W
Section: 7, NE/4 of SE/4
Elevation: 6040 ft. (1841 m.)
Fresh Water Marsh description:
Marsh completely encircled by paved roads, mostly under canopy of Salix sp., many very large trees of Salix sp.; standing water through August in years of heavy precipitation; black, well-formed soil
Plant communities: Fresh water marsh, surrounded by montane coniferous

Species List:
* Collected on Oct. 30, 2008, ID verification pending


Pinaceae Pine Family
Abies concolor (Gorden & Glend.) Lindley, White Fir R, 1 tree
Pinus jeffreyi Brev. & Baulf., Jeffrey Pine R, 2 mature tree & several under 1.5 m.

Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindley) Buckholz, Giant Sequoia NC 1 tree in far s. area, most likely introduced


Amaranthaceae Amaranthus Family
Amaranthus albus L., Prostrate Pigweed R, w. area

Asteraceae Sunflower Family
*Ambrosia acanthicarpa Hook., Annual Bur-sage, Flatspine Bur Ragweed FC, margins
*Artemisia douglasiana
Besser, Mugwort, Douglas’ Sagewort U, n. & w. margins
Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt., Silver Wormwood, White Sagebrush C, margins
*Artemisia tridentata Nutt., Great-basin Sagebrush, Big Sagebrush U, in dry margins
Calendula officinalis L., Pot-marigold R, 1 plant in w. area prior to 1997
Conyza canadense (L.) Cronq., Canadian Horseweed U, margins
*Ericameria nauseosa
(Pallas) G.L. Nesom & Baird, Rabbitbrush R, dry margins
Lactuca serriola L., Prickly Lettuce FC, margins
Lessingia glandulifera A. Gray var. glandulifera, Sticky Lessingia, Balley Lessingia
R, w. area, dry
Rudbeckia hirta L., Farw., Black-eyed Susan R, 1 plant in w. area prior to 1997, several plants in w. area in 2008
Solidago sp. C, w. area
Sonchus aspera (L.) Hill, Prickly or Spiny Sow Thistle R, w. area
*Tanacetum parthenium R, w. area
Tragopogon dubius Scop., Yellow Salsify R, several plants in w. area prior to 1997, several in n. area in 2008

Berberidaceae Barberry Family
*Mahonia sp. R, 2 plants in w. area and 1 plant in n. area, vegetative

Brassicaceae Mustard Family
Sisymbrium altissimum L., Jim Hill Mustard, Tall Tumble Mustard U, margins

Caprifoliaceae Honeysuckle Family
Sambucus nigra L., Elderberry R, 1 large shrub, several smaller ones, n.w. area

Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot Family
Chenopodium berlandieri Moq., Pitseed Goosefoot R prior to 1997, FC in margins in 2008

Euphorbiaceae Spurge Family
Chamaesyce serpyllifolia (Pers.) Small, Thymeleaf Spurge (Sandmat) U, mostly in w. area
*Euphorbia lathyris L., Caper Spurge, Gopher Plant, Moleplant R, 2 plants in w. area

Fabaceae Pea Family
Medicago lupulina L., Yellow Trefoil, Black Medick R, under Salix canopy
*Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam., White Sweetclover U
Trifolium wormskioldii Lehm., Cows Clover U

Fagaceae Oak Family
Quercus kelloggii Newb., California Black Oak U, several seedlings

Grossulariaceae Gooseberry Family
Ribes nevadense Kellogg., Mountain Pink Currant, Sierra Currant U, several scattered in w. & s. area

Lamiaceae Mint Family
Stachys albens A. Gray, Cobwebby Hedge-nettle, Whitestem Hedgenettle

Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family
Epilobium brachycarpum C. Presl, Autumn Willowweed, Tall Annual Willowherb
FC, scattered throughout
Oenothera elata Kunth, Hooker’s Evening Primrose R

Plantaginaceae Plantain Family
*Plantago major L., Common Plantain U, mostly w. area

Polygonaceae Buckwheat Family
*Eriogonum nudem U
Polygonum arenastrum Boreau, Common Knotweed, Doorweed, Oval-leaf Knotweed
FC, w. area
Rumex crispus L., Curly Dock U

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family
*Clematis ligusticifolia Nutt., Virgin’s Bower, Yerba De Chiva, Western White Clematis U, w. area
Ranunculus cymbalaria Pursh var. saximontanus, Rocky Mountain Buttercup, Alkali Buttercup, Rocky Mountain buttercup, Alkali Buttercup U, c area in wet soil

Rhamnaceae Buckthorn Family
Rhamnus californica Eschsch., California Coffeeberry (Buckthorn) R, 1 plant in far n. area

Rosaceae Rose Family
Prunus virginiana L. var. demissa (Nutt.)J Torrey, Western Choke-cherry R, several trees at e. edge of Wright’s Lake
*Rosa sp. C, mostly in margins

Salicaceae Willow Family
Populus fremontii S. Watson, Alamo or Fremont Cottonwood NC R, several large trees, n. area
Salix sp. A
Salix exigua Nutt., Slender Sandbar Willow, Narrowleaf Willow C, mostly in n. area

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Castilleja sp. FC

Urticaceae Nettle Family
Urtica dioica L. ssp. holosericia (Nutt.) Thorne, Hoary or Stinging Nettle U, scattered throughout the interior


Cyperaceae Sedge Family
Carex praegracilis W. Boott, Clustered Field Sedge FC
Carex subfusca W. Boott., Rusty Slender Sedge, Brown Sedge U

Juncaceae Rush Family
Juncus sp. R
Juncus sp. R
Juncus arcticus Willd. ssp. littoralis (Engelm.) Hulten, Wire Rush, Mountain Rushn

Poaceae Grass Family
*Agrostis stolonifera L., Creeping Bentgrass A
Bromus diandrus Roth, Ripgut or Brome Grass NC U, mostly w. & n. margins
Bromus tectorum L., Downy Brome, Cheat Grass mostly w. area
Leymus triticoides (Buckl.) Pilg., Beardless Wildrye U
Muhlenbergia rigens (Benth.) A. Hitchc., Deergrass NC R, only on w. side of Mill Rd. along roadside
Panicum miliaceum L., Broomcorn Millet R, 2 plants in w. area
*Piptatherum miliaceum U
*Poa praetensis L., Kentucky Bluegrass U, mostly e. area

Additional plants recorded by other collectors:
1. Eleocharis macrostachya Britton, Pale Spikerush
R.F. Thorne July 9, 1969 elev. 6040 ft. margin of Wright Lake
2. Eleocharis montevidensis Kunth, Sand Spikerush var. parishii
R.F. Thorne July 9, 1969 elev. 6040 ft. shallow water, wet mud of Wright Lake
3. Juncus macrophyllus Cov., Longleaf Rush
R.F. Thorne, M.Z. Thorne July 9, 1969 elev. 6040 ft.
4. Juncus saximontanus Nelson, Rocky Mountain Rush
R.F. Thorne, M.Z. Thorne July 9, 1969 elev. 6040 ft.
5. Nicotiana attenuata Torrey, Coyote Tobacco
R.F. Thorne, M.Z. Thorne July 9, 1969 elev. 6040 ft.
6. Potentilla gracilis Hook., Slender Cinquifoil
R.F. Thorne, M.Z. Thorne July 9, 1969 elev. 6040 ft.

Plants in order of abundance:
1. Leymus triticoides
2. Juncus arcticus ssp. littoralis
3. Salix exigua
4. Agrostis stolonifera
5. Artemisia ludoviciana
6. Bromus tectorum
7. Salix sp.
8. Rosa sp.

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