Glendora Natural History Website Data Compiled by Dick Swinney
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Mammals of Glendora

Compiled by Dick Swinney

copyright August 2007

All observations by Dick Swinney unless otherwise noted

Last updated: March 3, 2012

Special Observation:

May 19, 2008

John Cullen found a deer carcass in his front yard at N. Cullen Avenue. A Mountain Lion had killed it and ate its internal organs the first night. John drug the carcass in front of his wildlife camera. A Black Bear appeared at about 9:00 pm. John saw him and scared him away. Later, about 11:00 pm., the Cougar showed up and came again about 1:00 pm. for a few seconds. About 3:00 pm., a coyote showed up. The next night, the bear came again and took the deer up the hill. John took many photos of the animals. John’s neighbors want him to kill the Cougar but John won’t do so unless it attacks him or others.

Class Mammalia - Mammals

Order Marsupalia - Marsupials

Family Didelphidae - Opossums

Didelphis virginiana Virginia Opossum

North area: Fairly common in residential areas

1 collected dead on the road at 100 yds. W. of Loraine Ave. on 1/3/98, specimen mounted and retained in author’s personal collection.

South Hills: Fairly common in residential areas

Order Insectivora - Insectivores

Family Soricidae - Shrews

Sorex ornatus Ornate Shrew

North area: Rare, only 2 observations.

Observed dead along stream side at MG, specimen preserved, identified and later lost; summer, approx. 1980; Kevin Sweeney(Caretaker of Big Dalton Dam), found dead near residence below Big Dalton Dam, May 17, 2011, speciman mounted and retained in the authors collection.

South Hills: No record

Family Talpidae - Moles

Scapanus latimanus Broad-footed Mole

North area: Uncommon in natural and residential areas alike

1 observed crossing BDC Rd. near Mystic Cnyn. and tunneling into loose dirt on the other side.

South Hills: No record

Order Chiroptera - Bats

Family Vespertilionidae - Vesper Bats

All species collected from BDC. No collecting has been done in the SH or the southern area of town. Therefore occurrence levels will not be separated here for north area and SH.

Eptesicus fuscus Big Brown Bat

Occurrence: Common

Observed each year from 1976 to 2005 roosting in the FCT. Bats usually roost after 9:30 pm. What time they leave the tunnels is uncertain. There are several locations within the 2 tunnels where roosting occurs. They have never been observed roosting here in the daytime; night roosting colonies usually between 5 & 12, lower numbers may be because of early observation time; 1 collected on July 18, 1989 at 10:00 pm., mounted and retained in author’s collection.

Lasiurus blossevillii Western Red Bat

Occurrence: Listed as uncommon throughout the state.

1 roosting in Cupressus sp. tree? at 6 ft. above ground on 26 March, 1994 at 1.5 mi. N.E. of GMR at BDC Rd., 10:00 am.; specimen collected and mounted, retained in author’s personal collection. This specimen represents the only Glendora record.

Lasiurus cinereus Hoary Bat

Occurrence: One of the most wide-spread species in the Americas and the only terrestrial mammal in the Hawaiian Islands. Although widespread, it is mostly a solitary bat and hence not frequently seen. When migrating, it may travel in flocks and roost in groups of 2 to 7, especially if roosting areas are limited.

1 collected by Paul Keiser near BDD on May 5, 1942; specimen sent to the U.C. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology and given Accession No. 6828, received by Raymond Hall, Curator of Mammals. This is the only known specimen for the City of Glendora.

Myotis evotus Long-eared Bat


1 collected on April 30, 1991 at MG, on WC restroom wall at 8:00 am., mounted and retained in author’s personal collection.

Myotis ciliolabrum Western Small-footed Bat


1 collected on 16 Aug. 2002 by Anthony Garduno & Dick Swinney; 0.9 mi. N.E. of GMR at BDC Rd., under bark of White Alder tree - Alnus rhombifolia, along stream side, tree dead with exfoliating bark., 7:15 pm. (daylight), specimen mounted and retained in author’s personal collection.

Myotis volans Long-legged Bat


1 collected on May 31, 1989 at 0.7 mi., E. of GMR on BDC Rd., struck car window at 10:00 p.m., mounted and retained in author’s personal collection.

Myotis sp

Family Molossidae - Free-tailed Bats (Guano Bats)

Tadarida brasiliensis Brazilian Free-tailed Bat


The following information was taken from a phone conversation with the Health Dept. of Monrovia on Dec. 11, 1996 with Mark Spears:

The only bats received from Glendora have been Brazilian Free-tailed Bats. Normally receive aprox. 6 bats each year from the Glendora Animal Control. A bat was diagnosed as positive for Bat rabies from 1346 W. Alosta, Glendora in June or July of 1994 or 1995. Bat rabies is distinct from canine rabies. No other species of mammal received from Glendora has ever been diagnosed with rabies as far as Mark knows.

Order Carnivora - Carnivores

Family Canidae - Dogs, Foxes, and Allies

Canis latrans Coyote

North area: Commonly seen in the residential areas but they retreat to natural areas for daytime shelter.

1 skull collected from dead animal at 0.4 mi. W. of Damian Ave. on 210 Frwy in winter of 2000, skull prepared and retained in author’s personal collection

South Hills: Fairly commonly seen but whether the animals remain in the SH for daytime shelter or return to the northern foothills is unknown.

Many sightings in the SH by Kris Silverman in 1997

Seen every year from 2000 to 2006 by Erica Landmann-Johnsey

Urocyon cinereoargenteus Gray Fox

Gray Fox by nature are secretive and shy and not as apt to be seen as many other animals.

North area: Uncommon

South Hills: Uncommon

2 observed during spring of 1994 by Ken Mosely on Los Cerritos Rd. in the SH.

1 at Hicks Senior Center, Heritage Oaks, SH, in Nov. 1996

1 in Puma Lane neighborhood during winter/spring, 1997, Kris Silverman

1 near Bonnie Cove Trail in 2006 by Erica Landmann-Johnsey

Family Ursidae - Bears

Ursus arctos Southern California Grizzly Bear

Extirpated from southern California or extinct, if considered as a separate subspecies.

From the California Grizzly, University of California Press, Berkeley, Tracy I. Storer and Lloyd P. Tevis, 1996.

At their peak it is estimated that 10,000 California Grizzlies once roamed the country. Storer, et al., pointed out that the Indian population at that time was 130,000 making a man to bear ratio of 13 to 1. The present ratio is a billion-to-zero.

According to Ingles in Mammals of the Pacific States,1947; the last California Grizzly was killed in 1922 at Horse Corral Meadows in the mountains of Tulare County. By about 1880, grizzlies in California no longer were in the lowlands they had dominated for centuries; those that had survived inhabited hilly and mountainous areas. The San Gabriel Mountains north of Pasadena had grizzlies in the 1890’s. In July, 1894, and July, 1895, Joseph Grinnell saw fresh bear tracks daily near Waterman Mountain and Mount Islip. The last specimen in the San Gabriels, a nearly full-grown male was shot by Walter L. Richardson on May 16, 1894, in Big Tujunga Canyon. Both skull and pelt were saved and are now the best preserved museum example of a California Grizzly(MVZ 46918). The last captive California grizzly “Monarch”, when killed in 1911, weighed 1,127 pounds. After nearly 22 years in captivity where he was under-exercised and probably overfed, the decrepit bear was killed.

If the Grizzly of southern California is considered as a subspecies as some do, then it is now extinct. If not, it would simply be called extirpated from California, as it survives elsewhere.

Because the first black bears were introduced into the San Gabriels in 1933, any mention of bears in early Glendora history would have been before May 16, 1894. There would not have been any bears in the Glendora area from 1894 to 1933.

Dorothy Brown recalled her Grandfather John Bender talking about a Grizzly that tore up his Giant Reed Grass pipe in Bender Canyon in the late 1800s, date uncertain.

The Signal, January 18, 1890, ( first page missing , the time of article uncertain but relates to history of the area (Glendora?)

“A day or two ago a man with a trained bear appeared on our streets and entertained both young and old for some time. The bear walks upright, shoulders arms, and kisses his master or sits up with all the dignity of an alderman. He and his owner also entertain with a regular catch-as-catch-can wrestling bout in which the bear always prevails. It is a well trained beast but is muzzled tightly with a staple running from the nostril through to the mouth. This variety of the grizzly is known as the cinnamon bear but is not, there being only the polar, black and grizzly on this continent”.

Ursus americanus Black Bear


from California Grizzly, Tracy I. Sorer and Lloyd P. Tevis Jr., University of California Press, 1996.

The original range of the black bear in California, so far as known was from the oregon line south in the Coast Range to Bodega, Sonoma County, and in the Cascade-Sierra Nevada from Siskiyou County southward through the Tehachapi Mountains to Tejon Ranch (Grinnell, 1933 :96). There were and are no records of naturally occurring black bears for the coast ranges and counties south of the Golden Gate or for southern California. This means that during early days, any mention of “bear” south of the limits indicated pertained to grizzlies, whether so specified or not.

Originally the region west of Tejon Ranch, Kern County, had only grizzlies; but as these were exterminated, black bears spread into parts of Santa Barbara County and even into San Luis Obispo County (Grinnell et al., 1947: 104-105, fig. 24).

According to Meg Breit, Glendora animal control officer in a newspaper article on Aug 21, 1998, in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, the bears roaming the San Gabriel Mountains are descendants of 11 bears deported from Yosemite National Park in 1933 for being troublemakers.

Another article in the Glendora Community News stated that the number of deported bears from Yosemite was 27 and were relocated to the San Gabriel and San Bernardino Mountains, Iss #31, July 2, 1999 by Irisita Azary.

San Gabriel Valley Tribune, 12/2/2000, City News Service

Because hunters with bear tags must return their tags whether they kill a bear or not, the Department of Fish and Game (DFG) are better able to estimate the overall bear population in California as well as estimate population density in particular areas. Tags include dates and locations of bears harvested statewide, so the DFG can monitor the black bear population. The DFG estimates there are 18,000 -23,000 black bears statewide. “The black bear population is stable to increasing,” said Cristen Langner assistant to the senior wildlife biologist for the CDFG.

San Gabriel Valley Tribune, July 28, 1995, Michael Gougis, Staff Writer

Since the shooting of a bear in Azusa on May 1994,which was caught by TV news cameras, local game wardens and police departments have new, nonlethal ways of capturing wild animals that stray into humans’ domain. Attitudes have changed as well. Officials are willing to give a wandering animal, such as a bear captured in a Glendora back yard last week, a break. “ I think the different humane societies are better prepared,” said Rhonda Reynolds, Glendora’s senior animal-control officer. It was Reynolds’ steady trigger finger on a tranquilizing gun that brought down the 250 to 300-pound bear in Glendora. “They want to avoid some of the mistakes that were made last year. Still, this year we’ve been lucky; you never know what an animal’s going to do,” Reynolds said. Much has changed since the May 1994 shooting in Azusa and the widely publicized saga of Samson, the spa-loving bear captured in Monrovia. Some of the changes include:

1). Tranquilizing rifles were donated to cash-strapped SFG wardens by private citizens and police unions.

2). A Montana company donated a pepper-based bear-repelling spray to the Monrovia Police Department.

3). Pasadena Humane Society officials purchased a state-of -the-art tranquilizing rifle and a device that shoots nets over smaller wildlife. “We use it for deer and dogs,” said Humane Society Sgt. Endel Jurman. “We bought it for peacocks, but they’re faster than this. And they’re smart, they know what this thing is and that it means trouble for them.”

4). The SFG Department, struggling with the same budget problems besetting all state agencies, now staffs a 24 hour hot line in Sacramento for agencies that find themselves stuck with an uninvited bear. That was one of the recommendations issued after Azusa police said they were unable to find immediate help last summer when the bear was discovered sleeping in a carport.

San Gabriel Valley Tribune May 24, 1994, Michael Gougis

Bear experts say that May is the season when suburban visits can become more common. Yearling bears are kicked out of the den by their mothers, and must find a home, and food, on their own. “A bear at this time of year could be getting pretty hungry, said Dr. Glenn Stewart, a professor of Zoology at Cal Poly Pomona. Stewart has studied the animals for decades. The bears go to sleep in December and sleep until mid-March or early April. In response to the euthanized bear in Azusa, Stewart said “I can’t say it wasn’t appropriate. It would have been better if he had been shot (with the tranquilizers) in the shoulder - there’s less fat there. But if It was me there, I could see myself shooting him in the rump, it’s a bigger target.”

The following taken from newspaper articles:

San Gabriel Valley Tribune, July 29, 1994, Tori Richards, Staff Writer

David Ashby called Glendora police when he said an adult bear was in his driveway around 10:30 p.m. Wednesday. “I was coming up my driveway and it was running in front of my car. I was 30 feet away from it. He broke to the left and I have no idea where it went,: Ashby said.

San Gabriel Valley Tribune, August 3, 1994, from Staff Reports

Another bear was sighted in the foothills of Glendora Monday night, the fourth time since July 22, police said. The bear was lying in the middle of Hicrest Street at 11:30 p.m. when a car approached. The bear lumbered through the yard of 1111 Hicrest and disappeared into the hills, Glendora police Officer Brian Summers said. A bear was spotted July 22 under a backyard avocado tree on Hicrest Street; on July 24 lumbering along Barranca Avenue and La Crosse Street, and last Wednesday on a Conifer Road driveway, police said.

San Gabriel Valley Tribune, July 9, 1995, Staff Reports

A bear who wandered into a resident’s backyard Saturday was chased back into the foothills by Glendora police. Lt. Tim Crowther said he shot the brown bear with five rounds of rubber bullets, causing the 400-pound animal to lumber back into the woods north of Hicrest Road. Rubber bullets do no permanent damage to the animal, he said.

Glendora Community News, August 1995, by Agent Brian Summers

“Grandpa Bear”, a 250-pound male black bear was found in the back yard of Mrs. Elizabeth Howard, Glendora on July 18, 1995. Sounds of a helicopter awakened nearby residents. The bear was subdued by Glendora Animal Control Officers then tranquilized when representatives of Wildlife Waystation appeared. The sleeping bear was then taken by the SFG officials back up into the forest.

San Gabriel Valley Tribune, 8/1/95, Karen Rubin

A 300-pound male bear, which state officials estimated is 3 to 5 years old, was spotted about 9 p.m. in the 900 block of Rainbow Drive in a gated foothill community, said police Lt. Tim Crowther. Officers went to the scene but didn’t find the bear. This may be the second sighting of the bear in five days. On Wednesday night, a bear fitting its description was spotted in the 300 block of East Crestline. Animal-control officers found it in a tree but left it alone, Crowther said.

San Gabriel Valley Tribune, August 20, 1998, Cecilla M. Gomez, Staff Writer and August 21, 1998, Jennifer Erdmann, Staff Writer

A 200-pound black bear was captured and returned to the forest. About 6:10 a.m. Wednesday police were called to Easley Canyon Road and waited more than four hours for a bear to climb down from a tree. An officer fired rounds from a bean-bag loaded shotgun (reported as 12 times in the following Glendora Press article). Another officer fired at the bear with tranquilizing darts, hitting him several times. The bear fell out of the tree after which police and animal control officers loaded it onto a trailer for a quick trip into the hills, where the animal was revived and released.

Glendora Press, August 27, 1998 (Covering the same story as above)

Police Cpl, Brian Summers was one of the first officers on Easley Canyon, arriving just after the bear scampered up the tree adjacent to Jim Ferran’s home. “He was standing in the tree,” Summers said. At one point, a local television helicopter tried to help. “Channel 5 tried to come down and blow air: said Greg Cunningham, public information officer for Glendora police. “He just wouldn’t move.”

Officials said they prefer that animals stuck in trees come down on their own. Tranquilizers and bean bags are used as a last option. “The branches broke his fall,” said Chanelle Davis, wildlife biologist from the State Department of Fish and Game. “He was asleep when he hit the ground.”

San Gabriel Valley Tribune, May 12, 1999, Troy Anderson and David Mark

An Azusa Pacific University security guard spotted a small black bear wandering near the science hall at around midnight Monday (date uncertain). “He just happened (to pass) by the security guard. She was doing her rounds. They saw each other, said Azusa police Cpl. Dean Brewer. The guard called police and the animal shinnied up a fir tree. Officer called in the state Department of Fish and Game, who shot the bear with a tranquilizer dart about 2:30 a.m.”The bear slipped about two-thirds of the way down the 60-foot tree”, said Jim Holland, chief of campus safety at Azusa Pacific. The bear was taken to the San Dimas Canyon Nature Center and then released in the Angeles National Forest above Azusa on Tuesday morning (May 11, 1999). The bear weighed 180 to 200 pounds. State game officials at first tried to use a cage that was too small for the animal, then waited for a crew from Lake Castaic to bring a larger trap, said Maureen Riegert Foley, spokeswoman for Azusa Pacific University. It was the first bear seen on campus in many years, Foley said.

San Gabriel Valley Tribune, July 5, 1999, from staff reports

A bear was seen at 10:52 p.m. on July 3 in the 700 block of N. Glendora Avenue. Another sighting came 10”00 a.m. Sunday of a bear walking through a back yard in the same block said Lt. James Woolum. At 3:25 p.m., a resident in the 1000 block of Oak Canyon Lane saw a bear in a neighbor’s back yard. It was about 250 to 300 pounds

San Gabriel Valley Tribune, June 30, 2002, staff reports

A 200-pound black bear wandered into the 800 block of North Loraine Avenue. “When officers tried to shoot him, he went through several yards where he was finally tranquilized in a yard in the 900 block of Willow grove Avenue said Glendora police Sgt. Ted Groszewski. “He was taken to an animal hospital, checked out and released into the mountains.” The incident happened around 6:30 a.m. There were no injuries and no property was destroyed, Groszewski said.

Glendora Community News, June 2003

At about 3:12 am, Glendora Police were called to the area of Baseline and Inverness about a bear roaming the streets.The 600 pound, 5-6 year old bear climbed a wall into the backyard of a residence and went up a tree. This residence belonged to Glendora Mayor Mike Conway. Animal Control Officer Rhonda Reynolds had to use two tranquilizer darts to get the bear out of the tree and it took four police officers and two residents just to lift the animal. While trying to release the animal, Reynolds came to a locked gate, which limits access to Glendora Mountain Road at night. While waiting for the gate key, the bear woke up and started shaking the truck. Police personnel cut off the lock, so the bear wouldn’t destroy the truck before the key got there. The bear was driven about 5 miles up Glendora Mountain Road and released back into the wild.

San Gabriel Valley Tribune, Aug. 6, 2004, Jammie Salagubang, correspondent

The Michelsens said bears had been visiting their property regularly during 2002 through 2004.Michael Michelsen saw a bear in his yard 22 times in one month. They nicknamed it Pooh Bear because he ate all of the honey from a neighbor’s bee-hives. Three police cars came to the house one night after being summoned, blaring their sirens and shining their lights. They fired a bean bag shot into the air. “The bear ambled past them to retrieve another garbage bag. He slashed into it and ate the contents like an animal. Because he was.”

San Gabriel Valley Tribune, July 16, 2004, staff and wire reports

Glendora police were called to a home with a bear in the tree. Sgt. Ted Groszwski of the Glendora Police department said police didn’t disturb the bear, in accordance with California Fish and Game laws. “We don’t take an active role, unless they pose a danger to the public,” Groszwski said. The bear eventually left the two-acre property and suspects the animal was only there to forage for food. Groszwski said bears make frequent appearances in Glendora and believes the avocado groves near the ridge of the hillside attract them. Groszwski said that bears have no trouble jumping over a 6-foot fence.

Bears killed

San Gabriel Valley Tribune, August 24, 2002, Marianne Love, staff writer

A 150-pound female bear had to be sedated on August 23, 2002. This made it impossible to return to the wild during the hunting season, said Rhonda Reynolds, senior animal control officer with Glendora police. Reynolds said that once a bear is tranquilized, it becomes a danger to hunters in the wild who may choose to shoot and eat it, which would result in illness. “There’s the chance of sickness,” she said. “When hunting season comes into play, the ruled change. Someone can become very ill, especially if they are allergic to the tranquilizing drug. Hallucinations and self-mutilation can result, Reynolds said.

She said the last thing I want to do is euthanize a bear. It was old and acting strangely. It was underweight and not in the best of condition Reynolds said. Reynolds drugged the animal before it was transported to San Bernardino, where an autopsy was performed.

San Gabriel Valley Tribune, May 13, 2004, staff reports

An injured brown bear that turned up in a back yard Wednesday was euthanized by Fish and Game officials. The bear had so many injuries it was unable to be taken care of, said Glendora police Lt. Rob Castro. “The bear was moaning and in a lot of pain,” Castro said. A residents in the 700 block of N. Vista Bonita Ave. saw a blood trail, followed it and discovered the animal. who weighed about 300 pounds. Apparently, old wounds were reopened when the bear became caught between a tree and a fence on the property, according to Larry Cox, communications and marketing manager for the city. He said the bear also had a type of parasite that gets behind the eyes and tunnels into the brain.

San Gabriel Valley Tribune, Dec.2, 2000, City News Service

Nine bears were killed in the Los Angeles County during the black bear season that ended Thursday, according to the California Department of Fish and Game. They were form seven locations: Pacific Mountain; near Crystal Lake: in San Gabriel Canyon; at Shoemaker Road; on Pine Mountain; on Glendora Road; and near a ranger station at Red Box Canyon. For those hunters with bear tags that do not get a bear, the blank tags must be returned to DFG or hunters risk losing their privilege for the following season, said Cristen Langner, assistant to the senior wildlife biologist for the California Department of Fish and Game.

San Gabriel Valley Tribune, ____Rodney Tanaka, Staff Writer

La Verne - After attacking Barbara Morales at the Marshall Canyon Tree Farm on __?, the bear was shot and killed by sheriffs deputies. See article under Bear Attacks.

Bear Attacks

San Gabriel Valley Tribune,_July, 200l, Rodney Tanaka, Staff Writer and Tribune Staff Writer David Bradvica , 30 July 2001

In nearby La Verne a woman was bitten by a bear at the Marshall Canyon Tree Farm on July 29?The bear nudged her. It slobbered on her. It clamped down on her arm and shook it. “It happened so fast,” Barbara Morales, 32, said Monday “I felt a crunching. I kicked the bear as I was pulling my arm out.” She ran to safety. She suffered four puncture marks on her left forearm and was treated at Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center and released Sunday night. The bear was shot and killed by sheriffs deputies. Tests revealed the bear did not have rabies, said Steve Martarano, CDFG spokesman. An examination of the bear showed it was a healthy 85 pounds, about 2 feet tall, about a year old and had in its stomach what appeared to be a young deer skull and plastic and paper bags, a sure sign it was a “garbage bear,” Martarano said.

The young bear had been hanging around the facility for the past six weeks and was seen in the vicinity shortly before it bit the woman. Park employees herded everyone inside the park office to eat lunch once the bear was spotted, but Morales apparently did not stay inside, said tree farm Supervisor Tom Loria.

Other Bear Sightings

North area:

One seen by Joe Hawks in Feb. 1980 and also seen by Jerry Greeran in Big Dalton Canyon.

Sighting in 1992 of a bear and 2 cubs at Big Cienega Springs in the upper drainage of Big Dalton Canyon.

One sighting at 11:00 on 1/15/94 N. of the Brodiaea Reserve.

The caretaker of Cotta Villa on north Easly Canyon Drive was interviewed on Oct. 19, 1997 concerning bears in his area. A bear and her Cub were seen every week at the Villa in recent months. He thought its den was is a water tunnel north of the garage.

One bear was removed from the canyon but there is still one remaining at the site. They call him “Baleau”.

A bear was observed by several people including Julia Davenport at the Senior Citizen Home on Glendora Ave. in the spring of 1998 in the far-western area of the South Hills.

Dorothy Hilliard encountered a bear while on her horse on the Lower Monroe Motorway, summer 2000?

Nov. 2?, 2004 - BDC, Coulter Pine Tr.

1 bear observed by Richard Marvin while working on trails during a Glendora Trails Day. Bear came out of brush behind the author and quickly returned back into the forest.

The following information was sent to me by Mark & Jill Bakker on 13 June 2007:

It was early summer of 2004. Our neighbor gave us a strawberry pie and we could not eat it all, so we threw about 1/2 of it away. Later that night, we heard something in our trash and looked out of our bedroom window. There in our driveway was a bear with our strawberry pie. It started to walk away with it when it must have decided the pie was so good he had to eat it now. It layed down flat in the middle of our drive way with its back legs sprawled out hehind him, just like a little puppy, enjoying his strawberry delight.!

Pat Sassone has had several visits with her local bears. She has a great photo she took in 1992 of a large bear(black in color) after it finished its drink from her outside birdbath at dusk near her front door. She recounted to me on 12/14/06 that she talked persuasively with the bear trying to make it understand that all bears were supposed to drink from her three ponds in the bottom of Gordon Canyon below her house. She thinks the bear understood all the hand-motions she was making to it. She wanted to make sure it new which way to go. It worked she says, as the bear slowly ambled off without a comment.

Pat said she never used to have bear visits before the development of several homes below her property, with all the enticing munchies that new trash cans often bring. On the day of my visit, she had decided to stop filling the bird bath. Not because of the bears but because of the deer which were making it impossible for her to have nice gardens. She said they would rather drink from the bath because they don’t have to bend down to drink. They also have to learn to go the the ponds for water she said. No deer or bears up on the ridge top where her house is located in what she calls Sassone’s Natureland.

A bear was heard and seen by residents at 1112 W. Sierra Madre Ave., just two houses west of Glendora Ave., in 2005? The bear was rummaging through their garbage cans

A bear was seen by Marty Ingebretson at 614? N. Vermont Ave. in Nov, 2006.

Scott Longstreth of 5--N. Vermont Ave. unintentionally bumped into a bear around 1:00 a.m. on Oct. 7?, 2006. Scot opened his kitchen door, took a few steps and bumped into something. He named it the “Really Big Bear”. It apparently scared both of them to death. The bear ran across the street and sat down on the grass. Scott went back into the house to get a flashlight and check out his new aquaintance. A bear had been seen twice during 2005 in the alley just north of Scott’s house. Both the alley and Longstreth house have easily available avocados.

July 4, 2007 - early evening

1 bear observed at 0.9 mi. NE of GMR on BDC Rd. by Bill Nichols

July 14, 2007 - 1:10 am

Upon returning from a trip to Peru with my grandson Cody Clarke, we encountered a small-medium sized bear wandering up the 600 block of N. Vermont Ave. which eventually left the street and turned up the alley toward Glendora Ave. Scott Longstreth & Joel Appel had seen it also and were following it up the street.

Late July, 2007, morning

1 adult(brown) observed by Tim Foster & Bonnie Nalick at 1.0 mi. W of GMR on Glendora Ridge Mtwy.

Aug. 4, 2007 -1:15 am

1large adult (brown) observed by Joel Appel, Mike Sanders & Scott Lonstreth at 557 N. Vermont Ave. at 1:15 am

Aug. 4, 2007 - 3:40 am

1large adult (brown) observed by author in trash cans in 600 block of N. Glendora Ave. in the alley, most likely same bear as one seen at 1:15 am. The locations were within 100 yds. of each other.

Aug. 15, 2007 - 1:00 am

1large adult (brown) observed by Mike Sanders at 557 N. Vermont Ave.

Aug. 19, 2007 - 4:00 pm

1 young observed by Mrs. Sweeney at 0.4 mi. E. of GMR at BDC Rd., bear had apparently been in the stream as it was soaking wet.

Sep. 5, 2007 - 3:00 am

1 observed at 112 W. Sierra Madre Ave. by the residents.

Sep. 8, 2007 - 1:00 am

1medium sized(brown), observed by Joel Appel, Scott Longstreth & Mike Sanders at 557 N. Vermont Ave., this bear of similar appearance as one seen on July 14, 2007

Sep. 22, 2007 - 9:00 pm

1(large, brown) observed at 557 N. Vermont Ave. by Bev & Scott Longstreth, Joel Appel. They could see the bear out the window. The bear left their property and continued south down the alley of the 500 block of N. Vermont.

Nov. 26?, 2007 - evening

1 large bear, startled by John Cullen’s dog at his home on Cullen Ave., jumped into their pool with the pool cover on. The cover slipped away and the bear went swimming. John said it was amasing how fast the large bear was able to climb out of the pool.

Mar. 20, 2008

1 bear cup observed by Bill Nichols near Big Dalton Canyon Campground.

Mar. 29, 2008 - evening

1 bear at 614 N. Vermont Ave.

Oct., 2008

Bill Nichols reported occurence of a bow hunter killing a black bear in Little Dalton Canyon.

June 17, 2010

Received the following communication from John Cullen:

Hi Dick , I was just driving down Big Dalton (10:00 am) after running the dog up to the gate, when I spotted a bear and her two tiny cubs. I stopped and the cubs scurried up the nearest Coulter Pine. Mama came around in fromt of the tree for protection, but then started to retreat up the trail as I drove on. I would hate to surprise her on foot down in the shrubs? It might get Ugly? Anyway, the artests painting down the street saw her too and were quite excited.

South Hills: No records available

Pioneer study of the Urban Black Bear

The California Department of Fish and Game, Wildlife Management Division conducted a study which included the Glendora area. Signs were posted in Big Dalton Wilderness Park which asked the public to call a hot line number if a bear wearing a transmitter was sighted.

The following information was included in their information handout:

A small number of black bears in this area have been fitted with radio collars in an effort to study their movements, use of the habitat and, among other things, feeding habits. These bears are wearing a White Plastic Collar (about 2” in width) with a Color-coded Radio Transmitter. If you observe one of these bears, please note the date, time and location of the bear together with the color of the transmitter, if possible.Then, please call 626 287-5060.

Local Bear Research

San Gabriel Valley Tribune, March 22, 1998, Victoria Molner, Correspondent

Kim Bosell, a park specialist for Monrovia Canyon Park, studied the movement of black bears across 400 miles of the San Gabriel Valley. The 26-year-old bear specialist from Covina is a volunteer in a five-year study sponsored by the Department of Fish and Game on the movement of bears among 400 miles of rough terrain stretching across the San Gabriel Valley. Bosell began the study in June of 1998. The study plots the movement of the bears to differentiate the times they travel down into the communities. O the the five collared bears she tracked, two were in the hills above Monrovia, one in Duarte, one in Glendora and one in Altadena. After recording the data on paper, Greg VanStralen, a biology graduate student at Cal State Northridge, types the i;information into a computer which determines where the bear is. Bosell said she received as many as three calls per day from residents reporting a bear near their home or in the neighborhood. People were asked to call Bosell at 818 258-3503 to report a sighting.

Family Procyonidae - Raccoons and Ringtails

Bassariscus astutus Ringtail

North Area: Rare

1 seen by Ida Meacham on several occasions at Henry Moody’s cabin at MG in the early 1940’s. (cabin removed)

Henry Moody kept a captive specimen at his home in BDC in the 1940’s. Animal was caught in the cnyn.

1 seen in Sept. or Oct. of 1998 at 851 E. Palm Drive by Susie Richards. She has heard the animal several times since. Richards observed one on N. BenLomand , Glendora in Jan. 1998 at the home of a friend. (Mike Peralez?)

Dick Strahan, Caretaker of BDD saw one Ring-tailed Cat at water tank at 0.95 mi. E. of GMR at BDC Rd. during the first week of Oct., 1995.

1 in building at BDD on Oct. 12, 1996 by Dick Strahan; John Cullen, John Cullen residence on N. Banna, Glendora, May 24, 2011, 11:00 p.m.; 1 at jct. of Dunn Cyn. & Big Dalton Cyn., Sep. 10, 2011, Bill Nichols & Mary Grave; 1 observed by John Cullen at his residence on N. Banna, Glendora, Oct. ? 2011

South Hills: No record

Procyon lotor Raccoon

North area: Common throughout

1 collected dead on the road at 500 block N. Pennsylvania Ave. on 1/16/97, specimen mounted and retained in personal collection.

South Hills:

Family Mustelidae - Weasels, Marten, and Allies

Mephitis mephitis Striped Skunk

North area: Common in residential areas, Uncommon in wilderness areas

1 collected at 220 yds. W. of Glendora Mt. Rd. on Sierra Madre Ave. on 1/18/98, specimen mounted and retained in personal collection.

1 seen by Kevin Sweeney in BDC at Middle Gate, specimen was entirely black

South Area: FC

San Gabriel Valley Tribune, July 9, 1997, staff reporter:

A young skunk found with four arrows in it was euthanized Tuesday by animal control officers in Glendora Someone found the injured skunk in the 200 block of South San Jose Drive at about noon Tuesday, said Glendora Lt. John Doan. “It was almost dead when we picked it up,: said Animal Control Officer Meg Breit. The animal wasn’t full-grown and measured about a foot from tip to tail, she said. It had three arrows in the torso and one through the foot, Doan said. Doan said cruelty to animals is punishable by a $20,00 fine, a year in jail or both. Anyone with information on the incident can call 626 914-8250.

Mustela frenata Long-tailed Weasel

North area: Rare

1 dead on the road at 0.6 mi. E. of GMR at BDC Rd. by the author in 1979, specimen preserved and identified by author, specimen later lost.

1 in 1980 by Jerry Greeran at 1.0 mi. N.E. of GMR at BDC Rd. at entrance of Dunn Cnyn. Tr., site of former cabin, weasel trying to get into the chicken coop.

South Hills: No record

Taxidea taxus Badger

North area: Rare

1 by Sue Brazina on GMR

1 on Glendora Mt. Rd. at _____mi. W. of jnct. of GRR & GMR, summer, ____, 1 adult, 3(?) young, by Bill Nichols

South Hills: No record

Family Felidae - Cats

Felis concolor Mountain Lion

North area: Rare

The following three records came from the notes of Paul Keiser, Caretaker of the BDD in 1945. He collected all kinds of information on the canyon’s natural and local history.

1 adult lion seen in the road by headlights at 12:30 am. on July 1, 1945 at Station 9000 by Elmer Potter.

2 half-grown lions seen stalking a deer on ridge across the BDD from the dam gate entrance by Elmer A. Potter on July 10, on 1945.

1 lion seen on Sept. 6, 1945 at 2:00 pm. by the Keiser’s, stalking a deer.

1 seen by Ida Meacham in BDDB, year uncertain

1 seen by the Umbaugh’s & others in LDDB in June of 1994.

2 seen by Caretaker of Cotta Miller Estate (Cotta Villa) in Easly Cnyn on 3/15/95 between 4:00 & 5:00 am.

During Dec. of 1996, the Glendora Police Dept. received 3 reports 1 seen in a residential area in the N.E. area: 900 block of E. Ada Ave at 5:45 am, Dec 18, Approx. 5 min. later, a lion was reported in the 200 block of S Wabash Ave., a third sighting was in the 1000 block of E. Leadora Ave. on Dec. 26 at 3:24 am. The Glendora Police Officer responding to the call witnessed the lion cross the street into the flood control channel. The Animal Control Division believes these reports were all of a single mountain lion.

1 adult female and 2 cubs seen by Jerry Greeran on April 20, 1996 at the MLSNC at MG, evening;

1 seen on 24 Apr. 1996 in BDC by Jerry Greeran.

1 at N. terminus of N. Grand Ave. by Egan_____ on 2/22/97

1 adolescent at Bonnie Cove and SH Tr. at end of March, 1997 by Kris Silverman

1 in the S.E. area S. of High Country Dr. in late April 1997 by Kris Silverman

1 in the S. Central area near highest point (1200 ft.) on SH Tr. (Mtwy) by Kris Silverman on May 22, 1997

1 at 851 E. Palm Dr. in spring of 1987? by Suzanne K. Safavi, it was stalking a Raccoon

1 on Lower Monroe Truck Trail on Dec. 1,1996 by Jerry Greeran

1 seen in the SH, N.W. area from July 93 through Jan. 94, this report given to the Glendora Community Services Dept.

Candace Frank and other girl scout leaders saw a lion at 0.7 mi. N.E. of GMR on BDC Rd. on Aug 5, 1996 while driving up to the scout center.

1 seen at the home of Suzie Richards on several occasions during the fall of 1998 at 851 E. Palm Drive.

1 cub seen by Kevin Sweeney at the bridge , 1.6 mi. NE of GMR at BDC Rd., in early June, 2007.

1 large adult seen by Katelan Sweeney in mid March, 2008 in Big Dalton Canyon near entrance gate, close to her car at night.

Observation by John Cullen, Apr. 22, 2008, N. Cullen Ave.

All my time in the hills but my crisis came in my own yard, Sunday evening. I’ve known this would happen with all the deer hanging out in my yard! Sunday at 5:30 pm., I went out front and saw the hind end of a Mountain Lion walking out my drive toward the street. I ran back to my house and armed myself with my pistol 454 cassul (a bear defence round) and went out front. I didn’t see a thing but my neighbor up in her back yard. I told her I saw a cougar and she ran inside. I checked around and saw nothing and later let my dog Jack out to smell. So about an hour later, I went with Jack out back beyond my pool into the canyon where I’m building a trail up and around to above my house. Being wary, I took my pistola and sure enough, there it was, laying on the trail switch back about 15 feet above me. It didn’t run, but crouched down with onhly its head exposed. I pointed my pistol and cocked it, at its head and had it in the sites. Meanwhile, Jack hadn’t a clue , cause he couldn’t see or smell it. I grabbed his collar and he new I was upset, so he didn’t resist. We had a standoff, me pointing the gun and it staring at me for several minutes. I screamed and yelled, hoping it would run, but to no avail. Finally, I said to Jack: go back to the house. I let go, and he went back to the house. As he left, the cougar saw him and started to raise up to look at Jack. He didn’t jump , and set back down.

I decided Jack was safe, so time to get things over. With my pistol still pointed, I reached down and with my left hand lobbed a rock at it. It bolted to the west and was over the neighbor’s 6 foot fence in an instant. It looked to be a long and lean young cougar. Maybe one-hundred pounds or so, probably hungry , looking for deer? Anyway, I had it in my sight but didn’t shoot. I would of, if it would have attacked me or Jack.

July 2008

One Mountain Lion was sighted by campers and leaders of the Camp Cahuilla Day Camp Program in Big Dalton Canyon at the archery range area.

July 2008

One Mountain Lion was sighted by 6 campers and their councelor at the Camp Cahuilla Day Camp Program in the Big Dalton Canyon Wilderness Park. The sighting took place while ______ was leading his/her group on a hike in Pavil Canyon, approximately 1/4 mile N.E. of the Camp facility.

July 2008

The above incidences were reported to the City of Glendora Community Services Department and then to the appropriate channels.

July 2008

Greg Lammers was told that the Glendora City Animal Control Department located and tranquilized a Mt. Lion and removed it from the area and released it in an uninhabited area.

August , 2008

Electronic warning sign was placed at the intersection of Sierra Madre Ave. & Grand Ave.

The message read: Warning: Mountain Lion has been sighted.

August , 2008

One electronic warning sign was placed at the intersection of Sierra Madre Ave. & Live Oak Ave. The message read: Warning: Mountain Lion has been sighted.

August , 2008

1 deer killed at Silvia Barton’s house on Conifer Ave. by a Mountain Lion.

August , 2008

1 deer killed at Silvia Barton’s house on Conifer Ave. by a Mountain Lion.

August 22, 2008

Greg Lammers of Glendora winessed a Mountain Lion take down a fawn and completely drag it out of sight all within just 8 to 10 seconds at 3:30 pm. near the Mary Lou Salyer Girl Scout Facility in Big Dalton Canyon. Greg was watching five Mule Deer when the incident occured. He was within 20 yards of the Mountain Lion. Greg reported the incident to the Glendora Community Services Department within a few days after the event.

August 28, 2008

An electronic sign has been placed on GMR near the Glendora Equestrian Center that reads: Warning: A Mountain Lion has been sighted.

August 25, 2008

The following article appeared in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune on 8/29/08:

The state Department of Fish and Game on Thursday issued a warning about a mountain lion prowling near Glendora Mountain Road.

On Monday, a bicyclist traveling southbound on Glendora Mountain Road near mile marker 930 was nearly attacked by a big cat who charged down an embankment, officials said.

“The mountain lion is still at large,” a press release from the DFG warns. “DFG cannot determine the location nor identify the specific lion.”

Authorities used dogs to hunt the cat but were unsuccessful. Residents are warned to avoid hiking or jogging at dawn, dusk and at night.

August 29, 2008

An announcement was made on KFWB radio that a mountain lion attack on a bicyclist had taken place at Glendora Mountain Road in Glendora.

October 30, 2008

See description of a “near” attack on a bicyclist on Glendora Mt. Rd. below uner Attacks

August 23 (?), 2009

7:45 am:

117 Sierra Madre Ave.

L. Cooper was notified by a passer-by, that there is a dead dear in his front yard. One shoulder and leg were removed and most of the internal organs were missing. Lou called the Glendora Animal Control. A staff member appeared shortly after 8:00 am. She said that a City of Glendora employee had called in earlier. She stated that by the size of the teeth marks, she was sure that the kill was from a Mountain Lion. No one actually saw the Lion. Lou stated that there was a disturbed area with blood on the north side of the street. On Aug. 27, a swath of blood was still visable on Sierra Madre Ave. across the entire road. Most likely, the deer was killed on the n. side of the road and drug south across Sierra Madre Ave. into Cooper’s frontyard, near the east side of N. Vermont Ave.

South Hills: Rare

July 2, 2011 about 9:30 am

Report by Janette Short, July 12, 2011 9:01 am

My friend and I entered the park at the Bonnie Cove entrance, walked up the paved fire road, when we got to the top where the trails branach off, I believe it is where the “West Bonnie Cove” trail comes out at the top, (I really did not look at the head sign). But we were standing at the trail head in the shade taking a break, when we saw the mountain lion about 20 yards down that trail, the lion walked right across the trtail and disappeared into the brush. The lion was walking away from us, I believe she heard us coming up the fire road and was heading away from us, the fire road makes a big curve up at the top and we probably cut her off/caught up with her.

Early Sep. 2011

1 Mt. Lion observed by Mikael & Sharon Star east of Hunters Trail in the South Hills.


A Labrador retriever was attacked and killed by a mountain lion in BDC at 11 pm. on 3/13 /91 at the Greeran residence. The cat jumped over the fence with the dog in its mouth.

The State fish and game Dept. shot a 140 pound mountain lion believed to have killed three dogs in the N.Glendora Foothill area, Aug 12, 1991 “The lions are becoming bolder and are really being forced into more contact with humans.: said Fish and Game Warden Ken Walton. In response to negative criticism by the public for killing the animal, Curt Taucher, spokesman for the state Dept. of Fish and Game, said the puma had become “too familiar” with residential neighborhoods and would return to them.

1 dog killed by a lion at a N. Easly Cnyn Rd. home in April of 1991 according to city’s animal control officer

A lion killed a large black Labrador Retriever at 11:00 pm. in BDC on the steps of Nancy Burns House. The cat drug the dog off across BDC Rd. to the south. Nancy was within 10 yards of the lion when it attacked her dog on 3/13/91.

On Aug. 15, 1991, a lion killed a Doberman Pincher ?

Aug. 25, 2008 From an article in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune - Aug. 29, 2008

A mountain lion nearly attacked a man on a bicycle riding south on Glendora Mt. Rd. See the story above for August 29, 2008 in the observation section.

Oct. 30, 2008 From an article in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune - Nov. 1, 2008, by Tania Chatila, staff writer.

Mike schaub reported seein a mountain lion about 25 feet from his front door. “I looked at him. He was on the bluff. He looked at me and that was pretty much it,” said Schaub, whose fron door abuts the Angeles National Forest. “He wasn’t scared of me at all. He looked like he was ready to come down the mountain.”

Oct. 30, 2008 From an article in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune - Nov. 1, 2008, by Tania Chatila, staff writer.

A mountain lion attacked 2 dogs on Thursday enening in the backyard of Ruhl’s BenLomond Avenue home. Liiy, a 9-year-old golden retriever, was badly injured but survived, Pumpkin died very quickly. Ruhl’s 16-year-old ldaughter saw a mountain lion carry off Pumpkin up the hillside.The California Department of Fish and Game was called immediately.

When Ruhl got home, he went up the hillside with a flashlight and a pistol. He found the mountain lion and Pumpkin at the edge of his one-acre property, about 40 to 50 feet above his backyard. “The cat was hunkered down still on top of him. It actually growled atm,j” Ruhl asid. He shot off three rounds from his gun, causing the mountain lion to jump a fence and run off. Ruhl was able to retrieve Pumpkin, who was already dead.

Three Game wardens scoured the property and the mountainside later that night searching for the mountain lion. They returned to the property Friday, where bits of furn were still strewn about Ruhl’s backyard. They were unable to find the cat.

Lynx rufus Bobcat

North Area: Uncommon

The following was taken from interview by the author with Ida Meacham Jan. 26, 1997 at her home in BDC:

“A famous singer used to come to the Canyon with hounds to hunt. Oh what a noise they made. One night, a hound was left all night and howled all night. Residents were annoyed. The animal eventually quit howling. The dog just stayed in one placed and howled. The radio singer lived in Los Angeles. I never talked with the man. He came up once each month for a long time in the 1940’s. He got a big bob cat. I remember the bob cat just laying there”.

Early 1960’s

1 was observed by the author, at the LDC Camp Ground while camping with his father, early in the morning.

1994 - 1996

Glendora Animal Control reported 1 at Amelia & Hwy 66. They estimated that 90 % of all calls regarding Bobcat sightings are bogus.

Feb. 11, 2002

1 at 0.9 mi. N.E. of GMR at BDC Rd. by author, afternoon.

Date Unknown

1 young Bob Cat seen at top of L.A. Co. Flood Control mud-fill area at 1.5 mi. N.E. of Glendora Mt. Rd. by Kevin Sweeney at approx. 3:00 pm.

Late Nov., 2006

1 on the Dunn Cnyn. Tr. in early morning by Jerry Greeran


2 at W side of Big Dalton Dam, by Joel Appel

Mid June, 2007

1 in BDC near BDCC by a resident of Virginia Ave., early morning.

April 26, 2008

1large Bobcat at the FCT in BDC by John Cisneros

August __, 2008

1 observed by residents at 630 N. Pennsylvania Ave.

September 17,2008

1 observed by Ellen Moon in alley just south of 617 N. Vermont Ave. at 7:00 am. A Peahen had just emiited alarm calls and had flown on top of the rooftop of the adjacent house. This Bobcat may be responsible for the deaths of 2 six-month old Peafowl living in the neighborhood. Both had been killed within the past 2 weeks within 3 houses of this sighting. Both Peafowl deaths apparently took place early in the morning.

May, ? 2008

1 Bobcat observed by Dorothy Hilliard in the ____ block of Leadora Ave. near her home

June, 2008

1 Bobcat at n.e. corner of Whitcomb & Pasadena Ave’s, the Delazzaro’s were awoken at midnight by noise outside, they observed a squirrel running down a tree chattering and immediately running up another, within 15 feet of them was a Bobcat standing in the street, lighted by car headlights

September 2008

1 Bobcat observed by neighbors of the Delazzaro’s at the n.e. corner of Whitcomb & Pasadena Ave’s

October 2008

1 Bobcat observed by the Delazzaro’s at 10:00 pm. at the rock wall at the Glendora Country Club

South Hills: Rare

1 observed by Glendora Police Officer at his Mobile home at Centennial Heritage Park in the South Hills. The bobcat was on top of his outside bird cage, early Sep. 1997, early morning;

1 adult seen in July of 1997 by Ken Mosley at Los Cerritos Rd.;

1 young observed in April of 1997 by Ken Mosley at 629 Los Cerritos Rd.

1 on Bonnie Cove Trail in approx. 2002 by Erica Landmann-Johnsey

3 in BDDB on Jan. 13, 2008 by Bill Nichols

1 in BDC in mid March, 2008 by Bill Nichols

Order Artiodactyla - Herbivores

Family - Cervidae - Deer

Odocoileus hemionus Black-tailed Deer, Mule Deer

North area: Fairly Common

Unusual observations:


1 observed at 6__ N. Pennsylvania Ave. by John Wiltsey

May 19, 2008

One deer killed by a Mt. Lion at the Cullen Home at N. Cullen Ave. For the story, see the first page of this article.

August ___, 2008

1 deer killed by Mt. Lion at Silvia Barton’s House on Conifer Ave.

August ___, 2008

1 deer killed by Mt. Lion at Silvia Barton’s House on Conifer Ave.

August 22, 2008

3:30 pm. Greg Lammers observed 1 Mt. Lion kill and completely remove a fawn from sight within 7-10 seconds at the Mary Lou Salyer Girl Scout Facility in the Big Dalton Canyon Wilderness Park. Greg had been watching 5 Mule Deer when the event occured. He was within 20 yards of the event.

August 24, 2008

3:00 pm. 3 observed walking north in the 600 block of N. Vermont Ave. from Virginia Ave.

The deer crossed Sierra Madre Ave. and spent time brousing on the north side of the street. The observation was made by Joel Appel.

South Hills: Rare

The number of deer present here has not yet been determined. The likelihood of the present population being reinforced by deer from the north foothills becomes less and less likely as development of the area continues. The present population is dependent on reproduction within the existing herd.

1 in yard of Kris Silverman on Puma Lane, spring 1997

Heritage Park members have only seen deer on their property on 1 occasion

Order Rodentia - Rodents

Family Sciuridae - Squirrels

Spermophilus beecheyi California Ground Squirrel

Common to Abundant

1 collected dead on the road at 0.4 mi. E. of GMR on BDC Rd. on 7/29/93, specimen mounted and retained in author’s personal collection.

Sciurus griseus Western Gray Squirrel

North area: Uncommon, mostly in oak woodlands and california walnut.

1 collected dead on the road at 0.3 mi. N. of BDC Rd. on Glendora Mt. Rd., 4/10/99, specimen mounted and retained in personal collection.

South Hills: Uncommon, mostly in areas of dense California Walnut or oak woodlands

Sciurus niger Fox Squirrel

North area: None observed in native plant communities, confined to urban areas

1 dead specimen collected at jnct. of Glendora Ave. & Sierra Madre Ave. on 5/11/02, specimen mounted and retained in personal collection.

First observed this species in approx. 1997 in the 200 block of W. Leadora Ave. Observed them 1 to 3 times a year for the next 2 years. Their numbers slowly increased until 2001 when they were observed almost every week somewhere in the central and western portion of town. A dead specimen from Sierra Madre Ave. & Glendora Ave. on May 11, 2002, was mounted for author’s collection. Several observed in N. Ben Lomand Ave. and interacting with California Gray Squirrels. One fight between the two species noted by Mike Peralez.

A graduate student from the Department of Biological Sciences at California State University Los Angeles, Julie King, undertook the mapping of the distribution of the fox squirrel in the Los Angeles area. Her project began in 2002.

The fox squirrel was introduced into this area from Mississippi Valley in 1904 at the Sautel Veterans Hospital.

South Hills: No record

Tamias obscurus California Chipmunk

North area: Rare

2 observed on Paul Keiser Nature Trail in Big Dalton Cnyn. on 8/27/77, 4:30 pm.;

1 observed on Big Dalton Cnyn Rd. at 0.2 mi. E. of Glendora Mt. Rd. from 3/93 through 12/94.

1 male found dead on the Coulter Pine trail in BDC on 5/6/95 at 0.3 mi. S. of Wilderness Cabin, mounted and retained in author’s personal collection. Bone nodules at the base of the male reproductive structure preserved. Necessary for identification of this species.

1 observed by author and his wife Jackie on May 4, 2002 on the Coulter Pine Trail at 0.4 mi. S. of BDC Rd.; several observed at N. Ben Lomend Ave. from 200 _ - 2007, by Mike Peralez.

South Hills: No record

Family Geomyidae - Pocket Gophers

Thomomys bottae Botta’s Pocket Gopher

North area: Abundant in native plant communities and disturbed, vacant areas; occasional in urban areas that abut wild or undeveloped areas.

1 collected on 12/4/96 in the Coulter Pine Grove at 0.9 mi. N. E. of Glendora Mt. Rd. at BDC Rd., mounted and retained in personal collection.

South Hills: Abundant

Family Heteromyidae - Kangaroo Rats, Kangaroo Mice, and Pocket Mice

Dipodomys agilis Pacific Kangaroo Rat

North area: No record since 1966

In an interview with Ida Meacham at her canyon home on 1/26/97, Ida mentioned that she remembered seeing lots of Kangaroo Rats at night in the early years (1930’s & 40’s) while visiting the outhouse at night.

1 at ½ mi. below jct. of Glendora Mt. Rd. & Big Dalton Cyn. Rd., by Rick Astin, Mar 3, 1965, male (mature), retained in authors collection; 1 at Azusa, mouth of Azusa Cyn, by Dick Swinney, May 16, 1966, male, retained in author’s collection

South Hills area:

Members of the Glendora Preservation Society recalled the days the land was cleared for the Heritage Park in the South Hills adjacent to the SHCP. Kangaroo Rats were hopping all over the place they said. I have made several attempts to locate Kangaroo rat colonies near the Heritage Park by setting live traps in prime territory but have not been successful. No known kangaroo rat populations exist at this time within the Glendora City Limits. The SH population may have been the last.

Perognathus longimembris ? Little Pocket Mouse

1 collected in spring of 1981? on the Paul Keiser Trail in BDC Identified and preserved. Specimen lost.

South Hills: No record since 19--?

Family Cricetidae - Deer Mice, Wood Rats, and Allies

Neotoma fuscipes Dusky-footed Wood Rat

Notes on the nesting activities of the following two woodrat species are given here because that of the Dusky-footed is so large and obvious whereas the nests of the Desert Wood Rats may be underground or completely hidden in dense thickets of cactus.

Nests of the Dusky-footed are collections of course sticks, man-made objects and who knows what, often up to five feet high. Often constructed around the base of a tree or shrub. Nests often shared with California Mice which have separate chambers from the rats. In addition, many species of arthropods are often closely associated with these nests. The Kissing Bug Triatoma protracta (the carrier of Schaugus disease further south in Mexico) is abundant in our area and mostly confined to these nests. In the many nests that I have disassembled, the following are usually present:

One to 3 species of Aphodine scarab beetles, 1 species of pseudoscorpian, several spider species, 1 to 3 centipede species, 1 species of millipede, several mite species and an assortment of other arthropods which happen to drop in but are not dependent upon the nests. Some of these are largely confined to the actual nest(s) chamber(s) themselves, whereas others may be found throughout the nesting material. Many generations of wood rats may occupy a nest and continue to add on and repair.

North area: Common in chaparral and oak woodland, uncommon in coastal sage-scrub

Most rats in residential communities would be in areas adjacent to wilderness.

South Hills: Abundant in chaparral and oak woodland, uncommon in coastal sage-scrub and non existent in pure stands of cactus, mostly on the north-facing slopes.

Neotoma lepida Desert Wood Rat

Nests are constructed inside thickets of cactus either in burrows or in the plants. Nests are a loose array of sticks and cactus spines. The rats not only depend on the cactus for protection and nest building, but a major portion of their diet comes from the cactus pulp and fruits.

North area: No record, if present, would be confined to areas of dense coast prickly pear cactus

South Hills: Common on the S. facing slopes where cactus is dominant. In the SH, it’s mostly the Dusky-footed Woodrat on the north-facing slopes, and the Desert Wood Rat on the south-facing slopes, primarily due to the differences in the plant communities.

several collected on S. facing slope in dense growth of Coast Prickly Pear Cactus - Opuntia littoralis, at 1200 ft. elev., 0.5 mi.S.E. of the N. terminus of Bonnie Cove, 12/1/96, one specimen mounted and retained in author’s personal collection.

Peromyscus maniculatus Deer Mouse

North area: Fairly Common in chaparral and southern oak woodland plant communities,

1 at Big Dalton Cyn., by Dick Swinney, May 14, 1966, retained in author’s personal collection.

South Hills: Uncertain

Peromyscus boylii Brush Mouse

North area: Common

1 collected at WC at MG on 8/1/90, specimen mounted and retained in author’s personal collection.

1 collected at WC, BDC on 7/17/89, specimen mounted and retained in author’s personal collection.

South Hills:

Peromyscus californicus California Mouse

North area: Uncommon

May be found in proximity to Dusky-footed Woodrats as they often share the same nest. This is our largest mouse species.

1 collected at 0.3 mi. E. of GMR near BDC Rd. in garage of cnyn. resident on 12/5/96, specimen mounted and retained in personal collection.

South Hills:

Family Arvicolidae - Voles and Allies

Microtus californicus California Meadow Vole

North area: population densities vary greatly depending on the availability of grasses. The years following fires normally have an abundance of grasses, annuals, germinating perennials and resprouting perennials from root-crowns. This normally affords the voles with a plenteous food supply and more desirable low vegetation for creating their runway tunnels above ground. During this time, the vole populations often increase greatly. Their numbers decrease in the succeeding years as their food supply and tunnel-covering vegetation decreases.

Abundant in 2004 and 2005 in much of the northern foothills due to the growth of grasses and herbaceous growth following the Williams Fire of 2002.

1 found dead at FCT in April of 1992.

South Hills: 1 found dead on upper Toyon Trail in the SH, 7/11/95, specimen mounted, retained in personal collection;

Family Muridae - Old World Rats and Mice

Mus musculus House Mouse

Common in residential areas, uncommon in wilderness areas

1 collected in Big Dalton Debris Basin, released

Rattus norvegicus Brown or Norway Rat

Common in residential areas, Rare in wilderness areas

Order Logomorpha - Rabbits, Hares and Allies

Family Leporidae - Rabbits and Hares

Lepus californicus Black-tailed Jackrabbit

Extirpated Most likely common at one time. The date of the last sighting is unknown. There is still a population in the San Gabriel Valley at the Whittier Narrows Nature Center. Paul Keiser had it on his tentative list of mammals in BDC but there were no records or notes accompaning it.

Sylvilagus audubonii Audubon’s or Desert Cottontail

North area: Uncommon in the higher elevations, most likely to be seen in gently sloping land of native vegetation bordering residential areas with grass and herbacious greenery. More likely to be seen out in the open, some distance from brush cover, then the more seclusive Bush Rabbit.

Often seen at dawn and dusk at grassy area on west side of Walmart parking lot adjacent to Lone Hill Ave.; 1 at WM grassy area on 19 March 2007.

South Hills: Common

1 found dead on 12/18/06 on Glendora Ave. just N. of Lemon Ave. near RR tracks. S. side of street is a vacant lot adjacent to the RR tracks. Closer to the South Hills than the N. area. Perhaps lived along secluded RR tracks which run through the far E. end of the SH; 1 on LMM at 2.5 mi. SE of jnct. with LDC on 3/31/07.

3 at WM near landscape cover at lawn, 4/11/2007?; 2 in NE SH on 5/19/07, near open field and ornamental brush cover at residence.

Sylvilagus bachmani Brush Rabbit

North area: Uncommon Favors dense brush and seldom strays far from it.

South Hills: Uncertain

Species ?

2 Sylvilagus at BDDB, July 8. 1989

1 Sylvilagus at LDDB on 3/20/74

1 at RR tracks at S.E. South Hills

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