Glendora Natural History Website Data Compiled by Dick Swinney
Image used for spacing

X. San Dimas Experimental Forest
Los Angeles County

1. Dry Lakes
2. Flats
3. Waterfalls

1. Dry Lake

Collection Dates:
Aug. 7, 1996
Apr. 26, 1998
July 27, 1998

East of Brown’s Flat, s. of Sunset Peak, at head of Dry Lake Canyon which flows e. into San Antonio Canyon, on the e. side and adjacent to motorway in far n.e. area of San Dimas Experimental Forest.
Map Quad: Mount Baldy
Lat.: 34 deg. 12 ‘ 09 “ N
Long.: 117 deg. 41 ‘ 41 “ W
Township: 1 N
Range: 8 W
Section: 2
Elevation: 5,000 ft.
Dry Lake description:
Shallow depression at head of Dry Lake Canyon
Further description will be made available at a later date.

Species List:

Rhus trilobata Nutt., Skunkbrush, Squawbush, Skunkbrush Sumac
Toxicodendron diversilobum (Torrey & A. Gray) E. Greene, Western (Pacific) Poison Oak

Tauschia arguta (Torrey & A. Gray) J. F. Macbr., Southern Tauschia, Southern Umbrellawort
Tauschia parishii
(J. Coulter & Rose) J. F. Macbr., Parish’s Tauschia, Parish”s Umbrellawort Collected. by Jerome S. Horton, June 16, 1939, # UC 1123214

Achillia millifolium L., White Yarrow, Common Yarrow
Agoseris retrorsa (Benth.) E. Greene, Spear-leaved Mountain Dandelion, Spearleaf Agoseris U, in s.e. area
Corethrogyne filaginifolia (Hook. & Arn.) Nutt., California Aster (Sandaster) A
Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten., Bull Thistle
Ericameria nauseosa (Pallas) G.L. Nesom & Baird ssp. consimilis (Greene) G.L. Nesom & Baird var. ? FC, s. area
Erigeron breweri A. Gray, Brewer’s Fleabane FC
Erigeron foliolosus Nutt., Leafy Fleabane (Daisy) U, mostly in s.e. area
Eriophyllum confertiflorum (DC.) A. Gray, Golden Yarrow U, mostly
along margins Madia gracilis (Smith) Keck, Slender Tarweed, Grassy Tarweed FC
Solidago californica
Nutt., California Goldenrod C
Stephanomeria virgata Benth., U

Cryptantha sp. FC

Chenopodium dessicatum Nelson, Aridland Goosefoot U, mostly in central area

Calystegia occidentale (A. Gray) Brummitt ssp. fulcrata (A. Gray) Brummitt, Chaparral False Bindweed U

Lotus crassifolius (Benth.) E. Greene, Broad-leaved Lotus, Big Deervetch FC
Lupinus sp. C

Garrya veatchii Kellogg, Canyon Silk Tassel A,
encroaching on the w. side of the dry lake

Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Her., Redstem Filaree (Stork’s Bill) A

Eriodictyon trichocalyx A. A. Heller, Smoothleaf Yerba Santa, Hairy Yerba Santa
Phacelia davidsonii A. Gray, Davidson’s Phacelia, A
additional collector: Kay H. Beach, May 5, 1943, # 1750
Phacelia ramosissima Lehm., Branching Phacelia U

Marrubium vulgare L., Horehound C

Mentzelia veatchiana Kellogg, Veatch’s Blazing Star U

Camissonia hirtella (E. Greene) Raven, Field Sun Cup, Santa Cruz Island Suncup
Epilobium canum (E. Greene) Raven, California Fuchsia, Zauschneria, Hummingbird Trumpet FC

Eriogonum fasciculatum Benth.var. polifolium (A. DC.) Torrey & A. Gray, California Buckwheat, Eastern Mojave Buckwheat FC

Claytonia perfoliata Wild., Miner’s Lettuce FC

Rhamnus californica Eschsch., California Coffeeberry (Buckthorn)
Collected. by Jerome S. Horton, Aug. 31, 1936, # UC 1121944
Frangula californica (Eschsch.) A. Gratz ssp. tomentella (Benth.) Kartesz & Gandhi, Hoary Coffeeberry, California Buckthorn U,
encroaching on the grass area

Castilleja applegatei Fern., Wavyleaf Indian Paintbrush U
Penstemon spectabilis Lindley, Showy or Royal Penstemon U

Solanum umbelliferum Eschsch., Bluewitch Nightshade U


Muilla maritima (Torrey) S. Watson, Common Muilla, Sea Muilla U, s.e. area
Hesperoyucca whipplei Torrey, Chaparral Yucca R, 2 plants

Achnatherum speciosum (Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth, Desert Needlegrass U, 1 plant found Aug. 1996
Bromus arvensis L. , Field Brome FC, in central area
Bromus carinatus Hook. & Arn., California Brome FC
Bromus japonicus Thumb. ex Murr., Field Brome C
Bromus tectorum L., Downy Brome, Cheat Grass A
Elymus stebbinsii Gould, Parish Wheatgrass U
Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth & D. R. Dewey U, mostly in w. area
Thinopyrum ponticum (Rodp.) A.-W. Liu & R.-C. Wang, Tall Wheatgrass U, s.w. area
Vulpia myuros (L.) C.C. Gmel., Rat-tail Fescue A

Plants in order of abundance:
July 27, 1998
1. Vulpia myuros
2. Bromus tectorum
3. Phacelia davidsonii
4. Erodium cicutarium
5. Corethrogyne filaginifolia
6. Bromus tectorum
7. Bromus japonicus
8. Lupinus sp.
9. Solidago californica
10. Marrubium vulgare
11. Eriodictyon trichocalyx
12. Bromus arvensis
13. Erigeron breweri
14. Thinopyrum intermedium
15. Madia gracilis
16. Ericameria nausiosa ssp. consimilis
17. Bromus carinatus
18 . Lotus crassifolia
19. Eriogonum fasciculatum var. polifolium

Common plants surrounding Dry Lake
(Not collected)
Ceanothus crassifolius Torrey, Hoaryleaf Ceanothus
Ceanothus leucodermis E. Greene, Chaparral Whitethorn
Eriodictyon trichocalyx A.A. Heller, Smoothleaf Yerba Santa, Hairy Yerba Santa
Frangula californica (Eschsch.) A. Gratz ssp. tomentella (Benth.) Kartesz & Gandhi, Hoary Coffeeberry, California Buckthorn
Garrya veatchii Kellogg, Canyon Silk Tassel - collected
Helianthus gracilentus
A. Gray, Slender Sunflower
Hesperoyucca whipplei Torrey, Chaparral Yucca
Keckiella ternata
Leptodactylon californicum Hook. & Arn. ssp. leptotrichoalum, California Prickly Phlox
Lonicera subspicata
Hook. & Arn. var. denudata Rehder, Southern Honeysuckle, Santa Barbara Honeysuckle
Quercus durata Jepson var. gabrielensis K. Nixon & C.H. Muller, San Gabriel Mtn. Leather Oak, Leather Oak
Quercus chrysolepis Liebm., Maul Oak, Golden Cup Oak, Canyon Live Oak
Quercus wislizeni A.DC., Interior Live Oak
Umbellularia californica (Hook. & Arn.) Nutt., California Bay, Pepperwood, California Laurel

Flats/Plateaus - SDEF
Flats - Dry

2. Brown’s Flat

Collection Dates:
July 17, 1996
Aug. 7, 1996
Apr. 26, 1998

c. 2.8 mi. s.w. of Sunset Peak & 1 mi. due w. of Spruce Canyon (a w. tributary of San Antonio Canyon)
Map Quad: Mount. Baldy
Lat.: 34 deg. 11 ‘ 16 “ N
Long.: 117 deg. 43’ 16 “ W
Township: 1 N
Range: 8 W
Section: 9
Elevation: 4,320-4,400 ft.
Flats description:
c.. 0.3 mi. in width and length, the study was limited to the open area dominated by grasses and vegetation much lower in height to the surrounding chaparral.
Rainfall at this location for the 1997-1998 season was 41 in.
NC = Not collected
SDEF = The San Dimas Experimental Forest: 50 Years of Research, May 1988

Species List:

Ferns & Allies:

Dennstaedtiaceae Bracken Family
Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn., Bracken C, mostly in marginal areas in n. & s. areas


Pinus jeffreyi Brev. & Baulf., Jeffrey Pine U, some cones with spines pointing inward and some pointing outward
Listed as Pinus ponderosa in SDEF


Angelica tomentosa S. Watson, Woolly Angelica FC, mostly in marginal area on e. side

Rhus trilobata Nutt., Skunkbrush, Squawbush, Skunkbrush Sumac U
Toxicodendron diversilobum (Torrey & A. Gray) E. Greene, Western (Pacific) Poison Oak
U ?

Achillea millifolium L., White Yarrow, Common Yarrow C
Agoseris heterophylla (Nutt.) E. Greene A, mostly in central area
Artemisia douglasiana Besser, Mugwort, Douglas” Sagewort
Corethrogyne filaginifolia (Hook. & Arn.) Nutt., California Aster (Sandaster) A, heavily browsed, in e. area
Ericameria nausiosa (Pallas) G.L. Nesom & Baird ssp. consimilis (Greene) G.L. Nesom & Baird U
Erigeron breweri A. Gray, Brewer’s Fleabane C
Gnaphalium stramineum Kunth. U, in c.e. area
Need old ssp. in order to determine the new species placement
Helianthus gracilientis A. Gray, Slender Sunflower FC, mostly in e. area
Pseudognaphalium californicum (DC.) Anderb., California Everlasting, Ladies Tobacco ?
Pseudognaphalium canescens DC. W.A. Weber ssp. beneolens (Davidson) Kartesz, Fragrant Everlasting U, mostly in s.w. margins
Solidago californica Nutt., California Goldenrod FC
Stephanomeria sp. U
Taraxicum officinale Wigg., Common Dandelion U,
mostly in s. area

Cryptantha muricata (Hook. & Arn.) Nelson & J.F. Macbr., Prickly Cryptantha FC, mostly in far n. & s. areas

Arabis glabra (L.) Benth., Tower Mustard or Rockcress FC
Erysimum capitatum (Douglas) E. Greene, Western Wallflower, Sanddune Wallflower
U, in n. marginal area
Sisymbrium altissimum L., Jim Hill Mustard, Tall Tumble Mustard FC

Lonicera subspicata Hook. & Arn.var. denudata Rehder, Southern Honeysuckle, Santa Barbara Honeysuckle FC
Sambucus nigra L. ssp. canadensis (L.) R. Bolli, American Black Elderberry U, only 1 tree in inner flat, FC in marginal areas

Saline laciniata Cav. ssp. major C. Hitchc. & Maguire, Southern Indian Pink, Cardinal Catchfly U, 1 in w. margin

Chenopodium sp. FC, s.w. area

Cuscuta sp. U, on Solidago californica & Rhus trilobata

Arctostaphyllos glandulosa Eastw. ssp. glandulosa, Eastwood’s Manzanita U, w. margin

Chamaesyce serpyllifolia Pers. Small, Thymeleaf Spurge (Sandmat) U

Lupinus andersonii S. Watson, Anderson’s Lupine U, e. area
Lupinus excubitus M.E. Jones , Mountain Springs Bush Lupine, Grape Soda Lupine ?
Quercus durata Jepson var. gabrielensis K. Nixon & C.H. Muller, San Gabriel Mtns. Leather Oak, Leather Oak U
Quercus wislizeni A.DC. var. frutescens Engelm., Interior Live Oak A

Erodium cicutarium (L.) L. Her., Redstem Filaree (Stork’s Bill) A, most abundant in central n. & c.w. areas of flat

Ribes malvaceum Sm., Chaparral Currant FC, e. margin

Eriodictyon trichocalyx A.A. Heller, Smoothleaf Yerba Santa C, most common in marginal areas
Nemophila menziesii (Hook. & Arn.) var. integrifolia Parish, Baby Blue Eyes ?
C, w.-central area
Phacelia bicolor S. Watson, Twocolor Phacelia ? U, 1 plant
Phacelia cicutaria E. Greene, Caterpillar Phacelia
Phacelia imbricata E. Greene, Imbricate Phacelia FC
Phacelia ramosissima Lehm., Branching Phacelia U

Monardella lanceolata A. Gray, Mustang Mint (Monardella) A, most common in n.e. area

Umbellularia californica (Hook. & Arn.) Nutt., California Bay, Pepperwood, California Laurel

Mentzelia affinis E. Greene FC, e. area

Malacothamnus fasciculatus (Torrey & A. Gray) E. Greene, Mendocino Bushmallow
1 plant in extreme s.w. area in clearing in chaparral

Camissonia strigulosa (Fischer & C. Meyer) Raven, Sandy soil Suncup U, e. area

Gayophytum oligospermum
Harlan Lewis & Jszwey Kowski check new status

Allophyllum divaricatum (Nutt.) A.D. Grant & V. Grant, Purple False Gilyflower

Eriogonum davidsonii E. Green, Davidson’s Buckwheat ? FC
Eriogonum gracile Benth., Slender Woolly Buckwheat FC

Cistanthe monandrum (Nutt.) Hershkovitz, Sand Cress, Common Pussypaws
U, found in a 10 ft. square area in the far s. area
Claytonia perfoliata Willd., Miner’s Lettuce FC, mostly in c.e. area

Delphinium patens Benth. A, most common in n.e. areas

Ceanothus integerimus Hook. & Arn., Deerbrush ? need to collect
Ceanothus leucodermis E. Greene, Chaparral Whitethorn ? need to collect
Rhamnus californica Eschsch., California Coffeeberry (Buckthorn) A, most common in marginal areas
Rhamnus crocea Nutt., Spiny Redberry, Redberry Buckthorn

Rosa californica Cham. & Schldl., California Wild Rose FC, mostly in n.e. margin
Gallium sp.
need to collect

Cordylanthus rigidus (Benth.) Jepson U, extreme s.w. margin of flats
Mimetanthe pilosa (Benth.) Greene, False Monkeyflower
Mimulus brevipes Benth., Wide-throated Yellow Monkeyflower
Penstemon spectabilis Thurber, Showy Penstemon ? U

Solanum umbelliferum Eschsch., Bluewitch Nightshade FC, mostly in marginal areas

Viola purpurea Kellogg, Goosefoot Violet C, mostly in central to s. area, heavily browsed (by deer? ), locally abundant


Bromus carinatus Hook. & Arn., California Brome FC, mostly in c. area under pine canopy
Bromus tectorum L., Downy Brome, Cheat Grass A
Elymus lanceolatus (Scribner & J.G. Smith) Gould ssp. lanceolatus, Thickspike Wheatgrass
U, only in s.w. area
Elymus stebbinsii Gould, Parish Wheatgrass R, n.c. area in shade
Koeleria macrantha (Ledeb.) J.A. Shultes, Prairie Junegrass A
e. portion
Leymus condensatus (C. Presl.) A. Love, Giant Wildrye C
Poa praetensis L. Kentucky Bluegrass A
Thinopyrum ponticum (Rodp) A.-W. Liu & R.-C. Wang, Tall Wheatgrass C
Vulpia microstachys (Nutt.) Benth., Small Fescue, Desert Fescue U, n.c. area
Vulpia myuros (L.) C.C. Gmel., Rat-tail Fescue A

Plants in order of abundance:
1. Bromus tectorum
2. Vulpia myuros
3. Koeleria macrantha
4. Thinopyrum ponticum
5. Delphinium patens
6. Monardella lanceolata
7. Poa praetensis
8. Leymus condensatus
9. Agoseris heterophylla
10. Eriogonum gracile
11. Corethrogyne filaginifolia
12. Cryptantha muricata
13. Pteridium aquilinum
14. Artemisia douglasiana

Plants recorded by other collectors:

Agoseris grandiflora (Nutt.) E. Greene, Grand Mountain Dandelion, Bigflower Agoseris Rare, SDEF
Potentilla glandulosa var. reflexa
I.M. Johnston, 1917, elev. = 4,500 ft.
This is above the elev. range used in this study
Potentilla glandulosa var. viscida
I.M. Johnston 1917 elev. - 1371 m. = 4113 ft.
This is below the elev. range used in this study
Lupinus formosus E. Greene var. formosus , Western Lupine, Summer Lupine
I.M. Johnston, 1917, elev. 4,300 ft.
The elev. is just slightly below the range used in this study.
Mentzelia montana (Davidson) Davidson, Variegated Blazingstar
I. M. Johnston, 1918, elev. 4,300 ft.
This elev. is just slightly below the range used in this study.
Monardella viridis Jepson ssp. saxicola (Ewan) I.M. Johnson, Rock Monardella
Grown in garden of J. Sorenson, with a note written by James Jokerst.
“Type locality” I. e., Brown’s Flats, San Gabriel Mountains
This information taken from the California Plant Consortium under the heading of Brown’s Flat (which is listed as Brown Flats)

Water Falls - SDEF

3. Fern Canyon Falls

Collection Date:
June 25, 1999

1.7 mi. e. of jnct. with upper East Fork of San Dimas Cnyn., c.. 150 m. west of jnct. with s. fork of Fern Cnyn.

Map Quad: Mt. Baldy
Lat.: 34 deg. 11 ‘ 45 “ W
Long.: 117 deg. 43 ‘ W
Township: 1 N
Range: 8 W
Section: 4
Elevation: 3,840-3,900 ft.
Falls description:
West-facing waterfall about 50 ft. high, granitic, c.. 10 % sun exposure due to overhead canopy of Acer macrophyllum & Umbellularia californica
Moist zone surrounding water flume c.. 60 % coverage by moss, no moss in the flume

Species List:

Ferns & Their Allies

Dryopteridaceae Wood Fern Family
Dryopteris arguta (Kaulf.) Maxon, California Wood Fern FC
Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh., Brittle Bladder Fern U, n. cliff
Polystichum sp. R
2 on n. cliff, unreachable

Polypodiaceae Polypody Family
Polypodium californicum Kaulf., California Polypody FC

Pteridaceae Brake Family
Adiantum aleuticum (Rupra.) C.A. Paris, Five-finger Fern, Aleutian Maidenhair A


Aceraceae Maple Family
Acer macrophyllum Pursh, Big-leaf Maple U, 1 tall tree on n. cliff

Apiaceae Carrot Family
Osmorhiza sp. U

Araliaceae Ginseng Family
Aralia californica S. Watson, Elk Clover, California Spikenard U, 1 plant, n. side of falls, veg.

Asteraceae Sunflower Family
Artemisia douglasiana Besser, Mugwort, Douglas’ Sagewort U
Sonchus oleraceus L., Common Sow Thistle R
1 plant, veg.

Betulaceae Birch Family
Alnus rhombifolia Nutt., White Alder U, 1 seedling, s. side

Brassicaceae Mustard Family
Cardamine sp. R
1, veg.

Caprifoliaceae Honeysuckle Family
Lonicera subspicata Hook. & Arn.var.denudata Rehder, Southern Honeysuckle, Santa Barbara Honeysuckle U,1 pop. hanging over cliff on s. side of falls

Caryophyllaceae Pink Family
Cerastium viscosum ? # 7405 R

Crassulaceae Stonecrop Family
Dudleya cymosa (Lem.) Britt. & Rose U

Grosulariaceae Gooseberry Family
Ribes amarum McClatchie, Bitter Gooseberry FC

Lamiaceae Mint Family
Stachys albens A. Gray, Cobwebby Hedge-nettle, Whitestem Hedge-nettle
U, several at base of falls

Lauraceae Laurel Family
Umbellularia californica (Hook. & Arn.) Nutt., California Bay, Pepperwood, California Laurel
U, several on cliff, several seedlings

Portulacaceae Purslane Family
Claytonia perfoliata Willd., Miner’s Lettuce U

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family
Aquilegia formosa Fischer, Western Columbine U

Rubiaceae Bedstraw Family
Galium aparine L., Goose Grass, Stickwilly U

Saxifragaceae Saxifrage Family
Boykinia rotundifolia C. Parry, Round-leaved Boykinia, Roundleaf Brookfoam A
Lithophragma sp. # 7404 U

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Mimulus cardinalis Benth., Scarlet Monkeyflower U, veg.
Mimulus guttatus DC., Common Monkeyflower, Seep Monkeyflower A


Cyperaceae Sedge Family
Carex alma ? NC U

Liliaceae Lily Family
Lilium humboldtii Roezl & Leichtlin U, 7 in bud, several seedlings

Poaceae Grass Family
Bromus diandrus Roth, Ripgut or Brome Grass U
Bromus grandis (Shear) A. Hitch., Tall Brome U
Elymus glaucus Buckley, Blue Wildrye U
Melica imperfecta Trin. U
Poa secunda J.S. Presl., One-sided Bluegrass, Sandberg Bluegrass U, 1 inflorescense on ground, detached

Plants in order of Abundance:
1. Boykinia rotundifolia Parry
2. Adiantum aleuticum (Rupra.) C.A. Paris
3. Mimulus guttatus DC.
Note: all others of much less significance

4. San Dimas Canyon
Upper East Fork
(Lower Falls)

Collection Date:
June 12, 1999

c.. ___ meters n. of jnct. with Fern Canyon.
First significant waterfall n. of jnct. with Fern Canyon
Map Quad: Mt. Baldy
Lat.: 34 deg. 11 ’ 52 “ N
Long.: 117 deg. 44 ‘ 02 “ W
Township: 1 N
Range: 8 W
Section: 5
Elevation: 2,800-2850 ft.
Description of Falls:
Height is c.. 40 ft. with 2 cascades: lower c.. 8 ft., upper c.. 32 ft.
The canopy cover is c. 90 %. The majority of falls cliff is moist with c.. 70 % moss coverage. Most plants are on the north side of the fall. Seep on north side of fall c.. 30 ft. west of waterfall.

Species List:

Ferns & Their Allies:

Pteridaceae Brake Family
Adiantum capillus-veneris L. Venus Hair Fern, Common Maidenhair A


Aceraceae Maple Family
Acer macrophyllum Pursh, Big-leaf Maple 5 over 10 ft. ,

Araliaceae Ginseng Family
Aralia californica S. Watson, Elk Clover, California Spikenard several on upper falls, s. of water flow NC

Asteraceae Sunflower Family
Artemisia douglasiana Besser, Mugwort, Douglas” Sagewort U, at seep, NC
Symphyotrichum greatae
(Parish) G.L. Nesom, Greata’s Aster C in seep area on n. side, 1 plant in bloom - all others are vegetative

Campanulaceae Bellflower Family
Lobelia dunnii E. Greene var. serrata (A. Gray) McVaugh, Dunn’s Lobelia U, veg.

Lamiaceae Mint Family
Stachys albens A. Gray, Cobwebby Hedge Nettle, Bugle Hedge Nettle U

Lauraceae Laurel Family
Umbellularia californica (Hook. & Arn.) Nutt., California Bay, Pepperwood, California Laurel
3 trees

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family
Aquilegia formosa Fischer, Western Columbine FC, at n. seep area only

Saxifragaceae Saxifrage Family
Boykinia rotundifolia C. Parry, Round-leaved Boykinia, Roundleaf Brookfoam U


Piptatherum miliaceum (L.) Cosson, Smilograss FC
Polypogon viridis (Gouan) Breistr. Green Bentgrass, Beardless Rabbitsfoot Grass
FC, seep
Plants in order of abundance:
1. Adiantum capillus-veneris
2. Symphyotrichum greatae
3. Polypogon viridis
4. Piptatherum miliaceum
5. Aquilegia formosa

5. San Dimas Canyon-Upper East Fork (Upper Falls)

Collection Date:
June 12, 1999

Los Angeles County, c. ___ meters n. of jnct. with Fern Cnyn.
Map Quad: Mount. Baldy
Lat: 34 deg. 11 ‘ 52 “ N
Long.: 117 deg. 44 ‘ 02 “ W
Township: 1 N
Range: 8 W
Section: 5, SE/4
Elevation: 2900-2930 ft.
Description of Falls:
Height is c.. 21 ft. with 3 levels
1st level - c.. 4 ft.
2nd level - c.. 10 ft.
3rd level - c. 7 ft.
canopy coverage is c. 75-90 %; most plants on s. side, surrounding the seep area; large calcium deposits on s. side with both stalagmites and stalactites; significant moss coverage; canyon narrows to 6 ft. in at least 2 locations near the upper falls

The following ID’s based on collections at lower falls and observations.

Species List:

Ferns & Their Allies:

Dryopteridaceae Wood Fern Family
Dryopterus arguta (Kaulf.) Maxon, California Wood Fern U

Polypodium californicum Kaulf., California Polypody C

Adiantum capillus-veneris L., Venus-Hair Fern, Common Maidenhair A


Pinaceae Pine Family
Pseudotsuga macrocarpa (Vasey) Mayr, Bigcone Douglas-fir, Bigcone Spruce
U, 2, dead, both over 50 ft. high


Aceraceae Maple Family
Acer macrophyllum Pursh, Big-leaf Maple 4, smallest is 7 ft. high

Anacardiaceae Sumac Family
Toxicodendron diversilobum (Torrey & A. Gray) E. Greene, Western (Pacific) Poison Oak
Araliaceae Ginseng Family
Aralia californica S. Watson, Elk Clover, California Spikenard 4 plants on s. side of falls

Asteraceae Sunflower Family
Ageratina adenophora (Sprengel) R. King & H. Robinson, Eupatory, Sticky Snakeroot
FC, s. side of falls
Hieracium argutum Nutt. var. parishii (A. Gray) Jepson, Southern Hawkweed several, in bud

Lobelia dunnii E. Greene var. serrata (A. Gray) McVaugh, Dunn’s Lobelia FC

Fagaceae Oak Family
Quercus chrysolepis Liebm., Maul Oak, Golden Cup Oak, Canyon Live Oak U, 2

Grossulariaceae Gooseberry Family
Ribes amarum McClatchie, Bitter Gooseberry several

Lauraceae Laurel Family
Umbellularia californica (Hook. & Arn.) Nutt., California Bay, Pepperwood, California Laurel
7 plants
Aquilegia formosa Fischer, Western Columbine C

Saxifragaceae Saxifrage Family
Boykinia rotundifolia C. Parry, Round-leaved Boykinia, Roundleaf Brookfoam U

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Mimulus cardinalis Benth., Scarlet Monkeyflower R, several,

Liliaceae Lily Family
Lilium humboldtii Roezl & Leichtlin ssp. ocellatum (Kellogg) Thorne, Ocellated Lily, Humboldt Lily 1 veg., 1 past bloom

Poaceae Grass Family
Melica imperfecta Trin., Coast-range Melic, Smallflower Melicgrass U

Plants in order of abundance:
1. Adiantum capillus-veneris
2. Aquilegia formosa
3. Polypodium californicum
4. Lobelia dunii
ssp. serrata
5. Ageratina adenophora
6. Toxicodendron diversilobum

6. San Dimas Canyon
Main Fork Waterfall
N. of Wolfskill Canyon

Collection Date:
May 29, 1999

c.. 600 meters n. of jnct. with the East Fork of San Dimas Canyon
Map Quad: Glendora
Lat: 34 deg. 10 ‘ 39 “ N
Long.: 117 deg. 45 ‘ 26 “ W
Township: 1 N.
Range: 8 W.
Section: 18
Elevation: 537 m/1,760 ft.
Description of Falls:
c.. 25 ft. high, 2 cascades with lowest at c.. 18 ft. High and upper at nearly 7 ft. high; pond at base of lower cascade with small trout; granitic

Species List:

Ferns & Their Allies:

Polypodiaceae Polypody Family
Polypodium californicum Kaulf., California Polypody

Pteridaceae Brake Family
Adiantum capillus-veneris L., Venus-hair Fern, Common Maidenhair R, e. base of falls

Selaginaceae Spike-Moss Family
Selaginella bigelovii
Underw., Little Club Moss, Bushy Spikemoss FC, on cliffs


Aceraceae Maple Family
Acer macrophyllum Pursh, Big-leaf Maple 7 on cliffs, 3 on e. side (very tall)

Anacardiaceae Sumac or Cashew Family
Toxicodendron diversilobum (Torrey & A. Gray) E. Greene, Western (Pacific) Poison Oak

Asteraceae Sunflower Family
Ageratina adenophora (Sprengel) R. King & H. Robinson, Eupatory, Sticky Snakeroot
Artemisia douglasiana Besser, Mugwort, Douglas’ Sagewort C
Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz Lopez & Pavon) Pers., Mule Fat
Brickellia californica (Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray, California Brickelbush several on cliffs
Lactuca seriola L., Prickly Lettuce 1, veg.
Pseudognaphalium canescens (DC.) W. A. Weber, Wright’s Cudweed U
Senecio vulgaris L., Common Groundsel, Old-man-in-the-spring U
Solidago californica Nutt., California Goldenrod C, at e. base of falls
Sonchus oleraceus L., Common Sow Thistle U, several

Betulaceae Birch Family
Alnus rhombifolia Nutt., White Alder 2 plants, both less than 2 ft. in height, in alluvium at base of falls

Brassicaceae Mustard Family
Arabis pulchra M.E. Jones, Tower Mustard, Beautiful Rockcress U, several
Sisymbrium orientale L. , Oriental Mustard, Indian Hedgemustard U

Campanulaceae Bellflower Family
Lobelia dunnii E. Greene , Dunn’s Lobelia U, mostly at e. base of falls

Crassulaceae Stonecrop Family
Dudleya cymosa (Lemaire) Britton & Rose U
Fagaceae Oak Family
Quercus chrysolepis Liebm., Maul Oak, Golden Cup Oak, Canyon Live Oak
6, mostly at top of falls

Grosulariaceae Gooseberry Family
Ribes amarum McClatchie, Bitter Gooseberry 1, on e. cliff, 1 on w. cliff

Hydrophyllaceae Waterleaf or Phacelia Family
Phacelia imbricata E. Greene , Imbricate Phacelia U, in sand at water’s edge

Lamiaceae Mint Family
Stachys albens A. Gray, Cobwebby hedge-Nettle, Whitestem Hedgenettle

Lauraceae Laurel Family
Umbellularia californica (Hook. & Arn.) Nutt., California Bay, Pepperwood, California Laurel
1 c.. 5 ft., on w. side of fall; 1 c.. 25 ft. high at top of falls

Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family
Epilobium ciliatum Raf. Fringed Willowherb C

Polygonaceae Buckwheat Family
Eriogonum fasciculatum Benth. foliolosum (Nutt.) Abrams, California Buckwheat, Eastern Mojave Buckwheat several on w. upper cliff

Rosaceae Rose Family
Cercocarpus montanus Raf. Birch-leaf Mountain Mahogany 2 on upper e. side on cliff

Rubiaceae Bedstraw Family
Gallium angustifolium Nutt., Narrowleaved Bedstraw several on cliff

Salicaceae Willow Family
Salix lasiolepis Benth., Arroyo Willow

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Mimulus cardinalis Benth., Scarlet Monkeyflower R, several, veg.
Mimulus guttatus DC., Common Monkeyflower, Seep Monkeyflower A


Cyperaceae Sedge Family
Carex alma L. Bailey Sturdy Sedge U Cyperus eragrostis ? new U, several

Juncaceae Rush Family
Juncus sp. U, several
Juncus xyphioides E. Meyer, Irisleaf Rush U, several

Poaceae Grass Family
Achnatherum coronatum (Thurber) Barkworth, Giant Needlegrass or Ricegrass
Bromus diandrus Roth, Ripgut or Brome Grass U
Bromus madritensis L., Foxtail Chess, Red Brome U
Bromus tectorum L. , Downy Brome, Cheat Grass C
Melica imperfecta Trin., Coast-range Melic, Smallflower Melicgrass R
Piptatherum miliaceum (L.) Cosson, Smilograss R

Plants in order of abundance:
1. Stachys albens
2. Piptatherum miliaceum
3. Mimulus guttatus
4. Solidago californica
5. Artemisia douglasiana
6. Epilobium ciliatum
7. Bromus tectorum

7. Wolfskill Canyon Falls

Collection Date:
May 15, 1999

Los Angeles County, an e. tributary of the Main Fork of San Dimas Canyon above (N.) of La Verne
Map Quad: Mount Baldy
Lat.: 34 deg. 10 ‘ 33 “ N
Long.: 117 deg 44’ 59 “ W
Township: 1 N
Range: 8 W
Section: 17
Elevation: 1,890-1,930 ft.
Description of Falls:
Height of falls is c.. 30 ft., with a single concentrated flow in center of a cliff face, width of flow 4 ft.; n. side of flow is c.. 35 % sun exposure and dry, s. side of flow is wet-seeps with about 20 % sun exposure

All plants recorded on cliff walls within 30 ft. of either side of water flow.

Species List

Ferns & Their Allies:

Pteridaceae Brake Family
Adiantum capillus-veneris L., Venus-hair Fern, Common Maidenhair A, s. area

Selaginaceae Spike-Moss Family
Selaginella bigelovii
Underw., Little Club Moss, Bushy Spikemoss C, both sides of water


Anacardiaceae Sumac or Cashew Family
Toxicodendron diversilobum (Torrey & A. Gray) E. Greene, Western (Pacific) Poison Oak
several, n., top of falls

Asteraceae Sunflower Family
Artemisia californica Less., California Sagebrush, Coastal Sagebrush R, 1 plant, n.
Artemisia douglasiana
Besser, Mugwort, Douglas’ Sagewort C, top of cliff & s. of falls
Cirsium occidentale (Nutt.) Jepson var. californicum (A. Gray) Keil & C. Turner, California Thistle, Cobwebby Thistle R, 1 plant, n.
Betulaceae Birch Family
Alnus rhombifolia Nutt., White Alder 2 plants near top of falls, plants c.. 12 ft. & 3 ft. high, s. side of falls

Brassicaceae Mustard Family
Guilenia lasiophylla (Hook. & Arn.) E. Greene, California Mustard several at top of falls

Caryophyllaceae Pink Family
Stellaria media (L.) Villars, Common Chickweed U

Crassulaceae Stonecrop Family
Dudleya lanceolata (Nutt.) Britton & Rose, Lanceleaf Dudleya (Liveforever) 30 plants on both sides of water

Fagaceae Oak Family
Quercus chrysolepis Liebm., Maul Oak, Golden Cup Oak, Canyon Live Oak R, 1 seedling

Grossulariaceae Gooseberry Family
Ribes amarum McClatchie, Bitter Gooseberry R, 1 n.w. area

Lauraceae Laurel Family
Umbellularia californica (Hook. & Arn.) Nutt., California Bay, Pepperwood, California Laurel
1 plant in n. & 2 in s. area

Moraceae Mulberry Family
Ficus carica L., Common Fig, Edible Fig 1 large tree at base of cliff on s.e. side, spreading over most of s.e. area, several small plants near top & s. of falls

Polygonaceae Buckwheat Family
Eriogonum elongatum Benth., Longstemmed Buckwheat several, n.

Rosaceae Rose Family
Rubus armeniacus Focke, Himalayan Blackberry U, s. area

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Mimulus guttatus DC., Common Monkeyflower, Seep Monkeyflower C, s. area


Cyperaceae Sedge Family
Carex alma L., Bailey Sturdy Sedge R, 2 at top of falls

Poaceae Grass Family
Melica imperfecta Trin., Coast-range Melic, Smallflower Melicgrass A, both sides
Bromus carinatus Hook
. & Arn., California Brome A, both sides

Arundo donax L., Giant Reed
On both sides of stream within 35 ft. w. of falls- downstream, recently cut to ground level, some burned, vigorously resprouting

Plants in order of abundance:
1. Adiantum capillus-veneris
2. Bromus carinatus
3. Melica imperfecta
4. Mimulus guttatus
5. Artemisia douglasiana
6. Selaginella brownii
7. Dudleya lanceolata

8. Wolfskill Canyon Falls

Collection Date:
May 15, 1999

An e. tributary of the main fork of San Dimas Canyon above (N.) of La Verne

Map Quad: Mount Baldy
Lat.: 34 deg. 10 ‘ 33 “ N
Long: 117 deg. 44 ‘ 58 “ W
Township: 1 N
Range: 8 W
Section: 17
Elevation: 2,020-2,100 ft.
Description of Falls:
There are 3 falls, the main falls is on a cliff face on the e. and is the only one with water currently, height of main falls is c.. 80 ft, stream forks near the top, about 15 ft. between the 2 flows of water, 3-step cascade at the top (s. side), sun exposure is 100 %, rock cliff is horseshoe shaped with 2 dry tributaries on n. side of cliff face, e. dry tributary is very deeply cut, mostly 4 ft. to 10 ft. wide, c.. 50 ft. high

Species List:

Ferns & Their Allies

Pteridaceae Brake Family
Adiantum capillus-veneris L., Venus-hair Fern, Common Maidenhair FC


Apiaceae Carrot Family
Anthriscus caucalis M. Bieb., Burchervil R

Asteraceae Sunflower Family
Ageratina adenophora (Sprengel) R. King & H. Robinson, Eupatory, Sticky Snakeroot
Carduus pycnocephalus L., Italian Plumeless Thistle U
Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten., Bull Thistle R
Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq., Canadian Horseweed R
Gamochaeta pennsylvanica (Willd.) Cabera, R
Gnaphalium stramineum Kunth R
need ssp. for determination of new
Pseudognaphalium bioletti Anderb., Two-color Rabbit-tobacco R
Rafinesquia californica Nutt., California Chicory, California Plumeseed R, s. of falls on rock
Senecio vulgaris L., Common Groundsel, Old-man-in-the-spring R

Boraginaceae Borage Family
Cryptantha muricata (Hook. & Arn.) Nelson & J.F. Macbr., Prickly Cryptantha, Pointed Cryptantha R

Brassicaceae Mustard Family
Arabis sparsiflora Nutt., Elegant Rock-cress, Sicklepod Rockcress R
Guillenia lasiophylla (Hook. & Arn.) E. Greene, California Mustard R
Hirschfeldia incana (L.) Lagr. Fossat, Shortpod Mustard R, on falls cliff
Thysanocarpus curvipes Hook. Sand Fringepod R
Thysanocarpus laciniatus Nutt., Mountain Fringepod R

Caryophyllaceae Pink Family
Stellaria media (L.) Villars, Common Chickweed C

Convolvulaceae Morning Glory Family
Calystegia sp. R

Hydrophyllaceae Waterleaf Family
Phacelia cicutaria E. Greene var. hispida (A. Gray) J. Howell U

Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family
Epilobium canum (E. Greene) Raven, California Fuchsia, Hummingbird Trumpet
Portulacaceae Purslane Family
Claytonia perfoliata Willd., Miner’s Lettuce R

Rosaceae Rose Family
Rubus armeniacus Focke, Himalayan Blackberry C, 1 pop. at base of falls

Salicaceae Willow Family
Salix lasiolepis Benth., Arroyo Willow R, veg.

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Mimulus floribundus Lindl., Floriferous or Manyflowered Monkeyflower R

Solanaceae Nightshade Family
Solanum douglasii Dunal, White Nightshade, Greenspot Nightshade R


Poaceae Grass Family
Avena barbata Link, Slender (Wild) Oat R
Bromus diandrus Roth, Ripgut or Brome Grass A
Bromus madritensis L. Foxtail Chess, Red Brome C
Bromus sterilis L., Poverty Brome R
Hordeum murinum L., Hare Barley R
Lamarckia aurea (L.) Moinch, Goldentop Grass U
Melica imperfecta Trin., Coast-range Melic, Smallflower Melicgrass R
Muhlenbergia californica Vasey, California Muhly FC
Polypogon viridis (Gouan) Breistr. Green Bentgrass, Beardless Rabbitsfoot Grass
Plants in order of Abundance:
1. Bromus diandrus
2. Mimulus guttatus
3. Muhlenbergia californica
4. Stellaria media
5. Bromus madritensis
6. Adiantum capillus-veneris
7. Ageratina adenophora
8. Artemisia douglasiana

Future sites:
Lewis Paul Falls
Lodi Canyon Falls
Sunset Peak

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