Glendora Natural History Website Data Compiled by Dick Swinney
Image used for spacing

XI. Springs

1. Alpine Canyon - upper North Fork

The Mount San Antonio Quad map show this location as lying within the North Fork of Lytle Creek while the Angeles National Forest Map indicates the location is within Alpine Canyon.

Collection Dates:
August 21, 1996
October 25, 1998

San Bernardino County, upper North Fork of Alpine Canyon - according to the Angeles National Forest Map, upper end of spring lies within 200 m. of saddle at ridge top between Dawson Peak & Pine Mountain
Map Quad: Mount San Antonio
Township: 3 N
Range: 7 W
Section: 29
Elevation: 8000-8200 ft.
Spring description: upper end of spring in steep canyon, east-facing slope
Plant communities: Riparian zone surrounded by montane coniferous forest

Species List:


Asteraceae Sunflower Family
Helenium bigelovii A. Gray, Bigelow’s Sneezeweed A
Solidago spectabilis (D.C. Eaton) A. Gray var. confinus (A. Gray) Cronquist, Southern Goldenrod, Nevada Goldenrod A

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family
Aquilegia formosa Fischer, Western Columbine C
Aquilegia formosa Fischer, Western Columbine - dwarf form FC

Rosaceae Rose Family
Potentilla glandulosa Lindley, Sticky Cinquefoil NC C

Salicaceae Willow Family
Salix lasiolepis Benth., Arroyo Willow FC

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Mimulus cardinalis Benth., Scarlet Monkeyflower C

Verbenaceae Vervain Family
Verbena lasiostachys Link var. scabrida Mold. FC

Cyperaceae Sedge Family
Carex sp. FC

Iridaceae Iris Family
Sisyrinchium idahoense E. Bickn., Idaho Blue-eyed Grass C

Orchidaceae Orchid Family
Epipactis gigantea Hook., Stream Orchid A
Platanthera dilata (Pursh) Lindl. ex Beck var. leucostachys (Lindl.) Luer, White-flowered Bog Orchid, Sierra Bog Orchid FC

Poaceae Grass Family
Elymus glaucus Buckley, Blue Wildrye R

Additional plants recorded by other collectors:
None found.

Plants in order of abundance:
1. Helenium bigelovii
2. Solidago spectabilis
var. confinus
3. Epipactis giganteum
4. Aquilegia formosa
5. Mimulus cardinalis
6. Potentilla glandulosa
7. Carex
8. Aquilejia formosa
9. Sisyrinchium idahoense
10. Platanthera dilata
var. leucostachys
11. Verbena lasiostachys
var. scabrida
12. Salix lasiolepis

2. Baldy Notch (ca. 120 m. east)

Collection Date:
September 7, 1992

San Bernardino County, ca. 120 m. east of Baldy Notch in headwater of w. fork of Coldwater Canyon
Map Quad: Telegraph Peak
Township: 2 N
Range: 7 W
Section: 10, far W., just N. of center
Elevation: 7770 ft.
Spring description:
s. facing slope, ca. 38 % slope, under conifer canopy, moist zone less than six square feet
Plant Communities: seep, surrounded by montane coniferous

Species List:

Common Canopy species:
Abies concolor (Gorden & Glend.) Lindley, White Fir
Pinus lambertiana Douglas, Sugar Pine


Asteraceae: Sunflower Family
Helenium bigelovii Gray U

Fabaceae Pea Family
Trifolium monanthum A. Gray var. grantianum (A.A. Heller) Parish U


Cyperaceae Sedge Family
Carex praegracilis W. Boott FC

Liliaceae Lily Family
Maianthemum stellata (L.) Desf. FC

Poaceae Grass Family
Elymus glaucus Buckley ssp. glaucus FC

Additional plants recorded by other collectors:

Plants in order of abundance:
None made in the field.

3. Baldy Notch (c. 0.7 mi. west)

Collection dates:
August 26, 1993
August 23, 1994

San Bernardino County, small canyon with spring, c. 0.7 mi. west of Baldy Notch at 50 m. on south side of Baldy Notch Service Rd.
Map Quad: Telegraph Peak
Township: 2 N
Range: 7 W
Section: 9, SW/4 of NE/4
Elevation: 7200 ft.
Spring description:
Plant communities: Riparian vegetation surrounded by montane coniferous forest

Species List:

Apocynaceae Dogbane Family
Apocynum cannabinum L., Indian Hemp FC

Asteraceae Sunflower Family
Erigeron foliosus Nutt. var. foliosus, Leafy Fleabane (Daisy) U
Helenium bigelovii A. Gray, Bigelow’s Sneezeweed NC A
Solidago sp. NC A

Betulaceae Birch Family
Alnus rhombifolia Nutt., White Alder FC, multi- truncked form

Polygonaceae Buckwheat Family
Eriogonum wrightii Benth., Wright’s Buckwheat, Bastard Sage FC

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family
Clematus ligusticifolia Nutt., Virgin’s Bower, Yerba De Chiva, Western White Clematis NC U

Rosaceae Rose Family
Potentilla glandulosa var. vicida ? U

Salicaceae Willow Family
Salix lasiolepis Benth., Arroyo Willow A

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Mimulus cardinalis Benth., Scarlet Monkeyflower NC C
Mimulus johnstonii A.L. Grant, Johnston’s Monkeyflower U


Cyperaceae Sedge Family
Carex diandra Schrank, Lesser Panicled Sedge C

Iridaceae Iris Family
Sisyrinchium bellum S. Watson, Western Blue-eyed Grass FC

Liliaceae Lily Family
Lilium parryi S. Watson, Lemon Lily R, 6 in 1993, 1 in 1994

Orchidaceae Orchid Family
Epipactis gigantea Hook., Stream Orchid C

Poaceae Grass Family
Agrostis scabra Wild., Rough Bentgrass FC
Dactylus glomerata L., Orchard-grass R
Poa palustris L., Fowl Bluegrass R, 1994
Poa praetensis L. ssp. praetensis, Kentucky Bluegrass U

Selected plants surrounding the spring:
(Not collected)
Abies concolor (Gorden & Glend.) Lindley, White Fir C
Bromus tectorum L., Downy Brome, Cheat Grass A
Cercocarpus ledifolius Nutt., Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany C
Epilobium canum (E. Greene) Raven, California Fuchsia, Hummingbird Trumpet
Eriodictyon trichocalyx A.A. Heller, Smoothleaf Yerba Santa A
Eriogonum nudum Benth. Naked Buckwheat U
Eriogonum wrightii Benth., Wright’s Buckwheat, Bastard Sage FC
Hirschfeldia incana (L..) Lagr.-Fossat, Shortpod Mustard FC
Pinus jeffreyi Brev. & Baulf., Jeffrey Pine ?
Pinus lambertiana Douglas, Sugar Pine ?
Rubus leucodermis Torrey & A. Gray, Blackcap Raspberry, Whitebark Raspberry

Additional plants recorded by other collectors:
None found.

Plants in order of abundance:
No list was made in the field.

4. Bear Gulch & Prairie Fork Confluence

All shrubs and trees resprouting and/or germinating, majority in vegetative condition

Collection Date:
July 10, 1998

Los Angeles County, south side of Prairie Fork Canyon along stream near confluence with Bear Gulch
Map Quad: Mount San Antonio
Lat: 34 deg. 02 ‘ 52 “ N
Long: 117 deg. 42 ‘ 35 “ W
Elevation: 4880 ft. (1488 m.)
Spring description: Entire canyon bottom burned in summer fire of 1997 ?
Plant communities: Riparian zone in montane coniferous forest

Species List:


Cupresaceae Cypress Family
Calocedrus decurrens (Torrey) Florin, Incense Cedar NC FC, some were fire killed (apparently)

Pinaceae Pine Family
Pinus jeffreyi Brev. & Baulf., Jeffrey Pine NC A, most to all with fire damage, none killed as yet
Pseudotsuga macrocarpus (Vasey) Mayr, Bigcone Douglas-fir, Bigcone Spruce NC Several, 2 not damaged by fire, one 40 ft. tree completely singed by fire, regrowth significant throughout the tree


Aceraceae Maple Family
Acer macrophyllum Pursh, Big-leaf Maple NC FC,

Asteraceae Sunflower Family
Artemisia douglasiana Besser, Mugwort, Douglas’ Sagewort NC A

Betulaceae Birch Family
Alnus rhombifolia Nutt., White Alder NC A, c. 50% of trees with upper crown damage from fire, seedlings abundant

Brassicaceae Mustard Family
Hirschfeldia incana (L.) Lagr.-Fossat, Shortpod Mustard NC U

Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot Family
Chenopodium fremontii S. Watson, Fremont’s Goosefoot R

Fagaceae Oak Family
Quercus chrysolepis Liebm., Maul Oak, Golden Cup Oak, Canyon Live Oak NC C, some killed(?), some damaged but with vigorous regrowth
Quercus kelloggii Newb., California Black Oak NC U, several severely fire-damaged, resprouting form the base only

Lamiaceae Mint Family
Stachys albens A. Gray, Cobwebby Hedge-nettle, Whitestem Hedgenettle NC A

Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family
Epilobium ciliatum Raf., Fringed Willowherb U

Platanaceae Sycamore Family
Platanus racemosa Nutt., Western Sycamore, California Sycamore
NC A, badly burned trees with regrowth at base only; singed trees with regrowth throughout

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family
Aquilegia formosa Fischer, Western Columbine C
Thalictrum fendleri A. Gray, Fendler’s Meadowrue C

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Mimulus cardinalis Benth., Scarlet Monkeyflower U
Veronica anagalus-aquatica L., Water Speedwell NC A

Urticaceae Nettle Family
Urtica dioica L. ssp. holosericia (Nutt.) Thorne, Hoary or Stinging Nettle NC C


Liliaceae Lily Family
Lilium humboldtii Roezl & Leichtlin ssp. ocellatum (Kellogg) Thorne, Ocellated Lily, Humboldt Lily U

Additional plants recorded by other collectors:
None found.

Plants in order of abundance:
No list was made in the field.

4. Big Rock Creek - upper South Fork

Collection Date:
August 22, 2001with Cody Clarke
August 27, 2001

Los Angeles County, South Fork, Big Rock Creek, 1.5 mi. SSW of Dawson Saddle at Hwy. 2, 50-150 m. e. of State Hwy. 2 (Angeles Crest Hwy.)
Map Quad: Crystal Lake
Lat: 34 deg. 21’ 12” N
Long: 117 deg. 48’ 23” W
Township: 3N
Range: 9W
Elevation: 7560-7700 ft. (2305-2348 m.)
Spring description:
Plant communities: riparian habitat surrounded by montane coniferous
Man-made structures:

Species List:


Asteraceae Sunflower Family
Artemisa ludoviciana Nutt., Silver Wormwood, lWhite Sagebrush ? NC U

Boraginaceae Borage Family
Crypltantha echinella Greene, Prickly Cryptantha FC

Caprifoliaceae Honeysuckle Family
Sambucus nigra L. ssp. caerulea (Far.) R. Bolli, Blue Elderberry ? NC U

Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot Family
Chenopodium botrys L., Jerusalem Oak, Goosefoot NC FC

Fabaceae Pea Family
Lupinus elatus ? NC 1 plant on rd. turnout in dry soil
Trifolium monanthum A. Gray ssp. grantianum (A.A. Heller) J.M. Gillett, Mountain Carpet Clover C

Fagaceae Oak Family
Chrysolepis sempervirens (Kellogg) Hjelmq1., Bush Chinquapin NC A, dry & moist soil

Grosulariaceae Gooseberry Family
Ribes A

Hydrophyllaceae Waterleaf Family
Phacelia NV R, 2 plants, moist soil

Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family
Epilobium ciliatum Raf., Fringed Willowherb NC C, seep area s. of stream
Epilobium glaberinum Barbey, Glaucus Willowherb A
Gayophytum FC, near stream, mostly in dry soil

Primulaceae Primrose Family
Dodecatheon redolans (Hall) H.J. Thompson, Scented Shooting Star A

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family
Aquilejia formosus Fischer, Western Columbine NC FC

Rhamnaceae Buckthorn Family
Rhamnus californica Eschsch. California Colleeberry (Buckthorn) U

Rosaceae Rose Family
Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim., Oceanspray U
Potentilla glandulosa Lindl., Sticky Cinquefoil C, upper area

Salicaceae Willow Family
Populus tremuloides Michaux, Quaking Aspen NV 1 plant, < 3 ft. high, largest stem previously clipped, perhaps planted and bieing monitored
Salix lasiolepis Benth., Arroyo Willow A

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Castilleja NC A
Mimulus NV A
Mimulus NV R
Mimulus cardinalis Benth., Scarlet Monkeyflower NC U


Cyperaceae Sedge Family
Carex A Carex alma L. Bailey, Sturdy Sedge ? Carex aurea Nutt., Golden Sedge U, mostly s. of stream on n-facing slope in seep area

Juncaceae Rush Family
Juncus duranii Ewan, Durna’s Rush ? NC FC, streamside & seep areas above stream

Liliaceae Lily Family
Veratrum californicum Durnad var. californicum, California False Hellebore A

Orchidaceae Orchid Family
Platanthera dilata (Parsh) Lindl. ex Beck var. leucostachys (Lindl.) Luer, White-flowered Bog Orchid, Sierra Bog Orchid R

Poaceae Grass Family
Agrostis R
Muhlenbergia richardsonis (Trin.) Rydb., Mat Muhly C, on s. side of stream in seep area

Plants in order of abundance:
1. Epilobium glaberinum
2. Castilleja
3. Epilobium cilliatum
4. Ribes
5. Carex 8074
6. Salix lasiolepis
7. Chrysolepis sempervirens
8. Dodecatheon redolans
9. Veratrum californicum
10. Trifolium monanthum
11. Mimulus 8072

Common plants of the surrounding montane coniferous forest:
1. Abies concolor
2. Pinus jeffreyi
3. Ceanothus cordulatus
4. Ericameria

5. Boneyard Canyon

Collection Date:
May 8, 1999

San Bernardino county, Pinyon Hills, Boneyard Canyon at spring indicated on topo maps.
Map Quad: Mescal Creek
Lat: 34 deg. 24 ‘ 50 “ N
Long: 117 deg. 39 ‘ 23 “ W
Township: 4 N
Range: 7 W
Section: 19, SW/4 of SW/4
Elevation: 4800 ft. (1463 m.)
Spring description: water leaking from pipes at well site, creating moist soil conditions
Plant communities: riparian vegetation surrounded by Joshua tree woodland & pinyon-juniper woodland

Species List:


Fabaceae Pea Family
Astragalus sp. R
Astragalus douglasii (Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray, Jacumba Milkvetch, Douglas’s Milkvetch
R, in one area only (75 sq. m.) dry, near spring

Salicaceae Willow Family
Salix lasiolepis Benth., Arroyo Willow A


Cyperaceae Sedge Family
Carex alma L. Bailey, Sturdy Sedge C

Juncaceae Rush Family
Juncus arcticus Willd. ssp. littoralis (Engelm.) Hulten, Wire Rush, Mountain Rush

Poaceae Grass Family
Leymus triticoides (Buckl.) Pilg., Beardless Wildrye C, at spring only
Poa praetensis L., Kentucky Bluegrass R

Additional plants recorded by other collectors:
None found.

Plants in order of abundance:
No list was made in the field.

6. Cajon Wash tributary at Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch

Collection Date:
June 22, 1995

San Bernardino County, Lover Lytle Creek Ridge area, a cajon wash tributary, 3.1 mi. s. of jnct. of Swarthout Cnyn Rd. & Applewhite Rd., Cajon tributary s. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, ca. 0.4 mi. w. of Applewhite Rd.
Map Quad: Cajon
Township: 2 N
Range: 6 W
Section: 14, NW/4 of NE/4
Elevation: 3200 ft.
Spring description:
on n. side of Cajon Wash tributary on s.e. facing slope, seep area from tunnel shaft, area slightly raised from wash bottom, area burned in summer of 1994
Plant Communities: moist zone surrounded by coastal sage scrub

Species List:


Asteraceae Sunflower Family
Solidago spectabilis (D.C. Eaton) A. Gray var. confinus (A. Gray) Cronquist, Southern Goldenrod, Nevada Goldenrod A, at this specific location

Berberidaceae Barberry Family
Mahonia dictyota (Jeps.) Fedde, California Barberry, Shining Netvein Barberry
FC, regrowth from fire of 1994, did not bloom this year, also along n. side of wash for ca. 100 m., a few plants on s. side of wash

Lamiaceae Mint Family
Pycnanthemum californicum Torrey, Sierra Mint FC, at this specific location only, nearest population in Sheep Canyon to the west

Additional plants recorded by other collectors:
None were found.

Plants in order of abundance:
1. Solidago spectabilis var. confinus
2. Mahonia dictyota
3. Pycnanthemum californicum

7. Cajon Wash & Lone Pine Canyon Junction

Collection Dates:
November 14, 1992
April 8, 1994
August 12, 1996
November 10, 2008

San Bernardino County, confluence of Cajon Wash and Lone Pine Canyon, between east and west RR tracks at gaging station.
Map Quad: Cajon
Lat: 34 deg. 15 ‘ 58 “ N
Long: 117 deg. 27 ‘ 47 “ W
Township: 2 N
Range: 6 W
Section: 12, SE/2 of SW/4
Elevation: 2640 ft. (805 m.)
Spring description:
Most of the area under canopy, spring originates at e. side of large tunnel in Lone Pine Cnyn. which runs under the west RR tracks, water flow during November, 2008 was significant, flows into the junction of Cajon Wash which had much less water flow at this time.
Plant communities: Riparian surrounded by coastal sage scrub and chaparral

Species List:
*Collected on November 10, 2008 (ID/verification pending)


Amaranthaceae Amaranthus Family
Amaranthus albus L., Prostrate Pigweed R

Anacardiaceae Sumac Family
Rhus trilobata Nutt., Skunkbrush, Squawbush, Skunkbrush Sumac FC
*Toxicodendron diversilobum (Torrey & A. Gray) E. Greene, Western (Pacific) Poison Oak C

Apiaceae Carrot Family
Apium graveolens L., Wild Celery FC

Apocynaceae Dogbane Family
Vinca major L., Greater Periwinkle, Bigleaf Periwinkle C

Asteraceae Sunflower Family
*Ambrosia acanthicarpa Hook., Annual Bur-sage, Flatspine Bur-ragweed R
Artemisia douglasiana Besser, Mugwort, Douglas’ Sagewort NC A
Artemisia dracunculus L., Tarragon NC U
*Baccharis emoryi
A. Gray, Emory’s Baccharis R
Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz Lopez & Pavon) Pers., Mule Fat NC A
Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten., Bull Thistle R
Corethrogyne filaginifolia (Hook. & Arn.) Nutt., California Aster (Sandaster) FC
Ericameria nausiosa (Pallas) F.L. Nesom & Baird, Rabbitbrush FC
Euthamia occidentalis Nutt., Western Goldenrod or Goldentop, Western Flat-topped Goldenrod FC
*Helenium puberulum DC., Sneezeweed, Rosilla FC
Pseudognaphalium stramineum (Kunth.) Anderb., Cotton-batting Plant U
Solidago spectabilis (D.C. Eaton) A. Gray ssp. confinus (A. Gray) Cronquist, Southern Goldenrod, Nevada Goldenrod U

Betulaceae Birch Family
Alnus rhombifolia Nutt., White Alder NC U

Brassicaceae Mustard Family
Boechera californica U
Hirschfeldia incana (L.) Lagr.-Fossat, Shortpod Mustard NC U
Nasturtium officinalis W.T. Aiton, Water Cress NC FC

Fabaceae Pea Family
*Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam., White Sweetclover U

Hydrophyllaceae Waterleaf Family
Nemophila menziesii Hook. & Arn. var. menziesii, Baby Blue Eyes FC

Juglandaceae Walnut Family
Juglans californica S. Watson, California Black Walnut, Southern California Walnut

Lythraceae Loosestrife Family
Lythrum californicum Torrey & A. Gray, California Loose-strife U

Oleaceae Olive Family
Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh ssp. velutina (Tor.) Miller C

Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family
Epilobium canum (E. Greene) Raven, California Fuchsia, Hummingbird Trumpet
Epilobium ciliatum Raf., Fringed Willowherb U

Plantaginaceae Plantain Family
Plantago major L., Common Plantain U

Platanaceae Sycamore Family
Platanus racemosa Nutt., Western Sycamore, California Sycamore NC R, 1 tree in far s. area

Polygonaceae Buckwheat Family
Rumex crispus L., Curly Dock R

Primulaceae Primrose Family
Samolus valerandi L. ssp. parviflorus (Raf.) Hulten, Water-pimpernel, Seaside Brookweed
Rosaceae Rose Family
Malus sylvestris Miller, Apple, European Crab Apple FC along stream
Rosa californica Cham., & Schldl., California Wild Rose FC
Rubus ursinus Cham. & Schldl., California Blackberry NC A

Salicaceae Willow Family
Populus balsamifera L. ssp trichocarpa (Torrey & A. Gray), Brayshaw, Black Cottonwood
Salix lasiolepis Benth., Arroyo Willow NC C
Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
*Mimulus cardinalis Benth., Scarlet Monkeyflower U

Viscaceae Mistletoe Family
Phoradendron macrophyllum (Engelm.) Cockerell, Big Leaf Mistletoe, Colorado Desert Mistletoe FC, on Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa & Juglans californica
C, on Alnus rhombifolia & Fraxinus pennsylvanica ssp. velutina

Vitaceae Grape Family
Vitus girdiana Munson, Desert Wild Grape NC FC


Cyperaceae Sedge Family
Eleocharis parishii/montividensis (Discrepancy - determination pending) A
Eleocharis rostellata (Torrey) Torrey, Beaked Spikerush U, just w. of RR tracks
*Schoenoplectus acutus (Muhl. ex Bigelow) A. Love & D. Love, (Common) Tule U, 1 pop. in n.c. area on elevated ground n. of stream, adjacent to Arundo donax pop.
Scirpus microcarpus C. Presl, Mountain Bog Bulrush, Panicled Bulrush C

Juncaceae Rush Family
*Juncus sp. R
Juncus arcticus Willd. ssp. littoralis (Engelm.) Hulten, Wire Rush, Mountain Rush C, just w. of RR tracks
Juncus rugulosus Engelm., Wrinkled Rush R
*Juncus xiphioides E. Meyer, Irisleaf Rush U

Orchidaceae Orchid Family
Epipactis gigantea Hook., Stream Orchid FC

Poaceae Grass Family
Arundo donax L., Giant Reed NC FC, 1 pop. in n.c. area on elevated ground, recently cut down near ground level, still alive
Bromus sp. R
*Piptatherum miliaceum (L.) Cosson, Smilograss U
Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf., Annual Beard Grass or Rabbitsfoot Grass
Polypogon viridis (Gouan) Breistr., Green Bentgrass, Beardless Rabbitsfoot Grass

Additional plants recorded by other collectors:
At least some of the records from Scott D. White from May 13, 1997, may be from this specific location. His data reads: elev. 793 m., Cajon Wash, between Blue Cut & stream crossing at Swarthout Canyon Road, ca. 3 mi. s. of hwy. 138 crossing.

Plants in order of abundance:
List made on November 10, 2008
1. Artemisia douglasiana
2. Rubus ursinus
3. Vinca major
4. Populus balsomifera
var. trichocarpa
5. Clematus ligusticifolia
(By % coverage, # of indiv. probably low)
6. Eleocharis montividensis/parishii
7. Baccharis salicifolius
8. Euthamia occidentalis
9. Fraxinus pennsylvanica
ssp. velutina
10. Salix lasiolepis

8. Cedar Canyon

Collection Date:
July 5, 1999

Los Angeles County, head of Cedar Canyon, meadow on n. side of Big Pines Hwy., 0.5 mi. w. of jnct. of hwy. 2
Map Quad: Mescal Creek
Lat: 34 deg. 22’ 58 “ N
Long: 117 deg. 41 ‘ 48 “ W
Township: 4 N
Range: 8 W
Section: NA
Elevation: 6680 ft. (2037 m.)
Spring description: Unburned area near margin of summer 1997 fire. Meadow with some water flowing at lowest point
Plant communities: Riparian & meadow vegetation surrounded by montane coniferous forest.

Species List:
This list includes plants both in the wet & dry zones


Cupresaceae Cypress Family
Calocedrus decurrens (Torrey) Florin, Incense Cedar NC FC

Pinaceae Pine Family
Abies concolor (Gorden & Glend.) Lindley, White Fir NC C
Pinus jeffreyi Brev. & Baulf., Jeffrey Pine NC C


Asteraceae: Sunflower Family
Hieraceum albiflorum Hook., White Hawkweed R
Malacothrix sp. R, 1 plant
Packera ionophylla (E. Greene) W.A. Weber. & A. Love, Tehachapi Ragwort

Betulaceae Birch Family
Alnus rhombifolia Nutt., White Alder NC C

Boraginaceae Borage Family
Cryptantha sp. #7519 FC
Cryptantha sp. #7533 U
Cryptantha sp. #7538 FC

Brassicaceae Mustard Family
Arabis sp. U
Caulanthus major (M.E. Jones) Payson, Slender Wild Cabbage C

Caryophyllaceae Pink Family
Arenaria macradenia S. Watson, Desert Sandwort, Mojave Sandwort FC

Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot Family
Chenopodium sp. R
Chenopodium fremontii S. Watson, Fremont’s Goosefoot FC

Cornaceae Dogwood Family
Cornus sericea L. ssp. sericea, American Dogwood, Redosier Dogwood FC

Euphorbiaceae Spurge Family
Euphorbia palmeri S. Watson, Woodland Spurge R

Fabaceae Pea Family
Astragalus bicristatus A. Gray, Twocrested Milkvetch R
Trifolium wormskioldii Lehm., Cows Clover R

Hydrophyllaceae Waterleaf Family
Phacelia fremontii Torrey, Fremont’s Phacelia C

Lamiaceae Mint Family
Monardella linoides A. Gray, Flaxleaf Monardella FC

Loasaceae Stickleaf Family
Mentzelia sp. #7523 U
Mentzelia sp. #7534 R

Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family
Camisonia sp. FC

Polemoniaceae Phlox Family
Allophyllum integrifolium (Brand) A.D. Grant & V. Grant, White False Gilyflower
Gilia sp. #7502 R
Gilia sp. #7530 R
Phlox diffusa Benth., Spreading Phlox A
Saltugilia grinnellii (Brand) L.A. Johnson ssp. grantii (Brand) L.A. Johnson, Grand Gilia

Polygonaceae Buckwheat Family
Eriogonum nudum Benth., Naked Buckwheat C
Oxytheca parishii C. Parry, Parish’s Oxytheca C
Rumex crispus L., Curly Dock FC

Portulacaceae Purslane Family
Claytonia parviflora Hook. ssp. viridis (Davidson) John M. Miller & Chambers, Streambank Springbeauty U
Claytonia perfoliata Wild., Miner’s Lettuce C, in burn area of 1997

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family
Ranunculus cymbalaria Pursh var. saximontanus Fern, Rocky Mountain Buttercup, Alkali Buttercup R

Rosaceae Rose Family
Potentilla glandulosa Lindley, Sticky Cinquefoil FC

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Collinsia torreyi A. Gray, Torrey’s Blue Eyed Mary C
Mimulus moschatus Lindley, Musk Monkeyflower, Muskflower R, 1 pop.

Violaceae Violet Family
Viola sp. #7522 R
Viola sp. #7532 R, 1 pop.


Cyperaceae Sedge Family
Carex sp. FC
Carex multicaulis L. Bailey, Forest Sedge, Manystem Sedge FC
Carex pellita Muhl ex Willd., Woolly Sedge A
Eleocharis macrostachya Britton, Pale Spikerush C

Juncaceae Rush Family
Juncus sp. ?

Liliaceae Lily Family
Allium sp. R, 3 pop., c. 30 plants in largest pop.
Maianthemum stellata (L.) Link, Little False Solomon’s seal, Stary False Lily of the Valley

Poaceae Grass Family
Elymus elymoides (Raf.) Swezey, Squirreltail C
Poa praetensis L. ssp. praetensis, Kentucky Bluegrass FC
Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell, Mediterranean Schismus, Common Mediterranean Grass
Triticum aestivum L., Common Wheat R

Additional plants recorded by other collectors:
None found.

Plants in order of abundance:
No list was made in the field.

9. Coldwater Canyon - “West Fork” (S.B. Co.)

Collection Dates:
September 7, 1992
August 24, 2001

San Bernardino County, ca. 0.5 mi. N.N.E. (straight line distance) of Baldy Notch at jnct. of Stockton Flats Rd. and Upper Coldwater Canyon - “West Fork”
Map Quad: Telegraph Peak
Township: 2 N
Range: 7 W
Section: 10, NW corner
Elevation: 6800 - 7000 ft.
Spring description:
Plant Communities: riparian habitat surrounded by montane coniferous

Species List:
*Plants collected August 24, 2001 - ID/verification pending

Ferns & Their Allies:

Dennstaedtiaceae Bracken Family
Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn., Bracken A

Equisitaceae Horsetail Family
Equisetum hyemale L. ssp. affine (E. Greene) Jepson, Scouringrush Horsetail


Cupresaceae Cypress Family
Calocedrus decurrens (Torrey) Florin, Incense Cedar 3 trees, all under 2 m.

Pinaceae Pine Family
Abies concolor (Gorden & Glend.) Lindley, White Fir NC FC


Apocynaceae Dogbane Family
Apocynum cannabinum L., Indian Hemp C

Asteraceae: Sunflower Family
Solidago californica Nutt., California Goldenrod C

Betulaceae Birch Family
Alnus rhombifolia Nutt., White Alder FC

Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot Family
Chenopodium fremontii S. Watson, Fremont’s Goosefoot FC

Grossulariaceae Gooseberry Family
Ribes nevadense Kellogg, Mountain Pink Currant, Sierra Currant A

Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family
Epilobium ciliatum Raf., Fringed Willowherb ? Epilobium glaberinum Barbey, Glaucus Willowherb U

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family
Aquilejia formosa Fischer, Western Columbine R, 3 plants
Clematus ligusticifolia Nutt., Virgin’s Bower, Yerba De Chiva, Western White Clematis
FC, n. side of stream

Rosaceae Rose Family
Amelanchier utahensis Kowhne, Utah Serviceberry U, scattered in a 100 m. area
Rubus leucodermis Torrey & A. Gray, Blackcap Raspberry, Whitebark Raspberry

Salicaceae Willow Family
Salix scouleriana Hook., Scouler’s Willow C

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Castilleja miniata Dougl. ex Hook, Scarlet Paintbrush, Giant Red Indian Paintbrush
C, heavily browsed


Liliaceae Lily Family
Maianthemum stellata (L.) Link, Little False Solomon’s-seal, Starry False Lily of the Valley

Poaceae Grass Family
Agrostis exarata Trin., Spike Bentgrass U

Additional plants recorded by other collectors:
None found.

Plants in order abundance:
No list made in the field.

10. Columbine Spring (L.A. Co.) (Spring north-west of CS

Collection Date:
July 14, 1998

Los Angeles County, n. slope of Pine Mountain Ridge, flowing into, and a tributary of Prairie Fork, 0. 3 mi. n.w. of Columbine Spring, 500 m. s. of Camp Lupine
Map Quad: Mount San Antonio
Lat: 34 deg. 19’ 24 “ N
Long: 117 deg. 40 ‘ 02 “ W
Elevation: Originally reported as 7200 ft. Corrected elev. = 6640 ft.
Spring description:
n. facing slope, dark, well developed soil, entire area burned in summer of 1997
Plant Communities: moist zone surrounded by montane coniferous, the dominant surrounding the spring is Prunus virginiana ( resprouting vigorously)

Species List:


Asteraceae Sunflower Family
Helenium bigelovii A. Gray, Bigelow’s Sneezeweed A
Senecio triangularis Hook., Arrowleaf Ragwort

Fabaceae Pea Family
Trifolium monanthum A. Gray, ssp. grantianum (A.A. Heller) J.M. Gillett, Mountain Carpet Clover U

Grossulariaceae Gooseberry Family
Ribes nevadense Kellogg, Mountain Pink Currant, Sierra Currant R

Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family
Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub. ssp. circumvagum (Mosquin) Hoch A

Primulaceae Primrose Family
Dodecatheon redolans (H.M. Hall) H.J. Thompson, Scented Shooting Star A

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family
Aquilegia formosa Fischer, Western Columbine A, both standard and dwarf size present

Rosaceae Rose Family
Potentilla glandulosa Lindley, Sticky Cinquefoil FC
Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Castilleja miniata Dougl. ex Hook,, Scarlet Paintbrush, Giant Red Indian Paintbrush

Cyperaceae Sedge Family
Carex sp. U
Carex aurea Nutt., Golden Sedge A
Carex fracta Mackenzie, Fragile Sheath Sedge R

Juncaceae Rush Family
Juncus duranii Ewan, Duran’s Rush A

Liliaceae Lily Family
Lilium parryi S. Watson, Lemon Lily U
Maianthemum stellata (L.) Link, Little False Solomon’s-seal, Starry False Lily of the Valley

Orchidaceae Orchid Family
Platanthera sparsiflora (S. Watson) Schltr., Green Reign Orchid, Sparseflowered Bog Orchid C

Poaceae Grass Family
2 species in veg. condition, both R in abundance - no ID

Additional plants recorded by other collectors:

Plants in order of abundance:
1. Epilobium angustifolium
2. Juncus duranii
3. Carex aurea
4. Dodecatheon redolans
5. Helenium bigelovii
6. Aquilejia formosa
(normal size) varieties not currently recognized
7. Maianthemum stellata
8. Potentilla glandulosa
9. Trifolium monanthum
ssp, grantianum
10. Aquilejia formosa (dwarf form) not currently recognized as a taxon
11. Lilium parryi
12. Senecio triangularis

11. Columbine Spring (S.B. Co.)

Collection/Observation Dates:
July 20, 1994
July 28, 1994
July 11, 1995

San Bernardino County, Ice House Canyon, __mi. w. of Ice House Saddle near canyon bottom
Map Quad: Cucamonga Peak
Township: 2 N
Range: 7 W
Section: 22, NE/4 of SW/4
Elevation: 6670 ft.
Spring description:
Spring initiating below (south) of the Ice House Canyon Trail on a s. facing slope and flowing down to the bottom of Ice House Canyon, a short path leads from the main trail to the spring
Plant Communities: riparian vegetation surrounded by montane coniferous

Species List:
+ plants collected, all others from observations
Surprisingly almost no voucher specimens collected here at this very busy trail location including, only 2 from my own. Many labels read: collected above, below or nearby Columbine Springs, but not at the specific location.
I intend to collect here as soon as possible.


Asteraceae: Sunflower Family
+Solidago californica Nutt., California Goldenrod C

Betulaceae Birch Family
Alnus rhombifolia Nutt., White Alder U, multi- trunked form

Fagaceae Oak Family
Quercus chrysolepis Liebm., Maul Oak, Golden Cup Oak, Canyon Live Oak

Grosulariaceae Gooseberry Family
Ribes sp. FC

Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family
Epilobium canum (E. Greene) Raven, California Fuchsia, Zauschneria, Hummingbird Trumpet C

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family
Aquilegia formosa Fischer, Western Columbine A

Rhamnaceae Buckthorn Family
Rhamnus californica Eschsch, California Coffeeberry (Buckthorn) FC

Rosaceae Rose Family
+Potentilla glandulosa Lindley, Sticky Cinquefoil C
Prunus virginiana L., Western Choke-cherry U
Rubus leucodermis Torrey & A. Gray, Blackcap Raspberry, Whitebark Raspberry

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Mimulus cardinalis Benth., Scarlet Monkeyflower A


Cyperaceae Sedge Family
Carex sp. FC

Orchidaceae Orchid Family
Epipactis gigantea Hook., Stream Orchid R

Additional plants recorded by other collectors:
1. Carex fracta Mackenzie, Fragile Sheath Sedge
R.F. Thorne Aug. 30, 1965 elev. 6700 ft.
2. Solidago velutina ssp. californica = Solidago californica ?
Peter M. Ray Sep. 14, 1949 elev. 2194 m. Columbine Spring, Upper Teahouse Canyon- Ice House Canyon

Plants in order of abundance:
1. Aquilegia formosa
2. Mimulus cardinalis
3. Potentilla glandulosa
4. Solidago californica
5. Epilobium canum
6. Rhamnus californica
7. Rubus leucodermis
8. Ribes
9. Carex sp.
10. Alnus rhombifolia
11. Quercus chrysolepis
12. Prunus virginiana

12. Controversy Spring

Collection Dates:
October 8, 1993
May 1, 1995

San Bernardino County, Cajon Canyon near Mountain Top Junction, FS Rd. 3N37 ca. 0.4 mi., s. of Hwy 138
Map Quad: Phelan
Lat: 34 deg. 22 ‘ 49 “ N
Long: 117 deg. 34 ‘ 14 “ W
Township: 3 N
Range: 7 W
Section: 1, NW/4 of NW/4
Elevation: 4550-4570 ft.
Spring description:
Spring water funneled through open cement trough on gentle n.-facing slope, normal water flow nearly 100 m. n. of cement trough, highly organic, heavy, fine-textured soil
Plant Communities: moist zone surrounded by chaparral

Species List:
+ found primarily in moist zone influence


Ephedraceae Ephedra Family
Ephedra nevadensis S. Watson, Nevada Ephedra, Nevada Jointfir U


Apiaceae Carrot Family
Lomatium mohavense (J. Coulter & Rose) J. Coulter & Rose, Mojave Desertparsley

Asteraceae: Sunflower Family
Artemisia tridentata Nutt., Great-basin Sagebrush, Big Sagebrush C
+Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten., Bull Thistle U
Ericameria nausiosa (Pallas) G.L. Nesom & Baird, Rabbitbrush NC C
+Gnaphalium palustre Nutt., Western Marsh Cudweed U
Iva axillaris Pursh, Poverty Weed U, in dry area s. of spring
+Lactuca sp., Prickly Lettuce U
+Pseudognaphalium stramineum (Kunth.) Anderb., Cotton-batting Plant R
+Sonchus asper (L.) Hill, Prickly or Spiny Sow Thistle R Stephanomeria virgata ssp. virgata/diegensis (discrepancy - determination pending)
+Stylocline gnaphalioides Nutt., Everlasting Nest Straw R

Boraginaceae Borage Family
Cryptantha sp. C
Cryptantha microstachys (A. Gray) E. Greene, Tejon Cryptantha U
Cryptantha similis Mathew & Raven, Desert Cryptantha FC

Brassicaceae Mustard Family
Descurania pinnata (Walter) Britton, Western Tansymustard C
Erysimum capitatum (Douglas) E. Greene, Western Wallflower, Sanddune U
Stanleya pinnata (Pursh) Britton, Desert Princesplume R

Caprifoliaceae Honeysuckle Family
Lonicera subspicata Hook. & Arn. var. denudata Rehder, Southern Honeysuckle, Santa Barbara Honeysuckle U

Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot Family
Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt. ssp. canescens, Shad-scale, Fourwing Saltbush

Fagaceae Oak Family
Quercus john-tuckeri K. Nixon & C.H. Muller, Tucker Oak A, with the greatest surface coverage

Hydrophyllaceae Waterleaf Family
Phacelia fremontii Torrey, Fremont’s Phacelia U

Lamiaceae Mint Family
Salvia columbariae Benth., Chia U

Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family
Camissonia hirtella (E. Greene) Raven, Field Sun Cup, Santa Cruz Island Suncup
+Epilobium brachycarpum C. Presl, Autumn Willowweed, Tall Annual Willowherb

Polemoniaceae Phlox Family
Eriastrum densifolium (Benth.) H. Mason ssp. austromontanum (Craig) H. Mason
Gilia sp. C
Linanthus bigelovii (A. Gray) E. Greene, Bigelow’s Linanthus U, margins

Portulacaceae Purslane Family
Calyptridium sp. C
Claytonia parviflora Hook. ssp. parviflora, Streambank Springbeauty FC

Rhamnaceae Buckthorn Family
Ceanothus greggii A. Gray, Mojave Ceanothus FC
Ceanothus leucodermis E. Greene, Chaparral Whitethorn NC C

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Cordylanthus rigidus (Benth.) Jepson ssp. setigerus Chuang & Heckard A
Mimulus rubellus A. Gray Little Redstem Monkeyflower R

Sterculiaceae Cacao Family
Fremontodendron californica (Torrey) Cov., California Fremontia or Flannelbush NC C

Viscaceae Mistletoe Family
Phoradendron villosum (Nutt.) Nutt., Oak Mistletoe, Pacific Mistletoe U, on Quercus john-tuckeri


Juncaceae Rush Family
+Juncus arcticus Willd. ssp. littoralis (Engelm.) Hulten, Wire Rush, Mountain Rush

Poaceae Grass Family
Elymus elymoides (Raf.) Swezey, Squirreltail R
+Leymus triticoides (Buckl.) Pilg., Beardless Wildrye A
+Muhlenbergia asperifolia (Nees & Meyer) L. Parodi, Scratchgrass R
+Muhlenbergia rigens (Benth.) A. Hitchc., Deergrass U
Vulpia microstachys (Nutt.) Munro, Small Fescue U

Typhaceae Cattail Family
+Typha domingensis Pers., Southern Cattail R, 1 pop. of c. 15 plants in s.c. area

Additional plants recorded by other collectors:
All additional moist zone plants were included. Only selected dry zone plants are included here. Other dry zone plants by Thorne, Tilforth & L.C. Wheeler, can be located in the CPC Database.
+ CPC name changed to conform to the USDA Plant Database, 2008
Note: The elev. of 4500 ft. as recorded for all but 1 of Wheeler’s plants, is below the survey range listed for this location. This is most likely an error, as her voucher labels indicate the specific location of Controversy Springs.
1. Amorpha californica Nutt., California Falseindigo
R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth June 21, 1978 elev. 4560 ft.
+2. Amorpha fruticosa L. var. occidentalis (Abrams) Kearney & Peebles
L.C. Wheeler Sep. 7, 1968 elev. 4500 ft.
3. Cryptantha muricata J(Hook. & Arn.) Nelson & J.F. Macbr., Prickly Cryptantha, Pointed Cryptantha
R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth June 21, 1978 elev. 4560 ft.
4. Cryptantha nevadensis Nelson & Kenn., Nevada Cryptantha
R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth June 21, 1978 elev. 4560 ft.
5. Eleocharis parishii Britton, Parish’s Spikerush
L.C. Wheeler Sept. 7, 1968 elev. 4500 ft.
6. Juncus mexicanus Willd., Mexican Rush
L.C. Wheeler Sept. 7, 1968 elev. 4500 ft.
7. Lonicera interrupta Benth., Chaparral Honeysuckle
R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth June 21, 1978 elev. 4560 ft.
8. Opuntia basilaris Engelm. & J. Bigelow var. basilaris, Beavertail
L.C. Wheeler Sept. 7, 1968 elev. 4500 ft.
9. Pectocarya setosa A. Gray, Moth Combseed
L.C. Wheeler May 9, 1968 elev. 1387 m.
10. Phalaris tuberosa
L.C. Wheeler Sept. 7, 1968 elev. 4500 ft.
11. Salix lasiolepis Benth., Arroyo Willow
R.F. Thorne, Dick Tilforth June 21, 1978 elev. 4560 ft.

Plants in order of abundance:
No list was made in the field.

13. Dawson Peak Ridge

Collection Date:
July 29, 1998

Los Angeles County, c. 0.5 mi. n.e. of Upper Fish Fork Camp on s.facing slope of Dawson Peak Ridge, c. 0.1 mi. s. of Upper Fish Fork branch that separates Pine Mt. Ridge from Dawson Pk. Ridge
Map Quad: Mount San Antonio
Lat: 34 deg. 18 ‘ 29 “ N
Long: 117 deg. 40’ 06 “ W
Elevation: 5920 ft. (2110 m.)
Spring description: NNW facing slope, c. 100 m. above cnyn bottom, area burned in summer of 1997
Plant Communities: Moist zone surrounded by montane coniferous

Species List:

Ferns & Their Allies:

Equisitaceae Horsetail Family
Equisetum laevigatum A. Braun, Smooth Horsetail or Scouring Rush A


Asteraceae: Sunflower Family
Helenium bigelovii A. Gray, Bigelow’s Sneezeweed A

Caprifoliaceae Honeysuckle Family
Sambucus nigra L. ssp. cerulia (Raf.) R. Bolli, Blue Elderberry ?NC several resprouting, no inflorescense this year

Fabaceae Pea Family
Lupinus latifolius J. Agardh., Broadleaf Lupine U
Trifolium monanthum A. Gray, Mountain Carpet Clover R

Grossulariaceae Gooseberry Family
Ribes sp. NC several resprouting, no inflorescence this year

Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family
Epilobium sp. C
Oenothera elata Kunth ssp. hirsutissima (S. Watson) W. Dietr., Hooker’s Evening Primrose

Rhamnaceae Buckthorn Family
Rhamnus californica Eschsch, California Coffeeberry (Buckthorn)NC several resprouting from base, no inflorescence this year

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Castilleja applegatei Fern., Wavyleaf Indian Paintbrush R
Castilleja miniata Dougl. ex Hook., Scarlet Paintbrush, Giant Red Indian Paintbrush


Cyperaceae Sedge Family
Carex sp. U
Carex sp. A

Iridaceae Iris Family
Sisyrinchium sp. A

Liliaceae Lily Family
Lilium parryi S. Watson, Lemon Lily C, c. 70 plants in bloom

Juncaceae Rush Family
Juncus arcticus Willd. ssp. littoralis (Engelm.) Hulten, Wire Rush, Mountain Rush
Orchidaceae Orchid Family
Epipactis gigantea Hook., Stream Orchid A
Platanthera sp. NC (unintentional) U

Poaceae Grass Family
Elymus sp. R

Additional plants recorded by other collectors:
None were found.

Plants in order of abundance:
1. Carex sp.
2. Sisyrinchium sp.
3. Helenium bigelovii
4. Juncus arcticus var. littoralis
5. Epipactis gigantea
6. Castilleja mineata
7. Oenothera elata var. hirsutissima
8. Equisetum laevigatum
9. Epilobium sp.
10. Lilium parryi
11. Platanthera sp.

12. Carex sp.
13. Lupinus latifolia
14. Castilleja applegatei

Plants in the dry areas surrounding the spring:
1. Apocynum androsaemifolium L., Bitter Dogbane, Spreading Dogbane A
2. Prunus virginiana L., Western Choke-cherry NC A
3. Pinus jeffreyi Brev. & Baulf., Jeffrey Pine NC 3 burned but still alive
4. Quercus durata Jepson var. gabrielensis K. Nixon & C.H. Muller, San Gabriel Mountains Leather Oak, Leather Oak ? NC C, most resprouting from the base

14. Fallen Leaf Spring

Collection dates:
July 28, 1998
July 30, 1998

Los Angeles County, south fork of Cow Canyon at & above Fallen Leaf Spring to 0.2 mi. south of Glendora Ridge Rd.; 2.4 mi. s.w. of Cow Canyon Saddle
Map Quad: Mount Baldy
Lat: 34 deg. 13 ‘ 03 “ N
Long: 117 deg. 41 ‘ 53 “ W
Elevation: 4480-4680 ft. (1366-1427 m.)
Spring description: Spring adjacent & s. of Glendora Ridge Road, extending both up and down the canyon on both sides of the road; north-facing slope
Plant communities: Riparian vegetation surrounded by chaparral

Species List:

Ferns & Their Allies:

Dryopteridaceae Wood Fern Family
Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh., Brittle Bladder Fern R, sterile, returned

Araliaceae Aralia Family
Aralia californica S. Watson, Elk Clover, California Spikenard U

Asteraceae Sunflower Family
Solidago californica Nutt., California Goldenrod U, veg., returned

Brassicaceae Mustard Family
Sisymbrium orientale L., Oriental Mustard, Indian Hedgemustard FC

Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot Family
Chenopodium botrys L., Jerusalem Oak, Goosefoot FC

Crassulaceae Stonecrop Family
Sedum spathulifolium Hook., Yellow or Broadleaf Stonecrop C

Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family
Epilobium ciliatum Raf., Fringed Willowherb FC

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family
Clematus ligusticifolia Nutt., Virgin’s Bower, Yerba De Chiva, Western White Clematis
Delphinium sp. C

Rosaceae Rose Family
Potentilla glandulosa Lindley, Sticky Cinquefoil FC

Saxifragaceae Saxifrage Family
Boykinia rotundifolia C. Parry, Round-leaved Boykinia, Roundleaf Brookfoam FC
Collinsia sp. A
Heuchera elegans Abrams, Urn-flowered Alumroot FC

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Mimulus cardinalis Benth., Scarlet Monkeyflower A
Mimulus floribundus Lindley, Floriferous or Manyflowered Monkeyflower FC


Cyperaceae Sedge Family
Carex sp. U

Poaceae Grass Family
Bromus sp. U
Elymus glaucus Buckley, Blue Wildrye FC
Poa annua L., Annual Bluegrass C

Additional plants recorded by other collectors:
None found.

Plants in order of abundance:
1. Sedum spathulifolium
2. Boykinia rotundifolia
3. Heuchera elegans
4. Mimulus cardinalis
5. Mimulus floribundus

Common canopy plants surrounding cnyn. bottom:
( Plants not collected)
1. Quercus chrysolepis Liebm., Maul Oak, Golden Cup Oak, Canyon Live Oak
2. Alnus rhombifolia Nutt., White Alder
3. Umbellularia californica (Hook. & Arn.) Nutt., California Bay, Pepperwood, California Laurel
4. Acer macrophyllum Pursh, Big-leaf Maple

15. Falling Rock Canyon

Collection Date:
July 11, 1996

San Bernardino County, Falling Rock Canyon, 0.8 mi. s. of Icehouse Canyon
Map Quad: Cucamonga Peak
Lat: 34 deg. 14 ‘ 14 “ N
Long: 117 deg. 37 ‘ 27 “ W
Township: 2 N
Range: 7 W
Section: 28, NW/4 of NW/4
Elevation: 7240-7250 ft. (2207-2210 m.)
Spring description: water flowing for c. 200 m., then disappears underground before it arrives to the s.-most waterfall, at edge of fairly recent burn, area s. (upstream) of spring not burned; vegetation burned slightly on w. bank of cnyn. bottom.
Plant communities: spring area surrounded by montane coniferous forest, at edge of fairly recent burn

Species List:


Cupressaceae Cypress Family
Calocedrus decurrens (Torrey) Florin, Incense Cedar U

Pinaceae Pine Family
Abies concolor (Gorden & Glend.) Lindley, White Fir A
Pinus lambertiana Douglas, Sugar Pine FC


Asteraceae Sunflower Family
Brickellia desertorum Cov., Desert Brickelbush FC

Boraginaceae Borage Family
Cryptantha echinella E. Greene, Prickly Cryptantha FC

Caprifoliaceae Honeysuckle Family
Sambucus nigra L., Elderberry C

Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot Family
Chenopodium fremontii S. Watson, Fremont’s Goosefoot FC

Ericaceae Heath Family
Arctostaphyllos patula E. Greene, Greenleaf Manzanita U

Grossulariaceae Gooseberry Family
Ribes nevadense Kellogg, Mountain Pink Currant, Sierra Currant FC
Ribes roezlii Regel, Sierra Gooseberry FC

Hydrophyllaceae Waterleaf Family
Phacelia sp. U

Loasaceae Stickleaf Family
Mentzelia micrantha (Hook. & Arn.) Torrey & A. Gray, Chaparral Blazing Star, San Luis Blazingstar U

Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family
Epilobium sp. C
Epilobium canum (E. Greene) Raven, California Fuchsia, Zauschneria, Hummingbird Trumpet A
Gayophytum sp. FC

Polygonaceae Buckwheat Family
Eriogonum davidsonii E. Greene, Davidson’s Buckwheat U
Eriogonum saxatile S. Watson, Rock Buckwheat, Hoary Buckwheat U
Oxytheca caryophylloides C. Parry, Chickweed Oxytheca U

Rosaceae Rose Family
Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim., Oceanspray (merged with H. microphyllus)
Potentilla glandulosa Lindley, Sticky Cinquefoil FC

Salicaceae Willow Family
Salix laevigata Bebb, Red Willow FC

Saxifragaceae Saxifrage Family
Heuchera sp. U

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family
Mimulus cardinalis Benth., Scarlet Monkeyflower A
Penstemon grinnellii Eastw. Grinnell’s Beardtongue FC
Penstemon rostriflorus Kellogg, Beaked Penstemon, Bridge’s Penstemon R


Cyperaceae Sedge Family
Carex sp. U

Poaceae Grass Family
Bromus tectorum L., Downy Brome, Cheat Grass C
Elymus elymoides (Raf.) Swezey, Squirreltail FC

Plants surrounding the wet zone in order of abundance:
(Not collected)
1. Epilobium canum
2. Rubus leucodermis
3. Cercocarpus ledifolius
4. Ericameria nausiosa
5. Linanthus pungens
6. Penstemon grinnellii
7. Ribes roezlii
8. Quercus chrysolepis
9. Holodiscus discolor

Gymnosperms surrounding wet zone in order of abundance:
(Not collected)
All 3 species of conifers with seedling w/in the wet zone. No living mature conifers in wet zone except for extreme n. area. Fallen trunks abundant along stream.
1. Abies concolor
2. Pinus lambertiana
3. Calocedrus decurrens

Additional plants recorded by other collectors:
None found.

Plants in wet zone in order of abundance:
1. Ribes nevadense
2. Mimulus cardinalis
3. Sambucus nigra
4. Epilobium sp.
5. Salix laevigata
6. Heuchera sp.

Permission is freely given to reproduce any or all of this material as long as full credit is given to the author at