Glendora Natural History Website Data Compiled by Dick Swinney
Image used for spacing

IV. Grottoes

1. Fish Fork-Upper

Collection date:
October 3, 1998

Los Angeles County, upper Fish Fork San Gabriel River, c. 1 mi. east(upstream) from Upper Fish Fork Campground on south side of stream
Map Quad: Mount San Antonio
Lat: 34 deg. 18 ‘ 06 “ N
Long: 117 deg. 40 ‘ 09 “ W
Elevation: 6600 ft. (2012 m.)
Grotto description: Canyon bottom below over-hanging granitic, jagged cliffs
Plant communities: Riparian vegetation surrounded by montane coniferous forest

Species List:

Ferns & Their Allies:

Adiantum aleuticum (Rupr.) C.A. Paris, Five-finger Fern, Aleutian Maidenhair A, largest specimens observed in San Gabriel Mts. by author


Cupresaceae Cypress Family
Calocedrus decurrens (Torrey) Florin, Incense Cedar R, 2 plants
(3 ft. & 5 ft. high)


Aceraceae Maple Family
Acer macrophyllum Pursh, Big-leaf Maple U, several small plants on cliff

Apiaceae Carrot Family
Osmorhiza berteroi DC., Sweetcicely Hook. & Arn., Mountain Sweet-cicely R

Asteraceae Sunflower Family
Ageratina occidentalis (Hook.) R. King & H. Robinson, Western Snakeroot R, several, first record and only known location for San Gabriel Mts., observed at several locations within 0.5 mi. downstream
Helenium bigelovii A. Gray, Bigelow’s Sneezeweed FC
Taraxicum officinale Wigg., Common Dandelion U

Brassicaceae Mustard Family
Arabis rapanda S. Watson, Repand Rock-cress, Yosemite Rockcress R, veg., returned

Grossulariaceae Gooseberry Family
Ribes nevadense Kellogg, Mountain Pink Currant, Sierra Currant R, veg., returned

Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family
Epilobium ciliatum Raf., Fringed Willowherb FC

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family
Aquilegia formosa Fischer, Western Columbine NC A

Rosaceae Rose Family
Potentilla glandulosa Lindley, Sticky Cinquefoil U
Rubus leucodermis Torrey & A. Gray, Blackcap Raspberry, Whitebark Raspberry

Saxifragaceae Saxifrage Family
Boykinia rotundifolia C. Parry, Round-leaved Boykinia, Roundleaf Brookfoam A
Heuchera elegans Abrams, Urn-flowered Alumroot FC

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Mimulus cardinalis Benth., Scarlet Monkeyflower NC U

Urticaceae Nettle Family
Urtica dioica L., ssp. holosericea (Nutt.) Thorne, Hoary or Stinging Nettle R


Orchidaceae Orchid Family
Platanthera sparsiflora (S. Watson) Schltr., Green Reign Orchid, Sparseflowered Bog Orchid R

Poaceae Grass Family
Agrostis sp. R

Additional plants recorded by other collectors:
None found.

Plants in order of abundance:
1. Boykinia rotundifolia
2. Aquilegia formosa
3. Adiantum aleuticum
4. Helenium bigelovii
5. Heuchera elegans
All additional species at this location of much lesser abundance

2. San Gabriel Canyon-East Fork

Collection Date:
August 6, 1998

Los Angeles County, upper East Fork San Gabriel River, granite cliff on east side, c. 100 m. south-west (downstream) of Falls Gulch
Map Quad: Mount San Antonio
Lat: 34 deg. 18 ‘ 18 “ N
Long: 117 deg. 43 ‘ 57 “ W
Elevation: 3400 ft. (1037 m.)
Grotto description: Granitic cliff with overhang and water drip, dark, well-developed soil at base of seep
Plant communities: riparian vegetation surrounded by chaparral & coastal sage scrub

Species List:

Ferns & Their Allies:

Adiantum capillus-veneris L., Venus-hair Fern, Common Maidenhair C, one of the very few locations on the East Fork


Brassicaceae Mustard Family
Lepidium virginicum L., Pepperweed C

Campanulaceae Bellfower Family
Lobelia dunnii E. Greene var. serrata (A. Gray) McVaugh, Dunn’s Lobelia U

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Mimulus brevipes Benth., Wide-throated Yellow Monkeyflower C
Mimulus cardinalis Benth., Scarlet Monkeyflower C
Mimulus floribundus Lindley, Floriferous or Manyflowered Monkeyflower FC
Mimulus moschatus Lindley, Musk Monkeyflower, Muskflower FC


Liliaceae Lily Family
Lilium humboldtii Roezl & Leichtlin ssp. ocellatum (Kellogg) Thorne, Ocellated Lily, Humboldt Lily R

Additional Plants recorded by other collectors:
None found.

Plants in order of abundance:
No list was made in the field.

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