Glendora Natural History Website Data Compiled by Dick Swinney
Image used for spacing


A Work in Progress


Dick Swinney & Andrew C. Sanders

Copyright: January 2012

Part I

Abbreviations: Many of the terms used on voucher labels have been given standard abbreviations for use in this publication. Some abbreviated terms on labels have conversly been assigned there full name in cases where two or more abbreviated words were being used together and thus possibly leading to confusion.

Abbreviated terms:

+ = California is the only state in the United States that this species occurs, whether native or non native. It is also not found in Canada, Mexico or Puerto Rico.


adjacent - adj.

approximately - c.

Baja Californica – Baja CA

boulevard - blvd.

California - CA

California Native Plant Society - CNPS

California Rare Plant Rank - CRPR

campground - cmpgrd.

canyon - cyn.

confluence - confl.

conservation - cons.

Consortium of California Herbaria - CCH

county - co.

creek - cr.

determined - det.

district – distr.

east - e.

elev. - elevation

feet - ft.

First Vouchered Specimen - FVS

fork - fk.

Forest Service - FS

freeway - fwy.

headquarters – hdqtrs.

Headwater(s) – hdwtr(s).

highway - hwy.

immediate - imm.

information - infor.

junction - jct.

Los Angeles - LA

Mediterranian – Medit.

meters - m.

miles - mi.

misapplied – misappl.

more or less - +/-

mount & mountain - mt.

national - natl.

north - n.

other collectors - et al.

peak - pk.

population - pop.

propulsion – prop.

Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden - RSABG

recognized - recog.

Recreation – rec.

road - rd.

San Bernardino - SB

San Dimas Experimental Forest - SDEF

San Gabriel Mountains - San Gab. Mts.

Santa Barbara Botanic Garden - SBBG

south - s.

South America – S Am.

species - sp.

street - st.

subspecies - ssp.

temperature – temp.

The Jespon Manual - TJM

trail - tr.

tributary - trib.

University of California, Riverside - UCR

vicinity - vic.

west - w.

yards - yds.

Note: Standard abbreviations have been used for each month of the year.

The impetus for this study began with my publication of the Glendora Foothills Plant Checklist - San Gabriel Mountains, 1994. I began collecting plants in the eastern San Gabriel Mountains, other then Glendora, on September 28, 1991 and have continued to the present. An update to the Glendora plants is available on my web page as well as my publication of Vascular Plants of the South Hills, 2006. The initial intention was to complete a survey of the San Bernardino County portion of the San Gabriel Mountains, which is under the jurisdiction of the San Bernardino National Forest (SBNF). As years of plant collecting went by, the desire to extend the project to the eastern one-half of the San Gabriel Mountain Range evolved. To allow researchers from the two separate counties to more readily examine material from their county of interest, I included separate treatments for each taxa for both the Los Angeles County and the San Bernardino County. After the collection phase of the Plants of the Eastern San Gabriel Mountains was nearly finished, I desired to continue westward through the entire east-west block of the San Gabriel Mountains. The Liebre Mountains which are included within the San Gabriel Mtountains on most maps, are not included in this publication.

Discussion and explanation regarding the exclusion of the Liebre Mountain portion of this mountain range, will be entertained at a future date. The Liebre Mountain Block, projects to the north-west, between the Tehachapi Mountains to the immediate west and the Mojave Desert to the north and east. A large number of plant species found in the Liebre Mountains are not found in the main east-west block that lies to the immediate south. Many of these plants of course are found in the surrounding Mojave Desert areas to the north and east. A comparative study between the floral elements of the Liebre Mountains in contrast to main east-west block of the San Gabriel’s, will not be attempted at this time. Such a study would be of great value to the understanding of the floras present in both areas. The lesser degree of the coastal influence in the Liebre Mountains, of course would be a major consideration to examining the sources of climatic differences.

The plants that appear in this publication include searches of the databases of the Consortium of California Herbaria, RSABG and UCR Herbaria. These three databases include most of the 14 thousand plants I have collected from the San Gabriel Mountains from 1967 to 2009. There are an additional 4400 plants from 2010-2011, presently being processed at UCR. The complete collection is housed at the UCR Herbarium. As many of the plants available on the database of RSABG have not yet been entered into the Consortium Database, it was necessary to also perform separate searches of the RSABG database. My searches of the RSABG database are not yet complete.

Two separate historical reviews of plant collecting in the San Gabriel Mountains, were completed by the author in February of 2010. Both of these reviews are based on the selection of the first voucher specimen collected for each taxa. Both of these are posted on my website. I will shortly begin updating these puplications, as several hunded taxa have been added to The Plants of the San Gabriel Mountains since the time of their publication. A separate review was made for both the Los Angeles and San Bernardino County portions of the San Gabriel Mountains. All plants from the San Bernardino County portion review appear in this study. Only plants that are recorded from within the boundary of this survey were chosen for inclusion from the Historical Review of Plant Collecting in the Los Angeles County Portion of the San Gabriel Mountains.

As with the plants of the Glendora project and the Plants of the Eastern San Gabriel Mountains, Andrew C. Sanders, Curator of the UCR Herbarium has been responsible for the identification/verification of the plants. Others that participated in the identification process included G.K. Helmkamp, Mark Hershkovitz, Mark S. Brunell, Mitch Provance, S.D. White, Steve Boyd, Tim Ross, Orlando Mistretta, Robert Thorne, J.M. Porter, Joshua M. Brokaw, Harlan Lewis, Richard K. Rabeler, J.L. Strother, Tom Chester, G.C. Tucker, LeRoy Gross, S. Galen Smith, Peter F. Zika, Jeff M. Saarela, Oscar Clark, James L. Reveal, D. H. Wilken and Elizabeth Kempton. Copies of most of the plants were also included for the RSA herbarium and were processed with the same identification label as ones interred into the UCR collection.

Andrew has completed the processing of 11,700 plants of my San Gabriel Mountain collection and they are currently posted on the Consortium of California Herbaria as well as the databases at RSABG and UCR Herbaria. I collected four thousand four-hundred plants, mostly from the western San Gabriel Mts., during 2010-2011. These have not yet been processed.

I have compiled one-hundred and sixteen plant surveys from the eastern San Gabriel’s which are currently available on my website under the heading of East San Gabriel Mountain Sensitive Areas. I will continue adding surveys of specific areas to the San Gab. Mts. Miniflora as time goes by. A complete collection of the plants of each location is made during at least two different seasons.

Description of study area boundaries:

North boundary:

This begins at the junction of the Santa Clara River at Dry Creek at Bouquet Junction in Santa Clarita. It procedes eastward along the Santa Clara River, north of Soledad Canyon Road. It continues along the canyon bottom of Santa Clara Wash eastward through Langre, Ravenna, southern Acton and Vincent, until it reaches Carson Messa. Here it continues on the north side of the Messa until it intercepts the California Aqueduct. The boundary stays on the south side of the aqueduct until it reaches Barrel Springs at 2.0 miles due north of Little Rock Reservoir on the desert slopes of the San Gabriel’s. Continue east south-east, following approximately 0.5 miles north of Mt. Emma Road and south of the aqueduct. Continue east-south-east until reaching the base of the north slope of Holcomb Ridge in the Valyermo area. Continue east along the base of the north slope of Holcomb Ridge along the 4000 ft. (1220 m.) contour level to Graham Canyon. Continue east south-east to the 4200 ft. (1280 m.) contour line on the east side of Graham Canyon. Continue east along the north base of the San Gabriel foothills until reaching the junction of Hwy. 138 and Sheep Creek Road. Continue southeastward along the crest of Baldy Mesa as it overlooks the town of Phelan to the north and the Cajon Canyon to the south. It terminates at the Cajon Summit at the I-15 Frwy.

West boundary:

It begins in the south at the junction of I-5 and I-210 Freeways. The boundary runs north along Newhall Creek and northward along the east side of San Fernando Road to the Santa Clara River at Dry Creek at Bouquet Junction in Santa Clarita. Here it turns eastward along the Santa Clara River, north of Soledad Canyon Road.

South boundary:

From the junction of the I-210 and I-5 Freeways, eastward on the north side of the I-210 Freeway and Foothill Boulevard Avenues, above the housing and industrial developments, in the foothill areas. At Kagel and Little Tujunga Canyons, the boundary will dip southward across the I-210 Freeway and into the Big Tujunga Basin. It will include the east side of Hansen Dam and its basin including the Haines Canyon Riverbed. This area lies between the Verdugo Mountains on the south and the San Gabriel Mountains on the north. This area could also be included in a treatment of the Verdugo Mountains. The boundary will continue eastward along the Big Tujunga River Channel where is crosses the I-210 Freeway. It will continue eastward, parallel to and north of Foothill Boulevard Avenue in Sunland, Tujunga and La Crescenta. Continue eastward to Loma Alta Park, north of Devil’s Gate Dam. Continue eastward north of Altadena to Farnsworth Park and then southeastward to Eaton Canyon Park. Continue eastward in the foothill area north of the residential areas of the town of Sierra Madre until reaching Big Santa Anita Canyon at Arcadia Wilderness Park. The boundary turns southward along the Big Santa Anita Canyon to the north side of the developed areas of Monrovia, Duarte. The boundary line veers slightly to the south along the mouth of the San Gabriel River to the I-210 Freeway, south of Foothill Boulevard. This includes Los Angeles County Flood Control Property, the majority of which contains undisturbed alluvial deposits along the San Gabriel River. On the east side of the San Gabriel Wash, continue eastward along the base of the foothills in Azusa/Glendora. The boundary continues eastward along the south-facing San Gabriel foothills of San Dimas, LaVerne, Claremont and Upland. The boundary will run along the south side of San Antonio Dam and continue eastward north of the cities of Rancho Cuccamonga and Etiwanda until reaching Lytle Creek Wash. The boundary runs just north of the I-210 Freeway until it reaches Glen Helen Regional Park area in Devore, known as Muscupiabe. It extends to the southern region of Muscupiabe, adjacent to the Cajon Wash.

East boundary:

From Cajon Summit at I-15 in the north, the boundary runs southward along the I-15 Freeway at Hwy. 138. It continues on the west side of the I-15 at the east bank of the Cajon Wash until reaching the far southern portion of Glen Helen Regional Park, in the Devore area still referred to as Muscupiabe.

Choosing to delineate the northeastern boundary of the San Gabriel Mountains by selecting the southern-most ridgeline of Baldy Mesa, from Pinon Hills in the west to Cajon Summit in the east, is admittedly arbitrary. Defense of a more northerly development of boundary lines on Baldy Mesa, extending north into the town of Phelan and along the I-15 Freeway in the east, could be made with some convincing arguments. My major concern was finding a defensible boundary line in the far-eastern area, where the elevation is much more consistent, as it joins the floor of the southern Mojave Desert. I would imagine that careful consideration of the boundaries between the several plant communities in this area would become an integral part of a determination of a more northerly boundary line.

Nominate species: These are species without further subspecific names. When a species has further subspecific names, some entries below also list the species itself without the subspecific name. There can be several reasons for this. First, some of the plants listed under this category may not have yet been determined to subspecific level….. Second, some plants may not be classifiable to the subspecific level, especially when the subspecific names correspond only to the extremes of the variation in the species.

If there are very few entries of the nominate species along with the subtaxa, it becomes more likely that this is the case. Plants having a high number of records for the nominate species which also include one or more subtaxa, increases the chances that some of these are actually the nominate species.

Many collectors retain more than one specimen per voucher number. Duplicate plants are often sent to other herbaria rather than being retained at the same Herbarium. The Consortium and specific herbaria databases need to be scanned to see if there is more than one herbarium listed with the specimen. If so, check to see if both/all specimens of the same voucher-number agree to the subspecific level. One specimen may be determined to species only and the others to a specific subtaxa. Many older specimens of one hundred years or more, still have these discrepancies. This is a prevalent condition, as most herbaria don’t regularly check to see if specimens that have been sent out, have received a different ID determination. I currently have __ specimens that have received entirely different species determinations by different herbaria. I regularly send this list of discrepancies to the herbaria involved to let them know of the need for further verification. This is to be expected, and should be monitored carefully.

All plant names used in this publication, unless otherwise stated, conform to “The Jepson Manual: Vascular Plants of California, Second Edition, 2012”.

Information included with each entry:

Elevation: When the elevation was not found in the Consortium of CH, I made no attempt to try and determine one. In cases for a very specific location, the determination of elevation should be close, but to alleviate the chance of error, these plants will not be used in discussion of elevation ranges for the species. When consulting the Consortium of CH for elevation data, make sure you look to see if another specimen is listed for that voucher number, if there is no elevation listed. For voucher numbers that include two or more specimens, make sure you check all the specimens shown for that voucher number, if any of the standard information is missing. Data may be omitted on one specimen that is present on another. This is especially true for elevation. Often, the elevation will be listed in feet on one specimen, and be listed in meters for another specimen of that same voucher number. Obviously they should both match. Elevation is listed for only one of the specimens for one given voucher number, a majority of the time. It is possible that the elevation was not searched for long enough, for some species listed as not being given an elevation.

Range of months listed: This indicates the month the voucher specimens were collected. The months were selected only from specimens collected within the study area. No attempt is made to indicate which reproductive structures accompanied the voucher specimen. It could have included dried fruits, which could have remained on the plant long after its active reproductive period.

Abundance rating: This is a relative determination, based on the number of voucher entries available and my experience with each taxa within the survey area. The ratings are: Abundant, common, fairly common, uncommon, rare.

Relative geographical orientation (Section): The following three terms will be used to describe the relative location of each location in relationship to its proximity to the coastal side of the mountains. These three terms will be referred to as sections.


montane: The central, higher areas of the main east-west San Gabriel Mountain block.

cismontane: The coastal side of the mountains.

transmontane: The desert or northern side of the mountains.

Cajon Pass: Since it would not necessarily be appropriate to qualify the plants found within the central Cajon Pass area as being montane, this special category will be used regardless of the plants location within Cajon Pass. This will also include plants from the lower Lone Pine Canyon area. Plants found in the far north and south areas could safely be determined as transmontane and cismontane, but to be consistent, this fourth category will be used.

No ranges of elevation will be used at this time to help specify the range of the four sections.

FVS: First Vouchered Specimen: Unless there is only one record for a specific taxa, the FVS will be included for each county. If the record is already included in the general species treatment, only the date will be given. The remainder of the data can be found in the above treatment. If the record is not mentioned above, the entire data will be listed following the date.

General treatment:

Rare to Uncommon: Plants with less then ten entries will normally be described by displaying all the available individual voucher label data. Basic voucher data will include: collector(s), location, date and elevation. Occasionally, additional information will be presented.

Uncommon: Many uncommon plants will have too many records to include all data. A list of locations only may be given for these species without the rest of the basic data.

Fairly Common to Abundant: The basic data label information for the specimens with the lowest and highest elevation records, will be displayed for each county. The range of months collected will be noted, and the relative abundance rating will be given.

Records by the author: My specimens will be listed first, without collector name. These references will be followed by the category of Other records. Generally, any species without the collector indicated, will be from my collection.

Intergradation: Used as stated in the TJM-2012 under the treatment of individual species. Of those listed, only the intergrading taxa that actually exist within the San Gab. Mts. area, will be cited.

Synonyms: Those used in TJM-2012 are cited here. Another primary source wast he GRIN Taxonomy of Plants, Germplasm Resources Information Network.

Place of origin: If the spp. is not native to the San Gab. Mts., the most likely place(s) of origin are listed. The two primary sources used were TJM-2012 and GRIN Taxonomy of Plants, Germplasm Resources Information Network.

Additional data: some information relative to the San Gabriel Mountain plants found within TJM-2012 is included under taxa descriptions.

California Rare Plant Ranks: CRPR

1A Plants presumed extinct in California.

1B Plants Rare, threatened, or endangered in California & elsewhere.

2 Plants rare, threatened, or endangered in Calif., but more common elsewhere.

3 Plants about which we need more information. A Review List.

4 Plants of limited distribution. A Watch List.

CBR Considered but refected

The CNPS Threat Rank is an extension added onto the CRPR & designates the level of endangerment by a 1-3 rnking with 1 being the most endangered and 3 being lest endangerement present for all 1B’s, 2’s, 3’s and 4’s.

Threat Ranks:

    1. Seriously threatened in CA (over 80% of occurences threatened/ high degree & immediacy of threat)

    2. Fairly threatened in CA (20-80 % occur threatened/moderate degree and immediacy of threat)

    3. Not very threratened in CA (, 20% of occurences threatened/low degree & immediacy of threat or no current threats known)

Global Ranking (G)

G1 Less than 6 viable element occurrences (populations for species) OR less than 1,000 individuals OR less than 809. 4 hectares (ha) (2,000 acres [ac])

G2 6 to 20 element occurrences OR 809.4 to 4,047 ha (2,000 to 10, 000 ac).

G3 21 to 100 element occurrences OR 3,000 to 10,000 individuals OR 4,047 to 20,235 ha (10,000 to 50,000 ac).

G4 Apparently secure; this rank is clearly lower than G3 but factors exist to cause some concern (i.e. there is some threat, or somewhat narrow habitat).

G5 Population or stand demonstrably secure to ineradicable due to being commonly found in the world.

GH All sites are historic; the element has not been seen for at least 20 years, but suitable habitat still exists.

GX All sites are extirpated; this element is extinct in the wild.

GXC Extinct in the wild; exists in cultivation.

G1Q The element is very rare, but there is a taxonomic question associated with it.

Subspecies Level

Subspecies receive a T-rank attached to the G-rank. With the subspecies, the G-rank reflects the conditions of the entire species, whereas the T-rank reflects the global situation of just the subspecies or variety.


CNPS R-E-D Code (This ranking is no longer in use. It has been replaced by the CRPR system shown above.)

R – Rarity

1 Rare, but found in sufficient numbers and distributed widely enough that the potential

for extinction is low at this time.

2 Distribution in a limited number and occasionally more if each occurrence is small.

3 Distributed in one to several highly restricted occurences or present in such small numbers that it is seldom reported.

E – Endangerment

1 Not endangered.

2 Enangered in a part of its range.

3 Endangered throuout its range.

D – Distribution

  1. More or less widespread outside CA.

  2. Rare outside CA.

  3. Endemic to CA.

State and Fed. Status:

For each taxon with official status under the state and/or Fed. Endangered species acts, the plants status is presented. The definitions conform to those found in DA State law and Fed. regulatlions. The CNPS R-E-D Code is listed for a majority of the sensistive taxa, but this ranking has been discontinued and replaced by the system described above.

Place name discrepancies and location descriptions:

There are many references to Horsethief Canyon as being located in the San Gabriel Mountains. Horsethief Canyon is actually located in the San Bernardino Mountains, within 3.1 miles east of Cajon Pass at Cajon Junction (junction of Highway 138 & I-15 Freeway). If the specimen was collected in the San Gabriel Mountains, then the location is most likely Horse Canyon, which is within 6.2 miles west of Cajon Pass. The location names listed on the voucher data section will be listed as shown on the voucher.

Big Dalton Canyon Wilderness Park was formerly called Glendora Wilderness Park. Both names may be found in this publication.

The El Encanto area, north of Azusa, is now the home of the El Encanto Azusa Canyon Wilderness Park. It has had at least 3 names between 2000 and 2009.

Swarthout Valley references are often listed with the spelling of Swartout Valley. It is possible that some early maps displayed this spelling. Specimens as early as 1900 have it spelled both ways. The spelling, displayed on the voucher labels have been retained for this publication.

Johnson’s Pastures north of Claremont has been spelled a number of ways, which were included as written on data labels.

Lodgepole Picnic Area was formerly referred to as Whitethorn Picnic Area. It is located at Dorr Cyn. at the Angeles Crest Hwy., on the north slope of Throop Peak, southeast of Dawson Saddle

The San Bernardino National Forest portion of the east San Gabriel’s was often referred to as the San Bernardino Mountains, in the 1800 and early 1900 hundreds. This made the determination of Cajon Pass locations difficult, as there were two Cajon Passes and Cajon Summits after 1860. One is in the San Gabriel Mountains and one is in the San Bernardino Mountains. Although the San Gabriel Mountain Cajon Pass was also referred to by many during the early years as being in the San Bernardino Mountains. During the 1800 and early 1900’s, the entire San Gabriel Mountain Range was commonly referred to as the San Antonio Mountains and less commonly the Sierra Madre Mountains. This last reference may have been more in use for the western portion of the San Gabriel Mountains.

Cajon Pass: Up until 1860, the Cajon Pass route turned to the east, near the present day Cajon Junction, and passed through the San Bernardino Mountains through Summit Valley. If Cajon Summit is indicated prior to 1861, it is in the San Bernardino Mountains at the west end of Horsethief Canyon and Summit Valley. Even if upper Cajon Pass is indicated on plant voucher data-labels, it’s still uncertain if the location is below or above the Cajon Junction, which is the separating point of the two upper routes.

Between 1861 and 1875, a new route went northward near the present course today. During this time, it was a toll road. By 1875, the toll road was in disrepair. In 1882, the charter for the Toll Road expired and the route became public. If the upper Cajon Pass or Cajon Summit was referred to after 1861, it may have been in either the San Gabriel or San Bernardino Mountains, since there were now two Cajon Summits and two Cajon Passes. Between 1861 & 1875, the upper northern route as well as the lower portion between Devore and Cajon Junction, would most likely have been referred to as the Cajon Toll Road. Only the eastern Cajon Pass during this time was not subject to a toll tax. In the first few years of the toll road, the toll levied on each wagon was one dollar. Locations after 1861 need to be examined for further detail to determine which Cajon Pass or Cajon Summit is being referred to. Regardless of the date used, just the reference to Cajon Pass does not indicate whether it was the southern portion, shared by both routes, or the upper portion, which now had a north and an east branch. One was in the San Gabriel Mountains and the other in the San Bernardino Mountains. Technically, most of the northern route runs between the two mountain ranges and finally terminates at the summit on the San Gabriel Mountain side. The lower portion of the northern route could be placed in either mountain range, knowing that it actually lies in between them both.

At the dawn of the 20th Century and the automobile, the Cajon Pass Road continued to remain in service. It was now a macadam-surfaced road and was maintained by the county of San Bernardino. In 1915, the Cajon Pass was adopted as a State Highway by the State Highway Commission and designated as part of Legislative Route number 31. The route was paved in 1916 and was open for general automotive traffic. It was adopted as part of the new National US Highway 66 and an original US Highway in 1926.

The paved route was then expanded into a new two-lane Cajon Pass Route in 1932 and was co-signed with the extended US Highway 395, after 1934. It became US Highway Blvd. or Cajon Pass, the remnant of US 66/US 91/US 395, before the construction of the I-15 Freeway in 1969.

The above information regarding the Cajon Pass/Summit Area, was taken from US 66, 91, 395 Photo Gallery, Cajon Pass, copyright 2004-2010-Cameron Keiser (or ..4.htm.)

Last Update: July 6, 2012

Note: I’m currently unable to adjust the indentation of some of the following fern families. The indentation discrepencies are currently a product of the HTML transfer, and will hopefully will be corrected soon.


Selaginaceae Spike-Moss Family

Selaginella asprella Maxon., Bluish Spike-Moss

Status: CRPR 4.3 S3.3

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 3801 ft. (1159 m.), at the Hogback, San Antonio Cyn., L.C.

Wheeler, Dec. 17, 1932, to 8000 ft. (2439 m.), at s. slope of Mt.

Williamson, L.C. Wheeler, Oct. 6, 1966; Jan., Apr.-Dec.; rare; montane,cismontane

Other records (location only):

ridge due n. of Big Horn Ridge and s. of San Antonio Ridge, high spot on ridge, above Coldwater Cyn., 0.5 miles w. of Sulphur Springs Campground; San Antonio Cyn.; Chilao Flats; Islip Trail near Hawkins-Islip Divide-Mt. Hawkins; trail from Islip Saddle to S. Fk. Big Rock Cr., 0.5-0.7 mi. downstream from saddle, s. of Reed Spring; 2.5 miles s. of Mt. San Antonio summit; n. side, Little Rock Cr. at Cooper Cyn., Burkhart Tr.; Divide between W. Fork Bear Cr. & Devil’s Cyn.; Devil’s Cyn.; E. Fork San Gabriel Cyn., 0.5 mi. upstream from Alder Gulch; Bear Cyn., off W. Fork San Gabriel River, at Angeles Crest Hwy. at Jarvi. Memorial area; Mt. Waterman; Fish Fk. of E. Fork San Gabriel River, between 6th & 7th falls.

FVS: I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn., July 28, 1917, 5750 ft. (1752 m.)

SBCo.: From 4599 ft. (1402 m.), at Grizzly Gulch, cyn. immediately n. of Chalk Pk. (Pk. 6098 ft.), c. 0.5 miles w. of N. Fork Lytle Cr., R.G. Swinney, July 19, 1996, to 8662 ft. (2641 m.), at “Etiwanda Pk.”, c. 0.9 mi. n.e. of Cucamonga Pk. on same ridge, R.G. Swinney, June 22, 2000; Mar., June, July, Oct.-Dec.; Rare; montane, cismontane

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, “Cascade Cyn.”, off San Antonio Cyn., Dec. 10, 1932,

4799 ft. (1463 m.); I.M. Johnston, w. end of Ontario Pk., Mar. 24, 1918,

5996 ft. (1828 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Cucamonga Wilderness, June 25, 1968, 6500 ft. (1982 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., Oct. 12, 1975, 4200 ft. (1280 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Ontario Pk., Nov. 15, 1931, 4800 ft. (1463 m.); F.W. Peirson, summit of Ontario ridge, above Kelley’s Cabin, July 18, 1922, 8350 ft. (2546 m.); I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn., July 28, 1917, 5747 ft. (1752 m.)

FVS: July 28, 1917

Selaginella bigelovii Underw., Little Club Moss, Bushy Spikemoss

CA & Baja Ca, Mex.

LACo.: From 751 ft. (229 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., w. of Roberts Cyn., on n. side of San Gabriel River channel, R.G. Swinney, Dec. 6, 2008, to 4697 ft. (1432 m.), at Red Box Picnic Area on Angeles Crest Hwy., (Hwy. 2), Red Box Station, Angeles Crest Hwy. & Mt. Wilson/Red Box, Ruth Kirkpatrick, July 30, 2001; Jan.- Oct., Dec.; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: L.R. Abrams, Eaton’s Cyn., Dec. 18, 1898

SBCo.: From 1476 ft. (450 m.), near Claremont, (San Antonio Cyn.), M.E. Jones & W.W. Eggleston, Apr. 3, 1924, to 6000 ft. (1829 m.), at w. end of Ontario Pk., I.M. Johnston & Linda Gibson, Mar. 24, 1918; Feb.-Dec.; Fairly Common; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Apr. 1, 1917, I.M.Johnston, Charcoal Cyn. Fk., Cucamonga Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 4497 ft. (1371 m.)

Selaginella watsoni Underw., Watson’s Spikemoss

LACo.: Kratka Ridge, 0.3 miles e. of Cedar Springs, just s. of Conservation Camp 37, Sep. 12, 2008, 6849 ft. (2088m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: “Etiwanda Pk.” (Pk. 8662), c. 0.8 miles n.e. of Cucamonga Pk. on same ridge, July 22, 2005, 8630 ft. (2631 m.)

Other records: None found.


Aspleniaceae Spleenwort Family

Asplenium vespertinum Maxon, Western Spleenwort


CRPR 4.2 S3.2 G3?

CA & Baja Ca, Mex.

LACo.: George L. Moxley, San Gabriel Cyn., Nov. 28, 1920, no elev. given;

Edward L. Smith, upper Palmer Cyn., Feb. 20, 1957, 2496 ft. (761 m.); F.W. Peirson, W. Fork San Gabriel River, June 21, 1921, 2000 ft. (610 m.); F.W. Peirson, Eaton Cyn., Dec. 28, 1919 & June 21, 1921, 1998 ft. (609 m.); A.J. McClatchie, near Pasadena, Millard’s Cyn., Mar. 1894, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. Calif. Edison Transmission Line Corridor (Seg.6, structure 75 per Trip Survey 2008), W. Fork of San Gabriel River, Shortcut Cyn., May 15, 2008, 1200 ft. (366 m.); Joseph A. Ewan, E. Fork Big Santa Anita Cyn., May 30, 1931, no elev. given.; F.W. Peirson, Eaton Cyn., Dec. 28, 1919 and June 21, 1921, 1998 ft. (609 m.); A.J. McClatchie, near Pasadena, Millard’s Cyn., Mar. 1894, no elev. given

FVS: Mar., 1894

SBCo.: Status

I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Mts., Cucamonga Cyn., between 2nd & 3rd. falls, June 7, 1919, 3000 ft. (915 m.), also same data on Apr. 1, 1917

FVS: Apr. 1, 1917

Azollaceae Mosquito Fern Family

Azolla filiculoides Lam.

LACo.: Little Rock Creek, 0.2 mi. n. of LR. Reservoir in cyn. bottom, Sep. 9, 2008, 3120 ft. (951 m.), currently being processed at UCR (March, 2009); east end of Hansen Lake near stream/lake confl., shallow water in Big Tujunga Wash, June 29, 2010, 1010 ft. (308 m.) (not yet processed)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., c. 1/4 mi. upstream from Dam, Dec. 14, 1946; Sam Tyson, San Dimas Cyn., San Dimas Reservoir, July 7, 1943; LeRoy Gross, Tujunga Ponds, w. of I-210 Frwy., in Big Tujunga Wash, City of Sunland, Sep. 20, 1998, 1200 ft. (365 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Soledad Cyn., Santa Clara River, Sep., 21, 1968, 1740 ft. (530 m.); J.C. Roos, Big Tujunga Cyn., w. end of San Gabriel Mts., Mar. 7, 1942, 1499 ft. (457 m.); Jerome S. Horton, surface of San Dimas Reservoir, July 28, 1938, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: July 28, 1938

SBCo.: P.H. Raven, Cajon Cyn. Station, Cajon Campground., Sep. 17, 1961, 2600 ft. (793 m.)

Blechnaceae Deer Fern Family

Woodwardia fimbriata Sm., Giant Chain Fern

[synonyms: W. chamissoi Brack. and W. radicans (L.) Sm. misappl.]

LACo.: From 366 ft. (152 m.), at Monrovia Cyn. Wilderness Park, just below Monrovia Cyn. Falls on the w. side of the cyn bottom, R.G. Swinney, Feb. 26, 2009, to 4002 ft. (1220 m.), at Falling Spring Resort, San Gabriel Cyn. Rd., below resort but above rd. in spring falls, R.D. Keys, May 6, 973; Jan.-May, July-Dec.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Harley P. Chandler, Palmer’s Cyn., Claremont, Apr. 12, 1897, 2398 ft.

(731 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at mouth of Day Cyn., at n. end of Etiwanda Ave., John Wear & N. Moorhatch, Apr. 20, 1994, to 4500 ft. (1372 m.), at N. Fk. of Barrett Cyn., 0.5 miles n.e. of Barrett Village and Barrett-Stoddard Rd., R.G. Swinney, June 15, 1996; Apr.-June, Sep.-Nov.; uncommon, approaching montane at Middle Fk. Lytle Cr. and N. Fork of Barrett Cyn., cismontane; N. Fork of Barrett Cyn. with the largest pop. in the E. San Gabriels, near 4600 ft.

FVS: Sep. 20, 1931, L.C. Wheeler, San Gab. Mts., Barrett Cyn. off San Antonio Cyn., 5198 ft. (1280 m.)

Dennstaedtiaceae Bracken Family

Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var. pubescens Underw., Bracken

LACo.: From 1300 ft. (396 m.), Little Dalton Cyn., Glendora, D. Taylor, May 1952, to 6757 ft. (2061 m.), Big Pine Meadow, R.G. Swinney, Oct. 16, 2008; Jan., Mar.-Oct., Dec.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: Dec. 6, 1892, O. Kenney, San Gab. Mts., moist ravines

SBCo.: from 1860 ft. (567 m.), R.G. Swinney, s. side of mouth of Lytle Cr. Cyn., c. 100 meters n. of Devore Rd., 0.8 miles s.w. of Sierra Ave. & Lytle Cr. Rd. Jct., Mar. 15, 1993, to 7200 ft. (2134 m.), R.G. Swinney, 0.4 mi. due e. of Baldy Notch, in unnamed cyn. at jct. with Stockton Flats Rd., Oct. 7, 1992

FVS: July 20, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., San Antonio Mts.,

6747 ft. (2057 m.)

Dryopteridaceae Wood Fern Family

Cyrtomium falcatum (L.f.) C. Presl, Holly Fern

Native to e. Asia.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, near center of Las Flores Cyn., Dec. 24, 1972, 2500 ft. (762 m.)

SBCo.: L.L. Kiefer, n. of Claremont (Stoddard ? Cyn. trib. of San Gorgonio Cyn., c. 1 mile up, between 1st & 2nd falls) (most likely referring to San Antonio Cyn.- added 2011), May 21, 1967, 2998 ft. (914 m.)

Dryopteris arguta (Kaulf.) Watt, California Wood Fern

common below 5000 ft. especially in chaparral & southern oak woodland, LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 mm.), at Van Tassel Cyn., n. of Duarte, ANF Rd. 1N36/SCE access rd., Justin M. Wood, Nov. 20, 2008, to 6000 ft. (1829 m.), at Crystal Lake, Glen Johnson, May 3, 1949; all months; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Dec. 24, 1884, O.D. Allen, near Pasadena (Arroya Seco), no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. Boundary)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Lytle Cr. Cyn., near mouth, Eugene Cardiff, Apr. 23, 1950, to 4599 ft. (1402 m.) at Stoddard Pk., south of Barrett Village & w. of Stoddard Flat, R.G. Swinney, June 15, 1996; Jan., Apr.-Aug.; common; montane, cismontane

FVS: spring, 1904, G. Ross Robertson, San Gab. Mts. region, Lytle Cr., 2000 ft. (610 m.)

Polystichum imbricans (D.C. Eaton) D.H. Wagner, Narrowleaf Swordfern

LACo.: e. slope of Pacifico Mt., at Fountainhead Spring, June 2, 2009, 6599 ft. (2012 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: Lost Creek Cyn., trib. to Icehouse Cyn., e. of Sheep Flat, w. of Shortcut Ridge, July 22, 1994, 6599 ft. (2012 m.); unnamed trib. to Lytle Cr., 2.7 miles n. of Devore Rd.. & c. 1 mile w. of Lytle Cr., Aug. 2, 1993, 3601 ft. (1098 m.); Middle Fk., Lytle Cr., along the stream, c. 300 meters w. of Stone House Crossing, Sep. 26, 1992, 4451 ft. (1375 m.)

Other records:

D.H. Wagner, Take left fk. of trail at Water Supply Meadow, above Camp Baldy & 1.5 mi. above Meadow, 2000, 6301 ft. (1921 m.)

FVS: Sep. 26, 1992

+Polystichum imbricans (D.C. Eaton) D.H. Wagner ssp. curtum (Ewan) D.H. Wagner, Narrow-leaf Sword Fern

LACo.: From 1699 ft. (518 m.), at W. Fork of San Gabriel River, 0.5-0.75 meters w. of Bear Cr., L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 8, 1946, to 5107 ft. (1557 m.), at Condor Pk., (88 deg. E (and) 195 min. distant from summit), Tim Ross, July 16, 1992; Jan.-Mar., May-Sep., Dec.; uncommon; near montane at Condor Pk. & Mt. Lowe.

FVS: Dec. 31, 1860, W.H. Brewer, San Gab. Mts., Camp # 4, 3998 ft. (1219 m.)

SBCo.: From 3519 ft. (1073 m.) at Day Cyn., c. 1.1 miles n.w. of mouth of the cyn., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 30, 1994, to 8500 ft. (2591 m.) at Ontario Pk. plant on w. slope, P.A. Munz, July 18, 1922; Jan.-Mar., May-Sept., Dec.; uncommon; near montane at Condor Pk. & Mt. Lowe, cismontane

FVS: June, 1883, S.B. Parish & W.F. Parish, Lytle Cr., (Mt.) no elev. given

Polystichum imbricans (D.C. Eaton) D.H. Wagner ssp. imbricans (D.C. Eaton) D. H. Wagner, Narrow-leaf Sword Fern

LACo.: From 3200 ft. (976 m.), at Trail Cyn., c. 3 miles into cyn. from beginning of packtrail, Robin S. Collins, May 28, 1973, to 5960 ft. (1817 m.), at c. 100 m. downstream from Upper Fish Fk. Campground, R.G. Swinney, July 29, 1998; May-Aug.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: Aug. 2, 1903, C.F. Baker, San Antonio Cyn., Claremont

SBCo.: From 3200 ft. (976 m.) at Deer Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, Nov. 6, 1932, to 6800 ft. (2073 m.) at Lost Cr. Cyn., south trib. to Icehouse Cyn., east of Sheep Flat, R.G. Swinney, July 22, 1994; Apr., June-Aug., Nov.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 7, 1919, I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Cyn. (Charcoal Cyn. Fk.),

3998 ft. (1219 m.)

Polystichum munitum (Kaulf.) C. Presl, Western Swordfern

LACo.: John Dittes & Chris W. Hiams, Upper Big Tujunga River (Wikiup), 1/3 mile downstream of bridge to Camp Colby, Apr. 28, 1989; M.B. Dunkle, San Antonio River Cyn., June 13, 1933, 3000-3100 ft. (915 m.); J. Nickoloff, n. of Mt. Wilson Trail on n.e. face, Mar. 1, 1973, 3398 ft. (1036 m.); Peter Kamb, Colby Cyn., Feb. 1, 1947, 3798 ft. (1158 m.); Joseph Andorfer Ewan, Sawpit Cyn., July 9, 1931, 4198 ft. (1280 m.)

FVS: July 9, 1931

SBCo.: No records found.

Polystichum scopulinum (D. C. Eaton) Maxon, Mountain Hollyfern

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Big Rock Cr., branch at Angeles Crest Hwy., July 16, 1968, 6900 ft. (2104 m.); L. Keifer, 8 miles e. of jct. of Hwy. 39 & Hwy. 2, June 1, 1963, 6997 ft. (2133 m.); F.W. Peirson, cyn. on divide between Little Rock Cr. trib. & Bear Cr., June 17, 1921

FVS: June 17, 1921

SBCo.: Lost Cr., a south trib. of Icehouse Cyn., w.-facing cyn. wall , July 22, 1994, 6800 ft. (2073 m.)

Other records: L.C. Wheeler, n.e. slope of Mt. San Antonio, headwaters of W. Fork of North Fk. Lytle Cr., July 15, 1968, 3900 ft. (2713 m.)

FVS: July 15, 1968

Equisitaceae Horsetail Family

Equisetum arvense L., Common or Field Horsetail

LACo.: From 850 ft. (259 m.) at 0.8 mi. upstream from mouth of San Gabriel River at first bridge, n. side, L.C. Wheeler, Oct. 21, 1946, to 6521 ft. (1988 m.), at Vincent Gap, c. 350 meters s.e. of parking area at spring near cyn. bottom, R.G. Swinney, Sep. 4, 1998; May-Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

Prairie Fk Cyn., 0.5 miles w. of Cabin Flats Campground, July 10, 1998, 5199 ft. (1585 m.); May-Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

Other records:

Joseph Andorfer Ewan, below Charlton Flats, Price Mt. region, June 16, 1932, 4995 ft. (1523 m.); P.A. Munz, San Antonio Cyn., wet medow on hillside below Camp Baldy, July 17, 1922, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); R.F. Thorne, wet, sandy margin of E. Fork Alder Cr., Charlton Flat Burn of 1954, July 2, 1969, 5200 ft. (1585 m.)

FVS: July 17, 1922, P.A. Munz, San Antonio Cyn., wet meadow on hillside below Camp Baldy, 4198 ft. (1280 m.)

SBCo.: From 2454 ft. (747 m.) at Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash near “Blue Cut” & “Keenbrook”, c. 4-5 rd. miles s. of Cajon Jct., Scott D. White, Apr. 16, 1994,to 3250 ft. (991 m.) at Glen Ranch, Lytle Cr., L.C. Wheeler, Oct. 27, 1951

c. 0.6 miles s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Road & Cajon Rd., Aug. 12, 1996,

2640 ft. (805 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr., Miller Narrows, near Ranger Station, July 13, 1967,

2775 ft. (846 m.)

FVS: Feb. 1, 1896, S.B. Parish, Lytle Cr., 997-1499 ft. (304-457 m.)

Equisetum xferrissii Clute), Ferriss’ Horsetail

Hybrids between E. hyamale x E. laevigatum, reproducing vegetatively from fragmented stems.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., Sep. 5, 1931, 1597 ft. (487 m.); Jerome S. Horton, above Flume 3, San Dimas Cyn. (SDEF-added 2010), June 19, 1936, 2496 ft. (761 m.); Geo. L. Moxley, Santa Anita Cyn., May 31, 1915; R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, 2 miles up Lower Tujunga Rd. from Forestry Hdqts., June 17, 1971, c. 1500 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: May 31, 1915

SBCo.: I.M. Johnston, fork of Lytle Cr., Coldwater, San Antonio Mts., Aug. 24, 1917, 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

Equisetum hyemale L. ssp. affine (Engelm.) Calder Roy L. Taylor, Common Scouring Rush, Horsetail

LACo.: From 1063 ft. (324 m.), east of Hansen Dam, entered at Orcos Ave., parked at Orcas Park, hiked e. of this park along river & just n. of Wentworth St., but not as far as Tujunga Ponds, LeRoy Gross & Wayne Lowe, Aug. 8, 2000, to 6501 ft. (1982 m.) at spring at Big Cienega, c. 0.6 miles n.e. of Deer Flat Cmpd., along S. Hawkins Rd. (FSR 3N07.2), Valerie Soza & Laura Moore, June 14, 2000; Feb.-Oct., Dec.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

Other records: (locations only)

Liveoak Cyn., Big Rock Cr. & Holcomb Cyn. jct., Evey-Palmer Cyn. Firebreak, Palmer Cyn., Santiago Cyn., San Gabriel Cyn., W. Fork San Gabriel River, Graveyard Cyn., San Dimas Cyn., N. Fork San Gabriel River

FVS: Oct. 31, 1915, Albert J. Perkins, Big Tujunga, Sierra Madre Mts.

SBCo.: From 2640 ft. (805 m.), at Cajon Pass, 0.6 miles s.w. of Swarthout Cyn. Road, jct. with Cajon Rd., R.G. Swinney, Nov. 10, 2008, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), at 0.4 mi. due east of Baldy Notch, in unnamed cyn., at jct. with Stockton Flats Rd., R.G. Swinney, Sep. 7, 1992; Apr.-Sep.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

Other records: (locations only)

Lone Pine Cyn., above Clyde Ranch; Sheep Creek Cyn.; Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr.; Day Cyn., (burn 1970); “Epipactis Cyn.”, unnamed cyn. draining ENE to Lone Pine Cyn.; branch cyn. of Cucamonga Cyn.

FVS: Aug. 24, 1917, I.M. Johnston, fk. of Lytle Cr., Coldwater, San Antonio Mts., 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

Equisetum laevigatum A. Braun, Smooth Horsetail or Scouring Rush

(synonym: E. funstonii A.A. Eaton)

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.), at Little Dalton Cyn., above Glendora, J. Godsil, Apr. 28, 1952, to 7200 ft. (2195 m.) w. of Wrightwood, Blue Ridge Tr., small cyn. that is trib. of Sawmill Cyn. from n.w., 0.9 miles s.e. of Hwy. 2, R.G. Swinney, June 25, 1997; Apr.-Oct.; uncommon; transmontane at confl. of Holcomb Cyn. Creek, between Big Rock Cr. Rd. and mouth of Holcomb Cyn., T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., 4115-4200 ft. (1255 m.), montane, cismontane

Other locations from R.G. Swinney:

Fern Cyn., SDEF; Grand View Cyn.; upper Fish Fork drainage; Dawson Pk. Ridge; Sand Rock Cr.; w. of Wrightwood, meadow at Big Pines; Government Cyn.; Vincent Gap; upper E. Fork San Gab. River, nameless trib. from east, imm. north of Alder Gulch; Sulphur Spring Cmpgrd. area; Mount Baldy Rd. on w. shoulder, c. 1/4 mile s.w. of Mt. Baldy Rd. Jct. with Glendora Mt. Road

Other records: (locations only)

lower Pine Flats; San Dimas Cyn.; Santa Anita Cyn.; San Gabriel River; Jackson Lake; Bichoto Cyn.; Little Fish Fk., Fish Fk. Camp; Big Rock Cr. & Holcomb Canyon Jct.; Crystal Lake-Big Clienaga Spring; Cobal Cyn.; Liveoak Cyn.

FVS: May 30, 1915, S.B. Parish, Santa Anita Cyn.

SBCo.: springs, meadows, streams, uncommon

From 3440 ft. (1049 m.), at Cajon Pass area, 0.6 miles s. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd. at Sheep Cr. Truck Trail, FS Road 2N56, R.G. Swinney, June 11, 1994, to

7200 ft. 2195 m.) at Mt. Baldy Ski area, upper San Antonio Cyn., c. 1/4 air miles w. of Mt. Baldy Notch, alongside rd. to Notch (FS Road 3N01), V. Soza & LeRoy Gross, June 11, 2001; Pinon Hills, c. 0.25 miles s. of Oak Springs Ranch in Oak Springs Cyn., July 6, 1995, 5399 ft. (1646 m.); S. Fork of W. Fork Lytle Cr., 1 mile s.w. of Stockton Flat, Aug. 5, 1997, 6599 ft. (2012 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, Chapman Ranch, above Baldy Village, San Antonio Cyn., May 29, 1969, 4460 ft. (1360 m.)

FVS: Nov. 22, 1931, Freda Detmers, Camp Cajon, Cajon Pass, 2952 ft. (900 m.)

Equisetum telmateia Ehrh. var. braunii (Milde) Milde, Giant Horsetail

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Liveoak Cyn., July 1933, 2250 ft. (686 m.), plus June 21,

1931; J. Ewan, near Fern Lodge, Big Santa Anita Cyn., Oct. 10, 1930, 3198 ft. (975 m.); F.G. Floyd, Big Santa Anita Cyn., May 5, 1931; F.G. Floyd, Clamshell Cyn., Apr. 14, 1931; L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., Aug. 27, 1931, 1250 ft.

(381 m.) (several entries for San Dimas Canyon); L.C. Wheeler, Fish Cyn., W. Fork below Falls, May 5, 1933, 1300 ft. (396 m.); F. Youngberg, San Dimas Cyn. Park, Apr. 1934; F.W. Peirson, Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, Apr. 25, 1920, 1350 ft.

(411 m.); Harvey Kennedy, San Dimas Cyn., Feb. 13, 1949, 2000 ft. (609 m.);

Harley P. Chandler, Palmer Cyn., Claremont, Apr. 7, 1897, 2496 ft. (761 m.)

FVS: Apr. 7, 1897

SBCo.: No records found.

Ophioglossaceae Adder’s-Tongue Family

All of the following records on the three species of Botrichium are from the same area in Coldwater Canyon, with the exception of one record from the headwater of w. fork of N. Fork Lytle Cr. This record is also near Coldwater Canyon. Further examination of these voucher specimens is recommended to verify there are actually three seperate species.

Botrychium crenulatum W.H. Wagner, Scalloped Moonwort


LACo.: No records found

SBCo.: Status: Sensitive

4 records by I.M. Johnston from Coldwater Fk. of LytleCr. Between 6500-7000 ft. (1982-2134 m.), in 1917; 1 record by P.A. Munz on July 20, 1922 at 7000 ft.; 1 record by R.F. Thorne on July 31, 1971 at 7000 ft.; L.C. Wheeler, hdwtr. of W. Fork of N. Fork Lytle Cr., July 15, 1968, 8900 ft. (2713 m.)

FVS: Aug. 21, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

Botrychium minganense Victorin, Mingan Moonwort

(synonym: B. lunaria var. minganense)

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: F.W. Peirson, Cienaga at Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., July 20, 1922,7000 ft. (2134 m.)

Botrychium simplex E. Hitchc., Little Grapefern

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: L. Kiefer, n. of Baldy Notch, hdwtrs. of Coldwataer Fk. of Lytle Cr. bank on e. side of stream, Aug. 15, 1963, 7196 ft. (2194 m.); P.A. Munz, Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., July 20, 1922, 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

FVS: July 20, 1922

Polypodiaceae Polypody Family

Polypodium californicum Kaulf., California Polypody

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

cliffs and rock outcrops, shaded, several plant communities

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at San Gabriel River Wash, Azusa, between Foothill Blvd. & San Gabriel Valley Gun Club, S.D. White & Pam Devries, no date given, to

3841 ft. (1171 m.), at Fern Cyn. Falls, c. 1.7 miles e. of confl. with upper E. Fork San Dimas Cyn., R.G. Swinney & Dave Larson, June 25, 1999; Jan.-Nov.; common; ______

FVS: Apr. 12, 1897, H.P. Chandler, Palmer’s Cyn., Claremont, 2398 ft. (731 m.)

SBCo.: From 1700 ft. (518 m.), at 5 miles n. of Upland, Cucamonga Cyn., near its mouth, Walter Stewart, Feb. 14, 1948, to 3109 ft. (948 m.), at Lytle Cr. Cyn., unnamed side cyn. from w., 2 miles n. of San Sevaine Rd., near the Hitching Ranch, R.G. Swinney, July 14, 1993; Feb.-July; uncommon

Stoddard Cyn. Falls, east trib. of San Antonio Cyn., 0.9 miles ENE of Shinn Rd., Apr. 15, 1998, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

Other records:

John Wear & N. Moorhatch, at n. end of Etiwanda Ave., Day Cyn., Apr. 20, 1994

2001 ft. (610 m.)

FVS: June 7, 1919, I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Cyn., no elev. given

Polypodium scouleri Hook. & Grev., Leathery Polypody

LACo.: Edwin Kline, Arroyo Seco, Apr. 26, 1925

SBCo.: No records found.

Pteridaceae Brake Family

Adiantum aleuticum (Rupr.) Paris, Five-finger Fern, Aleutian Maidenhair

LACo.: upper Fish Fork with the largest and tallest populations

From 2499 ft. (762 m.), at E. Fork, Santa Anita Cyn., 200 yards downstream from falls, L.C. Wheeler, Jan. 4, 1970, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), at upper Fish Fk., of E. Fork of San Gabriel River, c. 0.7 miles w. of jct. of Fish Fork Tr. on W. Dawson Pk. Ridge, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 14, 1999; all months; rare; montane, cismontane at Fern Cyn. (SDEF)

Other records from R.G. Swinney:

Fern Cyn. Falls, c. 1.7 miles e. of confl. with upper E. Fork of San Dimas Cyn., with Dave Larson, June 25, 1999, 3841 ft. (1171 m.); Clark Culch, c. 75 meters e. of confl. with E. Fork San Gabriel River, July 28, 1999, 3250 ft. (991 m.); upper Coldwater Cyn., 2.1 miles n.e. of confl. with Dry Gulch, Sep 16, 2000, 5838 ft. (1780 m.) (above the 2 lowest waterfalls-visited location by coming down from a spot s.w. of W. Mt. Baldy summit-added 2010)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, Eaton Cyn., s. base of San Gabriel Mts., Dec. 28, 1919, 3500 ft. (1066 m.); Many records from Fern Cyn.

FVS: Mar. 1, 1915, Darley F. Howe, San Dimas Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: riparian, rare, elev.

First waterfall in Dog Bone Cyn., west trib. of N. Fork Lytle Cr., imm. south of Alpine Cyn., n.w. of Dawson Pk., Aug. 21, 1996, 7839 ft. (2390 m.); N.W. Fk. of W. Fork Lytle Cr., c. 1 mi. due w. of Stockton Flat, 1 mile n.e. of Mt. Harwood, Aug. 5, 1997, 6799 ft. (2073 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, rather common on cyn. walls above 6th falls & about “Twin Fall Fks.”, Cucamonga Cyn., July 22, 1925, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); S.B. Parish, Lytle Cr. Falls, 1880, no elev. given

FVS: 1880

Adiantum capillus-veneris L., Venus-hair Fern, Southern or Common Madenhair

LACO.: From 748 ft. (228 m.), e. of Fish Cr., in calcareous spring in rock wall,

F.W. Peirson, Mar. 6, 1921, to 4198 ft. (1280 m.), at upper E. Fork San Gabriel River, nameless trib. from the east, imm. north of Alder Gulch, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 05, 1998; Mar.-Dec., fairly common at wet cliff areas

Other records by R.G. Swinney – locations only:

Fern Cyn., SDEF; upper E. Fork San Gabriel River

the following tributaries of the E. Fk. of San Gabriel River: Falls Gulch, Allison Gulch, Clark Gulch, Alder Gulch; Cattle Cyn.; San Dimas Cyn (Main Fk. & E. Fork); Spruce Cyn., Lewis Paul Cyn. Falls; lower San Gabriel Cyn. (e. of El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park; Lodi Cyn. (to be posted); Roberts Cyn.; San Antonio Cyn.

Other locations:

Palmer Cyn., Mystic Cyn., Fish Creek Cyn., North Fk. San Gabriel River, Fish Fork, Lower Graveyard Cyn., West Fk. San Gabriel River, upper Evey Cyn., Big Santa Anita Cyn.

FVS: Aug. 22, 1895, Minnie Reed, San Gab. Mts., Sierra Madre Mts.

SBCO.: From 2250 ft. (686 m.), at Cucamonga Cyn., north of Cucamonga Cr. Percolation Basin, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 30, 1994, to 7216 ft. (2200 m.), at Middle Fk. of W. Fork Lytle Cr., due n. of Mt. Harwood, c. 1 mile w. of Stockton Flat, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 19, 1996; Apr.-Nov.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

Other records by R.G. Swinney:

E. Fork San Sevaine Cyn., at 2nd major waterfall, 1 mi. due s. of Grapvine Spring, Apr. 4, 1997, 3001 ft. (915 m.); Lytle Creek Cyn., unnamed side cyn. from the w., 2 miles n. of San Sevaine Rd. near Hitching Ranch, July 14, 1993, 3109 ft. (948 m.)

Other records:

Lyman Benson, San Antonio Cyn., Stoddard Canyon, Nov. 23, 1944, 5000 ft. (1524 m.)

FVS: Nov. 23, 1944

Adiantum jordanii C.H. Mull., California Maiden-hair

L.A. Co.: From 1197 ft. (365 m.), at Little Dalton Cyn., W. Bertsch, Apr. 19, 1954, to 3280 ft. (1000 m.) at Rincon Cyn., n.e. of Azusa, 0.6 air miles s.w. of Hwy. 39 at Rincon Station, R.G. Swinney, May 21, 2000; Feb.-May; rare; cismontane

FVS: May 14, 1929, L.E. Hoffman, Pacoima Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Argyrochosma jonesii (Maxon) Windham, Jones’ False Cloak Fern

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Little Rock Cr., Feb. 22, 1933

SBCo.: No records found.

Aspidotis californica (Hook.) Nutt. ex Copeland, California Lacefern

CA & Baja Ca, Mex.

LACo.: From 699 ft. (213 m.), at Santa Anita Wash, F.W. Peirson, Apr. 26, 1920, to 2398 ft. (731 m.), at Palmer’s Cyn., Claremont, Harley P. Chandler, Apr. 12,1897; all months, rare; cismontane

Other records (Locations only):

Glendora, Mystic Cyn.; Wolfskill Cyn., above La Verne, SDEF; Water Cyn. (trib. of San Gabriel Cyn.); Little Dalton Cyn., Glendora; Fish Creek Cyn.; San Dimas Cyn.; North Thompson Cr. Dam; lower Graveyard Cyn. (joins the lower E. Fk., San Gabriel River; Big Santa Anita Cr.; Lodi Cyn., SDEF; upper end of upper reservoir, San Gabriel River Cyn.; Spanish, above Monrovia; Evey Cyn., above Upland

FVS: 1884, O.D. Allen, at base of San Gab. Mts., Little Santa Anita Cyn.

SBCo.: Ora Clark, near Camp Baldy, Oct. 14, 1928; I.M. Johnst., above Upland (Evey Cyn.), Feb. 4, 1917, 2496 ft. (761 m.)

FVS: Feb. 4, 1917

Cheilanthes covillei Maxon, Beady Lipfern, Coville’s Lipfern

Uncommon in rock outcrops throughout

LACo.: From 1900 ft. (579 m.), near mouth of Bear Cyn., off Soledad Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, May 23, 1967, to 7500 ft. (2287 m.), at s.e. side of Mt. Waterman, headwaters of Little Bear Cr., L.C. Wheeler, Aug. 9, 1967; Feb., Apr.-Dec.; uncommon, scattered; all 3 sections

Other records (locations only):

summit of Lookout (Antonio) Mt.; upper Fish Fk.; upper E. Fork San Gabriel River; nameless e. tributary, imm. north of Alder Gulch; mouth of Mescal Cyn.; Largo Vista area; Valyermo, Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Pk., Holclomb Cyn; Little Rock Cr.; Barley Flats; Shoemaker Cyn., (trib. of E. Fork San Gabriel Cyn.); Browns Flat, SDEF; San Dimas Cyn.; North Fork San Gabriel River; Chilao Flats; Crystal Lake Rd., below Soldier Cr. Crossing; s.e. side of Mt. Waterman; Quail Spring, Maher Cyn.; Bichoto Cyn.; s.e. side of Mt. Emma; San Antonio Cyn.; Grandview Cyn.; above Little Sycamore Cmpgrd., Big Rock Cr.; upper Stoddard Cyn.; Glendora Ridge Rd., c. 2 miles w. of Sunset Pk.

FVS: Dec. 31, 1860, Wm. H. Brewer, San Gab. Mts., 3998 ft. (1219 m.)

SBCo.: From 2000 ft. (610 m.), at mouth of San Antonio Cyn., Lyman Benson, Nov. 23, 1944, to 8662 ft. (2641 m.), at “Etiwanda Pk.”, c. 0.9 miles n.e. of Cucamonga Pk. on same ridge, R.G. Swinney, June 22, 2000; Apr.-Aug.; uncommon, scattered on rockly outcrops, cliffs

Records by R.G. Swinney – loctations only:

S.Fk. Lytle Cr.; Stoddard Pk.; San Antonio Cyn. drainage

Other records –locations only:

Mt. Baldy Ski Area; n. of Mt. Baldy Village; Cajon Pass; Ontario Pk.; Cucamonga Cyn. (Charcoal Cyn. Fork); Day Cyn.; Stoddard Cyn.; Icehouse Cyn.; Coldwater Fk. of Cattle Cyn.

FVS: Apr., 1878, William Stout, Cajon Pass, no elev. given

Cheilanthes newberryi (D.C. Eaton) Domin, Newberrys’ Lipfern

(synonym: Notholaena newberryi)

CA & Baja Ca, Mex.; Hybrids uncommon with C. covillei (C xfibrillosa)

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Fish Cyn., Sep. 30, 1932, 1000 ft. (304 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Notholaena californica D.C. Eaton, California Cloak Fern

LACo.: Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., w. of Roberts Cyn., on n. side of San Gabriel River Channel, Dec. 6, 2008, 751 ft. (229 m.)

Other records:

L. Kiefer, entrance to cyn., just e. of cmpgrd., Placerita Cyn. State Park, Dec. 30, 1963, 997 ft. (304 m.); L.L. Keifer, W. Fork San Gabriel River, w. of bridge, Mar. 3, 1963, no elev. given; W.G. Webb, Fish Cyn., Mar. 13, 1932, 1750 ft. (534 m.)

FVS: Mar. 13, 1932

SBCo.: No records found.

Notholaena californica D.C. Eaton, ssp. californica, California Cloak Fern

Gene flow with N. californica ssp. leucophyyla Windham, need study to determine if subtaxa is warrented.

LACo.: From 751 ft. (229 m.), at San Gabriel Cyn., w. of Roberts Cyn., on n. side of San Gabriel River, R.G. Swinney (det. to sp. only, most likely ssp. californica, as L.C. Wheeler collected specimen at same location, det. as N. californica ssp. californica, need to verify), Dec. 6, 2008, to 1750 ft. (534 m.), at Fish Cyn., W.G. Webb, Mar. 13, 1932; Feb, Mar, May-July, Dec.; rare; cismontane

Other records:

L.L. Kiefer, W. Fork San Gabriel River, w. of bridge, Mar. 3, 1963; There are 8 records from these 4 locations; L.C. Wheeler, San Gabriel Cyn., June 26, 1932, 997 ft. (304 m.)

FVS: June 26, 1932

SBCo.: No records found.

Notholaena californica D.C. Eatjon ssp. leucophylla Windham, California Cloak Fern

Gene flow with N. californica ssp. californica, need study to determine if subtaxa is warrented.

LACo.: Scott D. White & Brian Leatherman, Santa Clara River Watershed, Upper Oak Springs Cyn., above existing Gravel Quarry, Jan. 14, 1997, 1902 ft. (580 m.); J.C. Roos, Placerita Cyn., e. of Newhall, Nov. 23, 1946, no elev. given

FVS: Nov. 23, 1946

SBCo.: No records found.

Pellaea andromedifolia (Kaulf.) Fee, Coffee Fern, Coffee Cliffbrake

(synonym: P.andromedifolia ssp. andormedifolia) Further study is needed to determine if the subtaxa status is warranted. Listed below and indented.

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at Fish Cyn., Ervin H. Miller, Mar. 27, 1934,to

4000 ft. (1220 m.), at Smith Mt., along Bear Cr. Trail, L.C. Wheeler, May 24, 1968;

Feb-June, Sep.; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: May, 1896, T.G. Bergesch, Pasadena, Eaton Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: From 1500 ft. (457 m.), at Deer Cyn., n. of Cucamonga, Max E. Dadgley, May 15, 1948, to 7800 ft. (2378 m.), at Dog Bone Cyn., west trib. of N. Fk. Lytle Cr., imm. s. of Alpine Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 21, 1996; Jan.-Nov.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Apr. 1, 1917, I.M. Johnston, (Chevcoa) (Charcoal-added 2009) Fork, Cucamonga Cyn., 1280 ft. (390 m.)

Pallaea mucronata (D.C. Eaton) D.C. Eaton, Bird’s-foot Fern, Birdfoot Cliffbrake

LACo.: From 688 ft. (210 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel River Cyn., 1.6 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., at El Encanto Dr., confl. with Van Tassel Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Nov. 30, 2008, to 7961 ft. (2427 m.), at summit of Iron Mt., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 13, 1998; Feb.-Aug., Nov.; uncommon; all 3 areas

FVS: Feb. 23, 1913, Albert J. Perkins, Mt Wilson Trail, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2608 ft. (795 m.), at w. side of Lytle Cr. Cyn., Rd., near Hitching Ranch, 200 meters n. of USFS Rd. 2N79, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 25, 1993, to 8662 ft. (2641 m.), at “Etiwanda Pk.”, c. 0.9 miles n.e. of Cucamonga Pk. on same ridge, R.G. Swinney, June 22, 2000; Apr.-July, Dec.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass


+Pallaea mucronata (D.C. Eaton) D.C. Eaton ssp. californica (Lemmon) Windham, Bird’s-foot Fern, California Cliffbrake

LACo.: From 4500 ft. (1372 m.) at Aliso Cr. at Tie Cyn., R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, June 29, 1971, to 9000 ft. (2744 m.), at Mt. San Antonio, Devil;s Backbone, R.F. Thorne, M.Z. Thorne et al., June 12, 1971; May-Aug., Nov; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: May 26, 1923, P.A. Munz, Vincent Gulch, high ridge, 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

SBCo.: From 5747 ft. (1752 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., I.M. Johnston, July 28, 1917, to 8800 ft. (2683 m.), at Old Baldy) Mt. Baldy), A.J. Stover, Oct. 22, 1944; Jan., June, July, Sep., Oct.; uncommon; montane, Cajon Pass


Pallaea mucronata (D. Eaton) D. Eaton var. mucronata, Birdfoot Cliffbrake

LACo.: From 1259 ft. (384 m.), at Big Tujunga Wash, 200 meters n.w. of corner of Wescott Ave. and Grove Str., Sunland District, Joseph Marlowe Koofe, Jan. 19, 2001, to 7600 ft. (2317 m.), at Pine Mt. Ridge, L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 4, 1967; Feb, Apr.-June, Aug., Sep.; Uncommon; all 3 areas

FVS: 1885, O. Kenney (no collector name appeared on the label, but appears to be an O. Kenney collectioin based on specimen label type and accession number), Eaton Cyn.

SBCo.: From 2000 ft. (610 m.), at Cajon Cyn., Lyman Benson, Mar. 25, 1932, to

6000 ft. (1829 m.), at 6.9 miles s. of Lone Pine Cyn. Rd. at USFS Rd. 3N31, c. 200-400 yards w. in steep cyn., R.G. Swinney, June 22, 1993; Mar.-June, Oct.-Dec.; uncommon-rare; all 4 sections

FVS: Mar. 25, 1932

+Pentagramma pallida (Weath.) Yatsk., Windham & E. Wollenw., Pale Silverback Fern

(synonym: P. triangularis (Kaulf.) Maxon var. pallida Weath.

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, W. Fork Rubio Cyn., Dec. 2, 1919, 2447 ft. (746 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Pentagramma triangularis (Kaulf.) Yatsk., Windham & E. Wollenw. ssp. maxonii (Weath.) Yatsk., Windham & E. Wollenw., Maxon’s Goldback Fern

LACo.: Steve Boyd, & Thomas Elias, Rincon-Red Box Rd., s. of Rincon

Forest Station, n. of Glendora, Apr. 14, 1987, no elev. given; Scott D. White & Brian Leatherman, Santa Clara River Watershed, Upper Oak Springs Cyn., above existing gravel Quarry, Jan. 14, 1997, 1902 ft. (580 m.); May N. Ackley, Big Tujunga, Apr. 27, 1927, no elev. given.

FVS: Apr. 27, 1927

SBCo.: No records found.

Pentagramma triangularis (Kaulf.) Yatsk., Windham & E. Wollenw. ssp. triangularis, Goldenback Fern

LACo.: From 840 ft. (256 m.), at San Gabriel Cyn., along old road/trail at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, 0.2 mi. upstream from park admin. building, R.G. Swinney, May 30, 2008, to 4000-6060 ft. (1219-1847 m.), at ridge descending northward from Mt. Gleason between the upper reaches of Moody Cyn. & Arrastre Cyn., T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, May 31, 1990; Jan.-May, July; Fairly Common; cismontane, many plant communities

FVS: Nov., 1890, Anonym., Wilson’s Trail

SBCo.: From 2070 ft. (631 m.), at c. 210 meters n. of Glen Helen Parkway, 0.9 miles e. of Lytle Cr. Rd., R.G. Swinney, June 11, 1994, to 3600 ft. (1098 m.), at unnamed trib. to Lytle Cr., 2.7 miles n. of Devore Rd., c. 1 mile w. of Lytle Cr., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 2, 1993; Apr.-Aug.; rare; cismontane

Other records:

Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 2, 1971, 2600 ft. (793 m.); I.M. Johnston, Charcoal Fk., Cucamonga Cyn., Apr. 1, 1917, 4248 ft. (1295 m.)

FVS: Apr. 1, 1917

Pentagramma triangularis (Kaulf.) Yatsk., Windham & E. Wollenw. ssp. viscosa (D.C. Eaton) Yatsk., Windham & Wollenw., Silverback Fern

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Smith & Witt, et al., Santa Anita Cyn., Feb. 7, 1949, 1600 ft. (488 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Pteris cretica L., Cretan Brake

Native range uncertain, widely scattered in tropics & subtropics.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Millard Cyn., July 11, 1947, 1351 ft. (412 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Pteris tremula R. Br., Australian Brake

Native to Australasia & Fiji.

LA.Co.: L.L. Keifer, Monrovia Cyn., c. 1/8 mi. above the falls, Apr. 15, 1967,

900 ft. (579 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Pteris vittata L., Ladder Brake

Native to Africa, tropical & temperate Asia and Austrailia.

L.A. Co.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel River Wash, on levee, between Foothill Blvd. crossing & San Gabriel Valley Gun Club (now vacant-added 2010), S.D. White & Pam Devries, no date given, to 2496 ft. (761 m.), n. of Altladena (Millard Cyn., c. 1 mi. above Millard Camp), L.L. Keifer, Apr. 1, 1967; Feb., Apr.-June, Sep.-Dec.; uncommon; cismontane

Records by R.G. Swinney:

Duarte, Fish Cyn. Falls, 12 plants growing on granite cliffs to the S.E. of the falls, June 9, 1998, elev. 1480 ft. (451 m.); mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.25 mi. e. of admin. building at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, on s. side of the “Old San Gabriel Cyn. Rd.” at seep, n.w.-facing cliff, abundant here only, June 26, 2008, 800 ft. (244 m.); L.C. Wheeler observed only 1 clump of this species here, high on w.-facing cliff on Oct. 25, 1966; San Gabriel River Cyn., on w. river bank at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, e. of Parking Lot, June 26, 2008, 840 ft. (256 m.); Monrovia Cyn. Wilderness Park, at & near Waterfall, Feb. 26, 2009,

1200 ft. (326 m.)

Other records:

S.D. White & Pam Devries, San Gab. River Cyn., n. of Azusa, parallel to Hwy. 39, below Morris Dam, Nov. 25, 1997, 850 (+ or - 50) ft., (250 m.) also, David M. Hutt, Sep. 30, 1959, 1300 ft. (396 m.) and Lawrence L. Keifer, Nov. 10, 1963, 1197 ft. (365 m.); Scott D. White, San Gabriel River Cyn., n. of Azusa Cyn. bottom & adj. slopes below San Gabriel Reservoir, May 8, 1997, 1200 ft. (366 m.); LeRoy Gross, Monrovia Cyn., just below the first waterfall, above Monrovia Mt. Park, Sep. 30, 2000, 1700 ft. (518 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Mike Hammitt, Monrovia Cyn., May 29, 1991, no elev. given; Kay H. Beach, stream at Shelter House (just above Flume V.) SDEF, San Dimas Cyn., Dec. 15, 1943, no elev. given

FVS: Dec. 15, 1943, Kay H. Beach, stream at Shelter House, (just above flume, V) SDEF, San Dimas Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Thelypteridaceae Thelypteris Family

Thelypteris puberula (Baker) Morton var. sonorensis A.R. Sm., Sonoran Maiden Fern

Status: CRPR 2.2 S2.2? G5T3

LACo.: Glendora, W. Fork of Harrow Cyn., dry stream bottom in normal years, chaparral, coastal sage scrub, very little riparian veg., 7 plants in 3 locations at 1601 ft. (488 m.), c. 0.25 miles n. of Harrow Cyn. Debris Basin, Oct. 18, 1997. No plants were found in Aug. 2008, perhaps due to removal of most of the cyn. bottom vegetation during the 2005 heavy winter and the enlarged canopy of Ficus carica which has now covered most of the area of the previous population; this was the only known current location in the San Gabriel Mts.

Last known collection besides Glendora, is May 22, 1971 in Fish Cyn., by R.F. Thorne & A.C. Gibson

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Rogers Cyn. (should be: Robert’s Cyn.-added 2010), Dec. 20, 1931, 1246 ft. (380 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Water Cyn., Aug. 22, 1968, 1700 ft. (518 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Fish Cyn., Sep. 30, 1932, 1100 ft. (335 m.); Geo. L. Moxley, Fish Cyn., Nov. 8, 1925, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne & A.C. Gibson, Fish Cyn., May 22, 1971, c. 1100 ft. (335 m.); Kessler, Fish Cyn., Oct. 1925, no elev. given; Robert Kessler, San Gabriel Mts., 1925, 2500 ft. (762 m.); L.L. Kiefer, Monrovia Cyn., c. 1/8 mi. below first falls at least 1/2 mi. above 2nd., Apr. 15, 1967, 1699 ft. (518 m.); J.C. Nevin, Santa Anita Cyn., no date or elev. given; Ernest Braunton, Eaton Cyn., San Gabriel Mts., 1907, no elev. given

FVS: 1907, Ernest Braunton, Eaton Cyn.

SBCo.: No records found.

Woodsiaceae Cliff Fern Family

Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth ssp. cyclosorum Rupr., Subarctic Ladyfern

(synonym: A. filix-femina var. californicum Butters] Highly variable but named vars. in w. N. America seem indistinct.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Little Rock Creek, c. 1 mi. downstream from Cooper Cr., Sep. 1, 1954; M.B. Dunkle, San Antonio Cyn., June 17, 1933

FVS: June 17, 1933

SBCo.: No records found.

Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh., Brittle Bladder Fern

Riparian, montane coniferous, chaparral, rocky places, usually shaded and moist; uncommon

LACo.: From 1600 ft. (487 m.) at Mapleleaf Cyn., J.R. Shevock, Mar. 28, 1971, to 8020 ft. (2445 m.), at Wrightwood area, Flume Cyn., at spring, c. 200 meters n. of Guffy Campground, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 16, 1999; Feb.-June, Aug.-Oct.; rare; all 3 areas

FVS: June 5, 1906, H.E. Hasse & Davidson, Big Rock Cr.,among pines, 5000 ft. (1523 m.)

SBCo.: From 3109 ft. (948 m.) at Lytle Creek Cyn., unnamed side cyn. from the west, 2 miles n. of San Savaine Rd. near Hitching Ranch, R.G. Swinney, July 14, 1993, to 9250 ft. (2820 m.) at Mt. San Antonio, n. slope, F.W. Peirson, Sep. 15, 1920, Lytle Creek Cyn.; Apr., June-Sep.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 7, 1919, I.M. Johnston, Charcoal Cyn., fork of Cucamonga Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 4497 ft. (1371 m.)


Cupresaceae Cypress Family

(Taxodiaceae – Bald Cypress Family)

Calocedrus decurrens (Torr.) Florin, Incense Cedar

LACo .: From 1299 ft. (396 m.), at Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, n. of Jet Prop. Lab., Transect 2, John F. Green, July 17, 2003, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), at mts. above Claremont, D.L. Crawford, June 31, 1915; Jan., Apr.-Aug., Dec.; Uncommon (locally common); transmontane at Big Rock Cr., Anstruther Davidson, July 4, 1893, no elev. given, montane, cismontane at Arroyo Seco; Dense stands of old trees in Bear Cyn, Bear Flat, Bear Gulch, Coldwater Cyn., Jesus Cyn., Holcomb Cyn.(Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park ); Little Jimmy Spring area and other locations.

Other records:

Grandview Cyn.; Icy Springs, tributary of Big Rock Cr.

South Fk., Big Rock Cr.; 1 mile w. of Big Pine Jct.; Buckhorn Campground; Charlton Flat; swampy area in Prairie Fk.; Crystal Lake; Big Santa Anita Cyn., c. 1 mile n. of Arcadia, 100 yards below the weir at Hoegees Camp

FVS: Apr. 30, 19112, Huron H. Smith, top of Mt. Wilson, 6681 ft. (2037 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, 3.3 meters w. of service rd., half way between the off-rd. race track to the south & main park area to the north, growing at base of waterfall in shallow ravine, R.G. Swinney, Jan. 6, 1994, to 8200 ft. (2500 m.), near Kelly’s Cabin (Ontario Pk.), I.M. Johnston, July 30, 1917; Jan., July, Sep.-Nov.; uncommon (common locally); montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass at Glen Hellen Regional Park, at streamside.

Dense stands of old trees s.w. of Cedar Flats, Middle Fk. of Lytle Creek (Commanche Cmpgrd.), Ice House Cyn., San Sevaine Flats, upper Falling Rocks Cyn. and other locations.

FVS: July 30, 1917

Hesperocyperus nevadensis (Abrams) Bartel, Piute Cypress

[synonyms: Cupressus nevadensis and Callitropsis nevadensis and Cupressus macnabiana A. Murray var. nevadensis Abrams and Cupressus arizonica Greene ssp. nevadensis (Abrams) A.E. Murray

Native in SN (Kern, Tulare Cos.) in CA

Status: CRPR 1B.2 S22 G2

LACo.: T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Ball Flat, 1500 m. due n. of Jackson Lake between the Boulder Cyn & Mescal Cr. drainages, June 18, 1990, 5720 ft. (

1744 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Hesperocyperus stephensonii (C.B. Wolf) Bartel ssp. arizonica, Cuyamaca Cypress

[synonyms: Hesperocyperus arizonica (Greene) Bartel and Callitropsis arizonica ssp. arizonica and Cupressus arizonica Greene ssp. arizonica misappl.

Native to Cuyamaca Mts. & n.w. Baja CA, Mex.

Status: CRPR 1B.1 S1.2 G1

LACo.: Scott D. White, Clear Cr. Area, roadside & hiking trail, s. side of Angeles Forest Hwy., c. 0.2 miles w. of jct. with Angeles Crest Hwy., July 27, 2004,

3500 ft. (1067 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Juniperus californica Carriere, California Juniper

LACo.: From 570 ft. (174 m.), at Irwindale, San Gabriel Wash, just n. of I-210 Frwy and s. of Huntington Dr. (Footlhill Blvd.-added 2010), Valerie L. Soza & Gary Wallace, Jan 6, 2000, to 6160 ft. (1878 m.), at Ball Flat, n. of Jackson Lake, R.G. Swinney, Oct. 8, 2008; Jan.-July, Sep.-Nov.; common in the transmontane foothill areas in the Pinyon-Juniper Woodland and Joshua Tree Woodland plant communities, range restricted to the mouth of San Gab. Cyn. and the Hansen Dam Basin along the Big Tujunga Wash, on the cismontaine side, in Coastal Sage Scrub and Chaparral

FVS: June 28, 1897, J.H. Barber, Kentucky Spring


From 2080 ft. (634 m.), at mouth of Lytle Cr., c. 100 meters n. of Devore Rd. , 200 meters e. of Lytle Cr. Rd., R.G. Swinney, Nov. 14, 1992, to 5599 ft., at 0.5 miles n.e. of Sheep Cr. Rd. at Hwy. 2, between Sheep Cr. Rd. & Hwy. 2, R.G. Swinney, June 1, 1994; Mar.-June, Sep.-Dec.; Common in the transmontane foothill areas in the Pinyon-Juniper Woodland and Joshua Tree Woodland plant communities. Range restricted to the mouth of Lytle Cr. Cyn. on the cismontane side, in Coastal Sage Scrub and Chaparral plant communities. Last record at the mouth of Cucamonga Cyn. and nearby area was 1916 by I.M. Johnston.

FVS: May 28, 1914, W.L. Jepson, Cajon Pass, 3598 ft. (1097 m.)

Juniperus occidentalis Hook., ssp. australis Vasek, Western Juniper

(synonym: J. grandis R.P. Adams)

LACo.: Iron Mt. summit, n.w. of Mt. Baldy Village, Apr. 25, 1997, 7888 ft.

(2405 m.); e. end of Big Horn Ridge, s.w. of Mt. San Antonio, ridgetop, Aug. 9, 1999, 9161 ft. (2793 m.)

Other records:

B.C. Templeton, Mt. Baldy, Aug. 21, 1932, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 21, 1932

SBCo.: From 7757 ft. (2365 m.), at Icehouse Cyn., A.B. Cossey, no date given, to 9479 ft. (2890 m.), at Mt. Harwood summit, R.G. Swinney,Aug. 22, 1995; May, July-Oct.; rare; montane

Records by R.G. Swinney:

E. of Wright Mt. summit, c. 200 meters s.e. of e. end of Blue Ridge Mtwy., July 12, 1993, 8049 ft. (2454 m.); n. of Pine Mt. c. 1/4 mile n. of pk. on w. side of Devil’s Backbone trail, Aug. 10, 1995, 9200 ft. (2805 m.); Dawson Pk., Aug. 10, 1995, 9480 ft. (2890 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, s. side of Blue Ridge, Sep. 5, 1967, 7902 ft. (2409 m.); near Devil’s Backbone (“Baldy”), Aug. 16, 1918, 7997 ft. (2438 m.); Eleanor McClung, Mt. Baldy, May 29, 1937, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, N. Fork San Antonio Cyn. (Old Gold Ridge Mine), July 28, 1917, 7997 ft. (2438 m.)

FVS: July 4, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Devil’s Backbone, 9000 ft. (2743 m.)

Juniperus osteosperma (Torr.) Little, Utah Juniper

LACo.: T.S. Ross, Fort Tejon Rd., 0.1 mile w. of its jct. with Hwy. 138, 0.25-0.3 miles w. of the co. line, Apr. 27, 1991, 3880 ft. (1183 m.) (just n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: Upper Cajon Cyn., nameless cyn., n. of Circle Mt., s.e. of Controversy Spring, June 3, 1995, 4799 ft. (1463 m.); Pinon Hills, w. of Greene Rd., June 20, 1996, 4986 ft. (1512 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, mesa just east of mouth of Lytle Cr., Mar. 6, 1968, 2300 ft.

(701 m.)

FVS: Mar. 6, 1968

Sequoia sempervirens (Lamb. ex D. Don) Endl., Redwood

Native to Pacific Coast fog zone from Plasket Cr. area, n. of Santa Barbara to Oregon.

LACo.: Winter Cr. at 0.2 (?) miles w. (upstream) fromBig Santa Anita Cyn., 2 trees < 12 ft., on s. side of sream, perhaps naturalized, Aug. 23, 2010, 18780 ft. (570 m.) (not yet processed)

Other records:

Paul M. Inman, c. 1 mile n. of Arcadia, c. 100 yds. below weir at Hoegee’s Camp, May 8, 1983, no elev. given

FVS: May 8, 1983

SBCo.: No records found.

+Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) J. Buchholz, Giant Sequoia

Native to High Sierra Nevada

Status: CRPR CBR

LACo.: Buckhorn Spring, 50-250 meters s. of Hwy. 2 in cyn. bottom, near large concrete water Tank, on e. side of cyn., dry, no surface water, n.w.-facing slope with montane coniferous forest of Pinus jeffrey (some extremeley large) Abies concolor & Calocedrus decurrens. At least 12 trees - 30-90 ft. (9.2-27 m.) tall, oldest trees most likely planted. Some of the younger trees, possibly from germination (not aware of past fire history); Big Cienaga Spring at Pine Flats, e. of Deer Flats Campground in the Crystal Lake Rec. Area, _____________2010 Sulpher Springs Cmpgrd. area, S. Fork of Littlerock Cr., (near water tank in e. area-added 2011), May 28, 2009, 5199 ft. (1585 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, c. 8 miles WNW of Wrightood, E. Fenner Saddle Rd. on Pacific Crest Trail, Aug. 11, 2004, 6799 ft. (1083 m.), small trees, uneven sizes,

c. 2-4 m. tall, locally common, emergent above brush in (evidently) recently burned-over area. Possibly planted here or possibly post-fire seedlings from an unknown seedsource

FVS: Aug. 11, 2004

SBCo.: San Sevaine Flats on San Sevaine (Big Tree Truck) Rd., s.w. of San Sevaine Well, Oct. 17, 1992, 1692 ft. (516 m.), gentle slopes on ridge-top, Yellow Pine Forest with Pinus lambertiana, Abies concolor, Quercus kellloggii & Calocedrus decurrens. Several trees at c. 50 ft. (15 m.), apparently planted among trees at meadow, all trees of similar size.

Other records: None found.

FVS: Oct. 17, 1992

Ephedraceae Ephedra Family

Ephedra nevadensis S. Watson, Nevada Ephedra, Nevada Jointfir

Chaparral, Creosote Bush Scrub, Joshua Tree Woodland, Pinyon-Juniper Woodland

LACo.: From 2401 ft. (732 m.), at Mill Cyn., off Soledad Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, May 5, 1973, to 4900 ft. (1494 m.), at Alimony Ridge, L.C. Wheeler, May 27, 1968; March- June; Fairly common in montane foothill areas

FVS: May 19, 1921, F.W. Peirson, Little Rock Cr., 3100 ft. (945 m.)

SBCo.: From 4961 ft. (1482 m.), n.e. of Wrightwood, Horse Cyn., n.w. of Circle Mt., 100-200 meters e. of Hwy. 2, c. 200 ft. north of Horse Cyn. Rd. (USFS Rd. 3N12), R.G. Swinney, June 12, 1994, to 5248 ft. (1600 m.), at Oak Spring Ranch, Pesach Lubinskky & L. Lubinsky, May 1, 1998; May and June; very few records, perhaps due to producuction of flowers and seeds only during years of good rainfall

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, c. 2.5 miles NNE of Wrightwood at boundary of Nat. Forest, Apr. 23, 1966, 5000 ft. (1524 m.)

FVS: Apr. 16, 1947, Lyman Benson, San Gab. Mts. region, edge of Mojave Desert, 10 miles n.w. of Cajon, 4600 ft. (1402 m.)

Ephedra viridis Coville, Green Ephedra, Morman Tea

LACo.: From 3100 ft. (945 m.), at Soledad Cyn., vic. of Soledad Pass, Soledad Cyn. Road, c. 0.5 miles s. of Sierra Hwy., B. Pitzer, May 23, 1998, to 5799 ft. (1768 m.) at w. end of ridge extending from Big John Pk., above Big John Flat (to the south), R.G. Swinney, June 5, 1999; Apr.-June, Aug., Nov.; Uncommon; Pinyon-Juniper Woodland, Joshua Tree Woodland and Sagebrush Scrub on the montane side; Chaparral & Yellow Pine Forest on the cismontane side in Prairie Fk.

Records by R.G. Swinney:

Big Rock Cr. at Paradise Springs, on Campground property (now Big Rock Creek Camp), May 2, 2008, 4822 ft. (1470 m.); Bob’s Gap near Lime Kiln ruins on e. side of rd., at Holcomb Ridge, Apr. 18, 2001, 4080 ft. (1244 m.); with Vanessa Merritt, s.w. of Pinon Hills, 0.3 miles s. of mouth of Mescal Cyn. & Reservoir, June 12, 1998, 4920 ft. (1500 m.)

Other records:

T.S. Ross, Peter W. Fritsch, et al., Pinyon Ridge, w. half of ridge, June 22, 1990, 5600-6400 ft. (707 m.); Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., off Big Pines Hwy. (Rd. N), near Shoemaker Cyn., May 6, 2005, no elev. given; L.E. Hoffman, Holcomb Cr., Nov. 28, 1931, no elev. given (B.C. Templeton with seperate voucher); I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk., Aug. 25, 1917, 5000 ft. (1524 m.); L.C. Wheeler, imm. west of Caldwell Lake, May 31, 1967, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 25, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk., 4999 ft. (1524 m.)

SBCo.: Pinyon-Juniper Woodland and chaparral on the montane side; Montane coniferous on the cismontane side at Devil’s Backbone; rare,

n. of Wrightwood; 0.9 miles s.w. of Oak Spring Ranch Rd. jct., c. 800 meters w. of Hwy. 2, s. of prominent old mining operation, June 12, 1994,

5999 ft. (1829 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & Hj. Eichlen, near e. end of Devil’s Backbone, July 27, 1968,

8600 ft. (2622 m.)

FVS: July 27, 1968

Pinaceae Pine Family

Abies concolor (Gord. & Glend.) Lindl. ex Hildebr., White Fir

[synonyms: A. lowiana (Gordon) A. Murray bis and A. concolor var. lowiana (Gordon) Lemmon]

Records by R.G. Swinney – locations only:

Punchbowl Cyn. (5200 ft.), Iron Mt., Lookout Mt., Mt. Islip, Mt. Williamson, Ross Mt., Sugarloaf Pk., Table Mt. Summit, Telegraph Pk., Throop Pk., Timber Mt., Wright Mt., Cucamonga Pk., Etiwanda Pk., Mt. Harwood, Mt. Burnham, Mt. Lewis, West Mt. Baldy Pk. (1 tree), Mt. Williamson complex, Big Horn Pk., E. & W. Twin Pks., Mt. Waterman, Mt. Hawkins, Middle Hawkins Pk., Saddie Hawkins Pk.; the most common tree in many areas between 6500 and 8500 ft.; montane coniferous, Yellow Pine Forest

LACo.: From 5199 ft. (1585 m.), at Big Rock Cr. site, Fenner Cyn., June Latting, June 24, 1973, to 9899 ft. (3018 m.), at West Baldy Pk., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 27, 1998; Jan., Apr.-Aug., Oct.-Dec.; abundant in montane, uncommon at transmontane highlands

FVS: Oct. 14, 1928, Christina Clark, Mt. San Antonio

SBCo.: From 6038 ft. (1841 m.), at Wrightwood at Wright Lake, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 12, 1996, to 6848 ft. (2088 m.), at Sugarloaf Pk. east & w. summits and saddle between, s. of Icehouse Cyn. Parking Area, R.G. Swinney, July 9, 1996; Mar., June-Nov.; abundant (The elev. range presented here from available records, is inadequate, attempt will be made to make a more complete voucher survey)

FVS: Mar. 15, 1916, L.L. Gardner, Icehouse Cyn., no elev. given

Pinus attenuata Lemmon, Knobcone Pine

Native to San Bernardino Mts., Sierra Nevada, Baja CA, etc.

All the following locations represent planted trees, no documentation of naturalization at these sites is available.

LACo.: I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn., Nov. 21, 1916; J.C. Roos, c. 3 miles s. of Charlton Flats, Angeles Cr. Hwy., Apr. 18, 1942, no elev.; R.F. Thorne, Chilao Flat near entrance, June 26, 1971, 5300 ft. (1616 m.); L.C. Wheeler, w. side of N. Fork, San Gabriel River, near mouth, Oct. 5, 1968, 2025 ft. (617 m.); D. Roche, Mt. Baldy Rd., 1.7 mi. from jct. of Mills Ave. & Mt. Baldy Rd., May 26, 1998,

1900 ft. (579 m.); Brian McColgan, Evey Cyn., 1 mile n. of Padua on Mt. Baldy Rd., May 10, 1988, 3000 ft. (915 m.); Tim Thibault, Mt. Gleason, Sep. 28, 2003, 5589 ft. (1704 m.); R. Patterson, Millard Cyn., Mar. 24, 1965, 1998 ft. (609 m.); Wendell Wood, Switzer’s Camp, Angeles Crest Hwy., 9 mi. beyond jct. with Foothill Blvd., June 24, 1970, 3001 ft. (915 m.); A.C. Sanders & D. Malueg,

2 miles e. of Mt. Gleason at Little Gleason Forestry Plantation on So. Cal. Edison Mesa- Vincent transmission line at tower 7-2, June 24, 1998, 5599 ft. (1707 m.)

FVS: Nov. 21, 1916, I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn.

SBCo.: Stockton Flat , W. Fork. Lytle Cr., Aug. 19, 1996, 5799 ft. (1768 m.)

(8 meter high trees, c. 17 individuals along rd.)

Other records: None found.

Pinus contorta Douglas ex Louden var. murrayana (Balf.) Engelm., Sierra Lodgepole Pine

montane coniferous, the dominant tree in many areas above 8500 ft. (2591 m.)

LACo.: From 8997 ft. (2743 m.), at 1 mile s. of Dawson Saddle on Hwy. 2, Low B. Prigge, Apr. 12, 1970, to 10000 ft. (3049 m.), at Mt. San Antonio, Albert J. Perkins, July 26, 1915 (perhaps in San Bernardino Co., co. line runs through the center of the peak.); Apr., June- Aug., Oct.; (additional voucher specimens needed to reflect their proper distribution and abundance); montane

FVS: July 26, 1915, Albert J. Perkins, Mt. San Antonio, 10000 ft. (3049 m.)

SBCo.: From 8200 ft. (2500 m.), at Devil’s Backbone Trail, between Wright Mt. & Pine Mt., T.S. Ross & Peter W. Fritsch, June 15, 1990, 8200 ft. (2500 m.), to 10037 ft. (3060 m.), at Mt. San Antonio, near summit, F.R. Fosberg and Mildred E. Mathias, June 23, 1931; Jan., May-Sep.; abundant locally above 8200 ft.; montane


Pinus coulteri D. Don, Coulter Pine

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

commonly planted throughout the range; native in the L.A. Co. portion only; Chaparral, Yellow Pine Forest, Montane Coniferous, the records listed here represent populations thought to be natural

LACo.: From 1299 ft. (396 m.), at Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, n. of Jet Prop. Lab., Transect 2, John F. Green, July 17, 2003, to 7350 ft. (2241 m.), at ridge, c. 0.5 miles s. of Iron Mt., 4-5 air miles n.w. of Mt. Baldy Village, limited population of mature trees, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 25, 1997, Apr., May, Aug., Nov. Dec., Uncommon; transmontane at Devil’s Punchbowl, montane, cismontane

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Crystal Lake cutoff, c. 1 mile s. of Snow Spring, Bear Cr., s.w. slope of Mt. Islip, Nov. 30, 1966, 5799 ft. (1768 m.); B. Prigge, 24 miles n.e. of La Canada, along Hwy. 2, Dec. 4, 1970, 5396 ft. (1645 m.), (native status uncertain); Lyman Benson, Mt. San Antonio, no elev. given (native status uncertain); L.C. Wheeler, Divide between W. Fork Bear Cyn. & Devil’s Cyn., Aug. 7, 1968,

5900 ft. (1799 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Divide between Punchbowl Cyn. and Watkins Cr., at end of rd., beginning of Burkhart Trail, May 12, 1968, 5200 ft. (1585 m.); L.E. Hoffman, Barley Flats, Sep. 18, 1932, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 18, 1932, L.E. Hoffman, Barley Flats, no elev. given

SBCo.: It is not certain whether any of the 4 records represent natural populations.

The tree I collected from Clyde Ranch, I learned was planted. It has since blown down. The 8 trees in Horse Canyon Shooting Range area were all near 7 m. high when I collected cones. I now suspect they were planted. The 2 remaining records are from Lyman Benson. Trees on the flat below Baldy are likely planted. His Mt. San Antonio record is without elevation, abundance or specific location. Origin of this specimen is uncertain.

FVS: Oct. 15, 1945, Lyman Benson, Mt. San Antonio, 4301 ft. (1311 m.)

Pinus flexilis James, Limber Pine

LACo.: From 7000 ft. (2134 m.), at Chilao Flats, B.C. Templeton, Dec. 22, 1931, to 9345 ft. (2851m.), just s. of pk. of Mt. Baden-Powel, Robert F. Thorne & J. Dourley, Oct. 3, 1967; Apr.-Aug., Oct., Dec.; rare; montane

Other records:

R.G. Swinney, at summit of Iron Mt., 4-5 airmiles n.w. of Mt. Baldy Village, Apr. 25, 1997, 7888 ft. (2405 m.); June Latting, Throop Pk. Trail, Oct. 16, 1977, 9099 ft. (2774 m.); R.F. Thorne, Throop Pk., Aug. 25, 1971, no elev. given; P.A. Munz, ridge s. of Swartout Valley, Aug. 31, 1923, 8500 ft. (2591 m.); R.F. Thorne, Mt. Hawkins, Aug. 25, 1971, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, summit of Mt. Hawkins, July 26, 1970, 8850 ft. (2698 m.); B.C. Templeton, Chilao Flats, Dec. 22, 1981, no elev. given; G.R. Johnstone, Mt. San Antonio, June 10, 1928, no elev. given; Joseph Andorfer Ewan, N. Baldy (slopes of e. spur), Aug. 6, 1934, 8997 ft. (2743 m.); J. Vlahos, San Antonio Cyn., May 13, 1934, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Blue Ridge, no date given, no elev. given; J. Haller, n. of summit of Mt. Baden-Powell (near lower edge of Designated Ancient Limber Pines Area), Oct. 7, 1979, 8856 ft. (2700 m.)

FVS: June 10, 1928, G.R.Johnstone, Mt. San Antonio

SBCo.: The 2 records listed in the LA Co. portion for Mt. San Antonio, could possibly have been on the e. side of the county line, and are listed here again.

Joseph Andorfer Ewan, N. Baldy (slopes of e. spur), Aug. 6, 1934, 8997 ft.

(2743 m.); G.R. Johnstone, Mt. San Antonio, June 10, 1928, no elev. given

FVS: June 10, 1928

Pinus jeffreyi Balf., Jeffrey Pine

Yellow Pine & Montane Coniferous Forests

I have observed trees below and above the following elev. records, but these represent known collections:

LACo.: From 4002 ft. (1220 m.) at Devil’s Punchowl County Par, at fork of Punchbowl Cyn. in the n. area, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 22, 2005, to 9361 ft.

(2854 m.), at Mt. Baden-Powell, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 18, 2001; Feb., Apr., July-Oct.; Abundant; all 3 sections

FVS: Dec. 29, 1897, summit of Mt. Wilson, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 6038 ft. (1841 m.), at Wrightwood, Wright Lake, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 12, 1996, to 8954 ft. (2730 m.), at Telegraph Pk., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 11, 1994; May, July, Aug., Dec.; abundant; transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: Dec. 15, 1962, Mark Purratt, Mt. San Antonio, 8200 ft. (2500 m.)

Pinus halapensis Mill, Jerusalem Pine, Aleppo Pine

Native to Africa, temperate Asia and Europe.

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta, Litle Rock Cr., slopes e. of creek below Little Rock Dam, July 12, 1995 & Mar. 30, 1994, 3150 ft. (960 m.) (most likely planted-added 2010)

FVS: Mar. 30, 1994

SBCo.: No records found.

Pinus lambertiana Douglas, Sugar Pine

Records by R.G. Swinney – locations only:

Cucamonga Pk., Dawson Pk., Etiwanda Pk., Iron Mt.(on San Antonio Ridge), Mt. Burnham, Mt. Islip, Mt. Lewis, Mt. Williamson & ridge down to 6350 ft., Ross Mt., Sugarloaf Pk., Telegraph Pk., Big Horn Pk., Timber Mt., Lamel Spring,Windy Spring, San Sevaine Flats, Sheep Flats, Bear Flat, Sheep Flats, Falling Rocks Cyn. Kelly’s Camp, Windy Spring

Yellow Pine Forest, montane coniferous

LACo.: From 5000-6000 ft. (1524 m.), at Mt. Wilson, George P. Grant & W. Wheeler, May, 17, 1904 to 9099 ft. (2774 m.), at Throop Pk. Trail, June Latting, Oct. 16, 1977 (the higher record by L.E. Hoffman was collected on E. side of E. Baldy, therefore it is in San Bernardino County); Jan, Apr., May, July-Dec.; fairly common; montane, cismontane

FVS: July 22, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Mt. Wilson

SBCo.: From 3998 ft. (1219 m.), at San Sevaine Cyn., A. Lewis, Mar. 1, 1933, to 8970 ft. (2735 m.), Telegraph Pk., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 11, 1994, Mar., May, July-Dec.; fairly common; montane

FVS: Mar., 1915, Fred Cox, Icehouse Cyn., no elev. given

Pinus monophylla Torr. & Frem., Singleleaf Pinyon

LACo.: From 3451 ft. (1052 m.), at Little Rock Cr., Orlando Mistretta, July 12, 1995, to 7400f t. (2256 m.), summit of E. Table Mt., w. of Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, July 2, 1998 and Joseph Andorpher Ewan, w. end of Table Mt., Montaine Cr. (head of), Aug. 3, 1934, 7396 ft. (2255 m.); All months, Common; montane, desert slopes

FVS: June 3-6, 1900, H.M. Hall, Lone Pine Cyn., 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

SBCo.: From 3847 ft. (1173 m.(, on Hwy. 2, 5 miles s. of Wrightwood, sandstone hills, Ira Wiggins, Mar. 9, 1937, to 6800 ft. (2073 m.), at Coldwater Cyn., along Mt. Baldy Rd., off N. Fk. & Lytle Cr., L.C. Wheeler, July 10, 1968; Jan., Mar.-July, Sep., Nov.; Common; montane, desert slopes

FVS: June 17, 1921, P.A. Munz, Lone Pine Cyn., 4999 ft. (1524 m.)

Pinus ponderosa C. Lawson, Yellow Pine, Pacific Ponderosa Pine

Cones collected at Browns Flat (5000 ft., SDEF, 1988) may be P. jeffreyi , variation in characteristics of cones

LACo.: From 2500 ft. (762 m.), in Glendora, tree 8 m. high, Thomas Seerley, Feb. 22, 1948 (record by Kurt Zeiher, May 7, 1949, for Big Dalton Cyn., Glendora, lists 500 ft. ( perhaps should be 500 m.-1640 ft., as lowest Big Dalton Cyn. elev. is 1100 ft.-added 2010), to 7544 ft. (2300 m.), at Islip Trail near Islip-Hawkins Divide, Mt. Hawkins, Hawkins Divide, F.R. Fosberg, Aug. 13, 1931; Feb., Apr.-Aug., Nov.; uncommon; transmontane at Mt. Gleason, montane, cismontane at Mt. Wilson, Switzer Camp & Dalton Cyn. (Glendora)

Other records:

L.E. Hoffman, Swartout Cyn., Nov. 9, 1931, no elev. given; V.V. Giles, Crystal Lake, July 5, 1919, no elev. given; Mark Parratt, Charlton Flats, Apr. 8, 1964, no elev. given; R. Suter, atop Mt. Wilson (25 yds. north of Mt. Wilson Hotel Parking Lot; R. Spengler, Switzer’s Camp, Angeles Crest, May 14, 1965, 2298 ft.

(914 m.); Mark Parratt, Barley Flats, Apr. 8, 1964, 5599 ft. (1707 m.); Joseph A. Ewan, open forest on summit of Mt. Gleason, May 29, 1932, 6199 ft. (1890 m.)

FVS: July 15, 1919, V.V. Giles Crystal Lake, 5701 ft. (1738 m.)

SBCo.: From 4540 ft. (1384 m.), at Ralston Pk. (s.w. of Cajon Jct.-added 2010), R.G. Swinney, July 8, 1995, to 5600 ft. (1707 m.), at Big Pines Rd., from Cajon, Lyman Benson, Apr. 22, 1947; Mar-May, July, Sep.-Dec.; uncommon; montane, Cajon Pass area at Ralston Pk.

Records by R.G. Swinney:

N. Fk. Lytle Cr. at jct. of FS Rd. 3N06 & 3N33, Nov. 2, 1991, 5199 ft. (1585 m.); San Sevaine Flats at San Sevaine (Big Tree Truck) Rd., Oct. 17, 1992, 5550 ft. (1692 m.)

Other records:

Mark Parratt, Mt. San Antonio, Dec. 1 & 15, 1962, no elev. given (14 seperate voucher numbers); Eleanor McClung, Coldwater Cyn., Stockton Flats, May 29, 1937, no elev. given; L.L. Gardner, Icehouse Cyn., Mar. 15, 1916, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 15, 1916

+Pseudotsuga macrocarpa (Vasey) Mayr, Bigcone Douglas-fir, Bigcone Spruce

LACo.: From 1351 ft. (412 m.), at Mystic Cyn. (Glendora, north trib. of Big Dalton Cyn.,-added 2011) to 6800 ft. (2073 m.), at Santiago Cyn., s. slope of Pacifico Mt. near summit, Orlando Mistretta, July 11, 1995; Jan., Mar.-Oct., Dec.; abundant in its optimum conditions; all 3 sections

FVS: Apr. 30, 1912, Huron H. Smith, top of Mt. Wilson, 6672 ft. (2034 m.)

SBCo.: From 3802 ft. (1159 m.), at Stoddard Cyn., Arthur C. Gibson, Apr. 30, 1971, to 6196 ft. (1889 m.), at slopes of Mt. Baldy, H. L. Mason, June 15, 1927; Feb.-Aug., Oct.; abundant in its optimum conditions; all 4 sections

FVS: June 1-3, 1900, H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 5697 ft. (1737 m.)


Nymphaeceae Water Lily Family

Nymphaea odorata Aiton, Fragrent or American White Waterlily

Native to e. N. America.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: 4 records, all from Lost Lake Sag-pond on the San Andreas Fault, lower end (E.) of Lone Pine Cyn., 2770-2791 ft. (845-851 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tillforth; R.G. Swinney; Pete Lounsbury; Lew Davis; June & Oct.; 1972-2008; 1 pop. in 2008 in n.e. area of lake, R.G. Swinney

FVS: June 29, 1972, R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, San Gab. Mts., Lost Lake (Sag-pond on San Andreas Fault), lower end of Lone Pine Cyn., June 29, 1972, 2770 ft. (845 m.)


Lauraceae Laurel Family

Umbellularia californica (Hook. & Arn.) Nutt., California Bay, Pepperwood, California Laurel

[synonyms: U. californica var. californica and U. californica var. fresnensis Eastw.]

LACo.: From 840 ft. (256 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 1.4 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., s. side of rd. at spring, 0.5 miles e. of San Gab. Canyon Inf. Station, on Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Dec. 6, 2008, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), NNE of Glendora on Glendora Mt. Road, Thomas Eakle, Mar. 25, 1971; Jan-July, Sep.-Dec.; common; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 18, 1901, Ernest Braunton, San Gab. Mts. Region, Laurel Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2500 ft. (762 m.), along road to Mt. Baldy Village, c. 5 miles s. of the Village, David Young, May 10, 1969, to 5599 ft. (1707 m.), at Bear Flats, c. 1.7 miles n. of Mt. Baldy Village, E. Fork of Bear Cyn., R.G. Swinney & Cory Wilson, July 25, 1996; Feb.-July, Sep. Oct.; common; montane, cismontane

FVS: 1910, Auretia S. Harwood, near Mt. Ontario (Upland), 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

Sauruaceae Lizard’s-tail Family

(Ranunculaceae –Buttercup Family)

Anemopsis californica (Nutt.) Hook. & Arn., Yerba Mansa

LACo.: mouth of Sandrock Cr., 0.26 air miles s. of Valyermo Post Office, June 9, 2008, 3729 ft. (1137 m.)

Other records:

Marcus E. Jones, Swartout Valley, Sep. 10, 1924, no elev. given; Henry J. & Mrs. Henry J. Ramsey, Big Pines, Palmdale Rd., June 24, 1937, no elev. given; Gale Sphon, Big Rock Cr., June 27, 1959, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Barrel Springs, San Andreas Rift Zone, July 23, 1967 and Apr. 21, 1973, 2880 ft. (878 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Ft. Tejon Rd., 0.5 miles ESE of 106th Street East, Nov. 18, 1967, 3300 ft. (1006 m.); B.C. Templeton, Shoemaker Cyn., near Valyermo, June 22, 1938, no elev. given; Frank W. Peirson, Rock Cr., June 15, 1919, 4248 ft.

(1295 m.)

FVS: June 15, 1919

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Sep. 16, 1967, 3401 ft. (1037 m.); Anonym., Lone Pine., Nov. 11, 1933, 2650 ft. (808 m.)

FVS: Nov. 11, 1933


Ceratophyllaceae Hornwort Family

Ceratophyllum demersum L., Hornwort, Coon’s Tail

LACo.: G.R. Johnstone, near Coldbrook, San Gabriel River above the dam, June 26, 1930, 5497 ft. (1676 m.); 7 records from Crystal Lake from June 19, 1921, F.W. Peirson, to June 25, 1990, T.S. Ross et al.

FVS: June 19, 1921, Crystal Lake, 5497 ft. (1676 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.


Adoxaceae Muskroot Family

(Caprifoliaceae – Honeysuckle Family)

Sambucus nigra L. ssp. cerulea (Raf.) R. Bolli, Blue Elderberry

[synonym:s S. nigra L. ssp. canadensis (L.) R. Bolli and S. mexicana DC. misappl.] Variable, in need of study.

LACo.: From 669 ft. (204 m.), at Duarte, Van Tassel cyn., 1.45 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. at Encanto Dr. on Fish Cyn. Road, R.G. Swinney, Jan. 19, 2009, to 7600 ft. (2316 m.), at Mt. Baden-Powell, Marion P. Harthill, Sep. 25, 1971, and at 7603 ft. (2317 m.) along Angeles Crest Hwy. near Lodgepole Picnic Ground, R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, May 10, 1965; Mar.-Oct; common; all 3 sections

FVS: Apr. 24, 1919, F.W. Peirson, small cyn., e. of Rubio Cyn., 1797 ft. (548 m.)

SBCo.: From 1499 ft. (457 m.) at end of Haven Ave., n. of Chaffy College, D.A. Young, May 25, 1969, to 8849 ft. (2698 m.), s.w. of Telegraph Pk., c. 500 m. from summit, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 11, 1994; Mar., May-Oct.; common; all 4 sections


Aizoaceae Fig-Marigold or Iceplant Family

Carpobrotus chilensis (Molina) N.E. Br., Sea Fig

Probably native to s. Africa.

LACo.: Lower Ham Cyn. where it runs through San Dimas Golf Course, just above confl. of San Dimas Wash, Apr. 4, 2008, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L., Crystalline Icepllant

Native to S. Africa.

LACo.: D.L. Crawford, Upper San Dimas Cyn., May 10, 1916, no elev. given.

SBCo.: No records found.

Sesuvium verrucosum Raf., Western Sea-purslane

LACo.: Haja Parikh. & Nathan Gale, Santa Clara River Valley, Newhall Ranch, along Santa Clara River (SCR-Sce (.1) at and below confl. of Protrero Cyn.,

SBCo.: No records found.

Amaranthaceae Amaranth Family

Amaranthus albus L., Tumbleweed, Prostrate Pigweed

Native to c. N. America.

Often fairly common in disturbed places

LACo.: From 630 ft. (192 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 0.8 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of main river channel, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 13, 2009, to 7200 ft. (2195 m.) at W. Blue Ridge, Big Pines Park, B.C. Templeton, July 21, 1932; Mar., May-Nov; fairly common in disturbed areas in montane & cismontane; rare in transmontane

FVS: Aug. 10, 1919, F.R. Fosberg, Crystal Lake, Pine Flats, N. Fork San Gabriel Cyn., 5248 ft. (1600 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Region Park, marsh to the w. of fishing lakes, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 7, 2008, to 6038 ft. (1841 m.), at Wrightwood at Wright Lake, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 12, 1996; June-Nov.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Sep. 8, 1931, Freda Detmers, Lytle Creek Cyn., no elev. given

Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson, Procumbant Pigweed, Mat Amaranth

Native weed in disturbed places, mostly at lower elevations

LACo.: From 630 ft. (192 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 0.8 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., on e. side of main river channel, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 13, 2009, to 4750 ft. (1448 m.), at upper Coldbrook Cr., L.C. Wheeler, Nov. 21,

1966; May, July, Sep.-Dec.; uncommon; transmontane at Little Rock Cr., Anstruther Davidson, Oct. 1897, cismontane

FVS: Oct. 1897, Anstruther Davidson, Little Rock Cr.

SBCo.: Cajon Wash, c. 300 meters w. of jct. of Cajon Rd. & Kenwood Ave., June 22, 1993, 2270 ft. (692 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne& J. Dourley, Lost Lake, in San Andreas Fault, Oct. 10, 1967, 2750 ft. (838 m.); P.H. Raven, Lost Lake, Lone Pine Cyn., Sep. 17, 1961, 2750 ft.

(838 m.)

FVS: Sep. 17, 1961

Amaranthus californicus (Moq.) S. Watson, California (n) Amaranth

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Little Rock Reservoir, Sep. 6, 1966, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., Sep. 10, 1950, 1425 ft. (434 m.); F.W. Peirson, along Mescal Cr., near Big Pines, July 6, 1922, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Little Rock Res., Sep. 6, 1966, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Big Pines, July 6, 1922, 6796 ft. (2072 m.)

FVS: July 6, 1922

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Grapevine Cyn., off Lytle Cr., Nov. 4, 1967, 4500 ft.

(1372 m.); R.F. Thorne, Larry E. Buhr. et al., below water tank above San Sevaine Rd. at Grapevine Spring, Oct. 13, 1972

FVS: July 2, 1967, R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, above Baldy Village, San Antonio Cyn., 4450 ft. (1356 m.)

Amaranthus deflexus L., Largefruit Amaranth

Native to S. America, Europe & Asia

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, 2 miles n.e. of LaVerne, along roadside, Aug. 31, 1931, 1250 ft. (380 m.) (at s. boundary of San Gab. Mts.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Amaranthus hybridus L., Smooth Pigweed, Green Amaranth, Prince of Wales Feather

Native to e. N. America.

[synonyms: A. hybridus L. ssp. cruentus (L.) Thell and A. paniculatus L. and A. cruentus L.]

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, upper Coldbrook Cr., Sep. 21, 1966, 4750 ft. (1448 m.);

L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn. Rd. & Sand Cyn., Aug. 13, 1967, 1425 ft. (434 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Little Tujunga Cyn. at Marek Cyn., July 11, 1967, no elev. given; records by L.C. Wheeler at Brooks Ranch and Waldo Wards Grove in Azusa, are from irrigated areas

FVS: Sep. 21, 1966, L.C. Wheeler, upper Coldbrook Cr., 4750 ft. (1448 m.)

SBCo.: Robert F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, San Antonio Cyn., Chapman Ranch above Mt. Baldy Village, July 2, 1967, 4448 ft. (1356 m.) This entry was reported under the synonym A. cruentus, which includes the synonym A. cruentes ssp. cruentus. This could possibly be recognized as a separate taxa not listed in TJM 2012.

Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson, Carelessweed

LACo.: Seven records by L.C. Wheeler, all in irrigated areas

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Park, Cajon Cyn., Oct. 12, 1969, no elelv. given

Amaranthus powellii S. Watson, Powell’s Amaranth

Native to s. U.S. & adj. Mexico.

LACo.: Record by L.C. Wheeler at Waldo Wards Grove in San Gabriel Cyn., is in irrigated area

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Park, Cajon Cyn., Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given

Amaranthus retroflexus L., Redroot Pigwee or Amaranth

Native to c. & e. N. America.

Uncommon weed in disturbed areas, mostly near residential areas

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, Big Dalton Cyn., June 30, 1939, 1404 ft. (428 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, 0.2 mi. inside mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., Nov. 9, 1968, 760 ft.

(232 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Gabriel Cyn., at Water Cyn., along w. side of Morris Resevoir, Oct. 5, 1968, 1250 ft. (381 m.);; L.C. Wheeler, head of Los Pinetos Cyn., Aug. 20, 1968, 3600 ft. (1097 m.); L.C. Wheeler, upper Coldbrook Cr., Sep. 21, 1966, 4750 ft. (1448 m.)

FVS: Sep. 21, 1966

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, Lytle Cr. Ranger Station, at margin of lawn, July 7, 1971,

2719 ft. (829 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Park, Cajon Cyn., Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given

FVS: Oct. 12, 1969

Anacardiaceae Sumac or Cashew Family

Malosma laurina Nutt. ex Abrams, Laurel-leaf Sumac, Laurel Sumac

s.w. CA & Baja CA, Mex.

Cismontane foothill slopes, distribution limited by succeptibility to frost, mostly below 3000 ft.; Potato Mt., 3422 ft.

LACo.: From 970 ft. (296 m.), at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, R.G. Swinney, June 12, 2009, to 4500 ft. (1372 m.) at San Antonio Cyn., 1.5 mi. above second tunnel at Mt. Rd. turnoff, on w. side of river above cyn., Fred Brooks, May 7, 1988; May-July; Common; cismontane

FVS: June, 1901, George B. Grant, Sturdevant’s Camp Tr.

SBCo.: Adrian Wolf, Etiwanda, alluvial slope s. of the mts., north of Hwy. 30, & just e. of Day Cr., May, 9, 1997, 1699 ft. (518 m.) (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Pistacia vera L., Pistachio

Native to Iran.

LACo.: Justin M. Wood, Beartrap Cyn. at confl. w/Aliso Cyn., Nov. 21, 2008, 3349 ft. (1021 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Rhus aromatica Aiton, Skunk, Fragrent Sumac

(synonym: R. trilobata Nutt. & all subtaxa) Three synonym vars. are listed below and indented.

LACo.: From 1204 ft. (367 m.), at Glendora, n. of Sierra Madre Ave., w. of Church of the Open Door, R.G. Swinney, July 14, 1989, to 6189 ft. (1887m.), at Granite Mountain, southeasterly slope, T.S. Ross, Aug. 14, 1991 (he collected another speciman here at 6280 ft. (1915 m.), det. as Rhus trilobata var. quinata; Mar.-May, July, Aug.; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Mar. 22, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: From 1998 ft. (609 m.), at Cajon Pass, H.M. Hall, Apr. 27, 1906, to

5159 ft. (1573 m.), at Phelan Pk., Baldy Mesa, s. of Phelan, R.G. Swinney, June 1, 1996; Mar.-July, Nov.; uncommon, all 4 sections

FVS: Apr. 27, 1906

Synonym: Rhus trilobata Nutt. var. anisophylla (Greene) Jeps., Skunkbush Sumac

LACo.: Michael C. Long, Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, 0.5 mi. n. of parking area, May 19, 1974, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Synonym: Rhus trilobata Nutt. var. pilosissima Engelm., Pubescent Skunkbrush Sumac

[synonym: Rhus trilobata Nutt. var. malacophylla (Greene) Munz]

LACo.: Gary D. Cromwell & David Wheat, Mystic Cyn., 2 miles n.e. of Glendora, May 14, 1971, 2050 ft. (625 m.)

SBCo.: F.W. Peirson, summit of Cajon Pass, May 30, 1921, 3800 ft. (1159 m.); S.B. Parish, Lytle Cr., June 29, 1909, no elev. given;

FVS: June 29, 1909

Synonym: Rhus trilobata Nutt. var. quinata (Greene) Jeps., Skunkbrush Sumac

LACo.: T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Doe Flat and imm. vicinity, between Graveyard Cyn. & E. Fk. of Susanna Cyn., draining to the lower E. Fork San Gabriel River, Apr. 25, 1991, 2760-2840 ft. (841-866 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd. et al., Upper Big Tujunga Cyn.: ridge & slopes descending +/- ENE from THORN Triangulation Pt. 5499 ft., toward Big Tujunga Cr. (c. 0.6-1.6 air-miles ENE of Barley Flats), June 8, 1990, 4100-5097 ft. (1250-1554 m.); T.S. Ross, Granite Mt., Aug. 14, 1991, 6280 ft. (1915 m.); T.S. Ross, Big Tujunga Cyn., 310 meters e. of where Coldwater Cyn. meets Big Tujunga Cr., e. side of road to Colby Ranch, July 10, 1992, 3160 ft. (963 m.); A.D.E. Elmer, Acton, Mt. Gleason, June 1902, no elev. given

FVS: June, 1902

SBCo.: c. 0.8 miles s. of jct. of Sharpless Ranch & Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., at FS Rd. 3N29, June 11, 1994, 4280 ft. (1305 m.)

Other records:

T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, “Epipactis Cyn.”, unnamed cyn. draining ENE to Lone Pine Cyn., originating near e. end of Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge (Sheep Cr. Truck Rd., 2N56 drops n.e. ward through lower half of this cyn.), June 18, 1990,

3380-3480 ft. (1030 m.); I.M. Johnston, Day Cyn., upper Sonoran Zone, July 15, 1917, 2750 ft. (838 m.)

FVS: July 15, 1917

Rhus integrifolia (Nutt.) W.H. Brewer & S. Watson, Lemonadeberry, Lemonade Sumac

s.w. CA & Baja CA, Mex.; Hybridizes with R. ovata S. Watson.

LACo.: Abundant near mouth of San Gabriel River, completely absent in some areas, blooming in lower regions by late December

From 590 ft. (180 m.), at San Gabriel River Channel, n.e. of Huntington Dr., Lario San Gabriel River Trail Park, e. of bike path on 2nd. bank, to 3000-3070 ft.

(915 m.), at head of Los Pinetos Saddle & Los Pinetos Spring, T.S. Ross & Walter Appleby, May 30, 1993; (record of 152 m. in Glendora, by Donald W. Harshberger, is s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); Jan.-June; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: Sep. 1917, Mrs. S. Earle Kelley, Mt. Wilson, no elev. given

SBCo.: Adrian Wolf, alluvial slope s. of mts., n. or Hwy. 30 & just E. of Day Cr.,, Etiwanda Wash, May 9, 1997, 1699 ft. (518 m.) (may be south of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Rhus lancea L. f., Karee, African Sumac

[Searsia lancea (L.f) F.H. Barkley]

Native to s. Africa

LACo.: John F. Green, Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, c. 1 mile n. of Jet Prop. Lab., transect three, July 17, 2003, 1401 ft. (427 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Rhus ovata S. Watson, Sugar Bush, Sugar Sumac

Hybridizes with R. integrifolia.

Mostly below 4000 ft. in cismontane areas, often blooming in lower areas by early December, as at the mouth of San Gabriel River; Ralston Pk. at 4540 ft.; Pine Mt., n. of Azusa, 4539 ft.; Dime Canyon, 2200 ft. (671 m.)

LACo.: From 689 ft. (210 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel River Cyn., 1.6 miles n. of Foothill Blvd at El Encanto Dr., at confl. with Fish Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Nov. 30, 2008, to 4297 ft. (1310 m.), at divide between E. Fk. San Dimas & San Gabnriel Cyn., 1 mile w. of 4350 Climate Station 35, Jerome Horton, July 18, 1935; Mar.- Aug., Nov.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: June 28, 1902, Marcus E. Jones, near Pasadena, San Gab. Mts.

SBCo.: Ralston Pk., on s. end of ridge, May 23, 1998, 4379 ft. (1335 m.)

Other records:

David Grauer, 12.4 miles n. of I-10 Frwy. on Mt. Ave., Apr. 9, 1991, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne & Lindsay Smith, Lone Pine Cyn., c. 5 miles s.e. of Wrightwood, May 28, 1966, c. 3200 ft. (975 m.); J.W. Tilden, by wash of San Antonio River, near Camp Baldy, May 22, 1959, no elev. given

FVS: May 22, 1959

Rhus viminalis Aiton, White Karree

Native to Africa.

LACo.: LC. Wheeler, on Angeles Forest Hwy., just n. of jct. with Big Tujunga Cyn. Road, June 1, 1969, 3378 ft. (1005 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Schinus molle L. Peruvian Pepper Tree

Native to S. America.

LACo.: Mouth of San Gabriel Cyn. between Foothill Blvd. & I-210 Frwy., c. 300 meters e. of main channel, Dec. 2, 1908, 541 ft. (165 m.) (5 trees s. of Foothill Blvd., 2 trees n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of river channel, blooming by Dec.

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., Jan 28, 1933, 1275 ft. (389 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Live Oak Wash near LaVerne, Oct. 22, 1932, no elev. given; LC. Wheeler, San Antonio Cyn., Sep. 8, 1932, 2001 ft. (610 m.); L.C. Wheeler, w. side of mouth of Big Santa Anita Cyn., Dec. 21, 1933, no elev. given; D. Roche, Camp Baldy Rd., 1.1 mi. from jct. of Mills Ave. & Mount Baldy Rd., n. side of rd., May 30, 1998,

1840 ft. (561 m.);; Scott D. White, Big Tujunga Wash; Sunland-Tujunga Area, alluvial fan below San Gab. Mts., s.w. of I-210 Fwy., e. of Hansen Dam & n. of Wentworth St., May 7, 1997, 1050 ft. (320 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Thompson Wash, near LaVerne, Sep. 6, 1932, 1225 ft. (373 m.)

FVS: Sep. 6, 1932

SBCo.: No records, unless either of those by L.C. Wheeler or D. Roche were on the e. side of the county line that runs through San Antonio Cyn.

Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi, Brazilian Pepper Tree

Native to S. America.

LACo.: mouth of San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, c. ____meters n. of I-210 Fwy. in main wash channel on the w. side of the wash,_____________

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Toxicodendron diversilobum (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene, (Western) Pacific Poison Oak


Ccsmontane records:

From 1000 ft. (305 m.), mouth of San Gabriel River at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 10, 2009, to 4697 ft. (1432 m.), at Pacoima Cyn., upstream from Chimney Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, Aug. 30, 1970; Feb.- June, Aug., Sep.; abundant;

transmontane records:

Lower Sandrock Cr., 1.2 miles SSW of Valyermo Post Office, June 9, 2008, 3841 ft. (1171 m.); Little Rock Cr., 0.2 miles n. of Little Rock Reservoir, Sep. 9, 2008, 3148 ft. (960 m.)

Other transmontane records: None found.

FVS: Apr. 15, 1916, Fred Cox, mts. above Claremont

SBCo.: Very few records available, most likely due to its toxic properties. Abundant in cismontane areas.

Frankish Pk., e. of San Antonio Cyn., Apr. 15, 1996, 4000 ft. (1220 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn. Wash, Sep 16, 1967, 3000 ft. (915 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., July 12, 1968, (1341 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr., Miller Narrows, July 13, 1967, no elev. given

FVS: July 13, 1967

Apiaceae Carrot Family

Ammi majus L., Large Bullwort

Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.:.: Dave Goodward, Cajon Pass area, Sheep Cr. Truck Trail, c. 0.4 miles s.w. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., Aug. 9, 2010, 3260 ft. (994 m.)

Angelica tomentosa S. Watson, Woolly Angelica

LACo.: with Dave Larson, SDEF, e. half of Brown’s Flat, marginal areas, July 17, 1996, 4350 ft. (1326 m.) (3 additional records from Brown’s Flat from 1918-1936)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, Cow Cyn., San Gabriel River, July 19, 1921, 2998 ft. (914 m.);

I.M. Johnston, near Browns Flat, Sep. 1, 1918, 4297 ft. (1310 m.)

FVS: Sep. 1, 1918

SBCo.: From 2500 ft. (762 m.), at trib. to Lytle Cr. Cyn., near mouth, R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, June 26, 1969, to 5550 ft. (1692 m.), at San Sevaine Flat on San Sevaine (Big Tree Truck) Rd., Oct. 17, 1992 also L.C. Wheeler on Nov. 4, 1967 at 5500 ft. ( at San Sevaine Well); June-Aug., Oct., Nov.; Rare; near montane at San Sevaine Flats, cismontane

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, C. W. Tilforth, et al., San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 29, 1972,

4756 ft. (1450 m.); Robert F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., Grapevine Spring, July 7, 1971, 4297 ft. (1310 m.) also, Naomi Fraga, Sarah J. DeGroot, et al., near Grapevine Spring, along rd. 1N34, June 30, 2004, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); L.C. Wheeler, divide between Cucamonga Cyn., & Stoddard Cyn., June 16, 1968, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); saddle n.e. of Frankish Pk., at rd. jct., n. of Upland, R.G. Swinney, June 8, 1996, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); I.M. Johnston, W. Fk. Cucamonga Cyn., July 22, 1918, 2998 ft. (914 m.)

FVS: July 22, 1918

Anthriscus caucalis M. Bieb., Bur Chervil

Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: From 554 ft. (169 m.), at Azusa/Irwindale, between the I-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd. on w. side of San Gabreil River Channel, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 7, 2009, to 4080 ft. (1244 m.), at Glen Ridge Rd., steep n. slope overlooking Coldwater Cyn. to the north, T.S. Ross, May 8, 1992; Mar.-June; Fairly Common in shaded cyn. bottoms and n.-facing slopes; cismontane

FVS: May 13, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, El Encanto, 850 ft. (259 m.)

SBCo.: E. of Cucamonga Cyn., on FS Rd. 1N35, 0.4 miles n.e. of sign at entrance of mtwy. at gate, Apr. 30, 1994, 2788 ft. (850 m.); E. Fk. San Sevaine Cyn., 100 m. downstream of first major waterfall, c. 1 mi. due s. of Grapevine Springs, Apr. 4, 1997, 2650 ft. (808 m.)

Other records:

James Henrickson, lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15 Frwy., May 10, 1958, 2800 ft. (854 m.)

FVS: May 10, 1958

Apiastrum angustifolium Nutt., Wild Celery, Mock Parsley

LACo.: Jerome S. Horton, 1/4 miles s.e. of San Dimas Reservoir, SDEF, May 16, 1939, 1499 ft. (457 m.); Samuel R. Tyson, San Dimas Cyn., May 29, 1942, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Hills e. of Monrovia Cyn., May 18, 1919, 1500 ft.

(457 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Henniger Flats, May 26, 1918, 2847 ft. (868 m.); Louis Greata, near Eaton Cyn., March 1901, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 1890, Anstruther Davidson, San Gab. Mts., foothills, Los Angeles (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: 0.9 mi. e. of Lytle Creek near USFS Sycamore Station, 210 m. north of Glen Helen Pkwy., June 11, 1994, 2070 ft. (630 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Regional Park, n.w. end of Muscupiabe, May 9, 1968, 2040 ft. (622 m.); B. Pitzer, Cajon Pass area, mouth of Lone Pine Cyn., Swarthout Cyn. Rd., c. 1.8 rd. miles s. of Cleghorn Rd., w. of I-215 Frwy., where RR tracks cross rd. for first time, c. 0.4 rd. miles s.w. of jct. of Cajon Blvd. & Swarthout Cyn. Rd., May 5, 1995, 2749 ft. (838 m.); Karlin G. Marsh, upper E. Etiwanda Cr., Apr. 27, 1983, no elev. given

FVS: May 9, 1968

Apium graveolens L., Wild Celery

Native to Eurasia.

Rare escape in marshy areas in water or at water’s edge, native to Eurasia

LACo.: SDEF, 1988, Occasional in moist areas in SDEF; Scott D. White, San Dimas Cyn. along San Dimas Cyn. Rd., July 14, 1994, 1299 ft. (396 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., Oct. 14, 1933, 1750 ft. (534 m.); Paul Neipp, directly n. of San Dimas Ranger Station on San Dimas Cyn. Road, May 19, 1994, no elev. given

FVS: June 21, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.) (just s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: Springs at confl. of Cajon Wash & Lone Pine Cyn., between e. & w. RR tracks, Aug. 12, 1996, 2640 ft. (805 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Nov. 11, 1933, 2650 ft. (808 m.)

FVS: Nov. 11, 1933

Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville, Cutleaf Waterparsnip

Native to Eurasia, Africa. Possibly Toxic, possibly poisonous to livestock.

Rare in marshy areas, native to Eurasia

LACo.: El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park on e. side of channel, at confl. with outlet from pond/spring, just downstream from Hwy. 39 bridge, in shallow water, May 8, 2009, 1000 ft. (305 m.)

Other records: R.F. Thorne, 0.7 miles w. of Soledad Station, Soledad Cyn., wet, sandy flat along Santa Clara River, June 17, 1971, c. 2000 ft. (610 m.); LeRoy Gross, Tujunga Ponds: w. of 210 Frwy. in Big Tujunga Wash, City of Sunland, Sep. 20, 1998, 1200 ft. (365 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Big Tujunga Cyn., near Doske Rd., Oct. 1, 1968, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Soledad Cyn., Santa Clara River, Sep. 21, 1968, 1740 ft. (530 m.)

FVS: Sep. 21, 1968

SBCo.: Cajon Wash, 0.25 miles s. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd. & the jct. with Cajon Wash, Oct. 17, 1992, 2690 ft. (820 m.); Glen Helen Regional Park, Oct. 9, 1994, 2000 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

P.H. Raven, Cajon Cyn., below Cajon Station at Cajon Campground, Sep. 17, 1961, 2600 ft. (793 m.); R.F. Thorne, Larry E. DeBuhr, et al., due s. of Lost Lake and near Blue Cut, Oct. 13, 1972, 2647 ft. (807 m.), also Scott D. White, May 13, 1997, 2601 ft. (793 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Miller Narrow, Lytle Cr., Sep 7, 1967, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Glen Ranch, Lytle Cr., Oct. 27, 1951, 3250 ft. (991 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Nov. 11, 1933, 2650 ft. (808 m.)

FVS: Nov. 11, 1933

Bowlesia incana Ruiz & Pav., Hoary Bowlesia

LACo.: Glendora, Toyon Nature Trail in the South Hills Wilderness Area of South Hills, Apr. 12, 1993, 1004 ft. (306 m.) (just s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Other records:

San Dimas, Lone Hill, P.A. Munz, L.T. Street, et. al., Apr. 19, 1919 (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); L.C. Wheeler, e. side of Little Tujunga Cyn., 0.75 miles SSE of Herreres Ranch, May 4, 1969, 1801 ft. (549 m.); L.C. Wheeler, LaVerne/Claremont, W. Live Oak Cyn., Apr. 15, 1933, 1600 ft. (488 m.);

FVS: Apr. 15, 1933 [Apr. 19, 1919 (listed above) is possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary]

SBCo.: No records found.

Conium maculatum L., Poison Hemlock

Native to Europe.

Rare, but may be abundant at each location, native to Europe

LACo.: lower Ham Cyn., where it runs through San Dimas Golf Course, just above confl. with San Dimas Wash, Apr. 4, 2008, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, San Anita Cyn. at W. Fork, Sep. 10, 1933, 1950 ft. (595 m.)

FVS: Sep. 10, 1933

SBCo.: n.e. of Mt. Baldy Village , at Mt. Baldy Rd., on s. side of rd. at Chapman Ranch, July 1, 1994, 4461 ft. (1360 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White & Michael Honer, along San Antonio Cr., between Mt. Baldy (town) & Icehouse Cyn., June 29, 2004, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); F.W. Peirson, Lytle Cr., May 18, 1920, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

FVS: May 18, 1920

Cyclospermum leptophyllum (Pers.) Sprague ex Britton & P. Wilson, Marsh Parsley

+/- worldwide, warm temperatures.

LACo.: Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, 0.4-1 mile n. (upstream) of Puento Largo (Railway-added 2010) Bridge, Apr. 21, 2009, 630 ft. (192 m.); Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, 0.9-1.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., Apr. 21, 2009, 630 ft. (192 m.); confl. of Van Tassel & San Gabriel Cyns., 1.3 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., Azusa/Duarte, Apr. 16, 2009, 600 ft. (183 m.)

Other records:

at least 2 records in the San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, s. of the E.San Gabriel Mts. boundary by Andrew C. Sanders

FVS: Apr. 16, 2009

SBCo.: No records found.

Daucus carota L., Queen Anne’s Lace

Native to Europe, occasioinalyy hybridizing with cultivars.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Lone Pine Cyn., c. 0,6-1.2 miles s.w. of Lost Lake on s. side of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., near Lone Pine Cyn. stream, Oct. 19, 1994, 2880 ft. (875 m.); Sheep Cr., Sheep Cr. Truck Rd., 0.5 miles n. of jct. of FS Rds. 3N31 & 2N56, Lytle Cr. Divide, July 29, 1994, 3400 ft. (1037 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 29, 1994

Daucus pusillus Michx., Rattlesnake Weed, American Wild Carrot

LACo.: From 554 ft. (169 m.), Azusa/Irwindale, between the I-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd. on w. side of San Gabriel River Channel, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 7, 2009, to 4500 ft. (1372 m.), at Cow Cyn. Divide, San Antonio Cr. region, F.W. Peirson, June 7, 1919; Apr.-June; uncommon; transmontane at Littlerock Cr., slopes on e. side of cyn., s. of jct. of FS Roads 4N15 and 5N04.3, Orlanto Mistretta, June 6, 1994, 4300 ft. (1311 m.), cismontane

FVS: June 7, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Cow Cyn. Divide, 4500 ft. (1371 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Foeniculum vulgare Mill., Sweet Fennel

Native to s. Europe.

LACo.: From 975 ft. (297 m.), at w. side of San Gabriel Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, Oct. 26, 1946, to 4999 ft. (1524 m.), at Angeles Crest Hwy., 1/5 mi. from Mt. Sally Summit, T.S. Ross, Aug. 16, 1991; Aug.-Oct. Uncommon, abundant in many of the lower elevations to the south of the San Gab. Mts. boudary, such as in the South Hils of Glendora; cismontane

FVS: Aug. 14, 1933, San Dimas Cyn., 1650 ft. (502 m.)

SBCo.: n.w. of Aplewhite FS Station in Lytle Cr. Cyn., c. 300 meters n. of Lytle Cr., along Sheep Cr., at Debris Basin, June 25, 1992, 3478 ft. (1060 m.)

Other records: None found found.

Lomatium dasycarpum (Torr. & A. Gray) J.M. Coult. & Rose, Woolly-fruited Lomatium, Woollyfruit Desertparsley

LACo.: Glendora, Lower Monroe Mtwy & Mystic Cyn. Trail jct., May 7, 1994, 1800 ft. (549 m.); Carr Cyn., 0.4-1.5 miles s.e. of Mt. Emma Rd., upper S. Fork of Carr Cyn., May 6, 2009, 3159 ft. (963 m.)

Other records:

Cromwell & Wheat, 2 mi. n.e. of Glendora (Mystic Canyon, s. of fire break) Apr. 21, 1971, 1824 ft. (556 m.), before construction of Mystic Cyn. Tr.; E. Crow, Glendora Foothills, Feb. 10, 1929; Cromwell & Wheat made 2 different numbered voucher specimens from the above location & date. One was labeled ssp. dasycarpum and the other showed no spp. ranking. Both specimens are therefore most likely ssp. dasycarpum, which means the specimen collected by Swinney at the same location is most likely also ssp. dasycarpum.

FVS: Apr. 21, 1971

SBCo.: No records found.

Lomatium dasycarpum (Torrey & A. Gray) J. Coulter & Rose ssp. dasycarpum, Woollyfruit Desertparsley

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Fred Cox, Mountains above Claremont, Apr. 14, 1916, no elev. given;

J. Olmstead, n. of Claremont, ).5 mi. north of Johnston’s pasture, Apr. 15, 1959, no elev. given; Robert Thorne, Johnston’s Pasture, Mar. 31, 1971; L.C. Wheeler, LaVerne/Claremont, Live Oak Cyn., Apr 15, 1934, 1600 ft. (488 m.); LeRoyGross & Valerie Soza, San Dimas, w. slope of unnamed peak off of Sycamore Cyn. Mtwy., May 11, 1999, 2240 ft. (683 m.); Frank W. Peirson, foot of Lukeys (Lukens-added 2011) Pk. Trail, Mar. 27, 1919, 1899 ft. (579 m.); P.A. Munz, Claremont, Palmer’s Cyn., May 26, 1918, no elev. given; James Henrickson, c. 1 mile s.e. of Newhall in Whitney Cyn., s.e. of Jct. of San Fernando Rd. & State Hwy. 14, c. 1/2 mile e. of Hwy. 14, Apr. 15, 2000, 1600 ft. (488 m.)

FVS: Mar. 25, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, San Dimas (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary, not listed above)

SBCo.: No records found.

Lomatium dissectum (Nutt.) Mathias & Constance var. multifidum (Nutt.) Mathias & Constance, Fern-leaved Lomatium, Carrotleaf Biscuitroot

LACo.: n.w. of Wrightwood at E. Table Mountain Peak, 7400 ft. (2256 m.), May 15, 1993

Other records: F.W. Peirson, Aliso Cr. at Tie Cyn., June 30, 1929, 4451 ft.

(1357 m.)

Swarthout Valley/Wrightwood Area:

R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, above small stream, 1.5 milesw w. of Wrightwood, July 10, 1969, 6396 ft. (1950 m.); F.W. Peirson, Swartout Valley Region, Big Pines, July 6, 1922, 6799 ft. (2073 m.); S. Zona, D. Arias, et. al., Mt. High Ski Resort w. of Wrightwood, June 28, 1989, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta & R.T. Hawke, Blue Ridge Tr., c. 1/4 mile from trail lead at pines, June 29, 1995, 6800 ft. (2072 m.); P.A. Munz, Swartout Valley, June 17, 1921, 6796 ft. (2072 m.)

FVS: June 17, 1921

SBCo.: Upper Lytle Creek Divide, 5400 ft. (1646 m.), July 2, 1998

Other records:

Lytle Creek/Coldwater Canyon Confluence:

F.W. Peirson,Coldwater Cyn., May 19, 1920, 5497 ft. (1676 m.); I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., July 7, 1918, 5500 ft. (1677 m.); H.M. Hall, Lytle Cr. Cyn., June 1-3, 1900 , 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

FVS: June 1-3, 1900

Lomatium lucidum (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) Jeps., Shiny Lomatium, Shiny Biscuitroot

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at Fish Cyn., R.F. Thorne & A.C. Gibson, May 22, 1971, to 4500 ft. (1372 m.), at Evey Canon, I.M. Johnston, July 1, 1917; Apr.-July, uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 4, 1890, H.E. Hasse, San Gab. Mts., brush, foothills of Sierra Madre

SBCo.: From 2040 ft. (622 m.), at e. side of mouth Lytle Cr. Cyn., FS Rd. 1N32, c. 0.25 miles n. of Devore Rd., R.G. Swinney, Mar. 8, 1993, to 4995 ft. (1523 m.), at Lytle Cr. Cyn., H.M. Hall, June 1-3, 1900; Mar.-June; rare; 1 record at

montane, cismontane

FVS: June 1-3, 1900

Lomatium mohavense (J.M. Coult. & Rose) J.M. Coult. & Rose, Mojave Desertparsley

No subtaxa recog. by Jepson-2012. Two ssp. of uncertain status listed below and indented.

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 2690 ft. (820 m.), at c. 0.6 mile s. of Acton, along Soledad Cyn. Rd., low e. to s.e. extending ridge, Mar. 16, 2005, to 6380 ft. (1945 m.), at Pinyon Ridge, 4.4 miles n. of Hwy. 2 at Vincent Gap, at Pinyon Ridge Mtwy., R.G. Swinney, June 17, 2008; Mar.-June; fairly common; transmontane

FVS: 1907, Anstruther Davidson, by Rock Creek, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 3896 ft. (1188 m.), at N. Cajon Summit, Anne M. Alexander & Louise Kellogg, Apr. 19, 1941, to 5114 ft. (1559 m.), at Pinon Hills, Boneyard Pk., e. of Boneyard Cyn., R.G. Swinney, May 8, 1999; Apr.-June; uncommon; transmontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 16, 1903, Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, 3802 ft. (1159 m.)

Synonym: +Lomatium mohavense (J.M. Coult. & Rose) J.M. Coult. & Rose ssp. longilobum W.L. Theobald, Mojave Desert Parsley

LACo.: Darley Howe, 2 miles n.w. of Devils Punchbowl, Apr. 30, 1979, 4704 ft. (1434 m.); LeRoy Gross, ridgeline to Mt. Emma & Cyn. s. of this ridge, w. from Mt. Emma (n.w. trending ridge, lower part of ridge line starts to turn s.w.) e. of Mt. Emma Rd., Apr. 28, 2005, 4051 ft. (1235 m.); Vasu Dev. & Barbara Dev, ridge w. of road, c. 0.6 miles s. of Acton, Mar. 30, 2001, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 30, 1979,

SBCo.: No records found.

Synonym: Lomatium mohavense (J.M. Coult. & Rose) J.M. Coult. & Rose ssp. mohavense, Mojave Desertparsley

LACo.: T.S. Ross, S. D. Boyd, et al., Pinyon Ridge, w. half of ridge, between upper Little Rock Cr., & San Andreas Rift Zone, June 22, 1990, 5600-6400 ft. (1707 m.); Darley Howe, 2 miles n.w. of Devil’s Punchbowl, Apr. 30, 1979,

4704 ft. (1434 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Divide between Punchbowl Cyn. & Watkins, Cr. at end of rd. & beginning of Burkhart Trail, May 12, 1968, 5200 ft. (1585 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Ball Flat, 1500 m. due n. of Jackson Lake, June 18, 1990, 5720-5800 ft. (1744 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., e. slopes of canyon w. of Basin Campground, May 11, 1994, 4400 ft. 1341 m.); R.F. Thorne & G. Wallace, 1/4 miles n. of Bob’s Gap, 3.5 miles s. of LLano, N. slope of Holcomb Ridge, Apr. 25, 1973, 3800-3900 ft. (1159 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Santiago Cyn., w. slopes of drainage near confl. with Little Rock Cr., Apr. 15, 1994, 3400 ft. (1036 m.); R.F. Thorne, R. Corolini, et al., Grandview Cyn., n. of Mile High Ranch, Mar. 23, 1967, 4500 ft. (1372 m.)

FVS: Mar. 23, 1967

SBCo.: F.W. Peirson, San Bernardino Mts. Region, old rd. though Cajon Pass,, May 12, 1922, 3600 ft. (1098 m.) (possibly e. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Lomatium nevadense (S. Watson) J.M. Coult. & Rose, Nevada Lomatium, Nevada Biscuitroot

Vars. poorly defined.

LACo.: ridge w. of Jackson Flats, 0.4 miles n.w. of Hwy. 2 at Vincent Gap on Pinyon Ridge Mtwy., 100 meters e. of jct. of FS Rds. 4N12 & 3N26, June 17, 2008, 7085 ft. (2160 m.); Grassy Hollow, e. of Jackson Flats, on ridge c. 200 meters n. of entrance to Grassy Hollow Cmpgrd., July 6, 1998, 7200 ft.

(2195 m.); high point of E. Table Mt., Wrightwood Area, July 2, 1998, 7400 ft. (2256 m.); s. of Pinon Hills, c. 0.5 miles n.e. of Table Mt., summit of ridge just w. of co. line, June 13, 1997, 6799 ft. (2073 m.); E. of Table Mt. & n.w. of Wright Ridge, May 27, 1996, 7387 ft. (2252 m.); Carr Cyn., 0.4-1.5 miles s.e. of Mt. Emma Rd., upper S. Fork Carr Cyn., May 6, 2009, 3159 ft. (963 m.)

Other records:

B.C. Templeton, Jackson Lake, May 31, 1932, 5799 ft. (1768 m.); R. Hoffman, Big Rock Cr., May 21, 1929, no elev. given

FVS: May 21, 1929

SBCo.: Blue Ridge,Guffy Cmpgd.; Upper Lytle Creek Divide w. of Goblers Knob & on n.-facing slope s. of Lone Pine Cyn.; Chalk Pk. w. of Lytle Creek; 5560-8100 ft. (1695-2477 m.), May-June

Other records: Soza & Gross, N. slopes of Devil’s Backbone, May 29, 2001; P.A. Munz, Swarthout Valley, Apr. 17, 1921; Thorne & Tilforth, W. Table Mt. Summit, June 29, 1972; F.W. Peirson, Coldwater Cyn., May 19, 1920; 5501-7501 ft. (1677-2287 m.)

FVS: May 19, 1920

Lomatium nevadense (S. Watson) J. Coulter & Rose var. parishii (J.M. Coult. & Rose) Jeps., Parish’s Biscuitroot

LACo.: From 3802 ft. (1159 m.), along Mt. Emma Rd.: 1.9 miles w. of Little Rock Cr. & below the dam., May 11, 1973, to 7600 ft. (2317 m.), at Blue Ridge near Swarthout Valley, F.W. Peirson, July 6, 1922; Mar.-May, July; fairly common; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 14, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Rock Creek Cyn., 5596 ft. (1706 m.)

SBCo.: From 5497 ft. (1676 m.), at Lytle Cr., H.M. Hall, June 1-3, 1901, to

7500 ft. (2287 m.), at summit of Table Mt., above Big Pines, R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, June 29, 1972 and P.A. Munz, Swartout Valley, Apr. 17, 1921; Apr.-June; fairly common; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 1-3, 1900

Lomatium utriculatum ((Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) J.M. Coult. & Rose, Spring Gold, Common Lomatium

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, Claremont, Johnson’s Pastures, 1800 ft. (548 m.), Mar. 31, 1971, 1800 ft. (548 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Glendora, Bluebird Truckroad, May 3, 1969, 2350 ft., (716 m.); Anon., over top of Dalton Firebreak, SDEF, Apr. 22, 1943, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., May 4, 1969, no elev. given;

L.C. Wheeler, Claremont, Live Oak Cyn., Apr. 15, 1934, 1600 ft. (488 m.),

FVS: Apr. 15, 1934

SBCo.: Karen A. Kirtland, 1 mi. SSE of Phelan, Mar. 31, 19864400 t. (1345 m.)

(this location may be north of the E. San Gabriel boundary)

+Oreonana vestita (S. Watson) Jeps., Woolly Mountainparsley

Status CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status none

uncommon in both counties above 7000 ft. at extreme exposures

LACo.: Status: Sensitive

From 5799 ft. (1768 m.), at Burkhart Trail, n. side of Little Rock Cr. at Cooper Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, July 23, 1968, to 10004 ft. (3050 m.), at the summit of Mt. San Antonio, V.W. Steinman, June 17, 1996 and R.G. Swinney, at E. Baldy Pk., July 10, 1992; May-Oct.; uncommon; 3 records in transmontane, montane

FVS: 1880, S.B. Parish, summit of Mt. Baldy

SBCo.: Status:

From 6399 ft. (1951 m.), at ridge & saddle near Pk. 6566 ft., c. 2.5 miles (air) ENE of Telegraph Pk., above N. Fk. Lytle Cr., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 15, 1997, to 10060 ft. (3067 m.), at E. Baldy Pk. at co. line, R.G. Swinney, July 10, 1992; May-Sep.; uncommon; montane

FVS: July 24, 1901, L.R. Abrams, Mt. San Antonio, 9000 ft. + (2744 m. +)

+Osmorhiza berteroi DC., (Mountain) Sweetcicely

(synonym: O. chilensis Hook. & Arn.

LACo.: From 3841 ft. (1171 m.), at Fern Cyn., c. 1.75 miles e. of confl. with Upper E. Fork San Dimas Cyn., R.G. Swinney & Dave Larson, June 25, 1999, to 8050 ft. (2454 m.), Lily Spring, Wayne E. Sawyer, June 25, 1981 and , R.G. Swinney, Lily Spring, n. slope of Mt. Hawkins, 7.5 air miles WSW of Wrightwood, Sep. 15, 2001; June-Oct.; uncommon in montane, cismontane at Fern Cyn. (SDEF)

FVS: July 6, 1918, I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk. San Gabriel River, 6996 ft.

(2133 m.)

SBCo.: Sheep Mt. Wilderness Area, Prairie Fork. Cyn., c. 0.8 miles s.e. of Prairie Fk. Road (FS Rd. 3N39) & jct. with Prairie Fk. Trail, June 2,1994, 7701 ft. (2348 m.); San Sevaine Flats, c. 200 meters w. of jct. of FS Rds. 1N34D & 1N34, June 16, 1993, 5540 ft. (1689 m.) and at 5320 ft. (1622 m.), near San Sevaine Flats Well; Lost Cr. Cyn., trib. to Icehouse Cyn., e. of Sheep Flat, w. of Shortcut Ridge, July 22, 1994, 6599 ft. (2012 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 13, 1958, 4600 ft. (1402 m.); I.M. Johnston, Upper San Sevaine Flat, Jully 10, 1925, 5399 ft. (1646 m.)

Osmorhiza brachypoda Torr., (California) Sweetcicely

LACo.: From 1197 ft. (365 m.), at San Dimas Cyn., M.N. Ackley, May 1929 and W. Bertsch, Little Dalton Cyn., (n. of Glendora-added 2010), Apr. 21, 1953, to 4500 ft. (1372 m.), at Cold Spring, 2.5 mile s.w. of Camp Baldy on the Glendora Road, Lyman Benson, June 5, 1945; Feb.-June; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 1899, Thekla Mohr., Eaton Cyn.

SBCo.: From 2650 ft. (808 m.), n. of Fontana, E. Fk. San Sevaine Cyn., 100 m. downstream of first major waterfall (lowest-added 2010), c. 1 mile due s. of Grapevine Spring, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 4, 1997, to 4198 ft. (1280 m.), at wash, riparian zone and slope along San Antonio Cr., between Mt. Baldy (town) and Ice House Cyn., Scott D. White & Michael Honer, June 29, 2004; Apr.-July; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: July 10, 1925, I.M. Johnston, upper San Sevaine Flats, 5400 ft. (1646 m.)

Oxypolis occidentalis J.M. Coult. & Rose, Western Cowbane

LACo.: LeRoy Gross, just below trail from Three Points to Twin Peaks, Nov. 17, 2001, 6301 ft. (1921 m.); L.C. Wheeler, s.w. slope of Mt. Waterman, Aug. 24, 1967, 7100 ft. (2163 m.

FVS: Aug. 24, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

Pastinaca sativa L. Wild Parsnip

Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: Joseph A. Ewan, thoroughly naturalized along stream, Colby’s Ranch, Coldwater Cyn., Barley Flats Trail, 1 mile above Tujunga, July 23, 1933, 3750 ft. (1142 m.) (data from two different voucher labels with the same number.-added 2011)

SBCo.: No records found.

Perideridia gairdneri (Hook. & Arn.) Mathias

LACo.: n.w. of Little Jimmy Cmpgrd., Aug. 27, 2001, 7400 ft. (2256 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) Nels. & Macbr.,

LACo.: Horse Flats, 1 air mile NNW of Newcomb’s Ranch, at Hwy 2 (Angeles Crest Hwy.), July 23, 2009

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) Nels. & Macbr. ssp. latifolia (A. Gray) Chuang & Constance, Parish’s Yampah

LACo.: From 5200 ft. (1585 m.), at Sulphur Spring, L.C. Wheeler, Aug. 2, 1967 and at to 7544 ft. (2300 m.), at Cienaga, 0.5 miles w. of Windy Camp, n. slope of Mt. Islip, F.R. Fosberg & J. Ewan, Aug. 13, 1931; July, Aug.; rare; near transmontane at Sulphur Springs, montane

FVS: Aug. 9, 1963, Wesley O. Griesel, Hwy. 2 near Mt. Pacifico turnoff, 6000 ft. (1828 m.)

SBCo.: 2 records by R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et. al at San Sevaine Cow Camp, 1433 m & 1448 m., July 7, 1971 & June 29, 1972; L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, 1433 m., July 11, 1968, 4700 ft. (1433 m.)

FVS: July 11, 1968

+Perideridia pringlei (J.M. Coult. & Rose) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr., Adobe Yampah

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: /C3c

LACo.: Carr Cyn., 0.4-1.5 miles s.e. of Mt. Emma Rd., upper s. fork of Carr Cyn., May 6, 2009, 3159 ft. (963 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, along Mt. Emma Rd., 1/2 mile e. of Little Rock Cr. below the Dam, May 11, 1973, 3400 ft. (1037 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Car Cyn., June 1, 1995, 3350 ft. (1021 m.) & May 2, 1995, 3550 ft. (1082 m.); G.D. Wallace & Ann Hiller, dirt road w. of Mt. Emma Rd., May 18, 1983, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, n. slope of Soledad Pass, not far below Vincent, June 4, 1922, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

FVS: June 4, 1922

SBCo.: No records found.

Sanicula arguta Greene ex J.M. Coult. & Rose , Sharptooth Blacksnakeroot

(synonym: S. simulans Hoover)

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

L.A. Co.: Jerome S. Horton, e. of San Dimas Dam (on Camp to rd.), Apr. 17, 1939, 1699 ft. (518 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Lukens Pk. Trail, Mar. 27, 1919,

1899 ft. (579 m.);Colin M. Wainwright, Claremont, Johnson’s Pastures, Mar. 31, 1971, 1597 ft. (487 m.); R.F. Thorne, Claremont, Johnson’s Pastures, no date, 1800 ft. (549 m.); S.D. White, Duarte/Azusa, Fish Creek Cyn., mouth of cyn. at Cal Mat quarry, upstream to falls, 1000-1400 ft., May 18, 2000; Sam Tyson, San Dimas Cyn., Mar. 26, 1943, 1500 ft. (457 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., May 4, 1969, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, woods along w. bank of Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, May 24, 1923, 1100 ft. (335 m.);

FVS: Mar. 25, 1897, H.P. Chandler, San Dimas (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary, not listed above)

SBCo.: No records

+Sanicula bipinnata Hook. & Arn., Poison Sanicle

Possibly Toxic, but no records of poisoning.

LACo.: P.A. Munz, Lone Hill near Glendora, San Gab. Mts. region, Apr. 11, 1918 (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: No records found.

Sanicula bipinnatifida Douglas ex Hook, Shoe Buttons, Poison Sanicle, Purple Sanicle

LACo.: From 1151 ft. (351 m.), at Glendora/Azusa boundary, foothills 0.6 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., above Yucca Ridge Ave., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 27, 1969, to 2350 ft. (716 m.), at Bluebird Truck Trail, L.C. Wheeler, May 3, 1969; Mar.-May; rare; cismontane

FVS: Mar. 23, 1897, H.P. Chandler, San Dimas

SBCo.: No records found.

Sanicula crassicaulis Poepp. ex DC., Pacific Sanicle, Pacific Blacksnakeroot

Highly variable.

LACo.: From 1079 ft. (329 m.), at Glendora, Wildwood Cyn., Apr. 9, 2008, R.G. Swinney, to 3519 ft. (1073 m.), at So. Calif. Edison transmission line corridor (Seg. 6, structure 107 per TRTP Survey 2008) Upper Fish Cyn., Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, May 16, 2008; Mar.-July; rare; cismontane

Other records: R.F. Thorne, Claremont, Johnson’s Pastures, Apr. 2, 1971, 1800 ft. (549 m.); F. W. Peirson, Monrovia Cyn., May 18, 1919, 609 m.; A.C. & L.C. Gibson, Azusa/Duarte, Fish Cyn., Mar. 18, 1972, 396 m.; L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., June 24, 1936, 2300 ft. (701 m.); L.C. Wheeler, SDEF, Bell Cyn., July 2, 1936, 2800 ft. (854 m.); W. Bertsch, Glendora, Little Dalton Cyn., Apr. 19, 1954, 365 m.

FVS: May 18, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Monrovia Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Sanicula tuberosa Torr., Tuberous Sanicle, Turkey Pea


LACo.: From 950 ft. (290 m.), at Fish Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, Mar 5, 1933, to

4398 ft. (1341 m.), below Inspiration Point, Mt. Lowe, F. W. Peirson, June 10, 1920 (record at Big Pines by Ruth Randall in 1931 is higher, but no elev. is given); Mar.-July; uncommon; montane at Big Pines, cismontane

FVS: May 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Millard Cyn.

SBCo.: Baldy Mesa Rd., 0.5 mi. w. of I-215, Apr. 13, 1996, 4241 ft. (1293 m.); Lower Lytle Creek Divide, Apr. 3, 1995, 3401 ft. (1037 m.); 1 mi. SSW of Cajon Jnct. in Cajon Wash, Apr. 29, 1995, 3600 ft. (945 m.)

Other records:

A.C. & L. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 18. 1971, 2500 ft. (761 m.)

FVS: Apr. 18, 1971

Sphenosciadium capitellatum A. Gray, Swamp White Heads, Ranger’s Buttons, Woolleyhead Parsnip

Toxic to livestock but rarely eaten.

LACo.: Buford Cyn., July 16, 1997, 6301 ft. (1921 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, w. of Wrightwood, foot of Holiday Hill Ski Lift, Sep. 17, 1967, no elev. given; Bonnie C. Templeton, Big Pines Park, July 20, 1932, 6850 ft.

(2088 m.)

FVS: July 20, 1932

SBCo.: No records found.

Tauschia arguta (Torr. & A. Gray) J. F. Macbr., Southern Tauschia, Southern Umbrellawort

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1397 ft. (426 m.), at Eaton’s Cyn., Mt. Wilson, Huron H. Smith, May 17, 1912, to 5661 ft. (1726 m.), at easterly & s.e. slopes to the s.w. of Crystal Lake, R.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd., et al., June 25, 1990; Jan., Mar.-Sep.; uncommon; montane near Crystal Lake; cismontane

FVS: Sep. 1890, Anstruther Davidson, Millards Canon, Pasadena, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2496 ft. (761 m.), at Stoddard Cyn., Arthur C. Gibson & Linda Gibson, Apr. 18, 1971, to 4697 ft. (1432 m.), at lower flats San Sevaine Cow Camp, Robert F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., July 7, 1971; Apr.-July; uncommon; cismontane


+Tauschia parishii (J.M. Coult. & Rose) J. F. Macbr., Parish’s Tauschia, Parish’s Umbrellawort

LACo.: From 6521 ft. (1988 m.), at summit of Granite Mt., R.G. Swinney, June 24, 2009 to 8249 ft. (2515 m.), at Mt. Islip, G.D. Wallace, July 5, 1985; Apr.-Aug., Oct.; fairly common; transmontane, montane, cismontane near Brown’s Flats, I.M. Johnston, July 1, 1917, 4500 ft. (1372 m.)

FVS: July, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: From 3608 ft. (1100 m.), w. of Cajon Pass, I.W. Clokey, May 15, 1935, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), at Baldy Lookout of USFS, I.M. Johnston, June 20, 1917; Apr.-July; uncommon; transmontane, montane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 20, 1917

Torilis arvensis (Huds.) Link, Spreading Hedgeparsley

[synonyms: T. arvensis (Guss.) Link ssp. heterophylla (Guss.) A. Thell and

T. arvensis ssp. purpurea)

Native to c. & s. Europe.

LACo.: n. of Azusa, Water Cyn, a trib. from the n. of San Gabriel River Cyn., n. of Morris Dam, May 13, 1997, 1319 ft. (402 m.); San Gabriel Cyn., 1 mi. above (n.e.) of El Encanto Park Office, on shoulder of the old road (dirt service road-added 2011), June 2, 2008, 879 ft. (268 m.)

Other records: Valerie Soza, Azusa, Silver Fish Rd. above Water Cyn., July 5, 2000, 1600 ft. (488 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. Calif. Edison transmission line corridor (Seg. 6, Structure 109 per TRTP Survery 2008), Upper Fish Cyn., May 6, 2008, 3283 ft. (1001 m.); T.S. Ross, Upper Winter Cr. Trail, between Chantry Flat & Hoegee Camp (on Winter Cr., on w. side of Santa Anita Cyn., June 1, 1993, 2549 ft. (777 m.)

FVS: June 1, 1993

SBCo.: No records found.

Torilis nodosa (L.) Gaertn., Knotted Hedgeparsley

Native to Eurasia, especially Medit.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, “Epipactis Cyn.”, unnamed cyn. draining ENE to Lone Pine Cyn., originating near e. end of Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge (Sheep Cr. Truck Rd., 2N56), June 18, 1990, 3378 ft. (1030 m.)

Yabea microcarpa (Hook. & Arn.) Koso-Pol., False Carrot

LACo.: SDEF, 1988, San Dimas Experimental Forest, rare (no documented voucher found); L.C. Wheeler, Liveoak Cyn. Dam, Apr, 24, 1934, 1500 ft.

(457 m.); F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., LA & SB Co. lines, May 28, 1920, 4400 ft. (1341 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Eaton Cyn., June 1, 1918, 3247 ft.

(990 m.)

FVS: June 1, 1918, F.W. Peirson, Eaton Cyn., 3247 ft. (990 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Apocynaceae Dogbane Family

(Ascepiadaceae – Milkweed Family)

Apocynum androsaemifolium L. , Bitter or Spreading Dogbane

LACo.: Dawson Pk. Ridge, (w. side) at spring on NNW-facing slope, c. 100 m. above cyn. bottom c. 0.5 miles n.e. of upper Fish Fork Camp, July 29, 1998, 6921 ft. (2110 m.); Vincent Gap, off trail c. 350 meters s.e. of parking area at spring near cyn. bottom, Sep. 4, 1998, 6521 ft. (1988 m.) (2 previous records: F.W. Peirson & John Dourley); Upper Fish Fk. drainage, c. 200 meters e. of Little Fish Fk. Campground, July 21, 1998, 672f1 ft. (2049 m.) (1 previous record: L.C. Wheeler)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, W. Fk. Devil’s Cyn., c. 1 mile above Campground; Tim Ross, Chilao Flat, Aug. 14, 1991, 5648 ft. (1722 m.); F.W. Peirson, Hunt Cyn., 3 miles e. of Vincent, July 3, 1921, 6596 ft. (2011 m.); John Dourly, just e. from base of Mt. Baden-Powell, Sep. 13, 1968, 6596 ft. (2011 m.); T.S. Ross, Roundtop Mt., Aug. 14, 1991, 5599 ft. (1707 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Vincent Gulch, just below Rock Cr. Divide, July 3, 1921, 6596 ft. (2011 m.)

FVS: July 3, 1921, F.W. Peirson, Vincent Gulch, just below Rock Cr. Divide, 6596 ft. (2011 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Apocynum cannabinum L. Indian Hemp

(synonym: A. cannabinum var. glaberimum A. DC.)

LACo.: From 669 ft. (204 m.), at Van Tassel Cyn., 1.45 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. at El Encanto Dr. on Fish Cyn. Rd., R.G. Swinney, Nov. 30, 2008, to 7501 ft.

(2287 m.), at Upper San Antonio Cyn., I.M. Johnston, Aug. 21, 1917; May-Aug., Nov.; uncommon; all 3 sections

Other locations:

San Dimas Cyn.; Devil’s Punchbowl, Rock Cr.; Devil’s Cyn., trail to Chilao; Yucca Flats, Summer Home Tract at upper end of cyn. of N. Fk., San Gabriel River; upper San Antonio Cyn.; Little Cienaga, below Crystal Lake; Coldwater Cyn.; Tanbark Flats

FVS: July 1, 1897, J.H. Barber, Bear Cyn.

SBCo.: 0.4 mi. due e. of Baldy Notch, in unnamed cyn. at jct. with Stockton Flats; spring in trib. between Baldy Notch service rd. & Baldy Ski Lift, w. of Baldy Notch, Aug. 23, 1994, 7200 ft. (2195 m.); Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., Sep. 14, 1920, 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist, Cienega near head of Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., July 31, 1971, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Coldwater Cyn., at Baldy Rd., off N. Fk. Lytle Cr., July 10, 1968, 6900 ft. (2104 m.); Peter Fritsch & Tim Ross, in draw and along rd. of cyn. north to n.e. of Baldy Notch (the one that drains into Coldwater Cyn.), July 12, 1990, 6424-7400 ft. (1959 m.); I.M. Johnston, upper San Antonio Cyn., Aug. 21, 1917, 7495 ft. (2285 m.); L.R. Abrams, Lytle Cr., July 24, 1901, no elev. given

FVS: July 24, 1901

Asclepias californica Greene, Round-hooded or California Milkweed

(synonym: A. californica ssp. greenei Woodson)

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 2758 ft. (841 m.), at San Antonio Cyn. north of Claremont/Upland, w. side of Mt. Baldy Rd., 0.85 miles n. of Shinn Rd., R.G. Swinney, June 1, 2009, 2758 ft. (841 m.), to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at Lightning (= Blue?) Ridge at the jct. of FS Rd. 3N06 & Angeles Crest Hwy., c. 4 miles n.w. of the San Bern Co. line & 5 miles n.w. of Wrightwood, David Charlton, June 15, 1986; Apr.-Sep.; uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane at Upper Big Tujunga Cyn.; ridge and slopes descending +/- ENE from THORN (Triangulation Point-5499 ft.) toward Big Tujunga Cr. (c. 0.6-1.6 air miles ENE of Barley Flats), T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., June 8, 1990, 4100 ft. (1250 m.)

FVS: July 14, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Rock Cr.

SBCo.: From 1499 ft. (457 m.), at end of Haven Ave., n. of chaffey College, D.A. Young, May 25, 1969, to 6996 ft. (2133 m.), at Mt. San Antonio, L.R. Abarams, July 11, 1902; May-July; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June, 1899, H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., 5747 ft. (1752 m.)

Asclepias eriocarpa Benth., Kotolo, Indian Milkweed, Woollypod Milkweed

CA , NV & Baja Ca, Mex.

LACo.: From 1250 ft. (381 m.), at 2 miles n.e. of LaVerne, L.C. Wheeler, June 4, 1931, to 8249 ft. (2515 m.), at Mount Williams, western ridge, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 9, 2001; June-Aug.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 29, 1902, L.R. Abrams, summit Mt. Wilson

SBCo.: 2.2 mi., s.e. of San Sevaine Flats near well, July, 16, 1993, 4770 ft. (1454 m.); Upper N. Fork of Lytle Creek, between Pine Mt. & Wright Mt., Sep. 4, 1995, 7480-8000 ft. (2280-2439 m.); ridge & saddle near pk. # 6566 ft., c. 2.5 mi., ENE of Telegraph Pk.

Other records:

J.C. Roos, mouth of Lytle Creek, June 4, 1949, 2100 ft. (640 m.); W.L. Jepson, borders Mohave Desert, Cajon Pass, May 28, 1914, 2398 ft. (731 m.)

FVS: May 28, 1914

Asclepias erosa Torr., Desert Milkweed

LACo.: Valyermo area, Devils Punchbowl Co. Park, c. 200 m. due s. of Visitor Center, Aug. 15, 2005, 4800 ft. (1463 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, along trail, S. Fork of Big Rock Cr., surveying from Reed Spring to Islip Saddle, July 12, 1994, no elev. given

FVS: July 12, 1994

SBCo.: Steve Myers, Cajon Summit (east of N. bound lanes on I-15), Sep. 26, 1988, no elev. given ( just e. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Asclepias fascicularis Decne., Narrow-leaf Milkweed, Mexican Whorled Milkweed

Generally poisonous to stock.

LACo.: From 1500 ft. (457 m.), at San Dimas Dam, L.C. Wheeler, July 6, 1967, to 6599 ft. (2012 m.), at E. Fork Rd. crossing over the N. Fork of the San Gabriel River, Islip Saddle; T.B. Salvato & Sarah Flack, Aug. 8, 2007; Apr., June-Oct.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: July 2, 1897, J.H. Barber, Bear Cyn.

SBCo.: From 2500 ft. (761 m.), at mouth of Day Cyn., R.F. Thorne, J. Benny, et al., June 23, 1971, to 7301 ft. (2226 m.), at Mt. Baldy Ski Area, Upper Manker Cyn., at Hulcumac Spring, V. Soza & LeRoy Gross; June-Aug.; rare; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 23, 1971

Asclepias nyctaginifolia A. Gray, Mojave Milkweed

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: S.B. Parish, near summit, Cajon Pass, Mojave Desert, June 15, 1916, no elev. given (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Asclepias verticillata L., Whorled Milkweed

Perhaps the only record from CA

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, mesa on San Andreas Fault Rift Zone, Lone Pine Cyn., Sep 16, 1967, 3050 ft. (930 m.)

+Asclepias vestita Hook. & Arn., Woolly Milkweed

[synonyms: A. vestita var. parishii (Jeps.) Woodson and A. vestita var. vestita]

LACo.: From 4737 ft. (1444 m.), at s. edge of Bob’s Gap, on slopes & roadside & down in wash, Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., May 6, 2005, (also det. as Asclepias vestita var. vestita), to 5838 ft. (1780 m.), at e. side of Big John Pk., w. of Mescal Cr., above Big John Flat, R.G. Swinney, June 5, 1999; Apr.-July; rare; transmontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 4, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Rock Cr.

SBCo.: From 3250 ft. (991 m.), at Mormon Rocks, in wash near jct. of Hwy. 138 & Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., W. Wisura, May 18, 2001, to 4815 ft. (1468 m.), at Horse Cyn., n.e. of Wrightwood & n.w. of Circle Mtn., 150 meters w. of State Hwy. 2, due w. of Horse Cyn. Rd., R.G. Swinney, June 12, 1994; May-July; uncommon transmontane, montane s. of Wrightwood, c. 600 meters e. of Guffy Cmpgrd, n. of Pacific Cr. Trail, R.G. Swinney, June 12, 1994, 4800 ft. (1463 m.), Cajon Wash

FVS: May 12, 1892, C.R. Orcutt, Cajon Pass (possibly e. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Cycladenia humilis Benth. var. humilis, Sacramento Waxydogbane

LACo.: Saddle between Pine Mt. & Dawson Pk., Sep. 7, 1998, 9240 ft.

(2817 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

+Cycladenia humilis Benth. var. venusta (Eastw.) Woodson ex Munz, Showy Cycladenia, Sacramento Waxydogbane

LACo.: From 5681 ft. (1732 m.), at Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, n. base of Pk. 6374 ‘ at extreme s.e. corner of park, on an extension of Pleasant View Ridge, R.G. Swinney, June 10, 2008, to 9399 ft. (2866 m.), at summit of Mt. Baden Powell, on s. side of Pk., J.R. Shevock, Oct. 5, 1974, 9394 ft. (2864 m.); June-Oct.; rare; transmontane at Devils Punchbowl Co. Park, montane, near cismontane at Mt. Disappointment

The following represents most of the known locations:

Coldwater Cyn. tributary, 1st cyn. s. of San Antonio Ridge; along Bear Cyn. Tr., c. 1 mi. south of W. Baldy Pk.; Devil’s Punch Bowl Co. Park at Pk. # 6374 ft., n. of Mt. Williamson; ridge c. 400 m. south of Mt. Baden Powel; c. 2.5 km. s.w. of Mt. San Antonio along Baldy Tr.; along trail east of Windy Gap toward Mt. Hawkins; c. 0.3 mi. south of Mount Hawkins Pk.; 3 records for Dawson Saddle, just s. of Lewis Mt.; Joseph Andorfer Ewan, summit Mt. Disappointment, June 17, 1932, 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

FVS: Aug. 20, 1903, Mrs. C.M. Wilder, San Antonio Mt., 7997 ft. (2438 m.)

SBCo.: From 6399 ft. (1951 m.), at ridge & saddle near pk. 6566 ‘, c. 2.5 miles (air) ENE and on same ridge as Telegraph Pk., above N. Fk. Lytle Cr., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 15, 1997, to 10000 ft. (3049 m.), at Mt. San Antonio Summit, Albert J. Perkins, July 26, 1915; Apr., June-Aug.; montane, rare; montane

Additional locations: N. Devil’s Backbone Ridge, s. of Wright Mt.; s. slope of Thunder Mt.; Dawson Peak Ridge Tr. at far n.e. tributary of Upper Fish Fork drainage; Saddle between Pine Mt. & Dawson Pk.; Big Horn Ridge, c. 1.5 mi. s.w. of W. Baldy Pk.; Cucamonga Pk.; s.w. of Wrightwood on Blue Ridge, c. 0.5 mi. west of Guffy Cmpgd; Telegraph Pk. ridge & saddle near Pk. # 6566 ft., c. 2.5 mi. ENE of Telegraph Pk.; saddle between Big Horn Pk. & Cuccamonga Pk.; ridge c. 0.5 mi. east of Cucamonga Pk.; Mt. Harwood; N. Fork of San Antonio Creek

FVS: June, 1897, Anonym., near summit of Baldy, 11480 ft. (3500 m.) (wrong elv., E. Baldy Pk. is 10064 ft. –added 2009)

Funastrum cynanchoides (Decne.) Schltr. ssp. hartweggii Vail) R.W. Holm(Vail) Krings, Climbing Milkweed, Hartweg’s Twinevine

[synonyms: Sarcostemma cynanchoides ssp. hartweggii (Vail) R.W. Holm and F. cynanchoides ssp. heterophyllum (Engelm. ex Torr.) Kartesz,

LACo.: From 699 ft. (213 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel Cyn. wash, 0.1-0.5 miles w. of San Gabriel River Bike Path parkingt lot, at Azusa Cyn. Rd. (Hwy. 39), c. 0.6 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 17, 2009, to 1640 ft. (500 m.), at Claremont, 100 meters e. of Thompson Cr. Dam., Richard Noyes, & L. Arnseth, Apr. 30, 1988; Mar.-May, July, Sep.; rare; cismontane

One record from far e. area at Big Tujunga Wash, e. of I-210 Frwy., LeRoy Gross, Sep. 18, 1998, 1200 ft. (365 m.)

FVS: July 5, 1902, L.R. Abrams, near power house, San Gabriel Cyn.

SBCo.: No records found.

Nerium oleander L., Oleander

Native or naturalized to Medit., Sahara, Arabian Peninsula, s. Asia.

LACo.: mouth of San Gabriel River just n. of I-210 Frwy., Nov. 30, 2008, 581 ft. (177 m.); Glendora, Harrow Cyn. c. 500 m. n. of debris basin, July 14, 1989,

1450 ft. (442 m.)

Other records: Scott D. White, Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland, Tujunga area, s.w. of 210 Frwy., e. of Hansen Dam & n. of Wentworth St., May 14, 1997, 1050 ft. (320 m.); plants recorded at Heaton Flats & confluence of Big Rock Creek & Holcomb Cyn. are most likely persisting at old homesites; L.C. Wheeler, Pacoima Cyn. at Ant Cyn., Apr. 26, 1968, 2224 ft. (678 m.) and Aug. 20, 1968 at 2100 ft. (640 m.)

FVS: Apr. 26, 1968

SBCo.: No records found.

Vinca major L., Greater Periwinkle, Bigleaf Periwinkle

Native probably to Europe.

All parts lethally poisonous, even in small amounts.

LACo.: From 1004 ft. (306 m.), at Big Santa Anita Cyn., between Roberts Dam & Water Trail, Adelina Munoz, Apr. 16, 1988, to c. 4500 ft. (1371 m.), at San Antonio cyn., 1.5 mi. above second tunnel at Mt. Rd. turn off on w. side of cyn. above River, Fred Brooks, May 7, 1988; Mar.-June, Aug., Dec.; uncommon; cismontane, (shaded areas, often in cyns. near old homesites) Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, mouth of Mystic Cyn. at confl. with Big Dalton Cyn., at site of removed cabin, Aug. 9, 1989, 1250 ft. (381 m.) (modified-2010); Glendora, Wildwood Cyn., Apr. 9, 2008, 1079 ft. (329 m.) San Dimas, Spring Cyn. May, 2008 (not yet processed); Monrovia Cyn. Wilderness Park, along cyn. bottom near cabin rentals Mar. 28, 2009, 1200 ft. (366 m.) (modified 2010)

Other records:

G. D. Wallace, San Gabriel Cyn., May 1, 1965, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, escaped along Lytle Creek at Apple White Picnic Grounds, Apr. 4, 1968, no elev. given; also D.L. Ill., Apr. 13, 1985, 1009 m.; Chris Louterbach, Palmer Cyn., 3 mi., north of Foothill Blvd., Mar 18, 1973, 2200 ft. (670 m.); Noyes, Arnseth, Thompson Dam, Apr. 30, 1988, 1722 ft. (525 m.); J. Adams, Little Dalton Cyn., May 9, 1963, 1204 ft. (367 m.);Barry Burnell, San Antonio Cyn. just below the narrows, below Camp Baldy, May 22, 1969, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

3 records for Cobal Cyn., Claremont:

P.A. Munz, March 1920, 1401 ft. (427 m); R.F. Thorne, March 18, 1971, 1650 ft. (502 m.); L.C. Wheeler Mar. 16, 1946, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 20, 1920, P.A. Munz, Cobal Cyn., n. of Claremont, 1401 ft. (427 m.)

SBCo.: Confluence of Lone Pine Cyn. & Cajon Wash, Nov. 14, 1992, 805 m.;

Lone Pine Cyn. 1.0 mi. w. of Lost Lake at stream crossing with Swarthout Cyn. Rd., Nov. __, 2008

Other records: L.C. Wheeler, Middle Fork Lytle Creek, near Scotland, July 12, 1968, 3100 ft. (945 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Stoddard Cyn., May,10, 1969, 2400 ft. (731 m.); Freda Detmers, Lytle Creek Cyn., May 10, 1931, no elev. given

FVS: May 10, 1931

Araliaceae Ginseng Family

Aralia californica S. Watson, Elk Clover, California Spikenard

LACo.: From 1750 ft. (534 m.), at San Dimas Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, Aug. 5, 1931, to 5196 ft. (1584 m.), at Alder Gulch, L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 10, 1970 and R.G. Swinney, at Upper Fish Fk. of San Gabriel River, July 24, 1998, (1585 m.); June- Nov.; rare; montane, cismontane

Additional records:

S. Fork of Cow Cyn at & above Fallen Leaf Spring;S. Fork of Fern Cyn, n.e. of Brown’s Flat; upper Coldwater Cyn. at n.e. end of Heaton Flat Trail; Cow Cyn, c. 0.5 mi. west of Cow Cyn. Saddle; Santa Anita Cyn.; Flume 5 N. Fk. San Dimas Cyn.; Soldier Cr., Hwy. 39 n. of Azusa; W. Fk. San Gabriel River between Bear Cr. & Rincon Red Box Rd.; trib. of San Antonio Cyn., w. of Spring Hill; Wolfskill Cyn.; Fish Cyn. at Upper Clamshell Truck Trail.; Alder Gulch; vic. Bear Flats Ranger Station; Dr. H. de Forest, Black Cyn., Arroyo Seco , June 25, 1932, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 28, 1904, F.W. Peirson, Little Santa Anita Cyn.

SBCo.: From 2750 ft. (838 m.), at Day Cyn., Upper Sonaran Zone, I.M. Johnston, July 15, 1917, to 8151 ft. (2485 m.), at Icehouse Cyn., c. 0.8 miles e. of Icehouse Cyn. Parking Lot, on s. side of stream at spring, R.G. Swinney, July 28, 1994; June-Oct.; rare; montane, cismontane

Additional records:

S. Fork of Lytle Creek, c. 1.6 miles w. of Lytle Creek; Bear Cyn, c. 0.7 mi. north of San Antonio Cyn. Rd.; Bear Gulch, c. 0.3 mi. n. of confl. with Prairie Fork; Timber Gulch spring, c. 0.9 mi. west of Lytle Creek Rd.; Bear Cyn. below Bear Flats; Lytle Cr.; Cucamonga Cyn., 5-6th falls

FVS: Oct., 1893, E.A. Zumbro, branch of Lytle Cr., no elev. given

Hedera helix L., English Ivy

Native to Europe. Sap can cause contact dermatitis, berries & leaves toxic when eaten.

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Canyon, old homesite, July 6, 1989, 1400 ft.

(427 m.)

Other records:

T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Big Rock Creek just upstream from gaging station, empty, gutted cabin, May 29, 90, 4055 ft. (1235 m.); L.C. Wheeler, LaVerne, Camp Bonita, Sep. 29, 1968, 2000 ft. (610 m.)

FVS: Sep. 29, 1968

SBCo.: Stoddard Cyn, c. 0.2 m. east of Shinn Rd., old homesite, Jan. 15, 1994, 2493 ft. (760 m.) (also det. as H. canariensis); John F. Green, Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, n. of Jet Prop. Lab., Transect # 2, July 17, 2003, 1299 ft. (396 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White & Michael Honer, San Antonio Creek, between Mt. Baldy & Icehouse Cyn., June 29, 1904, 4199 ft. (1280 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Creek Village, Nov. 4, 1967+

+Hedera canariensis Willd., Canary Island Ivy, Algerian Ivy

[synonym: H. helix L. ssp. canariensis (Willd.) Cout.]

Native to Macronesia, n. Africa.

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Canyon, 0.8 mi. n.e. of Glendora Mt. Rd. (Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park-added 2010), 1350 ft. (412 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: Stoddard Cyn., c. 0.2 miles e. of old abandoned homesite, Jan. 15, 1994, 2480 ft. (760 m.) ( also det. as H. helix)

Hydrocotyle ranunculoides L.f., Floating Marshpennywort

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Fairly common at Glen Helen Regional Co. Park, Cajon Cyn., Devore, developed fishing lakes, Oct 9, 1994, 2000 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Park, Cajon cyn., Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given, aquatic

FVS: Oct. 12, 1969

Hydrocotyle umbellata L., Manyflower Marshpennywort

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Lone Pine Cyn., Lost Lake, n. side of Lake, Oct. 9, 1994, 2780 ft

(848 m.)

Other records:

L.R. Abrams, Glenn Ranch, Lytle Cr. Cyn., July 14, 1902, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Lytle Cr., May 18, 1920, 3500 ft.(1067 m.)

FVS: May 18, 1920

Hydrocotyle verticillata Thunb., Whorled Marshpennywort

LACo.: J.C. Nevin, Sana Anita Cyn., 1885, no elev. given

SBCo.: Thorne & Tilforth, Lone Pine Cyn., Lost Lake, June 29, 1972, 2770 ft. (845 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Creek, Sportsman’s Park Glenn Ranch, Nov. 15, 1967, stagnant water; L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Lost Lake, Oct. 1,1933

FVS: Oct. 1, 1933

Asteraceae Sunflower Family

Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus (Harv. & A. Gray ex A. Gray) A. Gray, Rayless Goldenhead

Vars. sometimes occur together and intergrade.

LACo.: Valyermo area, s. end of Bob’s Gap, w.-facing slope at jct. of Panorama & Bob’s Gap Rds., May 17, 2001, 4080 ft. (1244 m.); lower Brainard Cyn., 1.4-1.8 miles s. of Mt. Emma Rd., 2.9 miles SSE (164 deg.) of Littlerock, May 12, 2009, 3480 ft. (1061 m.)

Other records:

T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Little Rock Cr., on s.w. side of Little Rock Cr. Res., June 11, 1990, 3270-3290 ft. (997 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Little Rock Cr., San Gab. Mts., May 21, 1921, 3198 ft. (975 m.)

FVS: May 21, 1921

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, 1.2 mi. s. of Hwy. 138 at Scrub Oak Rd., June 29, 1995,

4622 ft. (1409 m.)

Other records: None found.

Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus (A. Gray) A. Gray var. hirtellus S.F. Blake , Rayless Goldenhead

LACo.: Valyermo area, s. end of Bob’s Gap, w.-facing slope at jct. of Panorama & Bob’s Gap Roads, May 17, 2001, 4080 ft.

Other records:

LeRoy Gross, w. terminus of Holcomb’s Ridge, w. of Big Rock Cr., n. of Fort Tejon Rd., w. of Valyermo Rd. N, May 3, 2005, 3559 ft. (1085 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., Santiago Cr., Little Rock Cr. Management Unit, Apr. 15, 1994, 3800 ft. (1159 m.); Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., right at the n. end of Bob’s Gap, May 6, 2005, 4700 ft. (1433 m.);; R.F. Thorne, 1/4-1/2 miles n. of Bob’s Gap, n. slope of Holcomb Ridge, c. 2.5 mi. due s. of Llano, May 11, 1973, 3800 ft. (1159 m.); M.N. Ackley, Little Rock Foothills, May 8, 1927, 2998 ft. (914 m.)

FVS: May 8, 1927

SBCo.: Percy C. Everett & E.K. Balls, 12.7 miles w. along State Hwy. 138 from jct. with US Hwy. 395, Cajon Pass, May 22, 1959, 3998 ft. (1219 m.) (also det. as Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus var. sphaerocephalus)

Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus (A. Gray) A. Gray var. sphaerocephalus, Rayless Goldenhead

LACo.: P.A. Munz, Pallett Cr., May 27, 1923, no elev. given; J. Sauer & G. Malanson, Juniper Hills, May 15, 1981, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, 1/4-1/2 miles n. of Bob’s Gap, n. slope of Hollcomb Ridge, c. 2.5 mi. due s. of Llano, May 11, 1973, 3800 ft. (1159 m.); F.W. Peirson, lower part in wash, Little Rock Cr. Cyn., May 9, 1921, 3198 ft. (975 m.)

FVS: May 9, 1921

SBCo.: Percy C. Everett, & E.K. Balls, 12.7 miles w. along State Hwy. 138, from jct. with US Hwy. 395, Cajon Pass, May 22, 1959, 3998 ft. (1219 m.) (also det. as Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus var. hirtellus

Achillea millefolium L., White Yarrow, Common Yarrow

[synonym: A. millefolium L. var. californica (Pollard) Jeps.]

Highly variable polyploid complex.

LACo.: From 1300 ft. (396 m.l), at Monrovia Cyn., F.W. Peirson, May 18, 1919, to 7839 ft. (2390 m.), at Waterman Mt., Ski Runway on e.-facing slope, R.G. Swinney, July 24, 2008; Apr.-July, Sep.; uncommon; montane at Waterman Mt., cismontane

FVS: June 23, 1918, I.M. Johnston, Spring Hill, San Antonio Canyon, 4300 ft. (1310 m.)

SBCo.: Cherry Cyn. Flats (Dry Lake), s.w. base of Sugarloaf Pk., June 18, 1996, 5061 ft. (1543 m.); c. 100 m. s.e. of Spring Hill area, c. 100 m. west of Barrett- Stoddard Rd., July 6, 1994, 4035 ft. (1230 m.); Stoddard Pk., s. of Barrett Village, June 13, 1996, 4600 ft. (1402 m.)

Other records:

D.A. Young, along rd. to Mt. Baldy Village, c. 1.5 mi. from village, May 10, 1969, 2890 ft. (880 m.)

FVS: May 10, 1969

Achyrachaena mollis Schauer, Blow-wives

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, foot of San Dimas Cyn., Apr. 10, 1921, 1397 ft. (426 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Whitney Cyn., May 15, 1967, 1548 ft. (472 m.)

FVS: Apr. 10, 1921

SBCo.: No records found.

Acourtia microcephala DC., Acourtia, Sacapellote

CA & n.w. Baja Ca, Mex.

LACo.: From 997 ft. (304 m.), at w. side of (FS Rd. 1N36, heading s. from Rinco(Rincon-added 2010)-Red Box Rd.), Van Tassel Cyn., Tim Ross & Peter Fritsch, June 20, 1990, to 3601 ft. (1098 m.), in open clearing on Aliso Cr., F.W. Peirson, June 30, 1929; May-Aug.; uncommon; transmontane at Aliso Cr., cismontane

FSC: July 2, 1902, L.R. Abrams, San Gabriel Mts., dry hillsides (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: Ridgetop n.w. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., June 1, 1996, 3760 ft. (1146 m.); Sheep Creek, F.S. Rd. 2N56, 0.2 mi. s. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., June 25, 1992, 3200 ft. (979 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, Muscupiabe Hills, s. of Glen Helen Regional Park along stream, June 23, 1992, 2106 ft. (642 m.); Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, Aug. 19, 1924, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Cyn., July 22, 1918, 2998 ft. (914 m.)

FVS: July 22, 1918

+Ageratina adenophora (Spreng.) King & H. Robi., Eupatory, Crofton Weed, Sticky Snakeroot

Native to Mexico. Reproduces by asexual seed.

Along permanent or temporary watercourses.

LACo.: From 971 ft. (296 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel River Cyn., El Encanto Azusa RiverWilderness Park, to 2750 ft. (838 m.), at Little Santa Anita Cyn., w. side along Mt. Wilson Trail, L.C. Wheeler, Dec. 6, 1969; Feb.-Aug., Oct.-Dec.; common; cismontane

FVS: July 9, 1932, Louis C. Wheeler, Rogers Cyn., San Gab. Mts., 1246 ft.

(380 m.)

SBCo.: Cucamonga Cyn., at jct. with Cucamonga Truck Trail (FS Road 1N35), c. 200 yds. north of rd., Apr. 30, 1994, 2755 ft. (840 m.)

Other records:

Steve Boyd & L. Arnseth, Duncon Cyn., s. of Lytle Cr., May 6, 1988, 2296 ft.

(700 m.); first record in San Gabriel Mts. in SBCo. on Apr. 17, 1984 by J. Glazner in Day Cyn., 2975 ft. (907 m.); John Wear & Nathan Moorhatch, mouth of Day Cyn. at n. end of Etiwanda Ave., Oak Summit Project, Apr. 20, 1994, 2200 ft. (610 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Santa Anita Cyn., Dec. 22, 1969, 2750 ft. (838 m.)

FVS: Dec. 22, 1969

Ageratina occidentalis (Hook.) King & H. Rob., Western Snakeroot

LACo.: Upper Fish Fk., San Gabriel River, c. 1 mi. e. (upstream) from Upper Fish Fork Cmpgrd., Oct. 3, 1998, 5500 ft. (2012 m.). Several plants were observed in the cyn. bottom. An addional visit to the site is planned to survey the population. This represents the second record for the San Gabriel Mountains and the second for southern California, south of the Sierra Nevada. Thomas Chester, Mike Crouse & Dave Stith found a population in the San Jacinto Mts. in Tahquitz Cyn., on Aug. 17, 2009, which now makes this the southernmost part of the range for this species.

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, from confl. of Cooper & Buckhorn Cyns, upstream to falls of Buckhorn Cr., near Campground, July 6, 1992, no elev. given (this represents the first record of this species s. of the Sierra Nevada in southern California)

FVS: July 6, 1992

SBCo.: No records found.

Agoseris grandiflora (Nutt.) Greene, Grand Mountain Dandelion, Bigflower Agoseris

LACo.: n.w. of Wrightwood, e. end of Jackson Flat, July 8, 1998, 7500 ft.

(2287 m.); s. of Pinon Hills, ridge n.e. of Table Mt. near co. line, area burned in summer of 1995, June 13, 1997, 5999 ft. (1829 m.); s.w. of Wrightwood, dry lake adj. to FS Road 3N06 (Blue Ridge Rd.), 0.4 miles e. of Hwy. 2, July 10, 1998,

7380 ft. (2250 m.)

Other records:

P.A. Munz & R.D. Harwood, San Dimas Cyn., May 2, 1920, 1499 ft. (457 m.); Kathey Harper, between Pacifico Mt. & Rd. N3, May 17, 1986, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., July 2, 1932, 1600 ft. (487 m.); F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., June 5, 1919, 4598ft. (1341 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: June 5, 1919

SBCo.: Spring Hill, s.w. of Barret Village, July 6, 1994, 4040 ft. (1230 m.);

Upper Lytle Creek Divide, 1.2 mi. s. of Lone Pine Rd., May 15, 1993, 5400 ft. (1646 m.); Upper Lytle Creek Ridge, June 30, 1992, 6700 ft. (2043 m.);

Bear Flats, July 12, 1995, 5600 ft. (1707 m.); Cherry Cyn. Flats (Dry Lake), s.w. base of Sugar Loaf Pk., June 18, 1996 & May 31, 1997, 4940-5060 ft.

(1506-1542 m.); Ralston Pk. on s. ridge, May 23, 1998, 4379 ft. (1335 m.);

Pinon Hills, ridge n.e. of Table Mt., near L.A. Co. Line, June 13, 1997, 3877 ft. (1182 m.); May-July; 3877-6700 ft. (1182 m.- 2043 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, Evey Cyn., San Antonio Mts., May 16, 1917, no elev. given

FVS: May 16, 1917

Agoseris grandiflora (Nutt.) Greene var. grandiflora, Bigflower Agoseris

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., June 5, 1919, 4398 ft. (1341 m.); Donald R. Bissing, Evey Cyn., along rd. cut, 0.4 mi. form cyn. mouth, May 18, 1973, 2400 ft. (731 m.); F.W. Peirson, Fish Cyn., May 21, 1923, 2600 ft.

(792 m.); C.F. Baker, mts. near Claremont, May 15, 1909, no elev. given;

FVS: May 15, 1909

SBCo.: F.W. Peirson, Camp Baldy, San Antonio Cyn., June 5, 1919, 4500 ft. (1371 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, San Antonio Cyn., Chapman Ranch above Mt. Baldy Village, July 21, 1967, 4450 ft. (1356 m.); P.A. Munz, Cajon Pass, Lone Pine Cyn., edge of wet meadow, Aug. 30,1923, 5000 ft. (1523 m.); F.W. Peirson, Clyde Ranch, Lone Pine Cyn., Aug. 30, 1923, 4900 ft. (1494 m.);

I.M. Johnston, Evey Canon, San Antonio Cyn., May 6, 1917, no elev. given

FVS: May 6, 1917

Agoseris heterophylla (Nutt.) Greene, Annual Agoseris

LACo.: Brown’s Flat, central area, common here only, July 17, 1996, 4350 ft. (1326 m.)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, Wright’s Ranch, Swartout Valley, July 7, 1922, 6050 ft. (1845 m.)

FVS: July 7, 1922

SBCo.: Cherry Cyn. “dry lake”, at s.w. base of Sugar Loaf Pk., e. of San Antonio Cyn.-added 2011), May 31, 1997, 4940 ft. (1506 m.)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, Swarthout Valley, Wright’s Ranch, July 7, 1922, 6050 ft. (1845 m.)

FVS: July 7, 1922

Agoseris heterophylla (Nutt.) Greene var. heterophylla, Annual Agoseris

Self pollinates.

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Wrights-Swarthout Valley, July 7, 1922, 6045 ft. (1843 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Agoseris retrorsa (Benth.) Greene, Spear-leaved Mountain Dandelion, Spearleaf Agoseris

LACo.: From 1801 ft. (549 m.), at San Gabriel River, W. Fork, between Bear Cr. & Cogswell Dam, Scott D. White & Justin M. Wood, May 6, 2009, to 8200 ft.

(2499 m.), on summit crest of Mt. Williamson, R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Nov. 9, 1968; Apr.-July, Nov.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June, 1902, A.D.D. Elmer, Acton, Mt. Gleason

SBCo.: From 2300 ft. (701 m.), at jct. of Every (Evey-added 2010) Cyn. with San Antonio Cyn., R.F. Thorne, May 29, 1969, to 8400 ft. (2561 m.), at Cucamonga Wilderness, Big Horn Pk., R.G. Swinney, July 1, 1994; May-July; uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: May 29, 1969

Amblyopappus pusillus Hook. & Arn., Dwarf Coastweed

CA; Baja CA, Mex. & w. S. America

LACo.: Grant & Wheeler, Glendora, May 7, 1904, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: No records found.

Ambrosia acanthicarpa Hook., Annual Bur-sage, Flatspine Bur Ragweed

LACo.: From 640 ft. (195 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.8 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. (in main channel-added 2010), R.G. Swinney, Dec. 2, 2008, to 7492 ft. (2284 m.), at Table Mt. West, n. of Big Pines, R.G. Swinney, Oct. 8, 2008; June, Aug.-Dec.; common in disturbed areas and less so in naturalareas; all 3 sections

FVS: Oct. 26, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Rubio Reservoir, s. base of San Gab. Mts.

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to w. of fishing lakes, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 7, 2008, to 6038 ft. (1841 m.), at Wright Lake, Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, Oct. 30, 2008; Oct.-Dec.; uncommon; all 4 sections

FVS: Oct. 8, 1945, Margaret Mardinge, Cajon Pass near Devore, 2499 ft.

(762 m.)

Ambrosia dumosa (A. Gray) Payne, White Bur-sage, Burrowbush

LACo.: Carr Cyn., 1.0 mile e. of Little Rock Cr. and Carr Cyn. confl., 100 meters s. of Mt. Emma Rd., Apr. 29, 2009

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, along Mt. Emma Rd., 1/2 mile e. of Little Rock Cr. below the dam., May 11, 1973, 3400 ft. (1037 m.); R.F. Thorne & G. Wallace, 1/4 mile n. of Bob’’s Gap., 3.5 miles s. of Llano, n. slope of Holcomb Ridge, Apr. 25, 1973,

3800-3900 ft. (1159 m.) also June 21, 1978; R.F. Thorne & Dick Tilforth, n. of Bob’s Gap, June 21, 1978, no elev. given; R.D. Goeden & D.W. Rick, c. 7.5 miles s.e. of Llano, s.w. side of State Hwy. 138, 1.8 mile s.e. of Pearblosom Hwy., Apr. 30, 1970, 3519 ft. (1073 m.);

FVS: Apr. 30, 1970

SBCo.: No records found.

Ambrosia psilostachya DC., Western Ragweed, Cuman Ragweed

(synonym: A. psilostachya DC. var. californica (Rydb.) S.F. Blake)

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Canyon, 1.1 mi. n.e. of Glendora Mt. Rd. at Big Dalton Cyn. Road, 1400 ft. (427 m.); mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., near hwy. 39, n. of bike trail parking area, 1 pop. near water, Dec. 4, 2008, 800 ft. (244 m.); Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Percolation Basin (mouth of Big Dalton Cyn.-added 2010), Aug. 23, 1989, 1000 ft. (305 m.)

Other records: R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, Johnson’s Pasture, n. of Claremont, June 30, 1972, 1597 ft.(487 m); Louis C. Wheeler, Big Tujunga at Colby Ranch Rd., Oct. 1, 1966, 3149 ft. (960 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., c. 1/2 mile beyond Oak of the Golden Dream (same locatioin as spring collection), Nov. 11, 1967, 1700 ft. (518 m.); Jerome S. Horton, Dalton Cyn., below Dam, Aug. 27, 1936, 1499 ft. 457 m.)

FVS: Aug. 27, 1936

SBCo.: N. of Rancho Cucamonga, n.w. of Etiwanda Ave., c. 0.5 mi. s. of mouth of Day Cyn., c. 0.25 mi. e. of Day Cyn. Debris Basin, meadow, Aug. 30, 1994, 2360 ft. (720 m.); Lone Pine Cyn., Clyde Ranch, October 23, 2008, 2920 ft.

(890 m.), abundant at this location; Devore, Glen Helen Regional Park, lake & marsh, Nov. 6, 2008, 2000 ft. (610 m.); Swarthout Cyn. Rd. & Cajon Blvd. jnct., Nov. 10, 2008, 2640 ft. (805 m.); Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 1.8 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., n. of Bike Path Parking Lot at Hwy. 39, along flowing aqueduct from water filtration plant

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Johnson’s Pasture and down Gail Cyn., n. of Claremont, June 30, 1972, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Sep. 16, 1967, 3400 ft. (1036 m.)Jerome S. Horton, Dalton (Big-added 2010) Cyn., below Dam, (Big-added 2010) Dalton Cyn. Aug. 27, 1936, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: Aug. 27, 1936

Ambrosia salsola (Torr. & A. Gray) Strother & B.G. Baldwin, (Common) Burrobrush, Cheeseweed, Cheesbush

(synonym: Hymenoclea salsola Torr. & A. Gray)

Hybridizes with Ambrosia dumosa, vars. intergrade.

LACo.: Bob’s Gap, 3.2 miles s. of Hwy. 138 on e. side of Bob’s Gap Road, Apr. 2, 2009, 4011 ft. (1223 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. Calif. transmission line tower (Seg. 6, str. 5 per TRTP Survey 2008) vic. of Aliso Cyn., w. of Angeles Forest Hwy., Apr. 12, 2008, (11185 m.) (elev. is in error-added 2011); Justin M. Wood, vic. of Littlerock Cr., just s.w. of jct. of Cheseboro Rd. & Mt. Emma Rd., May 10, 2010, 3191 ft. (973 m.); A.C. Sanders, D. Malueg et al., Soledad Pass area at n. foot of the mts., c. 5 miles s.w. of Palmdale, along SCE Mesa-Vlincent Powerline at pole 18-03, just s. of Vincent Substation, June 22, 1998, 3280 ft. (1000 m.); David Charlton, (n.w.) Soledad Pass, Kentucky Springs development, 1 mile s. of Hwy. 14 on Angeles Forest Hwy. (N-3), c. 5 miles (airline) s. of Palmdale, Apr. 7, 1989, 3401 ft. (1037 m.); B.C. Templeton, Shoemaker Cyn., Mar. 22, 1938, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 22, 1938

SBCo.: Pinyon Hills, s.w. of jnct. of hwy 138 & Sheep Creek Rd., May 29, 1995, 4520-4600 ft. (1378-1402 m.)

Other records: None found

Ambrosia salsola (Torr. & A. Gray) Strother & B.G. Baldwin var. salsola, Cheeseweed, Burrobrush

[synonyms: Hymenoclea salsola Torr. & A. Gray var. salsola and A. salsola var. fasciculata (A. Nelson) Strother & B.G. Baldwin and Hymenoclea salsola var. f (A. Nelson) K.M. Peterson & W.W. Payne and Hymenoclea salsola var. patula (A. Nelson) K.M. Peterson & Payne, illeg.]

LACo.: From 2500 ft. (762 m.), at Littlerock Reservoir, N.C. Cooper, Apr. 21, 1948, to 4736 ft. (1444 m.), at Bob’s Gap at the s. edge of Bob’s Gap on slopes and roadside, and down in wash, Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., May 6, 2005; Apr., May, July; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: May 19, 1921, F.W. Peirson, Little Rock Cr., San Gab. Mts., 3100-3198 ft. (945-975 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Ancistrocarphus filagineus A. Gray, Woolly Fishhooks, False Nest Straw

LACo.: upper Brainard Cyn., c. 2 miles s. of Ft. Tejon Road, imm. northwest of Cima Mesa, Juniper Hills, May 13, 2009, 3680 ft. (1122 m.)

Other records:

T.S. Ross, S. D. Boyd, et al., 0.6 miles ESE of Acton; s. edge of Soledad Cyn. Wash: Apr. 30, 1991, 2760-2880 ft. (841-878 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Little Tujunga Cyn., 0.75 miles SSE of Herrers Ranch, Apr. 4, 1969, 1801 ft.

(549 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Aliso Cyn., May 9, 1967, 3100 ft. (945 m.); L.C. Wheeler, head of E. Fork Little Tujunga, May 14, 1975, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Devil’s Cyn., July 22, 1968, 4700 ft. (1432 m.); F.W. Peirson, Arraster (Arrastre-added 2011) Cr., San Gab. Mts., May 10, 1919, 3000 ft. (915 m.)

FVS: May 10, 1919

SBCo.: S.D. White & Tasha LaDoux, Foothills near Cajon Pass, n.w. of jct. of I-15 Frwy. & State Hwy. 138, c. 1 air mile w. of I-15, 1 air mile n. of Hwy. 138, May 13, 2000, 3401 ft. (1037 m.)

Anisocoma acaulis Torr. & A. Gray, Scalebud

LACo.: From 3398 ft. (1036 m.), at Little Rock Cr., n. base of San Gab. Mts., F.W. Peirson, May 19, 1921, to 7501 ft. (2287 m.), n.w. of Wrightwood, e. end of Jackson Flat, burn area of 1997, R.G. Swinney, July 8, 1998; Apr.-July; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 1902, A.D.E. Elmer, Acton, Mt. Gleason

SBCo.: near summit of peak, s.e. of Oak Springs Ranch, s. of Pinon Hills, May, 27, 1996; Baldy Mesa, Phelan Peak, s. of Phelan, Apr. 13, 1996, 5150 ft.

(1570 m.); Pinon Hills, Boneyard Pk., e. of Boneyard Cyn., May 8, 1999, 5114 ft. (1559 m.); upper Cajon Cyn., nameless cyn. north of Circle Mt. & s.e. of Controversy Spring, June 3, 1995, 4799 ft. (1463 m.); Circle Mt. Peak, June 23, 1994, 6721 ft. (2049 m.) & 6800 ft. (2072 m.); Pinon Hills, c. 0.25 miles s. of Oak Springs Ranch in Oak Springs Cyn., July 6, 1995, 5600 ft. (1707 m.)

Other records:

I.W. Clokey & E.G. Anderson, w. of Cajon Pass, May, 15, 1935, 3280 ft.

(1000 m.); P.A. Munz, s. side of Cajon Pass, Apr. 27, 1921, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, s. side of Cajon Pass, May 14, 1924, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); H.M. Hall, June 3-6, 1900, Swarthout Cyn., 6596 ft. (2011 m.)

FVS: June 3-6, 1900

Antennaria dimorpha (Nutt.) Torr. & A. Gray, Low Pussytoes

LACo.: n.e. of Table Mt., July 2, 1998, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); with Vanessa Merritt, 4.3 mi., n. of Big Pines Hwy. on Table Mt. Rd., June 12, 1998, 6200 ft. (1890 m.); Sulphur Springs Cmpgrd. area, S. Fork Littlerock Cr., May 28, 2009, 5199 ft. (1585 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Pinyon Flat, Apr. 16, 1955, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Pine Flats, headwaters of Tujunga, June 15, 1921, 5501 ft. (1677 m.)

FVS: June 15, 1921

SBCo.: Coldwater Cyn. between middle & west fks, Aug. 25, 1997, 6400 ft. (1931 m.); Grahm Cyn., 2.4 mi. s. of Ft. Tejon Rd., May 1, 1999, 4400 ft.

(1341 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk of Lytle Creek, July 7, 1918, 6245 ft. (1904 m.) (This is possibly the same location as Swinney’s Coldwater Cyn. record.); Soza & Gross, E. end of Devil’s Backbone, s. of Stockton Flat, May 29, 2001, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); also F.W. Peirson, May 19, 1920, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., June 1-3, 1900, 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

FVS: June 1-3, 1900

Antennaria dioica (L.) Gaertn., Stoloniferous Pussytoes

LACo.: No records

SBCo.: Chalk Peak, July 19, 1996, 6075-6089 ft. (1852-1856 m.)

Other records: None found.

Anthemis cotula L., Mayweed, Stinkweed, Dog-fennel, Stinking Chamomille

Native to Europe.

LACo.: From 950 ft. (290 m.), at Fish Cyn., R.F. Thorne & A.C. Gibson, May 22, 1971, 950 ft. (290 m.), to 2100 ft. (640 m.), at W. Fk. Palmer Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, June 21, 1936: May-Aug.; rare; cismontane

FVS: June 21, 1936, L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork Palmer Cyn., 2099 ft. (640 m.)

SBCo.: Cuccamonga Creek, c. 0.75 mi., s. of Almond Ave., June 11, 1994, 2000 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, Muscupiabe Hill, s. of Glen Helen Regional Park, along stream, June 23, 1992, 2106 ft. (642 m.)

FVS: June 23, 1992

+Argyranthemum foeniculum (Willd.) Sch. Bip., Dill Daisy

[synonym: A. anethifolium (Willd.) Webb]

Native to Canary Islands.

LACo.: San Gabriel River, under the Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., on e. side of Encanto Pkwy., w. of (east of-added 2011) El Encanto Park in Duarte, (under 2nd bridge-arch from the west-added 2011), Apr. 7, 2009, 604 ft. (184 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Artemisia biennis Willd., Biennial Wormwood

LACo.: Mike Hammitt & Jason Rick, Arroyo Seco Cyn., c. half way between the debris dam and Oakwilde Picnic Area, along Gabrielino Tr., June 25, 1991,

1797 ft. (548 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Artemisia californica Less., California Sagebrush, Coastal Sagebrush

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

Abundant below 3000 ft. (915 m.) in cismontane areas; Aug.-Dec.

LACo.: From 541 ft. (165 m.), at Irwindale, San Gabriel River Channel, within 70 meters n. of I-210 Frwy., R.G. Swinney, Nov. 30, 2008, to 3100 ft. (945 m.), Aliso Cyn., at c. 1/2 mile e. of Blum Ranch, L.C. Wheeler, Apr. 20, 1973; Jan,Feb., Apr.-July, Oct.-Dec., Abundant; cismontane

FVS: Sep. 15, 1918, F.W. Peirson, near foot of Sister Elsie Pk. Trail (n.w. Mt. Lukens), 2099 ft. (640 m.)

SBCo.: Only 1 record available. This does not reflect the level of abundance.

Richard Noyes, foothills e. of San Antonio Dam, along dirt service road following power pylons, Oct. 11, 1987, 2350 ft. (716 m.)

Artemisia douglasiana Besser, Mugwort, Douglas’ Sagewort

LACo.: From 594 ft. (181 m.), n.e. of E. Huntington Dr., Lario San Gabriel River Trail, Ellen Mackey, Oct. 19, 2006, to 6599 ft. (2012 m.), at E. Fork Rd. crossing over the N. Fork of the San Gabriel River, Islip Saddle, T.B. Salvato & Sarah Flack, Aug. 8, 2007, 6599 ft. (2012 m.); Feb., June-Nov.; fairly common along stream bottoms; transmontane at Santiago Cyn., Orlando Mistreta, Sep. 13, 1994, no elev. given, montane, cismontane

FVS: Aug. 14, 1915, D.L. Crawford, Palmer Cyn., Claremont

SBCo.: From 2401 ft. (732 m.), at Cucamonga, c. 0.5 miles s.e. of mouth of Day Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 30, 1994, to 6196 ft. (1889 m.), at Wrightwood, M.N. Ackley, Oct. 1928; Apr., July-Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Oct. 15, 1922, P.A. Munz, Cucamonga Cyn., 1998 ft. (609 m.)

Artemisia dracunculus L., Tarragon

LACo.: From 1099 ft. (335 m.), at Little Tujunga Wash, 0.5 miles above bridge on the rd. from Sunland to San Fernando, C.B. Wolf, July 2, 1931 to 7550 ft.

(2302 m.), at CA Hwy. 2 between Dawson Saddle and jct. of CA Hwy. 39, 1.6 mi. from Dawson Saddle; Apr., Aug.-Oct.; uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane at Big Santa Anita Cyn. & Little Tujunga Wash

FVS: 1915, Miss Mohr., San Gabriel River (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: From 1699 ft. (518 m.), n. of Upland (dry fan near mouth of cyn.), Cucamonga Cyn., P.A. Munz, Oct. 15, 1922, to 7872 ft. (2400 m.), at Sheep Mt. Wilderness, e. hdwtrs. of Prairie Fk. at base of Pine Mt. Ridge, e. end of abandoned dirt rd. at confl. of e. branches of Prairie Fk., Oct. 19, 1994: _______________

Other records-locations only:

meadow at mouth of Day Canyon; Lone Pine Canyon, Clyde Ranch; Spring Hill, s. of Barrett Village; Cherry Cyn. Flats “Dry Lake”, s. of Sugar Loaf Mt.; Cajon Wash near Devore Heights off ramp at old 395; Sheep Mt. Wilderness, e. head water of Prairie Fork, at base of Pine Mt. Ridge; June-Nov.; 2276-7872 ft. (694-2400 m.)

FVS: Aug. 21, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., 7000 ft.

(2134 m.)

Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt., Silver Wormwood, White Sagebrush

LACo.: From 2782 ft. (732 m.), at E. Fork San Gabriel River, canyon c. 200 meters n. of Allison Gulch, R.G. Siwnney, July 28, 1999, to 8020 ft. (2445 m.), at Wrightwood area, Flume Cyn., spring c. 200 meters n. of Guffy Cmpgrd., spring on n.-facing slope; R.G. Swinney, Aug. 16, 1999 (plants collected here by Joseph Andorfer Ewan in 1934, det. as A. ludoviciana ssp. incompta); May, July-Nov.; rare; all 3 sections

FVS: Nov. 11, 1928, Ralph Hoffman, Little Rock Dam, no elev. given

SBCo.: Wrightwood at Wright Lake, Aug. 12, 1996, 6038 ft. (1841 m.); Wrightwood, ridge n. of town, June 20, 1996, 6501 ft. (1982 m.); Prairie Fk., Sheep Mt. Wilderness, e. headwaters at base of Pine Mt. Ridge, e. terminus of abandoned dirt rd. at jct. of furthest e. branches of Prairie Fk., Oct. 19, 1994, 7400 ft. (2256 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Oct. 19, 1994

Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. ssp. albula (Woot.) D.D. Keck, White Sagebrush

LACo.: T.S. Ross, s. side of Prairie Fk., in the draw between Columbine Spring & Camp Lupine, Aug. 17, 1990, 6698-6957 ft. (2042-2121 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Santiago Cyn., at jct. of FS Rd. 4N20 with Santiago Cr., Sep. 21, 1994, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); C.B. Wolf, 1 mile e. of Wrightfwood Lodge, Swartout Valley, Oct. 23, 1931, 5996 ft. (1828 m.); Joseph Andorfer Ewan, s. end of Blue Ridge (Guffy Spring), Aug. 4, 1934, 7997 ft. (2438 m.); I.M. Johnston, Pine Mt. Ridge, Aug. 22, 1917, 7997 ft. (2438 m.)

FVS: Aug. 22, 1917, I. M. Johnston, Pine Mt. Ridge, 7997 ft. (2438 m.)

SBCo.: Wrightwood, 10-20 meters w. of Twin Lakes Rd., on n. side of Hwy. 2, along Wash, Aug. 15, 1994, 5799 ft. (1768 m.); Wrightwood, Heath Cyn., c. 1.7 miles s.w. of Lone Pine Cyn., Rd., Aug. 15, 1994, 6799 ft. (2073 m.) (also det. as Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. incompta)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, 0.1 miles s.e. of Guffy Camp, Aug. 29, 1946, 8150 ft. (2485 m.); F.W. Peirson, Ranger Station, Swarthout Valley, Sep. 1, 1923, 5900 ft. (1704 m.)

FVS: Sep. 1, 1923

Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. ssp. incompta (Nutt.) D.D. Keck, White Sagebrush

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Swartout Valley, July 7, 1922, 5897 ft. (1798 m.); Joseph Andorfer Ewan, s. end of Blue Ridge (Guffy Spring), Aug. 9, 1936, 8397 ft.

(2560 m.); A. Munz, Swartout Valley, narrow n.-facing cyn. at old sawmill, Sep. 1, 1923, 6698 ft. (2042 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr. upstream from Basin Cmpgrd., Oct. 2, 1995, 3400 ft. (1037 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Santiago Cyn., at jct. of FS Road 4N20 with Santiago Cr., Sep. 21, 1994, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); C.B. Wolf, 1 mile e. Wrightwood Lodge, Swartout Valley, Oct. 23, 1931, 5996 ft.

(1828 ); Joseph Andorfer Ewan, s. end of Blue Ridge (Guffy Spring), Aug. 1934, 7997 ft. (2438 m.); I.M. Johnston, Pine Ridge, San Antonio Mts., Blue Ridge, Aug. 22, 1917, 7997 ft. (2438 m.)

FVS: Aug. 22, 1917

SBCo.: The following 2 records also det. as Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. albula

Wrightwood: Heath Cyn., 1.7 mi. s.w. of Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., Aug. 15, 1994, 6800 ft. (2073 m.); w. of Twin Lakes Rd. on n. side of hwy 2 along Wrightwood Wash, Aug. 15, 1994, 5800 ft. (1768 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, Pine Mt., Aug. 22, 1917, 8000 ft. (2439 m.)

FVS: Aug. 22, 1917

Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. ssp. ludoviciana, White Sagebrush

LACo.: R.F. Thorne & John Olmstead, near Camp Lupine, along Prairie Fk., Aug. 26, 1965, 6500 ft. (1982 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Pine Mt. Ridge, Sep. 4, 1967, 7350 ft. (2240 m.); F.W. Peirson, San Gab. Mts., Sep. 1, 1923, 6596 ft.

(2011 m.); Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., July 6, 1897, 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

FVS: July 6, 1897

SBCo.: No records found.

Artemisia nova A. Nelson, Black Sagebrush

LACo.: Annetta M. & Arthur Carter, open rolling hills, n.w. of Horse Flats, Sep. 13, 1935, 6698 ft. (2042 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Artemisia tridentata Nutt., Great-basin Sagebrush, Big Sagebrush

LACo.: From 5199 ft. (1585 m.) Sulphur Spring Cmpgrd. area, S. Fork Little Rock Cr., R.G. Swinney, Oct. 10, 2008, to 8246 ft. (2514 m.), at crest, Pine Mt. Ridge, I.M. Johnston, Aug. 22, 1917; Aug.-Oct.; uncommon; transmontne, montane

FVS: Aug. 22, 1917, I.M. Johnst., crest of Pine Mt. Ridge, 8246 ft. (2514 m.)

SBCo.: From 2699 ft. (823 m.), at Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash & adj. foothill slopes, +/-, 2-3 road miles s. of Hwy. 138 crossing, ______, to 6229 ft. (1899 m.), at Wrightwood, M.N. Ackley, Oct. 1928; May, Sep.-Nov.; common; montane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 16, 1903, Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, no elev. given

+Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. parishii (A. Gray) H. M. Holl & Clem., Big Sagebrush

LACo.: T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd., et al., Soledad Cyn. Wash, c. 1/2 mile e. of Acton, Apr. 30, 1991, 2720 ft. (829 m.); Orlando Mistretta, drainage w. of Little Rock Cr. Res., Apr. 5, 1995, 3000 ft. (1006 m.); H.A. Jensen, N. Pinyon Ridge, June 1, 1934, 5497 ft. (1676 m.); H.A. Jensen, Pallet, June 1, 1933, 3798 ft. (1158 m.);

L.E. Hoffman, Arroyo Seco, Mar. 18, 1926, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Mar. 18, 1926

SBCo.: No records found.

Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. tridentata, Basin Big Sagebrush

LACo.: From 3979 ft. (1213 m.), at Santiago Cyn., Orlando Mistretta, Sep. 13, 1994, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at Blue Ridge, R.F. Thorne & J. Dourley, Oct. 10, 1967; June-Oct.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: June 18, 1921, P.A. Munz, head of Swartout Valley, 6796 ft. (2072 m.)

SBCo.: Norman Frazier, Hwy. 138, El Cajon Pass, Apr. 23, 1948, no elev. given; F.R. Fosberg, Lone Pine Cyn.,Nov. 22, 1931, 4592 ft. (1400 m.); F.W. Peirson, N. Fork Lytle Cr., Sep. 15, 1920, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 15, 1920

Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. vaseyania (Rydb.) Beetle, Mountain Big Sagebrush

LACo.: June Latting, Big Rock Cr. Fire Station, Fenner Cyn., Oct. 6, 1965,

5199 ft. (1585 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Baccharis glutinosa Pers., Saltmarsh Baccharis

(synonym: B. douglassii DC.) The name B. glutinosa was misappl. by N. American botanists to B. salicifolia for many years.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Live Oak Cyn., Oct. 7, 1933, 2300 ft. (701 m.)

SBCo.: Keikth Thompson, Lytle Cr., Feb. 8, 1970, 2598 ft. (792 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Gab. Mts., Glen Ranch, Lytle Cr., Sep. 16, 1967

FVS: Sep. 16, 1967

Baccharis pilularis DC., Chaparral Broom, Coyotebrush

[synonym: B. pilularis DC., ssp. consuguiniea (DC.) C.B. Wolf.]

LACo.: From 659 ft. (201 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 1 mile n. of Foothill Blvd., R.G. Swinney, Dec. 4, 2008, to 2650 ft. (807 m.), at Angeles Crest Hwy. at Twin Cyn. (Slide Cyn. on bridge), L.C. Wheeler, Oct. 23, 1967; Aug., Oct.-Dec.; rare; cismontane

FVS: Oct. 23, 1967

SBCo.: Lone Pine Cyn., 0.6-1.2 mi. s.w. of Lost Lake on s. side of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., Oct. 19, 1994, 2880 ft. (875 m.)

Other records: Scott D. White, Cucamonga bajada at the e. foot of mts., between Beryl Ave. & Hellman Ave., 3 mi. n. of Foothill Blvd., 1800 ft. (549 m), Mar. 16, 1998

FVS: Oct. 19, 1994

Baccharis pillularis DC. ssp. consuguiniea (DC.) C.B. Wolf., Coyotebrush

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., ¼ miles s.e. of Sierra Hwy., Nov. 11, 1967, 1479 ft. (451 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Pine Cyn., off Arroyo Seco, Oct. 10, 1967,

2276 ft. (694 m.)

FVS: Oct. 10, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. ssp. salicifolia, Mule Fat

(synonym: B. glutinosa Pers., misappl.)

Abundant throughout in montane & cismontane cnyn. bottoms and water courses, mostly below 3500 ft., all months

LACo.: From 541 ft. (165 m.), at Irwindale, San Gabriel River channel, within 70 meters n. of the I-210 Frwy., R.G. Swinney, Nov. 30, 2008, to 6599 ft. (2012 m.), at E. Fork of Puzzle Cyn. near old homesite at 2800 Deep Cr. Canyon Rd., R.G. Swinney, June 28, 1999; Feb.-June, Aug., Nov., Dec.; uncommon in transmontane, common in cismontane

FVS: Jan 1, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont foothills

SBCo.: From 1860 ft. (567 m.), at s. side of mouth of Lytle Cr. Cyn., c. 100 meters n. of Devore Rd., and 0.8 miles s.w. of Sierra Ave. and Lytle Cr. Road jct., R.G. Swinney, Mar. 15, 1993, to 3200 ft. (976 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., along Mountain Ave., 0.5 mi. above lower San Antonio Ranger Station, along Stoddard Cyn. Creekbed, P. Dinius, Apr. 29, 1987; Mar., Apr., Aug.-Oct.; Uncommon; cismontane, Cajon Pass


Baccharis salicina Torr. & A. Gray, Emory’s Baccharis

(synonym: B. emoryi A. Gray)

LACo.: Glendora, Little Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin on Colby-Dalton Tr., Nov. 11, 1992, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White & Brian Leatherman, Santa Clara River Watershed, headwater of Iron Cyn. & Oak Springs Cyn., Jan 29, 1997, 3805 ft. (1160 m.); L.C. Wheeler, trib. to Eaton Wash, Nature Center, Sep. 26, 1967, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork San Gabriel River, 0.5 miles e. of Bear Cr., Sep. 9, 1946, 1700 ft. (518 m.); L.C. Wheeler, pond 1/2 mile w. from Barrel Springs, San Andreas Rift Zone, July 23, 1967, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork San Gabriel River, 0.5 mi. e. of Bear Cr., Nov. 9, 1946, 1700 ft. (518 m.)

FVS: Sep. 9, 1946

SBCo.: Lone Pine Cyn., 1.2 mi. s. of Lost Lake, Oct. 19, 1994, 2880 ft.

(875 m.); Confluence of Lone Pine Cyn. & Cajon Wash, Nov. 10, 2008, 2640 ft. (805 m.)

Other records: L.C. Wheeler, e. side of Lower Lytle Creek Ridge along Apple White Rd., Sep. 16, 1967, 3000 ft. (914 m.)

FVS: Sep. 16, 1967

Baccharis sarothroides A. Gray, Broom Baccharis, Desertbroom

LACo.: Glendora, e. end of S. Hills, at end of High Country Dr., Sep. 11, 1989, 1000 ft. (305 m.). Most likely introduced along roadside, by 2005 plants fairly common throughout the e. portion of the South Hills, several plants in the central area of South Hills as well; 1 plant in lower Morgan Cyn. in Glendora’s n.e. foothills in 2005, plant was veg., not yet collected.

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Baccharis sergiioides A. Gray, Desert Baccharis

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork Red Box Rd., c. 1/2 mile w. of Newcomb Pass Trail, Nov. 26, 1966, 3500 ft. (1066 m.);; Michael Horn, Mescal Cr. Topo, take dirt rd. 4N06, 2.5 miles n. of Hwy. CN4 to Reservoir, e. 1/8 mi. on unnamed dirt rd. to site., Apr. 30, 1991, 4800 ft. (1462 m.) (Mescal Cr.-added 2011); Donna Walker, 2.0 mi. from up in Santa Anita Cyn., on right side of stream, Chantry Flats Ranger Station on Santa Anita Cyn., May 22, 1983, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

FVS: May 22, 1983

SBCo.: No records found.

Bahiopsis laciniata (A. Gray) E.E. Schill. & Panero, San Diego County Viguera, Tornleaf Goldeneye

(synonym: Viguiera laciniata A. Gray)

Status CNPS List: 2 R-E-D Code: 1-2-1 State/Fed. Status: none

LACo.: Long-abandoned gravel pit, Irwindale/Azusa boundary, n. of 210 Frwy., e. of Irwindale Ave., R.G. Swinney, May 4, 1998, 551 ft. (168 m.); also collected by A.C. Sanders, at same approx.. location, Mar. 14, 2003, 520 ft. (159 m.) (just s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 4, 1998

SBCo.: No records found.

Baileya pauciradiata Harv. & A. Gray

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Cecil Hart, Cajon Pass, May 10, 1926, no elev. given. (possibly outside San Gb. Mts. boundary)

Baileya pleniradiata Harv. & A. Gray ex A. Gray, Woolley Desert Marigold

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, 0.5 mi. n. of Boneyard Pk., June 30, 1999, 4681 ft. (1427 m.)

Other records: None found.

Bebbia juncea (Benth.) Greene var. aspera Greene, Sweetbush

LACo.: Azusa/Duarte, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., on w. side of main channel at 1.2 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., 2 pop. within 200 m., 1 in deep sand, 20 + plants on rock-made levee structure., Mar. 31, 2009, 600 ft. (183 m.)

Other records: None found

SBCo.: James Henrickson, San Gab. Mts. region, 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in Lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15, May 2, 1985, 2400- 2800 ft. (732-854 m.)

Bidens laevis (L.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb., Bur-marigold, Smooth Beggartick

LACo.: Hansen Dam Flood Control Basin, e. end of Hansen Lake, n. lake margin at east end of Hansen Lake, Oct. 15, 2010, 1040-1080 ft. (317-329 m.) (not yet processed)

Other records:

(This elevation is below the boundary for the San Gabriel Mts. and therefore must be s. of Azusa, along the river); L.C. Wheeler, Gauging Staiton near Big Tujunga Ranch, Big Tujunga, Sep 23, 1950; LeRoy Gross, Tujunga Ponds, w. of 210 Frwy. in Big Tujunga Wash, City of Sunland, Oct. 16, 1998, 1200 ft. (365 m.);

L.C. Wheeler, San Gabriel River, Oct. 20, 1933, 249 ft. (76 m.)

FVS: Oct. 20, 1933

SBCo.: Devore, Glen Helen Regional Park, along bank of n. most fishing lake,

Oct. 9, 1994, 2000 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

P.H. Raven, Cajon Cyn. below Cajon Station, at Cajon Cmpgrd., Sep. 17, 1961, 2600 ft. (793 m.)

FVS: Sep. 17, 1961

Bidens pilosa L., Common Beggar Ticks, Spanish-Needles, Hairy Beggartick

(synonym: B. pilosa L. var. pilosa)

Native to the American tropics.

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at San Gabriel River Wash, Azusa, w. of levee between the Foothill Blvd. crossing & the San Gabriel Valley Gun Club., Scott D. White & Pam DeVries, Nov. 25, 1997, to 2299 ft. (701 m.), at Claremont foothills, H.P. Chandler, Jan. 1, 1897; Jan-May, Oct.-Dec.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Jan. 1, 1897

SBCo.: No records found.

Brickellia californica (Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray, California Brickellbush

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at San Gabriel River Wash: Azusa; alluvial from w. of levee, between Foothill Blvd. crossing area, San Gabriel Valley Gun Club, S.D. White & Pam DeVries, to 7961 ft. (2427 m.), at summit of Iron Mt. (on San Antonio Ridge-added 2010), R.G. Swinney, Aug. 13, 1998; May, Aug.-Dec.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: Mar. 24, 1898, Grant, Pasadena, beyond Arroyo Seco, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary) & Aug. 10, 1900, LeRoy Abrams, San Gabriel (Canon) Canyon, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 1998 ft. (609 m.), at base of San Antonio Cyn., S. See, Oct. 17, 1956, to 6960 ft. (2122 m.), at middle branch of W. Fork Lytle Cr., n.e. of Mt. Harwood, c. 0.5 miles w. of Stockton Flat, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 19, 1996; June- Nov.; uncommon ?; montane, cismontane, Cajon Wash

FVS: July 31, 1917, I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Mts., Icehouse Cyn., 7230 ft. (2209 m.)

Brickellia desertorum Coville., Desert Brickelbush

LACo.: Valyermo, Devil’s Punchbowl County Park, Holcomb Cyn., s. of S. Fk. Trail, Aug. 17, 2005, 4599 ft. (1402 m.)

Other records:

Michael Honer, San Antonio Cyn., along Mt. Baldy Rd. between Spruce Cyn & “Hog Back”, June 22, 1904, 2801 ft. (854 m.)

FVS: June 22, 1904

SBCo.: Falling Rock Cyn., 0.8 mi. s. of Ice House Cyn., July 11, 1996,

7239 ft. (2207 m.)

Other records: D.A. Young, Upland, Highland Ave., n. of Mt. Ave., Mar. 11, 1969, 1400 ft. (427 m.)

FVS: Mar. 11, 1969

Brickellia grandiflora (Hook.) Nutt., Tasselflower Brickellbush

LACo.: No records found:

SBCo.: Mabel Esmond, Camp Baldy, Campfire Girls, June 1928, no elev. given

Brickellia incana A. Gray, Wooly Brickellbush

LACo.: Robert H. Gill, base of San Gabriel Dam, Sep. 30, 1959, no elev. given (CCH comment by Andy Sanders, Sep. 24, 2007: Very odd location for this species. Might this be B. nevinii?)

SBCo.: No records found.

Brickellia microphylla (Nutt.) A. Gray, Littleleaf Brickellbush

Vars. intergrade.

LACo.: From 4500 ft. (1372 m.), at Mine Gulch, E. Fork San Gabriel River, L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 12, 1970, to 7550 ft. (2303 m.), at Hwy 2, between Dawson Saddle & jct. of Hwy. 39, 1.6 mi. from Dawson Saddle, Wayne E. Sawyer, Aug. 30, 1981; July-Nov.; Uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: Nov. 11, 1928, R. Hoffman, Little Rock Dam, no elev. given

SBCo.: Middle Fork of W. Fork Lytle Creek, Aug. 19, 1996, 6960 ft. (2122 m.); Dog Bone Cyn, a w. trib. of N. Fork Lytle Creek, Aug. 21, 1996, 7880 ft.

(2402 m.); Alpine Cyn, a lower N. Fork trib. of Lytle Creek, Oct. 24, 1998,

7040 ft. (2146 m.)

Other records: V. Soza, LeRoy Gross, Baldy Ski Area, Big Buck Wash, s. of Miner’s Bowl, July 18, 2001, 7501 ft. (2287 m.); F.W. Peirson, N. Fork of Lytle Creek, Sep. 9, 1920, 6000 ft. (1829 m.); I.M. Johnston, Aug. 21, 1917, 5497 ft. (1676 m.)

FVS: Aug. 21, 1917

Brickellia microphylla (Nutt.) A. Gray var. microphylla, Littleleaf Brickellbush

(synonym: B. watsonii B.L. Rob.)

LACo.: Frank W. Peirson, just under the preciptous wall of rock that rises the (probably should be to or to the-added 2011) San Gabriel Pk., Eaton Cyn., Oct. 22, 1921, 555396 ft. (1645 m.); F.W. Peirson, head of Swartout Valley, June 17, 1921, 6800 ft. (2072 m.)

FVS: June 17, 1921

SBCo.: F.W. Peirson, N. Fork Lytle Cr., Sep. 5, 1920, 5996 ft. (1828 m.); I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn., Nov. 17, 1918, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, upper San Antonio Cyn., Aug. 21, 1917, 5497 ft. (1676 m.)

FVS: Aug. 21, 1917

Brickellia nevinii A. Gray, Nevin’s Brickellbush

Status CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

LACo.: Status:

Cismontane locations: From 751 ft. (229 m.), at San Gabriel River Cyn., n. of Azusa, river wash, n. of Hwy. 39, c. 2 rd. miles n. of Foothill Blvd., Scott D. White, May 21, 1997, to 6000 ft. (1829 m.), at Prairie Fk. of E. San Gabriel River, L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 16, 1956

Transmontane locations: Valyermo, Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, Holcomb Cyn., s. of S. Fork Trail, Aug. 17, 2005, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); L.C. Wheeler, S. Fork Big Rock Cr., near mouth, Sep 12, 1953

West-end locations: John Dittes, Big Tujunga Cyn., 2.4 air miles s. of Mt. McKinley, 4.3 air miles w. of Big Tujunga Res., 3.4 air miles n.e. ...(not continued in the remaining voucher label-added 2011), Nov. 3, 2006, 1899 ft. (579 m.); Justin M. Wood, 1.5 air miles n.e. of Big Tujunga Dam where Fall Cr. crosses ANF Rd. (3N27), Nov, 21, 2008, 2624 ft. (800 m.); Peter H. Raven, 1 mile n. of summit above Pacoima Cyn. ( Sand Cr.) Sand Cyn., Sep. 24, 1961, 2398 ft.

(731 m.); R.F. Thorne, Big Tujunga Cyn., June 26, 1971, 1400 ft. (427 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Gold Cyn. Trail, Tujunga Ranger Dist., July 14, 1992, no elev. given; LeRoy Gross, Andrea E. Gutman, et al., Tujunga Ponds, Sep. 8, 2000, 1100 ft. (335 m.)

Cumulative: May- Nov.; Uncommon

FVS: Oct. 10, 1903, C.F. Baker, San Antonio Cyn., near Claremont

SBCo.: No records found.

Brckellia oblongifolia Nutt. var. linifolia (D.C. Eaton) B.L. Rob.

LACo.: Anstruther Davidson, San Gab. Mts., no date, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary.)

SBCo.: Anstruther Davidson, San Gab. Mts., no date, no elev. given. (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary.)

Calendula officinalis L. , Pot Marigold

Native origin unknown.

LACo.: Glendora, Blue Bird Hills, Aug. 25, 1989, 2607 ft. (795 m.) (possibly planted, near homesite-added 2012)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: Wrightwood, Wright Lake, 6039 ft. (1841 m.)

Other records: None found.

Calycoseris parryi A. Gray, Yellow Tackstem

LACo.: Big Rock Cr. at Paradise Springs Camp (now Big Rock Cr. Camp-added 2010), May 2 & 5, 2008, 4822 ft. (1470 m.)

Other records:

Le Roy Gross, w. terminus of Holcomb Ridge, w. of Big Rock Creek, May 3, 2005, 3769 ft. (1149 m.); Vanderplank, Gross & Hoskinson, s. edge of Bob’s Gap on slopes, roadside & down in wash, May 6, 2005, 4736 ft. (1444 m.); P.A. Munz, Head of Sheep Creek, June 18, 1921, 5000 ft. (1524 m.); R.F. Thorne, 1/4-1/2 mi. n. of Bob’s Gap, N. slope of Holcomb Ridge, May 11, 1973, 3800 ft. (1159 m.); Justin M. Wood, Little Rock Cr., downstream of Little Rock Reservoir, within 0.25 mi. of the dam., May 10, 2010, 3168 ft. (966 m.); F.W. Peirson, Little Rock Creek, May 20, 1921, 3201 ft. (976 m.)

FVS: May 20, 1921

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, Oak Springs Cyn., July 6, 1995, 5700 ft. (1738 m.), in burn area of 1994; Pinon Hills, “Oak Hills”, w. end of Sunnyslope Rd., Apr. 3, 1997, 4800 ft. (1483 m.)

Other records:

H.M. Hall, n. slope of Cajon Pass, May 1, 1905, 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

FVS: May 1, 1905

Carduus pycnocephalus L. ssp. pycnocephalus, Italian Plumeless Thistle

Native to Medit.

LACo.: From 554 ft. (169 m.), at Irwindale, between the I-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd. on w. side of San Gabriel River Channel, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 7, 2009, to 2919 ft. (890 m.), at SDEF, Fern Cyn., R.G. Swinney, May 30, 1998; Apr., May, July; rare according to CCH records, I believe the records are inadequate and that the numbers are increasing and would place it as uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 30, 1988, Richard Noyes & L. Arnseth, Claremont, dry drainage bed, 100 meters e. of Thompson Cr. Dam, 1640 ft. (500 m.)

SBCo.: Salvato & Sanders, c. 0.5 mi. n.w. of Keenbrook at Power line Crossing of Cajon Creek, May 4, 2000, 2499 ft. (762 m.)

Carduus tenuiflorus W. Curtis, Winged Plumeless Thistle

Native to c. Europe.

LACo.: SDEF, 1988, weed, disturbed areas (no documented voucher found)

SBCo.: No records found.

Centauria benedicta (L.) L., Blessed Thistle

(synonym: Cnicus benedictus L.)

Native to Europe.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., c. 0.25 miles e. of Hwy., June 26, 1967, 1499 ft. (457 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Gabriel Cyn., Sep. 26, 1933, 1197 ft.

(365 m.); Ebert Benjamine, San Dimas Cyn., Apr. 15, 1929

FVS: Apr. 15, 1929

SBCo.: Scott D. White, Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash, just s. of Hwy. 138 crossing, Apr. 16, 1997, 2900 ft. (884 m.)

Centaurea cyanus L., Bachelor’s Button, Garden Cornflower

Native to s. Europe.

LACo.: Glendora, Blue Bird Hills, n.-facing slope of Big Dalton Cyn., just below upper mtwy., Aug. 15, 1989, 2600 ft. (795 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Centaurea melitensis L., Tocalote, Maltese Star-thistle

Native to s. Europe.

LACo.: From 554 ft. (169 m.), at Irwindale, between the I-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd. on w. side of San Gabriel River Channel, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 7, 2009 to 2900 ft. (884 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 5, 1932; Apr.-June, Sep., Nov.; fairly common throughout, often abundant in disturbed areas; cismontane

FVS: May 31, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: Freda Detmers, Lytle Creek Cyn., May 10, 1993

Centaurea stoebe L. ssp. micranthos (Gugler) Hayek, Spotted Knapweed

(synonym: C. maculosa L.)

Native to Europe.

LACo.: S.D. White, SDEF, Tanbark Flats, Aug. 25, 2000, 2900 ft. (732 m.), also J. Hartman, May 22, 2001

SBCo.: Stoddard Flat, s. of Barrett Village, July 25, 1995 & Nov. 2008,

4450-4480 ft. (1357-1366 m.), number of plants significantly greater in 2008, most likely due to fire in 2005

Other records: None found.

Centromadia pungens (Hook. & Arn.) Greene ssp. pungens, Common Spikeweed or Tarweed

[synonyms: Hemizonia pungens (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. & A. Gray ssp. septentrionalis D.D. Keck and C. pungens ssp. septentrionalis (D.D. Keck) B.G. Baldwin]

LACo.: Steve Boyd & Orlando Mistretta, n. of Sylmar & s. of Santa Clarita, just n. of May Pk., June 10, 1993, 2998 ft. (914 m.); Anstruther Davidson, Little Rock Cr., Sep. 29, 1897, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 29, 1897

SBCo.: No records found.

Chaenactis artemisifolia (Harv. & A. Gray ex A. Gray) A. Gray, White Pincushion

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 800 ft. (243 m.), near mouth of Fish Cyn., R.F. Thorne & A.C. Gibson, May 22, 1971, to 4799 ft. (1463 m.), at San Dimas Cyn., R. Tyson, June 18, 1942; Apr.-June, Aug.; uncommon, most common after fires; cismontane

FVS: May 24, 1897, H.P.C., Fulkerson’s Ranch, Claremont, 2398 ft. (731 m.)

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, Cucamonga Cyn., along truck trail, June 9, 1971, 2600 ft. (793 m.); W. Bertsch, Mt. Baldy Rd., June 9, 1954, 1998 ft. (609 m.); especially after burns

FVS: June 9, 1954

Chaenactis fremontii A. Gray, (Desert Pincushion or Fremont’s) Pincushion Flower

LACo.: W. Fk. Punchbowl Cyn., near n. boundary of Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, 0.6 miles s.w. of Big Rock Cr. Rd., May 8, 2008, 4146 ft. (1264 m.); e. side of Big John Pk., w. of Mescal Cr. above Big John Flat, June 5, 1999, 5838 ft. (1780 m.); Carr Cyn., 0.5-1.0 mile e. of Littlerock Creek confl., Apr. 29, 2009, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, along Mt. Emma Rd., 1/2 mile e. of Little Rock Cr., below the dam, May 11, 1973, 3400 ft. (1037 m.); LeRoy Gross & Orlando Mistretta, Big Rock Cr., n. & e. of Valyermo Ranger Station, off Big Pines Hwy., May 13, 2003,

3750 ft. (1143 m.); A.C. Sanders, D. Malueg, et al., Soledad Pass area at the n. foot of the mts., c. 5 miles s.w. of Palmdale along SCE Mes-Vincent power lines at pole 18-03, just s. of Vincent Substation, June 22, 1998, 3280 ft. (1000 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Little Rock Cr. (n. base of San Gab. Mts.), May 19, 1921,

3149 ft. (960 m.)

FVS: May 19, 1921

SBCo.: Pinon Hills area, Sheep Creek, 0.8 mi. s. of Hwy 138 on Scrub Oak Rd., May 29, 1995, 4540 ft. (1384 m.)

Other records:

Gross, Fraga, Hogshead, above Upland, Frankish Cyn., s. front of side of mt., May 2, 2005, 2349 ft. (716 m.); R.F. Thorne & L. Smith, slope of ridge between Cajon Cyn. & Lone Pine Cyn. May 30 1966, 3497 ft (1066 m.)

FVS: May 30, 1966

Chaenactis glabriuscula DC., Yellow Pincushion

[synonyms: C. glabriuscula DC. var. curta (A.Gray) Jeps. and C. glabriuscula DC. var. enuifolia (Nutt.) H.M. Hall] Highly variable.

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at confl. of Van Tassel & San Gabriel Cyns., 1.3 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., on the w. bank of the San Gabriel River Channel, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 16, 2009, to 6199 ft. (1890 m.), n.w. of Jackson Lake at Ball Flat, 0.7 miles n. of Big Pines Hwy., on 4N16, Ball Flats Rd., R.G. Swinney, June 12, 1998; Mar.-June; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: June 28, 1918, F.W. Peirson, foothills e. of (which is about 2 miles n. of Pasadena), Rubio Cyn., 1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo: Stoddard Flat, s. of Varrett Village, July 25, 1995, 4451 ft. (1357 m.); Upper Cajon Cyn., unnamed cyn. north of Circle Mt. & s.e. of Controversy Spring, June 3, 1995, 4799 ft. (1463 m.); 1.7-2 miles n.w. of Gobler’s Knob (Upper Lytle Creek Ridge (Blue Ridge), 300 meters n. of Pacific Crest Trail, July 9, 1993, 7400 ft. (2256 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 9,1993

Chaenactis glabriuscula DC. var. glabriuscula, Yellow Pincushion

[synonyms: C. glabriuscula var. aurea (Greene) Stocke. and C. glabriuscula var. curta (A. Gray) Jeps. and C. glabariuscula var. tenuifolia (Nutt.) H.M. Hall]

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

Uncommon, mostly in dry cistmontane areas, maybe abundant locally

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), near mouth of Fish Cyn., R.F. Thorne & A.C. Gibson, May 22, 1971, to 7200 ft. (2195 m.), n.w. of Crystal Lake, T. Ross, S.D. Boyd., et al., June 25, 1990, Mar.-July; Uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: 1890, Anstruther Davidson, San Gab. Mts., foothills (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: From 2496 ft. (761 m.), at Lytle Cr. Cyn., H.M. Hall, June 1-3, 1900, to 5497 ft. (1676 m.), at Lytle Cr. Cyn., H.M.. Hall, June 1-3, 1900; Apr.-July; Uncommon; all 4 sections

FVS: June 1-3, 1900

+Chaenactis glabriuscula DC. var. lanosa (DC.) H.M. Hall, Yellow Pincushion

LACo.: T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., ridgetop to the w. of Crystal Lake, (ridge descending SSW from Mt. Islip), June 25, 1990, 6186-6880 ft. (1886-2098 m.);

8 records from Claremont which are all most likely s. of the E. San Gab. Mts. boundary); F.W. Peirson, Little Tujunga Wash, May 30, 1920, 1099 ft. (335 m.)

FVS: May 30, 1920

SBCo.: No records found.

+Chaenactis santolinoides Greene, Santolina Pincushion

(synonym: C. santolinoides Greene var. indurata Stockw.)

Related to C. douglasii var. alpina

LACo.: From 4200 ft. (1280 m.), at Big Rock Cr., P.A. Munz, May 25, 1923, to 9800 ft. (2986 m.), at e. slope W. Baldy Pk., along trail from bowl, R.F. Thorne & Robert Frampton; May-Sep.; uncommon; all 3 areas

FVS: June 12, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Mt. Disappointment

SBCo.: From 5320 ft. (1622 m.), at Pinon Hills, at jct. of Desert Front Rd.(Oak Spring Rannch Rd.) and Oak Spring Ranch, June 29, 1995, to 9296 ft.

(2834 m.), along w. & upper end of Devil’s Backbone, June 27, 1968; May-Aug., Oct.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

Other records by author-locations only:

Circle Mt. summit; Lone Pine Cyn, Upper Lytle Creek Ridge; Sugarloaf Peak; Timber Mt.;

Other records-locations only:

I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Pk.; L.C. Wheeler, Wildhorse Cyn.; Ross & Fritsch, Devil’s Backbone Tr., between Wright & Pine Mt’s.; Fritsch & Ross, NNE of Baldy Notch; Thorne, Tilforth & Dourley, n.-facing slope of Pine Mt.; I.M. Johnson, Middle Fork of Bear Creek, along Lookout Trail; Fred Burleu, Mt. San Antonio;

FVS: June 3-6, 1900, H.M. Hall, w. of Swarthout Cyn., 6196 ft. (1889 m.)

Chaenactis stevioides Hook. & Arn., Desert Pincushion, Desert Pincushion, Esteve’s Pincushion

[synonyms: C. stevioides var. brachypappa (A. Gray) H. M. Hall and C. stevioides var. stevioides]

LACo.: From 3001 ft. (915 m.), at Littlerock Cr., 0.3 miles n.w. of Littlerock Creek Cmpgrd., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 24, 2009, to 7387 ft. (2252 m.), e. of Table Mt. & n.w. of Wright Ridge, R.G. Swinney, May 27, 1996; Mar.-June; fairly common; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 5, 1906, A. Davidson & Hasse, Rock Cr.

SBCo.: Horse Cyn.; Boneyard Pk.; Pinon Hills, w. of Green Rd., n. of Oak Springs Ranch; 2 mi. w. of Gobler’s Knob, 300 m. north of the Pacific Crest Tr.; Circle Mt. summit; May-July; 4800-7760 ft. (1468-2366 m.)

Other records:

F.C. Vasek, Cajon Cyn., 1.4 mi. south of jct. of Hwy’s. 138 & 2, May 29, 1963,

3510 ft. (1070 m.)

FVS: May 29, 1963

Chaenactis xantiana A. Gray, Xantus’ Chaenactis, Fleshcolor Pincushion

LACo.: From 3500 ft. (1067 m.), at Hunt Cyn., 3 miles e. of Vincent, L.C. Wheeler, May 12, 1967, to 7250 ft. (2209 m.) at summit of Le Montane, n. of Big Pines, n. side of San Gabriel Mts., F.W. Peirson, July 5, 1922; Apr.-July; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 9, 1906, A. Davidson & Hasse, Big Rock Cr.

SBCo.: From 4621 ft. (1409 m.), at Baldy Mesa, 1.3 miles n.e. of Hwy. 138 on FS Rd. 3N24, 100-300 meters n.w. of where FS Road 3N24 crosses ridgetop, near Nuss Ranch, R.G. Swinney, June 3, 1995, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at 1.7-2 miles n.w. of Gobblers Knob (upper Lytle Cr. Ridge/Blue Ridge), 300 meters n. of Pacific Crest Trail, R.G. Swinney, July 9, 1993; Apr.-July; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 3-6, 1900, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn, San Antonio Mts., 5796 ft. (1767 m.)

Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus (Hook) Nutt., Yellow Rabbitbrush

[synonyms: C. viscidiflorus ssp. latifolius (D.C. Eaton) H.M. Hall & Clem. and C. viscidiflorus ssp. pumilus (Nutt.) H.M. Hall & Clem. and C.viscidiflorus ssp. stenophyllos (H.Gray) H.M. Hall & Clem.]

LACo.: A.C. Browne, Valyermo, Oct. 23, 1955, no elev. given.

SBCo.: No records found.

Cichorum intybus L. Chicory

Native to Europe.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village across st. from post office (sunny flat which is kept mowed), July 12, 1968, no elev. given

Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., Canada Thistle

Native to Europe.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Foster Ranch, Sycamore Cyn., s. slope Johnstone Peak, (San Dimas-added 2010), July 2, 1968; L.C. Wheeler, Bluebird Truck Trail, (Glendora-added 2010), Apr. 13, 1968, 1476 ft. (450 m.)

FVS: Apr. 13, 1968

SBCo.: No records found.

Cirsium brevistylum Cronquist, Clustered Thistle

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Chantry Flat, Big Santa Anita Cyn., July 17, 1948, no elev. given.

SBCo.: No records found.

Cirsium mohavense (Greene) Petr., Mojave Thistle

(synonym: C. virginense S.L. Welch)

LACo.: I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk. of San Gabriel River, Aug. 22, 1917, 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Cirsium occidentale (Nutt.) Jeps., Cobwebby Thistle

Variable complex; some plants may not be assignable to var. Needs study.

LACo.: J. Bogdanoff-Lord, Claremont at Baldy Rd., 3.9 mi. NNE of Base Line & Mills Ave’s., May 21, 1989; L.C. Wheeler , Claremont, Palmer Cyn., June 21, 1936, 2300 ft. (701 m.)

FVS: June 21, 1936

SBCo.: Frankish Peak June 8, 1996, 4149 ft. (1265 m.); Ralston Pk., July 8 1996, 4549 ft. (1387 m.)

Other records:

D. Headrick, Cajon Pass, Devore, Kenswood Ave. at old Hwy 15, May 1, 1987, 2263 ft. (69 m.); Salvato & Sanders, Cajon Creek, Cajon Pass, c. 0.5 mi. s. of Bluecutt & C. 0.5 m. n.w. of Keenbrook at Power line Crossing, May 4, 2000, 2499 ft. (762 m.); Goeder & Ricker, Lone Pine Cyn., Swarthout Cyn. Rd., c. 7.5 miles s.e. of Wrightwood, May 21, 1984, 3000 ft. (915 m.); Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 19, 1994, 2650 ft. (808 m.); Thorne, Tilforth, et. al., near Lost Lake, near mouth of Lone Pine Cyn., June 29, 1972, 2768 ft. (844 m.)

FVS: June 29, 1972

+Cirsium occidentale (Nutt.) Jeps. var. californicum (A. Gray) Keil & C. Turner, California Thistle, Cobwebby Thistle

Intergrades with C. occidentale var. venustum in s. Sierra Nevada & s. So. Coast Range

LACo.: From 800 ft. (243 m.), near mouth of Fish Cyn., R.F. Thorne & A.C. Gibson, May 22, 1971, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at high point of E. Table Mt., Wrightwood area, R.G. Swinney, July 2, 1998; Apr.-July; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: May 11, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: From 2201 ft. (671 m.), at Lytle Cr. Rd., 2.2 mi. from I-15 offramp at Sierra Ave., D.L. Ill, May 25, 1985, to 4550 ft. (1387 m.), at Ralston Pk., w. of Hwy. 215 (I-15 Fwy.-added 2010), in Cajon Wash, s. of St. Hwy. 138, e. of Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., near jct. Hwy. 138, R.G. Swinney, July 8, 1995; May-July; uncommon; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 10, 1973, June Latting, Lone Pine Cyn., s.e. of Wrightwood, 3.6 mi. above Hwy 138, 4301 ft. (1311 m.)

+Cirsium occidentale (Nutt.) Jepson var. occidentale, Cobwebby Thistle

(synonym: C. occidentale var. coulteri)

LACo.: Five records from Claremont: Edmund C. Jaeger, Apr. 2, 1926; Lyman Benson, Indian Hill, Mar. 29, 1947, 1400 ft. (427 m.); Mrs. J. Potter, June 6, 1909; P.C. Everett & Balls, June 10, 1960, 1200 ft. (366 m.); Benjamin Store, Blanchard Park May 1952, 1096 ft. (334 m.)

Additional records:

Bob Arthur, Monrovia Cyn, n. Cyn Blvd., 1 mi. from gate, May 10, 1964, 2000 ft. (610 m.), L.C. Wheeler, Pallett Creek, May 12, 1968, 4198 ft. (1280 m.);T.S. Clare, Mrs. Johnstone, Eaton Canyon Rd., Oct. 20, 1929, 3000 ft. (915 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Mt. Gleason Management Unit, Mt. Gleason, Aug. 20, 1992, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 2, 1926, Edmund C. Jaeger, Claremont, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Cirsium occidentale (Nutt.) Jeps. var. venustum (Greene) Jeps., Venus Thistle, Cobwebby Thistle

Plants with pale corolla, are difficult to separate from C. occidentale var. californicum

LACo.: LC. Wheeler, Pallett Cr., May 12, 1968, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Indian Canyon, “Cmpgrd.:, May 24, 1967, 2700 ft. (822 m.)

FVS: May 24, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten., Bull Thistle

Native to Europe.

Common throughout below 7000 ft., mostly in disturbed areas, native to Eur.

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), n. of Azusa, parallel to Hwy. 39, along unnamed dirt access rd. to gauging station below Morris Dam, Scott D. White, May 21, 1997, to 4999 ft. (1524 m.), at head of Dry Lake Cyn., at “Dry Lake”, site of CCC Camp in 1930’s, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 7, 1996; Feb.-Aug., Oct.; Fairly Common; cismontane

FVS: July 12, 1933, L.C. Wheeler, mouth of San Antonio Cyn., 2400 ft. (731 m.)

SBCo.: From 2640 ft. (805 m.), at springs at confl. of Cajon Wash & Lone Pine Cyn., between north & s.-bound RR Tracks, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 12, 1996, to 7045 ft. (2148 m.), at Sheep Flats, s. of Icehouse Cyn., c. 1 air mile, n. of Ontario Pk., R.G. Swinney, July 10, 1995; July, Aug., Oct.; Uncommon; transmontane, montane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Oct. 14, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Clyde Ranch, no elev. given

Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt., Calliopsis, Golden Tickseed

Native to n.w. & e. US.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Lytle Creek Cyn., 5.3 mi. n. of Devore Rd., June 22, 1993, 2800 ft.

(854 m.)

Other records: None found.

Corethrogyne filaginifolia (Hook. & Arn.) Nutt., California Aster, Common Sandaster

[synonyms: Lessingia filaginifolia (Hook. & Arn.) M.H. Lane and C. filaginifolia var. filaginifolia]

LACo.: From 1225 ft. (373 m.), at Thompson Wash, 2 miles n.e. LaVerne, L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 24, 1932, to 7396 ft. (2255 m.), at Inspiration Lookout along Angeles Cr. Hwy. near jct. with rd. to Blue Ridge Camp, R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Aug. 29, 1966; May-Dec.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: Sep. 1, 1918, I.M. Johnston, near Browns Flat, 4300 ft. (1311 m.)

SBCo.: From 1750 ft. (534 m.), n. of Etiwanda, bounded on w. by Etiwanda Ave., on the east by E. Ave, on the s. by 24th St., Moureen Pendleton, June 4, 1987, to 7495 ft. (2285 m.), near stream below San Antonio Ski Hut., Peter H. Raven & H.L. Wedberg, Aug. 17, 1957; June-Nov.; common throughout; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Aug. 21, 1917, I.M. Johnston, upper San Antonio Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 5497 ft. (1676 m.)

Cotula australis (Sieber ex Spreng.) Hook. f., Australian (Brass-buttons) Waterbuttons, Australian Cotula

Native to Australia.

LACo.: From 541 ft. (165 m.), at I-210 Fwy. from mouth of San Gabriel Cyn. between Foothill Blvd. & the main river channerl, to 300 meters east, R.G. Swinney, Dec. 2, 2008, to 2099 ft. (640 m.), at Santa Anita Res., 4-acre sediment placement site, e. side of the Channel & 0.4 miles s. of the Elkins Ave. entrance gate, T.B. Salvato & Sandra Murcea, Mar. 28, 2007; Feb..-Dec.; uncommon in disturbed; cismontane; native to Australia

FVS: Mar. 8, 1936, Millard Cyn., 1500 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: Muscupiabe “Sycamore Flats”, Mar. 18, 1993, 1961 ft. (598 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Muscupiabe Hills, Mar. 6, 1968, 2200 ft. (670 m.)

FVS: Mar. 6, 1968

Cotula coronopifolia L., Common Brassbuttons

Native to s. Africa.

LACo.: Fay A. MacFadden, Tejunga {Tujunga} Cyn., Apr. 10, 1931, no elev. given.

SBCo.: No records found.

Crepis acuminata Nutt., Long-leaved Hawksbeard, Tapertip Hawksbeard

(synonym: C. acuminata ssp. acuminata)

LACo.: Pine Mt. Ridge, Sep. 7, 1998, 8340-8720 ft. (2543-2659 m.); E. Table Mt. summit, July 17, 1997, 7470 ft. (2277 m.); Far E. head water of Prairie Fk., Oct. 19, 1994, 7872 ft. (2400 m.); summit of Table Mt., n.w. of Wrightwood, July 17, 1997, 7469 ft. (2277 m.); Dawson Pk. Ridge Trail at far n.e. trib. of Upper Fish Fk. San Gabriel River, 1.3 miles w. of Dawson Pk., Sep. 7, 1998, 8279 ft. (2524 m.)

Other records:

R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, upper part of large sloping meadow at Big Pines, July 9, 1969, 6849 ft. (2088 m.); F.W. Peirson, Prairie Fk. San Gabriel River, July 17, 1921, 6596 ft. (2011 m.); I.M. Johnston, Pine Mt. Ridge, Aug. 22, 1922, 8197 ft. (2499 m.) and July 6, 1918, at 7997 ft. (2438 m.); L.R. Abrams, Coldwater Cyn., July 12, 1902

FVS: July 12, 1902

SBCo.: Wright Mt. summit, July 12, 1993, 8470-8505 ft. (2582-2593 m.)

Other records:

Thorne, Tilforth, Dourley, N.-facing slope of Pine Mt., July 28, 1971, 9500 ft. (2896 m.); I.M. Johnston, Pine Mt. Ridge, July 6, 1918, 8000 ft. (2439 m.)

FVS: July 6, 1918

Crepis capillaris (L.) Wallr., Smooth Hawksbeard

Native to Europe.

LACo.: Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., July 6, 1873, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Crepis nana Richardson, Dwarf Alpine Hawksbeard

LACo.: ESE of upper Fish Fork Cmpgd. Fish Fork, San Gabriel River,

Aug. 14, 1999, 7440 ft. (2268 m.)

Other records:

Fred Burlew, Mt. San Antonio, Aug. 1916, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta, Devils Backbone along trail to Mt. Baldy, July 30, 1991, c. 9000 ft. (2744 m.); Fred E. Burlew, Mt. San Antonio, e. side, a few hundred feet below summit, July 13, 1916

FVS: July 13, 1916

SBCo.: Saddle between Pine Mt. & Wright Mt., Aug. 10, 1995, 8450 ft.

(2576 m.); Middle Branch of W. Fork Lytle Creek, Aug. 19, 1996, 7120 ft.

(2171 m.); Dogbone Cyn., Oct. 24, 1998, 7640 ft. (2329 m.)

Other records:

Fred E. Burlew, Mt. San Antonio, e. side, a few hundred feet below summit, July 13, 1916; & R.E. Riefner, Mt. Baldy Summit, Devils Backbone Tr., Aug. 18, 1996; Orlando Mistretta, w. slope of Telegraph Pk., July 1,1993, 8200 ft. (2499 m.); J.R. Shevock, base of Mt. Harwood on Forest Service Tr. 7W04,

Oct. 8, 1977, 9600 ft. (2927 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., very steep ridge running n. from Pines Mt. Peak toward Wright Mt., July 28, 1971, 8797 ft. (2682 m.)

FVS: July 28, 1971

Cynara cardunculus L., Cardoon, Artichoke Thistle

Native to s. Europe.

LACo.: Glendora, Bluebird Hill, July 12, 1989, 1300 ft. (396 m.)

Other records:

Valerie Soza, et al., w. of Morris Res., 2.5 mi. along Silver Fish Road (FS Rd. 2N28) from San Gabriel Cyn. Road (Hwy 39), July 5, 2000, 2099 ft. (640 m.)

FVS: July 12, 1989

SBCo.: No records found.

Deinandra fasciculata (DC.) Greene, Clustered Tarweed

[synonym: Hemizonia fasciculata (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray]

CA to central Baja CA, Mex.; reported as a weed in Massachusetts

LACo.: From 1099 ft. (335 m.), at c. 1/2 mile n. of Sierra Madre Ave. on N. Pennsylvania Ave., R.G. Swinney, May 4, 1969, to 2758 ft. (841 m.), at ridge dropping westward from Loop Cyn. Rd. toward Wilson Cyn., T. S. Ross & Orlando Mistretta, May 27, 1993; May-Aug.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Aug. 10, 1915, D.L. Crawford, foothills above Claremont, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records available

Delairea odorata Lem., German Ivy, Cape Ivy

(synonym: Senecio mikanioides Otto ex Walp.)

Native to s. Africa.

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), above Irwindale, Fish Cr. Cyn., from the mouth of cyn. at Cal Mat Quarry, upstream to falls, Scott D. White & P. DeVries, May 18, 2000, to 4950 ft. (1508 m.), at Millard Cyn., c. Natl. Forest Boundary, L.C. Wheeler, Dec. 15, 1968 [township/range & elev. are suspect-Soza] or 1699 ft. (518 m.), at Big Santa Anita Cyn., c. 1/4 m. down from the trib. of Winter Cr., e. of Chantry Flats, LeRoy Gross, Dec. 9, 2001; Jan., Feb., Apr.-July, Dec.; rare; cismontane; most likely persisting from old homesites in most cases

FVS: Dec. 15, 1968, L.C. Wheeler, Millard Cyn. at about Natl. Forest boundary, 4950 ft. (1508 m.) (elev.-suspect-Soza)

SBCo.: No records found.

Dieteria canescens (Pursh) Nutt., Hoary-aster, Hoary Tansyaster

[synonym: Machaeranthera canescens (Pursh) A. Gray,

LACo.: Pacifico Mt. Summit, July 29, 2009, 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Dieteria canescens (Pursh) Nutt. var. canaescens, Hoary-aster, Hoary Tansyaster

[synonym: Machaeranthera canescens (Pursh) A. Gray var. canescens]

Rare in montane coniferous and pinyon-juniper woodland plant communities.

LACo.: From 5997 ft. (1828 m.), at Angeles Crest Hwy. near Three Points, R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., Aug. 11, 1972, to 7492 ft. (2284 m.), at w. summit of Table Mt., n.e. of Big Pine, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 25, 2009; July-Oct.; rare, all 3 areas (Lopez Cyn. by Robert A. Schlising, on Oct. 19, 1971 does not list the elev., it would have the lowest elev.)

Other records:

R.G. Swinney, Table Mtn. Campground area, July 14, 1997, 7240 ft. (2207 m.), and R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, July 9, 1969; R.G. Swinney, confluence of Fenner Cyn. & Big Rock Creek, Aug 14, 2008, 5380 ft. (1640 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Mescal Creek (“very head”), Aug 30 1923, 7295 ft. (2224 m.); P.A. Munz, Swarthout Valley, Aug. 30, 1923, 7300 ft. (2226 m.) (possibly the same location as Peirson’s entry above); I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk. San Gabriel River; Aug 22, 1917, 6498 ft. (1981 m.); P.A. Munz, n. of Big Pines, Swarthout Valley, Aug. 30, 1923, 7295 m. (2224 m.); Geo. R. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., Sep 1, 1904, 6997 ft. (2133 m.); B.C. Templeton, Ranger Station at Big Pines Rd., Aug. 27, 1932,

6845 ft. (2087 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lupine Campground, Prairie Fk., Sep. 5, 1967, 6500 ft. (1982 m.)

FVS: Sep. 1, 1904, Geo. R. Hall, Swartout Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

SBCo.: D.F. Howe, Cajon Pass, Oct. 21, 1945

Dimorphotheca sinuata DC., African Daisy, Namaqualand Daisy, Glandular Cape Marigold

Native to s. Africa

LACo.: LaVerne, 2.1 mi. n.e. of Wheeler Ave. & Golden Hills Jnct. on Sunset Ridge Rd., along dirt mtwy., Apr. 26, 1998, 1800 ft. (549 m.); Glendora, w. ridge of Mystic Cyn. on shoulder of Poop Out Tr., Apr. 2004, 1350 ft. (412 m.)

Other records: B. Pitzer, Soledad Cyn., vic. of Soledad Pass, Soledad Cyn. Rd., c. 0.5 miles s. of Sierra Hwy., May 23, 1983, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

FVS: May 23, 1983

SBCo.: Cajon Pass, 200 m. s. of Kendall Dr. on Cajon Blvd., Apr. 13, 1996,

1950 ft. (595 m.)

Other records: None found.

Eclipta prostrata (L.) L., False Daisy

(synonym: E. alba (L.) Hassk.)

A weed on all continents.

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, Sep. 16, 1989, 1100 ft.

(335 m.), damp soil; San Dimas, San Dimas Cyn, Puddingstone Diversion Dam, Oct. 20, 2008, 1161 ft. (354 m.) damp soil; Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 1.8 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., n. of Bike Trail Parking Lot, along flowing aqueduct of water filtration plant, Dec. 4, 2008, 731 ft. (223 m.), damp soil;

Other records:

John Dittes, Big Tujunga Cyn., c. 2.7 air-miles s. of Mt. McKinley, c. 3.8 air-miles w. of Big Tujunga Res., c. 3.6 air-miles n.e. of Mt. Gleason Jr. High School at edge of Big Tujunga Cr., Nov. 3, 2006, 1647 ft. (512 m.); Scott D. White, Monrovia, Sawpit Cyn., below Sawpit Dam, Oct. 15, 2004, 1299 ft.

(396 m.); LeRoy Gross, Big Tujunga Wash, e. of 210 Frwy., Sep. 18, 1998,

1200 ft. (365 m.); L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork San Gabriel Cyn., Camp Rincon, Oct. 27, 1966, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: Oct. 27, 1966

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, developed fishing Lake, Oct. 9, 1994,

2000 ft. (610 m.)

Encelia actoni Elmer, Actons’ (Encelia) Brittlebush

LACo.: From c. 1800 ft. (549 m.), at 1.3 miles e. of jct. of Antelope Frwy. with Soledad Cyn. Rd. along latter, near jct. of Bee Cyn. with Santa Clara River Valley, R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, June 17, 1971, to 6360 ft. (1939 m.), at Pinyon Ridge, e. half of ridge, directly n. of Fenner Cyn., T.S. Ross, Peter W. Fritsch, et al., June 22, 1990; May, June; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: June 13, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., San Gab. Mts., 4248 ft. (1295 m.)

SBCo.: Horse Cyn., n.e. of wrightwood, June 18, 1999, 5420-5600 ft.

(1652-1707 m.); Phelan Pk., Baldy Mesa, s. of Phelan, June 1, 1996, 5159 ft. (1573 m.); n.e. of Wrightwood, Horse Cyn., n.w. of Circle Mt., 100-200 yards e. of State Hwy. 2, c. 200 ft. south of Horse Cyn. Road, June 12, 1994

Other records:

P.A. Munz, s. of Cajon Pass, June 14, 1927, 4002 ft. (1220 m.) (possibly e. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: June 14, 1927

Encelia californica Nutt., California Brittlebush

Native to the nearby coastal areas.

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Azusa, 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave. on n. side of San Gabriel River channel, c. 100 meters n. of Hwy. 39, Mar. 19, 2009, 754 ft. (230 m.), several plants naturalizing from nearby landscaping.

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Encelia farinosa A. Gray ex Torr., Incienso, Brittlebush

Native to more arid surrounding desert areas. Commonly planted along hwys.

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel River, c. 100-350 meters n. of Foothill Blvd., e. bank, R.G. Swinney, Feb. 16, 1998, to 1699 ft. (518 m.), at lower Glendora Ridge Mtwy (1N26) above Azusa, Michael Denslow & S.D. Boyd, May 7, 2003; Feb.-July; rare; cismontane (possibly originating from hydroseeding along San Gabriel River Wash along Foothill Blvd. at Azusa/Duarte. First record on July 8, 1967 by L.C. Wheeler at Van Tassel Cyn, no elev. given - one large mature shrub with numerous seedlings and young plants. Next record on Apr. 22, 1969 by R.G. Swinney at w. side of jct. of Sierra Ave. & Vernon Ave.,Azusa, at 649 ft. (198 m.), this area now subdivided)

FVS: July 8, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, Point of hills between Fish & Van Tassel Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: One record: Sycamore Flat (Muscupiabe) at Devore Rd., hydroseeded with landscaping at road extension, Feb. 18, 1995, 2010 ft. (613 m.)

Other records: None found.

Ericameria albida (A. Gray) L.C. Anderson, Whiteflower Rabbitbrush

[synonym: Chrysothamnus albidus (M.E. Jones ex A. Gray), Greene]

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: M. Anthony, Cajon Grade, Apr. 15, 1954

Ericameria arborescens (A. Gray) Greene, Goldenbush, Goldenfleece

Closely related to E. Parishii.

LACo.: Robert Gill, San Antonio Cyn., Oct. 4, 1959, 3398 ft. (1036 m.); Dietr. H. Witten, 1.0 mile s., along Los Angeles Co. Rd. 3, Tujunga Cyn. Bridge, Aug. 1, 1967; Kay H. Beach, 1 mi. above SDEF, Glendora Mt. Rd. (rd. to Sunset), Oct. 1, 1942, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

FVS: Oct. 1, 1942

SBCo.: No records found.

Ericameria cooperi (A. Gray) H.M. Hall var. cooperi, Cooper’s Goldenbush

Hybridizes with E. liniarifolia (DC.) Urbatsch & Wussow.

LACo.: From 2749 ft. (838 m.), at Arrastre Cyn.,, n. side of San Gabriel Mts., F.W. Peirson, May 10, 1919, to 4736 ft. (1444 m.), at Bob’s Gap, at the s. edge of Bob’s Gap on slopes and roadside and down in the wash, Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., May 6, 2005; Apr.-June; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: May 10, 1919

SBCo.: From 2801 ft. (854 m.), at Cajon Pass Cajon Wash, c. 1-2 miles s. of Hwy. 138 crossing, Scott D. White, May 1, 1997, to 4890 ft. (1491 m.), at ridgetop, c. 4 miles s.e. of Circle Mt., 1.5-1.8 miles w. of Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., R.G. Swinney, June 18, 2000; Apr.-June, Nov.; uncommon; montane at upper Lone Pine Cyn.,Cajon Pass

FVS: May 1, 1885, S.B. Parish & W.F. Parish, Lytle Cr., San Bernardino Mts., Lytle Cr., no elev. given

Ericameria cooperi (A. Gray) H.M. Hall X E. linearifolia (DC.) Urbatsch & Wussow

LACo.: LeRoy Gross, w. terminus of Holcomb Ridge, w. of Big Rock Creek, n. of Fort Tejon Rd., w. of Valyermo Rd., May 3, 2005, 3560-3984 ft.

(1085-1215 m.)

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, Horse Cyn., May 29, 1995, 4500 ft. (1372 m.)

Other records: None found.

Ericameria cuneata (A. Gray) McClatchie, Cliff Goldenbush

LACo.: Waterman Mt., July 24, 2008, 7911 ft. (2412 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, along Trail, South Fk. of Big Rock Cr., surveying from Reed Spring to Islip Saddle near Reed Spring, July 12, 1994, 5999 ft. (1829 m.); C.M. Hoak & M.N. Ackley, Big Tujunga Lake, Dec. 7, 1930, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

FVS: Dec. 7, 1930

SBCo.: From 3077 ft. (938 m.), at Cajon Pass, c. 0.75 miles n. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd. on FS Rd. 3N49, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 2, 1991, to 5852 ft. (1784 m.), at Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., major trib. on s. side , c. 350 meters w. of Stone House Crossing, c. 500 m. up trib. to first major fk., R.G. Swinney, Sep. 26, 1992; Sep., Nov.; uncommon; montane, Cajon Pass


+Ericameria cuneata (A. Gray) McClatchie var. cuneata , Rock Goldenbush, Cliff Goldenbush

LACo.: From 1801 ft. (549 m.), at San Gabriel River, W. Fk., between Bear Cr. & Rincon Red Box Rd., Scott D. White & Justin M. Wood, Oct. 7, 208, to 8495 ft. (2590 m.), at Mt. Waterman, Fordyce Grinnell, Jr., Sep. 20, 1916; May, June, Aug.- Nov.; rare; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 11, 1915, Anstruther Davidson, Ice Cyn.

SBCo.: From 4198 ft. (1280 m.), at wash, riparian zone, and slopes along San Antonio Cr., between Mt. Baldy (town) and Ice House Cyn., Scott D. White & Michael Honer, June 29, 2004, to 6747 ft. (2057 m.), at Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., I.M. Johnston, July 29, 1917; June, July, Sep.-Nov.; rare; montane

FVS: Oct. 1, 1881, S.B. Parish & W.F. Parish, Cucamonga Mts., no elev. given

Ericameria cuneata (A. Gray) McClatchie var. spathulata (A. Gray) H.M. Hall, Cliff Goldenbush

Intergrades with E. cuneata var. cuneata.

LACo.: SDEF, 1988, San Dimas Experimental Forest, rock outcrops and cliffs, (no documented voucher found)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Ericameria ericoides (Less.) Jeps., Mock Heather, California Goldenbrush

Hybridizes with E. nauseosa.

LACo.: Geo.L. Moxley, Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, July 5, 1915, no elev. given; Robert H. Gill, San Antonio Cyn., Oct. 4, 1959, 3398 ft. (1036 m.); Ralph Philbrick, San Antonio Cyn., Sep. 30, 1954, 2299 ft. (701 m.); A.E. Wieslander, Tujunga Cyn., Apr. 10, 1928, no elev. given.

FVS: Apr. 10, 1928

SBCo.: K. Rayburn, 200 yds. south on Mt. Baldy Rd., n. of Upland Fire Station, San Antonio Cyn. Fire Station & Mt. Baldy Rd., May 10, 1980, 2998 ft. (914 m.); Oscar F. Clarke, 0.5 miles n. in the W.-bank of Lytle Cr. Wash, just n. of Devore Cut-Off, in Fontana, Sierra Ave.-Lytle Cr. Wash, Devore & Sierra Madre Ave., Nov. 4, 1969

FVS: Nov. 4, 1969

Ericameria linearifolia (DC.) Urbatsch & Wussow Pall. ex Pursh G.L. Nesom & Baird, Interior Goldenbush, Narrowleaf Goldenbush

Hybridizes with E. cooperi (A. Gray) H.M. Hall.

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (365 m.), at Big Tujunga Wash, e. of 210 Frwy., w. of Big Tujunga Cyn. Rd., LeRoy Gross, May 15, 1998, to 6340 ft. (1933 m.), at Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, Peak 6374 ft. at extreme s.e. corner of Park, on an extension of Pleasant View Ridge, R.G. Swinney, June 10, 2008; Mar.-June; fairly common; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 1, 1906, Anstruther Davidson, San Gab. Mts. Reg., Big Rock Cr., no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Lower Cajon Cyn., F.W. Peirson, Apr. 16, 1919, to 6100 ft. (1890 m.), at Circle Mt. Pk., s.e. of Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, July 9, 1995; May-July; fairly common; transmontane, montane, cismontane at Lytle Cyn., Lyman Benson, June 12, 1945, 4100 ft. (1249 m.), Cajon Pass

FVS: Apr. 28, 1902; H.M. Hall, San Bernardino Basin region, Cajon Pass,

2001 ft. (610 m.) (elev. could be within the San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L. Nesom & G.I. Baird, Rubber Rabbitbrush

[synonym: E. nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L. Nesom & Baird ssp. nauseosa, Rubber Rabbitbrush]

Highly variable

LACo.: From 5199 ft. (1585 m.), at Big Rock Cr. Fire Station, Fenner Cyn., June Latting, Oct. 6, 1976, to 9118 ft. (2780 m.), at Throop Pk., w. of Mt. Baden-Powell, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 27, 2001; Aug.-Oct.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Oct. 6, 1976, June latting, Big Rock Cr. Fire Station, Fenner Cyn., 5199 ft. (1585 m.)

SBCo.: From 2637 ft. (804 m.), at confl. of spring from Swarthout Cyn. & Cajon Wash, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 14, 1992, to 6038 ft. (1841 m.), at Wright Lake, Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, Oct. 30, 2008; Apr.-Aug., Oct.-Dec.; fairly common; transmontane, montane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Nov. 14, 1992 (likely not det. to subspecific level)

Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L. Nesom & G.I. Baird var. bernardina (H.M. Hall) G.L. Nesom & G.I. Baird, Bernardina Rabbitbrush

(synonyms: E. nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L. Nesom & Baird ssp. nauseosa var. bernardina (H.M. Hall) G.L. Nesom & Baird, Rubber Rabbitbrush and

Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pall ex Pursh) Britton ssp. bernardinus (H.M. Hall) H.M. Hall & Clem.]

Sometimes confused with E. nauseosa var. oreophila and E. n. mohavensis.

CA & n. Baja Ca, Mex.

LACo.: From 5297 ft. (1615 m.), at trail along w. slope of Mt. Markan, F.W. Peirson, Sep. 7, 1918, to 8197 ft. (2499 m.), at ridge s. of Swartout Valley, P.A. Munz, Aug. 31, 1923; June, Aug, Sep.; rare; montane, cismontane

FVS: Aug. 1893, H.E. Hasse, Acton no elev. given (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: P.H. Raven & H.L. Wedberg, near San Antonio Ski Hut, Apr. 17, 1957, 8397 ft. (2560 m.); A. Lewis, head of Sheep Cyn., June 14, 1932, 5596 ft.

(1706 m.); Richard Noyes, Ice House Cyn., Sep. 19, 1987, 5796 ft. (1767 m.); Norman Frozren, Hwy 138, El Cajon Pass, Apr. 23, 1988; I.M. Johnston, Pine Mt., Aug. 22, 1917, 7997 ft. (2438 m.)

FVS: Aug. 22, 1917

+Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L. Nesom & G.I. Baird var. ceruminosa (Durand & Hilg.) G.L. Nesom & G.I. Baird, Desert Rabbitbrush

[synonyms: E. nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L. Nesom & Baird ssp. consimilis (Greene) G.L. Nesom & Baird var. ceruminosa (Durand & Hilg.) G.L. Nesom & Baird and Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pall. Ex Pursh) Britton ssp. ceruminosus (Durand & Hilg.) H.M. Hall & Clem.]

LACo.: Steve Boyd, just w. of mouth of San Antonio Cyn., Feb. 3, 1990, no elev. given

SBCo.: C.M. Hoak & M.N. Ackley, Cajon Camp, Oct. 12, 1930, 2896 ft.

(883 m.); R.S. Woglum, Cajon Pass, Sep. 26, 1938; Verne & Adele Lewis Grant, coastal side of Cajon Pass, Oct. 29, 1950, 3000 ft. (915 m.); M. N. Ackley, Wrightwood, Oct. 1928, 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

FVS: Oct., 1928

Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L. Nesom & Baird ssp. consimilis (Greene) G.L. Nesom & Baird, Rubber Rabbitbrush (status uncertain)

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at Glendora, Big Dalton Spreading Grounds (below Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin-added 2010), R.G. Swinney, Aug. 23, 1989, to 6813 ft. (2077 m.), at Antonio Pk. (Lookout Mt.) , ridge e. of Cattle Cyn., & w. of the W. Fork Bear Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 19, 1997; July-Nov.; fairly common ?; all 3 sections

FVS: Sep. 1, 1923, P.A. Munz, Saw Mill, Swartout Vallley, 7300 ft. (2026 m.)

SBCo.: From 3000 ft. (915 m.), at Cajon Pass at Cajon, J.C. Roos, Oct. 11, 1950, to 8945 ft. (2727 m.), at Telegraph Pk., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 11, 1994; June, Aug.-Oct.; fairly common ?; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Aug. 2, 1904, C.F. Baker, San Antonio Cyn., near Claremont, no elev. given

Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L. Nesom & G.I. Baird var. hololeucus (A. Gray) G.L. Nesom & G.I. Baird, White Rabbitbrush, Rubber Rabbitbrush

[synonyms: E. nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L. Nesom & Baird ssp. nauseosa var. hololeuca (A. Gray) G.L. Nesom & Barid and Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pall ex Pursh) Britton ssp. hololeucus (A. Gray) H.M. Hall & Clem]

LACo.: From 1699 ft. (518 m.), at Placerita Cyn., c. 1/2 mi. beyond Oak of the Golden Dream (same location as spring collection), L.C. Wheeler, Nov. 11, 1967, to 5750 ft. (1753 m.), at 10 miles n.w. of Big Pine, Lyman Benson, Nov. 7, 1949; Apr., June, Sep.-Nov.; rare-uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: Dec. 1, 1930, B.E. Stark, collected near Wrightwood

SBCo.: From 3000 ft. (915 m.), at Cajon Pass at Cajon, J.C. Roos, Oct. 11, 1950, to 5300 ft. (1616 m.), at Lone Pine Cyn. Pass, Wm. M. Pierce, Oct. 15, 1923; Aug.-Nov.; rare; transmontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Oct. 10, 1923, Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L. Nesom & G.I. Baird var. mohavensis (Greene) G.L. Nesom & G.I. Baird, Mojave Rabbitbrush, Rubber Rabbitbrush

[synonyms: E. nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L. Nesom & Baird ssp. consimilis (Greene) G.L. Nesom & Baird var. mohavensis (Greene) G.L. Nesom & Baird and

Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pall. ex Pursh) Britton ssp. mohavensis (Greene) H.M. Hall & Clem.]

Sometimes intergrades with E. n. var. oreophila & hololeuca.

LACo.: From 3998 ft. (1219 m.), at 7 miles e. of Wrightwood, San Gab. Mts., Hunsaker, Nov. 2, 1962, to 6858 ft. (2091 m.), at Table Mt., near Big Pines Park, B.C. Templeton, Aug. 25, 1932; Jan., Aug.-Dec.; rare; all 3 sections

FVS: Sep. 5, 1928, F.W. Peirson, rd. from Rock Cr. to Big Pines, 4198 ft.

(1280 m.)

SBCo.: ridge & saddle near Pk. # 6566 ft. c. 2.5 mi. ENE of Telegraph Pk.

Other records:

M.N. Ackley, Wrightwood, Oct. 1928, 5996 ft. (1828 m.); L.C. Wheeler, cismontane side of Cajon Pass along main hwy. Nov. 11, 1933, 3998 ft.

(1219 m.); I.M. Johnston, upper San Antonio Cyn., Aug. 21, 1917, 7495 ft.

(2285 m.)

FVS: Aug. 21, 1917

Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L. Nesom & G.I. Baird var. oreophila (A. Nelson) G.L. Nesom & G.I. Baird, Great Basin Rabbitbrush, Rubber Rabbitbrush

[synonyms: E. nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L. Nesom & Baird ssp. consimilis (Greene) G.L. Nesom & Baird var. oreophila (A. Nelson) G.L. Nesom & Baird and

Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pall. ex Pursh) Britton var. oreophilus (A. Nelson) H.M. Hall and Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L. Nesom & Baird var. arta (A Nelson) G.L. Nesom & Baird]

May sometimes intergrade with E. n. var. mohavensis.

LACo.: I.M. Johnston, Pine Mt. Ridge, Aug. 22, 1917, 7997 ft. (2438 m.); J. Horton, SDEF, n. of Tanbark Rd. to Fern Cyn., Aug. 12, 1936, 3497 ft.

(1066 m.); P.A. Munz., Swarthout Valley, Sep. 2, 1923, 6645 ft. (2026 m.);

I.M. Johnston, upper San Antonio Cyn., Aug. 2, 1917, 7495 ft. (2285 m.)

FVS: Aug. 2, 1917

SBCo.: No records found

Ericameria palmeri (A. Gray) H.M. Hall, Palmer’s Goldenbush

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: A.H. Gallup, San Antonio Cyn., Mt. Baldy Rd., Oct. 24, 1948, 2598 ft. (792 m.)

+Ericameria palmeri (A. Gray) H.M. Hall var. pachylepis (H.M. Hall) G.L. Nesom, Thick-bracted Goldenbush, Palmer’s Rabbitbrush

LACo.: Robert A. Schlising, Lopez Cyn., n. of Pacoima, Oct. 28, 1971, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., 1/4 mile s.e. of Sierra Hwy., Nov. 11, 1967, 1480 ft. (451 m.)

FVS: Nov. 11, 1967

SBCo.: A.H. Gallup, San Antonio Cyn., Mt. Baldy Rd., Oct. 25, 1948, 2598 ft. (792 m.)

+Ericameria parishii (Greene) H.M. Hall var. parishii, Parish’s Goldenbush, Parish’s Rabbitbrush

Often common after fires.

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.), Dam in Big Dalton Cyn., above Glendora, Lyman Benson, Sep. 15, 1948 to 7260 ft. ( 2133 m.) at Mt. San Antonio, Baldy, Frank Peirson, Aug. 16, 1918; Auug.-Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: Sep. 1, 1910, Theodore Payne, San Gabriel River near Fallows Camp

SBCo.: From 2194 ft. (669 m.) in San Antonio Cyn., Benjamin C. Stone, Oct. 20, 1952, to 6849 ft. (2088 m.) at both e. and w. summits of Sugarloaf Pk., R.G. Swinney, July 9, 1996; July-Nov.; fairly common; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July, 1901, L.R. Abrams, Lytle Cr., no elev. given

Ericameria parryi (A. Gray) G.L. Nesom & Barid, Parry’s Goldenbush or Rabbitbrush

[synonym: E. parryi ( A. Gray ) G.L. Nesom & Baird var. parryi]

LACo.: Mt. Waterman, July 24, 2008, 7911 ft. (2412 m.); Winston Pk., July 15, 2008, 7462 ft. (2275 m.); Sulphur Spring Cmpgrd. area, on S. Fork Littlerock Cr., July 22, 2009, 5199 ft. (1585 m.); Pacifico Mt. summit, July 29, 2009, 7000 ft. (2134 m.) Mescal Cyn., 0.8 miles n. of Big Pines Rd., Sep. 6, 1997, 5619 ft.

(1713 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Sep. 6, 1997

SBCo.: No records found.

Ericameria pinifolia (A. Gray) H.M. Hall, Pine-goldenbush, Pinebush

Var. sp. with E. ericoides.

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 567 ft. (173 m.) at San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, just n. of I- 210 Frwy, Soza & Wallace, to 6180 ft. (1884 m.) at ridge top, to w. of Crystal Lake, O. Mistreta, et. all, June 25, 1990; Jan., Feb., Apr.-Dec.; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: June 28, 1892, C.E. Hutchinson, San Gab. Cyn., 2999 ft. (914 m.)

SBCo.: From 1300 ft. (396 m.), n.w. of Claremont, Lyman Benson,Nov. 21, 1944, to 5000 ft. (1524 m.), in San Antonio Cyn., Lyman Benson, Nov. 23, 1944; Feb.-June, Aug.-Dec.; fairly common throughout; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 29, 1902, H.M. Hall, Cajon Pass, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Ericameria suffruticosa (Nutt.) G.L. Nesom, Singlehead Goldenbush

LACo.: SDEF, publication 1988, at Dalton Rd., in the SDEF (no documented voucher found)

SBCo.: No records found.

Ericameria teretifolia (Durand & Hilg.) Jeps., Green or Round-leaf Rabbitbrush

LACo.: Roy Snelling, 2 miles s. of Pearblosum, Oct. 10, 1977, 3500 ft.

(1067 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Little rock Cr., Alimoney Ridge, May 4, 1992,

4800 ft. (1463 m.); T. Craig, hills 3 miles s. of Vincent, border San Gab. Mts., Oct. 9, 1933, no elev. given; R. Hoffman, Little Rock Dam, Nov. 10,11, 1928, no elev. given

FVS: Nov. 10,11, 1928

SBCo.: No records found.

Erigeron bonariensis L., Flax-leaved Horseweed, Asthmaweed

[synonym: Conyza bonariensis (L.) Chronquist]

Native to S. America.

LACo.: Glendora, c. 0.5 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., on Easley Cyn. Rd., June 13, 1969, 1100-1250 ft. (335-381 m.); San Gabriel River, under the Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of Encanto Pkwy., w. of

(e. of-added 2011) El Encanto Park in Duarte, 604 ft. (184 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, E. Fork San Gabriel River, c. 0.3 mi. upstream from Alder Gulch, June 26, 1970, 4025 ft. (1227 m.); R.F. Thorne, n.e. of Chantry Flats, along Santa Anita Cr., Apr. 23, 1971, 1800 ft. (549 m.); K.H.B., SDEF, July 3, 1943, no elev. given

FVS: July 3, 1943

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne & J. Dourley, bank above Lost Lake, San Andreas Fault, San Gab. Mts., Oct. 10, 1967, 2750 ft. (838 m.

Erigeron breweri A. Gray, Brewer’s Fleabane

LACo.: From 2499 ft. (762 m.), at SDEF, Middle Fk., Bell Cyn. at debris basin, R.G. Swinney, July 13, 2008, to 9200 ft. (2805 m.), at c. 400 meters s. of summit of Mt. Baden-Powell, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 18, 2001; June-Aug., Oct.; uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: July 1931, Ruth Randall, Big Pines, no elev. given

SBCo.: Mary Esmond, Camp Baldy, Campfire Girls Camp, June 1928, no elev. given

+Erigeron breweri A. Gray var. bisanctus G.L. Nesom, Pious Daisy, Brewer’s Erigeron

LACo.: C.F. Baker, near Claremont, San Antonio Cyn., Aug. 2, 1903, no elev. given; J. Horton, Cl <?> Station Cuca. Quad, San Dimas-San Gab. Divide, Sep. 20, 1935, 4346 ft. (1325 m.); R.S. Wogham, Glendora, no date given, no elev. given; C.E. Hutchinson, San Gabriel Cyn., June 28, 1892, 2298 ft. (914 m.)

FVS: June 28, 1892

SBCo.: San Sevaine Flats, c. 200 meters s.w. of the jct. of USFS Rds. 1N34D & 1N34, July 16, 1993, 5540 ft. (1689 m.)

Other records: None found

+Erigeron breweri A. Gray var. covillei (Greene) G. Nesom, Coville’s Erigeron

LACo.: From 2400 ft. (732 m.), at Tanbark Flats, in SDEF, S.D. White, Aug. 25, 2000, to 5599 ft. (1707 m.), at Pinyon Ridge: w. half of ridge between upper Little Rock Cr. & San Andreas Rift Zone, T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., June 22, 1990; May-Aug.; rare; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Aug. 2, 1903, C.F. Baker, mts. near Claremont, 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

SBCo.: Stoddard Flats; Jul. 25, 1995, 4450 ft. (1357 m.)

Other records:

S.D. White, foothills near Cajon Pass: n.w. of jct. of I-15/State Hwy. 138, c. 1 air mile w. of I-15, 1 air mile n. of State Hwy. 138, May 13, 2000, 3400-3600 ft.

(1037 m); D. Charlton, Cajon Wash, Cajon Cyn., e. side of Mormon Rocks, off Hwy. 138, May 27, 1991, 3300 ft. (1006 m.); P.A. Munz, head of Sheep Cr., June 18, 1921, 5000 ft. (1524

FVS: June 18, 1921

+Erigeron breweri A. Gray var. jacinteus (H.M. Hall) Cronquist, San Jacinto Mountains Daisy, Brewer’s Fleabane

Status: CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G5T3

LACo.: I.M. Johnston, summit of Little Baldy, July 6, 1918, 9496 ft.

(2895 m.); F.W. Peirson, summit of Little Baldy, July 21, 1922, 9545 ft. (2910 m.); Robert F. Thorne, s. ridge of summit of Mt. Baden-Powell, Aug. 25, 1971, 9197 ft. (1804 m.); Naomi Fraga & Duncan Bell, summit of Mt. Baden-Powell, June 30, 2008, 9299 ft. (2835 m.); J.R. Shevock, summit of Mt. Baden-Powell, s. side of Pk., Oct. 5, 1974, 9399 ft. (2866 m.); LeRoy Gross, top of Baden-Powell, Aug 22, 1998, 9400 ft. (2866 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Big Rock Cr., branch at Angeles Cr. Hwy., July 16, 1968, 6900 ft. (2104 m.); Wayne E. Sawyer, Crest Trail, c. 0.5 miles s.e. of Little Jimmy Spring, 1.1 miles w. of Mt. Hawkins, July 31, 1981, & Aug. 11, 1981, no elev. given; Anstruther Davidson, Mt. San Antonio, July 1916, no elev. given

FVS: July, 1916

SBCo.: Status: Watch Plant

Dog Bone Cyn.; Aug. 21, 1996; 7800 ft. (2378 m.)

Other records:

L.R. Abrams, Mt. San Antonio, July 24, 1901, 9000 + ft. (2744 + m.)

FVS: July 24, 1901

Erigeron canadensis L., Canadian Horseweed

[synonyms: Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist and Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist var. canadensis]

Fairly common throughout, in disturbed areas and moist places

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.5 mi. upstream from administration building, R.G. Swinney, Oct. 22, 2008, to 6140 ft. (1872 m.), at Jackson Lake, s. side of Big Pines Hwy., R.G. Swinney Oct. 16, 2008; May-Dec.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: Oct. 16, 1918, Frank W. Peirson, San Gab. Mts., Pacoima Cyn., 1699 ft. (518 m.)

SBCo.: From 2640 ft. (805 m.), at Cajon Pass, 0.6 miles s.w. of Swarthout Cyn. Road, jct. with Cajon Rd., R.G. Swinney, Nov. 10, 2008, to 6038 ft. (1841 m.), at Wright Lake, Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, Oct. 30, 2008; Aug., Oct., Nov.; Uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Oct. 20, 1952, Joan Godsil, Mt. Baldy, 4500 ft. (1372 m.)

Erigeron divergens Torr. & A. Gray, Spreading Fleabane

(synonym: E. lobatus A. Nelson, misappl.) Variable.

LACo.: c. 0.5 mi. w. of Big Pines Jnct. in Cedar Cyn.; Aug. 6, 1997, 6640 ft. (2024 m

Other Records:

Ruth B. Randall, Big Pines, July 1, 1931, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fork of San Gabriel River, Aug. 22, 1917, 4999 ft. (1524 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Prairie Fork of San Gabriel River, July 16, 1921, 5097 ft. (1554 m.); Andorfer & Ewen, Mescal Cyn., Aug. 5, 1936, 4795 ft. (1462 m.); P.A. Munz, Mescal Creek, Aug. 31, 1923, 6000 ft. (1829 m.); R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, c. 1 mi. w. of Wrightwood, July 10, 1969, c. 6400 ft. (1951 m.); I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk., San Gabriel River, Aug. 22, 1911, 1995 ft. (1523 m.)

FVS: Aug. 22, 1911

SBCo.: H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., June 1, 1899

Erigeron foliosus Nutt., Leafy Fleabane (Daisy)

(synonym: E. foliosus var. stenophyllus)

LACo.: From 3401 ft. (1037 m.), at Falls Glulch Waterfall, 100 m. above confl. with Upper E. Fork San Gabriel River, R.G. Swinney Aug. 6, 1998, to 8341 ft. (2543 m.), at Pine Mt. Ridge, c. 1 mile w. of summit of Pine Mt., R.G. Swinney, Sep. 7, 1998; June-Oct.; fairlly common; all 3 sections

FVS: July 21, 1932, B.C. Templeton, Big Pines Park, Angeles Natl. Forest,

1982 ft. (6501 m.)

SBCo.: From 2800 ft. (853 m.), at mouth of Day Cyn., R.F. Thorne, J. Benny, et al., June 23, 1997, to 9520 ft. (2901 m.), at Pine Mt. summit, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 10, 1995; May-Nov.; fairly common; all 4 sections

FVS: May 15, 1923, Marcus E. Jones, San Bernardino Mts. region, Cajon Pass, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary) or June, 1929, M.N. Ackley, crossing of RR, Cajon Pass, 3998 ft. (914 m.)

Erigeron foliosus Nutt. var. foliosus, Leafy Fleabane (Daisy)

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1600 ft. (488 m.), below Johnstone Pk., Samuel R. Tyson, July 7, 1943, to 9646 ft. (2941 m.), at 2 miles n. Baldy, summit of Pine Mt., Frank W. Peirson, Sep. 15, 1920; Jan., Apr.-Sep.; fairly common; all 3 areas

FVS: May, 1897, Thekla Mohr, San Gab. Mts.

SBCo.: near Cedar Glen, Ice House Canyon; Spring Hill; Baldy Ski Lift; July-Aug.; 4034-7200 ft. (1230-2195 m.); rare, cismontane

Other Records:

F.W. Peirson, San Gabriel Wash at Foothill Blvd.; May 12, 1920, 600 ft. (182 m.)

FVS: May 12, 1920

Erigeron philadelphicus L. var. philadelphicus, Philadelphia Fleabane

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Eugene Cardiff, S. Fork Lytle Creek Cyn., Apr. 23, 1950, 3001 ft.

(915 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 7, 1971, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); H.M. Hall, Lytle Cr., San Antonio Mts., Lytle Cr. Cyn., Apr. 23, 1898, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 23, 1898

Erigeron sumitrensis Retz., Tropical Horseweed

[synonyms: Conyza floribunda Kunth and Conyza sumetrensis (Retz.) E. Walker and C. bilbaoana J. Remy, misappl.]

Native to S. America.

LACo.: Glendora, Morgan Cyn. Debris Basin, Apr. 17, 2001, 1151 ft. (351 m.)

Other records:

LeRoy Gross & Pamela Conway, Cobal Cyn., north of Claremont, Nov. 15, 2009, 1801 ft. (549 m.); LeRoy Gross, Tujunga Ponds, w. of 210 Frwy. in Big Tujunga Wash, City of Sunland, Oct. 16, 1998, 1200 ft. (365 m.)

FVS: Oct. 16, 1998

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to the w. of the fishing lakes, Nov. 7, 2008, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Other records: None found.

+Eriophyllum ambiguum (A. Gray) A. Gray var. ambiguum, Beautiful Woolly Sunflower

LACo.: LC. Wheeler, Bare Mt. Cyn., off Little Rock Cr., Apr. 17, 1955, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Eriophyllum confertiflorum (DC.) A. Gray, Golden-yarrow or Yellow-yarrow

LACo.: From 554 ft. (169 m.), at Azusa/Irwindale, between l-210 Frwy. & Foothill Blvd., on w. side of San Gabriel River channel, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 7, 2009, to 7800 ft. (2378 m.), at Will Thrall Pk., w. of Burkhart Saddle, R.G. Swinney, July 16, 2008; Feb.-Aug., Nov.; fairly common; all 3 areas

FVS: May 22, 1923, anonym. Flume Trail, Eaton Cyn., Alltadena, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2020 ft. (616 m.), at Glen Helen Parkway, s. of Cajon Blvd. at Devore, T.B. Salvato & A.C. Sanders, May 23, 2006, to 8630 ft. (2631 m.), at Etiwanda Pk. (Pk. 8662) c. 0.8 miles n.e. of Cucumonga Pk., R.G. Swinney, July 22, 2005; Mar.-July; common; all 4 sections

FVS: Apr. 12, 1919, P.A. Munz, side cyn., s. side of Cajon Pass, 2499 ft.

(762 m.)

Eriophyllum confertiflorum (DC.) A. Gray var. confertiflorum, Golden Yarrow

LACo.: From 597 ft. (182 m.), at San Gabriel Wash, near Azusa, M.N. Ackley, Apr. 1928, to 8000-8500 ft. (2591 m.), at Blue Ridge, J.T. Howell, July 18, 1947; Feb.-Sep.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: June, 1902, A.D.E. Elmer, San Gab. Mts.

SBCo.: From 2020 ft. (616 m.), at Cajon Wash at Glen Helen Parkway, s. of Cajon Blvd. at Devore, T.B. Salvato & A.C. Sanders, May 23, 2006, to 8630 ft. (2631 m.), at Etiwanda Pk. (Pk. 8662 ft.), c. 0.8 miles n.e. of Cucamonga Pk ( on the same ridge-added 2012); Mar.-Aug.; rare at transmontane, common at montane, cismontane and Cajon Pass

FVS: June 16, 1916, S.B. Parish, San Antonio Cyn., 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

Eriophyllum multicaule (DC.) A. Gray, Manystem Woolly Sunflower

LACo.: M.N. Ackley, Little Rock foothills, May 8, 1927, 2998 ft. (914 m.)

SBCo.: A.C. Sanders, Tracy Tennant, et al., San Gab. Mts., Etiwanda, w. side of Etiwanda Cr. on n. side of Hwy. 30, (Highland Ave.), Mar. 12, 1998, 1450 ft.

(442 m.)

Eriophylum pringlei A. Gray, Pringle’s Woolly Sunflower

LACo.: From 2500 ft. (761 m.), at 1 mile s. of Littlerock, Christopher Davidson, Apr. 1, 1973, to 4799 ft. (1463 m.), at Mescal Cr., take dirt rd. 4N06, 2.5 mles n. of Hwy. CN4 to reservoir., e. 1/8 mile on unnamed dirt rd. to site, Michael Horn, May 7, 1991; Apr., May; rare; transmontane

FVS: May 19, 1921, F.W. Peirson, Little Rock Cr., 3398 ft. (1036 m.)

SBCo.: Sheep Creek, near Pinyon Hills, 0.3 miles s. of Hwy. 138 at Scrub Oak Rd., May 1, 1995, 4440-4580 ft. (1341-1396 m.); Pinon Hills area, Sheep Cr., 1 mile s. of Hwy. 138 on Scrub Oak Rd., May 29, 1995, 4579 ft. (1396 m.)

Other records:

W.L. Jepson, near Cajon Pass, desert side, May 29, 1914; Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, 3802 ft. (1159 m.); H.M. Hall, Swarthout Canyon, June 3, 1900, 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

FVS: June 3. 1900

Eriophyllum wallacei (A. Gray) A.Gray, Wallace’s Woolly Daisy, Woolly Easterbonnets

[synonym: Antheropeas wallacei (A. Gray) Rydb.]

LACo.: From 1148 ft. (350 m.), at Tujunga Wash, near Sunland, Tujunga Wash, and Sunland, Peter Kamb, June 26, 1948, 5700 ft. (1738 m.), at Fenner Cyn., Conservation Calmp, Orlando Mistretta, May 25, 1992, Mar.-June; rare in transmontane, cismontane at Big Tujunga Cr.; Carr Cyn., 0.5-1.0 miles e. of Littlerock Creek confl., Apr. 29, 2009, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records:

Christopher Davidson, 1 mile s. of Littlerock, Apr. 1, 1973, 2500 ft. (761 m.); T.S. Ross, Ft. Tejon Rd., 0.1 mile w. of mts., jct with Hwy. 138 ( & hiking +/- s. to SSW) c. 0.25-0.3 miles w. of co. line, Apr. 27, 1991, 3880-3950 ft. (1183 m.); Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., at s. edge of Bob’s Gap, on slopes & roadside and down in the wash, May 6, 2005, 4736 ft. (1444 m.); L.C. Wheeler, spring, c. 2/3 mile e. of Juniper Bowl, Juniper Hills, May 12, 1968, 3802 ft.

(1159 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, 3.2 miles s. of Hwy. 138 along Grandview Cyn., Rd., Apr. 20, 1973, 4200 ft. (1280 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Fenner Cyn. Cons. Camp, May 25, 1992, 5700 ft. (1738 m.); LeRoy Gross, Orlando Mistretta, et al., Big Rock Cr., n. & e. of Valyermo Ranger Station, off Big Pines Hwy., May 13, 2003, 3750 ft. (1143 m.)

FVS: Mar. 30, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Big Tujunga Cyn., 1398 ft. (426 m.)

SBCo.: From 2400 ft.-2800 ft. (732 m.), at 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15, May 1, 1985, to 4815 ft. (1468 m.), at Horse Cyn., n.e. of Wrightwood and n.w. of Circle Mt., 150 meters w. of St. Hwy. 2, due w. of Horse Cyn. Road (3N12), June 12, 1994; Mar.-June; rare; transmontane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May, 1901, S.B. Parish & Louis Greata, Cajon Pass, no elev. given

Euthamia occidentalis Nutt., Western Goldenrod or Goldentop, Western Flat-topped Goldenrod

LACo.: From 2000 ft. (610 m.), at Soledad Cyn., c. 8 miles w. of Ravenna, Thos. Craig, Oct. 9, 1933 and at Big Tujunga Cyn. area from the mouth of Vasquez Cr., LeRoy Gross, John Gross, et al., Nov. 11, 2005, to 6140 ft. (1872 m.), at Jackson Lake, s. side of Big Pines Hwy., R.G. Swinney, Oct. 16, 2008; Aug.-Nov.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Oct. 9, 1933, Thos. Craig, Liebre Mts. Region, Soldead Cyn., about 8 miles w. of Ravenna, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

SBCo.: 2 different sagponds s.w. of Lost Lake in Lone Pine Cyn.; Lost Lake, Lone Pine Cyn.; Clyde Ranch, Lone Pine Cyn.; meadow s.e. of Day Cyn. Debris Basin, Rancho Cucamonga; Aug.-Oct.; 2400-2880 ft. (731-875 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne et. al, due s. of Lost Lake near Blue Cut, Oct. 13, 1972, 2647 ft.

(807 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lower Lytle Creek Ridge, Sep. 16, 1967, 2998 ft.

(914 m.); P.A. Munz & F.W. Peirson (different conscession numbers), Aug. 30, 1923, 4897-4995 ft. (1493-1523 m.)

FVS: Aug. 30, 1923

Galinsoga parviflora Cav. var. parviflora Small-flower Galinsoga, Gallent Soldier

Native to S. America.

LACo.: Duarte, due w. of mouth of Fish Cyn. on Fish Cyn. Trail, s. spur of s.w. end of Van Tassel Ridge, Feb. 22, 1997, 1300 ft. (396 m.); Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, 0.4-1 mile n. (upstream) of Puente Largo (Railway-added 2010) Bridge, Apr. 21, 2009, 630 ft. (192 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, 1 1/2 mi. n. of Claremont, Feb 24, 1934, 1197 ft. (365 m.); O.F. Clarke, Pasadena (Altadena) n. end of Lake Ave., Jan. 30, 1977, no elev. given

FVS: Jan 30, 1977

SBCo.: No records available

Gamochaeta calviceps (Fernald) Cabrera, Narrowleaf Purple Everlasting

[synonym: G. falcata (Lam.) Cabrera]

Native to s.e. US.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Kathleen Stockwell, San Bernardino Valley/San Gab. Mts., foothills of Rancho Cucamonga, n. Day Cr. Blvd., under powerlines below mouth of Day Cr. Cyn., June 7, 2003, 2149 ft. (655 m.)

Gamochaeta pensylvanica (Willd.) Cabrera, Pennsylvania Everlasting

Native ? to S. America.

LACo.: Wolfskill Falls, SDEF, May 15, 1999, 1500-2000 ft.

(457-610 m.); Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 0.8 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on s. side of main river channel, Mar. 13, 2009, 630 ft. (192 m.); Glendora, “W. Bender Cyn.”, 0.5 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., 1824 ft. (556 m.)

Other records:

Kathleen Stockwell, Palmer Cyn., Claremont, June 11, 2003, 2000 ft. (610 m.);

J. Horton, Tanbark Flats, SDEF, June 7 1937, 2696 ft. (822 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Ward’s Grove, San Gabriel Cyn., May 13, 1967, 860 ft. (262 m L.C. Wheeler, Millard Cyn., Mar. 8, 1936, 1499 ft. (457 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Live Oak Cyn. Dam, Apr. 24, 1934, 1500 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: Apr. 24, 1934

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, et. al., Day Creek Cyn., July 23, 1971, 3001 ft. (915 m.);

L.C. Wheeler, Meyer Cyn., off Lytle Creek, May 9, 1968, 2300 ft. (701 m.)

FVS: May 9, 1968

Gamochaeta stagnalis (I.M. Johnston) Anderberg. Desert Cudweed

Native to n.w. & c. Mexico.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: San Gab. Mts./San Bernardino Valley, Glen Helen Regioinal Park, c. 600 meters s. of Blockbuster Pavillion parking area, between motorcycle race track & n. parking area, Apr. 15, 1995, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Other records: None found.

Gamochaeta ustulata (Nutt.) Holub., Spoonleaf Purple Everlasting

(synonyms: Gnaphalium purpureum L., misappl. and Gamochaeta purpurea (L.) Cabrera,

LACo.: Mystic Cyn., Glendora, (Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park-added 2010), May 7, 1994, 1500 ft. (457 m.)

Other records:

T.S. Ross, w. side of San Gabriel Reservoir, May 17, 1992, 1520 ft. (463 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, S. Calif. Ed. transmission line corridor (Seg. 6, structure 109 per TRTP Survey 2008) Upper Fish Cyn., May 16, 2008; R.F. Thorne, n.e. of Chantry Flats along Sant Anita Cr., Apr. 23, 1971, c. 1800 ft. (549 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Trail Cyn., c. 1/2 way between Tom Lucas Cmpgrd. at BM 3434, July 30, 1967, 3300 ft. (2005 m.); Steve Boyd & Walter Appleby, n. of Sylmar, s. of Santa Clarita, vic. of Los Pinetos Spring, head of Los Pinetos Cyn., Apr. 22, 1993, 2800-3200 ft. (854 m.); T.S. Ross & Orlando Mistretta, Wilson Cyn., along the riparian strip, May 27, 1993, 1929 ft. (588 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Elsmere Cyn., June 26, 1967, 1450-1530 ft. (442-466 m.); L.C. Wheeler, n. side of Sunset Ridge, s. of Millard Cyn., June 16, 1967, 2100 ft. (640 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., c. 1/4 mi. upstream from Dam., Dec. 14, 1946, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., s.e. of San Dimas Dam, July 6, 1967, 1500 ft. (457 m.); C.J. Kraebel, San Dimas Cyn., Sep. 10, 1931, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 10, 1931

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, Day Creek, Rancho Cucamonga, July 23, 1971, 3000 ft. (914 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Dustin Spring, head of E. Etiwanda Cyn., July 11, 1968, 5396 ft. (1645 m.); I.M. Johnson, Deer Cyn Wash, Etiwanda, Apr. 14, 1918, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

FVS: Apr. 14, 1918

Gazania linearis (Thurb.) Druce, Treasureflower

Native to s. Africa.

CA & NM ?

LACo.: lower Ham Cyn., where it runs through San Dimas Golf Course, just above confl. with San Dimas Cyn., Apr. 4, 2008, 1200 ft. (366 m.); Azusa, 400 meters n.e. of San Gabriel River Bike Path Parking Lot, at Hwy. 39 (Azusa Cyn. Rd.), in the San Gabriel River main channel, Mar. 16, 2009, 745 ft. (227 m.) (not yet posted)

Other records: Scott D. White, foothills above Altadena, L.A. Dept. of Public Works “Kinneloa West Debris Basin”, n. terminus of Branbling Lane, Oct. 22, 2003, 1401 ft. (427 m.); James Henrickson, c. 1 mile s.e. of Newhall, in Whitney Cyn., s.e. of jct. of San Fernando Rd. & State Hwy. 14; c. 1/2 mile e. of Hwy. 14, Apr. 15, 2000, 1600 ft. (488 m.)

FVS: Apr. 15, 2000

SBCo.: No records found.

Glyptopleura marginata D.C. Eaton, Carveseed

LACo.: R.F. Thorne & Wallace, 1/4 mi. n. of Bob’s Gap, 3798 ft. (1158 m.)

SBCo.: Sheep Creek, on Scrub Oak Rd., Pinyon Hills, May 29 1995, 4540 ft. (1384 m.)

Other records:

C.R. Orcutt, Cajon Pass, May 14, 1882, no elev. given

FVS: May 14, 1882

Glyptopleura setulosa A. Gray, Holy Dandelion

LACo.: H. Dearing & M. Dearing, Little Rock Cyn., San Gab. Mts., Apr. 9, 1933, no elev. given; Herbert L. Mason, Little Rock Cr., Apr. 26, 1924 (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Apr. 26, 1924

SBCo.: H.Dearing & M. Dearing, near Cajon Pass, Apr. 15, 1930, no elev. given

Gnaphalium palustre Nutt., Western Marsh Cudweed

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.) in Glendora, ___________, to 7839 ft. (2390 m.), at Waterman Mt., Ski Runway on e.-facing slope, R.G. Swinney, July 24, 2008; May-Sep.; common in moist areas; transmontane, montane at Mt. Baldy Village, cismontane

FVS: Aug. 1, 1915, Anstruther Davidson, Camp Baldy (Mt. Baldy Village),

4198 ft. (1280 m.)

SBCo.: From 3100 ft. (945 m.) at 1 mi. SSW of Cajon jnct., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 29, 1995, to 5500 ft. (1677 m.) at Dustin Spring (incorrect, should be well) at San Sevaine Flat, L.C. Wheeler, Nov. 4, 1967; Apr.-Aug., Nov.; fairly common in moist areas; all 4 sections

FVS: Nov. 4, 1967

Grindelia camporum Greene, Bract or Great Valley Gumweed

[synonyms: G. camporum var. bracteosa (J.T. Howell) M.A. Lane and G. camporum var. bracteosum orth. var. and G. hirsutula var. davyi (Jeps..) M.A. Lane]

LACo.: SDEF, 1988, occasional grassy places, < 2000 ft. (no documented voucher found); F.W. Peirson, roadside, about half dry meadows, Rock Cr., n. slope of San Gab. Mts., Sep. 5, 1928, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Bluebird Truck Trail, near Big Dalton Cyn., July 2, 1968, 2401 ft. (732 m.); C.W. Tilforth & W. Wisura, Johnstons Pasture, hills above Claraboya, n. of Pomona, June 13, 1979, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, meadow near mouth of San Dimas Cyn., San Gab. Mts., May 14, 1934, 1450 ft. (442 m.)

FVS: Sep. 5, 1928, F.W. Peirson, rd. side, c. ½ dry meadow, Rock Cr., n slope of San Gab. Mts., 4000 ft. (1220 m.)

SBCo.: No records available.

Grindelia hirsutula Hook. & Arn., Hairy Gumweed

(synonyms: G. hirsutula var. maritima (Greene) M.A. Lane and G. hirsutula tends to flower earlier than G. camporum at a given location.

LACo.: H.P. Chandler, San Dimas, Mar. 14, 1898, no elev. given ?

SBCo.: No records found.

Gutierrezia californica (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray, California Matchweed, San Joaquin Snakeweed

CA & Baja CA, Mex.; Intergrades with G. sarothrae (Pursh) Britton & Rusby.

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at San Gabriel (Azusa) Cyn., 1.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of Encanto Rd., R.G. Swinney, May 15, 1998, to 2598 ft. (792 m.), at Little Tujunga Rd., 1.2 mi. above jct. with Gold Cr. Rd., P.H. Raven, Sep. 24, 1961; Jan., May-July, Sep.-Dec.; rare; cismontane

FVS: July 5, 1902, LeRoy Abrams, San Gabriel Cyn.,

SBCo.: Cajon Pass, n. end of old Hwy. 395, between E. & W. loops of RR tracks, Oct. 12, 1991, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, side cyn. w. of Cajon Cyn. near Ralston Peak, Sep 6, 1968,

3100 ft. (944 m.); C.M. Hoak, Cajon Camp, e. side of Cajon Wash, Oct. 12, 1930, 2896 ft. (883 m.) (adj. to boundary)

FVS: Oct. 12, 1930

Gutierrezia microcephala (DC.) A. Gray, Sticky Snakeweed, Threadleaf Snakeweed

LACo.: From 3200 ft. (976 m.), at Little Rock Cr.: slopes e. of Littlerock Res., Orlando Mistretta, Apr. 12, 1994, to 7469 ft. (2277 m.), at summit of (East-added 2011)Table Mt., n.w. of Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, July 17, 1997 (also det. as G. sarothrae); Mar., Apr., July-Oct.; rare; transmontane

FVS: Sep. 1897, Anstruther Davidson, Little Rock Cr.

SBCo.: Baldy Mesa, n.w. of Nuss Ranch, Nov. 12, 1994, 4881 ft. (1488 m.);

0.8 mi. e. of Sheep Creek Rd. at Snow Line Dr., c. 200 m. south of Snowline , Aug, 31, 1993, 4700 ft. (1433 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Controversey Spring, w. side of Cajon Cyn., Aug, 7, 1968,

4500 ft. (1371 m.); P.A. Munz, SheepCr., San Antonio Mts., Sep. 1, 1923,

4497 ft. (1371 m.); Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, Aug., 10, 1923, no elev given

FVS: Aug. 10, 1923

Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britton & Rusby, Matchweed, Broom Snake-weed

Intergrades with G. californica (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray in c. & s. South Coast.

LACo.: From 600 ft. (182 m.), at San Gabriel Wash, s. base of San Gab. Mts., F.W. Peirson, May 12, 1920, to 7469 ft. (2277 m.), summit of (East-added 2011) Table Mt., n.w. of Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, July 17, 1997 (also det. as G. microcephala); May, July, Aug., Oct., Nov.; rare; montane cismontane

FVS: July 5, 1902, L.R. Abrams, San Gab. Mts., Azusa

SBCo.: A.C. Sanders, Lower Lytle Cr. Wash, between Verdmont Ranch & Glen Helen Rehabilitation Faacility, Nov. 28, 1987, 1700 ft. (518 m.) (just s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Hazardia squarrosa (Hook. & Arn.) Greene, Sawtooth Goldenbush

LACo.: Gary Kovnat & LeRoy Gross, Gold Cr. Ecological Preserve, South Terrace West Meadow ecotone, Feb. 16, 2003, 2240 ft. (683 m.); F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., Sep. 14, 1922, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

FVS: Sep. 14, 1922

SBCo.: Cajon Cyn. at n. end of old Hwy. 395, in trib. on w. side of cyn., 100 yds. east of RR tracks, Oct. 6, 1991, 2959 ft. (902 m.)

Other records:

W.G. Neal, Lytle Cr. Ave., June 22, 1948, no elev. given

FVS: June 22, 1948

Hazardia squarrosa (Hook. & Arn.) Greene var. grindelioides (DC.) W.D. Clark, Saw-toothed Goldenbush, Sawtooth Bristleweed

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1500 ft. (457 m.), at Mystic Cyn., 2 miles n.e. of Glendora, Gary D. Cromwell & David W. Wheat, Apr. 30, 1971, to 4346 ft. (1325 m.) at E. Fork, San Dimas Cyn., Jerome Horton, Sep. 29, 1939; July-Oct.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Oct. 10, 1903, C.F. Baker, San Antonio Canon (Canyon), near Claremont, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 1948 ft. (594 m.) at Devore Cutoff near Cajon Pass, Peter H. Raven, Sep. 24, 1961, to 2959 ft. (902 m.) at Cajon Cyn. at end of old Hwy. 395, R.G. Swinney, Oct. 6, 1991; June-Oct.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 29, 1902, H.M. Hall, Cajon Pass, no elev. given

+Hazardia squarrosa (Hook. & Arn.) Greene var. squarrosa, Sawtooth Goldenbush

LACo.: C.W. Sharsmith, e. of Big Tujunga Cyn., San Gab. Mts., Sep. 11, 1942, (670 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Hedypnois cretica (L.) Dunn. Cours., Crete Weed, Crotonweed

Native to Medit.

LACo.: San Gabriel River, under the Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of Encanto Pkwy, w. (e. of-added 2011) El Encanto Park in Duarte, Apr. 13, 2009, 604 ft. (184 m.); Azusa, San Gabriel River at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, 1 small pop. on e. side of cyn. bottom on n. side of Hwy. 39 bridge, Mar. 26, 2009, 971 ft. (296 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Mar. 26, 2009

SBCo.: No records found.

Helenium bigelovii A. Gray, Bigelow’s Sneezeweed

LACo.: From 3280 ft. (1000 m.), at Upper E. Fork San Gabriel River, at cliff seep, c. 100 meters below Falls Gulch, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 6, 1998, to 8102 ft. (2470 m.), below Guffy Camp on Blue Ridge, R.F. Thorne & John Olmstead, Aug. 26, 1965, June-Oct.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: July 8, 1918, F.W. Peirson, n.w. of N. Ontario, San Antonio Cyn., 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

SBCo.: From 6396 ft. (1950 m.), at San Antonio Falls, San Antonio Cyn., n. of Manker Flat, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 23, 1994, to 8498 ft. (2591 m.), at e. slope of Mt. San Antonio, Eugene Cardiff & Ken Smith, July 8, 1950; June-Sep.; uncomomon; montane

FVS: July 28, 1927, I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn., (Old Gold Ridge Mine), 8000 ft. (2438 m.)

Helenium puberulum DC., Sneezeweed, Rosilla

LACo.: Juniper Hills, 0.4 mi. s. of jct. of Longview Rd. & Tumbleweed Rd., July 21, 2005, 3990 ft.

Other records:

B.C. Templeton, Prairie Fk., July 21, 1933, 6248 ft. (1905 m.);

Lyman Benson, 1 mi. above mouth of San Antonio Cyn., Oct. 25, 1948, 2600 ft. (793 m.); K.H.B., along rd. below Lysimiters, Tanbark, SDEF, Aug. 11, 1943, 2496 ft. (761 m.); Anstruther Davidson, Camp Baldy, Aug. 1, 1915; Thekla Mohr, N. Fork, San Gabriel River, 1915; L.C. Wheeler, San Antonio Cyn., Sep. 5, 1932, 3500 ft. (1066 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Water Cyn., Aug. 22, 1968, 1900 ft. (579 m.); S.D. White & Dave Bramlet, W. of Mt. Islip, Aug. 11, 1998,

5600-6600 ft. (1707-2010 m.); Thekla Mohr, N. Fork San Gabriel River, 1915, no elev. given; Brewer, “presumably”, San Gab. Mts., Jan 2, 1861 (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Jan 2, 1861, Brewer

SBCo.: 0.25 and 0.6 mi. s. of jnct. of Cajon Wash & Swarthout Cyn Road along Cajon Wash, Aug. 12, 1996 & 17 Oct. 1992, 2640-2680 ft. (805-820 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, 0.2 mi. west of Lytle Creek Village on s. side of cnyn., July 12, 1968, 3100 ft. (945 m.); R.F. Thorne & Larry E. DeBuhr, et. al, due s. of Lost Lake & near Blue Cut, Oct. 13, 1972, (807 m.); R.F. Thorne, J. Dourley, Lost Lake, Oct. 10, 1967, 2750 ft. (838 m.); L.C. Wheeler, E. side of Lower Lytle Creek Ridge, along Aplewhite Rd., e. side, Sep. 16, 1967, 3000 ft. (914 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Coldwater Cyn., off N. Fork & Lytle Creek at Mt. Baldy Rd., July 10, 1968; P.H. Raven mouth of Lone Pine Cyn., Cajon Pass, Sep. 17, 1961,

2647 ft. (807 m.)

FVS: Sep. 17, 1961

Helianthus annuus L., Annual Sunflower, Common Sunflower

Highly variable; hybridizes with several other annual spp.

LACo.: From 541 ft. (165 m.), at Irwindale, San Gabriel River Channel, within 70 meters (N.) of I-210 Frwy., R.G. Swinney, Nov. 30, 2008, to 4100 ft. (1250 m.) at Bob’s Gap & Valyermo Rd., June Latting, Oct. 6, 1976; all year; fairly common throughout; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: July 3, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Sierra Madre

SBCo.: From 1860 ft. (567 m.) at mouth of Lytle Creek, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 15, 1993,to 2798 ft. (853 m.) at mouth of Day Canyon, R.F. Thorne, et. al, July 23, 1971; Mar.-Sep.; fairly common throughout; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 27,1914, L. Jepson, at entrance of Cajon Pass, Cajon Cyn., 2198 ft. (670 m.)

Helianthus gracilentus A. Gray, Slender Sunflower

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1460 ft. (445 m.) at mouth of Burro Cyn. near confluence of E. & W. Forks of San Gabriel Cyn., T.S. Ross & Peter Fritsch, June 20, 1990, to

5996 ft. (1828 m.) at Head of South Fork, I.M. Johnston, July 15, 1917; Mar.-Oct.; uncommon on dry slopes; cismontane

FVS: July 6, 1897, J.H. Barber, Mt. Gleason

SBCo.: From 500 ft. (152 m.) at Cucamonga Cyn., I.M. Johnston, May 20, 1917, to 4477 ft. (1365 m.) at Stoddard Flats, R.G. Swinney, July 25, 1995; May-July; uncommon on dry slopes; cismontane

FVS: May 20, 1917

Helianthus nuttallii Torr. & A. Gray, Nuttal’s Sunflower

LACo.: P.A. Munz, Lone Pine Cyn., Aug. 30, 1923, 5000 ft. (1524 m.) (also det. as H. nuttallii Torr. & A. Gray, ssp. nuttallii)

SBCo.: F.W. Peirson, Clyde Ranch, Lone Pine Cyn., Aug. 30, 1923, 4900 ft. (1494 m.)

Helianthus nuttallii Torr. & A. Gray ssp. nuttallii, Nuttall’s Sunflower

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Only 2 records exist, both on Aug. 30, 1923 for Clyde Ranch in Lone Pine Cyn. The one collected by P.A. Munz with voucher # 7652 has 2 sheets. One is labeled as H. nuttallii & the other as H. nuttallii ssp parishii, 5000 ft.

(1524 m.). The one collected by F.W. Peirson with voucher # 4022 has 2 sheets. One is labeled as H. nuttallii & the other as H. nuttallii ssp. nuttallii, 4900 ft.

(1494 m.)

+Helianthus nuttallii Torr. & A. Gray ssp. parishii (A. Gray) Heiser, Los Angeles Sunflower

Status: CNPS List: 1A State/Fed. Status: /C1*


Previously thought to be extinct; coastal salt & fresh water marshes.

LACo.: J.M. Porter, Newhall Ranch, Castaic Spring, c. 400 meters s. of the Santa Clara River between Dead End Cyn. & Middle Cyn., Nov. 5, 2006, 3280 ft.

(1000 m.) ( north of the San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo: P.A. Munz, Lone Pine Cyn., Clyde Ranch, Aug. 30, 1923, 5000 ft. (1524 m.); refer to the description above for H. nuttallii ssp. nuttallii.

Helichrysum sp., Licorice Plant

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Ed LaRue, Wrightwood, spontaneous in yard of Ed LaRue, Aug. 5, 1992, no elev. given

Helminthotheca echioides (L.) Holub, Bristly Oxtongue

(synonym: Picris echioides L.)

Native to Europe.

LACo.: From 840 ft. (256 m.), at San Gabriel River Cyn., spring 1.5 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave. on Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 29, 2008, to 1450-1530 ft. (442-466 m.), at Elsmere Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, June 26, 1967; Mar., Apr., June, July, Nov.; rare; cismontane

FVS: June 8, 1929, L.E. Hoffman, Arroyo Seco Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: Cajon Wash, n. of terminus of Cajon Rd., c. 50 meters e. of Cajon stream, Oct. 20, 1994, 2949 ft. (899 m.)

Other records: None found.

Hemizonella minima (A. Gray) A. Gray, Opposite-leaved Tarweed

[synonym: Madia minima (A. Gray) D.D. Keck]

LACo.: Joseph A. Ewan, 0.5 mi. above Horse Flats region, June 15, 1932, no elev. given; Naomi Fraga & Paul Morton, along main trail to summit of Mt. Hillyer, May 18, 2004, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, Charlton Flats burn (of 1954), c.

5250 ft. (1601 m.); R.F. Thorne, near Chilao Cr., upper Chilao Cmpgrd., July 2, 1969, 5300 ft. (1616 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Mark Elvin, Bare Mt. Cyn., head of drainage E. of Pacifico Mt., June 20, 1995, 6450 ft. (1966 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Devil’s Cyn., July 22, 1968, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Chilao Cr. Headwaters, June 1, 1968, 5901 ft. (1799 m.); Geo. B. Grant, summit Mt. Wilson, June 17, 1906, 6199 ft. (1890 m.); F.W. Peirson, Pine Flats, headwater of Tujunga Cr., June 14, 1921, 5497 ft. (1676 m.); Peirson, summit of Mt. Wilson, June 10, 1920, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); Anonym., Wilson’s Pk., May 24, 1896, no elev. given

FVS: May 24, 1896

SBCo.: No records found.

Heterotheca grandiflora Nutt., Telegraphweed

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.) at San Gabriel Cyn. Wash & Foothill Blvd, Azusa/Duarte, R.G. Swinney, Jan. __, 2009, to 3200 ft. (976 m.) at Little Rock Cr., just N. of Guard Station, below Dam, Orlando Mistretta, July 12, 1995 and at Big Tujunga at Colby Ranch Rd., L.C. Wheeler, Oct. 1, 1966; Jan., Mar.-May, Sep., Nov.; common, often in disturbed areas; transmontane at Little Rock Cr., below dam, Orlando Mistretta, July 12, 1995, 3201 ft. (976 m.), cismontane

FVS: Oct. 15, 1918, Frank W. Peirson, foot of Echo Mt. Trail, Echo Mt., 1797 ft. (548 m.)

SBCo.: Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, Oct. 10, 1923, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary) (checking for additional records)

+Heterotheca sessiliflora (Nutt.) Shinners., Erect Goldenaster, Sessilelflower False Goldenaster

LACo.: Ellen Mackay & Blake Whittington, Rincon Ranger Station (off Hwy. 39), Oct. 26, 2006, 1463 ft. (446 m.); M.D. Wilcox, Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, n. of Jet Prop. Lab., Aug. 30, 2003, 1250 ft. (381 m.);

FVS: Aug. 30, 2003

SBCo.: No records available.

+Heterotheca sessiliflora (Nutt.) Shinn. ssp. echioides (Benth.) Semple, Erect Goldenaster, Sessilflower False Goldenaster

LACo.: Fordyce Grinnell Jr., San Gabriel Mts., (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: D.F. Howe, Lytle Creek, Sep. 21, 1980

+Heterotheca sessiliflora (Nutt.) Shinn. ssp. fastigiata (E. Greene) Semple, Erect Goldenaster, Sessilelflower False Goldenaster

LACo.: From 840 ft. (256 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 1.4 mile n. of Sierra Madre Ave., south side of rd. at spring, 0.5 miles e. of San Gabriel Cyn. Information Station, on Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Dec. 6, 2008, to 5796 ft.

(1767 m.), at vic. of Prairie Fk. Ranger Statioin, Joseph Andorpher Ewan, Aug. 5, 1934; May, June, Aug.-Oct., Dec.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: July 5, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Azusa (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: From 1699 ft. (518 m.) e. of Day Creek on alluvial slope s. of mts. & n. of Hwy. 30, Adrian Wolf, May 9, 1997, to 6997 ft. (2133 m.) at upper San Antonio Cyn., I.M. Johnston, Aug. 21, 1917; Apr.-Oct.; fairly common; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Aug. 21, 1917

Heterotheca villosa (Pursh) Shinners var. minor (Hook.) Semple, Hairy False Goldenaster

[synonyms: H. villosa var. hispida (Hook.) V.L. Haines and H. villosa var. villosa, misappl.]

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Henniger Flats, Sep. 3, 1970, 2600 ft. (792 m.);

G.C. Fleischman, San Gabriel Cyn., Sep. 9, 1945, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 9, 1945

SBCo.: G.H. True, Jr., s. of Devore, Lytle Cr. Wash, Apr. 3, 1935, 2398 ft.

(731 m.) (This elev. shold place location within the San Gab. Mts. boundary); James Henreckson, c. 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15 Frwy., May 11, 1985, 2401 ft. (732 m.)

Hieracium albiflorum Hook., White Hawkweed

[synonyms: Chlorocrepis albiflora (Hook.) W.A. Weber and H. helleri Gandog and H. siskiyouense M. Peck]

LACo.: From 5241 ft. (1598 m.), at Prairie Fk., 300 meters w. of Cabin Flats Cmpgrd., R.G. Swinney, July 10, 1998, to 6620-8160 ft. (2018-2487 m.), at Mt. High Ski Resort, w. of Wrightwood, S. Zona, D. Arias, et al.,, June 21, 1989; June-Aug.; rare; montane

Records by R.G. Swinney:

Upper Fish Fk. drainage, vic. of jct. of Upper Fish Fk. Trail & Dawsan Pk. Trail, July 21, 1998, 5599 ft. (1707 m.); Upper Cedar Cyn., c. 0.5 miles w. of jct. of Hwy. 2 (on Big Pines Hwy.-added 2011), July 5, 1999, 6281 ft. (1915 m.); c. 100 m. downstream from Upper Fish Fork Cmpgrd., July 29, 1998, 5960 ft. (1817 m.); Cooper Cyn., 1.5 miles n.e. of Burkart Trail Parking Lot along the trail, n.e. of Buckhorn Cmpgrd., July 16, 2008, 5599 ft. (1707 m.); Buford Cyn., 0.5 miles w. of co. line, s. of Hwy. 2 & Swarthout Valley, c. 2 air-miles w. of Wrightwood, July 16, 1997, 6301 ft. (1921 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, from confl. of Cooper & Buckhorn Cyns, up +/- upstrream to falls of Buckhorn Cr. near Cmpgrd, July 6, 1992, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Upper Trail, Vincent Gulch, July 3, 1921, 6500 ft. (1982 m.); P.A. Munz, in side-cyn., Icehouse Cyn., July 18, 1922, 6498 ft. (1981 m.); Anstruther Davidson, Camp Baldy, Aug. 1, 1915, no elev. given; Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., July 18, 1995, no elev. given

FVS: July 1895, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr.

SBCo.: Cucamonga, c. 2 mi. e. of Jnct. of Skyline & Almond Ave’s, June 28, 1994, 3802 ft. (1159 m.); Joe Elliott Big Tree Memorial, w. of San Sevaine Flats, July 21, 1993, 5760 ft. (1756 m.)

Other records:

S. Zona et. al., Mt. High Ski Resort, w. of Wrightwood, June 2, 1989,

6620-8160 ft. (2018-2487 m.); I.M. Johnston, Middle Fk., Lytle Creek, July 29, 1917, 6000 ft. (1829 m.)

FVS: July 29, 1917

Hieracium argutum Nutt., Southern Hawkweed

[synonym: H. argutum Nutt. var. parishii (A. Gray) Jeps.]

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1600 ft. (488 m.), at Glendora, Big Dalton Wilderness Park, “Water Pipe Cyn.” = Pavil Cyn.) at second waterfall, R.G. Swinney, July 17, 1989, to

5886 ft. (1795 m.), at Mt. Wilson, Fordyce Grinnell Jr., Aug. 1911; July-Oct., Dec.; rare; cismontane

Records by R.G. Swinney:

Cow Cyn., 0.5 mi., due w. of Cow Cyn. Saddle; Vincent Gulch, 0.6 mi. n. of confluence with Prairie Fork; upper Coldwater Cyn. at n.e. end of Heaton Flats Tr.; confluence of Falls Gulch & E. Fork of San Gabriel River;

Other records:

C.F. Baker, hills near Claremont, Sep. 20, 1903; I.M. Johnston, Fern Cyn., n. of Brown’s Flat, Sep 1 1918; F.W. Peirson, E. Fork of San Gabriel River, July 16, 1921, 4500 ft. (1372 m.); Jerome S. Horton, E. Fork San Dimas Cyn., Aug. 6, 1937, 5097 ft. (1554 m.); I.M Johnson, shaded cliff in Evey Cyn., Aug 25, 1918, 2998 ft. (914 m.)

FVS: Aug. 20, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Santa Anita Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: Big Tree Truck Rd., c. 2 mi. n.e. of Cucamonga; Stoddard Falls, Stoddard Cyn.; c. 1 mi. w. of Lytle Creek in unnamed tributary at 2.7 mi. n. of Devore Rd.

Other records:

Fred Burlew, Coldwater Cyn., July 1926; L.C. Wheeler, Coldwater Cyn., Aug. 27, 1967, 4300 ft. (1310 m.); I.M. Johnston, Day Cyn. July 15, 1917, 3001 ft.

(915 m.)

FVS: July 15, 1917

Hieracium horridum Fr., Prickly Hawkweed

LACo.: W. Twin Pk., in jumbled large rocks that create the highest point, several clumps of plants in crevices, July 25, 2008, 7750 ft. (2363 m.); Buckhorn Cyn. at 0.7 mi. n. of Burkhart Tr. parking lot, n. of Buckhorn Cmpgd., along Burkhart Tr.; July 16, 2008, 6200 ft. (1890 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, from confl. of Cooper & Buckhorn Cyn., up +/- upstream to falls of Buckhorn Cr., near cmpgrd., July 6, 1992, no elev. given

FVS: July 6, 1992

SBCo.: Ontario Pk., among large rocks on n. side, 1 mature plant, several seedlings, Aug. 14, 1995, 8650 ft. (2637 m.); Lost Creek, s. tributary of the main channel of Ice House Cyn., on vertical dirt, w.-facing embankment, 4 plants July 22, 1994, 6599 ft. (2012 m.)

Other records:

Three additional records from Ontario Pk. by: I.M. Johnston, July 30, 1917, F.W. Peirson, Sep. 14, 1923 & R.F. Thorne, Aug. 30, 1965 from 8693-8700 ft. (2649-2652 m.); I.M. Johnston, Icehouse Cyn., shortcut to Kelly’s Cabin, Aug 1, 1925, 6996 ft. (2133 m.); I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Pk., July 30, 1917, 8695 ft.

(2651 m.) (the two records on July 30, 1917 by I.M. Johnston were collected in two different locations but have the same voucher number); F.W. Peirson, Cascade Cyn., Sep 14, 1933, 4500 ft. (1372 m.); I.M. Johnston, Middle Fk. Lytle Creek, July 29, 1917, 6000 ft. (1829 m.)

FVS: July 29, 1917

Hulsea heterochroma A. Gray, Red-rayed Hulsea, Redray Alpinegold

Hybridizes with H. vestita ssp. callicarpha (H.M. Hall) Wilken and H. vestita ssp. parryi.

LACo.: From 3998 ft. (1219 m.), at Lukens Pk., F.W. Peirson, July 3, 1919, to 9299 ft. (2835 m.), near summit of Mt. Baden-Powell, G.F. Pratt, Aug. 01, 1984; June-Aug.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: July 1, 1902, L.R Abrams, near summit of Mt. Wilson

SBCo.: c. 1 mi. w. of Lytle Creek in unnamed tributary at 2.7 mi. n. of Devore Rd., Aug 2, 1993, 3600 ft. (1098 m.); Big Tree Truck Rd., c. 2 mi. n.e. of jnct. of Skyline & Almond Ave’s., Cucamonga, June 28, 1994, 3802 ft. (1159 m.); “Stoddard Falls”, in Stoddard Cyn., Aug. 28, 1998, 3000 ft. (915 m.)

Other records:

V. Soza & LeRoy Gross, Mt. Baldy Ski Area, Big Butch Wash, s. of Miners Bowl, July 18, 2001, 7501 ft. (2287 m.); I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Pk., July 30, 1917, 7997 ft. (2438 m.); I.M. Johnston, Middle Fk. Lytle Creek, July 29, 1917, 6747 ft.

(2057 m.); F.W. Peirson, rd. to Lone Pine Cyn., May 30, 1921, 3250 ft.

(991 m.); Naomi Fraga, et. al., San Sevaine Flats, n.w. of intersection of 1N34 & the rd. to the communication tower, July 12, 2005, 5501 ft. (1677 m.); R.F. Thorne & Lindsay Smith, slope of ridge between Cajon Canyon & Lone Pine Cyn., May 30, 1966, 3496 ft. (1066 m.); I.M. Johnston, near Kelly’s Cabin, July 30, 1917, 7997 ft. (2438 m.)

FVS: July 30, 1917

Hulsea vestita A. Gray, Pumice Alpinegold

LACo.: ridge due n. of Big Horn Ridge, s. of San Antonio Ridge, above & e. of Coldwater Cyn Aug. 27, 1998, 8500-8700 ft. (2591-2652 m.); Juniper Hills, n. side of Pleasant View Ridge between Miller & McClare Cnyn’s., June 16, 2001, 6400 ft. (1951 m.)

Other records:

John Dittes & Gina Hall, n. of Kratka Ridge, c. 1.7 air mi. e. of CloudburstSummit, n. of Angeles Crest Hwy., along Burkhart Tr., between Buckhorn Flat Campground & Cooper Cyn., July 19, 1990, 6196 ft. (1889 m.); Kathy Harper, along unpaved road from Alder Saddle to Pacifico Mt., n.w. of Hwy. 2, May 16, 1986, no elev. given; Rimo Bacigalupi, along USFS Rd. (following the crest Mendenhall Ridge) (10 miles e. of its start at paved road crossing, western crest of ridge between Little Tujunga & Pacoima Cyns.), June 15, 1953, 5097 ft.

(1554 m.)

FVS: June 15, 1953

SBCo.: No records found.

+Hulsea vestita A. Gray ssp. callicarpha (H.M. Hall) Wilken, Beautiful Callicarpha, Pumice Alpinegold

Status: CRPR 4.2 S3.2 G5T3

LACo.: Rimo Bacigalupi & Reino Alava, cliffside along Angeles Crest Hwy. ( State Hwy. 2), along n.w. shoulder of Mt. Islip, July 20, 1958, 7095 ft. (2163 m.); F.W. Peirson, between Pine Flats & Chilao, June 16, 1921, 5497 ft. (1676 m.)

FVS: June 16, 1921

SBCo.: Status: Watch Plant

No records available.

+Hulsea vestita A. Gray ssp. gabrielensis Wilken, San Gabriel Mountains Sunflower, Pumice Alpinegold

Status: CNPS List 4 R-E-D Code 1-1-3 State/Feb. Status: None

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G5T3

LACo.: Status: Sensitive

From 4002 ft. (1220 m.), at 7.4 miles e. of Bear Divide Station & 14.2 miles w. of Mt. Gleason, J.R. Shevock, July 19, 1974, to 9399 ft. (2864 m.), at summit of Mt. Baden-Powel on s. side of Pk., J.R. Shevock, Oct. 5, 19784; May-Aug., Oct.; rare; transmontane

Other records:

LeRoy Gross, Mistretta, Soza, e. side of Punchbowl Cyn., May 13, 2003, 5199 ft. (1585 m.); George Vowels, Mt. Williamson, June 24, 1969, 7500-8000 ft. (2287- 2439 m.); R.F. Thorne, Tilforth, Dourley, Devil’s Backbone, Mt. San Antonio, July 27, 1971, 9000 ft. (2743 m.); R.F. Thorne, et. al., n. slope of Mt. Waterman near Buckhorn Station, Aug. 11, 1972, 7000 ft. (2134 m.);Valerie Soza & De Groot, c. 0.6 mi. above Cooper Cyn. Trail Camp on e. slope of Winston Pk., June 18, 2003, 6501 ft. (1982 m.)

FVS: June, 1902, A.D.E. Elmer, Acton, Mt. Gleason

SBCo.: Status: Sensitive

T.P. Krantz, above the W. Fork Lytle Creek, proposed expansion to lift I-A of Baldy Ski Area, Aug. 4, 1979, 6901 ft. (2104 m.); R.F. Thorne, Tilforth, Dourley, Devil’s Backbone, Mt. San Antonio, June 12, 1971, 9000 ft. (2743 m.)

FVS: June 12, 1971

+Hulsea vestita A. Gray ssp. parryi (A. Gray) Wilken, Parry’s Sunflower, Pumice Alpinegold

Status: CRPR 4.3 S3.3

LACo.: J.C. Roos, n. slope of Mt. San Antonio, date not given, 9496 ft.

(2895 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Hulsea vestita A. Gray ssp. vestita, Pumice Alpinegold

LACo.: June Latting, 1 mi. e. of Whitethorn Spring(presumed near former Whitethorn Campground on Angeles Crest Hwy.), Sep. 6, 1978, 7200 ft.

(2195 m.); J.H. Barber, Mt. Gleason Summit, July 11, 1897, no elev.. given; Dieter H. Wilken, L.A. Co. Rd. N2 between Chilao & Charlton Flats, May 8, 1969, no elev. given; Dieter H. Wiken, 5 miles w., near summit of Mt. Gleason, + Mill Cr. Summit, July 3, 1969, no elev. given

FVS: July 11, 1897

SBCo.: No records found.

Hypochaeris glabra L., Smooth Cat’s-ear

Native to Europe.

LACo.: From 540 ft. (165 m.) at San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, below Foothill Blvd., R.G. Swinney, Dec. 2, 2008, to 3000 ft. (914 m.) at jct. of Glendora Mt. Rd. & Glendora Ridge Rd., W.M. Gaunt., Apr. 9, 1966; Mar.-Dec.; fairly common in dry & disturbed areas; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 27, 1934, L.C. Wheeler, Marshall Cr., 1600 ft. (488 m.)

SBCo.: From 1998 ft. (609 m.) at Sycamore Flat & Cajon Cyn, Peter Kamb, May, 15, 1948, to 2719 ft. (829 m.) at Lytle Creek Ranger Station, R.F. Thorne, et al., July 7, 1971; Apr.-July; fairly common in dry & disturbed areas; cismontane

FVS: May 17, 1947, L.C. Wheeler, San Antonio Cyn., no elev. given

Hypochaeris radicata L., Hairy Cat’s Ear

Native to Europe.

LACo.: Tim Ross & Peter Fritsch, near confl. of E. & W. Forks of San Gabriel River (mouth of Burro Cyn.), June 20, 1990, 1460-1528 ft. (445-466 m.)

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., near Scotland, July 12, 1968, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Isocoma acradenia (Greene) Greene var. eremophila (Greene) G.L. Nesom, Alkali Goldenbush, Green-leaved Dune Goldenbush

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: M.N. Ackley, Cajon camp, Oct. 12, 1930, 2919 ft. (890 m.)

Isocoma menziesii (Hook. & Arn.) G.L. Nesom ssp. vernenioides (Nutt.) G.L. Nesom, Coast or Menzies’ Goldenbush

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.; protected sites on dunes, lagoon shores, marshes

LACo.: Jerome S. Horton, SDEF, near San Dimas Park, Oct. 14, 1936; O.F. Clarke, Fontana, w. bank of Lytle Creek Wash, just n. of Devore Cut-off, c. 0.5 mi. north of . of Sierra Ave.; A.H. Gallup, gravelly wash, Mt. Baldy Rd., Oct. 25, 1948, 1401 ft. (427 m.); Scott D. White & Pam DeVries, Big Tujunga Wash: w. of Sunland, s.w. of I-210 Frwy., e. of Hansen Dam, and n. of Wentworth St., Nov. 20-21, 1997, 1050 ft. (320 m.); S.S. Kibby, San Anita Cyn. (Santa Anita Cyn.-added 2011), Dec. 27, 1963, 1998 ft. (609 m.); Valerie L. Soza & LeRoy Gross, n. of fire rd. between Ebey & Doane Cyns, s. of Goldenrod Spring, above Sunland, May 25, 2000, 1800 ft. (548 m.); S.S. Kibby, San Antonio Cyn., Dec. 27, 1963, 1998 ft. (609 m.); P.A. Munz, Lone Hill, Glendora, Nov. 8, 1923, no elev. given

FVS: Nov. 8, 1923

SBCo.: A.H. Gallup, gravelly wash, Mt. Baldy Rd., Oct. 25, 1948, 1400 ft.

(427 m.) (lowest elev. on Mt. Baldy Rd. is 1640 ft. Data says Baldy Rd. at

1400 ft., specimen is perhaps just s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary-added 2009)

Iva axillaris Pursh, Povertyweed

[synonym: I. axillaris Pursh ssp. robustior (Hook.) Bassett]

LACo.: From 3600 ft. (1098 m.), at Pallett Cr., n. base of San Gab. Mts., F.W. Peirson, July 2, 1921, to 5150 ft. (1570 m.), at Caldwell Lake near Valyermo (Sag Pond on the San Andreas Fault), R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, el al., July 20, 1972; May-July, Sep.; rare; transmontane

Records by R.G. Swinney:

Mouth of Sandrock Creek , 0.25 air miles s. of Valyermo Post Office, adj. to irrigated field, June 9, 2008, 3730 ft. (1137 m.); Juniper Hills, 0.4 mi. s. of jnct. of Longview Rd. & Tumbleweed Rd., w. & adjacent to Long View Rd., Mike Booth property, May 21, 2005, 3990 ft. (1216 m.)

Other records:

R. Hoffman, Big Rock Creek, May 19, 1929; Caldwell Lake: L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 15, 1956; R.F. Thorne et. al. July 20, 1972; Mouth of Pallett Creek: P.A. Munz, May 27, 1923 & Frank W. Peirson, July 2, 1921; Wesley O. Griesel, Rd. from Big Pine to Valyermo, May, 28, 1962, 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

FVS: July 4, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock

SBCo.: Cajon Wash, 2.9 mi., s.e. of Lone Pine Rd. & State Hwy. 138 Jnct. at USFS Rd. # 3N53, June 21, 1995, 2912 ft. (890 m.); Controversy Spring, upper Cajon Cyn., Oct. 8, 1993, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); also at Controversy Spring: L.C. Wheeler, Sep 7, 1968 & R.F. Thorne et. al., June 21, 1978

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, et al., Controversy Spring, June 21, 1978; L.C. Wheeler, Controversy Spring, Sep. 7, 1968

FVS: Sep. 7, 1968

Lactuca sativa L., Garden Letuce

Only cultivated.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Big Tujunga Cyn. at Trail Cyn., July 30, 1967, 1700 ft.

(518 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Lactuca serriola L., Prickly Lettuce

Native to Europe

LACo.: From 554 ft. (169 m.), at Azusa/Irwindale, between the I-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd., on w. side of San Gabriel River channel, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 7, 2009, to 6145 ft. (1867 m.) at Jackson Flat, R. F. Thorne & J. Dourley, Oct. 10, 1967; Apr.-Nov.; common, mostlly in distrurbed areas; all 3 sections

FVS: July 15, 1915, D.L. Crawford, Palmer Cyn., Claremont

SBCo.: From 2780 ft. (848 m.) at Lost Lake, Oct. 19, 1991, author to 3500 ft. (1066 m.) at Lytle Creek Village, L.C. Wheeler, July 13, 1967; June, July, Oct., Nov.; common, mostly in disturbed areas; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 13, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, Lytle Cr., 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

Lagophylla ramosissima Nutt., Branched Lagophylla

[synonyms: L. ramosissima Nutt. ssp. ramosissima and L. ramosissima ssp. congesta (Greene) D.D.Keck]

LACo.: San Dimas Experimental Forest, open places, SDEF, 1988; L.C. Wheeler, Bluebird Truck Tr., near Big Dalton Cyn., July 2, 1968, 2401 ft. (732 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Whitney Cyn., near mouth, June 26, 1967, 1425 ft. (434 m.);

L.C. Wheeler, La Verne, Live Oak Cyn., June 4, 1932, 1700 ft. (518 m.)

FVS: June 4, 1932

SBCo.: Baldy Mesa, 1 mi., w. of 215 on FS Road 3N24, 0.5 mi. w. of Cajon Summit, June 26, 1995, 4398 ft. (1341 m.)

Other records: None found.

Lasiospermum bipinnatum (Thumb.) Druce, Cacoonhead

Native to s. Africa. The only record for N. America.

LACo.: T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, just s. of jct. of Mills Ave. & Mt. Baldy Rd., N. Claremont, May 26, 1992, 1627 ft. (496 m.) (at s. boundary of San Gab. Mts.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Lasthenia californica DC. ex Lindl., California Goldfields

Rare in dry areas throughout

LACo.: From 1299 ft. (396 m.), at Big Dalton Cyn., Samuel R. Tyson, Apr. 22, 1943, to 4736 ft. (1444 m.), off Big Pines Hwy. (Rd. N) near Shoemaker Cyn., along ridge, wash & rosadside, Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., May 6, 2005; Mar.-June; rare; transmontane, cismontane

Records by Swinney:

with Vanessa, Merritt, w. of Pinon Hills, 2.1 miles s. of Fort Tejon Rd. at 237th Street E (Mescal Cyn. Road), 0.7 miles n.e. of n. mouth of mescal Cyn. & Reservoir, June 12, 1998, 4520 ft. (1378 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Live Oak Cyn., March 24, 1934, 1550 ft. (473 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Wildwood Ranch,Shuler Cyn., Apr. 14, 1974, 1350 ft. (412 m.); M. Elena Siqueiros, Claremont, n.w. corner of Mills Ave. & Foothill Blvd., Mar. 19, 1994 1351 ft. (412 m.) & Valerio Soza, May 3, 1998; Sula Vanderplank, et. al., off Big Pines Hwy. near Shoemaker Cyn., along ridge, wash & roadside; SDEF, along Garcia Truck Tr., May 13, 1940, collector unknown

FVS: Mar. 24, 1934, L.C. Wheeler, Liveoak Cyn., 1551 ft. (473 m.)

SBCo.: Cajon Wash, c. 1 mi. SSW of Cajon Jnct., off USFS Rd. 3N49, Apr. 29, 1994, (945 m.); Pinyon Hills, “Oak Hills” area, 50-100 m. west of Sunnyslope Rd. & w. of Green Rd., 1.5 mi. n. of Oak Spring Ranch, Apr. 3, 1994, 4799 ft.

(1463 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Mormon Rocks & Cajon Cyn., Apr. 20 1973, 3400 ft. (1036 m.); Marion P. Harthill, near Cleghom (Cleghorn ?) area, Mar. 28, 1971; F.W. Peirson, foot of mts. near Lytle Cr., Apr. 16, 1919, 1750 ft.

(534 m.) (just s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Apr. 16, 1919

Lasthenia californica Lindl. ssp. californica, California Goldfields

[synonym Lasthenia chrysotoma Fisch & C.A. Mey.) Greene]

LACo.: K. Dobry, Elsmere Cyn., w. San Gab. Mts., Apr. 4, 1991, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Lasthenia coronaria (Nutt.) Ornduff, Southern, Crowned or Royal Goldfields

CA & n.w. Baja CA, Mex.; Rare in open, sunny locations in cismontane areas.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Wash, Feb. 27 1931

Six records from Claremont: 1897-1945, Harley P. Chandler, C.F. Baker, L.C. Wheeler & Lyman Benson; Feb-Aug.; L.A. Greata, Monrovia, Apr. 1, 1902, no elev. given; Frank W. Peirson, Arroyo Seco Cyn., Mar. 27, 1919, 1348 ft. (411 m.); LeRoy Gross, Big Tujunga Wash, e. of I-210 Frwy., Apr. 16, 1999, 1197 ft. (365 m.); F.W. Peirson, Arroyo Seco, near Pasadena, Mar. 3, 1921, 1148 ft.

(350 m.); F.W. Peirson, Arroyo Seco, above Teddy’s, May 7, 1927, 1299 ft.

(396 m.); F.W. Peirson, Rubio Wash, s. base of San Gab. Mts., Mar. 1912, no elev. given

FVS: Feb. 10, 1897(?), Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: Cajon Wash Floodplain on w. side of main channel, 100-400 m. south of I- 15 Frwy. & 200-300 m. east of Glen Helen Rd., Mar. 18, 1993, 2040 ft. (622 m.)

Other records: None found.

Lasthenia gracilis (DC.) Greene, Common Goldfields

Highly variable, needs further study.

LACo.: Juniper Hills, 0.4 mi. s. of jct. of Longview Rd. & Tumbleweed Rd., w. & adjacent to Longview Rd., May 21, 2005, 3990 ft.; with Vanessa Merritt, 3 miles w. of Pinon Hills, 2.1 miles s. of Ft. Tejon Rd. at 237th St. E. (Mescal Cyn. Rd.), 0.7 miles n.e. of mouth of Mescal Cyn. at reservoir, between Mescal Cyn. Rd. & Mescal Cr., June 12, 1998, 4520 ft. (1378 m.); Littlerock Cr., 0.3 miles n.w. of Littlerock Cr. Cmpgrd., Apr. 24, 2009, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

Other records: R. Hoffman, Soledad Cyn., Apr. 26, 1929, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Wildwood Ranch, Shuler Cyn., Apr. 14, 1974, 1351 ft. (412 m.); Anonym., Devil’s Gate, Pasadena, May, 1895, no elev. given

FVS: May, 1895

SBCo.: Baldy Mesa Ridge, 1.8 miles n.e. of Hwy. 138, on Rd. 3N24, 0.6 miles e. of point where road crosses ridge, c. 50-150 meters n. of rd., June 10, 1995,

4822 ft. (1470 m.); w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Hwy. 138, c. 1 mile SSW of Cajon Jct., off FS Rd. 3N49, Apr. 29, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.); Pinon Hills “Oak Hills” area, 50-100 meters w. end of Sunnyslope Rd., & w. of Green Rd., 1.5 miles n. of Oak Spring Ranch, Apr. 3, 1997, 4799 ft. (1463 m.); Upper Lytle Cr. Divide, 0.3 miles n. of jct. of FS R0ads 3N06 & 3N33, June 24, 1993, 5320 ft. (1622 m.)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, Cajon Pass, Apr. 16, 1919, 2247 ft. (685 m.); W.L. Jepson, Cajon Pass, May 28, 1914, 3598 ft. (1097 m.)

FVS: May 28, 1914

Layia glandulosa (Hook.) Hook. & Arn., White Layia, Whitedaisy Tidytips

Rare in open, sunny areas with loose soil, on the montane side

LACo.: From 1397 (426 m.), at Big Tujunga Cyn., F.W. Peirson, Mar. 30, 1919, to 8000 ft. (2439 m.), s.e. of Dawson Saddle, S. side of Angeles Crest Hwy. (Hwy. 2), LeRoy Gross & Michael Denslow, June 4, 2003; Feb-July; fairly common in transmontane, rare in montane & cismontane

FVS: Apr. 1, 1902, H.M. Hall, Mescal Cr., s. side of Mohave Desert, 4497 ft. (1371 m.)

SBCo.: From 1499 ft. (457 m.), at end of Haven Ave., n. of Chaffey College, D.A. Young, May 25, 1969, to 7760 ft. (2366 m.), upper Lytle Cr., 2 miles n.w. of Gobler’s Knob, 300 meters n. of Pacific Crest Trail, R.G. Swinney, July 9, 1993; Mar.-July; uncommon at transmontane & Cajon Pass, montane at Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge & Goblers Knob (R.G. Swinney), cismontane at mouth of Lytle Cr., I.M. Johnstone, May 15, 1920, no elev. given

FVS: May 16, 1903, Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, 3802 ft. (1159 m.)

Layia heterotricha (DC.) Hook., Pale-Yellow Layia

LACo.: Anstruther Davidson & Hesse, San Gab. Mts., Big Rock Cr., June 2, 1906, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Layia platyglossa (Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) A. Gray,Coastal Tidytips

(synonyms: L. platyglossa ssp. campestris and L. platyglossa ssp. breviseta)

LACo.: base of west slope of Carson Mesa, 100 meters e. of Angeles Forest Hwy., c. 0.3 miles s. of I-14 Frwy., June 1, 2010, ______, Uncommon (not yet verified, not yet posted on Consortium)

Other records:

H.L. Cogswell, w. slope near bottom of small valley, 2/3 miles n. of San Dimas, Foothill Co. Park (base of San Gab. Mts.), Plot 2, May 8, 1951, 1499 ft. (457 m.); R.F. Thorne & A.C. Gibson, Fish Cyn., May 22, 1971, 1100 ft. (335 m.); Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Ramsey, Foothill Blvd., w. of San Gabriel Bridge, Mar. 4, 1940, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, hill w. of Arroyo Seco-San Gab. Mts., Mar. 27, 1919, 1397 ft. (426 m.); R.F. Thorne & H.C. Gibson, Fish Cyn., May 22, 1971, 1000 ft. (305 m.); H.P.C., Claremont, May 3, 1897, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

FVS: May 3, 1897

SBCo.: H.M. Hall, Rialto to mouth of Lytle Cr. Cyn., San Antonio Mts., June 1-3, 1900, 2496 ft. (751 m.)

Lepidospartum latisquamum S. Watson, Nevada Broomsage

rare from Cajon Pass, near Lone Pine Cyn., & Sheepcreek, to Swarthout Valley, w. of Wrightwood

LACo.: Seven records from Swarthout Valley from 6 different collectors, between Wrightwood & Big Pines, several say near sawmill; July-Sep.; 1923-1967; 6498-6569 ft. (1981-2026 m.)

FVS: Sep. 1, 1923, P.A. Munz, Saw Mill, Swartout Valley, 6645 ft. (2026 m.)

SBCo.: s.w. base of Circle Mt., in Horse Cyn., July 9, 1995 & Aug. 31, 1993, 5800-5880 ft. (1768-1793 m.)

Other records:

Seven records from Sheep Creek, Apr.-Oct., 5248-5497 ft. (1600-1676 m.);

John A. Adams, Wrightwood, Sep. 23, 1967; Randall T. Schuh et. al., e. of Wrightwood on Route 2, two km. west of Rt. 138; Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, Aug. 19, 1824, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Aug. 19, 1824, Marcus Jones, Cajon Pass

Lepidospartum squamatum (A. Gray) A. Gray, Scale-broom, California Broomsage

Toxic to livestock but unpalatable.

LACo.: From 670 ft. (204 m.) at San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, Azusa/Duarte, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 30, 2008, to 6248 ft. (1905 m.) at Big Rock Creek near Vincent Gap, B.C. Templeton, Aug. 26, 1932; all year; common in dry areas; transmontane, montane at Cabin Flats, Prairie Fk., cismontane

FVS: Sep. 20, 1903, C.F. Baker, San Antonio Cyn., near Claremont, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 1300 ft. (396 m.) n.w. of Claremont in alluvium, Nov. 21, 1944, Lyman Benson, to 5497 ft. (1676 m.) at Lone Pine Cyn., Oct. 23, 1931, C.B. Wolf; Feb.-Nov.; common in dry areas; transmontane, montane margin at Lone Pine Cyn., 1.5 miles from summit of rd. to Swartout Valley, C.B. Wolf, Oct. 23, 1931, 5497 ft. (1676 m.), cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Sep. 1, 1923, P.A. Munz, Sheep Cr., San Antonio Mts., 3998 ft. (1219 m.)

+Leptosyne bigelovii (A. Gray) A. Gray, Bigelow’s Coreopsis, Bigelow’s Tickseed

[synonym: Coreopsis bigelovii (A. Gray) Voss]

LACo.: From 3200 ft. (966 m.) at Little Rock Cr., F.W. Peirson, May 19,1921 and at Littlerock Cr., c. 200 m. below (n. of) Litlerock Cr. Dam, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 24, 2009, to 8000 ft. (2439 m.), s.e. of Dawson Saddle, s. side of Angeles Crest Hwy. (Hwy. 2), LeRoy Gross & Michael Denslow, June 4, 2003; Apr-June; fairly common; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 2, 1906, H.E. Hasse & A. Davidson, Rock Creek, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 3400 ft. (1037 m.), at foothills near Cajon Pass, n.w. of jct. of l-15/ St. Hwy. 138, c. 1 air mile w. of I-15, 1 air mile n. of State Hwy. 138, S.D. White, May 13, 2000, to 6140 ft. (1872 m.), near summit of peak s.e. of Oak Springs Ranch, s. of Pinon Hills, R.G. Swinney, May 27, 1996; Mar.-June; uncommon; transmontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Apr. 1, 1885, S.B. & W.F. Parish, Cajon Pass, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary) or May 16, 1903, Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. region, Cajon Pass, 3802 ft. (1159 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Leptosyne californica Nutt., California Tickseed

[synonyms: Coreopsis californica (Nutt.) H.K. Sharsm. and Coreopsis californica (Nutt. H.K. Sharsmith var. califronica,

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: F.T. Ralph, 9.0 miles e. of jct. with rd. to Valyermo and Big Pines, e. of Pearblossom, 0.6 miles w. of jct. with rd. to Victorville, Apr. 1, 1960, no elev. given; T.S. Ross, Fort Tejon Rd., 0.1 miles w. of its jct. with Hwy. 138 (& hiking +/- S. to SSW), c. 0.25-3.0 miles w. of county line, Apr. 27, 1992, 3880-3 ft.

(1183 m.); P.A Munz, Cobal Cyn., n. of Claremont, Mar. 16, 1925, 1700 ft.

(518 m.); I.M. Johnston, San Gabriel Mts. region, above Claremont, Mar. 29, 1917, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, 3.2 miles s. of Hwy. 138, along Grandview Cyn. Rd., Apr. 20, 1973, 4200 ft. (1280 m.); F.W. Peirson, San Anita Wash, s. base of San Gab. Mts., Apr. 26, 1920, 700 ft. (213 m.); Thekla Mohr, Eaton Cyn., Apr. 1897, no elev. given; H.P.C., Leslie Cyn., Claremont, Mar. 11, 1897, 51797 ft. (548 m.)

FVS: Mar. 11, 1897

SBCo.: F.W. Peirson, San Gab. Mts., w. of Lytle Cr., Apr. 16, 1919, no elev. given; S.B. Parish, summit Cajon Pass, Apr. 12, 1919, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 12, 1919

+Leptosyne calliopsidea (DC.) A. Gray, Leafstem Tickseed

[synonym: Coreopsis calliopsidea (DC.) A. Gray]

LACo.: H.& M. Dearing, Little Rock Cr., Apr. 9, 1933, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, Walter Wisura, et al., Grassy slopes above Little Rock Cr., below dams, Apr. 20, 1982, 3200 ft. (976 m.); F.W. Peirson, roadside, near Little Rock, May 13, 1917, no elev. given

FVS: May 13, 1917

SBCo.: No records found.

+Leptosyne douglasii DC., Douglas Tickseed

[synonym: Coreopsis douglasii (DC.) H.M. Hall]

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Live Oak Cyn., Apr. 16, 1933, 1400 ft. (427 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Cobal Cyn., May 13, 1933, 1600 ft. (488 m.); M.N. Ackley, Little Rock, May 8, 1926, 2998 ft. (914 m.) (possibly n. of San Gab.. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 8, 1926

SBCo.: No records found.

Lessingia glandulifera A. Gray, Valley Lessingia

LACo.: Graham Cyn., south of Mescal Highlands, June 28, 1999, 4940 ft.

(1506 m.); Big John Flat, n. edge, June 18, 1999, 5419 ft. (1652 m.);

Other records: None found.

FVS: June 18, 1999

SBCo.: Baldy Mesa, June 26, 1995, 4040 ft. (1232 m.); Cucamonga, meadow,c. 0.5 mi. s.e. of Mouth of Day Cyn., Aug. 25, 1994, 2400 ft. (732 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Aug. 25, 1994

Lessingia glandulifera A. Gray var. glandulifera, Sticky Lessingia, Valley Lessingia

[synonyms: L. lemmonii A. Gray var. lemmonii and L. glandulifera var. ramulosissima (A. Nelson) Ferris]

LACo.: From 1099 ft. (335 m.) at San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, L.C. Wheeler, Nov 26, 1933, to 6245 ft. (1904 m.) at Big Pine Park, Clare B. Hardham, Aug. 28, 1936; May-Oct.; uncommon; all 3 sections

Additional records:

Claremont: N.R. Shaw, Claremont, June 19, 1900; L.R. Abrams, July 1901; E.D. Palmer, June 1, 1902; C.F. Baker & Edward L. Greene, Aug 1, 1903; L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 1, 1931; Lyman Benson, Oct. 31, 1948

San Gabriel Cyn. Wash: L.R. Abrams, July 5, 1902, near power house; L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 26, 1933; Henry J. & Mrs. H.J. Ramsey, Aug. 19, 1937

FVS: July 5, 1902, L.R. Abrams, near power house, San Gabriel Cyn.

SBCo.: From 2700 ft. (823 m.) at mouth of Day Cyn. R.F. Thorne, July 7, 1971, to 6901 ft. (2104 m.) at upper Lytle Creek Ridge, Goblers Knob, R.G. Swinney, June 29, 1993; June-Oct.; uncommon-fairly common; transmontane, montane, cismontane at c. 0.5 miles s.e. of mouth of Day Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 25, 1994, 2401 ft. (732 m.), Cajon Pass

FVS: Sep. 27, 1927, R. Hoffman, Cajon Pass, no elev. given (possibly e. of San Gab. Mts. Boundary)

Logfia depressa (A. Gray) Holub, Herba Limpia, Dwarf Cottonrose

(synonym: Filago depressa A. Gray)

LACo.: Mescal Highlands, 1 mi. s. of Ft Tejon Rd. May 16, 1998, 4289-4420 ft. (1305-1348 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. Calif. Transmission line tower (Seg. 6, structure 23 per TRTP Survey 2008), vic. of Aliso Cyn., w. of Angeles Forest Hwy., Apr. 16, 2008, 3746 ft. (1142 m.); T.S. Ross, Fort Tejon Rd., 0.1 mi. w. of jct. with State Hwy 138, Apr. 27, 1991, 3880-3950 ft. (1183-1296 m.)

FVS: Apr. 27, 1991

SBCo.: No records found.

Logfia filaginoides (Hook. & Arn.) Morefield, California Cottonrose

(synonyms: Filago californica Nutt. and Logfia californica (Nutt.) Holub,

Common in dry, open places

LACo.: From 581 ft. (177 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., between I-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd., Azusa/Irwindale, 200-300 meters e. of San Gabriel River Channel, R.G. Swinney, Feb. 20, 2009, to 4200 ft. (1280 m.), at Kitter Cyn., slopes w. of main cyn., Orlando Mistretta, Par (Mar.-added 2011) 28, 1995; Feb.- June; fairly common; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: 1918, F.W. Peirson, foothills of Rubio Cyn., 1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: From 2247 ft. (685 m.) at Cucamonga Creek Percolation Basin, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 30, 1994, to 3734 ft. (1384 m.) at Ralston Pk., R.G. Swinney, July 8, 1995; Apr.-July; uncommon; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 15, 1968, L.C. Wheeler, Spring Hill, San Antonio Cyn., 4000 ft.

(1219 m.)

Logfia gallica (L.) Coss. & Germ., Daggerleaf or Narrowleaf Cottonrose

(synonym: Filago gallica L.)

Native to Europe.

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.) at San Gabriel Cyn. Wash & the I-210 Frwy., R.G. Swinney, Feb. 20, 2009, to 3220 ft. (951 m.), vic. of Wilson Cyn. Saddle, T.S. Ross & Walter Appleby, May 20, 1993; Apr.-June, Oct.; common in dry, waste places and burns; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 27, 1934, L.C. Wheeler, Liveoak Cyn., 1601 ft. (488 m.)

SBCo.: Although only 2 records were found, perhaps uncommon in waste, dry areas and burns.

ridgetop n.w. of Grande Ciello Buffalo Ranch, w. of Cajon Wash ,s. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., June 1, 1996, 3760 ft. (1146 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, Sycamore Flat, 1/8 mi. e. of Sycamore Fire Station, June 5, 1971

FVS: June 5, 1971

Luina serpentina Cronquist, Creeping Silverback

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: M. Peterson, Lost Lake (dry lakeside), July 13, 1972, 3096 ft. (944 m.)

Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl., (Leafy) Common Madia

[synonyms: M. elegans ssp. densifolia and M. elegans ssp. elegans and M. elegans ssp. vernalis and M. elegans ssp. wheeleri] All 4 synonyms listed below and indented.

LACo.: Dieter H.Wilton, near Mt. Gleason Summit, w. of Mill Cr.Summit, July 15, 1967, 6498 ft. (1981 m.); Frank W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., Aug. 16, 1908, 4398 ft. (1341 m.); Sott D. White & Chris Huntley, Mt. Gleason, Sep. 30, 2008, 6501 ft. (1982 m.); J.H. Barber, summit of Mt. Gleason, July 11, 1897, no elev. given

FVS: July 11, 1897

SBCo.: I.M. Johnston, head of S. Fork of Lytle Cr., San Antonio Mts., July 15, 1917, 5996 ft. (1828 m.); I.M. Johnston, Day Cyn., San Antonio Mts., June 15, 1917, 2749 ft. (838 m.)

FVS: June 15, 1917

Synonym Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl. ssp. densifolia (Greene) Keck, Leafy Common Madia, Showy Tarweed

LACo.: 0.2 mi. s.w. of jnct. of Mt. Baldy Rd. with Glendora Mt. Road, Aug. 23, 1994; Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn., upper area of Dunn Cyn. Trail, May, 12, 2003, 1700 ft. (518 m.)

Other records:

San Antonio Cyn.: Frank W. Peirson, Aug. 16, 1918 & Sep. 17, 1920, 4398 ft. (1341 m.); Frank W. Peirson, at co. line, June 5, 1919, 4400 ft.,

(141 m.); C.F. Baker Aug. 2, 1903, no elev. given

LC. Wheeler, foothills e. of Palmer Cyn., Sep. 1, 1931, 2000 ft. (609 m.)

FVS: Aug. 2, 1903, C.F. Baker, San Antonio Cyn., near Claremont

SBCo.: I.M. Johnston, Day Cyn., July 15, 1917, 2749 ft. (838 m); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, San Antonio Cyn., July 2, 1967, 4450 ft. (1356 m.); I.M. Johnston, mouth of Cucamonga Cyn., Aug. 8, 1915, 2000 ft. (610 m.)(also det. as M. elegans ssp. elegans)

FVS: Aug. 8, 1915

Synonym Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl. ssp. elegans, Common Madia

LCo.: D.L. Crawford, Mts. above Claremont June 30, 1915, 4000 ft. (1219 m.);

Orlando Mistretta, Mt. Gleason Management Unit, Mt. Gleason, Aug. 20, 1992, no elev. given; J.C. Roos, Mirror Lake, San Antonio Cyn., boundary between Los Angeles & San Antonio Cyn., (?-added 2011) July 18, 1937, no elev. given

FVS: June 30, 1915, D.L. Crawford, mt. above Claremont, 4000 ft. (1219 m.)

SBCo.: Lymon Benson, 1 mi. s.w. of Camp Baldy drainage area, June 5, 1945, 3500 ft. (1066 m.); R.F. Thorne et. al., San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 7, 1971, 4700 ft. (1432 m.)

FVS: Aug. 8, 1915, I.M. Johnston, mouth of Cucamonga Cyn., 2000 ft. (610 m.)

[also det. as M. elegans ssp. densifolia (Greene) Keck]

Synonym Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl. ssp. vernalis D.D. Keck, Spring Madia

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn., 0.9 mi. E. of Glendora Mt. Rd. at Big Dalton Cyn. Rd. (Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park-added 2010) May 10, 1989,1378 ft. (420 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: R.S., Woglum, Spring Hill, Apr. 27, 1940;

Synonym *Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl. ssp. wheeleri (A. Gray) D.D. Keck, Wheeler’s Tarweed

LACo.: Tim Ross, just e. of millitary Reservation near summit of Mt. Gleason, July 16, 1992, 6235 ft. (1901 m.)T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Mt. Gleason area, north-northeasterly ridge descending from Messenger Peak, May 23, 1990, (6015 ft.), on the watershed divide between Mill Cyn. & Moody Cyn., May 23, 1990, 5000 ft. (1524 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Antonio Cyn., Aug. 16, 1931, 3000 ft. (915 m.)

FVS: Aug. 16, 1931

SBCo.: Upper San Sevaine Flats, c. 200 m. w. of jnct. of 1N34D with 1N34, July 16, 1993, 5540 ft. (1689 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, lower & upper San Sevaine Flat, July 10, 1925; L.C. Wheeler, San Antonio Cyn., Aug. 16, 1931, 3000 ft. (915 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Grape Vine Cyn., off Lytle Creek, Nov. 4, 1967, 4500 ft. (1371 m.); I.M. Johnston, head of S. Fork Lytle Creek, July 15, 1917, 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

FVS: July 15, 1917

Madia exigua (Sm.) A. Gray, Threadstem Madia, Small Tarweed

Often confused with Hemizonella minima (A. Gray) A. Gray.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Sunset Ridge by Millard Cyn., n. side, n.e. of Coulter Reservoir, June 16, 1967, 2100 ft. (640 m.); K.H.B., trail to Cattle Cyn., SDEF, May 14, 1940, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Fish Cyn., May 21, 1923, 3000 ft. (914 m.); F.W. Peirson, W. Fork San Gabriel Cyn., June 21, 1921, 2000 ft.

(609 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Live Oak Cyn., June 4 1932, 1700 ft., (518 m.); F.W. Peirson, Henniger Flats, May 26, 1918, 2847 ft. (868 m.)

FVS: May 26, 1918

SBCo.: No records found.

Madia glomerata Hook., Mountain Tarweed

LACo.: BC. Templeton W. Blue Ridge, Big Pines Park, June 6, 1933, 6849 ft. (2088 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Madia gracilis (Sm.) D.D. Keck, Gumweed, Slender Tarweed, Grassy Tarweed

LACo.: From 1161 ft. (354 m.), at Glendora, 150 meters e. of Big Dalton Cyn. Flood ControlChannel in Wren Cyn., along Wren-Meacham Trail, R.G. Swinney, July 7, 1998, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at 0.8 miles s.e. of jct. of Pine Mt. Ridge & Fish Fk. Trail, R.G. Swinney, July 21, 1998; May-Aug.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: May 24, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Palmer’s Cyn., Claremont, 2398 ft.

(732 m.)

SBCo.: Rare in cismontane dry areas, sometimes in disturbed soil

Lytle Creek Cyn., 2 mi. n. of San Sevaine Rd. near the Hitching Ranch, July 14, 1993, 3100 ft. (948 m.); Frankish Pk., Aug. 7, 1996, 5000 ft. (1524 m.)

Other records:

R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, above Baldy Village, San Antonio Cyn., July 2, 1967,

4450 ft. (1356 m.); F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., June 5, 1919, 4400 ft.

(1341 m.); I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Cyn., Aug 8, 1918, 2000 ft. (610 m.)

FVS: Aug. 8, 1918

Madia sativa, Molina, Coast Tarweed

LACo.: Ira W. Clokey & B. Templeton, Big Pines Park, June 1, 1932, 6849 ft. (2088 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Malacothrix californica DC., California Desertdandelion

LACo.: John Macdonald, along Big Pines Hwy., c. ½ mile s.e. of Jackson Lake, c. 2.5 meters n.w. of jct. with Angeles Crest Hwy., June 28, 2005, 4100 ft.

(1250 m.); Thos. Craig, near Little Rock Dam, Mojave Desert slope of San Gab. Mts., June 19, 1927, no elev. given

FVS: June 19, 1927

SBCo.: No records found.

Malacothrix clevelandii A. Gray, Cleveland’s Desertdandelion

LACo.: From 1499 ft. (457 m.), at San Dimas Cyn., P.A. Munz & R.D. Harwood, May 2, 1920, to 4995 ft. (1523 m.), at Mt. Lowe, unknown, June 10, 1906; Apr.- July; rare; transmontane, cismontane

Other records - partial:

R.G. Swinney, 2.1 mi. s.w. of Hwy 39 (at Rincon Station) on Rincon -Redbox Rd.; P.A. Munz, San Gabriel Cyn.; Anstruther Davidson, San

Gabriel Cyn.; T.S. Ross, San Antonio Cyn., upper n. side of Hog Back; L.C. Wheeler, Bell Cyn.; L.C. Wheeler, n. side of ridge n. of Cascade Cyn., San Antonio Cyn.; Orlando Mistretta, Cow Cyn., saddle to 2nd. main drainage; F. W. Peirson, forks of San Gabriel River; F.W. Peirson, Fish Cyn.; T. Craif, Bear Cyn. Tr. to Mt. San Antonio; K.H.B. & S.R.T., Chapman Burn, SDEF

FVS: July 1883, Anstruther Davidson, Switzer’s Camp, no elev. given

SBCo.: ridgetop n.w. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch at Cajon Pass, lower Lytle Cr. Divide, June 1, 1996, 3000-3400 ft. (915-1037 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Divide, June 17, 1995, 3300-3600 ft. (1006-1098 m.); Baldy Mesa, 2.0 mi. n.e. of Hwy. 138 & Lone Pine Cyn. Rd. jnct., May 29, 1995, 3600 ft. (1098 m.); Ralston Pk., May 23, 1998, 4380 ft. (1335 m.)

Other records:

B.Pitzer, Cajon Pass area, mouth of Lone Pine Cyn., at Swarthout Cyn. Rd.; May 5, 1995, 2749 ft. (838 m.); Marcus Jones, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, 3800 ft.

(1159 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Lower Lone Pine Cyn. near jnct. of rd. to Cajon Jnct., June 26, 1969, 3690 ft. (1125 m.)

FVS: Mar. 29, 1901, S.B. Parish, below Cajon Pass, 2499 ft. (762 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Malacothrix coulteri Harv. & A. Gray, Snake’s Head

LACo.: Carr Cyn., 0.3 miles s.e. of Mt. Emma Rd. crossing, e. of Little Rock Cr., May 5, 2009, 3119 ft. (951 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: Marjorie Shaw, upper Cajon Pass, May, 1917 (this may be n.e. of the San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Malacothrix glabrata (A. Gray ex D.C. Eaton) A. Gray, Smooth Desertdandelion

LACo.: From 1600 ft. (488 m.), at San Gabriel Cyn., P.A. Munz, Apr. 23, 1925, to 7200 ft. (2195 m.), at trail from saddle to Mt. Williamson; Crystal Lake, LeRoy Gross & Michael Denslow, June 4, 2003; Mar.-July; uncommon; all 3 areas

FVS: June 1899, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

SBCo.: From 3500 ft. (1067 m.), at Lytle Cr., F.W. Peirson, May 19, 1920, to 6901 ft. (2104 m.), at w. side of Gobbler’s Knob, 1/3 way up from w. side, burn area of 1992; May-July; uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: May 19, 1920

Malacothrix saxatilis (Nutt.) Torr. & A. Gray, Cliff Desertdandelion

Vars. intergrade.

LACo.: Duarte, Van Tassel Cyn., 1.45 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., Encanto Dr./Fish Cyn. Dr., Nov 30, 2008, 669 ft. (204 m.); n. of Azusa, El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, Apr. 15, 2009, 971 ft. (296 m.); Duarte, lower Van Tassel Fire Rd., Van Tassel Cyn., Apr. 16, 2007, 1440 ft. (439 m.)

Other records:

Justin M. Wood & Brandy Wood, Evey Cyn., Trail to Potato Mt., Jan. 2, 2009, 2240 ft. (683 m.)

FVS: Apr. 16, 2007

SBCo.: Baldy Mesa Ridge, 7.5 miles e. of jct. of FS Road 3N24 and Baldy Mesa Ridge at terminus of FS Rd. 3N24 on Baldy Mesa Ridge

Other records: None found.

+Malacothrix saxatilis (Nutt.) Torr. & A. Gray var. saxatilis, Cliff Desertdandelion

Status: CRPR 4.2 S3.2 G5T3

LACo.: R. Aguayo, 13.5 miles n. of l-210 in Azusa on State Hwy. 39 to gated rd. along W. Fork San Gabriel River, 1.1 miles w. of gate, May 22, 1922, no elev. given

SBCo.: Baldy Mesa Ridge, 7.5 mi. e. of jnct. of Rd. 3N24 & Baldy Mesa Ridge, on Baldy Mesa Ridge, June 26, 1995, 4400 ft. (1341 m.)

Other records: None found.

*Malacothrix saxatilis (Nutt.) Torr. & A. Gray var. tenuifolia (Nutt.) A. Gray, Cliff Desertdandelion

LACo.: From 1100 ft. (335 m.) +/_ 50 ft., at Big Tujunga Wash: Sunland-Tujunga Area; alluvial fan below San Gab. Mts., s.w. of I-210 Frwy., e. of Hansen Dam & n. of Wentworth St., Scott D. White, May 14, 1997, to 2400 ft. (731 m.), at Upper Winter Cr. Trail at San Olene Cyn., Valerie L. Soza & Kent Hughes, June 17, 1999; May-July; fairly common; montane, cismontane

FVS: May 3, 1920, F.W. Peirson, Big Tujunga Wash, 1099 ft. (335 m.)

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, Larry E. DeBuhr, et al., due s. of Lost Lake & near Blue Cut, Oct. 13, 1972, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth et al., 1 mile n.w. of Lost Lake, where Lone Pine Cyn. Rd. crosses Lone Pine Cr., June 29, 1972, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., 1 mile n.w. of Lost Lake where Lone Pine Cyn. Road crosses Lone Pine Cr., June, 19, 1972, 2998 ft. (914 m.)

FVS: June 19, 1972

Matricaria discoidea DC., Pineapple Weed, Rayless Chamomile, Disc Mayweed

[synonyms: Chamomilla suaveolens (Pursh) Rydb. and M. matricarioides (Less.) Porter, misappl.]

Native to n.w. N. America, n.e. Asia.

LACo.: LaVerne, Marshall & Live Oak Cyns., Apr. 13, 1998, 1801 ft. (549 m.); Littlelrock Cr., c. 200 m. below (north of) Littlerock Cr. Dam, Apr. 24, 2009,

3159 ft. (963 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Sycamore Flat Cmpgrd., Big Rock Cr., May 3, 1967, 4300 ft.

(1311 m.)

FVS: May 3, 1967

SBCo.: Upland, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 4, 1998, 2450 ft. (747 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, June 12, 1968, 3400 ft. (1037 m.)

FVS: June 12, 1968

Micropus californicus Fisch. & C.A. Mey., Q-tips, False Cotton Seed

[synonym: Bombycilaena californica (Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Holub]

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Wrightwood, 1.7 miles s. w. of jct. of Oak Spring Ranch Rd. (Desert Frontage Rd.) and Hwy. 2, e. of Sheep Cr., c. 120 meters n. of Hwy. 2, May 28, 1995, 5599 ft. (1707 m.)

Other records: None found.

Micropus californicus Fisch & C.A. Mey. var. californicus, Cottontop, Slender Cottonweed, Q-Tips, False Cotton Seed

[synonym: Bombycilaena californica (Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Holub var. californica]

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Spring Hill, San Antonio Cyn., May 15, 1968, 4002 ft. (1220 m.) (This is probably e. of the county line in SB. Co.); L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., May 18, 1967, 1699 ft. (518 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Antonio Cyn., below Hogback, May 28, 1932, 4200 ft. (1280 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Palmer Cyn., Apr. 17, 1934, 1673 ft. (510 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Live Oak Cyn., Apr. 15, 1934, 1601 ft. (488 m.)

FVS: Apr. 15, 1934

SBCo.: w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Hwy 138, c. 1 mile SSW of Cajon Jct., off FS Road 3N49, Apr. 29, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records: None found.

+Monolopia lanceolata Nutt., Common Hillside Daisy or Monolopia

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, low hill near entrance to Tujunga Cyn., Mar. 30, 1919,

1299 ft. (396 m.); F.W. Peirson, Tujunga Cyn., (low hill at foot) Mar. 28, 1920,

1499 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: Mar. 28, 1920

SBCo.: No records found.

Monoptilon bellidiforme Torr. & A. Gray ex A. Gray, Daisy Desertstar

LACo.: sandy deserts & washes

near Pinon Hills, Mescal Highlands, Graham Cyn., 1.7 mi. n. of Panorama Way, 0.6 mi. s. of Ft. Tejon Rd., May 16, 1998, 4000 ft. (1220 m.)

Other records: R.F. Thorne & G.C. Wallace, Ft. Tejon Rd. near jnct. with Longview Rd., c. 3 miles s. of Pearblossom Rd. Apr. 24, 1973, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, 3.2 mi. s. of Hwy 138 along Grandview Cyn. Road, Apr. 20, 1973, 4200 ft. (1280 m.)

FVS: Apr. 20, 1973

SBCo.: No records found.

Nicolletia occidentalis A. Gray, Mojave Hole-in-the-sand Plant

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Thos. Craig, near Little Rock Dam, June 19, 1927, no elev. given; Anstrutner Davidson, Little Rock Cr., Oct. 1, 1897

FVS: Oct. 1,1897

SBCo.: No records found.

Osmadenia tenella Nutt., Osmadenia, False Rosinweed

[synonym: Calycadenia tenella (Nutt.) Torr. & A.Gray]

s.w. CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Glendora, 0.5 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., at e. end of Highcrest,

1151 ft. (351 m., May 10, 1969, in burn area of 1968-Johnston Peak Fire-added 2011)

Other records:

Fordyce Grinnell Jr., Arroyo Seco near Pasadena, May 5, 1910, 1197 ft.

(365 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Live Oak Cyn., June 4, 1932, 1700 ft. (518 m.); Lyman Benson, Webb School above Claremont, May 23, 1957, 1597 ft. (487 m.); L.A. Greata, N. Pasadena, Arroyo Seco (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary);

Minnie Reed, Claremont, San Gab. Mts., Aug. 22, 1895

FVS: Aug. 22, 1895

SBCo.: No records found.

+Packera bernardina (Greene) W.A. Weber & A. Love, San Bernardino Ragwort

(synonym: Senecio bernardinus Greene)

Status CNPS List: 1B R-E-D Code: 2-2-3 State/Fed. Status: /C2

CRPR: 1B.2 S2.2 G2

LACo.: Fultz, San Gabriel Mts. Region, Top Tehunga Pass (Tujunga-added 2011), no elev. given.

SBCo.: No records found.

+Packera ionophylla (Greene) W.A. Weber. & A. Love, Tehachapi Butterweed or Ragwort

(synonym: Senecio ionophyllus Greene )

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G3

LACo.: From 4497 ft. (1371 m.), at Big Rock Cr., July 6, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, July 6, 1803, to 8750 ft. (2666 m.), just n. of summit of Mt. Hawkins on saddle between Hawkins & Throop Pk., R.F. Thorne, Aug. 25, 1971; May-Aug.; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 6, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., 4497 ft. (1371 m.)

SBCo.: From 4999 ft. (1524 m.), at Cascade Cyn., (Fk. of San Antonio Cyn., I.M. Johnston, June 23, 1918, to 7747 ft. (2362 m.), at head of Prairie Fk., San Gabriel River, I.M. Johnston, Aug. 24, 1917; June-Aug.; rare; transmontane at ridge n.e. of Table Mt., Pinon Hills area, montane

FVS: June 1-3, 1900, H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 5596 ft. (1828 m.)

+Pentachaeta aurea Nutt., Golden-rayed Pentachaeta, Golden Chaetopappa

(synonym: Chaetopappa aurea (Nutt.) D.D. Keck)

LACo.: Anonym., San Dimas meadow, May 11, 1943, SDEF, no elev. Given; Samuel R. Tyson, San Dimas Cyn., Apr. 24, 1942, 1499 ft. (457 m.);

L.C. Wheeler, E. side San Dimas Cyn., near Dam, June 6, 1936, 1500 ft.

(457 m.); Jerome S. Horton, 1/4 mi. s.e. of San Dimas Res., May 7, 1936,

1597 ft. (487 m.)

FVS: May. 7, 1936

SBCo.: No records found.

Pleiacanthus spinosus (Nutt.) Rydb., Thorn Skeletonweed

[synonyms: Lygodesmia spinosa Nutt. and Stephanomeria spinosa (Nutt.) S. Tomb, Thorn Skeleton Weed]

LACo.: From 7000 ft. (2134 m.), at summit of Table Mt. above Big Pines Ranger Station, R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, July 9, 1969, to 8295 ft. (2529 m.), at summit of Blue Ridge, 3 miles e. of Big Pines, Swartout Valley, F.W. Peirson, Aug. 31, 1923; July-Sep.; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 5, 1922, F.W. Peirson, summit of Blue Ridge, Swartout Valley, 7997 ft. (2438 m.)

SBCo.: No records found. 2 listed in CCH under SB County for Blue Ridge (LA Co.)

Pluchea odorata (L.) Cass. var. odorata, Saltmarsh Fleabane, Sweetscent

LACo.: LeRoy Gross, Tujunga Ponds, w. of I-210 Frwy. in Big Tujunga Wash, City of Sunland, Sep. 20, 1998, 1200 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Pluchea sericea (Nutt.) Coville, Arrow Weed

LACo.: Dr. A. Davidson, Wilsons Pk., June 1892, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Pseudognaphalium beneolens (Davidson) Anderb., Fragrant Everlasting, Wright’s Cudweed

[synonyms: Gnaphalium canescens DC. ssp. beneolens (Davidson) Stebbins & Keil; and Gnaphalium beneolens Davidson and P. canescens (DC.) W.A. Weber ssp. beneolens (Davidson) Kartesz]

LACo.: From 2401 ft. (732 m.), at Glendora Ridge Mtwy., 0.5 miles n. of Glendora Mt. Rd., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 5, 1989, to 8279 ft. (2524 m.), at Dawson Pk. Ridge Trail at far n.e. trib. of Upper Fish Fk., San Gabriel River, 1.3 miles w. of Dawson Pk., R.G. Swinney, Sep. 7, 1998; Mar., June, Sep.; rare; all 3 sections

FVS: Sep. 28, 1938, J. Horton, Tanbark Flats, 2696 ft. (822 m.)

SBCo.: Ball Flat, Sep. 6, 1997, 6150-6200 ft. (1875-1890 m.); 1.6 mi. w. of well at San SeVaine Flats, July 21, 1993, 6000 ft. (1829 m.); Stoddard Flats,

July 24, 1995, 4480 ft. (1365 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Lost Lake Sep 16, 1967, 2800 ft. (853 m.)

FVS: Sep. 16, 1967

Pseudognaphalium bioletti Anderb., Two-color Rabbit-tobacco

(synonyms: Gnaphalum bicolor Bioletti and P. bicolor (Bioletti) Anderb.

CA & Baja Ca, Mex.

LACo.: From 500 + ft. (152 m.), at San Gabriel Wash, at Azusa, I.M. Johnston, Jan 1, 1920, to 3496 ft. (1066 m.), at e.-facing ridge near Hogees Cmpgrd. on Winter Cr., above Chantry Flat in Santa Anita Cyn., C.R. Parks, Sep. 2, 1963; Jan.-June, Sep., Oct.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Jan. 26, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Rubio Cyn., s. base of San Gab. Mts.,

1752 ft. (534 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Pseudognaphalium cailfornicum (DC.) Anderb., California Everlasting, Ladies Tobacco

(synonym: Gnaphalium claifornicum DC.)

LACo.: From _40 ft. (256 m.), at San Gabriel Cyn., El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, w. bank of river, R.G. Swinney, May 30, 200_, to 4398 ft.

(1341 m.), at Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, n.e. of Punchbowl Rd., Sandrock Cr., north of Nature Center, R.G. Swinney, June 18, 2006; Mar.-Aug.; common; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Feb. 12, 1918, F.W. Peirson, field near foot of Lukens Trail, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 260_ ft. (795 m.), at w. side of Lytle Cr. Cyn. Rd., near Hitching Ranch, 200 meters n. of FS Rd. 2N79, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 25, 1993, to 6399 ft. (1951 m.), between “middle” & W. Fork of Coldwater Cyn., near jnct. of the 2 forks, R.G. Swinney, Aug 25, 1997; Apr.-Aug.; common; cismontane

FVS: Aug. 25, 1918

Pseudognaphalium canescens (DC.) W. A. Weber, Wright’s Cudweed, Everlasting

(synonyms: Gnaphalium canescens DC. and Pseudognaphallium canescens (DC.) W.A. Weber ssp. canescens and Gnaphalium canescens DC. ssp. canescens,

LACo.: Paul Neipp, w. of San Dimas Ranger Station on San Dimas Cyn. Road, May 5, 1994

SBCo.: Ball Flat, Aug. 7, 1996, 6150-6200 ft. (1875-1890 m.); 0.6 mi. w. of Cajon Jct., Apr 29, 1995, 3210 ft. (979 m.); Stoddard Flat, July 25, 1995, 54450-4480 ft. (1357-1365 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 25, 1995

Pseudognaphalium leucocephalum (A. Gray) Anderb., White-rabbit Tobacco, White Cudweed

[synonym: Gnaphalium leucocephalum (A. Gray) Anderb]

LACo.: Elizabeth Day Palmer, Arroyo Seco, Aug. 15, 1908, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: No records found.

Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum (L.) Hilliard & B.L. Burtt, Common Cudweed, Jersey Cudweed

[synonym: Gnaphalium luteoalbum L.)

Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: From 541 ft. (165 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., between Foothill Blvd. & I-210 Fwy., from main river channerl to 300 m. east, R.G. Swinney, Dec. 2, 2008, to 5600ft. (1707 m.), w. of Mt. Islip: just above e. boundary of San Gabriel Wilderness, c. 4 mi. closed section of Hwy. 39, from c. 1.6 miles w. of jct. of Crystal Lake access rd. to junction Hwy. 2, S.D. White & Dave Bramlet, June 29, 1998; Mar.-Aug., Oct.-Dec.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 28, 1946, L.C. Wheeler, Caldwell Lake, 5146 ft. (1569 m.)

SBCo.: s.w. of mouth of Lytle Cr. Cyn., 4.8-5.0 mi. w. of Lytle Cr. Rd. at Nealy’s Corner, Mar. 15, 1993, 1801 ft. (549 m.); Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to the w. of fishing lakes, Nov. 7, 2008, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

James Henrickson, 12 air mi. n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 mi. n. of I-15 Frwy.; L.C. Wheeler, Dustin Spring, head of E. Etiwanda Cyn., July 11, 1968, 5400 ft. (1645 m.)

FVS: July 11, 1968

Pseudognaphallium microcephalium (Nutt.) Anderb., White Everlasting, Wright’s Cudweed

[synonyms: Gnaphalium canescens DC. ssp. microcephalium (Nutt.) Stebbins & Keil and Gnaphalium microcephalum Nutt. and P. canescens DC. ssp. microcephalum (Nutt.) Stebbens & Keil]

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 840 ft. (256 m.), at 1.4 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., s. side of road at spring, 0.5 miles e. of San Gabriel Cyn. Inf. Station on Hwy. 39,

R.G. Swinney, Dec. 6, 2008, to 2801 ft. (854 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., along Mt. Baldy Rd. between Spruce Cyn. & “Hog Back”, Michael Honer, June 22, 2004; Mar., May, June, Sep., Dec.; rare-uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Jan. 26, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Rubio Cyn., 1797 ft. (548 m..)

SBCo.: lower Cajon Wash, Sep. 28, 1991, 2220 ft. (677 m.); Middle Fk. Lytle Creek, near Stone House Crossing, Sep. 26, 1992, 4600 ft. (1402 m.)

Other records:

Mark A Elvin & K. VinZant, s. face of Cucamonga Pk. along 1N34, just w. of Day Cr., Aug 25, 2006, 5740 ft. (1750 m.); R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist, Cienaga near Coldwater Fork of Lytle Cr., July 31, 1971, 7000 ft. (2133 m.); A.R. Roos, Lytle Creek Cyn., Nov. 8, 1922, 8000 ft. (2439 m.)

FVS: Nov. 8, 1922

Pseudognaphalium stramineum (Kunth.) Anderb., Cottonbatting Plant

(synonyms: Gnaphalium chilense Speng and G. chilense var. confertifolium Greene; and Gnaphalum stramineum Kunth)

LACo.: From 554 ft. (169 m.), at Azusa/Irwindale, between the I-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd. on w. side of San Gabriel River Channel, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 7, 2009, to 7200 ft. (2195 m.) at headwaters of Devils Cyn. , on s. side of Mt. Waterman, L.C. Wheeler, Aug. 9, 1967; Mar.-June, Aug.-Oct.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Sep. 1, 1904 , G.R. Hall, Swartout Cyn., 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

SBCo.: Lost Lake, Lone Pine Canyon., Oct. 19, 1991, 2781 (848 m.); Icehouse Cyn., c. 1 mile e. of parking lot, July 22, 1994, 1495 ft. (1805 m.); Clyde Ranch, Lone Pine Canyon, Aug. 25, 1994, 4920 ft. (1500 m.); Stoddard Flat, July 25, 1995, 4451 ft. (1357 m.); Cajon Wash & Lone Pine Canyon junction, Aug. 12, 1996, 2640 ft. (805 m.); Cajon Wash, c. 2.9 miles s.e. of Lone Pine llRd. & Hwy. 138, June 21, 1995, 2916 ft. (889 m.); Baldy Mesa, May 29, 1995, 3601 ft. (1098 m.); unnamed trib. of Cajon Wash, 2.7 miles n. of Devore Road., Aug. 2, 1993, 2598 ft. (792 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & C. W. Tilforth, 4 mi. ENE of Wrightwood (air miles), June 21, 1978, 4556 ft. (1389 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Meyer Cyn., off Lytle Cr., May 9,1968, 2300 ft. (701 m.)

FVS: May 9, 1968

Pseudognaphallium thermali (E.E. Nelson) G.L. Nesom, Wright’s Cudweed

[synonyms: Gnaphalium canescens DC. ssp. thermale (E.E. Nelson) Stebbins Keil and

Pseudognaphallium canescens (DC.) W.A. Weber ssp. thermale (E.E. Nelson) Kertesz,

LACo.: Ball Flat, Sep. 6, 1997, (6150 ft. 1875 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, s.w. side of Mt. Waterman, Aug. 24, 1967, 6700 ft. (2042 m.);

I.M. Jojhnston, N. Fk. San Antonio Cyn., dry ground under pines, July 28, 1917, 7495 ft. (2285 m.)

FVS: July 28, 1917

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist, cienaga near Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., July 31, 1971, 7000 ft. (2133 m.); I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., Aug. 21, 1917, 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

FVS: Aug. 21, 1917

Psilocarphus tenellus Nutt., Slender Woollyheads or Woollly-marbles

(synonym: P. tenellus var. tenellus)

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, e. side of Little Tujunga Cyn., 0.75 miles SSE of Herreres Ranch, May 4, 1969, 1801 ft. (549 m.); L.C. Wheeler, near mouth, e. side Little Tujunga near BM 1227, May 6, 1973, 1300 ft. (396 m.); Gary Kovnat & LeRoy Gross, Gold Cr. Ecological Preserve, S. Terrace W. Meadow Ecotone, Feb. 16, 2003, no elev. given. L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., May 18, 1967, 1948 ft.

(594 m.)

FVS: May 18, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

Rafinesquia californica Nutt., California Chicory, California Plumeseed

LACo.: From 899 ft. (274 m.), Fish Cyn., R.F. Thorne & A.C. Gibson, May 22, 1971, to 4540 ft. (1384 m.), at Pine Mt. n. of Azusa, R.G. Swinney, June 19, 2000; Apr.-July; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: June 4, 1918, F.W. Peirson, foothills e. of Rubio Cyn., (San Gab. Mts. near Altadena), 1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: Wolfskill Cyn. Falls, SDEF,with Dave Larson, May 15, 1999, 2001 ft. (610 m.); ridgetop n.w. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, c. 1 mi. w. of Cajon Wash, s. of Swarthout Cyn. Road, June 1, 1996, 3759 ft. (1146 m.); Pine Mt., n. of Azusa, June 19, 2000, 4540 ft. (1384 m.); Carr Cyn., 0.3 miles s.e. of Mt. Emma Rd. crossing, May 5, 2009, 3119 ft. (951 m.); Lower Monroe Cyn., SDEF, Apr. 30, 2008, 2785 ft. (549 m.); Punchbowl Cyn. at n. boundary of Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, confl. of east & west forks of Punchboowl Cyn., 0.3 miles s. of Big Rock Cr., May 5, 2008, 4120 ft. (1256 m.); Ralston Pk. Cajon Pass area, w. of I-215 in Cajon Wash, s. of Hwy. 138, e. of Lone Pine Cyn. Road, Jully 8, 1995, 4540 ft. (1384 m.); Frankish Pk., north of Upland, on summit, June 8, 1996, 4149 ft.

(1265 m.); May-July; 3759-4540 ft. (1146-1384 m)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, n.w. end of Muscupiabe, Glen Helen Regional Park, May 9, 1968, 2040 ft. (622 m.); R.F. Thorne, et. al., Grape Vine Springs, July 7, 1971, 4100 ft. (1250 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, un-named tributary draining ENE to Lone Pine Cyn., June 18, 1990, 3380-3480 ft. (1030 -1141 m.); Gerad L. Benny & Colin M. Wainwright, Day Cyn., May 24, 1961, 3096 ft. (944 m.)

FVS: May 24, 1961

Ratibida columnifera (Nutt.) Wooti & Standl., Upright Prairie Coneflower

[Ratibida columnaris (Pursh) D. Don var. pulcherirma (DC.) D.J.N. Hind]

Native to N. American prairies, British Columbia to Ontario, s. to Arizona, LA, n. Mexico.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Wright Lake, Wrightwood, Oct. 30, 2008, 6040 ft. (1841 m.)

Other records: None found.

Rigiopappus leptocladus A. Gray, Wireweed

LACo.: Mr. Gaines, Chilao Flats, May 10, 1940, no elev. given.

SBCo.: No records given.

Rudbeckia hirta L. var. pulcherrima Farw., Blackeyed Susan

Native in c. US.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: 100 m. n. of jnct. of San Antonio Falls Rd. & Mt. Baldy Rd., Aug. 23, 1994, 6000 ft. (1829 m.); Wright Lake, Aug. 12, 1996, 6040 ft. (1841 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Aug. 12, 1996

Santolina chamaecyparissus L., Lavender Cotton

Native to Europe.

LACo.: Kelly & David Middleton, Glendora Ridge Rd., 5.7 miles w. of Mt. Baldy Road jct., May 8, 1988, 4000 ft. (1200 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Senecio astephanus Greene, San Gabriel Ragwort

Status: CRPR 4.3 S3 G3

LACo.: Robert F. Thorne, Cortelyou Spring, July 2, 1969, 6796 ft. (2072 m.);

Samuel R. Tyson, w. end of 4100 ft. down to saddle of rd., San Dimas Experimental Forest, June 20 1944; F.W. Peirce, Lukens Pk. Trail, July 3, 1919, 2497 ft. (761 m.); Frank W. Peirson, near Inspiration Point (on Mt. Lowe), June 10, 1920, 4497 ft. (1371 m.); Anstruther Davidson, Mt. Wilson Trail, June 18, 1896, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, upper part of Mt. Wilson Trail (now Toll Rd.), no date, no elev. given

FVS: June, 18, 1896

SBCo.: Lower Lytle Cr. Divide, 2.8 mi. s.e. of Lytle Cr. Rd. & Applewhite Rd. jnct., on FS Road 3N31, June 17, 1995, 3600 ft. (1098 m.)

Other records: None found.

+Senecio californicus DC., California Ragwort

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, 3 miles NNE of Claremont, May 1, 1932, 1800 ft. (549 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Cobal Cyn., May 13, 1933, 1600 ft. (488 m.); F.W. Peirson, Big Tujunga Cyn., Mar. 30, 1919, 1348 ft. (411 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. Calif. transmission line corridor (Seg. 6, str. 73 per TRTP Survey 2008, W. Fork of San Gabriel River, Shortcut Cyn., May 15, 2008, 3936 ft.

(1200 m.); I.M. Johnson, above Claremont, Mar. 29, 1917, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 29, 1917

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Muscupiabe Hills between Lytle Wash & Cajon Wash, summit, s. end of w. north-south ridge, Mar. 6, 1968, 2300 ft. (701 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Meyer Cyn., off Lytle Cr., May 9, 1968, 2300 ft. (701 m.); I.W. Clokey & E.G. Anderson, w. of Cajon Pass, May 15, 1935, 3444 ft. (1050 m.); Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 16, 1903

Senecio flaccidus Less., Threadleaf Ragwort

LACo.: R.D. Goeden & J. Teernik, above Grandview Cyn., on Big Pines Hwy., July 16, 1996, 5773 ft. (1760 m.) (may not yet be det. to subspecific level)

SBCo.: Pilnon Hills, 1.2 miles s. of Hwy. 138, at Scrub Oak Rd., 1.8 miles w. of jct. of Hwy. 138 & Sheep Cr. Road, June 29, 1995, 4622 ft. (1409 m.)

Other records:

Adrian Wolf, Alluvial slope s. of mts., north of Hwy. 30 & just off Day Cr., Etiwanda Wash, May 9, 1997, 1670 ft. (518 m

FVS: June 29, 1995

Senecio flaccidus Less. var. douglasii (DC.) B.L. Turner & T.M. Barkley, Douglas’ Threadleaf Ragwort, Bush Senecio, Shrubby Butterweed

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

Fairly common throughout in dry areas

LACo.: From 580 ft. (177 m.) in lower San Gabriel Cyn. Wash at jct. with Foothill Blvd., V.V. Giles, July 5, 1936, to 7396 ft. (2255 m.) along Angeles Crest Hwy near jnct. with rd. to Blue Ridge Camp, R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Aug. 29, 1966; Jan.-Mar., May-Aug., Oct., Dec.; common; all 3 sections

FVS: May, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Millard Cyn.

SBCo.: From 1699 ft. (518 m.), n. of Hwy 30 & just e. of Day Cr., Etiwanda Wash, Adrian Wolf, May 9, 1997, to 4067 ft. (1524 m.) in San Antonio Cyn., Lyman Benson, Nov 23, 1944; all year; fairly common; transmontane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 13, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Lytle Creek Cyn., 4000 ft. (1220 m.)

Senecio flaccidus Less var. monoensis (Greene) B.L. Turner & T.M. Barkely, Smooth Threadleaf Ragwort

LACo.: June Latting, Bob’s Gap & Valyermo Rd., Oct. 6, 1976, 4100 ft.

(1250 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Big Rock Spring, imm. vicinity of Big Rock Cr., where crossed by Big Pines Hwy. (Valyermo Rd.), May 29, 1990, 3880-3920 ft. (1183 m.); I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk., San Antonio Mts., Aug. 23, 1917, 4995 ft. (1523 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Upper Big Tujunga Cyn. (c. 0.9-1.4 air- miles ENE of Barley Flats), June 8, 1990, 4198-4799 ft. (1280-1463 m.)

FVS: Aug. 23, 1917

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, side cyn. west of Cajon Cyn., near Ralston Pk., Sep. 6, 1968, 3100 ft. (945 m.); Joseph A. Ewan, near Devore, Cajon Pass, Oct. 17, 1930, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Oct. 17, 1930

Senecio triangularis Hook., Arrowleaf Ragwort

LACo.: Government Cyn., w. of Wrightwood, July 22, 1997, 6800-7200 ft. (2073-2195 m.); Columbine Spring, n. slope of Pine Mt. Ridge, July 14, 1998,

7200 ft. (2195 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnson, Fork of San Gabriel River, July 6, 1918, 7000 ft. (2133 m.);

F.W. Peirson, Praire Fork of San Gabriel River, July 17, 1921, 7000 ft. (2134 m.);

I.M. Johnston, Praire Fork of San Gabriel River, Aug. 22, 1917, 6996 ft.

(2133 m.); Zona, et. al.Mt. High Ski Resort, n. slopes of SG Mts., June 21, 1989,

6620-8160 ft. (2018-2487 m.)

FVS: Aug. 22, 1917

SBCo.: No records found.

Senecio vulgaris L., Common Groundsel, Old-man-in-the-spring

Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: From 540 ft. (165 m.) between I-210 Frwy. & Foothill Blvd, in San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, R.G. Swinney, Dec. 2, 2008, to 3998 ft. (1219 m.), at Opids Camp, West Fk. San Gabriel River, F.W. Peirson, Oct. 21, 1918; Feb.-June, Sep., Oct., Dec.; uncommon, mostly in disturbed areas; cismontane

FVS: June 1, 1906, Anstruther Davidson, San Gab. Mt. region

SBCo.: E. Fork of San Sevaine Cyn., 100 m. downstdream of 1st. major waterfall, c. 1 mi. due s. of Grapevine Spring, Apr. 4, 1997, 2650 ft. (808 m.); Glen Helen Regional Park, 0.5 mi. w. of Glen Helen Rd. at Forest Service Rd. 3N31, 2201 ft. (671 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Meyer Cyn., off Lytle Creek, Mar. 6, 1968, 2300 ft. (701 m.);

H. Tuma et. al., Old Cajon Pass Rd., 5.7 mi. s. of Old I-15, Apr. 25, 1982;

L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, Lytle Creek, July 13, 1967, 3500 ft. (1066 m.)

FVS: July 13, 1967

Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn., Blessed Milkthistle

Native to Medit.

LACo.: From 699 ft. (213 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel Cyn. wash, 0.1-0.5 mile w. of San Gabriel River Bike Path parking lot, at Azusa Cyn. Rd. (Hwy. 39), c. 0.6 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 17, 2009, to 2400 ft. (731 m.), Foster Ranch, Sycamore Cyn., s. slope Johnstone Pk., L.C. Wheeler, July 2, 1968; Mar.-May, July, Aug.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Mar. 21, 1968, L.C. Wheeler, Brown School for Girls, vic. of stables (Glendora, Church of the Open Door, west trib. to Hook Cyn.-added 2012),

1099 ft. (335 m.)

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Muscupiabe, 1/4 mile s. of Glen Helen Park, Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given; D.A. Young, n. end of Haven Ave., n. of Chaffey College in Deer Cyn., May 25, 1969, no elev. given; J.A. Adams, Lytle Cr. Rd., 0.25 mi. below Glenn Ranch, June 12, 1965, 4999 ft. (1524 m.)

FVS: June 12, 1965

+Solidago confinis A. Gray, Southern Goldenrod, Nevada Goldenrod

(synonym:s S. confinis A. Gray and S. spectabilis (D.C. Eaton) A. Gray var. confinis (A. Gray) Cronquist,

Rare throughout, confined to permanent seeps, springs, sag ponds, etc., normally well -developed grey-dark soil. All CPC records listed below:

LACo.: From 840 ft. (256 m.), at San Gabriel River Cyn., spring at 1.5 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave. on Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 29, 2008, to Government Cyn., w. of Wrightwood, 0.75 miles w. of co. line, at Hwy. 2, Blue Ridge Mt. Area, R.G. Swinney, July 22, 1997; July-Nov., uncommon; all 3 areas

FVS: Mar. 10, 1898, H.P.C., Claremont

SBCo.: 1 mi. e. of Lone Pine Cyn. Rd. on Swarthout Cyn. Road, 200 m. s. of rd., Oct. 22, 1991, 2960 ft. (912 m.); Confluence of Lone Pine Cyn. & Cajon Wash, Nov. 14, 1992, 2640 ft. (805 m.); Clyde Ranch, Lone Pine Cyn., Aug. 23, 1994, 4920 ft. (1500 m.); Alpine Cyn., Aug. 21, 1996, 7600 ft. (2317 m.); Bear Flats, July 25, 1996, 5600 ft. (1707 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, Cajon Wash tributary, wash s. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, w. side of Cajon Wash, June 22, 1995, 3200 ft. (976 m.); Middle Branch of W. Fk. Lytle Cr., Aug. 19, 1996, 7280 ft. (2220 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, foot of Holiday Hill Ski Lift, Sep. 17, 1967, 6550 ft. (1997 m.); Eugene Cardiff, Lytle Cr. Cyn., Aug. 30 1950, 3001 ft. (915 m.); L.C. Wheeler, N. Fk. Lytle Cr., Sep 6, 1967, 7000 ft. (2133 m.); Peter M. Ray, vic. Mt. San Antonio (Colujmbine Splring, Upper Teahouse Cyn., San Gab. Mts.), Sep. 14, 1949,

7196 ft. (2194 m.); I. M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk., Lytle Cr., Aug. 21, 1917,

6996 ft. (2133 m.)

FVS: Aug. 21, 1917

Solidago velutina DC., ssp. californica (Nutt.) Semple, Velvety Goldenrod, Threenerve Goldenrod

(synonym: S. californica Nutt.)

LACo.: From 1401 ft. (427 m.) in Big Dalton Cyn. at 1 mi. e. of Glendora Mt. Rd., R.G. Swinney, May 20, 1989, to 9118 ft. (2780 m.), at Throop Pk., w. of Mt. Baden-Powel, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 27, 2001; Mar.-Oct.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Sep. 1, 1913, Geo. L. Moxley,summit of Mt. Wilson

SBCo.: From 2401 ft. (732 m.) at meadow in Cucamonga, c. 0.5 mi. s.e. of mouth of Day Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 25, 1994, to 7560 ft. (2305 m.) at Baldy Bowl area, s. of Mt. Baldy E. Pk., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 22, 1995; June-Oct.; uncommon-fairly common; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Aug. 21, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk. Lytle Cr., 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

Sonchus asper (L.) Hill, Prickly or Spiny Sowthistle

[synonyms: S. asper ssp. asper and S. asper ssp. glaucescens (Jord.) J. Ball and S. nymanii Tineo & Guss]

Native to Europe. Much like S. oleraceus L.

LACo.: From 659 ft. (201 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 1 mile n. of Foothill Blvd., R.G. Swinney, Dec. 4, 2008, to 6600 ft. (2012 m.), at Little Fish Fk., Fish Fk. Camp, L.C. Wheeler, June 27, 1970; Apr.-Aug., Oct.-Dec.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Nov. 18, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, Middle Fk., Mill Cr., off Big Tujunga, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

SBCo.: Wright Lake, Aug. 12, 1996, 6040 ft. (1841 m.); Controversy Spring, upper Cajon Cnyn., Oct. 8k, 1993, 4600 ft. (1402 m.); Lost Lake, Oct. 19, 1991, 2780 ft. (848 m.); Lone Pine Cnyn., 0.5 m,. w. of Clyde Ranch., June 22, 1993, 5080 ft. (1549 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, July 13, 1967, 3500 ft. (1066 m.); L.T. Street, Lytle Cr. Cyn., May 30, 1918, no elev. given

FVS: May 30, 1918

Sonchus oleraceus L., Common Sowthistle

Native to Europe. Much like S. asper (L..) Hill

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.5 mi. upstream from entrance of old San Gabriel Cyn. Rd. at El Encanto (El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park-added 2011), R.G. Swinney, Oct. 22, 2008, to

5320 ft. (1622 m.), at Prairie Fk. near Cabin Flats Cmpgrd., R.G. Swinney, July 10, 1998; Apr.-Nov.; common; all 3 sections

FVS: May 15, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, Elsmere Cyn., bottom of cyn., near mouth, 1424 ft. (434 m.)

SBCo.: Fairly common throughout from 2000 ft. (609 m.) at Glen Helen Regional Park, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 7, 2008, to 6040 ft. (1841 m.), at Wrightwood Country Club (Twin Lakes), R.G. Swinney, Oct. 16, 2008; Apr.-Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 23, 1925, I.M. Johnston & Colin M. Wainwright, on the scramble around 3rd. falls (?), (Cucamonga Cyn. ?-added 2009), 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

Stebbinsoseris heterocarpa (Nutt.) K.L. Chambers, Grassland Silverpuffs

[synonym: Microseris heterocarpa (Nutt.) K.L. Chambers] Derived from Microseris douglassii x Uropappus lindleyi.

LACo.: Samuel R. Tyson, San Dimas Cyn., Sycamore Flat, May 8, 1942,

2000 ft. (610 m.); S.B. Parish, near San Dimas, slopes of Lone Hill, Apr. 19, 1919

(possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); P.A. Munz, dry slopes, San Dimas, May 15, 1922, 1200 ft. (365 m.)

FVS: Apr. 19, 1919

SBCo.: No records found.

+Stephanomeria cichoriacea A. Gray, Silver Rock-lettuce, Chicoryleaf Wirelettuce

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.) in the San Gabriel Cyn. Wash between Foothill Blvd. & San Gabriel Valley Gun Club (mouth of Fish Cyn.), S.D. White & Pam DeVries, no date given, to 6731 ft. (2052 m.) at Antonio Pk. (Lookout Mt..), R.G. Swinney, Aug. 19, 1997; May-Nov.; uncommon in rocky outcrops in dry areas; cismontane

FVS: Aug. 2, 1903, C.F. Baker, near Claremont, San Antonio Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: From 5960 ft. (1817 m.) at San Sevaine Flats, well, R.G. Swinney, July 21, 1993, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.) near San Antonio Falls, Ron Scogins, Sep. 16, 1975; July-Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: Aug., 1881, S.B. Parish & W.F. Parish, Cucamonga Mt., no elev. given

Stephanomeria diegensis Gottlieb, San Diego (Wreathplant) Wire Lettuce

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.; derived from hybridization between S. virgata and S. exigua.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Controversy Springs, upper Cajon Cyn., Oct. 8, 1993, 4600 ft.,

(1402 m.)

Other records: None found.

Stephanomeria exigua Nutt., White-plume, Wirelettuce

LACo.: Largo Vista area, c. 0.5 mi. e. of Largo Vista Rd. at 3.56 mi. s. of Hwy. 138, May 18, 2001, 4210 ft. (1284 m.); E. Fork Puzzle Cyn., at 2800 Deep Cr. Cyn. Road, June 28, 1999, 4600 ft. (1402 m.); Juniper Hills 0.4 miles s. of jct. of Longview Rd. & Tumbleweed Rd. at Mike Booth Property, July 21, 2005, 3988 ft. (1216 m.); Big John Flats, n. of Ball Flats, s. base of Big John Pk., Oct. 7, 2008, 5320 ft. (1622 m.); Ball Flat, n. of Jackson Lake, Oct. 8, 2008, 6160 ft.

(1878 m.); Table Mt. West, n. of Big Pines, Oct. 8, 2008, 7492 lft. (2284 m.)

Other records:

Frank W. Peirson & P.A. Munz, Blue Ridge, Aug. 31, 1923, 8295 ft. (2529 m.);

I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk., San Gabriel River, Aug 24, 1917, 5996 ft. (1828 m.);

P.A. Munz, ridge s. of Swarthout Valley, Aug 31, 1923, 8446 ft. (2575 m.);

June Latting, Bob’s Gap and Valyermo Rd., Oct. 6, 1976, 4100 ft. (1250 m.);

Geo. R. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., Sep., 1914, 6996 ft. (2133 m.

FVS: Sep., 1914

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, E. of Oak Spring Cyn., ridge imm. s. of Desert Fronage Rd., June 29, 1995, 5480-6120 ft. (1671-1866 m.); Circle Mt. Summit, July 9, 1996, 6840 ft. (2085 m.)

Other records:

Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, Oct. 10, 1923; R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Lower Lone Pine Cyn. near jnct. to Cajon Jct., June 26, 1969, 3690 ft. (1125 m.)

FVS: Oct. 10, 1923

Stephanomeria exigua Nutt. ssp. coronaria (Greene) Gottlieb, Whiteplume Wirelettuce

LACo.: From 1400 ft. (426 m.), at shallow water at mouth of Big Tujunga Cyn., R.F. Thorne, June 26, 1971, to 8446 ft. (2575 m.), at ridge s. of Swarthout Valley, P.A. Munz, Aug. 31, 1923; June-Sep.; Uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: Sep. 1904, Geo. R. Hall, Swartout Cyn.

SBCo.: Circle Mt., n. Pk., s.e. of Wrightwood, July 9, 1996, 6840 ft. (2085 m.)

Other records:

Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, Oct. 10, 1923, no elev. given

FVS: Oct. 10, 1923

Stephanomeria exigua Nutt. ssp. deanei (J.F. Macbr.) Gottlieb, Deane’s Wirelettuce

LACo.: N.R. Shaw, Claremont, June 19, 1900, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, San Bernardino Mts. region (the L.A. Co. portion of the San Gab. Mts. was also called the San Bernardinio Mts. at this time, possibly e. of San Gab. Mts. boundary), Aug. 19, 1924, no elev. given; Margaret Hardinge, Cajon Pass, near Devore, Oct. 8, 1945, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 19, 1924 or Oct. 8, 1945 (see above description)

Stephanomeria exigua Nutt. ssp. exigua, Small Wirelettuce

LACo.: T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Granite Mt.: NNE slope, July 24, 1991,

6240 ft. (1902 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, c. 1 mi. down Aliso Cyn. Road, from jct. with Angeles Forest Rd., June 29, 1971, 3700 ft. (1128 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Soledad Cyn.: c. 1.5 miles e. of jct. of Aliso Cr. Wash & Santa Clara River, June 29, 1971, 2900 ft. (884 m.); F.W. Peirson, Blue Ridge, near Swarthout Valley, Aug. 31, 1923, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 31, 1923

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, e. of Oak Springs. Cyn., ridge imm. south of Desert Front Rd., June 29, 1995

Other records:

P.A. Munz, Blue Ridge, Swarthout Valley, Aug. 31, 1923, 8450 ft.

(2576 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Lone Pine Cyn., near jct. of rd., Cajon Jct., June 26, 1969, no elev. given; LeRoy Abrams, Lytle Cr. Cyn., July 15, 1902, 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

FVS: July 15, 1902

Stephanomeria parryi A. Gray, Parry’s Wirelettuce

LACo.: Boneyard Pk., May 8. 1999, 5113 ft. (1559 m.); Largo Vista Area, 0.5 miles e. of Largo Vista Rd., 3.5 mi. s. of Hwy 138, May 18, 201, 4210 ft.

(1284 m.); with Vanessa Merritt, s.w. of Pinon Hills, 0.2 miles due e. of Mescal Cyn. Reservoir, mouth of Mescal Cyn., June 12, 1998, 4750 ft. (1448 m.); lower Sandrock Cr., 0.8 miles SSW. of Valyermo Post Office at Valyermo Rd., June 9, 2008, 3880 ft. (1183 m.); Alimony Ridge, jct. of Alimony Ridge & Alimony Ridge Rd., and to ½ mile upl ridge, May 12, 2009, 4707 ft. (1435 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, 1/4-1/2 miles n. of Bob’s Gap, n. slope of Holcomb Ridge, c. 2.5 mi. due s. of LLano, May 11, 1973, 3800 ft. (1159 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Alimony Ridge, at head of Brainard Cyn., May 27, 1968, 4600 ft. (1402 m.); Samuel B. Parish, Rock Cr., Mojave Desert, June, 1888, no elev. given (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: June, 1888

SBCo.: s. of Pinon Hills, c. 0.75 mi. n.w. of Oak Spring Ranch, June 13, 1997, 5360 ft. (1634 m.)

Other records: None found.

Stephanomeria pauciflora (Torr.) A. Nelson, Brownplume Wirelettuce

[synonyms: Lygodesmia pauciflora (Torr.) Shinners and S. pauciflora var. parishii (Jeps.) Munz] and S. pauciflora var. pauciflora]

LACo.: From 1050 ft. (320 m.), at Big Tujunga Wash; w. of Sunland, s.w. of I-210 Frwy., e. of Hansen Dam, and n. of Wentworth St., Scott D. White & Pam DeVries, Nov. 20-21, 1997, to 7380 ft. (2250 m.), at dry lake at Blue Ridge, s.w. of Wrightwood & 0.4 miles e. of jct. of Hwy. 2 and FS Road 3N06/ Blue Ridge Rd., R.G. Swinney, Sep. 4, 2008; June-Nov., uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: July 28, 1917, I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn., 5497 ft. (1676 m.)

SBCo.: n.E. of Lytle Cr., jnct. of 3N06 & 3N33, Nov 2, 1991, 5200 ft. (1585 m.);

Heath Cyn., Aug 15, 1994, 6200 ft. (1890 m.), Cajon Cyn., s.w. of Hwy 138 & I- 15 E., Aug. 31, 1993, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, Horse Cyn./Circle Mt. Rehab Project, July 18, 1994, 5800 ft. (1768 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., Oct. 12, 1975, 4400 ft.

(1341 m.); Matt Bogdanoff , Mt. Baldy Rd., burn area, Aug 23, 1989; c. 2 mi. NNW of Cajon Jnct., Nov 13, 1994, 3600 ft. (1098 m.); ); I.M. Johnston , San Antonio Cyn. Wash, July 23, 1918, 1197 ft. (365 m.); F.W. Peirson, Lytle Cr., Sep. 15, 1920, 5996 ft. (1828 m.); L.R. Abrams, Lytle Cr. Cyn., July 13, 1919, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); Joseph Adorfer & Ewan, Lone Pine Cyn. Aug. 2, 1934,

(1523 m.); L.C. Wheeler, N. Fork Lytle Cr. & Alpine Cyn., Oct. 12, 1975, 6600 ft. (2011 m.); I.M. Johnston , N. Fork Lytle Cr., Aug 24, 1917; P.A. Munz, Sheep Cr., Sep 1, 1923, 4500 ft. (1372 m.); A.R. Abrams, Lytle Creek Cyn., July 13, 1902,

4000 ft. (1220 m.)

FVS: July 13, 1902

Stephanomeria virgata Benth., Rod Wirelettuce

Common in dry, open, often disturbed areas

LACo.: From 669 ft. (204 m.), at Van Tassel Cyn., 1.45 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. at El Encanto Dr. on Fish Cyn. Rd., R.G. Swinney, Nov. 30, 2008, to 7501 ft.

(2287 m.), n.w. of Wrightwood, e. end of Jackson Flat, R.G. Swinney, Sep. l4, 1998; Feb., July-Nov.; fairly common in disturbed areas and after fires; transmontane at Big Rock Cr. & Sulpher Spring Cmpgrd., montane, cismontane

FVS: June 16, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, Sunset Ridge by Millard Cyn., n. of Coulter Res., 2100 ft. (640 m.)

SBCo.: From 2221 ft. (677 m.) at Cajon Wash, w. of the I-215 Devore Height offramp, R.G. Swinney, Sep. 28, 1991, to 6839 ft. (2085 m.) at Circle Mt. Summit, R.G. Swinney, July 9, 1996; June-Nov.; fairly common in dry, open, often disturbed areas; near transmontane at Controversy Spring, montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Oct. 10, 1923, Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Stephanomeria virgata Benth. ssp. pleurocarpa, (Greene) Gottlieb, Twiggy Wreath Plant, Wand Wirelettuce

Rare in dry, open cismontane areas.

LACo.: Valerie Soza & Laura Moore, Claremont, Bernard Field Station, n.w. corner of Mills Ave. & Foothill Blvd., Aug. 16, 1997, 1348 ft. (411 m.) (s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: Sugarloaf Pk. (e. of San Antonio Cyn. & s. of mouth of Icehouse Cyn.-added 2011), July 9, 1996, 6850-6900 ft. (2088-2104 m.)

Other records: None found.

Stephanomeria virgata Benth. ssp.virgata, Rod Wirelettuce

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1050 ft. (320 m.), at Big Tujunga Wash: w. of Sunland, s.w. of I-210 Frwy., e. of Hansen Dam, & n. of Wentworth St., Scott D. White, Pam DeVries, to 7350 ft. (2240 m.), at Pine Mt. Ridge, L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 4, 1967; Feb., July-Sep., Nov.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: Nov. 2, 1918, F.W. Peirson, Henniger Flats, 2847 ft. (868 m.)

SBCo.: From 2349 ft. (716 m.) at foothills e. of San Antonio Dam, Richard Noyes, Oct. 11, 1987, to 4600 ft. (1402 m.) at Controversy Spring, R.G. Swinney, Oct. 8, 1993; June-Nov.; uncommon, transmontane at Controversy Spring, montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Aug. 13, 1966, L.D. Gottlieb, 0.5 miles s. of Applewhite Rd. on Lytle Creek Rd., 3296 ft. (1005 m.)

Stylocline gnaphalioides Nutt., Everlasting Nest Straw, Mountain Neststraw

(synonym: S. gnaphaloides, orth. var.)

LACo.: From 554 ft. (196 m., at Azusa/Irwindale, between the l-l210 Frwy and Foothill Blvd. on w. side of San Gab. River channel, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 7, 2009 and at Citrus/Irwindale near jct. of Foothill Blvd. & Irwindale Ave. between gravel pit & San Gabriel River channel, L.F. LaPre & T. Mulroy, Apr. 7, 1986 to 5497 ft. (1676 m.), at Crystal Lake, N. Fork San Gabriel River, F.W. Peirson, June 19, 1921; Mar.-June; near transmontane at Aliso Cyn., montane, cismontane

FVS: May 11, 1897, H.P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: c. 1 mi. SSW of Cajon Jnct., off Rd. 3N49, Apr. 29, 1995, 3100 ft.

(945 m.); Lytle Cr. Canyon, c. 200 meters n. of FS Road 2N79 at Lytle Cr. Road, Apr. 25, 1993, 2600 ft. (793 m.)

Other records:

B.G. Pitzer, 1.5 mi. NNW of Cajon Summit, May 96, 1995, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); A.C. Sanders, Cajon Summit, between San Gabriel & San Bernardino Mts., May 26, 1986, 4189 ft. (1277 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Mormon Rock & Cajon Cyn., Apr. 20 1973, 3400 ft. (1036 m.)

FVS: May 29, 1921, F.W. Peirson, Cajon Pass, 3601 ft. (1098 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Stylocline masoni Morefield, Mason’s Nest Straw

Status: CNPS R-E-D Code State/Fed. Status:

CRPR 1B.1 S1.1

LACo.: Tim Ross, Steve Boyd et al., wash 2600 ft. ESE of Acton (Soledad Cyn.) (easterly extension of the Santa Clara River Wash System), Apr. 30, 1991,

2719 ft. (829 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Stylocline psilocarphoides M. Peck, Peck Nest Straw

LACo.: From 2719 ft. (829 m.), at Soledad Cyn. Wash (easterley extension of Santa Clara River Wash System, broad sandy wash, T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd et. al., Apr. 30, 1991, to 4700 ft. (1433 m.) at n. end of Bob’s Gap, Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., May 6, 2003; Apr.,May; rare; transmontane

FVS: Apr. 25, 1973, R.F. Thorne & G. Wallace, n. slope of Holcomb Ridge, ¼ mile n. of Bob’s Gap, 3798 ft. (1158 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Symphyotrichum ascendens (Lindl.) G.L. Nesom, Western Aster

(synonyms: Aster ascendens Lindl.) and Aster adscendens Lindl.)

LACo.: Marcus E. Jones, Swartout Valley, Sep. 10, 1924; A.R. Roos, Lytle Cr. Cyn., Nov. 8, 1922, 3000 ft. (915 m.); Antsruther Davidson, Mt. Baldy, July 1, 1911, 9000 ft. (2744 m.)

FVS: July 1, 1911 (no date shown on voucher label, but # 2604 = Jul. 1911 & # 2610 = July 1, 1911, The voucher # for A. Davidson is # 2608)

SBCo: Hulda Crooks, Wrightwood, Twin Lakes, Nov. 1, 1945, edge of lake, 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

+Symphyotrichum defoliatum (Parish) G.L. Nesom, San Bernardino Aster

(synonyms: Aster defoliatus Parish and Aster bernardinus H.M. Hall)


CRPR 1B.2 S2 G2

LACo.: I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk. San Gabriel River, Aug. 23, 1917, 4999 ft. (1524 m.)

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Sep. 16, 1967, 3401 ft. (1037 m.)

+Symphyotrichum greatae (Parish) G.L. Nesom, Greata’s Aster

(synonym: Aster greatae Parish) Formerly misspelled A. greatai.

CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Sttus: /C3c

CRPR 1B.3 S2.3 G2 Southern slopes of the San Gab. Mts. only

LACo.: Rare throughout in perennial moist areas.

From 1100 ft. (335 m.), at 1/4 mi. below falls, Fish Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 30, 1932, to 6600 ft. (2012 m.), at Big Cienega Spring, 1.5 air-miles n.e. of Crystal Lake, John F. Emmel, Sep. 1, 1974; Apr.-Nov.; rare; transmontane at Little Rock Cr., montane, cismontane

Locations only:

San Dimas Cyn.; Bear Creek-Cogswell Dam; Little Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin-Glendora; San Gabriel River Cyn.; Upper Arroyo Seco; Clear Cr.-Angeles Forest Hwy.; Upper E. Fork-San Dimas Cyn.-confl. with Fern Cyn.; Laurel Gulch-1.5 air-miles of Big Tujunga Dam; Pole Cr.; Littlerock Cr.- upstream of confl. with Bare Mt. Cyn.; Eaton Cyn.; Evey Cyn.; Camp Baldy; Coldwater Fk. of (Cattle) Cow Cyn.; Upper end of Cyn. N. Fork San Gabriel River-Yucca Flats; Big Cienega-n.e. of Crystal Lake; Lower Pine Flats-N. Fork; W. Fork San Gabriel River; Santa Anita Cyn; Spanish Cyn.-n.e. of Monrovia; Dark Cyn.; Little Bear Cyn.; above Arroyo Seco- W. Fk. Divide; Millies Orchard-lower Colby Ranch-Coldwater Cyn.; Santiago Cyn. drainage-n.e. of Pacifico Mt.; Middle Fk.-Mill Cr.- off Big Tujunga; Fish Cyn; Graveyard Cyn.; s. slope of Mt. Waterman; Rubio Cyn.; Pacoima Cyn.; Charlton Flats; Johnny Cyn.- Angeles Crest Hwy.; Gold Cyn Trail- Tujunga Ranger Dist.; below Dalton Cyn. Dam (Big Dalton Cyn. Dam-added 2011)

FVS: July 1, 1893, A.J. McClatchie, San Gab. Mts., shady cyn.

SBCo.: Lytle Cr., Pollard & Irving, n.e. of jct. on Pollard, Oct. 19, 1994, 3440 ft. (1049 m.) (currently being rre-examined)

Other records: None found.

Symphyotrichum lanceolatum (Willd.) G.L. Nesom ssp. hesperium (A. Gray) G.L. Nesom, White Panicle Aster

[synonym: Aster hesperium A. Gray and Aster lanceolatum ssp. hesperium (A. Gray) Semple & Chmiel]

LACo.: San Dimas Exp. Forest, common in stream woodland, SDEF, 1988. (no documented vouchers found.); Frank W. Peirson, Lone Pine Cyn. at Clyde Ranch, Aug. 30, 1923, 4897 ft. (1493 m.)

FVS: Aug. 30, 1923

SBCo.: Lone Pine Canyon at Clyde Ranch, Aug. 25, 1994, 4920 ft. (1500 m.) not all CPC references to voucher # 3243 list the species.

Other records: 2 additional records for Clyde Ranch:

P.A. Munz & F.W. Peirson, both on Aug. 30, 1923;

I.M. Johnston, Camp Baldy, San Antonio Mts., July 4, 1917, 4198 ft. (1280 m.)

FVS: July 4, 1917

Symphyotrichum spathulatum (Lindl.) G.L. Nesom, Western Mountain Aster

(synonyms: Aster occidentalis (Nutt.) Torr. & A. Gray and A. spathulatum Lindl.]


LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: P.A. Munz, near Cajon Pass, Lone Pine Cyn., Aug. 30, 1923, 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

Symphyotrichum subulatum (Michx.) G.L. Nesom, Eastern Annual Saltmarsh Aster

[synonyms: Aster subulatus Michx. var. ligulatus Shininers and S. subulatum Michx. var. ligulatum (Shinners) S.D. Sundb.]

LACo.: Azusa, San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, 0.1-0.5 miles w. of San Gabriel River bike path parking lot., at Azusa Cyn. Road (Hwy. 39), c. 0.6 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., Apr. 17, 2009, 699 ft. (213 m.); Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, Glendora, Nov. 1, 2008, 1099 ft. (335 m.); Azusa, San Gabriel River channel, 1.2 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., at mouth of Fish Cyn., Nov. 30, 2008, 669 ft. (204 m.); Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.8 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., Dec. 2, 2008, 640 ft. (195 m.); San Gabriel Cyn., between Foothill Blvd. and the I-210 Frwy. from main river channel to 300 meters east, Dec. 2, 2008, 541 ft. (165 m.); Glendora, W. Hook Cyn. Debris Basin, Aug. 24, 1989, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Aug. 24, 1989

SBCo.: No records found.

Syntrichopappus fremontii A. Gray, Yellowray Fremont’s-gold

LACo.: From 2760-2880 ft. (841-878 m.), at 0.6 miles ESE of Acton, s. edge of Soledad Cyn. Wash, T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Apr. 30, 1991, to 5199 ft. (1585 m.), summit of Mt. Emma, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 28, 2009; Mar.-June; rare to uncommon; transmontane

FVS: May 8, 1926, F.W. Peirson, Rock Creek, abundant along rd. to Los Angeles Co. Playgrount at about 1 mile, 4297 ft. (1310 m.)

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, “Oak Hills” area, 50-100 m. w. of Sunnyslope Rd. and w. of Green Rd., Apr. 3, 1997, 4800 ft. (1463 m.); Baldy Mesa Ridge, 1.8 mi. n.e. of Hwy 138 on FS Road 3N24, 0.6 miles e. of point where rd. crosses ridge, c. 50-150 meters n. of rd., June 10, 1995, 4820 ft. (1470 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: June 10, 1995

+Syntrichopappus lemmonii (A. Gray) A. Gray, Lemmon’s Syntrichopappus, Pinkray Fremont’s-gold

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G3

LACo.: From 3200 ft. (976 m.), at Little Rock Cr.: n. base of San Gab. Mts., F.W. Peirson, May 19, 1921 and Peter Kamb, above Little Rock-desert foothills of San Gab. Mts., May 6, 1948, to 5100 ft. (1555 m.), at summit of Mt. Emma, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 28, 2009; Mar.-June; rare; tramsmontane

FVS: June 5, 1906, Anstruther Davidson & Hasse, Rock Cr.

SBCo.: 10 records from Cajon Pass & Cajon Pass Summit, several others for the e. & n. sides of Cajon summit, collectors include: S. Carlquist; F.W. Peirson; S. Parish; Dale E. Johnson & J.L. Strother; H.M. Hall & H.P. Chandler; Marcus E. Jones; E.C. Jaeger; Pierce; Apr.-May; 3598-4198 ft. (1097-1280 m.); 1906-1974

FVS: Apr. 27, 1906, H.M. Hall & H.P. Chandler, San Bernardino Mts. Region, Cajon Pass, 4200 ft. (1280 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Tagetes palmeri A. Gray, Lemmon’s Marigold

(synonym: Tagetes lemmonii A. Gray and Tagetes alamensis Rydb.)

Not listed in TJM 2012.

LACo.: mouth of Roberts Cyn., c. 100 meters n. of San Gabriel Cyn., June 24, 2008, 699 ft. (213 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Sch.-Bip., Feverfew

[synonym: Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.) Bernh.]

Native to Europe.

LACo.: LeRoy Gross & Sarah M. Siedschlag, along Mt. Lukens Rd. (2N76.2) Rd. Survey for the Natl. Forest, June 4, 2007, 2529 ft. (771 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Millard Cyn., between Cyn. Cr. Rd. & Natl. Forest boundary, June 17, 1975, no elev. given

FVS: June 17, 1975

SBCo.: Barrett Village, s. of Baldy Village, w. of jct. of Barrett Cyn. with N. Fork of Barrett Cyn., June 15, 1996, 3801 ft. (1159 m.); Wrightwood, Wright Lake,

Oct. 30, 2008, 6040 ft. (1841 m.)

Other records:

R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, above Baldy Village, San Antonio Cyn., July 2, 1967,

4450 ft. (1356 m.)

FVS: July 2, 1967

Taraxacum officinale F.H. Wigg., Common Dandelion

Native to Europe.

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.) in San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, 1 mile n. of Foothill Blvd., Apr. 13. 2009, R.G. Swinney, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.) at E. Table Mt. Summit, R.G. Swinney, July 2, 1998; Apr., May, July, Aug., Oct.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: May 27, 1924, F.W. Peirson, Colby’s Ranch, 3189 ft. (975 m.)

SBCo.: From 2650 ft. (808 m.) at E. Fk. San Sevaine Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 4, 1997, to 6040ft. (1841 m.) at Wrightwood, Wrightwood Country Club (Twin Lakes), R.G. Swinney, Oct. 16, 2008; Apr., May, July, Oct.; fairly common; montane, cismontane

FVS: Oct. 14, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Clyde Ranch, no elev. given

Tetradymia axillaris A. Nelson var. longispina (M.E. Jones) Strother, Longspine Horsebush

LACo.: From 3096 ft. (944 m.) at Little Rock Reservoir, Gordon H. True, Jr., May 17, 1935 and at Carr Cyn., 0.5 to 1.0 mile e. of Litlerock Creek confl., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 29, 2009, 3100 ft. (945 m.), to 5000 ft. (1524 m.) (elev. supplied by author) at Caldwell Lake, L.C. Wheeler, May 31, 1967; Apr.-May; fairly common; transmontane

FVS: May 30,1919, Albert J. Perkins, Big Rock Cr., San Gab. Mts., no elev. given

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, Boneyard Cyn., May 8, 1999, 4800 ft. (1463 m.); Horse Cyn.,n.e. of Wrightwood, June 23, 1994, 4599 ft. (1402 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & Dick Tilforth, 2 mi. n.e. of Wrightwood, w. of Sheep Cr., June 21, 1978, 5150 ft. (1569 m.); Lyman Benson, 10 mi. n.e. of Cajon (other vouchers of same data say n.w.-added 2009) , San Gab. Mts., Apr 22, 1947, 4600 ft.

(1402 m.)

FVS: Apr. 16, 1947 (16 or 22 ?)

Tetradymia canescens DC., Spineless Horsebrush

In montane coniferous& pinyon-juniper woodland

LACo.: From 3096 ft. (944 m.), s. of Litlerock- Littlerock Reservoir, Gordon H. True, Jr., May 17, 1935, to 9660 ft. (2945 m.), at summit of Pine Mt., I.M. Johnston, Aug. 22, 1911; June-Oct.; uncommon; montane

FVS: Aug. 22, 1911

SBCo.: From 5146 ft. (1569 m.) at c. 2 mi. n.e. of Wrightwood, w. of Sheep Creek, R.G. Thorne & Dick Tilforth, June 21, 1978, to 9660 ft. (2945 m.) Pine Mt. summit, I.M. Johnston, Aug. 22, 1911; June-Nov.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 13, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Coldwater Cyn., San Antonio Mts., no elev. given (also det. as T. comosa)

Tetradymia comosa A. Gray, Hairy Horsebrush

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn., May 6, 1989, 1400-1600 ft. (427-488 m.)

Other records:

Jerome S. Horton, San Dimas Pk. (Bluebird Mtwy.), SDEF, Oct. 14, 1938,

2496 ft. (761 m.); Justin M. Wood, City of San Dimas, Sycamore Cyn., Falcon Ridge Ranch, June 8, 2009, 1351 ft. (412 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Trail Cyn., Tom Lucas Cmpgrd., July 30, 1967, 3100 ft. (944 m.); L.C. Wheeler, near mouth of Bear Cyn. off Soledad Cyn., May 23, 1967, 1900 ft. (579 m.); L.C. Wheeler, near Thompson Cr. Wash, July 21, 1931, no elev. given; Perter Kamb, Big Tujunga Cyn., at mouth of Delta Cyn., below Trail Cyn., July 13, 1958, 1699 ft. (518 m.);

P.A. Munz, San Dimas Cyn., Mar. 28, 1921, 1800 ft. (549 m.)

FVS: Mar. 28, 1921

SBCo.: From 2000 ft. (610 m.) w. of Lytle Cr., between Riverside Ave. & Sierra Ave., about ¼ mile s. of their jct., n.w. of San Bernardino, Nov. 22, 1971, to

4097 ft. (1249 m.) at flats above Spring Hill, I.M. Johnston, Aug. 1, 1925; Apr.-Aug., Oct. , Nov.; rare; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 13, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Coldwater Cyn., San Antonio Mts., no elev. given (also det. T. canescens) and Aug. 1, 1925, I.M. Johnston, flats above Spring Hill, 40997 ft. (1249 m.)

Tetradymia glabrata Torr. & A. Gray, Littleleaf Horsebrush

LACo.: Carr Cyn., 0.5-1.0 miles e. of Littlerock Creek confl., Apr. 29, 2009,

3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, Walter Wisura, et al., s. of Emma Mt. Road., just e. of Little Rock Cr., Apr. 20, 1982, 3300 ft. (1006 m.)

FVS: Apr. 20, 1982

SBCo.: No records found.

Tetradymia spinosa Hook. & Arn., Shortspine Horsebrush (check)

LACo.: Big John Flat, June 18, 1999, 5419 ft. (1652 m.)

Other records:

Justin Wood, vic. of Littlerock Cr., just s.w. of jct. of Cheseburo Rd. & Mt. Emma Rd., May 10, 2010, 3919 ft. (973 m.); R. Gustafson & C. Davidson, Ft. Tejon Rd., s. of Little Rock, c. 1.5 miles e. of jct. with 82nd St., Apr. 20, 1977, 3198 ft.

(975 m.); M.N. Ackley, Littlerock Foothills, May 8, 1927, 2998 ft. (914 m .)

F.W. Peirson, Little Rock Creek, May 20, 1921, 3398 ft. (1036 m.)

FVS: May 20, 1921

SBCo.: No records found.

Tetradymia stenolepis Greene, Mojave Cottonthorn

LACo.: T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Little Rock Cr. Reservoir, June 11, 1990, 3270-3290 ft. (997 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., Alimony Ridge, May 4, 1992, 4800 ft. (1463 m.); Steve Myers, Big Rock Cr. Wash, 2.5 miles e. of Pearblosom, June 29, 1988, no elev. given (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: June 29, 1988

SBCo.: No records found.

Tragopogon dubius Scop., Yellow Salsify

Native to Europe.

LACo.: Big Pine Meadow, Oct. 16, 2008, 6760 ft. (2061 m.)

Other records:

T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., e. slope of THORN (Triangulation Pt. 5499-ft.) w. margin of road to Barley Flats (c.) 0.5 air-miles e. of Barley Flats draining to Big Tujunga Cr., June 8, 1990, 5179-5199 ft. (1579-1585 m.)

FVS: June 8, 1990

SBCo.: Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, June 22, 1995, 3800 ft. (1159 m.); Wright Lake, Aug. 12, 1996, 6040 ft. (1842 m.); Cucamonga, c. 4.7 mi. n.e. of jct. of Skyline & Almond Ave., June 28, 1994, 4820 ft. (1470 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: June 28, 1994

Trichoptilium incisum (A. Gray) A. Gray, Yellowdome

LACo.: David M. Wright, 1.7 miles s.e. along State Hwy. 138 Victorville, growing along roadside, May 3, 1963, 3300 ft. (1006 m.) (possibly just n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary-location ambiguous)

SBCo.: No records found.

Uropappus lindleyi (DC.) Nutt., Lindley’s Silverpuffs

[synonym: Microseris lindleyi (DC.) A. Gray]

LACo.: From 1299 ft. (396 m.), at Fish Cyn., c. 1 mi. downstream from Falls, L.C. Wheeler, Apr. 14, 1946, to 4749 ft. (1448 m.), s.w. of Pinon Hills, 0.2 mi. due e. of reservoir of mouth of Mescal Cyn., R.G. Swinney, June 12, 1998; Mar.-June; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: May 10, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Arraster (Arrastre) Creek, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

SBCo.: w. side of Lytle Cr. Cyn Rd., near Hitching Ranch, Apr. 25, 1993,

2600 ft. (795 m.); w. of Cajon Summit, Apr. 13, 1996, 2400 ft. (1280 m.); Sheep Cr. near Pinon Hills, Scrub Oak Rd., May 1, 1995, 4440 ft. (1354 m.); 1 mi. SSW of Cajon Jnct. Apr 29, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.); Ralston Pk., May 23, 1998,

4380 ft. (1338 m.); Baldy Mesa, 2 mi. n.e. of State Hwy. 138 & Lone Pine Cyn. Road, May 29, 1995, 3600 ft. (1098 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Meyer Cyn. off Lytle Cr., May 9, 1968, 2299 ft. (701 m.);

Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 16, 1971, 2600 ft. (792 m.); Jepson, Cajon Pass, May 28, 1914, 3598 ft. (1097 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 28, 1914

Venegasia carpesioides DC., Canyon Sunflower

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.), at San Dimas Cyn., 0.25 miles n. of Golden Hills Dr. on San Dimas Cyn. Rd., R.G. Swinney, May 25, 1989, to 2299 ft. (701 m.), Bell Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, June 8, 1936; Apr.-July, Nov.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 10, 1921, F.W. Peirson, s. base of San Gab. Mts., San Dmas Cyn., 1400 ft. (426 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) A. Gray, Golden Crownbeard

LACo.: Scott D. White & Michael Honer, Pomona Valley/San Gab. Mt., foothills City of Claremont, San Antonio Cyn. alluvial fan. n. of Baseline Ave., w. of concrete-lined flood control chanel, June 24, 2004, 1600 ft. (488 m.) (just s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: No records found.

Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) A. Gray ssp. exauriculata (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.0) J.R. Coleman, Golden Crownbeard

Toxic to livestock but unpalatable

LACo.: Henry J. Ramsey, summit, Little Tujunga Cyn. Road., June 27, 1937, no elev. given.

SBCo.: No records found.

Wyethia ovata (Torr. & A. Gray ex Torr.) Witt. Weber], Southern Mule-ears

[synonym: Agnorhiza ovata (Torr. & A. Gray ex Torr.) W.A. Weber]

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 4900 ft. (1493 m.), at E. Fork Alder Cr., off Big Tujunga, L.C. Wheeler, July 21, 1968, to 7501 ft. (2287 m.), at Mt. Williamson, George Vowels, June 24, 1969; June-Sep., Dec.; Uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane at Tujunga

FVS: Aug. 28, 1917, Fordyce Grinnell Jr., Pine Flats, 5300 ft. (1616 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Xanthium spinosum L., Spiny Cocklebur

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Reynier Cyn., off San (Sand-added 2012) Cyn., Placerita Cyn. Road, Aug. 13, 1967, 1847 ft. (563 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Elsmere Cyn., near mouth, June 26, 1967, 1425 ft. (434 m.)

FVS: June 26, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

Xanthium strumarium L., Rough Cocklebur

[synonym: X. strumarium L. var. canadense (Mill.) Torr. & A. Gray]

Native to America.

LACo.: From 670 ft. (204 m.) at San Gabriel River Channel, 2.2 mi. n. of Foothill Blvd., R.G. Swinney, Nov. 30, 2008, to 3201 ft. (976 m.) Little Rock Cr., below Dam, Orlando Mistretta, July12, 1995; July, Sep.-Nov.; uncommon near water courses, debris basins; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Oct. 25, 1966, L.C. Wheeler, El Encanto, San Gab. River

SBCo.: From 2221 ft. (677 m.) at Cajon Wash, w. of Devore Heights offramp, R.G. Swinney, June 26, 1992, to 2886 ft. (880 m.) at Cajon Cyn. near stream, c. 0.5 m. s. of N. end of old US Hwy 395, R.G. Swinney, Oct. 6, 1991; June, Sep., Oct.; rare; Cajon Pass

FVS: Sep. 17, 1961, Peter H. Raven, below Cajon Station (streamside) Cajon cyn., Cajon Cmpgrd., 2598 ft. (792 m.)

Xylorhiza tortifolia (Torr. & A. Gray)Greene var. tortifolia, Mojave Woodyaster

[synonym: Machaeranthera tortifolia (Torr. & A. Gray) Cronquist & D.D. Keck]

LACo.: From 3001 ft. (915 m.), at Littlerock Cr., 0.3 miles n.w. of Littlerock Cr. Cmpgrd., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 24, 2009, to 4736 ft. (1444 m.), at Bob’s Gap, at the s. edge of Bob’s Gap, on slope and roadside & down in the wash, Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., May 6, 2005; Apr., May; rare; transmontane

Other locations:

Bob’s Gap area - 4 records

Littlerock Cr. area - 5 records

Big Rock Cr. - 1 record

W. terminus of Holcomb Ridge, w. of Big Rock Cr. - 2 records

Carr Cyn. - 1 record

FVS: May 17, 1931, Freda Detmers, Big Rock Cr., no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found:

Berberidaceae Barberry Family

Berberis aquifolium Pursh var. aquifolium, Hollyleaved Barberry

(synonym B. piperiana (Abrams) McMinn)

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn., May 11, 1995, 1240 ft. (378 m.) (possibly planted/persisting/near old homesite-added 2012)

Other records:

Timothy Ross & Steve Boyd et. al., Big Rock Cr., just above confl. of Holcomb Cyn. Creek., between Big Rock Cr. Road and mouth of Holcomb Cyn., June 11, 1990, 4113-4198 ft. (1254-1280 m.) (near abandoned cabin/presumed planted/persisting); G.D. Wallace, Bob Gustafson, et al., upper Sawpit Cyn., n. of Monrovia, Apr. 24, 1985, 3001 ft. (915 m.); F.W. Peirson, along small streram bed immediately s. & above Big Pines Center, May 15, 1943, 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

FVS: May 15, 1943

SBCo.: No records found.

+Berberis aquifolium Pursh var. dictyota (Jeps.) Jeps., California Barberry, Shining Netvein Barberry

[synonym: Mahonia dictyota (Jeps.) Fedde] Possibly intergrades with B. pinnata (Laq.) Fedde ssp. pinnata

LACo.: From 1998 ft. (609 m.), at Eaton Cyn., Frank W. Peirson, June 1, 1918, to 3802 ft. (1159 m.), at Millard’s Cyn., Joseph A. Ewan, July 4, 1932; Mar.-July, Sep.; rare; cismontane

FVS: Mar. 1910, Fordyce Grinnel J., San Gab. Mts. in the mts.

SBCo.: Day Cyn., 0.6 mi. n.w. of gaging station at mouth of cyn, Apr. 22, 1995, 3201 ft. (976 m.); Day Cyn., 1.1 mi. n.w. of cyn. mouth, Aug. 30 1994, 3296 ft. (1005 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, 1.8 mi. e. of Lytle Cr. Road at Apple White Rd., June 20, 19094, 3116 ft. (950 m.); Sheep Cyn. Road, 0.4 mi. s. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., Apr. 8, 1994, 3296 ft. (1005 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Divide, 0.7 mi. s. of jct. of 3N31 & 2N51 on Rd. 2N51; 2998 ft. (914 m.); Ridgetop n.w. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, w. of Cajon Wash, s. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., June 1, 1994,

3760 ft. (1145 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge area, 3.1 m. s. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd. & Applewhite Rd., wash s. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, c. 0.4 mi. w. of Applewhite Rd. in wash bottom, June 22, 1995, 3198 ft. (975 m.)

Other records:

Lyman Benson, Lytle Cyn., May 29, 1945, 2500 ft. (762 m.); F.W. Peirson, Swartout Valley, s. side of rd., short distance w. of Lone Pine Cyn. Divide, Aug. 30, 1923, 5996 ft. (1828 m.); R.F. Thorne, San Sevaine Rd., June 5, 1971,

3800 ft. (1159 m.); H.M. Hall, ridge overlooking Sheep Cr., June 22, 1899,

5996 ft. (1828 m.)

FVS: June 22, 1899

Berberis aquifolium Pursh var. repens (Lindl.) Scoggan, Creeping Barberry

LACo.: J.E. Law, Eaton Cyn. Trail, over Oak Flat, May 22, 1923, no elev. given.

SBCo.: No records found.

+Berberis nevinii A. Gray, Nevin’s Barberry

[synonym: Mahonia nevinii (A. Gray) Fedde]

Status: CNPS List: 1B R-E-D Code: 3-3-3 State/Fed. Status: CE/C1

CRPR 1B.1 S1 G1

Often used in restoration of inadequate documentation, so that planted and natural populations confused; reports of elev. +/- up to 1220 m. based on plantings.

LACo.: Claremont Hills Wilderness Park, 0.2 to 0.6 mi. (by rd.) NNW of n. terminus of Mills Ave., on Cobal Cyn. Road, c. 92 m. n. of jct. of Cobal Canyon Mtwy. & Burbank Cyn. Mtwy., 2 populations within 0.4 mi., specimens collected from s. pop. of 1 plant, upper pop. with 2 plants, Apr. 13, 1998, 1781 ft. (543 m.)

Collected specimen: 5 ft. 8 in. tall, 6 ft. at widest point.

Other collectors at above site, after discovery on Apr. 13, 1998 by author:

Valerie Soza, Steve Boyd & G. D. Wallace, March 28, 2000

Naome Fraga & Lisa Rojas, Apr. 20, 2005, collected after the Padua Fire of 2003

Other records:

Steve Boyd & Mark Elvin, just s. of Mt. Baldy Rd. & w. of Padua Ave., Jan. 25, 1997, 1781 ft. (543 m.); Herbert L. Mason, Pacoima Wash, San Gab. Mts., Apr. 26, 1926, no elev. given; G.D. Wallace & S. Eliason, Lopez Cyn., n. of San Fernando, Feb. 20, 1998, 1499 ft. (457 m.); Frank W. Peirson, 1/2 way form food (foot-added 2011) of mts. to Devil’s Gate, Aroyo Seco, Mar. 28, 1920, 1099 ft. (335 m.); F.W. Peirson, near stream, Arroyo Seco, San Gab. Mts., Mar. 3, 1921, 1099 ft. (335 m.); A. Mottley, Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, Apr. 3, 1920, 1100 ft. (335.3 m.); C.B. Wolf, Pacoima Wash, near bridge on road from Tujunga to San Fernando, May 13, 1931, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

FVS: Mar. 28, 1920, F.W. Peirson, c. ½ way between Devils’ Gate & the mouth of Arroyo Seco, w. of Altadena, 1099 ft. (335 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Berberis pinnata Lag. ssp. pinnata, California Barberry

[synonym: Mahonia pinnata (Laq.) Fedde ssp. pinnata]

Intergrades with B. aquifolium var. dictyota (Jeps.) Jeps.

LACo.: D.L. Crawford, mts. near Claremont, Aug. 14, 1915, no elev. given; C.W. Sharsmith, Eaton Cyn., Dec. 30, 1963, 2198 ft. (670 m.)

SBCo.: Wright Lake, Wrightwood, Oct. 30, 2008, 6038 ft. (1841 m.)

Other records:

Robert F. Thorne & J. Dourley, San Gab. Mts., above rd. leading from Lytle Cr. & down into Cajon Pass, Oct. 10, 1967

FVS: Oct. 10, 1967

Nandina domestica Thumb, Sacred Bamboo

Native to China, Japan.

LACo.: Mike Hammitt & Jason Rick, Arroyo Seco Cyn., between Gould MesaPicnic Area and Oakwild Picnic Area, odl homesite, several young plants seen elsewhere in the vic., away from the homestead site, apparently naturalizing locally, June 25, 1991, no elev. given.

SBCo.: No records found.

Betulaceae Birch Family

Alnus rhombifolia Nutt., White Alder

Higher elev. plants tend to be many trunked and listed as ssp. bernardina in P. Munz, 1974 but not currently recognized. One single-trunked tree and seedlings in Cascade Cyn., having deeply lobed leaves at c. 600 meters e. of FS Road 2N04.2 (Barret-Stoddard Truck Trail, tributary of San Antonio Cyn., R.G. Swinney, July 6, 1994, 4999 ft. (1524 m.). Often abundant along water courses throughout.

LACo.: From 630 ft. (192 m.) in Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel River Wash at 0. 2 mi. n. of Purente Largo Railway Bridge, in main channel, R.G. Swinney, May 2009, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at Windy Springs, c. 0.3 miles n.w. of Little Jimmy Cmpgrd., on PCT, R.G. Swinney, Sep. 15, 2001; all months; common at riparian; all 3 areas

FVS: June 1891, Anstruther Davidson, Millards Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 19, 2009, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at. 1/4 mi. n.w. of Baldy Notch, n. of Stockton Flats Rd., R.G. Swinney, Sep. 6, 1993; Mar., May, July-Nov.; fairly common along stream courses; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 23, 1925, I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Cyn., third falls, 3496 ft.

(1066 m.)

Betula occidentalis Hook., Water Birch

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., June 25, 1925, 6800 ft. (2073 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Boraginaceae Borage or Waterleaf Family

(Lennoaceae – Lennoa Family, Hydrophyllaceae – Waterleaf Family)

Amsinckia douglasiana A.DC., Douglas’ Fliddleneck

CA & reported from Maine & Massachusetts

LACo.: Jerome S. Horton, Camp 10 Rd., San Dimas Cyn., Apr. 17, 1939, 1899 ft. (579 m.)

SBCo.: L.E. Hoffman, Swarthout Cyn., July 10, 1927, no elev. given

+Amsinckia eastwoodiae J.F. Macbr., Eastwood’s Fiddleneck

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, vacant lot on s. side of New York Dr., e. of Hill Ave., Altadena, Mar. 26, 1919, no elev. given.; anonym., San Gab. Mts. Region, Alhambra, Mar. 26, 1891, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 26, 1891

SBCo.: No records found.

Amsinckia intermedia Fisch. & C. Mey., Common Fiddleneck

[synonym: A. menziesii (Lehm.) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr., var. imtermedia (Fisch. & C. Mey.) Ganders] Hybridizes with A. retrorsa.

LACo.: From 630 ft. (192 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 0.8 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of main river channel, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 13, 2009 , to 5199 ft. (1585 m.), along Sunset Ridge Fire Rd., c. 2 km. southwest of Sunset Peak, V. Soza, LeRoy Gross, et al., May 9, 2002; Feb.-May, July; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Feb. 6, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1597 ft. (487 m.)

SBCo.: Lytle Creek Cyn., c. 0.3 mi. n. of Devore Rd. on FS. Road 1N32,

Mar. 8, 1993, 2041 ft. (622 m.)

Other records:

Peter Kamb, Mouth of Cajon Cyn., Sycamore Flat, May 15, 1948, 1998 ft.

(609 m.); Mark Parraatt, n. of Chaffey College Library, Mar. 24, 1962, 1752 ft.

(534 m.); Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 30 1971, 2460 ft. (750 m.); H.M. Hall, Lytle Cr., June 1899, 5746 ft. (1742 m.)

FVS: June, 1899

Amsinckia menziesii (Lehm.) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr., Rancher’s Fireweed, Menzies’ Fiddleneck, Small-flowered Fiddleneck, Common Fiddleneck

[synonym: A. micrantha Suksd. and A. menziesii var. menziesii)

LACo.: Richard Noyes & L. Arnseth, Claremont, 100 meters e. of Thompson Cr. Dam, Apr. 30, 1988, 1640 ft. (500 m.); Gary Kavnat & LeRoy Gross, Gold Cr. Ecological Preserve, S. Terrace West Meadow ECOTONE, Feb. 16, 2003,

2240 ft. (683 m.); Middred Solomon, Mt. Wilson, July 12, 1931, no elev. given;

I.M. Johnston, s. of Glendora, Love (Lone) Hill, Apr. 11, 1918, 1197 ft. (365 m.) (if the elev. is correct, it is within the San Gab. Mts. boundary and possibly near the Gordon Cyn. area (added- 2012)

FVS: Apr. 11, 1918

SBCo.: s. of mouth of Lytle Creek Cyn., 4.8 miles w. of Lytle Cr. Road & c. 0.4 miles n. of Front Line, Mar. 15, 1993, 1804 ft. (550 m.)

Other records:

Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 30, 1971, 2460 ft. (750 m.); L.C. Wheeler, e. side of mouth of San Antonio Cyn., 0.5 miles s. of Stoddard Cyn., May 10, 1969, 2350 ft. (716 m.)

FVS: May 10, 1969

Amsinckia retrorsa Suksd.), Rigid Fiddleneck

[synonyms: A. menziesii var. menziesii and A. helleri Brand and A. parviflora A. Heller)

LACo.: Glendora, n.e. jct. of Sierra Madre Ave. & Valley Center, Mar. 33, 1993, 997 ft. (304 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Glendora Ridge Truck Road, Mar. 21, 1968, (610 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Wildwood Ranch, e. of Glendora, Mar. 28, 1974, no elev. given; P.A. Munz, Indian Hill Blvd., 1 mile n. of Claremont, Mar. 2, 1921, 1299 ft. (396 m.);

P.A. Munz, Lone Hill, San Dimas, Mar. 17, 1920, 1000 ft. (304 m.)

FVS: Mar. 17, 1920

SBCo.: Frankish Pk. Summit, Apr. 15, 1996, 4100 ft. (1250 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Mouth of San Antonio Cyn., 0.5 m. s. of Stoddard Cyn., May 10, 1969, 2348 ft. (716 m.)

FVS: May 10, 1969

Amsinckia tessellata A. Gray, Bristly Fiddleneck

LACo.: From 3001 ft. (915 m.), at Littlerock Cr., 0.3 miles n.w. of Littlerock Cr. Cmpgrd., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 24, 2009, to 5838 ft. (1780 m.), at Big John Peak, w. of Mescal Cr. above Big Jolhn Flat, R.G. Swinney, June 5, 1999; Feb., Apr.-June; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane at Cobal Cyn., Edward L. Smith, Feb. 18, 1958, elev. of 60 m. is in error-added 2011)

FVS: Feb. 18, 1958, Edward L. Smith, Cobal Cyn., (60 m.) (elev. in error-added 2012)

SBCo.: Baldy Mesa, 1.3 miles n.e. of Hwy. 138 on Rd. 3N24, just n.e. from where 3N24 crosses ridgetop, near Nuss Ranch, June 3, 1995, 4635 ft.

(1413 m.) (2 additional records from Swinney in 1995-6 for Baldy Mesa); Wye Pk., at Cajon Jct., n.e. of I-215 Frwy./Hwy. 138, Mar. 24, 2008, 3630-3690 ft. (1106-1125 m.)(Just e. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); Mojave Desert/San Gab. Mts., Pinon Hills, Mar. 25, 1967

Other records: None found.

FVS: Mar. 25, 1967

Amsinckia tessellata A. Gray var. tessellata, Devil’s Lettuce, Bristly Fiddleneck

LACo.: From 2240 ft. (683 m.), at Gold Cr. Ecological Preserve, S. Terrace West Meadow Ecotone, Gary Kovant & LeRoy Gross, Feb. 16, 2008, to 4800 ft.

(1463 m.), at Little Rock Cr., Alimoney Ridge, Orlando Mistretta, May 4, 1992; Mar.-June; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: June 7, 1882, S.B. & W.F. Parish, Rock Cr., border of Mojave Desert

SBCo.: From 3400 ft. (1036 m.) at Mormon Rocks & Cajon Cyn., R.F. Thorne, Apr. 20 1973, to 5150 ft. (1570 m.) at Phelan Pk., Baldy Mesa, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 13, 1996; Apr.-June; rare; transmontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Apr. 25, 1947, Lyman Benson, San Gab. Mts. region, edge of Mojave Desert, c. 10 miles n.w. of Cajon, 4599 ft. (1402 m.)

+Amsinckia vernicosa Hook. & Arn., Green Fiddleneck

LACo.: Carr Cyn., 0.6 mi. s.e. of confluence with Little Rock Cr., on dark-brown San Andreas Rift Zone soil, May 5, 2009

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Borago officinalis L., Common Borage

Native to s. Europe.

LACo.: Claremont Hills Wilderness Park, 0.2 to 0.6 mi. (by rd.) NNW of n. end of Mills Ave., on Cobal Cyn. Road, Apr. 13, 1998, 1781 ft. (543 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Cryptantha affinis (A. Gray) Greene, Common Cryptantha, Side-grooved Cryptantha, Quill Cryptantha

Only 3 records available from CCH, 2009. The old record from Templeton is not shown by Munz or Jepson in their California Plant Manuals.

LACo.: B.C. Templeton, Jackson Lake, June 18, 1932, 5799 ft. (1768 m.)

SBCo.: Sheep Cyn., south trib. of Ice House Cyn., due w. of Sheep Flats, July 10, 1995, 6799 ft. (2073 m.); Sheep Flats, s. of Ice House Cyn., July 10, 1995,

7045 ft. (2148 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 10, 1995

Cryptantha barbigera (A. Gray) Greene, Bearded Cryptantha

LACo.: From 2998 ft. (914 m.), just w. of Rock Pt. Cmpgrd., Littlerock Reservoir, c. 5.5 miles s.w. of Littlerock, M.A. Piehl, May 30, 1963, to 5501 ft. (1677 m.), at trail up S. Fork of Rock Cr., F.W. Peirson, June 2, 1928; Apr.-June; uncommon-rare; transmontane

FVS: June 2, 1928, F.W. Peirson, trail up South Fk. of Rock Creek, 5501 ft. (1677 m.)

SBCo.: Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, 1.5 mi. s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd. & Applewhite Rd., c. 0.8 mi. e. of Glenn Ranch; Pinon Hills, Boneyard Pk., May 8, 1999, 5113 ft. (1559 m.); Cucamonga, Day Cyn., c. 1.3 mi. s.e. of gaging station at mouth of cyn., Apr. 22, 1995, 2362 ft. (720 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Apr. 22, 1995

Cryptantha circumscissa (Hook. & Arn.) I.M. Johnst., Cushion Cryptantha

LACo.: From 2300 ft. (701 m.), at Indian Cyn., near mouth, L.C. Wheeler, May 24, 1967, to 7200 ft. (2194 m), W. Blue Ridge, Big Pines Park, B.C. Templeton, June 1, 1932; Feb.-June; fairly common; transmontane, montane

FVS: May, 1893, H.E. Hasse, Acton (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: From 2900 ft. (884 m.) at Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash, just s. of Hwy. 138, Scott D. White, Apr. 16, 1997, to 6721 ft. (2049 m.) Circle Mt. summit, R.G. Swinney, June 23, 1994; Apr.-July; uncommon; transmontane, montane at Circle Mt. Pk., R.G. Swinney, June 23, 1994, 6721 ft. (2049 m.), cismontane at Chalk Pk. (6089 ft.), Lytle Cr. area between Middle & N. Forks, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 19, 1997, 6065 ft. (1849 m.), Cajon Pass

FVS: June 3-6, 1900, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

Cryptantha circumscissa (Hook. & Arn.) I.M. Johnston var. circumscissa, Cushion Cryptantha

[synonyms: C. circumscissa (Hook & Arn.) I.M. Johnston var. genuina I.M. Johnston and C. circumscissa (Hook. & Arn.) I.M. Johnston var. hispida (J.F. Macbr.) I.M. Johnst.]

LACo.: A.D.E. Elmer, June 1922, 2719 ft. (829 m.) (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary) Acton, Mt. Gleason (Quad-added 2011),

SBCo.: No records found.

Cryptantha clevelandii Greene, Cleveland’s Cryptantha

LACo.: lowest, large waterfall in Spruce Cyn., a trib. from the w. of San Antonio Cyn., July 30, 1998, 3201 ft. (976 m.); with Dave Larson, upper Fern Cyn., SDEF, from Fern Dam # 1 to # 3, n.e. of Browns Flat, July 21, 1999, 4720 ft. (1439 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White & Justin M. Wood, San Gabriel River, W. Fork, dirt rd. between Cogswell Dam and fill slope on s. side of Cogswell Reservoir, May 6, 2009,

2381 ft. (726 m.); Scott D. White & Justin M. Wood, San Gabriel River, W. Fork between Bear Cr. & Cogswell Dam, May 6, 2009, 1801 ft. (549 m.); Justin M. Wood, City of San dimas, Sycamore Cyn., Falcon Ridge Rd., Apr. 22, 2009,

1351 ft. (412 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Devil’s Cyn., just above the upper falls, below the Cmpgrd., e. of Windy Gap, May 31, 1968, 3300 ft. (1006 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Hunt Cyn., 3 miles e. of Vincent, May 12, 1967, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

FVS: May 12, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

Cryptantha clevelandii Greene var. florosea I.M. Johnst., Coastal Cryptantha, Cleveland’s Cryptantha

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Justin M. Wood, City of San Dimas, Sycamore Cyn., Falcon Ranch, Apr. 22, 2009, 1351 ft. (412 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Aliso Cyn., c. 0.5 miles e. of Blum Ranch, Apr. 20, 1973, 3100 ft. (945 m.); P.A. Munz & Street, Lone Hill, San Dimas, San Gabriel Mts., Apr. 19, 1919 (possibly just s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary

FVS: Apr. 19, 1919

SBCo.: No records found.

+Cryptantha corollata (I.M. Johnst.) I.M. Johnst., Coast Range Cryptantha

LACo.: R. Hoffmann, Little Rock Dam, Apr. 27, 1929, no elev. given

SBCo.: w. side of Lytle Cr. Cyn. Road, near Hitching Ranch, 200 meters n. of USFS Rd. 2N79, Apr. 25, 1993, 2608 ft. (795 m.)

Other records: None found.

Cryptantha decipiens (M.E. Jones) A. Heller, Gravelbar Cryptantha

LACo.: From 3159 ft. (963 m.), at Carr Cyn., 0.4-1.5 miles s.e. of Mt. Emma Rd., upper S. Fork, Carr Cyn., R.G. Swinney, May 6, 2009, to 4821 ft. (1470 m.), Big Rock Cr., at “Paradise Springs”, on Big Rock Cr. Cmpgrd. property, R.G. Swinney, May 2, 2008; Apr., May; rare; transmontane

FVS: Apr. 26, 1982, Robert Gustafson & G.D. Wallace, Bob’s Gap Rd., c. 3.5 miles s. of jct. with Pearblossom Hwy., 3206 ft. (975 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Cryptantha echinella Greene, Hedgehog or Prickly Cryptantha

LACo.: From 3601 ft. (1098 m.), at Kitter Cyn., near confl. of Kitter Cyn. & Little Rock Cr., Orlando Mistretta, Apr. 25, 1995, to 8400 ft. (2561 m.), at Cucamonga Wilderness, Big Horn Pk., R.G. Swinney, July 8, 1994 and at 8397 ft. (2560 m.), e. of Ontario Pk., P.A. Munz, July 18, 1922 Apr.-Aug., Oct.; rare, transmontane, montane

FVS: July 6, 1918, I.M. Johnson (Johnston-added 2010), Prairie Fk. San Gabriel River, 6996 ft.

(2133 m.)

SBCo.: From 6120 ft. (1866 m.), at Falling Rock Cyn., 0.4 miles s. of Icehouse Cyn., R.G. Swinney, July 9, 1996, to 8469 ft. (2582 m.), within 100 yards s.e. & north of Wright Mt. Summit, R.G. Swinney, July 12, 1993; Apr.-July; rare; montane

FVS: July 30, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Kell’ys Cabin, Ontario Pk., 8197 ft. (2499 m.)

Cryptantha flaccida (Douglas ex Lehm.) Greene, Pale or Weakstem Cryptantha

LACo.: San Dimas Experimental Forest, rare, disturbed areas in chamise, SDEF, 1988, no documented voucher found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Cryptantha holoptera (A. Gray) J.F. Macbr., Winged Cryptantha

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-2 State/Fed: Status: none


LACo.: M.N. Ackley Little Rock Foothills, May 1926, 2998 ft. (914 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Cryptantha inaequata (A. Gray) J.F. Macbr., Panamint or Winged Cryptantha

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, e. of Oak Springs Cyn., ridge imm. south of Desert Front Rd., June 29, 1995

Other records: None found.

Cryptantha intermedia (A. Gray) Greene, Popcorn Flower, Clearwater Cryptantha

LACo.: From 554 ft. (169 m.), at Azusa/Irwindale, between the I-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd. on w. side of San Gabriel River Channel, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 7, 2009 to 6996 ft. (2133 m.), above Claremont, D. L. Crawford, June 30, 1915; Mar.-June; fairly common, transmontane, montane at w. of Mt. Islip, just above e. boundary of San Gabriel Wilderness, c. 4 mile closed section of Hwy. 39 from c. 1.6 miles w. of jct. of Crystal Lake area rd. to jct. Hwy. 2, cismontane

FVS: Feb. 6, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1597 ft. (487 m.)

SBCo.: From 2099 ft. (640 m.) at Lytle Cr. Wash, just s. of Glen Helen Pkwy., NNW of I-215 Frwy., B. Pitzer, et al., Mar. 8, 1997, to 4897 ft. (1493 m.), between upper & lower San Sevaine Flats, along tr., I.M. Johnston, July 10, 1925; Jan.-July; fairly common; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 16, 1903, Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, 3802 ft. (1159 m.)

Cryptantha maritima (Greene) Greene, Guadalupe Cryptantha

LACo.: San Dimas, Fern Cnyn., SDEF, 1988 (not able to find the location of the voucher # or its data.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Cryptantha micrantha (Torr.) I.M. Johnst., Redroot Cryptantha

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 499 ft. (152 m.) at San Gabriel Wash, I.M. Johnston, May 13, 1917, to 6800 ft. (2073 m.), at Bare Mt. Cyn., head of drainage e. of Pacifico Mt. at end of FS Rd. 3N7#, Orlando Mistretta, June 20, 1995; Apr.-May; uncommon; all 3 areas

FVS: June 17, 1906, Geo. B. Grant, Mt. Wilson summit, 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

SBCo.: Rare in sandy soils,

Cajon Wash, c. 1 mi. s.e. of Controversy Spring, c. 1 mi. s. of Hwy. 138, Apr. 20, 1994, 4497 ft. (1371 m.)

Other records:

Four records from Cajon Pass, 2247-3936 ft. (685-1200 m.), Frank W. Peirson, I.M. Johnston, I.W. Clokey & E.G. Anderson, 1919-1935; Barbara Sherdonick, Wash just w. of Littlerock, Apr. 28, 1974, 2801 ft. (854 m.)

FVS: Apr. 16, 1919, Frank W. Peirson, Cajon Pass, 2247 ft. (685 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Cryptantha micrantha (Torr.) I.M. Johnst. var. lepida (A. Gray) I.M. Johnston, Redroot Cryptantha

LACo.: T.S. Ross & Steve Boyd, Mill Cr. Tree Plantation, Tujunga Distr., May 17, 1990, 5291 lft. (1613 m.)

SBCo.: I.W. Clokey & E.G. Anderson, w. of Cajon Pass, May 15, 1935, 3936 ft. (1200 m.); F.W. Peidrson, San Bernardino Mts. region, s. slope of Cajon Pass, Apr. 16, 1919, 2250 ft. (686 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Apr. 16, 1919

Cryptantha micrantha (Torr.) I.M. Johnst. var. micrantha, Redroot Cryptantha # 3449

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth et. al., c. 2.0 mi. s.e. of Valyermo on rd. to Jackson Lake, June 29, 1972, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); Dan S. Cooper, knoll on s. side of Santa Clara River, 1.5 km. w. of Sand Cyn. Road, Santa Clarita, Apr. 21, 2008, 1558 ft. (475 m.)

FVS: Apr. 21, 2008

SBCo.: Sheep Cr. near Pinon Hills, 0.8 mi. s. of Hwy 138 at Scrub Oak Rd. & 70-300 m. w. of Scrub Oak Road, Apr. 5, 1995, 4579 ft. (1396 m.)

Other records:

James Henrickson, c. 2-4 mi. n. of I-15 in Lower Lytle Cr. Wash, May 1, 1985, 2400-2800 ft. (732-854 m.)

FVS: May 1, 1985

Cryptantha micromeres (A. Gray) Greene, Minute-flowered or Pygmyflower Cryptantha

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Tan Bark Flat, San Dimas Cyn., SDEF, June 1, 1936,

2800 ft. (853 m; L.C. Wheeler, San Gab. Mts., c. 1 mile e. of mouth of Little Tujunga Cyn., June 8, 1975, no elev. given; Martha Hilend, Mt. Lowe, May 14, 1929, no elev. given

FVS: May 14, 1929

SBCo.: No records found.

Cryptantha microstachys (Greene ex A. Gray) Greene, Tejon Cryptantha

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at So. foothills above Irwindale, Fish Creek Cyn., from mouth of cyn. at CalMat Quarry upstream to falls, Scott D. White & P. DeVries, May 18, 2000, to 5396 ft. (1645 m.), at south trail to Baldy Lookout, I.M. Johnston, July 8, 1925, :Apr.-July, Sep.; rare; transmontane at Aliso Cyn., montane at Baldy Lookout, cismontane

FVS: Sep. 20, 1903, C.F. Baker, San Antonio Cyn., near Claremont

SBCo.: Controversy Spring, May 1, 1995, 4559 ft. (1390 m.); w. of Cajon Wash & south of Hwy. 138, c. 1 mi. SSW of Cajon Jct., Apr. 29, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.); Frankish Pk., June 8, 1996, 4149 ft. (1265 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, 1.5 mi. s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn Rd. & Applewhite Rd., Apr. 22, 1995, 3319 ft.

(1012 m.); Ralston Pk. May 23, 1998, 4379 ft. (1335 m.); Cajon Pass, near Sycamore Station, n. of Glen Helen Pkwy., 0.9 mi. e. of Lytle Cr. Rd., June 11, 1994, 2066 ft. (630 m.)

Other records:

Kathleen Stockwell, Upland foothills, Campus Ave. at e. end of 21st. Street, under powerlines, June 10, 2003, 1719 ft. (524 m.); I.M. Johnston, w. end of Ontario Pk., June 28, 1924, 5497 ft. (1676 m.); I.M. Johnston, San Sevaine Cyn., July 11, 1925, 3250 ft. (991 m.); Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn./Evey Cyn., Apr. 16, 1971, 2600 ft. (793 m.); Freda Detmers, Lytle Cr. Cyn., May 10, 1931; L.C. Wheeler, Meyer Cyn. off Lytle Cr., May 9, 1968, 2300 ft. (701 m.)

FVS: May 16, 1903, Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. region, Cajon Pass,

3802 ft. (1159 m.)

+Cryptantha mohavensis (E. Greene) E. Greene, Mojave Cryptantha

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, jct. of Desert Front Rd. (=Oak Spring Ranch Rd.) and Oak Spring Ranch, June 29, 1995, (5320 ft. (1622 m.) (also det. C. pterocarya var. pterocarya); Pinon Hills area, 0.7 miles s. of Hwy. 138 at Beekly Rd., s. of Yucca Inn, between Horse Cyn. & Sheep Cr., May 1, 1995, 4861 ft. (1482 m.)

Other records: None found

FVS: May 1, 1995

Cryptantha muricata (Hook. & Arn.) Nelson & J.F. Macbr., Pointed Cryptantha

LACo.: From 551 ft. (168 m.) at Irwindale near jct. of Foothill Blvd. & Irwindale Ave., L.F. LaPre & T.W. Mulroy, Apr. 7, 1986; to 8544 ft. (2605 m.) at Crest Tr. above Lily Spring, c. 0.25 mi. w. of Mt. Hawkins, Wayne E. Sawyer, Aug 11, 1981; Mar.-Oct.; abundant; all 3 sections

FVS: June 30, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Mt. Wilson, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 1450 ft. (442 m.) at Etiwanda, w. side of Etiwanda Cr. on n. side of Hwy 30, A.C. Sanders, Mar. 12, 1998, to 8997 ft. (2743 m.) at Telegraph Pk., I.M. Johnston, July 31, 1917; Feb.-Nov.; common; all 4 sections

FVS: May 17, 1914, W.L. Jepson, Cajon Cyn., 2198 ft. (670 m.)

Cryptantha muricata (Hook. & Arn.) Nelson & J.F. Macbr. var. denticulata (Greene) I.M. Johnst., Prickly-nut Cryptantha

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Camp Lupine, Prairie Fk., Sep. 4, 1967, 6500 ft. (1981 m.)

SBCo.: F.R.Fosberg, head of Lone Pine Cyn. June 8, 1932, 6150 ft. (1875 m.); LeRoy Gross, Bill Hogstead, et al., N. Fork Lytle Cr., May 20, 2004, 6301 ft. (1921 m.)

FVS: May 20, 2004

Cryptantha muricata (Hook. & Arn.) Nelson & J.F. Macbr. var. jonesii (A. Gray) I.M. Johnst., Jones Cryptantha

LACo.: Michael Denslow & S.D. Boyd, Glendora Ridge Mtwy. 1N26 west of jct. with Glendora Mt. Road 2N08, May 7, 2003, 2499 ft. l (762 m.); LeRoy Gross, along trail from Charlton Flats Picnic Grounds to top of Vetter Mt., June 9, 2001, 5599 ft. (1707 m.); F.W. Peirson, on road side and in clearing about old mill, Aliso Cr. at Tie Cyn., June 31, 1929, 4398 ft. (1341 m.); T.S. Ross, Steve Boyd, et al., Pinyon Ridge, w. half of the ridge, between upper Little Rock Cr. & San Andreas Rift Zone, June 22, 1990, 5599 ft. (1707 m.); I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn. at “Hog Back”, May 12, 1918, 3700 ft. (1128 m.)

FVS: May 12, 1918

SBCo.: James Henrickson, c. 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr., (Cyn.) Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I 15, May 10, 1985, 2401 ft. (732 m.); Frank Vasek, Lone Pine Cyn. (Cajon Cyn) State Hwy. 138, 1.4 miles s. of jct. of Hwy. 138 & Hwy. 2, May 29, 1963, 3510 ft. (1070 m.); F.R. Fosberg, near summit of Cajon Pass, May 21, 1932, 3772 ft. (1150 m.); I.M. Johnston, Cajon Pass, just below Cajon Station, May 15, 1920, no elev. given; P.A. Munz & R.D. Harwood, s. side of Cajon Pass, May 25, 1920, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); Mary F. Spencer, summit El Cajon Pass, May 12, 1917, no elev. given

FVS: May 12, 1917

Cryptantha muricata (Hook. & Arn.) Nelson & J.F. Macbr. var. muricata, Showy Prickly-nut Cryptantha

LACo.: Big Jojhn Flat, s.e. end along cyn. bottom of E. Fork Boulder Cyn., June 18, 1999, 5520 ft. (1683 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White & Kent Hughes, n. foothills near Acton, bajada slopes & unnamed ephemeral tributaries to Arrastre Cyn., May 16, 2000, 3201 ft. (976 m.); T.S. Ross, Roundtop Mt., Aug. 14, 1991, 6199 ft. (1890 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd., Yerbo Buena Ridge, Tujunga Ranger Dist., May 14, 1990, 3519 ft. l(1073 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Ball Flat , 1500 m. due n. of Jackson Lake, between the Boulder Cyn. & Mescal Cr. drainages, June 18, 1990, 5720 ft. (1744 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et all, natural depression SSW of Crystal Lake, June 25, 1990, 5550 ft. (1692 m.); David Charlton, Angeles Crest Hwy., several miles n. of Big Pine on shaded e.-facing slope at the base of a roadcut, June 15, 1986, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); T.S. Ross & Steve Boyd, Mill Cr. Tree Plantation, Tujunga Dist., May 17, 1990, 5291 ft. (1613 m.); Joseph A. Ewan, Barley Flats, July 10, 1929,

5625 ft. (1715 m.)

FVS: July 10, 1929

SBCo.: Joy W. Rohrbaach, mouth of Day Cyn., 50 meters n. of jct. of fire rd. & the stream, 1.2 miles n.w. of end of Etiwanda Ave., May 16, 1983, 2800 ft.

(853 m.)

+Cryptantha nemaclada Greene, Colusa Cryptantha

LACo.: upper Fish Fk. drainage, s.-facing slope of Pine Mt. Ridge, 2.1 miles s.w. of Fish Fk. Trail & Pine Mt. Ridge, July 21, 1998, 6839 ft. (2085 m.); Prairie Fk., 300 m. west of Cabin Flats Campground, July 10, 1998, 5241 ft. (1598 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Jully 10, 1998

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Well, June 14, 1968, 5501 ft. (1677 m.)

Cryptantha nevadensis Nelson & Kern., Nevada Cryptantha

LACo.: From 3500 ft. (1067 m.) at Hunt Cyn., 3 miles e. of Vincent, May 12, 1967, to 4674 ft. (1425 m.), at S. Calif. Edison transmission line tower (segment 6, structure 42 per Trip Survey 2008), vic. of Mill Cr., Apr. 21, 2008; Apr., May; rare; transmontane

FVS: May 10, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Arrastre Cr., n. base of San Gab. Mts.,

3000 ft. (915 m.)

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, w. of Green Rd. & n. of Oak Spring Ranch, June 20, 1996, 4999 ft. (1524 m.)

Other records:

Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, 3802 ft. (1159 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 16, 1903

Cryptantha nevadensis A.Nelson & Kennedy var. nevedensis, Nevada Cryptantha

LACo.: Carr Cyn., 0.5-1.0 mile e. of Littlerock Creek confl., Apr. 29, 2009,

3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Cryptantha nevadensis A. Nelson & Kennedy var. rigida I.M. Johnst., Nevada Cryptantha

LACo.: From 1900-2200 ft. (579 m.), at Soledad Cyn., canyon bottom & adj. steep n.-facing slope, Scott D. White & Kent Hughes, May 17, 2000, to 5360 ft.

(1634 m.), at Boulder Cyn. Wash, s. of e.-w. road that runs through Big John Flat, Wash bottom in ravine, R.G. Swinney, June 21, 1999; Mar.-July, uncommon; transmontane

FVS: May 20, 1965, R.N. Philbrick, S. Fork Little Rock Cr.

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, w. of Green Rd. & n. of Oak Spring Ranch, June 20, 1996, 4999 ft. (1524 m.); Baldy mesa Ridge Rd., 6.1 mi. e. of jct. of Rd. # 3N24 and Baldy Mesa Ridge, June 22, 1995, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); S. Spring Hill area, n. lof Stoddard Flats, July 20, 1995, 4080 ft. (1244 m.); s. of Cajon Wash & s. of Hwy. 138, c. 1 mi. SSW of Cajon Jct., June 29, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Controversy Springs, c. 4 mi. ENE of Wrightwood, June 21, 1978, 4556 ft. (1389 m.); many records for the Cajon Wash area

FVS: May 15, 1920; I.M. Johnston, mouth of Cajon Valley, Cajon Pass, 3500 ft. (1067m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Cryptantha oxygona (A. Gray) Greene, Sharpnut Cryptantha

LACo.: From 2400 ft. (732 m.), at Mll Cyn. off Soledad Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, May 5, 1973, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at high point of E. Table Mt., Wrightwood area, R.G. Swinney, July 2, 1998; Apr.-July; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 15, 1921, F.W. Peirson, trail from Pine Flats to Chilao

SBCo.: near summit of peak s.e. of Oak Spring Ranch, s. of Pinon Hills, May 27, 1996, 6140 ft. (1872 m.)

Other records:

W.R. Bowen, Cajon Cyn., 7 mi. e. of US 395 on State Hwy. 138, May 1, 1962, 3798 ft. (1158 m.); I.W. Clokey, w. of Cajon Pass, May 15, 1935, (3936 ft.

(1200 m.)

FVS: May 15, 1935

Cryptantha pterocarya (Torr.) Greene, Wingnut Cryptantha

LACo.: From 2720 ft. (829 m.), at Soledad Cyn. Wash, c. 1/2 mile e. of Acton, T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Apr. 30, 1991, to 6580 ft. (2006 m.), at Juniper Hills, top of Pleasant View Ridge, s. of jct. of 104th St. East & Juniper Hills Rd., R.G. Swinney, June 16, 2001; Mar.-June, uncommon; transmontane

FVS: June 4, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., n. slope of San Gab. Mts., 5550 ft. (1692 m.)

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, e. of Oak Spring Cyn., ridge imm. s. of Desert Fron Rd.,

June 2, 1995, 5481 ft. (1671 m.); Baldy Mesa, 1.3 miles n.e. of Hwy. 138 on USFS Rd. 3N24, 100-300 meters n.w. of where 3N24 crosses ridgetop near Nuss Ranch, June 3, 1995, 4622 ft. (1409 m.)

Other records:

Michael Denslow, et. al., Heath Cyn, outside Wrightwood, June 2, 2003, 6399 ft. (1951 m.); S.D. White, near Cajon Pass, n.w. of jct. of I-15 & Hwy. 138, c. 1 air mile w. of I-15., 1 air mile, n. of Hwy. 138

FVS: June 3, 1995

Cryptantha pterocarya (Torr.) Greene var. pterocarya, Wingnut Cryptantha

LACo.: Robert F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, 3.2 miles s. of Hwy. 138, along Grandview Cyn. Rd., Apr. 20, 1973, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); Alimony Ridge, jct. of Alimony Ridge & Alimony Ridge Rd. and to 0.5 miles n.w. up ridge, _______ May 12, 2009, 4707 ft. (1435 m); R.F. Thorne, et. al., c. 3 mi. s. of Pearblossom, near jct. of Valyermo & Pearblossom Rds., May 1, 1970, 3798 ft. (1158 m.)

FVS: May 1, 1970

SBCo.: Pinon Hills area, 0.7 mi. s. of Hwy 138 at Beekley Rd., s. of Yucca Inn between Horse Cyn. & Sheep Cr., May 1, 1995, 4861 ft. (1482 m.)

Other records: None found.

Cryptantha pterocarya (Torr.) Greene var. purpusii Jeps., Purpus’ Cryptantha, Wingnut Cryptantha

LACo.: LeRoy Gross, Ridgeline to Mt. Emma,& cyn. s. of the ridge., w. from Mt. Emma, Apr., 28, 2005 , 4051 ft.(1235 m.); R.F. Thorne, J.P. Simon, et al., c. 3 miles s. of Pearblossom near jct. of Valyermo & Pearblossum Rds., May 1, 1970, c. 3800 ft. (1158 m.)

FVS: May 1, 1970

SBCo.: No records found.

Cryptantha racemosa (S. Watson) Greene, Bushy or Shrubby Cryptantha

LACo.: I.M. Johnson, Claremont Campus by Harwood Hall, May 15, 1918,

1200 ft. (366 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Cryptantha similis Mathew & R.H. Raven, Dome or Desert Cryptantha

LACo.: e. side of Big John Pk., June 5, 1999, 5380 ft. (1780 m.); Bob’s Gap near Lime Kilm Ruins, e. side of road, Apr. 18, 2001, 4080 ft. (1244 m.); Big John Flat along E. Fork of Boulder Cyn., June 18, 1999, 5520 ft. (1683 m.); lower Boulder Cyn. Wash, 0.6 mi. s. of Ft. Tejon Rd., (Ave. Y) on 213th St. East, Apr. 5, 1999, 3959 ft. (1207 m.); Graham Cyn., 2.4 mi. s. of Ft. Tejon Rd., c. 200 meters n. of Mescal Highlands, May 1, 1999, 4398 ft. (1341 m.)

Other records:

T.S. Ross, Soledad Cyn. Wash, c. 1/2 mile e. of Acton, Apr. 30, 1991, 2719 ft. (829 m.); Peter (Kamb) Ray, above Little Rock, San Gab. Mts., May 6, 1948, 3198 ft. (975 m.)

FVS: May 6, 1948

SBCo.: near summit of peak s.e. of Oak Spring Ranch, s. of Pinon Hills, May, 27, 1996, (1872 m.); Sheep Cr., near Pinon Hills, 0.8 mi. s. of Hwy 138 at Scrub Oak Rd. & 70-300 m. w. of Scrub Oak Rd., Apr. 5, 1995, 4579 ft. (1396 m.); Controversy Spring, c. 0.4 mi. s. of Hwy 138, Cajon Cyn., May 1, 1995, 4559 ft. (1390 m.); Horse Cyn., n.w. of Circle Mt., 100-200 m. e. of State Hwy 2, c. 200 ft. s. of Horse Cyn. Rd.(FS Road 3N12), June 12, 1994, 4999 ft. (1524 m.); upper Cajon Cyn., c. 1 mi. s.e. of Controversy Spring & c. 1 mi. s. of Hwy 138, c. 1.5 mi. SSE of Mt. Top Jct., Apr. 29, 1994, 4520 ft. (1378 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Apr. 29, 1994

Cryptantha simulans Greene, Pine or Pinewoods Cryptantha

LACo.: From 3746 ft. (1142 m.), at So. Calif. transmission line tower (Seg. 6, structure 23 per TRTP Survey 2008), vic. of Aliso Cyn., w. of Angeles Crest Hwy., Orlando MIstretta & Christina Mistretta, Apr. 16, 2008 to 6999 ft. (2134 m.) on s.w. side of Mt. Waterman, L.C. Wheeler, July 15, 1967 and at summit of Table Mt. above Big Pines Ranger Station, R.F. Thorne, July 9, 1969 and R.G. Swinney, w. of Wrightwood, Blue Ridge Trail area, 0.2 miles s.e. of Hwy. 2 at Blue Ridge Trail, June 25, 1997;Apr.-July; fairly common; transmontane, montane, cismontane at s. side of Devil’s Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, May 30, 1968, 4599 ft. (1402 m.)

FVS: June 1, 1900, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

SBCo.: From 4080 ft. (1244 m.) at Spring Hill area, n. of Stoddard Flats, R.G. Swinney, July 20, 1995, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.) above Big Pines Ranger Station, R.F. Thorne, July 9, 1969; May-July; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 1-3, 1900, H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 5747 ft. (1752 m.)

FVS: June 1-3, 1900

Emmenanthe penduliflora Benth., Whispering Bells

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 1.2 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., Azusa/Duarte, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 31, 2009, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at E. Table Mt. Summit, Wrightwood area, R.G. Swinney, July 2, 1998; Mar., May, July, Aug.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: May, 1897, Thekla Mohr, Eaton Cyn.

SBCo.: From 2749 ft. (838 m.), at Cajon Pass, mouth of Lone Pine Cyn., Swarthout Cyn. Rd., c. 1.8 road miles s. of Cleghorn Rd., w. of I-215 Frwy., where RR tracks cross road for first time, c. 0.4 road miles s.w. of jct. of Cajon Blvd. & Swarthout Cyn. Rd., A. Pitzer, May 5, 1995, to 4779 ft. (1457 m.), at Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge, 2. 9 miles w. of FS Road 2N56, on Sheep Cr. Road, R.G. Swinney, June 18, 1993; Apr.-July; uncommon; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 16, 1903, Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass,

3802 ft. (1159 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Emmenanthe penduliflora Benth. var. penduliflora, Whispering Bells

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., Azusa/Duarte, 1.2 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., burn area of 2008, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 31, 2009, to

7200 ft. (2195 m.), at W. Blue Ridge, Big Pines Park, B.C. Templeton, Aug. 26, 1932; Apr.-Aug., Oct.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: May 26, 1918, P.A. Munz, Claremont, near mouth of Live Oak Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2600 ft. (793 m.), at Cucamonga Cyn., along truck trail, R.F. Thorne, June 9, 1971, to 4700 ft. (1433 m.), near San Sevaine Cow Camp, R.F. Thorne, July 7, 1971; May-July, Sep.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 10, 1927, L.E. Hoffman, San Gab. Mts. region, Swartout Cyn., no elev. given

Eriodictyon crassifolium Benth., Thickleaf Yerba Santa

Vars. intergrade +/- distinguished by stem, leaf hairs.

LACo.: Kay H. Beach, on Woods Trail, upper part, Lewis Paul Cyn., May 11, 1943, no elev. given; Benjamin C. Stone, above San Gabriel Dam, Mar. 9, 1953, 2896 ft. (883 m.);

John Dittes, Big Tujunga Cyn., c. 3.7 air-miles n.e. of Verdugo Hills High School, c. 2.5 air-miles s.w. of Condor Pk., c. 2.5 air-miles SSE of Mt. Mckinley, slope above Trail Cyn. Cr., n. of Big Tujunga Rd. ____1732 ft. (528 m.); A.C. Sanders & D. Malueg, Aliso Cyn., under SCE Mesa-Vincent powerline pole, 3-4, just below confl with Beartrap Cyn., June 22, 1998, 3300 ft. (1006 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Johnson Pasture (Johnson’s Pastures-added 2010), near old gravel pits, (vicinity of Claremont), July 22, 1931, 1575 ft. (480 m.)

FVS: May, 1897, Thekla Mohr, Sierra Madre, San Gab. Mts.

SBCo.: No records found.

+Eriodictyon crassifolium Benth. var. crassifolium , Thickleaf Yerba Santa

LACo.: Topperberg, San Antonio Cyn., n. of Pomona, June 1961, no elev. given; Arthur C. Gibson & Linda Gibson, edges of Big Tujunga Wash below Juvenile Det. Camp, Mar. 11, 1972, no elev. givenRimo Bocigalupi ( with Reino Alava), c. 2 miles above Red Box Gap (along Angeles Cr. National Hwy. (Calif. No. 2), on s.-facing slope of Valley Forge Cyn. trib. of W. Fork San Gabriel River, July 21, 1958, 4648 ft. (1417 m Kenneth A. Wilson, Placerita Cyn. Road, c. 2 miles e. of Hwy 6, May 10, 1962, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Kagel Cyn., Apr. 8, 1973, 1948 ft. (594 m.); L.R. Abrams, Little Santa Anita Cyn., July 1, 1902, no elev. given

FVS: Jully 1, 1902

SBCo.: No records found.

+Eriodictyon crassifolium Benth. var. nigrescens Brand, Bicolored or Thickleaf Yerba Santa

LACo.: From 741 ft. (226 m.), Azusa, 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., on n. side of Hwy. 39, near rd. shoulder, R.G. Swinney, June 12, 2009, to 3749 ft. (1143 m.), at Santiago Cyn., Orlando Mistretta, Steve Boyd, et al., Apr. 29, 1994; Jan.-Aug.; fairly common; cismontane, transmontane

FVS: Mar. 1916, Fordyce Grinnell Jr., Arroyo Seco Cyn.

SBCo.: No records found.

+Eriodictyon parryi (A. Gray) Greene, Sticky Poodle-dog Bush, Common Turricula

[synonym: Turricula parryi (A. Gray) J.F. Macbr.] Often the dominant plant for the first 3 years following wildfires.

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), n. of Hwy. 39 & E. of Roberts Cyn., Sandy Leatherman, July 1, 1998, to 7997 ft. (2438 m.), road up to Mt. San Antonio, H. & M. Dearing, July 18, 1937; May-Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 28, 1897, J.F. Barber, Kentucky Springs

SBCo.: From 2250 ft. (686 m.), at 1/4 mile n.w. of n. end of Saphire St., along road which becomes Cucamonga Truck Trail, n.e. of Ontario, J.D. Olmsted, Apr. 21, 1959, to 6849 ft. (2088 m.), at Coldwater Cyn., along Mt. Baldy Rd., (off N. Fork Lytle Cr.), L.C. Wheeler, July 10, 1968; Apr.-Oct., abundant locally after fire; all 4 sections

FVS: July 29, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., San Antonio Mts.,

6747 ft. (2057 m.)

Eriodictyon trichocalyx A. Heller, Smoothleaf Yerba Santa

LACo.: From 561 ft. (171 m.), 300 yards n. of Hwy. 66, in Irwindale, c. 500 yds. e. of San Gabriel River channel, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 5, 1969, to 7544 ft.

(2300 m.), along Hwy. 2, between Big Pines & Wrightwood, Almit G. Jones, Aug. 21, 1986; Mar.-Aug., Nov., Dec.; common; all 3 sections

FVS: June 10, 1918, F.W. Peirson, Mt. Lowe, 5196 ft. (1584 m.)

SBCo.: From 1500-2000 ft. (457-610 m.), at w. side of Cucamonga Cyn., c. 608 (6.8 or 6 or 8) miles n.e. of Upland, Stuart Mckinnon, May 1, 1948, to 8561 ft.

(2610 m.), at Ontario Peak, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 14, 1995; Apr.-Aug., Nov.; common; near transmontane at Circle Mt., montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 23, 1928, M.N. Ackley, San Bernardino Mts., Cajon to Wrightwood, 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

+Eriodictyon trichocalyx A. Heller var. trichocalyx, Hairy Yerba Santa

LACo.: From 1100 ft. (+/- 50 ft. )(335 m.), at Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland-Tujunga area, alluvial fan below San Gabriel Mts., s. of I-210 Frwy., e. of Hansen Dam, & N. of Wentworth St., Scott D. White, May 15, 1997, to 8400 ft. (256 m.), at Cucamonga Wilderness, Big Horn Pk., R.G. Swinney, July 8, 1994; Apr.-Nov.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June 12, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson Pk.

SBCo.: From 2250 ft. (686 m.), at 1/4 mile n.w. of n. end of Saphire St., along road which becomes Cucamonga Truck Trail, n.e. of Ontario, J.D. Olmsted, Apr. 2, 1959, to 6901 ft. (2104 m.), at w. summit of Sugarloaf Pk., s. of parking lot of Icehouse Cyn., R.G. Swinney, June 18, 1997; Apr.-Aug., fairly common; near transmontane at Controversy Spring, montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 16, 1918, S.B. Parish, mouth of Icehouse Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

Eucrypta chrysanthemifolia (Benth.) Greene, Eucrypta, Spotted Hideseed

LACo.: Lodi Cyn., SDEF, n. of San Dimas, w. of San Dimas Reservoir, Apr. 10, 2008, 1519 ft. (463 m.); mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., between I-210 Fwy. and Foothill Blvd., Azusa/Irwindale, 200-300 meters e. of San Gabriel River Channel, Feb. 20, 2009, 581 ft. (177 m.)

Other records:

T.B. Salvato & Sandra Murcia, Santa Anita Reservoir, proposed 4-acre sediment placement site, e. side of channel, c. 0.4 miles s. of Elkins Ave. entrance gate, Mar. 28, 2007, 2099 ft. (640 m.); Paul Neipp, directly w. of San Dimas Ranger Station, on San Dimas Cyn. Road, Apr. 21, 1994, no elev. given; C.F. Baker, San Gab. Mts. region, Monrovia, no elev. given; Lyman Benson, Indian Hill, Claremont, Mar. 29, 1946, 1400 ft. (427 m.)

FVS: Mar. 29, 1946

SBCo.: E. Crow, Cajon Pass, Apr. 18, 1928, no elev. given

Eucrypta chrysanthemifolia (Benth.) Greene var. chrysanthemifolia, Eucrypta, Spotted Hideseed

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1250 ft. (381 m.), below entrance to wooded area of San Dimas Cyn., near San Dimas Cr., R.F. Thorne, Apr. 9, 1971, to 2500 ft. (762 m.), at N. Forkk. of San Gabriel River, F.W. Peirson, June 20, 1921; Feb., Apr.-June; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: Mar. 25, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, San Dimas, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: s. side of the mouth of Lytle Creek Cyn., c. 100 meters n. of Devore Rd. & 0.8 miles s.w. of Sierra Ave. & Lytle Cr. Road jct., Mar. 15, 1993, 1860 ft.

(567 m.)

Other records:

Gerald L. Benny, Day Cyn., burned 1970, Apr. 21, 1971, 2800 ft. (854 m.)

FVS: Apr. 21, 1971

Heliotropium amplexicaule Vahl., Fragrant or Clasping Heliotrope

Native to Argentina.

LACo.: Scott D. White, n. of Claremont, n. side of Mt. Baldy Rd. near jct. with Padua Ave., Aug. 1, 2001, 1800 ft. (549 m.); Adelina Munoz, San Dimas, Sycamore Cyn., behind San Dimas Cyn. Park., May 14, 1988, 1000 ft. (365 m.); Richard Noyes & L. Arnseth, Claremont, dry drainage-bed 100 meters e. of Thompson Cr. Dam., Apr. 30, 1988, 1640 ft.; (500 m.); Steve Boyd, base of San Gab. Mts. at Padua Hills, just e. of mouth of San Antonio Cyn., Feb. 3, 1990, no elev. given; P.A. Munz, established on vacant lots at Padua Hills, 3 mi. n. of Claremont, Sep. 5, 1954, 1600 ft. (487 m.)

FVS: Sep. 5, 1954

SBCo.: No records found.

Heliotropium curassavicum L. var. oculatum (A. Heller) I.M. Johnst., Alkali or Seaside Heliotrope

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), at Roberts Cyn., 0.4-0.7 miles n. of San Gabriel Cyn., R.G. Swinney, June 24, 2008, to 5150 ft. (1569 m.), at Caldwell Lake, L.C. Wheeler, Aug. 28, 1946 and R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., Caldwell Lake near Valyermo (Sag Pond on the San Andreas Fault), July 20, 1972 May-Sep.; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: May 27, 1923, F.W. Peirson, Pallett Cr., 3592 ft. (1095 m.)

SBCo.: Lost Lake, Lone Pine Cyn., Oct. 19, 1991, 2781 ft. (848 m.), also L.C. Wheeler, Oct. 1, 1933; c. 0.6 mi. s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Road & Cajon Road, Aug. 12, 1996, 2640 ft. (805 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Sep. 16, 1967, 3050 ft. (930 m.)

FVS: Sep. 16, 1967

Nama californicum (A. Gray) Bacon, California Fiddleleaf

LACo.: From 2998 ft. (914 m.), at Arraster (Arrastre-added 2011), F.W. Peirson, May 10, 1919, to 5799 ft. (1768 m.), at Bare Mt. Cyn. near summit of Bae (Bare-added 2011) Mt. on n. ridge, Orlando Mistretta, May 23, 1995; May, June; rare; transmontane, cismontane at Coldwater Cyn. off Big Tujunga, L.C. Wheeler, June 13, 1948, 3300 ft. (1005 m.) and F.W. Peirson, at Tujunga Cyn., west end of San Gab. Mts., June 14, 1921, 4100 ft. (1250 m.)

FVS: May 10, 1919, Frank W. Peirson, San Gab. Mts., Arraster (Arrastre-added 2012), 2998 ft. (914 m.)

SBCo.: Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, 3802 ft. (1159 m.) (this seems to be the only location collected that day-added 2009); F.W. Peirson, Cajon Pass, May 29, 1921, no elev. given; S.B. Parish & W.F. Parish, near summit, Cajon Pass (In that year, 2 summits existed, the E. summit is in the San Bernardino Mts.), May, 1881, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May, 1881

Nama demissum A. Gray, Purplemat

LACo.: Mescal Highlands, 1 mile s. of Ft. Tejon Rd. & 237th St. jct., May 16, 1998, 3395 ft. (305 m.); Valyermo area, Bob’s Gap, near Limekiln ruins, on e. side of rd., Apr. 18, 2001, 4080 ft. (1244 m.)

Other records:

Robert Gustafson & G.D. Wallace, Bob’s Gap Rd., c. 3.5 miles s. of jct. of Pearblossom Hwy., Apr. 26, 1982, c. 3200’s ft.; R.F. Thorne, 1 miles w. of L.A. Co. line on Route 138, c. 2 miles w. of Desert Springs, May 15, 1963, c. 4000’s (ft.-added 2010) (just n. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Apr. 26, 1982, Robert Gustafson & G.D. Wallace, Bob’s Gap Rd., c. 3.5 miles s. of jct. with Pearblossom Hwy., c. 3200 ft. (975 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Nama demissum A. Gray var. demissum, Purplemat

(synonym: Nama demissum A. Gray var. deserti Brand)

LACo.: Lower Boulder Cyn. Wash, 0.6 miles s. of Ft. Tejon Rd. (Ave. Y) on 213th Street East, Apr. 5, 1999, 3959 ft. (1207 m.)

Other records:

Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et. al., Bob’s Gap at s. edge of Gap on slopes, roadsides and in wash, May 6, 2005, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, 3.2 miles s. of Hwy. 138 along Grandview Cyn. Road, Apr. 20, 1973, 4200 ft. (1280 m.); LeRoy Gross, Orlando Mistretta, et al., Big Rock Cr., n. & e. of Valyermo Ranger Station, off Big Pines Hwy., May 13, 2003, 3750 ft. (1143 m.); LeRoy Gross, w. terminus of Holiday Ridge, w. of Big Rock Cr. (Wash-added 2010), along n.e. side of hill, n. of Fort Tejon Rd., w. of Valyermo Rd., May 3, 2005, 3559 ft. (1085 m.); Christopher Davidson, 1 mile s. of Littlerock, Apr. 1, 1973, 2500 ft. (761 m.); N.C. Cooper, Little Rock, Apr. 21, 1948, 2499 ft.

(762 m.); F.W. Peirson, Little Rock Cr., May 19, 1921, 3398 ft. (1036 m.)

FVS: May 19, 1921

SBCo.: H.M. Hall, San Antonio Mts. (desert side), June 1899, 6698 ft. (2042 m.)

Nemophila menziesii Hook. & Arn. Baby Blue Eyes

Highly variable, vars. intergrade.

LACo.: From 1350 ft. (412 m.), 2 miles n. Claremont, L.C. Wheeler, Mar. 25, 1932, to 4700 ft. (1433 m.), at San Sevaine Cow Camp (w. of Lytle Cr.), Kirt Taylor, May 27, 1976; Mar.-May; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Feb. 10, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at mouth of Day Cyn. at n. end of Etiwanda Ave., Oak Summit Project, John Wear & Nathan Moorhatch, Apr. 20, 1994, to 4700 ft. (1433 m.), at San Sevaine Cow Camp, (w. of) Lytle Cr., Kirk Taylor, May 27, 1976; Mar.-May; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 16, 1903, Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass,

3802 ft. (1159 m.)

Nemophila menziesii Hook. & Arn. var. integrifolia Parish, Baby Blue Eyes

LACo.: From 900 ft. (274 m.), at Fish Cyn.,(n. of Duarte/Azusa-added 2010), R.F. Thorne, May 22, 1971, to 4995 ft. (1523 m.), at head of Arrastre Cyn., Joseph Andorpher Ewan, May 29, 1932 and at 5000 ft. (1524 m.), Joseph A. Ewan, ridge e. of Mt. Gleason, May 29, 1932; Mar.-June; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: July 11, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Little Santa Anita Cyn., 2998-3998 ft. (914-1219 m.)

SBCo.: From 2040 ft. (622 m.), at (Glen Helen Regional Park), n.w. end of Muscupiabe, L.C. Wheeler, May 9, 1968, to 5560 ft. (1695 m.), at Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge, above Lone Pine Cyn., 1.4 miles s. of Lone Pine Rd. on FS Road 3N31, at first switch back, c. 50-1500 meters s. of rd., R.G. Swinney, May 28, 1995; Apr.- July; uncommon; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Apr. 1, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Cyn., 3000 ft. (915 m.)

+Nemophila menziesii Hook. & Arn. var. menziesii, Baby Blue Eyes

LACo.: From 1400 ft. (427 m.), at cyn. n. of Webb School, e. of Liveoak Cyn., G.R. Campbell, Mar. 23, 1952, to 4959 ft. (1512 m.), at 100 meters e. of mouth of Mescal Cyn., in Mescal Heights area, 50 meters e. of 237th St. East, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 14, 1998 (also det. as N. menziesii var. integrifolia); Feb.-May; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Apr. 26, 1925, Edwin Kline, Arroyo Seco, San Gab. Mts., no elev. given

SBCo.: Pinon Hills area at Sheep Cr., 0.9 miles s. of Hwy. 138 at Scrub Oak Rd., Mar. 25, 1995, 4520 ft. (1378 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Divide, 0.7 miles n.e. of jct. of Applewhite Rd. & FS Rd. 3N31, Apr. 3, 1995, 3401 ft. (1037 m.); Glen Helen Regional Park, c. 600 meters s. of Blockbuster Pavilion plarking area, between motorcycle racetrack & n. parking area, Apr. 15, 1995, 2000 ft. (610 m.); w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Hwy. 138, c. 1 mile SSW of Cajon Jct., off FS Rd. 3N49, Apr. 29, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.); 1.1 miles w. of Glen Helen Rd. on FS Rd. 3N31 (Applewhite Rd.), Apr. 5, 1994, 2319 ft. (707 m.); jct. of Lone Pine Cyn. & Cajon Cyn., c. 100 meters w. of Cajon Wash, Apr. 8, 1994, 2699 ft. (823 m.l); “flats”, immed. s. of Spring Hill, w. of FS Rd. 2N04, Apr. 7, 1995, 4000 ft. (1220 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Cyn., Apr. 1, 1917, 3000 ft. (915 m.); Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 2, 1971, c. 2600 ft. (793 m.); Barry Burnell, Lytle Cr. Rd., 0.5 miles above Pennstock Firebreak, May 9, 1971, 2600 (ft.) (793 m.)

FVS: Apr. 16, 1947, Lyman Benson, San Gab. Mts. Region, edge of Mojave Desert, 10 miles n.w. of Cajon, 4600 ft. (1402 m.)

Nemophila parviflora Douglas ex Benth., Smallflower Nemophyla

LACo.: Peter Kamb, near Sunset Ridge-Millard’s Cyn., May 25, 1947, 2198 ft. (670 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Nemophila pedunculata Douglas ex Benth., Littlefoot Nemophila

LACo.: W.M. Gauntt, Glendora Mt. Rd., 0.5 miles past fork to Mt. Baldy, Apr. 16, 1966, 3000 ft. (915 m.); Kelly & David Middleton, Glendora Ridge Rd., 4.4 miles n. of Glendora Mt. Rd. & Sierra Madre Blvd. in Glendora, May 8, 1988, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); Valerie Soza & L. Moore, Upper Winter Cr. Trail, June 30, 1999,

2801 ft. (854 m.); LeRoy Gross, ridgeline to Mt. Emma & cyn. south of this ridge, w. from Mt. Emma (n.w. trending ridge, lower part of ridgeline starts to turn s.w.) e. of Mt. Emma Rd., Apr. 28, 2005, 4051 ft. (1235 m.); Cameron Blake, off Angeles Crest Hwy., c. 5 miles n. of La Canada, June 2, 1962, 2600 ft. (793 m.); M.B. Bunkle, San Antonio Cyn., June 17, 1933, no elev. given

FVS: June 17, 1933

SBCo.: No records found.

Nemophila pulchella Eastw., Eastwood’s Baby Blue Eyes

LACo.: L.M. Mayer, Big Tujunga Cyn. Road, c. 1 mile e. of jct. with Mt. Gleason Blvd., c. 1 1/2 mi. from Tujunga, Apr. 5, 1974, no elev. given; L.M. Mayer, 50 ft. from road in Big Tujunga Cyn., c. 5 miles n.e. from the jct. of Foothill Blvd. & Mt. Gleason Avenue, Apr. 21, 1973, 1797 ft. (548 m.);

FVS: Apr. 21, 1973

SBCo.: No records found.

+Nemophila pulchella Eastw. ssp. gracilis (Eastw.) Constance, Eastwood’s Baby Blue Eyes

LACo.: Paul Currie, vic. Altadena (Millard Cyn.), summer, 1969, 1998 ft.

(609 m.) (also det. as N. pulchella var. pulchella)

SBCo.: No records found.

Nemophila spatulata Coville, Sierra Baby Blue Eyes

LACo.: Pine Mt. n. of Azusa, June 19, 2000, 4540 ft. (1384 m.); with Dave Larson, upper Fern Cyn., SDEF, from Fern Dam # 1 to # 3, n.e. of Brown’s Flat,July 21, 1999, 4720 ft. (1439 m.)

Other records:

L.R. Heckard, n.w. Chilao Flat (near Horse Flat Cmpgrd.), May 25, 1971, 5596 ft. (1706 m.)

FVS: May 25, 1971

SBCo.: Phil Lindeman, Lone Pine Cyn., Lone Pine Cyn. Road, 2 mi. from US 395, May 9, 1969, no elev. given

Pectocarya linearis (Ruiz & Pav.) DC. ssp. ferocula (I.M. Johnst.) Thorne, Slender Combseed, Sagebrush Combseed

CA; Baja CA, Mex. & s. S. America; uncommon throughout, clearings, roadsides, grassy areas

LACo.: From 581 ft. (177 m.); at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., between I-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd., Azusa/Irwindale, 200-300 meters e. of San Gabriel River Channel, R.G. Swinney, Feb.20, 2009, to 4700 ft. (1433 m.) at n. end of Bob’s Gap, near Valyermo, Sula Vanderplank, May 6, 2005; Mar.-May; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane at San Gabriel Cyn., & Johnson’s Pastures

FVS: Mar. 28, 1918, P.A. Munz, wash near Palmer’s Cyn.

SBCo.: From 1801 ft. (549 m.) at Rancho Cucamonga, bajada at e. foot of mts. between Beryl Ave. & Hellman Ave., 3 mi. n. of Foothill, Scott D. White, Mar. 16, 1998, to 6871 ft. (2095 m.) at Swarthout Cyn., H.M. Hall, June 3-6, 1900; Mar.-June; rare; montane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 3-6, 1900

Pectocarya penicillata (Hook. & Arn.) A.DC., Northern Pectocarya, Sleeping Combseed

LACo.: From 551 ft. (168 m.), at City of Irwindale, near jct. of Foothill Blvd & Irwindale Ave., between gravel Pit & the San Gabriel River channel, to 5199 ft. (1585 m.), Sulphur Springs Cmpgrd. area, S. Fork Littlerock Cr., May 28, 2009,

Feb.-May; rare, tramsmontane, cismontane

FVS: Apr. 26, 1929, R. Hoffman, Soledad Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2099 ft. (640 m.) at Lytle Cr. Wash, just s. of Glenn (Glen-added 2010) Helen Pkwy., NNW of I-215, c. 0.5 mi. e. of Sierra Ave., B. Pitzer, et al., Mar. 8, 1997, to 5599 ft. (1707 m.), at Sheep Cr., n.e. of Wrightwood, Swarthout Valley, LeRoy Gross & Valerie Soza, June 9, 2003; Mar.-June; fairly common; transmontane, montane at Swarthout Cyn., H.M. Hall, June 3-6, 1900, 6796 ft. (2072 m.), cismontane at w. side of Lytle Cr. Canyon Rd., near the Hitching Ranch, 200 meters n. of FS Rd. 2N79, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 25, 1993, 2608 ft. (795 m.)

FVS: June 3-6, 1900, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., 6796 ft. (2072 m.)

Pectocarya recurvata I.M. Johnst., Arched-nut Pectocarya, Curvenut Combseed

LACo.: Scott D. White & Kent Hughes, near Acton, bajada slopes and unnamed ephemeral tributary to Arrastre Cyn., May 16, 2000, 3201 ft. (976 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., 0.6 miles e. of Acton, s. edge of Soledad Cyn., Wash, Apr. 30, 1991, 2760-2880 ft. (841-878 m.)

FVS: Apr. 30, 1991

SBCo.: James Henrickson, San Gab. Mts., c. 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of l-15 Frwy., May 1, 1985, 2400-2800 ft. (738-854 m.)

Pectocarya setosa A. Gray, Round-nut Pectocarya, Moth Combseed

LACo.: From 2760-2880 ft. (841-878 m.), at 0.6 miles ESE of Acton, s. edge of Soledad Cyn. Wash, T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Apr. 30, 1991, to 5199 ft. (1585 m.), at dry, open sandy, chaparral of Pinyon Flats, 1.6 mi. below Alder Saddle along dry branch of S. Fk. of Little Rock Cr., R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, June 30, 1971; Mar.-June; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: June 1902, A.D.E. Elmer, Acton, Mt. Gleason, 2719 ft. (829 m.)

SBCo.: Sheep Cr. near Pinon Hills, 0.2 i. s. of Hwy 138 at Scrub Oak Rd., May 1, 1995, 4441 ft.(1354 m.); Pinon Hills, 2.2 mi. s. of Hwy 138 & c. 50 m. e. of Green Rd., June 20, 1996, 4940 ft. (1506 m.); Baldy Mesa, c. 2 mi. n.w. of Cajon Summit, 4.2 mi. w. of 215 Fry, June 26, 1995, 4648 ft. (1402 m.); upper Cajon Cyn., c. 1 mile, s.e. of Controversy Spring, c. 1 mi. s. of Hwy 138; Horse Cyn., n.e. of Wrightwood, 150 m. w. of Hwy 2, June 12, 1994,

(1468 m.)

Other records:

S.D. White, Cajon Pass, n.w. of jct. of I-15 & Hwy. 138, c. 1 air mi. w. of I-15, 1 air mi. n. of Hwy 138, May 13, 2000, 3401 ft. (1037 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Controversy Spring, May 9, 1968, 4549 ft. (1387 m.); Scott D. White, Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash, just s. of Hwy 138 crossing, Apr. 11, 1997, 2900 ft. (884 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Mormon Rocks & Cajon Cyn., Apr. 20 1973, 3401 ft. (1037 m.); H.M. Hall, San Antonio Mts., Lytle Creek Cyn., 4497 ft. (1371 m.)

FVS: June 103, 1900

Phacelia affinis A. Gray, Limestone Scorpionweed (Phacelia)

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta, Santiago Cyn., canyon & slopes decending w. slope of Santiago Cyn., c. 1 mile s.w. of confl. with Little Rock Cr., Apr. 11, 1995, 3600 ft. (1098 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Oak Spring, Oak Spring Cyn., off Little Tujunga, July 01, 1968, 2601 ft. (793 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Arraster (Arrastre-added 2011) Creek, May 10, 1919, 3473 ft. (914 m.);

FVS: May 10, 1919

SBCo.: s.w. of Cajon Summit, c. 200 meters s. of south-bound I-215 Frwy. (now I-15 Frwy.-added 2010), at FS Rd. 3N53, Apr. 13, 1996, 3578 ft. (1091 m.)

Other records: None found.

Phacelia austromontana J. Howell, Southern Sierra Phacelia

LACo.: From 5996 ft. (1828 m.), at S. Fork Rock Cr., F.W. Peirson, June 02, 1928, to 9000 ft. (2744 m.), at Mt. San Antonio, Devil’s Backbone, R.F. Thorne, June 12, 1971; May-Sep.; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 7, 1906, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr. at Lowell Mines, 7000 ft. (2296 m.)

SBCo.: From 5960 ft. (1817 m.), at 1.6 miles n. of jct. of FS Road 3N33 & 3N06, N. Fork Lytle Cr., due w. of Shade Cmpgrd., R.G. Swinney, June 24, 1993, to 8997 ft. (2743 m.), at Devil’s Backbone, I.M. Johnston, July 4, 1917; May-July; rare; montane

FVS: June 1-3, 1900, H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 6196 ft. (1889 m.)

Phacelia bicolor S. Watson var. bicolor, Twocolor Phacelia

LACo.: A.D.E. Elmer, Acton, (possibly just n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary), June 1902, no elev. given

SBCo.: Marion P. Harthill, Wrightwood, May 22, 1972, 4300’s (ft.-added 2010)

Phacelia brachyloba (Benth.) A. Gray, Shortlobe Phacelia

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel River near Van Tassell Cyn. confl., 1.2 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of El Encanto Pkwy., R.G. Swinney, May 9, 2009, to 5080-5760 ft. (1548-1756 m.), at e.-w. ridge, c. 1400 meters n. of Mt. Gleason, ridge separating the hdwtrs. of Arrastre Cyn. from upper west trib. of Gleason Cyn., T.S. Ross, June 4, 1990; Apr.-Sep.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: June 12, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Trail

SBCo.: From 2600 ft. (793 m.), at Lytle Cr. Rd., 1/2 mile above Pennstock Firebreak, Barry Burne, May 9, 1971, to 4799 ft. (1463 m.), at end of Etiwanda Spur Rd., ridgetop between E. Etiwanda Cyn. & Henderson Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, June 14, 1968; Apr.-June; uncommon; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May, 1880, Daniel Cleveland, Cajon Pass (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary) or May 30, 1918, L.T. Street, Lytle Creek Cyn., no elev. given

Phacelia californica Cham., California Phacelia

Intergrades with P. imbricata.

LACo.: V. Duran, Buckhorn, July 25, 1933, 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

SBCo.: M.N. Ackley, Wrightwood, June, 1929, 6196 ft. (1889 m.)

Phacelia campanularia A. Gray, Desertbells, Desert Bluebells

LACo.: Littlerock Cr., just below Littlerock Cr. Dam, trib. cyn. to the east, Apr. 24, 2009, 3280 ft. (1000 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: Alva Watry, Sheep Cyn., May 10, 1931, no elev. given.

Phacelia cicutaria Greene, Caterpillar Phacelia

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: upper Cajon Cyn., unnamed cyn. north of Circle Mt., s.e. of Controversy Spring, June 3, 1995, 4799 ft. (1463 m.)

Other records:

H.M. Hall, Sarthout Cyn., June, 1899, 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

FVS: June, 1899

Phacelia cicutaria Greene var. hispida (A. Gray) J. Howell, Caterpillar Phacelia

LACo.: From 630 ft. (192 m.), at Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel Cyn. wash, 0.4-1 mile n. (upstream) of Puente Largo (Railway-added 2010) Bridge, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 21, 2009, to 6160 ft. (1878 m.), at Camp Verdugo Pines & vicinity, northerly draw draining to Jackson Lake, Tim Ross & Steve Boyd, June 18, 1990; Mar.-June, Aug., Dec.; abundant; all 3 sections

FVS: May 24, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Palmer’s Cyn., Claremont, 1998 ft.

(609 m.)

SBCo.: From 2070 ft. (631 m.), at c. 210 meters n. of Glen Helen Parkway, 0.9 miles e. of Lytle Cr. Road, R.G. Swinney, June 11, 1994, to 6498 ft. (1981 m.), at Swarthout Cyn., H.M. Hall, June 1899; Apr. Aug.; common; all 4 sections

FVS: June, 1899, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 6498 ft.

(1981 m.)

Phacelia cryptantha Greene, Limestone Phacelia, Hidden-flower Scorpion-weed or Phacelia

LACo.: From 3001 ft. (915 m.), at Littlerock Cr., 0.3 miles n.w. of Litlerock Cr. Cmpgrd., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 24, 2009, to 6580 ft. (2006 m.), at Juniper Hills, top of Pleasant View Ridge, s. of jct. of 104th St. E. & Juniper Hills Rd., R.G. Swinney, June 16, 2001; Apr.-June; rare; transmontane

FVS: May 25, 1923, P.A. Munz, Big Rock Cr., 4198 ft. (1280 m.)

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, at jct. of Desert Front Rd. (Oak Springs Ranch Rd.) & Oak Springs Ranch, June 29, 1995, 5320 ft. (1622 m.); upper Cajon Cyn., unnamed cyn. n. of Circle Mt., s.e. of Controversy Spring, June 3, 1995, 4800-6000 ft. (1463-1829 m.)

Other records:

Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, no elev. given

FVS: May 16, 1903

Phacelia curvipes S. Watson, Curve-stem Phacelia

LACo.: From 3200 ft. (976 m.), Bob’s Gap Rd. at c. 3.5 miles s. of jct. with Pearblossom, Robert Gustafson, Apr. 26, 1982, to 7478 ft. (2280 m.), n.w. of Wrightwood, w. half of Jackson Flat, R.G. Swinney, July 8, 1998; Apr.-Aug.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 7, 1906, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Creek, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 4002 ft. (1220 m.), at “flats” imm. s. of Spring Hill, w. of FS Rd. 2N04, (Barrett-Stoddard Truck Trail), n. of Stoddard Pk., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 1, 1995, to 8,954 ft. (2730 m.), at Telegraph Pk., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 11, 1994;

Mar.-Aug.; uncommon; transmontane, montane, rare in cismontane, n. slopes of Cajon Pass, F.W. Peirson, May 29, 1921, 3598 ft. (1097 m.) (possibly outside E. San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 17, 1920

Phacelia davidsonii A. Gray, Davidson’s Phacelia

LACo.: From 4000 ft. (1219 m.), at Kentucky Springs Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, Apr. 7, 1973, to 7902 ft. (2409 m.), at Hwy. 2, Big Pines in vicinity of Dawson Saddle, at mile marker 56.54, Kathy Harper, May 16, 1986; Mar.-Aug.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: May 25, 1896, A.J. McClatchie, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: From 2300 ft. (701 m.), at jct. of Evey Cyn. with San Antonio Cyn., R.F. Thorne, May 29, 1969, to 8469 ft. (2582 m.), within 100 yards s.e. & n. of Wright Mt. Summit, R.G. Swinney, July 12, 1993; Apr.-July; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 1-3, 1900, H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

Phacelia distans Benth., Common Phacelia, Distant Phacelia

LACo.: From 551 ft. (168 m.), near jct. of Foothill Blvd. & Irwindale Ave., between gravel plit & San Gabriel River channel, L.F. Lapre & T. Mulroy, Apr. 7, 1986, to 6380 ft. (1945 m.), at Pinyon Ridge, 4.4 miles n. of Hwy. 2 at Vincent Gap, at Pinyon Ridge Mtwy., 1.6 miles w. of pk. 6535, R.G. Swinney, June 17, 2008; Feb.-June; common; transmontane, montane at Pinyon Ridge, R.G. Swinney, June 17, 2008, 6535 ft. (1945 m.), cismontane

FVS: June 3-6, 1900, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at mouth of Lytle Cr. Cyn., c. 100 meters n. of Devore Rd., c. 100 m. w. of Sycamore Ranger Station, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 25, 1993, to 5159 ft. (1573 m.), at Phelan Pk., Baldy Mesa, s. of Phelan, R.G Swinney, June 1, 1996; Mar.-June; common;transmontane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 103, 1900, H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 2496 ft. (761 m.)

+Phacelia douglasii (Benth.) Torr., Douglas’ Phacelia

LACo.: 100 meters e. of mouth of Mescal Cyn., in Mescal Heights area, 50 meters e. of 237th St. East, Apr. 14, 1998, 4959 ft. (1512 m.)

Other records:

N.C. Cooper, Little Rock Reservoir, Apr. 21, 1948, 2500 ft. (762 m.); Darley F. Howe, desert side of Angeles Crest Hwy., May 2, 1948, 5196 ft. (1584 m.); David Charlton, Soledad Pass, Kentucky Springs develop., 1 mile s. of Hwy. 14 on Angeles Forest Hwy. (N-3), c. 5 mi.(airline) s. of Palmdale, Apr. 7, 1990, 3401 ft. (1037 m.); A.C. Sanders, D. Malueg, et al., Soledad Pass area at the n. foot of the mts., c. 5 miles s.w. of Palmdale, along SCE Mesa-Vincent powerline at pole 18-03, just s. of Vincent Substation, June 22, 1998, 3280 ft. (1000 m.); Tim Ross, Steve Boyd., et al., c. 1/2 mile e. Acton, Soledad Cyn., Wash, Apr. 30, 1991, 2719 ft. (829 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Kentucky Springs Co. Park, Apr. 29, 1973, no elev. given; Albert J. Perkins, Alder Cr., 2 miles e. Loonies Ranch (Loomis Ranch-added 2011), Apr. 8, 1925, no elev. given;

FVS: Apr. 8, 1925

SBCo.: Lyman Benson, flat, just below Camp Baldy, May 6, 1947, no elev. given

Phacelia egena (Greene ex Brand) J.T. Howell, Kaweah River Scorpionweed or Phacelia

Intergrades with P. imbricata & P. hastata.

LACo.: From 2998 ft. (914 m.), at 10 miles s.e. of Palmdale - Little Rock River Cyn., Elizabeth E. Morse, May 7, 1940, to 7495 ft. (2285 m.), at mt. summit above Big Pines, Table Mt., R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., June 29, 1972; May-Aug.; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: Aug. 12, 1896, H.M. Hall, head of Swrthout Cyn., 6797 ft. (2072 m.)

SBCo.: Horse Cyn., 2.2 miles ESE of Hwy. 2, at FS Road 3N12, Aug. 31, 1993, 5800 ft. (1768 m.)

Other records:

Valerie Soza & Sarah J. DeGroot, Prairie Fk., s.e. of Cabin Flat, June 11, 2003, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 31, 1993

Phacelia fremontii Torr., Fremont’s Phacelia

(synonym: P. hallii Brand)

LACo.: From 2720 ft. (821 m.), at Soledad Cyn. Wash, c. 1/2 mile e. of Acton, T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Apr. 30, 1991, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at summit of E. Table Mt., Wrightwood area, R.G. Swinney, July 2, 1998; Mar.-Aug.; uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane at upper E. Fork San Gabriel River, at cliff seep, c. 100 m. below Falls Gulch, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 6, 1993, 3280 ft.

(1000 m.)

FVS: 1895, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn.

SBCo.: Pinon Hills area at Sheep Cr., 0.9 miles s. of Hwy. 138 at Scrub Oak Rd., Mar. 25, 1995, 4520 ft. (1378 m.); Upper Lytle Cr. Divide, 1.2 miles s. of Lone Pine Rd., on FS Road 3N31, May 15, 1993, 5399 ft. (1646 m.); Horse Cyn., n.e. of Wrightwood, n.w. of Circle Mt., 150 meters w. of Hwy. 2, due w. of Horse Cyn. Road (3N12) entrance, June 12, 1994, 4815 ft. (1468 m.); Pinon Hills, peak. 6150 ft., s.e. of Oak Springs Ranch, May 27, 1996, 6100 ft. (1860 m.); Baldy Mesa, 1.3 miles n.e. of Hwy. 138 on FS Road 3N24, 100-300 meters, n.w. of where FS Road 3N24 crosses ridgetop, near Nuss Ranch, June 3, 1995, 4620 ft.

(1409 m.); Baldy Mesa, Phelan Pk., south of Phelan, Apr. 13, 1996, 5150 ft.

(1570 m.); ridgetop & peak n.w. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Swarthout Cyn. Road, June 1, 1996, 3749 ft. (1143 m.)

Other records:

Dr. L.M. Newlon, w. of Cajon Pass, Apr. 7, 1922, no elev. given (perhaps s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); Margorie Shaw, upper Cajon Pass, May 1917, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, Mormon Rocks & Cajon Cyn., Apr. 20, 1973, no elev. given; S.D. White, Wrightwood area, alluvial benches of Sheep Creek & adj. lower +/- e.-facing mt. slope, Apr. 30, 1998, 5400-5800 ft. (1646 m.); Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, no elev. given; 3749-6100 ft. (1143-1860 m.); Mar.-June; Rare

FVS: May 16, 1903

Phacelia grandiflora (Benth.) A. Gray, Largeflower Phacelia

CA & Baja CA, Mex.; abundant after fires

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at Duarte/Azusa, 1.3 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of El Encanto Pkwy. on e. side of main channel, San Gabriel River, burn area of 2008, RG. Swinney, Apr. 16, 2009, to 4540 ft. (1384 m.), at Pine Mt., n. of Azusa, R.G. Swinney, June 19, 2000; Apr.-July; uncommon; often abundant after fires; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 29, 1920, P.A. Munz, San Dimas Cyn. 1499 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: F. Hughes, El Cajon Pass, Apr. 6, 1935, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Phacelia hastata Douglas ex Lehm., Mountain Phacelia, Silverleaf Phacelia

Subssp. Intergrade.

LACo.: Pacifico Mt. summit, July 29, 2009, 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

Other records:

V. Duran, Buckhorn, July 25, 1933, 6498 ft. (1981 m.); Justin M. Wood, Mill Cr. Summit, Heliport, just s.e. of ranger station on Pacifico Mt. Rd. (3N17.4), June 1, 2009, 5189 ft. (1582 m.); I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk. San Gabriel River, July 6, 1918, 6750 ft. (2058 m.)

FVS: July 6, 1918

SBCo.: Wright Mt. Summit, July 12, 1993, 8469 ft. (2582 m.)

Other records: None found.

Phacelia hastata Douglas ex Lehm. var. compacta (Brand) Cronquist, Compact Phacelia

LACo.: Tim Ross & Steve Boyd, near jct. of Pacifico Mt. Rd. x Roundtop Truck Rd., July 24, 1991, 6235 ft. (1901 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Phacelia hubbyi (J.F. Macbr.) L.M. Garrison, Caterpillar Phacelia

[synonym: P. cicutaria Greene var. hubbyi (J.F. Macbr.) J.T. Howell]

Status: CNPS R-E-D Code State/Fed. Status

CRPR 4.2 S3.2 G3

LACo.: San Dimas, lower Shay Cyn., Apr. 17, 2008, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, between Little Tujunga & Oliver Cyns., May 6, 1973, 1825 ft.

(556 m.); Justin M. Wood, City of San Dimas, Sycamore Cyn., Falcon Ridge Ranch, June 8, 2009, 1351 ft. (412 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Oliver Saddle, May 14, 1975, no elev. given; Frank W. Peirson, Tujunga Cyn., Mar. 28, 1920, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: Mar. 28, 1920

SBCo.: No records found.

Phacelia humilis Torr. & A. Gray var. humilis, Southern Sierra Phacelia, Low Phacelia

(synonym: Phacelia humilis Torr. & A. Gray var. lobata Davidson)

LACo.: with Cody Clarke, 1.5 miles SSW of Dawson Saddle, jct. of S. Fork Big Rock Cr. & Hwy. 2, near turn-out/parking area, Aug, 22, 2001, 7560 ft. (2305 m.)

Other records:

Anstruther Davidson & Hasse, Big Rock Cr., at Lowell Mines, June 7, 1906,

7000 ft. (2134 m.)

FVS: June 7, 1906

SBCo.: No records found.

Phacelia imbricata Greene, Imbricate Phacelia

LACo.: From 1679 ft. (512 m.), n. of San Dimas, s.e.-facing ridge w. of San Dimas Cyn. Road, c. 300 meters n. of Golden Hills Rd. & 400 meters w. of stream, R.G. Swinney, May 19, 2000, to 7085 ft. (2160 m.), at ridge w. of Jackson Flats, 0.4 miles n.w. of Hwy. 2, at Vincent Gap, on Pinyon Ridge Mtwy., 100 meters e. of jct. of FS Roads 4N12 & 3N26, R.G. Swinney, June 17, 2008; May-July; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: June 16, 1928, J.T.Howell, Fish Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2900 ft. (884 m.), at Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash, just s. of Hwy. 138 crossing, Scott D. White, Apr. 16, 1997, to 6501 ft. (1982 m.), at Wrightwood, ridge n. of town, R.G. Swinney, June 20, 1996; Apr.-June, Aug.; uncommon; all 4 sections


+Phacelia imbricata Greene ssp. imbricata, Imbricate Phacelia

Intergrades with P. imbricata ssp. patula and P. californica and P. egena.

LACo.: From 1522-1558 ft. (464-475 m.), at Brown’s Gulch, drawing to San Gab. Cyn., at base of San Gabriel Dam, T.S. Ross, May 24, 1992, to 7400 ft.

(2256 m.), at Lightning (=Blue?) Ridge at the jct. of Forest Rd. 3N06 and Angeles Crest Hwy., c. 4 miles n.w. of the San Bernardino Co. line, & 5 miles n.w. of Wrightwood, David Charlton, June 5, 1986; May-June; fairly common in many areas; all 3 sections

FVS: July 10, 1915, D.L. Crawford Live Oak Cyn., Claremont

SBCo.: n. of Wrightwood, w. of Hwy. 2, 0.9 miles s.w. of Oak Springs Ranch Rd. from road jct., c. 800 meters w. of Hwy. 2, June 12, 1994, 5999 ft. (1827 m.); 200 yards s. of Joe Elliott Big Tree Memorial, July 21, 1993, 5760 ft. (1756 m.)

Other records:

Colin M. Wainwright, Day Cyn., June 9, 1971, 3600 ft. (1098 m.); R.F. Thorne, mouth of Day Cyn., July 7, 1971, c. 2900 ft. (884 m.); R.F. Thorne, base of s.w.-facing rocky slope, just above turnoff to Icehouse Cyn., July 27, 1968; R.F. Thorne & Dick Tilforth, Controversy Springs, c. 4 miles ENE of Wrightwood (by air), June 21, 1978, 4560 ft. (1390 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Big Tree Truck Trail to halfway between San Sevaine Flats and Buck Point, July 11, 1968, 6500 ft. (1982 m.); L.R. Heckard, just above Camp Baldy, San Antonio Cyn., June 30, 1956, 4497 ft. (1371 m.)

FVS: June 30, 1956

Phacelia imbricata Greene ssp. patula (Brand) Heckard, Imbricate Phacelia

If recognized taxonomically, plants in San Gab. Mts. with decumbent stems, corolla pale lavender, assignable to P. oreopola Heckard ssp. oreopola.

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 2198 ft. (670 m.), at Eaton Cyn., F.W. Peirson, June 1, 1918, to 8295 ft. (2529 m.), near Blue Ridge Campground (above Swartout Valley), L.R. Heckard, June 16, 1953; May-Aug., Oct.; fairly common; montane

FVS: July 11, 1897, J.H. Barber, summit of Mt. Gleason

SBCo.: I.M. Johnston, San Gab. Mts. region, San Bernardino Co., July 15, 1917, 5996 ft. (1828 m.) (possibly outside E. San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Phacelia ivesiana Torr., Ives’ Phacelia

Status: CRPR: CBR

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Peter Kamb w. of Cajon Pass, , May 15, 1948, 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

Phacelia lemmonii Gray

(synonyms: P. polysperma Brand and P. heterosperma Parish)

LACo.: Valyermo area, Big Rock Creek, Big Rock Cr. Camp (Paradise Springs, Aug. 11, 2005, 4720 ft. (1439 m.); Juniper Hills, jct. of Tumbleweed Rd. & Long View Rd. (131st Street East), in ravine west of Long View Rd., June 2, 2001, 3979 ft. (1213 m.); E. Fork Punchbowl Cyn., near n. boundary of Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, 0.6 miles s. of Big Rock Cr. Road, May 12, 2008, 4169 ft. (1271 m.); Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, lower Holcomb Cyn., Aug. 22, 2005, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); Big Rock Cr., at (Paradise Springs) Big Rock Cr. Camp, Aug. 11, 2005, 4720 ft. (1439 m.); Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, w. tributary of W. Fork Punchbowl Cyn., 0.4 miles n.e. of Nature Center, June 4, 2008, 4359 ft.

(1329 m.)

Other records:

Five records for (Rock Cr.) Big Rock Cr.: Anstruther Davidson; S.B. Parish; LeRoy Abrams & Ernest Alexander McGregor 1887-1908; J.C. Roos, creekbed on s. side of Mojave Desert, above Valyermo, May 31, 1937, no elev. given

FVS: June, 1887, Rock Cr., border Mohave Desert, Samuel Parish, no elev. given (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Phacelia longipes A. Gray, Longstalk or Scorpionweed Phacelia

Status: CRPR: CBR

LACo.: From 879 ft. (268 m.), at San Gabriel Cyn., 0.3 mi. above (east) of El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park office, on sholder of dirt service rd., R.G. Swinney, June 2, 2008, to 7550 ft. (2302 m.) at CA Hwy. 2, between Dawson Saddle & jct. of CA Hwy 39, 1.6 mi. from Dawson Saddle, Wayne E. Sawyer, June 11, 1981; Apr.-Aug.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June, 1887, Samuel B. Parish, Rock Cr., no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2745 ft. (837 m.), at c. 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino, in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15, along aqueduct on slopes east of wash, James Henrickson, May 12, 1985, to 8000 ft. (2439 m.), at 0.5 miles e. of San Antonio Falls, P.A. Munz, July 7, 1948; Apr.-July; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: 1880, S.B. Parish & W.F. Parish, Cucamonga Mt., no elev. given

Phacelia minor (Harv.) Thell, Wild Canterbury Bells

CA & Baja CA, Mex.; abundant after burns

LACo.: From 741 ft. (226 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., on n. side of Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 12, 2009, to 5838 ft. (1780 m.), at ridgetop to the s.w. of Crystal Lake (ridge desending SSW from Mt. Islip, T. Ross, June 25, 1990; Mar.-June; fairly common; transmontane at Little Rock Cr., slopes e. of cr., below Littlerock Dam, Orlando Mistsretta, Mar. 30, 1994, 3250 ft. (991 m.), montane at Vincent Gulch, 2.5 miles ESE of summit of Mt. Baden-Powell, c. 0.6 mi. above confl. with San Gabriel River, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 1, 1998, 4681 ft. (1427 m.), cismontane

FVS: Mar. 22, 1897, H.P.C., Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: From 1800 ft. (549 m.), at Deer Cyn., n. of Cucamonga, Max E. Badgley, May 15, 1948, to Lower Lytle Cr. Divide, Applewhite Rd., 0.7 miles n.e. of jct. with FS Rd. 3N31, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 22, 1996; Mar.-July; fairly common; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 15, 1948

+Phacelia mohavensis A. Gray, Mojave Phacelia


CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G3Q

LACo.: From 4950 ft. (1509 m.), at head of Little Rock Cr., 0.5 mi. downstream from Alder Saddle, Orlando Mistretta, July 11, 1995, to 8050 ft. (2454 m.), at Lily Spring, Wayne E. Sawyer, June 16, 1981; June-Aug.; rare; transmontane, montane, several records near cismontane between Charlton Flats & Chileo

FVS: June 3-6, 1900, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., San Antonio Mts., no elev. given

SBCo.: Upper Lytle Cr., 1.6 miles n. of jct. of FS Roads 3N06 & 3N33, c. 400 meters w. of cmpgrd., June 24, 1993, 5960 ft. (1817 m.); Bighorn Pk., n.w. of Cucamonga Pk., July 11, 1995, 8430 ft. (2570 m.); Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge above Lone Pine Cyn., 1.4 miles s. of Lone Pine Rd., on 3N31 at 1st switchback, c. 60- 80 meters s. of road, May 28, 1995, 5642 ft. (1720 m.); San Sevaine Flats, c. 200 meters w. of jct. of FS Roads 1N34D & 1N34, June 16, 1993, 5540 ft. (1689 m.)

Other records:

H.& M. Dearing, crest above Manker’s Flat, San Antonio Mt., July 5, 1937,

7495 ft. (2285 m.); H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., San Antonio Mts., June, 1899, 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

FVS: June, 1899

Phacelia mutabilis Greene, Changeable Phacelia

Intergrades with P. hastata Douglas ex Lehm.

LACo.: Horse Flats, 1 air mile NNW of Newcomb’s Ranch at Hwy. 2 (Angeles Crest Hwy.), July 29, 2009, 5642 ft. (1720 m.); Winston Pk. summit [s. of Dawson Saddle at Angeles Crest Hwy. (Hwy. 2), July 15, 2008, 7462 ft. (2275 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 15, 2008

SBCo.: No records found.

Phacelia parryi Torr., Parry’s Phacelia

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., July 2, 1932, no elev. given; Anstruther Davidson, San Gab. Mts., July, 1910

FVS: July, 1910

SBCo.: No records found.

Phacelia pedicillata A. Gray, Specter Phacelia, Pedicellate (Scorpionweed) Phacelia

LACo.: Peter Kamb, above Little Rock, May 6, 1958, 3198 ft. (975 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Phacelia ramosissima, Douglas ex Lehm., Branching Phacelia

[synonyms: 3 vars. included below are indicated by TJM-2012 but not recognized. A fourth included var. below is not listed in TJM-2012, all 4 vars. below are indented.]

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, n. of Shoemaker Cyn., between Mile High & Valyermo, May 1, 1973, 4398 ft. (1341 m.)

SBCo.: Cajon Cyn., Cajon Rd. & Kenwood Ave., n.e. of jct., Cajon Wash between l-215 Frwy. (now I-15 Frwy.-added 2010) & Cajon Rd., June 10, 1995, 2400 ft. (732 m.); w. side of Lytle Cr. Canyon Rd., near the Hitching Ranch, 200 meters n. of FS Road 2N79, Apr. 25, 1993, 2608 ft. (795 m.); 200 meters n. of Lytle Cr. Road, at 1.2 km. (0.7 mi.) w. of Sierra Ave. & Lytle Creek Jct., June 18, 1993, 2001 ft. (610 m.); Bear Flats, c. 1.7 miles n. of Mt. Baldy Village, E. Fork Bear Cyn., July 25, 1996, 5599 ft. (1707 m.)

Other records:

Randall T. Schuh, Cassis, et al., Cajon Cyn., 2 km. northwest of I-15 Frwy. on Route 138, May 18, 2004, 3500 ft. (1076 m.); Scott D. White, Muscupiabe Hills, s. of Glen Helen Regional Park, along a stream, June 23, 1992, 2106 ft. (642 m.)

FVS: June 23, 1992

Synonym Phacelia ramosissima Dougals ex Lehm. var. australis Munz, Branching Phacelia (apparently referring to var. austrolitoralis Munz, Branching Phacelia)

LACo.: L.E. Hoffman Pacoima Cyn., May 18, 1929, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Synonym Phacelia ramosissima Lehm. var. latifolia (Torr.) Cronquist, Branching Phacelia

LACo.: From 1571 ft. (479 m.), at w. margin of Hwy. 39 & on disturbed slope descending into Brown’s Gulch, T.S. Ross, May 24, 1992, to 8100 ft. (2470 m.), along Blue Ridge near upper end of Holiday Hill Ski Lift, R.F. Thorne, Aug. 26, 1965; May-Aug., Oct.; fairly common; montane, cismontane

FVS: Aug. 2, 1903, C.F. Baker, San Antonio Cyn., near Claremont

SBCo.: Cherry Cyn. “Flat” (“Dry lake”), at s.w. base of Sugarloaf Pk., June 18, 1996, 5058 ft. (1542 m.); Prairie Fk., Sheep Mt. Wilderness, e. headwater at base of Pine Mt. Ridge, e. terminus of abandoned dirt road at jct. of farthest e. branch of Praire Fork, Oct. 19, 1994, 7872 ft. (2400 m.);

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Meyer Cyn., off Lytle Cr., May 9, 1968, 2299 ft. (701 m.); R.F. Thorne, near San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 7, 1971, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); Richard Noyes, Icehouse Cyn., Sep. 19, 1987, no elev. given; Kelly McAndrew, 10 miles n.e. of Claremont on roadside of Baldy Road, just n. of Shinn Rd., May 9, 1992, 3200 ft. (976 m.); Beth Nelson, n. of Fontana, San Sevaine Rd., off Lytle Cr. Road, 1.6 miles n. of I-15 Frwy., May 5, 1991, 2201 ft. (671 m.); I.M. Johnston, mouth of San Antonio Cyn., May 6, 1917, no elev. given

FVS: May 6, 1917

Synonym Phacelia ramosissima Lehm. var. ramosissima, Branching Phacelia (not listed in TJM-2012)

LACo.: s.w. of Wrightwood, “dry lake”, adj. to FS Road 3N06 (Blue Ridge Rd.), 0.4 miles e. of Hwy. 2, July 10, 1998, 7380 ft. (2250 m.)

Other records:

R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, c. 1.5 miles w. of Wrightwood (above small stream), July 10, 1969, 6396 ft. (1950 m.); R.F. Thorne & John Olmstead, along ridge near upper end of Holiday Hill Ski Lift, Blue Ridge, Aug. 266, 1965, 8095 ft. (2468 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Cow Cyn. Road 2N29 E - from saddle to 2nd main drainage, June 12, 1992, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta & R.T. Hawke, Lightening Ridge Trail, Blue Ridge, June 29, 1995, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, upper part of large sloping meadow at Big Pines, July 9, 1969, 6850 ft. (2088 m.); Jerome S. Horton, above Dalton Canyon CCC Camp, Dalton Watershed, 1397 ft. (426 m.), July 18, 1936, 1397 ft. (426 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Big Tujunga Cyn., at Trail Cyn., July 30, 1967, 1699 ft. (518 m.); I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk. of San Gabriel River, July 6, 1918, 6796 ft. (2072 m.

FVS: July 6, 1918

SBCo.: Stoddard Flats, July 25, 1995, 4480 ft. (1366 m.); side cyn. on w. side of Cajon Wash, 2.1 miles s. of jct. of FS Roads. 3N49 & 3N53, 2.9 miles s.e. of Lone Pine Road & Hwy. 138 at FS Road 3N53, w. side of far west RR tracks, June 21, 1995, 2920 ft. (890 m.); Bear Flats, n. of Baldy Village, July 12, 1996, 5600 ft. (1707 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, 1.8 miles e. of Lytle Cr. Rd. at Applewhite Rd., June 20, 1994, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records:

M.B. Dunkle, San Antonio River Cyn., May 17, 1933, 3000-3100 ft. (915 m.)

FVS: May 17, 1933

Synonym Phacelia ramosissima Douglas ex Lehm. var. subglabra M. Peck, Branching Phacelia

LACo.: w. of Wrightwood, c. 0.25 miles e. of Hwy. 2, c. 300 meters n. of Guffy Rd. (FS Road 3N06 ), June 26, 1997, 7600 ft. (2317 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, 1.5 miles w. of Wrightwood, July 10, 1969, c. 6400 ft. (1951 m.)

FVS: July 10, 1969

SBCo.: No records found.

+Phacelia suaveolens Greene ssp. keckii (Munz & I.M. Jojhnst.) Thorne, Keck’s Phacelia

LACo.: M.B. Dunkle, upper San Gabriel Cyn., July 11, 1933, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth., Lacy Phacelia

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, R. Carolin, et al., Grandview Cyn., n. of Mile High Ranch, Mar. 23, 1967, 4500 ft. (1372 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Carr Cyn., Mar. 24, 1995, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); R.F. Thorne, grass slopes above Little Rock Cr., below dams, Apr. 20, 1982, c. 3200 ft. (976 m.); H. Dearing & M. Dearing, Little Rock Cyn., Apr. 9, 1933; R. Gustafson & C. Davidson, Ft. Tejon Rd., south of Littlerock, c. 1.5 miles e. of jct. with 82 ND ST., Apr. 20, 1977, 3198 ft. (975 m.); Thomas E. Higley, 20 miles n.e. of Azusa along the E. Fork of San Gabriel River, Apr. 20, 1974, 1499 ft. (457 m.); James Henrickson, 9 miles s.w. of Little Rock, 0.2 miles s. of Mt. Emma Rd., along Hwy. N3, May 12, 1973, 3897 ft. (1188 m.); Peter Kamb, Big Tujunga Cyn. at Wildwood, July 13, 1948 1797 ft. (548 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Tujunga Cyn., San Gab. Mts., Mar. 28, 1920, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: Mar. 30, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Tujunga Cyn., 1500 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Phacelia viscida (Benth.) Torr., Tacky Phacelia

CA & reported from Connecticut

LACo.: E.S. Spalding, Fish Cyn., May 2, 1923, no elev.; San Dimas Exp. Forest, occasional, SDEF, 1988 (record not found in CCH)

SBCo.: No records found.

Pholisma arenarium Nutt. ex Hook. Desert Christmas Tree

LACo.: B.C. Templeton, near Little Rock, Apr. 30, 1946, no elev. given, parasitic on Hymenoclea salsola; B.C. Templeton, near Little Rock, May 7, 1938, no elev. given, parasitic on Hymenoclea salsola (the 2 records for B.C. Templeton possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); H.E. Hasse, & Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., June 6, 1906, no elev. given, no host plant given

FVS: June 6, 1906

SBCo.: No records found.

Pholistoma auritum (Lindl.) Lilja, Blue Fiestaflower

LACo.: From Azusa, El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, May 8, 2009, 1000 ft. (305 m.), to 1597 ft. (487 m.), at San Dimas Cyn., M.N. Ackley, May 26, 1929; Mar.-May; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Mar. 29, 1917, I.M. Johnston, above Claremont

SBCo.: San Sevaine Flats, near well, July 16, 1993, 5320 ft. (1622 m.)

Other records: None found.

Pholistoma auritum (Lindl.) Lilja var. auritum, Blue Fiesta Flower

LACo.: with Dave Larson, Wolfskill Cyn., above La Verne & San Dimas, SDEF, May 15, 1999, 1801 ft. (549 m.); Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, 1.2 miles n.e. of Glendora Mt. Rd. on Big Dalton Cyn. Road, May 3, 1990, 1401 ft. (427 m.)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, Monrovia Cyn., May 18, 1919, 1246 ft. (380 m.); F.W. Peirson, Fish Cyn., May 21, 1923, 2600 ft. (793 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Burbank Cyn., (n. of Claremont-added 2010), May 8, 1931, no elev. given; Samuel R. Tyson, San Dimas Cyn., May 22, 1942, no elev. given; J.D. Olmstead, W. Fork San Dimas Cr. to Wolfskill Falls, 1960 Johnstone Pk. Burn, Apr. 30, 1962, 1500-2000 ft.

(457 m.); I.M. Johnston, Evey Cyn., north of Claremont, May 6, 1917, 2500 ft. (762 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Elsmere Cyn., near mouth, May 15, 1967, 1450 ft.

(441 m.); I.M. Johnston, above Claremont, Mar. 29, 1917, no elev. given;

FVS: Mar. 29, 1917

SBCo.: No records found.

Pholistoma membranaceum (Benth.) Constance, White Fiesta Flower

LACo.: From 2760-2880 ft. (841-878 m.), at 0.6 miles ESE of Acton, s. edge of Soledad Cyn. Wash, T.S. Ross, Apr. 30, 1991, to 4300 ft. (1311 m.), at Valyermo area, ridgetop c. 500 meters e. of s. end of Bob’s Gap, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 18, 2001; Mar.-May; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: Mar. 27, 1932, L.E. Hoffman, Big Rock Cr., no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Plagiobothrys arizonicus (A. Gray) Greene ex A. Gray, Arizona Popcornflower

Intergrades with P. canescens var. canescens and P. nothofulvus.

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.), at Glendora, Poopout Trail, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, c. 100 yards n. of jct. of Glendora Mt. Rd. & Big Dalton Cyn. Rd., to 4841 ft. (1476 m.), at mouth of Mescal Cyn. c. 50 meters s.e. of Mescal Cyn. Reservoir, w. side of stream, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 14, 1998; Mar.-May; rare in transmontane, cismontane at Glendora, Poop Out Trail

FVS: Apr. 4, 1939, H. Dearing & M. Dearing, Little Rock Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found:

+Plagiobothrys canescens Benth., Grey or Valley Popcornflower

LACo.: Claremont, Johnson’s Pastures, n. of Via Santa Catorina & Mt. Ave., Apr. 8, 1999, 1601 ft. (488 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Wildwood Ranch, Shuler Cyn., Apr. 14, 1974, 1351 ft. (412 m.); Anstruther Davidson, Azusa, Apr. 2, 1897; James Henrickson, 1 mile s.e. of Newhall, Whitney Cyn., s.e. of jct. of San Fernando Rd. & State Hwy. 14, c. 1/2 mile e. of Hwy. 14, Apr. 15, 2000, c. 1600 ft. (488 m.); L..R. Abrams, San Gabriel Wash, near Azusa, Mar. 13, 1903

FVS: Mar. 13, 1903

SBCo.: s.w. of mouth of Lytle Cr. Cyn., 4.8-5.0 mi. w. of Lytle Cr. Road (Nealy’s Corner), 0.4 mi. n. of Front Line Mtwy., Mar. 15, 1993, 1801 ft. (549 m.)

Other records:

A.C. Sanders, et. al., Etiwanda, Bajada, w. side of Etiwanda Cr. on n. side of Hwy. 30 (Highland Ave.), Mar. 12, 1998, 1450 ft. (442 m.)

FVS: Mar. 15, 1993

Plagiobothrys collinus (Phil.) I.M. Johnst., Cooper’s Popcornflower

LACo.: Sulplhur Springs Cmpgrd area, S. Fork of Littlerock Cr., May 28, 2009, 5199 ft. (1585 m.)

Other records: No records found.

SBCo.: W. of Cajon Wash & s. of Hwy 138, c. 1 mi. SSW of Cajon Jct. at FS Road 3N49, Apr. 29, 2005, 3100 ft. (945 m.); Cajon Cyn., Mormon Rocks, s.w. of Forest Service Station, Apr. 13, 1996, 3401 ft. (1037 m.)

Other records:

T.B. Salvato, A.C. Sanders, Cajon Pass, c. 0.5 mi. s. of Bluecut & c. 0.5 mi. n.w. of Keenbrook at powerline crossing, Cajon Cr., May 4, 2000, 2499 ft. (762 m.); Steven R. Hill, vicinity of Lost Lake, w. of I-15, Lost Lake Rd., Apr. 25, 2001,

2831 ft. (863 m.)

FVS: Apr. 13, 1996

Plagiobothrys collinus (Philbr.) I.M. Johnston var. fulvescens (I.M. Johnst.), Rough-stemmed or Cooper’s Popcornflower

LACo.: R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, S. Fork Little Rock Cr., 1.8 mi. below Alder Saddle in Pinyon Flats area, June 30, 1971, no elev. given; D.D. Keck, Johnstons Pastures, 2 miles n. of town (Claremont-added 2010), May 3, 1922, no elev. given, also, R.F. Thorne, Apr. 2, 1971, 1800 ft. (549 ); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. Calif. transmission line tower (Seg. 6, structure 23 per TRTP Survey 2008), vic. of Aliso Cyn., west of Angeles Forest Hwy., Apr. 16, 2008, 3746 ft. (1142 m.) and Apr. 14, 2008, at Seg. 6 structure 18, at 4067 ft. (1240 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Santiago Cyn., slopes w. of main cyn., Apr. 28, 1995, 4500 ft. (1372 m.); F.W. Peirson, trail from Pine Flats (Charlton Flats-added 2010) to Chilao, June 15, 1921, no elev. given

FVS: June 15, 1921

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, near Chilao Cr., upper Chilao Cmpgrd., July 2, 1969, c. 5300 ft. (1616 m.); I.M. Johnston, mouth of Cajon Valley, Cajon Pass, May 15, 1920, 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

FVS: May 15, 1920

Plagiobothrys collinus (Phil.) I.M. Johnst. var. ursinus (A. Gray) Higgins, Bear Valley or Cooper’s Popcornflower

CA & Mex. ?

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Cajon Cyn., Mormon Rocks, s.w. of US Forest Service Station

(c. 300 m.-added 2009), Apr. 13, 1996, 3401 ft. (1037 m.)

Other records: None found.

Plagiobothrys nothofulvus (A. Gray) A. Gray, Foothill Snowdrops, Rusty Popcornflower

LACo.: From 1300 ft. (396 m.), at Big Dalton Cyn., Sam Tyson, Apr. 22, 1943, to 2350 ft. (716 m.), at Bluebird Truck Trail, L.C. Wheeler, May 3, 1969; Mar.-May; rare; cismontane (elev. no given for L.C. Wheeler, May 4, 1969, Placerita Cyn.) (all other records are between Glendora & Claremont and s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary, including Glendora’s South Hills)

FVS: Apr. 11, 1918, P.A. Munz, Lone Hill near Glendora, San Gabriel Mts.

SBCo.: Peter Kamb, mouth of Cajon Cyn., Sycamore Flat, May 15, 1948,

1998 ft. (609 m.)

Plagiobothrys tenellus (Nutt. ex Hook.) A. Gray, Pacific Popcornflower

LACo.: Horse Flats, 1 air mile NNW of Newcomb’s Ranch at Hwy. 2/Angeles Crest Hwy., June 2, 2009, 5642 ft. (1720 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Chilao Guard Station, May 12, 1946

FVS: May 12, 1946

SBCo.: W. of Cajon Wash & s. of Hwy 138, c. 1 mi. SSW of Cajon jct., off FS Road 3N49, Apr. 29, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records:

Lyman Benson, Cajon Cyn., Cajon Cr. watershed, Mar. 25, 1932, 2000 ft.

(610 m.)

FVS: Mar. 25, 1932

Brassicaceae Mustard Family

Arabis eschscholtziana Ledeb., Mountain Rockcress

[synonym: A. hirsuta (L.) Scop. var. glabrata Torr. & A. Gray]

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta & Christina Mistretta, So. Calif. transmission line tower (Seg. 6, structure 115 per TRTP Survey 2008), vic. of Van Tassel Cyn., Apr. 19, 2008, 1906 ft. (581 m.)

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., San Gab. Mts., region, San Sevaine, Cow Camp, July 7, 1971, 4700 ft. (1432 m.)

Arabis holboellii” Horlem, Holboell’s Rockcress

LACo.: Summit of Table Mt. East, Wrightwood area, July 2, 1998, 7400 ft.

(2256 m.); Summit of Iron Mt., Aug. 13, 1998, 7961 ft. (2427 m.)

Other records: Justin M. Wood, Mill Cr. Summit, Heliport just s.e. of Ranger Station on Pacifico Mt. Rd., June 1, 2009, 5189 ft. (1582 m.)

FVS: Aug. 13, 1998

SBCo.: The following specimen is listed on CPC-2009, as San Gabriel Mts. The location reads Wildhorse Cyn. This is in the San Bernardino Mts. Perhaps, however, he meant Horse Cyn., in which case it would actually be in the San Gabriel Mts. Wildhorse Cyn. is on the e. side of Cajon Pass while Horse Cyn. is on the w. side.; L.C. Wheeler, between Wildhorse Cyn. & Cajon Cyn., May 9, 1968, 4999 ft. (1524 m.)

Arabis pycnocarpa M. Hopkins var. pycnocarpa, Hairy-Fruit Rock-Cress, Creamflower Rockcress

[synonym: A. hirsuta (L.) Scop. var. pycnocarpa (M. Hopkins) Rollins]

LACo.: No record found

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne et. al., San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 7, 1971, 4700 ft. (1432 m.)

Athysanus pusillus (Hook.) Greene, Athysanus, Common Sandweed

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, s. of Thompson Cr. Dam, Claremont/LaVerne, Feb. 38, 1931; Barbara Ertter & Jeffry Straclan, S. Fork Big Rock Creek, c. 0.5 mi. n. of South Fork Cmpgrd. on FS Road. 4N11A, May 18, 1980, 4494 ft. (1370 m.); Scott D. White & Justin M. Wood, W. Fork San Gabriel River, large fill slope on the s. side of Cogswell Reservoir, May 6, 2009, 2601 ft. (793 m.); M.N. Ackley, Eaton Wash, Feb. 12, 1928, 1197 ft. (365 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Sierra Madre Trail to Mt. Wilson, Apr. 5, 1919, 2496 ft. (761 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Kitter Cyn., Apr. 25, 1995, 4100 ft. (1250 m.); F.W. Peirson, Arroyo Seco near Pasadena, Mar. 3, 1921, 1148 ft. (350 m.) (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); San Dimas Experimental Forest, occasional, grassy openings, SDEF, 1988; P.A. Munz, near Glendora, Lone Hill, Apr. 11, 1918

FVS: Apr. 11, 1918

SBCo.: None found.

Barbarea orthoceras Ledeb., American Yellowrocket

LACo.: From 4995 ft. (1523 m.), at Smith Mt., A.J. McClatchie, July 4, 1896, to 6901 ft. (2104 m.), at Big Pines Rec. Area, Wesley O. Griesel, May 26, 1963; May-July; rare; montane, cismontane at Smith Mt.

Other records:

8 additional records for the Big Pines area

2 additioinal records for Jackson Lake area

P.A. Munz, Head of Swartout Valley, June 17, 1921, 6800 ft. (2072 m.); S. Zona, et. al., Mt. High Ski Resort, w. of Wrightwood, June 28, 1989, 6619-5157 ft.

(2018-2487 m.)

FVS: July 4, 1896, A.J. McClatchie, at Smith Mt., 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Boechera arcuata (Nutt.) Windham & Al-Shehbaz, Elegant Rockcress, Arching Rockcress

[synonym: Arabis sparsiflora Nutt. var. arcuata (Nutt.) Rollins]

LACo.: From 3047 ft. (929 m.), at cyn. of Upper Big Tujunga Cr., c. 0.25 mi. downstream of ridge to Camp Colby, on upper slope above cr. bank, John Dittes & Chris Williams, Apr. 29, 1989, to 6599 ft. (2012 m.), at Little Fish Fk., Fish Fk. Camp, L.C. Wheeler, June 28, 1970; Apr.-June; rare; all 3 areas

FVS: Mar. 13, 1898, anonym., San Dimas Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: Orlando Mistretta, Icehouse Cyn., Chapman Tr., June 7, 1993, 6429 ft. (1960 m.); B.C. Templeton, Lone Pine Cyn. (in or near Wrightwood, based on elev. & county) near Ranger Station, May 15, 1933, 5999 ft. (1829 m.)

FVS: May 15, 1933

Boechera breweri (S. Watson) Al-Shehbaz, Brewer’s Rockcress

(synonym: Arabis breweri S. Watson var. pecuniaria, Rollins)

LACo.: No record found.

SBCo.: F.R. Fosberg, Mt. San Antonio Tr., from divide, June 23, 1931, 8200 ft. (2500 m.); Anstruther Davidson, Mt. San Antonio, July 1, 1916, no elev. given

FVS: July 1, 1916

Boechera californica (Rollins) Windham and Al-Shehbaz, California Rockcress

(synonym: Arabis sparsiflora Nutt. var. californica Rollins)

CA & Mex.

LACo.: From 1499 ft. (457 m.), at disturbed ground, near Santa Anita Cyn. Road, R.F. Thorne, Apr. 23, 1971, to 7502 ft. (2287 m.), at View Pt. near Big Pines, Wesley O. Griesel, May 26, 1963, 7501 ft. (2287m.); Mar.-Aug.; rare; all 3 sections

FVS: May 15, 1914, F. Myocom, Rubio Cyn. above 2400 ft. (731 m.)

SBCo.: From 2300 ft. (701 m.), near jct. of Evey Cyn. with San Antonio Cyn., R.F. Thorne, May 29, 1969, to 7495 ft. (2285 m.), at Manker Flats, G.R. Johnstone, May 26, 1928; Apr.-July; rare; 2 records at transmontane margin, montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Apr. 4, 1918, I.M. Johnston San Antonio Cyn. Wash, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

Boechera perennans (S. Watson) W.A. Weber, Perennial Rockcress

(synonym: Arabis perennans S. Watson)

LACo.: Robert Gustafson & G.D. Wallace, Bob’s Gap Rd., c. 3.5 miles s. of jct. with Pearblossom Hwy., Apr. 26, 1982, 3200s ft. (976’s m.); R.F. Thorne, E.W. Tilforth et al., S. slope of Table Mt., above Big Pines, July 29, 1969, 6950 ft. (2119 m.)

FVS: July 29, 1969

SBCo.: Cajon Wash, c. 1 mile s.e. of Controversy Spring, c. 1 mile s. of Hwy. 138, Apr. 29, 1994, 4520 ft. (1378 m.)

Other records:

D.A. &Young, San Gab. Mts. region, end of Haven Ave., 2 mi. north of Chaffey College, May 10, 1969, 1500 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: May 10, 1969

Boechera platysperma (A. Gray) Al-Shehbaz, Pioneer Rockcress

(synonym: Arabis platysperma A. Gray)

LACo.: San Antonio Ridge, 0.9 miles w. of Mt. Baldy, e. of saddle, Aug. 31, 1998, 8200 ft. (2500 m.); gentle slope between Big Horn Ridge & ridge imm. to the north, s. of San Antonio Ridge, Aug. 27, 1998, 8679 ft. (2646 m.); Mt. Williamson complex, second pk. from Mt. Williamson to the east, on Mt. Williamson ridge (data modified-added 2011), Aug. 9, 2001, 8243 ft. (2513 m.); Cucamonga Wilderness, Big Horn Pk., July 8, 1994, 8400 ft. (2561 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 8, 1994

SBCo.: “Etiwanda Pk.”, c. 0.9 miles n.e. of Cucamonga Pk. on same ridge, June 22, 2000, 8662 ft. (2641 m.); Thunder Mt. Ridge, w. of Thunder Mt. Peak, July 14, 1995, 7961 ft. (2427 m.); Sheep Flats, s. of Icehouse Cyn., c. 1 air mile n. of Ontario Pk., July 10, 1995, 7045 ft. (2148 m.); E. San Antonio Pk., e. of Mt. Baldy Summit, Aug. 28, 1995, 10001 ft. (3049 m.); Etiwanda Pk. (Pk. 8662 ft.), c. 0.9 miles n.e. of Cucamonga Pk., July 22, 2005, 8630 ft. (2631 m.); Cucamonga Wilderness, Big Horn Pk., July 8, 1994, 8400 ft. (2561 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, vic. of Kellys Cabin, Ontario Park (Peak- not park-added 2011), July 30, 1917; 8197 ft. (2499 m.)

FVS: July 30, 1917

The following was recorded as Arabis platysperma A. Gray var. platysperma, Broad-seeded Rock-cress, Pioneer Rockcress. (ssp. platysperma is not present in the current species treatment, status uncertain)

LACo.: Pallet Mt. (summit-added 2011), 0.5 miles e. of Burkhart Saddle, 5 miles n. of Buckhorn Flat Cmpgrd., July 3, 2008, 7639 ft. (2329 m.)

Other records: R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., n.-facing ridge of Mt. San Antonio along trail to Dawson Pk., July 27, 1971, c. 9600 ft. (2927 m.); Marcus E. Jones, n. of Claremont, June 28, 1931; R.F. Thorne & Larry E. DeBuhr, ridge running e. from pk. of Mt. Islip, Aug 18, 1972, 7900 ft. (2407 m.); Wayne E. Sawyer, crest Tr. above Lily Spring, c. 0.25 mi. w. of Mt. Hawkins; L.C. Wheeler, s.w. side of Mt. San Antonio, Sep. 13, 1967, 9900 ft. (3017 m.); Fred Burlew, Mt. Islip, July 1926, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta, Mt. Baldy, July 30, 1991,

8000 ft. (2439 m.); F.W. Peirson, South Trail to “Baldy” (Mt. San Antonio), Sep. 12, 1920, 9250 ft. (2820 m.)

FVS: Sep. 12, 1920

SBCo.: E. San Antonio Pk., east of summit, Aug 28, 1995, 10001 ft. (3049 m.); also Marcus Jones, July 8, 1926 & R.F. Thorne, H.J. Hitchen, July 27, 1968; Big Horn Pk., July 8, 1994, 8400 ft. (2561 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, rocky summit of Ontario Pk., Aug. 3, 1965, 8693 ft.

(2649 m.); R.F. Thorne, et. al., n-facing ridge of Mt. San Antonio along tr. to Dawson Pk., July 27, 1971, 9600 ft. (2927 m.);Peter Fritsch & T.S. Ross, in draw & along rd. of cyn. north to n.e. of Baldy Notch, July 12, 1990, 7400 ft., 1959 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Icehouse Cyn., Chapman Tr., June 7, 1993, 6870 ft.

(2093 m.); Valerie Soza & Sarah J. DeGroot, Timber Mt., c. 0.5 mi. n. of Icehouse Saddle, June 6, 2003, 8000 ft. (2439 m.); Marcus E. Jones, San Antonio Pk., July 8, 1926, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, vicinity of Kelly’s Cabin (Ontario Pk.), July 30, 1921, 8197 ft. (2499 m.)

FVS: July 30, 1921

Boechera pulchra (S. Watson) W.A. Weber, Tower Mustard, Beautiful Rockcress

(synonym: Arabis pulchra M.E. Jones ex S. Watson)

LACo.: From 2381 ft. (726 m.), at W. Fk. San Gabriel River, dirt rd. between Cogswell Dam & fill slope on s. side of Cogswell Reservoir, to 7200 ft. (2195 m.) at ridge n.e. of Table Mt., c. 0.4 mi. w. of San Bernardino Co. line, R.G. Swinney, June 13, 1997; Feb.-Aug.; common; all 3 sections

FVS: May 21, 1893, H.E. Hasse, Acton no elev. given (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: From 3500 ft. (1067 m.) at 3.2 mi. along rd. (Lone Pine Cyn.) running from Cajon n.w. to Wrightwood, D. Stottenberg, Apr. 23, 1966, to 8495 ft.

(2590 m.) at Swartout Valley (Head), P.A. Munz, June 18, 1921; Mar.-June; fairly common; transmontane, montane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June, 1887, S.B. Parish, Old Baldy Mt., no elev. given

The following subtaxa are not recog. by TJM2, status uncertain:

Synonym Arabis pulchra M.E. Jones ex S. Watson var. gracilis M.E. Jones, Beautiful Rockcress

LACo.: T.S. Ross, San Gab. Mts. region, Mojave Desert, Fort Tejon Rd., 0.1 mile w. of its jct. with Hwy. 138 (& hiking south to SSW) c. 0.25-0.3 miles w. of co. line, Apr. 27, 1991, 3880 ft. (1183 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, summit of Table Mt. above Big Pines Ranger Station, July 9, 1969, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Big Rock Cr., ¾ miles n. of Big Rock Springs, Apr. 17, 1968, 3798 ft. (1158 m.)

FVS: Apr. 17, 1968

SBCo.: LeRoy Gross & Valeri Soza, Sheep Creek, n.e. of Wrightwood, Swarthout Valley, close to the e. side of wash, n. of Angeles Crest Hwy. (2), at end of abandoned dirt rd. that was a dump site, June 9, 2003, 5599 ft. (1707 m.)

Synonym Arabis pulchra M.E. Jones ex S. Watson var. pulchra, Beautiful Rockcress)

LACo.: From 2760-2880 ft. (841-878 m.), at 0.6 miles ESE of Acton, s. edge of Soledad Cyn. Wash, T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Apr. 30, 1991, to 4800 ft. (1463 m.), at Little Rock Cr., Alimoney Ridge, Orlando Mistretta, May 4, 1992; Mar.-June; rare; transmontane

FVS: Apr. 17, 1955, L.C. Wheeler, Little Rock Cr. at confl. with Bare Mt. Canyon, no elev. given

SBCo.: P.A. Munz, Swartout Valley (head), June 18, 1921, 8495 ft. (2590 m.)

Boechera repanda (S. Watson) Al-Shehbaz, Repand Rock-cress, Yosemite Rockcress

(synonyms: A. repanda and A. repanda var. greenei Jeps.)

LACo.: San Antonio Ridge, 1.1 mi. w. of Mt. Baldy, e. of saddle, w.-facing slope, Aug. 31, 1998, 7921 ft. (2415 m.); Dawson Pk. Ridge, Dawson Ridge Tr., Sep 7, 1998, (2756 m.); Pine Mt. Ridge, 0.2-0.3 mi. w. of Camp Lupine Tr., July 14, 1998, (2247 m.); Lily Spring, n. slope of Mt. Hawkins (7.5 miles WSW of Wrightwood, Sep. 15, 2001, 8049 ft. (2454 m.)

Other records:

LeRoy Gross & Michael Denslow, Tr. from Islip Saddle to S. Fork Big Rock Cr., 0.5-0.7 mi. down tr. from saddle, before Reed Spring, June 4, 2003, 6301 ft.

(1921 m.); Marcus E. Jones, San Antonio Pk., July 8, 1926

FVS: July 8, 1926

SBCo.: Sheep Flats, s. of Icedhouse Cyn., July 10, 1995, 7045 ft. (2148 m.); ridge between Dog Bone & Alpline Cyns., above N. Fk. Lytle Cr. & n.e. of Dawson Pk., Aug. 21, 1996, 7121 ft. (2171 m.); Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge near Gobler’s Knob, saddle between 2 ridgetops at w. end of Sheep Cr. Truck Rd., June 30, 1992, 6481 ft. (1976 m.); Upper Lytle Cr. Divide, w. side of Gobler’s Knob at notch, June 29, 1993, 6701 ft. (2043 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, Upper San Antonio Cyn., no date given, 7495 ft. (2285 m.); S.B. Parish, Icehouse Cyn., June 16, 1918, 6996 ft. (2133 m.); H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., June 1 & 3, 1900, 5796 ft. (1767 m.)

FVS: June 1-3, 1900

The following var. is not recognized by TJM2, status uncertain:

Synonym Arabis repanda S. Watson var. repanda, Repand Rock-cress, Yosemite Rockcress

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, n. slope of Mt. Waterman, June 16, 1921, 6498-7498 ft.

(1981-2286 m.), also R.F. Thorne et. al.; R.F. Thorne, Lily Spring on n.w. slope of Mt. Hawkins, Aug. 25, 1971; R.F. Thorne, near Windy Spr., n. slope of Mt. Islip, Aug 25, 1971, 7396 ft. (2255 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Pine Mt. Ridge, Sep. 4, 1967, c. 7350 ft. (2240 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Santiago Cyn., n. slope of Pacifico Mt., May 31, 1994, 6650 ft. (2027 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd., Camp Verdugo Pines & vic., northerly draw draining to Jackson Lake, June 18, 1990, 6160-6280 ft. (1878 m.); F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., n. slope of San Gab. Mts., June 14, 1919, 5600 ft. (1707 m.)

FVS: June 14, 1919,

SBCo.: Lost Creek Cyn., s. trib. of Ice House Cyn., e. of Sheep Flat, July 22, 1994, 6599 ft. (2012 m.)

Other records:

V. Soza & LeRoy Gross, Mt. Baldy Ski area, Big Butch Wash, s. of Miners Bowl, July 18, 2001, 7501 ft. (2287 m.); V. Soza & LeRoy Gross, n. slopes of Devil’s Backbone, s. side of Stockton Flat, May, 29, 2001, 6350 ft. (1936 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Episcopel Camp, Wrightwood, June 3, 1992; Marcus E. Jones, San Antonio Pk., July 8, 1926; I.M. Johnston, w. end Ontario Pk. Ridge, Aug. 1, 1925,

8197 ft. (2499 m.); R.F. Thorne, rocky, e.-facing slope above Middle Fk. Cyn. Lytle Cr., along Cucamonga Pk. Trail, June 26, 1966, 7495 ft. (2285 m.); R.F. Thorne, talus slope near upper end of Icehouse Cyn., June 2, 1966, 7200 ft. (2195 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, upper San Antonio Cyn., n.e. end of Manker Flat, 1600 meters WSW of Mt. Baldy Notch, June 27, 1993, 6400 ft. (1951 m.); Peter Fritsch & T.S. Ross, in draw & along rd. of cyn. north to n.e. Baldy Notch, July 12, 1990, 7400 ft. (1959 m.); I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk. Lytle Cr., Aug. 21, 1917, 6796 ft. (2072 m.)

FVS: Aug. 21, 1917

Boechera sparsiflora (Nutt.) Dorn, Elegant Rock-cress, Sicklepod Rockcress

(synonyms: Arabis sparsiflora Nutt. and A. sparsiflora Nutt. var. sparsiflora)

LACo.: Marshall & Live Oak Cyn. drainages, La Verne, Apr. 13, 1998, 1801 ft. (549 m.); Wolfskill Falls, above La Verne/San Dimas, SDEF, May 15, 1999,

2001 ft. (610 m.), with Dave Larson; Monrovia Cyn., Monrovia Canyon Wilderness Park, Apr. 1, 2009, 1361 ft. (415 m.)

Other records:

Jerome S. Horton, San Dimas Ridge above Flume # 5, SDEF, Apr. 20, 1936, 2198 ft. (670 m.); H.L. Cogswell, w. side of Bell Cyn., SDEF, June 8, 1951, 2798 ft. (853 m.); June Latting, Big Rock Cr. Fire Station, Fenner Cyn., Oct. 6, 1976, 5199 ft. (1585 m.); Carl Epling et. al., Swartout Valley, May 16, 1931; Wayne Lau & Jun Hu, Millard Canyon, Cmpgrd., 2 miles n. of Altadena up the stream 1 mi. after Millard Cmpgrd., Apr. 30, 2000, 1699 ft. (518 m.); W.G. Webb, Arroyo Seco, Apr. 17, 1935, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta & Peter L. Morrell, Shortcut Cyn. OVH area paralleling Big Tujunga, June 4, 1992, 3802 ft. (1159 m.); R. Hoffmann, Big Rock Cr. , Paradise Camp, May 18, 1928

FVS: May 18, 1928

SBCo.: near Cucamonga , Day Cyn., 0.6 m. n.w. of gaging station at mouth of cyn.; Sugarloaf Pk., e. & w. summits & saddle between, s. of Icehouse Cyn. parking area; w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Hwy 138, c. 1 mi., SSW of Cajon Jct.; Chalk Pk. between N. Fork & Middle Fk. Lytle Cr.; Lone Pine Cyn., c. 300 m. s. of Lone Pine Cyn. Rd. & 4 miles w. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., c. 0.5 mi. above Clyde Ranch; w. side of Lytle Cr. Cyn. Rd. near Hitching Ranch, 200 m. n. of FS Road 2N79; upper Lytle Cr. Divide, 1.2 m. s. of Lone Pine Rd. on FS Road 3N31; Frankish Pk., e. of San Antonio Cyn.; Ralston Pk., Cajon Pass area; Apr.-Aug.; 2608-6849 ft. (795-2088 m.)

Other records:

Eugene Cardiff, S. Fk. Lytle Cr. Cyn., Apr. 23, 1950, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

FVS: June, 1929, M.N. Ackley, Lytle Cr., 3998 ft. (1219 m.)

Boechera xylopoda Windham & Al Shehbaz, Bigfoot Hybrid Rockcress

(B. pulchra x B. perennans)

(synonym: Arabis pulchra M.E. Jones ex S. Watson var. gracilis)

LACo.: R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, summit of Table Mt. above Big Pines Ranger Station, July 9, 1969, 7000 ft. (2154 m.); T.S. Ross, Ft. Tejon Rd., 0.1 miles w. of its jct. with Hwy. 138, c. 0.25-0.3 miles w. of the co. line, Apr. 27, 1991, 3880 ft. (1183 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Big Rock Cr., 3/4 miles n. of Big Rock Springs, Apr. 17, 1968, 3800 ft. (1159 m.)

FVS: Apr. 17, 1968

SBCo.: LeRoy Gross & Valeri Soza, San Gab. Mts. region, Sheep Cr., n.e. of Wrightwood, Swarthout Valley, close to the e. side of wash, n. of Angeles Crest Hwy. (2), at end of abandoned dirt rd. that was a dump site, June 9, 2003,

5599 ft. (1707 m.)

+Brassica fruticulosa Cyr., Mediterranean Cabbage

Native to s.w. Europe and n.w. Africa.

Listed in TJM-1993 as not naturalized. The oldest records listed below are 1994 by the author. It is now definitely naturalized in the N. Upland area, n. of Baseline & in Claremont/San Antonio Cyn. area. TJM2 recognizes its naturalized status.

LACo.: Valerie Soza, et. al., s. side of Cobal Cyn., Claremont Hills Wildrness Park., Mar. 28, 2000, 1700 ft. (518 m.); S.D. White, Evey Cyn., Feb. 4, 2001, 2400-2800 ft. (732-854 m.) & Steve Boyd, et. al., at Evey Cyn., June 11, 1993; Justin M. Wood & Brandy N. Wood, Evey Cyn. trail to Potato Mt., Jan 2, 2009, 2240 ft. (683 m.); K. Dobry, Elsmere Cyn., Apr. 4, 1991, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 4, 1991

SBCo.: Cucamonga, c. 200 ft. n. of 19th St., c. 0.5 mi. w. of Sapphire Street, Jan. 26, 1994, 1620 ft. (494 m.); Cucamonga, Cucamonga Cr., c. 100 m. s. of W. Almond Ave. (dirt extension), Jan. 26, 1994, 2139 ft. (652 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White & Michael Honer, San Antonio Cr. between Mt. Baldy Village & Ice House Cyn., June 29, 2004, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); Scott D. White, Cucamonga, bajada at e. foot of mts., between Beryl Ave. & Hellman Ave., 0.3 rd. mi. n. of Foothill Blvd., Apr. 22, 1998, 1758-1837 ft. (536-560 m.)

FVS: Jan. 26, 1994

Brassica juncea (L.) Czern., India Mustard

Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: Scott D. White & Justin Wood, Glendora at Brodiaea (Reserve) at end of N. Loraine Ave., Mar. 27, 2008, 1551 ft. (473 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Brassica nigra (L.) W.D.J. Koch, Black Mustard

Native to Europe

LACo.: From 620 ft. (189 m.) at San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, Azusa/Durate, under Puente Largo Railway Bridge, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 2009, to 2798 ft. (853 m.), at N. Fk. Dark Cyn., off Arroyo Seco at Angeles Crest Hwy., L.C. Wheeler, May 9, 1967 Mar.-May; uncommon throughout, locally abundant; cismontane

FVS: May 18, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, Divide between Raynier & Placerita Cyn., 1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: W. Bertsch, Mt. Baldy Rd., June 9, 1954, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

Brassica rapa L., Turnip, Field Mustard

(synonyms: Brassica rapa L. var. sylvestris and B. rapa L. var. rapa)

Native to Europe.

LACo.: From 1197 ft. (365 m.), at Webb Cyn., n. of Claremont, R.F. Thorne, Mar. 26, 1973, to 6860 ft. (2090 m.) at Big Pines Park, B.C. Templeton, July 20, 1933; Feb.-July; uncommon, mostly in disturbed areas; montane, cismontane

FVS: Mar. 1918, F.W. Peirson, Altadena

SBCo.: Gerald L. Benny & Colin M. Wainwright, Day Cyn., adjacent to gauging station, Apr. 2, 1971, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, Chapman Ranch, above Mt. Baldy Village, July 2, 1967, 4450 ft. (1357 m.)

FVS: July 2, 1967

Brassica tourmefortii Gouan, Asian Mustard

Native to Medit. and s.w. Asia.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Kelly McAndrew, 6 miles n. of Claremont, 35 feet n.e. of mt. road, 1 mile n.w. of Euclild Rd., May 9, 1992, 2800-3000 ft. (854 m.)

Camelina microcarpa Andrz. ex F.C., Littlepod False Flax

Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Swartout Valley Ranger’s Cabin, July 7, 1922, 5900 ft. (1798 m.)

SBCo.: No records found:

Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik., Shepherd’s Purse

Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.) at mouth of San Gabriel River, Azusa/Duarte, R.G. Swinney, Feb. 16, 1998, to 6862 ft. (2092 m.) at Big Pines Park, w. of Wrightwood, B.C. Templeton, June 17, 1932; all year; uncommon in disturbed areas; montane, cismontane

FVS: Feb., 1888, H. Twining, Rincon

SBCo.: Stoddard Cyn., e. trib. of San Antonio Cyn., Apr. 4, 1998, 2450 ft.

(747 m.)

Other records:

R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, Chapman Ranch, above Mt. Baldy Village, July 2, 1967,

4450 ft. (1357 m.); Vivian Manns, Lytle Cr. at Applewhite Cmpgd., Apr. 12, 1963, 3411 ft. (1040 m.)

FVS: Apr. 12, 1963

Cardamine californica (Nutt.) Greene, Tooth Wort, Milkmaids

[synonyms: Dentaria californica Nutt. and C. californica var. cardiophylla (Greene) Rollins and C. californica var. cuniata (Greene) Rollins and C. californica var. integrifolia (Nutt.) Rollins and C. californica var. sinuata (Greene) O.E. Schulz and C. pachystigma var. dissectifolia (Detling) Rollins.] Two of these synonyms will be listed below and indented.

LACo.: From 1351 ft. (412 m.), at Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wildernes Park, 1 mile e. of Glendora Mt. Rd., e. side of rd., R.G. Swinney, Mar. 14, 1990, to

2919 ft. (890 m.), at SDEF, Fern Cyn., R.G. Swinney, May 30, 1998; Jan.-Mar., May, July, Dec.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Dec. 16, 1907, W.R. Dadley, Deer Park Cyn. (near Monrovia), no elev. given

SBCo.: San Antonio Cyn. area, FS Rd. 2N04, Barrett-Stoddard Truck Rd. at Barrett Cyn., Apr. 1, 1995, 3920 ft. (1195 m.)

Other records:

I. Johnston, Cascade Cyn., (e. trib. of San Antonio Cyn.), June 15, 1917,

4497 ft. (1371 m.)

FVS: June 15, 1917

Synonym +Cardamine californica (Nutt.) Greene var. californica, Milkmaids

LACo.: From 1150 ft. (351 m.), at Big Dalton Cyn., Glendora, Lyman Benson, Mar. 25, 1945, to 6000 ft. (1828 m.), at mts. above Claremont, Moist Cyn., D.L. Crawford, Mar. 1, 1916; Jan.-Mar., May; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Mar. 19, 1910, Fordyce Grinnell Jr., Arroyo Seca (Seco-check)_____ Cyn.,

SBCo.: San Antonio Cyn., area, FS Road 2N04, (Barrett-Stoddard Truck Rd.), at Barrett Cyn., Apr. 1, 1995, no elev. given

Other records: None found.

Synonym Cardamine californica (Nutt.) Greene var. integrifolia (Nutt.) Rollins, Milkmaids

LACo.: T.S. Ross, Brown’s Gulch, draining to San Gabriel Cyn. at the base of San Gabriel Dam, May 24, 1992, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, n.w. slope of Smith Mt., along Bear Cr. Trail, May 24, 1968, no elev. given; Frank W. Peirson, Arroyo Seco, May 21, 1918, no elev. given; Frank W. Peirson, Pacoima Cyn., Oct. 16, 1918, 1797 ft. (548 m.); Geo. Moxley, Pacoima Cyn., near San Fernando, Mar. 11, 1917, no elev. given; L.E. Hoffman, Arryo (Arroyo-aded 2011) Seco, Angeles Natl. Forest, Mar. 18, 1926, no elev. given; Darley F. Howe, San dimas cyn., Mar. 1, 1915.

FVS: Mar. 1, 1915

SBCo.: D.D. Keck, cyn. 0.5 mi. above Devore Cyn., Pass, Dec. 23, 1924, no elev. given (location vague-possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Cardamine hirsuta L., Hairybittercress

Native to Europe.

LACo.: Azusa/Irwindale boundary, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 100-400 meters n. of I-210 Fwy., 300 meters e. of river channel, Mar. 20, 2009, 581 ft.

(177 m.); Azusa (added-2010), El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, off Hwy. 39, Feb. 20, 2009, 1000 ft. (305 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Feb. 20, 2009

SBCo.: No records found.

Cardamine oligosperma Nutt., Little Western Bittercress

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., c. 100-350 meters n. of Foothill Blvd., e. bank, R.G. Swinney, Feb. 16, 1998, to 2919 ft. (890 m.), above San Dimas/LaVerne, SDEF, Fern Cyn.,R.G. Swinney, May 3, 1998; Feb.-May; rare; cismontane

FVS: Mar. 20, 1932, L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., 1699 ft. (518 m.)

SBCo.: S.D. White & Christine Mukai, Cucamonga, bajada w. of Beryl Ave., imm. south of Heritage Park, c. 3 road mi. n. of Foothill Blvd., Apr. 22, 1998,

1804 ft. (550 m.)

+Caulanthus amplexicaulis S. Watson, Claspingleaf Wild Cabbage or Caulanthus

[synonyms: C. amplexicaulis var. barbarae (J.T. Howell) Munz and C. amplexicaulis var. amplexicaulis]

LACo.: From 1900 ft. (579 m.) at mouth of Bear Cyn., off Soledad Cyn., May 23, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, to 9000 ft. (2743 m.) at w. Baldy Pk. on ridge running e. toward Old Baldy, July 27, 1971, R.F. Thorne, et. al.; Apr.- Aug.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: May, 1893, H.E. Hasse, Acton (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: Falling Rock Cyn., 0.4 mi. s. of Icehouse Cyn., July 9, 1996; Lost Cr. Cyn., south trib. to Icehouse Cyn., e. of Sheep Flats, July 22, 1994, 6599 ft.

(2012 m.); Cucamonga, FS Road 1N34 (Big Tree Truck Rd.), c. 4.7 mi. n.e. of jct. of Skyline & Almond Ave’s., June 28, 1994, 4820 ft. (1469 m.); N. Fk. Lytle Cr., 1.6 mi. n. of jct. of FS Road 3N33 & 3N06, c. 350-450 m. due w. of Shade Cmpgd., June 24, 1993, 5956 ft. (1816 m.); Middle Fk. of W. Fork of Lytle Cr., due n. of Mt. Harwood, c. 1 mi. w. of Stockton Flat, Aug, 19, 1998, 7282 ft.

(2220 m.); ; Thunder Mt. Ridge, w. of Thunder Mt. Pk., July 14, 1995, 7961 ft. (2427 m.); Baldy Bowl area, near Sierra Ski Hut, in small trib. with springs, July 13, 1995, 8039 ft. (2451 m.)

Other records:

F.R. Fosberg & Mildred E. Mathias, Mt. San Antonio, tr. from divide, June 23, 1931, 8200 ft. (2500 m.); I.M. Johnston, Ontario Pk., w. end, June 5, 1917,

5999 ft. (1829 m.); I.M. Johnston, upper San Antonio Cyn., July 3, 1917, 6750 ft.

(2057 m.), plus 2 additional records from San Antonio Cyn.; R.F. Thorne, above Middle Fk. Canyon Lytle Cr., along Cucamonga Pk. Trail, June 20, 1966, 7500 ft.

(2287 m.); Peter Fitsch & T. Ross, In draw and above rd. of cyn., n. to n.e. of Baldy Notch, July 12, 1990, 6424-7400 ft. (1959-2256 m.); F.W. Peirson, Icehouse Cyn., June 4, 1919, 5250 ft. (1600 m.); Scott D. White, San Antonio Cyn., below Santa Ana Falls, June 29, 1997, 6301 ft. (1921 m.), three additional records from the San Antonio Cyn. area; Robert F. Thorne, et. al., Devil’s Backbjone, Mt. San Antonio, June 12, 1971, 9000 ft. (2744 m.); S.B. Parish Icehouse Cyn., June 16, 1918, 5996 ft. (1828 m.); H.M. Hall, Lytle Cr., June 1-3, 1900, 4499-5999 ft. (1524-1829 m.)

FVS: June 1-3, 1900

Caulanthus cooperi (S. Watson) Payson, Cooper’s Jewelflower, Cooper’s Wild Cabbage

LACo.: From 3591 ft. (945 m.), at Aliso Cyn., c. 0.5 miles e. of Blum Ranch, L.C. Wheeler, Apr. 20, 1973, to 4300 ft. (1311 m.) at drainage w. of Little Rock Cr. Res., Orlando Mistretta, Apr. 5, 1995; Apr., May; uncommon in transmontane

FVS: Apr. 9, 1937, Lewis S. Rose, 6 miles s.e. of Llano, 3398 ft. (1036 m.)

SBCo.: Sheep Cr. near pinon Hills, 0.3 & 0.8 mi. s. of Hwy. 138 at Scrub Oak Rd., Apr. 5, 1995 & May 1, 1995,

Other records: None found

+Caulanthus heterophyllus (Nutt.) Payson, San Diego Wild Cabbage

[synonyms: C. heterophyllus var. heterophyllus and C. heterophyllus var. pseudosimulans E. Buck, ined.] Both listed below & indented.

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: s. trib. of San Antonio Cyn., between Evey & Spruce Cyns., June 25, 2000, 3080 ft. (939 m.)

Other records:

P.A. Munz, San Gabriel Cyn., Apr. 23, 1925, 1600 ft. (488 m.); F.W. Peirson, Fks. of San Gabriel River, Apr. 23, 1925, 1750 ft. (533 m.) (both collectors above may have been collecting together at same location); LeRoy Abrams, Mt. Wilson Trail, no date, 2998 ft. (914 m.)

FVS: Apr. 23, 1925

SBCo.: near Cucamonga, Day Cyn., 0.9 mi. n.e. of gaging station at mouth of cyn., Apr. 22, 1995, 3421 ft. (1043 m.)

Other records:

Benny & Wainwright, Day Cyn., May 12, 1971, 2798-3139 ft. (853-957 m.)

FVS: May 12, 1971

Synonym Caulanthus heterophyllus (Nutt.) Payson var. heterophyllus, San Diego Wild Cabbage

LACo.: P.A. Munz, San Gabriel Cyn., Apr. 23, 1925, 1600 ft. (488 m.); P.A. Munz & R.D. Harwood, San Dimas Cyn., Apr. 21, 1920, 1500 ft. (457 m.); F.W. Peirson, forks of San Gabriel River, Apr. 23, 1925, no elev. given; Anstruther Davidson, Rubio Cyn., Los Angeles, San Gab. Mts., May 1893, no elev. given

FVS: May, 1893

SBCo.: Barry Burnell, San Gab. Mts. region, Lytle Cr. Rd., 0.5 mi. above Pennstock Firebreak, May 9, 1971, 2600 ft. (792 m.)

Synonym Caulanthus heterophyllus (Nutt.) Payson var. pseudosimulans R.E. Buck, ined., San Diego Wild Cabbage (based on minor flower color differences)

Status: CRPR: CBR

LACo.: Frank W. Peirson, Tujunga Cyn., Mar. 30, 1919, 1397 ft. (426 m.); Frank W. Peirson, c. Rubio Cyn. (n. outskirt s. of Altadena), June 4, 1918, 1998 ft.

(609 m.); Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, Apr. 12, 1897, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

FVS: Apr. 12, 1897

SBCo.: No records found.

+Caulanthus inflatus S. Watson, Desert Candle

LACo.: Carr Cyn., 0.3 mi. s.e. of Mt. Emma Rd. crossing, (on dark-brown San Andreas Rift Zone soil,-added 2011), May 5, 2009, 3119 ft. (951 m.)

Other reocrds:

L.C. Wheeler, 40th St. E. between the California Water Project Const. & Barrel Springs Rd., Apr. 20, 1973, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 20, 1973

SBCo.: No records found.

Caulanthus lasiophyllus (Hook. & Arn.) Greene, California Mustard

[synonyms: Guillenia lasiophyllus (Hook. & Arn.) Greene and Thelypodium lasiophyllum (Hook. & Arn.) Greene

Highly variable in fl. size & seed number.

LACo.: From 630 ft. (192 m.), Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, 0.4-1 mile n. (upstream) of Puente Largo (Railway-added 2010) Bridge, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 21, 2009, to 5241 ft. (1598 m.), at Prairie Fk. of San Gabriel River, 300 meters w. of Cabin Flats Cmpgrd., R.G. Swinney, July 10, 1998; Apr., May, July, Aug.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: May 27, 1919, F.W. Peirson, hills w. of Arroyo Seco, 1397 ft. (426 m.)

SBCo.: Sheep Cr. near Pinon Hills, 0.8 mi. s. of Hwy 138, at Scrub Oak Rd. & 70-300 m. w. of Scrub Oak Rd., Apr. 5, 1995, 4579 ft. (1396 m.); w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Hwy 138, c. 1 mi. SSW of Cajon Jct., off FSRd. 3N49, Apr. 29, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.); lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, 11 mi. s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Road & Applewhite Rd., c. 0.75 miles e. of Applewhite Cmpgrd., Apr. 22, 1995, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

Other records:

Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 15, 1971, 2500 ft. (761 m.); Gerald L. Benny, et. al., Day Cyn., Apr. 14, 1971, 3198 ft. (975 m.)

FVS: Apr. 14, 1971

Caulanthus major (M.E. Jones) Payson, Slender Wild Cabbage

(synonyms: C. major var. nevadensis Rollins and C. major var. major)

LACo.: W. of Wrightwood, c. 0.5 mi. n.w. of E. Table Mt. Summit, June 13, 1997, 6799 ft. (2073 m.), record by F.W. Peirson, at summit, at head of Le Montaine Cr., is the same location as author’s record at 0.5 mi. e. of E. Table Mt. Summit; Head of Cedar Cyn., ridge c. 200 m. n. of Big Pines Hwy., 0.5 mi. w. of jct. of Hwy. 2 & Big Pines Hwy., July 5, 1999, 7619 ft. (2323 m.); w. of Wrightwood, E. Table Mt. Summit, July 2, 1998, 7400 ft. (2256 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, Table Mt., Sunrise Ski Area, June 28, 1993; F.W. Peirson, Le Montaine summit at head of Le Montaine Cr., July 5, 1922, 7002 ft. (2135 m.); T.S. Ross & Peter W. Fritsch, Big Rock Cr. Cyn., 120 meters NNW of Icy Springs, around a stone building that has been gutted by fire-The Webber Cabin, June 11, 1990, 5680 ft. (1732 m.); F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., June 17, 1918, 5497 ft. (1676 m.); Joseph Ewan & Nesta Ewan, 1.5 mi. below head of Cedar Cyn. off Mescal Cr., Aug. 2, 1936, no elev. given; Gale Sphon, Big Rock Cyn., Icy Springs, June 27, 1959, no elev. given; Anstsruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., July 4, 1893, no elev. given

FVS: July 4, 1893

SBCo.: Ridge n.e. of E. Table Mt., just e. of the LA/SB Co. boundary, June 13, 1997, 5999 ft. (1829 m.); W. Fork of Acorn Cyn., c. 0.25 mi. due n. of FS Road 3N06 on Blue Ridge, Aug. 6, 1999, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); Upper Lytle Cr. Divide, 1 mi. n.w. of Goblers Knob, c. 75 m. n. of Pacific Crest Tr., July 9, 1993, 6940 ft.

(2116 m.); s.w. slope of Circle Mt. & Summit, June 23, 1994, 6760-6796 ft. (2061-2072 m.); Wrightwood, 100 m. n. of Hwy 2, c. 200 m. w. of Twin Lakes Rd., June 11, 1994, 5717 ft. (1743 m.); s. of Oak Springs Ranch, c. 200 m. s. of Desert Front Rd. at s. entrance to O.S Ranch, May 27, 1996, 5576 ft. (1700 m.)

Other records:

Michael Denslow, et. al., s. of Wrightwood in minor drainage of Heath Cyn., June 2, 2003, 6501 ft. (1982 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Episcopal Camp at Wrightwood, June 3, 1992

FVS: June 3, 1992

Descurainia incisa (Engelm.) Britton ssp. incisa, Mountain Tansymustard

[synonym: D. incana (Bernh. ex Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Dorn ssp. incisa (Engelm. ex A. Grant) Kartesz & Gandh.]

LACo.: Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., July, 1893

SBCo.: No records found.

Descurainia adenophora (Woot. & Standl.) O.E. Schulz, Blunt Tansymustard

[synonym: D. obtusa (Greene) O.E. Schulz ssp. adenophora (Woot. & Standl.) Detling]


Records for Crystal Lake, N. Fork San Gabriel River:

F.R. Fosberg & J. Ewan, Aug. 10, 1931, 5300 ft. (1616 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Aug. 2, 1932, 5501 ft. (1677 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd., et al., June 25, 1990, 5501 ft. (1677 m.); R.F. Thorne & M. Z. Thorne, July 19, 1967, 5550 ft. (1691 m.); F.R. Fosberg, Aug. 11, 1931, 5248 ft. (1600 m.)

Additional records:

Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock, July 4, 1893

FVS: July 4, 1893

SBCo.: No records found.

Descurainia pinnata (Walter) Britton, Western Tansymustard

ssp. hallictorum, intermedia and menziesii, represent a heterogeneous mixture of intermediates with D. pinnata and its hybrids with other ssp. They are listed below and indented.

LACo.: From 3159 ft. (963 m.), at Littlerock Cr., c. 200 m. below (north of) Littlerock Cr. Dam, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 24, 2009, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.) at summit of E. Table Mt., Wrightwood area, R.G. Swinney, July 2, 1998; Apr.-Aug.; fairly common in transmontane, uncommon in cismontane

FVS: Jan 25, 1919, Frank W. Peirson, Arroyo Seco, San Gab. Mts., 1246 ft.

(380 m.)

SBCo.: 0.2 mi. s. of Hwy. 138 on Beekley Rd., 1 mile s.w. of Phelen near Yucca Inn., Mar. 25, 1995, 4441 ft. (1354 m.); Controversy Spring, USFS Rd. 3N37, c. 0.4 mi. s. of Hwy 138, Cajon Cyn., May 1, 1995, 4559 ft. (1390 m.); Upper Lytle Cr., 1.6 mi. n. of the jct. of FS Road 3N06 & 3N33, c. 400 m. w. of Shade Cmpgrd., June 24, 1993, 5960 ft. (1817 m.); c. 300 m. s. of Lone Pine Cyn. Road, c. 4 mi. w. of Swarthout Cyn. Road, June 22, 1993

Other records: None found.

FVS: June 22, 1993

Descurania pinnata (Walder) Britton ssp. glabra (Woot. & Standl.) Detling, Western Tansymustard

LACo.: T.S. Ross, Fort Tejon Rd., 0.1 miles w. of jct. with Hwy. 138, c. 0.25-0.3 miles w. of co. line, Apr. 27, 1991, 3880-3950 ft. (1183 m.) (may be n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); Steven R. Hill & K. Kramer, s. side of Hwy. 138, just e. of Palmdale & c. 1 mile w. of Little Rock, w. side of Little Rock Wash, Apr. 22, 2001, 2821 ft. (860 m.) ( at far n. end of San Gab. Mts. boundary); LeRoy Gross, Orlando Mistretta, et al., Big Rock Cr., n. & e. of Valyermo Ranger Station, off Big Pines Hwy. May 13, 2003, 3749 ft. (1143 m); Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., off Big Pines Hwy. (Rd. N), near Shoemaker Cyn., along ridge, wash & roadside, May 6, 2005, 4736 ft. (1444 m.); R.F. Thorne, A.C. Gibson, et al., c. 2 miles s. of Hwy. 138, 8 miles ESE of Pearblossum on Grandview Cyn. Road, Apr. 17, 1970, 3900 ft. (1189 m.); Ruth B. Randell, Recreation Ground, Big Pine, Swartough (Swarthout Valley-added 2010), July 9, 1931, no elev. given

FVS: July 9, 1931

SBCo.: LeRoy Gross & Valerie Soza, Sheep Cr., n.e. of Wrightwood, Swarthout Valley, June 9, 2003, 5600 ft. (1707 m.)

Synonym Descurainia pinnata (Walter) Britton ssp. halictorum (Cockerell) Detling, Western Tansymustard

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta, Alimony Ridge, Juniper Hills, May 4, 1992, 4800 ft. (1463 m.); Sula Vanderplank, et. al., off Big Pines Hwy (Rd. N), near Shoemaker Cyn., May 6, 2005, (1444 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Fenner Cyn. Conservation Camp, May 25, 1992, 5700 ft. (1738 m.); LeRoy Gross, Orlando Mistretta, et al., Big Rock Cr., n. & e. of Valyermo Ranger Station, off Big Pines Hwy., May 13, 2003, 3750 ft. (1143 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Right Star Mine, s. of Acton, May 21, 1992, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr. Management Unit Carr Section, Mar. 24, 1995, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Big Rock Cr., 3/4 miles n. of Big Rock Springs, Apr. 17, 1968, 3800 ft. (1158 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Hunt Cyn., 3 miles e. of Vincent, May 12, 1967, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); F.W. Peirson, Big Pines Camp, July 6, 1922, 6849 ft. (2088 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. California transmission line tower (Seg 6, Structure 18 per TRTP Survey-2008), vic. of Aliso Cyn., w. of the Angeles Forest Hwy., Apr. 14, 2008, 4067 ft.

(1240 m.); Grinnell, Pacoima Cyn., Apr. 3, 1921 (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Apr. 3, 1921

SBCo.: Cajon Wash, c. 1 mi. s.e. of Controversy Spring, c. 1 mi. s. of Hwy 138, Apr. 29, 1994, 4497 ft. (1371 m.); Upper Lytle Cr., 1.6 mi. n. of jct of USFS Rd. 3N06 & 3N33, c. 400 m. w. of Shade Cpgd., June 24, 1993, 5960 ft. (1817 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Cajon Cyn., 2 miles n.w. of Devore, Apr. 20, 1973,

3400 ft. (1036 m.); Gerald L. Benny & C.M. Wainwright, Day Cyn., Apr. 21, 1971, 2400 ft. (732 m.)

FVS: Apr. 21, 1971

Synonym Descuraina pinnata (Walter) Britton ssp. intermedia (Rydb.) Detling, Western Tansymustard

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Aliso Cyn., e. of Acton, c. 1 mi. downstream from Wagon Wheel Ranch, May 9, 1967, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., slopes e. of cr., opposite confl. with Kitter Cyn., May 13, 1994, 4600 ft. (1402 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., slopes e. of Little Rock Reservoir, May 8, 1992, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Hunt Cyn., 3 miles e. of Vincent, May 12, 1967, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

FVS: May 9, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

Synonym Descuraina pinnata (Walter) Britton ssp. menziesii (DC.) Detl., Western Tansymustard

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Big Pines Camp, July 6, 1922, 6849 ft. (2088 m.)

T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Soledad Cyn. Wash, c. 1/2 mile e. of Acton, Apr. 30, 1991, 2720 ft. (829 m.); Ernest Braunton, Glendora, Jan 15, 1903, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); F.W. Peirson, foot of Arroyo Seco Cyn., Pasadena, Jan 25, 1919, 1246 ft. (380 m.); F.W. Peirson, at Altadena, San Gab. Mts., Mar. 1918, no elev. given; Anonym., above Claremont, Mar. 10, 1898, no elev. given;

FVS: Mar. 10, 1898

SBCo.: Controversy Spring, FS Rd. 3N37, c. 0.4 mi. s. of Hwy. 138, Cajon Cyn., near Mt. Top Jct., May 1, 1995, 4559 ft. (1390 m.)

Other records:

S.D. White, Wrightwood area, Sheep Cr. & adj. lower e.-facing slopes,

Apr. 30, 1998, 5400-5800 ft. (1646-1768 m.); R.F. Thorne & c.W. Tilforth, Mormon Rock & Cajon Cyn., Apr. 20, 1973, 3400 ft. (1036 m.)

FVS: Apr. 20, 1973

Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb ex Prantl., Herb Sophia

Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: From 3277 ft. (999 m.), at Little Rock Cr., upstream of Little Rock Reservoir to confl. with Santiago Cr., Justin M. Wood, May 10, 2010, to 5290 ft. (1612 m.), at Mill Cr. Tree Plantation, T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, May 17, 1990; Apr.-June; rare; transmontane, montane at Mill Cr., cismontane

FVS: May 17, 1931, Freda Detmers, Big Rock Creek Cyn.

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist, Mt. Baldy Notch, July 3, 1971, 7800 ft. (2378 m.); F.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Mormon Rocks & Cajon Cyn. Apr. 20, 1973, 3400 ft. (1036 m.); L.C. Wheeler e. side of mouth of San Antonio Cyn., 0.5 mi. s. of Stoddard Cyn., May 10, 1969, 2350 ft. (716 m.); LeRoy Gross & Valerie Soza, Sheep Cr., n.e. of Wrlightwood, Swarthout Valley, June 9, 2003, 5599 ft.

(1707 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Wildhorse Cyn. at Angeles Crest Hwy., May 9, 1968, 4700 ft. (1432 m.)

FVS: May 9, 1968

Draba albertina Greene, Slender Draba

LACo.: Wayne E. Sawyer, Lily Spring, June 16, 1981, c. 8050 ft. (2454 m.);

Robert F. Thorne & DeBuhr, Lily springs area on n. slope of Mt. Hawkins, S. Fork Big Rock Cr., June 28, 1974, 7997 ft. (2438 m.);

FVS: June 28, 1974

SBCo.: No records found.

Draba corrugata S. Watson, Southern California Draba

(synonym: D. corrugata S. Watson var. corrugata)

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 6400 ft. (1950 m.) at c. 1 mi. w. of Wrightwood, along Big Pines Hwy, R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, July 10, 1969, to 1008 ft. (3072 m.) at just below summit of San Antonio Pk., H. Dearing & M. Dearing, July 8, 1937; May-Nov.; uncommon; montane

FVS: July 26, 1915, Albert J. Perkins, Mt. San Antonio, 10000 ft. (3049 m.)

SBCo.: s. of Wrightwood, c. 600 m. e. of Guffy Cmpgrd., n. of Pacific Crest Tr.,

June 12, 1994, 8200 ft. (2500 m.); Pine Mountain, Aug. 10, 1995, 9479 ft.

(2890 m.)

Other records:

Fred Burlew, Mt. San Antonio June, 1916, no elev. given; S.B. Parish, Icehouse Cyn., June 16, 1918, 7495 ft. (2285 m.); I.M. Johnston, Ontario Pk., June 5, 1917, 8495 ft. (2590 m.); P.A. Munz, Cucamonga Pk., June 19, 1922, 7997 ft. (2438 m.); I.M. Johnston, Kelly’s Cabin, Ontario Pk., July 30, 1911, 8495 ft.

(2590 m.)

FVS: July 30, 1911

Draba cuneifolia Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray, Wedgeleaf Draba

[synonyms: D. cuneifolia var. cuneifolia and D. cuneifolia var. integrifolia S. Watson and D. cuneifolia var. sonorae (Greene) Parish]

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, 0.5 miles n.e. of Webb School, LaVerne, edge of San Gab. Mt. foothills, Feb. 28, 1931, 1350 ft. (411 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Kinneloa Cyn., near mouth, Feb. 19, 1950, 1000 ft. (304 m.); Geo. B. Grant, Eaton Wash Mar. 24, 1901, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Mar. 24, 1901

SBCo.: No records found.

Draba lonchocarpa Rydb., Spear-fruited Drabe or Lance-fruited Draba

[synonym: D. vestita ? and D. lonchocarpa Rydb. var. vestita Schulz and D. nivalis Lilj. var. denudata (O.E. Schulz) C.L. Hitchc.]

Status: CRPR ? S1 G4T3SNR

LACo.: Fred Burlew, Mt. San Antonio, June 1, 1915, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Erysimum asperum (Nutt.) DC., Western Wall Flower

Perhaps not det. to var. level. All vars. of E. asperum were reassigned to E. capitatum.

LACo.: Joseph Andorfer Ewan, Mt. Gleason, May 29, 1932, 56997 ft. (1737 m.);

SBCo.: R.L. Webster, s.e. facing slope along old Baldy Rd., 1 mi. below old prisoner road camp, Apr. 28, 1957, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

Erysimum capitatum (Douglas ex Hook.) Greene, Sanddune Wallflower

LACo.: From 745 ft. (227 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 400 meters n.e. of River Bike Path parking lot at Hwy. 39, Mar. 16, 2009, R.G. Swinney, to 8519 ft. (2591 m.), at Blue Ridge, John Thomas Howell, July 18, 1947; Jan-July; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Mar. 14, 1897, H.P.C., San Dimas Cyn., roadside, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: From 1998 ft. (609 m.), at mouth of San Anltonio Cyn., B.D. Stack, Mar. 22, 1934 and near jct. of Swartout Cyn. Rd. & Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., F.S. Gereb, Apr. 10, 1968, to 6481 ft. (1976 m.) at Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge near Gobbler’s Knob, saddle between 2 ridgetops at w. end of Sheep Cr. Truck Rd., R.G. Swinney, June 30, 1992; Mar.-July; uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: July 29, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Icehouse Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

Erysimum capitatum (Douglas ex Hook.) Greene var. capitatum, Western Wallflower, Sanddune Wallflower

[synonyms: E. capitatum var. angustatum (Greene) Rossbach and E. capitatum var. lompocense (Rossbach) Kartesz and E. capitatum ssp. angustatum ined. and E. capitatum ssp. capitatum ined. and E. capittum ssp. lompocense ined.]

LACo.: From 740 ft. (226 m.) at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 75 m. n. of Hwy 39, 0.8 mi. n. of Sierra Madre Ave., Azusa, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 16, 2009, to 6880 ft. (2098 m.), NNE of Pacifico Mt. Summit, (27 deg., 425 min.) & ESE of Sheep Camp Spring (100 deg., 405 min.) at the headwaters of Santiago Cyn.,T.S. Ross, Orlando Mistretta, et al., July 1,1994; Feb-Sep.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: May, 1902, F.G. Reed, Cobal Cyn., n. of Claremont, 1500 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.) at mouth of San Antonio Cyn., B.D. Stark, Aug. 17, 1933, to 8505 ft. (2582 m.) at Wright Mt. summit, R.G. Swinney, July 12, 1993; Mar.-Aug.; uncommon; all 4 sections

FVS: July 20, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Baldy Lookout of US Forest Service, 6000 ft. (1828 m.)

Hirschfeldia incana (L.) Lagr.-Foss., Shortpod Mustard

Generic status uncertain, possibly best included in Erucastrum or expanded Brassica.

(synonym: Brassica geniculata)

Native to Medit.

LACo.: From 540 ft. (165 m.) at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., just s. of Foothill Blvd., R.G. Swinney, Dec. 2, 2008, to 4100 ft. (1249 m.) at 0.5 mi. WNW of Pine Mt., L.C. Wheeler, Nov 29, 1967; Apr.-Dec.; common; transmontane at Big Rock Cr., 1/4 mile s. of Big Rock Springs, L.C. Wheeler, May 31, 1967, 4000 ft.

(1219 m.), Apr.-June, Sep., Dec.; fairly common, cismontane

FVS: May 18, 1931, L.E. Hoffman, Big Santa Anita Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2000 ft. (610 m.) at Glen Helen Regeional Park, R.G. Swinney, Oct. 9, 1994, to 4920 ft. (1500 m.) at Clyde Ranch, Lone Pine Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Oct. 23, 2008; Feb.-Nov.; common; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Nov. 17, 1942, L.C. Wheeler, 0.25 miles n.e. of mouth of Lytle Cr., on rd. to Devode, no elev. given

Lepidium appelianum Al-Shehbaz, Hairy Whitetop

[synonym: Cardaria pubescens (C.A. Mey.) Jarmolenko]

Native to c. Asia.

LACo.: LeRoy Gross & Bruce Campbell, Blue Ridge Rd. (3N06), & Rd. (3N39), top of Praire Fk., east. of Lupine Cmpgrd., June 29, 2006

SBCo.: No records found.

Lepidium didymum L. Lesser Swinecress

[syononym: Coronopus didymus (L.) Sm.]

Native to S. America.

LACo.: San Dimas, Puddingstone Diversion Dam, at mouth of San Dimas Cyn., Mar. 26, 2008, 1161 ft. (354 m.); San Gabriel Cyn., along old road/trail at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, May 30, 2008, 840 ft. (256 m.); San Gabriel River, under the Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 meters n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of Encanto Pkwy. w. of (e. of-added 2011) El Encanto Park in Duarte, 604 ft. (184 m.)

Other records: Justin M. Wood, City of San Dimas, Sycamore Cyn., Falcon Ranch, Apr. 22, 2009, 1351 ft. (412 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Georges Gap on divide between Clear Cr. & Arroyo Seco, Apr. 9, 1972, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Millard Cyn., c. Natl. Forest boundary, Apr. 9, 1973, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., Apr. 19, 1969, 1800 ft. (548 m.)

FVS: Apr. 19, 1969

SBCo.: A.C. Sanders, Tracy Tennant, et al., Etiwanda, w. side of Etiwanda Cr., on n. side of Hwy. 30 (Highland Ave.), Mar. 12, 1998, 1450 ft. (442 m.) (at far s. boundary of San Gab. Mts.)

Lepidium draba L. Heart-podded Hoary Cress, Whitetop

[synonym: Cardaria draba (L.) Desv.]

Native to Europe.

LACo.: J.B. Walker, Glendora Ridge Rd., 12 km. west of Baldy Village, Mar. 30, 1995, 3936 ft. (1200 m.); Gary Kovnat & Le Roy Gross, Gold Cr., Ecological Preserve, S. Terrace, W. Meadow Ecotone, Apr. 25, 2004, no elev. given; T.S. Ross, Glendora Ridge Rd. on the divide between Upper E. Fork San Dimas Cyn. & Lower Cow Cyn., drawing toward the latter, Apr. 21, 1992, 4320 ft. (1317 m.); Kelly Middleton & David Middleton, Glendora Ridge Rd., 4.4 miles w. of Mt. Baldy Rd. Jct., May 8, 1988, 4002 ft. (1220 m.)

FVS: May 8, 1988

SBCo.: No records found.

Lepidium flavum Torr., Yellow Pepperweed

(synonym: L. flavum var. felipense C.L. Hitchc.)

LACo.: N.C. Cooper, Little Rock Cr., Apr. 21, 1948, 2500 ft. (761 m.); Lewis S. Rose, 6 miles s.e. of Llano, Apr. 9, 1937, 3398 ft. (1036 m.)

FVS: Apr. 9, 1937

SBCo.: No records found.

Lepidium fremontii S. Watson, Desert Pepperwood

(synonyms: L. fremontii ssp. fremontii and L. fremontii var. stipitatum Rollins)

LACo.: Little Rock Cr., just below Littlerock Cr. Dam, in trib. cyn. to the east, Apr. 24, 2009, 3280 ft. (1000 m.); Carr Cyn., 200 m. s. of Mt. Emma Rd., 0.3 mi. e. of Little Rock Cr., Apr. 2009; Le Montaine Cyn., c. 0.25 miles s. of Camp Jubilee Rd., May 22, 1999, 5281 ft. (1610 m.); Bob’s Gap, e. end of Hollcomb Ridge, Apr. 18, 2001, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); Mescal Cyn., w. of Pinon Hills, 2.3 mi. n. of jct. of Hwy 2 & Mescal Cyn. Rd., July 6, 1998, 5399 ft. (1646 m.); Mescal Highland, 1 mile s. of Ft. Tejon Rd. & 237th St. jct., May 16, 1998, 4280 ft.

(1305 m.); Littlerock Cr., just below Littlerock Cr. Dam, in trib. canyon to the east, Apr. 24, 2009, 3280 ft. (1000 m.); Mescal Highlands, w. of Pinon Hills, May 16, 1998, 4280 ft. (1305 m.);

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, et. al., Grandview Cyn. Rd., c. 3 mi. s. of Hwy 138 on Grandview Cyn. Rd., Apr. 17, 1970, 4200 ft. (1280 m.); R.F. Thorne & G. Wallace, Jct. of Pallett Cr. & Longview Rd., c. 4 mi. s. of Pearblossum, Apr. 24, 1973, 3850 ft. (1174 m.); Big Rock Creek: LeRoy Gross, et. al., May 13, 2003, 3749 ft.

(1143 m.); Little Rock Creek: F.W. Peirson, May 19, 1921; Orlando Mistretta, Apr. 12, 1994; Thorne et. al., Apr. 20 1982; & N.C. Cooper, Apr. 21, 1948; Bob’s Gap: R.F. Thorne et. al., Apr. 20, 1982; Sula Vanderplank et. al., May 6, 2005; H.M. Hall, vic. of Rock Cr., May 1, 1902, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

FVS: May 1, 1902

SBCo.: Sheep Cr., w. of Pinon Hills at Scrub Oak Rd., 0.8 mi. s. of Hwy 138, Apr. 5, 1995, 4579 ft. (1396 m.)

Other records:

K. Waln., Cajon Cyn., Mormon Rocks, May 4, 1978

FVS: Apr. 5, 1995

Lepidium latiflolium L., Perennial or Broadleaved Pepperweed

Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: LeRoy Gross, Devil’s Gate Reservoir, n.e. of San Rafael Hills, in Arroyo Seco River Channel, just w. of Altadena, Oct. 05, 2002, 1099 ft. (335 m.)

SBCo.: n.e. corner of Cajon Jct., w. base of Wye Pk., adjacent to I-215 Frwy on its e. side, July 8, 2005, 3220 ft. (just e. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary in the San Bernardino Mts.)

Other records: None found.

Lepidium nitidum Nutt., Shining Pepperweed

[synonyms: L. nitidum var. nitidum and L. nitidum var. howellii C.L. Hitchc. and L. nitidum var. oreganum (Greene) C.L. Hitchc.]

LACo.: Azusa, 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave. on n. side of San Gabriel River Channel, c. 100 meters n. of Hwy. 39, Mar. 19, 2009, 754 ft. (230 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, 0.4 miles s.w. Big Cieneja (Cienega-added 2010) on ridge on s. side of Big Dalton Cyn., near mouth, Apr.1, 1969, 2100 ft. (640 m.)

FVS: Apr. 1, 1969

SBCo.: No records found.

Lepidium ramosissimum A. Nelson, Bourgeau’s Pepperweed

[synonym: L. ramosissimum var. bourgeanum (Thell.) Rollins]

LACo.: T.S. Ross & Peter Fritsch, mouth of Burro Cyn. near confl. of E. & W. Fk. San Gabriel River, June 20, 1990, 1460-1530 ft. (445-466 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Lepidium strictum (S. Watson) Rattan, Upright Pepperweed

LACo.: LeRoy Gross, John Gross, et al., Valley Forge Cmpgrd., in W. Fork of San Gabriel River, Apr. 27, 2002, 3467 ft. (1057 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Live Oak Cmpgrd., Tujunga Ranger Dist. at confl. of Sand & Bear Cyns. (draining to the Santa Clara River, c. 3.5 miles north), May 15, 1990, 2119-2198 ft.

(646-670 m.)

FVS: May 15, 1990

SBCo.: No records found.

Lepidium virginicum L., Pepperweed

LACo.: Iron Fk., weast trib. of East Fk. San Gabriel River, c. 200 m. above confl. with San Gabriel River, July 28, 1999, 3119 ft. (951 m.); upper East Fk., San Gabriel River, at cliff seep, c. 100 m. below Falls Gulch, July 6, 1998, 1000 ft. (305 m.); Claremont, 0.5-1.0 miles n.e. of Padua Hills Resturaunt, on Padua Dr., Apr. 11, 1998, 2519 ft. (768 m.); Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, 0.4 miles e. of Glendora Mt. Road, Apr. 26, 1989, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

Other records:

J. Adams, Claremont, Thompson’s Wash, n. end of Indian Hill Blvd., Mar. 20, 1965, 1397 ft. (426 m.); K. Hultgren, San Antonio Cyn., May 23, 1968, no elev. given; J. Olmstead, Johnson’s Pastures, with s.w. drainage along Thompson Cr., 1 & 1/4 miles n.w. of jct. of Indian Hill & Baseline, n.w. Claremont, Mar. 17, 1958, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Tanbark Flats, Pomona, SDEF, June 26, 1936, 2598 ft. (792 m.); R. Hoffman, Soledad Cyn., July 7, 1928, no elev. given; Frank W. Peirson, hills w. Arroyo Seco, Mar. 3, 1921, 1397 ft. (368 m.)

FVS: Mar. 3, 1921

SBCo.: I.J. Condit, near Upland, San Antonio Cyn., c. 1910, no elev. given

Lepidium virginicum L. var. menziesii (DC.) Thell, common name uncertain

[synonyms: L. virginicum var. pubescens (Greene) Thell. and L. virginicum var. robinsonii (Thell.) C.L. Hitchc.,] Both ssp. of L. virginicum listed below and indented.

Synonym Lepidium virginicum L. var. pubescens (Greene) Thell., Hairy Pepperweed, (status uncertain)

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.) at San Gabriel Cyn., P.A. Munz, Apr. 23, 1925, to 6140 ft. (18872 m.), at Jackson Lake, s. side of Big Plines lHwy., R.G. Swinney, Oct. 16, 2008; Feb.-June, Oct.; uncommon; transmontane at Sulphur Spring Cmpgrd area, S. Fk. Little Rock Cr., R.G. Swinney, Oct. 10, 2008, 5199 ft. (1585 m.), montane at Jackson Lake, cismontane

FVS: Mar. 17, 1920, R.D. Harwood, 0.5 miles n. of San Dimas, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

SBCo.: Mouth of Day Cyn., Apr. 22, 1995, 3201 ft. (976 m.); Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 4, 1998, 2450 ft. (747 m.); southernmost trib. from the west of E. Fk. of Etiwanda Cyn., Apr. 5, 1997; 0.3 mi. e. of Lytle Cr. Rd., jct. of Meyer & Lytle Cr. Cyns., Apr. 5, 1994, 2201 ft. (671 m.); San Antonio Cyn., Apr. 16, 1994, 2601 ft. (793 m.)

Other records:

Uncommon from 2001ft. (610 m.) at Mouth of Day Cyn., Apr. 20 1994, John Wear & Nathan Moorhatch, to 5501 ft. (1677 m.) along Holcomb Cr, where crossed by 3N16, July 3, 1979

FVS: June 18, 1932, F.R. Fosberg, Hogsback, San Antonio Cyn., 4264 ft.

(1300 m.)

Synonym +Lepidium virginicum L. var. robinsonii (Thell.) C.L. Hitchc., Robinson’s Pepperweed (status uncertain)


CRPR 1B.2 S2.2 G5T2?

LACo.: mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., Azusa/Duarte, Mar. 2009; El Encanto Wilderness Park, San Gabriel Cyn., Feb. 20, 2009

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, San Dimas Cyn., along creek near Nat. Forest boundary, Apr. 9, 1971, 1250 ft.. (380 m.); Steve Boyd, T.S. Elias, ridge between Pine Mt. & Silver Mtn., s. of Rincon-Red Box Rd., n. of Glendora, Apr. 14, 1987, no elev. given; T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, lower Graveyard Cyn., trib. of San Gabriel River, Apr. 25, 1991, 1680-1740 ft. (512-5305 m.); unknown, Big Tujunga Cyn., c. 2.4 air-miles s.e. of Mt. McKinley, c. 4.3 air-miles n.e. of Mt. Gleason Junior Highschool, Delta Flat Picnic Area, alluvial terrace, n. of Big Tujunga Cr., Feb. 23, 2008, 1735 ft. (529 m.); G.F. Orr, S. Fork San Gabriel Cyn., Mar. 29, 1956, 1400 ft. (426 m.); H.J. Ramsey, North Craig Ave, Altadena, Jan 9, 1938, no elev. given; Geo. L. Moxley, Pacoima Cyn., near San Fernando, Mar. 11, 1917, no elev. given;

FVS: Mar. 11, 1917

SBCo.: San Antonio Cyn., e. side of wash, near cliff, Apr. 16, 1994, 2600 ft.

(793 m.)

Synonym Lepidium virginicum L. var. virginicum, Pepperweed

LACo.: Thos. Craig, near Little Rock Dam, June, 19, 1927, no elev. given; T.S. Ross, Horse Flats, Aug. 16, 1991, 5642 ft. (1720 m.); LeRoy Gross & Bruce Campbell, Blue Ridge Rd. (3N06) and Rd. 3N39, top of Praire Fk., e. of Lupine Cmpgrd., June 29, 2006; V. Soza & LeRoy Gross, Santa Anita 1999 Fire area, between Little Santa Anita & Santa Anita Cyns., Apr. 18, 2001, 2401 ft. (732 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. Calif. Edison transmission line corridor (Seg. 6, structure 106 per TRTP Survey 2008) Upper Fish Cyn., May 16, 2008, 3287 ft. (1002 m.) and (Seg. 6, structure 102 along divide between Monrovia Cyn. & Fish Cyn. at 3723 ft. (1135 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Kinneloa Cyn., Mar. 23, 1947, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta, Krakta Ridge, Spring by rd., July 67, 1992, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, summit of Mt. Wilson, Nov. 2, 1918, no elev. given

FVS: Nov. 2, 1918

SBCo.: No records found.

Lobularia maritima (L.) Desv., Sweet Alyssum

Native to Medit., Europe.

LACo.: From 541 ft. (165 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., between Foothill Blvd. & the I-210 Frwy., from main river channel to 300 meters east, R.G. Swinney, Dec. 2, 2008, to 2750 ft. (838 m.), at Little Santa Anita Cyn., w. side along Mt. Wilson Trail, L.C. Wheeler, Dec. 6, 1969; Jan.-June, Oct.-Dec.; rare; cismontane

FVS: Jan. 13, 1929, Benjamine Rice, Sierra Madre, San Gab. Mts.

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, Oct. 9, 1994, 2001 ft. (610 m.); Lytle Cr. Cyn., Rd. 1N32, c. 0.25 m. north of Devore Rd., Mar. 8, 1993, 622 ft. (190 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, July 13, 1967 & R.F. Thorne, Apr. 14, 1968; L.C. Wheeler, San Antonio Cyn., Oct. 26, 1969; Mark Parratt, just n. of Campus Library, Chaffey Collerge, Upland, Mar. 11, 1960, 1752 ft. (534 m.)

FVS: Mar. 11, 1960

Lunaria annua L., Moonwort, Annual Honesty

Native to Europe.

LACo.: Big Santa Anita Cyn., upstream from Sturtevant Falls, Aug. 2010

Other records:

Bill Kelley, naturalized in Big Santa Anita Cyn., below Chantry Flat, June 1,1983, no elev. given; R.C. Wrightman & J.L. Johnson, First Water Resort (Santa Anita Cyn.-added 2011), May 4, 1973, no elev. given

FVS: May 4, 1973

SBCo.: J.A. Adams, San Bernardino Mts. region, Lytle Cr. Rd., 0.25 mi. below Glenn Ranch, June 12, 1965, 5000 ft. (1524 m.)

Nasturtium officinale W.T. Aiton, Water Cress

[synonym: Rorippa nasturtium aquatica (L.) Hayeck]

LACo.: From 660 ft. (201 m.) at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, Azusa/Duarte, 1 mi. n. of Foothill Blvd., R.G. Swinney, Dec. 4, 2008, to 4592 ft. (1400 m.), below Camp Baldy, San Antonio Cyn., F.R. Fosberg, June 18, 1932; Apr.-July; common in water courses; all 3 sections

FVS: June 18, 1932, F.R. Fosberg, below Camp Baldy, San Antonio Cyn.,

4592 ft. (1400 m.)

SBCo.: From 2000 ft. (609 m.) at Glen Helen Regional Park, R.G. Swinney, Oct. 9, 1994, to 4198 ft. (1280 m.) at San Antonio Cyn. between Mt. Baldy Village & Ice House Cyn., Scott D. White & Michael Honer, June 29, 2004; Apr.-Aug.; fairly common in water courses; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Apr. 16, 1919, F.W. Peidrson, Cajon Pass, San Gab. Mts., 2247 ft.

(685 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Raphanus raphanistrum L., Jointed Charlock, Wild Radish

Native to Medit. Europe. Hybridizes with R. sativus to produce swarms highly variable in fl. color and fruit constriction.

LACo.: Michael Denslow, Glendora Ridge Mtwy., 1N26, w. of Glendora Mt. Rd., May 7, 2003, 2499 ft. (762 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Glendora, ridge s. of mouth of Big Dalton Cyn., Apr. 13, 1968, 1574 ft. (480 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Glendora, mesa between Little Dalton & Englewild Cyns., May 13, 1967, 1223 ft. (373 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Kagel Cyn., Apr. 8, 1973, 2200 ft. (670 m.); Doris (Hoover) Bowers, LaVerne Hills, Apr. 5, 1954, 1050 ft. (320 m.)

FVS: Apr. 5, 1954

SBCo.: Nor records found.

Raphanus sativus L., Cultivated Radish

Native to Medit. Europe. See note under R. raphanistrum.

LACo.: mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., just n. of I-210 Frwy., Mar. 2009, 550 ft.

(168 m.); Azusa, e. of Irwindale Ave., & n. of I-210 Fwy., Mar. 6, 2009, 499 ft.

(152 m.)

Other records:

J. Doughty, Graveyard Cyn., jct. of San Gabriel Cyn. Rd. & entrance to Follows Camp; Lyman Benson, Claremont, Mar. 27, 1948, 1200 ft. (366 m.); Robert Perkins, San Antonio Cyn., Mar. 24, 1935; L.C. Wheeler, 1/4 mi. n. of El Encanto, San Gabriel Cyn., no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Glendora, between Little Dalton & Engelwild cyns., May 13, 1967, 1225 ft. (373 m.); T.B. Salvato & Sandra Muncia, Santa Anita Reservoir, proposed 4 acre sediment placement site, e. side of the channel & 0.4 miles s. of the Elkins Ave. entrance Gate, Mar. 28, 2007, 2099 ft. (640 m.); L.E. Hoffman, Arroyo Seco Cyn., Mar. 18, 1926, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 18, 1926

SBCo.: R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, Chapman Ranch, above Mt. Baldy Village, July 2, 1967, 4450 ft. (1357 m.)

Rorippa curvipes Greene, Bluntleaf Yellowcress

(synonym: R. curvipes var. truncata (Jeps.) Rollins, Bluntleaf Yellowcress

LACo.: T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., vic. of Crystal Lake, June 25, 1990, 5501 ft. (1677 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, e. shore of Crystal Lake at upper end of cyn. of N. Fk. of San Gabriel River, Aug. 29, 1966, 5500 ft. (1677 m.); F.R. Fosberg & J.A. Ewan, Crystal Lake, N. Fk. of San Gabriel Cyn., Aug. 11, 1931, 5248 ft. (1600 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Crystal Lake, N. Fk. San Gabriel River, Aug. 2, 1932, 5500 ft. (1677 m.); F.W. Peirson, Crystal Lake, June 19, 1921, 5497 ft. (1676 m.)

FVS: June 19, 1921

SBCo.: No records found.

Rorippa curvisiliqua (Hook.) Besser ex Britton, Curvepod Yellowcress

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, Apr. 30, 2008, 1118 ft.

(341 m.); San Dimas, San Dimas Cyn., Puddingstone Diversion Dam, Oct. 20, 2008, 1161 ft. (354 m.); Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 1 mile n. of Foothill Blvd., Dec. 4, 2008, 659 ft. (201 m.); mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.7-1.2 miles n. and n.e. of Foothill Blvd., Azusa/Duarte, Mar. 31, 2009, 620 ft. (189 m.)

Other records: A.C. Sanders, Irvine/Azusa, long-abandoned gravel pit, e. of Irwindale Ave., s. of Fojothill Blvd., n. edge of 210 Frwy., San Gabriel River Channel, May 26, 2003, 522 ft. (159 m.); S.D. White, San Gabriel River Cyn., n. of Azusa, cyn. bottom & adj. slopes below San Gabriel Reservoir, May 8, 1997,

1200-1400 ft. (365-425 m.) (also det. as R. palustris);

FVS: May 8, 1997

SBCo.: Kathleen Stockwell, Upland Campus Ave., at e. end of 21st Street, under powerlines, June 10, 2003, 1719 ft. (524 m.)

Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser, Bog Yellowcress

Highly variable.

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, June 10, 1989, 1099 ft.

(335 m.) (also det. as R. curvisiliqua)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, San Dimas Cyn., near San Dimas Cr., Apr. 9, 1971, 1250 ft. (381 m.)

FVS: Apr. 9, 1971

SBCo.: No records found.

Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser ssp. palustris , Marsh Yellow-cress, Western Bog Yellowcress

[synonym: R. palustris (L.) Besser ssp. occidentalis (S. Watson) Abrams]

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, June 16, 1989, 1099 ft.

(335 m.); Azusa/Duarte, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn. , 1 mi. n. of Foothill Blvd, in main channel, Dec. 4, 2008, 660 ft. (210 m.); San Dimas, Puddingstone Diversion Dam, Oct. 20, 2008, 1160 ft. (354 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, San Gabriel River Cyn., below San Gabriel Reservoir, May 8, 1997, 1200 ft. (366 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, San Dimas, below entrance to wooded area of San Dimas Cyn., near San Dimas Creek, Apr. 9, 1971, 1250 ft. (380 m.)

FVS: Apr. 9, 1971

SBCo.: No records found.

Sinapis arvensis L. Charlock Mustard

Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: Arthur C. & Linda Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 18, 1971, 2450 ft.

(746 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., Mar. 23, 1934, 1400 ft. (426 m.);

FVS: Mar. 23, 1934

SBCo.: No records found.

Sisymbrium altissimum L., Jim Hill Mustard, Tall Tumble Mustard

Native to Europe.

LACo.: From 1601 ft. (488 m.), n. of Sylmar & s. of Santa Clarita, with the Tujunga Ranger Dist, w. edge of forest on ridge dividing Whitney Cyn. & Placerita Cyn., Steve Boyd & Orlando Mistretta, May 11, 1993 to 8000 ft. (2439 m.) at Blue Ridge Cmpgrd. (1.5 air mi. SSE of Big Pine), and the Reservoir at top of Chisolm Ski Run along Resevoir maintenance Rd., 0.7to 1.2 mi. s. of Angeles Crest Hwy. on Forrest Rd. 3N06, David Charton, June 15, 1986; Apr.-Oct.; fairly common in transmontane & montane, rare in cismontane

FVS: Apr. 6, 1919, F.W. Peirson, in old wash & on n. side of New York Ave. Altadena

SBCo.: Fairly common from 2270 ft. (692 m.) at Cajon Wash, 300 m. w. of jct. of Cajon Rd. & Kenwood Ave., R.G. Swinney, June 22, 1993, to 7000 ft. (2133 m.) at cienaga near Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Creek, July 31, 1971, R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist; Apr.-Aug.; fairly common; all 4 sections

FVS: July 7, 1918, I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., San Antonio Mts., 5747 ft. (1752 m.)

+Sisymbrium erysimoides Desf., Mediterranean Rocket

Native to Europe.

LACo.: N. of Azusa, El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, off Hwy. 39, Feb. 20, 2009, 1000 ft. (305 m.); mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., between I-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd., Azusa/Irwindale, 200-300 meters e. of San Gabriel River Channel, Feb.20, 2009, 581 ft. (177 m.); Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel Cyn. wash, 0.4-1 mile n. (upstream) of Puente Largo (Railway-added 2010) Bridge, Apr. 21, 2009, 630 ft. (192 m.); Glendora, 0.8 mi. e. of Glendora Mountain Rd. at Big Dalton Cyn. Rd., Apr. 28, 1989, 1351 ft. (412 m.)

Other records:

Michael Denslow & S.D. Boyd, n. of Azusa, at end of Glendora Ridge Mtwy. (1N26) in small unnamed cyn. just above small avocado orchard, May 7, 2003,

899 ft. (274 m.)

FVS: Apr. 28, 1989

SBCo.: S.D. White, Rancho Cucamonga, bajada at eastern foot of the mts., between Beryl Ave. & Hellman Ave., 3 road mi. n. of Foothill Blvd., Mar. 16, 1998, 1801 ft. (549 m.)

Sisymbrium irio L., London Rocket

Native to Europe.

LACo.: In disturbed areas

From 741 ft. (184 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., on n. side of Hwy 39, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 12, 2009, to 3401 ft. (1037 m.) at drainage w. of Little Rock Creek Res., Orlando Mistretta, Apr. 5, 1995; Feb.-June; fairly common; transmontane at drainage w. of Little Rock Cr., Res., Orlando Mistretta, Apr. 5, 1995, 3401 ft. (1037 m.)

FVS: June 15, 1944, K.H.B., Tanbark Flat, above Glendora, SDEF, 2496 ft.

(761 m.)

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, s. of e. park entrance, in Cajon Wash, 0.7 mi. s. of Devore Rd., Mar. 17, 1993, 1961 ft. (598 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, e. side of mouth of San Antonio Cyn., 0.5 mi. s. of Stoddard Cyn., May 10, 1969, 2350 ft. (716 m.); R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, Chapman Ranch, above Mt. Baldy Village, July 2, 1967, 4450 ft. (1357m.)

FVS: July 2, 1967

Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop., Hedgemustard

Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: From 741 ft. (226 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave. on n. side of Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 12, 2009, to

4300 ft. (1311 m.) at Sycamore Flat Cmpgrd., L.C. Wheeler, May 03, 1967;

May-Nov.; uncommon; transmontane at Sycamore Flat Cmpgrd, Big Rock Cr., cismontane

FVS: May 30, 1891, Anstruther Davidson, Millards Cyn.

SBCo.: near Cucamonga, Day Cyn., 0.6 mi. n.w. of gaging station at mouth of cyn., Apr. 22, 1995, 3201 ft. (976 m.); n.w. of Fontana, e. of San Sevaine Cyn. bottom on Bullock Spur Rd., Apr. 4, 1997, 2450 ft. (747 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, near jct. of Evey & San Antonio Cyn’s, May 29, 1969, 2300 ft.

(701 m.); Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 16, 1971, 2450 ft. (747 m.); Marcus E. Jones, San Antonio Peak, June 28, 1931, no elev. given

FVS: June 28, 1931

Sisymbrium orientale L., Oriental Mustard, Indian Hedgemustard

Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: From 741 ft. (226 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave. on n. side of Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 12, 2009, to 6760 ft. (2061 m.), at Big Pines, Big Pines Meadow, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 25, 2009; Mar.-July; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: May 18, 1930, Joseph A. Ewan, Live Oak Cyn. near LaVerne, no elev. given

SBCo.: Fairly common throughout from 2201 ft. (671 m.) at Cajon Wash, w. of Devore Heights offramp from I-215 & old State Hwy. 39, June 25, 1992, author to 3651 ft. (1113 m.) s.w. of Cajon summit, 0.8 mi. n. of F.S. Rd. 3N53 on FS Rd. 3N21, c. 200 m. s. of I-215 on F.S. Rd. 3N21, from Baldy Mesa, May 27, 1996, author; Mar.-July; fairly common; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 18, 1930, Joseph A. Ewan, Live Oak Cyn., near LaVerne, no elev. given

Stanleya pinnata (Pursh) Britton var. pinnata, Desert Princesplume

LACo.: From 3001 ft. (915 m.), at Littlerock Cr., 0.3 miles n.w. of Littlerock Cr. Cmpgrd., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 24, 2009 and at 2998 ft. (914 m.) at Little Rock Foothills, M.N. Ackley, , May 8, 1927, to 5802 ft. (1903 m.), at Hwy. 2, c.1.0 miles e. of Wrightwood, Wayne P. Armstrong, , June 26, 1982; Apr.-June; uncommon-rare; transmontane

FVS: 1897, J.H. Barber, Soledad Cyn.

SBCo.: Controversy Springs, at head of Cajon Cyn., s.e. of Mt. Tp Jct., 0.5 miles s. of Hwy. 138 on FS Rd. 3N37, Oct. 8, 1993, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); Slover Cyn., c. 100 meters s. of Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., July 12, 1993, 5868 ft. (1789 m.); Wrightwood, Sep. 12, 1992 at 6068 ft. (1850 m.) & July 12, 1993 at (1789 m.); Controversy Spring at head of Cajon Cyn., 0.5 mi. s. of Hwy 138 at USFS Rd. 3N37, Oct. 8, 1993, 4599 ft. (1402 m.)

Other records:

W. Wisura, Mormon Rocks, in wash near jct. of Hwy 138 & Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., May 18, 2001, 3250 ft. (991 m.); Rimo Bacigalupi & Reino Alava, Horse Cyn., n.w. of e. terminus of Angeles Crest Hwy 2, July 20, 1958, 4838 ft. (1475 m.); Randall T. Schah, Cossis, et al., just E. of Wrightwood on Route 2, site L5, May 18, 2004, 5576 ft. (1700 m.); Joseph Andorpher Ewan, lower Swartons Valley (Swarthout Valley-added 2011), at head of Sheep Creek, Aug. 2, 1934, 5996 ft. (1828 m.); J. Ewan, SheepCreek, Aug. 8, 1936, 5248 ft. (1600 m.); Rimo Bacigalupi with Reino Alava, 1 mile n.w. of E. terminus Angeles Crest Hwy. (Calif. No. 2) (in Horse Cyn.), July 20, 1958, 5724 ft. (1475 m.); A.W. Jacobs, Lone Pine Cyn., Aug. 8, 1938, 5497 ft. (1676 m); Joseph Andorfen Ewan, lower Swarthout Valley, head of Sheep Cr., Aug. 2, 1934, 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

FVS: Aug. 2, 1934

Streptanthella longirostris (S. Watson) Rydb., Longbeak Streptanthella

LACo.: Christopher Davidson, Juniper Hills, toward Devil’s Punchbowl, Apr. 7, 1973, 3500 ft. (1066 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Streptanthus bernardinus (Greene) Parish, Laguna Mountain Jewelflower

Status CNPS List: 1B R-E-D Code: 2-1-3 State/Fed. Status: /C3c

CRPR 4.3 S3

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: upper San Sevaine Flats, c. 200 m. w. of jct. of USFS Rd. 1N34D & 1N34, July 16, 1993, 5540 ft. (1689 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, between upper & lower San Sevaine Flats, July 16, 1925, 5000 ft. (1524 m.); Naomi Fraga, LeRoy Gross, et al., San Sevaine Flats, n.w. of jct. of 1N34 and the rd. to the communication towers, July 12, 2005, 5501 ft. (1677 m.);

I.M. Johnston, Head of S. Fk. Lytle Cr., July 15, 1917, 2719 ft. (829 m.)

FVS: July 15, 1917

Thlaspi sp., Pennycress

LACo.: Valyermo area, Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, lower Punchbowl Cyn., Aug. 15, 2005, 4398 ft. (1341 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Thlaspi arvense L., Field Pennycress

Native to Europe.

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Henniger’s Falt (Flat-added 2011), Feb. 23, 1919, 2800 ft. (854 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Thysanocarpus curvipes Hook., Sand Fringepod

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.) at Fish Cyn., c. 1 mi. n. of confluence with San Gabriel River, R.G. Swinney, Feb. 8. 1997 and Robert F. Thorne & A.C. Gibson, Fish Cyn., May 22, 1971, to 5100 ft. (1555 m.) at S. Fk. Little Rock Cr., 1.8 mi. below Alder Saddle in Pinyon Flats area, R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, June 30, 1971; Feb.-June; uncommon; all 3 sections.

FVS: Feb. 16, 1920, Albert J. Perkins, Glendora, Little Dalton Trail, no elev. given

SBCo.: w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Hwy 138, c. 1 mi. SSW of Cajon Jct., off USFS Rd. SN49, Apr. 28, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.); lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, 1.1 mi. s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd. & Applewhite Rd., c. 0.75 mi. e. of Applewhite Cpgd., Apr. 22, 1995, 3001 ft. (915 m.); Stoddard cyn., e. trib. of lower San Antonio Cyn., Apr. 4, 1998, 2450 ft. (747 m.); Lytle Creek Ridge at Sheep Cr. Rd., 1.5 mi. n.e. of Lytle Cr. Rd., n. side of rd., May 28, 1995, 3460 ft. (1055 m.); w. side of Lytle Cr. Cyn. Rd., near Hitching Ranch, 200 m. n. of USFS Rd. 2N79, Apr. 25, 1993, 2608 ft. (795 m.); first significant cyn. n. of Stoddard Cyn, draining into San Antonio Cyn. from the e., c. 0.25 mi., n. of lower San Antonio Guard Station, Apr. 16, 1994, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

Other records:

B. Pitzer, Cajon Pass area, mouth of Lone Pine Cyn., Swarthout Cyn. Rd., c. 1.8 road. mi. s. of Cleghorn Rd., w. of I-215, where RR tracks cross rd. for 1st time, c. 0.4 rd. miles s.w. of jct with Cajon Blvd. and Swarthout Cyn. Rd., May 5, 1995, 2749 ft. (838 m.); Arthur C. Gibson & Linda Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., 2500 ft.

(761 m.); Gerald L. Benny et. al., Day Cyn., Apr. 14, 1971, 3200 ft. (975 m.)

FVS: Apr. 14, 1971

+Thysanocarpus laciniatus Nutt., Mountain Fringepod

[synonyms: T. laciniatus var. crenatus and T. laciniatus var. hitchockii and T. laciniatus var. laciniatus] All 3 vars. listed beldow and indented.

Highly variable. Probably hybridizes with T. curvipes, resembles the latter when cauline leaf bases lobed.

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.) at Fish Cr. Cyn., from mouth of cyn. at CalMat Quarry upstream to falls, S.D. White & P. Devries, May 18, 2000, to 4800 ft.

(1463 m.) at Alimony Ridge, Juniper Hills, Orlando Mistretta, May 4, 1992; Mar.-June; common; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Apr. 1897, Anonym., Eaton’s Cyn.

SBCo.: Pinon Hills area at Sheep Cr., 0.9 mi. s. of Hwy. 138 at Scrub Oak Rd., Mar. 25, 1995, 4520 ft. (1378 m.); Pinon Hills, Oak Hills area, 50-100 m. w. end of Sunnyslope Rd. & w. fo Green Rd., 1.5 mi. n. of Oak Spring Ranch, Apr. 3, 1997, 4799 ft. (1463 m.); Ralston Pk., s. ridge, May 23, 1998, 4379 ft. (1335 m.); w. side of Lytle Cr. Cyn. Rd. near the Hitching Ranch, 200 m. n. of USFS Rd., 2N79, Apr. 25, 1993, 2600 ft. (795 m.)

Other records:

S.D. White, Wrightwood area, Sheep Cr. & adj. lower +/- e.-facing mt. slope,

Apr. 30, 1998, 5400-5800 ft. (1646-1768 m.); S.D. White, near Cajon Pass, n.w. of jct. of I-15/Hwy 138, c. 1 air mi. w. of I-15, 1 air mi. n. of State Hwy. 138, May 13, 2000, 3400-3600 ft. (1037-1098 m.); T.B. Salvato & A.C. Sanders, Cajon Pass, c. 0.05 mi. s. of Bluecut & c. 0.5 mi. n.w. of Keenbrook at powerline crossing of Cajon Cr., May 4, 2000, 2499 ft. (762 m.); J.B. Feudge, n. of Cucamonga, among foothill shrubs, Mar. 4, 1925, 1998 ft. (609 m.); Gerald L. Benny et. al., Day Cyn., Apr. 14, 1971, 3201 ft. (976 m.); Marcy Keys, 50 yds. n. of Mt. Baldy Rd., near L.A. Forest Ranger Station; Apr. 20, 1981, no elev. given; Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. region, Cajon Pass, 3802 ft. (1159 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 16, 1903

Synonym Thysanocarpus laciniatus var. crenatus

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, Big Dalton Cyn. at 1.4 miles n.e. of Glendora Mt. Road, Apr. 15, 1989, 11551 ft. (473 m.)

Other records:

Steve Boyd & T.S. Elias, Rincon to Red Box rd., s. of Rincon Forest Station, n. of Glendora, Apr. 14, 1987, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 14, 1987

SBCo.: No records found.

Synonym Thsyanocarpus laciniatus Nutt. var. hitchockii

LACo.: Big Rock Cr. at Paradise Spring, n. of Big Rock Creek. Rd., on Big Rock Creek Cmpgrd. property, May 2, 2008, 3280 ft. (1000 m.)

Other records:

Timothy S. Ross, Big Rock Cr., c. 0.25 miles s. of Big Pines Hwy. between the stream & Big Rock Cr. Road, Apr. 4, 1992, 3959-3969 ft. (1207-1210 m.);

Christopher Davidson, Bob’s Gap Rd., c. 3 mi. toward desert, 3 miles s. of Hwy. 138 (Pearblossom Hwy.), Apr. 7, 1973, 3601 ft. (1098 m.); Wesley O. Griesel, Little Rock Dam, desert foothills of San Gab. Mts., Apr. 7, 1962, 3198 ft. (975 m.)

FVS: Apr. 7, 1962

SBCo.: No records found.

Synonym Thysanocarpus laciniatus Nutt var. laciniatus

LACo.: E.K.Balls & P.C. Everett, 4 miles n. of Claremont, s.w. of San Antonio Dam, Mar. 14, 1958, 1804 ft. (550 m.); Ruth B.Randall, near Mt. Wilson, Big Tejunga (Tujunga-added 2012) Cyn., Aug., 1928, no elev. given

FVS: Aug., 1928

SBCo.: Wye Pk. at Cajon Jct., n.e. of Hwy. 215/138 Jct., Mar. 24, 2008, 3628 ft. (1106 m.) (just e. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Tropidocarpum gracile Hook., Slender Keel Fruit, Dobie Pod

CA & reported from Massachusetts

LACo.: Scott D. White & Kent Hughes, Soledad Cyn., cyn. bottom & adj. steep n.-facing slope, May 17, 2000, 1900-2200 ft. (579-671 m.); Steve Boyd & Orlando Mistretta, n. of Sylmar & s. of Santa Clarita within the Tujunga Ranger District of the Angeles Natl. Forest, w. edge of forest on ridge dividing Whitney Cyn. & Placerita Cyn., May 11, 1993, 1597-2299 ft. (487-701 m.)

FVS: May 11, 1993

SBCo.: Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, 3800 ft. (1159 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Turritis glabra L., Tower Mustard or Rockcress

(synonyms: Arabis glabra (L.) Benth. and Arabis glabra (L.) Benth ssp. glabra)

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.) at foothills above Irwindale, Fish Creek Cyn. from mouth of cyn., upstream to falls, S.D. White & P. Devries, May 18, 2000 and at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, trib. on s. side of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.1 mile e. of Park office, R.G. Swinney, May 30, 2008 to 6500 ft. (1981 m.) at Big Cienaga Spring above Crystal Lake Rec. Area, R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, July 19, 1967; Apr.-June, Aug.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: June 3-6, 1900, H.M. Hall, Swartout Cyn., 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

SBCo.: e. of Mt. Baldy Village at “Dry Lake” in Cherry Cyn., May 31, 1997,

4940 ft. (1506 m.); c. 100 m. s.e. of Spring Hill Area, c. 100 m. w. of Barrett-Stoddard Rd. (USFS Rd. 2N04) & w. of the Pinus coulteri plantation, July 6, 1994, 4034 ft. (1230 m.); ridgetop n.e. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., June 1, 1996, 3759 ft. (1146 m.); Bear Flats, n. of Baldy Village, July 12, 1995, 5599 ft. (1707 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, Lower San Sevaine Flats, July 10, 1925, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); R.F. Thorne, Chapman Ranch, above Baldy Village, San Antonio Cyn., May 29, 1969, 4460 ft. (1359 m.); Lyman Benson, Lytle Cyn., May 29, 1945, 2500 ft. (762 m.);

L.C. Wheeler, at spring, Grapevine Cyn. (off Lytle Cr.) at San Sevaine Rd., June 13, 1968, 4500 ft. (1371 m.)

FVS: June, 1899, H.M. Hall, San Antonio Mts., desert side, 5796 ft. (1767 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Cactaceae Cactus Family

Clystocactus sp.

LACo.: Mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 1.4 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave. at Hwy. 39, n. of main river channel, Dec. 6, 2008, 840 ft. (256 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Cylindropuntia acanthocarpa (Engelm. & Bigelo.) F.M. Kunth, Buckhorn Cholla

Several records are currently listed on the Consortium of California Herbaria. A Thomas Chester publicatioin - htm., concludes that C. acanthocarpa var. coloradensis is found only in a narrow corridor along the Colorado River, possibly to the extreme n.e. corner of San Diego Co. The same article concludes that C. acanthocarpa var. major has one valid california location at Videl Junction.. The current references for the San Gabriel’s, refer either to C. echinocarpa or C. californica var. parkeri.

Cylindropuntia californica (Torr. & A. Gray) F.M. Knuth. var. parkeri (J.M. Coult.) J. Rebman, Cane, Valley or Snake Cholla

(synonym: Opuntia parryi Engelm. var. serpentina (Engelm.) L.D. Benson

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Azusa/Duarte, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., c. 150 m. n. of Puente Largo Railway Bridge , July 1, 2009, 604 ft. (184 m.); San Dimas, San Dimas Cyn., Puddingstone Diversion Dam, July 1, 2009, 1161 ft. (354 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, 0.2 mi. inside mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., Nov. 9, 1968, 760 ft. (231 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Kentucky Springs Cyn., Sep 16, 1968, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, 0.2 mi. inside mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., Sep. 9, 1968, 760 ft. (231 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Vogel Flat, Big Tujunga Cyn., Oct. 1, 1968, 1825 ft.

(556 m.); Joseph A. Ewan, Tujungta Cr. near mouth of cyn., Aug. 23, 1937, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 23, 1937

SBCo.: Cajon Pass, s.w. of Hwy 138 & I-15 Jct. on e. side of Cajon Wash, Aug. 31, 1993, 3100 ft. (944 m.) A second specimen of this voucher number was determined to be Cylindropuntia acanthocarpa by a second Herbaria. C. acanthocarpa var. coloradensis has since been determined to be confined in California to a narrow strip along the Colorado River.; Lone Pine Cyn., c. 1.2 mi. w. of I-215 on n. side of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., June 2009, _______

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr., June 13, 1968, 2160 ft. (658 m.); Marc Baker, Devore Exit, s.w. of Hwy 215 at Cajon Wash, Feb. 19, 2001, 2050 ft. (625 m.); E. Yale Dawson, Cajon Pass, 1933, no date given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: 1933

Cylindropuntia echinocarpa (Engelm. & Bigelow) F.M. Kunth, Silver or Golden Cholla, Wiggin’s Cholla

[synonyms: Opuntia echinocarpa Engelm. & J.M. Bigelow and Opuntia wigginsii L.D. Benson]

LACo.: confl. of Carr Cyn., & Little Rock Cr., Nov. 13, 2009; confl. of Kentucky Springs & Soledad Cyns., Nov. 13, 2009, 3020 ft. (921 m.); w. base of Tiger Mt., 100-400 meters e. of Angeles Forest Hwy., 1.7 miles s. of Soledad Pass Rd., June 1, 2010, 3520 ft. (1073 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, Carr Cyn., near mouth of cyn., June 1, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.);

L.C. Wheeler, Grandview Cyn., Sep. 8, 1968, 4800 ft. (1462 m.)

FVS: Sep. 8, 1968

SBCo.: No records found.

Opuntia basilaris Engelm. & Bigelow, Beavertail Pricklypear

LACo.: Paradise Springs (Big Rock Cr.) 100 meters w. of cmpgrd. on n. bank of Big Rock Cr., June 9, 2008, 4681 ft. (1427 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Opuntia basilaris Engelm. & Bigelow var. basilaris, Beavertail Pricklypear

LACo.: I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Wash, w. of Upland, Apr. 21, 1917, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Opuntia basilaris Engelm. & Bigelow var. brachyclada (Griffiths) Munz, Short-Joint Beavertail, Beavertail Pricklypear

Status: CNPS List: 1B R-E-D Code: 3-1-3 State/Fed. Status: /C2

CRPR 1B.2 S3 G5T3

LACo.: Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, Holcomb Cyn., 0.5 miles s. of Big Rock Cr. Rd., May 13, 2008, 4241 ft. (1293 m.); Carr Cyn., 0.4-1.5 miles s.e. of Mt. Emma Rd., upper S. Fork of Carr Cyn., (e. of Littlerock Cr.-added 2011), May 6, 2009,

3159 ft. (963 m.); upper Indian Bill Cyn., a narow mile-long cyn., draining n. from w. end of Pleasant View Ridge, May 20, 2009, 4700 ft. (1433 m.)

Other records:

Edwin F. Wiegand, Valyermo, Mar. 1952, no elev. given; Lyman Benson, jct. of L.A. Co. Route N4 and rd. from Wrightwood to Pearblossum, Apr. 18, 1969,

4497 ft. (1371 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Alimony Ridge, Mar. 28, 1968, 4900 ft.

(1493 m.); L.C. Wheeler, spring at 2/3 mi. e. of Juniper Bowl, Juniper Hills, May 12, 1968, 3800 ft. (1158 m.); L.C. Wheeler, 1/4 mi. upstream from Monte Cristo Cmpgrd., Mill Cr., Apr. 18, 1972, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Rock Creek, n. slope of San Gabriel Mts., May 26, 1923, 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

FVS: May 26, 1923

SBCo.: Status: Sensitive

n.w. of Wrightwood, Horse Cyn., n.w. of Circle Mt., 100-200 yds. e. of State Hwy 2, c. 200 ft. s. of Horse Cyn. Rd. - USFS Rd. 3N12

Other records:

S.D. White & Tasha LaDoux, foothills near Cajon Pass, n.w. of jct. of I-15 & State Hwy. 138, c. 1 air mi. west of I-15, 1 air mi. n. or Hwy. 138, May 13, 2000, 3400-3600 ft. (1037-1098 m.); Scott D. White, Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash just s. of Hwy. 138, Apr. 11, 1997, 2900 ft. (884 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Controversy Splring, w. side of Cajon Cyn., Sep. 7, 1968, 4500 ft. (1371 m.); C.B. Wolf, Lone Pine Cyn., 2.5 mi. below summit of grade to Swarthout Valley, Nov 8, 1931, 5300 ft. (1616 m.)

FVS: Nov. 8, 1931

Opuntia basilaris Engelm. & Bigelow var. treleasei (J. Coulter) Tourney, Bakersfield Cactus

Status: CNPS List R-E-D Code State/Fed. Status

CRPR 1B.1 S1 G5T1

LACo.: H.G. Rush, desert side of Big Pines Rec. Area, along Hwy., May 12, 1950, 6000 ft. (1828 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill., Barbary Fig

Native to Mexico.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, 0.2 miles n. side mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., Nov. 9, 1968, 760 ft. (231 m.); Lyman Benson, top of alluvial fan above (n. of) Cucamonga, Mar. 22, 1963, 1500 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: Mar. 22, 1963

SBCo.: No records found.

Opuntia littoralis (Engelm.), Cockerell, Coastal Pricklypear

CA & Mex.; highly variable, hybridizes with other spp. of same chromosome number.

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.) at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., Azusa/Duarte, 0.6 mi. n. of Puente Largo Railway Bridge, on w. side of main channel, R.G. Swinney, May, 2009, to 5500 ft. (1676 m.), at Coldwater Cyn., 1 mile w. of Lytle Cr. Rd., s. of Coldwater stream, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 14, 1993; Mar.-Nov.; fairly common; montane, cismontane

FVS: Mar. 8, 1966, Lyman Benson, western side of Camp Baldy, 4500 ft.

(1371 m.)

SBCo.: Only 3 records are available by CCH-2009, the scant data may be partiallly due to reluctance to collect them. The author will attempt to attain additional records in the near future.

Coldwater Cyn., 1 mile w. of Lytle Cr. Rd., s. of Coldwater stream, Aug. 14, 1993, 5497 ft. (1676 m.)

Other records:

Mira M. Bogen, along n. Fork Lytle Cr., 8.7 mi. n. of I-10 on Sierra Ave, near Village of Scotland, Apr. 11, 1987, 3119 ft. (951 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr., June 13, 1968, 2160 ft. (658 m.)

FVS: June 13, 1968

Opuntia microdasys (Lehm.) N.E. Pfeffer, Bunny Ears, Angel’s-wings

Native to N. Mexico.

LACo.: LeRoy Gross, Big Tujunga Wash, s. front of San Gab. Mts. on a bench between Haines Cyn. & Big Tujunga River, e. of Foothill Blvd., Oct. 6, 2001, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Opuntia xoccidentalis Engelm. & Bigelow [O. littoralis x O. engelmannii x O. phaecantha]

Hybridizes with spp. of the same chromosome number.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, 2 mi. n. of Claremont, July 13, 1931 & May 13, 1932, 1350 ft. (412 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Opuntia phaeacantha Engelm., Brown-spined Prickly-pear, Tulip Pricklypear

LACo.: Big Rock Cr., (Paradise Springs), Big Rock Creek Camp, 100 m. w. of Big Rock Cr. Cmpgrd on n. bank of creek, June 9, 2008, 4680 ft. (1427 m.); observed on ridge between Holcomb Cyn. & S. Fk. Big Rock Creek, June, 2008; observed in Holcomb Cyn., June, 2008

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Big Tujunga Cyn. Rd. at Doske Rd., just e. of Ybarra Cyn., (off Big Tujunga Cyn.-added 2011), Oct. 1, 1968, 1850 ft. (563 m.)

FVS: Oct. 1, 1968

SBCo.: Lyman Benson, Chapman Ranch, 1 mi. above Camp Baldy, San Antonio Cyn., Nov. 25, 1968, 4995 ft. (1523 m.) & L.C. Wheeler, Chapman Ranch, San Antonio Cyn., Sep 14, 1970, no elev. given; LC. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, w. of pasture, July 12, 1968, no elev. given

FVS: July 12, 1968

Opuntia xvaseyi (J.M. Coult.) Britton & Rose [O. littoralis x O. phaeacantha }, Vasey’s Coastal Pricklypear

South Coast & edges of adjacent zones

LACo.: S.D. White, below Morris Dam, May 21, 1997, 800 ft., (244 m.); Scott D. White, Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland-Tujunga area, alluvial fan below San Gab. Mts. s.w. of I-210 Frwy, e. of Hanson Dam and n. of Wentworth St., May 15, 1997, 1050 ft. (320 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Cattle Cyn., ¾ mi. downstream from Coldwater Cyn., Aug. 17, 1967, 2400 ft. (731 m.)

FVS: Aug. 17, 1967

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, foothills on w. side of Cajon Cyn., Sep. 6, 1968, 3050l ft. (929 m.); D.F. Howe, s. slope of Cajon Pass, June 2, 1945, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: June 2, 1945

Campanulaceae Bellflower Family

Githopsis diffusa A. Gray ssp. diffusa, San Gabriel Bluecup

(synonym: G. gilioides Ewan)

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: SDEF, Fern Cyn., May 30, 1998, 2919 ft. (890 m.)

Other records:

K.H.B, SDEF, Fern Cyn., May 4, 1940; P.A. Munz & Frank W. Peirson, San Gabriel Cyn., Apr. 23, 1925, 1600 ft. (488 m.); R.F. Thorne & Arther C. Gibson, Fish Cyn., May 22, 1971, 899 ft. (274 m.); Thos. Craig, Bear Cyn. Trail to Mt. San Antonio, June 8, 1927, no elev. given; Anstruther Davidson, Bonita Camp, San Gabriel Cyn., June 1914, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., May 18, 1967, 1699 ft. (518 m.); Scott D. White & Justin M. Wood, San Gabriel River-W. Fk., large fill slope on the s. side of Cogswell Reservoir, May 6, 2009, 2601 ft. (793 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Big Santa Anita Trail, June 13, 1992, 3496 ft.

(1066 m.); KHB., Fern Cyn., SDEF, May 4, 1940, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, c. 1 mile e. of mouth of Little Tujunga Cyn., June 8, 1975, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, e. side of Little Tujunga Cyn., 3/4 mile SSE Herreres Ranch, May 4, 1969, 1880 ft. (548 m.); Valerie L. Soza & Laura Moore, Upper Winter Cr. Trail, June 30, 1999, 2798 ft. (853 m.); F.W. Peirson, Big Santa Anita Trail, 1.5 miles below Sturdevant’s Camp, June 13, 1921, 3490 ft. (1064 m.); Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Trail, June 12, 1892, no elev. given

FVS: June 12, 1892

SBCo.: Sheep Cr. Rd., 1.5 mi. n.e. of Lytle Cr. Rd., w. side of road, May 28, 1995, 3460 ft. (1055 m.); c. 210 m. n. of Glen Helen Parkway, 0.9 mi. e. of Lytle Cr. Rd., June 11, 1994, 2070 ft. (630 m.);

Other records: I.M. Johnston, San Sevaine Flats, July 10, 1925, 4700 ft.

(1432 m.)

FVS: July 10, 1925

+Githopsis diffusa A. Gray ssp. robusta Morin, San Gabriel Bluecup

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, head of E. Fork Little Tujunga, May 14, 1975, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Githopsis specularioides Nutt., Common Bluecup

If this specimen was in fact a ssp, would need to know the previously applied ssp., since it has been seperated into 3 seperate sp.)

LACo.: SDEF, burns, open or disturbed places, oak & chamise chaparral, SDEF, 1988 (No records available on the CCH)

SBCo.: No records found.

Heterocodon rariflorum Nutt., Fewflowered or RareflowerHeterocodon

LACo.: From 1300 ft. (396 m.), at Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn., R.G. Swinney, , to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), at s.w. side of Mt. Waterman, L.C. Wheeler, July 15, 1967; Apr., June, July; rare; cismontane

FVS: June 14, 1921, F.W. Peirson, Trail Fk., San Gab. Mts., 3247 ft. (990 m.)

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Meyer Cyn., off Ltyle Cr., May 9, 1968, 2300 ft. (701m.); I.M. Johnston, lower San Sevaine Flats, July 10, 1925, 4700 ft. (1433 m.)

FVS: July 10, 1925

Lobelia cardinalis L. var. pseudosplendens McVaugh, Cardinal Flower

Seriously Toxic, especially when used as a home remedy.

Status CNPS List: 3 R-E-D Code: ?-?-? State/Ffed. Status: none

LACo.: Marcus E. Jones, Swarthout Valley, Sep. 10, 1924, no elev. given; Martha Hilend, Camp Baldy, San Antonio Cyn., Oct. 1923, no elev. given; Thekla Mohr, N. Fork San Gabriel River, 1915, no elev. given

FVS: 1915

SBCo.: Status:

Swarthout Valley, 1 mi. w. of Lost Lake in Lone Pine Cyn., within 100 m. s. of Swarthout Cyn. Road, Sep. 3, 2009, 3000 ft. (915 m.),

Other records:

LC. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cnyn. Wash, 3000 ft. (915 m.), 9/16/67; R.F. Thorne & Larry E. DeBuhr,1 mi., NNW of Lost Lake where Lon e Pine Cyn. Rd. crosses Lone Pine Cr.,10/13/72, 2950 ft. (899 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lost Lake, Lone Pine Cyn., Oct. 1, 1933, 2700 ft. (823 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Clyde Ranch, Oct. 14, 1967, no elev. given; H.M. Hall, at Dells’ in upper reaches of San Antonio Cyn., c. 0.5 mi. e. of Los Angeles Co. line, Aug. 11, 1896, 3998 ft.

(1219 m.); H.M. Hall, Cajon Pass, Aug. 3, 1895, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Aug. 3, 1895 or Aug. 11, 1896

Lobelia dunnii Greene var. serrata (A. Gray) McVaugh, Dunn’s Lobelia

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1350 ft. (411 m.), at W. Fork San Gabriel River, F.W. Peirson, Aug. 23, 1924, to 5697 ft. (1737 m.), at Vincent Gulch, Joseph Andorfer Ewan, Aug. 5, 1934; May, July-Oct.; rare at seeps, springs, streamsides; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 22, 1895, M. Reed, Sierra Madre Mt(s)., top of Claremont

SBCo.: Stoddard Cyn. at Falls, c. 0.9 mi. ENE of Shinn Rd., Apr. 15, 1998,

(915 m.) & Aug. 28, 1998; near Mt. Baldy School, s. of Mt. Baldy Village, c. 75 m. east of San Antonio Cyn., spring, dense marshy meadow, May 31, 1997, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); E. Fork. San Sevaine Cyn. at 2nd major waterfall, c. 1 mi. due s. of Grapevine Spring, Apr. 4, 1997, (915 m.); southernmost trib. from the west of E. Etiwanda Cyn., c. 2 mi. s.w. of San Sevaine Flats, Apr. 5, 1997, 3000 ft. (915 m.); Lytle Cr. Cyn., unnamed side cyn. from the w., 2 mi. n. of San Sevaine Rd. near Hitching Ranch, July 14, 1993, 3109 ft. (948 m.);

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Barrett Cyn., off San Antonio Cyn., Sep. 3, 1933, 4300 ft.

(1310 m.); J.C. Ross, Bonita Falls, Lytle Cr., s. of Scotland Village, July 31, 1948, 3000 ft. (915 m.); P.A. Munz, Cucamonga Cyn., Oct. 15, 1922, 1998 ft.

(609 m.); I.M. Johnson, Cucamonga Cyn., July 23, 1925, 3600 ft. (1097 m.); Harlan Lewis, Lytle Cr. above Glenn Ranch, July 12, 1936, no elev. given; J. Olmstead, 1.5 mi. above left fk. of trail out of Water Supply Meadow, above Camp Baldy, Sep. 30 1959, 6100 ft. (1859 m.); L.A. Abrams, Lytle Cr. Falls (probably referring to Bonita Falls in the S. Fork of Lytle Creek), July 25, 1901 & S.B. Parish & W.F. Parish, June, 1883, no elev. given

FVS: June, 1883

Nemacladus glanduliferus Jeps., Glandular Threadplant

[synonyms: N. glanduliferus Jeps. var. glanduliiferus and N. glanduliferus Jeps. var. orientalis McVauth]

LACo.: Littlerock Cr., c. 200 m. below (north of) Littlerock Cr. Dam, Apr. 24, 2009, 3159 ft. (963 m.)

Other records:

LeRoy Gross, W. terminus of Holcomb Ridge, w. of Big Rock Cr., east &ne. side of hill, north of Ft. Tejon Rd., w. of Valyermo Rd., May 3, 2005, 3559 ft. (1085 m.) (just n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd., Mill Cr. Tree Plantation, Tajunga District, May 17, 1990, 5291 ft. (1613 m.); F.R. Fosberg, Islip Trail, Mt. Hawkins, Aug. 12, 1931, 7216 ft. (2200 m.) (This was formerlly listed as N. gracilis on the CCH).

FVS: Aug. 12, 1931

SBCo.: No records found.

Nemacladus gracilis Eastw., Slender Nemacladus or Threadplant

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR S3.3 G3

LACo.: Valerie Soza, Naomi Fraga, et al., w. extension of Waterman Mt. along Waterman Mt. Trail 10W04, c. 0.75 to 2.5 miles ESE from Three Points Trailhead, June 16, 2003, 6501 ft. (1982 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Nemacladus longiflorus A. Gray, Longflower Threadplant

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Sheep Cr., near Pinon Hills, 0.8 miles s. of Hwy. 138 via Scrub Oak Rd., 70-300 meters w. of Scrub Oak Rd. (in wash) Apr. 5, 19;95, 4579 ft. (1396 m.)

Other records: No records found.

Nemacladus longiflorus A. Gray var. breviflorus McVaugh, Longflower Threadplant

LACo.: LeRoy Gross, w. terminus of Holcomb Ridge, w. of Big Rock Cr., May 3, 2005, 3560-3984 ft. (1085-1215 m.); R.F. Thorne & G. Wallace, 1/4 mi. n. of Bob’s Gap, 3.5 mi. s. of Llano, n. slope of Holcomb Ridge, Apr. 25, 1973 & Robert Gustafson & Gary Wallace, Apr. 26, 1982; R.F. Thorne & G. Wallace, Jct. of Pallett Cr. & Longview Rds., 4 mi. s. of Pearblossum, Apr. 24, 1973, 3850 ft. (1174 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, 3.2 mi. s. of Hwy 138, along Grandview Cyn. Rd.; Frank W. Peirson, W. Fk. San Gabriel River, June 21, 1921, 2099 ft. (640 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Indian Cyn., July 24, 1967, 2300 ft. (701 m.); Justin M. Wood, vic. of Littlerock Cr., just s.w. of jct. of Cheseboro Rd. & Mt. Emma Rd., May 10, 2010, 3191 ft. (973 m.); F.W. Peirson, Rubio Cyn. Wash, June 4, 1918, no elev. given

FVS: June 4, 1918

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, 0.1 mi. s. of Hwy 138 at Beekley Rd., near Yucca Inn, May 1, 1995, 4441 ft. (1354 m.); Wrightwood, 1.7 mi. s.w. of jct. of Oak Spring Ranch Rd. (Desert Frontage Rd.) & Hwy 2, e. of Sheep Cr., c. 120 m. north of Hwy 2, May 28, 1995, 5599 ft. (1707 m.); near summit of peak s.e. of Oak Spring Ranch, s. of Pinon Hills, May 27, 1996, 6140 ft. (1872 m.); Sheep Cr. near Pinon Hills, 0.8 mi. s. of Hwy 138 at Scrub Oak Rd. & then 70-300 m. w. of Scrub Oak Rd., Apr. 5, 1995, 4579 ft. (1396 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Apr. 5, 1995

Nemacladus longiflorus A. Gray var. longiflorus, Longclover Threadplant

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, W. Fork San Gabriel River, June 21, 1921, 2099 ft.

(640 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Nemacladus orientalis (McVaugh) Moran, Eastern Threadplanat

(synonym: N. glanduliferus Jeps. var. orientalis McVaugh)

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, N. Fork Mill Creek, FSR 3N27, 2.55 air miles s.w. of jct. with FSR 3N17 (Mt. Gleason Rd.), along S. Calif Edison Transmission Line Corrider), June 10, 2010, 4248 ft. (1295 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, slopes w. of Angeles Forest Hwy., c. 0.6 miles n. of jct. with Aliso Cyn. Rd., May 20, 2010, 3900 ft. (1189 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Mill Cr. Tree Plantation, Tujunga Distr., May 17, 1990, 5291 ft. (1613 m.); F.R. Fosberg, Islip Trail, Mt. Hawkins, Aug. 12, 1931, 7216 ft. (2200 m.)

FVS: Aug. 12, 1931

SBCo.: No records found.

Nemacladus pinnatifidus Greene, Combleaf Threadplant

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: T.S. Ross, E. Fork of San Gabriel River, 740 m. distant from mouth of Shoemaker Cyn., May 17, 1992, 2339 ft. (713 m.); Frank W. Peirson, foothills of Rubio Cyn., June 4,12, 1918, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

FVS: June 4,12, 1918

SBCo.: James Henrickson, c. 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino, in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, 2-4 miles n. of I-15 Frwy., May 12, 1985, 2750 ft. (838 m.); I.M. Johnston, Casey Tr. to San Sevaine Flats, July 10, 1925, 2998 ft. (914 m.)

FVS: July 10, 1925

+Nemacladus ramosissimus Nutt., Smallflower Threadplant ?

Burned areas

LACo.: P.A. Munz,& R.D. Harwood, San Dimas cyn., Apr. 21,1920, 1500 ft.

(457 m.); P.A. Munz, San Gabriel Cyn., Apr. 23, 1925, 1600 ft. (488 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Liveoak cyn., Apr. 27, 1934, 1600 ft. (488 m.);; L.C. Wheeler, Bell-W Fork San Dimas Cyn. Divide, June 8, 1936, 2900 ft. (884 m.); F.W. Peirson, Forks of San Gabriel River, Apr. 23, 1925, 1750 ft. (533 m.); Scott D. White & Kent Hughes, Soledad Cyn., cyn. bottom & adj. steep, n.-facing slope, May 17, 2000, 1900-2200 ft. (579- 671 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Indian Cyn., s.w. slope, burned a few yers ago, May 24, 1967, 2598 ft. (792 m.); L.C. Wheeler, e. side of Little Tujunga Cyn., 3/4 miles SSE of Herreres Ranch, May 4, 1969, 1800 ft.

(548 m.); Antstruther Davidson, San Gabriel Cyn., Bonita Camp, June 1, 1914; L.R. Abrams, Wilson’s Pk., June 10, 1901

FVS: June 10, 1901

SBCo.: w. of Cajon Wash & S. of Hwy. 138, c. 1 mi. SSW of Cajon Jct., off FS Rd. 3N49, Apr. 19, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records:

Gerald L. Benny et. al., n. of Rancho Cucamonga, burn area of 1970, common, Apr. 14, 1971, 2998 ft. (914 m.); T. Craig, Lytle Cr., cut-off over Cajon Pass, San Bernardino Mts., Apr. 28, 1928, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 28, 1928

Nemacladus rubescens Greene, Desert Threadplant

LACo.: R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Big Pines, July 9, 1969, 6800 ft. (2073 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Nemacladus secundiflorus G.T. Robbins var. robbinsii, Robbins Nemacladus

Status: CNPS List R-E-D Code State/Fed. Status:

CRPR 1B.2 S2S3 G3T2T3

LACo.: R. Hoffman, Big Rock Cr., May 19, 1929

SBCo.: No records given

Nemacladus sigmoideus G.T. Robbins, Sigmoid Threadplant

LACo.: From 2300 ft. (701 m.), at Indian Cyn., near mouth, L.C. Wheeler, May 24, 1967, to 6501 ft. (1982 m.), at w. extension of Waterman Mt. along Waterman Mt. Trail 10W04 from c. 0.75 to 2.5 miles ESE from Three Points Trailhead, Valerie Soza, Naomi Fraga, et al., June 16, 2003; Apr.-July, uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June 10, 1901, L.R. Abrams, Wilson’s Pk., no elev. given

SBCo.: Sheep Cr., near Pinon Hills, 0.3 mi. s. of Hwy 138 at Scrub Oak Rd., May 1, 1995, 4441 ft. (1354 m.); near summit of peak s.e. of Oak Springs Ranch, s. of Pinon Hills, May 27, 1996, 6140 ft. (1872 m.); Pinon Hills, e. trib. of Oak Springs Cyn., burn area,, July 6, 1995, 5701 ft. (1738 m.); Ralston Pk., on s. ridge, May 23, 1998, 4379 ft. (1335 m.)

Other records:

Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, May 16, 2003, 3800 ft. (1159 m.) & S.B. Parish & Greata, May, 1901

FVS: May, 1901

Triodanis biflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Greene, Small Venus Lookingglass

LACo.:; Jerome S. Horton, Tanbark Flats, SDEF, June 29, 1937, (822 m.); L. C. Wheeler, Bell Cyn., July 2, 1936, 2800 ft. (853 m.); L.C. Wheeler, vic. of Coulter Reservoir Sunset Ridge, s. of Millard Cyn., n. side of Sunset Ridge, n.e. of reservoir, May 7, 1967, 2050 ft. (625 m.); J.C. Roos, Santa Anita Cyn., May 23, 1942, no elev. given; P.A. Munz & R. D. Harwood, San Dimas Cyn., May 2, 1920, 1500 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: May 2, 1920

SBCo.: No records found:

Triodanis perfoliata (L.) Nieuwl., Clasping Venus’ Looking-glass

LACo.: Anstruther Davidson, San Gab. Mts. Region, Sierra Madre, May 1, 1910, no elev. given.

SBCo.: No records found.

Cannabaceae Hemp Family

Cannabis sativa L. Grass, Hemp, Pot, Marjuana

Possibly native to c. Asia, but cultivated since pre-history.

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, Chantry Flats, above Santa Anita Cyn., Apr. 23, 1971,

2100 ft. (640 m.)

SBCo.: S. Fork Lytle Cr., SSW of Village of Scotland, Aug. 10, 1993, 3000 ft.

(915 m.)

Other records: None found.

+Celtis australis L., Nettle-tree, European Hackberry

Native to s. Europe, s.w. Asia

LACo: Live Oak Cyn., c. 1.6 miles n. of Baseline Rd., 0.8 miles due n. of Live Oak Cyn. Dam, Sep. 27, 1997, 1601 ft. (488 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Humulus lupulus L., European Hop

(synonym: H. lupulus L. var. neomexicanus A. Nelson & Cockerell)

Native to Eurasia

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, Cedar Springs Cr., 0.5 miles e. of Kratka Ridge, along Angeles Crest Hwy., July 2, 1969, 6800 ft. (2072 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Caprifoliaceae Honeysuckle Family

Lonicera hispidula (Lindl.) Douglas ex Torr. & A. Gray, Pink Honeysuckle

(synonym: L. hispidula var. vacillans A. Gray)

LACo.: Joseph A. Ewan, above Madrono Flats, E. Fork Santa Anita Cyn., July 4, 1933, 3500 ft. (1066 m.); F.W. Peirson, Sturdevants Camp , Big Santa Anita Cyn., Aug. 7, 1951, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Mt. Wilson Toll Rd. June 30, 1918, 3798 ft. (1158 m.)

FVS: June 30, 1918

SBCo.: No records found.

Lonicera interrupta Benth., Chaparral Honeysuckle

LACo.: From 3159-3198 ft. (963-975 m.), at Big Tujunga Cyn., 310 meters e. of where Coldwater Cyn. meets Big Tujunga Cr., T.S. Ross, July 10, 1992, to

5999 ft. (1829 m.), at Roundtop Mt., T.S. Ross, Aug. 14, 1991; May-Aug.; uncommon, all 3 sections

FVS: June 27, 1897, J.H. Barber, Aliso Cyn.

SBCo.: Ralston Pk., July i8, 1995, 4550 ft. (1387 m.); Baldy Mesa, 0.4 mi. w. of I-215 Frwy. on rd. 3N24, near Cajon Summit, June 26, 1995, 4379 ft. (1335 m.); Baldy Mesa Ridge, 1.2 mi. n.e. of Hwy 138 on Rd. 3N24, 0.7 mi. w. of point where rd. crosses ridge, near Nuss Ranch, June 10, 1995, 4999 ft. (1524 m.); upper Boneyard Cyn., c. 300 m. s. of Camp Jubilee Rd. jct., Pinon Hills, June 30, 1999, 4797 ft. (1463 m.); Horse Cyn. on ridgetop e. of FS Rd. 3N12 (Horse Cyn. Rd.), c. 0.25 mi. e. of rd. 3N12, Aug 31, 1993, 6399 ft. (1951 m.)

Other records:

Freda Detmers, Lytle Cr. Cyn., Sep. 8, 1931, no elev. given; Ed LaRue, upper S- curves in Lone Pine Cyn. Road, Wrightwood, July 10, 1993, no elev. given;

Anonym., Lytle Cr., 2 mi. above Glenn Ranch, May 24, 1931, no elev. given

FVS: May 24, 1931

Lonicera japonica Thurb., Japanese Honeysuckle

Native to Asia.

LACo.: Bill Kelley, naturalized on hillsides, Big Santa Anita Cyn., June 1, 1983, no elev. given

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, Oct. 9, 1994, 2000 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. at S. Fork, Bonita Trailer Park, w. side, July 12, 1968,

2900 ft. (883 m.)

FVS: July 12, 1968

+Lonicera subspicata Hook. & Arn., Southern Honeysuckle, Santa Barbara Honeysuckle

LACo.: Pine Mtn., n. of Azusa, June 19, 2000, 4540 ft. (1384 m.)

Other records:

Kathleen Stockwell, foothills n. of Padua Ave., uphill to water resevoirs near Padua Hill Theatre, NNE of Claremont, June 24, 2000, 2001 ft. (610 m.); Jennefer H. Jones & Jay H. Jones, Webb cyn. Rd., June 4, 2006,

1499 ft. (457 m.); Scott. D. White, San Gabriel River, N. of Azusa, parrallell to Hwy 39, along unnamed dirt access rd. to gauging station, below Morris Dam, May 21, 1997, 800 ft. (244 m.)

FVS: May 21, 1997

SBCo.: Cherry Cyn. Flats “Dry Lake” at s.w. base of Sugarloaf Pk.(s. of mouth of Icehouse Cyn.-added 2011), June 18, 1996, 5058 ft. (1542 m.); Stoddard Pk., s. of Barrett Villege & w. of Stockton Flat, June 15, 1996, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); Ralston Pk., s. ridge, May 23, 1998, 4379 ft. (1335 m.); ridgetop n.w. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., June 1, 1996, 3759 ft. (1146 m.); Bear Flats, n. of Baldy Village, July 12, 1995, 5599 ft. (1707 m.); Lost Lake, c. 150 m. n. of Swarthout Cyn. Road, Lone Pine Canyon, Oct. 19, 1994, 2791 ft. (851 m.); Controversy Spring, head of Cajon Cyn., Oct. 8, 1993, 4599 ft. (1402 m.)

Other records:

Randall T. Schuh, et. al., Cajon Cyn., 2 km. n.w. of I-15 on Route 138, May 18, 2004, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

FVS: Oct. 8, 1993

+Lonicera subspicata Hook. & Arn. var. denudata Rehder, Southern Honeysuckle, Santa Barbara Honeysuckle

(synonym: L. subspicata Hook. & Arn. var. johnstonii D.D. Keck)

Some plants are still listed on CPC-2009 as L. subspicata var. johnstonii. The ssp. johnstonii does however still exist and applies in L.A. Co. mostly to coastal and island locations. These plants will not be entered here at this time.

LACo.: From (150 m.) ? , mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 200 m. n. of I-210 Frwy, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 2009, _______ , to 6245 ft. (1904 m.), N. Fork San Antonio Cyn., I.M. Johnston, July 28, 1917; Feb.-Sep.; uncommon in montane, common in cismontane

FVS: June 28, 1892, C.E. Hutchinson, San Gab. Cyn., 2999 ft. (914 m.)

SBCo.: From 2099 ft. (640 m.) at w. of mouth of Cucamonga Cyn., R.F. Thorne & R. Carolin, Mar. 17, 1967, to 5697 ft. (1737 m.) at s. trail to Baldy Lookout, I.M. Johnston, July 8, 1915; Mar., June, July, Sep., Oct.; fairly common; transmontane, montane at Ice House Jct. with San Antonio Cyn., cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June, 1884; S.B. Parish & W.F. Parish, Lytle Cr., no elev. given

Symphoricarpos albus (L.) S.F. Blake var. laevigatus (Fernald) S.F. Blake, Common Snowberry

Toxic to humans.

LACo.: From 1319 ft. (402 m.), San Gabriel River main stem across from Morris Dam, between San Gabriel Cyn. Road (Hwy. 39) and Silver Fish Truck Trail, Ellen Mackey & Blake Whittington, Oct. 24, 2006, to 2998-3067 ft. (914-935 m.), between Wilson Cyn. Saddle & Los Pinetos Spring (head of Los Pinetos Cyn.),Tim Ross & Walter Appleby, May 20, 1993; May, July-Oct.; rare; cismontane

Other records:

R.G. Swinney, San Dimas Cyn., Main Fork, c. 100 meters n. of confl. with E. Fork, May 29, 1999, 1801 ft. (549 m.); O. Mistretta, Los Pinetos Spring Cyn. Trail, July 13, 1992, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Los Pinetos Cyn. Spring, Aug. 20, 1968, 2801 ft. (854 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Canyon, Sep. 6, 1931, 2100 ft. (650 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Oak Spring, Oak Spring Cyn., off Little Tujunga, July 1, 1968, 2600 ft. (793 m.)

FVS: Sep. 6, 1931, L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., 2100 ft. (640 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Symphoricarpos mollis Nutt, Trip Vine, Creeping Snowberry

LACo.: From 1305 ft. (398 m.), at lower San Dimas Cyn. Road, Ellen Mackey & Blake Whittington, Oct. 11, 2006, to 3608 ft. (1100 m.), at So. California Edison transmission line corridor (Seg. 6, Structure 108 per TRTP Survey 2008) Van Tassel Mtwy., Fish Cyn. Drainage, Orlando MIstretta & Christine Mistretta, May 16, 2008; Apr., May, Aug.-Oct.; uncommon; cismontane (highest location is Wilson’s Pk., but the elev. is not recorded)

Other records:

E.L. Brown, May 1894, Live Oak Cyn., c. 1.6 mi. n. of Baseline Rd., 0.8 mi. due n. of Live Oak Cyn. Dam, Sep 27, 1997, 1601 ft. (488 m.); R.G. Swinney, Glendora, 0.2 mi. e. of Big Dalton Cyn. Rd. in Pavil Cyn., June 2009, 1380 ft. (421 m.); I.M. Johnston, Evey Cyn., Aug. 25, 1918, 3000 ft. (915 m.); Gary D. Cromwell & David W. Wheat, Mystic Cyn., 2 mi. n.e. of Glendora at upper fork, Apr. 16, 1971, 1597 ft. (487 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Monrovia Cyn., May 18, 1919, 1499-2998 ft. (457-914 m.)

FVS: May 30, 1889, Anstruther Davidson, Millard’s Cyn., Pasadena

SBCo.: Lower Lytle Cr. Divide, 3.2 mi. s.e. of Lytle Cr. Rd. & Applewhite Road jct., on FS Rd. 3N31, 3300-3600 ft. (1006-1098 m.);

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, trib. to Lytle Creek Cyn., near to mouth, June 26, 1969, 2500 ft. (762 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Meyer Cyn., off Lytle Cr., May 9, 1968, 2300 ft. (701 m.)

FVS: May 9, 1968

Symphoricarpus oreophilus A. Gray var. utahensis (Rydb.) A. Nelson, Utah Snowberry

(synonyms: S. vaccinioides Rydb. and S. utahensis Rydb. and S. tetonensis A. Nelson) Not listed in TJM-2012

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta & S.D. Boyd, Santiago Cyn., drainage n.w. of Pacifico Mt., June 21, 1994, 6200 ft. (1890 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Symphoricarpos rotundifolius A. Gray, Snowberry

LACo.: Icy Springs, trib. of Big Rock Creek, Aug. 13, 2008, 5760 ft. (1756 m.)

Other records:

Peter Kamb, ridge w. of Mt. Watkins, w. of Mt. Hawkins, Sep. 28, 1974, 7997 ft. (2438 m.); Peter Kamb, summit of Mt. Islip, June 30, 1947, 8197 ft. (2499 m.);

FVS: June 30, 1947

SBCo.: No records found.

Symphoricarpos rotundifolius A. Gray var. parishii (Rydb.) Dempster, Parish’s Snowberry

Difficult to distinguish from S. rotundifolius var. rotundifolius A. Gray.

LACo.: From 5199 ft. (1585 m.), at Sulphur Springs Cmpgrd. area, S. Fork Littlerock Cr., R.G. Swinney, May 28, and July 22, 2009, to 9496 ft. (2895 m.), at w. slope of Mt. Baldy, P.A. Munz, Sep. 16, 1917, May-Oct.; uncommon to rare; montane

FVS: Sep. 1904, Geo. R. Hall, Swartout Cyn.

SBCo.: 200 m. s.e. of Cucamonga Wilderness Trailhead at San Sevaine Rd., n.w. of Joe Elliot Big Tree Memorial, July 21, 1993, 6035 ft. (1840 m.)

Other records:

Marcus E. Jones, s. of Antonio Pk., June 28, 1931, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, head of S. Fork Lytle Cr., July 15, 1917, 8200 ft. (2500 m.); I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Pk., cyn. w. of Manzanita Flats, July 22, 1925, 5996 ft. (1828 m.); R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist, cienaga near Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., July 31, 1971, 7000 ft. (2133 m.); L.C. Wheeler, S. Fork Lytle Cr., June 14, 1968, 5500 ft.

(1676 m.); I.M. Johnston, w. end of Ontario Pk., June 23, 1918, 6996 ft.

(2133 m.); I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk. Lytle Cr., San Antonio Mts., July 3, 1917, 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

FVS: July 3, 1917

Caryophyllaceae Pink Family

Arenaria serpyllifolia L. var. serpilifolia, Thymeleaf Sandwort

Native to Europe.

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Colby’s Ranch, May 27, 1924, no elev. given; Marcus E. Jones, Claremont, June 19, 1926, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); I.M. Johnston, Claremont, Apr. 25, 1918, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

FVS: Apr. 25, 1918

SBCo.: No records found.

Cerastium fontanum Baumg. ssp. vulgare (Hartm.) Greuter & Burdet, Common Mouse-ear Chickweed, Big Chickweed

Native to Europe.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Rincon Ranger Station (W. Fork San Gabriel Cyn.), Oct. 27, 1966,

SBCo.: James Henrickson, Lower Lytle Cr. Wash, 2-4 air miles n. of I-15, May 1, 1985, 2400-2800 ft. (787-918 m.)

Cerastium glomeratum Thuill., Mouse-ear Chickweed, Sticky Chickweed

Native to Europe.

LACo.: From 918 ft. (280 m.), at Duarte, lower Van Tassel Cyn., 0.3 to 0.6 miles n.w. (upstream) of confl. with San Gabriel River, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 16, 2009 to 3519 ft. (1073 m.), at So. Calif. Edison transmission line corridor (Seg. 6, structure 107 per TRTP Survey 2008) upper Fish Cyn., Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistsretta, May 16, 2008 fairly common; cismontane

FVS: May 18, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Monrovia Cyn., 1499 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: Arthur C. Gibsan, Stoddard cyn., May 12, 1971, 3201 ft. (976 m.); Gerald L. Benny & Colin M. Wainwright, Day Cyn., Apr. 21, 1971, 2800 ft.

(853 m.); Mitch Provance, Rancho Cucamonga, E. Etiwanda Cr., c. 0.5 mi. e. of Etiwanda & Highland Aves., Mar. 12, 1998, 1401 ft. (427 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 14, 1968, 4700 ft. (1432 m.)

FVS: June 14, 1968

Eremogone macradenia (S. Watson) Ikonn, Desert or Mojave Sandwort

(synonyms: Arenaria macradenia S. Watson and A. macradenia S. Watson var. parishionum)

LACo.: ridge, c. 400 m. s.e. of summit of Lookout (Antonio) Mt., June 16, 1998, 6081 ft. (1854 m.); Largo Vista area, c. 0.5 mi. e. of Largo Vista Rd. at a point 3.56 miles s. of Hwy 138, May 18, 2001, 4212 ft. (1284 m.); Buford Cyn., 0.5 mi. w. of San Bernardino Co. line, s. of Hwy 2 and Swarthout Valley, c. 2 air mi. w. of Wrightwood, July 16, 1997, 6301 ft. (1921 m.); near Pinon Hills, Mescal Highlands, Graham Cyn., 1.7 i. n. of Panorama Way at Grahmn Cyn. Mtwy., 0.6 mi. s. of Ft. Tejon Rd., May 16, 1998, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); head of Cedar Cyn., ridge c. 200 m. n. of Big Pines Hwy., 0.5 mi. w. of jct. with Hwy 2, July 5, 1999, 7619 ft. (2323 m.); E. Table Mt. summit, Wrigthtwood area, July 2, 1998, 7400 ft. (2256 m.)

Other records:

B.C. Templeton, Taable Mt., near Big Pines Park, Aug 25, 1932, 6858 ft.

(2091 m.); Kathy Harper, Hwy 2, Big Pines in vicinity of Dawson Saddle, at mi. marker 56.54, May 16, 1986, no elev. given; Albert J. Perkins, Crystal Lake, no date given, elev. incorrect ?; Ed LaRue, c. 1.5 air mi. n.e. of Wrightwood, c. 0.125 mi. w. of Hwy 2 on Desert Front Rd., May 21, 1992, 5100 ft. (1555 m.); LeRoy Gross, w. terminus of Holcomb Ridge, w. of Big Rock Cr. along the e. & n.e. side of hill, n. of Fort Tejon Rd., w. of Valyermo Rd., May 3, 1905, 3559 ft. (1085 m.)

FVS: May 3, 1905

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, at jct. of Desert FrontRd., (Oak Springs Ranch Rd.) & Oak Springs Ranch, June 29, 1995, 5320 ft. (1622 m.); Pinon Hills area, 90-150 m. s.w. of jct. of Hwy 138 & Sheep Cr. on ridge extending to Hwy 138, w. of Horse Cyn., May 29, 1995, 4520 ft. (1378 m.)

Other records: No records found.

FVS: May 29, 1995

+ Eremogone macradenia (S. Watson) Ikonn var. arcuifolia (Maguire) R.L. Hartm. & Rabeler, Mojave Sandwort

[synonyms: Arenaria macradenia S. Watson ssp. macradenia var. arcuifolia Maguire and A. macradenia S. Watson var. arcuifolia Maguire and E. macradenis var. kuschei (Eastw.) R.L. Hartm. Rabeler and Arenaria macradenia S. Watson var. kuschei (Eastw.) Maguire]

The following is taken from TJM 2012: Based on recent collections, E. macradenia var. kuschei (Eastw.) R.L. Hartm. & Rabeler, recognized by densely glandular-hairy infl. and sepals, intergrades completely with E. macradenia var. arcuifolia, previously considered largely glabrous (Ross & Boyd 199t Crossosoma 22: 65-71)

LACo.: From 2500 ft. (762 m.), at Soledad Cyn., near Ravenna,G.R. Johnstone, June 22, 1930, to 7250 ft. (2209 m.), at summit of Le Montaine, n. of Big Pines, n. side of San Gab. Mts., F.W. Peirson, July 5, 1922; May-Aug.; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: July 4, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr.

SBCo.: Baldy Mesa Ridge, 1.7 mi. n.e. of Hwy. 138 on FS Road 3N24, ridgetop, 0.5 mi. w. of point where rd. crosses ridge near Nuss Ranch, June 10, 1995,

5000 ft. (1524 m.); Pinon Hills, 0.5 mi. w. of Green Rd., at Sunnyslope Rd., c. 200 meters n.w. of end of Sunnyslope, June 2, 1996, 4910 ft. (1497 m.); Baldy Mesa Ridge, 7.8 mi. e. of jct. of rd. 3N24 & Baldy Mesa Ridge, at w. terminus of 3N24, c. 0.2 mi. s. of 3N24 on FS Road 3N53, June 26, 1995, 4240 ft. (1292 m.)

Other records:

W.L. Jepson, Cajon Pass, May 28, 1914, 3598 ft. (1097 m.)

FVS: May 28, 1914

Eremogone macradenia (S. Watson) Ikonn var. macradenia, Mojave Sandwort

(synonyms: Arenaria macradenia S. Watson ssp. macradenia and A. macradenia S. Watson ssp. macradenia var. macradenia)

LACo.: Joseph Andorfer Ewan, n. side of Table Mt. at head of Le Montaine Cr., Swarthout Valley region, Aug. 3, 1934, 7295 ft. (2224 m.); H.M. Hall, Schwartout Cyn. (Swarthout Cyn.,-added 2010), June 1, 1899, 6498 ft. (1981 m.); J.H. Barber, Mt. Gleason Summit, July 11, 1897, no elev. given; Anonym., San Gab. Mts. Big Rock, 1895, no elev. given.;

FVS: 1895

SBCo.: E. LaRue, San Gab. Mts., c. 1.5 mi. (airline), n.e. of Wrightwood, c. 0.125 miles w. of Hwy. 2 on Desert Front Rd., May 21, 1992, 5100l ft. (1555 m.); W.L. Jepson, Cajon Pass, May 28, 1914, 3598 ft. (1097 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 28, 1914

Herniaria hirsuta L. var. cinerea (DC.) Loret & Barrandon, Hairy Rupturewort

[synonym: H. hirsuta ssp. cinerea (DC.) Coutinho]

Native to s. Europe, n. Africa, and s.w. Asia.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Robert F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, et al., Lytle Cr. Ranger Station, July 7, 1971, 2670 ft. (814 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Ranger Station, Sep. 16, 1968, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 16, 1968

Herniaria hirsuta L. var. hirsuta, Hairy Rupturewort

(synonym: H. hirsuta L. ssp. hirsuta)

Native to s. Europe; n. Africa; s.w. Asia

LACo.: LeRoy Gross, Michael Denslow, et al., Van Tassel Truck Trail (1N36) close to jct. with Silver Fish Rd. (1N29), May 12, 2003, 3401 ft. (1037 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Loeflingia squarrosa Nutt., Spreading Pygmyleaf

[synonyms: L. squarrosa ssp. squarrosa and L. squarrosa var. artemisiarum (Barneby & Twisselm.) Dorn]

LACo.: Duarte/Azusa, San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, e. side of channel, 1.2 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., Apr. 3, 2009, 600 ft. (183 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Wash, (the elev. given, would place this well above Foothill Blvd.), Apr. 21, 1936, 1200 ft. (366 m.); L. C. Wheeler, San Gabriel Wash (elev. given would place this below the I-210 Frwy, which is generally considerred part of the Coastal Plains & Basins Region), May 26, 1932, 350 ft. (107 m.); LeRoy Gross, ridgeline to Mt. Emma & cyn. s. of this ridge, w. from Mt. Emma (n.w. trending ridge, lower part of ridgeline starts to turn s.w. e. of Mt. Emma Rd., then dropped off ridge, Apr. 28, 2005, 4051 ft. (1235 m.); F.W. Peirson, N. Fork San Gabriel River, June 20, 1921, 2998 ft. (914 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Soledad Cyn. Wash, c. 1/2 mile e. of Acton, Apr. 30, 1991, 2720 ft. (829 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Canyon, vic. of Oak of the Golden Dream, May 18, 1967, 1570 ft. (478 m.) ; F.W. Peirson, Little Tujunga Wash, w. end of San Gab. Mts., May 3, 1920, 1099 ft. (335 m.)

FVS: May 3, 1920

SBCo.: on w. side of Cajon Wash, flood plain at Glen Helen Regional Park, c.

100 m. n. of Devore Rd., c. 100 m. e. of Glen Helen Road, Mar. 17, 1993, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Other records: None found.

Minuartia californica (A. Gray) Mattf., California Sandwort

LACo.: Mescal Highlands, 1 mi. s. of Ft. Tejon Rd. & 237th St. jct., May 16, 1998, 4280 ft. (1305 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: Pending verification, Wye Peak, San Bernardino Mts., adjacent to Cajon Pass, just n.e. of Cajon Jct., Mar. 24, 2008, 3670 ft. (1119 m.), 1 pop. on n. side

Other records: None found.

Minuartia douglasii (Torr. & A. Gray) Mattf., Douglas’ Sandwort (Stichwort)

LACo.: From 850 ft. (259 m.), at Fish Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, May 5, 1933, to

7902 ft. (2409 m.), at Hwy. 2, Big Pines in vic. of Dawson Saddle, at mile marker 56.54, Kathy Harper, May 16, 1986; Feb.-July; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June 7, 1906, H.E. Hasse & A. Davidson, Big Rock Cr.

SBCo.: s. of Barrett Village, Apr. 20, 1996, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Hwy 138, c. 1 mi. SSW of Cajon Jct, off FS Road 3N49, Apr. 29, 1995

(945 m.)

Other records:

Gerald L. Benny et. al., n. of Rancho Cucamonga, burned in 1970, in river bed, Apr. 4, 1971, 2998 ft. (914 m.); Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 16, 1971, 2470 ft. (753 m.); Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, 3800 ft.

(1159 m.)

FVS: May 16, 1903

Minuartia nuttallii (Pax) Briq. var. gracilis (B.L. Rob.) Rabeler & R.L. Hartm., Brittle Sandwort

(synonym: M. nuttallii ssp. gracilis (B.L. Rob.) McNeil]

LACo.: e. end of Big Horn Ridge, c. 0.5 mi. s.w. of W. Baldy Pk., Aug. 9, 1999, 9200 ft. (2805 m.); W. Baldy Pk., Aug. 27, 1998, 9899 ft. (3018 m.); ridge due n. of Big Horn Ridge & s. of San Antonio Ridge, above & adjacent to Coldwater Cyn., Aug. 27, 1998, 8498 ft. (2591 m.); E. Pk. on Pleasant View Ridge, Aug. 9, 2001, 8212 ft. (2504 m.); Pleasant View Ridge, saddle at w. end of Mt. Williamson (complex-added 2011), Aug. 9, 2001, 8200 ft. (2500 m.)

Other records:

Frank W. Peirson, divide - Bear Cr. & Little Rock Trib., June 17, 1921, 6796 ft. (2072 m.); Fred Burlew, Mt. San Antonio, Aug. 1916, no elevation given; Orlando Mistretta, Devils Backbone Ridge, June 24, 1993, 8050 ft. (2453 m.); T.P. Krantz & K. Berg, W. San Antonio Pk., Sep. 26, 1980, 9801 ft. (2988 m.); Robert F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., on ridge running e. towards Old Baldy (Mt. San Antonio) W. Baldy Pk., July 27, 1971, 9896 ft. (3017 m.); LeRoy Gross & Valerie Soza, Mt. Baldy Trail form Baldy Village to summmit of Mt. San Antonio, s. of W. Baldy, June 10, 2003, 9499 ft. (2896 m.); R.F. Thorne & Robert Frampton, W. Baldy Pk., June 27, 1971, 9888 ft. (3013 m.); L.C. Wheeler, W. Baldy, Sep. 13, 1967, 9900 ft. (3018 m.)

FVS: Aug., 1916, Fred Burlew, Mt. San Antonio

SBCo.: Mt. Harwood, Aug. 22, 1995, 9479 ft. (2890 m.)

Other records: None found.

Polycarpum depressum Nutt., California Manyseed

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: P.A. Munz, 2 miles n. of Claremont, Mar. 14, 1923, 1400 ft. (426 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Live Oak Cyn. Dam, Apr. 24, 1934, 1500 ft. (451 m.); F.W. Peirson, burned area in hills e. of Rubio Cyn., June 4, 1918, no elev. given

FVS: June 4, 1918

SBCo.: No records found.

Polycarpum tetraphyllum (L.) L. var. tetraphyllum, Four-Leaved Allseed, Fourleaf Manyseed

Nativeto s. Europe.

LACo.: From 554 ft. (169 m.), at Azusa/Irwindale, between the I-210 Frwy. & Foothill Blvd. on w. side of San Gabriel River channel, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 7, 2009, to 2801 ft. (854 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., along Mt. Baldy Rd. between Spruce Cyn., & “Hog Back”, Michael Honer, June 22, 2004; Mar.-Aug., Oct.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: May 1921, E. Rockwell, Eaton Cyn., 997 ft. (304 m.)

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr., Miller Narrows, July 13, 1967, 2775 ft. (845 m.)

Sagina apetala Ard., Dwarf or Annual Pearlwort

Native to Europe.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Sunset Ridge by Millard Cyn., n. side, n.e. of Coulter Reservoir, June 16, 1967, 2100 ft. (640 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Sunset Ridge, by Millard Cyn., Apr. 23, 1967, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 23, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

Sagina decumbens (Elliott) Torr. & A. Gray ssp. occidentalis (S. Watson) Crow, Western Pearlwort

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Jack Easton, Sycamore Flats, between Lytle Cr. Wash & Cajon Wash, May 1, 1988, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Sagina saginoides (L.) Karst., Arctic Plearlwort

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Dorr Cyn., n.w. side of Mt. Burnham, Aug. 21, 1966, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, headwaters of Devil’s Cyn., on s. side of Mt. Waterman, Aug. 9, 1967, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); F.R. Fosberg & J. Ewan, Little Jimmy Spring, Windy Camp, n. slope of Mt. Islip, Aug. 12, 1931, 7544 ft.

(2300 m.)

FVS: Aug. 12, 1931

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, n.e. slope Mt. San Antonio, headwater of W. Fork of N. Fork of Lytle Cr., July 15, 1968, 3900 ft. (2713 m.); P.A. Munz, Kelly’s Cabin near Ontario Pk., July 18, 1922, 8102 ft. (2470 m.); F.W. Peirson, near a spring at Kelly’s Cabin (Ontario Ridge), July 7, 1918, 8197 ft. (2499 m.)

FVS: July 7, 1918

Silene antirrhina L, Snapdragon Campion, Sleepy Antirrhina or Catchfly

LACo.: From 1500 ft. (457 m.), at Liveoak Cyn. Dam, L.C. Wheeler, Apr. 24, 1934, to 4359 ft. (1329 m.), at Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, west trib. of W. Fork Punchbowl Cyn., 0.4 miles n.e. of park hdqts., R.G. Swinney, June 4, 2008; Apr.-June; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: May 14, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Eaton Cyn., 2400 ft. (732 m.)

SBCo.: s. Spring Hill area, n. of Stoddard Flat, July 20, 1995, 4080 ft. (1244 m.)

Other records:

Gerald L. Benny, Day Cyn., burned in 1970, Apr. 16, 1971, 2798 ft. (853 m.)

FVS: Apr. 16, 1971

Silene armeria L., Sweet William Catchfly or Silene

Native to Europe.

LACo.: A.C. Sanders & D. Malueg, along Hwy. 2 at LaCanada at turnoff to SCE Gould Substation, Gould Cyn., Watershed, June 22, 1998, 2001 ft. (610 m.); Robert C. Frampton, Gale Cyn., foothills n. of Claremont, July 15, 1980, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: July 15, 1980

SBCo.: No records found.

Silene coniflora Otth., Multinerved or Manynerve Catchfly

(synonym: S. multinervia S. Watson)

Native to Asia.

LACo.: P.A. Munz & R.D. Harwwood, San Dimas Cyn., Apr. 21, 1920, 1500 ft. (457 m.); P.A. Munz, San Gabriel Cyn., Apr. 23, 1925, 1600 ft. (488 m.); Frank Peirson, foothills e. Rubio Cyn., June 4, 1918, 1998 ft. (609 m.); Frank W. Peirson, San Gabriel Cyn at forks, Apr. 23, 1925, 1748 ft. (533 m.)

FVS: Apr. 23, 1925

SBCo.: Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, 1.5 mi. s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd. & Applewhite Rd., c. 0.8 mi. east of Glenn Ranch, Apr. 22, 1995, 3319 ft. (1012 m.)

Other records: None found.

Silene gallica L., Windmil Pink, Common or Small-flower Catchfly

Native to Europe.

LACo.: From 630 ft. (192 m.), at Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel Cyn. wash, 0.4-1 mile n. (upstream) of Puente Largo (Railway-added 2010) Bridge, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 21, 2009, to 2398 ft. (731 m.), at Eaton Cyn., Frank W. Peirson, May 14, 1919; Mar.-May; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: May 7, 1897, H.P. Chandler, Claremont, 1299 ft. (396 m.)

SBCo.: Cucamonga, c. 0.5 mi. s.e. of gauging station at mouth of Day Cyn., at jct. of Day Cyn. Road & Frontage Fire Rd., Apr. 22, 1995, 2640 ft. (805 m.); s.w. of mouth of Lytle Cr. Cyn., 4.8-5.0 mi. w. of Lytle Cr. Road (Nealy’s Corner) and c. 0.4 mi. n. of Frontline Mtwy., Mar. 15, 1993, 1801 ft. (549 m.); e. mouth of Lytle Cr. Cyn., 80-200 m. west of Sycamore Ranger Station, on the ridge, Mar. 23, 1993, 1993 ft. (621 m.)

Other records:

Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., on cyn. floor near trail, Apr. 15, 1971, 2447 ft. (746 m.)

FVS: Apr. 15, 1971

Silene laciniata Cav., Southern Indian Pink, Cardinal Catchfly

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: ridge on w. side of San Antonio Cyn., between Evey Cyn. & unnamed first cyn. to n., c. 0.5 mi. w. of San Antonio Cyn. Road, June 25, 2000, 3802 ft.

(1159 m.)

Other records: John E. Green, Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, n. of Jet Prop. Lab., transect one, July 17, 2003, 1250 ft. (381 m.); Doris Bouers, Arroyo Seca (Seco-added 20120), Pasadena, June 22, 1957, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: June 22, 1957

SBCo.: Stoddard Pk., s. of Barrett Village & w. of Stoddard Flat, June 15, 1996, 4599 ft. (1402 m.)

Other records: None found.

+Silene laciniata Cav. ssp. laciniata, Mexican Pink , Southern Indian Pink, Cardinal Catchfly

[synonyms: S. laciniata ssp. major C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire and S. laciniata ssp. brandegeei C.L. Hitchc.Maguire and S. laciniata var. angustifolia C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire and S. laciniata var. latifolia C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire]

LACo.: From 1197 (365 m.), at Little Dalton Cyn., Lyman Benson, May 13, 1947 and at Fish Cyn., somewhat below Falls, R.F. Thorne & A.C. Gibson, May 22, 1971, to 4400 ft. (1341 m.), at Mt. Wilson Trail, n. of jct. with Upper Winter Cr. Trail, s.e. side of Mt. Harvard, Valerie Soza & LeRoy Gross; Apr.-Aug.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: June 22, 1910, Fordyce Grinnell Jr., Switzers Tr., 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

SBCo.: Stoddard Pk., s. of Barrett Village & w. of Stoddard Flat, June 15, 1996, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); unnamed trib. to Lytle Cr., 2.4 mi. north of Devore Rd. & c. 1 mi. west of Lytle Cr., Aug 2, 1993, 2699 ft. (823 m.)

Other records:

Gelrald L. Benny, Day Cyn., burned in 1970, Apr. 16, 1971, 3000 ft. (914 m.); R.F. Thorne, San Sevaine Rd., June 5, 1971, 3800 ft. (1159 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, trib. to Lytle Cr. Cyn., near mouth, June 26, 1969, 2500 ft. (762 m.); W. Bertsch, Mt. Baldy Rd., June 9, 1954, 1998 ft. (609 m.); B.C. Templeton, Swartout Cyn., July 10, 1927, no elev. given

FVS: July 10, 1927

Silene lemmonii S. Watson, Lemmon’s Campion (Catchfly)

LACo.: From 3297 ft. (1005 m.), between Dawn Mine & Station, Millards Cyn., F.W. Peirson, May 11, 1920, to 6000 ft. (1829 m.), summit of Mt. Wilson, George B. Grant, June 15, 1906; Apr., May; rare-uncommon; cismontane

FVS: June 14, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: Stoddard Flats, s. of Barrett Village, July 25, 1995, 4451 ft. (1357 m.); s. of Barrett Cyn. Village, along Barrett-Stoddard Rd., July 20, 1995, 4002 ft. (1220 m.), also, J. Olmstead, near same location, Apr. 24, 1959

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Cyn. at Charcoal Camp, June 7, 19--, 4697 ft.

1432 m.); Colin M. Wainwright, Day Cyn., June 9, 1971, 3802 ft. (1159 m.); Freda Detmers, Lytle Cr. Cyn., May 10, 1931, no elev. given; James Henrickson, in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, 2.5 mi. n. of I-15, ____, 2600-2800 ft. (853-918 m.); Louis C. Wheeler, Cascade Cyn., off San Antonio Cyn., May 28, 1932, 3647 ft.

(1112 m.); I.M. Johnston, Cascade Cyn. w.end of Ontario Pk., June, 1917,

4401 ft. (1371 m.)

FVS: June, 1917

Silene menziesii Hook.,Menzies’ Catchfly or Campion

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: s. of Barrett Cyn. Village along Garrett-Stoddard Rd., July 20, 1995, (1220 m.) (has also been determined as S. lemmonii - final determination pending)

Other records: None found.

+Silene parishii S. Watson, Parish’s Catchfly

(synonym: S. parishii S. Watson var. latifolia C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire)

LACo.: From 5596 ft. (1706 m.), at trail from San Gabriel Pk. to Mt. Wilson, F.W. Peirson, Sep. 7, 1918 and w. of Mt. Islip, just above e. boundary of San Gabriel Wilderness, c. 4 mile closed section of Hwy. 39 from c. 1.6 miles w. of jct. of Crystal Lake access rd. to jct. Hwy. 2, Scott D. White & Dave Bramlet, Aug. 11, 1998, to 8997 ft. (2743 m.), at w. slope of Baldy, I.M. Johnston, Sep. 16, 1917; July-Sep.; uncommon, montane, cismontane at trail to Mt. Wilson

FVS: Aug. 21, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Pine Mt., 7695 ft. (2346 m.)

SBCo.: n.e. area of Cucamonga Peak, Aug. 14, 1995, 8859 ft. (2701 m.); above first waterfall in Dog Bone Cyn., west trib. of N. Fork Lytle Cr., due s. of Alpine Cyn., n.e. of Dawson Peak, Aug. 21, 1996, 7879 ft. (2402 m.); n. of Pine Mt. Ridge on first saddle n. of Pine Mt., between Pine Mtn. & Wright Mt., Aug. 10, 1995, 8449 ft. (2576 m.); extreme w. end of Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., 0.3 mi. w. of Commanche Cmpgrd., July 20, 1994, 3064 ft. (934 m.); Lost Cr. Cyn., s. trib. of Icehouse Cyn., e. of Sheep Flat, July 22, 1994, 6599 ft. (2012 m.)

Other records:

D.D. Keck, between Kelly’s Cabin & Divide (Icehouse Saddle ?); L.E. Hoffman, Mt. Baldy, Aug. 21, 1932, 9000 ft. (2744 m.); R.F. Thorne, near s. end of Telegraph Pk., ridge along tr. to Timber Mt., Oct. 28, 1967, 8850 ft. (2697 m.);

I.M. Johnston, Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., July 29, 1917, 6996 ft. (2133 m.);

Antstruther Davidson, Icehouse Cyn. Camp Baldy, Aug. 1, 1915, 5497 ft.

(1676 m.)

FVS: Aug. 1, 1915

Silene verecunda S. Watson, San Francisco Campion

[synonyms: S. verecunda S. Watson ssp. andersonii (Clokey) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire and S. verecunda S. Watson ssp. platyota (S. Watson) C.L. Hitch. & Maguire]

LACo.: From 4599 ft. (1402 m.), at E. Fork Puzzle Cyn., near Old (abandoned) homesite at 2800 Deep Cr. Cyn. Rd., R.G. Swinney, June 28, 1999, to 9496 ft. (2895 m.) at Little Baldy, July 21, 1922, P.A. Munz; May-Nov.; common; transmontane, montane, cismontane at Colby Creek Cyn. Trail, Tujunga Dist., Orlando Mistretta, July 9, 1992

FVS: Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk., Aug. 20, 1892, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 5320 ft. (1622 m.) at Pinon Hills, jct. of Desert Front Rd.(=Oak Springs Ranch Rd.) & Oak Spring Ranch, June 29, 1995, author, to 9600 ft.

(2927 m.) at base of granitic boulders at Saddle between Mt. Harwood & Mt. San Antonio, along FS Trail 7W04, Oct. 8, 1977, J.R. Shevock; May-Oct.; common; transmontane, montane

FVS: S.B. Parish, n. slopes of Old Baldy, June, 1887, no elev. given

Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke, Bladder Campion, Maidenstears

Native to Europe.

LACo.: Bob Alcom, n. of Glendora along the rd. against the hills, Apr. 25,

1955, no elev. given; George A. Garrettson, Sierra Madre Ave., 1/3 mi. e. of Azusa Ave., Azusa, Apr. 22, 1955, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 22, 1955

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist, Mt. Baldy Notch, July 31, 1971, 7800 ft. (2378 m.)

Spergula arvensis L., Stickwort, Starwort, Cornspurr Spurry

(synonym: S. arvensis ssp. arvensis)

Native to Europe.

LACo.: San Dimas Experimental Forest, openings, low elevations, SDEF, 1988 (no record found in the CCH)

SBCo.: No records found.

Spergularia bocconi (Scheele) Foucaud ex Merino, Boccone’s Sandspurry

(synonym: S. bocconei orth. var.]

Native to s.w. Europe, Medit.

LACo.: Azusa, 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., on n. side of San Gabriel River channel, Mar. 12, 2009, 741 ft. (226 m.); N. of Azusa, San Gabriel River Cyn., El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, Mar. 10, 2009, 971 ft. (296 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Mar. 10, 2009

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., along Cajon Cr. near Cajon Cmpgrd., in Cajon Cyn., June 29, 1972, 2750 ft. (838 m.)

Spergularia marina (L.) Griseb., Salt(Marsh) Sandspurry

(synonym: S. salina J. Presl. & C. Presl.)

LACo.: Glendora, Little Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, June 14, 1993, 1200 ft.

(366 m.)

Other records: L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., June 26, 1967, 2000 ft. (610 m.)

FVS: June 26, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

Spergularia rubra (L.) J. Presl. & C. Presl., Red Sandspurry

Native to Medit., Asia.

LACo.: Rincon Cyn., c. 300 m. s.w. of Rincon Rd. entrance and Hwy. 39 at W. Fork San Gabriel Cyn., on plateau w. of Rincon Rd., May 21, 2000, 1801 ft.

(549 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. Calif. Edison transmission line corridor (Seg. 6, structure 108 per TRTP Survey 2008) Van Tassell Mtwy., Fish Cyn. drainage, May 16, 2008, 3608 ft. (1100 m.); F.W. Peirson, summit of Echo Mt., May 11, 1920, 3201 ft. (976 m.)

FVS: May 11, 1920

SBCo.: No records found.

Spergularia villosa (Pers.) Camb., Hairy Sandspurry

Native to s. S. America.

LACo.: K.H. B., Tanbark Flats, above Glendora, SDEF, at Lysimeters, Nov. 19, 1943, 2496 ft. (761 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Common Chickweed

Native to s.w. Europe.

LACo.: From 581 ft. (177 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., between I-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd., Azusa/Irwindale, R.G. Swinney, Feb. 20, 2009, to 3841ft.

(1171 m.) at Fern Cyn. at falls, c. 1.7 mi. e. of confluence with upper E. ForkSan Dimas Cyn., June 25, 1999, R.G. Swinney; Mar.-Nov.; uncommon in transmontane, common in cismontane

FVS: Apr. 19, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Pacoima cyn., 1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: Stoddard Cyn. at Stoddard Falls, Aug. 28, 1998, (915 m.); Glen Helen Regional Park, s. of E. Park entrance in Cajon Wash, 0.7 mi. s. of Devore Rd., Mar. 17, 1993, 1961 ft. (598 m.)

Other records: Arthur C. Gibson Stoddard Cyn., May 12, 1971, 2647 ft. (807 m.)

FVS: May 12, 1971

Stellaria neglecta Weihe, Greater or Common Chickweed

[synonym: S. media (L.) Vill. ssp. neglecta (Weihe) Murb] (this is the latest taxon in use and is most likely the one that should be listed)

Native to Europe.

LACo.: Monrovia Wilderness Park (modified-2011), trail 0-40 meters above cyn. bottom, from park entrance to 0.4 mi. up cyn., Mar. 28, 2009, 240 ft. (378 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Stellaria nitens Nutt., Shining Chickweed

LACo.: ridge overlooking s. end of Mystic Cyn. at Big Dalton Cyn., Apr. 4, 1995, (451 m.)

Other records:

P.A. Munz, San Gabriel Cyn., Apr. 23, 1925, 1600 ft. (488 m.); F.W. Peirson, along trail to Cattle Cyn., no date or elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., May 18, 1967, 1700 ft. (518 m.); K. Dobry, Elsmere Cyn., Apr. 4, 1991, no elev. given; Frank W. Peirson, Henniger Flats, May 26, 1918, 2847 ft. (868 m.)

FVS: May 26, 1918

SBCo.: Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, 1.1 mi. s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Road & Applewhite Road, c. 9.75 mi. e. of Applewhite Cmpgrd., Apr. 22, 1995, 3000 ft.

(915 m.)

Other records:

Arthur C. Gibson, near mouth of Stoddard Cyn., May 19, 1971, 2647 ft. (807 m.)

FVS: May 19, 1971

Stellaria pallida (Duort.) Crep., Lesser or Common Chickweed

(synonym: S. media (L.) Vill. ssp. pallida (Dumort.), Asch. & Graebn., Common Chickweed] (this is the latest taxon in use and is most likely the one that should be listed)

Native to s.w. Europe.

LACo.: mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., between I-210 Fwy. & Foothill, Azusa/Irwindale, 200-300 meters e. of San Gabriel River channel, Feb. 20, 2009, 581 ft. (177 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot Family

Atriplex argentia Nutt., Silverscale Saltbrush

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Barrell Spring, July 23, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt., Shad-scale, Fourwing Saltbush

Vars. intergrade.

LACo.: Juniper Hills, 0.4 miles s. of the jct. of Longview Rd. & Tumbleweed Rd., Mike Booth Property, July 21, 2005, 3988 ft. (1216 m.)

Other records:

H.S. Yates, 0.5 mi. west of Valyermo Ranger Station, Rock Creek, Aug. 28, 1936, 3998 ft. (1219 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Caldwell Lake, a sag pond on the San Andreas Fault; Sep. 15, 1956, 5159 ft. (1573 m.); Scott D. White, Clear Cr. area, roadside & Hiking Trail, s. side of Angeles Forest Hwy., c. 0.2 miles w. of jct. with Angeles Crest Hwy., July 27, 2004, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); F.W. Peirson, Soledad Cyn., n. base of San Gab. Mts., July 1, 1921, 1450 ft. (442 m.)

FVS: July 1, 1921

SBCo.: Baldy Mesa Ridge, s. of Phelan, FS Road 3N24, n.e. of Nuss Ranch, Nov. 12, 1994, 4681 ft.(1427 m.); Phelan Pk., Baldy Mesa, s. of Phelan, June 1, 1996, 5159 ft. (1573 m.); Lost Lake, Lone Pine Cyn., Oct. 19, 1991, 2781 ft.

(848 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Oct. 19, 1991

Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt. var. canescens, Shad-scale, Fourwing Saltbush

(synonym: A. canescens ssp. canescens)

LACo.: From 2500 ft. (762 m.), at Ravenna, Soledad Cyn., n. slope of San Gab. Mts., R.F. Thorne, & C. W. Tilforth, June 17, 1971, to 5596 ft. (1706 m.), at 6 mi. west of Jackson Lake on Big Pines-Valyermo Rd., Nov. 7, 1949, Grant D. Brown; May-Nov.; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: June 15, 1986, David Charlton, Lightning (=Blue?) Ridge at jct. of FS Rd. 3N06 & Angeles Crest Hwy., c. 4 miles n.w. of co. line and 5 miles n.w. of Wrightwood, 7400 ft. (2256 m.)

SBCo.: Lower Lytle Cr. Divide, cyn., 0.4 mi. n.e. of jct. with Lytle Cr. Road, on FS Road 2N79, due s. of ponds at Fish Hatchery, June 17, 1995, 2801 ft.

(854 m.); Controversy Springs at head of Cajon Cyn., s.e. of Mt. Top Jct., 0.5 mi. s. of Hwy. 138 on FS Road 3N37, Oct. 8, 1993, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); Baldy Mesa, Phelan Pk., south of Phelan, Apr. 13, 1996, 5176 ft. (1578 m.)

Other records: L.C. Wheeler, Controversy Spring, w. side of Cajon Cyn., Sep. 7, 1968, 4500 ft. (1371 m.)

FVS: Sep. 7, 1968

Atriplex confertifolia (Torr. & Frem.) S. Watson, Shadscale Saltbush

May intergrade with A. canescens.

LACo.: Carr Cyn., 0.3 miles s.e. of Mt. Emma Rd. crossing, May 5, 2009,

3119 ft. (951 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, Carr Cyn., near mouth of cyn., June 1, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

FVS: June 1, 1995

SBCo.: No records found.

Atriplex covillei (Standl.) J.F. Macbr., Coville’s Orach

[synonyms: Endolepis covillei Standl. and A. phyllostegia (Torr. ex S. Watson) S. Watson]

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Andreas Rift Zone, Mojave Desert Slope, Barrel Springs, July 23, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

Atriplex lentiformis (Torr.) S. Watson, Big Saltbush

(synonym: A. lentiformis ssp. lentiformis)

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Sand Cyn., head of Placerita Cyn. Hwy., Placerita Cyn., Road, Sep. 21, 1968, 2000 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: Cajon Wash, w. of n. terminus of Cajon Rd., c. 50 m. east of Cajon Wash, Oct. 29, 1994, (899 m.)

Other records: None found.

Atriplex polycarpa (Torr.) S. Watson, Allscale Saltbush

LACo.: R. Hoffman, 2 miles w. of Acton, Aug. 31, 1927, no elev. given (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: No records found.

Atriplex rosea L. Tumbling Oracle (Orach in TJM-2012), Saltweed

Native to Europe.

LACo.: From 1800 ft. (549 m.), 1.3 miles e. of jct. of Antelope Valley Frwy., with Soledad Cyn. Rd. along latter, near jct. on Bee Cyn. with Santa Clara River, R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, June 17, 1971, to 7600 ft. (2317 m.), near Lodgepole Picnic Ground, 1.5 miles s.e. of Dawson Saddle along Angeles Cr. Hwy., R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, July 10, 1969; June-Nov.; rare; transmontane, montane, cismontane at San Antonio Cyn.

FVS: Aug. 30, 1923, P.A. Munz, Lone Pine Cr., Cajon Pass, 4999 ft. (1524 m.) and F.W. Peirson at 4851 ft. (1479 m.) at same location and date.

SBCo.: Cajon Wash, w. of Devore Heights off-ramp from I-215, off old Hwy 395, in wash, June 25, 1992, 2200 ft. (671 m.);

Other records:

Grant D. Brown, Jackson Lake, Big Pines-Valyermo Rd., Nov. 7, 1949, 6498 ft. (1981 m.) also R.F. Thorne, Oct. 10, 1967; P.A. Munz, Cajon Pass, (Lone Pine Cr.), Aug 30, 1923, 4995 ft. (1523 m.); L.C. Wheeler ?, Sportsman’s Park, Glenn Ranch, Lytle Cr., Sep. 15, 1967, no elev. given; Frank W. Peirson, Lone Pine Cyn., Clyde Ranch, Aug. 30, 1923, 4848 ft. (1478 m.)

FVS: Aug. 30, 1923

Atriplex semibaccata R. Br., Australian Saltbush

Native to Australia.

LACo.: Justin M. Wood, ANF Rd. (1N36)/SCE access rd., w. of Van Tassel Cyn., above City of Duarte, Nov. 20, 2008, 1000 ft. (305 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., June 26, 1967, 1800 ft. (548 m.)

FVS: June 26, 1967

SBCo.: Cajon Wash, c. 200 yds. n. of n. terminus of Cajon Rd., on e. side of Cajon Wash in disturbed area, Oct. 29, 1994, 2949 ft. (899 m.)

Other records: None found.

Atriplex serenana A. Nelson var. serenana, Stinking Orach, Bractscale

LACo.: Juniper Hills, 0.4 mi. s. of Jct. of Longview Rd. & Tumbleweed Rd., within 100 m. w. of Longview Rd., July 21, 2005, 3990 ft.

Other records: L.C. Wheeler, Berrell Spring, July 23, 1967, no elev. given

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Clyde Ranch, Oct. 14, 1967

FVS: Oct. 14, 1967

+Atriplex suberecta I. Verd., Sprawling or Peregrine Saltbush

Native to Australia.

LACo.: Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 400 meters n.e. of San Gabriel River Bike Parth parking lot at Hwy. 39 (San Gabriel Cyn. Road-added 2011) Mar. 16, 2009, 745 ft. (227 m.); Azusa, San Gabriel River mouth, 0.9 mi. n. of Sierra Madre Ave., n. side of main river channel, Dec. 6, 2008, 750 ft. (229 m.);

Other records: None found.

FVS: Dec. 6, 2008

SBCo.: No records found.

Bassia hyssopifolia (Pall.) Kuntze, Fivehorn Smotherweed

Native to Eurasia; occasionally confused with Kockia scoparia

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., Caldwell Lake near Valyermo (Sag Pond on the San Andreas Fault, July 20, 1972, 5150 ft. (1570 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Gab. Mts., ½ mi. from Barrel Springs, San Andreas Rift Zone, July 23, 1967, no elev. given.; L.C. Wheeler, Sand Cyn., head of Placerita Canyon. Hwy., Placerita Cyn. Road, Sep. 21, 1968, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

FVS: Sep. 21, 1968


Chenopodium album L., Pigweed, Lambsquarters

[synonyms: C. album var. album and C. album var. candicans Mag. (excluded) and C. album var. centrorubrum Makino (excluded) and C. album var. microphyllum Boenn. and C. album var. missouriense (Aellen) I.J. Bassett & C.W. Crompton and C. album L var. stevensii Aellen]

(probably with several distinct varieties, resembles Chenopodium berlandieri, C. missouriense and C. strictum)

Native to Europe.

LACo.: From 1100 ft. (335 m.), at Fish Cyn., R.F. Thorne & A.C. Gibson, May 22, 1971, to 7600 ft. (2317 m.), near Lodgepole Picnic Ground, 1.5 miles s.e. of Dawson Saddle, along Angeles Crest Hwy., R.F. Thorne, July 10, 1969; May-Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: Sep. 8, 1968, L.C. Wheeler(?), Brook Ranch, 3800 ft. (1159 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to w. of fishing lakes, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 7, 2008, to 7800 ft. (2378 m.) at Mt. Baldy Notch, R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist, July 31, 1971; Apr., June-Aug., Nov.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 5, 1971, R.F. Thorne, San Sevaine Rd. on s. slope of Grapevine Cyn., 2896, ft. (883 m.)

Chenopodium atrovirens Rydb., Pinyon Goosefoot

(synonym: C. incognitum Wahl p.p.)

+/- like C. pratericola Rydb.

LACo.: Sharon Dougherty, Kratka Ridge, Sep. 7, 2001, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); R.F. Thorne & John Olmstead, along Blue Ridge, near upper end of Holiday Hill Ski Lift, Aug. 26, 1965, 8100 ft. (2470 m.); F.R. Fosberg & J. Ewan, along trail near Big Rock-Bear Cr. Divide, June 12, 1931, no elev. given

FVS: June 12, 1931

SBCo.: Peter Fritsch & T.S. Ross, cyn. n. to n.e. of Baldy Notch, July 12, 1990, 6424-7400 ft. (1959-2256 m.); L.C. Wheeler, mouth of Shade Canyon, N. Fork Lytle Cr., Sep. 7, 1967, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Blue Ridge, near LA/SB Co. line, Aug. 31, 1923, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 31, 1923

Chenopodium berlandieri Moq., Pitseed Goosefoot

Generally confused with C. album.

LACo.: From 741 ft. (226 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave. on n. side of Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 12, 2009, to 7380 ft. (2250 m.), at Blue Ridge, in dry lake, 0.4 miles e. of jct. of Hwy. 2 & FS Road 3N06/Blue Ridge Rd., R.G. Swinney, Sep. 4, 2008; May-Nov.; uncommon; all 3 sections

locations by Swinney include:

upper n.e. Fork of Cow Cyn., n. of Cow Cyn. Road, c. 0.7 miles n.w. of Cow Cyn. Saddle; Juniper Hills, 0.4 miles s. of jct. of Longview Rd. & Tumbleweed Rd; Big Rock Cr., at Pardise Springs (Big Rock Cr. Camp), Robert’s Cyn., 0.4-0.7 miles n. of confl. with San Gabriel Cyn.; Sulphur Spring Cmpgrd. area; S. Fork Big Rock Cr.; n. of Glendora, mouth of Pine Cyn., east trib. of Big Dalton Cyn.

FVS: Aug. 7, 1937, Henry J. Ramsey & Mrs. Henry J. Ramsey, Sand Cyn., San Gab. Mts., no elev. given (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: From 2750 ft. (838 m.), at Lost Lake, San Andreas Fault, R.F. Thorne & J. Dourley, Oct. 10, 1967, to 6038 ft. (1841 m.), at Wrightwood, Wright Lake, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 12, 1996; June- Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Sep. 7, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, mouth of Shade (Slade Cyn.-added 2009), N. Fork Lytle Creek, Sep. 7, 1967, no elev. given

Chenopodium berlandieri Moq. var. sinuatum (Murr) Wahl, Pitseed Gooseberry

LACo.: Henry J. Ramsey, Mrs. Henry J. Ramsey, Altadena, Aug. 29, 1937, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary

SBCo.: No records found.

Chenopodium berlandieri Moq. var. zschackii (Murr.) Murr. ex Asch., Zschack’s Goosefoot

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: c. 0.6 miles s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Road & Cajon Rd., Aug. 12, 1996, 2640 ft. (805 m.)

Other records: None found

Chenopodium californicum (S. Watson) S. Watson, California Goosefoot

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1040 ft. (317 m.), at Glendora, 200 meters n. of Sierra Madre Ave. on e. side of Big Dalton Channel, e. of Glendora Mt. Rd., R.G. Swinney, May 11, 1989, to 4736 ft. (1444 m.), off Big Pines Hwy. (Rd. N), near Shoemaker Cyn., Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., May 6, 2005; Mar.-May; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903,

3802 ft. (1159 m.)

SBCo.: From 2040 ft. (622 m.), at mouth of Lytle Cr. Cyn., cyn. behind (150 meters n.w. of), Sycamore Ranger Station, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 23, 1993, to

4999 ft. (1524 m.), at Pinon Hills, w. of Green Rd. & n. of Oak Spring Ranch, R.G. Swinney, June 20, 1996; Feb.-June; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 16, 1903, Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass,

3802 ft. (1159 m.)

Chenopodium desiccatum A. Nelson, Aridland Goosefoot

LACo.: SDEF, head of Dry Lake Cyn. (w. tributary of San Antonio Cyn.) at “Dry Lake”, site of CCC Camp in 1930’s, Aug. 7, 1996, 4999 ft. (1524 m.); Sulphur Spring Cmpgrd., area on S. Fork Littlerock Cr., July 22, 2009; 5199 ft. (1585 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Devil’s Cyn., July 22, 1968, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. California Edison transmission line corridor (Seg. 6, structure 105 per TRTP Survey 2008) Upper Fish Cyn., May 19, 2008, 3234 ft. (986 m.); Tim Ross, Orlando Mistretta, et al., n.e. Tie Summit Station (e. of Angeles Forest Hwy.), July 10, 1990, 5438 ft. (1658 m.); Tim Ross, Colby Cyn., Condor Pk. Quad., Aug. 16, 1991, 3487 ft. (1063 m.); Tim Ross, cyn. 1/5 mi. due e. confl. of Lucas Cr. (Angeles Forest Hwy.), Big Tujunga Cyn., Aug. 16, 1991, 3008 ft. (917 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Big Tujunga at Colby Ranch Road, Oct. 1, 1966, 3200 ft. (975 m.)

FVS: Oct. 1, 1966

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Park, Cajon Cyn., Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given

Chenopodium fremontii S. Watson, Fremont’s Goosefoot

+/- like C. incanum (not recorded for the San Gab.Mts.)

LACo.: From 3283-3286 ft. (1001-1002 m.), at So. Calif. Edison transmission line corridor (Seg. 6, structure 106 & 109 per TRTP Survey 2008) Upper Fish Cyn., Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, May 16, 2008, to 8500 ft. (2591 m.), at Blue Ridge, F.W. Peirson, Aug. 31, 1923; June-Oct.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: Sep. 1904, Geo. R. Hall, Swartout Cyn., 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

SBCo.: From 5399 ft. (1646 m.), at Pinon Hills, c. 0.25-0.5 miles s. of Oak Springs Ranch in Oak Springs Cyn., R.G. Swinney, July 6, 1995, to 8561 ft. (2610 m.), at Ontario Pk., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 14, 1995; June-Oct.; Uncommon

FVS: July 30, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Kelly’s Cabin, San Antonio Mts., Ontario Pk., 8197 ft. (2499 m.)

Chenopodium hians Standl., Hians Goosefoot

(synonym: C. incognitum Wahl)

+/- like C. atrovirens, C. desiccatum, C. leptophyllum.

LACo.: Cedar Cyn., cyn. bottom, 0.75 miles n.w. of Big Pines Hwy., at a point 0.5 miles w. of jct. of Hwy. 2, July 5, 1999, 6120 ft. (1866 m.); dry lake, s.w. of Wrightwood, Blue Ridge, 0.4 miles e. of Hwy. 2 on 3N06, Sep. 4, 1998, 7350 ft. (2241 m.)

Other records:

Valerie L. Soza & LeRoy Gross, Kratka Ridge, upper Little Rock Cr.-Williamson Rock Climbing area, Sep. 14, 1999, 6600 ft. (2012 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Yerba Buena Trail, Tujunga Ranger Distr., Sep. 4, 1992, 4700 ft. (1432 m.); Peter Kamb, Big Tujunga Cyn., (below Trail Cyn. on old rd., July 13, 1948, 1797 ft.

(548 m.)

FVS: July 13, 1948

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, divide n. of Prairie Fk., just about on co. line, but apparently in S.B. County, Aug. 29, 1946, 8130 ft. (2479 m.); I.M. Johnston, Pine Mt., Aug. 12, 1917, 7997 ft. (2438 m.)

FVS: Aug. 12, 1917

Chenopodium leptophyllum (Moq.) Nutt. ex S. Watson, Narrowleaf Goosefoot

+/- like C. hians.

LACo.: 0.8 miles s.e. of jct. of Pine Mt. Ridge & Fish Fk. Trail, July 21, 1998,

7400 ft. (2256 m.)

Other records:

H.A. Wahl, 1 mile w. of Big Pines, Aug. 26, 1966, 6996 ft. (2133 m.); Sharon Doughtery, Kratka Ridge, Sep. 18, 1997, 6799 ft. (2073 m.); L.C. Wheeler, 0.2 mi. inside mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., Nov. 9, 1968, 760 ft. (232 m.); L.C.

Wheeler, n. of Prairie Fk., 1/4 mile s.e. of Blue Ridge Lookout, Aug. 29, 1946, 8400 ft. (2560 m.)

FVS: Aug. 29, 1946

SBCo.: No records found.

Chenopodium missouriense Aellen, Missouri Lambsquarter

[synonym: C. album L. var. missouriense (Aellen) I.J. Bassett & C.W. Crompton] (similar to C. album L.)

Native to c. & e. US.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Altadena, Oct. 28, 1973, no elev. given (possibly south of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: No records found.

Chenopodium muriale L., Nettleleaf Goosefoot

Native to Europe.

LACo.: From 604 ft. (184 m.), at San Gabriel River under the Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of El Encanto Park in Duarte, R.G. Swinney Apr. 13, 2009, to 6101 ft. (1860 m.), at Hawthorne Youth Camp, c. 6 miles w. of Wrightwood, just n. of Big Pines Hwy., near Jackson Lake (wrong label coordinates), Scott D. White & B. Leatherman, July 25, 2001; Mar.-Aug.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: May 15, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, Elsmere Cyn., bottom of cyn. near mouth, 1424 ft. (434 m.)

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to the w. of fishing lakes, Nov. 7, 2008, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Other records: None found.

Chenopodium pratericola Rydb., Meadow Goosefoot

ssp. needed to determine new taxa. +/- like C. atrovirens.

LACo.: From 1400 ft. (427 m.), at Big Tujunga Cyn., R.F. Thorne & J. Dourely, June 26, 1971, to 7500 ft. (2287 m.), at CA Hwy. 2 between Dawson Saddle and jct. of CA Hwy. 39, 1.8 mi. from Dawson Saddle, Wayne E. Sawyer, July 3, 1981 and n.w. of Wrightwood, e. end of Jackson Flat, R.G. Swinney, Sep. 4, 1998; June-Oct.; rare; montane, cismontane

FVS: Aug. 26, 1966, R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, 15 miles w. Big Pines

SBCo.: 1.6 miles w. of San Sevaine Well on San Sevaine Rd., July 21, 1993, 6000 ft. (1829 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, G. Benny, et al., Day Cyn., July 23, 1971, 3000 ft. (915 m.); R.F. Thorne, C. W. Tilforth, et al., mouth of Day Cyn., July 7, 1971, 2900 ft. (884 m.)

FVS: July 7, 1971

Chenopodium rubrum L., Red Pigweed, Goosefoot

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., Caldwell Lake (Sag pond on San Andreas Fault), July 20, 1972, 5150 ft. (1570 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Barrel Springs, Sep 17, 1967, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Caldwell Lake, Aug. 28, 1946,

5150 ft. (1570 m.)

FVS: Aug. 28, 1946

SBCo.: No records found.

Chenopodium strictum Roth var. glaucophyllum (Aellen) Wahl., Lateflowering Goosefoot

[synonym: C. album L. var. striatum (Krasan) ? ined.]

Native to e. US.

LACo.: Vincent Gap, off trail c. 350 meters s.e. of parking area at spring near cyn. bottom, Sep. 4, 1998, 6521 ft. (1988 m.)

Other records:

Sharon Dougherty, Kratka Ridge, Sep. 7 & 18, 1997, 6799 ft. (2073 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Brook Ranch, Sep. 8, 1968, 3800 ft. (1159 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Henniger Flats, Sep. 3, 1970, 2601 ft. (793 m.)

FVS: Sep. 3, 1970

SBCo.: No records found.

Chenopodium watsonii A. Nelson, Watson’s Goosefoot

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Big Tujunga at Colby Ranch Rd., Oct. 1, 1966, 3200 ft. (975 m.) no elev. given.; L.C. Wheeler, Millies Orchard, lower Colby Ranch, Coldwater Cyn., Oct. 1, 1966, 3300 ft. (1006 m.)

FVS: Oct. 1, 1966

SBCo.: No records found.

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult., Winged Pigweed

Native to c. N. America.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, 2 miles n. of Claremont, July 13 & 18, 1932, 1351 ft.

(412 m.) (from Citrus Grove)

SBCo.: No records found.

Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin and Clemants, Mexican Tea

(synonym: Chenopodium ambrosioides L.)

Native to tropical America.

LACo.: From 1063 ft. (324 m.), e. of Hansen Dam, entered at Orcas Ave., parked at Orcas Park, hiked e. of this park along river (just n. of Wentworth St.) but no as far as Tujunga Ponds, LeRoy Gross & Wayne Low, Aug. 8, 2000, to 6599 ft. (2012 m.), at E. Fork Rd. crossing over N. Fork of San Gabriel River, Islip Saddle, T.B. Salvato & Sarah Flack, Aug. 8, 2007; July Aug.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: Oct. 16, 1918, F.W. Peirson, Pacoima Cyn., 1699 ft. (518 m.)

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr., Miller Narrow’s July 13, 1967

Dysphania botrys (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants, Jerusalem Oak, Goosefoot

(synonym: Chenopodium botrys L.)

Native to Europe and Asia.

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), at San Gabriel River Cyn., n. of Azusa, parallel to Hwy. 39, cyn. bottom & adj. slopes along unnamed dirt access rd. to gauging station below Morris Dam, Scott D. White, May 21, 1997, to 6760 ft. (2061 m.), at Big Pines Meadow, w. of Wrightwood, s.w. jct of Hwy 2, Table Mt. Road & Big Pines Rd., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 25, 2009; May-Dec.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: July 4, 1936, L.C. Wheeler, 1 mile n.e. of Glendora, 1000 ft. (304 m.)

SBCo.: S.D. White & Michael Honer, wash, riparian zone & slopes along San Antonio Cr., between Mt. Baldy (town) & Icehouse Cyn., June 29, 2004, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); T.B. Salvato & A.C. Sanders, Cajon Wash at Glen Helen Pkwy., s. of Cajon Blvd., at Devore, May 23, 2006, 2020 ft. (616 m.); Adrian Wolf, alluvial slope s. of mts., north of Hwy. 30 & just e. of Day Cr., Etiwanda Wash, May 9, 1997, (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 9, 1997

Dysphania multifida (L.) Mosyakin & Clements, Cutleaf Goosefoot

(synonym: Chenopodium multifida L.)

Native to S. America.

LACo.: Louis C. Wheeler, ridge on s. side of Millard Cyn., Apr. 13, 1947,

2099 ft. (640 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Dysphania pumilio (R. Br.) Mosyakin & Clemants, Clammy Goosefoot

(synonym: Chenopodium pumilio R. Br.)

Native to Australia.

LACo.: From 636 ft. (194 m.), San Gabriel River wash, Azusa/Duarte border, 0.5 miles n. of Puente Largo Railway Bridge, R.G. Swinney, June 27, 2009 to 4100 ft. (249 m.), at ridge ½ mile WNW Pine Mt., L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 19, 1967; Apr.-Dec.; rare; cismontane

FVS: June 8, 1936, L.C. Wheeler, mouth of Bell Cyn., 2000 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to the w. of fishing lakes, Nov. 7, 2008, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Ranger Station, gravelly flat adjacent to irrigated land, Sep. 15, 1967, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 15, 1967

Grayia spinosa (Hook.) Moq., Spiny Hopsage

LACo.: From 2998 ft. (914 m.), at Little Rock Foothills, M.N. Ackley, May 8, 1927, to 4800 ft. (1463 m.), at Little Rock Cr., Orlando Mistretta, Alimony Ridge, Juniper Hills, May 4, 1992; Apr., May; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: May 13, 1917, F.W. Peirson, near village of Little Rock, n. side of San Gab. Mts.,

SBCo.: N.C. Cooper, San Bernardino Mts., Cajon Pass, Apr. 16, 1949, no elev. given (could be e. of the San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Krascheninnikovia lanata (Pursh) A.Meeuse & Smit, Winterfat

LACo.: From 1197 ft. (365 m.), at Little Dalton Cyn.(n. of Glendora-added 2010), W. Bertsch, Apr. 6, 1954, to 4736 ft. (1444 m.), at Bob’s Gap, on slopes and roadside, and down in the wash, Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., May 6, 2005; Mar.-June; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane at Little Dalton Cyn.

Other records:

7 records from the Little Rock Cr. area; 5 records from Bob’s Gap/Holcomb Ridge area; 2 records from the Big Rock Cr. area; K.A. Wilson, Pearblossom, Valyermo Rd., 2 miles s.e. of 131st. St. E, May 12, 1962, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, R. Carolin, et al., Grandview Cyn., Mar. 23, 1967, 4500 ft. (1372 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Carr Cyn., May 2, 1995, 3400 ft. (1037 m.)

FVS: May 6, 1948, P. Kamb, above Little Rock (desert foothills), 2998 ft.

(914 m.)

SBCo.: Pinon Hills area, Sheep Cr., 0.8 miles s. of Hwy. 138 on Scrub Oak Rd., 80-200 meters w. of rd., May 29, 1995, 4540 ft. (1384 m.)

Other records:

Stephanie Rose, Hwy. 138, 1 mile e. of Pinyon Hills, May 5, 1978,

4002 ft. (1220 m.) (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 5, 1978

Salsola gobicola Lljin, Barbwire Russian Thistle (Current common name uncertain)

[synonyms: S. paulsenii misappl., in part and S. tragus misappl., in part]

Apparently hybridizes with S. tragus and S. paulsenii. Apparently native to Eurasia.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Mescal Cr., just about (s. of) Appletree Flat, Aug. 28, 1946, 6180 ft. (1884 m.), L.C. Wheeler, n. of Prairie Fk., 1/4 mile s.e. of Blue Ridge Lookout, Aug. 29, 1946, 8400 ft. (2561 m.); Roger Minahan, Valyermo, near Big Rock Cr., June 1934, no elev. given

FVS: June, 1934

SBCo.: upper Lytle Cr., 1.6 miles n. of the jct. of FS Roads 3N06 & 3N33, c. 400 meters w. of cmpgrd., June 24, 1993, 5960 ft. (1817 m.)

Other records: None found.

Salsola paulsenii Litv., Barbwire Russian Thistle

Hybridizes with S. tragus. Native to s.e. Europe & c. Asia.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne & J. Dourley, Lone Pine Valley, Oct. 10, 1967, no elev. given

Salsola tragus L., Tumbleweed, Russian Thistle

[synonyms: Salsola australis R. Br. and S. iberica (Sennen & Pau) Botsch ex Czerep.; S. kali L. ruthenica (Iljin) Soo; S. kali L. ssp. tragus (L.) Celak.; S. pestifer A. Nelson]

Extremely variable. Hybridizes with S. paulsenii. Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: From 751 ft. (229 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., w. of Roberts Cyn. on n. side of San Gabriel River channel, R.G. Swinney, Dec. 6, 2008, to 7500 ft. (2287 m.), at CA Hwy. 2 between Dawson Saddle and jct. of CA Hwy. 39, 1.8 mile from Dawson Saddle, Wayne E. Sawyer, July 31, 1981 and at Table Mt. West, n. of Big Pines, R.G. Swinney, Oct. 8, 2008; Feb., June-Dec.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Feb. 25, 1981, Daniel Curran, San Dimas Cyn. Road, 0.3 miles s. of San Dimas Dam

SBCo.: P.H. Raven, Cajon Pass, just below Cajon Cmpgrd., Sep. 17, 1961, 2647 ft. (807 m.); Mabel Esmond, Camp Baldy, June, 1928, no elev. given

FVS: June, 1928

Suaeda nigra (Raf.) J.F. Macbr., Bush Seepweed, Mojave Seabite

[synonym: Suaeda moquinii (Torr.) Greene]

LACo.: s. of Littlerock (added-2012), Carr Cyn., 0.3 miles s.e. of Mt. Emma Rd. Crossing, May 5, 2009, 3119 ft. (951 m.)

Other records:

record in n. Claremont from irrigated citrus grove.

SBCo.: No records found.

Cistaceae Rock-Rose Family

+Cistus incanus L., Hairy Rockrose

[synonyms: C. villosus L. and C. creticus (L.) Heywood and C. incanus L. ssp. incanus]

Native to s. Europe.

LACo.: From 1825 ft. (556 m.) at Glendora, on ridge at 0.3 miles n. of terminus of Rainbow Drive, w. and adj. to W. “Bender Cyn.” (local use only), R.G.Swinney, Apr. 23, 2005, to 5189 ft. (1582 m.), at Mill Cr. Summit, Heliport kust s.e. of ranger station on Pacifico Mt. Rd., (3N17.4), Justin M. Wood, June 1, 2009; Mar.-Aug.; rare; transmontane/montane at Mill Cr. Ranger Station, cismontane

FVS: Mar. 24, 1971, Arthur C. Gibson, rd. into Cobal Cyn., n.e. of Claremont, 2398 ft. (731 m.)

SBCo.: W. Mouw, Lytle Creek Cyn., along roadside in rocky cyn., c. 10 ft. behind first Smoky the Bear Sign, Apr. 18, 1964, 2499 ft. (762 m.)

+Cistus ladanifer L., Common Gum Cistus

Native to s.w. Europe.

LACo.: From 1679 ft. (512 m.), at Claremont, Palmer Cyn., c. 100 meters e. of Cobal Cyn., R.G. Swinney Apr. 8, 1999, to 5189 ft. (1582 m.), Mill Cr. Summit, Heliport just s.e. of ranger station on Pacifico Mt. Road (3N17.4), June 1, 2009; Mar.-Aug.; uncommon; near transmontane at Mill Cr. Summit, montane, cismontantne

Other records:

R.G. Swinney, Claremont, Palmer, Cyn., c. 100 meters e. of Cobal Cyn., Apr. 8, 1999, 1679 ft. (512 m.) (perhaps same population as that det. as Cistus incanus by Arthur C. Gibson, Mar. 24, 1971); W.M. Gaunt, Glendora Mt. Ridge Rd., 0.5 miles s. of & ? (unreadable), to Mt. Baldy, Apr. 30, 1966, 3000 ft. (915 m.) (also det. as Cistus creticus); Andelina Munoz, Big Santa Anita Cyn., along water trail to fire rd., Apr. 16, 1988, 2001 ft. (610 m.) (also det. as Cistus incanus); Jack Delaini, a few plants scattered along s. side of Johnstone Pk. Rd., at head of cyn., May 9, 1974, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, Chantry Flats, along trail to Santa Anita Cyn., Apr. 23, 1971, 2000 ft. (610 m.); Lori Ackerman & Geral Braden, n. end of W. Fork River, Apr. 22, 1988, no elev. given (also det. as Cistus creticus)

FVS: Mar. 30, 1961, Bland Ewing, Brown Mt. Fire Control Rd., El Prieto Cyn., Altadena, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Cistus laurifolius L., Laurel Rockrose

Native to n. Africa.

LACo.: A.M. Beck, San Gab. Mts., Angeles Crest Hwy., June 3, 1970, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Cistus salvifolius L., Salvia Cistus

(synonym: C. salvifolius orth. var.)

Native to s. Europe.

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta, Duncan Bell, et al., n. edge of the San Gab. Mts., Soledad Cyn., substation in the vic. of Vincent., May 2, 2008, no elev. given; T.S. Ross & Walter Appleby, southerly daw c. 515 meters SSW of May Cyn. Saddle draining to Wilson Cyn., Apr. 15, 1993, 3316 ft. (1011 m.)

FVS: Apr. 15, 1993

SBCo.: No records found.

+Helianthemum scoparium Nutt., Bisbee Peak Rushrose

(synonym: H. suffrutescens B. Schreib.)

LACo.: From 1160 ft. (354 m.), at Glendora, n. terminus of Glencoe Heights Rd., R.G. Swinney, July 14, 1989, to 2499 ft. (762 m.), above Santa Anita Cyn., Valerie Soza & LeRoy Gross, c. 0.7 miles w. of Santa Anita Dam, May 14, 2001; Apr.-July; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: May 24, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Fulkerson’s Ranch, Claremont, 2398 ft. (731 m.)

SBCo.: From 2000 ft. (610 m.), at 2 miles n.w. of Lytle Cr. Road on dirt frontage rd., Dunn Cyn. Road & Lytle Creek jct., R.G. Swinney, June 18, 1993 and mouth of Day Cyn., at n. end of Etiwanda Ave., John Wear & Nathon Moorhatch, May 12, 1994 to 4600 ft. (1402 m.), at Stoddard Pk., s. of Barrett Village & w. of Stoddard Flat, R.G. Swinney, June 15, 1996; Apr.-Aug., Oct., Nov.; uncommon; Cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 1-3, 1900, H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., 2496 ft. (761 m.)

Cleomaceae Spiderflower Family

(Capparaceae - Caper Family)

Peritoma arborea (Nutt.) H.H. Iltis, Bladderpod, Spiderflower

[synonyms: Cleome isomeris Greene and Isomeris arborea Nutt.] Vars. +/- distinct.

LACo.: Duarte, due w. of Fish Cyn. mouth, s. spur of s.w. end of Van Tassel Ridge, several in area recently cleared of brush along the upper Fish Cyn. Tr., Feb. 22, 1997, 1899 ft. (579 m.); Glendora, 2.5 mi. n.w. of Big Dalton Cyn. Rd. at Glendora Mt. Rd., c. 100 m. below (s.) of rd., 1 plant in small area burned in 1993, perhaps hydro-seeded, Mar. 19, 1994, 1800 ft. (548 m.)

Other records:

Kelly & David Middleton, Glendora Ridge Rd., 8.4 mi. n. of Glendora, May 23, 1988, 3500 ft. (1066 m.); J.C. Roos, n. base of San Gabriel Mts., Big Rock Spring, May 31, 1947, no elev. given

FVS: May 31, 1947

SBCo.: No records found.

Peritoma serrulata (Pursh) DC, Rocky Mountain Beeplant

(synonym: Cleome serrulata Pursh)

Native to Great Plalins, etc. perhaps only a waif in CA.

LACo.: Rimo Bacigalupi & Leroy Custer, mouth of Holcomb Cyn., Aug. 9, 1952, 3897 ft. (1188 m.); P.A. Munz, 1 mile n. of Claremont, Apr. 20, 1924, 1397 ft. (426 m.) (possibly just s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Apr. 20, 1924

SBCo.: No records found.

Cleomella obtusifolia Torr. & Frem., Mojave Stinkweed or Cleomella

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: E.M. Hoak, Cajon Camp, Oct. 12, 1930, 2896 ft. (883 m.)

Convolvulaceae Morning Glory Family

(Cuscutaceae – Dodder Family)

Calystegia longipes (S. Watson) Brummitt, Paiute False Bindweed

Intergrades with C. peirsonii in LA County.

LACo.: Henry J. Ramsey & Mrs. Henry J. Ramsey, Sand Cyn., n. of Pacoima Reservoir, June 27, 1937, no elev. given; T.S. Ross, Moody Cyn. (aka. “The Toilet Bowl of Death”); draining northward from Messenger Flats and Mt. Gleason, June 1, 1990, 3800 ft. (1158-1341 m.); LeRoy Gross, F.S. Road Survey, Santa Clara Divide, along rd. (3N17.6) from N. Fork Saddle Station east to near 34.37875, 118.23062, June 19, 2006, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta, Mt. Gleason Management Unit, Mt. Gleason, Tujunga Ranger District, Aug. 20, 1992, no elev. given; A.D.E. Elmer, Acton, July 1902, no elev. given

FVS: July, 1902

SBCo.: No records found.

+Calystegia macrostegia (Greene) Brummitt ssp. arida (Greene) Brummitt, Island False Bindweed

Intergrades with C. macrostegia ssp. intermedia and C. occidentalis ssp. fulcrata and probably with C. peirsonii.

(See publication http://tchester. org/plants/analysis/calystegia/macrostegia.html - ssp. “intermedia” & ssp. “tenuifolia” of Calystegia macrostegia, are not distinct from ssp. arida as originally defined.) [those two ssp. will be referred to as C. macrostegia ssp. arida in this publication - they are perhaps environmentally (climatically) induced]. (It will be assumed that in our area, the nominate ssp. has not been det. to the ssp. level and will be included here)

Most common after fires.

LACo.: From 745 ft. (227 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 400 meters n.e. of River Bike Path parking lot, at Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 16, 2009, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at E. Table Mt. summit, Wrightwood area, July 2, 1998; Mar.-July, Dec.; common; cismontane

FVS: June 28, 1918, F.W. Peirson, foothills e. of Rubio Cyn., 1899 ft. (579 m.)

SBCo.: From 2401 ft. (732 m.), at c. 12 air miles n.w. of SB. in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2.4 miles n. of I-15 Frwy, J. Henrickson, May 1, 1985, to 5058 ft.

(1542 m.), at Cherry Cyn., “Flats” (“dry lake”), at s.w. base of Sugarloaf Pk., R.G. Swinney, June 18, 1996; Jan., Apr.-July: fairly common; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 16, 1971, Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., no elev. given

+Calystegia occidentalis (A. Gray) Brummitt ssp. fulcrata (A. Gray) Brummitt, Chaparral False Bindweed

Intergrades with C. macrostegia ssp. arida and C. occidentalis ssp. occidentalis

LACo.: From 2200 ft. (670 m.), at San Dimas Cyn., L.C. Wheeler & C.W. Tilforth, June 24, 1936, to 8300 ft. (2530 m.), at Blue Ridge just w. of Guffy Camp, on ridegtop and slopes above FS Road 3N06, Valerie Soza & Naomi Fraga, June 13, 2003; May-Aug., Oct.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: June 22, 1892, C.E. Hutchinson, San Gabriel Cyn., Coldwater Cyn.,?,

4497 ft. (1371 m.)

SBCo.: From 2401 ft. (732 m.), 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15 Frwy., James Henrickson, May 10, 1985, to

5599 ft. (1707 m.), at Bear Flat, n. of Baldy Village, R.G. Swinney, July 12, 1995; May-July; fairly common; montane, cismontane

FVS: May 10, 1985

Calystegia occidentalis (A. Gray) Brummitt, ssp. occidentalis, Chaparral False Bindweed

LACo.: Ruth B. Randall, Rec. Grounds, Big Pines, July 9, 1931, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

+Calystegia peirsonii, (Abrams) Brummitt, Peirsons False Bindweed

Intergrades with C. longipes (coastal mainland) and C. macrostegia and C. occidentalis ssp. occidentalis.

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. /C2

CRPR 4.2 S3.2 G3

LACo.: From 3210-3230 ft. (978-984 m.), 500 meters NNW of May Cyn. Saddle, T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd., June 30, 1997, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at Lightning [=Blue?] Ridge at the jct. of FS Road 3N06 & Angeles Crest Hwy., c. 4 miles n.w. of the co. line & 5 miles n.w. of Wrightwood, David Charlton, June 16, 1986; Apr.-June; rare; transmontane

FVS: May 25, 1923, P.A. Munz, Big Rock Cr., 4200 ft. (1280 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Convolvulus arvensis L., Orchard Morning-glory, Field Bindweed

Native to Europe.

LACo.: Valerie Soza & Kent Hughes, foothills above Glendora, w. of Colby Tr., at end of Loraine Ave., open flat grassland on ridgetop in clay soil, June 4, 1999, 1200 ft. (366 m.); records by L.C. Wheeler are from irrigated groves and will not be noted. E.S. Spalding, Arroyo Seco, Apr. 26, 1925, (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Apr. 26, 1925

SBCo.: Lone Pine Valley, Clyde Ranch, s. side of Lone Pine Rd., Aug. 23, 1994, 4920 ft. (1500 m.)

Other records: None found.

Cuscuta californica Hook. & Arn., Chaparral Dodder

(synonym: C. californica Hook. & Arn. var. breviflora Engelm.)

LACo.: From 1050 ft. (320 m.), at Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, Big Dalton Cyn. Spreading Grounds (Percolation Basin-added 2011), R.G. Swinney, Aug. 23, 1989, to 8197 ft. (2499 m.), at ridge s. of Swartout Valley, P.A. Munz Aug. 31,1923; Mar.-Oct.; common; all 3 areas Mar.-Oct.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: June 21, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: From 2801 ft. (854 m.), at Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash, c. 1-2 miles s. of Hwy. 138 crossing, Scott D. White, May 1, 1997, to 7997 ft. (2438 m.), at Pine Mt.; I.M. Johnson, Aug. 22, 1917; Feb., Apr., May, July, Aug.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Aug. 22, 1917

Cuscuta californica Hook. & Arn. var. californica, California Dodder, Chaparral Dodder

LACo.: From 699 ft (274 m.), at San Gabriel Cyn., across the river, s. of the gauging station, L.C. Wheeler, July 6, 1967, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at Blue Ridge, R.F. Thorne & J. Dourley, Oct. 10, 1967; May-Oct.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 9, 1931, L.C. Wheeler, San Antonio Cyn., 3000 ft. (915 m.)

SBCo.: From 2221 ft. (677 m.), at Cajon Wash, w. of Devore Heights offramp, from old Hwy. 395, at base of mt., w. side of wash, w. of RR Tracks, R.G. Swinney & Mike Riggs, Sep. 28, 1991, to 6720 ft. (2049 m.), at Cucamonga Wilderness Trail, c. 0.7 miles n.w. of trailhead at Big Tree Memorial, c. 200 yards s. of trail., host plant is Eriogonum wrightii & Galium sp., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 18, 1994; June-Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Oct. 20, 1952, Benjamin C. Stone, rd. to Mt. San Antonio in San Antonio Cyn., 2998 ft. (914 m.)

Cuscuta campestris Yunck., Field Dodder

(synonym: C. pentagona Engelm., Fiveangled Dodder) (recent work has shown that C. campestris and C. pentagona are distinct spp., and that the latter does not occur in California)


LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, June 24, 1989, 1197 ft.

(365 m.)

Other records:

LeRoy Gross & Wayne Law, Big Tujunga Wash, e. of Hansen Dam, entrered at Orcas Ave., parked at Orcas Park, hiked e. of this park along river but not as far as the Tujunga Ponds (just n. of Wentworth St.), Aug. 8, 2000, 1063 ft. (324 m.);

L.C. Wheeler, Devil’s Gate Dam, Pasadena, Oct. 6, 1965, no elev. given

FVS: Oct. 6, 1965

SBCo.: No records found.

Cuscuta denticulata Engelm., Small-tooth Dodder, Desert Dodder

LACo.: Boulder Cyn. Wash, s. of e.-w. road that runs through Big John Flat, wash bottom in ravine, host plants = Artemissia ludoviciana & Scutellaria siphocampyloides (also det. as Cuscutta indecora)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., slopes e. of Little Rock Reservoir, May 8, 1992,

3500 ft. (1067 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., just n. of guard station along Little Rock Cr., below dam, July, 12, 1995, 3200 ft. (976 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Barrel Springs, San Andreas Rift Zone, July 23, 1967, no elev. given; K. Brandegee, Ravenna, no date, no elev. given (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: July 23, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

Cuscuta indecora Choisy var. indecora , Large-seeded Dodder, Bigseed Alfalfa Dodder

(synonym: C. indecora var. neuropetala (Engelm.) Hitchc.

LACo.: Boulder Cyn. Wash, s. of e.-w. road that runs through Big John Flat, June 21, 1999, 5360 ft. (1634 m.) (also det. as Cuscuta denticulata)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: San Dimas Experimental Forest, introduced weed, SDEF, 1988; L.C. Wheeler, Cajon Cyn., s.e. of Lost Lake, July 17, 1948, 2699 ft. (823 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Glenn Ranch, Lytle Cr. (Sports Park), Sep. 15, 1967, no elev. given;

L.C. Wheeler, Lost Lake, Lone Pine Cyn., Oct. 1, 1933, no elev. given

FVS: Oct. 1, 1933

Cuscuta subinclusa Durand & Hilg., Canyon Dodder

(synonym: Cuscuta ceanothi Behr)

LACo.: Horse Flats, 1 air mile NNW of Newcomb’s Ranch at Hwy. 2 (Angeles Crest Hwy.), host = Artemisia ludoviciana, July 23, 2009, 5642 ft. (1720 m.); Sulphur Spring Cmpgrd., on S. Fork Littlerock Cr., host = Datisca glomerata, July 22, 2009, 5199 ft. (1585 m.)

Other records:

Tim Ross, between Coldwater Cyn. & Wickiup Cyn., (s. side of Big Tujunga Cr.), July 10, 1992, 3178-3198 ft. (969-975 m.); Albert J. Perkens, Santa Anita Cyn., Siera Madre, Oct. 20, 1912, no elev. given, host plant = Malosma laurina; Anstruther Davidson, Millard’s Cyn., Pasadena, Sep., 1890

FVS: Sep., 1890

SBCo.: San Sevaine Mtwy., 8.3 miles n.e. of Skyline & Olive in Rancho Cucamonga, with Mike Riggs, Aug. 18, 1994, 5370 ft. (1637 m.);

Dichondra micrantha Urb., Dichondra, False Pennywort, Kidneyweed, Asian Ponysfoot

Probable origin is neotropics. Easily confused with D. donelliana Tharp. & M.C. Johnst.

LACo.: Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.8 miles n. of Foothill Blvd, in main river channel, Dec. 2, 2008, 640 ft. (195 m.)

Other records:

Andrew C. Sanders, Long abandoned gravel pit on boundary between Irwindale & Azusa, e. of Irwindale Ave, s. of 210 Frwy (which bisects pit) and n. of Santa Fe RR, e. of San Gabrfel River, May 26, 2003, 561 ft. (171 m.) (just s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 26, 2003

SBCo.: No records found.

Cornaceae Dogwood Family

Cornus nuttallii Audubon ex Torr. & A. Gray, Mountain or Pacific Dogwood

LACo.: I.M. Johnstone, Cascade Cyn., w. end, Ontario Pk., June 28, 1924, no elev. given

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 13, 1968, 4600 ft.

(1402 m.)

Cornus sericea L. ssp. occidentalis (Torr. & A. Gray) Fosberg, Western Dogwood

LACo.: W. of Wrightwood, c. 0.5 miles s.e. of Big Pine Forest Service Center on Blue Ridge Nature Trail, c. 100 ft. w. of trail in stream botton, June 11, 1994,

7400 ft. (2256 m.); P.A. Munz, head of Swartout Valley, June 18, 1921, 6800 ft. (2073 m.)

Other records:

P.A. Munz, head of Swartout Valley, June 18, 1921, 6800 ft. (2073 m.)

FVS: June 18, 1921

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 13, 1968, 4600 ft.

(1402 m.)

Cornus sericea L. ssp. sericea, American Dogwood, Redosier Dogwood

LACo.: From 5196 ft. (1584 m.), at woods along Praire Fk., Robert F. Thorne & John Olmsted, Aug. 26, 1965, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), w. of Wrightwood, Blue Ridge Trail, c. 1.2 miles s.e. of Hwy. 2 in a small canyon trib. to Sawmill Cyn., R.G. Swinney, June 25, 1997; June-Aug.; rare; montane.

FVS: June, 1899, H.M. Hall, San Antonio Mts., Mescal Cr.

SBCo.: F.W. Peirson, 1.5 miles e. of Big Pines, Swarthout Valley, July 5, 1922, 6500 ft. (1982 m.); H.M. Hall, desert side of San Antonio Mts., June 12, 1899, 6498 ft. (1981 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary) (possibly the same H.M. Hall listed for LACo. above)

FVS: June 12, 1899

Crassulaceae Stonecrop Family

Crassula colligata Toelken ssp. lamprosperma Toelken, (no common name found)

Native to s. Australia.

LACo.: Steve Boyd, vicinity of Irwindale, e. of the San Gabriel River, & w. of gravel pits, just n. of Foothill Blvd., c. 600 m. w. of Irwindale Ave., Jan. 17, 2003, 581 ft. (177 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Crassula connata (Ruiz & Pav.) A. Berger, Sand Pygmy-weed

No subtaxa recog. by TJM-2012. Three will be listed below and indented.

LACo.: From 581 ft. (177 m.), at vic. of Irwindale, e. of the San Gabriel River & W. of gravel pits, just n. of Foothill Blvd., c. 600 meters w. of Irwindlae, to 3183 ft.

(970 m.), at Bichota Mesa, N.Fk. San Gabriel River, L.C. Wheeler, Mar. 15, 1968; Mar.-May (no elev. given on voucher, 3183 ft. is high point at Bichota Mesa-added 2010); Mar.-May; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: May 12, 1928, M.N. Ackley, Eaton Wash, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: E. side of mouth of Lytle Cr. Cyn., c. 100 meters n. of Devore Rd., 250 meters w. of FS Road 1N32, Mar. 8, 1993, 2040 ft. (622 m.)

Other records:

Steven R. Hill, vicinity of Lost Lake, straddling the San Andreas Fault, Lost Lake Rd., w. of I-15 Frwy., Apr. 25, 2001; L.C. Wheeler, Meyer Cyn., off Lytle Cr., Mar. 6, 1968, 2300 ft. (701 m.)

FVS: Mar. 6, 1968

Synonym Crassula connata (Ruiz & Pav.) A. Berger ssp. connata, Sand Pygmyweed (status uncertain)

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Sunset Ridge, by Millard Cyn., Apr. 23, 1967, no elev. given.; L.C. Wheeler, Limekilm Cyn., Apr. 30, 1967, 1800 ft. (549 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Altadena, Oak Grove Park, Devil’s Gate Dam, Apr. 26, 1948, 1054 ft. (321 m.)

FVS: Apr. 26, 1948

SBCo.: No records found.

Synonym Crassula connata (Ruiz & Pav.) A. Berger var. erectoides, no common name found (status uncertain)

LACo.: Azusa/Duarte boundary, 1.2 miles north of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of Encanto Pkwy., confl. of Van Tassel & San Gabriel Cyn., at w. bank of San Gabriel River, Mar. 13, 2009, 630 ft. (192 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., Apr. 19, 1969, 1500 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: Apr. 19, 1969

SBCo.: No records found.

Synonym Crassula connata (Ruiz & Pav.) A. Berger var. subsimplex (S. Watson) Bywater & Wickens, common name not found (status uncertain)

LACo.: Ernest Braunton, Glendora (brief data, maybe just s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary-added 2009), Jan. 15, 1903

SBCo.: No records found.

+Crassula tetragona L., Miniature or Chinese Pine lTree

Native to s. Africa.

LACo.: Mike Hammitt & Jason Rick, Arroyo Seco Cyn. between Gould Mesa Picnic Area & Nino Picnic Area, June 25, 1991, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Crasssula tillaea Lester Garland, Moss Pygmy-weed

[synonyms: Crassula muscosa (L.) Roth and Tillaea muscosa L.]

Native to Medit.

LACo.: From 554 ft. (169 m.), at Azusa/Irwindale, between the I-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd. on w. side of San Gabriel River Channel, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 7, 2009, to 3520 ft. ( (1073 m.), w. & s.w. of Horse Cyn. Saddle, along on old roadcut (ultimately joining Lower Monroe Rd.) that marks the n.w. boundary of SDEF, T.S. Ross, Apr. 21, 1992; Jan., Mar.-May; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 23, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, n. slope of sunset ridge at edge of firebrake by Millard Cyn., 1801 ft. (549 m.)

SBCo.: A.C. Sanders, Tracy Tennant, et al., Etiwanda, w. side of Etiwanda Cr. on n. side of Hwy. 30 (Highland Ave.), Mar. 12, 1998, 1450 (442 m.) (just s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Dudleya abramsii Rose, Abrams’ Liveforever

LACo.: R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Aliso Cr., 1.5 miles e. of confl., June 29, 1971, 2801 ft. (854 m.)

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth et al., along Lytle Cr.-Cajon Cyn., Cut-off, c. 2 miles SSW of Lost Lake, June 29, 1972, 2798 ft. (853 m.)

+Dudleya cymosa (Lem.) Britton & Rose, Canyon Liveforever

LACo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at San Dimas Cyn., at waterfall in main fork, c. 600 meters n. of confl. with E. Fk., R.G. Swinney & Dave Larson, May 29, 1999, to 4750 ft. (1448 m.), s.w. of Pinon Hills, 0.2 miles due e. of reservoir of mouth of Mescal Cyn., R.G. Swinney & Vanessa Merritt, June 12, 1998; May-Aug., Oct.; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: May 30, 1998, R.G. Swinney, SDEF, Fern Cyn., 2919 ft. (890 m.)

SBCo.: Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., major trib. on s. side, c. 350 meters w. of Stone House Crossing & c. 500 m. up south trib. to first major fk., Sep. 26, 1992,

5852 ft. (1784 m.); N. Fk. Barrett Cyn., 0.5 miles n.e. of Barret Village & Barret-Stoddard Rd., June 15, 1996, 4500 ft. (1372 m.); Coldwater Cyn., Aug. 14, 1993, 6101 ft. (1860 m.); Baldy Bowl area, near Sierra Ski Hut, in small trib. with springs, e. of San Antonio Cyn., e. springs, July 13, 1995, 8039 ft. (2451 m.); Lytle Cr. cyn., 0.1 miles n. of Sycamore Dr. on Lytle Cr. Road on undisturbed bank, several feet above rd., June 23, 1994

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, Icehouse Cyn., Chapman Trail, June 7, 1993, 6650 ft.

(2027 m.)

FVS: Sep. 26, 1992

+Dudleya cymosa (Lem.) Britton & Rose ssp. crebrifolia K.M. Nakai & Verity, San Gabriel River Dudleya

Status: CNPS List: 1B R-E-D Code 3-1-3 State/Fed. Status: /C2

CRPR 1B.2 S1.2 G5T1 Fish Canyon, San Gab. Mts.

LACo.: S.D. White & P. Devries, s. foothills above Irwindale, Fish Cr. Cyn., from the mouth of cyn. at CalMat. Quarry, upstream to falls, May 18, 2000,

1000-1400 ft. (305-427 m.); W. Wisura & Orlando Mistretta, Roberts Cyn., off San Gabriel Cyn., Aug. 29, 1989, no elev. given; K. Nakai, Fish Cyn., c. 1.5 km. from mouth of cyn., June 24, 1981, 1296 ft. (395 m.)

FVS: June 24, 1981

SBCo.: No records found.

+Dudleya cymosa (Lem.) Britton & Rose ssp. cymosa , Canyon Liveforever

[synonym: D. cymosa ssp. gigantea (Rose) Moran] Variable; needs study. Hybrids with D. lanceolata suspected.

LACo.: Mark Elvin & Anne Marie Ruff, Glendora Ridge Rd. (gate) s. side of rd., on curve, Aug. 1, 1996, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

+Dudleya cymosa (Lem.) Britton & Rose ssp. pumila (Rose) K.M. Nakai, Canyon Dudleya (Liveforever)

Hybrids with D. lanceolata suspected.

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), at San Gabriel River Cyn., n. of Azusa, cyn. bottom & adj. slopes, below Morris Dam, May 8, 1997, to 8495 ft. (2590 m.), Ontario Ridge, F.W. Peirson, July 7, 1918 and Ontario Park, I.M. Johnston, July 30, 1917; Apr.-Aug.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: July 1901, L.R. Abrams, Wilson’s Trail, 4497 ft. (1371 m.)

SBCo.: From 3198 ft. (975 m.), at Day Cyn., I.M. Johnston, July 15, 1917, to 8662 ft. (2641 m.), at “Etiwanda Pk.”, c. 0.9 miles n.e. of Cucamonga Pk., on same ridge, June 22, 2000; Apr.-Aug.: Uncommon

Locations only: Upper Lytle Cr. Divide; S. Fork Lytle Cr.; W. Fork of trib. to Deer Cyn., 1st major trib. to Deer Cyn.; Ontario Pk. (w. end); San Antonio Falls; Lytle Cr., near Glen Ranch; n. to n.e. of Baldy Notch; Cascade Cyn.; Icehouse Cyn.

FVS: July 15, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Day Cyn., 3201 ft. (976 m.)

+Dudleya densiflora (Rose) Moran, San Gabriel Mountains (Liveforever) Dudleya

(synonym: Stylophyllum densiflorum Rose (basionym)

Status: CNPS List: 1B R-E-D Code: 3-2-3 State/Fed. Status C2

CRPR 1B.1 S1.1 G 1 San Gabriel Mts. only.

LACo.: Confined to narrow range of cyns. centered around lower San Gabriel Cyn.

San Gabriel Cyn., description vague - 2 records by Williams, B.C. Templeton

San Gabriel Cyn., near second river bridge: H.G. Rush

Fish Cyn.: 6 records by Jack Whitehead & Scott E. Haselton, F.W. Peirson, Ervin H. Miller, R.F. Thorne & A.C. Gibson, J.T. Howell

El Enconto area: W. Wisura & Orlando Mistretta

Mouth of San Gabriel Cyn. to 1.0 mi. north of mouth: 3 records by D.F. Howe, Percy Everret, L.C. Wheeler

Roberts Cyn.: L.C. Wheeler, W. Wisura & Orlando Mistretta

Below & above Morris Dam: 2 records by B.C. Templeton, Scott D. White

Mt. Islip: Anstruther Davidson (no date or elev. given)

Apr.-Aug., Oct.; cismontane; elev. range = 449-1447 ft. (152-441 m.)

FVS: 1917, Williams, San Gabriel Cyn.

SBCo.: No records found.

Dudleya lanceolata (Nutt.) Britton & Rose, Lanceleaf Dudleya (Liveforever)

(Synonym: D. cymosa (Lem.) Britton & Rose ssp. minor (Rose) Moran

CA & Baja CA, Mex.; hybrids with D.cymosa, D. pulverulenta and D. saxosa suspected.

LACo.: From 590 ft. (180 m.), at San Gabriel River Wash, Azusa, alluvial fan, e. & w. of levee, Scott D. White, May 22, 1997, to 4500 ft. (1372 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., 1.5 mi. above second tunnel at mountain rd. turnoff, Fred Brooks, May 7, 1988; Apr.-Aug.; common; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: June, 1899, Smith, Claremont, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

SBCo.: From 1523 ft. (610 m.), at 2 miles n.w. of Lytle Creek Rd. on dirt frontage rd., Dunn Cyn. Road & Lytle Creek jct., R.G. Swinney, June 18, 1993, and Lytle Creek Rd. at 1.4 mi. from Nealy’s Corner, S.L. Lockey, May 27, 1973, to 4034 ft. (1230 m.), at c. 100 meters s.e. of Spring Hill area, c. 100 meters w. of Barrett-Stoddard Rd. (FS Rd. 2N04), R.G. Swinney, July 6, 1994; Apr.-July; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: July 1, 1882, S.B. Parish, W.F. Parish, Cucamonga Mt., no elev. given

+Dudleya multicaulis (Rose) Moran, Many-stemmed Dudleya(Liveforever)

Status: CNPS List: 1B R-E-D Code: 1-2-3 State/Fed. Status: /C2

CRPR 1B.2 S2

LACo.: Glendora, e. area of South Hills, e. of Eagle Ridge, n. of new development in protected natural area, May 2, 1990, 800 ft. (244 m.) (S. of San Gab. Mts. boundary.)

Other records:

Jerome S. Horton, San Dimas Cyn., SDEF, May 8, 1937, 1699 ft.

(518 m.); C.W. Tilforth, Jjohnston’s Pasture, May 30, 1971, D.E. Branlet, Johnston’s Pasture, May 5, 1980, R.Moran, Johnston’s Pasture, Mar. 23, 1938; L.C. Wheeler, Marshall Cr., Apr. 27, 1934, 1600’s ft.; O.F. Clarke, near mouth of San Dimas Cyn., June 7, 1977, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, n. of Claremont, Johnston’s Pasture, May, 1917, 2000’s ft.; Mar.-May

FVS: May, 1917

SBCo.: No records found.

Dudleya pulverulenta (Nutt.) Britton & Rose, Chalk Lettuce (Dudleya)

[synonym: D. pulverulenta (Nutt.) Britton &Rose var. pulverulenta] (hybridizes with D. lanceolata)

LACo.: T.S. Ross, Wilson Cyn., along the riparian strip, May 27, 1993, 1930- 2040 ft. (588 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Limekilm Cyn., Apr. 30, 1967, 2500 ft.

(670-762 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Pacoima Cyn., 1/4 mi. upstream from Dutch Louie Cmpgrd., June 12, 1961, 2348 ft. (716 m.); Michael C. Long, Placerita Cyn., c. 0.7 miles e. of Placerita Cyn. Nature Center, Apr. 1, 1983, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Elsmere Cyn., near mouth, June 26, 1967, 1425 ft. (434 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., Apr. 25, 1935, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: Apr. 25, 1935

SBCo.: Cucamonga Cyn., c. 0.5 miles n. of W. Almond Ave. (dirt extension), June 11, 1994, 2181 ft. (665 m.); Cucamonga Cyn., north of Cucamonga Cr. Percolation Basin, n. of dirt extension of W. Almond, Apr. 30, 1994, c. 2250 ft. (684 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Apr. 30, 1994

+Dudleya saxosa (M.E. Jones) Britton & Rose, Panamint Liveforever

LACo.: with Vanessa Merritt, Mescal Cr., 3 miles w. of Pinon Hills, 2.1 miles s. of Ft. Tejon Rd., at 237th St. East (Mescal Cyn. Rd.), 0.7 miles n.e. of mouth of Mescal Cyn., at Reservoir between Mescal Cyn. Road & Mescal Cr., June 12, 1998, 4520 ft. (13r8 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

+Dudleya saxosa (M.E. Jones) Britton & Rose ssp. aloides (Rose) Moran, Panamint Liveforever

Expected in Baja CA, Mex.; hybrids with D. lanceolata suspected, possible recognition of D. alainae Reiser, in need of study.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Lytle Cr. Cyn., community of Lytle Cr., 0.1 mile n. of Sycamore Dr. on Lytle Cr. Rd. (east rd shoulder on low bank, w.-facing exposure-added 2009), June 23, 1994, 2401 ft. (:1037 m.)

Other records: None found.

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Poelln., Madagascar Widow’s-thrill

Native to Africa, Madagascar.

LACo.: R.G. Thorne & A.C. Gibson, near mouth of Fish Cyn., May 22, 1971,

800 ft. (243 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Sedum obtusatum A. Gray, Sierra Stonecrop

LACo.: Anstruther Davidson, Mt. Disappointment, June 12, 1893, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Sedum spathulifolium Hook., Yellow or Broadleaf Stonecrop

[synonym: Sedum spathulifolium Hook. ssp. pruinosum (Britton) B. Boivin] (variable, integrating complex)

LACo.: From 1800 ft. (549 m.), at San Gabriel River, W. Fork between Bear Cr. & Cogswell Dam, Scott D. White & Justin M. Wood, May 6, 2009, to 4517 ft.

(1377 m.), at Glendora Ridge Rd., on the divide between Upper E. Fork San Dimas Cyn. and Cow Cyn., 0.65 road-miles w. of Fallen Leaf Spring, T.S. Ross & Annette H. Ross, Nov 22, 1991; Apr.-July, Sep., Nov., Dec.; rare; cismontane

FVS: July, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Switzers Pk. ?

SBCo.: S. Fork Lytle Cr., c. 75 meters w. of Bonita Falls, June 20, 1994, 3280 ft. (1000 m.); FS Road 1N34 (Big Tree Truck Rd.), c. 100 meters s. of Calamity Cyn. & 2 miles e. of jct. of Skyline & Almond Ave., in Cucamonga, June 28, 1994, 5199 ft. (1585 m.); Stoddard Cyn., c. 0.5 miles s.e. of Stoddard Flats, c. 100 yards e. of Cucamonga Truck Tr. (FS Rd. 1N35), Apr. 30, 1994, 4389 ft.

(1341 m.); mouth of S. Forkk. Lytle Cr., on s. side of creek, SSW of village of Scotland, Aug. 10, 1993, 3001 ft.

(915 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Cyn., June 7, 1919, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, Ontario Pk., June 15, 1917, 6196 ft. (1889 m.); Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 30, 1971, 3805 ft. (1160 m.); I.M. Johnston, Day Cyn., July 15, 1917, no elev. given and Colin M. Wainwright, June 9, 1971; I.M. Johnston, San Gab. Mts., w. end of Ontario Pk., June 15, 1917, 6196 ft. (1889 m.)

FVS: June 15,1917 (two entries above)

Cucurbitaceae Gourd Family

Citrullus lanatus (Thurb.) Matsum. & Nakai var. citroides L.H.Bailey Mnsf., Wild Watermelon

[synonym: C. colosynthis var. lanatus (Thumb.) Matsum & Nakai]

Native to s. Africa.

LACo.: T.A. Ross & Orlando Mistretta, E. Fork San Gabriel River, 0.35 miles w. of Williams Flat, Oct. 24, 1990

SBCo.: No records found.

Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth, Calabazilla, Stinking Gourd, Buffalo Gourd, Missouri Gourd

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Big John Flat, Sep. 7, 1968, 5500 ft. (1677 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Acton, Soledad Cyn., June 17, 1971, c. 2700 ft. (823 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Big Tujunga Wash, July 30, 1967, 1400 ft. (426 m.); L.C. Wheeler, 2 miles NNE of LaVerne, dry field, Aug. 22, 1931, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 22, 1931

SBCo.: Cajon Cyn., Swarthout Cyn. Road, 400 yds. n. (should be w.-change made 2010), of Old Hwy. 395, (at confl with Lone Pine Cyn.-added 2010), Oct. 19, 1991, 2719 ft. (829 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, et al., mouth of Day Cyn., June 23, 1971, 2499 ft. (762 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Glenn Ranach, Lytle Cr., July 13, 1967, 3200 ft. (976 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Sycamore Valley Ranch, First Camp of Pioneers Monument, July 13, 1967, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Nov. 11, 1933, 2650 ft. (808 m.)

FVS: Nov. 11, 1933

Cucurbita moschata Duchesne, Winter Crookneck Squash

Native to Central America or n. S. America

LACo.: Azusa, mouth of San Gab. Cyn., 1.8 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave. n. of Bike Trail Parking Lot at Hwy. 39, along flowing aqueduct from water filtration plant, Dec. 4, 2008, 731 ft. (223 m.), with fruits up to 20 pounds.

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

+Marah fabacea (Naudin) Greene, California Man-root

(synonym: M. fabaceus orth. var.)

LACo.: Justin M. Wood, vic. of Little Rock Cr., just s.w. of jct. of Cheseboro Rd. & Mt. Emma Rd., May 10, 2010, 3194 ft. (973 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Marah macrocarpa (Greene) Greene, Cucamonga Manroot, Wild-cucumber, Chilicothe

(synonym: M. macrocarpus (Greene) Greene var. macrocarpus) (several vars. based on trivial features of leaves, fruit spines and seeds)

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 679 ft. (207 m.), at Duarte, 1.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. at El Encanto Dr., 100-300 meters e. of Fish Cyn. Rd., confl. with Fish Cyn. & San Gabriel River, R.G. Swinney, Jan. 19, 2009, to 4002 ft. (1220 m.), at 1 mi. below Falling Springs Resort, San Gabriel Cyn. Road, 15-20 ft. below rd., R.D. Keys, May 6, 1973; Jan.-July, Sep., Nov.; common; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Feb. 10, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: s.w. of mouth of Lytle Cr. Canyon, 5 miles w. of Lytle Cr. Road (Nealy’s Corner), and c. 0.4 miles n. of Frontline Mtwy., Mar. 15, 1993, 1841 ft. (561 m.); ridgetop, n.w. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., June 1, 1996, 3759 ft. (1146 m.); Baldy Mesa, 1.7 miles n.e. of Hwy. 138 on Rd. 3N24, ridgetop at 0.5 miles w. of point where rd. crosses ridge, near Nuss Ranch, June 10, 1995, 5000 ft. (1524 m.); Frankish Pk., e.-w. running ridgetop, n. of Upland, Apr. 15, 1996, 4080 ft. (1244 m.)

Other records:

AC. Sanders, Tracy Tenant, et al., Etiwanda, w. side of Etiwanda Cr. on n. side of Hwy. 30 (Highland Ave.), Mar. 12, 1998, 1450 ft. (442 m.); Steven R. Hill, Lost Lake, straddling the San Andreas Fault, Lost Lake Rd. w. of I-15 Frwy., Apr. 25, 2001, 2831 ft. (863 m.); Vivian Manns, 3 miles s.e. of Nealey’s Corner on Lytle Cr. Rd. [Riverside Ave.], Apr. 12, 1963, 1601 ft. (488 m.); W.L. Jepson, Cajon Pass, May 28, 1914, 3496 ft. (1066 m.); Mary H. O’Brien, Colin Wainwright, et al., Lone Pine Cyn. Road (3N25), 0.7 miles w. of Hwy. 138, Apr. 14, 1976, no elev. given; Gerald L. Benny, Colin Wainwright, et al., Day Cyn., Apr. 14, 1971, no elev. given; Arthur C. & Linda Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 18, 1971, no elev. given; Marcus E. Jones, San Gabriel Mts. region, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 16, 1903

Datiscaceae Datisca Family

Datisca glomerata (C. Presl) Baill., Durango Root

All parts toxic.

LACo.: From 630 ft. (192 m.), at Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, 0.4-1 mile n. (upstream) of Puente Largo (Railway-added 2010) Bridge, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 21, 2009, to 6800 ft. (2073 m.), at Cedar Springs, c. 0.5 miles e. of Kratka Ridge, along Angeles Crest Hwy., R.F. Thorne, July 2, 1969 and Cortelyou Springs, R.F. Thorne, Oct. 10, 1967; May-Nov. uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June 26, 1897, J.H. Barber, near Acton (Aliso Cyn.), no elev. given

SBCo.: All known locations given below.

Locations only (Swinney):

Stoddard Pk.; Lytle Cr. Divide, n. of Applewhite, Sheep Cyn. Truck Rd., 0.2 miles n. of summit at FS Road 2N56; Grapevine Cyn. on San Sevaine Rd.; North Fk. of Barrett Cyn., 0.5 miles n.e. of Barrett Village & Barrett-Stoddard Road; jct. of Barrett-Stoddard Rd. & Cascade Cyn., 1 cyn. south of Barrett Cyn.; Sheep Cr. Truck Rd. #15, 0.2 miles n. of summit at FS Road 2N56

Other records:

T.B. Salvato & A.C. Sanders, Cajon Pass, c. 0.5 miles s. of Bluecut & c. 05 miles n.w. of Keenbrook, at powerline crossing of Cajon Cr., May 4, 2000, 2499 ft.

(762 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, “Epipactis Cyn.”, unnamed cyn., draining ENE to Lone Pine Cyn. origin near E. end of upper Lytle Cr. Ridge (Sheep Cr. Truck Rd. 2N56 drops n.e.ward through the lower hafl of this cyn.), June 18, 1990, 3378 ft. (1030 m.); I.M. Johnston, Middle Fk. Bear Cr., on Lookout Trail, July 8, 1925, no elev. given

FVS: July 8, 1925

Elaeagnaceae Oleaster Family

Elaeagnus angustifolia L. Russian Olive, Oleaster

(synonym: E. angustifolius L. orth. var.)

Native to temperate Asia.

LACo.: Big Pines Hwy., c. 0.25 miles e. of Appletree Campground, w. of Wrightwood, June 19, 1997, 6219 ft. (1896 m.); Little Jimmy Spring, Sep. 15, 2001, 7400 ft. (2256 m.)

Other records:

T.S. Ross, Big Pines Hwy., c. 900 meters ESE from Jackson Lake, just on the w. side of Upper Mescal Cr. drainage, June 18, 1990, 6159 ft. (1877.6 m.); T.S. Ross, Big Rock Cr., just above confl. of Holcomb Cyn. Cr., between Big Rock Cr. Rd. & mouth of Holcomb Cyn., June 11, 1990, 4115-4200 ft. (1255 m.)

FVS: June 11, 1990

SBCo.: Lone Pine Cyn., w. of Clyde Ranch, 75 meters s. of Lone Pine Cyn. Rd. on Sheep Cr. Truck Rd., Aug. 7, 1997, 4999 ft. (1524 m.)

Other records: None found.

Elatinaceae Waterwort Family

Elatine brachysperma A. Gray, Short-seed Waterwort

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, Crystal Lake Recreation Area, July 19, 1967, 5550 ft.

(1692 m.); F.W. Peirson, Crystal Lake, June 19, 1921, 5497 ft. (1676 m.)

FVS: June 19, 1921

SBCo.: J.C. Roos, Mirror Lake, San Antonio Cyn., July 18, 1937, no elev. given

Ericaceae Heath Family

Arbutus menziesii Pursh, Pacific Madrone

LACo.: Upper Winter Canyon Trail, 1.4 miles n.w. of Chantry Flats, 2 pop. within 100 m., > 30 mature trees, Aug. 6, 2010, , not yet recorded on the Consortium, 3 additioinal pop. totaling 7 plants, within 0.2 mi. to the n.w., also along ___ the Upper Winter Cr. Trail, 3 very large trees within 100 m. below Spruce Grove cmpgrd. in Big Santa Anita Canyon, upper branches not reachable, no vouchers taken.

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Rincon Cyn. at Pine Mt. Truck Trail, Nov. 26, 1966, 2400 ft.

(732 m.); L.C. Wheeler, W. Fk. San Gabriel Cyn. drainage, Pine Mt. Truck Trail, Nov. 26, 1966, 3001 ft. (915 m.); L.C. Wheeler, E. Fork Santa Anita Cyn., Madrone Flat, Jan. 4, 1970, 2900 ft. (884 m.); R.F. Thorne, Chantry Flats, along trail to Santa Anita Canyon, Apr. 23, 1971, 2000 ft. (510 m.); Albert J. Perkins, along trail to Hoegee Campground, Feb. 22, 1931, no elev. given; remaining records are just w. of the survey boundary; V. Soza & L.Gross Helispot off Mt. Wilson Trail, c. 2.7 miles from Trailhead in Sierra Madre, July 15, 1999, 2696 ft. (822 m.); F.W. Peirson, Old Trail to Mt. Wilson, Apr. 5, 1919, 2496 ft. (761 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Little Santa Anita Cyn., along Mt. Wilson Trail, Dec. 6, 1969,

2750 ft. (838 m.); L.R. Abrams, Wilson’s Pk. Trail, Apr. 13, 1901, no elev.; L. Struf, Mt. Wilson Tr., May 19, 1918, no elev. given; Anstruther Davidson, Mt. Wilson Trail, July 18, 1993, no elev. given

FVS: July 18, 1893

SBCo.: No records found.

Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastw., Eastwood’s Manzanita

Many records of A. glandulosa ssp gabrielensis are reported on the consortium. It is not recognized by the USDA Plant Database. These plants will be treated here.

LACo.: From 2496 ft. (761 m.), Switzer’s Camp, Sue Boergadine, May 26, 1966, to 6996 ft. (2133 m.), Hwy. 2, head of Dorr Cyn., e. of Dawson Saddle, B. Ertter & T. Sholars, May 24, 1987; Mar.-July, Oct.; abundance uncertain, many may not have been det. to subspecific level; montane, cismontane

FVS: Apr. 30, 1924, Raymond J. Dobbs, ½ mi. below Switzers, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 3201 ft. (976 m.), at 2.6 miles w. of Lytle Cr. Rd., at San Sevaine Big Tree Rd., c. 50 meters n. of rd., R.G. Swinney, Sep. 11, 1994, to 5760 ft. (1756 m.), at 200 yards s. of Joe Elliott Big Tree Memorial, R.G. Swinney, July 21, 1993; Apr. June, July, Sep.-Nov.; abundance uncertain, many may not have been det. to subspecific level.

FVS: Aug. 21, 1992, Jon E. Keely & Allen Mossihi, 17 km. south of Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge Rd., 5428 ft. 1655 m.)

Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastw. ssp. adamsii (Munz) Munz, Adams Manzanita

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: John Thomas Howell, Charlton Flat, Oct. 19, 1942, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastw. ssp. cushingiana (Eastw.) J.E. Keeley, Cushing Manzanita

[synonym: A. glandulosa f. cushingiana (Eastw.) P.V. Wells]

LACo.: From 3421 ft. (1043 m.), at Potato Mt., n.w. of Upland, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 14, 1998 and at 3420-3520 ft. (1042-1073 m.), at w. and s.w. of Horse Cyn. Saddle, along an old roadcut (ultimately joining Lower Monroe Rd.) that marks the n.w. boundary of the SDEF, T.S. Ross, Apr. 21, 1992, to 6560 ft. (2000 m.), at Mt. Gleason (Arcto study site), Jon E. Keeley, Sep. 4, 1978 (Jon Keeley 17 different vouchers on record); Feb.-June, Aug.-Nov.; rare; transmontane/montane at Mt. Gleason, montane, cismontane

FVS: May 26, 1918, F.W. Peirson, summit of Mt. Wilson, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

+Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastw. ssp. gabrielensis (P.V. Wells) J.E.Keeley et al., San Gabriel Manzanita

(synonym: A. gabrielensis P. Wells)

Status: CNPS List 1B R-E-D Code: 20203 State/Fed.: /C2

CRPR: 1B.2 S1.2 G5T1, San Gab. Mts. only, Mill Creek Summit area


Orlando Mistretta & Mark Elvin, Mill Cr. Summit, on summit just w. of Angeles Forest Hwy. on Placific Crest Trail, Mar. 30, 1995, no elev. given; T.S. Ross, Big Tujunga Cyn., 310 meters e. of where Coldwater Cyn. meets Big Tujunga Cr., disturbed chaparral, just s. of creek, e. side of rd. to Colby Ranch, July 10, 1992, 3190 ft. (973 m.); Walter Knight & Irja Knight, Mill Creek Cmpgrd. at summit on Rd. N-3 Nov 26, 1986, 4648 ft. (1417 m.); P.V. Wells & Jon E. Keeley, Mill Cr. Summit, divide , Mar. 10, 1986, 4920 ft. (1500 m.); P.V. Wells, Mill Cr. Divide Summit, Aug. 9, 1986, 4920 ft. (1500 m.); Justin M. Wood, Mill Cr. Summit, Heliport, just s.e. of Ranger Station on Pacifico Mt. Rd. (3N17.4), June 1, 2009, 5189 ft. (1582 m.); plant listed on the Consortium for Stoddard Pk. was also det. as A. glandulosa ssp. glandulosa by RSA; L.C. Wheeler, Divide between W. Fork Bear Cr. & Devil’s Cyn., Aug. 7, 1968, 5976 ft. (1822 m.)

FVS: Aug. 7, 1968

SBCo.: No records found.

Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastw. ssp. glandulosa, Eastwood’s Manzanita

[synonym: A. glandulosa Eastw. ssp. zacaensis (Eastw.) P.V. Wells]

LACo.: From 1998 ft. (609 m.), at Wilson’s Trail, LeRoy Abrams, Apr. 13, 1901, to 6560 ft. (2000 m.), at Mt. Gleason(Arc to study Site), Joe E. Keeley, Sep 4, 1978; Feb.-Nov.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: Apr. 13, 1901

SBCo.: No records found.

Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastw. ssp. mollis (J.E. Adams) P.V. Wells, Eastwood’s Manzanita

(synonym: A. glandulosa Eastw. ssp. glaucomollis P. Wells)

Status: CRPR: CBR

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1955 ft. (596 m.), at n. side of Sunset Ridge under power line, L.C. Wheeler, June 16, 1967 to 6672 ft. (2034 m.), at top of Mt. Wilson, Huron H. Smith, Apr. 30, 1912; Feb.-Aug., Oct., Nov.; common; montane, cismontane

FVS: May 29, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: From 2300 ft. (701 m.), at Muscupiabe Hills between Lytle Wash & Cajon Wash, summit, s. end of west n.-s. ridge, L.C. Wheeler, Mar. 6, 1968, to 5497 ft.

(1676 m.) at upper San Sevaine Cmpgrd., San Sevaine Flats, R.F. Thorne, June 5, 1971; Feb., Apr., June-Sep.; common; all 4 sections

FVS: July 10, 1923, I.M. Johnston, Casey Trail to San Sevaine Flats, 2699 ft. (823 m.)

Arctostaphylos glauca Lindl., Bigberry Manzanita

CA & n.w. Baja Ca, Mex.

LACo.: From 580 ft. (177 m.), at Azusa/Irwindale, 200-300 meters e. of San Gabriel River Channel, between I-210 Frwy. & Foothill Blvd., R.G. Swinney, Feb. 20, 2009 (not yet posted on Consortium), to 6849 ft. (2088 m.), at Big Pines Park, B.C. Tmepleton, June 10, 1932; Jan.-June, Sep., Oct., Dec.; common; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 22, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: From 2500 ft. (762 m.), at Lytle Creek Cyn., L.R. Abrams, July 15, 1902, to 6800 ft. (2073 m.), at Wrightwood area, unnamed ridgetop, imm. north of town, Scott D. White, May 9, 1998; all months; common; all 4 sections

FVS: July 15, 1902

+Arctostaphylos parryana Lemmon, Parry Manzanita

LACo.: From 4995 ft. (1523 m.), at 1 mi. from Angeles Crest Hwy. below parking area # 12, M. CacArthur, July 16, 1967 and at Aliso Cyn. to Buckhorn Flats Rd., Tie Camp Summit, Carl B. Wolf, May 27, 1936, to 8197 ft. (2499 m.), at s. slope, trail to ski lift, Baldy Summit, E.K. Balls, Aug. 4, 1954; Apr.-Nov.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: July 11, 1897, J.H. Barber, higher slope & summit of Mt. Gleason

SBCo.: From 4995 (1523 m.), at mouth of Icehouse Cyn., S.B. Parish, June 16, 1918, to 8151 ft. (2485 m.), at Cucamonga Pk., R.G. Swinney, July 28, 1994; June, July, Sep. Oct.; Rare

Remainder of records:

A.E. Wieslander, San Antonio Cyn., Snow Crest, Oct. 22, 1938, 5196 ft.

(1584 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Manker Flat, San Antonio Cyn., Sep. 13, 1964, no elev. given; Jerome S. Horton, near Snow Crest Camp, Sep. 30, 1935, no elev. given;

I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn., July 28, 1917, 5497 ft. (1676 m.)

FVS: July 28, 1917

+Arctrostaphylos parryana Lemmon ssp. desertica J.E. Keeley, L. Boykin & A. Massihi, Desert or Parry Manzanita

LACo.: Jon E. Keeley, Allen Massihi, Mill Cr. Summit, e. of Angeles Forest Hwy., Aug. 20, 1992, 4822 ft. (1470 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Arctostaphylos parryana Lemmon ssp. parryana, Parry Manzanita

LACo.: From 5363 ft. (1635 m.), at Pinyon Flats, Jon E. Keeley & Melane Baer-Keeley, Oct. 10, 1992, to 6560 ft. (2000 m.), at Angeles Crest Hwy., c. 1.3 km. east of Singing Pines turnoff, Jon E. Keeley, June 14, 1979; Apr., June, Aug., Oct.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: May 19, 1929, R. Hoffman, Big Rock Cr., Paradise Camp, no elev. given

SBCo.: Jon E. Keeley & Allen Massihi, Angeles Crest Hwy., c. 5 km. northwest of Wrightwood, Aug. 21, 1992, 6593 ft. (2010m.)

+Arctostaphylos parryana Lemmon ssp. tumescens J.E. Keeley et al., Interior Manzanita

Status: CRPR 4.3 S3 G4T3 Listed in TJM2 as San Bern. Co. only.

LACo.: From 3936 ft. (1200 m.), n. of Angeles Crest Hwy. on rd. to Sulphur Springs, n. of Chilao, Jon E. Keeley & Allen Massihi, Aug. 20, 1992 (4 sep. voucher #’s for this location), to 6560 ft. (2000 m.), at dirt rd. between Chilao and Mill Cr. Summit, c. 100 meters n. on side rd. to Pacifico Mt., Jon E. Keeley & Allen Massihi, Oct. 11, 1992 (7 voucher #’s for this location); rare; Apr., Aug.-Oct.; transmontane, montane; all collections from the following areas: Mt. Gleason and road to and including Mill Creek, Mt. Pacifico, Sulphur Springs, Newcomb Ranch, Pinyon Flat.

(approx. 380 voucher #’s by Keeley et al. No other collectors for LA Co.)

FVS: Aug. 20, 1992

SBCo.: No records found.

Arctostaphylos patula Greene, Greenleaf Manzanita

(synonym: Arctostaphylos parryana Lemmon var. pinetorum and A. patula ssp. platyphylla)

LACo.: From 5000 ft. (1524 m.), n.e. of Tie Summit Station and e. of Angeles Forest Hwy., w. drainage that meets Tie Cyn., T.S. Ross, July 10, 1990, to

9361 ft. (2854 m.), at Mt. Baden Powel, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 18, 2001; Jan, Apr.-Oct.; common; transmontane, montane

Locations by author:

Iron Mt. summit, E. Table Mt. summit; Lookout (Antonio) Mountain summit,

ridgetop between Big Horn Ridge & ridge due s. of San Antonio Ridge, high spot on ridge overlooking upper Coldwater Cyn.; Mt. Burnham; Pleasant View Ridge between Pallertt Pk. & Mt. Williamson; Mt. Baden-Powell, Throop Pk., Ross Mt., Mt. Islip; Pk. 6374 in far s.e. area of Devils Punchbowl County Park, c. 0.5 miles s. of Devil’s Chair

Other records – locations only:

Big Pines Park, Buckhorn Campground, summit of N. Baldy, Blue Ridge, below summit of Mt. Hawkins; Cortelyou Spring; n. of Vincent Gap, along Hwy. 2; S.Fk. of Big Rock Cr., near Lily Spring; Kratka Ridge; saddle between Little Bear Cr. & Devil’s Cyn.

FVS: July 12, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Mt. San Antonio, 9000 ft. (2744 m.)

SBCo.: From 5478 ft. (1670 m.), at Icehouse Cyn., H.A. Jensen, Mar. 13, 1933, to 9499 ft. (2896 m.), at Dawson Pk. summit, R.G. Swinney, July 28, 1992; Mar, June- Oct.; common; montane

Locations by author: Timber Mt. (Chapman Pk.); Etiwanda Pk.; Sugarloaf Pk. (east, west & saddle); saddle between Cucamonga Pk. & Big Horn Pk.; Dawson Pk.; Pine Mt.; w. end of Mt. Harwood; ridge & saddle near pk. 6566, c. 2.5 mi. (air) ENE of Telegraph Pk., above N. Fork Lytle Cr.; Telegraph Pk.; s. slope of Thunder Mt.; Ontario Pk.; Falling Rock Cyn., 0.8 miles s. of Icehouse Cyn.

Additional locations:

Icehouse Cyn.; Middle Fk. Lytle Cr.; In draw and along rd. of cyn. north to n.e. of Baldy Notch (the one that drains into Coldwater Cyn.); Devil’s Backbone, between Wright Mt. & Pine Mt.; head of San Antonio Cyn.; top Camp Baldy, Lytle Creek Rd.

FVS: July 31, 1917, I.M. Johnston, around summit of San Antonio Mts., Telegraph Pk., 8997 ft. (2743 m.)

Arctostaphylos pungens Kunth, Mexican Manzanita, Pointleaf Manzanita

LACo.: Antonio Pk. (Lookout Mt.), ridge e. of Cattle Cyn. & west of W. Fork Bear Cyn., Aug. 19, 1997, 6799 ft. (2073 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White & Justin M. Wood, W. Fork San Gabriel River, large fill slope on the s. side of Cogswell Reservoir, May 6, 2009, 2601 ft. (793 m.); Mrs. S. Earle Kelley, Mt. Wilson, no date, no elev. given; Vernon O. Bailey, e. base of San Antonio Pk., Sep. 3, 1907, 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

FVS: Sep. 3, 1907

SBCo.: No records found.

Arctostaphylos tomentosa (Pursh) Lindl., Woolyleaf Manzanita

LACo.: Raymond J. Dobbs, 1 ½ mi. above Swietzer on Tujunga Trail, no date, no elev. given; Arthur R. Kruckeberg, Colby Cyn. Trail, Mar. 19, 1939, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 19, 1939 (?) (no date for Dobbs)

SBCo.: No records found.

Chimaphila menziesii (R.Br. ex D. Don) Spreng., Little Prince’s Pine

LACo.: S. Fork of Dry Lake Cyn., w. tributary of San Antonio Cyn., Aug. 30, 1998, 3231 ft. (985 m.); San Antonio Ridge, 1.1 miles w. of Mt. Baldy, e. of saddle, Aug. 31, 1998, 7921 ft. (2415 m.)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, summit of Mt. Wilson, July 29, 1919, 5701 ft. (1738 m.);

L.R. Abrams, Wilson’s Pk., July 10, 1902, no elev. given

FVS: July 10, 1902

SBCo.: Lytle Creek Cyn., bottom of unnamed side cyn. west of Stockton Flats, July 07, 1992, 6399 ft. (1951 m.)

Other records:

P.A. Munz, ridge e of Ontario Pk., among rocks w. of Kelly’s Cabin, July 19, 1922, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, near lower ( end?) of short Cut to Kelly’s Icehouse Cyn., Dec. 21, 1917, 7246 ft. (2209 m.)

FVS: Dec. 21, 1917

Phyllodoce breweri (A. Gray) Maxim, Purple Mountainheath

LACo.: Gordon Beisel, summit of Mt. San Antonio, July, 1933, 1149 ft. (3502 m.)

(listed under LACo., most likely referring to E. summit, elev. is in error, summit of E. Peak. is 1064 ft.-added 2010); Geo. B. Grant, Pasadena-mountains, sunny, rocky, Aug. 1902, 10,000 ft. (3049 m.) (East Baldy Pk. is the only pk. that is that high in the San Gab. Mts.)

FVS: Aug. 1902

SBCo.: See Mt. San Antonio entry above for Beisel, the co. boundary line runs right through the center of Mt. San Antonio (East Mt. Baldy)

Pterospora andromedea Nutt., Woodland Pinedrops

LACo.: Table Mt. area, Jesus Cyn., w. of FS Road 4N47, n.w. of Wrightwood, Aug. 6, 1997, 6248 ft. (1905 m.); Throop Pk. Ridge, c. 300 meters s. of Dawson Saddle on Dawson Saddle Trail, Aug. 27, 2001, 8080 ft. (2463 m.); upper Buford Cyn., c. 200 meters n. of Guffy Rd., Blue Ridge Mtn. area, July 23, 1997, 8180 ft.

(2494 m.); Mt. San Antonio Ridge, 1.1 miles w. of Mt. Baldy (W. Peak), e. of saddle, Aug. 31, 1998, 7921 ft. (2415 m.); Mt. Williamson Complex, third pk. from e. on ridge, Aug. 9, 2001, 8243 ft. (2513 m.); Mt. Williamson, w. ridge, Aug. 9, 2001, 8249 ft. (2515 m.); n. slope of Mt. Baden-Powell, c. 2 miles s. of Hwy. 2, at Vincent Gap on trail to pk., Aug. 18, 2001, 8498 ft. (2591 m.); Burkhart Trail on s. side of Cooper Cyn., 1.4 miles n.e. of Burkhart Trailhead parking lot, w. of Burkhart Cyn., July 16, 2008, 5760 ft. (1756 m.)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., Sep. 13, 1920, 7495 ft. (2285 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Little Rock Cr., fork n. of pumphouse, July 23, 1968, 6700 ft. (2043 m.)

FVS: Sep. 13, 1920, Frank W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., 7495 ft. (2285 m.)

SBCo.: 250 meters n. of jct. of Big Tree Truck Rd. (San Sevaine Rd.) and S. Fk Lytle Cr. Trail, July 21, 1993, 5720 ft. (1744 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & H. Eichler, Mt. Baldy Notch & Devil’s Backbone, July 27, 1968, 8500 ft. ft. (2591 m.); L.C. Wheeler, vic. of summit of Cucamonga Pk., June 15, 1968, 8800 ft. (2683 m.); I.M. Johnston, s. slope of Cucamonga Peak., cyn. below Manzanita Flats, July 22, 1925, 6301 ft. (1921 m.); I.M. Johnston, vic. Kelly’s Cabin (Ontario Pk.), July 30, 1917, 8000-8498 ft. (2439-2591 m.)

FVS: July 30, 1917

Pyrola asarifolia Michx. ssp. asarifolia, Bog Wintergreen, Liverleaf Wintergreen

(synonym: Pyrola californica Krisa)

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: n.e. area of Cucamonga Peak Aug. 14, 1995, 8859 ft. (2701 m.); Big Horn Pk., n.e. slope, c. 0.25 miles s.e. of Icehouse Saddle, July 8, 1994, 7800 ft. (2378 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 8, 1994

Pyrola picta Sm., Whiteveined Wintergreen

Variable, may hybridize with other spp.

LACo.: Pine Mt. Ridge, c. 200 meters e. of Camp Lupine Trail jct. at Fish Fk. Trail, area burned in summer of 1997, July 21, 1998, 7280 ft. (2220 m.); upper Buford Cyn., c. 200 meters n. of Guffy Rd., Blue Ridge Mt. area, July 23, 1997, 8180 ft. (2494 m.); Lamel Springs on n. slope of Mt. Baden-Powell, 1.5 miles s. of Vincent Gap, Aug. 11, 2001, 7790 ft. (2375 m.)

Other records:

Valerie L. Soza & LeRoy Gross, n.w. side of Timber Mt., 0.75 mi. from Icehouse Saddle, May 24, 2000, 7950 ft. (2424 m.); F.W. Peirson, Prairie Fk. San Gabriel River, July 17, 1921, 6996 ft. (2133 m.); F.W. Peirson, on ridges around the head of Coldwater Cyn., up to San Antonio Divide, Sep 14, 1920, 6996 ft. (2133 m.); I.M. Johnston, Middle Fk. Bear Cr. along Lookout Trail, July 8, 1925, no elev. given; P.A. Munz, Swarthout Valley, narrow n.-facing cyn. at old Sawmill, Sep. 1, 1923, no elev.; F.R. Fosberg, s. slope of Mt. Hawkins, near Islip-Hawkens Divide, Aug. 11, 1931, 7544 ft. (2300 m.); F.R. Fosberg, Mt. Islilp, near summit, Aug. 12, 1931, no elev. given; L.E. Hoffman, Mt. Islip, Aug. 14, 1932, 8000 ft. (2439 m.); L.C. Wheeler, n. side of Will Thrall Park (Peak ?-added 2010), halfway between Burkhart Saddle & Mossy Spring, July 23, 1968, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta & Joe Mistretta, Cooper Cyn., Sep. 22, 1992, 6240 ft. (1902 m.); Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., June 8, 1906, no elev. given

FVS: June 8, 1906

SBCo.: Falling Rock Cyn., 0.6 miles s. of Icehouse Cyn., below Sugarloaf Peak Saddle, July 11, 1996, 6439 ft. (1963 m.); Baldy Bowl area s. of Mt. Baldy (E. Peak.), Aug. 28, 1995, 8400 ft. (2561 m.); c. ¼ mile n.w. of Baldy Notch, 90 meters e. of FSRd. 3N06, Sep. 6, 1993, 7400 ft. (2256 m.)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, Icehouse Cyn., June 4, 1919, 7196 ft. (2194 m.); I.M. Johsnton, head of S. Fork, Lytle Cr., July 15, 1917, 6000 ft. (1829 m.); I.M. Johnston, head of Icehouse Cyn., July 30, 1917, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, s. slope of Cucamonga Pk., canyon w. of Manzanita Flats, July 22, 1925, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, Middle Fk. Bear Cr., along Lookout Tr., July 8, 1925, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, Icehouse Cyn., along Shortcut to Kelly’s Cabin, Aug. 1, 1925, no elev. given; P.A. Munz, Icehouse Cyn., July 18, 1922, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, rocky summit of Ontario Pk., Aug. 30, 1965, no elev. given; Richard Noyes, Icehouse Cyn. Saddle, July 23, 1988, 7610 ft. (2320 m.); Orlando Mistretta, trail to Cucamonga Pk., 15 yards e. of Bighorn Saddle, July 26, 1991, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Icehouse Cyn., July 18, 1922, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, slope above Coldwater Cienaga, Fk. of Lytle Cr., no elev. given; L.L. Gardner, Kelly’s Cabin, Ontario Pk., May 14, 1916, no elev. given

FVS: May 14, 1916

Sarcodes sanguinea Torr., Snowplant

LACo.: From 4100 ft. (1250 m.), along Big Pines Hwy., c. 1/2 mile s.e. of Jackson Lake, c. 2.5 miles n.w. of jct. with Angeles Crest Hwy., John Macdonald, June 6, 2006, to 9118 ft. (2780 m.), Throop Pk. w. of Mt. Baden Powell, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 27, 2001; May-Oct.; uncommon; transmontane at w. side of Pallett Mt., L.C. Wheeler, July 23, 1968, 7400 ft. (2256 m.), montane

FVS: May 26, 1923, F.W. Peirson, Vincent Gulch, 6501 ft. (1982 m.)

SBCo.: summit of Pk. “8540” on ridge running n.e. from Telegraplh Pk., Aug. 20, 1997, 8541 ft. (2604 m.); n.e. ridge of Pine Mt., one ridge e. of Devil’s Backbone Trail from Wright Mt., Oct. 24, 1998, 8820 ft. (2689 m.); Wright Mt. Summit, July 12, 1993, 8469 ft. (2582 m.); Baldy Bowl Area, s. of Mt. Baldy (E. Peak), Aug. 28, 1995, 8400 ft. (2561 m.); base of s. side of summit of Telegraph Pk., Aug. 11, 1994, 8840 ft. (2695 m.)

Other records:

Abby Sirulnik, Mt. Baldy Notch, May 21, 2000, 7800 ft. (2378 m.); F.W. Peirson, Icehouse Cyn., June 4, 1919, 6966 ft. ( 2133 m.); Peter Fritsch, in draw & along rd. on cyn. north to n.e. of Baldy Notch (the one that drains into Coldwater Cyn.), July 12, 1990, 6426 ft. (1959 m.); I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Pk., San Antonio Mts., July 30, 1917, 7997 ft. (2438 m.)

FVS: July 30, 1917

Euphorbiaceae Spurge Family

Chamaesyce albomarginata (Torr. & A. Gray) Small, Rattlesnake Weed, Whitemargin Sandmat

(synonym: Euphorbia albomarginata Torr. & A. Gray)

LACo.: From 1475 ft. (450 m.), at Glendora, Colby Fire Break, 100 yards s. of Glendora Mt. Rd. & 50 yards e. of Glendora Wilderness Park boundary (now Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park), R.G. Swinney, May 12, 1989, to 8000 ft.

(2439 m.), at Dawson Saddle, Wesley O. Griesel, June 16, 1961; Mar.-Sep.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: May 11, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: n.e. of Wrightwood, Horse Cyn., n.w. of Circle Mt., 100-200 yards, e. of State Hwy. 2, c. 200 ft. s. of Horse Cyn. Rd. (FS Road 3N12), June 12, 1994,

2999 ft. (1524 m.); s. of Pinon Hills, c. 0.75 miles n.w. of Oak Spring Ranch, c. 0.25 miles e. of co. line, June 13, 1997, 5360 ft. (1634 m.); Baldy Mesa Ridge, 1.7 miles n.e. of Hwy. 138 on FS Road 3N24, ridgetop at 0.5 miles w. of point where rd. crosses ridge, near Nuss Ranch, June 16, 1995, 4999 ft. 1524 m.)

Other records:

Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, 3800 ft. (1159 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 16, 1903

Chamaesyce maculata (L.) Small, Spotted Spurge (Sandmat)

(synonym: Euphorbia maculata L. and E. supina Raf.]

Native to e. US.

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel River, c. 100-350 meters n. of Foothill Blvd., e. bank, R.G. Swinney, Feb. 16, 1998, to 3523 ft. (1074 m.), at Kinneloa Cyn., Louis C. Wheeler, Sep. 21, 1945; Feb., May, Aug.-Nov.; rare; cismontane

FVS: Sep. 21, 1945

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, et al., Lytle Cr. Ranger Station, July 7, 1971, 2719 ft. (829 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Ranger Station, Sep. 6, 1968, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, San Antonio Cyn., just above confl. with Icehouse Cyn., Sep. 13, 1967, 5000 ft. (1524 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Bighorn Cmpgrd., Stockton Flat, N. Fork Lytle Cr., Sep. 5, 1967, 6000 ft. (1829 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Park, Cajon Cyn., Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cyn., Ranger Station, July 16, 1948, no elev. given

FVS: July 16, 1948

Chamaesyce melanadenia (Torr.) Millsp., Redgland Spurge

(synonym: Euphorbia melanadenia Torr.)

LACo.: From 971 ft. (296 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel River Cyn., El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 11, 2009, to 5000 ft.

(1524 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., R. Abbott, May 3, 1906; Feb.-July, Oct.-Dec.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: June 14, 1900, W.R. Shaw, Burbank Canon (Canyon-added 2012), no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Chamaesyce polycarpa (Benth.) Millsp. ex Pursh, Smallseed Sandmat

[synonyms: Euphorbia polycarpa Benth. and C. pollycarpa var. hirtella (Boiss.) Millsp. ex Parish]

LACo.: San Dimas Experimental Forest, rare, dry, rocky openings, SDEF, 1988

(not listed in the Consortium)

SBCo.: No records found.

Chamaesyce prostrata (Aiton) Small, Prostrate Sandmat

[synonyms: Euphorbia prostrata Aiton and Euphorbia chamaesyce auct. Non. L.]

Native to W. Indies, S. America.

LACo.: San Gabriel Cyn., along dirt access rd. at 0.2 mles e. of admin. building at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, May 30, 2008, 840 ft. (256 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: jct. of San Antonio Falls Rd. & Mt. Baldy Rd., e. of rd. at seep area on rd. shoulder, Aug. 23, 1994, 6000 ft. (1829 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Ranger Station, July 16, 1948, no elev. given

FVS: July 16, 1948

Chamaesyce serpens (Kunth) Small, Creeping Spurge, Matted Sandmat

(synonym: Euphorbia serpens Kunth)

Native to S. America.

LACo.: Glendora Wilderness Park (now - Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park-added 2010), 1. 6 mile n.e. of Glendora Mt. Rd. at Big Dalton Cyn. Road, July 8, 1989, 1551 ft. (473 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Chamaesyce serpyllifolia (Pers.) Small, Thymeleaf Spurge or Sandmat

(synonym: Euphorbia serpyllifolia Pers.)

LACo.: Frank. W. Peirson, N. Fork San Gabriel River, June 20, 1921, 1499 ft.

(457 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Jackson Lake, Aug. 27, 1948, 6101 ft. (1860 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Kinneloa Cyn. (Sycamore Cyn.), Sep. 20, 1945, 1099 ft. (335 m.); D.L. Crawford, Claremont, July 1, 1915

FVS: July 1, 1915

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Ranger Station, July 16, 1948, no elev. given

Chamaesyce serpyllifolia (Pers.) Small ssp. hirtula (Engelm. ex S. Watson) Koutnik, Thymeleaf Sandmat

[synonym: Euphorbia serpylllifolia Pers. var. hirtula (S.Watson) Wheeler]

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Lost Lake, c. 150 meters n. of Swarthout Cyn. Road, Lone Pine Cyn., Oct. 19, 1994, 2790 ft. (851 m.)

Other records: None found.

Chamaesyce serpyllifolia (Pers.) Small ssp. serpyllifolia, Thymeleaf Spurge (Sandmat)

(synonym: Euphorbia serpyllifolia Pers.)

LACo.: From 581 ft. (177 m.), at Azusa/Irwindale boundary, San Gabriel River channel, within 75 meters of Foothill Blvd. Bridge, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 30, 2008, to 7449 ft. (2271 m.), at Arrastre Flat, F.W. Peirson, Sep. 1, 1924; June-Sep., Nov., uncommon; cismontane

FVS: June 20, 1921, F.W. Peirson, N. Fork San Gab. River, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, extreme n.w. end of Park (Sycamore Flat), R.G. Swinney, Aug. 18, 1994, to 8699 ft. (2652 m.), just w. of Ontario Pk. summit, I.M. Johnston, Aug. 1, 1925; June-Nov.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 26, 1901, L.R. Abrams, Lytle Creek Cyn., no elev. given

Croton californicus (Mull.) Arg., California Croton

[synonyms: C. californicus Mull. Ar. var. californicus and C. californicus Mull. Arg. var tenuis (S.Watson) S.M. Ferguson]

LACo.: From 659 ft. (201 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 1 mile n. of Foothill Blvd., R.G. Swinney, Dec. 4, 2008, to 1876 ft. (572 m.), e. of Lupe Cyn., J.R. Shevock, Dec. 31, 1970; Mar.-May, Sep., Oct., Dec.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Oct. 1, 1903, C.F. Baker, Claremont, San Gab. Mts.

SBCo.: James Henickson, 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino, in Lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15 Frwy., May 1, 1985, 2400-2800 ft. (732 m.): L.C. Wheeler, mouth of Frankish Cyn., 1 mile w. of Cucamonga Cyn., June 25, 1936, no elev. given

FVS: June 25, 1936

Croton setigerus Hook., Turkey-mullein, Dove Weed

(synonym: Eremocarpus setigerus Hook)

Toxic to livestock especially in hay.

LACo.: From 1400 ft. (426 m.), just w. of divide of Kinneloa (“Sycamore”) Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 20, 1945, to 4100 ft. (1250 m.), at Bob’s Gap & Valyermo Rd., June Latting, Oct. 6, 1976, June-Aug., Oct., Dec.; rare; tramsmontane, cismontane

FVS: June 21, 1897, H.P.C., Claremont, 1107 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: From 2719 ft. (829 m.), at Cajon Cyn., on Swarthout Cyn. Road, 400 yards n. of Old Hwy. 395, R.G. Swinney, Oct. 19, 1991, to 4451 ft. (1357 m.), at Stoddard Flat, s. of Barrett Village, R.G. Swinney, July 25, 1995; June, July, Sep.-Nov.; uncommon; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 25, 1936, L.C. Wheeler, mouth of Frankish Cyn., imm. west of Cucamonga Cyn., 2398 ft. (731 m.)

Euphorbia crenulata Engelm., Chinese Caps

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork Palmer Cyn. (n. of Claremont-added 2010), June 8, 1964, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Live Oak Cyn., (1/2 mi. above the dam), Apr. 12, 1931 and Jan. 21, 1931, no elev. given; Ernest Braunton, Glendora, May, 1902, no elev. given, (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May, 1902

SBCo.: No records found.

+Euphorbia dendroides L., Tree Spurge

Native to Medit. & Canary Islands

LACo.: Scott D. White, J. Wood, et al., Millard Cyn., n. of Altadena via Chancy Trail, in the vic. of jct. with Echo Mt. Lowe Fire Rd.; Hartman, Big Santa Anita Cyn., May 21, 2002, no elev. given; Adelina Munoz, Big Santa Anita Cyn., from Roberts Dam along stream to Water Trail, Apr. 16, 1988, 1000 ft. (305 m.); D.L. Koutnik, above Pasadena, side cyn. of Eaton Wash along New York Dr., 0.25 miles n. of Sierra Madre Blvd., Apr. 20, 1996, 984 ft. (300 m.); S. Granger, Eaton Cyn. near Kinneloa Mesa, n. of New York Dr., Pasadena, Mar. 30, 1981, no elev. given; Pearson, along hillside of New York Ave. in Pasadena, Apr. 21, 1904, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 21, 1904

SBCo.: No records found.

Euphorbia lathyris L., Caper Spurge, Gopher Plant, Moleplant

Native to Europe.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Gabriel Cyn., below Waldo Wards Avocado Grove, May 13, 1967, 850 ft. (259 m.); I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn. (Seven Oaks), July 20, 1917 and June 20, 1917, no elev. given

FVS: June 20, 1917

SBCo.: c. 700 meters s.w. of Cajon Rd. at Swarthout Cyn. Rd., on west rd. shoulder, July 29, 1994, 2700 ft. (823 m.); Wright Lake, Wrightwood, Oct. 30, 2008, 6038 ft. (1841 m.); Mt. Baldy Village, Bear Cyn., at stream bottom, c. 10 meters s.w. of Baldy Village Community Church, n. of Mt. Baldy Rd., July 28, 1994, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); 0.1 miles e. of Lytle Cr. Rd., on FS Rd. 1N33, s.e. of “Texas Hill”, Apr. 5, 1994, 2200 ft. (671 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Apr. 5, 1994

Euphorbia lurida Engelm., Woodland Spurge

(synonym: E. palmeri S. Watson)

LACo.: head of Cedar Cyn., ridge c. 200 meters n. of Big Pines Hwy. 0.5 miles w. of jct. of Hwy. 2, July 15, 1999, 7619 ft. (2323 m.); Grandview Cyn., c. 1.1 mile n. of Big Pines Hwy. at All Nations Camp., June 30, 1999, 5199 ft. (1585 m.); ridge n.e. of Table Mt. (East-added 2010), (pk. 7473), c. 0.4 miles w. of co. line, June 13, 1997, 7200 ft. (2195 m.)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, Swarthout Valley Region, Big Pines, July 6, 1922, 6796 ft. (2072;; B.C. Templeton, near Animal Park, Big Pines, Park, Aug. 25, 1932 and 6800 ft. (2073 m.) and June 19, 1932 at 6501 ft. (1982 m.); Joseph Ewan, Swarthout Valley, July 27, 1936, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, Table Mt. above Big Pines Ranger Station (W. summit-added 2010), July 9, 1969, 6950 ft. (2119 m.); P.A. Munz, Sawmill, Swarthout Valley, June 18, 1921, 6800 ft. (2073 m.); L.R. Heckard & Michael Morris, c. 3 miles w. of Wrightwood, along Route 2, 0.5 miles w. of Holiday Hill Ski Lifts, 0.5 miles e. of Big Pines Ranger Station, June 13, 1976, 5996 ft. (1828 m.); Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock, July 4, 1893, no elev. given

FVS: July 4, 1893

SBCo.: c. 0.5 miles n.e. of Sheep Cr. Road at Hwy. 2, June 11, 1994, 5599 ft. (1707 m.)

Other records:

LeRoy Gross & Valerie Soza, Sheep Cr., n.e. of Wrightwood, Swarthout Valley, just n. of Hwy. 1 (Hwy. 2-added 2011) (Angeles Crest Hwy.) on e. side of Hwy, on bench above the cr., June 9, 2008, 6837 ft. (1799 m.); M.N. Ackley, San Bernardino Mts., Wrightwood, June 8, 1929, 6498 ft. (1981 m.); P.A. Munz, head of Swartout Valley, May 30, 1922, 6901 ft. (2104 m.)

FVS: May 30, 1922

Euphorbia peplus L., Petty Spurge

Native to Europe.

LACo.: From 348 ft. (106 m.), at Millard Cyn., Louis C. Wheeler, Apr. 15, 1945,

to 2300 ft. (701 m.), at W. Fork Palmer Cyn., (n. of Claremont-added 2010), L.C. Wheeler, June 21, 1936; Feb.-July, Dec.; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: June 30, 1936, L.C. Wheeler, Wolfskill Cyn., 1748 ft. (533 m.)

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, Lytle Cr., July 13, 1967, 3500 ft.

(1067 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Glen Ranch, Lytle Cr., Oct. 27, 1951, 3250 ft. (991 m.)

FVS: Oct. 27, 1951

Euphorbia spathulata Lam., Warty Spurge

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., slopes on e. side of cyn. south of jct. of FS Roads. 4N15 & 5N04.3, June 6, 1994, no elev. given;; Samuel R. Tyson, San Dimas Cyn., May 7, 1942; Valerie Soza, Ian Gillespie, et al., SDEF, s.w. of Johnstone Pk., above Wildwood Cyn., May 18, 2000, 2145 ft. (654 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Kitter Cyn., Apr. 25, 1995, 3651 ft. (1113 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., near dam, June 6, 1936, 1500 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: June 6, 1936

SBCo.: No records found.

Euphorbia virgata Waldst. & Kit., Leafy Spurge

(synonym: E. esula L., (misapply.)

Native to Europe.

LACo.: Mull Cyn., above (north) of Debris Basin, w.-facing slope near cyn. bottom, 1 pop., < 200 plants, Glendora, Mar. 17, 2011, 1200 ft. (360 m.) (plants not yet processed-2011)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, City of Pasadena, s. edge of Kinneloa Mesa by New York Ave., locally naturalized & dominant over c. 1 acre, May 19, 1974, no elev. given

FVS: May 19, 1974

SBCo.: No records found.

Ricinus communis L., Castor Bean (Castorbean)

Native to Europe. Highly Toxic. Seeds attractive to children, fatal when eaten.

LACo.: From 840 ft. (256 m.), at spring, 1.5 mile n. of Sierra Madre Ave. at Hwy. 39, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Nov. 29, 2008, to 2699 ft. (823 m.), at Palmer Cyn., 1/4 mi. upstream from Padua Hills, near Claremont, J.A. Adams, May 23, 1965; Mar.-July, Sep.-Nov.; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: May 30, 1923, H.J. Montgomery, Sturtevant Trail (Big Santa Anita Cyn. – added 2012), no elev. given

SBCo.: Joan Godsil, San Antonio Cyn., Mt. Baldy, Oct. 20, 1952, 4500 ft.

(1372 m.); L.C. Wheeler, foot of San Gab. Mts., 1/2 mile s.w. of mouth Lytle Cr., Nov. 17, 1942, no elev. given

FVS: Nov. 17, 1942

Stillingia linearifolia S. Watson, Queen’s-root

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, n. slope of San Gab. Mts., 1.3 miles e. of jct. of Antelope Valley Frwy. with Soledad Cyn. Road, along latter, near jct. of Bee Cyn., with Santa Clara river Valley, 1800 ft. (549 m.)

SBCo.: F.R. Fosberg, lower Cajon Wash, June 14, 1931, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Fabaceae Pea Family

+Acacia baileyana F. Muell, Cootamundra Wattle

Native to s. Australia.

LACo.: Glendora, s. of water reservoir at n. terminus of Englewild Ave., July 14, 1989, 1299 ft. (396 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Bluebird Ranch (Truck Trail), e. of Richard Ferguson’s House, Feb. 4, 1968, 1499 ft. (457 m.); Steve Boyd, Padua Hills, just w. of mouth of San Antonio Cyn., Feb. 3, 1990, no elev. given; Justin M. Wood, foothills above the city of Sierra Madre “One Carter Estates” at the end of Baldwin Ave., Apr. 13, 2009, 49 m. (the elev. is in error-added 2011); L.C. Wheeler, Millard Cyn., Mar. 16, 1969, 1397 ft. (426 m.); R. Carlston, Lone Hill Ave., Glendora, May 24, 1966, no elev. given

FVS: May 24, 1966

SBCo.: No records found.

Acacia dealbata Link, Silver Wattle

(synonym: A. decurens Wild var. decurens (Link) Maider)

Native to s.e. Austraiia.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Cyn. Crest Drive, Millard Cyn., Feb. 15, 1969, 1325 ft. (404 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Acmispon americanus (Nutt.) Rydb. var. americanus, American Trefoil or Americas Bird’s-foot Trefoil

(synonyms: Lotus purshianus Clem & E.G. Clem var. purshianus and Louts unifoliatus (Hook.) Benth. var. unifoliatus]

LACo.: From 1397 ft. (426 m.), above Dalton Cyn. CCC Camp (CCC Camp is now the site of the Big Dalton Cyn. Percolation Basin in Glendora-added 2011), Jerome S. Horton, July 18, 1935, to 6760 ft. (2061 m.), Big Pines Meadow, w. of Wrightwood, s.w. jct. of Hwy 2, Table Mt. Road & Big Pines Rd., Aug. 25, 2009; June-Oct.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June 21, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: n.-facing slope of Lone Pine Cyn., 100 m. south of Lone Pine Cyn. Rd. and 100 meters w. of FS Road 3N29, July 09, 1993, 4002 ft. (1220 m.)

Other records: John Wear, near co. line, at jct. of Oasis Rd. & Hwy. 18 (just n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary), Aug. 18, 1992, 3401 ft. (1037 m.); Norman C. Wilson, Cajon Cyn., June 25, 1923, no elev. given (possibly outide San Gab. Mts. boundary); Norman C. Wilson, Cajon Pass, June 25, 1893 (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: June 25, 1893

+Acmispon argophyllus (Nutt.) Rydb., Silver Bird’s-foot Trefoil

(synonym: Lotus argophyllus (A. Gray) Greene var. decorus [I.M. Johnst.) Munz]

LACo.: Pinyon Ridge, 4.4 miles n. of Hwy. 2 at Vincent Gap, at Pinyon Ridge Mtwy., 1.6 miles w. of Pk. 6535, June 17, 2008, 6380 ft. (1945 m.)

Other records:

Darron T. Hasegawa, Eaton Cyn. Park, c. 2 miles n. of I-210, Apr. 21, 2007,

1200 ft. (366 m.); P. Schiffman, 0.5 miles n. of Red Box Ranger Station and 20 miles n. of La Canada-Flintridge on Angeles Crest Hwy., May 23, 1981, 5251 ft. (1601 m.)

FVS: May 23, 1981

SBCo.: No records found.

+Acmispon argophyllus (Nutt.) Rydb. var. argophyllus, Silver Bird’s-foot Trefoil

[synonym: Lotus argophyllus (A. Gray) Greene var. argophyllus]

LACo.: From 1099 ft. (335 m.), at Little Tujunga Wash, A.M. Ottley, May 3, 1920, to 6750 ft. (2058 m.), at Jarvis Memorial Vista near Islip Saddle on Angeles Crest Hwy., R.F. Thorne, July 2, 1969; May-July; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 12, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: From 2400-2800 ft. (732 m.), at 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, about 2-4 miles n. of I-15, Apr. 14, 1985, to 4999 ft. (152d4 m.), at lower end of Icehouse Cyn., R.F. Thorne, June 17, 1969; May-July, Sep.; rare-uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 15, 1917, I. M. Johnston, Day Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 3998 ft.

(1219 m.)

Acmispon argyraeus (Greene) Brouilett, Canyon Bird’s-foot Trefoil

[synonym: Lotus argyraeus (Greene) Greene]

LACo.: Mary MacArthur, 7 miles from turn-off on Angeles Crest Hwy. to lower Chilao, keeping always to right-left side of rd. by intermittent stream bed., June 24, 1967, 5196 ft. (1584 m.); C.W. Sharsmith, head of Eaton Cyn., Aug. 29, 1940, 4497 ft. (1371 m.)

FVS: Aug. 29, 1940

SBCo.: K. Rayburn, 1.0 mi. up Icehouse Cyn. turnoff, Mt. Baldy Rd. of Icehouse Restaurant in Icehouse Cyn. Trail, May 10, 1980, 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

Acmispon brachycarpus (Benth.) D.D.Sokoloff, Foothill Deervetch

(synonym: Lotus humistratus Greene)

LACo.: San Dimas, ridge between Sycamore & Shay Cyns., Apr. 17, 2008,

1630 ft. (497 m.); Carr Cyn., 0.5-1.0 meters e. of Littlerock Creek confl., Apr. 29, 2009, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr. Management Unit, Emma Section, Mar. 14, 1995, 3700 ft. (1128 m.) (location description is vague-possibly w. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); Orlando Mistretta, Carr Cyn., June 1, 1995, 3600 ft. (1098 m.); several records for Vincent, just w. of survey boundary; T.S. Ross, 0.6 miles ESE of Acton, w. edge of Soledad Cyn., Wash, Apr. 30, 1991, 2760-2880 ft.

(841-878 m.); L.C. Wheefler, Aliso Cyn., c. 1/2 mile e. of Blum Ranch, Apr. 20, 1973, 3100 ft. (45 m.); Scott D. White & Kent Hughes, northern foothills near Acton, bajada slopes & unnamed ephemeral tributary to Arrastre Cyn., May 16, 2000, 3201 ft. (976 m.); Justin M. Wood, vic. of Littlerock Cr., just s.w. of jct. of Cheseboro Rd. & Mount Emma Rd., May 10, 2010, 3191 ft. (973 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Arraster (Arrastre-added 2011) Cyn., San Gab. Mts., May 11, 1919, 2798 ft. (855 m.)

FVS: May 11, 1919

SBCo.: No records found.

Acmispon glaber (Vogel) Brouilett, California Broom, Common Deerweed

[synonym: Lotus scoparius (Nutt.) Ottley]

LACo.: Robert M. Lloyd, San Dimas Cyn. Rd., San Dimas Cyn. Dam, (not able to decifer some of the entry description), Mar. 21, 1929, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: Cajon Wash on w. side of main channel, 100-400 meters s. of I-15 Frwy. & 200-300 meters e. of Glen Helen Rd., Mar. 18, 1993, 2037 ft. (621 m.)

Other records:

J.A. Adams, Lytle Cr. Rd., 0.25 miles below Glenn Ranch, June 12, 1965,

4999 ft. (1524 m.)

FVS: June 12, 1965

Acmispon glaber (Vogel) Brouilett, var. brevialatus (Ottley) Brouilett, Western Bird’s-foot Trefoil

[synonym: Lotus scoparius (Nutt.) Ottley var. brevialatus Ottley]

LACo.: From 522 ft. (159 m.), at long-abandoned gravel pit on boader between Irwindale & Azusa, e. of Irwindale Ave. & s. of Foothill Blvd., n. edge of 210 Frwy, e. of the San Gabriel River Channel, A.C. Sanders, Mar. 14, 2003, to 4700 ft. (1433 m.), right at n. end of Bob’s Gap, Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., May 6, 2005; Feb.-May, July; fairly common; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: May 11, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: From 1637 ft. (499 m.), at c. 15 meters s.e. of jct. of Mt. Baldy & Padua Rd., c. 1 mile s.w. of San Antonio Dam, G.R. Pintler, Apr. 16, 1976, to 4795 ft. (1462 m.), at 0.20 mi. from and 3.2 miles s. along the rd. to the Applewhite Cmpgrd., Cajon Cmpgrd. US Hwy. 138, & Hwy. 66, Sheldon Keith, May 3, 1963 (also det. as A. glaber var. glaber); Apr.-July; uncommon; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 3, 1963 (also det. as A. glaber var. glaber)

Acmispon glaber (Vogel) Brouilett, var. glaber, Common Deerweed

[synonym: Lotus scoparius (Nutt.) Ottley var. scoparius]

LACo.: From 2099 ft. (335 m.), at Little Tujunga Wash, 1/2 mi. above the bridge on the rd. from Sunland to San Fernando,C.B. Wolf, July 2, 1931 (also det. as A. glaber var. brevielatus) to 3119 ft. (951 m.); Feb., May-July; fairly common; transmontane at Carr Cyn. & Big Rock Cr., cismontane

FVS: 1906, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr.

SBCo.: Sheldon Keith, 0.20 mi. from and 3.2 miles s. along the rd. to the Applewhite Campground, Cajon Campground, US Hwy. 138 & Hwy. 66, May 3, 1963 (also det. as Lotus scoparius var. brevialatus)

+Acmispon grandiflorus (Benth.) Broulett, Chaparral Bird’s-foot Trefoil

[synonym: Lotus grandiflorus (Benth.) Greene]

LACo.: T.Ross, 1015 m. 79 deg. ENE Iron Mt. summit (e. slope of Iron Mt.), July 16, 1992, 5146 ft. (1569 m.); Epling, Swartout Valley, May 16, 1931, no elev. given

FVS: May 16, 1931

SBCo.: Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge, 1.1 miles w. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd. on FS Road 3N29, June 18, 1993, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); c. 0.9 miles s.w. of Hwy. 138, at Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., 20 meters s.e. of rd., May 23, 1998, 3680 ft. (1122 m.); Baldy Mesa, 1.3 miles n.e. of Hwy. 138 on FS Road 3N24, 100-300 meters n.w. of where rd. crosses ridgetop near Nuss Ranch, June 3, 1995, 4622 ft. (1409 m.); Baldy Mesa, 2 miles n.e. of jct. of Hwy. 138 & Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., at FA Road 3N53, c. 200 meters w. of I-215 (I-15 Frwy.-added 2010), May 29, 1995, 3601 ft. (1098 m.)

Other records:

several records in Cajon area: H.M. Hall, Margaret Stason, H.L. Mason, S.B. Parish, S.D. White, Barbara Pitzer

FVS: May 16, 1919, S.B. Parish, summit of Cajon Pass, no elev. given

+Acmispon grandiflorus (Benth.) Brouilett var. grandiflorus, Chaparral Lotus, Chaparral Bire’s-foot Trefoil

[synonym: Lotus grandiflorus (Benth.) Greene var. grandiflorus]

LACo.: n. of Table Mt., Wrightwood area, 1.9 miles n. of jct. of roads 4N21B, 4N21A & 4N21 on ridge n. end of 4N21, July 2, 1998, 6199 ft. (1890 m.)

Other records:

T.S. Ross, steep northerly slope, c. 850 meters n.e. of Los Pinetos Spring, draining to easterly tributary of Los Pinetos Cyn., May 13, 1993, 2800-3200 ft. (853-981 m.); A.M. Ottley, trail to La(?)ken’s (Lukens-added 2011) Pk. San Gabriel Mts., May 14, 1920, no elev. given; Rimo Bacigalupi, G.T. Robbins, et al., below Little Tujunga Cyn., & (along FS Rd. following the crest fo Mendenhall Ridge, 13 mliles e. of its start at paved rd crossing w. crest of this ridge), June 15, 1953, 5196 ft. (1584 m.); W. Wisura, 7.8 miles s. from Soledad Cyn. Road along FS Road 4N33, June 16, 1990, no elev.; T.S. Ross, ridge between Condor Pk. Saddle & Fox (triangulation Point, 5033f) in first saddle NNW from Fox, July 17, 1992, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); T.S. Ross, Mt. Gleason area, NNW ridge, descending from Messenger Pk. (6017 ft. on the watershed divide between Mill Cyn. & Moody Cyn., May 23, 1990, 4600 ft. (1308 m.); L.C. Wheeler, near mouth of Bear Cyn. off Soledad Cyn., May 23, 1967, 1900 ft. (579 m.); Orlando Mistretta, “Sold” Pk., N. Fork Management Unit, Tujunga Ranger Dist., Sep. 9, 1992, no elev. given; K. Dobry, Elsemere Cyn., May 13, 1991, no elev. given; Thekla Mohr, N. Fork San Gabriel River, 1915, no elev. given

FVS: 1915

SBCo.: From 3401 ft. (1037 m.), at Mormon Rocks, along Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., c 0.25 mi. from Hwy. 138, Walter Wisura, May 18, 2001, to 4780 ft. (1457 m.), at Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge, 2.9 miles w. of 2N56 on Sheep Cr. Rd., c. 400 ft. n. of rd., R.G. Swinney, June 18, 1993; Apr.-July; rare; all 4 sections

FVS: May 16, 1903,

+Acmispon heermannii (Durand & Hilg.) Brouilett, Heermann’s Bird’sfoot Trefoil

[synonym: Lotus heermannii (Durand & Hilg.) Greene]

From 630 ft. (192 m.), at Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel Cyn. wash, 0.4-1 mile n. (upstream) of Puente Largo (Railway-added 2010) Bridge, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 21, 2009, to 6599 ft. (2012 m.), E. Fork Rd. crossing over the N. Fork of San Gabriel River, Islip Saddle, T.B. Salvato & Sarah Flack, Aug. 8, 1007; Apr.-Aug., Oct., fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: July 4, 1902, LeRoy Abrams, San Gab. Cyn., San Gabriel, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: From 3460 ft. (1055 m.), at Lytle Cr. Ridge, Sheep Cr. Rd., 1.5 miles n.e. of Lytle Cr. Road, w. side of rd., R.G. Swinney, May 28, 1995, to 5081 ft.

(1549 m.), at Lone Pine Cyn., c. 300 meters s. of Lone Pine Cyn. Rd. & 4 miles w. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., c. 0.5 mi. above (s.) of Clyde Ranch, R.G. Swinney, June 22, 1993; Apr.-Aug.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: July 18, 1891, Anonym., San Antonio Cyn., no elev. given

+Acmispon heermannii (Durand & Hilg.) Brouilett var. heermannii, Heermann’s Bird’sfoot Trefoil

[synonym: Lotus heermannii (Durnand & Hilg.) Greene var. heermannii]

LACo.: From 1063 ft. (324 m.), e. of Hansen Dam, entered at Orcas Ave., parked at Orcas Park, hiked east of this spot along river (just n. of Wentworth Street.) but not as far as the Tujunga Ponds, LeRoy Gross & Wayne Lowe, Aug. 8, 2000, to 7200 ft. (2195 m.), at Headwaters of Devil’s Cyn. on s. side of Mt. Waterman, L.C. Wheeler,Aug. 9, 1967; May-Aug., Oct.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 1900, L.R. Abrams, San Gabriel Cyn.

SBCo.: Cucamonga Cyn., n. of Cucamonga Cr. Percolation Basin, n. of dirt extension of W. Almond Ave., Apr. 30, 1994, 2250 ft. (686 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, upper part of N. Fork Lytle Cr., Aug. 24, 1917, 6500 ft. (1982 m.); R.F. Thorne, mouth of Day Cyn., July 7, 1971, 2900 ft. (884 m.); T.S. Ross, “Epipactis” Cyn., unnamed cyn. draining ENE to Lone Pine Cyn., originating near e. end of Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge (Sheep Cr. Truck Rd., 2N56) drops NEward through the lower half of this cyn., June 18, 1990, 3380-3480 ft. (1030 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr, near water intake, upstream from Ranger Station, Miller Narrows, July 13, 1967, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Lytle Cr., Sep. 15, 1920, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, Evey Cyn., May 6, 1916, no elev. given

FVS: May 6, 1916

+Acmispon heermannii (Durand & Hilg.) Brouilett var. orbicularis (A. Gray) Brouilett, Heermann’s Bird’s-foot Trefoil

[synonym: Lotus heermannii (Durand & Hilg.) Greene var. orbicularis (A. Gray) Isley]

LACo.: Frankish Pk. summit, n. of Upland, June 8, 1996, 4130 4198 ft. (1259- 1280 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Acmispon maritimus (Nutt.) D.D. Sokoloff, Coastal Bird’s-foot Trefoil

(synonym: Lotus salsuginosus Greene)

LACo.: From 1161 ft. (354 m.), at San Dimas, Puddingstone Diversion Dam, at mouth of San Dimas Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Mar. 26, 2008, to 2696 ft. (822 m.), at Indian Canyon Cmpgrd. (off Soledad Cyn.) L.C. Wheeler, May 6, 1973; Mar.-May, July, Nov.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: June 4, 1918, F.W. Peirson, hills e. Rubio Cyn., San Gab. Mts., 1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

*Acmispon maritimus (Nutt.) D.D. Sokoloff var. maritimus, Coastal Bird’s-foot Trefoil

(synonym: Lotus salsuginosus Greene var. salsuginosus)

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (365 m.), at Glendora, 0.6 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave. on N. Pennsylvania Ave., R.G. Swinney, Dec. 5, 1969, to 3283 ft. ((1001 m.), at So. Calif. Edison transmission line corridor (Seg. 6, structure 109 per TRTP Survey 2008) Uper Fish Cyn., Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, May 16, 2008; Mar.-June, Nov., Dec.; common after fires; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 22, 1904, C.F. Walker, Monrovia

SBCo.: Barry Burnell, Lytle Cr. Rd., 0.5 mi. above Penstock Firebreak, May 9, 1970, no elev. given

Acmispon micranthus (Torr. & A. Gray) Brouilett, Smallflower Lotus, Desert Deervetch

(synonyms: Lotus micranthus Benth. and Lotus hamatus Greene)

LACo.: LeRoy Gross & Naomi Fraga, Survey of Van Tassel Rd., a short distance s.e. of White Saddle, May 16, 2002, 3201 ft. (976 m.); V. Soza & LeRoy Gross, Morgan Fire-2000 area, between Morgan & Wildwood Cyns., just below Ferguson Mtwy. (c. 100 ft. below), no elev. given; A.M. Ottley, Tujunga Wash, San Gab. Mts., May 3, 1920, no elev. given; Wendell Wood, Tujunga Cyn. Rd., 3 mi. beyond jct of Mt. Gleason Ave., Tujunga, June 22, 1970, 1499 ft. (457 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Tujunga, San Gab. Mts., May 16, 1920, 1499 ft. (457 m.); F.W. Peirson, Little Tujunga Wash, w. end of San Gab. Mts., May 3, 1920, 1099 ft.;

F.W. Peirson, Monrovia Cyn., May 18, 1919, 1397 ft. (426 m.)

FVS: May 18, 1919

SBCo.: No records found.

Acmispon nevadensis (S. Watson) Brouilett, Nevada Bird’s-foot Trefoil

[synonym: Lotus nevadensis (S. Watson) Greene]

LACo.: n.w. of Wrightwood, west half of Jackson Flat, July 8, 1998, 7480 ft.

(2280 m.); Waterman Mt., July 24, 2008, 7911 ft. (2412 m.); Winston Pk., July 15, 2008, 7462 ft (2275 m.); Sulphur Springs Cmpgrd. area, S. Fork Littlerock Cr., May 28, 2009, 5199 ft. (1585 m.); Pacifico Mt. summit, July 29, 2009, 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

Other records:

David Charlton, Blue Ridge Campground (1.5 air miles SSE of Bigpine) & the reservoir at top of Chisolm Ski Run, along reservoir maintenance Rd., 0.7 to 1.2 miles s. of Angeles Crest Hwy., June 15, 1986, 8000 ft. (2439 m.); Mary MacArthur, Upper Chilao, June 4, 1966, no elev. given

FVS: June 4, 1966

SBCo.: Sheep Flats, s. of Icehouse Cyn., c. 1 air mile n. of Ontario Pk., July 10, 1995, 7045 ft. (2148 m.)

Other records:

I.M.Johnston, Cascade Cyn., June 15, 1917, 4497 ft. (1371 m.)

FVS: June 15, 1917

+Acmispon nevadensis (S. Watson) Brouiledtt var. davidsonii (Greene) Brouilett,

Davidson’s Bird’s-foot Trefoil

[synonym: Lotus nevadensis (S. Watson) Greene var. davidsonii (Greene) Isely,

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.), at San Gabriel River Cyn., n. of Azusa Cyn. bottom & adj. slopes, below San Gabriel Reservoir, Scott D. White, May 8, 1997, to 8300 ft. (2530 m.), at Blue Ridge, just w. of Guffy Campground on ridgetop & slopes above FS Rd. 3N06, Valerie Soza & Naomi Fraga, June 13, 2003; May- Aug.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 8, 1892, Dr. A. Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: From 5996 ft. (1828 m.), at head of S. Fork Lytle Cr., I.M. Johnston, July 15, 1917, to 8479 ft. (2585 m.), at Wright Mt. summit,, R.G. Swinney, Sep. 12, 1992; May-Sep.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 3-6, 1900, H.M. Hall, Swartout Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 6298 ft.

(1920 m.)

Acmispon parviflorus (Benth.) D.D. Sokoloff, Smallflower Bird’s-foot Trefoil

(synonym: Lotus micranthus Benth.)

LACo.: LeRoy Gross & Naomi Fraga, (Angeles Natl. Forest Rd. Survey of 2002) Van Tassel Rd., a short distance s.e. of White Saddle, May 16, 2002, 3201 ft. (976 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Acmispon procumbens (Greene) Brouilett, Silky California Broom (Deerweed)

[synonym: Lotus procumbens (Greene) Greene]

LACo.: Juniper Hills, top of Pleasant View Ridge, s. of jct. of 10456h St.East, and Juniper Hills Rd., June 16, 2001, 6580 ft. (2006 m.); Juniper Hills, upper Indian Bill Cyn., a narrow mile-long cyn. draining n. from w. end of Pleasant View Ridge, May 20, 2009, 4700 ft. (1433 m.)

Other records:

G.K. Helmkamp, 2 miles s.w. of Hwy. 138, beside Sheep Cr., June 2, 1974,

4999 ft. (1524 m.); Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., off Big Pines Hwy. (Road N) on the n. side of San Gab. Mts., near Shoemaker Cyn., along ridge, wash & roadside, May 6, 2005, 4736 ft. (1444 m.); B.C. Templeton, w. Blue Ridge, Big Pines Park, June 16, 1933, 6849 ft. (2088 m.)

FVS: June 16, 1933

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, peak (6150’), s.e. of Oak Springs Ranch, May 27, 1996, 6101 ft. (1860 m.); Circle Mt. Pk., s.e. of Wrightwood, July 9, 1995, 6199 ft.

(1890 m.); n.e. of Wrightwood, Horse Cyn., n.w. of Circle Mt., 100-200 yards e. of Hwy 2, c. 200 ft. south of Horse Cyn. Rd. (FS Rd. 3N12), June 12, 1994, 4999 ft. (1524 m.)

Other records:

B. Pitzer, n. slope of Baldy Mesa Area, large wash just n. of Manzanita Wash, off Baldy Mesa Rd., May 6, 1995

FVS: June 12, 1994

+Acmispon procumbens (Greene) Brouilett var. procumbens, Silky Deerweed

[synonym: Lotus procumbens (Greene) Greene var. procumbens]

LACo.: From 3500 ft. (1067 m.), at Santiago Cyn., near confl. with Little Rock Cr., Orlando Mistretta, S.D. Boyd., et al., Apr. 29, 1994, to 6160 ft. (1878 m.), at Camp Verdugo Pines & vicinity, northerly draw, draining to Jackson Lake, T. Ross, June 18, 1990; Apr.-July; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: Apr. 1, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock

SBCo.: Orlando Mistretta, Episcopal Camp at Wrightwood, June 3, 1992, no elev. given; 10 seperate records given for the Cajon Summit & Pass areas

Acmispon strigosus (Nutt.) Brouilett, Strigose Lotus (Bird’s-foot Trefoil)

[synonym: Lotus strigosus (Nutt.) Greene] (Jepson Manual states that several variants often recognized, but does not list any by name, two will be listed below, apparently not included in treatment by Brouilett, both are indented)

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., along main channel, 1.2 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., Azusa/Duarte, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 31, 2009 (modified 2010), to 6179 ft. (1884 m.), at ridgetop to the w. of Crystal Lake (ridge descending SSW from Mt. Islip), T.S. Ross, June 25, 1990; Feb.-June, Aug.; common; all 3 sections

FVS: June 14, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: From 2099 ft. (640 m.), at Lytle Cr. Wash, just s. of Glen Helen Pkwy. (N)(NW) of Hwy. I-215, c. 1/2 mile e. of Sierra Ave.-Lytle Cr. Rd.,B. Pitzer, O.F. Clarke, et al., Mar. 8, 1997, to 5150 ft. (1570 m.), at Baldy Mesa, Phelan Pk., s. of Phelan, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 13, 1996; Mar.-July, Oct.; abundant; transmontane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 25, 1893, Norman C. Wilson, Cajon Cyn., no elev. given

Synonym: Lotus strigosus (Nutt.) Greene var. hirtellus (Greene) Ottley, Strigose Bird’s-foot Trefoil (status uncertain)

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Cow Cyn. Saddle, (covered former dump), May 29, 1967, 4520 ft. (1378 m.); Brian C. Miller, near the Singing Springs along Mill Cr. Cyn., June 15, 1963, 3998 ft. (1219 m.)

FVS: June 15, 1963

SBCo.: Frank W. Hedges, 5 miles s. of Camp Curry’s Mt. Baldy, s.w. side of steep slope, May 9, 1948, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

Synonym: Lotus strigosus (Nutt.) Greene var. strigosus, Strigose Bird’s-foot Trefoil (status uncertain)

LACo.: D. Bartholomew, just n. of San Antonio Heights, Upland, May 20, 1961, no elev. given; Justin M. Wood, Mill Cr. Summit, roadside turnout on Angeles Forest Hwy., 0.75 n.e. of Mt. Gleason Road jct., Apr. 1, 2009, 4589 ft. (1399 m.); Justin M. Wood, vic. of Littlerock Cr., just s.w. of jct. of Cheeseboro Rd. and Mt. Emma Rd., May 10, 2010, 3191 ft. (975 m.); LeRoy Gross, ridgeline to Mt. Emma & cyn. s. of this ridge, w. from Mt. Emma (n.e. trending ridge, lower part of ridgeline starts to turn s.w.) e. of Mt. Emma Rd., than dropped off ridge, Apr. 28, 2005, 4051 ft. (1235 m.); Peter Kamb, desert foothills on the San Gab. Mts., above Little Rock, May 6, 1948, 3198 ft. (975 m.)

FVS: May 6, 1948

SBCo.: No records found.

Acmispon wrangelianus (Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) D.D. Sokoloff, Chilean Bird’s-foot Trefoil

(synonyms: Lotus wrangelianus Fisch. & C.A. Mey. and Lotus subpinnatus Lag. misappl.)

LACo.: Geoffrey Levin, Evey Cyn., a side cyn. of San Antonio Cyn., Apr. 27, 1974, 2398 ft. (731 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Albizia julibrissin Durazz, Mimosa, Silktree

Native to warm, temperate, tropical Asia.

LACo.: Scott D. White, foothills above Sierra Madre, L.A. Dept. of Public Works, “Auburn” Debris Basin, above n. terminus of Auburn Ave., Oct. 14, 2003, 1300 ft. (396 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Amorpha californica Nutt., California False Indigo

LACo.: Azusa , El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, May 8, 2009, 1000 ft. (305 m.)

Other records:

Jack Delaini & Barbara Sher Vanick, Lodi Cyn., SDEF., May 23, 1974, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas, July 3, 1931, no elev. given

FVS: July 3, 1931

SBCo.: From 2400 ft. (732 m.), at 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino, in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, about 2-4 miles n. of I-15, James Henrickson, May 1, 1985, to 3500 ft. (1067 m.), at Cajon Cyn., 2 km. n.w. of I-15 on Route 138, Randall T. Schul, Cassis, et al., May 18, 2004: May, June, Oct.; rare; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Sep., 1923, T.W. Minthorn, San Bernardino Mts. region, Cajon Pass, w. of summit, no elev. given

Amorpha californica Nutt. var. californica, California Falseindigo

LACo.: From 1300 ft. (396 m.), at Mystic Cyn., 2 miles n.e. of Glendora, Gary D. Cromwell, May 14, 1971, to 3300 ft. (1006 m.), at Arroyo Seco, near Watermans Station, s. slope of San Gab. Mts., Raymond J. Dobbs, June 22, 1927 and L.C. Wheeler, Trail Cyn., c. 1/2 way between Tom Lucus Cmpgrd. & BM 3434, July 30, 1967; Apr.-July; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: July 20, 1892, C.E. Hutchinson, Mt. Wilson Trail, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, w.-facing slope of ridge between Cajon and Lone Pine Canyon, c. 2 miles w. of Cajon Jct., May 28, 1966, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, Controversy Springs, c. 4 air miles ENE of Wrightwood, June 21, 1978; L.C. Wheeler, foothills on w. side of Cajon Cyn., 3/4 miles WSW of Cajon, Sep. 6, 1968, 3050 ft. (930 m.); F.W. Peirson, Cajon Pass (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary); Carl Epling, Nesta Dunn, et al., Cajon Pass, May 16, 1931, no elev. given

FVS: June 10, 1897, E.L. Koethen, Lytle Creek, no elev. given

Amorpha fruticosa L., Desert False Indigo

Highly variable.

LACo.: C.W. Sharsmith, Eaton Cyn., June 22, 1941, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Controversy Spring, w. side of Cajon Cyn., Sep. 7, 1968, 4500 ft. (1371 m.)

+Astragalus bicristatus A. Gray, Crested or Twocrested Milkvetch

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G3

LACo.: From 5497 ft. (1676 m.), at Prairie Fk., San Gabrifel River, I.M. Johnston, Aug. 24, 1917, to 8298 ft. (2530 m.), at Blue Ridge, just w. of Guffy Camp, on ridgetop & slopes above FS Road 3N06, Valerie Soza, Namomi Fraga, June 13, 2008; May- Sep; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: Aug. 24, 1917

SBCo.: Wrightwood, 100 meters n. of Hwy. 2, c. 200 meters w. of Twin Lakes, June 11, 1994, 5720 ft. (1744 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Fk. to Guffy Camp, Blue Ridge,July 15, 1968, 8000 ft. (2439 m.) (possibly in Los Angeles Co.-added 2011); L.C. Wheeler, 0.1 miles s.e. Guffy Camp, Aug. 29, 1946, 8150 ft. (2483 m.) (near county line-added 2011); Valerie Soza & Sarah J. DeGroot, Prairie Fk., s.e. of Cabin Flat, June 11, 2003 (possibly in Los Angeles Co.-added 2011); I.M. Johnston, w. end of Ontario Pk., Cascade Cyn., June 23, 1918, 5999-7000 ft. (1829-2134 m.); H.M. Hall, San Antnonio Mt., on desert slope, June 20, 1899, 6496 ft. (1981 m.)

FVS: June 20, 1899

+Astragalus brauntonii Parish, Braunton’s Milkvetch

Status CNPS List: 1B R-E-D Code: 3-2-3 State/Fed. Status: /C2

CRPR 1B.1 S2 G2

LACo.: A. Edwards & B. Edwards, City of Monrovia’s Hillside Wilderness Preserve along a flat dirt fire access road, July 1, 2009, 1401 ft. (427 m.); E. Braunton, Monrovia, June 1928, 1500 ft. (457 m.); C. Reiser, Hills imm. adjacent to Monrovia, Apr. 5, 1993, no elev. given.

Locations protedcted because of endangered status, data may be supplied to researchers on request:

P.O. Schaller , May 7, 1943

G.T. Hastings, June 9, 1942 & Apr. 26, 1942

G.B. Grant, June 1901

Ernest Braunton, June 28, 1928

FVS: June 1901, G.B. Grant

SBCo.: No records found.

Astragalus coccineus Brandegee, Scarlet Milkvetch,

LACo.: Valyermo area, e. end of Holcomb Ridge at Bob’s Gap, Apr. 18, 2001, 4198 ft. (1280 m.)

Other records:

Michael C. Long, Pitt. Sullivan, et al., Holcomb Cr., 0.25 meters s. of Big Rock Cr., Apr. 21, 1974, 3900 ft. (1189 m.); H.L. Mason, Desert Slope of San Gab. Mts., Rock Cr., Apr. 27, 1926 and F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., Apr. 27, 1926, 4000 ft.

(1220 m.); Albert J. Perkins, San Gab. Mts., May 30, 1919

FVS: May 30, 1919

SBCo.: No records found.

Astragalus didymocarpus Hook & Arn., Two-seeded Milkvetch, Dwarf White Milkvetch

LACo.: Valyermo area, e. end of Holcomb Ridge at Bob’s Gap, Apr. 18, 2001, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); Justin M. Wood, vic. of Littlerock Cr., just s.w. of jct. of Cheseboro Rd. & Mt. Emma Rd., May 10, 2010, 3191 ft. (973 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Apr. 18, 2001

SBCo.: No records found.

Astragalus didymocarpus Hook. & Arn. var. didymocarpus, Dwarf White Milkvetch

LACo.: G.D. Wallace & Ann Hiller, dirt rd. west of jct. with Chesboro Rd. on Mt. Emma Rd., at 47th St. E., , May 18, 1983, (very n.w. corner of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary); L.C. Wheeler, Hunt Cyn., 3 miles e. of Vincent, May 12, 1967, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Aliso Cyn., 1/2 mile SSW of Blum Ranch, Apr. 20, 1973, 3200 ft. (975 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Tujunga (on low hill rd. crosses at foot of cyn.), Mar. 28, 1920, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: Mar. 28, 1920

SBCo.: No records found.

Astragalus didymocarpus Hook & Arn. var. dispermus (A. Gray) Jeps., Dwarf White Milkvetch

LACo.: Carr Cyn., 0.3 miles s.e. of Mt. Emma Rd. crossing May 5, 2009, 3119 ft. (951 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, along Mt. Emma Rd., 1.9 miles w. of Little Rock Cr. below the Dam, May 11, 1973, 3802 ft. (1159 m.); Lois E. Jones, Acton, Soledad Canyon, Apr. 25, 1946, no elev. given; Lois E. Jones, c. 1/2 mile w. of Ravenna in Soledad Cyn., Apr. 13, 1947, no elev. given; Frank W. Peirson, Arrastre Cyn., May 10,11, 1919, 2798 ft. (853 m.)

FVS: May 10, 1919

SBCo.: No records found.

Astragalus didymocarpus Hook & Arn. var. obispoensis (Rydb.) Jeps., San Obispo Milkvetch

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Valyermoa area, e. end of Holcomb Ridge at Bob’s Gap, Apr. 18, 2001, 4198 ft. (1280 m.)

Other records:

Lois E. Jones, c. 0.5 miles w. of Ravenna (in Soledad Cyn.), Apr. 13, 1947; Lois E. Jones, Soledad Cyn., along RR tracks at Acton, Apr. 20, 1946, 1747 ft.

(533 m.)

FVS: Apr. 20, 1946

SBCo.: No records found.

Astragalus douglasii (Torr. & A. Gray) A.Gray, Douglas’s Milkvetch

Vars. +/- intergrade.

LACo.: From 4198 ft. (1280 m.), at Juniper Hills, Pallet Cr., 0.4 miles s. of Tumble Weed. Rd., in Pallet Cr., spring on east side of wash with small pond, R.G. Swinney, July 11, 2003, to 7396 ft. (2255 m.), along rd. to Table Mt., n.w. of Big Pines, near summit, Wayne Armstrong, July 17, 1982; Apr.-Aug.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: May 10, 1919, Frank W. Peirson, Arrastre Cyn., 3198 ft. (975 m.)

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, Boneyard Cyn., near spring (not-added 2011) shown on topo, very near co. line, May 8, 1999, 4799 ft. (1463 m.) (seepage caused by punctured water line-added 2011)

+Astragalus douglasii (Torr. & A. Gray) A. Gray var. douglasii, Jacumbe Milkvetch, Douglas’s Milkvetch

LACo.: From 2998 ft. (914 m.), at Soledad Cyn, Kentucky Spring, J.H. Barber, June 28 1897, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at E. Table Mt. Summit, Wrightwood area, R.G. Swinney, July 2, 1998; Apr.-Oct.; uncommon; transmontane at Pinyon Hills, c. 0.25-0.5 miles s. of Oak Springs Ranch in Oak Springs Cyn., R.G. Swinney, July 6, 1995, 5399 ft. (1646 m.), montane

FVS: June, 1882-1887, S.B. & W.F. Parish, Old Baldy Mt.

SBCo.: e. of Table Mt. & n.w. of Wright Ridge, 2 1/4 miles s.e. of Smithsonian Observatory on e. end of ridge, May 27, 1996, 7300-7473 ft. (2226-2278); c. 0.25-0.5 meters s. of Oak Springs Ranch in Oak Springs. Cyn., July 6, 1995, 5399 ft. (1646 m.); Lone Pine Cyn., 1.3 miles w. of FS Road 3N31 (near Clyde Ranch) on Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., s. shoulder of rd., May 28, 1995, 5560 ft.

(1695 m.);

Other records: Naomi Fraga & Sarah J. DeGroot, along Lytle Cr. Ridge Rd., (3N13), June 1, 2004, no elev.: T.S. Ross, Gobblers Knob transition from Blue Ridge to Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge, May 27, 1990, no elev. given; L.E. Hoffman, Swartout Cyn., July 10, 1927, no elev. given

FVS: July 10, 1927

+Astragalus douglasii (Torr. & A. Gray) A. Gray var. parishii (A. Gray) M.E. Jones, Parish’s Milkvetch

LACo.: O.H. Koppler, near Wrightwood, L.A. Co. Park, May 30, 1946, 6599 ft. (2012 m.); F.W. Peirson, Swartout Valley Region, Big Pine, July 6, 1922, 6799 ft. (2073 m.)

FVS: July 6, 1922

SBCo.: No records found.

Astragalus gambelianus E. Sheldon, Gambel Milkvetch, Litlle Blue Loco, Gambel’s Dwarf Milkvetch

LACo.: San Dlimas, ridge between Sycamore & Shay Cyn., Apr. 17, 2008,

1630 ft. (497 m.); Glendora, 0.5 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., n. of High Crest Ave., May 10, 1969, 1200 ft. (366 m.) and L.C. Wheeler, Just e. of this location, Mar. 28, 1968

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, saddle on ridge s. of mouth of Big Dalton Cyn., Apr. 13, 1968, 1575 ft. (5166 m.) and Samuel R. Tyson, Apr. 22, 1943 and Robert L. Dressler, May 31, 1952; L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., May 14, 1934, 1450 ft. (442 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Marshall Cr., Apr. 27, 1934, 1600’s ft.; L.C. Wheeler, Wildwood Ranch, Shuler Cyn., Apr. 14, 1974, 1350 ft. (412 m.); Robert L. Dressler, along trail from Miller Camp (lower Dlaton Cyn.) to Johnstone Pk. (Big Dalton Cyn., Miller Camp is now Big Dalton Cyn. Campround, Glendora-added 2011),May 31, 1952, no elev. given; Samuel R. Tyson, Big Dalton Canyon, Apr. 22, 1943, 1299 ft. (396 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., May 18, 1967, 1700 ft. (518 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Brown School for Girls, n.w. of Glendora (now Church of the Open Door-added 2011), Mar. 28, 1968, 1175 ft. (358 m.); L.C. Wheeler, e. side Little Tujunga Cyn., 3/4 mile SSE Aerreras Ranch, May 4, 1969, 1800 ft. (548 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Live Oak Cyn. Dam, Apr. 24, 1934, 1500 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: Apr. 24, 1934

SBCo.: No records found.

Astragalus gilmanii Tidestr., Gilman’s Milkvetch

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-2-2 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 1B.2 S2 G2

LACo.: Ralph Hoffman, Mt. Baldy, rocky slope, June 21, 1931

SBCo.: No records found.

Astragalus lentiginosus Douglas ex Hook., Freckled Milkvetch

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Sheep Cr., near Pinon Hills, 0.8 miles s. of Hwy. 138 via Scrub Oak Rd. (dirt), 70-300 meters w. of Scrub Oak Road, Mar. 25, 1995 and Apr. 5, 1995 and May 29, 1995, 4579 ft. (1396 m.)

Other records:

M.N. Ackley, Wrightwood, June, 1929, 6196 ft. (1889 m.)

FVS: June, 1929

+Astragalus lentiginosus Douglas ex Hook. var. antonius Barneby, San Antonio Milkvetch, Freckled Milkvetch

Status: CNPS List 1B R-E-D Code 3-1-3 State/Fed. Status: ?C2

CRPR 1B.3 S1 ? G5T1 Eastern San Gab. Mts. only

LACo.: From 5159 ft. (1573 m.), at Prairie Fk. Canyon, 0.5 miles w. of Cabin Flats Cmpgrd, R.G. Swinney, July 10, 1998, to 8426 ft. (2569 m.), at Blue Ridge, c. 0.5 miles s.e. of Blue Ridge Electronic Site/”Frost” Summit, alonside FS Road 3N06, Valerie Soza & Naomi Fraga, June 13, 2003; May-Sep.; uncommon; near transmontane at Pinyon Ridge, montane

FVS: June 21, 1899, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., 6196 ft. (1889 m.)

SBCo.: From 4599 ft. (1402 m.), 2 miles up Hwy. 2, on way to Wrightwood, Barbara Petite, May 10, 1973, to 8450 ft. (2576 m.), at Blue Ridge, Swarthout Valley, P.A. Munz, Aug. 31, 1923; Apr.-June, Aug.; rare; transmontane, montane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June, 1887, S.B. Parish, high ridges of Old Baldy Mt., Mt. San Antnonio, no elev. given

Astragalus lentiginosus Douglas ex Hook. var. fremontii (A. Gray ex Torr.) S. Watson, Fremont’s Milkvetch

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: O.H. Kappler, Hwy. 138, 4 miles w. of jct. with Hwy. 395, Apr. 11, 1953, 3250 ft. (991 m.); S.B. Parish, n. side of Old Baldy Mt., June 7, 1887, no elev. given

FVS: June 7, 1887

+Astragalus lentiginosus Douglas ex Hook. var. idriensis M.E. Jones, Freckled Milkvetch

Highly variable.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: O.H. Kappler, Baldy Mesa, Mar. 23, 1946, no elev. given (possibly n. or e. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Astragalus lentiginosus Douglas ex Hook. var. variabilis Barneby, Freckled Milkvetch

Intergrades with A. lentiginosus var. fremontii.

LACo.: P.A. Munz, Pallett Cr., May 27, 1923, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Rangers Cabin, Swarthout Valley, July 7, 1922, 5900 ft. (1935 m.)

FVS: July 7, 1922

SBCo.: between Pinon Hills & Sheep Cr., 0.9 miles s. of Hwy. 138 on Scrub Oak Rd., 70 meters w. of rd., May 19, 1995, 4559 ft. (1390 m.)

Other records: None found.

+Astragalus leucolobus M.E. Jones, Bear Valley Woolypod (Milkvetch)

Much like vars. of A. purshii.

Status: CNPS List: 1B R-E-D Code: 2-2-3 State/Fed. Status: none


LACo.: Boulder Cyn., uper end near Hwy. 2, June 21, 1999, 55920 ft. (1805 m.)

Records from Table Mt./LeMontane Summit area:

R.F. Thorne, July 9, 1969, 7000 ft. (2133 m.); Orlando Mistretta, June 28, 1993, 7200 ft. (2195 m.); G.K. Helmkamp, June 21, 1974, 6501 ft. (1982 m.); F.W. Peirson, July 3, 1922, 7250 ft. (2209 m.); W.P. Armstrong, July 17, 1982, 7396 ft. (2255 m.); R.G. Swinney: May 27, 1996, 6799 ft. (2073 m.); June 13, 1997,

7200 ft. (2195 m.); May 27, 1996, 7387 ft. (2252 m.); July 2, 1998, 7400 ft. (2256 m.)

Other records:

Steve Boyd & Laura Kopase, 5 miles WNW of Wrightwood in Cedar Cyn. near jct. with Mescal Cr., June 8, 1987, 5000 ft. (1523 m.); P.A. Munz, Swartout Valley, on high ridge, June 17, 1921, 7500 ft. (2287 m.); Steve Saddler, 1.5 mile w. of Big Pines jct. on Big Pines to Palmdale Road, Apr. 17, 1966, 5999 ft.

(1829 m.); O.H. Kappler, near Wrightwood, L.A. Co. Park, May 30, 1946, 6599 ft. (2012 m.); Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock, July 4, 1893, no elev.

FVS: July 4, 1893

SBCo.: n. of Wrightwood, e. of E. Table Mt. Summit, 0.25 miles s.e. of Smithonian Observatory, on ridgetop, May 27, 1996, 7200 ft. (2195 m.)

Other records: None found.

+Astragalus pachypus Greene, Thickpod Milkvetch

LACo.: lower Brainard Cyn., 1.4-1.8 miles s. of Mt. Emma Rd., 2.9 miles SSE (164 deg.) of Littlerock, May 12, 2009, 3480 ft. (1061 m.); Carr Cyn., at confl. with Littlerock Cr., May 6, 2009, 2982 ft. (909 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: May 6, 2009

SBCo.: M.N. Ackley, Wrightwood, June 1, 1929, 6196 ft. (1889 m.)

+Astragalus pachypus Greene var. jaegeri Munz & McBurney, Jaeger’s (Bush) Milkvetch

LACo.: Peter Kamb, desert foothills of San Gab. Mts., above (south) of Little Rock, May 6, 1948, 3198 ft. (975 m.)

SBCo.: Status: Sensitive - No records found.

+Astragalus pachypus Greene var. pachypus, Bush Milkvetch, Thickpod Milkvetch

LACo.: Pinon Hills, Boneyard Cyn., near spring (not shown on topo, very near co. line, May 8, 1999, 4800 ft. (1463 m.); Littlerock Cr., 0.3 miles n.w. of Littlerock Creek Cmpgrd., Apr. 24, 2009, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

Other records:

C.Pierce & G. Pratt, Carr Cyn., near town of Little Rock, Mar. 4, 1997,

3802 ft. (1159 m.) and Orlando Mistretta, Feb. 28, 1995; R.F. Thorne, along Mt. Emma Rd., 1/2 mile e. of Little Rock Cr., below Dam, May 11, 1973, 3400 ft. (1037 m.); Orlando Mistretta, drainage w. of Little Rock Cr. Resevoir, just s. of Dam, Mar. 28, 1995, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Cima Mesa (Juniper Hills-added 2010), Apr. 17, 1955, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 17, 1955

SBCo.: No records found

Astragalus pomonensis M. E. Jones, Pomona Milkvetch

CA & n.w. Baja CA, Mex.; like A. douglasii (Torr. & A. Gray) A. Gray.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Rancho Cucamonga, n.e. of Etiwanda Ave., c. 0.5 miles s. of mouth of Day Cyn. Debris Basin, Feb. 18, 1995, 2362 ft. (720 m.), with fls.; Cucamonga, Day Cyn., c. 1.3 miles s.e. of gaging station at mouth of cyn., Apr. 22, 1995,

2362 ft. (720 m.), with fruits & fls.

Others records:

A.C. Sanders, Mackay, et al., Day Cyn., Jan 26, 1997 and Benny & Wainwright, Apr. 2, 1971; I.M. Johnston, Deer Cyn. Wash, near Etiwanda, Apr. 21, 1918, no elev. given [possibly below (s.) of San Gab. Mts. boundary]; R. Rutherford, C. Schroeder, et al., Lost Lake, no date given, 3198 ft. (975 m.);; Kathleen Stuckwell, NNE of jct. of Etiwanda Ave. & Wilson Ave.; 24th Street, n. of the southernmost high powerline, s. of the Etiwanda Preserve boundaray, alluvial fan of E. Etiwanda, May 19, 2004, 1876 ft. (572 m.) (just s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, 3802 ft. (1159 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 16, 1903

Astragalus purshii Douglas ex Hook., Pursh’s or Woollypod Milkvetch

LACo.: S.D. White & Sandy Leatherman, Hawthorne Youth Camp, 6 miles w. of Wrightwood, just n. of Big Pines Hwy., near Jackson Lake, July 25, 2001, 6100-6200 ft. (1860-1890 m.); K.T. Ingram, on Big Pine Hwy., 1.9 mi. from Angeles Crest Hwy., May 16, 1976

FVS: May 16, 1976

SBCo.: No records found.

Astragalus purshii Douglas ex Hook. var. lectulus (S. Watson) M.E. Jones, Pursh’s Milk-Vetch, Woollypod Milkvetch

LACo.: n.w. of Wrightwood, c. 200 meters n. of Hwy. 2, at Mt. High Ski Resort, E. Skirun, May 27, 1996, 6799 ft. (2073 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Astragalus purshii Douglas ex Hook., var. tinctus M.E. Jones, Woollypod Milkvetch

LACo.: R. Hoffman, San Gab. Mts., Los Angeles Recreation Park, May 19, 1929, 5996 ft. (1828 m.); P.A. Munz, Swartout Valley, June 17, 1921, 7495 ft. (2285 m.); H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., June 1899

FVS: June 1899

SBCo.: No records found.

+Astragalus trichopodus (Nutt.) A. Gray var. phoxus (M.E. Jones) Barneby, Antisell Milkvetch, Santa Barbara Milkvetch

LACo.: R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, 2 mi. up Lower Tujunga Rd. from Forestry Headquarters, June 17, 1971, 1500 ft. (457 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Little Tujunga, near Limerock Cyn., Mar. 30, 1952, 1550 ft. (472 m.); LeRoy Gross, Big Tujunga Wash, e. of I-210 Frwy., w. of Big Tujunga Cyn. Road, May 15, 1998, 1200 ft. (365 m.); L.C. Wheeler, divide between Reynier & Placerita Cyn., May 18, 1967, 2000 ft. (609 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Gab. Mts., near mouth, e. side Little Tujunga, May 6, 1973, 1300 ft. (396 m.); James Henrickson, c. 1 mile s.e. of Newhal in Whitney Canyon, s.e. of jct. of San Fera Rd., & State Hwy 14, c. 1/2 mile e. of Hwy 14, Apr. 15, 2000, 1600 ft. (488 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Tujunga, San Gab. Mts., on hillside at foot of cyn., Mar. 28, 1920, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: Mar. 28, 1920

SBCo.: No records found.

Bituminaria bituminosa (L.) Stirt, Arabian Pea

(synonym: Psoralea bituminosa L.)

CA & Florida, native to Medit. Europe.

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), at n.e. limits of City of Sierra Madre, above the terminus of Stone House Rd. & the end of Kaia Lane, Lee Jones, May 14, 2005, to 3542 ft. (1080 m.), at Clamshell Truck Trail, S. Halls, Apr. 22, 1999; Mar.-July, Oct.; rare; cismontane

FVS: May 29, 1962, P.A. Munz, Lower Millard Cyn., near fire rd., 2001 ft.

(610 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Caesalpinia gillesii (Hook.) Dietr., Bird of Paradise

Native to Argentina, Uraguay, seeds Toxic

LACo.: T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, lower Soledad Cyn., Soledad Cyn. Road, 1.5 rd. miles e. of Hwy. 14, June 1, 1990, 1950 ft. (595 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Castanospermum australe, A. Cunn. & C. Fraser ex Hook., Black Bean, Australian or Moreton Bay Chestnut

Native of e. coast of Austrailia, New South Wales, and to Pacific Islands of Vanatu & New Caledonia

LACo.: Scarlet Hunt, Arcadia, a cyn. n. of the city, Oct. 22, 1970, no elev. given.

SBCo.: No records found.

Ceratonia siliqua L., Carob (Karoub), St. John’s Bread

Native to Africa, temperate Asia and Europe

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn., Wilderness Park, 1 mile n.e. of Glendora Mt. Rd. at 100 yds. south of Big Dalton Cyn. Road, along Coulter Pine Trail, Aug. 6, 1989, 1450 ft. (441 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Cercis occidentalis A. Gray, Western Redbud

(synonym: C. orbiculata Greene)

LACo.: There are 2 records from San Antonio Cyn. (likely the same population), and 1 record at the confl. of Big Rock Cr. & Punchbowl Cyn. I’m familiar with these populations, and believe they were all planted/persisting. The following record I’m not familiar with: T.S. Ross, Glendora Ridge Rd. on divide between upper E. Fork of San Dimas Cyn. & Lower Cow Cyn., Apr. 2, 1992, 12 m. (in error)

FVS: May 10, 1969, San Antonio Cyn., D.A. Young, 2499 ft. (762 m.)

SBCo.: The same 2 records from L.A. Co. are reported, as the co. line runs through San Antonio Cyn., May 10, 1969)

Colutea arborescens L., Bladder Senna

Native to s. Europe.

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at Monrovia, N. foothills of city, of Briarcliff Rd. 0.2 miles w. of Ridgeside Dr., Michael C. Long, Apr. 24, 2002, to 5159 ft.

(1573 m.), at Boulder Cyn. n. of Big John Flat, R.G. Swinney, June 18, 1999; Apr.-Aug., Dec.; rare, locally common in Big Santa Anita Cyn., above & below Chantry Flats; transmontane, cismontane

Other locations:

Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin; Millard Cyn.; Arroyo Seco; San Gabriel River Cyn., Bear Divide Station off w. side of Little Tujunga Rd.; between Fern Cyn. & Pine Cyn., SDEF

FVS: Apr. 19, 1943, Paul O. Schallert, Monrovia, in cyn.

SBCo.: No recrods found.

+Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link, Scotch Broom

Native to Europe & n. Africa

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, Edison Transmission Line Tower (Seg. 5, structure 65 per TRTP Survey 2008), just e. of State Hwy. 14 (Antelope Valley Frwy.), in the vic. of Vincent, Apr. 29, 2008, 3201 ft. (976 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Cytisus striatus (Hill) Rothm., Striated Broom

Native to Spain & Portugal. Confused with C. scoparius.

LACo.: Scott D. White, Upper Big Tujunga Cyn., w. of Upper Big Tujunga Cyn. Rd., c. 2 air miles n. of jct. with Angeles Forest Hwy., Aug. 20, 2004, 3500 ft.

(1067 m.); Tim Ross, 6 deg. north & 2502 m. distant Thom Pk. (along Upper Big Tujunga Cyn. Road) Upper Big Tujunga Cyn., July 10, 1992, 3559 ft. (1085 m.)

FVS: July 10, 1992

SBCo.: No records found.

Genista canariensis L., Canary Broom

Native to Canary Islands.

LACo.: Scott D. White, Tanbark Flats, in SDEF, Aug. 25, 2000, 2400-2900 ft. (732-884 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Millard Cyn., c. Natl. Forest Boundary, Apr. 9, 1973, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 9, 1973

SBCo.: No records found.

+Genista linifolia L., Mediterranean Broom

Native to Canary Islands, w. Medit. & n. Africa.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Mt. Wilson Rd. below Henningner Flats, Sep. 3, 1970,

2200 ft. (670 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Genista monosperma (L.) Lam., Bridal Veil Broom

[synonym: Retama monosperma (L.) Boiss]

Native to Iberian Peninsula, Canary Islands, n. Africa

LACo.: Steve Boyd, base of range at Padua Hills, just w. of mouth of San Antonio Cyn., Feb. 3, 1990, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Genista monspessulana (L.) L. Johnson, French Broom

Native to the Medit., the Azores and the Canary Islands. Perhaps all parts of the plants are toxic. Most plants reported as this, may be hybrids.

LACo.: Marshall & Live Oak Cyn drainages, La Verne, Apr. 13, 1998, 1801 ft. (549 m.)

Other records:

Jennifer H. Jones & Jay H. Jones, foothills of San Gab. Mts., Webb Cyn. Road, June 4, 2006, 1361 ft. (415 m.); T.S. Ross, n.w. margin of Chantry Flat, June 1, 1993, 2181 ft. (665 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Millard Cyn. between Cyn. Cr. Road & Natl. Forest Boundary, Apr. 2, 1975, no elev. given; T.C. Fuller, natural area on slope of Barranca n.e. of Foothill Blvd. & Hillard Ave., La Canada, Apr. 10, 1962, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 10, 1962

SBCo.: No records found.

Glycyrrhiza lepidota Pursh, Wild or American Licorice

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., June 18, 1918, 3998 ft. (1219 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Sandrock Cr. at Pearblosom Hwy., near confl. of Sandrock Cr. & Big Rock Cr., 0.25 miles s.e. of Big Rock Patrol Station, Aug. 27, 1946, 3651 ft. (1113 m.); P.A. Munz, Pallett Cr., May 27, 1923, no elev. given; J.H. Burber, Soledad Cyn., June 25, 1897, no elev. given

FVS: June 25, 1897

SBCo.: side cyn. on w. side of Cajon Wash, 0.5 miles s.w. of Cajon, 2.1 miles s. of jct. of FS Roads 3N49 & 3N53, 2.9 miles s.e. of Lone Pine Rd. & Hwy. 138 at FS Road 3N53, w. side of far west RR tracks, June 21, 1995, 2919 ft. (890 m.); Cajon Cyn., on Swarthout Cyn. Road, 400 yards n. of old Hwy. 395, Oct. 19, 1991, 2719 ft. (829 m.) and June 25, 1992

Other records:

J.A. Adams, Lytle Cr. Rd., 0.25 mi. below Glenn Ranch, June 12, 1965, 4999 ft. (1524 m.)

FVS: June 12, 1965

+Hoita macrostachya (DC.) Rydb., Large Leather Root

LACo.: Glendora, Morgan Cyn. Debris Basin, at spring on w. side, July 13, 1989, 1200 ft. (366 m.) (becoming common in central basin area several years after debris removal) (additional locatioin data on Consortium database, should be removed)

Other records:

D.L. Crawford, Live Oak Cyn., Claremont, July 16, 1915, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, Evey Cyn., Aug. 13, 1924, 2400 ft. (732 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Devil’s Cyn. Campground, Aug. 22, 1965, no elev. given; L.R. Abrams, San Gab. Mts. near Azusa , July 6, 1902, no elev. given

FVS: July 6, 1902

SBCo.: unnamed trib. to Lytle Cr., 2.7 miles n. of Devore Rd. & c. 0.4 miles w. of Lytle Cr., 100 yards w. of dirt rd., Aug. 2, 1993, 2601 ft. (793 m.)

Other records:

L.R. Abrams, Lytle Cr., near San Bernardino, July, 1901, no elev. given

FVS: July, 1901

Hoita orbicularis (Lindl.) Rydb., Roundleaf Leatherroot

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Thos. Craig, Soledad Cyn., c. 8 miles w. of Ravenna, Oct. 9, 1933,

2000 ft. (610 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Arraster (Arrastre-added 2012) Creek, San Gab. Mts., July 1, 1921, 3096 ft. (944 m.)

FVS: July 1, 1921

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 29, 1972, 4750 ft.

(1448 m.); Naomi Fraga, et al., San Sevaine Cow Camp area along FS Rd. 1N34 in Grapevine Cyn., w. of Grape Vine Spring, June 30, 2004, no elev. given;

I.M. Johnston, Lower San Sevaine Flats, July 10, 1925, 4800 ft. (1463 m.)

FVS: July 10, 1925

Hosackia crassifolia Benth., Broad-leaved Lotus, Big Deervetch

[synonym: Lotus crassifolius (Benth.) Greene]

LACo.: 0.7 to 1.2 miles s. of Angeles Crest Hwy. on FS Rd. 3N06; San Antonio Pk. (Lookout Pk.), c. 100 meters n. of summit on ridge saddle, Aug. 19, 1997,

6540 ft. (1994 m.)

Other records:

David Charlton, between Blue Ridge Cmpgrd., (1.5 air miles SSE of Big Pine) & reservoir at top of Chisolm Ski Run, along reservoir maintenance rd., June 15, 1986, 8000 ft. (2439 m.); T.S. Ross & Steve Boyd., ridge NNE. of Granite Mt., July 24, 1991, 6370 ft. (1942 m.); James Henrickson, c. (air) miles n.e. of La Canada, 3.1 (rd.) miles n. of N3, off Angles Crest Hwy., May 12, 1973, 3398 ft. (1036 m.); Wesley O. Griesel, along Angeles Crest Hwy., near Charlton Flats, May 14, 1959, 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

FVS: May 14, 1959

SBCo.: Bear Flats, n. of Baldy Village, July 12, 1995, 5599 ft. (1707 m.); n. of jct. of Big Tree Truck Rd. (San Sevaine Rd.) and S. Fork Lytle Cr. Trail, July 21, 1993, 5720 ft. (1744 m.); Lytle Creek Cyn., unnamed side cyn. from w., 2 miles n. of San Savaine Rd. near Hitching Ranch, July 14, 1993, 3109 ft. (948 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 14, 1993

Hosackia crassifolia Benth. var. crassifolia, Big Deervetch

[synonym: Lotus crassifolius (Benth.) Greene var. crassifolius]

LACo.: From 2601 ft. (793 m.), at San Gabriel River, W. Fork, large fill slope on the s. side of Cogswell Reservoir, Scott D. White & Justin M. Wood, May 6, 2009, to 8295 ft. (2529 m.), at ridge s. of Swartout Valley, P.A. Munz, Aug. 31, 1923; May-Sep.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: July 4, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock

SBCo.: M.N. Ackley, Cajon to Wrightwood, June 23, 1928, 4995 ft. (1523 m.); James Herrickson, 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in Lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15, May 10, 1985, 2400-2800 ft. (732 m.); P.A. Munz, ridge s. of Swartout Valley, Aug. 31, 1923, 8298 ft. (2530 m.)

FVS: Aug. 31, 1923

Hosackia oblongifolia Benth., Streambank Bird’s-foot Trefoil

[synonym: Lotus oblongifolius (Benth.) Greene]

LACo.: From 2221 ft. (677 m.), at Cattle Cyn., w. of (downstream from) Thompson Flat, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 10, 1998, to 7121 ft. (2171 m.), s.w. of Wrightwood, 7.1 miles s.e. of Hwy. 2 & FS. Rd. 3N06 jct., at 3N39, stream crosses rd. in a tributary cyn. of Prairie Fk., R.G. Swinney, July 14, 1998: May-Aug.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 12, 1931, L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: Cucamonga Cyn., n. of Cucamonga Cr. Percolation Basin, n. of dirt extension of W. Almond Ave., Apr. 30, 1994, 2250 ft. (686 m.); Lone Pine Valley, Clyde Ranch, s. side of Lone Pine rd., Apr. 23, 1994, 4920 ft. (1500 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Apr. 23, 1994

Hosackia oblongifolia Benth. var. oblongifolia, Streambank Lotus (Bird’s-foot Trefoil)

[synonym: Lotus oblongifolius (Benth.) Greene var. oblongifolius]

LACo.: From 1500 ft. (457 m.), at Azusa Cyn., Marion P. Harthill, Apr. 7, 1972, to 6839 ft. (2085 m.), Upper Fish Fk. drainage, s.-facing slope of Pine Mt. Ridge, R.G. Swinney, July 21, 1998; Apr.-Sep.; uncommon: all 3 sections

FVS: June 26, 1897, J.H. Barber, Aliso Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: Lone Pine Valley, Clyde Ranch, s. side of Lone Pine Cyn. Road, Aug. 23, 1994, 4920 ft. (1500 m.); Bear Flats, c. 1.7 miles n. of Mt. Baldy Village, E. Fork of Bear Cyn., with Cory Wilson, July 25, 1996, 5599 ft. (1707 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., near San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 7, 1971,

4700 ft. (1433 m.); R.F. Thorne, G. Benny, et al., Day Cr. Cyn., July 23, 1971, 3000 ft. (915 m.); LeRoy Abrams, Lytle Cr. Cyn., July 14, 1902, 2998 ft. (914 m.)

FVS: July 14, 1902

Lathyrus latifolius L., Perennial Sweet Pea, Perennial Pea

Native to Europe.

LACo.: Tim Ross & Peter Fritsch, ridgetop between W. Fork, San Gabriel River, & Robert’s Cyn., (Rincon-Red Box Rd. 2N24), June 20, 1990, 4120-4f277 ft. (1256-1304 m.); Justin M. Wood, City of San Dimas, Sycamore Cyn., Falcon Ridge Rd., Apr. 22, 2009, 1351 ft. (412 m.); T. Ross, Big Rock Cr., just above confl. of Holcomb Cyn. Cr., between Big rock Cr. Rd.. & mouth of Holcomb Cyn., June 11, 1990, 4115-4200 ft. (1255 m.)

FVS: June 11, 1990

SBCo.: Lytle Cr. at Miller Narrow, 1 mile s. of S. Fork Rd., 20 meters e. of rd., June 20, 1994, 2781 ft. (848 m.)

Other records:

Lily Mallare, near Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., west of Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge , c. 0.5 mi. from where Lytle Cr. & the California Aquiduct meet on Sierra Ave., Hidden tr. on s. side of rd., May 26, 1984, 2840 ft. (866 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, June 12, 1968, 3400 ft. (1037 m.)

FVS: June 12, 1968

Lathyrus splendens Kellogg, Pride of California

Status: CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G3G4

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., Feb. 21, 1931

SBCo.: No records found.

Lathyrus vestitus Nutt., Pacific Pea

LACo.: Azusa, El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, Mar. 10, 2009, 1000 ft. (305 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: John Wear & Nathan Moorhatch, mouth of Day Cyn. at n. end of Etiwanda Ave., Oak Summit Project, Apr. 20, 1994, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

+Lathyrus vestitus Nutt. ssp. alefeldii (T.G. White) Brock, Alefeld’s Pea

Status: CRPR: CBR

LACo.: C.F. Baker, San Gab. Mts. Region, Monrovia, July 22, 1904, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Lathyrus vestitus Nutt. var. ochropetalus (Piper) Isely, Bolander’s Pea

[synonym: L. vestitus Nutt. ssp. bolanderi (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc., (still accepted by USDA)]

Status: CRPR: CBR

LACo.: M.E. Jones, n. of Claremont (Webb School), Mar. 24, 1934, no elev. given; Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, Feb. 10, 1897, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

FVS: Feb. 10, 1897

SBCo.: No records found.

+Lathyrus vestitus Nutt. ssp. laetiflorus (Greene) Broich, Pacific Pea (status uncertain)

LACo.: Barry Burnell, San Dimas Cyn., 6.2 miles from jct. of Foothill & San Dimas Cyn. Rd., Mar. 18, 1971, no elev. given; J. Lambert & M. Johnson, San Gabriel Cyn., May 14, 1955, 3500’s ft.

FVS: May 14, 1955

SBCo.: Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, no elev. given; H.M. Hall, Cajon Pass, Apr., 1902

FVS: Apr., 1902

+Lathyrus vestitus Nutt. var. vestitus, Chaparral, Common or Pacific Pea

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), above Irwindale, Fish Cr. Canyon, from the mouth of cyn. at CalMat Quarry upstream to falls, S.D. White, May 18, 2000, to 4500 ft. (1371 m.), at Mt. Wilson, Marion P. Harthill, Apr. 1, 1972; Mar.-June; montane at Mt. Baldy (no elev. given), fairly common at cismontane

FVS: Apr. 2, 1904, C.F. Baker, hills near Monrovia (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: From 1998 ft. (609 m.), at Cajon Pass, H.M. Hall, Apr. 1902, to 5000 ft. (1524 m.), at 1.7 meters n.e. of Hwy. 138 on FS Rd. 3N24, 0.5 miles w. of point where rd. crosses ridge, near Nuss Ranch, R.G. Swinney, June 10, 1995; Mar.- June; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 1-3, 1900, H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., 2496 ft. (761 m.)

Lotus corniculatus L., Birdfoot Trefoil

Native to Eurasia. Many plants are toxic.

LACo.: mouth of Sandrock Cyn., 0.26 air miles s. of Valyermo Post Office,

3729 ft. (1137 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to w. of fishing lakes, Nov. 7, 2008, 2001 ft. (610 m.); Baldy Notch, open graded area, c. 50 meters e. of Lodge, July 14, 1995, 7783 ft. (2373 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 14, 1995

+Lupinus agardhianus Heller, Agard Lupine (status uncertain, not listed in TJM-2012)

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, 3.1 miles s. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd. & Applewhite Rd., wash s. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, c. 300 meters w. of

Applewhite Rd., June 22, 1995, 2919 ft. (890 m.); w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Hwy. 138, c. 1 mile SSW of Cajon Jct., off FS Road 3N49, Apr. 29, 1995, 3100 ft.

(945 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Apr. 29, 1995

Lupinus albifrons Benth.,Silver Lupine

[synonym: L. albifrons Benth. var. eminens (Greene) C.P. Sm.]

LACo.: n. of Glendora, n. end of Big Dalton Cyn., June 23, 1989, 1700 ft.

(518 m.)

Other records:

K.S. Gill, foothills of Mt. Baldy, 2 miles n. of Claremont, Mar. 20, 1965, 1200 ft. (366 m.); Richard Wilson, 6.0 miles n. along Los Angeles Crest Hwy., Foothill Blvd. & Los Angeles Crest Hwy., May 10, 1958, 3497 ft. (1066 m.); A. Lewis, Little Tujunga Cyn., Feb., 1934, 2198 ft. (670 m.)

FVS: Feb., 1934

SBCo.: No records found.

Lupinus albifrons Benth. var. albifrons, Silver Lupine


LACo.: Lucille Kempers, Little Dalton Cyn., (n. of Glendora-added 2010), May 26, 1953,1200 ft. (366 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Lupinus albifrons Benth. var. douglasii (J. Agardh) C.P. Sm., Douglas’ Silver Lupine

LACo.: J.B. Walker, E. Fork Rd., 3 km. e. of jct. of Gabriel Cyn. Road, Mar. 29, 1995, 1968 ft. (600 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Lupinus andersonii S. Watson, Anderson’s Lupine

LACo.: From 1551 ft. (473 m.), at Big Dalton Canyon Wilderness Park, at Owl Flats (name no longer used for L.A. Co. Flood Control Mud Fill Area of 1969, at 1.5 miles e. of Glendora Mt. Road, n. of Big Dalton Cyn. Road, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 15, 1989, to 9118 ft. (2780 m.), at Throop Pk., w. of Mt. Baden-Powell, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 27, 2001; Apr.-Oct.: rare; all 3 sections

Other records, locations only:

SDEF, e. half (grass area) of Brown’s Flat; s.w. of Wrightwood, Blue Ridge, c. 0.5 miles w. of Guffy Camp, FS Road 3N06, c. 5.1 miles e. of Hwy. 2; summit of E. Table Mt., Wrightwood area; Antonio Pk. (Lookout Mt.) ridge e. of Cattle Cyn. & w. of W. Fork of Bear Cyn.; Heliport, 0.3 miles n. of South Mt. Hawkins; Table Mt., Sunrise Ski Area; Blue Ridge, near co. line; Fenner, Cyn. Conservation Camp, s. side of Camp;

FVS: July 6, 1918, I.M.Johnston, Prairie Fk. San Gabriel River, 6500 ft.

(1982 m.)

SBCo.: Cherry Cyn. “Flats”, “Dry Lake”, at s.w. base of Sugarloaf Pk., (s. of Icehouse Cyn.-added 2010), June 18, 1996, 5060 ft. (1543 m.); Wrightwood, 100 meters n. of Hwy. 2, c. 200 meters w. of Twin Lakes Rd., June 11, 1994, 5720 ft.

(1744 m.); Circle Mt. Summit, June 23, 1994, 6800 ft. (2073 m.); n. of Pacific Crest Trail, e. of Wright Mt., July 12, 1993, 7800 ft. (2378 m.); w. of FS Rd. 3N2, where n.-facing slope meets Lone Pine Valley, July 9, 1993, 4000 ft. (1220 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, Horse Cyn./Circle Mt. Rehab. Project, in wide drainage w. of Circle Mt., July 18, 1994, 5800 ft. (1768 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Bear Cyn. Trail to Mt. Baldy, July 5, 1993, 6720 ft. (2049 m.)

FVS: July 5, 1993 & July 9, 1993

Lupinus arbustus Douglas ex Lindl., Spur or Longspur Lupine

LACo.: B.C. Templeton, Big Pines Camp, May 31, 1932 and June 18, 1932, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); Orlando Mistretta & R.T. Hawke, Blue Ridge Trail, s. side of trail, June 29, 1995, 7400 ft. (2255 m.); LeRoy Gross & Bruce Campbell, at FS Road Surveys: Blue Ridge Rd. (3N06) & Rd. (3N39) top of Prairie Fk., e. of Lupine Cmpgrd., walk back to Angeles Crest Hwy. (2), June 29, 2006, no elev. given; P. Munz, Swartout Valley, on high ridge, June 17, 1921, 7500 ft.

(2287 m.)

FVS: June 17, 1921

SBCo.: No records found.

Lupinus bicolor Lindl., Miniature Lupine

(Highly variable, needs study, named ssp. & var. +/- indistinct in geology & morphology)

(synonym: L. bicolor Lindl. ssp. microphyllus (S. Watson) D. Dunn

LACo.: From 754 ft. (230 m.), at Azusa, 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., on n. side of San Gabriel River Channel, c. 100 miles n. of Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 19, 2009, to 5500 ft. (1677 m.), at Charlton Flats Cmpgrd., Robert Gustafson, May 17, 1973 Mar.-June; fairly common; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Feb. 17, 1904, C.F. Baker, Claremont

SBCo.: From 1500 ft. (457 m.), at Applewhite Campground, Lytle Cr., in area for house trailers, G.M. Jensen, May 6, 1957, to 5497 ft. (1676 m.), at Cleghorn turnoff on Cajon Pass (I-15-Swarthout Valley Rd. to end of pavement), Swarthout Valley Rd., David Charlton, Apr. 2, 1988; Mar.-Aug.; fairly common; Cismontane, Cajon Pass, near montane at Chapman Ranch, above Mt. Baldy Village, R.F. Thorne, July 2, 1967, 4450 ft. (1351 m.)

FVS: May 16, 1903, Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass,

3802 ft. (1159 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Lupinus breweri A. Gray, Matted Lupine

Both of the following records are most likely var. grandiflorus, as 2 other records of them have been recorded for Mt. Waterman.

LACo.: summit of Waterman Mt., July 27, 2008, 7911 ft. (2412 m.)

Other records:

C.W. Sharsmith, e. slope of Mt. Waterman, Sep. 7, 1945, 6698 ft. (2042 m.)

FVS: Sep. 7, 1945

SBCo.: No records found.

+Lupinus breweri A. Gray var. grandiflorus C.P. Sm., Matted Lupine

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, summit of Mt. Waterman, June 16, 1921, 7600 ft.

(2317 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., flat summit of Mt. Waterman, Aug. 11, 1972, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 11, 1972

SBCo.: No records found.

Lupinus concinnus J. Agardh, Bajada Lupine

(Highly variable, generally self-pollinated, needs study, named varieties +/- indistinct, plants in desert with linear, coarsely hairy lflets., +/- ciliate lower keel margins may be confused with L. sparsiflorus) (although not recog. by Jepson Manual, they are listed below and indented)

LACo.: From 1952 ft. (595 m.), at La Canada, SCE Gould Substation off Hwy. 2, Gould Cyn., A.C. Sanders & D. Maleueg, June 22, 1998, to 6799-7200 ft.

(2073-2195), at ridgetop to the n.w. of Crystal Lake (ridge descending SSW from Mt. Islip), T.S. Ross, June 25, 1990; Mar.-June; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 6, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Rock Cr., no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2099 ft. (640 m.), at Cajon Pass, H.M. Hall, Apr. 28, 2002, to

5150 ft. (1570 m.), at Baldy Mesa, Phelan Pk., s. of Phelan, R.G. Swinney; Apr. 13, 1996; Apr.-June, uncommon; transmontane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Apr., 1885, S.B. Parish & W.F. Parish, Lytle Creek, hdwtrs. of Mojave River, Lytle Cr., no elev. given (Lytle Cr. is not the hdwtrs. of the Mojave River-added 2009)

Lupinus concinnus J. Agardh. ssp. concinnus (C.P. Sm.) D. Dunn, Bajada Lupine

LACo.: Two records found just n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary NNE of Ravenna, and n.e. of Piinyon Hills.

SBCo.: P.A. Munz, 0.5 mi. from summit, Cajon Pass, s. side, Apr. 27, 1921,

3600 ft. (1098 m.); Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, 3802 ft.

(1159 m.) (also determined as L. concinnus J. Agardh. ssp. orcuttii (S. Watson) D. Dunn, Orcutt’s Lupine)

FVS: May 16, 1903

Lupinus concinnus J. Agardh. ssp. optatus (C.P. Sm.) D. Dunn, Bajada Lupine

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: F.W. Peirson, s. slope of Cajon Pass, Apr. 16, 1919, 2250 ft. (686 m.)

Lupinus concinnus J. Agardh. ssp. orcuttii (S. Watson) D. Dunn, Orcutt’s Lupine

LACo.: Dan S. Camper, Santa Clara Riverbed, 1 km. west of Sand Cyn. Road, Santa Clarita, Apr. 21, 2008, 1509 ft. (460 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Soledad Cyn. Wash, c. half mile e. of Acton, Apr. 30, 1991, 2720 ft. (829 m.)

FVS: Apr. 30, 1991

SBCo.: F.W. Peirson, summit of Cajon Pass, May 29, 1921, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); Mary F. Spencer, El Cajon Pass, near summit, May 12, 1917, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, 3802 ft. (1159 m.) (also determined as L. concinnus J. Agardh. ssp. concinnus (C.P. Sm.) D. Dunn, Bajada Lupine)

FVS: May 16, 1903

+Lupinus elatus I.M. Johnston, Tall Silky Lupine

Status CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G3

LACo.: From 5399 ft. (1646 m.), n.e. Alder Saddle, S. Fork Little Rock Creek, s.w. of Pinyon Flats, Valerie Soza & L. Lubinsky, June 23, 2000, to 9100 ft.

(2774 m.), at Throop Pk., Wesley O. Griesel, June 1963; May- Oct.: uncommon; montane

FVS: June 10, 1918, F.W. Peirson, summit of San Gabriel Pk., 6098 ft.

(1859 m.)

SBCo.: From 2319 ft. (707 m.), at 1.1 mile w. of Glen Helen Rd. on FS Road 3N31 (Applewhite Rd.), R.G. Swinney, Apr. 5, 1994, to 8700 ft. (2652 m.), at Ontario Pk., l.M. Johnston, July 30, 1917; Apr., June-Aug.; rare; montane, cismontane

FVS: July 30, 1917

Lupinus excubitus M.E. Jones, Mountain Springs Bush Lupine, Grape Soda Lupine

LACo.: SDEF, e. half of Brown’s Flat, Aug. 7, 1996, 4320 ft. (1317 m.); Bob’s Gap, near Lime Kilm Ruins on east side of Bob’s Gap Rd., Apr. 18, 2001, 4080 ft. (1244 m.); mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.7-1.2 miles n. and n.e. of Foothill Blvd., Azusa/Duarte, Mar. 31, 2009, 620 ft. (189 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, San Gabriel Cyn., n. of Azusa Cyn., bottom & adj. slopes below San Gabriel Reservoir, May 8, 1997, 1200 ft. (366 m.); Scott D. White, San Dimas Cyn., along San Dimas Wash, July 18, 1994, 1099 ft. (335 m.)

FVS: July 18, 1994

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, Boneyard Pk., east of Boneyard Cyn., May 8, 1999, 5174 ft. (1559 m.); Circle Mt. summit, s.e. of Wrightwood, July 9, 1995, 6199 ft. (1890 m.)

Other records:

M.N. Ackley, Wrightwood, June 1929, 6196 ft. (1889 m.)

FVS: June, 1929

+Lupinus excubitus M.E. Jones var. austromontanus (A. Heller) C.P. Sm., Mountain Bush Lupine

LACo.: From 3283 ft. (1001 m.), at So. Calif. Edison transmission line corridor (Seg. 6, structure 109 per TRTP Survery 2008) Upper Fish Cyn., Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, May 6, 2008, to 7462 ft. (2275 m.), Winston Pk., n. of Mt. Waterman, R.G. Swinney, July 15, 2008; Mar, May-July; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 12, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Mt. Disappointment

SBCo.: From 4959 ft. (1512 m.), at Pinon Hills, “Oak Hills”, c. 0.25 miles s.w. of west end of Sunny Slope Rd., c. 0.12 miles w. of Green Rd., 1 mile n. of Oak Spring Ranch, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 3, 1997, to 7300 ft. (2226 m.), at Cucamonga Peak Trail, near San Rafel Mine, L.C. Wheeler, June 15, 1968; Apr., June, July; uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane at Day Cyn., Colin M. Wainwright, June 9, 1971, 4999 ft. (1524 m.), Cajon Pass

FVS: Apr. 18, 1926, C.B. Wolf, San Bernardino Mts. Region, summit of Cajon Pass, no elev. given

Lupinus excubitus M.E. Jones var. excubitus, Grape Soda Lupine

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta, n.w. of Little Rock Reservoir, on Emma Section of Little Rock Cr. Management Unit., Mar. 17, 1995, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); R.F. Thorne, shallow water at mouth of Big Tujunga Cyn., June 26, 1971, 1400 ft. (426 m.); F.W. Peirson, Soledad Cyn., n. slope of San Gab. Mts., June 4, 1922, 2250 ft. (686 m.)

FVS: June 4, 1922

SBCo.: No records found.

Lupinus excubitus M.E. Jones var. hallii (Abrams) C.P. Sm., Hall’s Bush Lupine

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at ANF Rd. (1N36)/SCE access Rd., w. of Van Tassel Cyn. above City of Duarte, P.A. Munz, Apr. 23, 1925 also Justin M. Wood, Nov. 20, 2008, to 5200 ft. (1585 m.), at Sunset Trail, 1 mile s. of Sunset Pk., I.M. Johnston, Aug. 13, 1924; Apr., June-Aug., Nov.; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: July 1, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Brown’s Flat, 4451 ft. (1357 m.)

SBCo.: San Antonio Cyn., e. side of Wash, near cliff, July 16, 1993, 2600 ft.

(793 m.)

Other records:

G.M. Jensen, 6.54 miles NNE of Lytle Cr. Post Office, May 6, 1969, 3000-3500 ft. (915-1067 m.); R.F. Thorne, w. of mouth of Cucamonga Cyn., Mar. 17, 1967, 2100 ft. (640 m.); Freda Detmers, Lytle Cr., May 10, 1931, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 16, 1903

+Lupinus excubitus M.E. Jones var. johnstonii C.P. Smith , Interior Bush Lupine

Grades into L. excubitus var. austromontanus (A. Heller) C.P. Sm.

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G4T3

LACo.: Status:

From 5000 ft. (1524 m.), Camp Coldbrook, I.M. Johnston, June 26, 1930, to

8000 ft. (2439 m.), between Swartout & Prairie Fk., P.A. Munz, June 18, 1921; May-Aug.; rare; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 20, 1917, I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Mts., Baldy Lookout of USFS, 6501 ft. (1982 m.)

SBCo.: I.M. Johnston, head of S. Fork Lytle Cr., July 15, 1917, no elev. given

Lupinus excubitus M.E. Jones var. medius (Jeps.) Munz, Mountain Springs Bush Lupine

Status: CNPS List: 1B R-E-D Code: 2-1-3 State/Fed. Status: /C2

CRPR 1B.3 S2 G4T2T3

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Status:

Mary F. Spencer, w. side of Cajon Pass, Apr. 16, 1918, 3500 ft.

(1067 m.)

+Lupinus formosus Greene, Summer Lupine

LACo.: From 1499 ft. (457 ), at c. 1 mile s.e. of Newhall in Whitney Cyn., s.e. of jct. of San Fernando Rd. & State Hwy 14, James Han., Apr. 15, 2000, to 6534 ft. (1992 m.), at 2.3 miles n. of Hwy. 2 at Vincent Gap at Pinyon Ridge Mtwy., R.G. Swinney, June 17, 2008; Apr., June; uncommon-fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: May, 1894, H. Webster, Claremont, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

SBCo.: Phelan Pk., Baldy Mesa, s. of Phelan, June 1, 1996, 5159 ft.

(1573 m.); San Antonio Cyn., e. side of wash near cliff, Apr. 16, 1994, 2601 ft.

(793 m.) (near co. line, also recorded for LA Co.)

FVS: Apr. 16, 1994

+Lupinus formosus Greene var. formosus, Western Lupine, Summer Lupine

LACo.: From 1299 ft. (396 m.), at Arroyo Seco near Pasadena, H.M. Hall, Apr. 1903 (also determined as L. formosus var. robustus), to 7600 ft. (2317 m.), at e. end of Mt. Waterman Ridge, R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tillforth, et al., Aug. 11, 1972; Mar.-Aug.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: June 30, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Mt. Wilson

SBCo.: From 2300 ft. (707 m..), at 1.1 mile w. of Glen Helen Rd., on FS Rd. 3N31 (Apple White Rd.), R.G. Swinney, Apr. 5, 1994, to 8561 ft. (2610 m.), at Ontario Pk., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 14, 1995; Apr.-Aug.: uncommon; all 4 sections

FVS: July 14, 1915

+Lupinus formosus Greene var. robustus C.P. Smith, Summer Lupine

[synonym: L. formosus Greene var. bridgesii (S. Watson) Greene]

LACo.: H.D. Collins, Claremont, H.D. Collins, Apr. 23, 1921 (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); Dara Emery, 2.0 miles n. of Rock Cr. turnoff on rd. to Big Pines, Apr. 28, 1955, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 28, 1955

SBCo.: No records found.

+Lupinus hirsutissimus Benth., Stinging Annual Lupine

LACo.: From (630 ft. (192 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 0.8 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., on e. side of main river channel, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 13, 2009, to 3000 ft. (915 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., below first tunnel, Fred Brooks, Apr. 23, 1988 and at Glendora Mt. Ridge Rd., 1/2 mile s. of Y to Mt. Baldy, W.M. Gount, Apr. 30, 1966; Feb.-May, uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Mar. 22, 1897, H.P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: From 1860 ft. (567 m.), at s. side of mouth of Lytle Cr. Cyn., c. 100 meters n. of Devore Rd. & 0.8 miles s.w. of Sierra Ave. at Lytle Cr. Rd. jct., R.G. Swinney, Mar. 15, 1993, to 6704 ft. (2044 m.), at Upper Lytle Cr. Divide, Gobbler’s Knob., w. of w. end of FS Rd. 3N31, R.G. Swinney, June 29, 1993; Mar.-June; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Apr. 29, 1948, Stuart McKinnon, plant found on e. side of fire rd., on e. side of Cucamonga Cyn., 1900 ft. (579 m.)

+Lupinus hyacinthinus Greene, San Jacinto Lupine

(synonym: L. formosus var. hyacinthinus)

Status: CBR

LACo.: Antonio Pk. (Lookout Mt.), ridge e. of Cattle Cyn. & w. of W. Fk. Bear Cyn., Aug. 19, 1997, 6812 ft. (2077 m.); Pine Mt. Ridge, 0.8 miles w. of Camp Lupine Trail, broad ridgetop, July 14, 1993, 7420 ft. (2262 m.); n. of Wrightwood, e. end of Jackson Flat, July 8, 1998, 7500 ft. (2287 m.)

Other records:

Wesley O. Griesel, Charlestone Flats, May 12, 1962, 4995 ft. (1523 m.); P.A. Munz, Swartout Valley, Aug. 31, 1923, 8500 ft. (2591 m.); Percy C. Everett, Holiday Hill, Big Pine, May 22, 1959, 6400 ft. (1951 m.); Peter Kamb, slopes above Pine Flats, June 1947, 6996 ft. (2133 m.); T.S. Ross, Granite Mt. vic., July 24, 1994, 6200 ft. (1890 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Pine Mt. Ridge, Sep. 4, 1967, 7350 ft. (2240 m.); Frank W. Peirson, summit San Gabriel Mt., June 10, 1918, no elev. given

FVS: June 10, 1918

SBCo.: Wright Mt. summit, July 12, 1993, 8469 ft. (2582 m.); e. of Wright Mt. summit & n. of Pacific Crest Trail, July 12, 1993, 7800 ft. (2378 m.); San Sevaine Flats, c. 200 meters w. of jct. of FS Roads 1N34D & 1N34, July 16, 1993, 5540 ft. (1689 m.); San Sevaine Flats, 100 meters e. of well, July 21, 1993, 5500 ft.

(1677 m.); Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge, 1.1 miles w. of Swarthout Cyn. Road, on FS Road 3N29, June 18, 1993, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge, peak due e. of Gobler’s Knob, June 30, 1992, 6701 ft. (2044 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, s. slope of Cucamonga Pk., July 20, 1925, 6400 ft. (1951 m.); I.M. Johnston, Baldy Lookout of USFS, June 20, 1917, no elev. given

FVS: June 20, 1917

Lupinus latifolius Lindl. ex. J. Agardh, Broadleaf Lupine

LACo.: Buckhorn Flat Cmpgrd., s. of Hwy. 2 (Angeles Crest Hwy.), July 2, 2008, 6481 ft. (1976 m.); Cobal Cyn., c. 0.5 miles n.e. of confl. with Burbank Cyn., Apr. 8, 1999, 1601 ft. (488 m.)

Other records:

Edward L. Smith, Palmer Cyn., May 6, 1958, no elev. given

FVS: May 6, 1958

SBCo.: No records found.

Lupinus latifolius J. Agardh. var. latifolius , Broadleaf Lupine

LACo.: From 2600 ft. (793 m.), at Trail Cyn., Robin S. Collins, May 28, 1973, to 8020 ft. (2445 m.), at Wrightwood area, Flume Cyn., spring c. 200 meters n. of Guffy Cmpgrd., spring on n.-facing slope (Guffy Spring-added 2011), R.G. Swinney, Aug. 16, 1999; May-Aug.; rare; transmontane, montane, cismontane at Pine Mt., n. of Azusa, R.G. Swinney, June 19, 2000, 4540 ft. (1384 m.)

FVS: May 31, 1968, L.C. Wheeler, Devil’s Cyn. Cmpgrd. vicinity, 4000 ft.

(1220 m.)

SBCo.: cyn. between Wright Mt. & Pine Mt., e. of N. Devil’s Backbone Trail, Sep. 4, 1995, 7560 ft. (2305 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, spring, Grapevine Cyn. (off Lytle Cr.) at San Sevaine Rd., June 13, 1968, 4500 ft. (1372 m.)

FVS: June 13, 1968

+Lupinus latifolius J. Agardh. ssp. parishii (C.P. Sm.) Kenney, Broadleaf Lupine

LACo.: From 1640 ft. (500 m.), at Claremont, Burbank Cyn., n.w. of Thompson Cr. Dam, Richard Noyes, Apr. 30, 1988, to 7600 ft. (2317 m.), at Prairie Fk., L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 3, 1967; Apr.-Sep.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 27, 1897, J.H. Barber, Aliso Cyn., June 27,1897

SBCo.: From 2000 ft. (610 m.), at mouth of Lytle Cr. Cyn, P.A. Munz, Apr. 27, 1921, to 7600 ft. (2317 m.), at N. Fork Lytle Cr., near Prairie Fk. Saddle, L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 6, 1967; Apr., May, July, Sep.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: Apr. 27, 1921

Lupinus lepidus Lindl. var. confertus (Kellogg.) C.C. Sm.), Crowded Lupine, Dwarf Lupine

(synonym: Lupinus confertus Kellogg),

LACo.: Dieter H. Wilken, ridge s. of Dawson Saddle along trail to Throop Pk., July 9, 1968, 8095 ft. (2468 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Lupinus longifolius (S. Watson) Abrams, Longleaf Bush Lupine

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), near mouth of Fish Cyn., R.F. Thorne, May 22, 1971, to 5251 ft. (1601 m.), at 0.5 miles n. of Red Box Ranger Station & 20 miles n. of La Canada/Flintridge on Angeles Crest Hwy., P. Schiffman, May 23, 1981; Apr.-July; uncommon; transmontane between Punchbowl Cyn. & Watkins Cr., to end of rd. and beginning of Burkhart Trail, L.C. Wheeler, May 12, 1968, 5199 ft. (1585 m.), cismontane

FVS: July 20, 1892, C.E. Hutchinson, Old Mt. Wilson Trail, n. slope, 1998 ft.

(609 m.)

SBCo.: Martha McCarthy, Lone Pine Cyn. Road, 10 miles from jct. with State Hwy. 138, May 1, 1960, no elev. given

Lupinus microcarpus Sims var. densiflorus (Benth.) Jeps. Whitewhorl Lupine (Highlly variable, vars. Intergrade)

(synonyms: L. densiflorus Benth. var. densiflorus and L. densiflorus var. lacteus (Kellogg) C.P. Sm. and L. densiflorus Benth. var. mcgregorii C.P. Sm.)

LACo.: LeRoy Abrams & Ernest Alexander McGregor, Rock Cr., July 2, 1908, 3798 ft. (1158 m.); T.S. Ross, Big Rock Cr., vic. of an old, destroyed homestead, on the w. side of the riparian strip, just upstream from the gaging station, May 29, 1990, 4061 ft. (1258 m.); R. Hoffman, Big Rock Cr., May 21, 1929, no elev. given; H.L. Mason, Rock Cr., Apr. 27, 1926, no elev. given; P.A. Munz, Rock Cr., May 27, 1921, 4248 ft. (1295 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., May 18, 1967, 1968 ft. (518 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Rock Cr., San Gab. Mts., June 15, 1919, 4097 ft. (1249 m.)

FVS: June 15, 1919

SBCo.: D.E. Emery, Rock Cr. Rd., w. side & adj. to Cajon Pass, Apr. 28, 1955, no elev. given

Lupinus microcarpus Sims var. microcarpus, Valley Lupine

(synonym: L. subvexus C.P. Sm. var. subvexus,

LACo.: From 3001 ft. (915 m.), at Littlerock Cr., 0.3 miles n.w. of Littlerock Cr. Cmpgrd., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 24, 2009 and Rock Cr., Sycamore Flats Public Camp, Wesley O. Griesel, Apr. 14, 1960, to 4681 ft. (1427 m.), at Big Rock Cr. at Paradise Springs (Big Rock Cr. Camp-added 2010), R.G. Swinney, May 5, 2008; Apr.-July; rare; transmontane; most records from Big Rock Cr.

FVS: June 27, 1923, F.W. Peirson, on n. bank of Rock Cr., 4251 ft. (1296 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Lupinus odoratus A. Heller, Mojave Lupine

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, Bob’s Gap, in Holcomb Ridge, Apr. 9, 1974, 4002 ft.

(1220 m.); F.W. Peirson, Pallett Cr., lower Rock Cr. tributary, July 2, 1921, no elev. given

FVS: July 2, 1921

SBCo.: No records found.

+Lupinus peirsonii H. Mason, Peirson’s Lupine

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: /C3c

CRPR 1B.3 S2.3 G2

LACo.: Status: Sensitive

From 4250 ft. (1296 m.), at Rock Cr. Cyn., lower Pinyon Pine belt, H.L. Mason, Apr. 27, 1926, to 8120 ft. (2474 m.), at Dawson Saddle Trail, Orlando Mistretta, July 6, 1993; Mar.-July, Sep.; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: Apr. 27, 1926

SBCo.: No records found.

Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl. var. burkei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitch., Largeleaf Lupine

[synonyms: Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl. ssp. superbus (A. Heller) Munz and Lupinus burkeii S. Watson ssp. burkei]

LACo.: Paul O. Schallert, Monrovia Mt. Canyon, May 9, 1943; Joseph Andorfer Ewan, Guffy’s Spring, s. end of blue Ridge, Cienaga, Aug. 4, 1934, 7997 ft.

(2438 m.)

FVS: Aug. 4, 1934

SBCo.: No records found.

Lupinus sparsiflorus Benth., Coulter’s Lupine

(synonym: Lupinus sparsiflorus Benth. ssp. sparsiflorus)

LACo.: From 745 ft. (227 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 400 meters n.e. of River Bike Path parking lot at Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 16, 2009, 745 ft. (227 m.), to 4500 ft. (1370 m.), at Grandview Cyn., Mojave Desert Slopes, n. of Mile High Pond, R.F. Thorne, Mar. 23, 1967; Feb.-May; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: May 10,1919, F.W. Peirson, Arrastre Cr., n. base of San Gab. Mts.,

3000 ft. (915 m.)

SBCo.: From 2309 ft. (707 m.),at 1.1 miles w. of Glen Helen Rd. on FS Rd. 3N31, (Applewhite Rd.), R.G. Swinney, Apr. 5, 1994, to 4400 ft. (1347 m.), at Baldy Mesa, 0.5 miles w. of I-215 Frwy. on FS Road 3N24 from spur off FS Road 3N24 from I-215 Frwy., brake check stop, R.G. Swinney, June 26, 1995; Mar.-June; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Apr. 28, 1902, H.M. Hall, Cajon Pass, 2099 ft. (640 m.)

+Lupinus stiversii Kellogg, Harlequin or Annual Lupine

LACo.: LeRoy Gross & Sarah J. DeGroot, Mt. Lowe Fire Rd. (2N50.1), May 17, 2003, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); F.W. Peirson, ridge, westward from Mt. Lowe near pint (point-added 2011) where trail from Millard’s Cyn. crosses it, May 3, 1921,

4250 ft. (1296 m.)

FVS: May 3, 1921

SBCo.: No records found.

Lupinus succulentus Douglas ex K. Koch, Arroyo Lupine, Hollowleaf Annual Lupine

LACo.: San Dimas, Shay Cyn., Apr. 17, 2008, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

Other records:

Robert M. Perkins, San Antonio Cyn. Mar. 24, 1935, no elev. given; P.A. Munz, Lone Hill, Glendora, Mar. 17, 1920, 1100 ft. (335 m.)

FVS: Mar. 17, 1920

SBCo.: P.A. Munz, Lone Hill, Glendora, 1100 ft. (335 m.), Mar. 17, 1920; L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., Apr. 25, 1935, 1500 ft. (457 m.); K.A. Wilson, Placerita Cyn. Rd. Wash, 3 miles e. of Placerita State Park, Mar. 11, 1961, no elev. given;

G.M. Jensen, Lytle Cr. Ridge, e. side of cut on rd., from Lytle Creek Cyn. to Lost Lake in Cajon Pass (Hwy. 15), right side of rd., May 6, 1959, no elev. given

FVS: May 6, 1959

Lupinus truncatus Hook. & Arn., Collared Annual Lupine

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 754 ft. (230 m.), at Azusa, 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., on n. side of San Gabriel River channel, c. 100 meters n. of Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 19, 2009, to 2401 ft. (732 m.), at Mill Cyn. off Soledad Cyn. (s. of Soledad Cyn.-added 2011), L.C. Wheeler, May 5, 1973; Mar.-May; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 11, 1918, P.A. Munz, Lone Hill near Glendora, San Gabriel Mts.

SBCo.: Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 2, 1971, 2550 ft. (777 m.); Gerald L. Benny & Colin Wainwright, Day Cyn., burned 1970, Apr. 16, 1971, 3000 ft. (915 m.); James Henrickson, 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino, in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, about 2-4 miles n. of I-15 Frwy., Apr. 14 & May 1, 1985, 2400-2800 ft. (732 m.); Aloys Nicholson, Cajon Pass, May 26, 1931, no elev. given

FVS: May 26, 1931

Medicago lupulina L., Yellow Trefoil, Black Medick

Native to Europe

LACo.: From 840 ft. (256 m.), at San Gabriel Cyn., at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, w. bank of river, R.G. Swinney, May 30, 2008, to 5900 ft.

(1799 m.), at Ranger Cabin, Swartout Valley, F.W. Peirson, July 7, 1922; May-Aug., Oct.; uncommon at transmontane, cismontane and rare at montane

FVS: June 15, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Camp Baldy, 4202 ft. (1280 m.)

SBCo.: From 3000 ft. (915 m.), at Lytle Cr. Cyn., L.R. Abrams, July 14, 1902, to 6298 ft. (1920 m.), at Twin Lakes, Wrightwood, M.N. Ackely, Oct. 1928; May- Aug., Oct.; uncommon; _____________

FVS: June, 1899, H.M. Hall, Lytle Cr., 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

Medicago minima (L.) L., Little Bur-clover

Native to Medit.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Limekiln Cyn., Apr. 30, 1967, 1850 ft. (564 m.)

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Ranger Station, common locally, July 16, 1948, no elev. given

Medicago polymorpha L., Burclover

Native to Medit., Europe

LACo.: From 971 ft. (296 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel River Cyn., El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 10, 2009, to 4520 ft.

(1378 m.), at Cow Cyn. Saddle, (covered former dump), L.C. Wheeler, May 29, 1967; Mar.-May; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: Mar. 12, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: s.w. of mouth of Lytle Creek Cyn., 4.8-5.0 miles w. of Lytle Cr. Road, at (Nealy’s Corner) and 0.4 miles n. of Front Line Mtwy., Mar. 15, 1993, 1801 ft.

(549 m.)

Other records:

Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., (e. trib. of San Antonio Cyn.-added 2010), Apr. 16, 1971, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 16, 1971

Medicago sativa L., Alfalfa, Lucerne

Native to Eurasia, highly variable

LACo.: n.e. of Azusa, Rincon-Redbox Rd., 3.1 miles s.w. of Hwy. 39 at Rincon Station, May 28, 2000, 2719 ft. (829 m.); Monrovia, confl. of Monrovia & Sawpit Cyn’s., Aug. 19, 2009, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Mine Gulch Camp, E. Fork San Gabriel River, June 6, 1970,

4500 ft. (1372 m.); Naomi Zohman, jct. of Ca. Hwy. 39, along W. Fork San Gabriel River, FS Road, Apr. 28, 1985, no elev. given; D.L. Crawford, mts. above Claremont, June 30, 1915, 5000 ft. (1524 m.)

FVS: June 30, 1915

SBCo.: Baldy Notch, open-graded area, c. 50 meters e. of lodge, July 14, 1995, 7783 ft. (2373 m.)

Other records:

James Henrickson, c. 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino, in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15 Frwy., May 11, 1985, 2401 ft.; I.M. Johnston, Old Gold Ridge Mine, N. Fork, San Antonio Cyn., July 28, 1917, 7997 ft. (2438 m.)

FVS: July 28, 1917

Melilotus albus Medik., White Sweet Clover

Native to Eurasia, indistinguishable from M. officinalis prior to fl.

LACo.: From 640 ft. (195 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.8 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., R.G. Swinney, Dec. 2, 2008, to 6140 ft. (1872 m.), at Jackson Lake, s. side of Big Pines Hwy., R.G. Swinney, Oct. 16, 2008; Mar., May-Aug., Oct., Dec.; uncommon; transmontane at Little Rock Cr. slopes, e. of cr., opposite confl. with Kitter Cyn., Orlando Mistretta, May 13, 1994, 3500 ft. (1067 m.), montane, cismontane

FVS: July 16, 1915, D.L. Crawford, Live Oak Cyn., Claremont, no elev. given

SBCo.: Scott D. White & Michael Honer, riparian zone, and slopes along San Antonio Cr., between Mt. Baldy (town) & Icehouse Cyn., June 29, 2004, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); V. Soza & LeRoy Gross, Mt. Baldy Ski Area, upper San Antonio Cyn., c. 4 miles w. of Mt. Baldy Notch, along rd. to Mt. Baldy Notch, FS Road 3N01, n. of Miners Bowl, June 11, 2001, no elev. given

FVS: June 11, 2001

Melilotus indicus (L.) All., Sourclover

(synonym: M. indica orth. var.)

Native to Medit.

LACo.: From 745 ft. (227 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 400 meters n.e. of River Bike Path parking lot at Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 16, 2009, to 3400 ft. (1036 m.), at Valley Forge Campground, W. Fork San Gabriel River, L.C. Wheeler, June 2, 1963; Mar.-June; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: May 21, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Arroyo Seco, 1397 ft. (426 m.)

SBCo.: Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., on floor of cyn., near path, Apr. 16, 1971, 2440 ft. (744 m.); Gerald Benny, Day Cyn., June 21, 1971, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Meyer Cyn., off Lytle Cr., May 9, 1968, 2300 ft. (701 m.)

FVS: May 9, 1968

Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam., Yellow Sweetclover

Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: Big Pines Meadow, w. of Wrightwood, s.w. junction of Hwy. 2, Table Mt. Road & Big Pines Rd., Aug. 25, 2009, 6760 ft. (2061 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Liveoak Cyn., (LaVerne-added 2011), July 21, 1931, 1499 ft.

(457 m.); LeRoy Gross & Bruce Campbell, Forest Service Road Surveys, Blue Ridge Rd. (3N06) & Rd. (3N39), top of Prairie Fk. east of Lulpine Cmpgrd., and back to Angeles Crest Hwy. (2), June 29, 2006, no elev. given; D.L. Crawford, Live Oak Cyn., Claremont, July 15, 1915

FVS: July 15, 1915

SBCo.: V. Soza & LeRoy Gross, Mt. Baldy Ski area, Upper San Antonio Cyn., c. 0.4 miles w. of Mt. Baldy Notch, along rd. to Mt. Baldy Notch (FS Road 3N01), n. of Miners Bowl, June 22, 2001, (2287 m.); Scott D. White, Michael Honer, riparian zone, and slopes along San Anatonio Cr., between Mt. Baldy (town) and Ice House Cyn., June 29, 2004, 4198 ft. (1280 m.)

FVS: Aug. 30, 1923, P.A. Munz, Lone Pine Cyn., near Cajon Pass, 5000 ft. (1524 m.)

Parkinsonia aculeata L., Mexican Palo Verde, Jerusalem Thorn

Native to deserts to Arizona, Baja CA, S. Am.

LACo.: T. Ross, Steve Boyd, et al., Little Rock Cr., Joshua Tree Cmpgrd., on the SSW side of Little Rock Reservoir, June 11, 1990, 3270 ft. (997 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Pickeringia montana Nutt., Chaparral Pea

LACo.: L.E. Hoffman, Millard’s Cyn., no date, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Millard Cyn., Apr. 13, 1967, 2100 ft. (640 m.); James Henrickson, 3-4 miles n.e. of La Canada along Angeles Crest Hwy., May 21, 1985, 3000 ft. (915 m.); L.C. Wheeler, near mouth of Fern Cyn., Arroyo Seco, Dec. 21, 1952, no elev. given;

L.C. Wheeler, Bell-San Dimas Cyn. Divide, June 8, 1936, 3150 ft.(960 m.)

FVS: June 8, 1936

SBCo.: H.A. Haid, Stockton Flats, in upper Lytle Creek Cyn., July 4, 1967, no elev. given

+Pickeringia montana Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray var. montana, Chaparral Pea

LACo.: V.Soza & LeRoy Gross, Just above n. boundary of Morgan Fire 2000 area, headwaters of Morgan Cyn., c. 500 ft. s. of Bluebird Mtwy., WNW of Sycamore Flat (n. of Glendora/San Dimas-added 2010), May 22, 2001, no elev. given; Jerome S. Horton, San Dimas, Bell Cyn., # 1, rare, SDEF, June 8, 1936, 3096 ft. (944 m.)

FVS: June 8, 1936

SBCo.: H.A. Haid, Stockton Flats, in upper Lytle Cr. Cyn., July 4, 1967, 5701 ft. (1738 m.)

Pickeringia montana Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray var. tomentosa, (Abrams) I.M. Johnston, Chaparral Pea

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Harry Purdy & Wayne Sawyer, Hwy 2, 2.8 miles w. of Clear Cr. Ranger Station, June 16, 1982, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Pisum sativum L. Graden Pea, Field Pea, Sugar Pea

Native to Medit., w. Asia

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, San Dimas Cyn. near its mouth, Mar. 14, 1973, no elev. given.

SBCo.: No records found.

Prosopis glandulosa Torr. var. torreyana, (L.D. Benson) M.C. Johnst, Western Honey Mesquite

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: A.C. Sanders & P.J. Mackay, Cajon Jct. in Cajon Pass, at jct. of I-215 & Hwy. 138, June 12, 1994, 3280 ft. (1000 m.) (c. three 4-5 m. tall shrubby trees persisting on a dry slope at an old house site, doubltess originally planted but now growing among native shrubs and receiving no care.)

Robinia pseudoacacia L, Black Locust

Native to e. U.S. Toxic: ingested seeds, leaves, bark may be fatal to humans, livestock.

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.), at Glendora, 200 yards n. of Sierra Madre Ave., s. of Hook Cyn. Debris Basin, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 24, 1989, to 4700 ft.

(1433 m.), at E. Fork Big Santa Anita Cyn., at Upper Clamshell Truck Trail, L.C. Wheeler, Aug. 22, 1968; Apr.-June, Aug.; rare; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: May 5, 1946, Helen Decker, Mt. Baldy, along the San Antonio Cyn., Mt. Baldy, no elev. given

SBCo.: Cajon Wash, w. of Devjore Heights off-ramp from Old Hwy. 395, at mt. on w. side of the wash, w. of RR tracks, Sep. 28, 1991, 2221 ft. (677 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, N. Fork Lytle Cr., Sep. 6, 1968, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, e. side of San Antonio Cyn., at Stoddard Cyn., May 12, 1969, no elev. given

FVS: May 12, 1969

Rupertia physodes (Douglas ex Hook) J. Grimes, California Tea, Forest Scurfpea

LACo.: From 1500-2000 ft. (457 m.), at Monrovia Cyn., F.W. Peirson, May 18, 1919, to 2847 ft. (868 m.), at Henniger Flats, F.W. Peirson, May 26, 1918, Apr.- Aug.; rare; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 13, 1901, L.R. Abrams, Wilson’s Pk. Trail

SBCo.: No records found.

Rupertia rigida (Parish) J. Grimes, Parish’s California Tea

Status: CNPS List Number: __ R-E-D Code: 1-1-2 State/Fed. Status: _____

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G3

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Wesley O. Griesel, Millard Cyn., Apr. 11, 1961, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Senna artemisioides (Gaudich. ex DC.) Randell, Silver Senna

(synonym: Cassia artemisioides DC.)

Native to Australia.

LACo.: Glendora, plants spreading from roadside plantings into disturbed soil at Glendora Mt. Rd. & Big Dalton Cyn. Rd., growing in mixed chaparral (speciman lost and not recorded on Consortium, new speciman will be collected-2010); Claremont, Cobal Cyn., c. 0.5 miles n.e. of confl. with Burbank Canyon, Apr. 8, 1999, 1601 ft. (488 m.)

Other records:

T.S. Elias, (Along Burbank Fire Rd. in Burbandk Cyn., west of Palmer Cyn.), Jan. 24, 1993, No elev. given

FVS: Jan. 24, 1993

SBCo.: No records found.

+Senna multiglandulosa (Jacq.) Erwin & Barneby, Glandular Senna

Native to Mexico, Guatemala, S.Am.

LACo.: Goebel Prieur, San Gabriel Wash, near Azusa, Feb. 7, 1949, 700 ft.

(213 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Spartium junceum L., Spanish Broom

Native to Medit.

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at Fish Cr. Canyon, s. of foothills above Irwindale, from the mouth of the cyn., at CalMat Quarry, upstream to falls, Scott D. White, May 18, 2000, to 5399 ft. (1646 m.), at 2.3 miles n. of jct. of Hwy. 2 & Mescal Cyn. Rd., R.G. Swinney, July 6, 1978; Mar.-July; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Apr. 6, 1957, H. Wedberg, along Mt. Baldy Rd., no elev. given

SBCo.: side cyn. on w. side of Cajon Wash, 0.5 miles s.w. of Cajon, 2.1 miles s. of jct. of 3N49 & 3N53, 2.9 miles s.e. of Lone Pine Rd. & Hwy. 138 at FS Road 3N53, w. side of far west RR tracks, June 21, 1995, 2919 ft. (890 m.); San Antonio Cyn., 2.4 miles n. of Shinn Rd., in cr. bottom at pond, Apr. 7, 2009, 3520 ft. (1073 m.) (not yet recorded on Consortium); Stoddard Cyn., c. 0.2 miles e. of Shinn Rd., Jan. 15, 1994, 2493 ft. (760 m.)

Other records:

6 records for the San Antonio Cyn. area: Eakle, Young, Thorne, Milojevich, Grauer, Nelson; 1 record at Stoddard Cyn: Wiseman; 1 record at Cajon Pass area: White

FVS: May 10, 1969, D.A. Young, along rd. to Mt. Baldy Village, c. 0.5 miles s. of village, 2499 ft. (762 m.)

Trifolium albopurpureum Torr. & A. Gray, Rancheria Clover

(synonym: T. albopurpereum Torr. & A. Gray) var. albopurpereum)

LACo.: K.H.B., Rogers Trail, SDEF, no date, no elev. given; Jack Delani, Lodi Cyn., along fire break rd., on w. ridge of cyn., Apr. 30, 1974, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Spring Hill, San Antonio Cyn., May 15, 1968, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Hunt Cyn., 3 miles e. of Vincent, May 12, 1967, 3500 ft. (1066 m.); Michael Denslow & LeRoy Gross, n. end of Barret-Stoddard Rd. 62N042) between Cascade & Barret Cyns., May 6, 2003, 4120 ft. (1256 m.); Frank W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., May 24, 1920, 4398 ft. (1341 m.)

FVS: May 24, 1920

SBCo.: Michael Denslow & LeRoy Gross, n. end of Barret-Stoddard Rd. (2N042), between Cascade & Barret Cyns., May 6, 2003, no elev. given;

R.F. Thorne, Chapman Ranch, above Mt. Baldy Village, July 2, 1967, 4450 ft. (1357 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Cascade Cyn., mesa below rd., May 17, 1947, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); F.W. Peirson, 0.5 miles above Camp Baldy in San Antonio Cyn., May 28, 1920, 4400 ft. (2342 m.)

FVS: May 28, 1920

Trifolium ciliolatum Benth., Foothill Clover

LACo.: From 1225 ft. (373 m.), at Little Dalton & Engelwild Cyns., L.C. Wheeler, May 13, 1967 to 4300 ft. (1311 m.), at Mt. Baldy (town) along Glendora Ridge Rd., c. 0.25 miles s.w. of jct. with Mt. Baldy Road, L.C. Wheeler, May 13, 1967; Apr.-June; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: May 6, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Evey Cyn., n. of Claremont, 2250 ft. (685 m.)

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Meyer Cyn., off Lytle Cr., May 9, 1968, 2299 ft. (701 m.); Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 15, 1971, 2500 ft. (762 m.); Gerald L. Benny, Day Cyn., May 12, 1971, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Cascade Cyn., mesa below rd. May 17, 1947, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); James Henrickson, c. 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, 2.5 miles n. of I-15, May 12, 1985, 2600-2800 ft. (793 m.); F.W. Peirson, 0.5 miles above Camp Baldy in San Antonio Cyn., May 28, 1920, 4400 ft. (1341 m.)

FVS: May 28, 1920

Trifolium dichotomum Hook. & Arn. Branched Indian Clover

(synonym: T. albopurpureum Torr. & A. Gray var. dichotomum}

LACo.: P.A. Munz, L.T. Street & Willialms, Lone Hill, San Dimas, Apr. 19, 1919

(possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: No records found.

Trifolium gracilentum Torr. & A. Gray, Pinpoint Clover

(synonyms: T. gracilentum Torr. & A. Gray var. inconspicuum Fernald) and T. gracilientum Torr. & A. Gray, var. gracilentum)

LACo.: K.H.B., 0.5 miles above flume 10, Monroe Cyn., SDEF, Apr. 27, 1943, no elev. given; Sanuel R. Tyson, Big Datlon Cyn., no date, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Wildwood Ranch, Shuler Cyn., Apr. 1914, 1351 ft. (412 m.); Steve Boyd, R.K. Brummitt, et al., just to the s. of Hwy. 14, at Golden Valley Rd., Placerita Cyn. Watershed, May 26, 1998, 1801 ft. (549 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Wildwood Ranch, Shuler Cyn., Apr. 14, 1974, 1351 ft. (412 m.); T.S. Ross, c. 0.6 miles ESE of Acton, s. edge of Soldead Cyn. Wash, Apr. 30, 1991, 2760-2880 ft. (841-878 m.); Anstruther Davidson, Rock Cr., July 1893, no elev. given

FVS: July, 1893

SBCo.: I.W. Cloley & E.G. Anderson, W. Cajon Pass, May 15, 1935, 1059 ft. (323 m.)

Trifolium hirtum All., Rose Clover

Native to Eurasia, N. Africa

LACo.: From 1036 ft. (316 m.), at So. Calif Edison transmission line tower (Seg.11, structure 92 per TRTP Survey 2008), in the vic. of Eaton Cyn., n. of New York Drive., Orlando Mistretta, Duncon Bell, et al., May 3, 2008, to 4897 ft. (1493 m.), c. 16.7 air-miles n. of Monrovia, c. 1.3 air-miles n.e. of Vetter Mt. & 0.75 air-miles s.w. of Chilao Station, in cyn. of E. Fork Alder Cr., along trail edge, John Dittes, June 20, 1990; Apr.-July; rare; cismontane

FVS: June 20, 1990

SBCo.: s. side of mouth of Lytle Creek Cyn., c. 100 meters n. of Devore Rd., 0.8 miles s.w. of Sierra Ave. & Lytle Cr. Road Jct., Mar. 15, 1993, 1860 ft. (567 m.)

Other records:

John Wear & Nathan Moorhatch, mouth of Day Cyn. at n. end of Etiwanda Ave., Oak Summit Project, Apr. 20, 1994, 2001 ft. (610 m.); Scott D. White, Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash, just s. of Hwy. 138 crossing, Apr. 16, 1997, 2900 ft. (884 m.)

FVS: Mar. 15, 1993

Trifolium hybridum L., Alsike Clover

Native to Europe

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Baldy Notch, open, graded area, c. 50 meters e. of lodge, July 14, 1995, 7783 ft. (2373 m.)

Other records: None found.

Trifolium incarnatum L., Crimson Clover

Native to s. Europe

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Gerald L. Benny & Colin M. Wainwright, Day Cyn., burned 1970, Apr. 16, 1971, no elev. given

Trifolium microcephalum Pursh, Smallhead Clover

LACo.: From 1425 ft. (434 m.), at Elsmere Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, June 26, 1967, to 5596 ft. (1706 m.), at 1/2 mi. above Horse Flats, Pine Flats Region, Joseph A. Ewan, June 15, 1932; Apr.-July; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: July, 1901, L.R. Abrams, W. Fork, San Gabriel River, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

SBCo.: s. of Barrett Village, Apr. 20, 1996, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); Cajon Cyn., Cajon Rd. & Kenwood Ave., n.e. of Jct., Cajon Wash between I-215 & Cajon Rd., June 10, 1995, 2401 ft. (732 m.); w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Hwy. 138, c. 1 mile SSW of Cajon Jct., off FS Road 3N49, Apr. 29, 1995, (3100 ft. (945 m.); Cajon Pass area, FS Road, 3N49, 2.3 miles n. of Swarthout Cyn., Rd., June 20, 1994,

3119 ft. (951 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, Lower San Sevaine Flats, San Antonio Mts., July 10, 1925,

4700 ft. (1433 m.); R.F. Thorne, San Antonio Cyn., Chapman Ranch above Mt. Baldy Village, July 2, 1967, 4450 ft. (1357 m.); Gerald L. Benny, Day Cyn., burned 1970, Apr. 16, 1971, 3000 ft. (915 m.); R.F. Thorne, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 5, 1971, 4750 ft. (1448 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Grapevine Cyn., off Lytle Cr., Nov. 4, 1967, 4500 ft. (1372 m.); F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., May 28, 1920, 5000 ft. (1524 m.)

FVS: May 28, 1920

Trifolium monanthum A. Gray, Mountain Carpet Clover

(not yet determined to subspecific level)

LACo.: with Cody Clarke, 1.5 miles SSW of Dawson Saddle, jct. of S. Fork Big Rock Cr., and Hwy. 2, near turn-out/parking area, Aug. 22, 2001, 7560 ft.

(2305 m.); Cortelyou Splring, c. 0.5 miles e. of jct. of Hwy. 2, & Hwy. 39, n. side of Hwy. 2, Aug. 27, 2001, 6799 ft. (2073 m.); n. of Buckhorn Flat Campground, at Burkhart Saddle Trailhead, bottom of Buckhorn Cyn., July 2, 2008, 6360 ft.

(1939 m.); Buckhorn Cyn., 200 meters n. of Buckhart Saddle Trailhead, July 15, 2008, 6321 ft. (1927 m.)

Other crecords:

L.C. Wheeler, s.w. side of Waterman, July 17, 1967, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Dorr Cyn., n.w. side of Mt. Burnham, Aug. 21, 1966, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 21, 1966

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, n.e. slope of Mt. San Antonio, headwaters of W. Fork of N. Fork Lytle Cr., July 15, 1968, 8900 ft. (2713 m.)

Trifolium monanthum A. Gray ssp. grantianum (A. Heller) J.M. Gillett, Mountain Carpet Clover

CA & Mex.

LACo.: From 6498 ft. (1981 m.), at Buckhorn, Victor Duran, no date given, to

8020 ft. (2445 m.), at Wrightwood area, Flume Cyn., spring c. 200 meters n. of Guffy Cmpgrd., spring on n.-facing slope, Aug. 16, 1999; June-Aug.; rare; montane

FVS: July 7, 1918, F.W. Peirson, S. Fork Rock Cr., 7997 ft. (2438 m.)

SBCo.: Kelly’s Camp, s. of Icehouse Cyn., July 11, 1995, 7800 ft. (2378 m.)

Other records: None found.

Trifolium monanthum A. Gray ssp. monanthum, Small or Mountain Carpet Clover

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, S. Fork Rock Cr., June 16, 1919, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Trifolium monanthum A. Gray ssp. parvum (Kellogg) J.M. Gillett, Mountain Carpetclover

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Little Rock Cr., May 19, 1921, 3296 ft. (1005 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Trifolium obtusiflorum Hook. f., Clammy Clover

[synonym: T. tridentatum Lindl. var. obtusiflorum (Hook f.) S. Watson]

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at Fish Cyn., F.W. Peirson, July 1, 1919, to

5250 ft. (1601 m.), at Charlton Flats Burn (of 1954), R.F. Thorne, July 2, 1969; Apr.-Sep.; rare; transmontane at Littlerock Cr. & S. Fork Littlerock Cr., Orlando Mistretta, May 25, 1994, montane, cismontane

FVS: May 13, 1917, I.M. Johnston, San Gabriel Wash, 499 ft. (152 m.)

SBCo.: Grapevine Cyn., 3.2 miles s.e. of San Sevaine Flats Well, at Big Tree Truck Rd. (1N34, San Sevaine Rd.), July 16, 1993, 4002 ft. (1220 m.);

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, near San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 7, 1971, 4700 ft. (1433 m.);

L.R. Abrams, near summit of San Antonio, July, 1901, no elev. given

FVS: July, 1901

Trifolium repens L., White Clover

Native to Eurasia

LACo.: J.C. Roos, near Curry’s Camp Baldy, San Antonio Cyn., , July 18, 1937, no elev. given

SBCo.: Baldy Notch, open, graded area, c. 50 meters e. of lodge, July 14, 1995, 7785 ft. (2373 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, Lytle Cr. Ranger Station, open area, near lawn, July 7, 1971,

2719 ft. (829 m.)

FVS: July 7, 1971

Trifolium variegatum Nutt., Whitetip Clover

(synonym: T. variegatum Nutt. var. geminiflorum Greene)

LACo.: From 3100 ft. (945 m.), at Little Rock Cr., F.W. Peirson, May 19, 1921, to 7839 ft. (2390 m.), at Waterman Mt., ski run on e.-facing slope, R.G. Swinney, July 24, 2008; Apr.-July, Sep.; rare; all 3 areas

FVS: July 9, 1917, F.W. Peirson, Pine Flats, 4999 ft. (1524 m.)

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 14, 1968, 4700 ft.

(1433 m.); I.M. Johnston, Lower San Sevaine Flats, July 10, 1925, 4700 ft.

(1433 m.)

FVS: July 10, 1925

Trifolium willdenovii Spreng., Tomcat Clover

LACo.: From 1299 ft. (396 m.), at San Dimas, Sycamore Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 9, 2005, to 6761 ft. (2061 m.), at meadow at Big Pines, w. of Wrightwood, s.w. of Hwy. 2 (at Big Pines Jct.-added 2011) ____________; Apr., May, Sep.; uncommon; montane at Big Pines, cismontane

FVS: May, 1893, A.J. Cook, Claremont, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

SBCo.: Sheep Cr. Rd., 1.5 miles n.e. of Lytle Cr. Rd., w. side of rd., May 28, 1995, 3460 ft. (1055 m.); w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Hwy. 138, c. 1 mile SSW of Cajon Jct., off FS Road 3N49, Apr. 29, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.); w. side of Lytle Cr., Cyn., near Hitching Ranch, 200 meters n. of FS. Road 2N79, Apr. 25, 1993,

2608 ft. (795 m.); Cajon Cyn., Cajon Rd. & Kenwood Ave., n.e. of jct., Cajon Wash, between I-215 & Cajon Rd., June 10, 1995, 2401 ft. (732 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 14, 1968, 4750 ft. (1558 m.);

L.C. Wheeler, Meyer Cyn., off Lytle Cr., May 9, 1968, 2300 ft. (701 m.)

FVS: May 9, 1968

Trifolium wormskioldii Lehm., Cows Clover

LACo.: along Hwy. 2, c. 0.5 miles w. of Big Pines (rd. jct.), e. of Jackson Lake, Aug. 6, 1997, 6639 ft. (2024 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, foot of Holiday Hill Ski Lift, Sep. 17, 1967, 6550 ft. (1997 m.); B.C. Templeton, Big Rock Cr., Aug. 25, 1932, 6900 ft. (2104 m.); Wesley O. Griesel, Big Pines, Aug. 9, 1963, 6800 ft. (2073 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, sloping meadow at Big Pines, July 9, 1969, 6849 ft. (2088 m.); F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., June 15, 1919, 4248 ft. (1295 m.)

FVS: June 15, 1919

SBCo.: Wrightwood area, n.e. of jct. of Mill Rd. with Mockingbird Rd., July 9, 1995, 6150 ft. (1875 m.); Wrightwood, jct. of Spruce St. & Hwy. 2, n. of Hwy. 2, along stream, Sep. 11, 1993, 5900 ft. (1799 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Sep. 11, 1993

Vicia americana Willd. ssp. americana, American Vetch

(synonym: V. americana Muhl. ex Willd.

LACo.: M. Durant, Live Oak Cyn., May 1916; F.W. Peirson, San Dimas Cyn., Apr. 10, 1921, 1397 ft. (426 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Peter L. Morrell, Shortcut Cyn., OVH area, Arroyo District paralleling Big Tujunga, June 4, 1992, 3802 ft. (1159 m.); I.M. Johnston, Spring Hill, San Antonio Cyn., June 15, 1917, 4500 ft. (1372 m.); L. Gross & P. Morton, w. end of main crest, s. from Pacific Crest Trail, along rd. 7N23 past the 2nd Pacific Crest Trail that exits to the n., west of Bear Gulch Camp, c. 4 mi. hike from e. to n., June 9, 2004, 5681 ft. (1732 m.); K. Dobry, Elsmere Cyn., May 2, 1991, no elev. given; Joseph A. Ewan, N. Altadena, at foot of San Gab. Mts., July 4, 1932, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Claremont, little cyn. n.e. of Webb School, Feb. 28, 1931, no elev. given; L.C. wheeler, Live Oak Cyn., Apr. 12, 1931, no elev. given; J. Adams, Palmer Cyn., 0.25 mi. beyond Padua Hills, near Claremont, Mar. 11, 1965,

2696 ft. (822 m.); F.W. Peirson, E. Fork Alder Cr., July 9, 1907, no elev. given

FVS: July 9, 1907

SBCo.: s. of Barrett Village, Apr. 20, 1996, 4000 ft. (1220 m.)

Other records:

Freda Detmers, Lytle Cr. Cyn., May 10, 1931, no elev. given; I. M. Johnston, Spring Hill, San Antonio Cyn., June 15, 1917, 4500 ft. (1372 m.)

FVS: June 15, 1917

Vicia benghalensis L., Purple Vetch

Native to Europe, reported from CA & NY

LACo.: n. of Glendora, n.e. of Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park at Big Dalton Dam, May 1931, 1989, 1700 ft. (518 m.)

Other records:

T.S. Ross, mouth of Burro Cyn. near confl. of E. & W. Forks of San Gabriel River, from stream bottom to slope, June 20, 1990, c. 1460-1530 ft. (445 m.); Regina Allen, Evey Cyn., 1 mile n. of San Antonio Dam, off Mt. Baldy Rd., May 16, 1983, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. Calif. Edison transmission line corridor (Seg. 6, structure 105 per TRTP Survey 2008), Upper Fish Cyn., May 19, 2008, 3234 ft. (986 m.); A.M. Taylor, 3.5 miles e., along the n. side of Glendora Mt. Rd., along the E. Fork San Gabriel River, San Gabriel Cyn. Rd.-Glendora Mt. Rd., May 10, 1980, 4497 ft. (1371 m.)

FVS: May 10, 1980

SBCo.: No records found.

Vicia ludoviciana Nutt. ssp. ludoviciana, Louisiana Vetch

LACo.: Frank W. Peirson, San Gabriel River, May 12, 1920, 748 ft. (228 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Vicia sativa L., Garden Vetch (sp. occasionaly treated as ssp. sativa)

Native to Europe

LACo.: Glendora, “Morgan Cyn. Plateau” adj. to and e. of Morgan Cyn., Apr. 30, 2005, 1371 ft. (418 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Vicia sativa L. ssp. nigra (L.) Ehrl., Garden Vetch

Native to Europe

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, New York Dr. at Fair Oaks Reservoir, Altadena, May 7, 1922, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Vicia villosa Roth, Hairy Vetch, Winter Vetch

Native to Europe

LACo.: San Dimas, Puddinstone Diversion Dam, at mouth of San Dimas Cyn., Mar. 26, 2008 1161 ft. (354 m.); Glendora, Little Dalton Debris Basin, July 3, 1992, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 3, 1992

SBCo.: Cucamonga, s.w. jct. of Euclid & W. Almond. Ave. (dirt extension), Jan. 26, 1994, 2161 ft. (659 m.); mouth of Lytle Cr. Cyn., canyon behind (150 m. n.w.) of Sycamore Ranger Station, Mar. 23, 1993, 2040 ft. (622 m.); Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to the west of fishings lakes, Nov. 7, 2008, 2001 ft.

(610 m.); Cajon Pass, 0.6 miles s.w. of Cajon Jct., along FS Road 3N49, 1.9 miles s.e. of Lone Pine Rd., Apr. 29, 1995, 3481 ft. (1061 m.); lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, c. 1.1 miles s.e. of jct. of Lytle Cr. Road & Penstock Rd., along w. shoulder of FS Road 2N79, June 22, 1995, 3802 ft. (1159 m.)

Other records:

Kelly McAndrew, 7 miles n. of Claremont, n.w. of mt. road c. 12 ft. n. off Euclid Rd., under large electrical line, May 16, 1992, no elev. given; Susanne James, along Lytle Cr. Canyon, May 24, 1977, 1797 ft. (548 m.)

FVS: May 24, 1977

Vicia villosa Roth ssp. varia (Host) Corb., Winter Vetch

Native to Europe

LACo.: Michael Honer, San Antonio Cyn., along Mt. Baldy Rd. between Spruce Cyn. & “Hog Back”, June 22, 2004, 2801 ft. (854 m.); J. Olmstead, 1960 Johnston Pk. Fire from W. Fk. of San Dimas Cr. to Wolfskill Falls, Apr. 30, 1962,

1500-2000 ft. (457 m.); Gene Cooper, Big Dalton Cyn., 1/4 mi. from entrance to main plath (Glendora-added 2011), May 30, 1961, no elev. given; Fred Brooks, San Antonio Cyn., above lower ranger station along edge of cyn., Apr. 16, 1988,

c. 2500 ft. (761 m.)

FVS: Apr. 16, 1988

SBCo.: 3 records for Lytle Cr.,Henrickson, Sense, Thorne & Dourley,

2400-2800 ft. (732-854 m.); Fred Brooks, San Antonio Cyn., above lower ranger station, along edges of cyn., Apr. 16, 1988, 2500 ft. (761 m.)

FVS: June 23, 1971, R.F. Thorne, J. Benny, et al., Lytle Cr. Wash, 2450 ft.

(746 m.)

Vicia villosa Roth ssp. villosa, Winter Vetch

Native to Europe

LACo.: V. Soza & LeRoy Gross, Morgan Fire 2000 area, between Morgan & Sycamore Cyns. at en of old fire rd., w. of Sycamore Flat Mtwy., (FS Rd. 1N15), May 22, 2001, no elev. given; Fred Brooks, San Antonio Cyn., above lower ranger station, along edge of cyn., Apr. 16, 1988, c. 2500 ft. (762 m.); Gene Cooper, Big Dalton Cyn., 1/4 mi. from entrance to main path., May 1930 1961, no elev. given; J. Olmstead, 1960 Johnstone Part (Peak-added 2010) Burn, from W. Fork of San Dimas Cr. to Wolfskill Falls, Apr. 30, 1962, 1500-2000 ft.

(457-610 m.); Michael Honer, San Antonio Cyn., along Mt. Baldy Rd., between Spruce Cyn. & Hog Back, June 22, 2004, 2801 ft. (854 m.); Scott D. White & Justin M. Wood, San Gabriel River W. Fork, between Bear Cr. & Cogswell Dam, May 6, 2009, 1801 ft. (549 m.); Joseph A. Ewan, N. Altadena, at foot of San Gab. Mts., July 4, 1932, no elev. given

FVS: July 4, 1932

SBCo.: No records found.

Fagaceae Oak Family

Chrysolepis sempervirens (Kellogg) Helmq., Bush Chinquapin

LACo.: From 6501 ft. (1982 m.), at Big Pines Park, B.C. Templetjon, July 21, 1932, to 10001 ft. (3049 m.), at Mt. San Antonio, Albert J. Perkins, Sep. 8, 1912 May-Oct., Dec.; common; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 24, 1901, LeRoy Abrams, Mt. San Antonio, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 6426 ft. (1959 m.), in draw and along rd. of cyn. north to n.e. of Baldy Notch (the one that drains into Coldwater Cyn.), c. 25 km. north-west of San Bernardino, Peter Fritsch, July 12, 1990, to 9879 ft. (3012 m.), at West Mt. Baldy Summit, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 28, 1995; May-Aug., Dec.; fairly common; montane, cismontane at Stoddard Cyn., Arthur C. Gibson, Apr. 19, 1971, 2600 ft. (793 m.)

FVS: July 12, 1902, L.R. Abrams, near summit of Mt. San Anatonio, San Bernardino Mts., no elev. given

Quercus agrifolia Nee, Coast Live Oak, Encina, California Live Oak

LACo.: From 1397 ft. (426 m.), at Mystic Cyn., 2 miles n.e. of Glendora, Gary D. Cromwell & David W. Wheat, Apr. 30, 1971, to 6000 ft. (1829 m.), at 1 mile e. of Monrovia, P.C. Everett, Oct. 29, 1936; Apr., May, Oct., common, although very few records available, including an absense of specimens from my own collection.

FVS: Oct. 8, 1908, F. Grinnel Jr., Switzer Camp, 2998 ft. (914 m.)

SBCo.: Stoddard Canyon, c. 1 mile e. of Shinn Road, Jan. 15, 1994, 3001 ft.

(915 m.)

Other records: None found. Uncertain why Consortium specimens are so scant.

Quercus agrifolia Nee var. agrifolia, Coast Live Oak, Encina, California Live Oak

(synonym: Q. agrifolia var. frutescens Engelm.)

CA & Baja CA, Mex.; hybridizes with Q. Kelloggii (Q. xchasei McMinn et al.

LACo.: From 1155 ft. (352 m.), n. of Azusa, Hwy. 39, cyns. along Morris Reservoir, R.E. Riener Jr., Aug. 29, 2000, to 2350 ft. (716 m.), at tunnel by-pass, 1/4 mi. upstream from Dutch Louie Camp, Pacoima Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, Nov. 19, 1966; Feb., Apr.-June, Aug., Nov.; common; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 5, 1919, F.W.Peirson, rd. to Mt. Wilson, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Quercus agrifolia Nee var. oxyadenia (Torr.) J.T. Howell, Coastal Live Oak

CA & Baja CA, Mex.; hybridizes with Q. kelloggii (Q. xganderi C.B. Wolf)

LACo.: R.E. Riefner Jr., n. of Azusa Hwy. 39, cyns. along Morris Reservoir, Aug. 29, 2000, 1155 ft. (352 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Quercus berberidifolia Liebm., Scrub Oak

CA & Baja Calif., Mex. hybridizes with Q. durata, Q. engelmannii, Q. garyana (Q. xhowelii) J.M. Tucker), Q. john tuckeri and Q. lobata

All of the following specimens have been determined from 2000 and later. Many of the specimens listed in the CCH, have not been annotated since the change of Quercus berberidifolia (in part) to Q. durata ssp. gabrielensis. Most of those plants are most likely Q. durata ssp. gabrielensis.

LACo.: James Henrickson, 1 mile s.e. of Newhall in w. part of Whitney Cyn., just n.e. of jct. of San Fernando Rd. & State Hwy. 14, within 200 ft. of Hwy. 14, Apr. 15, 2000, 1551 ft. (473 m.); Steve Boyd & T.S. Ross, w. end of San Gab. Mts., Sand Cyn., e. of Saugus in small cyn., Apr. 28, 1988, 2099-2601 ft. (640-793 m.); Lymon Benson, 10 miles n.w. of Big Pine, Nov. 7, 1949, 5750 ft. (753 m.); Gary Koonat & LeRoy Gross, Gold Cr. Ecology Preserve, South Terrace, west meadow ecotone, Feb. 16, 2003, 2240 ft. (683 m.); C. Epling, near Pacoima Cyn.,-Kagel Cyn., Nov. 1, 1932, no elev. given; Lyman Benson, 7 miles s. of Vincent, Nov. 7, 1949, 4000 ft. (1220 m.)

FVS: Nov. 7, 1949

SBCo.: Ralston Pk., w. of I-215 in Cajon Wash, s. of Hwy. 138, e. of Lone Pine Cyn. Rd. near jct. with Hwy. 138, July 8, 1995, 4549 ft.(1387 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, foothills near Cajon Pass, n.w. of jct. of I-15/State Hwy. 138, c. 1air mile w. of I-15, 1air mile n. of State Hwy. 138, May 13, 2000, 3401 ft.

(1037 m.); Randall T. Schuh, Cossis, et al., just e. of Wrightwood on Route 2, site L5, May 18, 2004, 5576 ft. (1700 m.); James Henrickson, 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in Lower Lytle Creek, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15, Apr. 14, 1985, 2400-2800 ft. (732 m.); F.R. Fosberg, head of Lone Pine Cyn., June 8, 1932, 6232 ft. (1900 m.)

FVS: June 8, 1932

Quercus chrysolepis Liebm., Maul, Golden Cup, Maul Oak, Canyon Live Oak

(synonym: Q. chrysolepis var. nana (Jeps.) Jeps.

LACo.: From 918 ft. (280 m.), at Duarte, lower Van Tassel Cyn., 0.3 to 0.6 meters n.w. (upstream) of confl. with San Gabriel River, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 16, 2009, to 7960 ft. (2427 m.), at summit of Iron Mt. (at w. end of San Antonio Ridge-added 2011), R.G. Swinney, Aug. 13, 1998; Mar.-Dec.; abundant; all 3 sections

FVS: July 18, 1891, J.G. Lemmon, near Pomona, San Antonio Cyn.

SBCo.: From 2201 ft. (671 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., Benjamin C. Stone, Oct. 20, 1957, to 8151 ft. (2485 m.), at Cucamonga Pk., R.G. Swinney, July 28, 1994; Feb.-July, Sep.-Dec.; fairly common; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Nov. 26, 1903, Rev. George Robertson, Lytle Cr., 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

Quercus cornelius-mulleri Nixon & K.P. Steele, Muller’s Oak

CA & Baja CA,, Mex, hybridizes with Q. engelmannii (Q. xacutidens)

LACo.: George B. Rosbach, c. 2 miles n. Mill Creek Summit (Los Angeles Crest Hwy. (Route 2) near Aliso Cyn. Rd., June 20, 1955, 3998 ft. (1219 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

*Quercus durata Jeps. var gabrielensis Nixon & C.H. Mull., San Gabriel Oak, San Gabriel Mts. Leather Oak

Status: CNPS R-E-D Code State/Fed. Status

CRPR 4.2 S3.2 G4T3

Hybridizes with Q. engelmanii (Q. grandidentata Ewan) in the San Gabriels.

LACo.: From 912 ft. (278 m.), at Monrovia, Hidden Valley Cyn., Susan Grose, Lauren Braccio, et al., Nov. 11, 2007, to 6000 ft. (1829 m.), Mt. Baldy Region, O.Aragon & R. J. Meyer, Feb. 14, 1950; all months; abundant; cismontane

FVS: Sep. 20, 1903, C.F.Baker, San Antonio Cyn. near Claremont, no elev. given

SBCo.: with Mike Riggs, Cucamonga Mtwy., w. of crossing of Cucamonga Cyn., Aug. 18, 1994, 3378 ft. (1030 m.); Spring Hill ”Flats”, s. of Barrett Village & n. of Stoddard Flat, c. 100 meters s.w. of Barrett-Stoddard Rd. (FS Rd. 2N04.2), Oct. 12, 2008, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); Stoddard Flats, ENE of Stoddard Pk., c. 1.5 miles s. of Barret Village, along both sides of Barrett-Stoddard Rd., Nov. 14, 2008,

4441 ft. (1354 m.)

Other records:

B.C. Templeton, above Camp Baldy, Oct. 20, 1943, no elev. given; Regina Allen, Evey Cyn., 1 mile n. of San Antonio Dam, off Mt. Baldy Rd., May 16, 1983, no elev. given; Freda Detmers, Lytle Cr. Cyn., May 10, 1931, no elev. given; Marcus E. Jones, Devore Burn, Lytle Cr., Sep. 13, 1931, no elev. given; H. Lee, 0.75 miles s.e. of Lost Lake, Mar. 25, 1935, 2798 ft. (853 m.); Rev. Geiorge Robertson, Lytle Cr., Old Baldy, Nov. 26, 1923, 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

FVS: Nov. 26, 1923

+Quercus xgrandidentata Ewan (Q. durata Jeps. var. gabrielensis X Q. engelmannii Greene) Not included in the species list of TJM2, but reported under Q. durata var. gabrielensis, as a hybrid between Q. engelmannii & Q. durata ssp. gabrielensis

LACo.: LaVerne (added 2012), Live Oak Cyn., c. 1.6 miles n. of Baseline Rd., 0.8 mi. due n. of Live Oak Cyn. Dam, Sep. 27, 1997, 1601 ft. (488 m.) (discrepancy in the 2 voucher’s data – this data is correct); near (west of) Big Dalton Cyn., Harrow Cyn., s. of first debris basin, July 14, 1989, 1299 ft. (396 m.)

Other records:

Robert F. Thorne & P.C. Everett, Johnson’s Pasture, above Claremont in mixed chaparral-sage scrub-oak woodland, date ___, 1998 ft. (609 m.); Joseph A. Ewan, 2 mi. above A.T. & S.F. tracks at mouth of Sawpit Cyn. (ie Monrovia Cyn.), Dec. 27,1934, 750 ft. (229 m.); L.C. Wheeler, s. slope San Gab. Mts., just above Pottinger Sanitarium, Monrovia, Jan 19, 1936, no elev. given

FVS: Jan. 19, 1936

SBCo.: No records found.

*Quercus engelmannii Greene, Mesa Oak, Engelmann Oak

Status CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-2-2 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 4.2 S3.2 G3

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 748 ft. (228 m.), at 2 mi. above A.T. & S.F. Tracks (Monrovia Cyn.) - Sawpit Cyn., Joseph Andorfer Ewan, Dec. 27, 1934, to 3496 ft. (1066 m.), at Sturdevant Tr., Santa Anita Cyn., Joseph Andorfer Ewan, July 4, 1933; Jan., Mar., May-Dec.: uncommon to common locally between Arcadia and Claremont; cismontane

FVS: Mar. 13, 1926, E.S. Spalding, San Gab. Mts., Monrovia Cyn.

SBCo.: A.C. Sanders, D. Malveg, et al., Sycamore Flat, Cajon Pass, near

Devore & Glen Helen Parks, May 10, 2000, 2948 ft. (594 m.)

+Quercus ilex L., Holly Oak

Native to Medit.

LACo.: San Gabriel River wash, Azusa/Duarte boundary, 0.5 miles n. of Puente Largo Railway Bridge, in close proximity to Prunus persica (Peach),in native coastal sage scrub & chaparral, June 27, 2009, 636 ft. (194 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

+Quercus john-tuckeri Nixon & C.H. Mull., Tucker Oak

LACo.: From 2798 ft. (853 m.), at Arraster (Arrastre-added 2011) Cr., n. slope San Gab. Mts., F.W. Peirson, May 11, 1919, to 6849 ft. (2088 m.), at Big Pines Park, B.C. Templeton, Aug. 26, 1932; Mar.-Nov.; common; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 4, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Rock Cyn.,

SBCo.: From 2830 ft. (863 m.), at vicinity of Lost Lake, straddling the San Andreas Fault, Lost Lake Rd., west of Hwy. I-15, Steven R. HIll, Apr. 25, 2001, to 6101 ft. (1860 m.), at Pinon Hills, Pk. # 6150 ft., s.e. of Oak Springs Ranch, R.G. Swinney, May 27, 1996; Apr.-Nov., common; transmontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Oct. 10, 1923, Marcus E. Jones, A.M., Cajon Pass,no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Quercus kelloggii Newberry, California Black Oak

LACo.: From 3880 ft. (1829 m.), at Big Pines Park & Jackson Lake, B.C. Templeton, May 15, 1933 and P. A. Munz, Swartout Valley, June 17, 1921, to 6901 ft. (2104 m.), at 0.5 miles w. of Big Pine Ranger Station, June Lating., Oct. 16, 1977; Apr.-Oct., fairly common; montane

FVS: June 6, 1906, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., mine rd. near summit

SBCo.: From 4000 ft. (1220 m.), at Lytle Cr., 0.8 mi. above FS Camp at Glenn Ranch, C.B. Wolf, Oct. 24, 1931, to 6700 ft. (2043 m.), at N. Fk., Bear Cr., I.M. Johnston, July 17, 1921; June, July, Sep.-Nov.; fairly common; montane, cismontane

FVS: July 15, 1917, C.B. Wolf, Lytle Cr., 0.8 mi. above USFS Camp at Glenn Ranch, 4000 ft. (1219 m.)

Quercus lobata Nee, Valley Oak, Roble

Status: CRPR: CBR

(synonyms: Q. lobata var. turbinata Jeps. and Q. lobata var. walteri Jeps.)

Hybridizes with Q. berberidifolia, Q. cornellus-mulleri, Q. engelmannii and Q. john-tuckeri

LACo.: John C. Roos, Placerita Cyn. (in Santa Clarita) Nov. 23, 1946, no elev. given;

SBCo.: No records found.

Quercus xmorehus Kellogg (Quercus kelloggii Newberry X Q. wislizeni, A.DC.), Oracle Oak

LACo.: Jane Strong, Michael Long, et al., W. Fk. San Gabriel River, n. of Monrovia Pk., Rincon-Red Box Rd., FS Road 2N24, July 16, 2004, no elev. given; Jerome Horton, S. Wolfskill Cyn. Trail, SDEF, Apr. 6, 1936, 5196 ft.

(1584 m.) (reference to 2 individuals at 5000 ft. in the SDEF Publication, revised 1988, maybe referring to Hortons record on Apr. 6, 1936)

FVS: Apr. 6, 1936

SBCo.: 1 mile w. of Lytle Cr. on San Sevaine Rd., Oct. 17, 1992, 3001 ft. (15 m.)

Other records:

Carl B. Wolf, between Wrightwood & Lone Pine Cyn., head of Swartout Valley, Sep. 14, 1932, 5996 ft. (1828 m.); C.B. Wolf, 0.8 mi. above FS Camp (at Glenn Ranch, Lytle Cr.), Oct. 24, 1931, 3998 ft. (1219 m.)

FVS: Oct. 24, 1931

Quercus palmeri (Engelm.) Engelm., Palmer’s Oak

Status: CRPR: CBR

(synonym: Q. dunnii Kellogg, illeg.

Hybridizes with Q. chrysolepis.

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, S. Calif. transmission linetower (Seg. 6, structure 23 per TRTP Survey 2008), vic. of Aliso Cyn., w. of Angeles Forest Hwy., Apr. 16, 2008, 3746 ft. (1142 m.); D. Charles Dailey, 0.94 miles s. of Valyermo Rd. on Pallet Creek Rd., c. 1-1.25 mile w. of Valyermo (Big Rock) Fire Station, Dec. 31, 1973, no elev. given.

FVS: Dec. 31, 1973

SBCo.: No recocrds found.

Quercus wislizeni A.DC., Interior Live Oak

Possibly not determined to subspecific level.

LACo.: with Dave Larsen, SDEF, e half of Brown’s Flat, Aug. 7, 1996 & Apr. 26, 1998, 4320 ft. (1317 m.); e. slope of Pacifico Mt. at Fountainhead Spring, June 2, 2009, 6599 ft. (2012 m.); summit of Mt. Hillyer, n. of Horse Flats, July 22, 2009, 6120 ft. (1866 m.)

Other records:

Peter Kamb, Pine Flats (Charlton Flats-added 2010), Sep. 28, 1947, 5996 ft. (1828 m.); J. Godsil, Little Dalton Cyn., above San Gabriel Lakes, Mar. 9, 1953, 3149 ft. (960 m.); G.B. Grant, Mt. Wilson, June 10, 1902, no elev. given; J.H. Barber, Pierson’s Mine, Aliso Cyn., June 30, 1897, no elev. given

FVS: June 30, 1897

SBCo.: Spring Hill “Flats”, s. of Barrett Village & n. of Stoddard Flat, c. 100 meters s.w. of (2N04.2), Barrett-Stoddard Rd., Oct. 12, 2008, 1220 ft. (372 m.); Stoddard Flats, ENE of Stoddard Pk., c. 1.5 mile s. of Barrett Village along both side of Barrett-Stoddard Rd., July 25, 1995 & Nov. 14, 2008, 4441 ft. (1354 m.); Clyde Ranch, Lone Pine Cyn., Oct. 23, 2008, 4920 ft. (1500 m.); Stoddard Pk. s.w. of Stoddard Flats & w. of Stoddard-Barrett Mt. Hwy., Nov. 14, 2008, 4599 ft.

(1402 m.)

Other records:

C.B. Wolf, head of Swartout Valley, between Wrightwood & Lone Pine Cyn., Sep. 14, 1932, 6000 ft. (1829 m.); C.B. Wolf, Lytle Cr., 0.8 miles above FS Camp at Glenn Ranch, Oct. 24, 1931, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Grapevine Cyn. off Lytle Cr., Nov. 4, 1967, 4100 ft. (1250 m.); Scott D. White, Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash, just s. of Hwy. 138 crossing, Apr. 11, 1997, 2900 ft. (884 m.); S.B. Parish, n. of Icehorse (Icehouse-added 2010), San Antonio Cyn., June 16, 1918,

4995 ft. (1523 m.); I.W. Clokey & E.G. Anderson, w. of Cajon Pass, May 15, 1935, 3280 ft. (1000 m.); Rev. George Robertson, Lytle Cr., Old Baldy Mt., Nov. 26, 1903, 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

FVS: Nov. 26, 1903

Quercus wislizeni A.DC. var. frutescens Engelm., Interior Live Oak

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 2500 ft. (761 m.), at w. side of Santa Anita Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, Apr. 16, 1932, to 6240 ft. (1902 m.), at Granite Mt., NNE slope, T.S. Ross, July 24, 1991; Mar.-Sep., Nov.; common; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 20, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: From 2000 ft. (610 m.), at midway between Lytle Cr. & Devore, Lyman Benson, Nov. 7, 1949, to 4940 ft. (1506 m.), e. of Mt. Baldy Village at “dry lake”, “flats”, in Cherry Cyn., R.G. Swinney, May 31, 1997; Apr.-June, Aug., Sep., Nov.; common; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 17, 1918, I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn., 4850 ft. (1479 m.)

Garryaceae Silk Tassel Family

Garrya flavescens S. Watson, Ashy Silktassel

[synonym: G. flavescens S. Watson var. pallida (Eastw.) Bacig. ex Ewan]

LACo.: From 3000-5100 ft. (915-1555 m.), Mt. Lowe Rd. (2N50) from jct. with Mt. Wilson Road sw. to the jct. with Chantry Flats Trail (2N65) above Altadena, Valerie Soza, Bill Hogshead, et al., May 17, 2003, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), at Chilao Flats, L.E. Hoffman, Dec. 23, 1931; May-Aug., Oct., Dec.; uncommon; all 3 areas

FVS: June 16, 1918, F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., n. side of San Gab. Mts., 4746 ft. (1447 m.)

SBCo.: From 4549 ft. (1387 m.), at Ralston Pk., w. of I-15 Frwy., in Cajon Pass, s. of Hwy 138, e. of Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., near jct. with Hwy. 138, R.G. Swinney, July 8, 1996, to 7560 ft. (2305 m.), at cyn. between Wright Mt. & Pine Mt., e. of N. Devil’s Backbone Trail, R.G. Swinney, Sep 4, 1995; May-July, Sep., Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 29, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., San Antonio Mts.,

6996 ft. (2133 m.)

Garrya veatchii Kellogg, Canyon Silk Tassel

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 761 ft. (232 m.), at Azusa, Hwy. 39, at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, at entrance, 1.9 miles n.e. of Sierra Madre Ave., R.G. Swinney, Jan 19, 2009, to 5999 ft. (1829 m.), at Lookout Mt. Trail, Orobanche vallida Survey, Orlando Mistretta, June 23, 1995; Jan.-Oct., Dec.; uncommon to common locally; transmontane along Big Rock Cr., below Sycamore Flat Campground, c. 2.5 miles s. of Valyermo Station, Robert F. Thorne & J.P. Simon et. al., May 1, 1970, 4198 ft. (1280 m.), montane, cismontane

FVS: June 12, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Switzers Trail

SBCo.: From 2401 ft. (732 m.), at 1.2 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino, in Lower Lytle Cr. Wash, 0.2-4 miles n. of I-15, James S. Henrickson, May 10, 1985, to 6701 ft. (2043 m.), at Lytle Cr. Ridge, Pk. due e. of Gobbler’s Knkob, R.G. Swinney, June 30, 1992; all months, fairly common; all 4 sections

FVS: Apr. 23, 1898, H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

Gentianaceae Gentian Family

Eustoma exaltatum (L.) G. Don var. exaltatum, Desert Centaury

(synonym: Centaurium exaltatum (Griseb.) W. Wight. ex Piper, Desert Centaury

Synonym CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-2-1- State/Fed. Status: none

LACo.: Juniper Hills, 0.4 mi. s. of jct. of Longview Rd. & Tumblewood Rd., w. & adjacent to Longview Rd., July 8, 2005, 3990 ft. (1216 m.); Valyermo area, Big Rock Creek, Big Rock Cr. Camp (Paradise Springs), Aug. 9, 2005, 4720 ft.

(1430 m.); Big Rock Wash, 0.3 miles n. of jct. of Pallet Cr. Rd. & Valyermo Rd., Sep 9, 2008, 3510 ft. (1070 m.)

Other records: L.C. Wheeler, 6 miles from mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., June 26, 1932, 1000 ft. (305 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Big Pines Hwy., May 10, 1993,

4350 ft. (1326 m.); L.C. Wheeler, W. Fk. San Gabriel River, 1/2 mile w. of Bear Cr., Sep 8. 1946, 1700 ft. (518 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., slope on e. side of cyn., s. of jct. of FS Rds. 4N15 & 5N04.3, June 6, 1994, no elev. given;; F.W. Peirson, Pallett Cr., July 2, 1921, 3600 ft. (1098 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Gabriel Cyn., June 26, 1932, 997 ft. (304 m.); R.F. Thorne, c. 2.2 mi. down Aliso Cyn. from jct. with Angeles Forest Rd., June 29, 1971, 3400 ft. (1037 m.);

Anstruther Davidson, Rock Cr., July 4, 1893, no elev. given

FVS: July 4, 1893

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, along Cajon Cr., near Cajon Campground in Cajon Cyn., June 29, 1972, 2750 ft. (838 m.)

Frasera albicaulis Douglas ex Griseb. var. nitida (Benth.) C.L. Hitchc., Whitestem Frasera

[synonym: Swertia albicaulis (Douglas ex Griseb.) Kuntze var. nitida (Benth.) Jeps.]

LACo.: Mary MacArthur, Chilao, near riverbed, June 4, 1966, 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Frasera neglecta H.M. Hall, Pine Greengentian

[synonym: Swertia neglecta (H.M. Hall) Jeps.]

Status CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 4.3 S S3.3 G3

LACo.: From 4897 ft. (1493 m.), at c. 16.7 air-miles n. of Monrovia, c. 1.3 air miles n.e. of Vetter Mt., 0.75 air miles s.w. of Chilao Station, in cyn. of E. Fork Alder Cr., John Dittes, June 20, 1990, to 7469 ft. (2277 m.), at ( E. summit-added 2010) of Table Mt., northwest of Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, July 17, 1997: May-Aug.: uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 4, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock

SBCo.: From 1960 ft. (598 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park (Mescupiabe), c. 0.9 miles s. of park n.e. entrance, on w. side of dirt rd. in cyn., R.G. Swinney, Jan. 6, 1994, to 5500 ft. (1677 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., The Narrows, D. Charlton, Jan. 25, 1953; Jan., Mar.-June, Dec.; uncommon; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 3-6, 1900, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., 6800 ft. (2073 m.)

Frasera parryi Torr., Coahuila Frasera

(synonym: Swertia parryi Torr. Kuntze)

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, near mouth of San Dimas Cyn., May 14, 1934, 1450 ft. (441 m.); M.E. Churchhill, San Dimas Cyn., May 2, 1926.; Samuel R. Tyson, San Dimas Cyn., May 29, 1942, 1400 ft. (427 m.); L.C. Wheeler, mouth of San Dimas Cyn., Apr. 12, 1931, no elev.; Kay H. Beach, near water tower along San Dimas SRE, SDEF, May 29, 1942, no elev. given; Mrs. Fitch, between Live Oak & San Dimas Cyn., June 7, 1919, no elev. given

FVS: June 7, 1919

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, mesa just e. of mouth of Lytle Cr., May 9, 1968, 2148 ft. (655 m.); I.M. Johnst., mouth of San Sevain Cyn., July 11, 1925, 1800-2000 ft. (549 m.); W.L. Jepson Cajon Cyn., May 28, 1914, 2398 ft. (731 m.)

FVS: May 28, 1914

Zeltnera venusta (A. Gray) G. Mans, Canchalagua, California or Charming Centaury

[synonym: Centaurium venustum (A. Gray) B.L. Rob.]

LACo.: From 597 ft. (182 m.), at San Gabriel Wash, near Azusa (this should be c. 300 meters n. of Foothill Blvd. in Azusa/Irwindale-added 2011), M.N. Ackley, Apr. 1, 1928, to 3609 ft. 1100 m.), at Blanchard Park, Claremont, Oak woodland, Skip Stone, May 22, 1952; Apr.-July, Sep., Oct.; rare; cismontane

FVS: May 5, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: Cajon Wash, c. 1 mile n. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., n. of Cosy Dell, Oct. 29, 1994, 2850 ft. (869 m.); Cajon Pass area, FS Road 3N49, 2.3 miles n. of Swarthout Cyn. Road, June 20, 1994, 3119 ft. (951 m.); Lone Pine Cyn., c. 0.6-1.2 miles s.w. of Lost Lake on s. side of Swarthout Cyn. Road, near Lone Pine Cyn. stream, Oct. 19, 1994, 2870 ft. (875 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, 1.8 miles e. of Lytle Cr. Road at Apple White Rd. (FS Rd. 2N53), June 20, 1994, 3120 ft.

(951 m.)

Other records:

Norman C. Wilson, Cajon Cyn., June 25, 1893, no elev. given

FVS: June 25, 1893

Geraniaceae Geranium Family

California macrophylla (Hook. & Arn.) J.J. Aldasoro et al., Round-leaved Filaree

(synonym: Erodium macrophyllum Hook. & Arn. var. californicum (Greene) Jeps., Roundleaf Stork’s Bill

LACo.: Samuel R. Tyson, San Dimas Cyn., Apr. 13, 1943, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

SBCo.: No records fo;und.

Erodium botrys (Cav.) Bertol., Longbeaked Filaree (Stork’s Bill)

Native to s. Europe

LACo.: far w. end of Glendora Ridge Mtwy. on n. side of rd. at s. boundary of El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, Mar. 25, 2009, 1801 ft. (549 .)

Other records:

R.F.Thorne, Johnston’s Pastures, n. of Mt. Avenue, Claremont, Mar. 31, 1971, 1800 ft. (549 m.); Richard Noyes, Claremont, Burbank Canyon, n.w. of Thompson Cr. Dam, Apr. 30, 1988, 1640 ft. (500 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Glendora Ridge Truck Trail, Mar. 21, 1968, 2300 ft. (701 m.); L. Wheeler, Tanbark Flat, San Dimas Cyn., (SDEF-added 2010), May 13, 1951, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, just w. of Bluebird Truck Trail, Apr. 13, 1968, 1525 ft. (465 m.);

Samuel R. Tyson, Wolfe Cyn. (Volfe Cyn.-added-2010), Apr. 14, 1943, 2100 ft. (640 m.)

FVS: Apr. 14, 1943

SBCo.: 1.1 miles w. of Glen Helen Rd. on FS Road 3N31 (Applewhite Rd.), Apr. 5, 1994, 2300 ft. (701 m.); s.w. of mouth of Lytle Cr. Canyon, 4.8-5.0 miles w. of Lytle Cr. Road (Nealy’s Corner), c. 0.4 miles n. of Front Line Mtwy., Mar. 15 1993, 1801 ft. (549 m.); s. side of mouth of Lytle Cr. Canyon, c. 100 meters n. of Devore Rd., & 0.8 miles s.w. of Sierra Ave. & Lytle Cr. Road junction, Mar. 15, 1993, 1860 ft. (567 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Applewhite Campground, N. Fork Lytle Cr., May 13, 1968,

3300 ft. (1006 m.)

FVS: May 13, 1968

Erodium brachycarpum (Godr.) Thell., Shortfruited Filaree (Stork’s Bill)

Native to s. Europe

LACo.: Marshall & Liveoak Cyn. Drainagae, Apr. 13, 1998, 1801 ft. (549 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, n. of Mt. Avenue (Johnston’s Pastures), Claremont, Mar. 31, 1971, 1797 ft. (548 m.); L.C. Wheeler, saddle on ridges s. of mouth of Big Dalton Cyn., ____, 1575 ft. (480 m.); L.C. Wheeleri, Altadena, Altadena Cyn. Crest Dr., & Lincoln Ave., Apr. 26 1948, no elev. given


SBCo.: 5 miles w. of Lytle Cr. Road, at Nealy’s Corner, 0.8 miles w. of jct. of Summit Rd. & Lytle Cr. Road, 0.4 miles n. of Front Line Mtwy., Mar. 15, 1993, 1840 ft. (561 m.)

Other records: None found.

Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Her., Redstem Filaree (Stork’s Bill)

Native to Eurasia

LACo.: From 581 ft. (177 m.), at Azusa/Irwindale boundary, San Gabriel River, Channel, within 75 m. of Foothill Blvd. Bridge, Nov. 30, 2008, to 7400 ft.

(2256 m.), at summit of E. Table Mt., Wrightwood area, July 2, 1998; Mar.-Nov.; abundant; all 3 sections

FVS: Mar. 31, 1966, W.M. Gaunt, 1 mile w. of Cobal Cyn., n. of Claremont,

1400 ft. (427 m.)

SBCo.: From 1750 ft. (534 m.), n. of campus library of Chaffey College, Alta Loma, Mar. 25, 1962, to 6065 ft. (1849 m.), at Chalk Pk., Lytle Cr. area, between Middle & N. Fork Lytle Creek, _______; Mar., Apr., June, July; common; all 4 sections

FVS: June 9, 1954, W. Bertsch, Mt. Baldy Rd., 1998 ft. (609 m.)

Erodium moschatum (L.) L’Her, White-stemmed Filaree, Musky Stork’s Bill

Native to Europe

LACo.: 5 miles n. of Lytle Cr. Road, at Nealey’s Corner, 0.8 miles w. of Summit Rd., and Lytle Cr. Road, 0.4 miles n. of Front Line Mtwy., Mar. 15, 1993, 1840 ft. (561 m.); far w. end of Glendora Ridge Mtwy. on n. side of rd. at s. boundary of El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, Mar. 25, 2009, 1801 ft. (549 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, Johnson’s Pastures, n. of Mt. Avenue, Claremont, Mar. 31, 1971, 1800 ft. (549 m.); R.F. Thorne, Cobal Cyn., 3 miles n of Claremont, Mar. 18, 1971, 1650 ft. (503 m.); L.C. Wheeler, between Little Dalton & Engelwild Cyns., May 13, 1967, 1225 ft. (373 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Glendora Ridge Truck Trail, Mar. 21, 1968, 2000 ft. l(610 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Wildwood Ranch, Shuler Cyn., Apr. 14, 1973, 1350 ft. (412 m.); L.C. Wheeler, vic. of Coulter Reservoir Sunset Ridge, s. of Millard Cyn, May 7, 1967, 2150 ft. (655 m.); F. Fox, Johnson Pasture (Johnston’s Pastures-added 2010), n. of Claremont, Apr. 15, 1916, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 15, 1916

SBCo.: s.w. of mouth of Lytle Cr. Cyn., 4.8-5.0 miles w. of Lytle Cr. Road (Nealy’s Corner) & c. 0.4 milefs n. of Front Line Mtwy., Mar. 15, 1993, 1801 ft. (549 m.)

Other records:

Strven R. Hill, vic. of San Andres Fault, n. side of Swarthout Cyn. Road, along Cajon Creek, n. of its crossing, w. of Route I-15, Apr. 25, 2001, 2670 ft. (814 m.)

FVS: Mar. 15, 1993

+Geranium californicum G.N. Jones & F.F. Jones, California Cranesbill

(synonym: G. concinnum G.N. Jones & F.L. Jones)

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta & R.T. Hawke, Lightening Ridge Trail, Blue Ridge, on edge of meadow s. of Mt. High Ski area parking lot, June 29, 1995, no elev. given; 4 records for Big Pines area, 1922-1971, 6501-6880 ft. (1982-2098 m.), Peirson, Templeton, R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, Wight

FVS: July 6, 1922, F.W. Peirson, Big Pines, 6796 ft. (2072 m.)

SBCo.: H.M. Hall San Antnonio Mts., Aug. 12, 1895, 6700 ft. (2043 m.) (location uncertain, very possibly out of e. San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Geranium carolinianum L., Carolina Geranium

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, in 2002 Williams Fire burn area, n.-facing slope, c. 0.5 air miles s. of Big Dalton Cyn. Road, c. 0.5 miles e. of Glendora Mt. Road, 100 yards n. of Big Cienaga Spring service road, May 12, 2003, 2000 ft. (610 m.); Claremont Hills Wilderness Park, 0.2 to 0.6 miles (by road) NNW of n. terminus of Mills Ave., Cobal Cyn. Road, Apr. 13, 1998, 1781 ft. (543 m.); Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Bebris Basin, Apr. 30, 2008, 1118 ft.

(341 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, ¼ mile w. of Thompson Cr., May 1, 1932, 1650 ft. (503 m.); L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork Morgan Cyn., near Fergusson Mtwy. (Glendora-added 2010), Apr. 13, 1968, 1425 ft. (434 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Wildwood Ranch, Shuler Cyn., Apr. 14, 1974, 1275 ft. (389 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Burbank Cyn., w. of Thompson Cr. Dam, May 27, 1932, no elev. given, R.F. Thorne, Johnson’s Pastures, n. of Mt. Avenue, Claremont, Mar. 31, 1971, 1800 ft. (549 m.); Samuel R. Tyson, San Dimas Cyn., SDEF trail to flumes 4 & 5, May 22, 1942, no elev. given; LeRoy Gross & Valerie Soza, above city of San Dimas, May 11, 1999, 2120 t. (646 m.); Richard Noyes, Claremont, Burbank Cyn., n.w. of Thompson Cr. Dam, Apr. 30, 1988, 1640 ft. (500 m.); F.W. Peirson, Monrovia Cyn., May 18, 1919, 1500 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: May 18, 1919

SBCo.: Gerald L. Benny, Day Cyn.,burned 1970, Apr. 21, 1971, 2800’s ft.; R.F. Thorne, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 5, 1971, 4650 ft. (1418 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Meyer Cyn., off Lytle Cr., May 9, 1968, 2300 ft. (701 m.)

FVS: May 9, 1968

Geranium incanum Burm., Carpet Geranium, Cranesbilll

LACo.: San Gabriel River, under the Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of Encanto Pkwy. west of (e. of-added 2011) El Encanto Park in Duarte, Apr. 13, 2009, 604 ft. (184 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Geranium richardsonii Fisch. & Trautv., Richardson’s Geranium

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, upper part of Big Pines Meadow, July 9, 1969, 6799 ft. (2073 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Geranium rotundifolium L., Roundleaf Geranium

Native to Europe, n. Africa, w. Asia; reported from CA, Kansas, Maryland, New Jersy & NY

LACo.: William Martin, Gold Cr., Little Tujunga, May 12, 1972, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Big Cienega, Trail Cyn., July 30, 1967, 3750 ft. (1142 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Gold Cr., off Little Tujunga Cyn., at Center Cr., Watts Rd., July 18, 1967, 2099 ft. (640 m.)

FVS: July 18, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

Grossulariaceae Goooseberry Family

+Ribes amarum McClatchie, Bitter Gooseberry

(synonym: R. amarum var. hoffmanii Munz)

LACo.: From 761 ft. (232 m.), at Azusa, Hwy. 39, at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park entrance, 1.9 miles n.e. of Sierra Madre Ave., R.G. Swinney, Jan. 19, 2009, to 4379-4398 ft. (1335-1341 m.), at Fallen Leaf Spring, draining northward to Cow Cyn., Timothy S. Ross, Apr. 21, 1992; Jan.-Apr., June; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Mar. 7, 1896, A.J. McClatchie, San Gab. Mts.

SBCo.: From 2601 (793 m.), at c. 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino, in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, 2.5 miles n. of I-15 Frwy., Jamie Henrickson, May 12, 1985 ? __, to 4822 ft. (1470 m.), at FS Road, 1N34 (Big Tree Truck Rd.), c. 4.7 miles n.e. of jct. of Skyline & Almond Ave., n. of Cucamonga, between Deer & Cucamonga Cyn., R.G. Swinney, June 28, 1994; Mr.-July; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 1, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Charcoal Fk., Cucamonga Cyn., 4248 ft.

(1295 m.)

Ribes aureum Pursh, Golden Currant

LACo.: From 551 ft. (168 m.), at Irwindale, near jct. of Foothill Blvd. & Irwindale Ave., between gravel pit and the San Gabriel River Channel, L.F. LaPre & T. Mulroy, Apr. 7, 1986, to 2099 ft. (640 m.), at Santa Anita Reservoir, e. side of channel & 0.4 miles s. of Elkins Ave. entrance gate, T.B. Salvato & Sandra Muricia, Mar. 28, 2007; Jan.-May; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Mar. 15, 1903, C.F. Baker, Glendora, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Ribes aureum Pursh var. gracillium (Coville & Britton) Jeps., Golden Currant

LACo.: From 670 ft. (204 m.), at Duarte, 1.45 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., at Encanto Dr., R.G. Swinney, Jan. 19, 2009, to 3000 ft. (915 m.), at Evey Cyn., 1 mile n. of Padua on Mt. Baldy Rd., Brian McColgan, May 25, 1988; Jan.-July; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: O.A. Plunkett, Sierra Madre Santa Anita, Cyn., Mar. 6, 1926, no elev. given

SBCo.: n. of Upland, c. 0.5 miles w. of Cucamonga Cyn., on dirt extension of W. Almond Ave., Jan. 26, 1994, 2162 ft. (659 m.)

Other records: None found.

+Ribes californicum Hook. & Arn. var. hesperium (McClatchie) Jeps., Hillside Gooseberry

L.A.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), at San Gabriel River Cyn., n. of Azusa, cyn. bottom and adj. slope, below Morris Dam, Scott D. White, May 8, 1997 to 3595 ft. (1096 m.), above San Gabriel Dam area, Benjamin C. Stone, Mar. 9, 1953; Jan.-June, Nov., Dec.; abundant; cismontane

FVS: 1860, W.H. Brewer, San Gab. Mts., near Camp 6

SBCo.: Stoddard Cyn. c. 1 mile e. of Shinn Rd., Jan 15, 19--, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

Other records:

Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 30, 1971, 2850 ft. (869 m.); Arthur C. Gibson, lower part of Stoddard Cyn., stream bank, Jan. 20, 1972, c. 2500 ft. (762 m.); Barbara Shervonick, Palmer Cyn., Mar. 14, 1974 2001 ft. (610 m.); Josh Koepke, Tim Thibault, et at., fire rd., east of Mt. Baldy Rd., Mar. 19, 2007,

4166 ft. (1270 m.); C.B. Wolf, Camp Baldy, Dec. 28, 1927, no elev. given

FVS: Dec. 28, 1927

Ribes cereum Douglas, Wax Currant

LACo.: From 3998 ft. (1219 m.), at Devil’s Punch Bowl, F.W. Peirson, June 18, 1918, to 9994 ft. (3047 m.), at summit of Baldy, I.M. Johnston, July 4, 1917; May-Aug., Oct.: uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 4, 1917 (4 or 14 ?)

SBCo.: S.B. Parish, Icehouse Cyn., June 16, 1918, 6996 ft. (2133 m.) Herbert L. Mason, Mt. San Antonio, Higher ridge, June 15, 1927, 8495 ft. (2590 m.); I.M. Jjohnson, head of Ice House Cyn., June 15, 1917, 7495 ft. (2285 m.); R.F. Thorne & H. Eichler, just e. of Baldy Summit, July 27, 1968, 9345 ft. (2849 m.);

H.M. Hall near summit of Old Baldy, May, 1899, 9496 ft. (2895 m.)

FVS: May, 1899

Ribes cereum Douglas var. cereum, Squaw Currant, Mountain Currant, Wax Currant

LACo.: From 4999 ft. (1524 m.), at Big Rock Cr., Anstruther Davidson, June 1906, to 1004 ft. (3050 m.), at summit of Mt. San Antonio, V.W. Steinmann, June 17, 1996; May-Oct., transmontane at Big Rock Cr., Anstruther Davidson, June 1906; fairly common at montane

FVS: June 1906, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., 4999 ft. (1524 m.)

SBCo.: From 580 ft. (1768 m.), at Wright wood, 10-20 meters w. of Twin Lakes Rd. on n. side of Hwy. 2, along Wrighwood Wash, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 15, 1994, to 10040 ft. (3061 m.), e. of Mt. Baldy Summit, E. San Antonio Pk., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 28, 1995 and at Mt. San Antonio, J.C. Roos, July 16, 1937; May-Aug., Oct.; uncommon; near transmontane at Wrightwood Wash, montane

FVS: June 15, 1917, I.M. Johnston, head of Icehouse Cyn., upper transition zone, 8000 ft. (2439 m.)

Ribes indecorum Eastw., Whiteflower Currant

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 581 ft. (177 m.), at Azusa/Irwindale, mouth of San Gabriel River

Cyn., 100-400 meters km. of I-210 Frwy., 300 meters e. of river channel, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 20, 2009, to 4500 ft. (1372 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., 1.5 mi. above second tunnel at mt. road turnoff, Fred Brooks, May 7, 1988; Jan.-June, Dec.; uncomnmon; cismontane

FVS: Jan. 1, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Palmer’s Cyn., Claremont, 2299 ft.

(701 m.)

SBCo.: From 1960 ft. (598 m.), at Glend Helen Regional Park (Mescupiabe), c. 0.9 miles s. of park n.e. entrance, on w. side of dirt rd. in cyn., R.G. Swinney, Jan. 6, 1994, to 5500 ft. (1677 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., The Narrows, D. Charlton, Jan. 25, 1953; Jan., Mar.-June, Dec.: uncommon; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Jan. 25, 1953

Ribes lasianthum Greene, Wooly-flowered Gooseberry, Currant or Alpine Gooseberry

LACo.: J.C. Roos, Big Pines, May 31, 1937, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta & R.T. Hawke, Lightening Ridge Trail, Blue Ridge, June 29, 1995, no elev. given;

Charles J. Lowell, Shoemaker Cr., May 1, 1941, 6600 ft. (2012 m.)

FVS: May 1, 1941

SBCo.: No records found.

+Ribes malvaceum Sm., Chaparral Currant

LACo.: From 581 ft. (177 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel River, floodplain, c. 100-300 meters e. of the channel, between Foothill Blvd. & Hwy. 66 and the I-210 Frwy., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 7, 2008 to 4002 ft. (1220 m.), at s. slope of Mt. Wilson, 1 mi. up trail from Winter Cr. Trail to Orchard Camp Trail, Winter Cr. Cyn., Frances Miller, Apr. 11, 1964; Mar.-June, Nov.; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: Mar. 10, 1950, H.L. Cogswell, n. side Glendora Ridge (at jct. of Oak Cyn. Trail & Glendora Mt. Road), 3372 ft. (1028 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Ribes malvaceum Sm. var. malvaceum, Chaparral Current

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Scott D. White & Pam Devries, San Gabriel River Cyn., n. of Azusa, below Morris Dam, just s.e. of private Orchard, Nov. 25, 1997, 817 ft. (249 m.); T.S. Ross & Peter Fritsch, Rincon-Red Box Rd., (2N24), 2.6 mi. below Pine Mt. jct., 80 deg. ENE, c. 1720 m. distant from Pine Mt., June 20, 1990, 3385 ft.

(1032 m.)

FVS: June 20, 1990

SBCo.: No records found.

+Ribes malvaceum Sm. var. viridifolium Abrams, Chaparral Currant

LACo.: From 850 ft. (259 m.), at San Gabriel River Cyn., n. of Azusa, alluvial bench s. of unnamed dirt access rd. to gauging station below Morris Dam, just s.e. of private orchard, Scott D. White & P. DeVries, Dec. 3, 1997, to 5000 ft. (1524 m.), near Brown’s Flat, I.M. Johnston, July 1, 1917; Jan.-July, Dec.; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: June 12, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Sturtevant Trail to Willson’s Pk.

SBCo.: Lytle Cr. Cyn., 1.1 mile w. of Lytle Cr. Rd. at jct. of Edison powerline rd. & San Sevaine (Big Tree) Road, Jan. 20, 1994, 2801 ft. (854 m.); Frankish Pk., e. of San Antonio Cyn., Apr. 15, 1996, 4002 ft. (1220 m.)

Other records:

S.D. White, San Antonio Cyn., c. 1.5 air miles n. of San Antonio Cyn., above Shinn Rd. Bridge, immed. w. of USFS Fire Station, Dec. 2000, 2500-2700 ft.

(762 m.); D.L. Crawford, above Claremont, Mar. 1, 1916, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 1, 1916

Ribes montigenum McClatchie, Mountain Gooseberry, Gooseberry Currant

LACo.: From 6698 ft. (2042 m.), at Mescal Cr. Play Area, R.F. Thorne, July 10, 1969, to (3047 m.), at summit, a few feet down the n. slope Baldy, Frank W. Peirson, Sep. 12, 1920 and three additional records at the same elev. on the summit of Mt. San Antonio by Alfred James McClatchie, Aug. 16, 1893; John F. Emmel, July 13, 1976; I.M. Johnston, July 4, 1917 [only the record by John Emmel lists the elev. in feet as well(10000 ft.)]; July-Sep.; rare; montane

Note: There are four records from the East Pk. of Mt. San Antonio recorded under the San Bernardino Co. portion of the C of CH. The county line runs right through he E. Peak. of Mt. San Antonio summit. There are three different vouchers recorded at 3049 m. with thrre different collectors. These could all be the same plant and possiblly the same as one or all three recorded at 3047 m. for LA Co.

FVS: July 4, 1917, I.M. Johnston, summit of Baldy, 10000 ft. (3047 m.)

SBCo.: 9 records of E. “Old” Baldy (Mt. San Antonio), from 9500-10000 ft. (2896-3049 m.), from 1893-1995, by McClatchie, Peirson, Johnston, Emmel, Swinney, Thorne, Raven & Wedberg; R.F. Thorne, n.-facing slope of Pine Mt., July 28, 1971, 9500 ft. (2896 m.); ______________________

FVS: Aug. 16, 1893, James McClatchie, summit of Mt. San Antonio

Ribes nevadense Kellogg, Mountain Pink Currant, Sierra Currant

(synonyms: R. nevadense Kellogg var. nevadense and R. grantii A. Heller and R. hittellianum Eastw. and R. ascendens Eastw.)

LACo.: From 2601 ft. (793 m.), at San Gabriel River, S. Fork large fill slope on the s. side of Cogswell Reservoir, Scott D. White & Justin M. Wood, May 6, 2009, to 9118 ft. (2780 m.), at Throop Pk., west of Mt. Baden Powel, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 27, 2001; May-Oct.; fairly common; all 3 areas

FVS: Aug. 20, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: From 4264 ft. (1300 m.), at Sawpit Cyn., I.W. Clokey & E.G. Anderson, June 5, 1935, to 7800 ft. (2378 m.), at lowest waterfall in Dog Bone Cyn., w. trib. of N. Fork Lytle Cr., imm. south of Alpine Cyn., n.e. of Dawson Pk., R.G. Swinney Aug. 21, 1995; Apr.-Sep., fairly common; montane

FVS: July 3, 1917, I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn., 5500 ft. (1677 m.)

Ribes roezlii Regel, Sierra Gooseberry

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), n. of Azusa, cyn. bottom and adjacent slopes below Morris Dam, S.D. White, May 8, 1997, to 9300 ft. (2835 m.), at Devil’s Backbone, Wesly O. Griesel, July 17, 1963; Jan.-Nov.; fairly common; transmontane, montane, cismontane at Morris Dam

FVS: June 20, 1899, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., 6698 ft. (2042 m.)

SBCo.: From 2696 ft. (822 m.), at c. 500 feet w. on Evey Cyn. Road, from Mt. Baldy Rd., s. side of cyn. wall, J. Anthony Danna, Apr. 6, 1977, to 9394 ft.

(2864 m.), at Mt. San Antonio, E. trail, F.W. Peirson, July 8, 1918; Jan., Apr.-Aug.; fairly common

FVS: July 8, 1918

Ribes roezlii Regel var. roezlii, Sierra Gooseberry

LACo.: From 2400 ft. (731 m.), at Bluebird Truck Trail, 1 mile, s.w. of Johnstone Pk., L.C. Wheeler, Feb. 4, 1968, to 7600 ft. (2317 m.), at Whitethorn Spring (presumed near former Whitethorn Cmpgrd.), on the Angeles Crest Hwy., June Latting, Sep. 16, 1978; Feb., May-Sep.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June 20, 1899, H.M. Hall, Schwartout Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 6698 ft. (2042 m.)

SBCo.: From 5500 ft. (1677 m.), at upper San Sevaine Flats, R.F. Thorne, June 5, 1971, to 8200 ft. (2500 m.), at Devil’s Backbone Trail, between Wright Mt. & Pine Mt., T.S. Ross & Perter Fritsch, June 15, 1990; May-Sep. uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: July 12, 1902, L.R. Abrams, San Antonio Mt., 8000 ft. (2439 m.)

Ribes speciosum Pursh, Fuchsiaflower Gooseberry

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: San Dimas Guard Station, 1 plant, SDEF, 1988 (record not found in Consortium); Anonymous, Wilderness Park, Clamshell Cyn., no date given,

1000 ft. (305 m.); Ellen Mookey & Blake Whittington, San Gabriel River Watershed (watershed classification is questioned-added 2011) (Lower San Dimas Cyn. Rd., below San Dimas Reservoir, Oct. 11, 2006, 1404 ft. (428 m.); Edward L. Smith, Palmer Cyn., south slope, May 6, 1958, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

FVS: May 6, 1958

SBCo.: T.S. Brandegee, San Antonio (description vague, very possibly out of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary), Apr. 20, 1893, no elev. given

Ribes velutinum Greene, Desert Gooseberry

LACo.: s. of Juniper Hills, Burkhart Trail, 0.7 miles WNW of Burkhart Saddle, jct. of trail & W. Fork Cruthers Cr., June 18, 2008, 6599 ft. (2012 m.); Will Thrall Pk., west of Burkhart Saddle, July 16, 2008, 7800 ft. (2378 m.)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, “Baldy” E. Trail, July 8, 1918, 9394 ft. (2864 m.); L.C. Wheeler, W. Baldy, Sep. 13, 1967, 9980 ft. (3043 m.); Charles J. Lovell, Big Rock Cr., May 28, 1942, 4995 ft. (1523 m.); Orlando Mistretta & R.T. Hawke, Lightning Ridge Trail, Blue Ridge, June 29, 1995, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., July 9, 1918, 4398 ft. (1341 m.)

FVS: July 9, 1918

SBCo.: No records found.

Haloragaceae Water-Milfoil Family

Myriophyllum sibiricum V. Komarov, Siberian Milfoil, Shortspike Watermilfoil

LACo.: Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., n. of Bike Trail Parking Lot, along flowing aquiduct of water Filtration Plant, Dec. 4, 2008, 731 ft. (223 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: Lost Lake, Lone Pine Canyon, Oct. 19, 1991, 2781 ft. (848 m.)

Other records: None found

Myriophyllum spicata L., Eurasian Water-Milfoil

Native to Eurasia, n. Africa

LACo.: Scott D. White, San Gabriel River Cyn., north of Azusa, parallel to Hwy. 39, along unnamed dirt access rd. to gauging station below Morris Dam, May 21, 1997, 800 ft. (244 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Hammamelidaceae Liquidambar Family

Liquidambar styraciflora L., AmericanSweetgum, Alligatorwood or Liquidambar orientalis Mill., Oriental Sweetgum (verification still pending) (corky bark invading upper branches)

Native to e. N. America, tropical montane regions of Mex & Central America (L. stryaciflora)

LACo.: Azusa, San Gabriel River Wash, at Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., e. side of El Encanto Pkwy., 3 large trees, much of the vegetation at this site was removed or significantly pruned in early spring of 2010, in conjunction of the establishment of a riding & hiking trail along the w. side of the channel, these trees were not removed, constant water runoff from adjacent water plant across the street, April 13, 2009, 605 ft. (184 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Hydrangeaceae Hydrangea Family

(Philadelphaceae –Mock Orange Family)

Philadelphus lewisii Pursh, Wild or Lewis’ Mock Orange

LACo.: Edward L. Smith, Little Dalton Cyn. (n. of Glendora-added 2010), Apr. 25, 1957, 1197 ft. (365 m.); J.A. Adams, Litle Dalton Cyn. (n. of Glendora-added 2010), May 9, 1963, 1200 ft. (366 m.); C.A. Purpus, N. Bear Cr., July 18, 1997, 3998-4999 ft. (1219-1524 m.); Geo. B. Grant, Cedar Cr., June 12, 1902 (date somewhat illegible-from available comment-added 2011), no elev. given

FVS: June 12, 1902

SBCo.: No records found.

Hydrocharitaceae Waterweed Family

Elodea canadensis Michx., Canadian Waterweed

LACo.: Louis C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn. Dam, Dec. 13, 1933, 1348 ft.

(411 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Hypericaceae St. John’s Wort Family

Hypericum anagalloides Cham & Schtdl., Creeping St. John’s Wort, Tinker’s Penny

LACo.: R.F. Thorne & Larry E. De Buhr, Lily Springs area, on n. slope of Mt. Hawkens, drainage into the S. Fork Big Rock Cr., June 28, 1974, 8000 ft.

(2439 m.); L.C. Wheeler, s.w. slope of Mt. Waterman, Aug. 24, 1967, 7100 ft. (2165 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Devil’s Cyn., s. side of Mt. Waterman Aug. 9, 1967, 6700 ft. (2043 m.)

FVS: Aug. 9, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

Hypericum scouleri Hook., Scouler’s Saint Johnswort

[synonym: H. formosum Kunth (excluded)]

LACo.: Sulphur Springs Cmpgrd. area, on S. Fork Littlerock Creek, July 22, 2009, 5199 ft. (1585 m.)

Other records:

4 records in the E. Fork Alder Cr., Chilao Flats, R.F. Thorne, John Dittes & L.C.

Wheeler, 4897-5200 ft. (1493-1585 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Sulphur Springs, Aug. 2, 1967, 5200 ft. (1585 m.); F.W. Peirson, Pine Flats (Charlton Flats-added 2010), July 9, 1907, no elev. given

FVS: June 23, 1897, Parker & May, Claremont, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

SBCo.: cyn. between Wrightwood & Pine Mts., e. of N. Devils’s Backbone Trail, Sep 4, 1995, 7560 ft. (2305 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, c. 0.2 miles w. of Lytle Cr. Village on s. side of cyn., July 12, 1968, 3100 ft. (945 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, June 12, 1968, 3400 ft.

(1037 m.); L.R. Abrams, Glenn Ranch, Lytle Cr. Cyn., July 14, 1902, no elev. given

FVS: July 14, 1902

Juglandaceae Walnut Family

+Juglans californica S. Watson, California Black Walnut, Southern California Walnut

(synonym: J. californica S. Watson var. californica)

Status: CNPS List ___ R-E-D Code: 1-2-3 State/Fed. Status ______

CRPR 4.2 S3.2 G3

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.) at San Dimas, Sycamore Cyn., behind San Dimas Cyn. Park, Adeline Munoz, May 14, 1988 & Azusa, El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 10, 2009, to 4116 ft. (1255 m.), at Big Rock Cr., just above confl. of Holcomb Cyn. Creek, between Big Rock Rd. & mouth of Holcomb Cyn., T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, June 11, 1990; Mar.-May; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: July 16, 1915, D.L. Crawford, Live Oak Cyn., Claremont

SBCo.: From 1998 ft. (609 m.), at s. side of mouth of Lytle Cr. Canyon, c. 100 meters n. of Devore Rd. & 0.8 miles s.w. of Sierra Ave. and Lytle Cr. Road Jct., R.G. Swinney, Mar. 15, 1993, to 3000 ft. (915 m.), at Lone Pine Cyn. Road, where road crosses dry creek bed, c. 1 mile n.w. of Lost Lake, R.F. Thorne, Tilforth, et al., June 29, 1972 & R.G. Swinney, at same location, Sep. 3, 2009 ( not yet posted on the Consortium); Jan, Mar.-June, Aug, Sep., Nov.; Uncommon; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Aug. 19, 1824, Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Juglans californica X J. regia

LACo.: Brad Henderson, Wildwood Cyn., Glendora, July 21, 2000 _________

SBCo.: No records found.

Juglans regia L., English Walnut

LACo.: Brad Henderson, Wildwood Cyn., above Glendora, July 21, 2000, no elev. given; Steve Boyd, n. of Sylmar & s. of Santa Clarita along Santa Clara Rd. (3N17.9), ¼ mile e. of May Cyn. Saddle, just n. of May Pk., June 10, 1993,

2998 ft. (914 m.)

FVS: June 10, 1993

SBCo.: No records found.

Lamiaceae Mint Family

+Clinopodium mimuloides (Benth.) Kuntze, Monkeyflower Savory

[synonym: Satureja mimuloides (Benth.) Kuntze]

LACo.: J.H. Barber, Bear cyn., June 29, 1897; Ian Swift, Lower Moody Cyn., Acton Quad., Nov. 4, 2001, 3519 ft. (1073 m.); Raymond J. Dobbs, along trail 2.5 miles below Switzer Camp, July 8, 1924, no elev. given; Geo. L. Moxley, Arroyo Seco Cyn., Sep. 7, 1914, no elev. given; Geo. L. Moxley, Arroyo Seco Cyn., c. 0.5 miles above Oak lwild Camp, July 24, 1915, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Middle Fk., Mill Cr., Aug. 1, 1967, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); L.C. Wheeler, c. 1 mi. upstream from Mill Cr., opposite turn off to Upper Big Tujunga to Camp Colby, June 5, 1965, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, 2.5 mi. below Switzer’s Camp, SanGab. Mts. above Pasadena, Aug. 8, 1924, 2200 ft. (671 m.); H.E. Hasse, Acton (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary), July 1895, no elev. given.

FVS: July, 1895

SBCo.: No records found.

Glechoma hederacea L., Creeping Charlie, Ground Ivy

Native to Europe

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, San Antonio Cyn., Chapman Ranch, above Mt. Baldy Village, July 2, 1967, no elev. given

Lamium amplexicaule L., Henbit, Deadnettle

Native to Europe

LACo.: From 530 ft. (192 m.), at Azusa/Duarte, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.8 miles n. of Foothill Blvd, e. side of main channel, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 13, 2009, to 2700 ft. (822 m.), at Indian Canyon Cmpgrd. (off Soledad Cyn.), L.C. Wheeler, May 6, 1973; Mar., Apr., Oct.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Feb. 25, 1961, L.C. Wheeler, ¼ mi. downstream from confl. of Switzer Trail with Arroyo Seco, 1948 ft. (594 m.)

SBCo.: Stoddard Cyn., off San Antonio Cyn., north of Upland, Apr. 4, 1998, 2450 ft. (747 m.); Lower Lytle Creek Cyn., c. 0.25 meters s. of FS Road 2N57 and 100 meters e. of Lytle Cr. Canyon Road, Mar. 8, 1993, 2601 ft. (793 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 5, 1971, 4650 ft. (1418 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, above Baldy Village, San Antonio Cyn., July 2, 1967, 4450 ft. (1357 m.)

FVS: July 2, 1967

+Lepechinia calycina (Benth.) Munz, Woodbalm

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Wolfskill Cyn., July 31, 1993, no elev. given

SBCo.: No elev. given.

+Lepechinia fragrans (Greene) Epling, Fragrant Pitcher Sage, Island Pitchersage

Status CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 4.2 S2.2 G3

LACo.: From 1801 ft. (549 m.) at Marshall & Live Oak Cyn. drainages, La Verne, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 13, 1998, to 4002 ft. (1220 m.), at n.e.-facing ridge between Wolfskill & W. Fork of Palmer Cyns., W. Wisura, Aug. 7, 1982; Apr.-Sep.; rare; cismontane

FVS: 1883, Anstruther Davidson, Switzer’s Camp

SBCo.: Status: Sensitive

with Mike Riggs, Cucamonga Mtwy., w. of crossing of Cucamonga Cyn., Aug. 18, 1994, 3378 ft. (1030 m.); Frankish Pk., n. of Upland, on top of peak, June 8, 1996, 4149 ft. (1265 m.);

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, w. side of Cucamonga Cyn., June 28, 1929, 2600 ft. (793 m.);

I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Cyn., July 22, 1918, 2998 ft. (914 m.)

FVS: July 22, 1918

Marrubium vulgare L., Horehound

Widespread worldwide

LACo.: From 970 ft. (296 m.), n. of Azusa, El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park (not yet posted), R.G. Swinney, Apr. 5, 2009, to 4999 ft. (1524 m.), SDEF, head of Dry Lake Cyn., at Dry Lake, site of CCC Camp in 1930’s, R.G. Swinney Aug. 7, 1996; Jan., Apr.-June, Aug, Sep. Dec.: fairly common; cismontane

FVS: Sep. 21,1966, L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork San Gabriel Cyn., 1500 ft. (437 m.)

SBCo.: From 1500 ft. (457 m.), at 2.5 miles n. of end of Haven Ave. in Deer Cyn., north of Chaffey College, D.A. Young, May 10, 1969, to 4001 ft. (1220 m.), at Frankish Pk., E. of San Antonio Canyon, E-W oriented ridgetop with e. & w. peaks, and a saddle in between, n. of Upland, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 15, 1996; Apr., May, Aug.; Uncommon; cismontane

FVS: May 10, 1931, Freda Detmers, Lytle Creek Cyn., no elev. given

Mentha aquatica L. Water Mint

Native to Europe

LACo.: Big Rock Cr. at “Paradise Springs: (now Big Rock Cr. Camp-added 2010), Aug. 11, 2005, 4720 ft. (1439 m.)

Other records:

T.S. & Annette Ross, San Antonio Cyn., w. of Spring Hill in cyn., Sep. 20, 1989, 3198 ft. (975 m.)

FVS: Sep. 20, 1989

SBCo.: Richard Noyes, San Antonio Cyn., rocky wash behind San Antonio Dam, Sep., 18, 1988, 2300 ft. (701 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Miller Narrows, Lytle Cr., Sep. 7, 1967, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 7, 1967

Mentha canadensis L, American Cornmint, Japanese Peppermint

[synonyms: M. arvensis L. var. canadensis (L.) Kuntze and M. arvensis L. var. villosa (Benth.) S.R. Stewart]

LACo.: Thos. Craig, Soledad Cyn., c. 8 miles w. of Ravenna, Oct. 9, 1933,

2001 ft. (610 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Mentha xpiperita L., (M. aquatica x M. spicata), Peppermint

Native to Europe

LACo.: San Dimas Exp. Forest, Tanbark, weed, SDEF, 1988, (record not found in the Cons. of CH); T.S. & Annette Ross, San Antonio Cyn. w. of Spring Hill in the cyn., 3198 ft. (975 m.); Richard Noyes, San Antonio Cyn., rocky wash behind San Antnonio Dam, Sep. 18, 1988, 2300 ft. (701 m.)

FVS: Sep. 18, 1988

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Glen Ranch, Lytle Creek, Sportsman Park, Sep 15,1967, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Miller Narrows, Lytle Creek, Sep. 7 1967, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 7, 1967

Mentha xrotundifolia (L.) Huds., Apple Mint

Native to Europe, naturalized from cultivated Hybrid M. suaveolens and M. longifolia, difficult to distinguish from M. xvillosa

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, Sep. 16, 1989, 1098 ft.

(3601 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Mentha spicata L., Spearment

Native to Europe, male sterile plants indistinguishable from M. xvilllosa-nervetta Opiz.

LACo.: Big Pines Meadow, w. of Wrightwood, s.w. jct. of Hwy. 2, Table Mt. Road & Big Pines Rd., Aug. 25, 2009, 6760 ft. (2061 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White & Michael Honer, Mt. Baldy (town) W. Fork. San Antonio Cr. within & just above uppermost residential neighborhood, June 30, 2004, 4398 ft.

(1341 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Barrel Springs (s.w. of Little Rock-added 2010), Sep., 17, 1967, no elev. given

FVS: Sep., 17, 1967

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Sportsmans Park, Glenn Ranch, Lytle Creek, Sep., 15, 1967, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, mouth of Lone Pine Cyn., Oct. 1, 1933,

2650 ft. (808 m.)

FVS: Oct. 1, 1933

Mentha suaveolens Ehrh., Pineapple or Apple Mint

Native to Europe

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, Sep. 16, 1989, 1098 ft.

(335 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, Tujunga area, Big Tujunga Wash, s. of I-210 Frwy., s. terminus of Christy Ave., July 31, 2003, 1079 ft. (329 m.)

FVS: Sep. 16, 1989

SBCo.: No records found.

Mentha xvillosa Huds., Apple Mint

Native to Europe, naturalized from cultivation. Hybrid between M. suaveolens & M. spicata. Very diffeicult to distinguish from M. xrotundifolia

LACo.: Scott D. White, Tujunga area, Big Tujunga Wash, s. of I-210 Frwy., s. terminus of Christy Ave., July 31, 2003, 1079 ft. (329 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Monardella australis Abrams, Southern Mountain Monardella

LACo.: From 5199 ft. (1585 m.), at Sulphur Spring Cmpgrd., on S. Fork Littlerock Cr., R.G. Swinney, July 22, 2009, to 7997 ft. (2438 m.), at trail to summit, Mt. Islip, F.R. Fosberg & J. Ewan, Aug. 12, 1931; June-Sep.; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 1, 1929, F.W. Peirson, Mt. Pacifico, upper part of trail, 6501 ft.

(1982 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Monardella australis Abams var. australis

[synonym: M. linoides A. Gray ssp. stricta (Parish) Epling] The type specimen is an intergrade,

LACo.: From 4800 ft. (1463 m.), at Big Rock Cr., Big Pines Park, B.C. Templeton, July 30, 1936, to 8100 ft. (2470 m.), along Blue Ridge, near upper end of Holiday Hill Ski Lift, R.F. Thorne & J. Olmsted, Aug. 26, 1967; June-Sep. fairly common; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 9, 1907, F.W. Peirson, Pine Flats at hdwtrs. of Tujunga, 5500 ft.

(1677 m.)

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, Mt. Baden-Powell, n. slope at Vincent Gap, Oct. 3, 1967, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); I.M. Johnston, s. slope of Cucamonga Pk., canyon w. of Manzanita Flats, July 22, 1925, no elev. given

FVS: July 22, 1925

+Monardella australis Abrams var. cinerea A.C. Sanders & Elvin, Gray Monardella (synonym: M. cinerea Abrams)

Status CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G3 Eastern San Gab. Mts. only.

LACo.: From 5747 ft. (1752 m.), at Chilao Flat, Tim Ross, Aug. 14, 1991, to 9745 ft. (2971 m.), near summit of Baldy (type locality), I. Johnston, July 4, 1917; June-Aug., Oct.; uncommon; montane

FVS: Aug. 1, 1905, Mrs. H.E. Wilder, near summit of Mt. San Antonio

SBCo.: From 5700 ft. (1738 m.), at Baldy Lookout hills, I.M. Johnston, July 8, 1925, to 10,000 ft. (3049 m.), at summit of Mt. San Antonio, Albert J. Perkins, July 26, 1915; June-Oct., uncommon; montane

FVS: July 24, 1901, L.R. Abrams, Mt. San Antonio, 9000 ft. + (2744 m. +)

+Monardella australis Abrams ssp. jokerstii Elvin & A.C. Sanders, Jockerst’s Monardella

Status: CRPR 1B.1 S1 G4T1

Intergrades with M. australis ssp. cinerea & M. australis ssp. australis

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Lytle Cr., trib. on s. side of Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., along stream, c. 300-350 yards w. of Stone House Crossing, Sep. 26, 1992, 4451 ft. (1357 m.)

Other records:

Mark A. Elvin, & Katy Vinzant, s. face of Cucamonga Pk., along FS Rd. 1N34, just w. of Day Cr., Aug. 25, 2006, 5740 ft. (1750 m.) ( 4 known populations all within San Bern. Co.); L.C. Wheeler, Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., July 12, 1968, 4799 ft. (1463 m.)

FVS: July 12, 1968

+Monardella breweri A. Gray, Brewer’s Monardella

LACo.: Juniper Hills area, plateau on e. side of Caruthers Cr., 1.3 miles s. of Devil’s Punchbowl Rd., June 2, 2001, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); Largo Vista area, along Panoramo Rd., c. 1 mile w. of Largo Vista Rd., May 17, 2001, 4389 ft. (1338 m.); Devil’s Punchbowl County Park, c. 100 meters s.w. of park headquarters/nature center, June 4, 2008, 4822 ft. (1470 m.); Sandrock Cr., 1.0 mile SSW of Valyermo Post Office at Valyermo Rd., June 9, 2008, 3880 ft. (1183 m.); with Dave Larson, SDEF, east. 1/2 (grass portion) of Brown’s Flat, July 17, 1996, 4320 ft. (1317 m.)

Other records:

D. Charlton, Devil’s Punchbowl Rd., near state park border, Sand Rock Cr., Mt. Williamson Drainage, June 23, 1991, 4400 ft. (1341 m.) (also det. as M. lanceolata var. lanceata); Reid Moran, cyn. s. of Chilao, July 22, 1967, 5084 ft. (1550 m.); R.F. Thorne & C. W. Tilforth, Soledad Cyn., c. 1.5 miles e. of jct. of Aliso Cr. Wash & Santa Clara River, June 29, 1971, 2900 ft. (884 m.); L.C. Wheeler, top of ridge n. of Punchbowl Cyn., May 12, 1968, 4850 ft. (1478 m.); Samuel R. Tyson, Brown’s Flat, San Dimas Cyn., Sep. 1, 1943, 4100 ft.

(1250 m.); Michael C. Long, 1/4 mile s. of parking area, Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, May 19, 1974, 4800 ft. (1463 m.); P.A. Munz, Pallett Cr., May 27, 1923, 6901 ft. (2104 m.)

FVS: May 27, 1923

SBCo.: San Sevaine Flats, c. 200 meters w. of jct. of FS Rds. 1N34D & 1N34, July 16, 1993, 5540 ft. (1689 m.); Stoddard Pk., w. of Stoddard Flat, at n. end of Stoddard Pk. Ridge, June 15, 1996, 4500 ft. (1372 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, top of ridge, n. of Punchbowl Cyn., May 12, 1968, 4850 ft.

(1479 m.); P.A. Munz, Pallet Cr., May 27, 1923, no elev. given; Michael C. Long, 1/4 mile s. of parking area, Devil’s Punchbowl County Park, May 19, 1974,

4800 ft. (1463 m.); Naomi Fraga, Sarah J. DeGroot, et al., just past San Sevaine Cow Camp on way to San Sevaine Flats, along FS Road 1N34, July 29, 2004, 4999 ft. (1524 m.); I.M. Johnston, Day Cyn., July 15, 1917, 2499 ft. (762 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., mouth of Day Cyn., July 7, 1971, 2798 ft. (853 m.)

FVS: July 15, 1917

Monardella breweri A. Gray ssp. breweri, Central Coast Mustang Mint

Intergrades extensively with M. breweri ssp. lanceolata in TR and s. SCoR

LACo.: P.A. Munz, Palledtt Creek, May 27, 1923, 6901 ft. (2104 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Monardella breweri A. Gray var. glandulifera (I.M. Johnston) Elvin, Mustang Monardella

(synonym: M. lanceolata A. Gray var. glandulifera I.M. Johnst.)

LACo.: Samuel R. Tyson, Brown’s Flat, San Dimas Cyn., (SDEF-added 2010), Sep. 1, 1943, 4100 ft. (1250 m.); H.J. Ramsey & Mrs. Ramsey, N. Craig Ave., Altadena, June 12, 1938 & June 23, 1937, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, Brown’s Flat, Sep. 1, 1918, 4300 ft. (1311 m.)

FVS: Sep. 1, 1918

SBCo.: No records found.

Monardella breweri A. Gray ssp. lanceolata (A. Gray) A.C. Sanders & Elvin, Mustang Mint

[synonyms: M. lanceolata A. Gray var. lanceolata (in part in TJM 1993) and M. lanceolata A. Gray]

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 997 ft. (304 m.) at Fish Cyn., F.W. Peirson, July 7, 1919, to

5642 ft. (1720 m.), Horse Flats, 1 air mile NNW of Newcomb’s Ranch at Hwy. 2 (Angeles Crest Hwy.), July 23, 2009; June-Sep.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June 4, 1902, C.E. Hutchinson, San Gabriel Cyn., 1597 ft. (487 m.)

SBCo.: San Sevaine Flats, c. 200 meters w. of jct. of FS Roads 1N34D & 1N34, July 16, 1993, 5540 ft. (1689 m.); c. 100 meters s.e. of Spring Hill area, c. 100 meters w. of Barrett-Stoddard Rd. (FS Road 2N04), w. of Coulter Pine Plantation, July 6, 1994, 4040 ft. (1232 m.); Cherrry Cyn. “flats”/“dry lake”, at s.w. base of Sugarloaf Pk. (s. of mouth of Icehouse Cyn.-added 2011), June 18, 1996,

5058 ft. (1542 m.); Stoddard Pk., west of Stoddard Flat at n. end of Stoddard Pk. Ridge, June 15, 1996, 4500 ft. (1372 m.)

Other records:

Naomi Fraga, Sarah DeGroot, et al., just past San Sevaine Cow Camp on way to San Sevaine Flats, along FS Road 1N34, July 29, 2004, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, Day Cyn., July 15, 1917, no elev. given; M.Z. Thorne, San Antonio Cyn., Shapman Ranch (Chapman Ranch-added 2010), above Baldy Village, July 2, 1967, no elev. given; C.W. Tilforth, John Dourley, et al., mouth of Day Cyn., July 7, 1971, No elev given; J. Wear& Nathan Moorhatch, Day Cyn. Wash, off fire road, May 24, 1993, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 11, 1968, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); R.D. Williams, Cucamonga Cyn., June 5, 1905, no elev given

FVS: June 5, 1905

+Monardella exilis (A. Gray) Greene, Desert Monardella

LACo.: Thos. Craig, near Little Rock Dam, June 19, 1927, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Little Rock Cr., May 19, 1921, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, between Rock Cr. & Cajon Pass, e. of Llano (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary), June 18, 1918, no elev. given

FVS: June 18, 1918

SBCo.: F.C. Vasek, State Hwy. 138, at (Phelan Rd.) second Phelan jct. (traveling n.), May 29, 1963, 4301 ft. (1311 m.) ( at n. boundary of San Gab. Mts.)

Monardella linoides A. Gray, Flaxleaf Monardella

LACo.: head of Cedar Cyn., ridge c. 200 meters n. of Big Pines Hwy., 0.5 miles w. of jct. of Hwy. 2, July 5, 1999, 7619 ft. (2323 m.); Big Rock Cr., 1.3 miles e. of Fenner Cyn., Aug. 13, 2008, 6101 ft. (1860 m.); 1.0 mile e. of Fenner Cyn., Aug. 13, 2008, 5881 ft. (1793 m.); w. summit of Table Mtountain, n.e. of Big Pines, Aug. 25, 2009, 7492 ft. (2284 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White c. 8 air miles WNW of Wrightwood, e. of Fenner Saddle Rd., on Pace Cr. Trail, Aug. 11, 2004, 6799 ft. (2073 m.); F.W. Peirson, Big Pines called La Montaine, July 5, 1922, 7300 ft. (2226 m.)

FVS: July 5, 1922

SBCo.: No records found.

+Monardella linoides A. Gray ssp. erecta (Abrams) Elvin & A.C. Sanders, Flaxleaf Monardella

(synonym: M. linoides A. Gray ssp. stricta)

LACo.: From c. 4800 ft. (1463 m.), at Big Pines Park, B.C. Templeton, July 30, 1936, to c. 8100 ft. (2470 m.), aalong Blue Ridge near upper end of Holiday Hill Ski Lift, J.D. Olmmsted, Aug. 26, 1965; June-Sep.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: Aug. 6, 1896, Harvey M. Hall, 12 miles w. of Cajon Pass, San Antonio Mts., 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

SBCo.: I.M. Johnst., s. slope of Cucamonga Pk., cyn. west of Manzanita Flats, July 22, 1925, 5599 ft. (1707 m.); R.F. Thorne, Mt. Baden-Powell; n. slope at Vincent Gap, Oct. 3, 1967, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); H.M. Hall, San Gab. Mts. Region, San Antonio Mts., July, 1896, no elev. given

FVS: July, 1896

Monardella linoides A. Gray ssp. linoides, Flaxleaf Monardella

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Vincent Gap, Aug. 29, 1946, 6600 ft. (2012 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Monardella linoides A. Gray ssp. oblanga (Greene) Abrams, Flaxleaf Monardella

Status: CNPS List 1B R-E-D Code 3-1-3 State/Fed. Status: /C2

CRPR 1B.3 S2.2

LACo.: R.F. Thorne & John Dourley, Mt. Baden Powell, just n. of summit, Oct. 3, 1967, 9200 ft. (2805 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Monardella macrantha A. Gray ssp. hallii (Abrams) Abrams, Hall’s Monardella

Status: CNPS List: 1B R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: /C3c

CRPR 1B.3 S3

Intermediates to M. micrantha ssp. micrantha are common.

LACo.: D.C. Michener & W. Wiseura, road bank between Sunset Pk. & Sunset Ridge, electronic site, just s. of Fern-Cat Cyn. Saddle, Aug. 7, 1982, 5100 ft. (1555 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., Brown’s Flat Trail, July 2, 1932,

4000 ft. (1220 m.); I.M. Johnston, head of Evey Cyn., Aug. 13, 1924, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 13, 1924

SBCo.: F.M. Reed, (Pipe Line Tr. of San Antonio), June 25, 1909, 4800 ft.

(1463 m.) (also determined as M. macrantha A. Gray ssp. macranthha, Red Monardella)

+Monardella macrantha A. Gray ssp. macrantha, Red Monardella

Intermediates to M. macrantha ssp. hallii are common.

LACo.: F.M. Reed, (Pipe Line Tr. of San Antonio), June 25, 1909, 4800 ft.

(1463 m.) (also determined as M. macrantha A. Gray ssp. hallii (Abrams) Abrams; Fordyce Grinnell Jr., Big Santa Anita Cyn., Aug. 12, 1917, 3700 ft. (1128 m.) also Geo. L. Moxley with seperate voucher number; F.W. Peirson, Santa Anita Trail to W. Fork, n. of divide, date not given, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); Fordyce Grinnell Jr., near Barley Flats, Aug. 1917, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 12, 1917

SBCo.: No records found.

Monardella odoratissima Benth., Coyote Mint, Mountain Monardella

LACo.: June Latting, 1 mile e. of Whitethorn Spring (presumed near former Whitethorn Campground, on the Angeles Crest Hwy., Sep. 16, 1978, 7200 ft. (2195 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Monardella saxicola I.M. Johnst., Rock Monardella

[synonyms: M. viridis Jeps. ssp. saxicola (I.M. Johnst.) Ewan and M. hypoleuca A. Gray var. saxicola (I.M. Johnst.) Jeps.]

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: /C3c

CRPR 4.2 S3.2 G3T3 San Gab. Mts. only.

LACo.: Naomi Fraga, Tilm Thibault, et al., W. Fk. Palmer Cyn., July 26, 2005, no elev. given; Jerome S. Horton, Tanbark Flat, July 18, 1935, 2598 ft. (792 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Tanbark Flat, San Dimas Cyn., June 22, 1936, 2699 ft. (823 m.);L.C. Wheeler, Bell Cyn., July 2, 1936, 2801 ft. (854 m.); Naomi Fraga, et al., near Grapevine Spring, along FS Rd., 1N34, July 29, 2004, 3601 ft. (1098 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., Aug. 14, 1933, 2100 ft. (640 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Palmer Cyn., Nov. 3, 1935, 1700 ft. (518 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Brown Flat-Fern Cyn. Water Trail, July 2, 1932, 4300 ft. (1311 m.); I.M. Johnston, head of Evey Cyn., at Sunset Trail, Aug. 13, 1924, 5000 ft. (1524 m.); I.M. Johnston, along Sunset Trail on San Dimas-San Antonio Cyn. Divide, start of new trail to Browns Flats, Aug. 13, 1924, 5300 ft. (1616 m.); L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork Palmer Cyn., June 21, 1936, 2300 ft. (701 m.); I.M. Johnston, near Browns Flat, Sep. 1, 1918, 4300 ft. (1311 m.)

FVS: Sep. 1, 1918

SBCo.: Status: Sensitive

From 3500 ft. (1067 m.), (along San Sevaine Rd. from Lytle Rd.), R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tlilforth, et al., July 7, 1971, to 6000 ft. (1829 m.), at Cucamonga Pk., along Cucamonga-Deer Cyn. Divide on crest, July 22, 1925, 6000 ft. (1829 m.); June- Aug.; rare-uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: July 30, 1910, I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn., no elev. given

Nepeta cataria L., Catnip

Native to Eurasia

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Lone Pine Valley, Clyde Ranch, s. side of Lone Pine Rd., Aug. 23, 1994, 4920 ft. (1500 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Clyde Ranch, Oct. 14, 1967, no elev. given; H.M. Hall, Lone Pine Cyn., San Antonio Mts., June 1899, no elev. given

FVS: June, 1899, H.M. Hall, Lone Pine Cyn., San Antonio Mts., no elev. given

Pogogyne douglasii Benth., Douglas Beardstyle

Listed as P. douglasii ssp. parviflora on CCH, not included in TJM2)

Highly variable, study needed.

LACo.: Scott D. White, San Gab. Mts., Upper Big Tujunga Cyn., west of Upper Big Tujunga Cyn. Road, c. 2 air miles n. of jct. with Angeles Crest Hwy., Aug. 20, 2004, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

SBCo.: with Mike Riggs, Cucamonga Mtwy., west of jct. of Cucamonga Mtwy. & Cucamunga Cyn., n.-facing slope, chaparral, Aug. 18, 1994, 3380 ft. (1030 m.)

Other records: None found.

Prunella vulgaris L. ssp. lanceolata (W. Bartraun) Hulten, Lance Selfheal

LACo.: Fred Burlew, Mt. Islip, July 1926, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, s.w. slope of Mt. Waterman, Aug. 24, 1967, 7100 ft. (2165 m.); LeRoy Gross, just below trail from 3 Points to Twin Peaks, Nov. 17, 2001, 6301 ft. (1921 m.); R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, Big Cienega Springs, above Crystal Lake Rec. Area, July 19, 1967,

6500 ft. (1982 m.)

FVS: July 19, 1967,

SBCo.: No records found.

+Pycnanthemum californicum Torr., Sierra Mint

LACo.: From 2139 ft.(652 m.), at Shoemaker Cyn. Road, at “Blind Deer Spring” (as used by L.C. Wheeler-added 2011), in first cyn. north of Shoemaker Cyn., west trib. of E. Fork San Gabriel River, R.G.Swinney, June 3 12, 2009, to 6560 ft. (2000 m.), at Big Cienega, Pine Flats, N. Fork San Gabriel River, F.R. Fosberg & Joseph A. Ewan, Aug. 13, 1931; May-Oct.; rare; all 3 sections

FVS: June 30, 1897, J.H. Barber, Pierson’s Mine, Aliso Cyn.

SBCo.: From 2920 ft. (890 m.), at Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, 3.1 miles s. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., & Applewhite Rd., wash s. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, w. of Applewhite Rd. in wash on w. side, R.G. Swinney, June 22, 1995, to 4800 ft. (1463 m.) at San Sevaine Cow Camp, R.F. Thorne & Larry E. DeBuhr, Oct. 13, 1972; June-Oct.; rare; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 31, 1894, H.M. Hall, Cajon Pass, 3998 ft. (1219 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Rosmarinus officinalis L. Rosemary

Native to Africa, Temperate Asia and Europe

LACo.: Steve Boyd & T.S. Elias, Rincon-Red Box Rd., s. of Rincon Forest Station, Apr. 14, 1987; T.S. Ross, Glendora Ridge Rd., on divide between upper E. Fork. San Dimas Cyn. & lower Cow Cyn., draining toward the latter, Apr. 21, 1992, no elev. given; W.M. Gaunt, Glendora Mt. Ridge Rd., 1/2 mile s. of ? to Mt. Baldy, Apr. 30, 1966, 3000 ft. (915 m.); Michael Denslow & LeRoy Gross, along Rincon- Red Box Rd. (2N24.1) near jct. with Valley Forge Camp, May 12, 2003, 4000 ft. (1250 m.); Scott D. lWhite & Justin M. Wood, Rincon-Red Box Rd. at N. Fork Santa Anita Cyn., near Newcomb Pass, Oct. 7, 2008, 4051 ft.

(1235 m.); Barbara Shervanick, Johnstone Pk. Rd., c. 1/2 mile w. of Lodi Cyn., Mar. 22, 1974, no elev. given; Joel Delaini, Lodi Cyn., SDEF, along Johnston Pk. Road, Feb. 27, 1974, 2900 ft. (884 m.); A. Overturf, near summit of Mt. Wilson, Dec. 28, 1989, 4920 ft. (1500 m.); John Dittes & Josephine Guardino, Little Tujunga Cyn., c. 4.5 air-miles n.e. of Pacoima Memorial Hospital, c. 3.3 air-miles s.w. of Magic Mt. Communications Facility, c. 2.4 air-miles w. of Mendenhall Pk., 0.2 air-miles s.w. of Dillon Divide, w. side of FS Route 3N322, Aug. 13, 1924, 2722 ft. (830 m.)

FVS: Aug. 13, 1924

SBCo.: No records found.

Salvia apiana Jeps., White Sage

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 740 ft. (226 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel River, 0.1 mile n.w. of San Gabriel River Bike Path parking lot & Hwy. 39 Jct., R.G. Swinney, May 9, 2009, to 4500 ft. (1372 m.), at Cow Cyn. Saddle, L.C. Wheeler, Dec. 20, 1972; Feb.-Oct., Dec.; abundant; all 3 sections

FVS: June 28, 1892, C.E. Hutchinson, San Gab. Cyn., 2998 ft. (914 m.)

SBCo.: From 2000 ft. (610 m.), at Lytle Cr. Cyn., Jeanette B. Edge, Apr. 14, 1934, to 4540 ft. (1384 m.), at Ralston Pk., Cajon Pass area, w. of I-215 (now I-15 Frwy.), s. of Hwy. 138, e. of Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., near jct. with Hwy. 138, R.G. Swinney, July 8, 1995; Apr.-July; Common

FVS: Apr. 14, 1934

Salvia apiana Jeps. var. compacta

LACo.: A.D. Elmer, Atcon, Mt. Gleason, June 1902, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Salvia carduaca Benth., Thistle Sage

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: N.C. Cooper, Little Rock Reservoir, Apr. 21, 1948, 2500 ft. (762 m.); Roy Snelling, 2 miles s. of Pearblossom, Apr. 18, 1977, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); Christopher Davidson, Little Rock, 1 mile s. of Little Rock, Apr. 1, 1973, 2500 ft. (762 m.); Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, May 5, 1897, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

FVS: May 5, 1897

SBCo.: No records found.

Salvia columbariae Benth., Chia

(synonym: S. columbariae Benth. var. columbarieae)

LACo.: From 555 ft. (169 m.), at Azusa/Irwindale, between I-210 Frwy. & Foothill Blvd., on w. side of San Gabriel River channel, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 7, 2009, to 7000 ft. (2133 m.), at E. Blue Ridge, Big Pines Park, B.C. tmepleton, June 1, 1932; Mar.-June; fairly common; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: May, 1890, Dian Haynes, Arroyo Seco

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Lytle Cr., R.W. Scora, May 14, 1972 & mouth of Lytle Creek Cyn., c. 100 meters n. of Devore Rd., c. 100 meters w. of Sycamore Ranger Station, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 23, 1993, to 6596 ft. (2011 m.), at Swarthout Cyn., H.M. Hall, June 3-6, 1900; Mar.-July; montane at 6596 ft.

(2011 m.), at Swarthout Cyn., H.M. Hall, June 3-6, 1900; fairly common at transmontane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 3-6, 1900

Salvia dorii (Kellogg) Abrams, Purple Sage

[synonym: S. dorrii (Kellogg) Abrams ssp. dorrii var. dorrii, Purple Sage

LACo.: W. Fork Punchbowl Cyn., near boundary of Devil’s Punchowl County Park, 0.6 miles s.w. of Big Rock Cr. Road, May 8, 2008, 4146 ft. (1264 m.); Bob’s Gap, 3.2 miles s. of Hwy. 138 on e. side of Bob’s Gap Rd., Apr. 2, 2009, 4011 ft. (1223 m.)

Other records:

June Latting, foothills Crystalaire, Antelope Valley/northern San Gab. Mts., Apr. 29, 1973, 3401 ft. (1037 m.); Steve Stadler, 3 mi. n. of Mile High on rd. connecting Mile High and the Palmdale-Cajon Jct. rd., 10 yds. of rd. at mouth of cyn. rd. runs in(no attempt to clarify description-added 2009), Apr. 17, 1966,

3700 ft. (1128 m.)

FVS: Apr. 17, 1966

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, Boneyard Pk., east of Boneyard Cyn., May 8, 1999, 5114 ft. (1559 m.)

Other records:

Jeannette B. Edge, Cajon Pass, Mar. 27, 1934, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); I.W. Clokey, e. side of Cajon Pass, May 15, 1935, 3477 ft. (1060 m.); Fred Burleu, San Gab. Mts., near Cajon Pass, May 1, 1922, no elev. given

FVS: May 1, 1922

Salvia dorrii (Kellogg) Abrams ssp. dorrii (Benth.) Strachan, Fleshy Sage

[synonym: S. dorrii (Kellogg) Abrams ssp. dorrii var. incana (Benth.) Strachan, Purple Sage

LACo.: H.L. Buckalew, Mohave Desert between Vincent & Littlerock, Apr. 18, 1962, no elev. given (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: No records found.

Salvia dorrii (Kellogg) Abrams ssp. pilosa (A. Gray) Strachan & Reveal, Purple Sage

[synonym: S. dorrii (Kellogg) Abrams ssp. dorrii var. pilosa (A. Gray) Strachan & Reveal.]

LACo.: From 2760-2880 ft. (841-878 m.), at 0.6 miles ESE of Acton, s. edge of Soledad Cyn. Wash, T.S. Ross, S. D. Boyd, et al., Apr. 30, 1991, to 5838 ft. (1780 m.), at e. side of Big John Pk., w. of Mescal Cr., above Big John Flat (n. of- added 2010), R.G. Swinney, June 5, 1999; Mar.-June; fairly common; transmontane

FVS: June 1, 1906, Anonym., Big Rock Cr.

SBCo.: Lucile Kempers, Pearblossomn Rd., 4.5 miles n.w. of Cajon Pass, Apr. 19, 1955, 4398 ft. (1341 m.); Percy C. Everett & E. K. Balls, State Hwy. 138, 11 miles w. from jct. with US Hwy. 395, May 22, 1959, 4200 ft. (1280 m.) (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); W. Bertsch, Cajon Pass, Hwy. 395, 25 miles n. of San Bernardino, Apr. 16, 1954, 2998 ft. (914 m.); S.B. Parish, Swarto;ut Cyn., June 1887, no elevation given; Lyman Benson, San Gab. Mts. region, edge of Mojave Desert, 10 miles n.w. of Cajon, Apr. 16, 1947, 4600 ft. (1402 m.)

FVS: Apr. 16, 1947

Salvia leucophylla Greene, San Luis Purple Sage

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1118 ft. (341 m.), at w. side of Cheseborro Cyn., 1.2 miles n. of Fk. with Cheseburro Rd., David Shoari ? & Jennifer Swenson, Apr. 12, 1995, to

4100 ft. (1250 m.), at Upper Big Tujunga Cyn..: ridge & slopes descending +/- ENE from Thorn (Triangulation point 5499 ft.) toward Big Tujunga Cr., ( c. 0.6-1.6 airmiles ENE of Barley Flats, T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., June 8, 1990; Apr.-June; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: May 11, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Soledad Cyn., 1397 ft. (426 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Salvia mellifera E. Greene, Black Sage

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 630 ft. (192 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 0.8 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of main river channel, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 13, 2009, to 2998 ft. (914 m.), at Evey Cyn., 1 mile n. of Padua, on Mt. Baldy Rd., Brian McColgan, May 10, 1988; Feb.-July; abundant; cismontane

FVS: June 28, 1892, C.E. Hutchinson, San Gabriel Cyn., 2988 ft. (914 m.)

SBCo.: From 1800 ft. (549 m.), at 2 miles n. of Foothill on 6th St., Upland Dump, Alice Ann Webb, Mar. 1, 1961, to 4149 ft. (1265 m.), at Frankish Pk. summit, n. of Upland, R.G. Swinney, June 8, 1996; Mar.-June; fairly common; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 17, 1920, I.M. Johnston, San Gab. Mts. Region, above Cajon Station, 3000 ft. (915 m.)

Salvia pachyphylla Epling ex Munz, Blue Sage

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: A.W. Jacobs, Lone Pine Cyn., Aug. 8, 1938, 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

+Salvia sonomensis Greene, Creeping Sage

LACo.: Justin M. Wood, Mill Cr. Summit, Heliport just s.e. of ranger station on Pacifico Mt. Road (3N17.4), June 1, 2009, 5212 ft. (1589 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Scutulerria mexicana (Torr.) A.J. Paton, Mexican Bladder Sage

(synonym: Salazaria mexicana Torr.)

LACo.: From 2998 ft. (914 m.), at Little Rock Foothills, M.N. Ackley, May 8, 1927, to 5419 ft. (1652 m.), at Big John Flat, n. edge, R.G. Swinney, June 18, 1999; Apr.-June; uncommon in desert foothills; transmontane

FVS: June 15, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., June 15, 1919

SBCo.: n.e. of Wrightwood, Horse Canyon, n.w. of Circle Mt., 100-200 meters e. of State Hwy. 2, c. 200 ft. n. of Horse Cyn. Road (FS Road 3N12), June 12, 1994,

4861 ft. (1482 m.)

Other records:

Frank C. Vasek, n. slope of San Gab. /Mojave Desert, State Hwy. 138 at Phelan Rd.) second Phelan jct. (traveling north), May 29, 1963, 4300 ft. (1311 m.)

+Scutellaria siphocampyloides Vatke, Grayleaf Skullcap

(synonyms: S. austiniae Eastw. and S. angustifolia Pursh. var. canescens A. Gray)

LACo.: From 3100 ft. (945 m.), at Little Rock Cr., just below Little Rock Forestry Station, 0.5 mi. below Little Rock Dam, R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, June 29, 1971, to 6862 ft. (2092 m.), at Big Pines Park, B.C. Templeton, June 18, 1932; May-July, Sep.; rare; transmontane, montane

Other records by R.G. Swinney – locations only:

Grand View Cyn.; Mescal Cyn.; Boulder Cyn.; Twin Peaks Saddle; Chilao, Horse Flats, Santiago Cyn., Big Rock Cr.

FVS: June 15, 1921, F.W. Peirson, Chilao-Pine Flats Region, 5497 ft. (1676 m.)

SBCo.: San Sevaine Flats, c. 200 meters w. of jct. of FS Rds. 1N34D & 1N34, July 16, 1993, 5540 ft. (1689 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnson (Johnston), Lower Sevaine Flats, July 10, 1925, no elev. given

FVS: July 10, 1925

Scutellaria tuberosa Benth., Common Skullcap, Danny’s Skullcap

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at San Gabriel Cyn., P.A. Munz, Apr. 23, 1925, to 2847 ft. (868 m.), at Henniger Flats, Frank W. Peirson, May 26, 1918; Feb.-May; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 7, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: mouth of Lytle Cr. Cyn., e. side, FS Rd. 1N32, c. 0.25 miles n. of Devore Rd., Mar. 8, 1993, 2040 ft. (622 m.)

Other records:

Dave Goodward, San Gab. Mts. foothills, between Sycamore Cyn. & Lytle Cr., base of ridge w. of Sycamore Flat, June 19, 2003, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

FVS: Mar. 8, 1993

Stachys ajugoides Benth., Ajuga Hedge Nettle, Bugle Hedgenettle

(synonym: S. ajugoides Benth. var. ajugoides Benth.)

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., Aug. 6, 1918, 4398 ft. (1341 m.); G.R. Vasey, San Antonio River, July 1880, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: July, 1880

SBCo.: Wrightwood, 10-20 meters w. of Twin Lakes Rd., on n. side of Hwy 2, along Wrightwood Wash, Aug. 15, 1994, 5799 ft. (1768 m.)

Other records: L.C. Wheeler, Glen Ranch, Lytle Cr., Sportsman Park, Sep. 15, 1967, no elev. given.

FVS: Sep. 15, 1967

Stachys albens A. Gray, Cobwebby Hedge-nettle, Whitestem Hedgenettle

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), n. of Azusa, parallel to Hwy. 39, cyn. bottom and adj. slopes along unnamed dirt access rd. to gauging station, below Morris Dam., S.D. White, May 21, 1997, to 6862 ft. (2092 m.), at Big Pines Park, B.C. Templeton, July 20, 1932; May-Sep., uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June 24, 1897, J.H. Barber, above Lang, Soledad Cyn.

SBCo.: From 1990 ft. (607 m.), at Cucamonga Cyn., c. 0.5 miles n. of W. Almond Ave. (dirt extension), R.G. Swinney, June 11, 1994, to 7997 ft. (2438 m.), at Old Gold Ridge Mine, N. Fk. San Antonio Cyn., I.M. Johnston, July 28, 1917; June-Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 28, 1917

+Stachys bullata Benth., California Hedgenettle

LACo.: Monrovia Wilderness Park, Monrovia Cyn., near cn. bottom, c. 0.5 miles below Monrovia Cyn. Falls, Mar. 28, 2009, 1200 ft. (366 m.) (modified 2010); lower Van Tassel Cyn., 0.4 miles n.w. (upstream) from confl. with San Gabriel River, Apr. 16, 2009, 920 ft. (280 m.); “Wood Rat Flats” (posted trail marker with historical area discription), between Sycamore & Sawpit Cyn., e. of Monrovia Cyn., Apr. 9, 2011, 2013 ft. (614 m.); (not yet processed); Little Santa Anita Cyn., 0.5 mi. (?) n. of trail head in Sierra Madre, on ridge overlooking Little Santa Anita Cyn., with Cody Clarke & Veronica Pallan, Apr. 5, 2011, 1480 ft. (451 m.), 2011 (not yet processed)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & Arthur C. Gibson, Fish Cyn., May 22, 1971, 1300 ft. (396 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Fish Cyn., May 5, 1933, 950 ft. (290 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Bailey Cyn., July 3, 1936, 1300 ft. (396 m.); Mike Hammit & Jason Rick, Sawpit Cyn., June 19, 1991, 1800-3000 ft. (549 m.); E.S. Spalding, Arroyo Seco, Apr. 26, 1925, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); F.W. Peirson, Monrovia Cyn., May 18, 1919, 1500-2000 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: May 18, 1919

SBCo.: No records found.

Stachys rigida Nutt. ex Benth. var. rigida, Rough Hedgenettle

[synonym: S. ajugoides Benth. var. rigida (Benth.) Jeps. & Hoover]

LACo.: F.W., Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., Aug. 16, 1918, 4398 ft. (1341 m.) (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); G.R. Vasey, San Antonio River, July 1880, no elev. given

FVS: July, 1880

SBCo.: No records found.

+Stachys stricta Greene, Sonoma Hedgenettle

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Cucamonga, meadow area, c. 0.5 miles s.e. of mouth of Day Cyn., Aug. 25, 1994, 2401 ft. (732 m.); Cajon Pass area, s.w. of Cajon Rd. at Swarthout Cyn. Rd., July 29, 1994, 2699 ft. (823 m.); Cucamonga Creek, c. 0.75 miles s. of dirt extension of W. Among Ave., June 11, 1994, 2001 ft. (610 m.); Lone Pine Valley, Clyde Ranch, s. side of Lone Pine Road, Aug. 23, 1994, 1500 ft. (457 m.); Glen Helen Regional Park, extreme n.w. end of Park at Sycamore Flat, Aug. 18, 1993, 1961 ft. (598 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Aug. 18, 1993

Teucrium fruticans L., Tree Germander, Shrubby Germander

Native to n. Africa & s. Europe; USDA plant database shows it naturalized in Sonoma Co. only.

LACo.: Lucille Kempers, “n. slope of Palmer Cyn.”, Apr. 24, 1953, 2099 ft.

(640 m.)

SBCo.: No reords only.

Trichostema austromontanum Harlan Lewis, Southern Bluecurls, San Jacinto Bluecurls

LACo.: Mt. Waterman, ski run on e.-facing slope, July 24, 2008, 7839 ft.

(2390 m.); Sulphur Springs Cmpgrd. area, S. Fork Littlerock Cr., May 28, 2009, 5199 ft. (1585 m.)

Other records:

T.S. Ross, Horse Flats, Aug. 16, 1991, 5619 ft. (1713 m.); T.P. Spira, Chilllao Flats, 0.5 miles n. of Chilao Campground (off Hwy. 2) e. side of hwy., Aug. 4, 1976, 5497 ft. (1676 m.)

FVS: Aug. 4, 1976

SBCo.: No records found.

Trichostema austromontanum Harlan Lewis ssp. austromontanum, Southern Bluecurls, San Jacinto Bluecurls

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, Mt. Waterman, along trail above upper end of ski lift, Aug. 11, 1972, 7800 ft. (2378 m.); L.C. Wheeler, 0.2 miles n.e. of Twin B.M. summit of Mt. Waterman, Sep. 3, 1967, 7751 ft. (2363 m.); R.F. Thorne, S. Fork of Little Rock Cr., 1.8 mi. below Alder Saddle in Pinyon Flats, June 30, 1971, 5100 ft. (1555 m.); Tim Ross, Horse Flat, Aug. 16, 1991, 5635 ft. (1718 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Chilao Flats, E. Fork of Alder Cr., Aug. 8, 1967, 5100 ft. (1555 m.)

FVS: Aug. 8, 1967

SBCo.: Grapevine Cyn., 3.2 miles s.e. of San Sevaine Flats Well on Big Tree Truck Rd., (FS Rd. 1N34-San Sevaine Rd.), July 16, 1993, 4002 ft. (1220 m.)

Other records:

P.H. Raven, mouth of Lone Pine Cyn., Sep 17, 1961, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 11, 1968, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); I.M. Johnston, Lower San Sevaine Flats, July 10, 1925, 4800 ft. (1463 m.)

FVS: July 10, 1925

Trichostema lanatum Benth., Woolly Bluecurls

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1397 ft. (426 m.), at Little Tujunga Cyn., 2 mi. above the Little Tujunga Guard Station, _________May 10, 1968, to 4995 ft. (1523 m.), at Chilao (upper), Mary MacArthur, June 4, 1966; Feb., Apr.-July; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June, 1910, Fordyce Grinnell, Jr., San Gab. Mts.

SBCo.: Annie M. Alexander & Louise Kellogg, 2.5 miles s. of Cajon Pass, June 5, 1941, 3516 ft. (1072 m.)

Trichostema lanceolatum Benth., Vinegarweed

LACo.: Glendora, e. end of South Hills, s. of High Country Drive, Sep. 11, 1989, 1000 ft. (305 m.) (s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary), 1 pop. in South Hills Wilderness Area on N. Spur access rd. at jct. of Toyon Trail

Other records:

Jerome S. Horton, e. of San Dimas Dam, Oct. 25, 1938, 1397 ft. (426 m.)

FVS: Oct. 25, 1938

SBCo.: LC. Wheeler, e. side of mouth of San Antonio Cyn., just n. of lemon grove, Oct. 26, 1969, no elev. given

Trichostema parishii Vasey, Parish’s Bluecurls

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 2499 ft. (762 m.), n. of Glendora, Glendora Ridge Mtwy., c. 1.2 miles w. of Glendora Mt. Road, R.G. Swinney, June 11, 1989, 2499 ft. (762 m.), to 5947 ft. (1813 m.), at Lookout Mt. Trail, Orlando Mistretta, June 23, 1995; May-Aug., Oct., Dec.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: June, 1902, A.D.E. Elmer, Acton, Mt. Gleason

SBCo.: From 2500 ft. (762 m.), at 3 miles s. of Hwy. 138, w. of I-15 Frwy., Mary D. Arche, May 16, 1981, to 5700 ft. (1738 m.), at S. Trail to Baldy Lookout, I.M. Johnston, July 8, 1925; Feb.-Aug.; uncommon; rare in transmontane & montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 3-6, 1900, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., San Antonio Mts., no elev. given

Linaceae Flax Family

Linum usitatissimum L., Common Flax

Native to Eurasia

LACo.: San Gabriel River, under the Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., on e. side of Encanto Pkwy., w. of Encanto Park in Duarte (under 2nd arch from the west-added 2011), 604 ft. (184 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta & Mike Hammitt, Monrovia Cyn., May 29, 1991, 2000 ft.

(610 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Mt. Baldy Notch, Oct. 21, 1967, 7800 ft. (2378 m.)

FVS: Oct. 21, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

Hesperolinon micranthum (A. Gray) Small, Smallflower Dwarf-flax

LACo.: James Henrickson, Newhall area n. of LA, on proposed subdivision land on Mae Way between Mae Way and Happy Valley Dr., s. of Lyon’s Ave. in Newhall, June 12, 1998, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary-checking location)

SBCo.: No records found.

Loasaceae Stick-Leaf Family

Mentzelia affinis Greene, Hydra Stick-leaf, Yellowcomet

LACo.: with Dave Larson, SDEF, east half (grass portion) of Brown’s Flat, July 17, 1996, 4330 ft. (1320 m.)

Other records:

D.F. Howe, n. face of San Gab. Mts., May 6, 1947, no elev. given (possibly n. and or w. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary); M.N. Ackley, Little Rock May 8, 1927,

2998 ft. (914 m.) (possilbly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 8, 1927

SBCo.: Scott D. White & Tasha LaDouz, near Cajon Pass, n.w. of jct. of I-15/State Hwy. 138, c. 1 air mile w. of I-15, 1 air mile n. of State Hwy. 138, May 13, 2000, 3401 ft. (1037 m.)

Mentzelia albicaulis (Hook.) Torr. & A. Gray, Whitestem Blazingstar

LACo.: From 2500 ft. (762 m.), at Little Rock Cr., N.C. Cooper, Apr. 21, 1948 (possiblly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary), to 6849 ft. (2088 m.), at W. Blue Ridge, Big Pines Park, B.C. Templeton, June 16, 1933; Mar.-July; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: July, 1906, Anstruther Davidson, Rock Cr., no elev. given

SBCo.: S.D. White, Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash, just s. of Hwy. 138 Crossing, Apr. 16, 1997, 2900 ft. (884 m.); S.D. White, near Cajon Pass, n.w. of jct. of I-15/State Hwy. 138, c. 1 air mile w. of I-15, 1 air mile n. of State Hwy. 138, May 13, 2000, 3401 ft. (1037 m.); W.W. Sura, along Pacific Crest Trail, on w. side of Lone Pine Cyn., Mar. 29, 1986, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 29, 1986

Mentzelia congesta Torr. & A. Gray, Clustered Blazing Star, United Blazingstar

LACo.: From 4198 ft. (1280 m.), at Big Rock Cr., P.A. Munz, May 25, 1923, to 7419 ft. (2262 m.), at Pine Mt. Ridge, 0.8 miles w. of Camp Lupine Trail, R.G. Swinney, July 14, 1998; May-July; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June 1, 1906, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr.

SBCo.: Slover Cyn., e. of Wrightwood, 0.5 miles s. of Lone Pine Cyn. Road, May 23, 1993, 6199 ft. (1890 m.); Upper Lytle Cr. Divide, 1.2 miles s. of Lone Pine Rd., on FS Rd. 3N31, May 15, 1993, 5399 ft. (1646 m.); east of E. Table Mt. summit, n.w. of Wright Ridge, 2.25 miles s.e. of Smithsonian Observatory on e. end of ridge, May 27, 1996, 7300-7473 ft. (2226-2278 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, summit of Table Mt., above Big Pines (W. summit of Table Mte.-added 2010), June 29, 1972, 7500 ft. (2287 m.); I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk., July 7, 1918, 5747 ft. (1752 m.)

FVS: July 7, 1918

Mentzelia dispersa S. Watson, Scattered Blazing Star, Bushy Blazingstar

LACo.: From 2900 ft. (884 m.), at Soledad Cyn., n. slope of San Gab. Mts., c. 1.5 miles e. of jct. of Aliso Cr. Wash & Santa Clara River, R.F. Tlhorne & C.W. Tilforth, June 29, 1971, to 9000 ft. (2744 m.), north Mt. Baldy, L.R. Abrams, July 3, 1908; May-Aug., uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June 12, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Mt. Wilson

SBCo.: From 5640 ft. (1720 m.), at Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge, above Lone Pine Cyn., 1.4 miles s. of Lone Pine Rd. on 3N31, at first switchback, c. 60-80 meters s. of road, R.G. Swinney, May 28, 1995, to 7961 ft. (2427 m.), at Thunder Mt. Ridge, w. of Thunder Mt. summit, R.G. Swinney, July 14, 1995; May-Aug.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 20, 1899, H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., 5747 ft. (1752 m.)

+Mentzelia gracilenta Torr. & A. Gray, Grass Blazingstar

Integrades with M. ravenii H.J. Thomp. & Roberts and M. montana (Davidson) Davidson and M. veatchiana Kellogg]

LACo.: Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., Lowell Mine, June 1, 1906, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta & T.S. Ross, Santiago Cyn., June 1, 1994, 5250 ft.

(1601 m.); G.D. Wallace & M. Wallace, Aliso Cyn. Road between Acton & Angeles Forest Hwy., May 20, 1983, no elev. given; A.D.E. Elmer, Mt. Gleaason, Acton, June, 1902

FVS: June, 1902

SBCo.: No records found.

Mentzelia jonesii (Urb. & Gilg.) H.J. Thomp. & Roberts, Jones’ Blazingstar

Integrades with M. nitens Greene and M. albicaulis (Hook.) Torr. & A. Gray

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, Bob’s Gap in Holcomb Ridge, Apr. 9, 1974, 4000 ft.

(1220 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Mentzelia laevicaulis (Hook.) Torr. & A. Gray, Giant Blazing Star, Smoothstem Blazingstar

LACo.: From 499 ft. (152 m.), at Irwindale/Azusa boundary, abandoned gravel pit, n. & adj. to I-210 Frwy., c. 300 meters e. of Irwindale Ave., e. of San Gabriel River Channel, R.G. Swinney, Dec., 31, 1997, to 8450 ft. (2576 m.), at ridge s. of Swartout Valley, P.A. Munz, Aug. 31, 1923; June-Oct., Dec.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 2, 1903, C.F. Baker, San Antonio Cyn., near Claremont

SBCo.: From 2000 ft. (610 m.), at mouth of San Antonio Cyn., Lyman Benson, Dec. 17, 1946, to 9000 ft. (2744 m.) at disturbed tallus slope along Devil’s Backbone, R.F. Thorne & H. Eichler, July 27, 1968; May-Dec.; uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: July 13, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Lytle Creek Cyn., 2500 ft. (762 m.)

Mentzelia micrantha (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. & A. Gray, Chaparral Blazing Star, San Luis


CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 1.2 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., Azusa/Duarte, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 31, 2009, to 4995 ft. (1523 m.), at Mt. Lowe, Geo. B. Grant, May 1901; Apr.-Aug.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: May, 1901, Geo. B. Grant, Mt. Lowe, 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

SBCo.: From 1900 ft. (579 m.), at 1.2 miles s. of Sycamore Dr. & Lytle Cr. Dr., on w. side of rd., James A. Christi, May 9, 1972, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at 1.7 miles w. of Gobler’s Knob, c. 300 yards n. of Pacific Crest Tr., R.G. Swinney, July 9, 1993; Apr.-July; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 27, 1914, W.L. Jepson & W.C. Mathews, Mojave Desert, Cajon Cyn., 2198 ft. (670 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Mentzelia montana (Davidson) Davidson, Variegated-bract Blazingstar

Intermediate to M. congesta, M. veatcheana,

LACo.: From 1900-2200 ft. (579-671 m.), at Soledad Cyn., canyon bottom and adj. steep n.-facing slope, Scott D. White & Kent Hughtes, May 17, 2000, to

7249 ft. (2210 m.), at n. slope of Mt. Waterman, F.W. Peirson, June 16, 1921; May-July, Sep.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June 22, 1899, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, Pk. 6150 ft., s.e. of Oak Springs Ranch, May 27, 1996,

6100 ft. (1860 m.); Circle Mt. Summit, June 23, 1994, 6800 ft. (2073 m.)

Other records:

V. Soza & Naomi Fraga, Horse Cyn., w. of Horse Cyn. Road (FS Road 3N51), June 27, 2001, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, 2.5 miles NNE of Wrightwood at boundary of Natl. Forest, Apr. 23, 1966, 5000 ft. (1524 m.); R.F. Thorne, upper San Sevaine Cmpgrd., San Sevaine Flats, June 5, 1971, 5500 ft. (1677 m.)

FVS: May 15, 1920, I.M. Johnston, mouth of Cajon Valley, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass, 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

Mentzelia nitens Greene, Shining Blazingstar

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Mojave Desert/San Gab. Mts., Pinon Hills, c. 200 meters n. of Hwy. 138, w. of Oasis Rd.-added 2009) (just n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary), Mar. 25, 1967, 4002 ft. (1220 m.)

Other records: None found.

Mentzelia obscura H.J. Thomp. & Roberts, Pacific Blazingstar

LACo.: Michael Horn, Mescal Cr., 2.5 miles n. of Hwy. CN4 to reservoir, e. 1/8 mi. on unnamed dirt rd. to site., May 3, 1991, 4800 ft. (1463 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Mentzelia ravenii H.J. Thomps.& J.E. Roberts, Grass Blazingstar

(synonym: M. gracilenta Torr. & A. Gray)

Intergrades with M. gracilenta, M. montana and M. veatchiana

LACo.: Peter Kamb, above Little Rock, desert foothills of San Gab. Mts., May 6, 1948, 3198 ft. (975 m.); A.C. Sanders,& D. Malueg, Aliso Cyn., under SCE. Meso-Vincent powerline, pole 3-4, just below confl. with Beartrap Cyn., June 22, 1998, 3300 ft. (1006 m.); H.J. Thompson, 3.9 miles s.e. of Pearblossom, on rd. to Valyermo, Moj. Desert, Apr. 10, 1960, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); T. Craig, rd. to Los Ang. Co. Playground, Big Rock Cr., Apr. 28, 1928, no elev. given; Frank W. Peirson, Arraster (Arrastre-added 2012), May 10, 1919, 2998 ft. (914 m.)

FVS: May 10, 1919

SBCo.: No records found.

Mentzelia veatchiana Kellogg, Veatch’s Blazing Star

LACo.: From 700 ft. (213 m.), at Santa Anita Wash, s. base of San Gab. Mts.,

(at s. boundary of San Gab. Mts.-added 2011), F.W. Peirson, Apr. 26, 1920, to

6580 ft. (2006 m.), at Pleasant View Ridge, s. of jct. of 104th St. E. & Juniper Hills Rd., R.G. Swinney, June 16, 2001; Mar.-July; fairly common; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: June, 1902, A.D.E. Elmer, Acton, Mt. Gleason, no elev. given

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, Pk. (6150 ft.) s.e. of Oak Springs Ranch, May 27, 1996,

6101 ft. (1860 m.); Baldy Mesa, Phelan Pk., south of Phelan, Apr. 13, 1996,

5150 ft. (1570 m.); E. of Mt. Baldy Village at “dry lake” in Cherry Cyn., May 3, 1997, 5563 ft. (1696 m.); Pinon Hills, “Oak Hills” area, 50-100 meters w. end of

Sunnyslope Rd. and w. of Green Rd., 1.5 miles n. of Oak Springs Ranch, Apr. 3, 1997, 4799 ft. (1463 m.); Sheep Cr. near Pinon Hills, 0.8 miles s. of Hwy. 138 via Scrub Oak Rd., 70-300 meters w. of Scrub Oak Rd., Apr. 5, 1995, 4579 ft. (1396 m.)

Other records:

F.C. Vasek, Lone Pine Cyn. (Cajon Cyn.), State Hwy. 138, 1.4 miles s. of jct. of Hwy. 138 & Hwy. 2, May 29, 1963, 3510 ft. (1070 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Mormon Rock & Cajon Canyon, Apr. 20, 1973, 3398 ft. (1036 m.); Lyman Benson, San Gab. Mts., edge of Mojave Desert, c. 10 miles n.w. of Cajon, Apr. 24, 1947, 4600 ft. (1402 m.)

FVS: Apr. 24, 1947

Petalonyx thurberi A. Gray, Thurber’s Sandpaper Plant

LACo.: Henry J. Ramsey & Mrs. Henry J. Ramsey, Sand Cyn., San Gab. Mts. (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary), Aug. 7, 1937

SBCo.: No records found.

Petalonyx thurberi A. Gray ssp. thurberi, Thurber’s Sandpaper Plant

LACo.: Thos. Craig, Soledad Cyn. Road, near w. jct. with Mint Cyn. Road (Cyn.), June 19, 1927, no elev. given; Brandegee, Ravina, July 1888, no elev. given (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, n. slope of San Gab. Mts., 1.3 miles e. of jct. of Antelope Valley Frwy. with Soledad Cyn. Road, along latter, near jct. of Bee Cyn. with Santa Clara River Valley, June 17, 1971, c. 1800 ft. (549 m.); J.H. Barber, In Soldead Cyn., near Saugus, July 12, 1897, no elev. given

FVS: July 12, 1897

SBCo.: No records found.

Lythraceae Loosestrife Family

Ammannia coccinea Rottb., Red Ammannia, Valley Redstem

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, June 25, 1989, 1200 ft.

(366 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork, San Gabriel River at Camp Rincon, Oct. 27, 1966, no elev. givenLeRoy Gross, Hansen Dam, w. of Little Tujunga Cyn. Road (Osborne St.) s. of Foothill Blvd., in the flood control basin, s. of tthe athletic field that’s on the San Fernando 7.5 Quad, Nov. 16, 2003, 1000 ft. (305 m.); L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork San Gabriel River, Sep. 2, 1946, 1700 ft. (418 m.)

FVS: Sep. 2, 1946

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, extreme n.w. end of Park at Sycamore Flat, Aug. 18, 1993, 1961 ft. (598 m.)

Other records: None found.

Lythrum californicum Torr. & A. Gray, California Loose-strife

LACo.: From 840 ft. (256 m.), at mouth San Gabriel River Cyn., spring at 1.5 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave. on Hwy 39 (s. shoulder of rd.-added 2010), R.G. Swinney, Nov. 29, 2008, to 1700 ft. (518 m.), at W. Fork San Gabriel River, 1/2 mile w. of Bear Cr., L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 8, 1946 May-July, Sep., Nov.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: 1915, Thekla Mohr., N. Fork San Gabriel River

SBCo.: From 2640 ft. (805 m.), at c. 0.6 miles s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd. & Cajon Rd., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 12, 1996, to 4920 ft. (1500 m.), at Lone Pine Valley, Clyde Ranch, s. side of Lone Pine Rd., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 23, 1994; June-Nov., uncommon, mostlly cismontane & montane

FVS: July 13, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Lytle Creek Cyn., 2500 ft. (762 m.)

Lythrum hyssopifolium L., Hyssop Loosestrife

LACo.: Glendora, Harrow Cyn. Debris Basin, June 25, 2008, 1270 ft. (3872 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, Forest Route 2N24 near head of N. Fork Santa Anita Cyn., along S. Calif Edison transmission line corridor, June 24, 2010, 3985 ft. (1215 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. Calif. Edison transmission line corridor (Seg. 11 (?), Impact Area 17 per TRTP Survey 2008) in the vic. of Millard Cyn., May 5, 2008, 2057 ft. (627 m.)

FVS: May 5, 2008

SBCo.: No records found.

Punica granatum L, Pomegranate

Native to s.e. Europe, Asia to Himalayas

LACo.: Tim Ross & Steve Boyd, Little Tujunga Cyn. along Little Tujunga Rd., Tujunga Ranger District, May 14, 1990, 1519 ft. (463 m.); Tim Ross, 21 degrees NNE, 870 m. distant from E. Fork Station (just e. above Homestead Ruins, E. Fork of San Gabriel River, n. end of the Heaton Flat area, May 17, 1992, 2066 ft. (630 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, 2 mi. up Lower Tujunga Rd. from Forestry Headquarters, June 17, 1971, c. 1500 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: June 17, 1971

SBCo.: No records found.

Malvaceae Mallow Family

(Sterculaceae – Cacao Family)

Alcea rosea L., Hollyhock

Native to Asia Minor

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Lytle Cr. Divide, n. of Applewhite, Sheep Cr. Truck Rd., 0.2 mile n. of summit at FS Road 2N56, June 18, 1993, 3641 ft. (1110 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. at S. Fork, Jan. 11, 1969, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, mesa on San Andreas Fault Rift Zone, Lone Pine Cyn., Sep. 16, 1967, 3050 ft. (930 m.)

FVS: Sep. 16, 1967

Eremalche exilis (A. Gray) Greene, White Mallow

LACo.: Ian Swift, upper Soledad Cyn., Santa Clara River Wash, 0.5 miles s.e. of Acton, May 17, 2001, 3080 ft. (939 m.); F.W. Peirson, Pallet Creek, trib. to Rock Cr., north slope of San Gab. Mts., May 17, 1923, 3600 ft. (1097 m.)

FVS: May 27, 1923 (check day 17 or 27 ?)

SBCo.: No records found.

Fremontodendron californicum (Torr.) Coville, California Fremontia or Flannelbush

[synonym: F. californicum (Torr.) Coville ssp. californicum]

Highly variable, some variation introduced by habitat

LACo.: From 2700 ft. (823 m.), at SDEF , Diane T. Liggett, May 25, 1981 (possibly from the small botanical garden at Tanbark-added 2010), or 3500 ft. (1067 m.), at Little Rock Cr., F.W. Peirson, May 20, 1921, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), high point of E. Table Mt. (n. of Smithsonian Observatory-added 2011), Wrightwood area, R.G. Swinney, July 2, 1998; Feb., May-Nov.; fairly common; most common in transmontane, montane, cismontane at E. Fork, San Gabriel Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, June 26, 1970, 3550 ft. (1082 m.)

FVS: July 4, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock, San Gab. Mts., no elev. gven

SBCo.: From 2401 ft. (732 m.), at c. 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Creek (Cyn.) Wash, c. 1-4 miles n. of I-15, J. Henrickson, May 10, 1985; to 6501 ft. (1982 m.), at Wrightwood,Eugene Cardiff, June 19, 1954; May-Sep., Nov.; common; all 4 sections


Fremontodendron mexicanum Davidson, Mexican Flannelbush


CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Robert M. Perkins, San Gab. Cyn., May 27, 1936, no elev. given.

SBCo.: H.T. Ramsey, Altadena, Dry Mesa, July 12, 1937, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

+Malacothamnus davidsonii (B.L. Rob.) Greene, Davidson’s Bushmallow

[synonym: Malvastrum davidsonii (B.L. Rob.) Greene]

Status: CNPS List: 1B R-E-D Code: 2-2-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 1B.2 S1.1 G1

Intergrades with M. fasciculatus( Torr. & A. Gray) Greene

LACo.: From 1099 ft. (335 m.), at 0.5 mi. above bridge over Little Tujunga Wash, on rd. from Sunland to San Fernando, Little Tujunga Wash, C.B. Wolf, July 2, 1931, to 6698 ft. (2042 m.), at open, rolling hills, n.w. of Horse Flats, Annetta M. Carter & Arthur Carter, Sep 13, 1935; all months, rare; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 24, 1919, Geo. L. Moxley, Big Tujunga Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

+Malacothamnus fasciculatus (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene, Chaparral Mallow, Mendocino Bushmallow

[synonyms: M. fasciculatus (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) Greene var. laxiflorus (A. Gray) Kearney]

LACo.: From 1050 ft. (320 m.), at base of San Gab. Mts., Big Tajunga Wash, Sunland-Tujunga area, s.w. of 210 Frwy., e. of Hansen Dam & N. of Wentworth St., Scott D. White, May 14, 1997, to 6796 ft. (2072 m.), at slope from wet seepage just e. of Big Pines Ranger Station, R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, July 10, 1969; Apr.-Oct.; fairly common; montane, cismontane

FVS: July 5, 1902, L.R. Abrams, near Power House, San Gab. Cyn., No elev. given

SBCo.: From 1699 ft. (518 m.), n. of Hwy. 30 & just e. of Day Cr., Etiwanda Wash, Adrian Wolf, May 8, 1997, to 6501 ft. (1982 m.), at N. Fork Lytle Cr., I.M. Johnston, date uncertain; May-Nov.; fairly common; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Oct. 15, 1923, Wm. M. Pierce, Lone Pine Cyn., near Cajon Pass, 5300 ft. (1616 m.)

Malacothamnus fasciculatus (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) Greene var. fasciculatus

CA & Mex.

LACo.: G.T. Nordstrom, 1 ½ mile e. mouth of Bearstrap (Beartrap-added 2012), Tejon Quad., Feb. 1, 1935, 2896 ft. (883 m.); Tim Ross, s. side of Indian Hill Mesa, Claremont, Apr. 27, 1992, 1289-1309 ft. (393-399 m.); F.W. Peirson, near Toll-house, San Antonio Cyn., Aug. 16, 1918, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 16, 1918

SBCo.: Swarthout Cyn. Road, 1 mile e. of Lone Pine Cyn. Road, Oct. 12, 1991, 2959 ft. (902 m.)

Other records:

M.N. Ackley, Twin Lakes, Wrightwood, Oct., 1928, no elev. given

FVS: Oct., 1928

+Malacothamnus fremontii (A. Gray) Greene, Fremont’s Bushmallow

LACo.: From 3201 ft. (976 m.), at n. foothills near Acton, bajada slopes and unnamed ephemeral trib. to Arrastre Cyn., Scott D. White & Kent Hughes, May 16, 2000, to 7501 ft. (2287 m.), n.w. of Wrightwood, e. end of Jackson Flat, R.G. Swinney, Sep. 4, 1998; Apr.-Oct.; fairly common; transmontane, montane

FVS: May 13, 1917, F.W. Peirson, near village of Little Rock, n. side of San Gabriel Mt.

SBCo.: near summit of Pk. s.e. of Oak Springs Ranch, s. of Pinon Hills, May 27, 1996, 6140 ft. (1872 m.); Wrightwood, Heath Cyn., c. 0.75 miles w. of Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., w. side of dirt rd., Aug. 15, 1994, 6200 ft. (1890 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, Horse Cyn., Circle Mt. rehab Project, in wide drainage w. of Circle Mt., July 18, 1994, (5800 ft. (1768 m.)

FVS: July 18, 1994

Malacothamnus marrubioides (Durand & Gilg.) Greene, Pinkflowered Bushmallow

CA & n.w. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Lupine Campground, Prairie Fk., Sep. 5, 1967, 6501 ft. (1982 m.); Scott D. White & Kent Hughes, foothills near bajada slopes and unnamed ephemeral trib. to Arrastre Cyn., May 6, 2000, 3201 ft. (976 m.); F.W. Peirson, Arraster (Arrastre-added 2011), Creek, San Gab. Mts., July 1, 1921, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Aliso Cr., San Gab. Mts., June 31, 1929, 3600 ft.

(1098 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Aliso Cr. at Tie Cyn. where crossed by Angeles Forest Rd., June 29, 1971, c. 4500 ft. (1372 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Gab. Mts., Lupine Cmpgrd., Prairie Fk., Sep 5, 1967, 6501 ft. (1982 m.); F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., June 15, 1919, no elev. given

FVS: June 15, 1919

SBCo.: No records found.

+Malacothamnus orbicularis (Greene) Greene

Sometimes included in M. fremontii

LACo.: Rimo Bacigalupi with Reino Alava, along FS Rd. from Chilao, just e. of Pinyon Flats and at beginning of descent into the cyn. of Little Rock Cyn., July 21, 1958, 5097 ft. (1554 m.); P.C. Everett & E.K. Balls, Valyermo, Big Rock Cr., May 22, 1959, 3998 ft. (1219 m.); Robert F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, at Tie Cyn. when crossed by Angeles Forest Rd., Aliso Cr., June 29, 1971, 4497 ft.

(1371 m.); Tim Ross & Steve Boyd, Pacifico Mt., July 24, 1991, 6235 ft.

(1901 m.); Carl B. Wolf, 8 mi. below Big Pines Park on rd. to Little rock, Aug. 11, 1932, 4497 ft. (1371 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Rock Cr., June 15, 1919, 4109 ft. (1249 m.); I.M. Johnst., Prairie Fk., San Gabriel River, Aug. 22, 1917, 6245 ft. (1904 m.)

FVS: Aug. 22, 1917

SBCo.: No records found.

Malva neglecta Wallr., Common Mallow

LACo.: Justin M. Wood, city of San Dimas, Sycamore Cyn., Falcon Ridge Ranch, Apr. 22, 2009, 1351 ft. (412 m.); T.S. Ross & Steve Boyd, Camp Verdugo Pines & vic., northerly draw draining to Jackson Lake, June 18, 1990,

6160-6280 ft. (1878-1914 m.)

FVS: June 18, 1990

SBCo.: No records found.

Malva parviflora L., Little Mallow, Cheeseweed Mallow

Native to Europe, Medit., India

LACo.: From 971 ft. (296 m.), at San Gabriel River Cyn., El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 10, 2009, to 1630 ft. (497 m.), at San Dimas, ridge between Sycamore and Shay Cyns., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 17, 2008; Feb.-May; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: May 18, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., vic. of Oak of Golden Dream, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

+Malva pseudolavatera Webb & Berthel., Cretan or Cornish Mallow)

(synonyms: Lavatera cretica L. and M. lanaei M.F. Ray)

Native to s. Europe

LACo.: Justin M. Wood, City of San Dimas, Sycamore Cyn., Falcon Ranch, Apr. 22, 2009, 1351 ft. (412 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Malvella leprosa (Ortega) Krapov., Alkali-mallow, White-weed

LACo.: Caldwell Lake at Mile High, 0.4 miles w. of jct. of 204th St. East & Big Pines Hwy., Aug. 5, 2005, 5120 ft. (1561 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, 1.6 mi. above Little Rock Dam, near Reservoir Cmpgrd., June 29, 1971, 3200 ft. (976 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., Caldwell Lake near Valyermo, (Sag Pond on San Andreas Fault), July 20, 1972, 5150 ft. (1570 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Little Rock Reservoir, Sep. 6, 1966, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 6, 1966

SBCo.: No records found.

Sidalcea sparsiflora (C.L. Hitchc.) S.R.Hill, Southern Checkerbloom

[synonym: S. malviflora (DC.) A. Gray ex Benth. ssp. sparsiflora C. L. Hitchc. var. uliginosa C.L. Hitchc.]

Intergrades with S. malviflora ssp. californica and S. neomexicana

LACo.: J.H. Barber, San Dimas, Mar. 14, 1897, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Sphaeralcea ambigua A. Gray var. ambigua, Apricot Mallow, Desert Globemallow

LACo: No records found.

SBCo.: Baldy Mesa Ridge, 2.8 miles n.e. of Hwy. 138, on FS Road 3N24, 1.6 miles e. of point where rd. crosses ridge, June 10, 1995, 4600 ft. (1402 m.); Sheep Cr. near Pinon Hills, 0.3 miles s. of Hwy. 138 at Scrub Oak Rd., May 1, 1995,

4441 ft. (1354 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: May 1, 1995

Sphaeralcea ambigua A. Gray var. rosacea (Munz & I.M. Johnst.) Kearney, Rose Globemallow

LACo.: R.C. Bechtel, Tanbark Flat, SDEF, on hillside associated with Lotus, Salvia, Cercocarpus and Baccharis, July 18, 1956, 2696 ft. (1822 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Meliaceae Mahagony Family

Melia azadarach L., Umbrella Tree, Chinaberrytree

Native to s.e. Asia, n. Australia

LACo.: Azusa/Duarte boundry, 1 tree on w. side of San Gabriel River Channel between the I-210 Frwy. and Foothill Ave., Mar. 19, 2009, 567 ft. (171 m.)

Other records:

LeRoy Gross, Big Tujunga Wash, s. front of the San Gab. Mts., where the storm waters run down through Haines Cyn. Channel, e. of Foothill Blvd., s. side of the Wash, Oct. 6, 2001, 1200 ft. (366 m.); T.S. Ross, Steve Boyd, et al., Big Rock Cr., just above confl. of Holcomb Cyn. Cr., between Big Rock Cr. Road & mouth of Holcomb Cyn., June 11, 1990, 4115-4200 ft. (1255 m.);

FVS: June 11, 1990

SBCo.: S.D. White, foothills near Cajon Pass, n.w. of jct. of I-15/State Hwy. 138, c. 1 air mile w. of I-15 Frwy., 1 air mile n. of State Hwy. 138, May 13, 2000,

3400-3600 ft. (1037 m.)

Montiaceae Miner’s Lettuce Family

(Portulacaceae – Purslane Family)

Calandrinia breweri S. Watson, Brewer’s (Calendrinia) Redmaids

Status: CNPS List 4 R-E-D Code: 1-2-2 State/Fed. Status: 0

CRPR 4.2 S3.2? G4

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: c. 1.5 miles NNE of W. Fork San Gabriel River, 0.1-1.0 miles n.w. of Hwy. 39, in N. Fork San Gabriel River drainage, May 6, 2000, 2401 ft. (732 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & J. Henrickson, Cobal Cyn., 4 miles n. of Claremont, May 5, 1963, 1700 ft. (518 m.); V. Soza & L. Gross, above Santa Anta Cyn., c. 0.7 miles WNW of Santa Anita Dam, Apr. 21, 2001, 2699 ft. (823 m.); Frank W. Peirson, hills w. of Arroyo Seco, Mar. 27, 1919, 1397 ft. (426 m.)

FVS: Mar. 27, 1919

SBCo.: Gerald L. Benny& Colin Wainwright, Day Cyn., burned in 1970, Apr. 16, 1971, 3000 ft. (915 m.) and Apr. 21, 1971, no elev. given; J.B. Feudge, Lytle Cr. Cyn., May 3, 1923, 2500 ft. (762 m.)

FVS: May 3, 1923

Calandrinia ciliata (Ruiz & Pav.) DC., Fringed Redmaids

LACo.: From 754 ft. (230 m.), Azusa, 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave. on n. side of San Gabriel River Channel, c. 100 meters n. of Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 19, 2009, to 4051 ft. (1235 m.), at ridgeline to Mt. Emma & cyn. south of this ridge, w. from Mt. Emma (n.w. trending ridge) (lower part of ridgeline starts to turn s.w.) e. of Mt. Emma Rd. than (then) dropped off ridge, LeRoy Gross, Apr. 28, 2005; Mar.-May; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Mar. 30, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Tujunga Cyn., w. end of San Gab. Mts., no elev. given

SBCo.: n.w. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, 0.8 meters s.w. of jct. of Applewhite Rd., & Swarthout Cyn., Road, w. of Edison Powerline Road, Apr. 5, 1995, 3001 ft. (915 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Divide, 0.7 miles n.e. of jct. of Applewhite Rd. & FS Road 3N31, Apr. 3, 1995, 3401 ft. (1037 m.); s.w. of Lytle Cr. Cyn., 4.8-5.0 miles w. of Lytle Cr. Road (Nealey’s Corner) & c. 0.4 miles n. of Front Line Mtwy., Mar. 15, 1993, 1801 ft. (549 m.)

Other records:

James Henrickson, San Gab. Mts. Region, 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles, n. of I-15, May 1, 1985, 2400-3800 ft.

(732-854 m.)

FVS: May 1, 1985

Calyptridium monandrum Nutt., Sand Cress, Common Pussypaws

[synonym: Cistanthe monandra (Nutt.) Hershkovitz]

LACo.: From 1499 ft. (457 m.), at San Dimas Cyn., P.A. Munz & R.D. Harwood, Apr. 21, 1920, to 7380 ft. (2250 m.), s.w. of Wrightwood, Dry Lake adj. to FS Road 3N06 (Blue Ridge Rd.), 0.4 miles e. of Hwy. 2, R.G. Swinney, July 10, 1998; Mar.-July; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June 4, 1918, foothills e. of Rubio Cyn., 1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: From 2401 ft. (732 m.), at 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15, James Henrickson, May 1, 1985, to

5399 ft. (1646 m.), at Upper Lytle Cr. Divide, 1.2 miles s. of Lone Pine Rd. on FS Road 3N31, R.G. Swinney, May 15, 1993; Mar.-July; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, 3802 ft. (1159 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Calyptridium monospermum Greene, Oneseed Pussypaws

[synonym: Cistanthe monosperma (Greene) Hershkovitz]

Hybridizes with C. umbellatum in Sierra Nevada

LACo.: From 6620 ft. (2018 m.), at Mt. High Ski Resort, w. of Wrightwood, S. Zona, D. Arias, et al., June 21, 1989, to c. 9500 ft. (2912 m.), at summit ridge of Dawson Pk., John Dourley, July 28, 1971; May-July; rare; montane

FVS: July 14, 1905, F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn.,

SBCo.: From 6996 ft. (2133 m.), at Ice House Cyn., S.B. Parish, June 16, 1918, to 9499 ft. (2896 m.), at summit of Dawson Pk., R.G. Swinney, July 28, 1992 and near summit of “Baldy”, Anonym. at 11480 ft. (3500 m.), June, 1897 (the elev. is incorrect, as the summit of East Mt. Baldy is 10064 ft. (3068 m.); June, Aug., Oct.; rare; montane

FVS: June, 1897

Calyptridium parryi A. Gray, Parrys’ Pussypaws

[synonym: Cistanthe parryi (A. Gray) Hershkovitz],

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., summit of Mt. San Antonio (Old Baldy), July 27, 1971, 10060 ft. (3067 m.); L.C. Wheeler, s.w. side of Dawson Pk., July 15, 1968, 9400 ft. (2866 m.)

FVS: July 15, 1968

SBCo.: E. Baldy Pk. at co. line, July 10, 1992, 10060 ft. (3067 m.)

Other records:

R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, near summit of Mt. Baldy (Mt. San Antonio Pk.), Oct. 21, 1967, 10000 ft. (3049 m.); L.R. Abrams, San Gab. Mts. Region, Mt. San Antonio, July 24, 1901, 9000 ft. + (2744 m. +)

FVS: July 24, 1901

+Calyptridium parryi A. Gray var. parryi, Parry’s Sand Cress or Pussypaws

[synonym: Cistanthe parryi (A. Gray) Hershkovitz var. parryi]

LACo.: e. end of Big Horn Ridge, c. 0.5 miles s.w. of W. Baldy Pk., Aug. 9, 1999, 9200 ft. (2805 m.)

Other records:

Frank W. Peirson, Big Pines, July 5, 1922, 6796 ft. (2072 m); Wayne E. Sawyer, CA Hwy. 2, between Dawson Saddle & jct. of Hwy. 39, 1.6 mi. from Dawson Saddle, July 3, 1980, 7551 ft. (2302 m.); I.M. Johnston, at head of Devil’s Slide, Pine Mt., July 6, 1918, 9496 ft. (2895 m.)

FVS: July 6, 1918

SBCo.: L.R. Abrams, San Antonio, July 24, 1901, 9000 + ft. (2744 + m.); Michael G. Simpson, Christopher Guilliams, et al., saddle along hiking trail between Mt. San Antonio (Mt. Baldy) & Mt. Harwood, 0.5 miles ESE of Mt. San Antonio, July 15, 2006, 9348 ft. (2850 m.); Mt. San Antonio Pk., c. 20-50 ft. n. of summit, _________, 10046 ft. (3036 m.)


Calyptridium umbellatum (Torr.) Greene, Mt. Hood Pussypaws

[synonyms: Cistanthe umbellatum (Torr.) Hershikovita] and C. umbellatum var. caudiciferum (A. Gray) Jeps.]

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Ontario Pk., Aug. 14, 1995, 8561 ft. (2610 m.) and July 22, 1994 at

8666 ft. (2642 m.); Cucamonga Pk., July 28, 1994, 8151 ft. (2485 m.); summit of Pine Mt., Sep. 7, 1998, 9620 ft. (2933 m.)

Other records:

Frank W. Peirson, Ontario Ridge, July 7, 1918, 8597 ft. (2621 m.)

FVS: July 7, 1918

Claytonia exigua Torr. & A. Gray, Little or Serpentine Springbeauty

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Cajon Cyn., Mormon Rocks, s.w. of (Mormon Rocks-added 2011) Forest Service Station, Apr. 13, 1996, 3401 ft. (1037 m.)

Other records: None found.

Claytonia exigua Torr. & A. Gray ssp. exigua, Serpentine Springbeauty

LACo.: Pinon Hills area, 0.7 miles w. of 237th Street at Panarama Road, n.w. of mouth of Mescal Cyn., Mescal Highlands, 2.7 miles s. of Ft. Tejon Rd., Apr. 14, 1998, 4599 ft. (1402 m.)

Other records:

Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., off Big Pines Hwy., (Rd. N), near Shoemaker Cyn., along ridge, wash, & roadside, May 6, 2005, 4736 ft.

(1444 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Pinyon Flat, Apr. 16, 1955, no elev. given (2 different voucher numbers for this date; LeRoy Gross, ridgeline to Mt. Emma & cyn. south of this ridge, w. from Mt. Emma (n.w. trending ridge, lower part of ridgeline starts to turn s.w.), e. of Mt. Emma Rd., than (then) dropped off ridge, Apr. 28, 2005,

4051 ft. (1235 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Soledad Cyn. wash between Acton & Parks, Apr. 30, 1991, c. 2740 ft. (835 m.); H.E. Hasse & Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., June 5, 1906, no elev. given

FVS: June 5, 1906

SBCo.: Cajon Cyn., Mormon Rocks, s.w. of FS Station, Apr. 13, 1996, 3401 ft. (1037 m.)

Other records: None found.

Claytonia lanceolata Pall. ex Pursh, Western or Lanceleaf Springbeauty

(synonym: C. lanceolata Pall. ex Pursh var. peirsonii Munz & I.M. Johnst.,

Status CNPS List: 1B R-E-D Code: 3-3-3- State/Fed. Status: /C1

CRPR 3.1 S1 G5T1Q Slopes of eastern peaks of the San Gab. Mts.

LACo.: No records found, all 4 listed in CCH should be placed in SB Co.

SBCo.: Orlando Mistretta, head of Delker Cyn. along trail, May 13, 1987,

7900 ft. (2409 m.); Orlando Mistretta, 0.5 miles n. of Telegraph Pk., May 5, 1987, 8400 ft. (2561 m.); Frank W. Peirson, near Kelly’s Cabin, Ontario Ridge, May 9, 1930, no elev. given (same data as Mable Peirson’s voucher except it lists 1930 instead of 1920, neither included voucher numbers) (isotype); Mable Peirson, near Kelly’s Cabin, Ontario Ridge, May 9, 1920, no elev. given; T.P. Krantz, Ontario Ridge, June 25, 1980, 7600 ft. (2317 m.); Valerie Soza & LeRoy Gross, Mt. Baldy Ski area, Gold Ridge, n. of Thunder Mt., below FS Road 7W04, June 11, 2001, 8102 ft. (2470 m.); Orlando Mistretta, n. aspect of Thunder Mt., e. of ski run, May 5, 1987, 7500 ft. (2287 m.); F.W. Peirson, near Kelly’s Cabin, Ontario Ridge, May 29, 1930, no elev. given and seperate voucher for Mabel Peirson;

F.W. Peirson, Devil’s Backbone Ridge, May 19, 1920, 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

FVS: May 19, 1920

Claytonia parviflora Douglas ex Hook., Narrow-leaved Miner’s Lettuce, Streambank Springbeauty

LACo.: From 604 ft. (184 m.), at San Gabriel River, under the Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of Encanto Parkway, w. of El Encanto Park in Duarte, under 2nd (bridge) span from west., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 7, 2009, to 4599 ft. (1402 m.), at Pinon Hills, Mescal Highlands, 0.9 miles w. of 237th Street East at Panorama Way, 2.3 miles s. of Ft. Tejon Rd., R.G. Swinney, May 16, 1998; Feb.-July; common; transmontane, cismontane

Records by Swinney:

Punchbowl Cyn. at n. boundary of Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, confl. of E. and W. Forks. of Punchbowl Cyn., 0.3 miles s. of Big Rock Cr., May 5, 2008, 4120 ft. (1256 m), n.e. of Azusa, 0.8 miles n. of San Gabriel Dam, ridge e. of Polecat Gulch & n. of Hwy. 39, May 20, 2000, 2968 ft. (905 m.); Le Montane Cyn., c. 0.5 miles s. of Camp Jubilee Rd., May 22, 1999, 5579 ft. (1701 m.); Monrovia Cyn. Wilderness Park, cyn. bottom at 0.4 miles upcanyon from entrance gate, Feb. 26, 2009, 1200 ft. (366 m.); Littlerock Cr., c. 200 m. below (north of) Littlerock Cr. Dam, Apr. 24, 2009, 3159 ft. (963 m.)

Other records:

T.B. Salvato, Sandra Murcia, Santa Anita Rreservoir, proposed 4 acre sediment site, e. side of the channel & 0.4 miles s. of Elkins Ave. entrance gate, Mar. 28, 2007, 2099 ft. (640 m.);

FVS: Apr. 14, 1998, R.G. Swinney, mouth of Mescal Cyn., c. 50 meters s.e. of Mescal Cyn. Reservoir, w. side of stream, 4841 ft. (1476 m.)

SBCo.: From 2499 ft. (762 m.) at Cajon Pass, c. 0.5 miles s. of Bluecut and c. 0.5 miles n.w. of Keenbrook, at powerline crossing of Cajon Cr., T.B. Salvato & A.C. Sanders, May 4, 2000, to 5560 ft. (1695 m.), at Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge, above Lone Pine Cyn., 1.4 miles s. of Lone Pine Rd., on FS Road 3N31, at first switchback, c. 50-1500 meters n. of rd., R.G. Swinney, May 28, 1995; Apr.-July; uncommon; transmontane, approaching montane at Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge, cismontane

FVS: June 16, 1918, I.M. Johnston, Icehouse Cyn., 7200 ft. (2195 m.)

Claytonia parviflora Douglas ex Hook. ssp. parviflora, Streambank Springbeauty

(synonym: C. parviflora Douglas ex Hook. ssp. tenuifolia)

Intergrades with other members of C. perfoliata complex

LACo.: From 1401 ft. (427 m.), at Hermit Trail, Big Santa Anita Cyn., Joseph A. Ewan, May 30, 1931, to 5799 ft. (1768 m.), at Bare Mt. Canyon near summit of Bae Mt. (Bare Mt.-added 2012) on n. ridge Pacifico Mt., Orlando Mistretta & S.D. Boyd, May 23, 1995; Mar.-June; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Apr. 1899, Thekla Mohr., Eaton Cyn.

SBCo.: From 2040 ft. (622 m.), at n.w. end of Muscupiabe (Sycamore Flat at Glen Helen Regional Park-added 2010), L.C. Wheeler, May 9, 1968, to 4549 ft. (1387 m.), at Ralston Pk., w. of I-15, in Cajon Pass, s. of CA Hwy. 138, e. of Lone Pine Cyn. Road, near jct. with Hwy. 138, R.G. Swinney, July 8, 1995; Apr., May, July; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: May 26, 1930, Aloys Nicholson, San Bernardino Mts. Region, San Bernardino Mts., Cajon Pass, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary) and May 9, 1968, L.C. Wheeler, n.w. end of Muscupiabe, 2040 ft.

(622 m.)

Claytonia parviflora Douglas ex Hook. ssp. utahensis (Rydb.) Hohn M. Mill. & K.L. Chambers, Streambank Springbeauty

Variabale, intergrades with other members of C. perfoliata complex, self pollinated

LACo.: From 2000-2400 ft. (610 m.), at Trail Cyn., Robin S. Collins, Apr. 9, 1973, to 6199 ft. (1890 m.), at n. slope of Pine Mt. Ridge, from high point to Praire Fk., c. 1 mile s.e. of Cabin Flat, burned in summer of 1997, R.G. Swinney, July 14, 1998; Mar.-July; uncommon in transmontane, montane at Pine Mt. Ridge, cismontane at Rincon to Red Box Rd. & Elsmere Cyn.

Records by Swinney:

near Pinon Hills, Mescal Highlands, 0.9 miles w. of 237th Street East, at Panorama Way, 2.3 miles s. of Ft. Tejon Rd., May 16, 1998, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); mouth of Mescal Cyn., c. 50 meters s.e. of Mescal Cyn. Reservoir, w. side of stream, Apr. 14, 1998, 4841 ft. (1476 m.); Le Montane Cyn., c. 0.5 mile s. of Camp Jubilee Rd., May 22, 1999, 5579 ft. (1701 m.); Juniper Hills area, Cruthers Cr., 1.1 mile s. of Devil’s Punchbowl Rd., June 2, 2001, 4300 ft. (1311 m.)

Other records: Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., slopes below Little Rock Dam, 1994 (month & day not given), 3200 ft. (976 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Santiago Cyn., w. slopes of drainage near confl. with Little Rock Cr., Apr. 15, 1994,

3400 ft. (1037 m.); Michael C. Long, Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, Holcomb Cyn., Apr. 21, 1974, 4300 ft. (1311 m.); Steve Boyd & T.S. Elias, Rincon-To Red Box Rd., south of Rincon Forest Station, n. of Glendora, Apr. 14, 1987, no elev. given; Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., off Big Pines Hwy. (Road N), near Shoemaker Cyn., along ridge, wash & roadside, May 6, 2005, 4736 ft. (1444 m.)

FVS: Apr. 9, 1973, Robin S. Collins, at Trail Cyn., 2000-2400 ft. (610 m.)

SBCo.: E.W. Clokey & E.G. Anderson, Horsethief Cyn. (Horse Cyn. lies in the San Gab. Mts., Horsethief Cyn. is in the San Bernardino Mts.-added 2009), May 15, 1935, 3280 ft. (1000 m.), (only record)

FVS: May 15, 1935

Claytonia parviflora Douglas ex Hook. ssp. viridis (Davidson) John M. Mill. & K.L. Chambers, Streambank Springbeauty

Intergrades with C. parviflora var. utahensis and C. rubra, self pollinated

LACo.: From 2401 ft. (732 m.), at c. 1.5 miles NNE of W. Fork San Gabriel River, 0.1-1.0 miles n.w. of Hwy. 39 in the N. Fork drainage, R.G. Swinney, May 6, 2000, to 6996 ft. (2133 m.), n. of Rock Cr. Divide, Frank W. Peirson, May 26, 1923; Apr.-July; uncommon-rare; all 3 sections

Records by Swinney:

n.e. of Table Mt., Wrightwood area, 0.8 miles n.e. of jct. of FS Roads

4N21B, 4N21H, & 4N21, July 2, 1998, 6920 ft. (2110 m.); Upper Fish Fk. drainage, s.-facing slope of Pine Mt. Ridge, 2.1 miles s.w. of Fish Fk. Trail and Pine Mt Ridge, July 21, 1998, 6839 ft. (2085 m.); Cedar Cyn. stream bottom, c. 0.75 miles n.w. of Big Pines Hwy. at a point 0.5 miles w. of jct. of Hwy. 2, July 5, 1999, 6120 ft. (1866 m.); Horse Flats, 1 air mile NNW of Neucomb’s Ranch at Hwy. 2/Angeles Crest Hwy., June 3, 2009, 5642 ft. (1720 m.)

Other records:

John Dittes, c. 16.7 air miles n. of Monrovia, c. 1.3 air miles n.e. of Vetter Mt. & 0.75 air miles s.w. of Chilao Station, in cyn. of E. Fork Alder Cyn., June 20, 1990, 4897 ft. (1493 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd., Camp Verdugo Pines & vic., n. draw draining to Jackson Lake, June 18, 1990, 6160-6280 ft. (1878-1915 m.); Naomi Fraga & Paul Morton, trail (7202) to Baldy from San Antonio Falls Rd., May 19, 2004, 6901 ft. (2104 m.); LeRoy Gross & Michael Denslow, trail from Islip Saddle to S. Fork Big Rock Cr., 0.5 to 0.7 mi. down trail from saddle before Reed Spring, June 4, 2003, 6301 ft. (1921 m.); LeRoy Gross, Orlando Mestretta, et al., e. side of Punchbowl Cyn., May 13, 2003, 5199 ft. (1585 m.)

FVS: June 6, 1906, Anstruther Davidson & Hasse, (summit Mt. Wilson?, location not given), 4999-5999 ft. (1524-1829 m.)

SBCo.: s.w. base of Circle Mt., e. of Wrightwood, c. 800 m. n. of Lone Pine Cyn., Road, just w. of Slover Cyn., July 9, 1995, 5880 ft. (1793 m.); Pinon Hills, c. 0.6 miles s. of Oak Springs Ranch, in Oak Springs Cyn., July 6, 1995, 5480 ft. (1671 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, Icehouse Cyn., June 16, 1918, 7196 ft. (2194 m.); F.W. Peirson, Coldwater Cyn., fk. of Lytle Cr., May 19, 1920, 5500 ft. (1677 m.); Michael Denslow, Orlando Mistretta, et al., Heath Cyn., above Wrightwood, June 2, 2003, 6426 ft. (1959 m.); S.D. White, Wrightwood area, Sheep Cr. & adj. lower +/- e.-facing mt. slopes, Apr. 30, 1998, 5400-5800 ftt. (1650-1770 m.); H.M. Hall, near Old Baldy, June, 1899, 5747 ft. (1752 m.)

FVS: June, 1899

Claytonia perfoliata Don ex Willd., Miner’s Lettuce

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at Azusa, El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 10, 2009, to 6921 ft. (2110 m.), n. of Table Mt., Wrightwood area, 0.8 miles n.e. of jct. of FS Rds. 4N21B, 4N21A, and 4N21, July 2, 1998; Mar.-July; common; transmontane, montane at 0.6 miles n. of Cow Cyn. Saddle (Glendora Ridge Rd. at Cow Cyn. Rd.), near trail to Lookout (Antonio) Mt., cismontane

FVS: Apr. 10, 1962, T.C. Fuller, 1.6 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., San Dimas, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2040 ft. (622 m.), at mouth of Lytle Cr. Canyon, cyn. behind (150 meters n.w.) Sycamore Ranger Station, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 23, 1993, to 5881 ft. (1793 m.), at s.w. base of Circle Mt., east of Wrightwood, c. 800 meters n. of Lone Pine Cyn. Rd. & just w. of Slover Cyn., R.G. Swinney, July 9, 1995; Mar.-July; common; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: May 22, 1970, J. Texera, 2.8 miles n. of Devore Rd., jct. on Lytle Cr. Road, 300 yds. w. of rd. on other side of Lytle Cr., 2801 ft. (854 m.)

Claytonia perfoliata Donn ex Willd. ssp. intermontana John M. Miller & K.L. Chambers, Miner’s Lettuce

Polyploids from hybrids with C. parviflora and C. rubra

LACo.: From 3000-4000 ft. (915 m.), at Mt. Wilson, George B. Grant, May 19, 1904, to 6996 ft. (2133 m.), at mts. above Claremont, D.L. Crawford, June 30, 1915 and at 7000 ft. (2134 m.), at Vincent Gulch, P.A. Munz, May 26, 1923 and at s.w. side Waterman Mt., L.C. Wheeler, July 15, 1967; Mar.-July; rare; transmontane at Rock Cr. Divide, montane, cismontane

Other records:

T.S. Elias, Glendora Ridge near Baldy Camp, along FS Road above Ridge Rd., Apr. 29, 1984, no elev. given; G.D. Wallace, n. of Arcadia, Chantry Flats, upper Santa Anita Cyn., Mar. 12, 1966, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, trail northward from Rock Cr. Divide, May 26, 1923, 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

FVS: June 30, 1915, D.L. Crawford, mts. above Claremont, 6966 ft. (2133 m.)

SBCo.: H.M. Hall, Lytle Cr., San Antonio Mts., June, 1900, no elev. given

Claytonia perfoliata Don ex Willd. ssp. mexicana (Rydb.) John M. Mill. & K.L. Chambers, Miner’s Lettuce

Intergrades with C. perfoliata ssp. perfoliata, C. parviflora and C. rubra

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.), at Little Dalton Cyn., Glendora, Lymon Benson, Apr. 13, 1945, to 5199 ft. (1585 m.), at divide between Punchbowl Cyn. and Watkins Cr., at end of rd. and beginning of Burkhart Trail, L.C. Wheeler, May 12, 1968; Feb.-May; fairly common; 1 record at transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Mar. 14, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: Lower Lytle Cr. Divide, 3.2 miles s.e. of Lytle Cr. Rd., & Applewhite Rd. ct. on FS Rd. 3N31, June 17, 1995, 3300-3600 ft. (1006-1098 m.); first significant cyn. north of Stoddard Cyn., draining into it from e. of San Antonio Cyn., c. 0.25 miles n. of Lower San Antonio Guard Station, Apr. 16, 1994, 3000 ft. (915 m.)

Other records:

Jay W. Rohnbach, mouth of Day Cyn., 50 meters n. of jct. of fire rd. & the stream, 1.2 miles n.w. of end of Etiwanda Ave., May 16, 1983, 2900 ft. (884 m.); Gerald L. Benny & Colin M. Wainwright, Day Cyn., Apr. 28, 1971, no elev. given; Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 2, 1971, no elev. given; Marcus E. Jones & W.W. Eggleston, San Antonio Cyn., near Claremont, Apr. 3, 1924, 1476 ft. (450 m.)

FVS: Apr. 3, 1924

Claytonia perfoliata Don ex Willd. ssp. perfoliata, Miner’s Lettuce

Polyploids from hybrids with C. perfoliata ssp. mexicana, C. parviflora and C. rubra

LACo.: Valerie L. Soza, Wayne Low, et al., n.w. extenion of Pine Mt., 0.1 miles e. of jct. with Rincon Red Box Rd. (FS Rd 2N24.2) & road to Pine Mt. (FS Road 2N24A), along fire rd., June 28, 2000, 4200 ft. (1280 m.); V. Soza & K. Hughes, Chantry Flat, off FS Road 2N41, w. of water tank, June 17, 1999, 2299 ft.

(701 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Ball Flat, 1500 m. due n. of Jackson Lake, June 18, 1990, 5760 ft. (1756 m.); L.C. Wheeler, n.w. slope of Smith Mt., along Bear Cr. Trail, May 24, 1968, no elev. given; Paul Neipp, riparian habitat directly w. of San Dimas Ranger Station on San Dimas Cyn. Road, Apr. 14, 1994, no elev. given; Brian McColgan, Evey Cyn., 1 mile n. of Padua on Mt. Baldy Rd., May 19, 1988, 3000 ft. (915 m.); P.A. Hall, 5 mi. from Glendora, up Glendora Mt. Road, Apr. 17, 1948, 1700-s ft.

FVS: Apr. 17, 1948

SBCo.: No records found.

Claytonia rubra (Howell) Tidestr. ssp. rubra, Redstem Springbeauty

LACo.: From 4320 ft. (1317 m.), at Brown’s Flat, SDEF, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 26, 1998, to 7500 ft. (2287 m.), at Swartout Valley, P.A.Munz, June 18, 1921; Apr.-July; rare; all 3 sections

Other records:

LeRoy Gross, Orlando Mistretta, et al., e. side of Punchbowl Cyn., May 13, 2003, 5199 ft. (1585 m.); M. MacArthur, 17 mi. from turnoff on Angeles Crest Hwy. to lower Chilao, keeping always to right-left side of rd., by intermittent streambed, June 24, 1967, 5196 ft. (1584 m), R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, Big Pines, July 9, 1969, 6800 ft. (2073 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Camp Verdugo Pines & vic., northerly draw draining to Jackson Lake, June 18, 1990, 6160-6280 ft. (18878-1915 m.); L.C. Wheeler, divide between Punchbowl Cyn., & Watkins Cr. at end of rd. & beginning of Burkhart Trail, May 12, 1968, 5200 ft. (1585 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Quail Springs, Maher Canyon, Apr. 26, 1968, 4200 ft. (1280 m.)

FVS: June 18, 1921, P.A. Munz, Swartout Valley, 7500 ft. (2287 m.)

SBCo.: n. of Wrightwood, e. of Table Mt., c. 0.25 miles s.e. of Smithsonian Observatory on ridge-top, May 27, 1996, 7200 ft. (2195 m.); W. Fork Stoddard Cyn., c. 0.5 miles s.e. of Stoddard Flat, c. 100 yards e. of Cucamonga Truck Trail (FS Road 1N35), Apr. 30, 1994, 4400 ft. (1341 m.)

FVS: Apr. 30, 1994

Lewisia brachycalyx Engelm. ex A. Gray, Shortsepal (ed)Lewisia

Status CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-1 State Fed. Status: none

LACo.: Fred Burlew, Mt. San Antonio, June, 1915, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Lewisia nevadensis (A. Gray) B.L. Rob., Nevada Lewisia

LACo.: Wayne E. Sawyer, Lily Springs, above Angeles Crest Hwy., June 25, 1981, 8050 ft. (2454 m.); R.F. Thorne & Larry E. DeBuhr., Lily Springs area, on s. slope of Mt. Hawkins, June 28, 1974, 8000 ft. (2439 m.)

FVS: June 28, 1974

SBCo.: No records found.

Lewisia rediviva Pursh, Bitter Root

LACo.: From 6101 ft. (1860 m.), along stream n. of Mt. Waterman, F.W. Peirson, June 16, 1921, to 10040 ft. (3170 m.), near summit of Mt. San Antonio, H.E. Hasse, June 1897; May-July, Nov.; rare; montane

FVS: June, 1897

SBCo.: From 6498 ft. (1981 m.), at Ontario Pk., I.M. Johnston, June 10, 1917, to 8820 ft. (2689 m.), at Thunder Mt. Ridge, w. of Thunder Mt. Peak R.G. Swinney, July 14, 1995; May-July; uncommon; approaching transmontane at summit of Table Mt., above Big Pines, R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., June 29, 1972, 7500 ft. (2287 m.), montane

FVS: F.R. Fosberg, Mt. San Antonio, trail from divide, June 23, 1931, 8200 ft. (2500 m.)

Lewisia rediviva Pursh ssp. minor (Rydb.) Munz, (Small) Bitter Root

LACo.: Pine Mt. Ridge, 0.2-0.3 miles w. of Camp Lupine Tr., July 14, 1998, 7370 ft. (2247 m.)

Other records:

LeRoy Gross & Valerie Soza, Mt. Baldy Trail from Baldy Village to summit of Mt. San Antonio, s. of W. Baldy, June 10, 2003, 9499 ft. (2896 m.); Ken Calhoun, Blue Ridge, 8 miles w. of Wrightwood, May 12, 1962, 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

FVS: May 12, 1962

SBCo.: I.M. Johnston, Ontario Pk., San Antionio Mts., June 10, 1917, 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

Montia fontana L., Water Chickweed, Blinks, Annual Water Minerslettuce

Highly variable

LACo.: Sulphur Springs Cmpgrd., South Fork Littlerock Cr, May 28, 2009,

5199 ft. (1585 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 14, 1968, 4700 ft.

(1432 m.)

Moraceae Mulberry Family

Ficus carica L., Common Fig, Edible Fig

Native to s.w. Asia,

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at San Gabriel River bottom, c. 300 meters n. of Foothill Ave., Azusa, e. side of river, R.G. Swinney, May 10, 2000, to 2180 ft.

(665 m.), at Cape Horn Cyn., T.S. Ross, Orlando Mistretta, Oct. 16, 1990; May, July-Dec.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Dec. 7, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork San Gabriel River, between Rincon & N. Fork (San Gabriel River-added 2012), 1499 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: Stoddard Cyn. at “Stoddard Falls”, Aug. 28, 1998, 3001 ft. (915 m.); Cajon Wash at Keenbrook, on w. side of wash (at pond-added 2010), Oct. 29, 1994, 2440 ft. (744 m.)

Other records:

Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 15, 1971, c. 2800 ft. (854 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Stoddard Cyn., May 10, 1969, 2400 ft. (732 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. at S. Fork, Bonita Trailer Park, w. side, July 12, 1968, 2900 ft. (884 m.)

FVS: July 12, 1968

Ficus palmata Forssk., Palmate Fig, Punjab Fig

TJM-2012, reports that F. palmate Forssk. in CA is based on misidentified specimens of F. carica (Whittemore, 2006, sida 22i 769-775)

Native to Africa, temperate and tropical Asia.

LACo.: San Gabriel Cyn. at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, w. bank of river, as it turns in a n.-s. direction., May 30, 2008, 840 ft. (256 m.); Glendora, Glencoe Heights Cyn, w. trib. of Glencoe Heights Cyn., n. of Palm Dr., c. 100 meters n. of city water tank, e. of Harrow Cyn., (large pop. in w. side cyn., mature trees bearing fruit; riparian, Mar. 11, 1995, 1499 ft. (457 m.); Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, Dunn Cyn. along Coulter Pine Tr., 0.1 miles s. of jct. of Dunn Cyn Trail & Coulter Pine Tr., c. 0.2 miles s. of Big Dalton Cyn. Road, May 20, 1989, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: May 20,1989

SBCo.: No records found.

Morus alba L., White Mulberry

Native to China

LACo.: Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., on n. side of Hwy. 39 in main river river channel at marsh, Mar. 12, 2009, 740 ft. (226 m.); Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, 0.7 mi. e. of Glendora Mt. Road at Big Dalton Cyn. Road, n. side of stream, Apr. 16, 1992, 1200 ft. (366 m.) (several plants still present in 2010)

Other records:

Scott D. White, Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland-Tujunga area, alluvial fan below San Gab. Mts., s.w. of I-210 Frwy., e. of Hansen Dam, and n. of Wentworth St., May 7, 1997, 1050 ft. (320 m.)

FVS: Apr. 16, 1992

SBCo.: No records found.

Myrsinaceae Myrsine Family

(Primulaceae - Primrose Family)

Anagallis arvensis L., Poor-man’s Weatherglass, Scarlet Pimpernel

Native to Europe. Toxic to livestock, humans.

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, late summer burn of 2008, e. side of channel, 1.2 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 3, 2009, to 2100 ft. (640 m.), at Claremont, across the street from San Antonio Dam., Jami Liberi, Apr. 16, 1983; Apr.-July; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Mar. 30, 1894, John E. Marble, between Glendora & San Dimas, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: Arthur G. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., May 12, 1977, c. 2480 ft. (756 m.); Regina Allen, Evey Cyn., 1 mile n. of San Antonio Dam, off Mt. Baldy Rd., May 24, 1983, no elev. given

(Polyploid cultivated form with blue flowers) (status uncertain)

R.G. Swinney, Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, (mouth of Pavil Cyn.-added 2011), Apr. 1, 1989, 1404 ft. (428 m.)

Myrtaceae Myrtle Family

Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., River Red Gum

(synonym: E. camaldulensis Dehnh. var. camaldulensis)

Native to Australia

LACo.: Claremont, n. of Via Santa Catarina & Mountain Ave., Johnson’s Pastures, Apr. 8, 1999, 1601 ft. (488 m.); Irwindale/Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn. bottom, from mouth of river channel to 300 meters to the east, Dec. 2, 2008,

541 ft. (165 m.); Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn., Percolation Basin, Aug. 23, 1989, 1050 ft. (320 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland-Tujunga area, s.w. of 210 Frwy., e. of Hansen Dam & n. of Wentworth St., May 14, 1997, 1050 ft. (320 m.); LeRoy Gross, Haines Cyn. Channel in Big Tujunga Wash, s. front of San Gab. Mts., e. of Foothill Blvd., s. side of wash, Jan 26, 2003, 1200 ft. (366 m.); T.S. Ross & W. Appleby, draining s.w. from May Cyn. Saddle, June 7, 1993, c. 3560 ft. (1085 m.)

FVS: Aug. 23, 1989

SBCo.: n. of Upland, San Antonio Cyn., Lower San Antonio Forest Service Station on Shinn Rd., Feb. 18, 1995, 2519 ft. (768 m.); Lost Lake, c. 150 meters n. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., Lone Pine Canyon, Oct. 19, 1994, 2790 ft. (851 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Oct. 19, 1994

Eucalyptus cladocalyx F. Muell, Sugargum

Native to s. Australia, toxic to livestock in Austrailia

LACo.: Glendora, s. of water tank at n. terminus of Englewild Ave., ridge on w. side of Englewild Cyn., July 14, 1989, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Eucalyptus globulus Labill., Tasmanian Blue Gum

Native to s.e. Australia

LACo.: James Henrickson, c. 1 mile s.e. of Newhall in Whitney Cyn., s.e. of jct. of San Fernando Rd. & State Hwy. 14, c. 1/2 mile e. of Hwy. 14, Apr. 15, 2000,

1600 ft. (488 m.)

SBCo.: Cucamonga, n.w. of meadow on both sides of dirt rd., on e. side of Day Cyn. Debris Basin, Aug. 25, 1994, 2400 ft. (732 m.); Stoddard Cyn., c. 0.2 miles e. of Shinn Road, Jan. 15, 1994, 2480 ft. (756 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Jan. 15, 1994

Eucalyptus polyanthemos Schauer, Silver Dollar Gum, Red Box

Native to s.e. Australia

LACo.: Justin M. Wood, foothills above city of Sierra Madre,”one carter estates”, at the end of Baldwin Ave., Apr. 13, 2009, (49 m.-in error-added 2012)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Eucalyptus pulverulenta Sims, Silverlearf Mountain Gum

Native to Australia.

LACo.: Valerie Soza, Bill Hogshead, et al., Mt. Lowe Rd. (2N50) from jct. with Mt. Wilson Rd., s.w. to jct. with Chantry Flats Trail (2N05) above Altadena, May 17, 2003, 3000-5100 ft. (925-1555 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Eucalyptus rudis Endl., Western Australian Floodedgum

Native to w. Australia.

LACo.: Glendora, S. of water tank at n. terminus of Englewild Ave., ridge on w. side of Englewild Cyn., July 14, 1989, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, Big Tujunga area, alluvial fan below San Gab. Mts., s.w. of I-210 Frwy., e. of Hansen Dam, & n. of Wentworth St., May 7, 1997, 1050 ft. (320 m.)

FVS: July 14, 1989

SBCo.: No records found.

Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm., Forest Red Gum

Native to e. Australia

LACo.: San Dimas, Spring Cyn., north end , between e. & w. forks of canyon, Apr. 16, 2008, 1289 ft. (393 m.); Claremont, n. of via Santa Catarina & Mt. Ave. (Johnson’s Pastures-added 2010), Apr. 8, 1999, 1601 ft. (488 m.); Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, Aug. 29, 1989, 1400 ft. (427 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Aug. 29, 1989

SBCo.: No records found.

Melaleuca citrina (Curtis) Dum. Cours

Introduced waif

LACo.: Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel River bottom, c. 300 m. north of Foothill Blvd., e. side of river channel in sandy soil, 1 mature plant, May 10, 2000, 600 ft. (183 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Melaleuca nesophyla E. Muelli, Mauve Honey Myrtle

Native to w. Australia.

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, San Gab. Mts. Reg./Verdugo Mts. Reg., jct. of Haines Cyn. Road & Day St., upper Tujunga, May 28, 1979, 2201 ft. (671 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Nyctaginaceae Four-O’Clock Family

Abronia pogonantha Heimerl, Mojave Sand Verbena

LACo.: From 3200 ft. (976 m.), at Bob’s Gap Rd., c. 3.8 miles s. of jct. with Pearblossom Hwy., Robert Gustafson & G.D. Wallace, Apr. 26, 1982, to 6000 ft. (1828 m.) Horse Cyn., on flat in shooting area, Orlando Mistretta & R.T. Hawke, June 29, 1995; Apr.-June; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: May 19, 1921, F.W. Peirson, Little Rock Cr., 3398 ft. (1036 m.)

SBCo.: From 4635 ft. (1413 m.), at Baldy Mesa, 1.3 miles n.e. of Hwy. 138 on FS Rd. 3N24, just n. of where FS Rd. 3N24 crosses ridgetop, near Nuss Ranch, R.G. Swinney, June 3, 1995, to 5799 ft. (1768 m.), at Horse Cyn., 2.2 miles ESE of Hwy. 2, on FS Road 3N12, at gun range area, RG. Swinney, Aug. 31, 1993; Apr.-Aug., uncommon, transmontane

FVS: Aug. 31, 1993

Mirabilis jalapa L. var. jalapa, Marvel of Peru, Common Four-O’Clock

Native to tropical America. Toxic: intestinal irritant in fr. and roots

LACo.: Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.8 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., Dec. 2, 2008, 640 ft. (195 m.); Monrovia Cyn. Wilderness Park, 50 meters n. of rental cabins (along streamside-added 2011), Aug. 19, 2009, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, Tujunga area, Big Tujunga Wash at outlet of Haines Cyn. Channel, July 31, 2003, 1250 ft. (381 m.)

FVS: July 31, 2003

SBCo.: No records found.

Mirabilis laevis (Benth.) Curran, California Four-O’Clock

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., w. of Roberts Cyn. on n. side of San

Gabriel River channel, Dec. 6, 2008, 751 ft. (229 m.); Big Rock Cr. at “Paradise

Springs” on Big Rock Cr. Campground property, May 2, 2008, 4822 ft.

(1470 m.); Azusa, 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., on n. side of San Gabriel River channel, c. 100 meters n. of Hwy. 39, Mar. 19, 2009, 754 ft. (230 m.); Azusa, San Gabriel River at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, Mar. 26, 2009, 971 ft. (296 m.); Monrovia Cyn. Wilderness Park, trail 0-40 m. above cyn. bottom from park entrance to 0.4 miles up cyn., Mar. 28, 2009, 1240 ft. (378 m.); Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, Big Dalton Cyn., Apr. 1, 1989,

1404 ft. (428 m.)

Other records: None found

FVS: Apr. 1, 1989

SBCo.: No records found.

Mirabilis laevis (Benth.) Curran var. crassifolia (Choisy) Spellenb., Wishbone Bush, California Four-O’Clock

(synonym: M. californica A. Gray)

LACo.: From c. 1250 ft. (381 m.), near entrance thereto and below entrance to wooded area of San Dimas Cyn. near San Dimas Cr., C.W. Tilforth, Apr. 9, 1971, to 5419 ft. (1652 m.), at Big John Flat, n. edge, R.G. Swinney, June 18, 1999; Jan.-June; fairly common; transmontane, cismontane


SBCo.: Phelan Pk., Baldy Mesa, s. of Phelan, June 1, 1996, 5159 ft. (1573 m.)

Other records: Noune found.

Mirabilis laevis (Benth) Curran var. villosa (Kellogg) Spellenb., Bigelow’s Desert Four-O’Clock, Wishbone Bush

(synonym: M. bigelovii A. Gray)

LACo.: From 2750 ft. (838 m.), Arraster (Arrastre-added 2011) Cr., F.W. Peirson, May 10, 1919, to 6596 ft. (2011 m.), at Rock Cr. Divide, F.W. Peirson, May 26, 1923; Apr.-July, Sep.; fairly common; transmontane, montane

FVS: May 26, 1923

SBCo.: s. side of Baldy Mesa, 0.4 miles n.e. of Hwy. 138 on FS Rd. 3N24 near Nuss Ranch, June 3, 1995, 4900 ft. (1354 m.); Pinon Hills area, Sheep Cr., 0.8 miles s. of Hwy. 138 on Scrub Oak Rd., 80-200 meters w. of rd., May 29, 1995, 4540 ft. (1384 m.); Baldy Mesa Ridge, 2.8 miles n.e. of Hwy. 138 on FS Road 3N24, 1.6 miles e. of point where rd. crosses ridge, June 10, 1995, 4600 ft.

(1402 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., c. 4.5 miles n.e. of Wrightwood along Hwy. 2, July 29, 1969, 5000 ft. (1524 m.); C.W. Tilforth, Horse Cyn., 2.5 miles n.e. of Wrightwood, July 28, 1970, no elev. given; L.P. Janeway, s. side of Angeles Crest Hwy. at upper end of lower Horse Cyn., at closed rd. into upper Horse Cyn., June 8, 2006, 4982 ft. (1519 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Cajon Pass Summit, July 18, 1933, 3798 ft. (1158 m.)

FVS: July 18, 1933

Mirabilis multiflora (Torr.) A. Gray var. pubescens S. Watson, Colorado Four O”Clock

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, vic. of Kentucky Springs, July 23, 1967, 3700 ft. (1127 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Oleaceae Olive Family

Forestiera pubescens Nutt., Desert Olive, Stretchberry

LACo.: From 1600 ft. (488 m.), at Elsmere Cyn., s. central, at the forks of the cyn., just n. of the section line, L.C. Wheeler, June 26, 1967, to 6599 ft.

(2012 m.), at head of Vincent Gulch, P.A. Munz, May 26, 1923; Feb.-June, Sep.; Rare, transmontane, montane

FVS: June 18, 1919, F.W. Peirson, s. side of cyn., of Rock Cr., 4250 ft.

(1296 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Fraxinus dipetala Hook. & Arn., California Ash

LACo: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at so. foothills above Irwindale, Fish Creek Cyn., from the mouth of the cyn. at CalMat quarry, S.D. White & P. Devries, May 18, 2000, to 4000 ft. (1220 m.), at Glendora Ridge Rd., 6.6 miles w. of Mt. Baldy Rd. jct., Kelly David Middleton, May 8, 1988; Mar.-Sep. Fairly Common; cismontane

FVS: May 2, 1914, Albert J. Perkins, Azusa to Rincon Trail

SBCo.: James Henrickson, Lytle Cr. Wash, about 2-4 miles n. of I-15 Frwy., May 1, 1985, 2400-2800 ft. (732 m.)

Fraxinus latifolia Benth., Oregon Ash

[synonym: F. pennsylvanica Marsh. ssp. oregana (Nutt..) G.N. Mill]

Mostly introgressed with F. velutina in s. CA

LACo.: San Dimas, Bell Cyn., 1 shrub, oak chaparral, SDEF, 1988 (not recorded in the CCH); L.C. Wheeler, 0.5 mi. below Pine Cyn. Dam, San Gabriel Cyn., Aug. 20, 1933, 951 ft. (290 m.)

FVS: Aug. 20, 1933

SBCo.: No records found.

Fraxinus uhdei (Wenzig.) Lingelsh., Evergreen Ash, Shamel Ash

Native to Mexico and Mesoamerica.

LACo.: Brad Henderson, Wildwood Cyn., above Glendora, July 21, 2000, no elev. given; Scott D. White, Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland-Tujunga area, alluvial fan below San Gab. Mts., s.w. of I-210 Frwy., east of Hansen Dam & n. of Wentworth St., May 7, 1997, 1050 ft. (320 m.); Scott D. White, Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland-Tujunga area, alluvial fan at base of mts., s.w. of I-210 Frwy., e. of Hanson Dam, July 29, 1991, 1050 ft. (320 m.)

FVS: July 29, 1991

SBCo.: No records found.

Fraxinus velutina Torr., Velvet Ash

[synonyms: F. pennsylvanica Marsh. ssp. velutina (Torr.) G.N. Mill. and F. velutina var. coriacea (S. Watson) Rehden and F. velutina var. glabra Rehden and F. velutina var. toumeyi (Britton) Rehden

Many s. CA specimens show intergression with F. latifolia

LACo: From 604 ft. (184 m.), at San Gabriel River, under the Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of Encanto Parkway, e. of (w. of-added 2011) El Encanto Park in Duarte, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 13, 2009, to 3150 ft. (960 m.), below Little Rock Cr., Marion Harthill, Hwy. 138 & Hwy. 2 W, May 2, 1974, no elev. given [elev. at this point is 4800 ft. (1463 m.)-added 2010]; Mar., May, June, Aug.-Oct.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: June 20, 1921, F.W. Peirson, W. Fork San Gabriel River, June 20, 1921, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: From 2201 ft. (671 m.), at 0.3 miles e. of Lytle Cr. Rd., FS Rd. 1N33, jct. of Meyer & Lytle Creek Cyns., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 5, 1994, to 3000 ft. (915 m.), at Lytle Cr., 1.5 mi. below FS Cmpgrd. at Glenn Ranch, C.B. Wolf, Oct. 24, 1931; Apr., May, July, Nov., Uncommon

FVS: July 15, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Lytle Creek Cyn., 2500 ft. (762 m.)

Ligustrum lucidum Ait., Chinese or Glossy Privet

Native to China, Japan, Korea

LACo.: n. of LaVerne, naturalized in Marshall & Live Oak Cyn. drainages along streamside, Apr. 13, 1998, 1801 ft. (549 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Olea europaea L., Olive

Native to s. Asia

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Bluebird Truck Tr., 1 mile s.w. of Johnstone Pk., Feb., 4, 1968, 2400 ft. (732 m.); R.F. Thorne, Johnson’s Pastures, n. of Mt. Avenue, Claremont, Apr. 2, 1971, c. 1800 ft. (549 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Cyn. Crest Rd., west side Millard Cyn., Feb. 16, 1969, 1325 ft. (403 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Mt. Wilson Rd. below Henninger Flats, Sep. 3, 1970, 2200 ft. (670 m.)

FVS: Sep. 3, 1970

SBCo.: No records found.

Syringa xlaciniata Miller, Cutleaf Lilac

Hybrid of unkown origin.

LACo.: Tim Ross & S.D. Boyd, Big Rock Cr., May 29, 1990, 4065-4067 ft. (1239-1240 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family

Camissonia campestris (Greene) P.H. Raven, Mojave Suncup

LACo.: From 3001 ft. (915 m.), Littlerock Cr., 0.3 miles n.w. of Littlerock Cr. Cmpgrd, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 24, 2009, to 5520 ft. (1683 m.), at Big John Flat, s.e. end along cyn. bottom of E. Fork Boulder Cyn., R.G. Swinney, June 18, 1999; Apr.-June, Uncommon; transmontane, one record on cismontane side in Claremont, just s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary

FVS: June 2, 1974, George K. Helmcamp, beside Sheep Creek, Hwy. 2, two miles s.w. of CA Hwy. 138, 4999 ft. (1524 m.)

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, “Oak Hills” area, c. 0.25 miles s.w. of w. end of Sunnyslope Rd., c. 0.12 miles w. of Green Rd., 1 mile n. of Oak Spring Ranch, Apr. 3, 1997, 4959 ft. (1512 m.)

Other records: None found.

Camissonia campestris (Greene) P.H. Raven ssp. campestris, Mojave Suncup

LACo.: From 1906 ft. (581 m.), at So. Calif. transmission line tower ( Seg. 6, structure 115 per TRTP Survey 2008, vic. of Van Tassel Cyn., Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, Apr. 19, 2008, to 6698 ft. (2042 m.), at Swarthout Cyn., H.M. Hall, June 1899; Apr.-June, Fairly Common, transmontane

FVS: June, 1899

SBCo.: Pinon Hills area, 0.7 miles s. of Hwy. 138 at Beekley Rd., s. of Yucca Inn, between Horse Cyn. & Sheep Cr., May 1, 1995, 4861 ft. (1482 m.); n.e. of Wrightwood, Horse Canyon, n.w. of Circle Mt., 100-200 yards e. of Hwy. 2, c.

200 ft. south of Horse Cyn. Road, June 12, 1994, 5000 ft. (1524 m.)

Other records:

H.M. Hall, Cajon Pass, Apr., 1902, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

FVS: Apr., 1902

Camissonia contorta (Douglas) Kearney, Plains Evening Primrose

Probably derived from C. strigulosa x C. campestris ssp. campestris. Hybrids formed when both occur.

LACo.: R. Hoffman, Soledad Cyn., Apr. 26, 1929, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Camissoniopsis bistorta (Torr. & A. Gray) W.L. Wagner & Hoch, California or Southern Suncup

[synonym: Camissonia bistorta (Torr. & A. Gray) P.H. Raven]

CA & reported from Massachusetts

LACo.: From 659 ft. (201 m.), at 1.2 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of Encanto Prkwy., confl. of Van Tassel and San Gabriel Cyns. at w. bank of San Gabriel River Channel, Azusa/Duarte boundary, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 6, 2009, to 3750 ft. (1142 m.), at Big Cienaga Trail Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, July 30, 1967; Mar.- July; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: June 4, 1892, C.E. Hutchinson, San Gabriel Cyn., 1499 ft. (487 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Rancho Cucamonga, bajada at the e. front of mts., between Beryl Ave. & Hellman Ave., Scott D. White, Mar. 16, 1998, to

4999 ft. (1524 m.), n.e. of Wrightwood, Horse Cyn., n.e. of Circle Mt., 100-200 yards e. of State Hwy. 2, c. 200 ft. south of Horse Cyn. Road (FS Road 3N12), R. G. Swinney June 12, 1994; Mar.-June; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Apr. 16, 1919, F.W. Peirson, San Bernardino Mts. Region, Cajon Pass, w. end of San Bernardino Mts., 2250 ft. (686 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Camissoniopsis confusa (P.H. Raven) W.L. Wagner & Hoch, San Bernardino Suncup

(synonym: Camissonia confusa P.H. Raven and ) Probably derived from C. hirtella x C. pallida ssp. pallida

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.), at lower Ham Cyn., where it runs through the San Dimas Golf Course, just above confl. with San Dimas Wash, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 4, 2008, to 5681 ft. (1732 m.), at Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, n. base of peak 6374 ft., at extreme s.e. corner of park, on an extension of Pleasant View Ridge, R.G. Swinney, June 10, 2008; Apr.-June, rare; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: May 26, 1963, Wesley O. Griesel, near Mile High Ranch Rd. to Big Pines, 5500 ft. (1676 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at mouth of Day Cyn. at n. end of Etiwanda Ave., John Wear & Nathan Moorhatch, May 12, 1994, to 6399 ft. (1951 m.), at Heath Cyn., outside Wrightwood, Michael Denslow, Orlando Mistretta, et al., June 2, 2003; Apr.-July; uncommon; all 4 sections

FVS: May 30, 1919, F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., 5500 ft. (1676 m.)

Camissoniopsis confusa (P.H. Raven) x Camissoniopsis pallida ? det. by Andrew C. Sanders (in need of further study, status uncertain) (not listed in TJM2)

LACo.: Big Rock Cr., “Paradise Springs Cmpgrd.” property, May 2, 2008, 4820 ft. (1470 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Camissoniopsis hardhamiae (P.H. Raven) W.I. Wagner & Hoch, Hardham’s Evening-primrose

Derived from C. micrantha x C. intermedia; not listed in LA/SB Co’s in TJM2


LACo.: Anon., Eaton Cyn. Trail, May 22, 1923, no elev. given.

SBCo.: No records found.

Camissoniopsis hirtella (Greene) W.L. Wagner & Hoch, Field Sun Cup, Santa Cruz Island Suncup

[synonym: Camissonia hirtella (Greene) P.H. Raven]

CA & n. & c. Baja CA, Mex.; rarely hybridizes with C. ignota

LACo.: From 581 ft. (177 m. at Azusa/Irwindale, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 100-400 meters n. of I-210 Fwy, 300 meters e. of river channel, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 20, 2009, to 7000 ft. (2133 m.), at Bear Flats, above Claremont, D.L. Crawford, June 30, 1915 Apr.-Aug.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: June 4, 1892, C.E. Hutchinson, San Gabriel Cyn., 1597 ft. (487 m.)

SBCo.: From 1800’s ft. at alluvial terrace above mouth of Cucamonga Cyn., at head of Saphire St., 3 miles n. of State Hwy. 30, San Bernardino, n.e. of Upland, J. Olmstead, May 14, 1958, to 6839 ft. (2085 m.), at Circle Mt. Peak, s.e. of Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, July 9, 1996; Apr.-July; near montane at 4800 ft. (1462 m.), at end of Etiwanda Spur Rd. (ridge top between E. Etiwanda Cyn. and Henderson Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, June 14, 1968; uncommon at cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 15, 1920, I.M. Johnston, n. of Cajon Valley, Cajon Pass (San Antonio Mts.), no elev. given

Camissoniopsis ignota (Jeps.) W.L. Wagner & Hoch, Jurupa Hills Suncup

[synonym: Camissonia ignota (Jeps.) P.H. Raven]

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at San Gabriel Cyn., P.A. Munz, Apr. 23, 1925, to 3100 ft. (945 m.), at Aliso Cyn., c. 1/2 mile e. of Blum Ranch, L.C. Wheeler, Apr. 20, 1973; Mar., Apr., Aug.; rare-uncommon; transmontane at Acton & Soledad Cyns., cismontane

FVS: Mar. 30, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Tujunga Cyn., 1499 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 16, 1971, 2500 ft. (762 m.)

Camissoniopsis intermedia (P.H. Raven) W.L. Wagner & Hoch, Intermediate Suncup

(synonym: Camissonia intermedia P.H. Raven)

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.; probably derived from C. hirtella x C. micrantha

LACo.: From 1519 ft. (463 m.), at SDEF, Lodi Cyn., w. of San Dimas Reservoir, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 10, 2008, to 5700 ft. (1738 m.), at Fenner Cyn. Conservation Camp, Orlando Mistretta, May 25, 1992; Apr.-July; uncommon; near montane at Crystal Lake, T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., June 25, 1990, 5501 ft. (1677 m.), cismontane

FVS: May 30, 1968, L.C. Wheeler, Devil’s Cyn., depression on bench, n.e. of cmpgrd., 4700 ft. (1433 m.)

SBCo.: S.D. White, Cajon Pass, n.w. of jct. of I-15/St. Hwy. 138, c. 1 air mile w. of l-15 Frwy., 1 air mile n. of St. Hwy. 138, May 13, 2000, 3400-3600 ft.

(1037 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Meyer Cyn., off Lytle Cr., May 9, 1968, 2302 ft.

(701 m.); L.C. Wheeler, mouth of Shade Cyn., N. Fork, Lytle Creek, Sep. 7, 1967, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 7, 1967

+Camissoniopsis micrantha (Spreng.) W.L. Wagner & Hoch, Miniature Suncup

[synonym: Camissonia micrantha (Spreng.) P.H. Raven]

LACo.: From 554 ft. (169 m.), at Azusa/Irwindale, between the I-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd., on w. side of San Gabriel River Channel, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 7, 2009, to 2400 ft. (732 m.), along fire-rd., between Cobal & Evey Cyns., R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, June 26, 1967; Apr.-July; rare; cismontane

FVS: May 6, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Evey Cyn., n. of Claremont, 2250 ft. (685 m.)

SBCo.: Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., north slope burn, Apr. 16, 1971, c. 2600 ft. (793 m.); Kathleen Stockwell, Uplantd, Campus Ave. at e. end of 21st Street, under powerlines, June 10, 2003, 1718 ft. (524 m.) (just s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., May 28, 1920, 4800 ft.

(1463 m.)

FVS: May 28, 1920

Camissoniopsis pallida (Abrams) W.L. Wagner & Hoch, Paleyellow Suncup

[synonym: Camissonia pallida (Abrams) P.H. Raven]

LACo.: Big Rock Cr. at “Paradise Springs”, Big Rock Creek Cmpgrd. property, May 2, 2008, 4822 ft. (1470 m.); lower Boulder Cyn. Wash, 1.4 miles s. of Ft. Tejon Rd. on 213th St. East, Apr. 5, 1999, 4159 ft. (1268 m.); Littlerock Cr., 0.3 miles n.w. of Littlerock Creek Cmpgrd., Apr. 24, 2009, 3001 ft. (915 m.); Bob’s Gap, 3.2 miles s. of Hwy. 138, on e. side of Bob’s Gap Road, Apr. 2, 2009,

4011 ft. (1223 m.); lower Brainerd Cyn., 1.4-1.8 miles s. of Mt. Emma Rd., 2.9 miles SSE (164 deg.) of Littlerock, May 12, 2009, 3480 ft. (1061 m.); Carr Cyn., at confl. with Littlerock Cr., May 6, 2009, 2982 ft. (909 m.)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., June 14, 1919, 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

FVS: June 14, 1919

SBCo.: near summit of peak s.e. of Oak Spring Ranch, s. of Pinon Hills, May 27, 1996, 6140 ft. (1872 m.); Pinon Hills, w. of Green Rd. & north of Oak Spring Ranch, June 20, 1996, 4999 ft. (1524 m.); Pinon Hills, “Oak Hills” area, 50-100 meters w. end of Sunnyslope Rd., west of Green Rd., 1.5 miles n. of Oak Spring Ranch, Apr. 3, 1997, 4799 ft. (1463 m.); Pinon Hills, Boneyard Pk., east of Boneyard Cyn., May 8, 1999, 5114 ft. (1559 m.); Pinon Hills, Mar. 25, 1967,

4002 ft. (1220 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash, just s. of Hwy. 138 crossing, Apr. 11, 1997, 2900 ft. (884 m.)

FVS: Mar. 25, 1967

Camissoniopsis pallida (Abrams) W.L. Wagner & Hoch ssp. pallida

[synonym: Camissonia pallida (Abrams) P.H. Raven ssp. pallida, Paleyellow Suncup

LACo.: From 2200 ft. (670 m.), at ravine imm. s.w. of mouth of Bear Cyn. of Soledad Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, May 23, 1967, to c. 7000 ft. (2133 m.), E. Blue Ridge, Big Pines Park, B.C. Templeton, June 1, 1932; Mar.-June; Uncommon, transmontane areas

FVS: June 1, 1906, Anstruther Davidson, Rock Cr.

SBCo.: From 2099 ft. (640 m.), at Lytle Cr. Wash, just n. of Glen Helen Pkwy., NNW of I-215 Frwy., c. 0.5 miles e. of Sierra (Lytle Cr. Rd.), B. Pitzer, O.F. Clarke, et al., Mar. 8, 1997, to 6800 ft. (2073 m.), at Sawmill, Swartout (Swarthout) Valley, n. slope, P.A. Munz, June 18, 1921; Mar.-June; Uncommon; transmontane & cismontane

FVS: May 16, 1903, Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass,

3802 ft. (1159 m.)

Camissonia strigulosa (Fisch. & C.H. Meyer) P.H. Raven, Sandysoil Suncup

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1446 ft. (441 m.), at Tujunga Cyn., Frank W. Peirson, Mar. 30, 1919, to 5199 ft. (1585 m.), at Sulphur Springs Cmpgrd. area, S. Fork Littlerock Cr., May 28, 2009, Apr.-July; Uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: 1888, H. Twineg, Rincon, old river bed

SBCo.: s. of Barrett Village, Apr. 20, 1996, 4000 ft. (1220 m.)

Other records:

6 records from Cajon Pass area, F.W. Peirson, N.C. Cooper, R.F. Thorne, Scott D. White, R.G. Swinney; 1921-1997; B. Pitzer, n. slope of Baldy Mesa area, large wash just n. of Manzanita Wash, off Baldy Mesa Rd., May 6, 1995, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., Lytle Cr. Ranger Station, July 7, 1971, 2719 ft. (8918 m.); R.F. Thorne, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 5, 1971, 4800 ft. (1463m.)

FVS: May 29, 1921, F.W. Peirson, San Gab. Mts. Region, on old road n. of Cajon Pass, 3600 ft. (1097 m.), (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary);

Chamerion angustifolium (L) Holub. ssp. circumvagum (Mosquin) Hoch, Fireweed

(synonym: Epilobium angustifolium L. ssp. circumvagum Mosquin)

LACo.: Columbine Spring, n. slope of Pine Mt. Ridge, flowing into Prairie Fk., 0.3 miles s. of Camp Lupine, July 14, 1998, 7200 ft. (2195 m.)

Other records:

Frank W. Peirson, Prairie Fk. (of) San Gabriel River, July 17, 1921, 6996 ft.

(2133 mR.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, E. Blue Ridge, Holiday Hill, July 10, 1969, 8070 ft. (2460 m.); L.C. Wheeler, S. Fork of Big Rock Cr. at Angeles Crest Hwy., July 16, 1968, 7551 ft. (2302 m.); Ruth B. Randall, Big Pines, July 1931, no elev. given; L.R. Abrams, Coldwater Cyn., July 12, 1902, no elev. given

FVS: July 12, 1902

SBCo.: 5 records near jct. of Baldy Rd. and Coldwater Cyn., c. 0.75 air miles ENE. of Mt. Baldy Notch; L.C. Wheeler, Peter Fritsch & T.S. Ross, R.F. Thorne, I.M. Johnston, R.G. Swinney, July-Aug.; 6426-7000 ft. (1959-2134 m.)

FVS: July 12, 1902, LeRoy Abrams, San Antonio Mts., Coldwater Cyn., no elev. given

Chylismia claviformis (Torr. & Frem.) A. Heller, Browneyes

[synonym: Camissonia claviformis (Torr. & Fremont) P.H. Raven]

LACo.: Big Rock Cr. at “Paradise Springs”, n. of Big Rock Cr. Road, on Big Rock Creek Cmpgrd. property, May 2, 2008, 4720 ft. (1439 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Chylismia claviformis (Torr. & Frem.) A. Heller ssp. claviformis, Brown Eye

[synonym: Camissonia claviformis (Torr. & Fremont) P.H. Raven ssp. claviformis]

Intergrades widely and gradually with C. claviformis ssp. aurantiaca, C. claviformis ssp. funeria. Hybridizes with C. brevipes ssp. brevipes

LACo: e. side of Big John Pk., west of Mescal Cr., above Big Johh Flat, June 5, 1999, 5838 ft. (1780 m.)

Other records:

P.H. Raven, Big Rock Cr. Rd., above cr. at 4.3 miles s. of Pearblossom, Mar. 23, 1958, no elev. given; Orlando & Christine Mistretta, Carr Cyn., May 21, 1995, 3400 ft. (1037 m.); H.L. Mason, Rock Cr., Apr. 27, 1926, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne & G. Wallace, Ft. Tejon Rd. near jct. with Longview Rd., c. 3 miles s. of Pearblossom Road, Apr. 24, 1973, no elev. given; LeRoy Gross, w. terminus of Holcomb ridge, w. of Big Rock Cr., general collecting along the e., n.e. side of hill, n. of Ft. Tejon Rd., w. of Valyermo Rd., May 3, 2005, 3559 ft. (1085 m.); F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., Apr. 27, 1926, 4250 ft. (1296 m.)

FVS: Apr. 27, 1926

SBCo.: No records found.

+Clarkia bottae (Spach) F.H. Lewis & M.E. Lewis, Botta’s Clarkia

(Includes Clarkia deflexa)

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), near mouth of Fish Cyn., R.F. Thorne & Arthur C. Gibson, May 22, 1971, to 4000-6060 ft. (1219-1847 m.), at ridge descending n.w. from Mt. Gleason, between the upper reaches of Moody Cyn. & Arrastre Cyn., T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, May 31, 1990; Apr.-July; Uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: June 10, 1906, G.B. Grant, Mt. Lowe

SBCo.: Kelly McAndrew, 6 miles n. of Claremont, 35 ft. n.e. of Mt. Rd., 1 mile n.w. of Euclid Rd., May 9, 1992, 2800-3000 ft. (854 m.); P. Dinius, San Antonio Cyn., along Mountain Ave., 9.5 mi. above lower San Antonio Ranger Station, along Stoddard Cyn. creek bed, Apr. 29, 1987, 3200 ft. (976 m.)

FVS: Apr. 29,1987

+Clarkia cylindrica (Jeps.) F.H. Lewis & M.E. Lewis

LACo.: Sue Boergadine, Switzer’s Camp, May 26, 1966, 2496 ft. (761 m.); K. Harper, Little Tujunga to Sand Cyn. Road, in the vic. of Mendenhall Pk., May 17, 1986, no elev. given; J.C. Roos, Placerita Cyn. near Newhall, June 6, 1942,

1250 ft. (381 m.)

FVS: June 6, 1942

SBCo.: No records found.

Clarkia cylindrica (Jeps.) F.H. Lewis & M.E. Lewis ssp. cylindrica, Speckled Clarkia

LACo.: Geraldine Dodd, 2 miles n. of Santa Anita Cyn. Rd., from Sturtevant Dr. jct., May 25, 1992, c. 1500 ft. (457 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Lookout Mt. Trail, June 23, 1995, 5346 ft. (1630 m.); George L. Moxley, Santa Anita Cyn., May 3, 1915, no elev. given

FVS: May 31, 1915

SBCo.: No records found.

+Clarkia dudleyana (Abrams) J.F. Macbr., Dudley’s Clarkia

LACo.: From 761 ft. (232 m.), Azusa, San Gabriel Cyn., near El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, 200 meters w. of entrance along Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, May 30, 2008, to 5350 ft. (1631 m.), at Lookout Mt. Trail, Orlando Mistretta, June 23, 1995; Apr.-Aug.; transmontane at Santiago Cyn., side drainage entering Santiago Cyn. from the w. about 3 miles s. of confl. of Santiago & Little Rock Cr., Orlando Mistretta, June 15, 1994, 4400 ft. (1341 m.); rare at montane and fairly common at cismontane

FVS: May 24, 1897, H.P. Chandler, Claremont, Palmer’s Cyn.

SBCo.: From 2168 ft. (610 m.), at Lytle Cr., May 14, 1972, to 5299 ft. (1585 m.), at San Sevaine Flat Rd., c. 8 miles w. of Lytle Cr. Road Jct., William M. Klein & R.K. Benjamin, June 22, 1960; Apr.-July; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: May 31, 1900, H.M. Hall, Lytle Cr., 2500 ft. (762 m.)

Clarkia epilobioides (Nutt.) Nelson & J.F. Macbr., Canyon Clarkia

LACo.: From 1299 ft. (396 m.), at trib. of Fish Cyn., c. 600 meters w. of Fish Cyn. stream bottom, R.G. Swinney, May 9, 1998, to 1738 ft. (530 m.), at trail to Sycamore Flat, F.W. Peirce, Apr. 21, 1921; Apr., May; uncommon, cismontane

FVS: May 17, 1912, Huron H. Smith, Eaton’s Cyn., Mt. Wilson, 1397 ft. (426 m.)

SBCo.: Sheep Cr. Rd., 1.5 miles n.e. of Lytle Cr. Road, w. side of rd., May 28, 1995, 3460 ft. (1055 m.)

Other records: None found.

Clarkia purpurea (W. Curtis) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr., Purple Godetia, Winecup Clarkia

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: ENE of Mt. Baldy School, s. of Mt. Baldy Village, c. 400 meters e. of San Antonio Cyn., May 31, 1997, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); n.e. Spring Hill area, s. of Barrett Village, w. of Barrett-Stoddard Rd., July 20, 1995, 4100 ft. (1250 m.)

Other records:

Macrus E. Jones, Stoddard Cyn., above Upland, May 16, 1924, no elev. given

FVS: May 16, 1924

Clarkia purpurea (W. Curtis) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr. ssp. purpurea, Winecup Clarkia

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Naomi Frega, LeRoy Gross, et al., Cajon Cyn., 1 mile s. of Blue Cut, just s. of Cajon Blvd., May 26, 2005

Clarkia purpurea (W. Curtis) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr. ssp. quadrivulnera (Douglas ex Lindl.) F.H. Lewis & M.E. Lewis, Four Spot, Winecup Clarkia

LACo.: From 899 ft. (274 m.) at Evey’s (Evey-added 2010) Cyn., near Claremont, C.L. Hitchcock, May 1, 1928, to 4398 ft. (1341 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., June 5, 1919; Mar.-June; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: May 24, 1897, H.P. Chandler, Claremont

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at mouth of Lytle Creek Cyn., c. 100 meters n. of Devore Road, c. 100 meters w. of Sycamore Ranger Station, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 23, 1993, to 4749 ft. (1448 m.), at San Sevaine Cow Camp, R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, June 29, 1972, Mar.-July; Uncommon; cismontane

FVS: June 5, 1905, R.D. William, Cucamonga Cyn., no elev. given

Clarkia purpurea (W. Curtis) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr. ssp. viminea Douglas ex Hook.) F.H. Lewis & M.E. Lewis, Winecup Clarkia

LACo.: J.F. Illingworth, San Bernardino Basin region, Claremont Cyn., June 1898, 2000 ft. (610 m.)

SBCo.: June 5, 1905, R.D. Williams, Cucamonga Cyn., no elev. given (also det. as C. purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera)

Clarkia rhomboidea Douglas, Diamond-petaled Clarkia, Diamond Clarkia

LACo.: From 4300 ft. (1311 m.), at Brown’s Flat, L.C. Wheeler, July 2, 1932, to 6000 ft. (1829 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., I.M. Johnston, July 3, 1917

Selected locations:

Bear Cyn. Trail to Mt. San Antonio; Big Rock Cr.; Devil’s Cyn. Campground vicinity; Little Rock Cr.; Icy Springs drainage (Big Rock Cr.); Cabin Flats Campground (Prairie Fk.); Sulphur Spring, S. Fork Littlerock Cr.

May-Aug., Uncommon; cismontane, montane, transmontane

FVS: July 3, 1917

SBCo.: From 2070 ft. (630 m.), at Glen Helen Parkway, 0.9 miles e. of Lytle Cr. Rd., R.G. Swinney, June 11, 1994, to 5996 ft. (1828 m.), at Icehouse Cyn., S.B. Parish, June 16, 1918; June, July, Oct.; Rare; cismontane, montane

FVS: July 3, 1917, I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn., 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

+Clarkia similis F.H. Lewis & Ernst, Ramona Clarkia

Probably from hybrids between C. epiloides (Torr. & A. Gray) L. Nelson & J.F. Macbr. and C. modesta Jeps.

LACo.: Falls Gulch, waterfall 100 meters above (E) of confl. with upper E. Fork San Gabriel River, Aug. 6, 1998, 3401 ft. (1037 m.)

Other records:

T.S. Ross, center w. side of San Gabriel Resevoir, short easterly spur cyn. along Hwy. 39, c. 1520 ft. (463 ft.); Peter L. Morrell, L.D. Gottlieb, et al., San Antonio Cyn., Mt. Baldy Rd., along edge of trail in Evey Cyn., trail begins beyond curve within 200 m. of entrance, just beyond large rock outcrop, Apr. 10, 1996, 2358 ft. (719 m.); Kay H. Beach, near water tower above San Dimas, SDEF, May 29, 942, no elev. given; Donald R. Bissing, Evey Cyn., roadside, 0.4 miles from mouth of cyn., May 18, 1973, 2400 ft. (732 m.); Jack Delaini, Lodi Cyn., SDEF, May 9, 1974, 1800 ft. (549 m.); Scott D. White & Kent Hughes, n. foothills near Acton, bajada slope & unnamed ephemeral trib. to Arrastre Cyn., May 16, 2000, 3201 ft. (976 m.); Scott D. White & Justin M. Wood, San Gabriel River, W. Fork, large fill slope on s. side of Cogswell Reservoir, May 6, 2000, 2601 ft. (793 m.); John Thomas Howell, between Fern Lodge and Madrone Flat, E. Fk. of Santa Anita Cyn., May 6, 1928, no elev. given

FVS: May 6, 1928

SBCo.: Cajon Pass near Sycamore Station, 210 meters n. of Glen Helen Pkwy., 0.9 miles e. of Lytle Cr. Road, June 11, 1994, 2066 ft. (630 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White & Michael Horner, Mt. Baldy (town) steep Mt. slopes e. of San Antonio Cr., June 30, 2004, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., May 12, 1971, 2600 ft. (793 m.)

FVS: May 12, 1971

+Clarkia unguiculata Lindl., Elegant Clarkia

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at Azusa, T.T. Gordon, no date given, to c.

3500 ft. (1067 m.), along road to Mt. Wilson, c. 15 miles n.e. of La Canada, Paul Currie, 1969; Mar.-June; rare; cismontane

FVS: May 16, 1920, F.W. Peirson, Tujunga Cyn., 1500 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: Kimberlly A. Griessen, Mt. Baldy Villagae, Mt. Baldy Ave., toward ski area, 0.4 miles n. of Creek., May 31, 2008, (4697 ft. 1432 m.); R.W. Scora, Lytle Cr., dry, stony, sand wash, May 14, 1972, 2001-2499 ft. (610-762 m.)

FVS: May 14, 1972

+Clarkia xantiana A. Gray, Gunsight Clarkia

LACo.: W. Fork, Punchbowl Cyn., 1 mile s. of Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park Nature, Center, s. of park boundary, June 9, 2008, 5251 ft. (1601 m.); E. Fork of Punchbowl Cyn., near n. boundary of Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, 0.6 miles s. of Big Rock Cr. Road, May 12, 2008, 4169 ft. (1271 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: May 12, 2008

SBCo.: No records found.

+Clarkia xantiana A. Gray ssp. parviflora (Eastw.) H.F. Lewis & P.H. Raven, Kern Canyon Clarkia

LACo.: Monica Geber & Vincent Eckhart, off rd. just w. of mouth of cyn. of Big Rock Cr., c. 0.5 km. s.e. of Valyermo Post Office, June 6, 1995, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

+Clarkia xantiana A. Gray ssp. xantiana, Gunsight Clarkia

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta & T..S. Ross, Santiago Cyn., June 1, 1994, 5200 ft. (1585 m.); Orlando Mistretta & S.D. Boyd., Bare Mt. Cyn., slopes on e. side of main drainage, May 23, 1995, 4450 ft. (1357 m.); F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., May 21, 1927, 5000 ft. (1524 m.); P.A. Munz, Big Rock Cr., May 27, 1923, 4250 ft.

(1296 m.); Monica Geber & Vincent Eckhart, off rd. just w. of mouth of Big Rock Creek, c. 2 km. southeast of Valyermo Post Office, June 6, 1995, no elev. given;

F.W. Peirson, small cyn. on Pinyon Ridge, Rock Cr., May 27, 1923, no elev. given; LeRoy Gross, Alder Saddle, 4 mi. down rd. 5N04, along s.e. Little Rock Cr., June 23, 2005, 4595 ft. (1401 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr. drainage e. of cr. and n. of FS Road 4N15, May 23, 1994, 4300 ft. (1311 m.); F.W. Peirson, trail below Colby’s, May 27, 1924, 2798 ft. (853 m.); F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., along stream-bed above bridge, June 5, 1919, 4750 ft. (1448 m.)

FVS: June 5, 1919

SBCo.: No records found.

Epilobium brachycarpum C. Presl, Autumn Willowweed, Tall Annual Willowherb

(synonym: E. paniculatum C. Presl)

LACo.: Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, lower Holcomb Cyn., Aug. 22, 2005,

4198 ft. (1280 m.); along Hwy. 2, c. 0.5 miles w. of Big Pines (Road jct.), e. of Jackson Lake, Aug. 6, 1997, 6639 ft. (2024 m.); c. 0.25 miles e. of Blue Ridge Campground on ski run, Aug. 16, 1999, 7961 ft. (2427 m.); Wrightwood, jct. of Spruce State & Hwy. 2, n. of Hwy. 2, along shallow stream, Sep. 11, 1993,

5901 ft. (1799 m.); Wrightwood, jct. of Pine Rd. and Hwy. 2, s. side of stream and adj. to it., Sep. 11, 1993, 5900 ft. (1799 m.); Horse Flats, 1 air mile n.w. of Newcomb’s Ranch at Hwy. 2 (Angeles Crest Hwy.), July 23, 2009, 5642 ft.

(1720 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, around Native Son Mine, San Antonio Mts., Prairie Fk., San Gabriel River, Aug. 22, 1917, 4995 ft. (1523 m.); T.S. Ross, Horse Flats, 5640 ft.

(1720 m.), Aug. 16, 1991; Wesley O. Griesel, Big Pines, Aug. 9, 1963, 6800 ft. (2073 m.); Marcus E. Jones, Swartout Valley, Sep. 10, 1924, no elev. given;

F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Canyon, Aug. 16, 1918, 4398 ft. (1341 m.); F.W. Peirson, Toll Rd. to Mt. Wilson, Sep. 5, 1920, 3001 ft. (915 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Sulplhur Spring, Aug. 2, 1967, 5200 ft. (1585 m.); I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn., below Camp Baldy, July 31, 1917, 4200 ft. (1280 m.)

FVS: July 31, 1917

SBCo.: Wrightwood at Wright Laake, Aug. 12, 1996, 6938 ft. (1841 m.); Controversy Springs, at head of Cajon Canyon, s.e. of Mt. Top Jct., 0.5 miles s. of Hwy. 138, on FS Road 3N37, Oct. 8, 1993, 4599 ft. (1402 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, below Camp Baldy, July 31, 1917, 4198 ft. (1280 m.)

FVS: July 31, 1917

Epilobium canum (Greene) P.H. Raven, California Fuchsia, Zauschneria, Hummingbird Trumpet

CA to n.w. Mex.

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.5 mi. upstream from entrance of El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, along dirt service rd., R.G. Swinney, Oct. 22, 2008, to 7600 ft. (2317 m.), at Whitethorn Spring (presumed near former Whitethorn Cmpgrd.) on Angeles Crest Hwy., June Latting, Nov. 16, 1978; June-Nov.; uncommon, all 3 sections, least common in transmontane

FVS: Aug. 2, 1903, C.F. Baker, San Antonio Canon (Canyon-added 2012), near Claremont, no elev. given

SBCo.: top of pk. “8540” on ridge running n.e. from Telegraph Peak, Aug. 20, 1997, 8541 ft.(2801 m.); Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., major trib. on s. side, c. 350 meters w. of Stone House Crossing & c. 500 m. up trib. to first major fk., Sep. 26, 1992, 5852 ft. (1784 m.); Lost Lake, Lone Pine Cyn., June 25, 1992, 2781 ft.

(848 m.); Telegraph Pk. (summit-added 2011), Aug. 11, 1994, 8954 ft.

(2730 m.); Cucamonga Pk., July 28, 1994, 8151 ft. (2485 m.); Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge, pk. due e. of Gobbler’s Knob, June 30, 1992, 6701 ft. (2043 m.); Eugene Cardiff & Ken Smith, e. slope of Mt. San Antonio, July 7, 1950, 8000 ft. (2439 m.)

FVS: July 7, 1950

Epilobium canum (Greene) P.H. Raven ssp. canum, California Fuchsia, Hummingbird Trumpet

LACo.: From 850 ft. (259 m.), at San Gabriel River Cyn., n. of Azusa, parallel to Hwy. 39, along dirt access rd. to gauging station below Morris Dam, Scott D. White & Pam DeVries, Nov. 25, 1997, to 3700 ft. (1128 m.), at Big Santa Anita Cyn., Fordyce Grinnell Jr., Aug. 12, 1917, Apr., Aug.-Dec.; common, cismontane

FVS: Aug. 2, 1903, C.F. Baker, San Antonio Cyn., near Claremont

SBCo: From c. 1500 ft. (457 m.), at end of Haven Ave., 2 miles n. of Chaffey College, D.A. Young, May 10, 1969, to 3200 ft. (976 m.), at small cyn. off mouth of Deer Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, Nov. 6, 1932; May-July, Sep.-Nov., common, cismontane

FVS: July 15, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Lytle Cr., 2500 ft. (762 m.)

Epilobium canum (Greene) P.H. Raven ssp. latifolium (Hook.) Raven, Mountain California-Fuchsia, Hummingbird Trumpet

LACo.: From 2499 ft. (762 m.), at SDEF, Middle Fk. Bell Cyn., at debris basin, R.G. Swinney, July 15, 2008, to 9250 ft. (2820 m.), at mt. n. of Baldy, F.W. Peirson, Nov. 15, 1920; June-Oct.; common; cismontane, montane, transmontane

FVS: July, 1897, C.A. Purpus, n. Bear Cr., 3998-4966 ft. (1219-1514 m.)

SBCo.: From 1998 ft. (609 m.), at Cucamonga Cyn., P.A. Munz, Oct. 15, 1922, to 9299 ft. (2835 m.), at ridge s. of Mt. San Antonio, P.H. Raven & H.L. Wedberg, Aug. 17, 1957; June-Nov.; common; transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: July 13, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Coldwater Cyn., San Antonio Mts., no elev. given

Epilobium ciliatum Raf., Fringed Willowherb

LACo.: From 731 ft. (223 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 1.8 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave, n. of bike trail parking lot, along flowing aquiduct from water filtration plant, R.G. Swinney, Dec. 4, 2008, to 8049 ft. (2454 m.), at Lily Spring, n. slope of Mt. Hawkins (7.5 air miles w. of Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, Sep. 15, 2001; Apr.-Oct., Dec.; common; all 3 sections

FVS: July 30, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, All Trail Cyn., BM 3434, near Tom Lucas Cmpgrd., 3300 ft. (1006 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to the w. of fishing lakes, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 7, 2008, to 7560 ft. (2305 m.), between Wright Mt. & Pine Mt., east of N. Devil’s Backbone Trail, R.G. Swinney Sep. 4, 1995; Apr., May, July-Nov.; common in wet areas; all 3 sections, least common in transmontane

FVS: Sep. 7, 1992, R.G. Swinney, 0.4 mi. due e. of Baldy Notch in unnamed cyn. at jct. with Stockton Flats Rd., 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

Epilobium ciliatum Raf. ssp. ciliatum, Fringed Willowherb

LACo.: From 1063 ft. (324 m.), e. of Hansen Dam, entered at Orcas Ave.,parked at Orcas Park, hiked e. of this park along river just n. of Wentworth (St.), but not as far as the Tujunga Ponds, LeRoy Gross & Wayne Law, Aug. 8, 2000, to

8020 ft. (2445 m.), at Wrightwood area, Flume Cyn., spring c. 200 meters n. of Guffy Campground, spring on n.-facing slope, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 16, 1999; Mar.-Oct., common; all 3 sections, less common in transmontane

FVS: Aug. 8, 1895, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., 6698 ft. (2042 m.)

SBCo.: From 2640 ft. (805 m.), at c. 0.6 miles s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd. & Cajon Rd., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 12, 1996, to 7282 ft. (2220 m.), at Middle Fk. of W. Fork of Lytle Cr., due n. of Mt. Harwood, c. 1 mile w. of Stockton Flat, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 19, 1996; May-Oct.; fairly common; cismontane, montane

FVS: Aug. 21, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., San Antonio Mts., 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

Epilobium ciliatum Raf. ssp. glandulosum (Lehm.) Hock & P.H. Raven, Fringed Willowherb

Variable, larger fld. plants crosspollinated

LACo.: upper Fish Fk. of San Gabriel River, c. 0.9 air miles e. of Upper Fish Fk. Campground, 1.4 air miles WSW of Dawson Pk., Aug. 14, 1999, 7039 ft.

(2146 m.)

Other records:

Joseph A. Ewan, Swartout Valley, Aug. 8, 1936, 6250 ft. (1905 m.); R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, Big Cienaga Springs, above Crystal Lake Rec. Area, July 19, 1967,

6500 ft. (1982 m.); R.F. Thorne, s. ridge of summit of Mt. Baden-Powell, Aug. 25, 1971, 9200 ft. (2805 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., near Lodgepole Picnic Area, at headwaters of Dorr Cyn., n. slope of Throop Pk. above Angeles Cr. Hwy. July 29, 1969, 7650 ft. (2332 m.); Joseplh A. Ewan, Big Pines Meadow, July 22, 1936, 6800 ft. (2073 m.); Wayne E. Sawyer, Hwy. 2, between Dawson Saddle & Hwy. 39, 2.75 mi. from Dawson Saddle, July 5, 1981, 7350 ft. (2241 m.); L.C. Wheeler, foot of Holliday Hill Ski Lift, Nov. 17, 1967, 6550 ft. (1997 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Dorr Cyn., n.w. side of Mt. Burnham, Aug. 21, 1966, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, ravine s. of Camp Lupine, Prairie Fk., Sep. 4, 1967, 6700 ft.

(2043 m.); LC. Wheeler, Prairie Fork, Sep. 3, 1967, 7600 ft. (2317 m.); F.R. Fosberg & Joseph A. Ewan, 0.5 miles w. of Windy Camp, Mt. Islip, Aug. 12, 1931, 7500 ft. (2287 m.)

FVS: Aug. 12, 1931,

SBCo.: F.W. Peirson, Coldwater Cienaga, Lytle Creek, Sep. 14, 1920, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); R.F. Thorne, Cienega near head of Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., July 31, 1971, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., Aug. 21, 1917, 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

FVS: Aug. 21, 1917

Epilobium densiflorum (Lindl.) P. Hoch & Raven, Spike Primrose, Denseflower Willowherb

Highly variable

LACo.: Sulphur Springs Cmpgrd. area, S. Fork Little Rock Cr., Oct. 10, 2008, 5199 ft. (1585 m.); Sulphur Spring Cmpgrd. on S. Fork Littlerock Cr., July 22, 2009, 5199 ft. (1585 m.); Horse Flats, 1 air mile NNW of Newcomb’s Ranch at Hwy. 2 (Angeles Crest Hwy.), July 23, 2009, 5642 ft. (1720 m.)

Other records:

Tim Ross, Horse Flats, Aug. 16, 1991, 5635 ft. (1718 m.); Victor Duran, Sulphur Springs, July 10, 1933, 4995 ft. (1523 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, S. Fork Little Rock Cr., 1.8 mi. below Alder Saddle in Pinyon Flats area, June 30, 1971, 5100 ft. (1555 m.); R.F. Thorne, s.e. of Angeles Crest Hwy., 3.2 miles WSW of Cloudburst Summit, July 2, 1969, 6400 ft. (1951 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., slope on e. side of cyn. south of jct. of FS Road 4N15 & 5N04.3, June 6, 1994, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); L.C. Wheeler, E. Fork of Alder Cr., off Big Tujunga, July 16, 1968, 4900 ft. (1493 m.); .); F.W. Peirson, Pine Flats (Charlton Flats-added 2010), July 9, 1907, 5000 ft. (1524 m.)

FVS: July 9, 1907,

SBCo.: Grapevine Cyn., 3.2 miles s.e. of San Sevaine Flats Well on Big Tree Truck Rd. (1N34) (San Sevaine Rd.), July 16, 1993, 4002 ft. (1220 m.)

Other records:

Six records from San Sevaine Cow Camp (Lower San Sevaine Flats); L.C. Wheeler; R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, et al.; I.M. Johnston; 1925-1972;

4700-4760 ft. (1433-1451 m.); June, July, Nov.

FVS: July 10, 1925, I.M. Johnston, Lower San Sevaine Flats, San Antonio Mts., 4700 ft. (1433 m.)

Epilobiuim foliosum (Torr. & A. Gray) Suksd., Leafy Willowherb

LACo.: Justin M. Wood, San Gabriel River, large fill-slope on the s. side of Cogswell Reservoir, under Ceanothus & Quercus on n. slope, May 6, 2009,

2601 ft. (793 m.); Kay H. Beach, SDEF, June 16, 1943, 3096 ft. (944 m.)

FVS: June 16, 1943

SBCo.: No records found.

Epilobium glaberrimum Barbey, Glaucus Willowherb

LACo.: 100 m. e. of Little Jimmy Springs Cyn., S. Fork, s. of Hwy. 2, 0.6 mi. due e. of Mt. Islip, c. 0.2 miles n. of Crystal Lake, Sep. 16, 2001, 7239 ft. (2207 m.); Little Jimmy Spring, Sep. 15, 2001, 7400 ft. (2256 m.); with Cody Clarke, 1.5 miles SSW of Dawson Saddle, jct. of S. Fork of Big Rock Cr. & Hwy. 2, near turn-out/parking area, Aug. 22, 2001, 7560 ft. (2305 m.); n. of Buckhorn Flat Campground at Burkhart Saddle Trailhead, Buckhorn Cyn. streamside, July 2, 2008, 6360 ft. (1939 m.); Lamel Spring, n. slope of Mt. Baden-Powell, 1.5 miles s. of Vincent Gap, Aug. 11, 2001, 7790 ft. (2375 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Aug. 11, 2001

SBCo.: No records found.

Epilobium glaberrimum Barbey ssp. glaberrimum, Glaucus Willowherb

LACo.: From 4398 ft. (1341 m.), at upper Fern Cyn., SDEF, 200 m. below Fern Dam # 1, n.e. of Browns Flat, R.G. Swinney, July 21, 1999, to 8699 ft. (2652 m.), at sufts about the margin of spring hole, Lamel Spring on s. slope of N. Baldy (should be N. Baden Powel- unless there is a second Lamel Springs in the San Gab. Mts.-added 2010), Joseph A. Ewan, Aug. 13, 1936; June-Sep. uncommon; mostly montane,1 record in cismontane, several in transmontane

FVS: July 8, 1916, Marcus E. Jones, San Antonio Pk.

SBCo.: From 6399 ft. (1951 m.), at Lytle Cr. Cyn., bottom of unnamed side cyn. w. of Stockton Flats, R.G. Swinney, July 7, 1992, to 8039 ft. (2451 m.), at Baldy Bowl area, San Antonio Cyn., w. spring area, R.G. Swinney, July 13, 1995; June- Sep.; uncommon, montane

FVS: July 24, 1901, L.R. Abrams, San Gab. Mts. region, Coldwater, Lytle Cr., no elev. given

Epilobium minutum Lehm., Chaparral Willowherb

LACo.: San Dimas Exp. Forest, dry openings, chamise, native to more N. sites, SDEF, 1988 (no documented voucher found.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Epilobium oregonense Hausskn., Oregon Willowherb

LACo.: Wayne E. Sawyer, Little Jimmy Spring, July 7, 1981, 7400 ft. (2256 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Eremothera boothii (Douglas) W.L. Wagner & Hoch, Evening Primrose, Booth’s Sun Cup

[synonym: Camissonia boothii (Douglas) P.H. Raven]

LACo.: Valyermo area, s. end of Bob’s Gap, w.-facing slope at Panorama & Bob’s Gap Rds., May 17, 2001, 4080 ft. (1244 m.); Boulder Cyn., n. of Big John Flat, June 18, 1999, 5159 ft. (1573 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: June 18, 1999

SBCo.: 5999 ft. (1829 m.), n. of Wrightwood, w. of Hwy. 2, 0.9 miles s.w. of Oak Spring Ranch Rd., c. 800 meters w. of Hwy. 2, s. of prominent old mining operation., June 12, 1994, 5999 ft. (1829 m.), Slover Cyn., c. 100-500 meters s. of Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., s.e. of Wrightwood, Sep. 12, 1992, 6068 ft. (1850 m.)

Other records:

Ed LaRue, Hwy. 2, at Sheep Cr., Wrightwood, Aug. 8, 1993, 5501 ft. (1677 m.)

FVS: Sep. 12, 1992

Eremothera boothii (Douglas) W.L. Wagner & Hoch ssp. decorticans (Hook & Arn.) W.L. Wagner & Hoch, Shredding Evening Primrose(Suncup)

[synonym: Camissonia boothii (Douglas) Raven ssp. decorticans (Hook. & Arn.) P.H. Raven]

LACo.: From 1824 ft. (556 m.), between Little Tujunga & Oliver Cyns., L.C. Wheeler, May 6, 1973, to 5000 ft. (1524 m.), at Big Rock Cr., on loose-dry slope, P.A. Munz, May 26, 1923; May, June, Aug.; Rare

FVS: June 14, 1919, F.W. Peirson, San Gab. Mts. (Big) Rock Cr., 4999 ft.

(1524 m.)

SBCo.: n. of Wrightwood, w. of Hwy. 2, 0.9 miles s.w. of Oak Spring Ranch Rd. from rd. jct., c. 800 meters w. of Hwy. 2, June 12, 1994, 5999 ft. (1829 m.); Pinon Hills area, Sheep Cr., 0.8 mi. s. of Hwy. 138, on Scrub Oak Rd., 80-200 meters w. of rd., May 29, 1995, 4540 ft. (1384 m.)

Other records:

Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., June 6, 1906, no elev. given; D.A. Young, end of Haven Ave., n. of Chaffey College in Deer Cyn., May 25, 1969, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., c. 4.5 miles n.e. of Wrightwood along Hwy. 2, July 29, 1969, 5000 ft. (1524 m.); S. Granger, 2 miles e. of Wrightwood, June 1974, no elev. given; H.M. Hall, Lytle Cr. Cyn., June 1-3, 1900, 4497 ft. (1371 m.)

FVS: June 1-3, 1900

Eremothera boothii (Douglas) W.L. Wagner & Hoch ssp. desertorum (Munz.) W.L. Wagner & Hoch, Desert Suncup

[synonym: Camissonia boothii (Douglas ex Lehm.) P.A. Raven ssp. desertorum (Munz) P.H. Raven]

LACo.: Sula Vanderplank, Le Roy Gross, et al., s. edge of Bob’s Gap, on slopes & roadside, down in wash, May 6, 2005, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); A. Davidson, Rock Cr., Mojave Desert (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary), July 1893, no elev. given

FVS: July 1893

SBCo.: No records found.

Eulobus californica Torr. & A. Gray, California Suncup

[synonym: Camissonia californica (Torr. & A. Gray) P.H. Raven]

LACo.: From 554 ft. (169 m.), at Azusa/Irwindale, between the l-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd. on w. side of San Gabriel River Channel, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 7, 2009 to 3400 ft. (1037 m.), at Little Rock Cr., e. of slope of cyn., west of Basin Cmpgrd.., Orlando Mistretta, May 11, 1994; Apr.-June; common; transmontane at Littlerock Cr., cismontane

FVS: June 25, 1897, J.H. Barber, above Long-Soledad Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2201 ft. (671 m.), at Cajon Wash, w. of Devore Heights off ramp from l-215 Fwy. & off old Hwy. 395, in wash bottom, R.G. Swinney, June 25, 1992, to 4379 ft. (1335 m.), at Ralston Pk. on s. ridge, R.G. Swinney, May 23, 1998; Apr.-June; uncommon; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 1-3, 1900, H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., 2496 ft. (761 m.)

Gayophytum decipiens F.H. Lewis & Szweykowski, Deceptive Groundsmoke

LACo.: From 5199 ft. (1585 m.), at Pinyon Flats, 1.6 mi. below Alder Saddle along dry branch of S. Fork Little Rock Cr., R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, June 30, 1971, to 8479 ft. (2585 m.), at Wright Mt., s. of Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, July 8, 1998; June-Sep., uncommon; mostly montane, 2 records on transmontane side

FVS: June 14, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., San Gab. Mts., 5600 ft. (1707 m.)

SBCo.: Big Horn Pk., n.w. of Cucamonga Pk., July 11, 1995, 8430 ft. (2570 m.); within 100 yards of Wright Mt. summit, July 12, 1993, 8470-8505 ft.

(2582-2593 m.)

Other records:

V. Soza, LeRoy Gross, Mt. Baldy Ski area, n.w. slope of Thunder Mt., above Butch Wash, across from Miners Bowl, June 11, 2001, 7751 ft. (2363 m.); V. Soza, LeRoy Gross, Devil’s Backbone, c. 1 mile e. of Mt. Harwood, Mt. Baldy Ski area, May 29, 2001, 7600 ft. (2317 m.); R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, et al., Mt. San Antonio, Devil’s Backbone, June 12, 1971, 9000 ft. (2744 m.); L.C. Wheeler, n.e. slope of Mt. San Antonio, hdwtrs. of W. Fork of N. Fork of Lytle Cr., July 15, 1968, 8900 ft. (2713 m.); LeRoy Gross & Valerie Soza, Sheep Cr., n.e. of Wrightwood, Swarthout Valley, June 9, 2003, 5901 ft. (1799 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Cucamonga Pk Trail, June 15, 1968, 8401 ft. (2561 m.)

FVS: June 15, 1968

Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & A. Gray ssp. parviflorum F.H. Lewis & J. Szweykowski, Spreading Groundsmoke

[synonyms: G. nuttallii Torr. & A. Gray var. abramsii, Munz and G. nuttallii var. intermedium (Rydb.) Munz]

Variable, most small fld. plants assigned by Munz, others to G. nuttallii, belong here.

LACo.: From 3802 ft. (1159 m.), at Shortcut Cyn., OVH area, paralleling Big Tujunga, Orlando Mistretta & Peter L. Morrell, June 4, 1992, to c. 8102 ft.

(2470 m.), along Blue Ridge, near upper end of Holiday Hill Ski Lift, R.F. Thorne & T.D. Olmstead, Aug. 26, 1965; May-Sep.; uncommon; mostly montane, several in upper transmontane; 1 record in w. end of San Gab. Mts. in cismontane

FVS: June 14, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: From 5061 ft. (1543 m.), at Cherry Cyn. Flats (“Dry Lake”-added 2010), at s.w. base of Sugarloaf Pk., R.G. Swinney, June 18, 1996, to 8430 ft.

(2570 m.), at Bighorn Pk., n.w. of Cucamonga Pk., R.G. Swinney, July 11, 1995; June-Sep.; fairly common; montane, transmontane

FVS: July 13, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Coldwater Cyn., San Antonio Mts., no elev. given

Gayophytum heterozygum F.H. Lewis & J. Szweykowski, Zigzag Groundsmoke

Generally self-pollinated, stable hybrid, probably between G. eriospermum and G. oligospermum

LACo.: From c. 3000 ft. (915 m.), along Lucas Cr., s. of Big Tujunga Narrows, along Angeles Forest Rd., R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, June 29, 1971, to 7501 ft. (2287 m.), at CA Hwy. 2, between Dawson Saddle and jct. with CA Hwy. 39, 3.1 mi. from Dawson Saddle, Wayne E. Sawyer, Aug. 30, 1981; June-Aug.; uncommon; montane

FVS: July 11, 1897, J.H. Barber, Mt. Gleason summit

SBCo.: Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge, pk. due e. of Gobblers Knob, June 30, 1992, 6701 ft. (2043 m.); Bighorn Pk., n.w. of Cucamonga Pk., July 11, 1995, 8430 ft. (2570 m.); Cucamonga Wilderness, Bighorn Pk., within 100 m. of summit, July 1, 1994, 8401 ft. (2561 m.); Bear Flats, n. of Baldy Village, July 12, 1995, 5599 ft. (1707 m.); Sheep Flat, s. of Icehouse, Cyn., July 22, 1994, 6700 ft. (2134 m.)

Other records:

William M. Klein & R.K. Benjamin, San Sevaine Flat Rd., c. 8 miles w. of Lytle Cr. Road, jct., June 22, 1960, 5199 ft. 1585 m.); R.F. Thorne & C. W. Tilforth, above San Sevaine Flats (at San Sevaine Well), June 29, 1972, 5000 ft. (1707 m.); William M. Klein, along the San Sevaine Rd., c. 2 miles w. of Bullock Spur Road jct., July 23, 1958, c. 4500 ft. (1372 m.)

FVS: July 23, 1958

Gayophytum humile Juss., Low Groundsmoke

(synonym: G. nuttallii Torr. & A. Gray)

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Wright Mt. summit, July 12, 1993, 8469 ft. (2582 m.)

Other records:

M.N. Ackley, Wrightwood, June 1929, 6196 ft. (1889 m.)

FVS: June, 1929

Gayophytum olygospermum H. Lewis & Szweyk, Pinegrove Groundsmoke

LACo.: From 4297 ft. (1310 m.), at Browns Flat, L.C. Wheeler, July 2, 1932, to 8397 ft. (2560 m.), Crest Trail, 0.5 miles w. of Mt. Hawkins, Wayne E. Sawyer June 25, 1981; June-Aug.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: July 1, 1917, I.M. Johnston, near Browns Flat

SBCo.: From 5599 ft. (1707 m.), near Bear Flats, n. of Baldy Village, R.G. Swinney, July 12, 1996, to 8495 ft. (2590 m.), at Icehouse Cyn., I.M. Johnston, July 29, 1917; July-Aug.; uncommon; montane, 1 record at transmontane

FVS: July 15, 1917, I.M. Johnston, South Fk. Lytle Cr., 6000 ft. (1829 m.)

Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & A. Gray, Pinyon Groundsmoke

LACo.: San Dimas Exp. Forest, grassy areas, 5000 ft. Dry Lake, rare, SDEF, 1988 ) (no documented voucher found.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Ludwigia repens J.R. Forst., Creeping Water-Primrose, Creeping Primrose-willow

(synonyms: L. natans Elliott var. stipitata Fernald & Grisc. and L. natans Elliott and L. repens J.R. Forst var. stipitata (Fernald & Grisc.) Munz and Isnardia intermedia Sm. & Alexander and L. repens J.R. Forst. var. rotundata (Griseb.) Gomes and Isnardia repens (J.R. Forst.) DC.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: 5 records from Lost Lake, Lone Pine Valley, at confl. with Cajon Wash, 1933-1991, June, Aug., Oct., R.F. Thorne & John Dourley, L.C. Wheeler, R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, R.G. Swinney, Dave Thorason

FVS: Oct. 1, 1933, L.C. Wheeler, Lost Lake, Cajon Pass at mouth of Lone Pine Creek, 2709 ft. (826 m.)

Oenothera californica (S. Watson) S. Watson, California Evening Primrose

LACo.: Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, c. 100 meters s.w. of Nature Center, June 4, 2008, 4822 ft. (1470 m.); Baldy Mesa Ridge, 2.8 miles n.e. of Hwy. 138 on FS Road 3N24, 1.6 miles e. of point where rd. crossed ridge, June 10, 1995, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); Wrightwood, jct. of Pine Rd. and Hwy. 2, within 4 m. of s. side of stream, Sep. 11, 1994, 5901 ft. (1799 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, Michael Honer, et al., Santa Clara River Wash, near Soledad Cyn. Road bridge, upstream & downstream, July 16, 2003, 1279 ft. (390 m.)

FVS: Sep. 11, 1994

SBCo.: Cajon Wash, w. of Devore Heights off ramp from I-215 (I-15-added 2010) and off Old Hwy. 395, in wash bottom, June 25, 1992, 2201 ft. (670 m.); Cajon Wash, c. 300 n.w. of jct. of Cajon Rd. & Kenwood Ave., June 22, 1993, 2270 ft. (692 m.)

Other records:

David Charlton, s.e. of Mormon Rocks & n. of Hwy. 138, Cajon Pass area, Apr. 1992, 3300 ft. (1006 m.); David Charlton, Cajon Pass, Morman Rocks, Hwy. 138, 1 mile w. of jct. with I-15, June 22, 1991, 3401 ft. (1037 m.); S.D. White, Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash, c. 1-2 miles s. of Hwy. 138 crossing, May 1, 1997, 2801 ft. (854 m.); F.W. Peirson, Cajon Pass, Apr. 16, 1919, 2247 ft. (685 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Apr. 16, 1919

Oenothera californica (S. Watson) S. Watson ssp. californica, California Evening Primrose

(synonym: O. californica var. glabrata Munz)

CA & n.w. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 3400 ft. (1037 m.), at Littlerock Cr., F.W. Peirson, May 19, 1921, to 6620-8160 ft. (2018-2488 m.), at Mt. High Ski Resort, w. of Wrightwood, S. Zona, D. Arias, et al., June 21, 1989; May-Sep.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: Aug. 7, 1896, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., San Antonio Mts., (summit) (?), 6698 ft. (2042 m.)

SBCo.: From 3500 ft. (1067 m.), at mouth of Cajon Valley, Cajon Pass, I.M. Johnston, May 15, 1920, to 6800 ft. (2073 m.), at Sawmill, Swartout (Swarthout) Valley, P.A. Munz, June 18, 1992; Apr.-July, Sep.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: May 1, 1891, S.B. Parish, Lytle Cr., no elev. given

Synonym: Oenothera cruciata

Need species author to determine new nomenclature.

O. cruciata Nutt. ex G. Don = O. parviflora which has 3 synonyms including Camissonia strigulosa auct. non (Tisch. & C.A. Mey.) P.H. Raven

O. cruciata (S. Watson) Munz, nom. Illeg, non O. cruciate Nutt. ex G.D = Camissonia contorta (Douglas) Kearny

LACo.: Anon., on the trail to flume #’s 4 & 5, SDEF, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Oenothera deltoides Torr. & Fremont, Devil’s Lantern, Lion-in-a-cage, Basket or Birdcage Evening Primrose

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: A.W. Jacob., Lone Pine Cyn., Aug. 8, 1938, no elev. given;

Jeannette B. Edge, San Bernardino Mts. region, Cajon Wash, Mar. 6, 1934, no elev. given (possibly e. or s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Mar. 6, 1934

Oenothera elata Kunth, Hooker’s Evening Primrose

LACo.: Icy Springs, trib. of Big Rock Creek, Aug. 13, 2008, 5760 ft. (1756 m.)

Other records: Little Dalton Cyn., Glendora, _________, June 24, 1939, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

FVS: June 24, 1939

SBCo.: Wrightwood, Twin Lakes at Wrightwood Country Club., s.w. of jct. of Willow St. & Oriole Road, Oct. 16, 2008, 6938 ft. (1841 m.)

Other records: None found.

Oenothera elata Kunth ssp. hirsutissima (A. Gray ex S. Watson) W. Dietr., Hooker’s

Evening Primrose

LACo.: From 840 ft. (256 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., spring 1.5 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave. on Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 29, 2008, to 6862 ft. (2092 m.), at Big Pines Park, B.C. Templeton, July 20, 1932; June-Nov.; fairly common in moist soil; all 3 sections

FVS: June 25, 1897, J.H. Barber, Soldead Cyn.

SBCo.: 0.6 miles s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Road and Cajon Rd., Aug. 12, 1996, 2640 ft. (805 m.); Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to the w. of the fishing lakes, Nov. 7, 2008, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., near San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 7, 1971, c. 4700 ft. (1433 m.); R.F. Thorne, San Antonio Cyn., Chapman Ranch, above Mt. Baldy Village, July 2, 1967, 4450 ft. (1357 m.)

FVS: July 2, 1967

+Oenothera elata Kunth. ssp. hookeri (Torr. & A. Gray) W. Dietr. & W.L. Wagner), Hooker’s Evening Primrose

(synonym: O. elata Kunth ssp. montereyensis Munz)

LACo.: upper Fish Fk. (San Gabriel River-added 2010), furthest n.e. fork, adj. to Pine Mt. Ridge, July 24, 1998, 6599 ft. (2012 m.); Mine Gulch at confl. with E. Fork of San Gabriel River Cyn., Aug. 1, 1998, 4398 ft. (1341 m.); Dawson Pk. Ridge (w. side), at spring on NNW-facing slope, c. 100 m. above cyn. bottom, c. 0.5 miles n.e. of Upper Fish Fk. Camp, July 29, 1998, 6921 ft. (2110 m.); Upper Fish Fk. drainage, vicinity of jct. of Upper Fish Fk. Trail & Dawson Pk. Trail, July 21, 1998, 5599 ft. (1707 m.)

Other records: Orlando Mistretta, Gold Cyn. Trail, Tujunga Ranger Dist., July 14, 1992, no elev. given

FVS: July 14, 1992

SBCo.: No records found.

Oenothera rosea L’Her. Ex Aiton, Rose Evening Primrose

ICPN, Hrusa’s Crosswalk & Jepson Flora in Oenothera: Accepted name for taxon occurring in CA, only as a waif and/or garden escape, not naturalized. Six entries in CCH in disturbed or natural location in LA Co, outside San Gab. Mts. boundary.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Devil’s Gate Dam, Arroyo Seco, May 14, 1951, no elev. given.

SBCo.: No records found.

Tetrapteron graciliflora (Hook. & Arn.) W.L. Wagner & Hoch, Hill Suncup

[synonym: Camissonia graciliflora (Hook. & Arn.) P.H. Raven]

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: w. of Cajon Wash, s. of Hwy. 138, c. 1 mile SSW of Cajon Jct., off FS Road 3N49, Apr. 29, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records: None found.

Tetrapteron palmeri (S. Watson) L.W. Wagner & Hoch, Palmer Evening Primrose

[synonym: Camissonia palmeri (S. Watson) P.H. Raven]

LACo.: B. Pitzer, Soledad Canyon, vic. of Soledad Pass, Soledad Cyn. Road, c. 0.5 miles s. of Sierra Hwy., May 23, 1998, 3100 ft. (945 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Hunt Cyn., 3 mi. of Vincent, May 12, 1967, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

FVS: May 12, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

Orobanchaceae Broom-Rape Family

(Scrophulariaceae – Snapdragon Family)

Castilleja affinis Hook. & Arn., Coast Indian Paintbrush

LACo.: David Charlton, Lightning (=Blue ?) Ridge at jct. of FS Road 3N06 & Angeles Crest Hwy., c. 4 miles n.w. of San Bernardino Co. line & 5 miles n.w. of Wrightwood, June 15, 1986, 7400 ft. (2256 m.); R. Hoffman, Big Rock Cr., May 21, 1929, no elev. given; Steve Boyd & T.S. Elias, Rincon to Red Box Rd., s. of Rincon Forest Station, n. of Glendora, Apr. 14, 1987, no elev. given; T.W. Minthorn, San Gab. Mts. Region, Pacoma Wash, foothills, Apr. 3, 1923, no elev. given; Doris (Hoover) Bowers, San Gabriel Cyn., May 5, 1957, 2001 ft. (610 m.); O.W. Robinson, near Johnston’s Pastures, n. of Claremont, Mar. 8, 1916, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 8, 1916

SBCo.: A.H. Gallup, Mills Ave., n. of Claremont, Feb. 3, 1948, 1401 ft. (427 m.)

Castilleja affinis Hook. & Arn. ssp. affinis, Coast Indian Paintbrush

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 699 ft. (213 m.), at San Gabriel Wash, F.W. Peirson, Mar. 6, 1921 to 5382 ft. (1641 m.), at Fenner Conservation Camp, Orlando Mistsretta, May 25, 1992 (no elev. was given, the one given here is supplied by the author); Jan.-June; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Jan. 1, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Fulkerson’s Ranch, Claremont, 2398 ft. (731 m.)

SBCo.: n. of Etiwanda, southernmost trib. from the west of E. Etiwanda Cyn., c. 2 miles s.w. of San Sevaine Flats, Apr. 5, 1997, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

Other records:

L.E. Hoffman, Swartout Cyn., Big Pines, July 10, 1927, no elev. given

FVS: July 10, 1927

Castilleja applegatei Fernald, Wavyleaf Indian Paintbrush

LACo.: From 1801 ft. (549 m.), SDEF, at Lewis Paul Cyn., at jct. of Big Dalton Cyn. Road, above waterfall which is visible from rd., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 11, 2008, to 8200 ft. (2500 m.), at San Antonio Ridge, 0.9 miles w. of Mt. Baldy, e. of saddle, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 31, 1998; Apr.-Aug.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: May 21, 1989, L.R. Heckard, J.C. Hickman,et al., 1.6 miles w. Mt. Baldy Rd. (Glendora Ridge Rd.), 4497 ft. (1371 m.)

SBCo.: From 2556 ft. (793 m.), at Cajon Wash, between Blue Cut & stream crossing at Swarthout Cyn. Road, c. 3 miles s. of Hwy. 138 crossing, Scott D. White, May 13, 1997, to 6075 ft. (1852 m.), at Chalk Pk. (peak 6089 ‘) between N. Fork & Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., R.G. Swinney, July 19, 1996; Apr.-July; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 12, 1993, R.G. Swinney, Wright Mt. summit, 8469 ft. (2582 m.)

Castilleja applegatei Fernald ssp. martinii (Abrams) T.I. Chuang & Heckard, Martin’s Paintbrush, Waivyleaf Indian Paintbrush

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at San Gabriel Cyn., P.A. Munz, Apr. 23, 1925, to 8479 ft. (2585 m.), at Wright Mt., s. of Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, July 8, 1998; Apr.-Sep.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 10, 1895, H.M. Hall, San Antonio Mts., 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), near mouth of Cucamonga Creek (Cyn.), take low rd. from head of Saphire St., 3 miles n. of State Hwy. 30, to San Bernardino, n.e. of Upland, John Olmsted, Mar. 14, 1958, to 8469 ft. (2582 m.), within 100 yards s.,e. and n. of Wright Mt. Summit, R.G. Swinney, July 12, 1993; Jan., Mar.-Nov.; uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: July 11, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Coldwater Cyn., no elev. given

Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson, Desert or Northwestern Indian Paint-brush

[synonym: C. angustifolia (Nutt.) G. Don, misappl.]

LACo.: Valyermo area, Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, Punchbowl Canyon, Aug. 15, 2005, 4400 ft. (1341 m.); Table Mt. (East Peak); ridge n.e. of Table Mt.

(peak 7473 ‘) c. 0.4 miles w. of co. line, June 13, 1997, 7200 ft. (2195 m.); Carr Cyn., 0.5 -1.0 mile e. of Littlerock Creek confl., April 29, 2009, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, Larry DeBuhr, et al., along Mt. Emma Rd., 0.5 miles e. of Little Rock Cr. below the dam, May 11, 1973, 3400 ft. (1037 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., slopes e. of Little Rock Reservoir, Apr. 12, 1994, 3300 ft. (1005 m.)

FVS: Apr. 21, 1948, N.C. Cooper, Little Rock, 2500 ft. (762 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Castilleja exserta (A. Heller) T.I. Chuang & Heckard, Purple Owl’s-Clover, Exserted Indian Painbrush

Highly variable, hybridizes with C. attenuata

LACo.: n. of Glendora, 200 yds. south of Glendora Mt. Road on firebreak on w. boundary of Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, e. of Colby Fire Road (jct. of Colby Trail & Colby-Dalton Trail-added 2010), May 12, 1989, 1499 ft. (457 m.); Claremont, 0.5 - 1.0 miles n.e. of Padua Hills Resturant at Padua Dr., Apr. 11, 1998, 2519 ft. (768 m.)

Other records:

Jerome Horton, 0.25 miles s.e. San Dimas Reservoir (San Dimas Climatic Station), San Dimas Cyn., May 17, 1939, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: May 17, 1939

SBCo.: c. 1 mile s.w. of Cajon Jct., “Limestone Cyn.”, w. of Cajon Wash, 2.3 miles s.e. of FS Road 3N53 & Lone Pine Rd. (at Hwy. 138) on FS Road 3N49, June 21, 1995, 3201 ft. (976 m.)

Other records: None found.

Castilleja exserta (A. Heller) T.I. Chuang & Heckard ssp. exserta, Purple Owl’s-Clover, Exserted Indian Paintbrush

(Synonym: Orthocarps purpurascens Benth.)

LACo.: From 1450 ft. (441 m.), at Whitney Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, Mar 15, 1967, to 4002 ft. (1220 m.), at Spring Hill, San Antonio Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, May 15, 1968; Mar.-June; rare; transmontane, cismontane

Other records:

Sam Tyson, Big Dalton Cyn., Apr. 22, 1943, no elev. given; Richard Noyes & L. Arnseth, Claremont foothills, dry drainage bed, 100 meters e. of Thompson Cr. Dam, Apr. 30, 1988, 1640 ft. (500 m.); L.C. Wheeler, W. side of Little Dalton Cyn., Glendora Mt. Road, May 13, 1967, 1575 ft. (480 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Glendora Ridge Truck Trail, Mar. 21, 1968, 2075 ft. (633 m.); W.A. Reinke, on Glendora Mt. Road, 1 mile n. of Glendora Dam, May 3, 1971, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Little Rock, n. base of San Gab. Mts., (perhaps n. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Mar. 3, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: s. of Barrett Village, Apr. 20, 1996, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Hwy. 138, c. 1 mile SSW of Cajon Jct., off FS Road 3N49, 3100 ft.

(945 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge Area, c. 0.7 miles due WSW of Apple White Rd. at Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, June 22, 1995, 3840 ft. (1171 m.)

Other records:

Gerald L. Benny & Collin M. Wainwright, Day Cyn., burned 1970, May 12, 1971, 3200 ft. (976 m.); Jack D. lngwersen, Mt. Baldy foothills, Apr. 26, 1962, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 26, 1962

Castilleja foliolosa Hook. & Arn., Woolly Indian Paintbrush

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at San Gabriel Canyon, Anon., Apr. 23, 1925, to 4800 ft. (1463 m.), at Bare Mt. Cyn., Orlando Mistretta & Mark Elvin, May 10, 1995; Feb.-June, Oct.; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Mar. 14, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, San dimas, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: From 1500 ft. (457 m.), at 2.5 miles n. of end of Haven Ave., in Deer Cyn., north of Chaffey College, D.A. Young, May 10, 1969, to 4500 ft. (1372 m.), at Cascade Cyn. along fire rd. from Barrett Cyn. to W. Fork of Cucamonga Cyn., 100 yards. n.w. of creek crossing, J.D. Omsted, Apr. 24, 1959; Mar.-July; uncommon; near transmontane at Mormon Rocks & Cajon Cyn., R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Apr. 20, 1973, 3400 ft. (1037 m.), cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 30, 1918, L.T. Street, Lytle Creek Cyn., no elev. given

Castilleja gleasoni Elmer, Mount Gleason Paintbrush

(synonym: C. pruinosa Fernald, in part misappl.)

Status: CNPS List: 1B R-E-D Code: 3-2-3 State/Fed. Status: CR/C2

CRPR 1B.2 S2.2 G2Q San Gab. Mts. only; Chilao/Horse Flats area to Mt. Gleason

LACo.: From 2719 ft. (829 m.), at Acton Mt. Gleason, A.D.E. Elmer, June 1902, June 1902, to 5999 ft. (1829 m.), at e. slope of Mt. Gleason, immediately n.e. of microwave station on 3N17, T.P. Frantz, June, 21, 1979; May-July, Sep.; rare; tramsmontane, montane, cismontane at “Sol” Pk & “Sold” Pk., N. Fork Management District, Tujunga Ranger District, Orlando Mistretta ?, no elev. given; 25 records from Mt. Gleason/Chilao Flats/Horse Flats/Pacifico Mt. area.

FVS: June, 1902, Adolf Daniel Edward Elmer, summit of Mt. Gleason, 6100 ft. (1860 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Castilleja liniariifolia Benth., Wyoming Indian Paintbrush

LACo.: From 2998 ft. (914 m.), 1.12 mi. below Big Rock Ranger Station (Big Rock Cr., desert slope of San Gab. Mts.), Carl B. Wolf, Aug. 11, 1932, to 4999 ft. (1524 m.), at Rock Cr., north slope of San Gab. Mts., F.W. Peirson, June 14, 1919; June-Oct.; rare; transmontane

FVS: June 26, 1897, J.H. Barber, Aliso Cyn.

SBCo.: No records found.

Castilleja miniata Douglas ex Hook., Scarlet Paintbrush, Giant Red Indian Paintbrush

LACo.: From 3998 ft. (1219 m.), at ¼ mi. below Falling Springs Resort, on rockface, 10 ft. above rd., R.D. Keys, May 6, 1973, to 8049 ft. (2454 m.), at Lily Spring, n. slope of Mt. Hawkins, R.G. Swinney, Sep. 15, 2001; May-Oct.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 14, 1919, Frank W. Peirson, Big Rock Cr., 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

SBCo.: From 6038 ft. (1841 m.), at Wright Lake, Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, Oct. 30, 2008, to 8397 ft. (2560 m.), near San Antonio Ski Hut., Peter H. Raven with H.L. Wedberg, Aug. 17, 1957; June-Oct.; uncommon; montane

FVS: July 28, 1917, I.M. Johnston, N. Fork San Antonio Cyn., (Old Gold Ridge Mine), 7997 ft. (2438 m.)

Castilleja miniata Hook. ssp. miniata, Giant Red Paintbrush

(synonym: Castilleja oblongifolia A. Gray)

LACo.: From 2398 ft. (731 m.), at Old Trail to Switzerland, M.N. Ackley, June 5, 1927, to 8101.6 ft. (2470 m.), below Guffy Camp on Blue Ridge, R.F. Thorne & John Olmsted, Aug. 26, 1965; May-Oct.; uncommon in moist soil; transmontane, montane, near cismontane at Lower Pine Flat, First Camp, N. Fork San Gab. Cyn., F.R. Fosberg & Joseph A. Ewan, Aug. 11, 1993, 4920 ft. (1500 m.)

FVS: July 28, 1917, I.M. Johnston, N. Fork, San Antonio Cyn. (Old Gold Ridge Mine), 8000 ft. (2439 m.)

SBCo.: From 4900 ft. (1494 m.), at Clyde Ranch, Lone Pine Cyn., F.W. Peirson, Aug. 30, 1923, to 8039 ft. (2451 m.), at Baldy Bowl area, San Antonio Cyn., w. spring area, R.G. Swinney, July 13, 1995; July-Sep.; uncommon; montane

FVS: July 11, 1902, L.R. Abrams, San Antonio Mts., Coldwater Cyn., no elev. given

Castilleja minor (A. Gray) A. Gray ssp. spiralis (Jeps.) T.I. Chuang & Heckard, Lesser Indian Paintbrush

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), at Roberts Cyn., 0.4-0.7 miles n. of San Gabriel Cyn., R.G. Swinney, June 24, 2008, to 7544 ft. (2300 m.), at Little Jimmy Spring, Windy Camp, n. slope of Mt. Islip, F.R. Fosberg & Joseph A. Ewan, Aug. 12, 1931; Apr.-Oct., Dec.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: July 9, 1901, L.R. Abrams, Shortcut Cyn., near Barley Flats

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Cucamonga Cyn., c. 0.5 miles n. of W. Almond Ave. (dirt extension), R.G. Swinney, June 11, 1994, to 5599 ft. (1707 m.), at Bear Flats, n. of Baldy Village, R.G. Swinney, July 12, 1995; June-Nov.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Sep. 30, 1959, J.D. Olmsted, water supply meadow, above Camp Baldy, 5500 ft. (1524 m.)

+Castilleja montigena Heckard, Heckards’ Indian Paintrbrush

LACo.: Robert F. & M.Z. Thorne, above Crystal Creek Recr. Area (Big Cienaga Springs), July 19, 1967, 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Castilleja plagiotoma A. Gray, Mojave Indian Paintbrush

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G3

LACo.: From 2750 ft. (838 m.), at Arrastre Cyn., near Ravena RR Station, F.W. Peirson, May 10, 1919, to 7600 ft. (2317 m.), w. of Wrightwood, c. 0.25 miles e. of Hwy. 2, c. 300 meters n. of Guffy (FS Road 3N06 ), R.G. Swinney, June 25, 1997; Apr.-July; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 18, 1918, F.W. Peirson, n. side San Gab. Mts., (Lower Rock Creek Cyn.), 3998 ft. (1219 m.)

SBCo.: From 4559 ft. (1390 m.), between Pinon Hills & Sheep Cr., 0.9 miles s. of Hwy. 138 on Scrub Oak Rd., 70 meters w. of rd., R.G. Swinney, May 29, 1995, to 5999 ft. (1829 m.), at Horse Cyn./Circle Mt. Rehab Project, in wide drainage w. of Circle Mt., Orlando Mistretta, July 18, 1994; Apr.-July; rare; transmontane, montane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 1-3, 1900, H.M. Hall, N. Fork Cyn., Lytle Creek Cyn., 5497 ft.

(1676 m.)

Castilleja pruinosa Fernald, Frosted Indian Paintbrush

Highly variable and confusing complex, needs further study. From TJM-1993: plants with +/- wide calyx lobes from San Gab. Mts. that key here, have been called C. gleasoni, probably polyploidy derrivaties of C. affinis ssp. affinis x C. foliosa.

LACo.: Horse Flats, 1 air mile NNW of Neucomb’s Ranch at Hwy. 2/Angeles Crest Hwy. June 8, 2009, 5642 ft. (1720 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, w. half of Chilao Flats Cmpgrd., June 25, 1987, no elev. given; L.R. Heckard with Michael Morris, 2 miles w. Route 2, along FS Road 3N17 at entrance to Hidden Valley Scout Camp, just n. of Bandito Cmpgrd, June 13, 1976, 5796 ft. (1767 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. Calif. transmission line tower (Seg. 6, structure 23 per TRTP survey 2008) vic. of Aliso Cyn., west of Angeles Forest Hwy., Apr. 16, 2008, 3746 ft. (1142 m.); L.R. Heckard with Michael Morris, e. flank Mt. Gleason, June 13, 1976, 5596 ft.

(1706 m.)

FVS: June, 1902, A.D.E. Elmer, Acton, Mt. Gleason

SBCo.: No records found.

Castilleja subinclusa Greene, ssp. subinclusa, Longleaf Indian Paintbrush

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Stoddard Flat, s. of Barrett Village, July 25, 1995, 4451 ft. (1357 m.)

Other records: None found.

Cordylanthus nevinii A. Gray, Nevin’s Bird’s Beak

LACo.: From 5396 ft. (1645 m.), at Chilao (Chellea), Annetta M. Carter, Sep. 12, 1935, to 7911 ft. (2412 m.), at Waterman Mt. (Summit-added 2010), R.G. Swinney, July 24, 2008; Julyl-Oct.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 21, 1917, I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn., 6700 ft. (2043 m.)

SBCo.: From 5996 ft. (1828 m.), at Lytle Cr., Frank W. Peirson, Sep. 15, 1920, to 8150 ft. (2485 m.), at 0.1 miles s.e. of Guffy Camp, L.C. Wheeler, Aug. 29, 1946; Aug., Sep.; transmontane, montane, near cismontane at N. Fork, of Lytle Cr., F.W. Peirson, Sep. 15, 1920, 6000 ft. (1829 m.) & Manker Flat, San Antonio Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 13, 1967, no elev. given

FVS: Nov., 1904, Geo. R. Hall, Swartout Cyn., 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

+Cordylanthus rigidus (Benth.) Jeps. ssp. rigidus, Rigid Bird’s Beak

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Cabin Flat, Prairie Fork, Aug. 20, 1966, no elev. given

SBCo.: 1 mile w. of San Sevaine Well on San Sevaine Rd., July 21, 1993, 5960 ft. (1817 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, mouth of Day Cyn., July 23, 1971, 2801 ft. (854 m.)

FVS: July 23, 1971

Cordylanthus rigidus (Benth.) Jeps. ssp. setigerus Chuang & Heckard, Stiffbranch Birds Beak

CA & n. Baja CA

LACo.: From 1237 ft. (377 m.), at Thompson Wash, 2 miles n.e. of LaVerne, L.C. Wheeler, Aug. 31, 1932, to 7200 ft. (2194 m.), at Gold Dollar Mine at head of Dry Gulch off Coldwater Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, Aug. 28, 1967; June-Sep.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 10, 1900, L.R. Abrams, San Gabriel Cyn.

SBCo.: From 2496 ft. (761 m.), at Lytle Cr. Canyon, H.M. Hall, June 1-3, 1900, to 6800 ft. (2073 m.), along trail down Icehouse Cyn., above Columbine Springs, R.F. Thorne, Oct. 28, 1967; June-Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass area at side cyn. west of Cajon Cyn., near Ralson Pk., L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 6, 1968, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

FVS: June 1-3, 1900

Kopsiopsis strobilacea (A. Gray) Beck, California Groundcone

(synonym: Boschniakia strobilacea A. Gray,)

LACo.: From 5000 ft. (1523 m.), w. slope of Mt. Disappointment, L.C. Wheeler, Apr. 7, 1951, to 9496 ft. (2895 m.), near summit of Baldy (Mt. San Antonio), I.M. Johnston, July 4, 1917; June-Aug., Oct.; rare; montane

FVS: July 14, 1917

SBCo.: Herbert L. Mason, Mt. San Antonio, June 15, 1927, 7997 ft. (2438 m.); F.W. Peirson, Ontario Ridge, near Ontario Pk., May 29, 1920, 8498 ft. (2591 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Bear Cyn. Trail to Mt. Baldy, July 5, 1993, 6500 ft. (1982 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Mt. San Antonio, Sep. 13, 1967, 9500 ft. (2896 m.); T.P. Krantz, w. slope of Mt. Harwood, June 26, 1979, 9801 ft. (2988 m.); I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Pk., July 30, 1917, 8895 ft. (2712 m.); I.M. Johnston, Ontario Pk., July 30, 1917, 8695 ft. (2651 m.)

FVS: July 30, 1917 (Ontario & Cucamonga Pks.)

Orobanche bulbosa (A. Gray) G. Beck, Chaparral Broomrape

CA & Baja CA, Mex.; generally on Adenostoma fasciculatum

LACo.: From 1250 ft. (381 m.), at Placerita Cyn., near Newhall, J.C. Roos, June 6, 1942, to 4100-5097 ft. (1250-1554 m.), at upper Big Tujunga Cyn., ridge & slopes descending +/_ ENE from THORN (Triang. Point 5499 ft.) toward Big Tujunga Cr. (c. 06-1.6 air-miles ENE of Barley Flats), T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., June 8, 1990; Apr.-July; rare; cismontane

FVS: July 1, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Evey Cyn., on Yerba Santa, 2749 ft. (838 m.)

SBCo.: Ralson Pk., Cajon Pass area, w. of I-215 (I-15-added 2010), s. of Hwy. 138, e. of Lone Pine Cyn. Road, near jct. with Hwy. 138, July 8, 1995, 4540 ft.

(1384 m.)

Other records:

J.C. Daves, summit, Cajon Pass, Jan 1, 1898, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Cyn., May 20, 1917, 2496 ft. (761 m.); Samuel B. Parish, Cajon Pass, Jan. 1, 1886, no elev. given

FVS: June 1, 1886

Orobanche californica Cham. & Schtdl., Callifornia Broomrape

LACo.: Carr Cyn. at confluence with Littlerock Cr., May 6, 2009, 2982 ft.

(909 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Orobanche californica Cham. & Schltdl. ssp. feudgei (Munz) Heckard, Calilfornia Broomrape

CA to Baja CA, Mex.; primarily on Artemisia tridentata

LACo.: Richard Olmstead, near picnic ground at Chilao Chilao, June 8, 1986,

5248 ft. (1600 m.); F.W. Peirson, Rangers Cabin, Swartout Valley, July 7, 1922, 5900 ft. (1799 m.); R.N. Phibbrick, S. Fork Littlerock Cr., May 20, 1965, c.

3450 ft. (1052 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Chilao Guard Station, Chilao Flat, May 12, 1946, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta, vicinity of Mt. Baden-Powell, near Vicent Gap above Vincent Gulch, June 2, 1993, 6700 ft. (2043 m.); Orlando Mistretta Fenner Cyn. Conservation Camp, May 25, 1992, no elev. given; B.C. Templeton, Big Pines Camp, May 31, 1932, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta, n. side of Mt. Gleason Rd., Little Gleason Management Unit, Sep. 9, 1992, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Little Rock Cr., May 20, 1921, 3201 ft. (976 m.)

FVS: May 20, 1921

SBCo.: Slover Cyn., e. of Wrightwood, 0.5 miles s. of Lone Pine Cyn. Road, May 23, 1993, no elev. given; 1.2 miles s. of Lone Pine Rd. at FS Road 3N31, within

250 ft. of either side of rd., May 15, 1993, 5399 ft. (1646 m.); Ralston Pk., Cajon Pass area, w. of Hwy. I-215 (I-15-added 2010), s. of Hwy. 138, e. of Lone Pine

Cyn. Road, near jct. with Hwy. 138, July 8, 1995, 4540 ft. (1384 m.); Circle Mt. Peak, June 23, 1994, 6721 ft. (2049 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: May 15, 1993

Orobanche cooperi (A. Gray) A. Heller, Desert Broomrape

Generally on Ast., Ambrosia and Encelia farinosa

LACo.: Herbert L. Mason, Mohave Desert, Little Rock Creek, Apr. 26, 1926, no elev. given (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: No records found.

Orobanche fasciculata Nutt., Clustered Broomrape

LACo.: From 2099 ft. (640 m.), at c. 2 miles s.e. of Newhall in upper Whitney Cyn., s.e. of jct. of San Fernando Rd. & State Hwy. 14, along Whitney Cyn. Road, s. of Whitney Cyn., J. Henrickson, Apr. 15, 2000, to 9099 ft. (2774 m.), at Throop Pk. Trail, Oct. 16, 1977; May-Aug., Oct.; uncommon; mostly montane, several records from the transmontane

FVS: June 13, 1948, L.C. Wheeler, n. side Big Tujunga, opposite Coldwater Cyn., 3300 ft. (1005 m.)

SBCo.: near summit of peak s.e. of Oak Spring Ranch, s. of Pinon Hills, May 27, 1996, 6140 ft. (1872 m.); Timber Mt. (Chapman Pk.), July 11, 1995, 8161 ft. (2488 m.); Stoddard Flat, s. of Barrett Village, July 25, 1995, 4451 ft. (1357 m.); c. 0.5 miles n.w. of E. Cucamonga Cyn. at Cucamonga Truck Trail (FS Rd. 1N35), Apr. 30, 1994, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); Thunder Mt. Ridge, w. of Thunder Mt. Pk., July 14, 1995, 7961 ft. (2427 m.); Baldy Bowl area, near Ski Hut, in small trib. with springs, e. of San Antonio Cyn., at e. spring area, July 13, 1995, 8040 ft. (2451 m.); San Sevaine Flats, San Sevaine Well, July 16, 1993, 5320 ft. (1622 m.) (location data edited-2012); Slover Cyn., e. of Wrightwood, 0.5 miles s. of Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., May 23, 1993, 6199 ft. (1890 m.)

Other records:

Naomi Fraga, LeRoy Gross, et al., San Sevaine Flats, n.w. of jct. of 1N34 & the rd. to communication towers, July 12, 2005, 5501 ft. (1677 m.); Nolan M. Ung, Ice House Cyn. Trail, c. 0.5 miles e. of Mt. Baldy Rd., Apr. 27, 2008, 5179 ft.

(1579 m.)

FVS: May 23, 1993

Orobanche parishii (Jeps.) Heckard, Parish’s Broomrape

LACo.: LC. Wheeler, Heliport, 0.3 miles n. of S. Mt. Hawkins, July 25, 1970, 7500 ft. (2287 m.); Orlando & Joe Mistretta, Burkhart Trail, c. 1/4 mi. from passing area, on w. side of trail, Sep. 22, 1992, 6410 ft. (1954 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Arraster (Arrastre-added 2011), Cyn., Arraster Cr., May 10, 1919,

2998 ft. (914 m.); I.M. Johnston, Evey Cyn., Jluy 4, 1917, 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

FVS: Apr. 4, 1917

SBCo.: I.M. Johnstson, Devil’s Backbone on Yerba Santa, Sep. 16, 1917,

9197 ft. (2804 m.); L.R. Abrams, San Antonio Mt., July 11, 1902, 6996 ft.

(2133 m.)

FVS: July 11, 1902

Orobanche parishii (Jeps.) Heckard ssp. parishii, Parish’s Broomape

CA & Baja CA, Mex.; on Isocoma and other Asteraceae

LACo.: Orlando MIstretta, Yerbabuena Trail, Tujunga Ranger District, Sep. 1, 1992, 3760 ft. (1145 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Joe Mistretta, Burkhart Trail, c. 1/4 mile from passing area, n. side of trail, Sep. 22, 1992, 6410 ft. (1953 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Mt. Gleason Management Unit, Tujunga Ranger District, Dec. 10, 1992, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Heliport 0.3 miles n. of South Mt. Hawkins, July 25, 1970, 7500 ft. (2287 m.)

FVS: July 25, 1970

SBCo.: No records found.

Orobanche valida Jeps., Rock Creek Broomrape

LACo.: W.P. Armstrong, trail up S. Fork Big Rock Cr., 2.0 km. s.w. of S. Fork cmpgrd., June 26, 1982, 5576 ft. (1700 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Orobanche valida Jeps. ssp. valida, Rock Creek Broomrape

[synonym: O. ludoviciana Nutt. var. valida (Jeps.) Munz]

Status: CNPS List: 1B R-E-D Code: 3-2-3 State/Fed. Status: /C2

CRPR 1B2 S2 G3T2 San Gab. Mts. only.

On Garrya fremontii

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.), at Claremont, upper sonoran zone, under Quercus agrifolia, C.F. Baker, July 8, 1916, 1200 ft. (366 m.) (near s. boundary of San Gab. Mts.), to 6501 ft. (1982 m.), at S. Fork Rock Cr., trail toward the summit, F.W. Peirson, June 2, 1928; May-Aug.; rare; montane, transmontane

FVS: June 2, 1928, F.W. Peirson, S. Fork Rock Cr., trail toward the summit, 6501 ft. (1982 m.)

SBCo.: Naomi Fraga, LeRoy Gross, et al., N Fk. Lytle Cr., on slopes along n. side of the canyon, n.e. of Paiute Campground, May 20, 2004, 6399 ft. (1951 m.) and at 6101 ft. (1860 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Horse Cyn. Shhting Area, Aug. 4, 1994, no elev. given.

FVS: Aug. 4, 1994

Pedicularis densiflora Benth. ex Hook., Warrior’s Plume, Indian Warrior

LACo.: P.A. Munz, San Gabriel Canyon, Apr. 23, 1925, 1600 ft. (488 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Sycamore Flat Ridge, n. slope San Dimas Region, Apr. 21, 1921,

2798 ft. (853 m.); G. Bragg, mts. above Claremont, Johnson (possibly Johnson’s Pastures-added 2010), no date, no elev. given; E.F. Sprague, Cobal Cyn., behind Padua Hills, n. slope of fire rd. at top of ridge, May 21, 1957, 1000 ft. (305 m.); F.W. Peirson, fks. of San Gabriel River, Apr. 23, 1925, 1738 ft. (530 m.); Albert J. Perkins, Glendora, Little Dalton Trail (Lower Monroe Mtwy.-added 2010), Feb. 16, 1916, no elev. given

FVS: Feb. 16, 1916

SBCo.: Lower Lytle Cr. Divide, 3.2 miles s.e. of Lytle Cr. Rd. & Applewhite Road jct., on FS Road 3N31, June 17, 1995, 3300-3600 ft. (1006-1098 m.)

Other records: None found.

Pedicularis semibarbata A. Gray, Pine Woods Lousewort

LACo.: From 5300 ft. (1616 m.), near Chilao Cr., Upper Chilao Cmpgrd., R.F. Thorne, July 2, 1969, to 9361 ft. (2854 m.), Mt. Baden-Powell, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 18, 2001; May-Oct.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Rock Cr.

SBCo.: From 5796 ft. (1767 m.), at Lytle Cr. Cyn., H.M. Hall, June 1-3, 1900, to 8561 ft. (2610 m.), at Ontario Pk., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 14, 1995; May-Aug.; uncommon; montane

FVS: June 1-3, 1900

Oxalidaceae Oxalis Family

Oxalis californica (Abrams) R. Kunth, California Woodsorrel

[synonym: O. albicans Kunth ssp. californica (Abrams) Eiten]

CA & Baja CA, Mex.; probably closely related to O. pilosa Nutt.

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Fish Cyn., May 6, 1920, 900 ft. (274 m.); R.F. Thorne, San Dimas Cyn., near its mouth, Mar. 14, 1973, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne & Arthur C. Gibson, Fish Cyn., 1000 ft. (305 m.); Olmsted, Johnson’s Pasture Rd., with s.w. drainage along Thompson Cr., 1 1/4 miles n.w. of jct. of Indian Hill & Baseline, n.w. of Claremont, Mar. 17, 1958, 1550 ft. (473 m.); H.P. Chandler, San Dimas Cyn., San Dimas, Mar. 14, 1897, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

FVS: Mar. 14, 1897

SBCo.: LC. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, July 13, 1967, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

Oxalis pilosa Nutt., Radishroot Woodsorrel

[synonym: Oxalis albicans Kunth ssp. pilosa (Nutt.) Eiten,

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn., Wilderness Park, mouth of Waterpipe Cyn. (now named Pavil Cyn.-added 2010), 1.2 meters n.e. of Glendora Mt. Rd., on Big Dalton Cyn. Rd., Nov. 24, 1989, 1400 ft. (427 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, w. debris basin, Brown School for Girls (W. Hook Cyn. Debris Basin, adj. to Church of the Open Door-added 2010), Mar. 21, 1968,

1500 ft. (457 m.); LC. Wheeler, Widman Ranch, Coldwater Cyn., Aug. 27, 1967, 3900 ft. (1189 m.)

FVS: Aug. 27, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

Oxalis corniculata L., Creeping Woodsorral

Native to Medit. Europe, possibly Toxic in quantity to sheep

LACo.: San Gabriel Cyn., El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, w. bank of river where it turns n-s, May 30, 2008, 840 ft. (256 m.); Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn., Wilderness Park, Pavil Cyn., May 8, 1989, 1450 ft. (442 m.); Monrovia Cyn. Wilderness Park, along cyn. bottom, 0.3 miles up-canyon from gated entrance, Mar. 28, 2009,1200 ft. (366 m.); San Gabriel River, under Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., on e. side of Encanto Pkwy., e. of Encanto Park in Duarte, Apr. 13, 2009, 604 ft. (184 m.)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, Fish Cyn., May 6, 1920, 899 ft. (274 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Rincon Ranger Station, Oct. 27, 1966, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, W. Debris Basin, Brown School for Girls (W. Hook Cyn. Debris Basin, n. of church of the Open Door, Glendora-added 2011), Mar. 21, 1968, 1500 ft. (457 m.); F.W. Peirson, Tujunga Cyn., (low hill at foot.), Mar. 28, 1920, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: Mar. 28, 1920

SBCo.: No records found.

Oxalis pes-caprae L., Sour Grass, Cape Oxalis, Bermuda Buttercup

Native to s. Africa, possibly Toxic in quantity to sheep

LACo.: From 581 ft. (177 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., between I-210 Frwy. & Foothill Blvd., Azusa/Irwindale, 200-300 meters e. of San Gabriel River Channel, R.G. Swinney, Feb. 20, 2009, to 1404 ft. (428 m.), at Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 1, 1989; Feb.-Apr.; rare; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 8,1967, L.C. Wheeler, 200 yds. e. of mouth of San Gab. Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Paeoniaceae Peony Familly

Paeonia californica Torr. & A. Gray, California Peony

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1100 ft. (335 m.), at vicinity of stables, Brown School for Girls (adj. to the Church of the Open Door, w. of Hook Cyn. Channel-added 2010), LC. Wheeler, Mar. 28, 1968, to 1148 ft. (350 m.), above Upland, San Gab. Mts., Benjamin C. Stone, Apr. 1954; Feb.-May; uncommon, cismontane

FVS: Jan. 5, 1903, Ernest Braunton, Eaton Cyn.,

SBCo.: From 1752 ft. (534 m.), just n. of Campus Library, Chaffey College, Alta Loma, Mar. 11, 1962, to 4995 ft. (1523 m.), at Swarthout Valley Rd., to end of pavement, Cajon Pass, Cleghorn Rd. turnoff, Apr. 2, 1988; Jan., Mar.-June; uncommon; mostly cismontane, montane at Lone Pine Cyn.

FVS: Mar. 28, 1945, Lyman Benson, San Antnonio Cyn., 3001 ft. (915 m.)

Paeonia brownii Douglas, Brown’s, Mountain or Western Peony

LACo.: R.N. Raynor, mouth of Cajon Cyn., Apr. 1, 1933, no elev. given (possibly s. or e. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: No records found.

Papaveraceae Poppy Family

Argemone corymbosa Greene, Mojave Pricklypoppy

LACo.: K.C. Zakar, Switzer’s Camp, Angeles Crest Hwy., c. 10 miles n. of La Canada, July 1969, 5000 ft. (1523 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Argemone munita Durand & Hilg., Chicalote, Flatbud Prickly Poppy

(A. munita var. rotundata G.B. Ownbey and A. munita ssp. argentea G.B. Ownbey)

LACo.: From 2496 ft. (761 m.), at 30 miles n. of Azusa, 1 mile s. of Crystal Lake on Hwy. 39, to 7997 ft. (2438 m.), at Grass Hallow, Larry Kinney, June 30, 1974; Apr.-Sep.; uncommon at transmontane, montane; near cismontane at 1 mile s. of Crystal Lake

FVS: June 1902, A.D.E. Elmer, Acton, no elev. given (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: From 3001 ft. (915 m.), at Cajon Cyn., c. 1 mile w. of Cajon Jct., Lindsay Smith, May, 28, 1966, to 10000 ft. (3049 m.), at Mt. San Antonio, Albert J. Perkins, Oct. 3, 1928; May-July, Sep., Oct.; uncommon at montane, Cajon Pass; cismontane at Lytle Cr., L.R. Abrams, 4000 ft. (1220 m.), July 13, 1902

FVS: July 13, 1902

The following synonyms are not recognized in TJM2 but are presented here and indented:

Synonym: A. munita Durand & Hilg. ssp. munita is listed here)

Toxic but not generally eaten

LACo.: From 3998 ft. (1219 m.), past Wilson turnoff on Angeles Crest Hwy., sandy turn out of rd., Mary MacArther, June 4, 1966 to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at E. Table Mt. Summit, Wrightwood area, R.G. Swinney, July 2, 1998; May-Sep., uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane ? record for Glendora Mt. Road without specific location or elev. - possibly montane

Other records:

David Charlton, Lightning (=Blue?) Ridge at jct. of FS Rd. 3N06 & Angeles Crest Hwy., c. 4 miles n.w. of SB Co. line , 5 miles n.w. of Wrightwood, June 15, 1986, 7400 ft. (2256 m.); Barry White, 30 miles n. of Azusa, 1 mile s. of Crystal Lake on Hwy. 39, Apr. 12, 1969, 2496 ft. (761 m.); C.E. Fellows, 1 mi. up Angeles Crest Hwy. from Red Box Station, Sep. 7, 1965, no elev. given;

FVS: Sep. 7, 1965, C.E. Fellows, 1 mi. up Angeles Crest Hwy. from Red Box Station, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 3000 ft. (915 m.), at Day Cr. Cyn., R.F. Thorne, G. Benny, et al., July 23, 1971, to 10000 ft. (3049 m.), at Mt. San Antonio, Albert J. Perkins, Oct. 3, 1928; May-July, Sep., Oct.; uncommon; all 3 sections

Synonym: Argemone munita Durand & Hilf. ssp. rotundata (Rydb.) G.B. Ownbey, Flatbud Pridkly Poppy (Variable in prickle density on stems and leaves, status questionable)

LACo.: H. Webster, San Antonio Cyn., no date given, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Blue Ridge near Grassy Hollow, Sep. 12, 1953, no elev. given; Frank W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., July 9, 1918, 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

FVS: July 9, 1918

SBCo.: L.R. Abrams, near summit of San Antonio, July 1901, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne & Lindsay Smith, Cajon Cyn., c. 1 mile w. of Cajon Jct., May 28, 1966, 3000 ft. (915 m.); A. Nichelson, Cajon Pass (possibly in San Bernardino Mts.), May 26, 1930, no elev. given; H.M. Hall, Lytle Cr. Cyn., June 1, 1900,

4497 ft. (1371 m.)

FVS: June 1, 1900

+Canbya candida C. Parry, White Pygmy Poppy

Status: CNPS List 1B R-E-D Code: 2-2-3 State/Fed. Status: None

CRPR 4.2 S3.2 G3

LACo.: Kathy Harper, Pinon Hills, first wash on Smoke Tree Rd., e. of Hwy. 138, May 16, 1986, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); R.F. Thorne & Gary Wallace, 1/4 mile n. of Bob’s Gap, 3.5 miles s. of Llano, n. slope of Holcomb Ridge, Apr. 25, 1973, 3800-3900 ft. (1159 m.); Robert Gustafson & Gary Wallace, Bob’s Gap Rd., c. 3.5 miles s. of jct. with Pearblossom Hwy., Apr. 26, 1982, 3200 ft. (976 m.); F.W. Peirson, Littlerock Cr., May 19, 1921, 3401 ft. (1037 m.); G.D. Wallace, Bob’s Gap, Apr. 17, 1982, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Hunt Cyn., 3 miles e. of Vincent, May 12, 1967, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); F.W. Peirson, Littlerock Cr., north slope, Cajon Pass (these 2 locations are not compatable. Perhaps it should read - n. slope San Gab. Mts. ? - added 2010), May 19, 1921, 3398 ft. (1036 m.)

FVS: May 19, 1921

SBCo.: Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts., Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, 3802 ft. (1159 m.); F.W. Peirson, n. slope of Cajon Pass, San Gab. Mts. region, May 29, 1921, 3600 ft. (1098 m.) (possibly n. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary); Mary Spencer, El Cajon Pass, May 12, 1917, 3280 ft. (1000 m.) (possibly e. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary); S.B. & W.F. Parish, San Bernardino Mts. region, summit of Cajon Pass, May, 1882, no elev. given (possibly e. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May, 1882

Dendrormecon rigida Benth., Bush Tree Poppy

[synonym: D. rigida Benth. ssp. rigida- status uncertain]

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From c. 1400 ft. (426 m.), at mouth of Big Tunga Cyn., shallow water, R.F. Thorne, June 26, 1971, to 6199 ft. (1890 m.), at Swarthout Valley, B.C. Templeton, June 1, 1932; Feb.-July; uncommon-fairly common; cismontane

Other records:

K. Dobry, Bear Divide & Sand Cyn. Rd., Apr. 22, 1991, no elev. given; Christopher Davidson & B. Gustafson, Big Tujunga Cyn., on Rd. 2N73, c. 5 miles n.e. of Sunland, June 24, 1975, 2250 ft. (686 m.); W.P. Burger, Angeles. Forest Hwy., 3 mi. from jct. with Angeles Crest Hwy., May 5, 1979, 3001 ft. (915 m.); D. Charlton, Angeles Crest Hwy., s. boundary Angeles Nat. Forest, Apr. 30, 1989, 2500 ft. 762 m.); N.C. Cooper, San Gabriel Cyn., June 29, 1949, 1499 ft.

(457 m.)

FVS: June 29, 1949

SBCo.: From 2450 ft. (747 m.), at Stoddard Cyn., off San Antonio Cyn., n. of Upland, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 4, 1998, to 4398 ft. (1341 m.), at Barrett-Stoddard Truck Trail, Stoddard Cyn., Arthur C. & Linda Gibson, Apr. 25, 1971; Apr.-June; uncommon; cismontane, approaching montane

FVS: Apr., 1902, H.M. Hall, Cajon Pass, 3998 ft. (1219 m.)

Dicentra formosa (Haw.) Walp., Pacific Bleeding Heart

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Gab. Mts., 100 meters s. of hwy. south of Soledad Cyn., May 23, 1967, 2100 ft. (640 m.); Gerald Collier, Santa Anita Cyn., c. 2 mi. up cyn. from bottom of Chantry Flats Trail, May 5, 1951, no elev. given

FVS: May 5, 1951

SBCo.: No records found.

Ehrendorferia chrysantha (Hook. & Arn.) Rylander, Golden Eardrops

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.; on burns; Toxic to livestock

LACo.: From 596 ft. (182 m.), near Azusa, San Gabriel Wash, M.N. Ackley, Apr. 1927, to 7600 ft. (2317 m.), at roadside between Grassy Hollow Cmpgrd. and Vincent Gap on Angeles Crest Hwy., June Latting, Sep. 17, 1978; Apr.-Nov.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June 12, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Switzers Trail

SBCo.: From 2601 ft. (793 m.), at Cajon Wash, between Blue Cut & stream crossing at Swarthout Cyn. Rd., c. 3 miles s. of Hwy. 138 crossing, Scott D. White, May 13, 1997, to 6399 ft. (1951 m.), at ridgetop imm. east of Gobbler’s Knob, c. 200 yards w. of jct. of FS Rd. 3N31 and spur rd. that goes to Gobbler’s Knob., R.G. Swinney, Nov. 2, 1991; Apr.-Aug., Nov.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Switzer’s Pk., no elev. given

Eschscholzia caespitosa Benth., Collarless California Poppy, Tufted Poppy

(ssp. caespitosa is not recognized by the USDA)

LACo.: From 1291 ft. (396 m.), at San Dimas Cyn.,along San Dimas Cyn. Rd., Scott D. White, July 14, 1994 and at Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, Big Dalton Cyn., (along Wren-Meacham Trail, 0.4 miles n.e. of s. trailhead-added 2010), to 5097 ft. (1554 m.), at Fern Cyn., (SDEF, near Brown’s Flat-added 2010), Jerome S. Horton, May 4, 1939; Apr.-July; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: Apr. 22, 1904, C.F. Baker, Monrovia

SBCo.: Lower Lytle Cr. Divide, 0.7 miles n.e. of jct. of Aplewhite Rd. and FS Road 3N31, Apr. 3, 1995, 3401 ft. (1037 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White & Michael Honer, wash, riparian woodland and slopes along San Antonio Cr., between Baldy (town) and Ice House Cyn., June 29, 2004, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); Beth Nelson, n. of Fontana, I-15 NE, exit Sierra Ave., left, 0.3 mile to Lytle Cr. Rd., turn left , continue for 1.4 miles, May 5, 1991, no elev. given; W.P. Taylor, Lytle Cr. Cyn., May 1, 1952, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Frankish Cyn., 1 mile w. of Cucamonga Cyn., June 25, 1936, 2699 ft. (823 m.)

FVS: June 25, 1936

Eschscholzia californica Cham., California Poppy

Highly variable with > 90 taxa applied, no spp. currently recognized

[synonyms: E. californica Cham. ssp. californica and E. californica Cham. var. pennisularis (Greene) Munz and E. californica Cham. var. crocea (Benth.) Jeps.

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 1.2 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., Azusa/Duarte, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 31, 2009, to 4681 ft. (1427 m.), at Vincent Gulch, c. 2.5 miles ESE of summit of Mt. Baden-Powell, c. 0.6 mi. above confl. with San Gabriel River; R.G. Swinney, Aug. 1, 1998; Apr., May, Aug.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Mar. 3, 1897, H.P.C., Claremont, 1299 ft. (396 m.)

SBCo.: From 2201 ft. (671 m.), at Meyer Cyn., & Lytle Creek Cyn., Jct., 0.3 miles e. of Lytle Cr. Road, at FS Road 1N33, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 4, 1994, to

5701 ft. (1738 m.), at Pinon Hills, Oak Spring Cyn., burn area, tributary cyn. feeding from e. side of Oak Springs Cyn., R.G. Swinney, July 6, 1995; Apr., May, July; uncommon; mostly transmontane & cismontane, approaching montane

FVS: Apr. 27, 1906, H.M. Hall, Glen Helen Ranch, Cajon Pass, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

+Eschscholzia hypecoides Benth., San Benito Poppy


LACo.: W.M. Gaunt, Glendora Mt. Ridge Rd., ½ mile s. of “Y” to Mt. Baldy , Apr. 30, 1966, 2998 ft. (914 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Eschscholzia minutiflora S. Watson, Small-flowered Poppy, Pygmy Poppy

LACo.: From 2300 ft. (701 m.), at Indian Cyn., near mouth, L.C. Wheeler, May 24, 1967, to 4736 ft. (1444 m.), at Bob’s Gap, at s. edge of Bob’s Gap, on slopes & roadside & down in wash, Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al.; Mar.-June; uncommon, transmontane

FVS: June 15, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., n. slope of San Gab. Mts., 4250 ft. (1296 m.)

SBCo.: upper Cajon Cyn., nameless cyn., n. of Circle Mt. & s.e. of Controvercy Spring, June 3, 1995, 4799 ft. (1463 m.); Pinon Hills area, 90-150 meters s.w. of jct. Hwy. 138 & Sheep Cr. Rd., on ridge extending to Hwy. 138, w. of Horse Cyn., May 29, 1995, 4520 ft. (1378 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Mormon Rocks, & Cajon Cyn., Apr. 20, 1973,

3400 ft. (1037 m.)

FVS: Apr. 20, 1973

+Meconella denticulata Greene, Smallflower Fairypoppy

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), at trail to Rincon (Rincon is near confl of W. and N. Forks of San Gabriel River-Tim Ross), Albert J. Perkins, May 2, 1914, to

2998 ft. (914 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., Herbert L. Mason, June 14, 1927; Feb.-June; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 4, 1890, H.E. Hasse, San Gab. Mts., brushy foothills of Sierra Madre

SBCo.: Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, 1.1 mile s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., Applewhite Rd., c. 0.75 miles e. of Applewhite Cmpgrd., Apr. 22, 1995,

3001 ft. (915 m.)

Other records:

Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 2, 1971, 2500-2700 ft. (762-823 m.);

Robert Eaton, Slope of Lytle Cr. Cyn., below San Sevaine Lookout, in ravine of small subsidary Cr., Apr. 27, 1968, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

FVS: Apr. 27, 1968

+Papaver californicum A. Gray, Fire Poppy, Western Poppy

Abundant after burns.

LACo.: Water Cyn., a trib. from n. of San Gabriel River Cyn., n. of Morris Dam, May 13, 1997, 1319 ft. (402 m.); n.e. of Azusa, 0.8 miles n. of San Gabriel Dam, ridge e. of Polecat Gulch & n. of Hwy. 39, May 20, 2000, 2968 ft. (905 m.); Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, upper drainage on ridge between Pavil & Pine Cyns., May 3, 2003, 2601 ft. (793 m.)

Other records:

P.A. Munz, R.D. Harwood, San Dimas Canyon, Apr. 21, 1920, 1500 ft. (457 m.); M. Wall, Evey Cyn., c. 0.3 miles up the cyn. from Baldy Rd. gate, June 2, 2005,

2637 ft. (804 m.); F.W. Peirson, trail from San Dimas to Sycamore Flat, San Dimas Cyn., Apr. 10, 1921, 1748 ft. (533 m.); Donald R. Bissing, Evey Cyn., beside roadcut, 0.5 mi. from cyn. mouth, June 3, 1973, 7439 ft. (2440 m.); L.C. Wheeler, w. side of Santa Anita Canyon, Apr. 16, 1932, 1500 ft. (457 m.); Geo. L. Moxley, Sturtevant Trail (Big Santa Anita Cyn.-added 2010), May 21, 1910, no elev. given

FVS: May 21, 1910

SBCo.: Lower Lytle Cr. Divide, 3.2 miles s.e. of Lytle Cr. Road, & Applewhite Road, jct. on FS Road 3N31, June 17, 1995, 3300 ft. (1006 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, Cucamonga Cyn., along truck trail, June 9, 1971, c. 2600 ft.

(793 m.); Arthur C. Gibson, near front of Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 19, 1971, 2600 ft. (793 m.)

FVS: Apr. 19, 1971

Papaver heterophyllum (Benth.) Greene, Windpoppy

[synonym: Stylomecon heterophylla (Benth.) G. Taylor]

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. region, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, 3802 ft. (1159 m.)

Platystemon californicus Benth., Creamcups

(synonyms: P. californicus Benth. var. crinitus Greene and P. californicus Benth. var. californicus is not acknowledged by the USDA)

LACo.: From 1500 ft. (457 m.), at n. slope of low hills at foot of Tujunga Cyn., F.W. Peirson, Mar. 28, 1920 & at Claremont, cyn., J.H. Fairchild, no date, to

5697 ft. (1737 m.), at Swarthout Cyn., H.M. Hall, June 3,6, 1900; Mar.-June; uncommon; mostly transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: June 3-6, 1900

SBCo.: W. of Cajon Wash, s. of Hwy. 138, c. 1 mi. SSW of Cajon Jct., off FS Rd. 3N49, Apr. 29, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Divide, 0.7 miles n.e. of jct. of Applewhite Rd. and FS Road 3N31, Apr. 3, 1995, 3401 ft. (1037 m.)

Other records:

Lyman Benson, c. 10 miles n.w. of Cajon, edge of Majove Desert, Apr. 25, 1947, 4600 ft. (1402 m.); Marcus Jones, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, 3802 ft. (1159 m.)

FVS: May 16, 1903

Romneya coulteri Harv., Coulter’s Matilija Poppy

Status CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

Native to areas further s. and w. in s. California: WTR (Western Transverse Ranges & PR (Peninsular Ranges) All records reported below are probable or suspect planted populations, especially SB Co.

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Scott D. White, Michael Honer, foothills, city of Claremont, San Antonio Cyn., alluvial fan, n. of Baseline Ave. & w. of concrete-lined flood control channel, June 24, 2004, 1601 ft. (488 m.) (s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); LeRoy Gross, debris basin in Wildwood Cyn., just below area to park, May 2, 2007, 1401 ft.

(427 m.); R.F. Thorne & A.C. Gibson, Fish Cyn., May 22, 1971, 1100 ft. (335 m.); Donald E. Miller, Glendora Rd., May 17, 1948, below 4000’s ft.

FVS: May 17, 1948

SBCo.: Cajon Wash area, c. 200 meters s. of Kenwood Ave., on Cajon Rd., e. side of rd., between Cajon Cr. & I-15, May 27, 1996, 2240 ft. (683 m.) (same pop. as that of Ross & Boyd, June 18, 1990)

Other records:

T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, Cajon Cyn., n.w. of Devore & s.w. of Devore Heights, s.w. draw on w. side of Hwy. 15, c. 1370 meters n.w. of I-15-215 interchange, June 18, 1990, 2280 ft. (695 m.)

FVS: June 18, 1990

Parnassiaceae Grass-Of-Parnassus Family

(Saxifragaceae – Saxifrage Family)

Parnassia cirrata Piper, San Bernardino Grass of Parnassus

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, S. Fork Alder Gulch, Sep. 10, 1970, 5501 ft. (1677 m.); L.C. Wheeler, (Pigeon Ridge) west of Heliport, July 3, 1968, 5199 ft. (1585 m.); Fordyce Grinnell Jr., above Coldbrook, Sep. 2, 1917, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne & John Dourley, Yucca Flats Slummer Husing (Housing-added 2010) Tract, Oct. 10, 1967, 4100 ft. (1250 m.); Thekla Mohr, S. Fork San Gabriel River, July 1915, no elev. given; Thekla Mohr, N. Fork, San Gabriel River, 1915, no elev. given

FVS: 1915

SBCo.: No records found.

Parnassia ciriata Piper var. cirrata, San Bernardino Grass-of-parnassius

CA & Mex.

LACo.: upper Fish Fk., San Gabriel River, c. 0.5 miles e. (upstream) from Upper Fish Fork Cmpgrd., tributary from n. side of San Antonio Ridge, Oct. 3, 1998, 6360 ft. (1939 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Parnassia palustris L., Marsh Grass of Parnassus, Northern Grass of Parnassus

[synonym: P. californica (A. Gray) Greene]

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, N. Fork San Gabriel River, Yucca Flat, near falling Spring between Coldbrook & Crystal Lake, sunny s.-sloping calcareous streamlet, Nov. 6, 1964, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Passifloraceae Passion-Flower Family

Passiflora caerulea L., Bluecrown Passionflower,

Native to central S. America

LACo.: Glendora, Hook Cyn. (East-added 2010), Debris Basin, Aug. 24, 1989, 1200 ft. (366 m.); Glendora foothills, c. 100 yards n. of n. terminus of Loraine Ave., on Colby Trail (Fallow Mtwy.), July 18, 1989, 1099 ft. (335 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, vic. of stables, Brown School for Girls (at present- near Hook Cyns. Flood Control Channel, adj. and w. of Church of the Open Door, stables removed in the 1970’s, Glendora,- added 2010) Mar. 28, 1968, 1100 ft. (335 m.)

FVS: Mar. 28, 1968

SBCo.: No records found.

Phrymaceae Lopseed Family

(Scrophulariaceae – Snapdragon Family)

+Mimulus androsaceus Curran ex Greene, Rockjasmine Monkeyflower

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., unnamed cyn. draining the w. slopes of Little Rock Cr. Canyon, 0.5 miles n. of Kitter Canyon, Apr. 21, 1995, 4500 ft.

(1372 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Mark Elvin, (San Andreas Rift Zone) Just s. of Bob’s Gap, Mar. 30, 1995, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. Calif. transmission line tower,(Seg 6, structure 23 per TRTP survey 2008), vic. of Aliso Cyn., west of Angeles Forest Hwy., Apr. 16, 2008, 3746 ft. (1142 m.); Orlando Mistretta, broad drainage basin on desert edge of Little Rock Cr., on Emma Section of Little Rock Cr. Management Unit, Mar. 14, 1995, 4200 ft.

(1280 m.)

FVS: Mar. 14, 1995

SBCo.: Sheep Cr. near Pinon Hills, 0.8 miles s. of Hwy. 138 via Scrub Oak Rd. & then 70-300 meters w. of Scrub Oak Road, Apr. 5, 1995, 4579 ft. (1396 m.)

Other records: None found.

Mimulus aurantiacus Curtis, OrangeBush Monkeyflower

[synonym: Diplacus aurantiacus (W.Curtis) Jeps.]

Complex, vars. Intergrading, hybridizing

LACo.: From 1300 ft. (396 m.), (Glendora-added 2010) at Gordon Cyn. at Ferguson Mtwy., L.C. Wheeler, Mar. 17, 1968, to 8000 ft. (2439 m.), at Islip Saddle, Wesley O. Griesel, July 11, 1963; Feb.-July, Sep.; common; transmontane at Santiago Cyn., near confl. with Little Rock Cr., Orlando Mistretta, S.D. Boyd. et al., Apr. 29, 1994, 3500 ft. (1067 m.), montane, cismontane

FVS: Mar. 4, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, San Dimas (possibly s. of San Gab.Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: From 1998 ft. (609 m.), at mouth of Lytle Cr., n. of Devore Rd. and e. of Sycamore Ranger Station, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 18, 1993, to 5320 ft. (1622 m.), at Slade Cyn., 0.3 miles n. of jct. of FS Road N26(?) with FS Road 3N33, (north of N. Fork Lytle Cr.-added 2010) R.G. Swinney, June 24, 1993; Mar.-July; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: June 23, 1931, F.R. Fosberg & Mildred E. Mathias, (Meukers?) (Manker) Flats, Mt. San Antonio, no elev. given

Mimulus aurantiacus Curtis var. pubescens (Torr.) D.M. Thomps, Orange Bush Monkeyflower

[synonym: Diplacus aurantiacus (W. Curtis) Jeps.]

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 741 ft. (226 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., on n. side of Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 12, 2009, to 7501 ft. (2287 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., I.M. Johnston, July 28, 1917; Feb.-Aug.; common; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 1, 1890, M. Johnson, Wilson’s Pk., no elev. given

SBCo.: From 1998 ft. (609 m.), at mouth of Lytle Cr., n. of Devore Rd. and e. of Sycamore Ranger Station, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 18, 1993, to 5697 ft. (1737 m.), at 1.6 mi. above Glacier Cmpgrd, Upper San Antonio Cyn., Peter H. Raven & S.R. Barrett, July 21, 1957; Mar., Apr., June, July; fairly common; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass


Mimulus bigelovii (A. Gray) A. Gray, Bigelow’s Monkeyflower

LACo.: Big Rock Cr. at “Paradise Springs”, n. of Big Rock Cr. Road, on Big Rock Creek Cmpgrd. property, May 2, 2008, 4720 ft. (1439 m.); Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, 2.4 miles SSE of park headquarters on S. Fork Trail, June 10, 2008, 5199 ft. (1585 m.); Valyermo Area, Bob’s Gap, e. of Bob’s Gap Rd., at base of ridge, Apr. 8, 2001, 4011 ft. (1223 m.); Largo Vista area, hilltop c. 300 meters n. of Panorama Rd. at a point 0.8 miles w. of Largo Vista Rd., May 17, 2001, 4490 ft. (1369 m.); W. of (Devil’s) Punchbowl Co. Park, at the jct. of Holmes Cr. & Watson Cr., May 21, 2005, 4070 ft. (1241 m.)

Other records:

B. Pitzer, Soledad Cyn., vic. of Soledad Pass, Soledad Cyn. Road, c. 0.5 miles s. of Sierra Hwy., May 23, 1998, 3100 ft. (945 m.); Rosemarie Zimmerman, Valyermo, Mar 1, 1964, 4500 ft. (1372 m.)

FVS: Mar. 1, 1964

SBCo.: Sheep Cr., near Pinon Hills, 0.8 miles s. of Hwy. 138, via Scrub Oak Rd., 70-300 meters w. of Scrub Oak Road, Apr. 5, 1995, 4579 ft. (1396 m.) and Mar. 25 1995 near same location above.

FVS: Mar. 25, 1995

Mimulus bolanderi A. Gray, Bolander’s Monkeyflower

LACo.: No records found in the Consortium of C.H.; only reference from SDEF, 1988, San Dimas, Fern Cyn. # 1, burn

SBCo.: No records found.

Mimulus brevipes Benth., Wide-throated Yellow Monkeyflower

CA & Baja CA, Mex.; reported from Massachusetts

LACo.: From 1151 ft. (351 m.), at Glendora, c. 0.66 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave. above (n. of) the n. terminus of Pennsyvania Ave., R.G. Swinney, May 30, 1969, to 5950 ft. (1814 m.), at Lookout Mt. Trail, Orlando Mistretta, June 23, 1995; Mar.-June, Aug.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: May 5, 1897, P.A. Munz, Hunsaker Flats, 4999 ft. (524 m.)

SBCo.: From 2398 ft. (731 m.), at Cajon Pass, W.L. Jepson, May 28, 1914, (possibly outside E. San Gab. Mts. boundary), to 5399 ft. (1646 m.), at Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge, above Lone Pine Cyn., 1 mile s. of Lone Pine Rd. on FS Road 3N31, w. side of rd., R.G. Swinney, May 28, 1995

FVS: June 25, 1893, Norman C. Wilson, Cajon Cyn., no elev. given

Mimulus breweri (Greene) Cov., Brewer’s Monkeyflower

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: “Etiwanda Pk.”, (Pk. 8662 ‘), c. 0.8 miles n.e. of Cucamonga Pk. (on same ridge-added 2009), July 22, 2005, 8630 ft. (2631 m.)

Other records: None found.

Mimulus bridgesii Clos, (unable to locate common name)

Native to Chile.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: I.M. Johnston, Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., July 29, 1917, 6750 ft. (2058 m.)

Mimulus cardinalis Benth., Scarlet Monkeyflower

(synonym: M. cardinalis Douglas ex Benth. ___ rigens Greene)

LACo.: From 1161 ft. (354 m.), at San Dimas Cyn., Puddingstone Diversion Dam, Oct. 20, 2008, to 7997 ft. (2438 m.), at Gold Ridge Mine, N. Fork San Antonio Cyn., I.M. Johnston, July 28, 1917; Apr.-Oct.; common in moist areas; all 3 sections

FVS: July 1, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Little Santa Anita Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2499 ft. (762 m.), in lateral canyon, trib. to Lytle Creek Cyn., near its mouth, R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, June 26, 1969, to 8600 ft. (2622 m.), at Kelly’s Camp, s.w. of Icehouse Saddle on Ontario Pk. Trail, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 14, 1995; yellow-flowered pop. on Cucumonga Truck Trail (San Sevaine Mtwy.), 8.3 miles n.e. of Skyline & Olive in Cucamonga, Aug. 18, 1994, 5369 ft. (1637 m.) R.G. Swinney & Mike Riggs, June-Oct.; uncommon in moist zones; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 28, 1917, I.M. Johnston, N. Fork San Antonio Cyn., 7501 ft. (2287 m.)

Mimulus floribundus Lindl., Floriferous or Manyflowered Monkeyflower

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at Duarte/Azusa boundary, San Gabriel Cyn. wash, e. side of channel, 1.2 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 3, 2009, to 7649 ft. (2332 m.), at 1.5 miles e. of Dawson Saddle, R.F. Thorne & John Dourley, Oct. 10, 1967; Apr.-Oct.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: May 24, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Palmer’s Cyn., Claremont, 2496 ft.

(761 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at 2 miles n.w. of Lytle Cr. Road on dirt frontage Rd., Dunn Canyon Rd., and Lytle Creek jct., R.G. Swinney, June 18, 1993, to 7800 ft. (2378 m.), at (lowest-added 2010) first waterfall in Dogbone Cyn., w. trib. of N. Fork Lytle Creek, imm. south of Alpine Canyon, n.w. of Dawson Pk., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 21, 1996; Apr.-Sep., Nov.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 16, 1918, I.M. Johnston, Icehouse Cyn., 5200 ft. (1585 m.)

Mimulus fremontii (Benth.) A. Gray, Fremont’s Monkeyflower

[synonym: M. glabratus Kunth ssp. fremontii (Benth.) Pennell]

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 3100 ft. (945 m.), at dirt rd. west of jct. with Chesboro Rd. on Mt. Emma Rd. at 47th St. East, Gypsum area farther along road, G.D. Wallace & Ann Hiller, May 18, 1983, to 6599 ft. (2012 m.), s.e. of Juniper Hills, Burkhart Trail, 0.7 miles WNW of Burkhat Saddle, jct of trail & W. Fork Cruthers Cr., R.G. Swinney, June 18, 2008; Mar.-June; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: Apr. 10, 1930, Mrs. Lester Rountree, rd. from Little Rock to Valyermo, no elev. given

SBCo.: s.w. base of Circle Mts., e. of Wrightwood, c. 800 meters n. of Lone Pine Cyn. Road & just w. of Slover Cyn., July 9, 1995, 5880 ft. (1793 m.); Dawson Pk., Aug. 10, 1995, 9500 ft. (2896 m.); Wrightwood, 1.7 miles s.w. of jct. of Oak Spring Ranch Rd. (Desert Frontage Rd.) and Hwy.2, e. of Sheep Cr., c. 120 meters n.of Hwy. 2, May 28,1995, 5599 ft. (1707 m.); Pinon Hills, c. 0.8 miles s. of Oak Springs Ranch in Oak Spring Cyn., June 29, 1995, 5599 ft. (1707 m.); Pinon Hills, s.e. corner of Sheep Creek Rd. & Hwy. 138, June 29, 1995, 4480 ft. (1366 m.)

Other records:

F.R. Fosberg, Lower Cajon Wash, San Gab. Mts. Region, June 14, 1931, no elev. given; S.B. Parish, Swarthout Cyn., June, 1887, no elev. given

FVS: June, 1887

Mimulus fremontii (Benth.) A. Gray ssp. fremontii, Fremont’s Monkeyflower

(synonym: M. subsecundus A. Gray)

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 800 ft. (243 m.), at foothills of Glendora, E. Rockwell, Apr. 10, 1930 (this could possibly in the South Hills at this elevation and s. of the San Gab. Mts. boundary) and at 2300 ft. (701 m.), L.C. Wheeler, at Indian Cyn., near mouth, May 24, 1967, to 6000 ft. (1829 m.), at San Antonio Mts.,Swartout Valley,P.A. Munz, June 17, 1921

FVS: June 1906, Hasao (Hasse-added 2012), Big Rock Cr., no elev. given

SBCo.: Mark A.Elvin & K. VinZant, s.e. of Cucamonga Pk. along 1N34, Aug. 25, 2006, 5999 ft. (1829 m.); S.B. Parish, Swarthout Cyn., San Antonio Mts., June 1887, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Mormon Rocks & Cajon Cyn., Apr. 26, 1973, 3400 ft. (1036 m.); D. Charlton, Jct. Phelan Road & Hwy. 138, e. foothills of San Gab. Mts., May 27, 1991, 4100 ft. (1250 m.); K. Waln, Mormon Rocks, May 4, 1978, 3802 ft. (1159 m.); H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., San Antonio Mts., June 1-3, 1900, 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

FVS: June 1-3, 1900

Mimulus guttatus DC., Common Monkeyflower, Seep Monkeyflower

[synonyms: M. cupriphilus Macnair and M. glabratus Kunth ssp. utahensis Pennell and M. microphyllus Benth.] Fifteen additional unrecognized subtaxa exist. Local populations possibly unique but forms regularly intergrade.

LACo.: From 700 ft. (213 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, 0.1-0.5 miles w. of San Gabriel River Bike Path Parking Lot at Azusa Cyn. Road (Hwy. 39), 0.8-1.2 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave.-added 2010), Apr. 17, 2009, to 8279 ft.

(2524 m.), at Dawson Pk. Ridge Trail at far n.e. tributary of Upper Fish Fk., San Gabriel River, 1.3 miles w. of Dawson Pk., R.G. Swinney, Sep. 7, 1998; Apr.-Oct.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: 1890, John E. Marble, San Gab. Mts., Cucamonga

SBCo.: From 1719 ft. (524 m.), at Upland, Campus Ave., at e. end of 21st Street, under powerlines, Kathleen Stockwell, June 10, 2003, to 7839 ft.

(2390 m.), above the (lowest-added 2010) first waterfall in Dog Bone Cyn., w. trib. of N. Fork Lytle Creek, imm. south of Alpine Canyon, n.e. of Dawson Pk., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 21, 1996; Apr.-Aug.; fairly common; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 17, 1920, I.M. Johnston, small gulch above Cajon Station, 3000 ft. (915 m.)

+Mimulus inconspicuus A. Gray, Smallflower Monkeyflower

(synonym: M. acutidens Greene and M. grayi A.L. Grant)

Status: CNPS List __ R-E-D Code:_________ State/Fed. Status: ______

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G3

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta & R.T. Hawke, Blue Ridge Tr., c. 1/4 mi. from trail head at (Big) Pines, June 29, 1995, 6800 ft. (2072 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Mimulus johnstonii A.L. Grant, Johnston’s Monkeyflower

Status: CNPS List __ R-E-D Code: ___ State/Fed. Status: ___

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G3

LACo.: From 3168 ft. (966 m.), at Little Rock Cr., downstream of Little Rock Reservoir, within 0.25 miles of dam, Justin M. Wood, May 10, 2010, to 9000 ft. (2744 m.), on trail to Baldy, Orlando Mistretta, July 30, 1991; May-Sep.; rare, transmontane, montane, cismontane at Upper Chilao Flats (several records)

FVS: Aug. 20, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: From 4198 ft. (1280 m.), at FS Road 2N58 (Middle Fk. Fire Rd.), 2.6 mi. from jct. with Lytle Cr. Road, trailhead from Stone House Crossing, begins here at 1/4 to 5/16 mi. from trailhead, D.L. Ill, May 25, 1985, to 9551 ft.

(2912 m.), at summit ridge of Dawson Pk., R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., July 28, 1971; May-Aug., Oct.; rare; transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: June 20, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Baldy Lookout USFS (probably summit of Lookout Mt.), 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

Mimulus moschatus Lindl., Musk Monkeyflower, Muskflower

[synonyms: M. moschatus var. longiflorus A. Gray and M. moschatus var. sissilifolius A. Gray) Neither var. recog. by TJM-2012. Both listed below & indented.

LACo.: From 3280 ft. (1000 m.), at upper E. Fork San Gabriel River, at cliff seep, c. 100 m. below Falls Gulch, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 6, 1998, to 8249 ft.

(2515 m.), at Mt. Islip, G.D. Wallace, July 5, 1985; June-Sep.; rare; montane

FVS: Aug. 12, 1931, F.R. Flosberg & Joseph A. Ewan, Little jimmy Spring, Windy Camp, 7544 ft. (2300 m.)

SBCo.: middle branch of W. Fork Lytle Cr., due n. of Mt. Hwrwood, c. 1 mile w. of Stockton Flats, Aug. 19, 1996, 7282 ft. (2220 m.); San Sevaine Flats, near well, July 16, 1993, 5320 ft. (1622 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 13, 1968, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, upper edge of wet meadow at Big Pines, July 9, 1969, 6850 ft. (2088 m.)

FVS: June 13, 1968

Synonym Mimulus moschatus Douglas ex Lindl. var. longiflorus A. Gray, Muskflower

LACo.: H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., San Antonio Mts., Aug. 5, 1896, 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Synonym Mimulus moschatus Douglas ex Lindl. var. sessilifolius A. Gray, Muskflower

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: P.A. Munz, Swartout Valley near head, June 17, 1921, 7500 ft.

(2287 m.)

Mimulus palmeri Gray, Palmer’s Monkeyflower

(synonym: M. diffusus A.L. Grant)

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: w. of Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, at jct of Holmes Cr. & Watson Cr., May 21, 2005, 4070 ft. (1241 m.); Horse Flats, 1 air mile NNW of Newcomb’s Ranch, off Hwy. 2 ( Angeles Crest Hwy.), June 3 & 8, 2009, 5642 ft. (1720 m.);

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, c. 0.3 mi. below Alder Saddle, along a dry branch of S. Fork Little Rock Cr., June 30, 1971, 5300 ft. (1616 m.); R.F. Thorne, near Chilao Cr., Upper Chilao Cmpgrd., July 2, 1969, 5300 ft. (161t m.); R.M. Straw, Horse Flats, Rd., off Angeles Crest Hwy., June 16, 1954, (189 m.) (this elev. is incorrect); L.C. Wheeler, Chilao Creek hdwtrs., June 01, 1968, 5901 ft. (1799 m.); T.P. Krantz, Horse Flat Cmpgrd., June 21, 1979, 5501 ft. (1677 m.); T. P. Krantz, Sulfur Springs, S. Fork Little Rock Cr., June 21, 1979, 5501 ft. (1677 m.); Wesley O. Griesel, Newcombs Ranch, no date given; 5996 ft. (1828 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Upper Big Tujunga Cyn. at Vetter Gulch, May 25, 1963, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Upper Big Tujunga Cyn., margin of Big Tujunga Cr. & toes of the slope, imm. west (c. 1.6 air miles ENE of Barley Flats), June 8, 1990, 3980-4040 ft. (1213-1231 m.); J.H. Thomas, c. 13 miles n.e. of Pasadena, San Gab. Mts., May 8, 1957, 5497 ft. (1676 m.) (location is uncertain, possibly w. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary); F.W. Peirson, Pine Flats, July 9, 1907, no elev. given

FVS: July 9, 1907

SBCo.: Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge, above Lone Pine Cyn., 1.4 miles s. of Lone Pine Rd. on 3N31 at first switchback, c. 50-1500 meters s. of rd., May 28, 1995,

5560 ft. (1695 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, n.w. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, 1.2 miles s.w. of jct. of Applewhite Rd., & Swarthout Cyn. Road, c. 1 mile n.e. of Applewhite Cmpgrd., Apr. 5, 1995, 3720 ft. (1134 m.); Ralston Pk., on s. ridge, May 23, 1998, 4379 ft. (1335 m.)

Other records:

Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, 3802 ft. (1159 m.); H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek, Cyn., June 1-3, 1900, 5796 ft. (1767 m.)

FVS: June 1-3, 1900

Mimulus parishii Greene, Parish’s Monkeyflower

LACo.: Big Rock Cr. at “Paradise Springs” (Big Rock Cr. Camp-added 2010), Aug. 9, 2005, 4720 ft. (1439 m.); Juniper Hills, 0.4 miles s. of jct. of Longview Rd. and Tumbleweed Rd., Mike Booth property, July 21, 2005, 3988 ft. (1216 m.); Big Rock Wash, 0.3 miles n. of jct. with Pallett Cr. Rd. & Valyermo Rd., Sep. 9, 2008, 3510 ft. (1070 m.)

Other records:

Frank W. Peirson, Rock Cr. (San Gab. Mts.), June 16, 1918, 4746 ft. (1447 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, Carr Cyn., May 2, 1995, 3550 ft.

(1082 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., near confl. of Little Rock Cr. & S. Fork Little Rock Cr., May 25, 1994, 4200 ft. (1280 m.); Robert F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., near, along Cajon Cr., Cajon Cmpgrd., June 29, 1972, 2749 ft. (838 m.); Carl B. Wolf, 1 1/4 mi. below Big Rock Ranger Station, Big Rock Cr., Aug. 11, 1932, 2998 ft. (914 m.)

FVS: Aug. 11, 1932

SBCo.: Cajon Canyon, s.w. of jct. of Hwy. 138 & I-15 E., in Cajon Wash, Aug 31, 1993, 3100 ft. (945 m.); Pinon Hills, c. 0.25-0.5 miles s. of Oak Springs Ranch in Oak Springs Cyn., July 6, 1995, 5399 ft. (1646 m.)

Other records:

S.E. Schoenig, 100 meters s.w. of jct. of Hwy. 395 and Hwy. 138, next to RR tracks, June 23, 1998, 3100 ft. (945 m.); L.R. Heckard, T.I. Chuang, et al., (at Cajon Cmpgrd.) (Cajon Cr.), June 15, 1975, 2696 ft. (822 m.); R.F. Thorne & C. W. Tilforth, along Cajon Cr. near Cajon Cmpgrd. in Cajon Cyn., June 29, 1972, c. 2750 ft. (838 m.); J.C. Roos, upper Lytle Cr., just below Stockton Flats, July 16, 1937, 5399 ft. (1646 m.)

FVS: July 16, 1937

Mimulus pilosus (Benth.) S. Watson, False Monkeyflower

[synonym: Mimetanthe pilosa (Benth.) Greene, False Monkeyflower]

LACo.: From 1050 ft. (320 m.), at Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland-Tujunga, Scott D. White, May 14, 1997 to 7911 ft. (2412 m.), at Waterman Mt. (Summit-added 2010), R.G. Swinney, July 24, 2008: Apr.-Oct.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 1901, Anstruther Davidson, Rock Cr., no elev.

SBCo.: Cajon Wash, 300 meters w. of jct. of Cajon Rd. & Kenwood Ave., June 22, 1993, 2266 ft. (691 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, Muscupiabe Hills, s. of Glen Helen Regional Park, along a stream, June 23, 1992, 2106 ft. (642 m.); L.R. Heckard, T.I. Chuang, et al.,, Cajon Cmpgrd, Cajon Creek (n.w. of San Bernardino, creek margins), June 15, 1975, 2696 ft. (822 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et. al., near San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 7, 1971, c. 4700 ft. (1433 m.)

FVS: July 7, 1971

Mimulus rubellus A. Gray, Little Redstem Monkeyflower?

LACo.: From 4071 ft. (1241 m.), w. of Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, at jct. of Holmes Cr. & Watslon Cr., May 21, 2005, to 7551 ft. (2302 m.), at CA Hwy. 2, between Dawson Saddle & jct. of CA. Hwy. 39, 1.6 mi. from Dawson Saddle, Wayne E. Sawyer, no date; Apr.-July; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 7, 1906, H.E. Hasse & Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., Fenner Mine Rd.

SBCo.: From 4520 ft. (1378 m.), at Pinon Hills area, at Sheep Cr., 0.9 miles s. of Hwy. 138 at Scrub Oak Rd., R.G. Swinney, Mar. 25, 1995, to 6799 ft. (2073 m.), at S. Fork Lytle Cr. along Cucamonga Pk. Trail, L.C. Wheeler, June 15, 1968 and at Lytle Creek Cyn., bottom of unnamed side cyn., w. of Stockton Flat, R.G. Swinney, July 7, 1992; Mar.-July; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 1-3, 1900, H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., 5596 ft. (828 m.)

Mimulus suksdorfii A. Gray, Suksdorf’s Monkeyflower

LACo.: n.w. of Jackson Lake at Ball Flat, 0.7 miles n. of Big Pines Hwy. on FS Road 4N16, Ball Flats Rd., June 12, 1998, 6199 ft. (1890 m.) (At one time, there were 2 locations posted for voucher # 6957. This is the correct location.); with Vanessa Merritt, s.w. of Pinon Hills, 0.3 miles s. of mouth of Mescal Cyn. & reservoir, June 12, 1998, 6200 ft. (1890 m.)

Other records:

Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., off Big Pines Hwy. (Road N), near Shoemaker Cyn., along ridge, wash and rdside, May 6, 2005, 4736 ft.

(1444 m.); R.F. Thorne, Larry E. DeBuhr, Lily Springs area on n. slope of Mt. Hawkins, drainage of S. Fork Big Rock Cr., June 28, 1974, c. 8000 ft. (2439 m.)

FVS: June 28, 1974

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, n.e. slope Mt. San Antonio, hdwaters of W. Fork of N. Fork Lytle Cr., July 15, 1968, 8900 ft. (2713 m.)

Mimulus tilingii Regel, Tiling’s Monkeyflower

Occasionaly intergrades with M. guttatus

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, n.e. slope Mt. San Antonio, hdwaters of W. Fork of N. Fork Lytle Cr., July 15, 1968, 8900 ft. (2713 m.)

Pittosporaceae Pittosporum Family

Pittosporum tobira (Thumb.) W.T. Aiton, Mock Orange, Japanese Cheesewood or Pittosporum

Native to e. Asia

LACo.: LeRoy Gross, Andrea E. Gutman, et al., Big Tujunga Wash/ Verdugo Mts., Tujunga Ponds, Sep. 8, 2000, 1100 ft. (335 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Pittosporum undulatum Vent., Victorian Box, Mock Orange, Australian Cheesewood

Native to s.e. Australia; reported from CA & 5 Hawaiian Islands.

LACo.: John F. Green, Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, c. 1 mile n. of Jet Prop. Laboratory, transect 3, July 17, 2003, 1401 ft. (427 m.); Scott D. White & Pam DeVries, Big Tujunga Wash, w. of Sunland, s.w. of I-210 Frwy., e. of Hansem (Hansen-added 2011) Dam, and n. of Wentworth Street, Nov. 20,-21, 1997,

1050 ft. (320 m.); LeRoy Gross, Andrea E. Gutman et al., Big Tujunga Wash, Tujunga Ponds, Sep. 8, 2000, 1100 ft. (335 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Millard Cyn. between Cyn. Crest Road & Natl. Forest Boundary, Apr. 2, 1975, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 2, 1975

SBCo.: No records found.

Plantaginaceae Plantain Family

(Scrophulariaceae – Snapdragon Family; Callitrichaceae – Water-Starwort Family;

Antirrhinum coulterianum (Benth. ex A.DC.) D.A. Sutton, Coulter’s Snapdragon

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.; in burn areas

LACo.: From 1151 ft. (351 m.), at Glendora, 0.6 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., n. of north terminus of Pennsylvania Ave., R.G. Swinney, June 7, 1969 and Peter Kamb near Sunland (Tujunga Wash), June 26, 1948 to 5838 ft. (1780 m.), at ridgetop to the s.w. of Crystal Lake (ridge descending SSW from Mt. Islip, T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., June 25, 1990; Feb., Apr.-Aug.; uncommon; transmontane at Littlerock Cr., slopes on e. side of cyn., s. of jct. of FS Roads 4N15 & 5N04.3, Orlando Mistretta, 4700 ft. (1433 m.), montane; cismontane

FVS: May 11, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: From 1998 ft. (609 m.), at Lytle Cr., H.M. Hall, June 3-6, 1900, to

8699 ft. (2652 m.), at Ontario Pk., I.M. Johnston, July 30, 1917; Apr.-July; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 3-6, 1900

Antirrhinum kelloggii Greene, Kellogg Snapdragon

(synonym: Neogaerrhinum strictum (Hook. & Arn.) Rothm.

CA & n.w. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1250 ft. (381 m.), at Glendora, 250 meters s.w. of Harrow Cyn. Debris Basin, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 26, 1969, to 2601 ft. (793 m.), at Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, upper drainage on ridge between Pavil & Pine Cyns., R.G. Swinney, May 3, 2003; Feb., Apr., May; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 22, 1904, C.F. Baker, Monrovia

SBCo.: Thos. Craig, San Bernardino Mt. Region, Lytle Ccrrk (Creek-added 2010) cut-off over Cajon Pass, Apr. 28, 1928, no elev. given

Antirrhinum majus L., Garden Snapdragon

LACo.: E. Fork San Gabriel River, s. side of river channel on sand bar, s. of confl. with Burro Cyn., Nov. 9, 2009, 1400 ft. (427 m.) (not yet processed)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

+Antirrhinum multiflorum Pennell, Chaparral Snapdragon, Sierra Snapdragon

[synonym: Sairocarpus multiflorus (Pennell) D.A. Sutton]

In burn areas

LACo.: From 1299 ft. (396 m.), at Upper Fish Cyn., near Falls, R.F. Thorne & A.C. Gibson, May 22, 1971, to 5501-5599 ft. (1677-1707 m.), at Mt. Wilson, Fran___ Pennell, June 26, 1940; May-Aug., Dec.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: July 4, 1892, Anstruther, Davidson, Acton, no elev. given (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: From 3001 ft. (915 m.), at Day Creek Cyn., R.F. Thorne, Gerald L. Benny, et al., July 23, 1971 and at Stoddard Cyn., c. 1 mile e. of Shinn Rd., R.G. Swinney, Jan. 15, 1994, to 5399 ft. (1646 m.), at FS Road 1N34 (Big Tree Truck Rd.), c. 6.3 mile n.e. of jct. of Skyline & Almond Aves. in Cucamonga, R.G. Swinney, June 28, 1994; Jan., May-July, Oct.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: May 10, 1931, Alva Watry, Sheep Cyn., no elev. given

Antirrhinum nuttallianum A. DC. ssp. nuttallianum, Violet Snapdragon

(synonym: Sairocarpus nuttallianus (Benth ex A. DC.) D.A. Suton,

LACo.: R.S. Woglum, Hills of S. Glendora, Apr. 8, 1930, no elev. given (possibly s. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: No records found.

Callitriche sp. Torr., Water-starwort

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, W. Wisura, et al., Little Rock Cr., below dam at crossing of Emma Mt. Rd., floating in shallow quiet water, n. of rd., Apr. 20, 1982, 3149 ft.

(960 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Collinsia bartsiifolia Benth., White Collinsia, White Blue Eyed Mary

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Lytle Cr. Ridge, Sheep Cr. Rd., 1.5 miles n.e. of Lytle Cr. Road, w. side of rd., May 28, 1995, 3460 ft. (1055 m.)

Other records: None found.

Collinsia callosa Parish, Desert Mountain Blue Eyed Mary

LACo.: From 3168 ft. (966 m.), at Little Rock Cr., downstream of Little Rock Reservoir, within 0.25 mi. of dam, Justin M. Wood, May 10, 2010, to 6599 ft. (2012 m.), at Swarthout Cyn., San Antonio Mts., H.M. Hall, June 3-6, 1900; Apr.-June; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 3, 1900

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, c. 0.8 miles s. of Oak Springs Ranch in Oak Springs Cyn., July 6, 1995, 5600 ft. (1707 m.)

Other records:

P.A. Munz, Sawmill, Swartout (Swarthout) Valley, n. slope, June 18, 1921,

6800 ft. (2230 m.); H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., July, 1900, no elev. given

FVS: July, 1900

+Collinsia childii A. Gray, Child’s Collinsia or Blue Eyed Mary

LACo.: c. 0.6 miles n. of Cow Cyn. Saddle (Glendora Ridge Rd. at Cow Cyn. Road), near trail to Lookout (Antonio) Mt., June 16, 1998, 5000 ft. (1524 m.)

Other records:

Frank W. Peirson, Bear Cyn., San Gab. Mts. (San Antonio trib.), May 28, 1920, 4497 ft. (1371 m.); Thos. Craig, in Bear Cyn., Trail to Mt. San Antonio, June 8, 1927, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, s. trail to Baldy Lookout, July 8, 1923, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta & Mark Elvin, Bare Mt. Canyon, June 20, 1995, 5200 ft. (1037 m.); Orllando Mistretta & T.S. Ross, Santiago Cyn., June 1, 1994, 5290 ft. (1613 m.); L.C. Wheeler, n. of Mill Cyn. off Soledad Cyn. near Ravenna, Apr. 29, 1973, 2350 (716 m.); I.M. Johnston, Cascade Cyn., June 15, 1917, no elev. given

FVS: June 15, 1917

SBCo.: Stoddard Flats, s.of Barrett Village, July 25, 1995, 4451 ft. (1357 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 13, 1968, 4599 ft. (1402 m.);; R.F. Thorne, Upper San Sevaine Cmpgrd., San Sevaine Flats, June 5, 1971, c.

5500 ft. (1677 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Well, June 14, 1968, 5500 ft. (1804 m.); I.M. Johnston, Lower San Sevaine Flats, July 10, 1925, 4799 ft.

(1463 m.); I.M. Johnston, Upper San Sevaine Flats, July 10, 1925, 5399 ft.

(1646 m.)

FVS: July 10, 1925

Collinsia concolor Greene, (Southern) Chinese Houses

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Vanessa Lee, Eaton Cyn. Park, Pasadena, n. of I-210 off Altadena Dr., Apr. 10, 2005, 1000 ft. (305 m.)

SBCo.: S. Fork Lytle Creek, c. 0.5 miles w. of the (Lytle Cr.) stream, June 20, 1994, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

Other records:

Doug Tolbert, Lytle Cr. Rd., 2.8 mi. from jct. with Devore Rd., across streambed from Hwy., up spur cyn. with waterfall, 3/4 way to waterfall, May 21, 1970,

2801 ft. (854 m.); J.A. Adams, Lytle Cr. Road 0.25 miles below Glenn Ranch, June 12, 1955 (?), 4999 ft. (1524 m.)

FVS: June 12, 1955 ?

Collinsia heterophylla Buist ex Grahm, Purple Chinese Houses

LACo.: From 951 ft. (290 m.), at Fish Cyn., May 5, 1933, to 4720 ft. (1439 m.), at Upper Fern Cyn., SDEF, from Fern Dam # 1 to 3, n.e. of Brown’s Flat, R.G. Swinney & Dave Larson, July 21, 1999; Apr.-July, Sep.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: May 5, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: From 2601 ft. (793 m.), at Cucamonga Cyn., along truck trail, R.F. Thorne, June 9, 1971, to 5501 ft. (1677 m.), at W. Fork of trib. to Deer Cyn., first major trib. to Deer Cyn., n. of Fern Canyon, c. 100 meters n. of FS Road 1N34 (Big Tree Truck Rd.) R.G. Swinney, June 28, 1994; May-July; uncommon; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 14, 1915, A.R. Davis, Cucamonga Cyn., Upland, no elev. given

+Collinsia heterophylla Buist ex Grahm var. austromantana (Newsom) Munz, Purple Chinese Houses

LACo.: Joseph A. Ewan, grade on s. slope under maples, 0.5 mi. below Sturtevants Camp, May 30, 1931, no elev. given; George H. Lewis, Hall Beckley Cyn., c. 1 ¼ mile n. of Foothill Blvd on Palm Drive, La Canade, June 29, 1975, no elev. given; Anstruther Davidson, Pacoima Cyn., May 1920, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, near Brown’s Flat, July 1, 1917, 4198 ft. (1280 m.)

FVS: July 1, 1917

SBCo.: From 2749 ft. (838 m.), at c. 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, 2-4 miles n. of I-15 , James Henrickson, May 12, 1985 (also det. as C. heterophylla var. heterophylla), or at 2900 ft. (884 m.), at Stoddard Canyon, Apr. 30, 1971, to 5385 ft. (1642 m.), at 1.2 miles s.e. of San Sevaine Flat Well on Big Tree Truck Rd. (San Sevaine Rd.), R.G. Swinney, July 16, 1993; Apr.-July; rare; cimsontane, Cajon Pass area

FVS: June 13, 1968, L.C. Wheeler, (Grapevine) Spring, Grapevine Cyn. (off Lytle Cr.) at San Sevaine Rd., 4500 ft. (1372 m.)

Collinsia heterophylla Buist. ex Grahm var. heterophylla Purple Chinese Houses

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: James Henrickson, c. 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, 2-4 miles n. of I-15, May 12, 1985, 2749 ft. (838 m.) (also det. as C. heterophylla var. austromontana)

+Collinsia parryi A. Gray, Parry’s Collinsia or Blue Eyed Mary

LACo.: From 1401 ft. (427 m.), at San Dimas Cyn., 1/4 mi. above Dam, L.C. Wheeler, Apr. 6, 1934, to 6862 ft. (2092 m.), at Big Pines Park, B.C. Templeton, June 17, 1932; Apr.-June; rare; montane, cismontane

FVS: May, 1897, Thekla Mohr, San Gab. Mts.

SBCo.: From 2040 ft. (622 m.), at n.w. end of Muscupiabe, L.C. Wheeler, May 9, 1968, to 5000 ft. (1524 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., F.W. Peirson, May 28, 1920; Apr., May, July; uncommon-rare; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Apr. 23, 1898, H.M. Hall, Lytle Cr., no elev. given

Collinsia parviflora Lindl., Maiden Blue Eyed Mary

LACo.: J. Henrickson, c. 1 mile s.e. of Newhall in Whitney Cyn., s.e. of jct. of San Fernando Rd. & State Hwy. 14, c. 0.5 miles e. of State Hwy. 14, Apr. 15, 2000, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: Sheep Flats, s. of Icehouse cyn., c. 1 air mile n. of Ontario Pk., July 10, 1995, 7045 ft. (2148 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, 1.5 miles s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Road & Applewhite Road, c. 0.8 miles e. of Glenn Ranch, Apr. 22, 1995, 3319 ft. (1012 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Apr. 22, 1995

Collinsia torreyi A. Gray, Torrey’s Blue-eyed Mary

LACo.: San Antonio Ridge, 0.6 miles w. of W. Mt. Baldy, Aug. 31, 1998, 8800 ft. (2683 m.); Lily Spring, n. slope of Mt. Hawkins (7.5 air miles WSW of Wrightwood), Sep. 15, 2001, 8049 ft. (2454 m.); w. of Wrightwood, Blue Ridge Trail, small cyn. that is trib. of Sawmill Cyn. from then. w., 0.9 miles s.e. of Hwy. 2, June 25, 1997, 7200 ft. (2195 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: June 26, 1997 (25 or 26 ? )

SBCo.: No records found.

+Collinsia torreyi A. Gray var. brevicarinata Newsom, Torrey’s Blue-eyed Mary

LACo.: Carl Epling, Nest. Dunn, et al., Big Pines Camp, May 16, 1931, no elev. given

SBCo.: Rimo Bacigalupi, G.T. Robbins, et al., directly above & s. of Swarthout Valley (on crest of Blue Ridge, close to county line), June 16, 1953, 7495 ft. (2285 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Icehouse Cyn. Divide, June 4, 1919, 7895 ft.

(2407 m.)

FVS: June 4, 1919

Collinsia torreyi A. Gray var. wrightii (S. Watson) I.M. Johnst., Wright’s Collinsia or Blue Eyed Mary

Both county’s data used from areas near the county line have resulted in the use of the same voucher specimens being used for both counties.

LACo.: From 6560 ft. (2000 m.), at Mt. San Antonio Trail from divide, F.R. Fosberg & Mildred Mathias, June 23, 1931, to 9496 ft. (2895 m.), at Antonio Mts., near summit San Antonio Mts., H.M. Hall, June 1899; May-Aug.; rare; montane

FVS: June 6, 1900, H.M. Hall, Swarthout cyn., 6796 ft. (2072 m.)

SBCo.: From 6560 ft. (2000 m.), at Mt. San Antonio Trail from divide, F.R. Fosberg & Mildred E. Mathias, June 23, 1931, to 9496 ft. (2895 m.), near summit, San Antonio Mts., H.M. Hall, June, 1899; May-Aug.; uncommon; montane

FVS: Aug., 1895 – June, 1896, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., 6698 ft. (2042 m.)

Keckiella breviflora (Lindl.) Straw, Gaping Keckiella

LACo.: T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, ridge descending northward from Mt. Gleason between the upper reaches of Moody Cyn. and Arrastre Cyn., May 31, 1990, 4000-6060 ft. (1220 m.); Apr. 29, 1991, T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Parker Mt. & ridge to s.w., s.w. of Acton & NNE of Revenna, 3670 ft. (1119 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Mt. Gleason Management Unit, Mt. Gleason, Tujunga Ranger District, Aug. 20, 1992, 5566 ft. (1697 m.); Carl B. Wolf, 2 mi. off Soledad Cyn. (Indian Cyn. Camp), May 27, 1936, 2998 ft. (914 m.)

FVS: May 27, 1936

SBCo.: (summit of-added 2010) Timber Mt. (Chapman Pk.), July 11, 1995, 8161 ft. (2488 m.)

Other records: None found.

+Keckiella cordifolia (Benth.) Straw, Heartleaf Keckiella

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, R.G. Swinney, May 8, 2009 (not yet processed), to 4251 ft. (1296 m.), at Upper Winter Cr. Trail, above San Olene Cyn., Valerie Soza & Kent Hughes, June 17, 1999; Apr.-July; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: June, 1897, Thekla Mohr, Sierra Madre Mts., San Gab. Mts.

SBCo.: Stoddard Flats, s. of Barrett Village, July 25, 1995, 4451 ft. (1357 m.); Cajon Pass area, Cajon Wash, 0.4 miles n.e. of Ralston Pk. in saddle area, w. of I-15 Fwy., s. of Hwy. 138, e. of Lone Pine Cyn. Road, near jct. with Hwy. 138, July 8, 1995, 3880 ft. (1183 m.); from Dunn Cyn. Road, & Lytle Creek jct., 2 miles n.w. of Lytle Cr. Road on Frontage dirt rd., June 18, 1993, 2000 ft. (610 m.)

Other records

Dave Goodward, w. side of Cajon Canyon, ext. of Glen Helen Rd., c. 0.4 miles n.w. of point opposite Kenwood exit on I-15, c. 100 ft. up a slope, June 22, 1999,

2280 ft. (695 m.); T.Ross, “Epipactis Cyn.” unnamed cyn., draining ENE to Lone Pine Cyn. & originating near the east end of Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge (Sheep Cr. Truck Rd. 2N56, drop n.e.ward through the lower half of this cyn.), June 18, 1990, 3379 ft. (1030.2 m.); Gordon Pilone, from mouth of Cucamonga Cyn., June 11, 1962, 2500 ft. (762 m.); M.Ownbey & R. Ownbey, San Bernardino Natl. Forest, Cajon Cyn., June 30, 1938, no elev. given

FVS: June 30, 1938

Keckiella ternata (Torr. ex A. Gray) Straw, Scarlet Keckiella

LACo.: Jerome S. Horton, near Fern Cyn. (Dry Lake), Aug. 1, 1935, 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

SBCo.: From 4451 ft. (1357 m.), at Stoddard Flats, s. of Barrett Village, R.G. Swinney, July 25, 1995, to 6849 ft. (2088 m.), at Sugarloaf Pk., e. & w. summits & saddle in between, s. of Icehouse Cyn. parking area, R.G. Swinney, July 9, 1996; June-Aug; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 27, 1968, R.G. Thorne & Hj. Eichler, just above turn-off, Icehouse Cyn., 4917 ft. (1499 m.) and June 25, 1893, Norman C. Wilson, Cajon Pass, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

+Keckiella ternata (Torr. ex A. Gray) Straw var. septentrionalis (Munz & I.M. Johnston) Straw, Scarlet Keckiella

LACo.: D.C. Michener, Little Rock Creek Cyn., slopes 9 miles s.e. of jct. with CA 138 and FS Road to Little Rock Dam, June 29, 1980, 3772 ft. (1150 m.); D.C. Michener, Indian Cyn., c. 2 miles s. of jct. with Old CA 14, June 30, 1980, 2952 ft. (900 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Granite Mt., NNE slope, July 24, 1991, 6240 ft. (1902 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Lower Moody Cyn., Moody Truck Rd., 0.1 miles n. of jct. with powerline rd., June 4, 1990, 3440 ft. (1049 m.); F.W. Peirson, just below the old mill on the Tie Cyn. stream, Aliso Cr., June 30, 1929, 43989 ft. (1341 m.); A.D.E. Elmer, Acton, Mt. Gleason, June 1902, no elev. given

FVS: June, 1902

SBCo.: No records found.

Keckiella ternata (Torr.) Straw var. ternata, Whorledleaf Keckiela, Scarlet Keckiella

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 32000 ft.(976 m.), near Waterman’s Station, Arroyo Seco, F.W. Peirson, June 26, 1924, to 7961 ft. (2427 m.), summit of Iron Mt. (San Antonio Ridge-added 2011), R.G. Swinney, Aug. 13, 1998; June-Aug., Oct.; uncommon-fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: July, 1895, L.G. Yates, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: From 4000 ft. (1220 m.), Ontario Pk., L. C. Wheeler, Aug. 9, 1931, to 6849 ft. (2088 m.), at Sugarloaf Pk., e. & w. summits & saddle in between, s. of Icehouse Cyn. Parking area, R.G. Swinney, July 9, 1996; June-Sep.; uncommon- fairly common; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 24, 1928, M.N. Ackley, San Bernardino Mts., grade from Cajon to Wrightwood, 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

Kickxia elatine (L.) Dumort, Sharpleaf Cancerwort

Native to Europe

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Lyman Benson, mouth of San Antonio Canyon, Oct. 6, 1952, 2007 ft.

(612 m.)

Kickxia spuria (L.) Kumort, Roundleaf Cancerwort

Native to Europe

LACo.: D.L. Crawford, mts. near Claremont, Aug., 19, 1915

SBCo.: No records found.

Linaria bipartita (Vent.) Willd.,Clovenlip Toadflax

Native to Medit.; reported from CA & Connecticut

LACo.: J.D. Laudermilk, San Antonio Cyn. above Claremont, May 15, 1939, no elev. given; Henry J. Ramsey & Mrs. Henry J. Ramsey, Altadena, Mar. 21, 1937, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Mar. 21, 1937

SBCo.: No records found.

Linaria dalmatica (L.) Mill ssp. dalmatica, Dalmatian Toadflax

[synonym: L. genistifolia (L.) Mill ssp. dalmatian (L.) Maire & Petitm.]

Native to Medit.

LACo.: Robert Kessler, Camp Sturtevant (Santa Anita Cyn. (Big-added 2012), 1920, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Linaria maroccana Hook. f., Moroccan Toadflax

Native to Medit.

LACo.: A.C. Sanders & D. Malueg, San Gab. Mt. foothills, along Hwy. 2 at La Canada, at turnoff to SCE Gould substation, Gould Cyn. Watershed, June 22, 1998, 2001 ft. (610 m.); Bill Hogshead, upper Bear Cr. Trail, over Smith Mt. Saddle, 0.5 mi. from trailhead, May 3, 1998

FVS: May 3, 1998

SBCo.: No records found.

Nuttallanthus texanus (Scheele) D.A. Sutton, Blue or Texas Toadflax

[synonyms: Linaria canadensis (L.) Chal var. texanus (Scheeler) Pennell] and

Nuttallanthus canadensis (L..) D.A. Sutton]

LACo.: Claremont, 0.5-1 mile n.e. of Padua Hills Resturant, which is on Padua Dr., Apr. 11, 1998, 2519 ft. (768 m.); Azusa/Irwindale, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 100-400 meters n. of I-210 Frwy., 300 meters e. of river channel, Mar. 20, 2009, 581 ft. (177 m.)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, San Gab. Wash at Foothill Blvd., west of Azusa, May 12, 1920,

600 ft. (183 m.); P.A. Munz & R.D. Harwood, San Dimas Cyn., May 2, 1920, 1499 ft. (457 m.); F.W. Peirson, burned area e. of Rubio Cyn., no date given, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Liveoak Cyn Dam, Apr. 24, 1934, 1500 ft. (457 m.); F.W. Peirson, Rubio Cyn., June 12, 1918, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

FVS: June 12, 1918

SBCoLower Lytle Cr. Ridge, 1.5 miles s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Road, and Applewhite Rd., c. 0.8 miles e. of Glenn Ranch, Apr. 22, 1995, 3319 ft. (1012 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Divide, 0.7 miles n.e. of Jct. of Applewhite Rd. & FS Road 3N31, Apr. 3, 1995, 3401 ft. (1037 m.)

Other records:

A.C. Sanders, Tracy Tennant, et al., Etiwanda, w. side of Etiwanda Cr. on n. side of Hwy. 30 (Highland Ave.), Mar. 12, 1998, 1450 ft. (442 m.)

FVS: Apr. 3, 1995

+Penstemon caesius A. Gray, San Bernardino Beardtongue

LACo.: From 6400 ft. (1951 m.), at c. 1 mile w. of Wrightwood along Wrightwood-Big Pines Hwy., R.F. Thorne, & M.Z. Thorne, July 10, 1969, to 9299 ft. (2835 m.), at summit of Mt. Baden-Powell, Naomi Fraga & Duncan Bell, June 30, 2008; June-Aug., Oct.; rare; montane

FVS: July 9, 1918, Fordyce Grinnell Jr., Islip Ridge, 7501 ft. (2287 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Penstemon centranthifolius (Benth.) Benth., Scarlet Bugler

CA & Mex.

LACo.: From 1446 ft. (441 m.), at Tujunga Cyn. Wash, n. of Sunland, W.G. Webb, Mar. 16, 1935, to 6534 ft. (1992 m.), at 2.3 miles n. of Hwy 2 at Vincent Gap at Pinyon Ridge Mtwy., R.G. Swinney, June 17, 2008; Mar.-Aug., Oct.; uncommon (locally common); all 3 sections

FVS: June 25, 1897, J.H. Barber, above Lang (Soledad Cyn.)

SBCo.: From 1998 ft. (609 m.), at mouth of Cajon Pass (this elev. should place it at the s. end of Muscupiabe Hills-added 2010)), H.M. Hall, Apr. 28, 1902, to

6399 ft. (1951 m.), at Horse Cyn., on ridgetop e. of FS Road 3N12 (Horse Cyn. Rd.) Circle Mt., c. 0.25 miles e. of FS Road 3N12, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 31, 1993; Mar.-June, Aug.; uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane at Cucamonga, c. 0.5 miles s.e. of gauging station at mouth of Day Cyn., at jct. of Day Cyn. Road & Frontline Fire Rd., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 22, 1995, 2640 ft.,

(805 m.), Cajon Pass

FVS: Apr. 28, 1902

Penstemon xdubius Davidson (pro sp.) centranthifolius x grinnellii) status uncertain

Not listed in TJM 2012

LACo.: LeRoy Gross & Valentin Aruizu, FS Road Surveys along Santa Clara Rd. (3N17.6) from Majic Mt. to a short distance e. of Indian Cyn. Road, May 31, 2006, 4333 ft. (1321 m.); Robert Kessler, Firebreak, Mt. Lowe, 1928, no elev. given

FVS: 1928, Robert Kessler, Firebreak, Mt. Lowe

SBCo.: No records found.

Penstemon eatoni A. Gray, Eaton Firecracker Penstemon

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: s.w. slope of Circle Mt. Pk., June 23, 1994, 6701 ft. (2061 m.) (also determined as Penstemon grinnellii ssp. grinnellii)

Other records: None found.

+Penstemon grinnellii Eastw., Grinnell’s Beardtongue

LACo.: From 4359 ft. (1329 m.), at Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, west trib. of W. Fork Punchbowl Cyn., 0.4 miles n.e. of park headquarters, R.G. Swinney, June 4, 2008, to 10020 ft. (3055 m.), at Mt. San Antonio (East/Old Baldy) Pk., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 27, 1998; Apr.-Aug., Oct.; common; transmontane, montane

FVS: July, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson Pk.

SBCo.: From 4198 ft. (1280 m.), from jct. with Lytle Cr. Road, trailhead for Stone House Crossing begins here, 1/4 to 5/16 mile from trailhead, D.L. Ill, May 25, 1985, to 9296 ft. (2834 m.), along w. and upper end Devil’s Backbone (on s.-facing slope), R.F. Thorne & H. Eichler, July 27, 1968; May-Aug.; common; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 30, 1917, I.M. Johnston, summit of Ontario Pk., 8695 ft. (2651 m.)

+Penstemon grinnellii Eastw. var. grinnellii, Grinnell’s Beardtongue

LACo.: From 2400 ft. (732 m.), at Mill Cyn. off Soledad Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, May 5, 1973, to 9801 ft. (2988 m.), Mt. San Antonio, P.A. Munz, July 21, 1922; Feb., Apr.-Sep.; common; all 3 sections

FVS: June 12, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: From 4451 ft. (1357 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., Chapman Ranch, above Mt. Baldy Village, R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, to 10001 ft. (3049 m.), at summit of Mt. San Antonio, Albert J. Perkins, July 26, 1915; May-Nov.; uncommon ?; montane

FVS: July 26, 1915

+Penstemon grinnellii Eastw. var. scrophularioides (M.E. Jones) Munz, Grinnell’s Beardtongue

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Mt. Lowe, June 10, 1918, 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

SBCo.: Peter H. Raven with H.L. Wedberg, ridge s. Mt. San Antonio, Aug. 17, 1957, 9296 ft. (2834 m.)

+Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl., Bunchleaf Penstemon

LACo.: Glendora, W. Harrow Cyn., Harrow Cyn. Debris Basin, June 25, 2008, 1440 ft. (439 m.); John C. Roos, Placerita Cyn., near Newhall, June 6, 1942, 1250 ft. (381 m.); F.W. Peirson, Aliso Cr. at Tie Cyn., along bank, June 31, 1929, 4448 ft. (1356 .); J.H. Barber, Mt. Gleason, July 11, 1897, no elev. given

Other records:

Jerome S. Horton, trail above Tanbark, San Gabriel Divide, July 18, 1935,

3496 ft. (1066 m.)

FVS: July 18, 1935

SBCo.: Gordon Pilone & M.N. Purratt, 2 mi. from mouth of Cucamonga Cyn., San Gab. Mts., June 11, 1962, 2500 ft. (742 m..)

+Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. var. australlis (Munz & I.M. Johnston) D. D. Keck, Foothill Beardtongue

LACo.: From 1100 ft. (335 m.), at Fish Cyn., R.F. Thorne & A.C. Gibson, May 22, 1971, to 4999 ft. (1524 m.), at Old FS Road off of Glendora Mt. Road, 1.5 miles w. of Cow Cyn. Saddle, Orlando Mistretta, May 28, 1993; Apr.-July, Sep.; rare-uncommon; transmontane at Acton, cismontane

FVS: July 4, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Acton, no elev. given (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: Gordon Pilone, M.W. Purratt, 2 mi. from mouth of Cucamonga Cyn., June 11, 1962, 2500 ft. (762 m.)

+Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. var. heterophyllus, Foothill Beardtongue, Bunchleaf Penstemon

LACo.: Glendora, Colby Fire Rd., 100 yds. south of Glendora Mt. Road, (s. of jct. of Colby Trail & Colby-Dalton Trail, near P. heterophyllus var. australis collected on same date-added 2010), May 13, 1989, 1401 ft. (427 m.)

Other records:

Geo. B. Grant, Mt. Lowe, June 1910, 3998 ft. (1219 m.); R.M. Straw, head of San Dimas Cyn., May 9, 1953, 4100 ft. (1250 m.); B. Anderson, hwy. leading from La Canada to Palmdale, 3 mi. past Hidden Springs toward Palmdale, June 20, 1948, 3999 ft. (1219.2 m.); J.H. Barber, Aliso Cyn., June 26, 1897, no elev. given

FVS: June 26, 1897

SBCo.: No records found.

Penstemon labrosus (A. Gray) Hook.f., San Gabriel Beardtongue

CA & Mex.

LACo.: From 5199 ft. (1585 m.), at E. Fork Alder Cr., Charlton Flat Burn (of 1954), R.F. Thorne, July 2, 1969 and at Sulphur Springs Cmpgrd. area, on S. Fork Littlerock Cr., R.G. Swinney, July 22, 2009, to 8249 ft. (2515 m.), at Mt. Wlliamson, western ridge, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 9, 2001; June-Sep.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: July 11, 1897, J.H. Barber, summit of Mt. Gleason, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 5399 ft. (1646 m.), at Upper San Sevaine Flats, I.M. Johnston, July 10, 1925, to 8500 ft. (2591 m.), at summit of Blue Ridge, c. 4 miles e. of Big Pines Camp, F.W. Peirson, Aug. 31, 1923; June-Aug.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: July 15, 1917, I.M. Johnston, head of S. Fork Lytle Cr., San Antonio Mts., 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

Penstemon palmeri A. Gray var. palmeri, Palmer’s Penstemon

LACo.: A.M. Ottley, above Delta Cyn., Tujunga, May 16, 1920, 1725 m.)

(5658 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Penstemon xparishii A. Gray (pro sp.) [centranthifolius x spectabilis] status uncertain

LACo.: c. 100 meters s. of Lone Pine Rd. at a fenced spring 2.4 miles e. of FS Rd. 3N31, c. 50 meters n. of spring, June 11, 1994, 4799 ft. (1463 ;m.); J.B. Feudge, Lone Pine Canyon, near Clyde’s Ranch, June 10, 1924, 4549 ft.

(1387 m.); D.C. Michener, Upper Lytle Cr. Rd., 0.5 mi. above jct. with Lone Pine Cyn. Road, June 10, 1982, no elev. given

Other records:

Hurlbut, San Gab. Wash, May 18, 1924, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Mts. boundary); Anstruther Davidson, San Gab. Cyn., May 4, 1902, no elev. given.

FVS: May 4, 1902

SBCo.: June Latting, Lone Pine Cyn., s.e. of Wrightwood, 3.6 mi. above Hwy. 138, June 10, 1973, 4301 ft. (1311 m.); I.M. Johnson, above Cajon Station, May 17, 1920, 3000 ft. (915 m.); F.W. Peirson, road to Lone Pine Cyn., San Gab. Mts., May 30, 1921, 3247 ft. (990 m.); S.B. & W.F. Parish, Cucumonga Mt., June 1882, no elev. given

FVS: June 1882

Penstemon rostriflorus Kellogg, Beaked Penstemon, Bridge’s Penstemon

(synonym: Penstemon bridgesii Kellogg)

LACo.: From 4720 ft. (1439 m.), at Big Rock Cr. at “Paradise Springs” (Big Rock Cr. Camp-added 2010), R.G. Swinney, Aug. 11, 2005, to 9498 ft. (2895.6 m.), at Mt. San Antonio, s. slope, G.J. Goodman, July 28, 1930; June-Oct.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: Aug., 1893, H.E. Hasse, Acton, no elev. given (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: From 4920 ft. (1500 m.), at Lone Pine Valley, Clyde Ranch, s. side of Lone Pine Rd., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 25, 1994, to 9499 ft. (2896 m.), at n.-facing slope of Pine Mt., R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., July 28,1971; June-Nov.; uncommon; montane

FVS: July 29, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., San Antonio Mts.,

6747 ft. (2057 m.)

Penstemon speciosus Lindl., Showy or Royal Penstemon

LACo.: From 5999 ft. (1829 m.), at (Swartout Cyn.) Schwartout Cyn., H.M. Hall, June 1899, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at summit of E. Table Mt., Wrightwood area, R.G. Swinney, July 2, 1998; May-Aug., rare; transmontane, montane;

FVS: June, 1899

SBCo.: From 5300 ft. (1616 m.), at dirt rd (Oak Spring Ranch Rd.) 2.2 miles w. of its jct. with State Hwy. 2, the jct. being 1.8 miles s. of Mt. Top Jct., F.C. Vasek, June 4, 1964, to7301 ft. (2226 m.), e. of Table Mt. & n.w. of Wright Ridge, 2 1/4 miles s.e. of Smithsonian Observatory on east end of ridge, R.G. Swinney, May 27, 1996; May-July; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 9, 1923, J.B. Feudge, Wright’s Ranch, Swartout Valley, 6000 ft. (1829 m.)

Penstemon spectabilis Thurb. ex A. Gray, Showy Penstemon

LACo.: From 620 ft. (189 m.), at 0.3 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. (Hwy. 66) & 1.0 mile e. of San Gabriel River Channel, Azusa, Apr. 29, 1969, to 4969 ft. (1515 m.), at Dry Lake, s. of Sunset Pk. at head of Dry Lake Cyn., SDEF, R.G. Swinney, July 27, 1998; Mar.-Aug.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: June 2, 1931, L.C. Wheeler, 2 miles n.e. of LaVerne, dry, sunny wash, 1223 ft. (373 m.)

SBCo.: From 8096 ft. (944 m.), just n.w. of Cajon Jct. on State Hwy. 138, Mormon Rocks area, Beecher Crampton, June 4, 1970, to 6500 ft. (1982 m.), at Big Tree Trunk (Truck) Trail, halfway between San Sevaine Flats and Buck Pt., L.C. Wheeler, July 11, 1968; May-July; uncommon; transmontane, near montane at Big Tree Truck Trail, between San Sevaine Flats & Buck Pt., cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 6, 1929, A.E. Wieslander, Lone Pine Cyn, 4497 ft. (1371 m.)

Penstemon spectabilis Thurb. ex A. Gray var. spectabilis, Showy Penstemon

CA & Mex.

LACo.: 1 mile s. of Lone Pine Cyn. Road at FS Road 3N31, R.G. Swinney, June 29, 1993, 5360 ft. (1634 m.)

Other records:

R.M. Straw, head of Wolfe Cyn., May 9, 1953, 3000 ft. (915 m.); Alan Prather & Alcie Hempel, along Glendora Mt. Road, 27.4 km. north of jct. with Boulder Springs Dr. (just s. of the entrance to the Natl. Forest), May 17, 1993, no elev.; M.B. Dunkle, Big Pines Rd., May 26, 1934, 5000 ft. (1524 m.); Jack Delaini, Lodi Cyn., SDEF, May 9, 1974, 2600 ft. (793 m.); Lyman Benson, Cold Spring, 2.5 miles s.w. of Camp Baldy on the Glendora Rd., June 5, 1945, 4500 ft. (1372 m.); T. Ross, Rincon Red-Box (2N24), ridgetop between W. Fork San Gabriel River & Roberts Cyn., June 20, 1990, 4120 ft. (1255.8 m.); Harley P. chandler, Claremont, May 5, 1897, 1197 ft. (365 m.); W.C. Blasdale, Santiago Cyn., June, 1891, no elev. given

FVS: June, 1891

SBCo.: From 2499 ft. (762 m.), at Lytle Creek Cyn., Jeannette B. Edge, Apr. 14, 1934, to 6435 ft. (1962 m.), at Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge between N. Fork Lytle Cr. & Lone Pine Cyn., along Sheep Cr. Truck Rd. (2N56), c. 1940 meters SSE of Clyde Ranch, T.S. Ross, May 27, 1990; Apr.-July; rare; transmontane at Baldy Mesa, 0.5 miles w. of 15 Frwy., on FS Road 3N24, from S. spur of FS Road 3N24, from 215 brake checkstop, R.G. Swinney, June 26, 1995, 4400 ft. (1341 m.) montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 16, 1931, C. Epling, A.N. Dunn, et al., Swartout Valley, no elev. given

+Penstemon spectabilis Thurb. ex A. Gray var. subviscosus D.D. Keck, Showy Penstemon

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.), near cyn. mouth, just above creekbed, Mystic Cyn., 2 miles n.e. of Glendora, Gary D. Cromwell & David Wlheat, July 1, 1971, to 4969 ft. (1515 m.), at Dry Lake, s. of Sunset Pk. at head of Dry Lake Cyn., July 27, 1998.; fairly common; transmontane at Big Pines Rd., M.B. Dunkle, May 26, 1934, 5000 ft. (1524 m.), montane, mostly cismontane

FVS: July 3, 1902, L.R. Abrams, San Gab. Mts.

SBCo.: n.w. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., R.G. Swinney, June 1, 1996, 3760 ft. (1146 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., Lytle Cr. Ranger Station, July 7, 1971, 2719 ft. (829 m.); D.A. Young, at the end of Haven Ave., n. of Chaffey College, in Deer Cyn., May 25, 1969, no elev. given; T.Ross, Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge, between N. Fork Lytle Cr. & Lone Pine Cyn., along Sheep Cr. Truck Rd. (2N56), c. 1940 meters SSE of Clyde Ranch, May 27, 1990, 6440-6480 ft. (1421 m.); Kelly McAndrew, 7 miles n. of Claremont, n.w. of Mt. Road, c. 12 feet n. off Euclid Rd., under large electrical line, May 16, 1992, 3201 ft. (976 m.); J.B. Feudge, Wrights Ranch, Swartout (Swarthout) Valley, June 9, 1923, 6000 ft. (1829 m.)

FVS: June 9, 1923,

Plantago arenaria Waldst. & Kit, Sand Plantain

(synonyms: P. indica L. and Plantago psyllium L.)

Correct name probably P. psyllium, which should be rejected as ambiguous

Native to Eurasia

LACo.: Glendora, mouth of Big Dalton Cyn. Big Dalton Cyn. Percolation Basin, e. side of Glendora Mt. Road, July 14, 1997, 1050 ft. (320 m.); Azusa/Irwindale, between I-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd., on w. side of San Gabriel River Channel, Apr. 7, 2009, 554 ft. (169 m.)

Other records:

Jennifer H. Jones, s.w. of Claremont Wilderness Park, near w. end of Pomella Dr., dirt continuation of Pomello Dr. across flood control channel, June 4, 2006, 1561 ft. (476 m.); Scott D. White & Noel Davis, Big Tujunga Wash, E. San Fernando Valley, w. of Sunland, s.w. of I-210, e. of Hansen Dam & n. of Wentworth St., Aug. 1, 1997, 1099 ft. (335 m.); M.D. Wilcox, Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, n. of Jet Prop. Lab., Aug. 30, 2003, 1250 ft. (381 m.); John F. Green, Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, n. of Jet Prop. Lab., June 24, 2003, 1250 ft. (381 m.); Scott D. White, Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland-Tujunga area, s.w. of 210 Frwy., e. of Hansen Dam & n. of Wentworth St., May 14, 1997, 1050 ft. (320 m.); Robert C. Frampton, Gale Cyn., foothills n. of Claremont, date ---, 1499 ft. (457 m.); J.D. Laudermilk, 3 miles n. of Claremont, July 28, 1938, no elev. given

FVS: July 28, 1938

SBCo.: No records found.

Plantago erecta Morris, Dotseed Plantain

LACo.: From 659 ft. (201 m.), at Azusa/Duarte boundary, 1.2 miles n. of Foothill Blvd, on e. side of Encanto Pkwy, confl. of Van Tassel & San Gabriel Cyns. at w. bank of San Gabriel River Channel, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 6, 2009 , to 2519 ft.

(768 m.), at Claremont, 0.5 mi. to 1 mile n.e. of Padua Hills Restaurant, on Padua Dr., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 11, 1998; Mar.-May, Aug.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Mar. 25, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, San Dimas, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: Cucamonga, c. 0.5 miles s.e. of gauging station at mouth of Day Cyn. at jct. of Day Cyn. Road & Frontline Fire Road, Apr. 22, 1995, 2640 ft. (805 m.)

Other records:

L..C. Wheeler, El Encanto (El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Plark, n. of Azusa-added 2010), San Gab. Cyn., ______, 850 ft. (259 m.); T. Craig, at Lytle Cr. Cut-Off over Cajon Pass, San Bernardino Mts., Apr. 28, 1928, no elev. given; H.M. Hall, Cajon Pass, Apr. 28, 1902, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 28, 1902

Plantago lanceolata L., English Plantain, Narrowleaf Plantain

Native to Europe

LACo.: San Gabriel Cyn., n. of Azusa, 0.6 mi. above (east) of El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park Admin. Buildings, on shoulder of dirt access rd., June 2, 2008, 918 ft. (280 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Camp Rincon, Oct. 27, 1966, no elev. given; T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd., et al., at e. slope of THORN (Triangulatioin Point: 5499-ft.) w. margin of rd. to Barley Flats (c. 0.5 air-miles e. of Barley Flats) draining to Big Tujunga Cr., June 8, 1990, 5179-5199 ft. (1579-1585.); L.C. Wheeler, San Gabriel Cyn., El Encanto, Apr. 8, 1967, 850 ft. (259 m.)

FVS: Apr. 8, 1967

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to the w. of fishing lakes, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 7, 2008, to 4769 ft. (1454 m.), at 2.2 miles s.e. of San Sevaine Flats Well, on Big Tree Truck Rd. (San Sevaine Rd.), R.G. Swinney, July 16, 1993; Apr.-July, Nov.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: May 18, 1920, F.W. Peirson, Lytle Creek, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

Plantago major L., Common Plantain

Native to Europe

LACo.: From 840 ft. (256 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., n. of Azusa, spring at 1.5 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave. on s. shoulder of Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 29, 2008, to 6560 ft. (2000 m.), at Big Cienago, Pine Flats, N. Fork San Gabriel River, F.R. Fosberg & J.D. Ewan, Aug. 13, 1931; May, June,

Aug.-Nov.; uncommon; all 3 sections, transmontane at Big Rock Cr.

FVS: Aug. 14, 1915, D.L. Crawford, Palmer Cyn., Claremont

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to w. of fishing lakes, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 7, 2008, to 6038 ft. (1841 m.), at Wrightwood, Twin Lakes Swim Park & meadow area, R.G. Swinney, June 20, 1996; June, July, Sep.-Nov.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Nov. 11, 1933, L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., 2650 ft. (808 m.)

Plantago patagonica Jacq., Patagonia plantain, Woolly Plantain

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Little Rock Cr., May 20, 1921, 3149 ft. (960 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., slopes on e. side of cyn. s. of jct. of FS Rds. 4N11.5 & 5N04.3, June 6, 1994, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); Alice M. Ottley, Little Tujunga Wash, May 3, 1920, no elev. given

FVS: May 3, 1920, Alice Mottley, Little Tujunga Wash

SBCo.: Lytle Cr. Rd. at FS Road 1N33, jct. of Meyer & Lytle Creek Cyns., Apr. 5, 1994, 2211 ft. (671 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Cajon Cyn., c. 2 miles n.w. of Devore, Apr. 20, 1973, c. 3400 ft. (2400 ft. ?); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr., Miller Narrows, near ranger station, July 13, 1967, 2775 ft. (846 m.)

FVS: July 13, 1967

Veronica americana Schwein ex Benth., American Brooklime or Speedwell

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Big Tujunga Cyn., near Doske Rd., Oct. 1, 1968, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, gauging station near Big Tujunga Ranch, Big Tujunga Cyn., Sep. 23, 1950, 1575 ft. (480 m.)

FVS: Sep. 23, 1950

SBCo.: No records found.

Veronica anagallis-aquatica L., Water Speedwell

Native to Europe

LACo.: From 630 ft. (192 m.), at Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel Cyn. wash, 0.4-1.0 miles n. (upstream) of Puente Largo (Railway-added 2010) Bridge, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 21, 2009, to 6760 ft. (2061 m.), at Big Pine Meadow, (w. of Wrightwood-added 2010), R.G. Swinney, Oct. 16, 2008; Apr.-Aug., Oct., Dec.; fairly common in moist soil; all 3 sections

FVS: June 14, 1947, Kenneth Budlong, Soledad Cyn. near Ravenna, c. 2500 ft. (762 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to the west of fishing lakes, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 7, 2008, to 6038 ft. (1841 m.), at Wrightwood, Twin Lakes at Wrightwood Country Club, s.w. of jct. of Willow St. & Oriole Rd., R.G. Swinney, Oct. 16, 2008; Mar.-June, Sep.-Nov.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Sep. 24, 1968, R.F. Thorne, San Gab. Mts., Cajon Pass, no elev. given

Veronica arvensis L., Corn Speedwell

Native to Eurasia

LACo.: San Gabriel River, under the Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. west side of Encanto Pkwy, w. of Encanto Park in Duarte, Apr. 13, 2009, 604 ft.

(184 m.); lower Ham Cyn., where it runs through San Dimas Golf Course, just above confl. with San Dimas Wash, Apr. 4, 2008, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Apr. 4, 2008

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park., c. 300 meters n.w. of Water Slide at w. side of park, c. 100 meters s. of Devore Rd., Mar. 17, 1993, 2080 ft. (634 m.)

Other records: None found.

Veronica peregrina L. ssp. xalapensis (Kunth.) Pennell, (Hairy) Purslane Speedwell

LACo.: Azusa, e. of Irwindale Ave. & n. of l-210 Frwy, abandoned gravel pit, Mar. 6, 2009, 499 ft. (152 m.) (just outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., June 5, 1919, 4398 ft. (1341 m.)

FVS: June 5, 1919

SBCo.: F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., June 5, 1919, 4400 ft. (1341 m.)

Veronica persica Poir., Persian or Birdeye Speedwell

Native to Asia Minor

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 5, 1971, 4650 ft. (1418 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Devore, Glen Helen Reg. Park, Mar. 20, 1970, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 20, 1970

Platanaceae Sycamore Family

+Platanus racemosa Nutt., Western Sycamore, California Sycamore

LACo.: From 541 ft. (165 m.), at Irwindale/Azusa, San Gabriel River Channel within 70 meters n. of l-210 Frwy., R.G. Swinney, Nov. 30, 2008, to 4115 ft.

(1255 m.), at Big Rock Cr., just above confl. of Holcomb Cyn. Cr., between Big Rock Cr. Road & mouth of Holcomb Cyn., T.S. Ross, June 11, 1990; Mar.-Nov.; common; cismontane, transmontane

FVS: June 4, 1906, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr.
SBCo.: Middle Fk. Lytle Cr. along stream, c. 0.25 miles w. of Stone House Crossing, Nov. 26, 1992, 4599 ft. (1402 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, Cajon Wash, between Blue Cut & stream crossing at Swarthout Cyn. Rd., c. 3 miles s. of Hwy. 138 crossing, May 13, 1997, 2601 ft. (793 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., Lone Pine Cyn. Road, where rd. crosses dry cr. bed, c. 1 mile n.w. of Lost Lake, June 29, 1972, 3000 ft. (915 m.); R.F. Thorne, c. 0.5-2 miles w. of Applewhite Cmpgrd., W. Fork Lytle Cr., Apr. 4, 1968, no elev. given; Fred Detmers, Lytle Cr. Cyn., May 10, 1931, no elev. given (actual abundance is greater than records indicate)

FVS: May 10, 1931

Plumbaginaceae Leadwort Family

+Limonium perezii (Stapf) F.T. Hubb, Perez’s Sea Lavender

Native to Canary Islands

LACo.: mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., w. of Roberts Cyn. on n. side of San Gabriel River channel, Dec. 6, 2008, 751 ft. (229 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Polemoniaceae Phlox Family

Aliciella latifolia (S. Watson) J.M. Porter ssp. latifolia, Broad-leaved Aliciella

LACo.: W. Griesel, Little Rock Dam, Apr. 14, 1962, 3198 ft. (975 m.) (ID was questioned on CCH comment form on Feb. 6, 2012)


+Allophyllum divaricatum (Nutt.) A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant, Purple False Gilyflower

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), near mouth of Fish Cyn. (n. of Azusa-added 2010), R.F. Thorne & Arthur C. Gibson, May 22, 1971, to 7600 ft. (2317 m.), w. of Wrightwood, c. 0.25 miles e. of Hwy. 2, c. 30 meters n. of Guffy Rd. (FS Road 3N06), R.G. Swinney, June 25, 1997; Apr.-Aug., Oct.; uncommon; cismontane, montane

FVS: July 1, 1917, I.M. Johnst. Evey Cyn., 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

SBCo.: From 2020 ft. (616 m.), at Glen Helen Parkway, s. of Cajon Blvd., at Devore, T.B. Salvato, A.C. Sanders, May 23, 2006, to 3759 ft. (1146 m.), at ridgetop n.w. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, w. of Cajon Wash and s. of Swarthout Cyn. Road, R.G. Swinney, June 1, 1996; Apr.-July; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 28, 1928, T. Craig, Lytle Creek Cut-off, over Cajon Pass, no elev. given

Allophyllum gilioides (Benth.) A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant, Dense False Gilyflower

LACo.: J.C. Roos, Santa Anita Cyn., May 23, 1942, no elev. given

SBCo.: Chalk Pk., north foot of Chalk Pk. (6089 ft. ), Lytle Cr. area, between Middle & N. Forks, Apr. 19, 1997, 4999 ft. (1524 m.)

Allophyllum gilioides (Benth.) A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant ssp. gilioides, Dense False Gilia (Gilyflower)

LACo.: n. of Wrightwood, e. end of Jackson Flat, July 8, 1998, 7501 ft.

(2287 m.)

Other records:

Robert Gustafson, Charlton Flats Cmpgrd., May 17, 1973, 5500’s ft.; S. Zona, D. Arias, et al., Mt. High Ski Resort, w. Wrightwood, June 21, 1989, 6620- 8160 ft. (2018-2488 m.); F. Youngberg, near San Dimas Dam, Apr. 1, 1934, no elev. given; Geo. B. Grant, summit Mt. Wilson, June 14, 1906, 4999-5999 ft. (1524-1829 m.)

FVS: June 14, 1906

SBCo.: ridgetop n.w. of Grande Cielo Bufffalo Ranch, w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., June 1, 1996, 3759 ft. (1146 m.)

Other records: None found.

Allophyllum gilioides (Benth.) A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant ssp. violaceum ( A. Heller)
Day, Dense False Gilyflower

[synonym: A. violaceum (A. Heller) A.D. Grant & V.E.Grant]

LACo.: Prairie Fk. San Gabriel River, 300 meters w. of Cabin Flats Campground, July 10, 1998, 5241 ft. (1598 m.); n.w. of Wrightwood, w. half of Jackson Flat, July 8, 1998, 7478 ft. (2280 m.); Sulphur Springs Cmpgrd. area, streamside, May 27, 2009, 5199 ft. (1585 m.); Horse Flats, 1 air mile NNW of Neucomb’s Ranch at Hwy. 2/ Angeles Crest Hwy., June 8, 2009, 5642 ft.

(1720 m.)

Other records:

Tim Ross & Steve Boyd, Camp Verdugo Pines & vic., northerly draw draining to Jackson Lake, June 18, 1990, 6160 ft. 1878 m.); Verne & Alva Grant, Hwy. 2, Charlton Flats, June 11, 1951, 5500 ft. (1677 m.); M. Hitchock Pacoima Cyn., July 28, 1918, no elev. given

FVS: July 28, 1918

SBCo.: Michael Denslow, Orlando Mistretta, et al., Heath Cyn., outside Wrightwood, June 2, 2003, 6399 ft. (1951 m.); James Henrickson, 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15 Frwy., Apr. 14, 1985, 2400-2800 ft. (732-854 m.)

FVS: Apr. 14, 1985

Allophyllum glutinosum (Benth.) A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant, Sticky False-
Gilia (Gilyflower)

CA & n. Baja CA

LACo.: From 853 ft. (260 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., Mt. Baldy Rd. between Spruce Cyn. & the “Hog Back”, M. Honer, June 22, 2004, to 5497 ft.

(1676 m.), at Charlton Flats, Hwy. 2, Verne & Alva Grant, June 11, 1951; Apr.- Aug.; fairly common; cismontane, montane

FVS: June 25, 1909, F.M. Reed, Pine (Pipe) Line Tail of San Antonio Power Co.

SBCo.: Stoddard Flats, s. of Barrett Village, July 25, 1995, 4451 ft. (1357 m.); Lytle Cr. Canyon, unnamed side cyn. from the w., 2 miles n. of San Sevaine Rd., near Hitching Ranch, July 14, 1993, 3109 ft. (948 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 14, 1993

Allophyllum integrifolium (Brand) A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant, White False Gilyflower

LACo.: w. of Wrightwood, c. 0.25 miles e. of Hwy. 2, c. 300 meters n. of Guffy Rd. (FS Road 3N06), June 25, 1997, 7600 ft. (2317 m.); Cedar Cyn., canyon bottom, c. 0.75 miles n.w. of Big Pines Hwy. at a point 0.5 miles w. of jct. of Hwy. 2, July 5, 1999, 6120 ft. (1866 m.); n.w. of Wrightwood, w. half of Jackson Flat, July 8, 1998, 7478 ft. (2280 m.)

Other records:

P.A. Munz, Swartout Valley, Sawmill, June 17, 1921, 6799 ft. (2073 m.); R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, along Angeles Crest Hwy., 1.1 mile n.e. of Pine Hollow Picnic Ground, July 10, 1969, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, w. sloping meadow, Big Pines, headwaters of Mescal Cr., July 9, 1969, 6800 ft. (2073 m.); Orlando Mistretta & R.T. Hawke, Lightening Ridge Trail-Blue Ridge, June 29, 1995, no elev. given; H.M. Hall, San Gabriel River, June 22, 1899, 7997 ft.

(2438 m.)

FVS: June 22, 1899

SBCo.: No records found.

Collomia grandiflora Douglas ex Lindl., Large Flowered or Grand Collomia

LACo.: Sulphur Spring Cmpgrd. area, on S. Fork Littlerock Cr., July 22, 2009, 5199 ft. (1585 m.)

Other Records:

R.S. Woglum, Angeles Crest Hwy., May 20, 1942, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Tujunga Cr., w. end of San Gab. Mts., Hoyt Rranch, Apr. 28, 1924 & May 28, 1924 (2 dates for the same specimen-added 2011), 1900 ft. (579 m.)

FVS: Apr. 28, 1924

SBCo.: No records found.

Collomia linearis Nutt., Narrow-leaf Mountain Trumpet, Timy Trumpet

LACo.: Thekla Mohr., Eaton’s Cyn., July 1911, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Eriastrum densifolium (Benth.) H. Mason, Giant Woollystar

LACo.: Both records most likely are ssp. densifolium) Devil’s Punchbowl County Park, Lower Holcomb Cyn., Aug. 22, 2005, 4198 ft. (1280 m.)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., San Gab. Mts., June 18, 1919, 4248 ft. (1295 m.)

FVS: June 18, 1919

SBCo.: No records found.

+Eriastrum densifolium (Benth.) H. Mason ssp. austromontanum (T.T. Craig) H. Mason, Giant Woollystar

LACo.: From 4002 ft. (1220 m.) ANF Road 3N27, near Mt. Gleason Rd., Justin M. Wood, Nov. 21, 2008, to 6620-8160 ft. (2018-2487 m.), at Mt. High Ski Resort, w. of Wrightwood, S. Zona, D. Arias, et al., June 21, 1989; June-Aug., Oct.; fairly common; tramsmontane, montane, rare in cismontane

FVS: June 22, 1897, J.H. Barber, Aliso Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2270 ft. (692 m.), at Cajon Wash, w. of jct. of Cajon Rd. & Kenwood Ave.,about due w. to 300 yds. in Cajon Wash channel, R.G. Swinney, June 22, 1993,, to 6996 ft. (2133 m.), at San Gab. Mts., Mt. San Antonio, L.R. Abrams, July 11, 1902; May-July,Oct.; fairly common; all 4 sections

FVS: July 11, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Mt. San Antonio, 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

+Eriastrum densifolium (Benth.) H. Mason ssp. densifolium, Southern Mountain Woollystar, Giant Woollystar

LACo.: From 1050 ft. (320 m.), at Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland-Tujunga area, s.w. of 210 Frwy., e. of Hansen Dam and n. of Wentworth St., Scott D. White, May 14, 1997, to 7492 ft. (2284, at W. summit of Table Mt., n. of Big Pines, R.G. Swinney, Oct. 8, 2008; May-Oct., common; all 3 sections

FVS: June 27, 1897, J.H. Barber, Aliso Cyn.

SBCo.: From 2270 ft. (692 m.), at Cajon Wash, w. of jct. of Cajon Rd. & Kenwood Ave., due w. to 300 yards in Cajon Wash channel, R.G. Swinney, June 22, 1993, to 6996 ft. (2133 m.), at Mt. San Antonio, LeRoy Abrams, July 11, 1902; May-July, Oct.; common; all 3 sections

FVS: July, 1901, L.R. Abrams, Lytle Cr., no elev. given

Eriastrum densifolium (Benth.) H. Mason ssp. elongatum (Benth) H. Mason, Giant Woollystar

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1100 ft. (335 m.) +/- 50 ft., at Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland-Tujunga area, alluvial fan, below San Gab. Mts. s.w. of I-210 Frwy., e. of Hansen Dam & n. of Wentworth St., Scott D. White, May 14, 1997, to 6240 ft. (1901 m.), at Granite Mt. vic., near jct. of Pacifico Mt. Road x Roundtop Truck Rd., T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, July 24, 1991; May-Oct.; rare; all 3 sections

FVS: June , 1902, A.D.E. Elmer, Acton, Mt. Gleason, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2270 ft. (692 m.), at Cajon Wash, w. of jct. of Cajon Rd. & Kenwood Ave., about due w. to 300 yds. in Cajon Wash Channel, R.G. Swinney, June 22, 1993, to 5000 ft. (1524 m.), at 3 miles n.e. of Wrightwood, R.F. Thorne & Dick Tilforth, June 21, 1978; May-July, Oct.; uncommon; cismontane, Cajon Pass


+Eriastrum densifolium (Benth.) H. Mason ssp. mohavense (T.T. Craig) H. Mason, Giant Woollystar

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Beecher Crampton, just n.w. of Cajon Jct. on State Hwy. 138, Mormon Rocks area, June 4, 1970, 3096 ft. (944 m.)

+Eriastrum densifolium (Benth.) H. Mason ssp. sanctorum (Milliken) H. Mason, Santa Ana River Wollystar

(synonym: Gilia densifolia Benth. var. sanactorum Milliken)

Status CNPS List: 1B R-E-D Code: 3-3-3 State/Fed. Status: CE/FE

CRPR 1B.1 S1 G4T1

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Status:

Justin M. Wood & Scott D. White, Cajon Wash, c. 1/2 mile upstream & downstream of Institution Rd. Aug. 5, 2008, 1551 ft. (473 m.) (s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Eriastrum diffusum (A. Gray) H. Mason, Miniature Woollystar

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: 1.7-2 miles n.w. of Gobler’s Knob (upper Lytle Cr. Ridge/Blue Ridge), 300 meters n. of Pacific Crest Trail, July 9, 1993, 7400 ft. (2256 m.); e. of Wright Mt. Summit, n. of Pacific Crest Trail, July 12, 1993, 78 00 ft. (2378 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 12, 1993

Eriastrum eremicum (Jeps.) H. Mason ssp. eremicum, Desert Woollystar

LACo.: H.E. Hasse & Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., June, 1906

SBCo.: No records found.

+Eriastrum pluriflorum (A. Heller) H. Mason, Tehachapi Woollystar Gilia

LACo.: M.N. Ackley, Big Tujunga Cyn., June 1926, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Eriastrum sapphirinum (Eastw.) H. Mason, Sapphire Woollystar

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel River near Van Tassel Cyn. confl. 1.2 meters n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of Encanto Pkwy., May 9, 2009, to 7196 ft. (2194 m.), at cirque slide, s. Baldy, San Antonio Wash, Herbert L. Mason, June 15, 1948; May-Sep.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 14, 1895, H.M. Hall, San Antonio Mts., desert side, 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

SBCo.: From 2020 ft. (616 m.), at Cajon Wash at Glen Helen Pkwy., s. of Cajon Blvd, at Devore, T.B. Salvato & A.C. Sanders, May 23, 2004, to 1.7-2 miles n.w. of Gobler’s Knob (Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge/Blue Ridge), 300 meters n. of Pacific Crest Trail, July 9, 1993, 7400 ft. (2256 m.); May-July, Sep.; common; all 3 sectioins

FVS: June 25, 1893, Norman C. Wilson, Cajon Cyn., no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Eriastrum sapphirinum (Eastw.) H. Mason ssp. dasyanthum (Brand) H. Mason, Sapphire Woollystar

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: C.B. Wolf, Little Tujunga Wash, 1/2 mi. above the bridge on the rd. from Sunland to San Fernando, July 2, 1931, 1099 ft. (335 m.); D.S. Krause, foothills above LaCanada, July 1939, no elev. given; Verne Grant, n. of Claremont, May 24, 1951, 1700 ft. (518 m.); F.W. Peirson, Mt. Wilson Rd., Nov 2, 1956, 2800 ft. (854 m.); L.R. Abrams, San Gab. Mts. region, Sierra Madre, July 2, 1902, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: July 2, 1902

SBCo.: F.R. Fosberg, San Gab. Mts. region, lower Cajon Wash, June 14, 1931, no elev. given (possibly s. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary); Thos. Craig, Cajon Pass, near Devore, June 21, 1928, no elev. given

FVS: June 21, 1928

Eriastrum sapphirinum (Eastw.) H. Mason ssp. sapphirinum, Saphire Woollystar

[synonyms: E. sapphirinum (Eastw.) H. Mason ssp. ambiguum (M.E. Jones) H. Mason and E. sapphirinum ssp. gymnocephalum (Brand) H. Mason]

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Table Mt. area, ridge imm. east of Jesus Cyn., at n. end of FS Road 4N57, n.w. of Wrightwood, Aug. 6, 1997, 6100 ft. (1890 m.); 0.5 miles n. of summit of Table Mt., n.w. of Wrightwood, 0.8 miles n.e. of FS Road 4N21 (paved) on FS Road 4N21 B, July 17, 1997, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); Mescal Highlands, 1 mile s. of Ft. Tejon Rd. & 237th Street jct., May 16, 1998, 4280 ft. (1305 m.)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, Sheep Cr., n. base of San Gab. Mts., July 7, 1922, 4749 ft. (

1448 m.)

FVS: July 7, 1922

SBCo.: No records found.

Eriastrum sparsiflorum (Eastw.) H. Mason, Great Basin Woollystar

CA & Nev.

LACo.: Naomi Fraga & Taryn Williams, along Little Rodk Cr. Road (FS Rd. 5N04), June 23, 2005, no elev. given.; J.R. Shevock, near Soledad Jct., Sierra Hwy., May 11, 1971, 1300 ft. (396 m.) (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 11, 1971

SBCo.: No records found.

Gilia achilleifolia Benth., California Gilia

LACo.: K.A. Wilson, Soledad Cyn., small canyon adj. to Bee Cyn., n. of River’s End Ranch, Apr. 26, 1961, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Gilia achilleifolia Benth. ssp. achilleifolia, California Gilia

LACo.: James Henrickson, c. 1 mile s.e. of Newhall in Whitney Cyn., s.e. of jct. of San Fernando Rd. & St. Hwy. 14, c. 1/2 mile e. of Hwy. 14, Apr. 15, 2000, 1600 ft. (488 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., May 18, 1967, 1700 ft. (518 m.)

FVS: May 18, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

Gilia achilleifolia Benth. ssp. multicaulis (Benth.) V.E. Grant & A.D. Grant, Many-stemmed Gilia, California Gilia

Often grows with G. achilleifolia ssp. achilliefolia and may ultimately be better treated as a separate sp.


L.C. Wheeler, 1/4 mi. w. of Thompson Cr. Dam, Claremont area, Apr. 30, 1932, 1650 ft. (503 m.); San Dimas Exp. Forest, grassy areas, < 2000 ft., SDEF, 1988; Gerald Collier, c. 2 miles up cyn. from bottom of Chantry Flats Trail, along trail, May 5, 1951, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., May 17, 1931, no elev. given; I. Johnston, Evey Cyn., May 6, 1917, no elev. given

FVS: May 6, 1917

SBCo.: No records found.

Gilia aliquanta A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant, Puffcalyx Gilia

LACo.: Margaret Stason, Pinon Ridge, May 14, 1927, no elev. given; Herbert L. Mason, along L.A. Co. Park Rd., between Little Rock Cr.- Mohave Desert, between Rock Cr. & Little Rock Cr., Apr. 27, 1926, no elev. given (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Apr. 17, 1926 (check date 17 or 27) __?

SBCo.: No records found.

Gilia aliquanta A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant ssp. aliquanta, Puffcalyx Gilia

LACo.: From 2760-3880 ft. (841-878 m.), at 0.6 miles ESE of Acton, s. edge of Soledad Cyn. Wash, T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Apr. 30, 1991, to 4599 ft. (1402 m.), along Big Pines, Hwy., near the 2.4 mile marker, J.M. Porter & Lauren Machen, May 2, 2004; Mar.-May; rare; transmontane

FVS: May 18, 1926, F.W. Peirson, rd. to L.A. Co. playgrounds, c. ¼ mi. from Rock Cr., n. slope of San Gab. Mts., 4100 ft. (1250 m.)

SBCo.: F.W. Peirson, along old rd., n. slope of Cajon Pass, May 29, 1921,

3600 ft. (1098 m.)

Gilia aliquanta A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant ssp. breviloba A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant, Puffcalyx Gilia

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta, drainage w. of Little Rock Cr. Res., just s. of dam, March 28, 1995, 3400 ft. (1037 m.); Antstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., Lowell Mine, June 1, 1906, no elev. given

FVS: June 1, 1906

SBCo.: No records found.

Gilia angelensis V.E. Grant, Angel’s Gilia, Chaparral Gilia

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 750 ft. (229 m.) at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 1.7 mi. n. of Sierra Madre Ave., 100 m. n. of Hwy 39, Mar. 2009, author, to 4520 ft.

(1377 m.) at Cow Cyn. Saddle (covered, former dump), May 29, 1967, L.C. Wheeler; Feb.-June; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: May 26, 1918, F.W. Peirson, Henniger Flat, Mt. Wilson Toll Rd., 2798 ft. (853 m.)

SBCo.: s. of Barrett Village, Apr. 20, 1996, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Hwy 138, c. 1 mi. SSW of Cajon Jct. off FS Road 3N49, Apr. 29, 1995,

3100 ft. (945 m.); w. side of Lytle Creek Cyn. Road near Hitching Ranch, 200 m. north of FS Road 2N79, Apr. 25, 1993, 2608 ft. (795 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Meyer Cyn. off Lytle Cr., May 9, 1968, 2300 ft. (701 m.); Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn. near the pool below Alnus grove, Apr. 15, 1971, 2500 ft. (762 m.); Gerald L. Benny et al., Day Cyn., burned 1970, Apr. 14, 1971, 2998 ft. (914 m.)R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Cajon Cyn., c. 2 mi. n.w. of Devore, Apr. 20, 1973, 3400 ft. (1036 m.); R.F. Thorne, Chapman Ranch, above Baldy Village, San Antonio Cyn., May 29, 1969, 4460 ft. (1359 m.); Verne & Alva Grant, mouth of Lytle Creek Cyn., Apr. 25, 1949, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, Evey Cyn., San Antonio Mts., May 6, 1917, no elev. given

FVS: May 6, 1917

+Gilia austro-occidentalis (A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant) A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant, Southwestern Gilia

Similar to G. interior, G. minor and G. inconspicua

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Devil’s Cyn., depression on bench n.e. of cmpgrd., May 30, 1968, 4700 ft. (1433 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Gilia brecciarum M.E. Jones, Break or Nevada Gilia

LACo.: Big John Flat, s.w. area, June 21, 1999, 5320-5480 ft. ( 1622-1671 m.); n.e. of Valyermo, Bob’s Gap, ridge-top n. of Lime Kilm, May 14, 2005, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); Big John Flat, June 21, 1999, 5320 ft. (1622 m.)

Other records:

Justin M. Wood, of Cheseboro Road & vic. of Littlerock Cr., just s.w. of jct. Mt. Emma Rd., May 10, 2010, 3191 ft. (973 m.)

FVS: May 10, 2010

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, e. of Oak Springs Cyn., ridge imm. south of Desert Front Rd., June 29, 1995, 5304 ft. (1671 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash, just s. of Hwy. 138 crossing, Apr. 16, 1997, 2900 ft. (884 m.)

FVS: June 29, 1995

Gilia brecciarum M.E. Jones ssp. brecciarum, Nevada Gilia

LACo.: From 1906 ft. (581 m.), at So. Calif. transmissiion line tower (Seg. 6, structure 115 per TRTR Survey 2008, vic. of Van Tassel Cyn., Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, Apr. 19, 2008, to 6540 ft. (1939 m.) at Pinyon Ridge, e. half of ridge, due n. of Fenner Cyn., June 22, 1990, T.S. Ross et al.; Mar.-June; fairly common; montane, cismontane at Van Tassel Cyn.

FVS: May 20, 1921, F.W. Peirson, n. slope of San Gabriel Mts., Little Rock Cr., 3400 ft. (1037 m.)

SBCo.: Pinyon Hills, e. of Oak Springs Cyn. Ridge, due s. of Desert Front Rd., June 29, 1995, 5481 ft. (1671 m.); E. of Table Mt. & n.w. of Wright Ridge, 2 1/4 miles s.e. of Smithsonian Observatory on e. edge of ridge, May 27, 1996,

2226 ft. (679 m.); Controversy Spring, FS Road 3N37, c. 0.4 miles s. of Hwy 138, Cajon Cyn., near Mt. Top Jct., May 1, 1995, 4559 ft. (1390 m.)

Other records:

Michael Denslow, Heath Cyn., outside Wrightwood, June 2, 1903, 6399 ft.

(1951 m.); R.F. Thorne & C. W. Tilforth, Mormon Rocks & Cajon Canyon, Apr. 20, 1973, 3400 ft. (1036 m.)

FVS: Apr. 20, 1973

+Gilia brecciaraum M.E. Jones ssp. neglecta A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant,

LACo.: Verne Grant & Alva Grant, Claremont, Apr., 1955, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: No records found.

Gilia cana (M.E. Jones) A. Heller, Desert or Showy Gilia

LACo.: Largo Vista area, hilltop c., 300 m. north of Panorama Rd at 0.8 mi. w. of Largo Vista Rd., May 17, 2001, 4490 ft. (1369 m.); Valyermo area, Bob’s Gap near Lime Kilm Ruin on e. side of rd., Apr. 18 2001, 4080 ft. (1244 m.); Big John Flat, n. area, June 18, 1999, 5419 ft. (1652 m.); e. side of Big John Pk., w. of Mescal Cr., n. (above) Big John Flat, June 5, 1999, 5838 ft. (1780 m.); Hunt Cyn., 20-200 meters s.e. (upstream) of Mt. Emma Rd., Apr. 28, 2009, 4021 ft.

(1226 m.) ( just w. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary); n.e. of Bob’s Gap ridgetop, n. of Lime Kilm, May 14, 2005, no elev. given; Bob’s Gap, 3.5 miles s. of Hwy. 138 on e. side of Bob’s Gap Rd., Apr. 2, 2009, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); Hunt Cyn., 20-200 meters s.e. (upstream) of Mt. Emma Road, Apr. 28, 2009, 4021 ft. (1226 m.)

Other records:

Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., 1906

FVS: 1906

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, Boneyard Pk., May 8, 1999, 5114 ft. (1559 m.); Baldy Mesa, 1.3 mi. n.e. of Hwy 138 & FS Road 3N24 jct., just s.e. of where 3N24 crosses ridgetop near Nuss Ranch., June 3, 1995, 4634 ft. (1413 m.); Pinon Hills, Boneyard Cyn., near spring, near L.A. Co. line, May 8, 1999, 4799 ft. (1463 m.); Pinon Hills, 2.2 mi. s. of Hwy 138, c. 50 m. e. of Green Rd., June 20, 1996,

4940 ft. (1506 m.); Pinon Hills area, 90-150 m. s.w. of jct. of Hwy 138 & Sheep Cr. Road, on ridge extending to Hwy 138, w. of Horse Cyn., May 29, 1995,

4520 ft. (1378 m.); Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge, Pk. due e. of Gobler’s Knob, June 30, 1992, 6701 ft. (2043 m.); Upper Lytle Cr. Divide, Gobler’s Knob, w. of w. end of FS Road 3N31, June 29, 1993, 6704 ft. (2044 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: June 29, 1993

+Gilia cana (M.E. Jones) A. Heller ssp. cana, Showy Gilia

LACo.: Antstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., June 19, 1906, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Gilia capitata Sims, Globe Gilia, Bluehead Gilia

LACo.: with Vanessa Merritt, ridge c. 400 m. s.e. of summit of Lookout (Antonio) Mt., June 16, 1998, 6081 ft. (1854 m.); c. 0.6 mi. north of Cow Cyn. Saddle (Glendora Ridge Rd. at Cow Cyn. Road), near tr. to Lookout (Antonio) Mt., June 16, 1998, 4999 ft. (1524 m.); Vincent Gulch, c. 2.5 mi. ESE of summit of Mt. Baden-Powell, c. 0.6 mi. above confluence with San Gabriel River, Aug, 1, 1998, 4681 ft. (1427 m.); San Dimas, Sycamore Canyon, Apr. 9, 2005, 1299 ft. (396 m.)

Other records:

S.D. White, Fish Creek Cyn., from the mouth of cyn. at Cal. Mat. Quarry, upstream to falls, 1000-1400 ft. (305-427 m.), no date given; L.M. & John Shultz, foothills near Claremont, May 9, 1982, 1401 ft. (427 m.)

FVS: May 9, 1982

SBCo.: Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, 1.5 mi. s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd. & Applewhite Rd., c. 0.8 mi. e. of Glenn Ranch, Apr. 22, 1995, 3319 ft. (1012 m.); n.w. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, 0.8 mi. s.w. of jct. of Applewhite Rd. & Swarthout Cyn. Rd., w. of Edison Powerline Road, Apr. 5, 1995 3001 ft. (915 m.); w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Hwy. 138, c. 1 mi. SSW of Cajon Jct., off FS Road 3N49, Apr. 29, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.); ridgetop n.w. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, w. of Cajon Wash and s. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., June 1, 1996, 3759 ft. (1146 m.); 1.2 mi. s.e. of well at San Sevaine Flats, at Big Tree Truck (San Sevaine) Rd., July 16, 1993, 5081 ft. (1549 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, Cajon Wash, between Blue Cut & stream crossing at Swarthout Cyn. Road, c. 3 mi. s. of Hwy. 138 corssing, May 13, 1997, 2601 ft. (793 m.)

FVS: July 16, 1993

Gilia capitata Sims ssp. abrotanifolia (Greene) V.E Grant, Bluehead Gilia

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 800 ft. (243 m.) near mouth of Fish Cyn., (Azusa/Durarte boundary), May 22, 1971, R.F. Thorne & A.C. Gibson, to 6498 ft. (1981 m.) at Bear Cyn., Claremont, D.L. Crawford, June 27, 1915; Feb.-July; transmontane at n. of Mill Cyn., off Soledad Cyn., near Ravenna, L.C. Wheeler, Apr. 29, 1973; uncommon at montane, cismontane

FVS: Apr., 1890, Anstruther Davidson, San Gab. Mts., foothills, Los Angeles

SBCo.: Lytle Cr. Cyn., unnamed side cyn. from the w., 2 mi. n. of San Sevaine Rd. near Hitching Ranch, July 14, 1993, 2600 ft. (793 m.); 1.2 mi. s.e. of San Sevaine Flats well on Big Tree Truck Rd., (San Sevaine Rd.), July 16, 1993,

5081 ft. (1549 m.); J. Atzet, Cajon Pass, 3 mi. n. of Devore, 0.5 mi. west of Hwy. 395 on a fire break, Apr. 26, 1961, 3900 ft. (1189 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, 1.5 miles s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Road & Applewhite Rd., c. 0.8 miles e. of Glenn Ranch, Apr. 22,1995, 3319 ft. (1012 m.); w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Hwy. 138, c. 1 mile SSW of Cajon Jct., off FS Road 3N49, Apr. 29, 1995, 3100 ft.

(945 m.)

Other records:

Freda Detmers, Lytle Cr. Canyon, May 10, 1931, no elevation given; Gerald L. Benny & Colin M. Wainwright, Day Cyn., May 12, 1971, 2800 ft. (854 m.)T. Craig, Lytle Cr. Cut-off over Cajon Pass, Apr. 28, 1928, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne et al., near San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 7, 1971, 4697 ft. (1432 m.), & June 29, 1972; T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, “Epipactis Cyn.”, draining ENE to Lone Pine Cyn., originating near e. end of Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge (Sheep Cr. Truck Rd.), 2N56, drops n.e.-ward through the lower half of this cyn., June 18. 1990, 3380-3480 ft. (1030-1061 m.); J. Atzet, Cajon Pass, 3 mi. n. of Devore, ).5 mi. west of Hwy. 395 on a fire break, Apr. 26, 1961, 3900 ft. (1189 m.); I. M. Johnston, Baldy Lookout hills, July 8, 1925, 5700 ft. (1738 m.); Norman C. Wilson, Cajon Pass, 1893, no elev. given

FVS: 1893

Gilia capitata Sims ssp. capitata, Bluehead Gilia

LACo.: with Vanessa Merritt, ridge c. 400 m. s.e. of summit of Lookout (Antonio) Mt., June 16, 1998, 6080 ft. (1854 m.); Vincent Gulch, 2.5 mi. ESE of summit of Mt. Baden-Powell, c. 0.6 mi. above confl. with San Gabriel Cyn., Aug. 1, 1998, 4681 ft. (1427 m.)

Other records:

John Thomas Howell, near Fern Lodge (Santa Anita Cyn.), May 6, 1928, no elev. given

FVS: May 6, 1928

SBCo.: No records found.

Gilia diegensis (Munz) A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant, Coastal Gilia

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: with Vanessa Merritt, Ball Flat, 0.7 mi. n. of Big Pines Hwy. at Ball Flat Road, n.w. of Jackson Lake, June 12, 1998, 6200 ft. (1890 m.); Jackson Flats, e. area, s.w. of Wrightwood, July 8, 1998, 7500 ft. (2287 m.); Wrightwood area, east summit of Table Mt., south area, July 2, 1998, 7420 ft. (2262 m.); s. of Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, jct. of Holmes Cr. & Watson Cr., May 2005, 4070 ft.

(1241 m.)

Other records:

Karl Bernhard, rd. N3, 100 yds. north of Mt. Emma Rd., 50 ft. from rd., May 13, 1967, 3500 ft. (1067 m.);

M. MacArthur, 7 mi. from turn off on Angeles Crest Hwy. to Lower Chilao, keeping always to right-left side of rd. by streambed, June 24, 1967, 5196 ft. (1584 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, Monte Cristo Cyn. (trib. of Mill Creek Cyn.) 3 miles s.w. of Mill Cr. summit, along S. Calif. Edison transmission line corridor, June 4, 2010, 4500 ft. (1372 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Crhistine Mistretta, Upper Mill Creek Cyn., drainage, s. of Mill Cr. Summit, along S. Calif. Edison transmission line corridor, May 26, 2010, 4799 ft. (1463 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, Big Tujunga Cyn., 1.93 rd. miles e. of jct. with Angeles Forest Hwy., June 14, 2010, 3411 ft. (1040 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Pacoima Cyn., Apr. 19, 1919, 1797 ft. (548 m.)

FVS: Apr. 19, 1919

SBCo.: F.W. Peirson, San Bernardino Mts. Rregion, s. slope of Cajon Pass, Apr. 16, 1919, 2250 ft. (686 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Gilia inconspicua (Sm.) Sweet, Shy Gilia

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Little Rock Cr., Feb. 21, 1933, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Bear Cr., off W. Fork San Gabriel River, May 5, 1963, 1801 ft. (549 m.)

FVS: May 5, 1963

SBCo.: No records fround.

+Gilia latiflora (A. Gray) A. Gray, Broad-flowered Gilia, Hollyleaf Gilia

(synonym: G. latiflora (A. Gray) A. Gray ssp. excellens)

ssp. variable within populations

LACo.: near Pinon Hills, Mescal Highlands, Graham cyn, 1.7 mi. n. of Panorama Way at Graham Canyon Mtwy., 0.6 mi. s. of Ft. Tejon Rd., May 16, 1998, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); Pinon Hills area, 1.1 mi. s. of Ft. Tejon Rd., 150 m. west of 237th Street, w. of Mescal Creek Cyn., Mescal Highland, Apr. 14, 1998, 4261 ft.

(1299 m.)

Other records:

LeRoy Gross, w. terminus of Holcomb Ridge, w. of Big Rock Cr., along the e (and) n.e. side of hill, n. of Ft. Tejon Rd., w. of Valyermo Rd., May 3, 2005, 3559 ft. (1085 m.); LeRoy Gross, ridgeline to Mt. Emma & cyn. s. of this ridge, w. from Mt. Emma, e. of Mt. Emma Road, Apr. 28, 2005, 4051 ft. (1235 m.); LeRoy Gross, w. terminus of Holcomb Ridge, w. of Big Rock Cr., north of Ft. Tejon Rd., west of Valyermo Rd., May 3, 2005, 3560-3948 ft. (1085-1215 m.); Wesley O. Griesel, Little Rock Dam, Apr. 14, 1962, 3201 ft. (976 m.)

FVS: Apr. 14, 1962

SBCo.: Scott D. White, Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash, just s. of Hwy 138 crossing, Apr. 16, 1997, 2900 ft. (884 m.)

+Gilia latiflora (A. Gray) A. Gray ssp. cuyamensis A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant, Cuyama or Hollyleaf Gilia

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G5?T3

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta, Kitter Cyn., slopes w. of Main Canyon, Apr. 28, 1995, 4000 ft. (1219 m.); Orlando Mistretta, drainage w. of Little Rock Cr. Reservoir, Apr. 5, 1995, 3900 ft. (1189 m.)

FVS: Apr. 5, 1995

SBCo.: No records found.

+Gilia latiflora (A. Gray) A. Gray ssp. davyi, Hollyleaf Gilia

LACo.: W.M. Gaunt, Route 138, 6 mi. w. of Wrightwood (This may be in the Western Mojave Desert Region), no date, 4100 ft. (1250 m.); R.F. Thorne & G.D. Wallace, 1/4 mi., north of Bob’s Gap, 3.5 mi. south of Llano, n. slope of Holcomb Ridge, Apr. 25, 1973, 3800-3900 ft. (1246-1279 m.); J.M. Porter & Lauren Machen ?, c. 0.25 mi. east of Largo Vista Rd. several mi. south of Calif. Aquiduct., May 2, 2004, 4461 ft. (1360 m.); Sula Vanderplank, et al., Bob’s Gap, at s. edge of Bob’s Gap on slopes, roadside & wash bottom, May 6, 2005, 4736 ft. (1444 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, 1 mile n. of Bob’s Gap, 3.2 miles s. of Llano, n. slope of Holcomb Ridge, Apr. 20, 1973, 3749 ft. (1143 m.); R.F. Thorne, W. Wisura, et al., 1/4-1/2 mile n. of Bob’s Gap, n. slope of Holcomb Ridge, c. 2.5 miles due s. of Llano, Apr. 20, 1982, 3802 ft. (1159 m.); LeRoy Gross, ridgeline to Mt. Emma & cyn. s. of this ridge, w. from Mt. Emma (n.w. trending ridge, lower part of ridgeline starts to turn s.w.), e. of Mt. Emma Rd., then dropped off ridge..., Apr. 28, 2005, 4428 ft. (1235 m.); Christopher Davidson, 7 mi. s. of Littlerock, Apr. 1, 1973, 2500 ft. (761 m.)

FVS: Apr. 1, 1973

SBCo.: No records found.

+Gilia latiflora (A. Gray) A. Gray ssp. latiflora, Broadleaved or Hollyleaf Gilia

LACo.: From 3100 ft. (945 m.), at Aliso Cyn., c. 1/2 mile e. of Blumm Ranch, L.C. Wheeler, Apr. 20, 1973, to 3900 ft. (1189 m.), at Valyermo, Dr. Hide Forest, May 1934; Apr.-July; rare-uncommon; transmontane

FVS: July, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Lower Lone Pine Cyn., near jct. of rd. to Cajon Jct., June 26, 1969, 3690 ft. (1125 m.); E.K. Balls, 9 mi. due w. of jct. of Hwy 395 and rd. to Little Rock & Hwy. 138 (perhaps in the W. Mojave Desert Region), Apr. 11, 1953, 3600 ft. (1098 m.); C.B. Wolf, San Bernardino Mts. Region, Cajon Pass, Apr. 18, 1926, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Apr. 18, 1926 or Apr. 11, 1953

+Gilia leptantha Parish ssp. transversa A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant, Fineflower Gilia

LACo.: From 3100 ft. (945 m.), at c. 3.6 mi. down Aliso Cyn. from jct. with Angeles Forest Rd., R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, June 29, 1971, to 8298 ft.

(2530 m.), at Blue Ridge, just w. of Guffy Camp, on ridgetop and slopes above FS Road 3N06, Valerie Soza & Naomi Fraga, June 13, 2003; Apr.-July; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: May 20, 1921, F.W. Peirson, Little Rock Cr., San Gab. Mts., 3300 ft.

(1006 m.)

SBCo.: F.W. Peirson, s. side of Cajon Pass, May 14, 1924, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); Verne & Alva Grant, s. side of summit of Cajon Pass, May 14, 1954, 4000 ft.

(1220 m.); Herbert L. Mason, Cajon Pass, Apr. 28, 1926, no elev. given; Mary F. Spencer, W. Mojave Desert Region, summit of El Cajon Pass, Apr. 23, 1917, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundrary)

FVS: Apr. 23, 1917

Gilia minor A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant, Little Gilia

LACo.: David Charlton, between Blue Ridge Campground (1.4 air miles SSE of Big Pine), & the reservoir at top to Chisolm Ski Run, along the reservoir maintenance rd., 0.7 to 1.2 miles s. of Angeles Crest Hwy. on FS Road 3N06, June 15, 1986, 8000 ft. (2439 m.); P.H. Raven, 0.5 miles n. of Pearblossom, Apr. 6, 1962, 2800 ft. (854 m.); L.C. Wheeler, 2 miles n.e. of Vincent, foothills of San Gab. Mts., Apr. 21, 1973, 3369 ft. (1027 m.); B. Miller, Switzer’s Camp, July 12, 1960, 2496 ft. (761 m.)

FVS: July 12, 1960

SBCo.: Sheep Cr., near Pinon Hills, 0.8 miles s. of Hwy. 138 via Scrub Oak Rd., 70-300 meters w. of Scrub Oak Rd. (in wash), Apr. 5, 1995, 4579 ft. (1396 m.)

Other records: None found.

Gilia modocensis Eastw., Modoc Gilia

LACo.: From 3749 ft. (1143 m.), at Big Rock Cr., n. and e. of Valyermo Ranger Station, off Big Pines Hwy., LeRoy Gross, Orlando Mistretta, et al., May 13, 2003, to 8000 ft. (2439 m.), s.e. of Dawson Saddle, s. side of Angeles Crest Hwy.

(Hwy 2 ), LeRoy Gross, Michael Denshaw, June 4, 2003; Mar.-July; rare; transmontane; montane

FVS: Jully 1, 1906 H.E. Hasse, Big Rock Cr.

SBCo.: e. of Table Mt. & n.w. of Wright Ridge, 2 1/4 mi. s.e. of Smithsonian Observatory, e. end of ridge; May 27, 1996, 7387 ft. (2252 m.)

Other records: Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, 3802 ft. (1159 m.)

FVS: May 16, 1903

+Gilia ochroleuca M.E. Jones ssp. bizonata A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant, Volcanic Gilia

LACo.: From 1906 ft. (581 m.), vic. of Van Tassel Cyn., transmission line tower (seg 6, structure 1151, per trip survey 2008, Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, Apr. 19, 2008 (G. ochroleuca ssp. exilis found on same location & survey), to 7370 ft. (2247 m.), at Pine Mt. Ridge, 0.2-0.3 miles w. of Camp Lupine Trail, broad ridgetop, R.G. Swinney, July 14, 1998; Mar.-Aug.; rare, transmontane, montane, 1 cismontane record at vic. of Van Tassel Cyn.

FVS: June 1, 1906, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., Lowell Mine

SBCo.: Wright Mt. summit, s. of Wrightwood, July 12, 1993, 8469 ft. (2582 m.)

Other records:

Alice M. Ottley, Lytle Cr., May 18, 1920, 2496 ft. (761 m.)

FVS: May 18, 1920

+Gilia ochroleuca M.E. Jones ssp. exilis, Volcanic Gilia

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. Calif. transmission line tower (Seg. 6, structure 23 per TRTP Survey 2008), vic. of Aliso Cyn. west of the Angeles Forest Highway, Apr. 16, 2008, 3746 ft. (1142 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. Calif. transmission line tower (Seg. 6, structure 18, per TRTP, Survey 2008), vic. of Aliso Cyn., w. of the Angeles Forest Highway, Apr. 14, 2008, 4067 ft. (1240 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. Calif. Edison transmission line tower (Seg. 6, Impact Area 9 per TRTP Survey 20l08), vic. of Upper Big Tujunga Canyon, Apr. 28, 2008, 3697 ft. (1127 m.); Raymond J. Dobbs, Arroyo Seco, 2 mi. above Ranger Station, May 15, 1924, 3601 ft.

(1098 m.); Raymond J. Dobbs, Arroyo Seco, 2 mi. above Ranger Stationj

FVS: May 15, 1924

SBCo.: F.W. Peirson, Icehouse Cyn. Divide, Aug. 1906, 7902 ft. (2409 m.)

+Gilia ochroleuca M.E. Lones ssp. ochroleuca, Volcanic Gillia

LACo.: From 2500 ft. (762 m.), at Mill Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, May 1973, to 5000 ft. (1524 m.), at Santiago Cyn. Ridge on w. edge of Santiago Cyn. Watershed, c. 1 mile s. of Mt. Emma, Orlando Mistretta, S.D. Boyd., et al., Apr. 29, 1994; Apr., May; rare-uncommon; transmontane, cismontane at Mill Cyn.

FVS: Apr. 27, 1926, Herbert L. Mason, Rock Cr., 3998 ft. (1219 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Gilia ochroleuca M.E. Jones ssp. vivida (A.D. Grant & V.E Grant) A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant, Volcanic Gilia

LACo.: From 5300 ft. (1616 m.) near Chilao Old Camp, June 26, 1971, R.F. Thorne, to 8750 ft. (2666 m.) just n. of summit of Mt. Hawkins on saddle between Hawkins & Throop Pks., R.F. Thorne, Aug. 25, 1971; May-Aug.; fairly common in montane, rare in transmontane

FVS: June 6, 1895, Anstruther Davidson, Mt. Wilson

SBCo.: 4.0 mi. w. of Swarthout Cyn. Road & Lone Pine Cyn. Road, c. 300 yds. south of Lone Pine cyn. Rd., near spring, June 22, 1993, 5080 ft. (1549 m.); Big Horn Pk., Cucamonga Wilderness, between Ontario & Cucamonga Pks., July 8, 1994, 8400 ft. (2561 m.) & July 11, 1995; Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge, Gobler’s Knob, w. of 3N31 terminus, June 29, 1993, 6901 ft. (2104 m.); within 100 yards s.e. and n. of Wright Mt. summit, July 12, 1993, 8470-8505 ft. (2582-2593 m.); Bighorn Pk., n.w. of Cucumonga Pk., July 11, 1995, 8430 ft. (2570 m.)

Other records:

Thos. Craig, Bear Mt. Tr. to summit of Mt. San Antonio, June 8, 1927, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); H. & M. Dearing, crest above Mankers Flat, July 5, 1937, 7997 ft.

(2438 m.); I.M. Johnston, Baldy Lookout of USFS (Lookout Mt. - Antonio Pk. ?), June 20, 1917, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); R.F. Thorne et al., Baldy Notch, June 12, 1971, 8000 ft. (2439 m.); F.R. Fosberg & Mildred E. Mathias, Mt. San Antonio Tr. from divide, June 23, 1931, 8200 ft. (2500 m.); Richard Noyes, Icehouse Cyn., c. 0.5 km. below saddle, July 23, 1988, 7216 ft. (2200 m.); Valerie Soza & Sarah J. De Groot, Icehouse Cyn. Tr. to Icehouse Saddle, c. 2.5 mi. from trailhead, June 6, 2003, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); Valerie Soza & Sarah J. De Groot, Timber Mt., c. 0.5 mile n. of Icehouse Saddle, above Three Tee’s Tr., June 6, 2003, 8000 ft.

(2439 m.); S.B. Parish, Icehouse Cyn., June 16, 1918, 6498 ft. (1981 m.); F.W. Peirson, Icehouse Cyn. Divide, Aug., 1906, 7895 ft. (2407 m.)

FVS: Aug., 1906

Gilia scopulorum M.E. Jones, Rock Gilia

LACo.: S. Mason, et al., near Little Rock, along Mt. Emma Rd., 0.8 mi. above (south of-added 2009) Ft. Tejon Rd., Apr. 23, 1995, 1998 ft. (914 m.) (possibly just w. of boundary area)

SBCo.: No records found.

Gilia sinuata Douglas ex Benth., Rosy Gilia

LACo.: Mescal Highlands, 1 mile s. of Ft. Tejon Rd. & 237th Street jct., May 16, 1998, 4280 ft. (1305 m.);

Other records:

Christopher Davidson, 1 mi. s. of Little Rock, Apr. 1, 1973, 2500 ft. (761 m.); Devils Punchbowl - staff; Verne & Alva Grant, c. 1 mi. w. of Desert Spring at LA/SB Co. line, Apr. 19, 1954, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); J.M. Porter, Z 9 Rd., off Largo Vista, Apr. 27, 1998, 4500 ft. (1371 m.); LeRoy Gross, et al., Big Rock Creek, n. and e. of Valyermo, off Big Pines Hwy., May 13, 2003, 3750 ft. (1143 m.); F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., June 14, 1919, 4999 ft. (1524 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., 0.6 miles ESE of Acton, s. edge of Soledad Cyn. Wash, Apr. 30, 1991, 2760-2880 ft. (841-878 m.); H.E. Hasse & Davidson, Big Rock Cr., July 1, 1906, no elev. given

FVS: July 1, 1906

SBCo.: Circle Mt. summit, s.e. of Wrightwood, July 9. 1996, 6840 ft. (2085 m.); E. of Table Mt. and n.w. of Wright Ridge, 2 1/4 mile s.e. of Smithsonian Observatory on e. end of ridge, May 27, 1996, 7301 ft. (2226 m.); w. of Cajon Wash & s. of Hwy. 138, c. 1 mile SSW of Cajon Jct., off USFS Rd. 3N49, Apr. 29, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Apr. 29, 1995

Gilia transmontana (H. Mason & A.D. Grant) A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant, Transmontane Gilia

Similar to G. clokeyi

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Scott D. White, Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash, just south of Hwy. 138 crossing, Apr. 11, 1997, 2900 ft. (884 m.) (at San Gab. Mts. boundary-added 2009)

Gilia tricolor Benth. ssp. diffusa (Conqu.) H. Mason & A.D. Grant, Bird’s Eye Gilia

CA and reported from Massachusetts

LACo.: W. Wisura & E. Roeder, Valyermo Rd., 0.3 miles n. of turnoff to St. Andrews (west Mojave), n. of St. Andrews, Apr. 21, 1992

SBCo.: No records found.

Ipomopsis tenuifolia (A. Gray) V.E. Grant, Slender-Leaved Ipomopsis, Slenderleaf Skyrocket

Status CNPS List: 2 R-E-D Code: 2-1-1 State/Fed. Status: none

LACo.: San Dimas Exp. Forest, grassy areas, dominant in all types after burns, SDEF, 1988 (no documented voucher found); W. Wisura & E. Roeder, Valyermo Rd., 0.3 miles n. of turnoff to St. Andrews (W. Mojave), n. of St. Andrew, Apr. 21, 1992, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Monroe Cyn., June 12, 1936, 1801 ft.

(549 m.)

FVS: June 12, 1936

SBCo.: No records found.

Leptosiphon androsaceus Benth., False Babystars

[synonym: Linanthus androsaceus (Benth.) Greene]

CA and reported from Pennsylvania; similar to L. rosaceus and L. latisectus

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, 1/4 mi. s. of Big Dalton Cyn. Rd. above s.e. of highest point on Dunn Cyn. Tr., May 12, 2003, 1700 ft. (518 m.)

Other records:

N.C. Cooper, San Gab. Mts. Region, Littlerock, Apr. 21, 1948, 2499 ft. (762 m.); P.A. Munz, L.T. Street & G. Williams, Lone Hill, San Dimas, Apr. 19, 1919

(possibly just s. of the San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Apr. 19, 1919

SBCo.: No records found.

Leptosiphon aureus (Nutt.) J.M. Porter & L.A. Johnson, Golden Linanthus

(synonym: Linanthus aureus (Nutt.) Greene]

LACo.: From 3100 ft. (945 m.), at Soledad Cyn., vic. of Soledad Pass, Soledad Cyn. Rd., c. 0.5 miles s. of Sierra Hwy., B. Pitzer, May 23, 1998, to 4200 ft.

(1280 m.), at E. Fk. Kentucky Spring Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, Apr. 21, 1973; Mar.- May; rare; transmontane

FVS: May 1-3, 1902, H.M. Hall, vic. of Rock Cr., 4002 ft. (1220 m.)

SBCo.: Mojave Desert/San Gab. Mts., Pinon Hills (c. 300 m. north of Hwy. 138, w. of Oasis Rd.-added 2009), May 21, 1967, no elev. given (just n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Other records:

Alva Day, San Gab. Mts. Region, Hwy. 138, 4.4 miles e. of co. line, Apr. 23, 1973 (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 21, 1967

Leptosiphon aureus (Nutt.) J.M. Porter & L.A. Johnson ssp. aureus, Golden Linanthus

[synonym: Linanthus aureus (Nutt.) Greene ssp. aureus]

LACo.: near Pinon Hills, Mescal Highlands, Graham Cyn., 1.7 miles n. of Panorama Way at Graham Canyon Mtwy, 0.6 milles s. of Ft. Tejon Rd., May 16, 1998, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); Littlerock Cr., 0.3 miles n.w. of Littlerock Creek Cmpgrd., Apr. 24, 2009, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

Other records:

K.A. Wilson, Aliso Cyn. Road, c. 2 miles s. of Acton, May 16, 1962, no elev. given; LeRoy Gross, ridgeline to Mt. Emma & cyn. south of this ridge, w. from Mt. Emma (n.w. trending ridge, lower part of ridgeline starts to turn s.w. ) e. of Mt. Emma Rd. Then dropped off ridge into cyn. bottom back to origin, Apr. 28, 2005, 4339 ft. (1323 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., 0.6 mile ESE of Acton, s. edge of Soledad Cyn. Wash, Apr. 30, 1991, 2760-2880 ft. (841-878 m .); Herbert L. Mason, Pacoima Wash, Apr. 26, 1926, no elev. given; T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, lower Moody Cyn., Moody Truck Rd., 0.6 miles n. of jct. with powerline rd., June 4, 1990, 3200-3220 ft. (976 m.); F.W. Peirson, Tujunga Cyn., Mar. 30, 1919, 1400 ft. (427 m.)

FVS: Mar. 30, 1919

SBCo.: No records found.

Leptosiphon bicolor Nutt. True Babystars

[synonym: Linanthus bicolor (Nutt.) Greene]

LACo.: W. Wisura & G. Perez, 1 mile w. of Largo Vista Rd., May 19, 1992, no elev. given ( all other records from the Channel Islands)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Leptosiphon breviculus (A. Gray.) J.M. Porter & L.A. Johnson, Mojave Linanthus

(synonym: Linanthus breviculus ssp. royalis (Brand) H. Mason

LACo.: From 3180-3220 ft. (970 m.), at Big Tujunga Cyn., between Coldwater & Wickiup Cyns., n.e. slope on s. side of cr., T.S. Ross, July 10, 1992, to 8479 ft. (2585 m.), at Wright Mt., s. of Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, July 8, 1998; Mar.-Aug.; common; transmontane, montane, 1 record from cismontane near Fern Cyn. (Dry Lake), Jerome S. Horton, Aug. 1, 1935, 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

FVS: July 11, 1897, J.H. Barber, Mt. Gleason summit

SBCo.: From 3100 ft. (945 m.), w. of Cajon Wash, s. of Hwy. 138, c. 1 mile SSW of Cajon Jct., off FS Road 3N49, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 29, 1995, to 8479 ft.

(2585 m.), at Wright Mt., s. of Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, July 8, 1998; Apr.-Aug.; common; transmontane, montane, approaching cismontane in Cajon Pass area

FVS: June 18, 1899, H.M. Hall, Lytle Cr., San Antonio Mts., 5747 ft. (1752 m.)

+Leptosiphon ciliatus (Benth.) Jeps., Whiskerbrush

[synonym: Linanthus ciliatus (Benth..) Greene]

LACo.: From 4002 ft. (1220 m.), at N. Fk. San Gabriel River, along Rincon-Red Box Rd. (2N24.1), Michael Denslow & LeRoy Gross, May 12, 2003, to 6498 ft. (1981 m.), at N. Fork San Antonio Cyn., Frank W. Peirson, June 6, 1919; May-July; rare; transmontane at Littlerock Cr., Orlando Mistretta, June 23, 1992, no elev. given, montane, cismontane

FVS: June 14, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: San Sevaine Flats, near well (Dustin Spring included on voucher label is in error-added 2010), July 16, 1993, 5320 ft. (1622 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, lower San Sevaine Flats, July 10, 1925, 4799 ft. (1463 m.); R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, San Antonio Cyn., Chapman Ranch above Mt. Baldy Village, July 2, 1967, 4450 ft. (1357 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., near San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 7, 1971, c. 4700 ft. (1433 m.); R.F. Thorne, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 6, 1971, c. 4650 ft. (1418 m.); R.F. Thorne & Carlos Munoz, dry, s-facing talus slope, lower end of Icehouse Cyn., June 17, 1969, c. 5800 ft.

(1768 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 14, 1968, 4700 ft.

(1433 m.); H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., June 1-3, 1900, 5845 ft. (1782 m.)

FVS: June 1-3, 1900

Leptosiphon lemmonii (A. Gray) J.M. Porter & L.A. Johnson, Lemmon’s Linanthus

[synonym: Linanthus lemmonii (A. Gray) Greene]

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Santa Anita Wash above foothill Blvd. April 26, 1920,

700 ft. (213 m.) (s. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: I.M. Johnston, n. of Etiwanda, May 15, 1920, no elev. given (possibly s. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Leptosiphon liniflorus (Benth.) J.M. Porter & L.A. Johnson, Narrowflower Flaxflower

[synonyms: Linanthus liniflorus (Benth.) Greene and L. liniflorus ssp. pharnaceoides Benth. and Linanthus liniflorus (Benth.) Greene ssp. liniflorus and Linanthus pharnaceoides (Benth.) Greene and Gilia pharnaceoides Benth.

LACo.: Robert L. Dressler, Johnstone Pk. (SDEF, n. of San Dimas-added 2010), June 18, 1949, 2800’s ft. (854 m.); Scott D. White & Michael Honer, Mt. Baldy (town) along Glendora Ridge Rd., c. 0.25 miles s.w. of jct. with Mt. Baldy Rd., June 30, 2004, 4300 ft. (1311 m.); Anon., along Camp 10 Rd. near SDEF, June 24, 1940, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, Cow Cyn., San Antonio Cyn. Divide, July 8, 1925, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); L.C. Wheeler, mesa s. of San Antonio Cyn., June 13, 1947, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, divide between Cow Cyn. & San Antonio Cyn., June 7, 1919, 4500 ft. (1372 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Whitney Cyn., near mouth, June 26, 1967, 1425 ft. (434 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., c. 1/4 mile e. of Hwy., June 26, 1967, 1500 ft. (457 m.); C.F. Baker, San Antonio Cyn., near Claremont, Aug. 2, 1903, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 2, 1903

SBCo.: ENE of Mt. Baldy School, s. of Mt. Baldy Village, c. 400 meters e. of San Antonio Cyn., May 31, 1997, 5699 ft. (1402 m.); Cherry Cyn. Flats (“dry lake”- added 2010), at s.w. base of Sugarloaf Pk., June 18, 1996, 5061 ft. (1543 m.); c. 0.2 air miles WSW of Cherry Cyn. Flats (“dry lake”) on ridgetop, June 18, 1996, 4959 ft. (1512 m.); c. 100 meters s.e. of Spring Hill area, c. 100 meters w. of Barrett-Stoddard Rd.(FS Road 2N04) w. of Pinus coulteri plantation, July 6, 1994, 4040 ft. (1230 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 6, 1994

+Leptosiphon nudatus (Greene) J.M. Porter & L.A. Johnson, Tehachapi Linanthus

[synonym: Linanthus nudatus Greene]

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: D. Charlton, jct. of Phelan Rd. and Hwy. 138, May 27, 1991, 4100 ft.

(1250 m.)

+Leptosiphon nuttallii (A. Gray) J.M. Porter & L.A. Johnson ssp. nuttallii, Nuttall’s Linanthus

[synonym: Linanthus nuttallii (A. Gray) Milliken]

LACo.: B.C. Templeton, Big Pines Park, May 31, 1932, 6501 ft. (1982 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Leptosiphon parviflorus (Benth.) J.M. Porter & L.A. Johnson, Variable Linanthus

[synonym: Linanthus parviflorus (Benth.) Greene]

LACo.: From 899 ft. (274 m.), at Fish Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, May 5, 1933, to

4995 ft. (1523 m.), at Charlton Flat, c. 1 mile from Los Angeles Crest Hwy., below parking area # 12, M. MacArthur, July 16, 1967; Apr.-July; rare; all 3 sections

FVS: May, 1897, Thekla Mohr, Eaton Cyn.

SBCo.: No records found.

+Leptosiphon pygmaeus (Brand) J.M. Porter & L.A. Johnson ssp. pygmaeus, Pygmy Linanthus

[Linanthus pygmaeus (Brand) J.T. Howell]

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Liveoak Cyn. Dam, Apr. 24, 1934, 1500l ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Linanthus bigelovii (A. Gray) Greene, Bigelow’s Linanthus

LACo.: From 2720 ft. (829 m.), at Soledad Cyn. Wash, c. hafl mile e. of Acton, T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Apr. 30, 1991, to 4599 ft. (1402 m.), at E. Fork Puzzle Cyn., s. of old homesite at 2800 Deep Creek Cyn. Road (dirt-added 2011), R.G. Swinney, May 22, 1999; Apr.-June; rare-uncommon; transmontane

FVS: May 10, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Arrastre Cr., n. base of San Gab. Mts.,

3000 ft. (915 m.)

SBCo.: Controversy Spring, FS Road 3N37, c. 0.4 miles s. of Hwy. 138, Cajon Cyn., (s.e.) of Mountain Top Jct., May 1, 1995, 4559 ft. (1390 m.); Chalk Pk., (6089 ft.), Lytle Cr. area, between Middle & N. Forks, Apr. 19, 1997, 6065 ft. (1849 m.); w. of Cajon Wash and s. of Hwy. 138, c. 1 mile SSW of Cajon Jct., off FS Rd. 3N49, Apr. 29, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Apr. 29, 1995

+Linanthus californicus (Hook. & Arn.) J.M. Porter & L.A. Johnson, California Prickly Phlox

[synonyms: Leptodactylon californicum Hook. & Arn. and Leptodactylon californicum Hook. & Arn. ssp. californicum and Leptodactyon californicum Hook. & Arn. ssp. leptotrichomum]

LACo.: From 984 ft. (300 m.), along Glendora Mt. Rd., 3.2 km. north of entrance to Nat’l Forest, May 17, 1993 (elev. shold be c. 1800 ft. (549 m.)-added 2010) to 5596 ft. (1706 m.), at Mt. Gleason (e. flank), L.R. Heckard with Michael Morris, June 13, 1976; Apr.-June, uncommon; montane, most common at cismontane

FVS: Jan. 1, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 2299 ft. (701 m.)

SBCo.: Location of one lower location is ambiguous.

From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, c. 60 meters s. of Blockbuster Pavillion parking larea, between motorcycle racetracks & n. parking area, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 15, 1995, to 5996 ft. (1828 m.); Icehouse Cyn., S.B. Parish, June 16, 1918; Apr.-July; uncommon; cismontane, montane

FVS: June 16, 1918

Linanthus caespitosus (Nutt.) J.M. Porter & L.A. Johnson, Matt Prickly Phlox

[synonym: Leptodactylon caespitosus (Nutt.) J.M. Porter & L.A. Johnson]

Native to Nevada, Utah, etc. Not listed in TJM-2012.

LACo.: Yvonne Rasmussen & Deborah Rasmussen, 2.7 mi. from La Canada City limits (sign), pull off on left side of road as one is going up Mt., May 5, 1984, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

+Linanthus concinnus Milliken, San Gabriel Linanthus

Status: CNPS List 1B R-E-D Code ?-2-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 1B.2 S2? G2? San Gab. Mts. only.

LACo.: From D.F. Howe, at 2 miles n.w. of Devil’s Punchbowl, Apr. 30, 1979, 4700 ft. (1433 m.), to 8498 ft. (2591 m.), ridge between Lytle Cr. & San Antonio Cyn., P.A. Munz, May 25, 1924; Mar.-July; rare; 14 locations, pop. almost always of small numbers of plants

FVS: June 3-6, 1900, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., 6196 ft. (1889 m.)

SBCo.: Status: Sensitive

From 5697 ft. (1737 m.), at Icehouse Cyn., I.M. Johnstone, June 15, 1917, to

8498 ft. (2591 m.), ridge between Lytle Cr. & San Antonio Cyn., P.A. Munz, May 25, 1924; May, June; rare; transmontane, approaching montane at Wrightwood

Locations only:

Mt. Baldy Notch, along San Antonio Falls Rd. (3N01); off Hwy. 2, near e. end of Wrightwood; N. Fork Lytle Cr., n.e. of Paiute Cmpgrd.; s. of Wrightwood in minor drainage e. of Heath Cyn.; Bear Cyn. Trail to summit of Mt. of San Antonio; Mt. San Antonio at 7872 ft. (2400 m.); Icehouse Cyn. at 7000 ft. (2134 m.) and

6799 ft. (2073 m.); Timber Mt.; Devil’s Backbone Ridge

FVS: June 1-3, 1900, H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 5596 ft. (1828 m.)

Linanthus dianthiflorus (Benth.) Greene, Fringed Linanthus

[synonym: L. dianthiflorus (Benth.) Greene ssp. dianthiflorus]

CA to Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 984 ft. (300 m.), at Altadena, Eaton Wash, 1 mile s. of bridge (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary), B.L. Estes, Apr. 1, 1961 to 2952 ft.

(900 m.), at San Gabriel Cyn., E.G. Anderson, Mar. 11, 1931; Feb.-Apr.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Feb. 1888, H. Twining, Rincon

SBCo.: T. Craig, Lytle Cr. Cut-off over Cajon Pass, Cajon Pass, Apr. 28, 1928, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, near Lytle Cr., San Gab. Mts., Apr. 16, 1919,

1748 ft. (533 m.)

FVS: Apr. 16, 1919

Linanthus dichotomus Benth., Evening Snow

LACo.: Pinon Hills area, 0.7 miles w. of 237th St. at Panarama Road, n.w. of mouth of Mescal Cyn., Mescal Highlands, 2.7 miles s. of Ft. Tejon Road, Apr. 14, 1998, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); Pinon Hills area, 1.1 miles s. of Ft. Tejon Rd. & 150 meters w. of 237th St., w. of Mescal Creek Cyn., Mescal Highlands, Apr. 14, 1998, 4261 ft. (1299 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: May 10, 1919, Frank W. Peirson, Arrastre Cr., San Gab. Mts., 2998 ft.

(914 m.)

SBCo.: 2 records by W.L. Jepson on desert side of Cajon Pass, Mohave Desert,

3496 ft. (1066 m.)& 1 other record here [in error at 597 ft. (182 m.)] (n. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Linanthus dichotomus Benth. ssp. dichotomus, Evening Snow


LACo.: R.F. Thorne, along Mt. Emma Rd., 1.9 miles w. of Little Rock Cr. below the dam, May 11, 1973, 3802 ft. (1159 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Aliso Cyn., e. of Acton, c. 1 mi. downstream from Wagon Wheel Ranch, May 9, 1967, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); LeRoy Gross, Big Rock Cr., n. & e. of Valyermo Ranger Station, off Big Pines Hwy., May 13, 2003, 3749 ft. (1143 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Linanthus parryae (A. Gray) Greene, Sandblossoms

LACo.: Blue-purple flowered individuals fairly common in the Juniper Hills/Devil’s Punchbowl region, usually among the common white-fld. plants

From 2998 ft. (914 m.), at Littlerock Foothills, M.N. Ackley, May 8, 1927 and R.G. Swinney, at Littlerock Cr. 0.3 miles n.w. of Littlerock Creek Cmpgrd., Apr. 24, 2009, (915 m.), to 6298 ft. (1920 m.), near head of Mescal Cr., H.M. Hall, June 4, 1900; Apr.-June; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: June 4, 1900

SBCo.: Sheep Cr., near Pinon Hills, 0.3 miles s. of Hwy. 138 at Scrub Oak Rd., R.G. Swinney, May 1, 1995, 4441 ft. (1354 m.)

Other records:

B. Pitzer, n. slope, powerlline rd., c. 0.5 miles n. of Nat’l Forest boundary, c. 1.5 air-miles NNW of Cajon Summit, May 6, 1995, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, 3800 ft. (1159 m.)

FVS: May 16, 1903

Linanthus pungens (Torr.) J.M. Porter & L.A. Johnson, Granite Prickly Phlox

[synonym: Leptodactylon pungens (Torr.) Rydb.]

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.), at San Gabriel Cyn., B.C. Templeton, May 18, 1936, to 10020 ft. (3055 m.), at Mt. San Antonio (East/Old Baldy) Pk., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 27, 1998; May-Sep.; uncommon; montane

FVS: Jully 1, 1916, Anonym., Mt. San Antonio

SBCo.: From 5500 ft. (1677 m.), at S. Fork Lytle Cr., L.C. Wheeler, June 14, 1968, to 10, 001 ft., e. side of E. Mount Baldy summit, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 25, 1995 and R.F. Thorne & H. Eichler, summit of Mt. Baldy, July 27, 1968 and I.M. Johnston, summit of Baldy, July 4, 1917, 9994 ft. (3047 m.); June-Aug.; uncommon; montane

FVS: June 15, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Icehouse Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

Loeseliastrum matthewsii (A. Gray) Timbrook, Desert Calico

LACo.: From 2719 ft. (829 m.), at Acton. Mt. Gleason, A.D.E. Elmer, June, 1902, to 5838 ft. (1780 m.), at e. side of Big John Pk., w. of Mescal Cr., above Big John Flat, R.G. Swinney, June 5, 1999; May-Aug.; uncommon; transmontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June, 1902

SBCo.: From 3100 ft. (945 m.) at Cajon Cyn., s.w. of jct. of Hwy. 138 & I-15 Frwy. in Cajon Wash, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 31, 1993, to 5901 ft. (1799 m.), at Horse Cyn./Circle Mt. Rehab. Project, in wide drainage w. of Circle Mt., Orlando Mistretta, July 18, 1994; May-Aug., uncommon; transmontane, approaching montane at Lone Pine Cyn.

FVS: June 4, 1900, H.M. Hall, Cajon Pass, 3998 ft. (1219 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Microsteris gracilis (Hook.) Greene var. gracilis, Slender Phlox

[Phlox gracilis (Hook.) Greene] ssp., vars. have been recognized, study needed

LACo.: Punchbowl Cyn., at n. boundary of Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, confl. of E. & W. Fks. of Punchowl Cyn., 0.3 miles s. of Big Rock Cr., May 5, 2008,

4120 ft. (1256 m.)

Other records:

Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., off Big Pines Hwy. (FS Rd. N) on the n. side of the San Gab. Mts., near Shoemaker Cyn., along ridge, wash & rd. side., May 6, 2005, 4736 ft. (1444 m.); Michael C. Long & D.W. Foster, Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, Holcomb Cyn., Apr. 21, 1974, c. 4200 ft. (1280 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Liveoak Canyon, Apr. 16, 1933, 1400 ft. (426 m.); F.W. Peirson, e. end of Pinyon Ridge, July 3, 1921, 7500 ft. (2287 m.); H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., June 3-6, 1900, 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

FVS: Mar. 22, 1897, Harley P. kChandler, Tin Oak cyn., Claremont, 1797 ft.

(548 m.)

SBCo.: P.A. Munz, Sawmill, Swartout (Swarthout) Valley, June 18, 1921,

6800 ft. (2073 m.)

Navarretia atractyloides (Benth.) Hook & Arn., Holly-leaf Navarretia, Pincushionplant

(synonyms: N. atractyloides var. atractylioides and N. atractyloides var. flavida)

Like N. hamata, but odor not skunk-like, bract tips not hooked

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, 2 miles n. Claremont, May 27, 1932, 1348 ft. (411 m.); Jenniver H. Jones, s.w. of Claremont Wilderness Park, near w. end of Pamello Dr., dirt continuation of Pomello Dr. access flood control channel, June 4, 2006,

1561 ft. (476 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Bell-S.F. San Dimas Cyn. Divide, June 8, 1936, 2900 ft. (884 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Liveoak Cyn., June 4, 1932, 1700 ft. (518 m.); L.C. Wheeler, summit Johnstone Pk., July 2, 1968, 3200 ft. (976 m.); L.C. Wheeler, lower n. side Sunset Ridge, by Millard Cyn., June 27, 1967, 1900 ft. (579 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Elsmere Cyn., June 26, 1967, 1530 ft. (442-466 m.);

Dan S. Cooper, Thompson Cr. Dam area, May 31, 2011, 1617 ft. (493 m.); F.W. Peirson, N. Fork San Gabriel River, June 20, 1921, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: June 20, 1921

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, extreme n.w. end of Park at Sycamore Flat, Aug. 18, 1993, 1961 ft. (598 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., Lytle Cr. Ranger Station, July 7, 1971, 2719 ft. (829 m.); R.F. Thorne, J. Benny, et al., mouth of Day Cyn., June 23, 1971,

2500 ft. (762 m.); L.C. Wheeler, mouth of Frankish Cyn., 1 mile e. of Cucamonga Cyn., June 25, 1936, no elev. given

FVS: June 25, 1936

Navarretia hamata Greene, Hooked Pincushionplant

ssp. intergrade

LACo.: Glendora/Azusa boundary, foothills, 0.6 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., above Yucca Ridge Ave., May 10, 1969, 1151 ft. (351 m.)

Other records:

Kay H. Beach, Tanbark Flat, near Lysimeters, SDEF, June 24, 1943, no elev. given; Kathleen Stockwell, Palmer Cyn., Claremont, N. Padua Ave., road to water tank at edge of bulldozed area, NNE of Padua Hills Theater, June 11, 2003,

2001 ft. (610 m.); A.C. Sanders & D. Malueg, Sunset Ridge, Millard Cyn. Watershed n. of Altadena, SCE powerlines near Millard Picnic Area, n. end of Chainey Trail, June 22, 1998, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

FVS: May 5, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: Scott D. White, Muscupiabe Hills, s. of Glen Helen Regional Park, along stream, June 23, 1992, 2106 ft. (642 m.)

+Navarretia hamata Greene ssp. hamata, Hooked Pincushionplant

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at San Gabriel Cyn., 1.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., on e. side of Encanto Rd., R.G. Swinney, May 15, 1998, to 3500 ft. (1067 m.), at San Dimas Cyn., Sam Tyson, June 19, 1942; May-July, Nov.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: May 14, 1917, F.W. Peirson, San Gabriiel River at Foothill Blvd.

SBCo.: Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, 7 miles WSW of Applewhite Rd. at Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, June 22, 1995, 3841 ft. (1171 m.)

Other records:

W. Wisura, Swarthout Rd., in lower Lone Pine Cyn., June 18, 1991, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, mouth of Frankish Cyn., 1 mile w. of Cucamonga Cyn., no elev. given; W. Wisura, s.e. of Lone Pine Cyn., (Swarthout Cyn. Rd.), June 3, 1992, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, lower Lone Pine Cyn., near jct. of rd. to Cajon Jct., June 26, 1969, 3690 ft. (1125 m.)

FVS: June 26, 1969

Navarretia intertexta (Benth.) Hook. ssp. intertexta, Needleleaf Navarretia

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Robert F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., near San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 7, 1971, 4700 ft. (1432 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 11, 1968, 4700 ft. (1433 m.)

FVS: July 11, 1968

Phlox austromontana Coville., Mountain Phlox

LACo.: w. of Wrightwood, c. 0.25 miles e. of Hwy. 2, c. 300 meters n. of Guffy Rd. (FS Rd. 3N06), June 25, 1997, 7600 ft. (2317 m.); Head of Cedar Cyn., ridge c. 200 meters n. of Big Pines Hwy., 0.5 miles w. of jct. of Hwy. 2, July 5, 1999, 7610 ft. (2323 m.); High point of E. Table Mt., Wrightwood area, July 2, 1998, 7400 ft. (2256 m.)

Other records:

R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, Table Mt. above Big Pines Ranger Station, July 9, 1969, 6950 ft. (2119 m.); C.Epling, N. Dunn, et al., Big Pines Camp, May 16, 1931, no elev. given; B.C. ltempleton, Big Pines, lPark, May 31, 1932, 6862 ft. (2092 m.); B.C. Templeton, Big Pines Park, June 17, 1932, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Blue Ridge, near Swartout Valley, July 6, 1922, 7500 ft. (2287 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Mt. Baldy, W. Baldy Ridge, July 30, 1991, no elev. given; P.A. Munz, head of Swartout Valley, June 18, 1921, 7500 ft. (2287 m.)

FVS: June 18, 1921

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, South Fk. Lytle Cr., June 14, 1968, 5500 ft. (1676 m.)

Phlox diffusa Benth., Spreading Phlox

LACo.: w. of Wrightwood, c. 0.25 miles e. of Hwy. 2, c. 300 meters n. of Guffy Rd., (FS Rd. 3N06 ), June 25, 1997, 7600 ft. (2317 m.); head of Cedar Cyn. ridge, c. 200 meters n. of Big Pines Hwy., 0.5 miles w. of jct. of Hwy. 2, July 5, 1999, 7610 ft. (2323 m.) (both of the above records also det. as Phlox austromontana)

Other reocrds:

B.C. Templeton, Big Pines Park, June 17, 1932, 6862 ft. (2092 m.); Carl Epling, Nesta Dunn, et al., Big Pines Camp, May 6, 1931, no elev. given; H.M. Hall, Swartout Cyn., June 3-6, 1900, 6796 ft. (2072 m.)

FVS: June 3-6, 1900

SBCo.: No records found.

Phlox douglasii Hook, Stiff Phlox

[synonyms: P. douglasii Hook, ssp rigida (Benth.) Wherry] and Phlox rigida Benth.,

Relationships with P. caespitosa Nutt. and P. diffusa need study

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Blue Ridge, July 6, 1922, 7495 ft. (2285 m.) (also det. as Phlox austromontana)

SBCo.: No records found.

Saltugilia australis (H. Mason & A.D. Grant) L.A. Johnson, Southern Gilia

(synonym: Gilia australis (H. Mason & A.D. Grant) L.A. Johnson, Southern Gilia)

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: E. Fk. San Gabriel River, c. 0.4 miles s. of Alder Gulch, Aug. 5, 1998,

3601 ft. (1098 m.);

Other records:

Richard Bitterolf, c. 5 mi. up W. San Gabriel Cyn., from road jct. to E. Fork, near V80 295 18-1360 Bench Mark, Mar. 30, 1961, 1801 ft. (549 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Indian Cyn., May 24, 1967, 2600 ft. (793 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Right Star MIne, s. of Acton, May 21, 1992, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, n. of Mill Cyn., off Soledad Cyn., near Ravenna, Apr. 29, 1973, 2349 ft. (716 m.); L.C. Wheeler, near mouth of Bear Cyn., off Soledad Cyn., May 23, 1967, 1900 ft. (579 m.);

P.A. Munz, San Gabriel Cyn., Apr. 23, 1925, 1600 ft. (488 m.)

FVS: Apr. 23, 1925

SBCo.: w. of Cajon Wash, s. of Hwy. 138, c. 1 mile SSW of Cajon Jct., off FS Rd. 3N49, Apr. 29, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.); Ralston Pk. on s. ridge, s. of Hwy. 138, w. of I-15, e. of Lone Pine Cyn. Road, May 23, 1998, 4379 ft. (1335 m.)

Other records:

I.W. Clokey & E.G. Anderson, w. of Cajon Pass,May 15, 1935, 3280 ft. (1000 m.); J.M. Porter & Lauren Machen, Cajon Pass, near jct. of Cleghorn Rd. & old Rt. 66, between I-15 & RR tracks, May 1, 2004, 2880 ft. (878 m.); Freda Detmers, Lytle Cr. Cyn., May 10, 1931, no elev. given; Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, 3802 ft. (1159 m.)

FVS: May 16, 1903

Saltugilia caruifolia (Abrams) L.A. Johnson, Carawayleaf Gilia

[synonym: Gilia caruifolia (Abrams) L.A. Johnson]

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: M. MacArthur, Charlton Flat, c. 1 mi. from Angeles Crest Hwy., below parking area # 12, near path, July 16, 1967, 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Saltugilia splendens (H. Mason & A.D. Grant) L.A. Johnson ssp. splendens, Grand Gilia

[synonym: Gilia splendens Douglas ex H. Mason & A.D. Grant ssp. grinnellii (Brand) H. Mason & H.D. Grant and Gilia splendens Douglas ex H. Mason & A.D. Grant ssp. splendens]

LACo.: From 2801 ft. (854 m.), at Tanbark Flats Experimental Station, R.H. Podelsky, June 1, 1990 and at San Antonio Cyn. along Mt. Baldy Rd., between Spruce Cyn. & “Hog Back”, Michael Honer, June 22, 2004, to 7478 ft. (2280 m.), n.w. of Wrightwood, w. half of Jackson Flat, R.G. Swinney, July 8, 1998; May- Aug.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: July 8, 1917, Fordyce Grinnell Jr., Barley Flats, 5600 ft. (1797 m.)

SBCo.: From 2020 ft. (616 m.), at Cajon Wash at Glen Helen Parkway, s. of Cajon Blvd. at Devore, T.B. Salvato & A.C. Sanders, May 23, 2006, to 6199 ft. (1890 m.), at Slover Cyn., e. of Wrightwood, 0.5 miles s. of Lone Pine Cyn. Road, R.G. Swinney, May 23, 1993; May, June; rare in montane, uncommon in cismontane & Cajon Pass

FVS: May 23, 1993

+Saltugilia splendens (H.Mason & A.D. Grant) L.A. Johnson ssp. grantii (Brand) L.A. Johnson, Grand Gilia

[synonym: S. grinnellii (Brand) L.A. Johnson ssp. grantii (Brand) L.A. Johnson and Gilia splendens ___ ssp. grantii (Brand) V.E. Grant & A.D. Grant]

LACo.: From 1750 ft. (533 m.), at forks of San Gabriel River, burned slope of 1750, F.W. Peirson, Apr. 23, 1925 & at (534 m.), at Pacoima Cyn., w. end of San Gab. Mts., F.W. Peirson, Oct. 16, 1918, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at Blue Ridge, R.F. Thorne & John Dourley, Oct. 10, 1967; Apr.-Oct.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: June 14, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: San Sevaine Flats, c. 200 m. west of jct. of FS Rds. 1N34D & 1N34, July 16, 1993, (1689 m.) (also determined as G. grinnellii ssp. splendons - pending determination); Upper Lytle Cr., 1.6 mi. north of jct. of FS Roads 3N06 & 3N33, c. 400 m. west of cmpgrd., June 24, 1993, 5960 ft. (1817m.); Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge, FS Road 3N06, 0.9 miles n.w. of jct. with 3N06A, June 30, 1992, 5645 ft.

(1721 m.)

Other records:

S.B. Parish, Icehouse Cyn., (hills), June 16, 1918, 6498 ft. (1981 m.); I.M. Johnston, Camp Baldy, June 20, 1917, 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

FVS: June 20, 1917

Polygalaceae Milkwort Family

Polygala cornuta Kellogg var. fishiae (Parry) Munz, Sierra Milkwort

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-2 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G5T4

CA & n. Baja Ca, Mex.

LACo.: L.R. Abrams, Mt. Wilson Trail, July 19, 1906, 3499 ft. (1066 m.); A. Davidson, Mt. Wilson Trail, July & Aug. 1893, no elev. given; A.J. McClotche, Old Wilson Trail, June, 1893, no elev. given.

FVS: June, 1893

SBCo.: No records found.

Polygonaceae Buckwheat Family

+Acanthoscyphus parishii (Parry) Sm., Flowery Puncturebract, Parish’s Oxytheca

(synonym: Oxytheca parishii Parry)

LACo.: 1.5 miles SSW of Dawson Saddle, jct. of S. Fork Big Rock Cr., & Hwy. 2, near turn-out, Aug. 22, 2001, 7560 ft. (2305 m.); Mt. Islip summit, Sep. 15, 2001, 8239 ft. (2512 m.); Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, n. base of pk. 6374’ ,at extreme s.e. corner of park, on an extensioin of Plessant View Ridge, June 10, 2008,

5681 ft. (1732 m.)

Other records:

C.W. Sharsmith, s. slope of Mt. Waterman, Sep. 7, 1945, no elev.; L.C. Wheeler, Cortelyou Springs, Angeles Crest Hwy., at Crystal Lake turnoff, Nov. 6, 1964, no elev. given; June Latting, Ted Hanes, et al., Firebreak below Chilao Flat, Angeles Crest, Oct. 15, 1977, 5442 ft. (1659 m.); B.C. Templeton, Big Rock Cr., near Vincent Gap, Aug. 26, 1932, 6248 ft. (1905 m.); F.R. Fosberg & Joseph A. Ewan, Mt. Islip, near Islip-Hawkins Divide, Aug. 11, 1931, 7500 ft. (2287 m.)

FVS: Aug. 11, 1931

SBCo.: Wrightwood, ridge n. of town, on s.-facing slope, June 20, 1996, 6399 ft. (1951m.)

Other records: None found.

+Acanthoscyphus parishii (Parry) Sm. var. abramsii (E.A. McGregor) Reveal, Abram’s Oxytheca

[synonym: Oxytheca parishii Parry var. abramsii (McGregor) Munz]

Status: CNPS List __ R-E-D Code State/Fed. Status:

CRPR 1B.2 S2.2 Gr?T2

LACo.: Ross Mt., 2.5 miles s. of Mt. Baden-Powell on the same ridge, (in the burn area of ____, n. terminus of fire was at Ross Mt. in this area, burned portions of the Mt. Peak-added 2010), Aug. 18 2001, 7380 ft. (2250 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

+Acanthoscyphus parishii (Parry) Sm. var. parishii, Parish’s Oxytheca

(synonym: Oxytheca parishii Parry var. parishii)

Status: CNPS List R-E-D Code State/Fed. Status:

CRPR 4.2 S3.2 G4?T3

LACo.: From 5442 ft. (1659 m.), at Fuelbreak below Chilao Flat, Angeles Crest, June Latting & T. Hanes, Oct. 15, 1972, to 8049 ft. (2454 m.), at s. slope of Mt. Islip, Joseph A. Ewan, June 25, 1930; May-Dec.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: July, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: Horse Cyn., 2.2 miles ESE of Hwy. 2 at FS Road 3N12, Aug. 31, 1993, 5800 ft. (1768 m.); Pinon Hills, c. 0.8 miles s. of Oak Springs Ranch, in Oak Spr. Canyon, July 6, 1995, 5599 ft. (1707 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, Episcopal Camp at Wrightwood, June 3, 1992, no elev. given; O. Mistretta, Horse Cyn. Shooting Area, Aug. 4, 1994, no elev. given, (listed under LA Co.-added 2011); I.M. Johnston, w. end of Ontario Pk. Ridge, Aug. 1, 1925, 8300 ft. (2530 m.)

FVS: Aug. 1, 1925

Centrostegia thurberi A. Gray ex Benth., Thurber’s Spineflower, Red Triangles

[synonym: C. thurberi (A. Gray ex Benth.) S. Watson var. macrotheca J.T. Howell]

LACo.: From 3001 ft. (915 m.), at Littlerock Cr., 0.3 miles n.w. of Littlerock Creek Cmpgrd., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 24, 2009 and 3000 ft. (915 m.), at Arraster (Arrastre-added 2011) Cr., F.W. Peirson, May 10, 1919, to 6950 ft. (2110 m.), at Santiago Cyn., n.-slope of Pacifico Mt., Orlando Mistretta, May 31, 1994; Apr.-July; fairly common; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 5, 1906, Anstruther Davidson, Rock Cr.

SBCo.: From 3802 ft. (1159 m.), at San Gabriel Mts. region, Cajon Pass, Marcus E. Jones, May 16, 1903, to 4999 ft. (1524 m.), n.e. of Wrightwood, Horse Canyon, n.w. of Circle Mt., 100-200 yards e. of Hwy. 2, c. 200 feet s. of Horse Cyn. Road, R.G. Swinney, June 12, 1994; May, June, Oct.; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: May 16, 1903

Chorizanthe brevicornu Torr. var. brevicornu, Brittle Spineflower

LACo.: From 3100 ft. (945 m.), at Carr Cyn., near mouth of cyn., Orlando Mistretta, June 1, 1995 and R.G. Swinney at Carr Cyn., 0.5-1.0 miles e. of Littlerock Creek confl., Apr. 29, 2009, to 4700 ft. (1433 m.), right at the n. end of Bob’s Gap, Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., May 6, 2005; May-June; rare; tramsmontane

FVS: May 11, 1973, R.F. Thorne, Bob’s Gap, ¼-1/2 mile n. of Bob’s Gap, n. slope of Holcomb Ridge, c. 2.5 miles due s. of Llano, 3802 ft. (1159 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Chorizanthe leptotheca Goodman, Peninsular or Ramona Spineflower

Status: CRPR 4.2 S3.2 G4

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Matt Bogdanoff & Lord, Mt. Baldy Rd., burn area , June 10, 1989, no elev. given; James Henrickson, c. 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15, May 1, 1985, 2400-2800 ft. (732-854 m.)

FVS: May 1, 1985

Chorizanthe parryi S. Watson var. fernandina (S. Watson) Jeps., San Fernando Valley Spineflower

Status: CRPR 1B.1 S2 G3T2

Previously thought to be extinct. Eleven recent records from 2001-2003 are recorded from the Newhall Ranch area, n. of the Santa Clara River, to the n.w. of the San Gab. Mts. boundary).

LACo.: Alice M. Ottley, Little Tujunga Wash, May 3, 1920, 1099 ft. (335 m.); F.W. Peirson, Little Tujunga Wash just above jct. with Big Tujunga, s.w. base of San Gab. Mts., May 3, 1920, 1100 ft. (335 m.)

FVS: May 3, 1920

SBCo.: No records found.

Chorizanthe parryi S. Watson var. parryi, San Bernardino Spineflower

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Thompson Cr. Dam near Claremont, May 27, 1932,

1597 ft. (487 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Arroyo Seco, San Gab. Mts., May 21, 1919, 1246 ft. (380 m.); F.W. Peirson, Foothill Blvd., San Gabriel Wash, s. base of San Gab. Mts., May 12, 1920, 600 ft. (182 m.); L.F. LaPre & T. Mulroy, near jct. of Footohill Blvd. anf (and-added 2011) Irwindale Ave., City of Irwindale, isolated floodplane between gravel pit and San Gabriel River Channel, Apr. 7, 1986,

550 m. [should be 550 ft. (168 m.)-added 2011]; Geo. B. Grant, Mount Lowe, June, 1902, 3998 ft. (1219 m.)

FVS: June, 1902

SBCo.: Cynthia Jones & Amy Dickerson, Lytle Cr., 300 ft. n. of Devore Rd., 0.25 miles e. of Nealey’s Corner, 150 ft. east of well, June 2, 1994, 2050 ft. (625 m.); Naomi Fraga & LeRoy Gross, Lytle Cr., just n. of Nealeys Corner at jct. of Glen Helen Pkwy. & Lytle Cr. Road, Apr. 27, 2005, 2001 ft. (610 m.); T.B. Salvato & A.C. Sanders, Cajon Wash at Glen Helen Pkwy., s. of Cajon Blvd. at Devore, May 23, 2006 2020 ft. (616 m.); G.R. Ballmer, Lytle Cr. Wash, near I-15, Devore Rd. (both sides of rd.), c. 1/4 n. of Sierra Ave. (Lytle Cr. Road), just w. of I-15, near powerline crossing, May 8, 1994, 1800 ft. (548 m.)

FVS: May 8, 1994

Chorizanthe procumbens Nutt., Prostrate Spineflower

Status: CRPR: CBR

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Azusa/Irwindale, San Gabriel River floodplain, c. 100-300 meters e. of channel between Foothill Blvd. & I-210, Apr. 7, 2008, 581 ft. (177 m.)

Other records:

L.F. LaPre & T. Mulroy, City of Irwindale, near jct. of Foothill & Irwindale Aves., between gravel pit & San Gabriel River channel, Apr. 7, 1986, 551 ft. (168 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Thompson Cr. Dam near Claremont, 1934, 1600 ft. (488 m.); F.W. Peirson, San Anita Wash, s. base of San Gab. Mts., Apr. 26, 1920, 700 ft.

(213 m.) (possibly s. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary); LeRoy Gross, Big Tujunga Wash, e. of 210 Frwy., w. of Big Tujunga Cyn. Road, May 15, 1998, 1200 ft.

(365 m.), George B. Grant, Echo Mt., May, 1901

FVS: May, 1901

SBCo.: Naomi Fraga & LeRoy Gross, Lytle Cr. Wash, s. of gauging station, e. of Texas Hill, Apr. 18, 2005, 2299 ft. (701 m.)

+Chorizanthe staticoides Benth., Turkish Rugging

(synonyms: C. staticoides Benth. var. brevispina Goodman and C. staticoides Benth. var. latiloba Goodman and C. chryacantha Goodman)

Highly variable

LACo.: From 551 ft. (168 m.), at City of Irwindatle, near Foothil Blvd. & Irwindale Aves., between gravel pit & San Gabriel River channel, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 7, 1986, to 5600 ft. (1707 m.), at Barley Flats, Fordyce Grinnell Jr., July 8, 1917 Apr.-July; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: June 12, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Switzer Trail

SBCo.: From 1800 ft. (549 m.), at Lytle Cr. Wash, near I-15, Devore Rd., (both sides of rd.), c. 1/4 mile n. of Sierra Ave. (Lytle Cr. Road), w. of I-15, near powerline, G.R. Ballmer, May 8, 1994, to 5399 ft. (1646 m.), at Upper Lytle Cr. Divide, 1.2 miles s. of Lone Pine Rd. on FS Road 3N31; R.G. Swinney, May 15, 1993 Apr.-July; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: July 10, 1925, I.M. Johnston Casey Tr. to San Sevaine Flats, 2998 ft.

(914 m.)

+Chorizanthe uniaristata Torr. & A. Gray, Oneawn Spineflower

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., n. slope of San Gab. Mts. June 16, 1918,

4750 ft. (1448 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Chorizanthe watsonii Torr. & A. Gray, Watson’s or Fivetooth Spineflower

LACo.: From 3001 ft. (915 m.), at Littlerock Cr., 0.3 miles n.w. of Littlerock Cr. Cmpgrd., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 24, 2009 and 2998 ft. (914 m.), at Arraster (Arrastre-added 2011) Cr., Frank W. Peirson, May 10, 1919, to 6534 ft.

(1992 m.), at 2.3 miles n. of Hwy. 2 at Vincent Gap, at Pinyon Ridge Mtwy., R.G. Swinney, June 17, 2008; Apr.-June; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: June 1, 1906, Anstruther Daavidson, Big Rock Cr., Lowell Mine

SBCo.: From 3500 ft. (1067 m.), mouth of Cajon Valley, Cajon Pass, I.M. Johnston, May 15, 1920, to 6839 ft. (2085 m.), at Circle Mt. Peak, s.e. of Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, July 9, 1996; May-July; uncommon; transmontane, near montane at Heath Cyn., Writghtwood

FVS: May 16, 1903, Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass,

3802 ft. (1159 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

+Chorizanthe xanti S. Watson, Riverside Spineflower

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta, Santiago Cyn., w. slopes of drainage near confl. with Littlerock Creek, Apr. 15, 1994, 3900 ft. (1189 m.); Steve Boyd, D.D. Banks, et al., side draw on s.e. side of Mt. Emma, Santiago Cyn., drainage, Apr. 29, 1994,

1524 ft. (1159 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, c. 1 mi. down Aliso Cyn. Road from jct. with Angeles Forest Rd., June 29, 1971, c. 3700 ft. (1128 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, c. 1/2 mile w. of Soledad near mouth of Kentucky Springs Cyn., June 29, 1971, 3100 ft. (945 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Kitter Cyn., slopes w. of main canyon, Apr. 28, 1995, 4200 ft. (1280 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, along Soledad Cyn. Rd., c. 2 miles w. of Soledad Station, June 17, 1971, c. 1

900 ft. (579 m.)

FVS: June 17, 1971

SBCo.: Peirson, Lytle Cr. Road up Coldwater Fork., e. end of San Gab. Mts., July 18, 1921, 5000 ft. (1524 m.); F.W. Peirson, Lone Pine Cyn., May 30, 1921, 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

FVS: May 30, 1921

+Chorizanthe xanti S. Watson var. leucotheca Goodman, White-bracted or Riverside Spineflower

Status: CNPS List __ R-E-D Code __ State/Fed. Status: __

CRPR 1B.2 S2 G4T2

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: James Henrickson, c. 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15, May 11, 1985, 2401 ft. (732 mD. Charlton, s.w. of Mormon Rocks, Hwy. 138, El Cajon Pass, May 27, 1991, 3300 ft. (1006 ft.; Naomi Fraga & Tammy Morgan, Lytle Cr. Wash, n. side of creek adj. to Lytle Cr. Road, c. 200 ft. south of rd., May 24, 2005, 2601 ft. (793 m.); F.W. Peirson, Lytle Creek, e. end of San Gab. Mts., May 18, 1920, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

FVS: May 18, 1920

+Chorizanthe xanti S. Watson var. xanti, Pinyon or Riverside Spineflower

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., un-named cyn. draining w. slopes of Little Rock Cr. Cyn., 0.5 miles n. of Kitter Cyn., Apr. 21, 1995, 3800 ft. (1052 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Carr. Cyn., June 1, 1995, 3601 ft. (1098 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. Calif. Edison transmission line tower (Seg. 6, Impact area 9 per TRTP Survey 2008), vic. of Upper Big Tujunga Cyn., Apr. 28, 2008, 3697 ft. (1127 m.); Justin M. Wood, vic. of Littlerock Cr., just s.w. of jct. of Cheseboro Rd. & Mt. Emma, May 10, 2010, 3191 ft. (973 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, Monte Cristo Cyn. (trib. of Mill Creek Cyn.), 3.0 miles s.w. of Mill Cr. Summit, along S. Calif. Edison transmission line corridor, June 4, 2010, 4500 ft. (1372 m.); LeRoy Gross, FS Rd. Survey, Santa Clara Divide, along Rd (3N17.6) from N. Fork Saddle Station, June 19, 2006, no elev. given; J. Ewan, trail to Barley Flats, July 10, 1929, 4795 ft. (1462 m.)

FVS: July 10,1929

SBCo.: 0.2 miles w. of jct. of Lone Pine Cyn. Road, & Swarthout Cyn. Road, May 23, 1993, 3800 ft. (1159 m.)

Other records:

Naomi Fraga & Tammy Morgan, Lytle Cr. Wash, n. side of creek adj. to Lytle Cr. Road, c. 200 feet s. of rd., May 24, 2005, 2601 ft.; LeRoy Gross, Cajon Cyn., just n. of Ruddell Hill, s. of Kenwood Rd., near Devore, May 12, 2005, 2385 ft.

(727 m.)

FVS: May 23, 1993

+Dodecahema leptoceras (A. Gray ex Benth.) Rev. & Hardham, Slenderhorn (ed) Spineflower

(synonym: Centrostegia leptoceras A. Gray)

Status CNPS List: 1B R-E-D Code: 3-3-3 State/Fed. Status: CE/FE

CRPR 1B.1 S1 G1

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, W. Fork, San Gabriel River, June 21, 1921, 2099 ft.

(640 m.); A.M. Ottley, Arroyo Seco, Apr. 30, 1920, 1100 ft.

(335.3 m.); F.W. Peirson, Rubio Wash, Altadena, 1951, no elev. given; Peter Kamb, near Sunland-Tujunga Wash, June 26, 1948, 1148 ft. (350 m.); T.P. Krantz, Fred Hinshaw, et al., occurrence limited to 2 very small pockets (10’ x 10’) and 50’ x 100’) e. of Foothill Blvd., crossing of wash, Big Tujunga Wash, May 9, 1988, 1260 ft. (384 m.); F.W. Peirson, on upper blvd., just e. of Pacoima Bridge (?), s.w. base of San Gab. Mts., Apr. 19, 1925, no elev. given; A. Parikh & N. Gale, Bee Cyn. just n. of Soledad Cyn. Rd., 0.34 meters NNE of confl. of Bee Cyn. & Santa Clara River, s.e. Liebre Mts., May 28, 2003, 1765 ft. (538 m.) (just n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); F.W. Peirson, Santa Anita Wash, s. base of San Gab. Mts., Apr. 26, 1920, 700 ft. (213 m.)

FVS: Apr. 26, 1920

SBCo.: Cynthia Jones& Amy Dickerson, Lytle Cr., 300 ft. n. of Devore Rd., 0.25 miles e. of Nealey’s Corner, 150 ft. e. of well, June 20, 1994, 2050 ft. (625 m.); LeRoy Gross, Cajon Cyn., just n. of Ruddell Hill, s. of Kenwood Rd., near Devore, May 12, 2005 (possibly e. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary); Naomi Fraga & LeRoy Gross, Cajon Cyn., 1 mi. s. of Blue Cut, just s. of Cajon Blvd., June 2, 2005; J.C. Roos & L. Roos, Cajon Cyn., 1 mi. below “Blue Cut”, June 3, 1950, 2496 ft.

(761 m.)

FVS: June 3, 1950

+Eriogonum angulosum Benth. Anglestem (Wild) Buckwheat

LACo.: From 2998 ft. (914 m.), at Little Rock Foothills, M.N. Ackley, May 6, 1926, to 5498 ft. (1676 m.), at rd. from Rock Cr. to Swartout Valley, P.A. Munz & I.M. Johnston, Sep. 5, 1928; Apr.-June, Sep., Oct.; rare-uncommon; transmontane

FVS: June, 1902

SBCo.: F.C. Vasek, Hwy. 138, Cajon Cyn., c. 1.4 mi. below (Mt Top Jct.) summit, May 29, 1963, 4398 ft. (1341 m.)

Eriogonum baileyi S. Watson, Bailey’s Buckwheat

LACo.: Ball Flat, n. of Jackson Lake, Oct. 8, 2008, 6160 ft. (1878 m.); Big John Flats, n. of Ball Flats, s. base of Big John Pk., Oct. 7, 2008, 5320 ft. (1622 m.); E. Fork of Puzzle Cyn., near abandoned homesite at 2800 Deep Cr. Canyon Rd., June 28, 1999, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); West summit of Table Mt., n. of Big Pines, Oct. 8, 2008, 7492 ft. (2284 m.)

Other records:

  1. Davidson, Rock Cr., Aug. 11, 1901, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 11, 1901

SBCo.: Clyde Ranch, Lone Pine Canyon, Oct. 30, 2008, 4959 ft. (1512 m.); Cajon Cyn., Baldy Mesa Ridge, s. of Phelan, FS Road 3N24, n.w. of Nuss Ranch, Nov. 12, 1994, 4881 ft. (1488 m.)

Other records:

M.N. Ackley, near summit of Cajon Pass, Oct. 12, 1930, 2798 ft. (853 m.) (possibly n or e. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary); R. Hoffman, Cajon Pass, Sep. 27, 1927 (possibly outside E. San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Sep. 27, 1927

Eriogonum baileyi S. Watson var. baileyi, Bailey’s (Wild) Buckwheat

LACo.: From 1279 ft. (390 m.), at Santa Clarita Area, Santa Clara River Wash, near Soledad Cyn. Road Bridge, upstream & downstream c. 1.5 miles, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at Blue Ridge, R.F. Thorne & John Dourley, Oct. 10, 1967; May-Nov.; uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane at Santa Clarita

FVS: 1891, Anstruther Davidson, Little Rock Cr.

SBCo.: From 3100 ft. (945 m.), at Cajon Canyon, s.w. of jct. of Hwy. 138 & I-15 East in Cajon Wash, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 31, 1993, to 5800 ft. (1768 m.), at Horse Cyn./Circle Mt. Rehab Project in wide drainage w. of Circle Mt., Orlando Mistretta, July 18, 1994; July-Nov.; uncommon; transmontane, approaching montane at upper Lone Pine Cyn.

FVS: Oct. 10, 1923, Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass, no elev. given

Eriogonum brachyanthum Coville., Shortflower (Wild) Buckwheat

LACo.: From 1279 ft. (390 m.), at Santa Clarita area, Santa Clara River Wash, near Soledad Cyn., River Bridge, upstream & downstream c. 1.5 mi., Scott D. White, Michael Honer, et al., July 16, 2003, to 3730-3770 ft. (1143 m.), s.e. edge of Valyermo, along n.e. side of Valyermo Rd., T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd., May 29, 1990; May-Sep., Nov.; rare-uncommon; transmontane

FVS: June, 1902, A.D.E. Elmer, Acton (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: Baldy Mesa, 2.0 miles n.e. of Hwy. 138 & Lone Pine Cyn. Road, at FS Road 3N53, c. 200 meters w. of I-215/15, May 29, 1995, 3600 ft. (1098 m.); Pinon Hills area, Sheep Cr., 0.8 miles s. of Hwy. 138 on Scurb Oak Rd., 30-200 meters w. of rd., May 29, 1995, 4540 ft. (1384 m.); Pinon Hills, 2.2 miles s. of Hwy. 138 & c. 50 meters e. of Green Rd., June 20, 1996, 4940 ft. (1506 m.)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, Sheep Cr., July 7, 1922, 4750 ft. (1448 m.)

FVS: July 7, 1922

+Eriogonum cithariforme S. Watson, Cithara Buckwheat

Status: CRPR: CBRDec. 11, 2008, 4011 ft. (1223 m.)

LACo.: : Bob’s Gap, n.e. of Valyermo & 3 miles s. of Hwy. 138, Dec. 11, 2008, 4011 ft. (1223 m.)

Other records:

R. Hoffman, between Big Rock Cr. and L.A. Recreation Park, May 19, 1929, no elev. given; James Henrickson, 6 (air) miles s.e. of Pearblossum, 4.6 (rd.) miles s. of Llano in lower portion of Bob’s Gap, along 165th Street, in arroyo bottom, May 12, 1975, 4048 ft. (1234 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Little Rock Cr., May 20, 1921, 3198 ft. (975 m.); Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock, July 4, 1893

FVS: July 4, 1893

SBCo.: Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, Oct. 10, 1923, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary); Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, 3800 ft. (1159 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 16, 1903

+Eriogonum cithariforme S. Watson var. agninum (Greene) Reveal, Santa Ynez Wild Buckwheat, Cithara Buckwheat

LACo.: From 1900 ft. (579 m.), alontg Soledad Cyn. Road c. 2 miles w. of Soledad Station, R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, June 17, 1971, to 8498 ft.

(2591 m.), at ridge s. of Swartout Valley, P.A. Munz, Aug. 31, 1923; Apr.-Aug., uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 4, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock, no elev. given

SBCo.: Telegraph Pk., Aug. 11, 1994, 8950 ft. (2729 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & Dick Tilforth, 3 miles n.e. of Wrightwood, June 21, 1978, 5000 ft. (1524 m.); Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, Oct. 10, 1923, 3802 ft. (1159 m.) (possibly outside of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Oct. 10, 1923

+Eriogonum cithariforme S. Watson var. cithariforme, Cithara Buckwheat

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: San Andreas Rift Zone, 0.2 miles w. of jct. of Lone Pine Rd. & Swarthout Cyn. Road, May 23, 1993, 3802 ft. (1159 m.)

Other records: None found.

Eriogonum clavatum Small, (Hoover’s Buckwheat), Hoover’s Desert Trumpet, Little Trumpet

(synonym: E. trichopes Torr. var. hooveri Reveal)

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta, Carr Cyn., near mouth of cyn., June 1, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Andreas Rift Zone at 106th St. East, May 28, 1968, 3450 ft. (1052 m.)

FVS: May 28, 1968

SBCo.: No records found.

Eriogonum davidsonii Greene, Davidson’s Buckwheat

LACo.: From 3001 ft. (915 m.), at head of Whitney Cyn., at Santa Clara Divide Rd., L.C. Wheeler, Aug. 20, 1968 and along Lucas Rd. s. of Big Tujunga Narrows along Angeles Forest Rd., R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, June 29, 1971 and above N. Fork Camp, N. Fork Tujunga Cr., Joseph A. Ewan, June 12, 1932 and at Littlerock Cr., 0.3 miles n.w. of Littlerock Creek Cmpgrd., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 24, 2009, to 9240 ft. (2817 m.), at saddle below Pine Mt. & Dawson Pk., R.G. Swinney, Sep. 7, 1998; Apr.-Oct.; common; montane,

cismontane locations:

Fern Cyn. Rd., SDEF, Anon., Sep. 13, 1943, 5100 ft. (1555 m.); Brown’s Flat, SDEF, I.M. Johnston, Sep. 1, 1918, 4300f t. (1311 m.); W. Fk. San Gabriel River, L.R. Abrams, July 1901, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); Sunset Ridge Fire Rd., FS Road 2N07, V. Soza & Naomi Fraga, June 27, 2001, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); near summit Monrovia Pk., Joseph A. Ewan, July 4, 1933, 5000 ft. (1524 m.)

FVS: 1892, Dr. A. Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: From 2640 ft. (805 m.), at Cajon Wash, 0.5-0.75 miles s. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., R.G. Swinney, Oct. 17, 1992, to 9648 ft. (2941 m.), at Pine Mt., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 10, 1995; May-Nov.; abundant; transmontane, montane,

cismontane locations:

S. Fork. Lytle Cr., along Cucamonga Pk. Trail, L.C. Wheeler, June 15, 1968, 6799 ft. (2073 m.); Lytle Cyn., Lyman Benson, June 12, 1945, 4100 ft. (1250 m.)

FVS: May, 1901, S.B. Parish & Greata, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Eriogonum deflexum Torr. var. baratum (Elmer) Reveal, Tall Skeleton Weed, Flatcrown Buckwheat

LACo.: Carr Cyn., 0.3 miles s.e. of Mt. Emma Rd. crossing, May 5, 2009,

3119 ft. (951 m.)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, Pallett Cr., July 2, 1921, 3546 ft. (1081 m.); Gordon H. True, Jr., hills s. of Littlerock, May 17, 1936, 2998 ft. (914 m.); Gordon H. True, Jr., hills S. Littlerock, May 17, 1936, 2998 ft. (914 m.); Anstruther Davidson, Little Rock Cr., Oct. 1897, no elev. given

FVS: Oct. 1897

SBCo.: No records found.

Eriogonum elatum Douglas ex Benth. var. villosum Jeps., Tall Woolly (Wild) Buckwheat

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., n. slope of San Gab. Mts., June 25, 1925, 6800 ft. (2073 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Eriogonum elongatum Benth. var. elongatum, Longstemmed Buckwheat

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, from admin. buildings along dirt access rd., R.G. Swinney, Oct. 22, 2008, to 6599 ft. (2012 m.), at E. Fork Rd. crossing over N. Fork San Gabriel River, Islip Saddle, T.B. Salvata & Sarah Flock, Aug. 8, 2007; Aug.-Dec; fairly common; cismontane, montane

FVS: 1890, Anstruther Davidson,San Gab. Mts., foothills

SBCo.: From 2221 ft. (677 m.), at Cajon Wash, w. of Devore Heights Offramp from old Hwy. 395, at base of mt., on w. side of wash, w. of RR tracks, R.G. Swinney, Sep. 28, 1991, to 5576 ft. (1700 ft.), at Pine Flats, N. Fork San Gabriel Cyn., F.R. Fosberg & Joseph A. Ewan, Aug. 12, 1931; June, July, Sep.-Nov., fairly common; cismontane, montane at Pine Flats, N. Fork San Gabriel Cyn.

FVS: Aug. 12, 1931

Eriogonum fasciculatum Benth., California or Eastern Mojave Buckwheat

LACo.: From 1499 ft. (457 m.), at Fish Cyn., J. Warren, Mar. 31, 1952 (if this refers to the Fish Cyn. in the Liebre Mts., it is outside E. San Gab. Mts. boundary) or 1998 ft. (609 m.), at Cobal Cyn. in cr.-bed, Edward L. Smith, Feb. 18, 1958, to 5196 ft. (1584 m.), along lower Chilao Flat Rd., keeping to left at fork, c. 1/4 mi. & near turn-off to water tower, off Angeles Crest Hwy.; Feb.-Apr., June; fairly common; montane, cismontane

FVS: May 10,1910, Mrs. T.C. Pease, Mt. Lowe, no elev. given

SBCo.: Naomi Fraga, LeRoy Gross, et al., at Cajon Cyn., 1 mile s. of Blue Cut,, just s. of Cajon Blvd., May 26, 2005, 2299 ft. (701 m.); Beth Nelson, n. of Fontana, 1.6 miles n. of I-15, n.e. on Lytle Cr. Road, San Sevaine Rd., May 18, 1991, no elev. given

FVS: May 18, 1991

Eriogonum fasciculatum Benth. var. fasciculatum , Coastal California or East Mojave Buckwheat

CA & n.w. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: FS Road 3N31, c. 300 meters e. of jct. with spur rd. to Goblers Knob, Nov. 2, 1991, 6396 ft. (1950 m.)

Other records: None found.

Eriogonum fasciculatum Benth. var. flavoviride Munz & I.M. Johnst., Sonoran Desert California Buckwheat, Eastern Mojave Buckwheat

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: James L. Reveal, Cajon Pass, along Hwy. 395, Oct. 31, 1962, no elev. given

Eriogonum fasciculatum Benth. var. foliolosum (Nutt.) S. Stokes ex Abrams, (Leafy) California Buckwheat, Eastern Mojave Buckwheat

LACo.: From 669 ft. (204 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel River Channel, 1.2 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. at mouth of Fish Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Nov. 30, 2008, to

6235 ft. (1901 m.), near top of ridgeline (NNE slope of Granite Mt.), Tim Ross & Steve Boyd, July 24, 1991; Jan.-Aug., Oct.-Dec.; abundant; all 3 sections

FVS: 1861, Wm. H. Brewer, San Gab. Cyn., Camp # 6

SBCo.: From 1499 ft. (457 m.), n. of Chaffey College in Deer Cyn., D.A. Young, May 26, 1969, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), at Coldwater Fk. Lytle Cr., R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist, July 31, 1971; Jan, Mar.-Oct.; abundant; cismontane, montane, approaching transmone at Ralston Pk.

FVS: Aug. 22, 1937, Joseph A. Ewan, spring at San Sevine (Sevaine-added 2012), Flat, , 5199 ft. (1585 m.)

Eriogonum fasciculatum Benth. var. polifolium (Benth.) Torrey & A. Gray, (Mojave Desert) California Buckwheat, Eastern Mojave Buckwheat

LACo.: From 1050 ft. (320 m.), at alluvial fan below San Gab. Mts., s.w. of I-210 Frwy., e. of Hansen Dam & n. of Wentworth St., Scott D. White, May 15, 1997, to 7961 ft. (2427 m.) at summit of Iron Mt., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 13, 1998; Apr.-Sep.; abundant; all 3 sectioins

FVS: June 30, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Mt. Wilson, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 3651 ft. (1113 m.), at Mormon Rock, along Hwy. 138, June Lating, June 10, 1973, to 7560 ft. (2305 m.), at Baldy Bowl area, s. of E. Peak of Mt. Baldy; R.G. Swinney, Aug. 22, 1995; June-Aug., Oct.; common; all 3 sections


Eriogonum gracile Benth., Slender Woolly Buckwheat

LACo.: From 1197 ft. (365 m.), at (Big-added 2010) Dalton Cyn., above CCC Camp, Jerome S. Horton, Sep. 30, 1935, to 4995 ft. (1523 m.), at Charlton Flat, c. 1 mile from Angeles Crest Hwy., below pkwy. # 12, M. MacArther, July 16, 1967; July-Sep.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Nov. 2, 1918, Frank W. Peirson, Hennigers Flats, 2847 ft. (868 m.)

SBCo.: From 1961 ft. (598 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, extreme n.w. end of park at Sycamore Flat (Muscupiabe), R.G. Swinney, Aug. 18, 1993, to 4451 ft. (1357 m.), at Stoddard Flat, s. of Barrett Village, R.G. Swinney, July 25, 1995; July-Sep., Nov.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: July 28, 1917, I.M. Johnston, N. Fork San Antonio Cyn., 7249 ft. (2210 m.) and Aug. 22, 1937, Joseph A. Ewan, San Sevaine Flat, 5199 ft. (1585 m.)

Eriogonum gracile Benth. var. gracile, Slender Woolly Buckwheat

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1099 ft. (335 m.), at w. side mouth of Big Santa Anita Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, Dec. 21, 1933, to 4700 ft. (1433 m.), at Yerba Buena Trail, Orlando Mistretta, Sep. 4, 1992; July-Oct., Dec.; uncommon-fairly common; montane, cismontane

FVS: July 5, 1902, L..R. Abrams, near power house, San Gabriel Cyn.

SBCo.: From 1961 ft. (598 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, extreme n.w. end of park at Sycamore Flat (Muscupiabe), R.G. Swinney, Aug. 18, 1993, to 4480 ft. (1366 m.), at Stoddard Flats, San Antonio Cyn. area, R.G. Swinney, July 25, 1995; June-Nov.; fairly common at cismontane, transmontane/montane at Ralston Pk., R.G. Swinney

FVS: Nov. 11, 1933 ______________

Eriogonum gracile Benth. var. incultum Reveal, , Palomar Mountain Wild Buckwheat, Slender Woolly Buckwheat

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Cajon Pass near Alray siding, 2 miles n.e. of Hwy. 138 on FS Road 3N53, c. 50 meters n. of RR tracks, c. 1 mile NNW of Cajon Junction, Nov. 12, 1994, 3401 ft. (1037 m.); Lone Pine Cyn., c. 0.6-1.2 miles s.w. of Lost Lake, on s. side of Swarthout Cyn. Road, near Lone Pine Cyn. stream-botton, Oct. 19, 1994,

2880 ft. (875 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Oct. 19, 1994

Eriogonum gracillimum S. Watson, Rose and White Buckwheat

LACo.: Carr Cyn., 0.3 miles s.e. of Mt. Emma Rd. crossing, May 5, 2009,

3119 ft. (951 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Eriogonum heermannii Durand & Hilg., Heerman’s Buckwheat

LACo.: From 4520 ft. (1378 m.), at S. Fork Big Rock Cr., on e. bank of main channel, c. 100 meters s. of S. Fork Cmpgrd., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 14, 2008, to 5681 ft. (1732 m.), at Grandview Cyn., c. 1/4 mile n. of All Nations Camp & Big Pines Hwy., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 16, 1999; Aug.-Nov.; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: July 4, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock, no elev. given

SBCo.: P.A. Munz, Sheep Cr., Nov. 1, 1923, 4500 ft. (1372 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., c. 4.5 miles n.e. of Wrightwood, along Hwy. 2, July 29, 1969, 4999 ft. (1524 m.); C.W. Tilforth & John Dourley, Horse Cyn., 2.5 mile n.e. of Wrightwood, July 28, 1970, 4999 ft. (1524 m.); Joseph A. Ewan, Sheep Cr., Aug. 8, 1936, 5251 ft. (1601 m.); F.W. Peirson, Sheep Cr., Nov. 1, 1923, 5100 ft. (1555 m.); J.C. Roos, Sheep Cr., n.e. of Wrightwood, July 30, 1951, 5911 ft. (1585 m.); F.W. Peirson, Sheep Cr., July 7, 1922, 5100 ft. (1555 m.)

FVS: July 7, 1922

+Eriogonum heermannii Durand & Hilg. var. heermannii, Heerman’s Buckwheat

LACo.: From 3496 ft. (1066 m.), with 3 records at 1/8 mi. below Big Rock Ranger Statioin, Big Rock Cr., Carl B. Wolf, Nov. 8, 1931, Aug. 11, 1932, Oct. 21, 1932, to 8020 ft. (2445 m.), at Wrightwood Area, Flume Cyn., spring c. 200 meters n. of Guffy Cmpgrd., R.G. Swinnkey, Aug. 16, 1999; Aug.-Nov.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 4, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock

SBCo.: F.W. Peirson, San Gab. Mts. Region, Sheep Cr., July 7, 1922, 5100 ft. (1555 m.)

+Eriogonum hirtiflorum A. Gray ex S. Watson, Hairyflower Buckwheat

Status: CRPR: CBR

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Devil’s Cyn., July 22, 1968, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); T.S. Ross, Horse Flats (s. end), Aug. 16, 1991, 5710 ft.

(1741 m.); R.F. Thorne, along Angeles Crest Hwy., 0.5 miles s. of Dawson Saddle, July 2, 1969, 7800 ft. (2378 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd., et al., Upper Big Tujunga Cyn., ridge & slopes descending +/- ENE from THORN (Triangulation Point 5499 ft.), toward Big Tujunga Cr. (c. 0.6-1.6 air-miles ENE of Barley Flats, June 8, 1990, 4100 ft. (1250 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. Calif. Edison transmission line tower (Seg. 6, structure 62 per TRTP Survey 2008) vic. of Upper Big Tujunga Cyn. , Apr. 22, 2008, 2716 ft. (1133 m.); Joseph A. Ewan, Barley Flats Trail to Tujunga Cr., July 23, 1933, 4500 ft. (1372 m.);

F.W. Peirson, trail from Pine Flats (Charlton Flats-added 2010), to Chilao, June 15, 1921, 5501 ft. (1677 m.)

FVS: June 15, 1921

SBCo.: No records found.

+Eriogonum kennedyi Porter ex S. Watson, Kennedy’s Buckwheat

LACo.: Pallet Mt., 0.5 miles e. of Burkhart Saddle, 5 miles n. of Buckhorn Flat Camp, July 3, 2008, 7639 ft. (2329 m.)

Other records: None found

SBCo.: No records found.

+Eriogonum kennedyi Porter ex. S. Watson var. kennedyi, Kennedy’s Buckwheat

LACo.: E.E. Morse, toward mt. top above Big Pines Camp, Apr. 14, 1940,

7997 ft. (2438 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Eriogonum kennedyi Porter ex S. Watson var. alpigenum Munz & I.M. Johnst., Southern Alpine Buckwheat

Status: CNPS List 1B R-E-D Code 2-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 1B.3 S2.3 G4T2

LACo.: Status: Sensitive

From 8000 ft. ft. (2439 m.) at Dawson Saddle, State Hwy. 2, Wesley O. Griesel, Aug. 9, 1961, to 9400 ft. (2866 m.), at top of Mt. Baden-Powel, LeRoy Gross, Aug. 22, 1998; Apr., Aug.-Oct.; rare; montane

FVS: Aug. 13, 1936, Joseph Andorfer & Nesta Ewan, N. Baldy, 9295 ft.

(2834 m.)

SBCo.: Status: Sensitive

No records found.

Eriogonum maculatum A. Heller, Spotted Buckwheat

LACo.: From 3300 ft. (1006 m.), at Little Rock Cr., 1.6 mi. above Little Rock Dam, near Reservoir Cmpgrd., R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, June 29, 1971, to 6534 ft. (1992 m.), at 2.3 miles n. of Hwy. 2 at Vincent Gap at Pinyon Ridge Mtwy., R.G. Swinney, June 17, 2008; Apr.-June, Aug.-Oct.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 19, 1899, H.M. Hall, n. slope of San Antonio Mts., 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

SBCo.: Pinon Hills area, Sheep Cr., 0.8 miles s. of Hwy. 138 on Scrub Oak Rd., 80-200 m. w. of rd., May 29, 1995, 4540 ft. (1384 m.)

Other records: None found.

Eriogonum microthecum Nutt., Slender Buckwheat

LACo.: Little Rock Cr., 0.1 miles n. of its confl. with Cooper Cyn., on Burkhart Trail, July 16, 2008, 5710 ft. (1741 m.); high point of E. Table Mt. Summit, Wrightwood area, July 2, 1998, 7400 ft. (2256 m.)

Other records: None found. (not yet det. to subspecific level)

FVS: July 2, 1998

SBCo.: No records found.

+Eriogonum microthecum Nutt. var. corymbosoides Reveal, San Bernardino Buckwheat

Status: CRPR CBR

LACo.: From 5800 ft. (1767 m.), at Burkhart Trail, n. of jct. with Rattlesnake Trail, Valerie Soza & LeRoy Gross, Sep. 15, 1999, to 7396 ft. (2255 m.), at summit of Table Mt. (head of Le Montaine Cr.), Joseph Andorpher Ewan, Aug. 3, 1934; July-Sep., Nov.; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: Aug. 30, 1923, P.A. Munz, n. Big Pines (Swartout Valley), 7295 ft.

(2224 m.)

SBCo.: Status: Watch Plant

Telegraph Peak, 1.3 miles s. of Telegraph Pk., e. of trail on ridge top, n. of saddle between Timber Pk. & Telegraph Pk., Aug. 11, 1994, 8000 ft. (2439 m.) (also det. as E. microthecum var. simpsonii)

Other records: None found.

+Eriogonum microthecum Nutt. var. johnstonii Reveal, Johnston’s Buckwheat

Status: CNPS List: 1B R-E-D Code: 3-1-3 State/Fed. Status: /C2

CRPR 1B.3 S2 G5T2

LACo.: Ridge, due n. of Big Horn Ridge & s. of San Antonio Ridge, above Coldwater Cyn., Aug. 27, 1998, 8498 ft. (2591 m.)

Other records:

P.Munz, different voucher # than I.M. Johnston for Sep 16, 1917, west slope of Mt. Baldy, no elev. given; R.T. Hawke, s.w. ridge of Mt. San Antonio , Sep 10, 1994, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta, Mt. Baldy, w. Baldy Ridge, July 30, 1991, no elev. given; T.P. Krantz, Mt. San Antonio, along ridge w. of mountain, Sep. 22, 1981, 9351 ft. (2851 m.); Naomi Fraga, et al., on unnamed pk. 8603 ft. e. of Cucamonga Pk., Cucamonga Wilderness Area, July 28, 2004, 8600 ft. (2622 m.); I.M. Johnston, w. spur of Baldy, exposed ridge in loosely broken granite, Sep. 16, 1917, 9000 ft. (2744 m.)

FVS: Sep. 16, 1917

SBCo.: Status: Sensitive

8 records for the Cucumunga-Etiwanda Pk. area-within the Cucamonga Wilderness Area; Etiwanda Pk., (Pk. # 8662), c. 0.8 miles n.e. of Cucamunga Pk. on same ridgeline, July 22, 2005, 8630 ft. (2631 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, 1/4 mile e. of Cucamonga Pk., right below ridge on w. side, July 26, 1991, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Cucamonga Pk., July 19, 1922,

8498 ft. (2591 m.); D.Wappler, e.-facing slope of unnamed pk. 8603, just s. of Cucamunga Pk. Trail, Sep. 8, 1994; P.A. Munz, Cucamunga Pk., July 19, 1922, 8600 ft. (2622 m.); T.P. Krantz, trail to Cucamunga Pk., June 25, 1980, 8600 ft. (2622 m.); Naomi Fraga, Sarah DeGroot et al., unnamed pk 8603 ft., e. of Cucamunga Pk., Cucamonga Wilderness Area, July 28, 2004, 8600 ft.

(2622 m.); I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Pk., July 30, 1917, 8699 ft. (2652 m.)

FVS: July 30, 1917

Eriogonum microthecum Nutt. var. simpsonii (Benth.) Rev., Simpson’s Buckwheat

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Telegraph Peak, 1.3 miles s. of Telegraph Pk., e. of trail on ridge top, n. of saddle between Timber Pk. & Telegraph Pk., Aug. 11, 1994, 8000 ft. (2439 m.) (also det. as E. microthecum var. corymbosoides)

Other records: None found.

+Eriogonum mohavense S. Watson, Western Mojave Buckwheat

Status: CRPR: CBR

LACo.: Robert F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, 1 mile n. of Bob’s Gap (3.2 miles s. of Llano, n. slope of Holcomb Ridge), Apr. 20, 1973, 3746 ft. (1142 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Soledad Cyn., May 11, 1919, 2647 ft. (807 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Soledad Cyn., n. slope of San Gab. Mts., c. 1.5 miles e. of jct. of Aliso Cr., June 29, 1971, 2900 ft. (884 m.); Anstruther Davidson, Little Rock Cr., Sep. 29, 1897, no elev. given. (possibly n. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Sep. 29, 1897

SBCo.: Pinon Hills area, Sheep Cr., 0.8 miles s. of Hwy. 138 on Scrub Oak Rd., 80-200 meters w. of rd., May 29, 1995, 4540 ft. (1384 m.)

Other records:

Mary F. Spencer, El Cajon Pass, near summit, May 12, 1917, 4000 ft. (1220 m.)

FVS: May, 12, 1917

+Eriogonum molestum S. Watson, Pineland Buckwheat

Status: CRPR: CBR

LACo.: H. Dearing & M. Dearing, Charlton Flats, Angeles Crest Hwy., May 10, 1944, no elev. given; Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk., July 18, 1893, no elev. given

FVS: July 18, 1893

SBCo.: No records found.

Eriogonum nudum Benth., Naked Buckwheat

LACo.: From 1801 ft. (549 m.), at San Gabriel River-W. Fork, between Bear Cr. & Cogswell Dam, Scott D. White & Justin M. Wood, May 6, 2009, to 7501 ft.

(2287 m.), n.w. of Wrightwood, e. end of Jackson Flat, R.G. Swinney, Sep. 4, 1998, 7501 ft. (2287 m.); May-Nov.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Nov. 11, 1928, Ralph Hoffman, Litle Rock Dam, no elev. given

SBCo.: Wrightwood, ridge n. of town, June 20, 1996, 6501 ft. (1982 m.); above first waterfall in Dog Bone Cyn., w. trib. of N. Fk. Lytle Creek, imm. south of Alpine Cyn., n.e. of Dawson Peak, Aug. 21, 1996, 7879 ft. (2402 m.); middle branch of W. Fork Lytle Cr., n.e. of Mt. Harwood, c. 0.5 miles w. of Stockton Flat, Aug. 19, 1996, 6960 ft. (2122 m.); Grizzley Gulch, the canyon, imm. north of Chalk Pk. c. 0.5 miles w. of N. Fork Lytle Cr., July 19, 1996, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); Slade Cyn., Upper Lytle Cr. Divide, 0.3 miles n. of jct. of FS Road 3N06 & 3N33, June 24, 1993, 5320 ft. (1622 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: June 24, 1993

Eriogonum nudum Benth. var. pauciflorum S. Watson, Little-flowered Wild Buckwheat, Naked Buckwheat

Status: CRPR: CBR

CA & BajaCA, Mex.

LACo.: From 3180-3200 ft. (970 m.), at Big Tujunga Cr. between Coldwater and Wikiup Cyns., July 10, 1992, 3180-3200 ft., to 7997 ft. (2438 m.), at Pine Mt. Ridge, I.M. Johnston, Aug. 22, 1917 and at s. slope of Mt. San Antonio Mt., G.J. Goodman & C.L. Hitchcock, July 28,30, 1930; May-Oct.; fairly common; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 4, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock

SBCo.: From 5300 ft. (1616 m.) at Lone Pine Cyn., near Cajon Pass, Wm. M. Pierce, Oct. 15, 1923, to 7246 ft. (2209 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., I.M. Johnston, Aug. 21, 1917; June-Oct.; uncommon; transmontane at Pinon Hills, c. 0.25 miles s. of Oak Springs Ranch in Oak Spring Cyn., R.G. Swinney, July 6, 1995, 5400 ft. (1646 m.), montane

FVS: July 11, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Coldwater Cyn., San Antonio Mts., no elev. given

Eriogonum nudum Douglas ex Benth. var. pubiflorum Benth., Fremont’s Wild Buckwheat, Naked Buckwheat

Intergrades with E. nudum var. oblongifolium and E. nudum var. westonii

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: ridgetop imm. east of Goblers Knob, w. of jct. of FS Road 3N31 & spur rd. that goes to Goblers Knob, Nov. 2, 1991, 6701 ft. (2043 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., San Gab. Mts., San Bernardino Natl. Forest, July 28, 1971, 5000-9000 ft. (1524-2744 m.); M.B. Dunkle, Lytle Cyn., no date, no elev. given; Freda Detmers, summit of pass between Lytle Cr. & Icehouse Cyn., Sep. 9, 1931, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 9, 1931

+Eriogonum nudum Benth. var. westonii (S. Stokes) J. Howell, Westons’ Buckwheat

[synonym: E. nudum Benth. var. gramineum (S. Stokes) Reveal]

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta, Littlerock Cr., upstream from Basin Campground., Oct. 2, 1995, 3451 ft. (1052 m.); Scott D. White, c. 8 air miles WNW of Wrightwood, e. of Fenner Saddle Rd., on Pacific Crest Trail, Aug. 11, 2004,

6799 ft. (2073 m.); H. & M. Dearing, Charlton Flats, Oct. 5, 1944, no elev. given

FVS: Oct. 5, 1944

SBCo.: Ridgetop, imm. east of Gobblers Knob., w. of jct. of USFS Rd. 3N31 & spur rd. that goes to Gobblers Knob, Nov. 2, 1991, 6701 ft. (2043 m.)

Other records: None found.

Eriogonum parishii S. Watson, Parish’s Buckwheat, Mountainmist

LACo.: From 5360 ft. (1634 m.), at 1 mile s. of Lone Pine Cyn. Road at FS Road 3N31, R.G. Swinney, June 29, 1993, to 8498 ft. (2591 m.), at Blue Ridge, F.W. Peirson, Aug. 31, 1923; May-Sep.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: Aug. 31, 1923

SBCo.: ridgetop c. 0.4 miles s.e. of Circle Mt., 0.8 miles w. of Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., June 18, 2000, 4579 ft. (1396 m.); Wrightwood, ridge n. of town, June 20, 1995, 6501 ft. (1982 m.); Upper Lytle Cr. Divde, 1 mile s. of Lone Pine Cyn. Road on FS Road 3N31, June 29, 1993, 5360 ft. (1634 m.); Circle Mt. Peak, s.e. of Wrightwood, July 9, 1996, 6839 ft. (2085 m.)

Other records:

Anonym., C.W. Tilforth, et al., c. 4.5 miles n.e. of Wrightwood along Hwy. 2, July 29, 1969, c. 5000 ft. (1524 m.); Joseph A. Ewan, floor of upper Lone Pine Canyon, Aug. 2, 1934, 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

FVS: Aug. 2, 1934

Eriogonum plumatella Durand & Hilg., Yucca Buckwheat

LACo.: From 3001 ft. (915 m.), at Big Rock Cr., 11/4 mi. below Big Rock Ranger Station, C.B. Wolf, Aug. 22, 1932, to 5700 ft. (1738 m.), at Big John Flat, L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 7, 1968; June-Nov.; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: July 4, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock

SBCo.: Horse Cyn., 1.8 miles e. of Hwy. 2 on FS Rd. 3N12, on w. side of rd. in shooting range area, Aug. 31, 1993, 5799 ft. (1768 m.); Phelan, 0.6 miles n.e. of jct. of Sheep Cr. Rd. & Hwy. 138, Sep. 11, 1993, 4398 ft. (1341 m.)

Other records:

Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass, Oct. 10, 1923, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., Desert Front Rd., near Oak Springs, n. of Wrightwood, 1.5 miles w. of Sheep Cr., July 29, 1969, 4999 ft. (1524 m.); D. Charlton, Sheep Cr. Rd. & Hwy 138, rd. to Phelan, June 22, 1991, 3401 ft.

(1037 m.); F.W. Peirson, Sheep Cr., n. slope of San Gab. Mts., Sep. 1, 1923, 5199 ft. (1585 m.)

FVS: Sep. 1, 1923

Eriogonum pusillum Torr. & A. Gray, Yellowturbins

LACo.: From 2720 ft. (829 m.), at Soledad Cyn. Wash, c. 1/2 mile e. of Acton, T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd., et al., Apr. 30, 1991, to 8498 ft. (2591 m.), at Blue Ridge, near co. line, F.W. Peirson, Aug. 31, 1923, Apr.-Aug.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: July, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr.

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, e. of Oak Springs Cyn., ridge imm. south of Desert Front Rd., June 29, 1995, 5500 ft. (1677 m.); Baldy Mesa, Phelan Pk., south of Phelan, Apr. 13, 1996, 5150 ft. (1570 m.); Pinon Hills, Boneyard Pk., east of Boneyard Cyn., May 8, 1999, 5114 ft. (1559 m.); Pinon Hills, 0.5 miles w. of Green Rd., at Sunnyslope Rd., c. 200 meters n.w. of end of Sunnyslope, June 20, 1996,

4910 ft. (1497 m.); Pinon Hills area, Sheep Cr., 0.8 miles s. of Hwy. 138 on Scrub Oak Rd., 80-200 meters w. of FS. rd., 4540 ft. (1384 m.)

Other records:

C.B. Wolf, Lone Pine Cyn., c. 2 mi. below summit of grade to Wrightwood, Oct. 21, 1932, 5297 ft. (1615 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., c. 4.5 miles n.e. of Wrightwood, along Hwy. 2, July 29, 1969, 4999 ft. (1524 m.); Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, San Gab. Mts., May 16, 1903, 3802 ft. (1159 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 16, 1903

Eriogonum roseum Durand & Hilg. var. roseum, Wand Buckwheat

LACo.: June Latting, Bob’s Gap & Valyermo Road, Oct. 6, 1976, 4100 ft.

(1250 m.)

SBCo.: John Wear, near LA Co. line, at jct. of Oasis Rd. & State Hwy. 18, Aug. 18, 1992, 3401 ft. (1037 m.)

Eriogonum saxatile S. Watson, Rock Buckwheat, Hoary Buckwheat

LACo.: From 2998 ft. (914 m.), at S. Littlerock, foothills, Gordon H. True, May 17, 1935, to 9400 ft. (2866 m.), top of Mt. Baden-Powell, LeRoy Gross, Aug. 22, 1998; May-Nov.; fairly common; transmontane, montane, cismontane at Glendora Ridge Rd., 1.5 mi. from gate, Mark Elvin & Anne Marie Raff, Aug. 1, 1996 and at Glendora Saddle to Lookout Mt., Orlando Mistretta, June 26, 1992, no elev. given

FVS: June, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: From 4795 ft. (1462 m.), n.e. of Wrightwood, Horse Cyn., n.w. of Circle Mt., 150 mteters w. of Hwy. 2, due w. of Horse Cyn. Rd., R.G. Swinney, June 12, 1994, to 10001 ft. (3049 m.), at summit of Mt. San Antonio, Albert J. Perkins, July 26, 1915 and R.G. Swinney, E. San Antonio Pk., east of Mt. Baldy Summit, Aug. 28, 1995; Apr., June-Sep.: fairly common; all 3 sections, cismontane at S. Fork Lytle Cr., I.M. Johnston, July 15, 1917, 5996 ft. (1828 m.) and San Sevaine Well on San Sevaine Rd., R.G. Swinney, July 21, 1993, 5999 ft. (1829 m.)

FVS: July 12, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Mt. San Antonio, 9000 ft. (2744 m.)

Eriogonum thomasii Torr., Thomas’ Buckwheat

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Carl B. Wolf, c. 2 mi. below summit of grade to Wrightwood (Lone Pine Cyn.), Oct. 21, 1932, 5297 ft. (1615 m.)

Eriogonum thurberi Torr., Thurber’s Buckwheat

LACo.: Joseph Andorfer Ewan, N. Fork Mill Cr. Fork Jct. of Tujunga Cr., May 30, 1932, 2998 ft. (914 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd., ridge seperating Moody Cyn. (on the e.) from Mill Cyn. & Bootleggers Cyn. (on the w.), June 4, 1990, 3400-3840 ft. (1036-1170 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd., Yerba Buena Ridge, Tujunga Ranger Dist., peripheral ridge n. form Yerba Buena Rd. dividing tributaries of Oak Spring Cyn. (w.) & Boulder Cyn. (n.), May 15, 1990,

2998-3349 ft. (914-1021 m.); Scott D. White, Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland-Tujunga Area, alluvial fan below San Gab. Mts., s.w. of I-210 Frwy., e. of Hansen Dan & N. of Wentworth St., May 14, 1997, 1100 ft. (335 m. +/_ 50 ft.); several records for San Gabriel Wash & Tujunga Wash with no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, base of San Gab. Mts., San Dimas Wash, May 17, 1931, no elev. given

FVS: May 17, 1931

SBCo.: From 2020 ft. (616 m.), at Cajon Wash at Glen Helen Pkwy., s. of Cajon Blvd. at Devore, T.B. Salvata, A.C. Sanders, to 5300 ft. (1616 m.), at Lone Pine, Cyn., c. 2 miles below summit of grade to Wrightwood, no elev. given; May-Nov.; rare; all 3 sections, least common in montane

FVS: June 23, 1899, H.M. Hall, Cajon Pass, San Antonio Mts., no elev. given

Eriogonum trichopes Torr., Little Deserttrumpet

LACo.: Carr Cyn., 0.3 miles s.e. of Mt. Emma Rd. crossing, May 5, 2009,

3119 ft. (951 m.); Carr Cyn., 0.5-1.0 mile e. of Littlerock Creek confl., Apr. 29, 2009, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records:

R. Hoffman, Acton to Palmdale, Aug. 31, 1927, no elev. given (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Aug. 31, 1927

SBCo.: No records found.

Eriogonum umbellatum Torr., Sulphurflower Buckwheat

(synonym: E. umbellatum Torr. var. umbellatum )

LACo.: From 5199 ft. (1585 m.), at Sulphur Spring Cmpgrd. area, S. Fork Little Rock Cr., R.G. Swinney, Oct. 10, 2008 and at 4995 ft. (1523 m.) near entrance from Angeles Crest Hwy., along stream-bed near parking area # 2, Mary MacAarthur, July 16, 1967 (listed in CCH as E. umbellatum var. umbellatum), to 8679 ft. (2646 m.), at gentle slope between Big Horn Ridge & ridge to imm. north, s. of San Antonio Ridge, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 27, 1998; June, Aug.-Oct.; abundant; transmontane, montane

FVS: Sep. 17, 1978, June Latting, roadside between Grassy Hollow Cmpgrd. & Vincent Gap on the Angeles Crest Hwy., 7600 ft. (2317 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Eriogonum umbellatum Torr. var. bahiiforme (Torr. & A. Gray) Jeps., Bay or Sulphur-flower Buckwheat

Status: CNPS List __ R-E-D Code __ Fed./State Status:

CRPR 4.2 S3.2 G5T3

LACo.: H. & M. Dearing, Charlton Flats, Angeles Crest Hwy., Oct. 5, 1944, no elev. given; June Latting, roadside between Grassy Hollow Cmpgrd. and Vincent Gap on Angeles Crest Hwy., Sep. 17, 1978, 7600 ft. (2317 m.); T.P. Krantz, imm. north of Big Pines Station on Hwy. 2, Sep. 14, 1979, no elev. given; H. & M. Dearing, Charlton Flats, Angeles Crest Hwy., Oct. 5, 1944; B.C. Templeton, Big Pines Park, July 21, 1932, 6501 ft. (1982 m.)

FVS: July 21, 1932

SBCo.: No records found.

Eriogonum umbellatum Torr.var. canifolium Reveal, Sherman Pass Sulphur Flower (current status uncertain)

Status: CRPR CBR

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Mt. Pacifico, upper part of trail, July 1, 1929, 6500 ft. (1982 m.); Fordyce Grinnel Jr., Mt. Waterman Ridge, Aug. 29, 1917, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 29, 1917

SBCo.: F.W. Peirson, San Gab. Mts. Region, forks of Coldwater, trib. of Lytle Cr., July 18, 1921, 6250 ft. (1905 m.)

Eriogonum umbellatum Torr. var. dichrocephalum Gandog, (Bicolor) Sulphur-flower Buckwheat

Status: CRPR CBR

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., July 3, 1917, 6500 ft.

(1982 m.)

+Eriogonum umbellatum Torr. var. minus I.M. Johnston, Alpine Sulfurflower Buckwheat

Status CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-2-3 State/Fed. Status: /C3c

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G5T3

LACo.: Status:

From 8109 ft. (2134 m.), at Pine Mt. Ridge, Sep. 15, 1979, T.P. Frantz, Sep. 15, 1979, to 10001 ft. (3049 m.), at summit of Baldy, I.M. Johnston, Aug. 22, 1917 and L.R. Abrams, July, 1901 and F.W. Peirson, Sep. 12, 1920; June- Oct.; uncommon; montane

FVS: July, 1901

SBCo.: J.R. Shevock, summit of Mt. San Antonio, Oct. 8, 1977, 10,060 ft.

(3067 m.) (because the co. line runs through the summit, data from both counties for this location are included); Richard Noyes, Telegraph Pk., July 23, 1988,

8790 ft. (2680 m.); W. Wisura, J. Romero, et al., s. slopes of Mt. Baldy, Devil’s Backbone at Mt. Harwood, Sep. 24, 1992, no elev. given; L.R. Abrams, Mt. San Antonio , July 24, 1901, 7501 ft. (2287 m.)

FVS: July 24, 1901

Eriogonum umbellatum Torr. var. munzii Reveal, Munz’s Sulphur Flower, Munz’s


Status: CRPR: CBR

LACo.: From 4198 ft. (1280 m.), at Little Rock Cr. Managemeent Unit, Kitter Cr., Orlando Mistretta, Mar. 28, 1995, to 8102 ft. (2470 m.), along Blue Ridge near upper end of Holiday Hill Ski Lift, R.F. Thorne & J. Olmstead, Aug. 26, 1965; Mar., May-Sep.; fairly common; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 4, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr.

SBCo.: From 5297 ft. (1615 m.), at Sheep Cr., Frank W. Peirson, July 7, 1922, to 6839 ft. (2085 m.), at Circle Mt. Pk., s.e. of Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, July 9, 1996; June-Aug., Oct.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 7, 1922

Eriogonum umbellatum Torr. var. subaridum S. Stokes, Ferris’ Sulphur, Sulphur-flower Buckwheat

[synonym: E. umbellatum Torr. var. ferrissii (A. Nelson) S. Stokes]

LACo.: Horse Cyn., 1.8 miles e. of Hwy. 2, at FS Road 3N12, Aug. 31, 1993, 5600 ft. (1707 m.)

Other records:

David Charlton, Lightning (=Blue?) Ridge at the jct. of FS Road 3N06 & Angeles Crest Hwy., c. 4 miles n.w. of SB county line, 5 miles n.w. of Wrightwood, June 15, 1986, 7400 ft. (2256 m.); P.A. Munz & I.M. Johnston, in pines w. of Swartout Valley, Sep. 5, 1928, 6500 ft. (1982 m.); R.F. Thorne, below summit of Mt. Hawkens, Aug. 25, 1971, no elev. given; P.A. Munz, head of Sheep Cr., June 18, 1921, 4995 ft. (1523 m.); Joseph Andorfer Ewan, below Big Pines Camp, Swartout Valley, Aug. 3, 1934, 6498 ft. (1981 m.); Geo. R. Hall, Swartout Canyon, Sep. 1904, 6996 ft. (2133 m.); Geo. R. Rall, Swartout Cyn., Sep. 1904, 6996 ft.l (2133 m.)

FVS: Sep., 1904

SBCo.: From 4800 ft. (1463 m.), along CA Hwy. 2, 1 mile n.e. of Wrightwood, 1 mile s.w. of Mt. Top Jct., at milepost 5.5, James L. Reveal & R. Broome, June 06, 1987, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), at Mt. Baden-Powell, n. slope of Vincent Gap, R.F. Thorne & John Dourley, Oct. 3, 1967; May-Oct.; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 18, 1921, P.A. Munz, head of Sheep Cr., 5000 ft. (1524 m.)

Eriogonum vimineum Douglas ex Benth., Wickerstem Buckwheat

LACo.: R. Hoffman, Littlerock Dam, Nov. 11, 1928, no elev. given; J. Ewan, 2 mi. above Gold Cr. Rd., Pacoima Cyn., July 4, 1931, no elev. given;

M.N. Ackley, Littlerock foothills, May 27, 1927, 2998 ft. (914 m.);

FVS: May 27, 1927

SBCo.: R. Hoffman, San Bernardino Mts., just e. of Cajon Pass Summit, Sep. 26, 1927 (just out of San Gab. Mt. boundary)

+Eriogonum viridescens A. Heller, Twotooth Buckwheat

LACo.: lower Brainard Cyn., 1.4-1.8 miles s. of Mt. Emma Rd., 2.9 miles SSE (164 deg.) of Littlerock, May 12, 2009, 3480 ft. (1061 m.)

Other records:

P.A. Munz & I.M. Johnston, rd. from Rock Cr. to Swartout Valley, Sep. 5, 1928, 5500 ft. (1677 m.)

FVS: Sep. 5, 1928

SBCo.: No records found.

Eriogonum wrightii Benth., Wright’s Buckwheat, Bastard Sage

LACo.: Ball Flat, n. of Jackson Lake, Oct. 8, 2008, 6160 ft. (1878 m.); Big John Flats, n. of Ball Flat, s. base of Big John Pk., Oct. 7, 2008, 5320 ft. (1622 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Oct. 7, 2008

SBCo.: Cucamonga Pk., July 28, 1994, 8151 ft. (2485 m.); Telegraph Peak, Aug. 11, 1994, 8954 ft. (2730 m.); top of Pk. 8540 ft., on ridge running n.e. from Telegraph Peak, Aug. 20, 1997, 8541 ft. (2604 m.); Chalk Pk. (= Pk. 6089 ft.), between N. Fork & Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., July 19, 1996, 6075 ft. (1852 m.); Wright Mt., at summit, Sep. 12, 1992, 8479 ft. (2585 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, Horse Cyn./Circle Mt. Rehab Project, in wide drainage w. of Circle Mt., July 18, 1994, 5800 ft. (1768 m.)

FVS: Sep. 12, 1992

Eriogonum wrightii Torr. ex Benth. var. membranaceum S. Stokes ex Jeps., (Wring-stemmed) Bastard Sage

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Lyman Benson, 5 miles s.w. of Valyermo, Mojave Desert drainage area, Oct. 9, 1947, 3200 ft. (976 m.); P.A. Munz & I.M. Johnston, rd. from Rock Cr. to Swartout Valley, Sep. 5, 1928, 5497 ft. (1676 m.)

FVS: Sep. 5, 1928

SBCo.: R. Hoffman, summit, Cajon Pass, Sep. 26, 1927, no elev. given (possibly outside E. San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Eriogonum wrightii Torr. ex Benth. var. subscaposum S. Watson, Wright’s Buckwheat, (Short-stemmed) Bastard Sage

LACo.: From 4497 ft. (1371 m.), at 8 mi. below Big Pines Park on rd. to Big Rock Cr., C.B. Wolf, Oct. 21, 1932 and at 4500 ft. (1372 m.), at Barley Flats, H. deForest, Oct. 16, 1932, to 9240 ft. (2817 m.), at Pine Mt. Ridge, c. 1/4 mile w. of summit of Pine Mt., R.G. Swinney, Sep. 7, 1998; June-Nov.; abundant; transmontane, montane, cismontane at trail from Charlton Flats to Chilao,

5000 ft. (1524 m.), Wesley O. Griesel, and L.C. Wheeler, Devil’s Cyn., July 22, 1968, 4700 ft. (1433 m.) and Joseph Andorfer Ewan at Chilao, Aug. 11, 1934, 5396 ft. (1645 m.)

FVS: Aug. 20, 1892, Dr. A. Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: From 5300 ft. (1616 m.), at Lone Pine Cyn., near Cajon Pass, Wm. M. Pierce, Oct. 15, 1923, to 9630 ft. (2936 m.), at Pine Mt. (Summit-added 2010) R.G. Swinney, Aug. 10, 1995; May-Nov.; abundant; montane, transmontane at summit of Cajon Pass, Sep. 10, 1938, E.C. Jaeger, no elev. given

FVS: May 14, 1916, L.L. Gardner, Icehouse Cyn., 6700 ft. (2043 m.)

+Eriogonum wrightii Torr. ex Benth. var. trachygonum (Torr. ex Benth.) Jeps., Wright’s Buckwheat, (Rough-node) Bastard Sage

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Phelan, 0.8 miles e. of Sheep Cr. Road, at Snow Line Dr., c. 200 yds, south of Snow Line, Aug. 31, 1993, 4700 ft. (1433 m.) (also det. as E. wrightii var. wrightii)

Other records: None found.

Eriogonum wrightii Torr. ex Benth. var. wrightii, Wright’s Bastardsage

LACo.: No records found.
SBCo.: Phelan, 0.8 miles e. of Sheep Cr. Road at Snow Line Dr., c. 200 yds. south of Snow Line, Aug. 31, 1993, 4700 ft. (1433 m.) (also det. as E. wrightii var. trachygonum); imm. e. of Gobblers Knob, w. of jct. of FS Road 3N31 and Spur Rd. then goes to Gobblers Knob, Nov. 2, 1991

Other records: None found.

Fallopia convolvulus (L.) A. Love, Climbing Buckwheat, Cornbind, Dullseed Cornbind, Black Bindweed

(synonym: Polygonum convolvulus L.)

Native to Europe

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta & Crhritine Mistretta, on FR 2N24 near head of N. Fork Santa Anita Cyn., along S. Calif. Edison transmission line corridor, June 25, 2010, 3985 ft. (1215 m.); Robert F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, just e. of Big Pines Ranger Station, July 10, 1969, 6796 ft. (2072 m.); F.W. Peirson, Hennigers Flat, Mt. Wilson Toll Rd., May 26, 1918, 2798 ft. (853 m.)

FVS: May 26, 1918

SBCo.: Wright Lake, Wrightwood, Oct. 30, 2008, 6038 ft. (1841 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village (N. Fork) by Sportsman Park, July 12, 1968, no elev. given.; L.C. Wheeler, beside Sportsmen’s Park by Glenn Ranch, N. Fork Lytle Cr., June 13, 1968, 3200 ft. (975 m.)

FVS: June 13, 1968

Lastarriaea coriacea (Goodman) Hoover, Leather Spineflower

(synonyms: Chorizanthe coriacea Goodman and Chorizanthe lastarriaea Parry

CA & n.w. Mex.

LACo.: Scott D. White, Big Tujunga Wash, Sunlandl-Tujunga area, alluvial fan below San Gab. Mts., s.w. of I-210 frwy., east of Hansen Dam, & n. of Wentworth St., May 15, 1997, 1099 ft. +/_ 50 ft. (335 m. +/_ 50 ft.); Dan S. Cooper, Sunland, Big Tuunga Wash, between 210 Frwy. & Foothill Blvd., Apr. 26, 2011, 1174 ft. (358 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Arroyo Seco, May 21, 1919, 1246 ft. (380 m.)

FVS: May 21, 1919

SBCo.: Naomi Fraga & LeRoy Gross, Lytle Cr., just n. of Nealy’s Corner at jct. of Glen Helen Parkway & Lytle Cr. Road, Apr. 27, 2005, 2001 ft. (610 m.); James L. Reveal, CA Div. of Forestry Fire Station in Devore, e. of Cajon Cr. between I-15 & I-215, n. of Glen Helen Regional Park, May 23, 1988, 2200 ft. (671 m.); LeRoy Gross, Cajon Cyn. just n. of Ruddel Hill, s. of Kenwood Drive, near Devore, May 12, 2005, 2385 ft. (727 m.); T.P. Krantz & G. Krantz, Cajon Pass, Devore, s. of jct. of frwy’s 15 & 15 E., east of Cajon Cr., w. of Cajon Blvd. behind CDF Fire Station, Apr. 30, 1979, 2099 ft. (640 m.)

FVS: Apr. 30, 1979

+Mucronea californica Benth., California Spineflower

[synonym: Chorizanthe californica (Benth.) A. Gray]

Status: CNPS List __ R-E-D Code State/Fed. Status

CRPR 4.2 S3 G3

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, lower parts of Tujunga Cyn. wiers, end of San Gab. Mts., May 13, 1934, 1500 ft. (457 m.); LeRoy Gross, Big Tujunga Wash, e. of I-210 Frwy., w. of Big Tujunga Cyn. Road, May 15, 1998, 1200 ft. (365 m.); C.C. Parry, San Gab. Mts., 1933, no elev. given. (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary); Peter Kamb, near Sunland-Tujunga Wash, June 26, 1948, 1148 ft. (350 m.); F.W. Peirson, Rubio Wash, Altadena, 1951, no elev. given; Mabel Peirson, Tujunga Cyn., May 13, 1934, 1500 ft. (457 m.); C.B. Wolf, 1/2 mi. above bridge on the road from Sunland to San Fernando, Little Tujunga Wash July 2, 1931, 1099 ft. (335 m.)

FVS: July 2, 1931

SBCo.: Carl Epling, Alice Goen, et al., Cajon Pass, May 16, 1931, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

+Mucronea perfoliata (A. Gray) A. Heller, Perfoliate Spineflower

(synonym: Chorizanthe perfoliata A. Gray)

LACo.: mts. n. of Juniper Hills, s. of Pearblossum, s.e. corner of Tejon Rd. & Longview Rd. (131st Street), May 14, 2005, 3578 ft. (1091 m.)

Other records:

Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., Bob’s Gap, at s. edge of Bob’s Gap, on slopes, roadside and down in wash, May 6, 2005, 4736 ft. (1444 m.) and at n. end of Bob’s Gap at 4700 ft. (1433 m.); LeRoy Gross, w. terminus of Holcomb Ridge, w. of Big Rock Cr., e. and n.e. side of hill, n. of Ft. Tejon Rd, w. of Valyermo, May 3, 2005, 3670 ft. (1119 m.); R.F. Thorne, along Mt. Emma Rd., 0.5 miles e. of Little Rock Cr. below dam, May 11, 1973, 3400 ft. (1037 m.); Gordon H. True, Jr., in hills s. of Littleorck, May 17, 1935, 2998 ft. (914 m.); G.R. Ballmer, dry slope near Ft. Tejon Rd., c. 0.5 miles w. of jct. with Longview Rd., 3.5 miles s. of Pearblossum, May 19, 1983, no elev.; Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., Jan., 1906, no elev. given

FVS: Jan., 1906

SBCo.: No records found.

Oxytheca perfoliata Torr. & A. Gray, Round-leaf Puncturebract or Oxytheca

LACo.: Little Rock Cr., 0.3 miles n.w. of Littlerock Creek Cmpgrd., Apr. 24, 2009, 3001 ft. (915 m.); Carr Cyn., 0.3 miles s.e. of Mt. Emma Rd. crossing, May 5, 2009, 3119 ft. (951 m.); Carr Cyn., 0.5-1.0 mile e. of Littlerock Creek confl., Apr. 29, 2009, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records:

Gordon H. True, Jr., w. of Little Rock, May 28, 1936, 2998 ft. (914 m.) (possibly n. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary); Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., Jan., 1906

FVS: Jan., 1906

SBCo.: No records found.

Persicaria hydropiperoides (Michx.) Sm., False Waterpepper, Mild or Swamp Smartweed

(synonym: Polygonum hydropiperoides Michaux) Confused with P. maculosa Gray

LACo.: San Gabriel Cyn., along dirt access rd. at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, on w. bank of river, May 30, 2008, 840 ft. (256 m.) and Oct. 22, 2008 at 800 ft. (244 m.); Azusa/Duarte, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., between Foothill Blvd. & I-210, from main river channel to 300 m. to the east., Dec. 2, 2008, 541 ft. (165 m.); Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel Cyn. River Channel, 1.2 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. at mouth of Fish Canyon, Nov. 30, 2008, 669 ft. (204 m.)

Other records:

LeRoy Gross, Orcas Park, entered from Foothill Blvd. onto Orcas Ave., hiked w. from park, heading toward Hansen Dam, Aug. 25, 2000, 1066 ft. (324 m.); LeRoy Gross, Tujunga Ponds, w. of 210 Frwy., in Big Tujunga Wash, City of Sunland, Oct. 16, 1998, 1200 ft. (365 m.); Scott D. White, Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland-Tujunga area, alluvial fan below San Gab. Mts., sw. of I-210 Frwy., e. of Hanson Dam and n. of Wentworth St., May 14, 1997, 1100 ft. (335 m. +/- 50 ft.; Scott D. White, San Dimas Cyn., along San Dimas Wash, July 18, 1994, 1099 ft. (335 m.)

FVS: July 18, 1994

SBCo.: No records found.

Persicaria lapathifolia (L.) Gray, Willow Weed, Curlytop Knotweed

(synonym: Polygonum lapathifolium L.)

LACo.: From 630 ft. (192 m.), at Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel Cyn. wash, 0.4-1 mile n. (upstream) of Puente Largo (Railway-added 2010) Bridge, R.G. Swinney Apr. 21, 2009, to 6599 ft. (2012 m.), at E. Fork Rd. crossing over N. Fork of San Gabriel River, lslip Saddle, T.B. Salvato & Sarah Flack, Aug. 8, 2007; Mar.-May, July-Oct.; uncommon; transmontane at Little Rock Cr., 0.2 miles n. of Little Rock Reservoir, R.G. Swinney, Sep. 9, 2008, montane, cismontane

FVS: Sep. 19, 1901, Anonym., summit of Mt. Lowe, no elev. given

SBCo.: c. 0-.6 miles s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd. & Cajon Rd., Aug. 12, 1996, 2640 ft. (805 m.); Glen Helen Regional Park, extreme n.w. end of Park at Sycamore Flat, Aug. 18, 1993, 1961 ft. (598 m.); Cajon Wash, 0.5-0.75 miles s. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., Oct. 17, 1992, 2640 ft. (805 m.); Cajon Cyn., 200 yards n.w. of old Hwy. 395 on Swarthout Cyn. Rd., 100-300 yards n. of rd. along stream, Nov. 2, 1991, 2722 ft. (830 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., along Cajon Cr., near Cajon Cmpgrd. in Cajon Cyn., June 29, 1972, c. 2750lft. (838 m.); P.H. Raven, Cajon Cyn., below Cajon Station at Cajon Cmpgrd., Sep. 17, 1961, 2600 ft. (793 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Park in Cajon Canyon, Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Glenn Ranch, Lytle Cr. (Sportsman) Park, Sep. 15, 1967, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 15, 1967

Persicaria maculosa Gray, Lady’s Thumb

(synonym: Polygonum persicaria L., Spotted Ladythumb # 2584

Native to Eurasia. Probably of hybrid origin with P. lapathifolia as one parent.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, extreme n.w. end at Sycamore Flat, Aug. 18, 1994, 2000 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Park, Cajon Cyn., Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given

FVS: Oct. 12, 1969

Persicaria punctata (Elliott) Sm., Dotted Smartweed

(synonym: Polygonum punctatum Elliott)

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to the w. of fishing lakes, w. of Cajon Wash, Nov. 7, 2008, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Park, Cajon Cyn., Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given

FVS: Oct. 12, 1969

Polygonum argyrocoleon Steud. ex Kunze, Silversheath Knotweed

Native to s.w. Asia

LACo.: Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., w. of Roberts Cyn., on n. side of river channel, Dec. 6, 2008, 751 ft. (229 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.:R.F. Thorne & Selvyn Everist, Mt. Baldy Notch, July 31, 1971, 7800 ft. (2378 m.)

Polygonum aviculare L., Prostrate Knotweed

LACo.: Big Rock Cr. at “Paradise Springs” (Big Rock Cr. Camp-added 2010), Aug. 5 & 9, 2005, 4720 ft. (1439 m.); Glendora, Little Dalton Cyn., Litle Dalton Cyn. Debris Bsasin, June 25, 1989, 1200 ft. (366 m.); Jackson Lake, s. side of Big Pines Hwy., Oct. 16, 2008, 6140 ft. (1872 m.); Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., w. of Roberts cyn. on n. side of river channel, Dec. 6, 2008, 751 ft.

(229 m.); Azusa, mouth os San Gabriel Cyn., 1 mi. n. of Foothill Blvd, in river channel, Dec. 4, 2008, 659 ft. (201 m.); Azusa, San Gabriel River, Cyn., El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, Mar. 10, 2009, 971 ft. (296 m.); Big Pines Meadow, Aug. 25, 2009, 6760 ft. (2061 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, San Gabriel Cyn., the forks, flat, Oct. 12, 1966, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, San Gabriel Cyn., El Encanto (..Azusa River Wilderness Park-added 2010), Sep. 21, 1966, 850 ft. (259 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Islip Saddle, Angeles Crest Hwy., Oct. 6, 1966, 6701 ft. (2043 m.); L.C. Wheeler, 2 mi. n.e. of LaVerne, along roadside, Aug. 31, 1931, 1250 ft. (381 m.)

FVS: Aug. 31, 1931

SBCo.: Wrightwood at Wright Lake, Aug. 12, 1996, 6038 ft. (1841 ml.); Wrightwood, n.e. jct. of Mill Rd. & Mockingbird Rd., s. of Hwy. 2, near Wright Lake, Aug. 25, 1994, 6150 ft. (1875 m.); n.w. of Applewhite Station in Lytle Cr. Cyn., c. 300 meters n. of Lytle Cr., along Sheep Cr. at the Debris Basin, June 25, 1992, 3478 ft. (1060 m.); Lone Pine Cyn., c. 0.6-1.2 miles s.w. of Lost Lake on s. side of Swarthout Cyn. Road, near Lone Pine Cyn. stream, Oct. 19, 1994,

2870 ft.

(875 m.); Frankish Pk. summit, n. of Upland, June 8, 1996, 4149 ft. (1265 m.)

Other records:

D. Charlton, s.w. of Mormon Rocks, Hwy. 138, El Cajon Pass, May 27, 1991, 3300 ft. (1006 m.)

FVS: May 27, 1991

Polygonum aviculare L. ssp. aviculare, Common Knotweed

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, 2 miles n.e. of LaVerne, alon roadside, Aug. 31, 1931, 1250 ft. (380 m.)

SBCo.: D. Charlton, s. of Mormon Rocks, Hwy. 138, El Cajon Pass, May 27, 1991, 3300 ft. (1005 m.)

Polygonum aviculare L. ssp. depressum (Meism.) Arcang., Common Knotweed, Doorweed, Oval-leaf Knotweed

(synonym: Polygonum arenastrum Jord. ex Boreau)


LACo.: From 850 ft. (259 m.), at San Gabriel Cyn., El Encanto (..Azusa River Wilderness Park-added 2010), L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 21, 1966, to 7551 ft.

(2302 m.), at CA Hwy. 2, between Dawson Saddle & jct of CA Hwy. 39, 1.6 mi. from Dawson Saddle, Wayne E. Sawyer, July 18, 1981; June, July, Sep., Oct; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Oct. 12, 1966, L.C. Wheeler, San Gabriel Cyn., the forks, flat, no elev. given

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, J. Benny, et al., Lytle Creek Cyn., June 23, 1971, 3000 ft. (915 m.); L.C. Wheeler, mesa on San Andreas Fault Rift Zone, Lone Pine Cyn., Sep. 16, 1967, 3050 ft. (930 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., along Cajon Cr., near Cajon Cmpgrd., in Cajon Cyn., June 29, 1972, c. 2750 ft. (1838 m.); R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist, Mt. Baldy Notch, July 31, 1971, 7800 ft. (2378 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr., Miller Narrows, near Ranger Station, July 13, 1967,

2775 ft. (846 m.)

FVS: July 13, 1967

Polygonum douglasii Greene ssp. douglasii, Douglas’ Knotweed

LACo.: Big Pines Meadow, Big Pines, Aug. 25, 2009, 6760 ft. (2061 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et. al., Big Pine Meadow, Big Pines, July 20, 1972, c. 6850 ft. (2088 m.)

FVS: July 20, 1972

SBCo.: No records found.

Pterostegia drymarioides Fisch. & C.A. Mey., Woodland Pterostegia

LACo.: From 754 ft. (230 m.), at Azusa, 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., on n. side of San Gabriel River Channel, c. 100 meters n. of Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 19, 2009 to 5838 ft. (1780 m.), at ridgetop to the s.w. of Crystal Lake (ridge descending SSW from Mt. Islip), T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., June 5, 1990; Mar.-June, Aug.; uncommon; transmontane at Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, n.e. of Punchbowl Rd., Sandrock Cr., n. of nature center, R.G. Swinney, June 18, 2006, 4398 ft. (1341 m.) and June 4, 2008 at 4599 ft. (1402 m.), uncommon in montane, mostly cismontane

FVS: Apr. 8, 1900, W.R. Shaw, Live Oak Canon (Canyon-added 2012), no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2040 ft. (622 m.), at Cajon Wash, 100-400 yards s. of I-15, c. 200- 300 yards e. of Glen Helen Rd. in Cajon Wash, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 17, 1993, to 4398 ft. (1341 m.), at W. Fork Stoddard Cyn., (0.5 miles s.e. of Stoddard Flats, c. 100 yards e. of Cucamonga Truck Trail (FS Rd. 1N35), R.G. Swinney, Apr. 30, 1994; Mar.-May, July; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Mar. 1, 1917, I.M. Johnston, San Gab. Mts., Cucamonga Wash, to the n.e. of Upland (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Rumex acetosella L., Common Sheep Sorrel

Native to Europe, Asia. Variable, taxonomically complex, polyploid complex

LACo.: Waterman Mt., ski-run on e. facing slope, July 24, 2008, 7839 ft. (2390 m.)

Other records:

LeRoy Gross & Naomi Fraga, Rd. Survey of Van Tassel Rd., short distance s.e. of White Saddle, May 16, 2002, 3201 ft. (976 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Duncan Bell, et al., So. Calif. Edison transmission line corridor (Seg 11, structure 63 per TRTP Survey 2008), in the vic. of Arroyo Seco Cyn., May 9, 2008, 2768 ft. (844 m.); Steve Boyd. & Orlando Mistretta, n. of Sylmar and s. of Santa Clarita, within the Tujunga Ranger District, ridge on e. side of Upper Sombrero Cyn., s.w. of the communictions facilities, May 18, 1993, 3300 ft. (1006 m.); T.S. Ross & W. Appleby, between May Cyn. Saddle and May Pk. (3948 ), May 14, 1993, 3760 ft. (1146 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Upper Tujunga Cyn., ridge descending n.e. from Barley Flats Rd., toward Big Tujunga Cr., (c. 0.9-1.1 air-miles e. of Barley Flats), June 8, 1990, c. 4200-4800 ft. (1280 m.); F.W. Peirson, Monrovia Cyn., May 18, 1919, 1401 ft. (427 m.)

FVS: May 18, 1919

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist, Baldy Notch, July 31, 1971, 7800 ft. (2378 m.)

Rumex californicus Rech. f.,

(synonym: R. salicifolius Weinm. var. denticulatus Torr., Toothed Willow Dock

LACo.: near mouth of Mescal Cyn., 2.7 miles n. of jct. of Hwy 2 & Mescal Cyn. Road, July 6, 1998, no elev. given

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta & T.S. Ross, Santiago Cyn., June 1, 1994, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); F.W. Peirson, Crystal Lake, N. Fork San Gabriel River, June 18, 1921, 5500 ft. (1677 m.)

FVS: June 18, 1921

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, mesa on San Andreas Fault Rift Zone, Lone Pine Cyn., Sep. 16, 1967, 3050 ft. (930 m.)

Rumex conglomeratus Murray, Clustered Dock

Native to Europe

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.), at Little Dalton Cyn., Glendora, R.G. Swinney, June 24, 1989, to 4999 ft. (1524 m.), at Big Rock Cyn., below det. camp, C.W. Tilforth, June 30, 1971; June-Aug., Oct.; rare-uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: June 5, 1919, Frank W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., 4297 ft. (1310 m.)

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr., Miller Narrows, near Ranger Station, July 13, 1967, 2775 ft. (846 m.); M.B. Dunkle, San Antonio River Cyn., June 17, 1933, 3000-3100 ft. (915 m.); Gerald L. Benny & Colin M. Wainwright, Day Cyn., Apr. 21, 1971, c. 2400 ft. (732 m.); F.W. Peirson, Camp Baldy, San Antonio Cyn., county line, June 5, 1919, 4400 ft. (1341 m.)

FVS: June 5, 1919 (also listed for L.A. County-near county line ?)

Rumex crispus L., Curly Dock

Native to Eurasia

LACo.: From 630 ft. (192 m.) at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 0.8 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of main river channel, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 13, 2009, to 7997 ft. (2438 m.), at head of San Antonio Cyn., I.M. Johnston, Aug. 21, 1917; Apr.-Aug.; uncommon; several records from montane at Big Pines Meadow, cismontane

FVS: July 18, 1915, D.L. Crawford, Glendora foothills

SBCo.: Wrightwood at Wright Lake, Aug. 12, 1996, 6038 ft. (1841 m.); Lone Pine Valley, Clyde Ranch, s. side of Lone Pine Rd., Aug. 23, 1994, 4920 ft.

(1500 m.); Glen Helen Regional Park, extrreme n.w. end of park (Sycamore Flat), Aug. 18, 1994, 2000 ft. (610 m.); 3.2 miles s. e. of San Sevaine Flats well on Big Tree Truck Rd., seep, e.-facing slope, head of Grapevine Cyn., July 16, 1993, 4120 ft. (1256 m.); Springs at confl. of Cajon Wash & Lone Pine Cyn., between e. and w. RR tracks, Aug. 12, 1996, 2640 ft. (805 m.)

Other reocrds:

V. Soza & LeRoy Gross, Mt. Baldy Ski Area, Big Butch Wash, ESE of Miners Bowl, July 18, 2001, 7551 ft. (2302 m.); F.W. Peirson, near stream, Coldwater-San Antonio Cyn. Divide, July 21, 1922, 7800 ft. (2378 m.); P.A. Munz, ridge between San Antonio Cyn. & Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., July 21, 1922, 7797 ft. (2377 m.)

FVS: July 21, 1922 (Peirson & Munz)

Rumex fueginus Phil., Golden Dock

(synonym: R. maritimus L., Golden Dock

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Crystal Lake, N. Fork San Gabriel River, June 19, 1921,

5497 ft. (1676 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Rumex hymenosepalus Torr., Canaigre, Wild Rhubarb, Canaine Dock

LACo.: T.S. Ross, S. D. Boyd., et al., Soledad Cyn. Wash; c. 0.5 miles e. of Acton, Apr. 30, 1991, 2720 ft. (829 m.); Thomas W. Eakle, c. 20 miles s.e. of Palmdale, 2 miles s. of Vincent on Angeles Crest Hwy., in San Gab. Mts., May 21, 1971, 4297 ft. (1310 m.); R.F. Thorne & G.D. Wallace, jct. of Pallett Cr. & Longview Rd., c. 4 miles s. of Pearblossum, Apr. 24, 1973, 3850 ft. (1174 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Kentucky Springs Cyn., Substation, Soledad Cyn. just w. of Angeles Forest Hwy., Apr. 29, 1973, 3200 ft. (975 m.); F.W. Peirson, New York Ave., Altadena, Mar. 6, 1919, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 6, 1919

SBCo.: A.C. Sanders, Tracy Tennant, et al.,, Etiwanda, w. side of Etiwanda Cr. on; n. side of Hwy. 30 (Highland Ave.), Mar. 12, 1998, 1450 ft. (442 m.)

Rumex obtusifolius L., Bitter Dock

Native to Europe, w. Asia. Hydbridizes with R. crispus, other Europe spp.

LACo.: San Gabriel River botton, c. 600 meters n.e. of confl. with Fish Cyn., between bike path & river channel, May 10, 2000, c. 1000 ft. (220 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, San Gabriel River Cyn., north of Azusa River Wash, n. of Hwy. 39, c. 2 road miles of Foothill Blvd., May 21, 1997, 751 ft. (229 m.); Joseph Andorpher Ewan, Millards Cyn., just below the falls, July 4, 1932, no elev. given (2 diff. voucher #’s listed; either the dates or the voucher #’s are in error)

FVS: July 4, 1932

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Glen Ranch, Lytle Cr., (Sprotsman’s Park), Sep. 15, 1967, no elev. given.

Rumex pulcher L., Fiddle Dock

Native to Medit. Highly variable

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Glenn Ranch, Lytle Cr. (Sportsman) Park), Sep. 15, 1967, no elev. given

Rumex salicifolius Weinm, (Toothed) Willow Dock

(synonyms: R. salicifolius Weinm. var. denticulatus Torr and R. salicifolius Weinm. var. salicifolius, both listed below - indented)

LACo.: Juniper Hills, 0.4 miles s. of jct. of Longview Rd., and Tumbleweed Rd., Mike Booth property, July 21, 2005, 3988 ft. (1216 m.); Caldwell Lake at Mile High, 0.4 mile w. of jct. of 204th Street East & Big Pines Hwy., Aug. 5, 2005, 5121 ft. (1561 m.); San Dimas Cyn., Puddingstone Diversion Dam, Oct. 20, 2008, 1161 ft. (354 m.); Carr Cyn. at confl. with Littlerock Cr., May 6, 2009, 2982 ft. (909 m.); mouth of Mescal Cyn., 2.7 miles n. of jct. of Hwy. 2, & Mescal Cyn. Road, July 6, 1998, 4881 ft. (1488 m.)

Other records:

T.B. Salvato & Sarah Flack, E. Fork Rd. crossing over the N. Fork of San Gab River, Islip Saddle, Aug. 8, 2007, 6599 ft. (2012 m.)

FVS: July 6, 1998

SBCo.: San Sevaine Flats on San Sevaine (Big Tree Truck) Road, Oct. 17, 1992, 5550 ft. (1692 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, Cajon Wash, between Blue Cut & stream crossing at Swarthout Cyn. Rd., c. 3 miles s. of Hwy. 138, May 13, 1997, c. 2601 ft. (793 m.)

FVS: Oct. 17, 1992

Rumex salicifolius Weinm. var. denticulatus Torr, Toothed Willow Dock

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta & T.S. Ross, San Gab. Mts., Santiago Cyn., June 1, 1994, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); F.W. Peirson, Crystal Lake, N. Fork, San Gabriel River, June 18, 1921, 5500 ft. (1677 m.)

FVS: June 18, 1921

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Mesa on San Andreas Fault Rift Zone, Lone Pine Cyn., Sep. 16, 1967, 3050 ft. (930 m.)

Rumex salicifolius Weinm. var. salicifolius, Willow Dock (status uncertain)

LACo.: From 1100 ft. (335 m.) +/- 50 ft., Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland-Tujunga area, alluvial fan below San Gab. Mts., s.w. of I-210 Frwy., e. of Hansen Dam & n. of Wentworth St., Scot D. White, May 14, 1997, to 6639 ft. (2024 m.), along Hwy. 2, 0.5 miles w. of Big Pines Rd. Jct., e. of Jackson Lake, Aug. 6, 1997; Apr.-Aug.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: May 11, 1897, Harvey P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: San Sevaine Flats, near well, July 16, 1993, 5320 ft. (1622 m.); 9.6 miles s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Road, & Cajon Road, Aug. 12, 1996, 2640 ft.

(805 m.)

Other records:

H.J. & Mrs. Henry J. Ramsey, San Antonio Canyon, Aug. 19, 1937, no elev. given; P.H. Raven, Cajon Cyn. Station at Cajon Cmpgrd., Sep. 17, 1961, 2600 ft.

(793 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth et al., along Cajon Cr., near Cajon Cmpgrd. in Cajon Cyn., June 29, 1972, c. 27501 ft. (838 m.); R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist, Baldy Notch, July 31, 1971, 7800 ft. (2378 m.); F.W. Peirson, Rangers Cabin, Swartout Valley, July 7, 1922, 5901 ft. (1799 m.)

FVS: July 7, 1922

Rumex triangulivalvis (Danser) Rech. f., Mexican Dock

[synonym: R. salicifolius Weinm. var. triangulivalvis (Danser) J.C. Hickman and R. salicifolius Weinm. var. mexicanus]

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist, Mt. Baldy Notch, July 31, 1971, 7800 ft. (2378 m.)

+Sidotheca caryophylloides (Parry) Rev., Chickweed Oxytheca

(synonym: Oxytheca caryophylloides Parry)

Status CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G3

LACo.: Status: Sensitive

summit of Lookout (Antonio) Mt., June 16, 1998, 6790 ft. (2070 m.); Winston Pk., July 15, 2008, 7462 ft. (2275 m.); Waterman Mt., (at n.w. base of eastern “Twin” at summit-added-2010), July 24, 2008, 7911 ft. (2412 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, 0.2 miles n.e. of BM “Twin”, at summit of Waterman Mt., Sep, 3, 1967, 7751 ft. (2363 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., Mt. Waterman, along trail above upper end of ski lift, Aug. 11, 1972, 7800 ft. (2378 m.); James L.ReVeal. & C. Rose Broome, along Angeles Crest Hwy. (CA Hwy. 2), at milepost 59.0, 1.2 miles w. of Kratka Ridge Ski Resort, 5.2 miles w. of jct. of CA Hwy. 39, June 25, 1987, c. 6500 ft. (1982 mRashmi Pant & Nitin Bhatt, along Angeles Crest Hwy. (Hwy. 2) at milepost 59.0, 1.2 miles w. of Kratka Ridge Ski Resort, 5.2 miles w. of jct. of CA Hwy. 39, May 25, 1997, 6501 ft. (1982 m.); I.M. Johnston, Baldy Lookout, July 8, 1925, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Upper Big Tujunga, c. 1 mile e. of Alder Cr., May 19, 1965, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta & Cristine Mistretta, Mill Creek Cyn., vic. of Iron Mt., along S. Calif Edison transmission line corridor June 7, 2010, 4464 ft.

(1361 m.) (2 different voucher #’s with same data); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, Upper Big Tujunga Cyn., Lynch Gulch, Along Lynx Gulch Rd., 0.44 rd. miles n. of jct. with Upper Big Tujunga Cyn. Rd., June 15, 2010, 3339 ft.

(1018 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, Upper Big Tujunga Cyn., 1.93 rd. miles e. of jct. with Angeles Forest Hwy., June 14, 2010, 3411 ft. (1040 m.);

I.M. Johnston, USFS Lookout, June 10, 1917, 6698 ft. (2042 m.) (Lookout Mt., Antonio Mt.-added 2010)

FVS: June 10, 1917

SBCo.: Falling Rock Cyn. Falls, several plants, (on e. side of stream-added 2010), 0.8 miles s. of Icehouse Cyn, (s.e. of Sugarloaf Pk.-added 2010), several plants, July 11, 1996, 7239 ft. (2207 m.); 1.3-1.5 miles s. of Telegraph Pk., e. of trail on ridgetop, n. of saddle between Timber & Telegraph Peaks, Aug. 11, 1994,

7849 ft. (2393 m.)

Other records:

Richard Noyes, Icehouse Cyn., c. 0.5 km. below saddle, July 23, 1988, 7216 ft. (2200 m.); I.M. Johnston, Baldy Lookout, San Antonio Mts., July 8, 1925, 5800 ft. (1767 m.)

FVS: July 8, 1925

+Sidotheca trilobata (A. Gray) Reveal, Spinebract, Three-lobed Starry Puncturebract

(synonym: Oxytheca trilobata A. Gray)

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 3180-3200 ft. (970 m.), at Big Tujunga Cr. between Coldwater & Wickiup Cyns., northeasterly slope on s. side of creek, T.S. Ross, July 10, 1992, to 6790 ft. (2070 m.), at summit of Lookout (Antonio) Mt., R.G. Swinney & Vanessa Merritt, June 16, 1998; May-Sep.; rare; all 3 sections

FVS: July 23, 1915, Geo. L. Moxley, summit, Strawberry Pk., 6150 ft. (1875 m.)

SBCo.: Frank W. Peirson, Cajon Grade Summit, June 18, 1918, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Cyn., June 30, 1918, 4750 ft. (1448 m.); L.C. Wheeler, summit Station Cajon Pass, Sep. 7, 1931, 3802 ft. (1159 m.); Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, , 3802 ft. (1159 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 16, 1903

Portulacaceae Purslane Family

Portulaca oleracea L., Common Purslane, Little Hogseed

Probably native to e. hemisphere

LACo.: R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, San Antonio Cyn., Chapman Ranch, above Mt. Baldy Village, July 2, 1967, 4450 ft. (1357 m); L.C. Wheeler, Rincon Ranger Station, Oct. 27, 1966, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., June 26, 1967, 2000 ft. (610); L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., June 26, 1967, 2000 ft.

(610 m.); L.C. Wheeler, E. Fork San Gabriel River, 0.5 miles n. of Cattle Canyon, Oct. 12, 1966, 2000 ft. (610 m.)

FVS: Oct. 12, 1966

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., Lytle Cr. Ranger Station, July 7, 1971, 2710 ft. (829 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Regional Park, Cajon Canyon, Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given

FVS: Oct. 12, 1969

Primulaceae Primrose Family

Androsace elongata L. ssp. acuta (Greene) G.T. Robbins, California Androsace, Rockjasmine

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta, Santiago Cyn., w. slopes of drainage near confl. with Little Rock Cr., Apr. 15, 1994, 3650 ft. (1112 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Dodecatheon clevelandii Greene, Padres’ Shooting Star

[synonym: Primula clevelandii (Greene) Mast and Reveal]

LACo.: From 1151 ft. (351 m.), at Glendora/ Azusa boundary, foothills 0.6 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., above Yucca Ridge Ave., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 27, 1969, to 2801 ft. (854 m.), at Sycamore Flat and slopes of Johnstone Pk., SDEF proposed community site, Shannon Dougherty, Mar. 6, 2007; Feb.-May; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Mar. 18, 1926, L.E. Hoffman, Arroyo Seco Cyn., no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: Stoddard Cyn., off San Antonio Cyn. north of Upland, Apr. 4, 1998,

2450 ft. (747 m.)

Other records: None found.

Dodecatheon clevelandii Greene ssp. clevelandii, Padres’ Shooting Star

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at Fish Cyn. Feb. 9, 1919, to 2998 ft. (914 m.), at San Dimas Cyn. Road, 3.9 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., J.A. Caldwell, Mar. 20, 1970; Jan.-May; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Jan. 1, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 2299 ft. (701 m.)

SBCo; I.M. Johnston, mouth of San Antonio Cyn., Jan 28, 1917, no elev. given; Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Canyon, Apr. 2, 1971, c. 2600 ft. (793 m.) (see record for SBCo. under D. clevelandii

FVS: Apr. 2, 1971

+Dodecatheon clevelandii Greene ssp. sanctorum (Greene) Abrons, Padre Shootingstar

[synonyms: D. cleavlandii Greene var. gracile (Greene) Reveal and Primula clevelandii (Greene) Mast & Reveall var. gracile (Greene) Mast & Reveal]

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, 0.4 miles s.w. of Big Cienega on ridge on s. side of Big Dalton Cyn., near mouth (Glendora), Apr. 1, 1969, 2099 ft. (640 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Dodecatheon jeffreyi Van Houtle, Sierra Shootingstar

LACo.: T.P. Spira, White Fir Springs off of Angeles Crest Hwy. (2), July 12, 1967, 5996 ft. (1828 m.) (location uncertain, may be outside E. San Gab. Mts. boundary); J. Ewan, spring on n. slope, near Windy Camp, Mount Islip, June 25, 1930, 7500 ft. (2287 m.)

FVS: June 25, 1930

SBCo.: No records found.

Dodecatheon redolens (H.M. Hall) H.J. Thomps., Scented Shooting Star

(synonym: Primula fragrans Mast & Reveal ] Intergrades with D. jeffreyi, forms with +/- white petals, light purple & red connectives may occur sporadically.

LACo.: From 5501 ft. (1677 m.), near summit of CA Hwy. 39, G.K. Helmkamp, June 2, 1974, to 8279 ft. (2524 m.), at Dawson Pk. Ridge Trail at far n.e. tributary of upper Fish Fk., San Gabriel River, 1.3 miles w. of Dawson Pk., R.G. Swinney, Sep. 7, 1998; June-Oct.; uncommon; montane

FVS: Aug. 22, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk. of San Gabriel River, 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

SBCo.: n.w. fork of W. Fk. Lytle Cr., c. 1 mi. due w. of Stockton Flat, 1 mile n.e. of Mt. Harwood, Aug. 5, 1997, 6799 ft. (2073 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, n.e. slope of Mt. San Antonio, headwaters of W. Fork of N. Fork Lytle Cr., July 15, 1968, 8900 ft. (2713 m.)

FVS: July 15, 1968

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family

Aquilegia formosa Fisch. ex DC., Western Columbine

[synonyms: A. formosa Fisch. ex DC. var. truncata (Fisch. & C.A. Mwy.) M.E. Jones – need further study and A. formosa var. hypoplasia (Greene) Munz and A. formosa var. pauciflora (Greene) Boothman

LACo.: From 1312 ft. (400 m.), at Arroyo Seco Cyn., Geo.L. Moxley, July 4, 1915, to 7701 ft. (2348 m.), along State Hwy. 2, below Dawson Saddle, John Dourley & Nick Lolonis, Aug. 20, 1968; May- Sep.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June 12, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Switzers Trail

SBCo.: From 2801 ft. (854 m.), at Lytle Cr. Rd., 2.8 mi. from jct. with Devore Rd., accross streembed from hwy., up spur cyn. with waterfall, 1/2 way to waterfall, Doug Talbert, May 21, 1970, to 8900 ft. (2713 m.), at n.e. slope of Mt. San Antonio, headwaters of west fk. of N. Fork Lytle Cr., L.C. Wheeler, July 15, 1968; May-Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: July 12, 1902, L.R. Abrams, San Gab. Mts. Region, Coldwater Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

Clematis lasiantha Nutt., Chaparral or Pipestem Clematis

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 840 ft. (256 m.), at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, w. bank of river, R.G. Swinney, May 30, 2008, to 5320 ft. (1622 m.), at Condor Pk. & immediate vic., T.S. Ross, July 17, 1992; Mar.-Aug.; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 25, 1895, Albert J. Perkins, Mt. Lowe

SBCo.: From 2040 ft. (622 m.), at mouth of Lytle Cr. Canyon, 30-200 meters w. of Sycamore Ranger Station on ridge, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 23, 1993, to 4301 ft. (1311 m.), at 1 mile s.w. of Camp Baldy, Lyman Benson, June 5, 1915; Mar.-June; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Apr., 1885, S.B. Parish & W.F. Parish, Lytle Cr., no elev. given

Clematis ligusticifolia Nutt., Virgin’s Bower, Yerba De Chiva, Western White Clematis

(synonym: C. ligusticifolia Nutt. var. californica S. Watson)

LACo.: From 1299 ft. (396 m.), at Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, 1.2 miles n.e. of Glendora Mt. Rd., along Big Dalton Cyn. Road, on s. side of st., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 24, 1989, to 7501 ft. (2287 m.), at CA Hwy. 2, between Dawson Saddle & jct. of CA Hwy. 39, 1.8 mi. from Dawson Saddle, Wayne E. Sawyer, July 31, 1981; June-Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: July 11, 1897, J.H. Barber, Mt. Gleason

SBCo.: From 2601 ft. (793 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., Lyman Benson, Oct. 1, 1945, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), at 0.4 mi. due e. of Baldy Notch, in unamed cyn. at jct. with Stockton Flats Rd., R.G. Swinney, Sep. 7, 1992; Apr., July-Nov.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: Nov. 11, 1933, L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., 2650 ft. (808 m.)

Clematis pauciflora Nutt., Southern California Clematis, Few-flowered Clematis, Ropevine Clematis

CA & Baja CA, Mex.; plants intermediate to C. Lasiantha in s.w.

LACo.: From 581 ft. (177 m.), between I-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd, Azusa/Irwindale boundary, 200-400 meters e. of San Gabriel River Channel, R.G. Swinney, Feb. 20, 2009, to 2400 ft. (732 m.), at Evey Cyn., 0.3 mi. from mouth of cyn., Donald R. Bissing, May 18, 1973; Mar.-June; rare; cismontane

FVS: Mar. 6, 1921, F.W. Peirson, San Gabriel Wash, 700 ft. (213 m.)

SBCo.: Freda Detmers, Lytle Cr. Canon (Canyon), May 10, 1931, no elev. given; D.W. Robinson, Johnston’s Pasturres, n. of Claremont, Mar. 8, 1916, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 8, 1916

Delphinium cardinale Hook., Cardinal or Scarlet Larkspur

CA & Baja Ca, Mex.; hybridizes with D. parryi (D. xinflexum Davidson)

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, trib. on s. side of cyn., 0.1 miles e. of park admin. office, R.G. Swinney, May 30, 2008, to 4250 ft. (1296 m.), at Rock Cr., F.W. Peirson, May 27, 1923; May-Aug.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: May, 1897, Thekla Mohr, Eaton Cyn.

SBCo.: From 2200 ft. (671 m.), along San Sevaine Rd., from Lytle Cr., R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., July 7, 1971, to 4002 ft. (1220 m.), w. of FS Road 3N2, where n.-facing slope meets Lone Pine Valley, R.G. Swinney, July 9, 1993; May, July; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: May 16, 1931, Carl Epling, Nesta Dunn, et al., Cajon Pass, San Gab. Mts., no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

+Delphinium decorum Fisch. & C.A. Mey., Coastal Larkspur

LACo.: Jan Hu & Weena Sangkatavat, Millard Cyn., 2 miles n. of Altadena, first trail on right imm. before Millard Cmpgrd., April 22, 2000, 1801 ft. (549 m.); Wayne Law & Jan Hu, Millard Canyon Cmpgrd., 2 miles n. of Altadena, up the stream imm. after Millard Cmpgrd., Apr. 30, 2000, 1699 ft. (518 m.); B.C. Templeton, Vincent Gulch, below Big Pines Park, May 31, 1932, 7085 ft.

(2160 m.)

FVS: May 31, 1932

SBCo.: No records found.
Delphinium depauperatum Nutt., Dwarf, Blue Mountain, Mountain or Slim Larkspur

LACo.: M. MacArthur, 7 mi. from turn-off on Angeles Crest Hwy. to lower Chilao keeping always to right-left side of road, by intermittent stream bed, June 24, 1967, 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Delphinium glaucum S. Watson, Mountain, Giant, Tall or Sierra Larkspur

LACo.: Buford Cyn., 0.5 miles w. of co. line, s. of Hwy. 2 & Swarthout Valley, 2 air miles w. of Wrightwood, July 16, 1997, 6301 ft. (1921 m.); Wrightwood area, Flume Cyn., spring c. 200 meters n. of Guffy Cmpgrd. (Guffy’s Spring-added 2010), n.-facing slope, Aug. 16, 1999, 8020 ft. (2445 m.); upper Government Cyn., c. 2 air miles w. of Wrightwood, Blue Ridge Mt. area, July 23, 1997,

7400 ft. (2256 m.)

Other records:

Joseph Andorfer Ewan, Blue Ridge, at Guffy’s Spring, Aug. 4, 1934, 7997 ft. (2438 m.) and Aug. 9, 1936, 8397 ft. (2560 m.); R.F. Thorne, Lily Spring on n.w. slope of Mt. Hawkins, Aug. 25, 1971, no elev. given; Wayne E. Sawyer, Lily Spring, July 31, 1981, c. 8050 ft. (2454 m.); A.N. Dunn, Guffys Spring, Blue Ridge, Aug. 12, 1935, 8400 ft. (2561 m.); L.C. Wheeler, spring on s. side of Blue Ridge by Guffy Camp, June 14, 1968, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, Lily Spring on n.w. slope of Mt. Hawkins, Aug. 25, 1917

FVS: Aug. 25, 1917

SBCo.: No records found.

Delphinium xinflexum Davidson, no common name found.

D. cardinale x D. parryi A. Gray ssp. parryi

Mentioned in TJM2 as hybrid under treatment for D. parryi ssp. parryi, but not recog. in the list of taxa.

LACo.: Anstruther Davidson, Fish Cyn., May, 1927, no elev. given; Anstruther Davidson, Fish Cyn., July 1927, no elev. given; Robert Kessler, Fish Cyn., May, 1927, no elev. given.

FVS: May, 1927

SBCo.: No records found.

Delphinium parishii A. Gray, Parish’s Larkspur

LACo.: W. Fork Punchbowl Cyn., near n. boundary of DevilsPunchbowl Co. Park, 0.6 miles s.w. of Big Rock Cr. Road, May 8, 2008, 4146 ft. (1264 m.); S. Fork, Littlerock Cr., rd. between Alder Saddle and rd. to Sulphur Springs Cmpgrd., 0.4 miles down cyn. bottom along rd. sides., May 27, 2009, 5218 ft. (1591 m.)

Other records:

June Latting, S. Fork Big Rock Cr., June 10, 1973, 4301 ft. (1311 m.)

FVS: June 10, 1973

SBCo.: Pinon Hills area, Sheep Cr., 1.0 mile s. of Hwy. 138 on Scrub Oak Rd., May 29, 1995, 4579 ft. (1396 m.); Pinon Hills, “Oak Hills” area, c. 0.25 miles s.w. of w. end of Sunnyslope Rd. & c. 0.12 miles w. of Green Rd., 1 mile n. of Oak Spring Ranch, Apr. 3, 1997, 4959 ft. (1512 m.)

FVS: May 29, 1995

Other records: None found.

Delphinium parishii A. Gray, ssp. parishii, Parish’s, Desert, Ski Blue or Mojave Larkspur

(synonym: D. amabile Tidestr.)

LACo.: From 2100 ft. (640 m.), at ravine imm. southwest of mouth of Bear Cyn., off Soledad Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, May 23, 1967, to 7501 ft. (2287 m.), at summit of Table Mt. above Big Pines, R.F. Thorne & C.W.Tilforth, June 29, 1972; Apr.-July; fairly common; transmontane; montane, approaching cismontane at Lytle Cr. Cyn., H.M. Hall, June 1, 1900, 5497 ft. (1676 m.)

FVS: June, 1899, H.M. Hall, San Antonio Mts., 5714 ft. (1742 m.)

SBCo.: From 3500 ft. (1067 m.), at mouth of Cajon Valley, Cajon Pass, I.M. Johnston, May 15, 1920, to 5560 ft. (1695 m.), at Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge, above Lone Pine Cyn., 1.4 miles s. of Lone Pine Rd. on 3N31, at first switchback, c. 50- 1500 meters n. of rd., R.G. Swinney, May 28, 1995; May, June; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: May 15, 1920

Delphinium parryi A. Gray, Parry’s Larkspur, San Bernardino Larkspur

LACo.: From 1351 ft. (412 m.), at San Dimas, Sycamore Cyn., Falcon Ridge Ranch, Justin M. Wood, June 8, 2009, to 7501 ft. (2287 m.), n.w. of Wrightwood, e. end of Jackson Flat, R.G. Swinney, July 8, 1998; Apr.-July; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: May 4, 1897, H.P.C., Claremont, 997 ft. (304 m.)

SBCo.: Baldy Mesa Ridge, 1.8 miles n.e. of Hwy. 138 on FS Road 3N24, 0.6 miles e. of point where rd. crosses ridge, c. 50-150 meters n. of rd., June 10, 1995, 4822 ft. (1470 m.); Lytle Cr. Ridge, Sheep Cr. Road, 1.5 miles n.e. of Lytle Cr. Road, w. side of rd., May 28, 1995, 3460 ft. (1055 m.)

Other records:

D.W. Robinson, Cucamonga Cyn., Apr. 18, 1916, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 18, 1916

Delphinium parryi A. Gray ssp. martimum (Davidson) Warnock, Seaside or Maritime Larkspur,

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Ramsey, Eaton Cyn., rocks, Altadena, May 22, 1938

SBCo.: No records found.

+Delphinium parryi A. Gray ssp. parryi, Parry’s or San Bernardino Larkspur

Hybridizes with D. cardinale (D. xinflexum Davidson)

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1374 ft. (419 m.), at Live Oak Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, May 29, 1932, to 5280 ft. (1610 m.), at Santiago Cyn., Orlando Mistretta & T.S. Ross, June 1, 1994, Apr.-July; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: May 1, 1932, L.C. Wheeler, 3 miles n. of Claremont, 1700 ft. (518 m.)

SBCo.: From 1750 ft. (534 m.), n. of Campus Library of Chaffey College, Alta Loma, Mark Parratt, Mar. 25, 1962, to 5061 ft. (1543 m.), at Cherry Cyn. “flats”, “dry lake”, at s.w. base of Sugarloaf Pk. (n.e. of Baldy Village-added 2010), R.G. Swinney, June 18, 1996; Mar.-July; uncommon; approaching montane at Cherry Cyn.; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 14, 1934, Jeannette B. Edge, Lytle Creek Cyn., 2000 ft. (610 m.)

+Delphinium patens Benth., Spreading Larkspur, Zigzag Larkspur

LACo.: with Dave Larson, Wolfskill Cyn., above LaVerne & San Dimas, May 15, 1999, 1801 ft. (549 m.); Government Cyn., w. of Wrightwood, 0.75 miles w. of co. line at Hwy. 2, Blue Ridge Mt. area, July 22, 1997, 6799 ft. (2073 m.); with Dave Larson, Fern Cyn., SDEF, May 30, 1998, 2919 ft. (890 m.); Horse Flats, 1 air mile NNW of Neucomb’s Ranch at Hwy. 2/Angeles Crest Hwy., June 2, 2009, 5642 ft. (1720 m.); Sulphur Springs Cmpgrd., S. Fork of Littlerock Cr., May 28, 2009, 5199 ft. (1585 m.); with Dave Larson, SDEF, w. 1/2 (grass portion) of Brown’s Flat, July 17, 1996, 4320 ft. (1317 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 17, 1996

SBCo.: Stoddard Cyn. off San Antonio Cyn., n. of Upland, Apr. 4, 1998, 2450 ft. (747 m.)

Other records:

Kirk Taylor, San Sevaine Cow Camp, (w. of) Lytle Cr., May 27, 1976, 4700 ft. (1433 m.)

FVS: May 27, 1976

+Delphinium patens Benth. ssp. hepaticoideum Ewan, Spreading or Zigzag Larkspur

LACo.: From 1499 ft. (457 m.), at 1996 Johnstone Park (Peak-added 2010) Burn, from W. Fork San Dimas Cr. to Wolfskill Falls, John Olmsted, Apr. 30, 1962, to 6921 ft. (2110 m.), n. of Table Mt., Wrightwood area, 0.8 miles n.e. of jct. of rds. 4N21B and 4N21A, and 4N21, R.G. Swinney, July 2, 1998; Mar.-July; uncommon; all 3 areas, mostly cismontane

FVS: Apr., 1898, George B. Grant, Mt. Wilson

SBCo.: Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, 1.1 miles s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Road & Applewhite Rd., c. 0.75 miles e. of Applewhite Cmpgrd., Apr. 22, 1995, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

Other records:

M.E. Jones, Stoddard Cyn., May 16, 1924, no elev. given; Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 15, 1971, c. 2800 ft. (854 m.); Samuel B. Parish, S. Fk. Lytle Cr., Apr. 25, 1885, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 25, 1885

+Delphinium patens Benth ssp. montanum (Munz) Ewan, Zigzag Larkspur

(synonym: D. parryi A. Gray var. montanum Munz)

LACo.: From 2801 ft. (854 m.), n. of Sylmar & s. of Santa Clarita, within the Tujunga Ranger District, near Los Pinetos Spring at head of Los Pinetos Cyn., Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, Apr. 22, 1993, to 7501 ft. (2287 m.)‚ at e. end of Pinyon Ridge, F.W. Peirson July 3, 1921, and P.A. Munz, Swartout Valley, June 18, 1921; Mar.-July; rare; transmontane at confl. of Kitter Cyn. & Little Rock Cr., 0rlando Mistretta, Apr. 25, 1995, 3600 ft. (1098 m.); montane, most common in cismontane

FVS: May 25, 1913, Albert J. Perkins, Santa Anita Cyn.

SBCo.: West Fk. Stoddard Cyn., c. 0.5 miles s.e. of Stoddard Flats, c. 100 yds. of east Cucamonga Truck Trail (FS Rd. 1N35), Apr. 30, 1994, 4398 ft. (1341 m.)

Other records:

Gerald L. Benny & Colin M. Wainwright, Day Cyn., May 12, 1971, c. 3800 ft. (1159 m.); R.F. Thorne, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 5, 1971, 4700 ft.

(1433 m.); R. Carlson, Glendora Mt. Road, ¾ way to Mt. Baldy, May 31, 1961, no elev. given

FVS: May 31, 1961

Ranunculus californicus Benth., California Buttoncup

LACo.: Anon., (n. of San Dimas- added 2010), Johnstone, below peak, near edge of SDEF, Apr. 29, 1943, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Wildwood Ranch, e. of Glendora, Mar. 28, 1974, no elev. given; J.D. Olmsted, Sycamore Cyn., along rd. leading up to reservoir on top of hill, w. of mouth of cyn., drainage area to San Dimas Creek, Apr. 22, 1959, 1500 ft. (457 m.); L.C. Wheeler, near mouth of San Dimas Cyn., Mar. 10, 1934, 1450 ft. (442 m.)

FVS: Mar. 25, 1897, Harley P Chandler, San Dimas (bog)

SBCo.: No records found.

Ranunculus cymbalaria Pursh, Rocky Mountain buttercup, Alkali Buttercup

(synonym: R. cymbalaria Pursh var. saximontanus Fern.)

LACo.: From 3650 ft. (1113 m.), at Sandrock Cr. at Pear Blossom Hwy., near confl. of Sandrock Cr. & Big Rock Cr., 1/4 mile s.e. of Big Rock Patrol Station, L.C. Wheeler, Aug. 27, 1946, to 6850 ft. (2088 m.), at Big Pines Park, B.C. Templeton, May 15, 1933; May-Oct.; rare; transmontane; montane

FVS: June 15, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., 4248 ft. (1295 m.)

SBCo.: Wrightwood, n.e. jct. of Mill Rd. and Mockingbird Rd. (near Wright Lake- added 2010), Aug. 25, 1994, 1875 m.)6150 ft.)

Other records:

H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn. June 3-6, 1900, 6796 ft. (2072 m.); R.F. & M.Z. Thorne, Wrightwood, Wright Lake, July 19, 1969, c. 6040 ft. (1841 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Clyde Ranch, Oct. 14, 1967, no elev.

FVS: June 3-6, 1900

Ranunculus hebecarpus Hook. & Arn., Delicate Buttercup

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Liveoak Cyn., Mar. 24, 1934, 1500 ft. (473 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Little Tujunga Cyn., 0.75 miles SSE of Herreres Ranch, May 4, 1969, 1801 ft. (549 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., Apr. 25, 1935, 1500 ft. (567 m.)

FVS: Mar. 24, 1934, L.C. Wheeler, Liveoak Cyn., 1500 ft. (473 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Ranunculus hydrocharoides A. Gray, Frog’s-Bit Buttercup


LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Caldwell Lake, Aug. 28, 1946, 5150 ft. (1570 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Thalictrum fendleri Engelm. ex A. Gray, Fendler’s Meadowrue

LACo.: T.S. Ross, s. side of Prairie Fk., near spring in draw just s. of Camp Lupine, Aug. 17, 1990, 6640-6680 ft. (2024 m.); I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk. of San Gabriel River, Aug. 23, 1917, 4995 ft. (1523 m.); Joseph Andorfer Ewan, off Mexcal (Mescal-added 2010), Cr.(along drying cr. bed) Cedar Cyn., Aug. 2, 1936, 5996 ft. (1828 m.); H.M. Hall, streams near Jackson Lake, Swarthout Cyn., June 1899, 6196 ft. (1889 m.); C.E. Hutchinson, San Gabriel Cyn. (Cold Water), June 22, 1892, 4497 ft. (1371 m.)

FVS: June 22, 1892

SBCo.: I.M. Johnston, along stream in shaded cyn., upper part of N. Fork Lytle Cr., July 7, 1918, 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

Thalictrum fendleri Engelm. ex A. Gray var. fendleri, Fendler’s Meadowrue

LACo.: Sulphur Springs Cmpgrd. area, streamside from cmpgrd to 300 m. downstream, May 27, 2009, 5199 ft. (1585 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, E. Fork Alder Cr., Charlton Flat burn (of 1954), July 2, 1969, 5200 ft. (1585 m.); L.C. Wheeler, c. 200 yds. e. of foot of Holiday Hill Skilift, Sep. 17, 1967, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Sulphur Spring, Aug. 2, 1967, 5200 ft.

(1585 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Prairie Fk. (San Gabriel River-added 2010), Sep. 3, 1967, 7600 ft. (2317 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Peter L. Morrell, Shortcut Canyon, OVH area, Arroyo District, paralleling Big Tujunga, June 4, 1992, 3802 ft.

(1159 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Magnetic Springs, in Moody Cyn. (c. 2.15

air-miles n.w. of Mt. Gleason), June 1, 1990, 3920 ft. (1195 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Middle Fk. Alder Creek, c. ¼ mile s.e. of Loomis Ranch, Aug. 8, 1967, 4300 ft. (1311 m.); F.W. Peirson, Prairie Fk. of San Gabriel River, July 17, 1921, 6600 ft. (1012 m.)

FVS: July 17, 1921

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, San Sevaine Rd., near Grapevine Spring, June 5, 1971, c. 4100 ft. (1250 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Prairie Fk., Sep. 3, 1967, 7600 ft. (2317 m.)

FVS: Sep. 3, 1967

Thalictrum fendleri Engelm. ex A. Gray var. polycarpum Torr., Fendler’s Meadowrue

(synonym: T. polycarpum (Torr.) Watson)

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at Fish Cyn., Ervin H. Miller, Mar. 27, 1934, to 8020 ft. (2445 m.), at Wrightwood area, Flume Cyn., spring c. 200 meters n. of Guffy Cmpgrd. (Guffy’s Spring-added 2010), n.-facing slope, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 16, 1999; Mar.-Aug., Oct.; uncommon; transmontane at upper Grandview Cyn. c. 1.1 miles n. of Big Pines Hwy. at All Nations Camp, R.G. Swinney, June 30, 1999, montane, cismontane

FVS: Mar. 2, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Live Oak Cyn., Claremont, 1797 ft.

(548 m.)

SBCo.: Sheep Mt. Wilderness, Prairie Fk. of San Gabriel Cyn., c. 0.8 miles s.e. of Prairie Fk. Road (FS Road 3N39) & jct. with E. Prairie Fk. Trail, June 12, 1994, 7400 ft. (2256 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, Edison Rd., 2.1 miles s.e. of jct. of Apple White Rd., (FS Road 3N31) and FS Road 2N53, c. 0.9 miles n.e. of jct. of FSRd. 3N31 & Edison Powerline Rd. at Edison Rd., June 23, 1994, 2800 ft.

(854 m.)

Other records:

Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., May 12, 1971, c. 2500 ft. (752 m.); Gerald L. Benny & Colin M. Wainwright, Day Cyn., May 24, 1971, 3900 ft. (1189 m.); R.F. Thorne, C. W. Tilforth, et al., Grapevine Springs, July 7, 1971, 4100 ft. (1250 m.); R.F. Thorne, San Sevaine Rd., near Grapevine Spring, June 5, 1971, c. 4100 ft. (1250 ft.

FVS: May 12, 1971

Resedaceae Mignonette Family

Oligomeris linifolia (Hornem.) J.F. Macbr., Lineleaf Whitepuff

LACo.: Leota Davidson, Soledad Cyn. & Spring Cyn. Road (Old Hwy.), Feb. 17, 1966, no elev. given.

SBCo.: No records found.

Reseda alba L., White Upright Mignonette

Native to Medit.

LACo.: Ella M. Kennedy, Glendora, Apr. 2, 1923, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary or possibly in cultivation or irrigated soil)

SBCo.: No records found.

Rhamnaceae Buckthorn Family

Ceanothus cordulatus Kellogg, Mountain Whitethorn, Whitethorn Ceanothus

LACo.: From 5501 ft. (1677 m.), at vic. of Crystal Lake, T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., June 25, 1990, to 8279 ft. (2524 m.), at summit of Mt. Lewis, n.w. of Dawson Saddle, R.G. Swinney, June 20, 2001; Mar., May-Sep.; fairly common; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 3, 1908, LeRoy Abrams & E.A. McGregor, N. Baldy Mt., 7495 ft.

(2285 m.)

SBCo.: From 5996 ft. (1828 m.), at Lone Pine Cyn., A.W. Jacobs, Aug. 8, 1938, to 9499 ft. (2896 m.), at summit of Dawson Pk., R.G. Swinney, July 28, 1992; Apr.-Oct.; fairly common; montane

FVS: July 3, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk., of Lytle Cr., 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

Ceanothus crassifolius Torr., Hoaryleaf Ceanothus

(synonym: C. crassifolius Torr. var. planus Abrams) Intergrades

LACo.: From 745 ft. (227 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 400 meters n.e. of River Bike Path Parking lot at Hwy. 39, c. 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., on mid-channel, elevated sand bar with Ceanothus sordiatus & Ceanothus leucodermis, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 16, 2009 (modified 2010), to 3936 ft. (1200 m.), at San Gabriel Cyn., I.W. Clokey & E.G. Anderson, Mar. 11, 1931; Jan.-July; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: May, 1889, Brandegee, Soledad Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: From 997 ft. (304 m.), at 100 yds. above lower Mt. San Antonio Forest Station, J. Adams, Feb. 27, 1965, to 4599 ft. (1402 m.), at Stoddard Peak, s.w. of Stoddard Flat & w. of Stoddard-Barrett Mountain Hwy., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 20, 1996; Jan.-July; common; transmontane at Baldy Mesa and Cajon Pass summit, cismontane

FVS: May 10, 1931, Freda Detmers, Lytle Creek Cyn., no elev. given

Ceanothus crassifolius Torr. var. crassifolius, Hoaryleaf Ceanothus

LACo.: J. Henrickson, c. 1 mile s.e. of Newhall in w. part of Whitney Cyn., just n.e. of jct. of San Fernando Rd. & State Hwy. 14, Apr. 15, 2000, 1548 ft.

(472 m.); James Henrickson, 9 miles (air) n.e. of La Canada, margin of Upper Big Tujunga Cyn., c. 1.0 mile (air) n. of Hwy. 2, Mar. 19, 1972, 4398 ft. (1341 m.); K.A. Wilson & D.E. Bianchi, Placerita Rd., small gully 2 miles e. of Hwy. 5, Feb. 2, 1961, no elev. given; unknown, Mt. Lowe, Mar. 11, 1894, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 11, 1894

SBCo.: No records found.

Ceanothus crassifolius Toss. var. planus Abrams, Hoaryleaf Ceanothus

LACo.: T.S. Ross & Orlando Mistretta, southerly slope off main e/w. divide about midway between Wilson Cyn. Saddle & May Cyn. Saddle (draining to Wilson Cyn. & Sylmar), May 26, 1993, 3257 ft. (c. 993 m.); T. Ambrose, 1 mi. from Soledad Cyn. Road on Aliso Cyn. Road in Anaverde Valley, Mar. 27, 1966, 2998 ft. (914 m.); T.S. Ross & Orlando Mistretta, south-easterly draw, 12 feet WSW of May Cyn. Saddle, May 27, 1993, 3480 ft. (1060 m.); Huron A. Smith, trail, Mt. Wilson, Apr. 30, 1912, 3198 ft. (975 m.)

FVS: Apr. 30, 1912

SBCo.: No records found.

Ceanothus cuneatus (Hook.) Nutt., Buckbrush

LACo.: From 676 ft. (206 m.), at w. side of jct. of Sierra Madre Ave. & Vernon Ave, Azusa (area now occupied with housing development) and San Gab. Wash, near Azusa, L.R. Abrams, Mar. 13, 1903, no elev. given, to 6501 ft. (1982 m.), at Big Pines Park, B.C. Templeton, May 31, 1932; Feb., Mar., May; rare-uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Mar. 4, 1932, C.B. Wolf, Thompson Cr., s. base of San Gab. Mts., 3-4 miles n. of Claremont, 1499 ft. (457 m.)
SBCo.: A.C. Sanders, T. Tennant, et al., Etiwanda, w. side of Etiwanda Cr., on n. side of Hwy. 30 (Highland Ave.), Mar. 12, 1998, 1450 ft. (442 m.) ( just s. of E. San Gabriel Mts. boundary)

Ceanothus cuneatus (Hook.) Nutt. ssp. cuneatus, Buckbrush

LACo.: C.F. Baker, San Antonio Cyn., Claremont, Feb. 15, 1909, no elev. given; E.D. Palmer, Echo Mt., March, 1902, no elev. given

FVS: March, 1902

SBCo.: No records found.

Ceanothus integerrimus Hook. & Arn., Deerbrush

(synonym: Ceanothus integerrimus Hook. & Arn. var. puberulus (Greene) Abrams]

LACo.: From1151 ft. (351 m.), at Claremont, Blanchard Park, Mills Ave., between First & Sixth St., S.H. Bullock, native chaparral, Mar. 29, 1968, to

7000 ft. (2134 m.), at Pacifico Mt. summit, R.G. Swinney, July 29, 2009; Jan., Apr.-Aug.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Mt. Wilson, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: From 2401 ft. (732 m.), at 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15, James Henrickson, Apr. 14, 1985, to

6996 ft. (2133 m.), at Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., I.M. Johnston, July 5, 1918; Apr.-Sep.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: June, 1899, H.M. Hall, Lytle Cr., 5747 ft. (1752 m.)

+Ceanothus integerrimus Hook. & Arn. var. integerrimus, Deerbrush

LACo.: Joseph Ewan, trail in Arrastre Cyn., May 29, 1932, 4500 ft. (1372 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Ceanothus integerrimus Hook. & Arn. var. macrothyrsus (Torr.) G.T. Benson,


[synonym: C. integerimus var. puberulus (Greene) Abrams]

LACo.: Vernon Bailey, Mt. Lowe, Sep. 25, 1908, 4995 ft. (1523 m.); C.F. Baker, mt. near Claremont, May 15, 1909, no elev. given; Reid Moran, cyn. south of Chilao, San Gab. Mts., July 22, 1967, 5084 ft. (1550 m.); Vernon Bailey, San Antonio Pk., (e. base), Sep. 3, 1907, 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

FVS: Sep. 3, 1907

SBCo.: No records found.

Ceanothus leucodermis Greene, Chaparral Whitethorn

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 745 ft. (227 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave. in main river channel, elevated gravel bank in mid channel with Ceanothus sordiatus & Ceanothus crassifolius, at 400 meters n.e. of San Gabriel River Bike Path Parking Lot, along Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 16, 2009, to 7626 ft. (2325 m.), at ridge due n. of Big Horn Ridge and s. of San Antonio Ridge, ridge overlooking Coldwater Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 27, 1998; Feb.-Aug., fairly common; montane, cismontane

FVS: Apr. 5, 1891, Anstruther Davidson, San Gab. Mts. (Riverside) (?-added 2012 – possibly riverside)

SBCo.: From 1771 ft. (540 m.), s.w. of mouth of Lytle Creek Cyn., 4.8-5.0 miles w. of Lytle Creek Rd. at Nealy’s Corner & c. 0.4 miles n. of Front Line Mtwy., R.G. Swinney, Mar. 15, 1993, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), at Coldwater Cyn., F.W. Peirson, Sep. 14, 1920; Feb.-Sep.; fairly common; montane, cismontane, near transmontane at Ralston Pk., R. Swinney, July 9, 1996, 6840 ft. (2085 m.) and Cirlce Mt. Pk., e. of Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, July 9, 1996, 6839, (2085 m.)

FVS: May 31, 1900, H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., no elev. given

+Ceanothus megacarpus Nutt., Bigpod Ceanothus

LACo.: E. Crow, Crow’s Nest, E. Glendora, Jan. 13, 1929, no elev. given; Albert J. Perkins, Sierra Madre Mts., road to Colby Ranch, Oct. 1922, no elev. given; Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Trail, Aug. 20, 1892, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 20, 1892

SBCo.: No records found.

+Ceanothus megarcarpus Nutt. var. megacarpus, Bigpod Ceanothus

(synonym: C. megarcarpus Nutt. var. pendulus McMinn)

LACo.: Edward L. Smith, Cobal Cyn., Cobal Cr. drainage, Feb. 18, 1958, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Ceanothus oliganthus Nutt., Hairy Ceanothus

(synonym: Ceanothus oliganthus Nutt. var. oliganthus)

LACo.: From 580 ft. (176 m.), at San Gabriel River, Flood Control Basin, Irwindale, Brent Mishler, Oct. 6, 1977, to 4002 ft. (1220 m.), at Millards Cyn., n. of Altadena, Doris Bowers, Mar. 24, 1957, Feb.-May, July-Oct., Dec.; common; cismontane

FVS: July 20, 1892, C.E. Hutchinson, Mt. Wilson, 2496 ft. (761 m.)

SBCo.: Stoddard Cyn., (c. 0.15 miles e. of San Antonio Cyn.-added 2010), n. of Upland, Apr. 4, 1998, 2450 ft. (747 m.)

Other records: None found.

+Ceanothus oliganthus Nutt. var. oliganthus, Hairy Ceanothus

LACo.: From c. 1200 ft. (366 m.), at Lodi Cyn., SDEF, Jack Delaini, Apr. 5, 1974, and at Big Dalton Cyn., s. slope, Hulda Crooks, Mar. 11, 1916 and at San Gab. River Cyn., n. of Azusa, cyn. bottom & adj. slopes below San Gab. Reservoir, Scott D. White, May 8, 1997, to 4497 ft. (1371 m.), at Pacoima Cyn., A. Lewis, Feb. 1, 1934 and at higher elev. in Cow Cyn., no elev. given, Orlando Mistretta, June 17, 1992; Jan.-July, Sep. Nov.; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: Apr., 1896, Anstruther Davidson, 2/3 way up Wilson Trail, Wilson’s Pk., no elev. given

SBCo.: Frank W. Hubby, San Antonio Mts., Mar. 21, 1896, no elev. given

Ceanothus oliganthus Nutt. var. orcuttii (Parry) Jeps., Hairy Ceanothus

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Darley F. Howe, Angeles Crest Rd. to Mt. Wilson, May 2, 1948, 3700 ft. (1128 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Ceanothus oliganthus Nutt. ssp. sorediatus (Hook. & Arn.) C. Schmidt), Jimbrush, Hoary-leaf Ceanothus

(synonym: C. sorediatus Hook. & Arn.)

LACo.: Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 400 meters n.e. of River Bike Path parking lot at Hwy. 39, c. 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., on mid-channel, elevated sand bar with Ceanothus crassifolius & Ceanothus leucodermis, Mar. 16, 2009, 745 ft. (227 m.) (modified 2010); Azusa, El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, Mar. 10, 2009, (1000 ft. (305 m.); Monrovia, Monrovia Cyn. Wilderness Park, Feb. 26, 2009, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

Other records:

G.A. Kattenhorn, Little Dalton Cr., n. of Glendora, Mar. 24, 1967, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Santa Anita Wash, s. base of San Gab. Mts., Apr. 26, 1920, 700 ft. (213 m.) (just s. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary); C.E. Hutchinson, Mt. Wilson, July 20, 1892, 2496 ft. (761 m.)

FVS: July 20, 1892

SBCo.: Stoddard Cyn., east trib. of San Antonio Cyn., n. of Upland, Apr. 4, 1998, 2450 ft. (747 m.)

Other records:

Mark Parratt, just n. of campus library, Chaffey College, Alta Loma, Mar. 11, 1962, 1750 ft. (534 m.)

FVS: Mar. 11, 1962

Ceanothus palmeri Trel., Palmer Ceanothus

CA & Baja CA, Mex.; related to, occasionaly confused with C. spinosus Nutt. & C. integerrimus Hook. & Arn.

LACo.: M. MacArthur, Charlton Flat, c. 1 mi. from Angeles Crest Hwy., below parking area # 12, July 16, 1967, 4995 ft. (1523 m.); H.A. Jensen, San Gabriel Pk., Mar. 6, 1933, 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

FVS: Mar. 6, 1933

SBCo.: No records found.

Ceanothus tomentosus Pary, Woollyleaf Ceanothus

(synonym: C. tomentosus Pary var. olivaceus Jeps.)

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Scott D. White, San Dimas Cyn., along San Dimas Cyn. Road, July 14, 1994, 1299 ft. (396 m.); Ruth Randall, Big Pines, July 1931, no elev. given; Mark A. Elvin, Newhall Ranch, Santa Clara River at mouth of Long Cyn., Santa Clarita Valley, Aug. 13, 2003, 399 ft. (274 m.); Cecil Hart, San Dimas Cyn., May, 1927, no elev. given

FVS: May, 1927

SBCo.: No records found.

Ceanothus vestitus Greene, Mojave Ceanothus

[synonyms: C. greggii A. Gray var. vestitus (Greene) McMinn and C. greggii A. Gray var. perplexans (Trel.) Jeps – status uncertain] (C. greggii A. Gray, restricted to Mexico)

LACo.: From 2801 ft. (854 m.), at Sycamore Flat and slopes of Johnstone Pk., SDEF proposed communication site, Sharon Dougherty, Mar. 6, 2007, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at high point of E. Table Mt., Wrightwood area, R.G. Swinney, July 2, 1998; Mar.-July, Nov., Dec.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: Apr. 11, 1949, H. & M. Dearing, W. Mojave Desert/San Gab. Mts.

SBCo.: From 2700 ft. (814 m.), at vic. of San Andreas Fault, e. side of Swarthout Cyn. Road along Cajon Cr., s. of its crossing, w. of Route I-15,

Steven R. Hill, Apr. 25, 2001, to 6901 ft. (2104 m.), at Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge, Gobbler’s Knob, w. of FS Rd. 3N31 w. terminus, R.G. Swinney, June 29, 1993; Apr.-June, Aug., Sep.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 3-6, 1900, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 6796 ft. (2072 m.)

Frangula californica (Eschsch.) A Gray, California Coffeeberry (Buckthorn)

(synonym: Rhamnus californica Eschsch.)

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at Eaton Cyn. Park, Pasadena, n. of I-210, off Altadena Dr., Vanessa Lee, Apr. 10, 2005, to 7560 ft. (2305 m.), at 1.5 miles s.w. of Dawson Saddle, jct. of S. Fork Big Rock Cr., and Hwy. 2, near turn-out/parking area, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 27, 2001; Apr., June-Aug., Oct.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: Oct. 21, 1928, Elizabeth Crow, San Dimas Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2221 ft. (677 m.), at Cajon Wash, w. of Devore Heights offramp from Old Hwy. 395, at base of mt. on w. side of wash, w. of RR Tracks, R.G. Swinney, Sep. 28, 1991, to 6038 ft. (1841 m.), at Wright Lake, Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, Oct. 30, 2008; Mar., May-July, Sep., Oct.; fairly common; all 3 areas

FVS: June 23, 1929, R. St. John, Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., 30 m. (?) (elev. in error-added 2012)

+Frangula californica (Eschsch.) A. Gray ssp. californica, California Coffeeberry (Buckthorn)

(synonym: Rhamnus californica Eschsch. Ssp. californica)

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.), at Big Dalton Cyn., Glendora, Lyman Benson, Jan. 26, 1946, to 6498 ft. (1981 m.), at San Gabriel River, I.M. Johnston, Aug. 22, 1917; Jan., Mar.-Oct.; abundant; cismontane

FVS: Jully 20, 1892, C.E. Hutchinson, Mt. Wilson, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: From 1500 ft. (457 m.), up in Cucamunga Cyn., c. 1/4 mi. from mouth on e. side of cyn., Neal Carter, Mar, 13, 1947 (?), to 7246 ft. (2209 m.), at Icehouse Cyn., I.M. Johnston, July 31, 1917; May-July, Oct.; uncommon; montane, mostly cismontane

FVS: July 31, 1917

+Frangula californica (Eschsch.) A. Gray ssp. cuspidata (Greene) Kartesz & Gandhi, California Buckthorn

[synonyms: Rhamnus californica Eschsch. ssp. cuspidata (Greene) Kartesz & Gandhi and Rhamnus tomentella Benth. ssp. cuspidata (Greene) Sawyer]

LACo.: upper Boneyard Cyn., c. 300 meters s. of Camp Jubilee Road jct., Pinon Hills, June 30, 1999, 4799 ft. (1463 m.); Big John Flat, s.e. end, along cyn. bottom of E. Fork of Boulder Cyn., June 18, 1999, 5520 ft. (1683 m.)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, Little Rock Cr., May 20, 1921, 3201 ft. (976 m.); Carl B. Wolf, Indian Cyn. Camp, 2 mi. off Soledad Cyn., May 27, 1936, 2998 ft. (914 m.); Alice Eastwood, Mt. Wilson , June 20, 1919, no elev. given; LeRoy Abrams & E.A. McGregor, Rock Cr., desert slopes of San Gab. Mts., July 2-4, 1908, 5497 ft. (1676 m.); I.M. Johnston, Prairie 7 h. (Fork ?-added 2011), of San Gabriel River, Aug. 22, 1917, 6498 ft. (1981 m.); I.M. Johnston, Icehouse Cyn., July 31, 1917, 7246 ft. (2209 m.); W.R. Dudley, Mt. Lowe, July 22, 1899, no elev. given

FVS: July 22, 1899

SBCo.: From 2998 ft. (914 m.), at 2 miles off Soledad Cyn., San Gab. Mts., Carl B. Wolf, May 27, 1936, to 7551 ft. (2302 m.), at Hwy. 2, between Dawson Saddle & jct. of Hwy. 39, 1.6 miles from Dawson Saddle, July 10, 1981; Feb., Mar., May-Sept., Nov.; rare-uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: July 5, 1908, Le Roy Abrams & E.A. McGregor, Lone Pine Cyn., desert slopes of San Gab. Mts., no elev. given

Frangula californica (Eschsch.) A. Gray ssp. occidentalis (Howell) Kartesz, Gandhi, California Buckthorn

[synonym: Rhamnus californica Eschsh. ssp. occidentalis (Greene) C.B. Wolf]

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, bottom of cyn. of Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, Mar. 3, 1923, 1200 ft. (366 m.) (Questionable location, normally much further north)

SBCo.: No records found.

Frangula californica (Eschsch.) A. Gray ssp. tomentella (Benth.) Kartesz & Gandhi, Hoary Coffeeberry, California Buckthorn

[synonym: Rhamnus californica (Eschsch) A. Gray ssp. tomentella (Benth.) C.B. Wolf and Rhamnus tomentella Benth. ssp. tomentella]

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Ross Mt., 2.5 miles s. of Mt. Baden-Powell, on same ridge, Aug. 18, 2001, 7380 ft. (2250 m.); Big Rock Cr., 1.3 miles e. of Fenner Cyn., Aug. 13, 2008, 6101 ft. (1860 m.); Pechner Canyon, s.e. of community of Juniper Hills, May 20, 2009, 4799 ft. (1463 m.); Dry Lake, s. of Sunset Pk., at head of Dry Lake Cyn. (w. tributary of San Antonio Cyn.-added 2010), July 27, 1998, 4969 ft.

(1515 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 27, 1998

SBCo.: Bear Flats, n. of Baldy Village, July 12, 1995, 5599 ft. (1707 m.)

Other records: None found.

Rhamnus crocea Nutt., Spiny Redberry, Redberry Buckthorn

(synonym: Rhamnus crocea Nutt., ssp. crocea)

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 561 ft. (171 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., between I-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd., w. side of river channel, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 19, 2009, to 1801 ft. (549 m.), at cyn. at Padua Hills, above Claremont, Anon., Mar. 30, 1945; Feb.-May, July; fairly common in dry wash bottoms; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 6, 1901, L.R. Abrams, Big Tujunga Wash, no elev. given

SBCo.: mouth of Lytle Cr., floodplain at base of mts., c. 100 meters n. of Devore Rd. at FS Road 1N32, w. and s. of FS Road 1N32 at switchback as it ascends, c. 0.5 miles w. of Sycamore Ranger Station, Mar. 18, 1993, 2080 ft. (634 m.)

Other records : Edward L. Smith, Cucamonga Cyn., Cucamonga Cr. drainage area, Feb. 24, 1958, 2696 ft. (822 m.)

FVS: Feb. 24, 1958

Rhamnus ilicifolia Kellogg, Hollyleaf Redberry

LACo.: From 560 ft. (171 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel River, between I-210 & Foothill Blvd., w. side of river channel, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 19, 2009, to 6599 ft. (2012 m), at e. slope of Pacifico Mt. at Fountainhead Spring, R.G. Swinney, June 2, 2009; Mar.-June, Aug.-Oct.; common; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: June 26, 1897, J.H. Barber, Aliso Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2100 ft. (640 m.), w. of mouth of Cucamonga Cyn., R.F. Thorne & R. Carolin, Mar. 17, 1967, to 6075 ft. (1852 m.), at Chalk Pk. (Pk. 6089 ft.) between N. Fk. & Middle Fks. of Lytle Cr., R.G. Swinney, July 19, 1996; Feb.-July, Sep., Oct.; uncommon; transmontane at Phelan Pk., Baldy Mesa, s. of Phelan, R.G. Swinney, June 1, 1996, 5159 ft. (1573 m.), montane, cismontane

FVS: June 25, 1893, Norman C. Wilson, Cajon Pass (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary) and Sep. 8, 1931, Freda Detmers, Lytle Creek Cyn., no elev. given

Rosaceae Rose Family

Adenostoma fasciculatum Hook. & Arn., Greasewood, Chamise

(scarse records for both counties may indicate that these have not been determined to subspecific level and that the nominate species is not present here)

LACo.: From 1099 ft. (335 m.), at Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn., Wilderness Park, Big Dalton Cyn., R.G. Swinney, June 25, 1967, to 5642 ft. (1720 m.), at Horse Flats, 1 air mile NNW of Newcomb’s Ranch at Hwy. 2 (Angeles Crest Hwy.), July 29, 2009; Apr.-July, only 3 records listed on CCH

FVS: July 20, 1892, C.E. Hutchinson, Old Mt. Wilson Trail, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: From 2299 ft. (701 m.), at Cajon Cyn., 1 mile s. of Blue Cut, just s. of Cajon Blvd., Naomi Fraga, LeRoy Gross, et al., May 26, 2005, to 4451 ft.

(1357 m.), at Stoddard Flat, s. of Barrett Village, R.G. Swinney, July 25, 1995; May-July; few records available; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: June 25, 1893, Norman C. Wilson, Cajon Pass, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary

Adenostoma fasciculatum Hook. & Arn. var. fasciculatum, Chamise

LACo.: From 997 ft. (304 m.), at ridge 600 ft. north of Mt. Wilson Trail, Sierra Madre, s.-facing ridge, Jon Nickoloff, May 2, 1973 to 6140 ft. (1872 m.), at Chilao Flat, s. slope, T.S. Ross, Aug. 14, 1991; Apr.-Aug.; abundant; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: July 3,1902, L.R. Abrams, Little Santa Anita Cyn.

SBCo.: From 2299 ft. (701 m.), at Muscupiabe Hills between Lytle Wash & Cajon Wash, summit s. end of west (-n.-s. ridge), L.C. Wheeler, Mar. 6, 1968, to 4549 ft. (1387 m.), at Ralston Pk., west of I-215 (I-15-added 2010), in Cajon Wash, s. of Hwy. 138, e. of Lone Pine Cyn. Road near jct. with Hwy. 138, R.G. Swinney, July 8, 1996; Mar.-May, July, Dec.; uncommon; Cajon Pass area, cismontane

FVS: May 16, 1903, Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass,

3802 ft. (1159 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Adenostoma sparsifolium Torr., Redshank, Ribbonwood

LACo.: R.F. Thorne & Larry E. DeBuhr, near top of steep roadbank where Angeles Crrest Hwy. crossed head of cyn., c. 2 mi. of Clear Cr. Station, at jct. with Angeles Forest Hwy., small colony of ½ dozen plants clearly adventive on roadbank but presumably not planted there intentionaly, Aug. 18, 1972,

c. 3000 ft. (915 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Amelanchier alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. ex M. Roem., Saskatuon Serviceberry

LACo.: R. Hoffman, below Los Angeles Co.’s Recreation Park, above Big Rock Cr., May 19, 1929, no elev. given ; W.T. Murphy, n. of Mt. Emma, Apr. 1928, 3998 ft. (1219 m.)

FVS: Apr. 1928

SBCo.: A. Lewis, head of Sheep Cyn., June 19, 1932, 5596 ft. (1706 m.)

Amelanchier pallida Greene, Pallid or Pale Serviceberry

Study needed – listed as a comment under A. utahensis Koehne.

LACo.: Buford Cyn., 0.5 miles w. of co. line, s. of Hwy. 2, and Swarthout Valley, 2 air miles w. of Wrightwood, July 16, 1997, 6301 ft. (1921 m.) summit of Table Mt., n.w. of Wrightwood, (mostly in area e. of summit of Table Mt. East -added 2010) July 17, 1997, 7469 ft. 2450 m.); w. of Wrightwood, Blue Ridge Trail area, 0.2 miles s.e. of Hwy. 2 at Blue Ridge Trail, June 25, 1997, 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: June 25, 1997

SBCo.: Upper Lytle Cr. Divide, 1.2 miles s. of Lone Pine Rd. on FS Road 3N31, May 15, 1993, 5399 ft. (1646 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, divide between Lone Pine& Swarthout Valley, just e. of Wrightwood, June 26, 1969, 6075 ft. (1852 m.); Martha McCarthy, (Wrightwood) s. side of Lone Pine Cyn. Road, 11 mi. from jct. with State Hwy. 138, May 1, 1960, 5501 ft. (1677 m.); I.M. Johnston, Icehouse Cyn., July 31, 1917, 7250 ft. (2210 m.)

FVS: July 31, 1917

Amelanchier utahensis Koehne, Utah Serviceberry

LACo.: From 5100 ft. (1555 m.), at Little Rock Cr., 1.8 mi. below Alder Saddle in Pinyon Flats area, R.F. Thorne, & C.W. Tilforth, June 30, 1971, to 7200 ft.

(2195 m.), at Sheep Mt. Wilderness, Prairie Fk. canyon-bottom, c. 550 yards s.e. of jct. of FS Road 3N39 & E. Prairie Fk. Trail (formerly a dirt rd.), R.G. Swinney, June 12, 1994; May-Oct.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: June, 1906, H.E. Hasse & Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr.

SBCo.: From 4599 ft. (1402 m.), at Tilmber Gulch, imm. s. of Chalk Pk

(Pk. 6089 ‘) between N. Fork & Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., R.G. Swinney, July 19, 1995, to 7495 ft. (2285 m.), at Icehouse Cyn., San Antonio Ridge, S.B. Parish, June 16, 1918; May-Sep.; uncommon; transmontane at Horse Cyn., Orlando Mistretta, July 18, 1994, 6000 ft. (1829 m.) and R.G. Swinney, June 12, 1994, 5000 ft. (1524 m.); Mescal Valley, P.A. Munz, May 30, 1922, 6698 ft. (2042 m.), montane

FVS: July 3, 1917, I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Mts., Coldwater Fk. Lytle Cr.,

7000 ft. (2134 m.)

Aphanes occidentalis (Nutt.) Rydb., Western Lady’s Mantle, Field Parsley, Piert

(synonym: A. arvensis L.)

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, Johnston’s Pasture’s (Johnson Pastures-added 2010), n. of Mt. Ave., Claremont, Apr. 2, 1971, 1800 ft. (549 m.); L.C. Wheeler, foothills, W. Live Oak Canyon, Apr. 15, 1933, 1600 ft. (488 m.)

FVS: Apr. 15, 1933

SBCo.: No records found.

Cercocarpus betuloides Nutt., Birch-leaf Mountain Mahogany

(synonym: C. montanus Raf. var. glaber (S. Watson) F. L. Martin,

LACo.: From 840 ft. (256 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 1.4 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave. along Hwy. 39, s. side of rd. at spring , 0.5 miles e. of san Gabriel Canyon Info. Station, R.G. Swinney, Dec. 6, 2008, to 6698 ft. (2042 m.), at open rolling hills n.w. of Horse Flats, Annetta M. Carter & Arthur Carter, Sep. 13, 1935; Feb.-Dec.; common; all 3 sections

FVS: July 20, 1892, C.E. Hutchinson, Old Mt. Wilson Trail, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: From 2401 ft. (732 m.), 12 air miles, n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15, James Henrickson, May 1, 1985, to

6849 ft. (2088 m.), at Sugarloaf Pk., e. & w. summits and saddle in between, s. of Icehouse Cyn. parking area, R.G. Swinney, July 9, 1996; Jan.-Aug., Oct., Nov.; abundant; all 3 sections

FVS: June 25, 1893, Norman C. Wilson, Cajon Pass, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary) and Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass, 3802 ft. (1159 m.)

Cercocarpus betuloides Nutt. var. betuloides, Birch-leaf Mountain Mahogany

LACo.: From 997 ft. (304 m.), at Fish Cyn., Frank W. Peirson, July 1, 1919, to 5750 ft. (1753 m.), at Swartout Valley, J.B. Feudge, June 10, 1924; Feb.-Dec., common; all 3 sections

FVS: July 20, 1892, C.E. Hutchinson, Old Mt. Wilson Trail, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: From 2499 ft. (762 m.), at Cajon Pass, c. 0.5 miles s. of Bluecut & c. 0.5 miles n.w. of Keenbrook at powerline crossing of Cajon Cr., T.B. Salvato & A. C. Sanders, May 4, 2000, to 6849 ft. (2088 m.), at Sugarloaf Pk., e. & w. summits and saddle in between, s. of Icehouse Cyn., parking area, R.G. Swinney, July 9, 1996, July 9, 1996; Feb., Apr.-July, Oct., Nov.; fairly common; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 25, 1893, Norman C. Wilson, Cajon Pass, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Cercocarpus ledifolius Nutt., Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany

(C. ledifolius Nutt. var. intercendens C.K. Schneid – does not merit taxonomic status)

LACo.: From 4000 ft. (1220 m.), at S. Fork Big Rock Cr., Arthur R. Kruckenberg, Oct. 15, 1932, to 9351 ft. (2851 m.), at Mt. Baden-Powell, just s. of pk., R.F. Thorne & John Dourley, Oct. 3, 1967; Apr.-July, Aug.- Oct., Dec.; common; transmontane, montane, cismontane at edge of Brown’s Flat, SDEF, Fern Watershed, Jerome S. Horton, May 26, 1936, 4297 ft. (1310 m.)

FVS: Jully 12, 1902

SBCo.: From 3200 ft. (976 m.), at Hwy. 138 near Mormon Rocks in Cajon Cyn., R.F. Thorne, A.C. Gibson, et al., Apr. 17, 1970, to 7455 ft. (2730 m.), at Telegraph Pk. summit, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 11, 1994; Apr.-Aug., Oct., Nov.; fairly common; approaching transmontane at Morman Rocks in Cajon Valley, montane

FVS: June 20, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Baldy Lookout of USFS, 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

Cercocarpus ledifolius Nutt. var. intermontanus N.H. Holmgren, Curl-leaf Mountain Mohagany

LACo.: V.W. Steinmann, 2.5 km. (by air) SSW of Mt. San Antonio, along Baldy Trail, June 17, 1996, 8364 ft. (2550 m.); H. Dearing & M. Dearing, Rock Creek, San Gab. Mts., May 1, 1949, 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

FVS: May 1, 1949

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, N. Fork Lytle Cr., c. 1/4 mi. upstream from Alpline Cyn.

(FSD2), Sep. 6, 1967, 6600 ft. (2012 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, et al., San Antonio, June 12, 1971, 8000 ft. (2439 m.); S.D. White, Wrightwood area, Sheep Cr. and adj. lower e.-facing mt. slopes, Apr. 30, 1998, 5400-5800 ft. (1646 m.);

Lyman Benson, Big Pines Rd. from Cajon, Apr. 22, 1947, 5599 ft. (1707 m.)

FVS: Apr. 22, 1947

Cercocarplus ledifolius Nutt. var. ledifolius, Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany

LACo.: From 3897 ft. (1188 m.), at Big Rock Cr. Wash, A.E. Wieslander, Apr., 1928, to 8000-8997 ft. (2439 -2743 m.), at Bear Cyn. Tr. to summit of Mt. San Antonio, T. Craig, June 8, 1927; Apr.-Sep.; uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane at Brown’s Flat, SDEF, Kern Watershed, Jerome S. Horton, May 26, 1936, 4297 ft. (1310 m.)

FVS: July, 1901, L. Abrams, summit of San Antonio Mt., no elev. given

SBCo.: Peter Fritsch & T.S. Ross, in draw & along rd. of cyn. NNE of Baldy Notch, (the one that draws into Coldwater Cyn.), c. 25 km. northwest of San Bernardino, July 12, 1990, 6424-7400 ft. (1959 m.); H.A. Jensen, ontario Pk., Mar. 13, 1933, 8295 ft. (2529 m.); I.M. Johnston, Baldy Lookout of USFA., June 20, 1917, 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

FVS: June 20, 1917

Chamaebatia foliolosa Benth. Mountain Misery

Normal range is Sierra Nevada & Cascade Range.

LACo.: W.R. Dudley, ridge near San Antonio Cr., Aug. 14, 1906, no elev. given.

SBCo.: No records found.

Cotoneaster lacteus W. W. Sm., Little Cotoneaster

Native to China

LACo.: Azusa, San Gabrifel River Cyn., 1.2 miles n.e. of Sierra Madre Ave., on s. shoulder of Hwy. 39, May 10, 2000, 800 ft. (244 m.)

Other records:

P.F. Zika & Nick Otting, base of San Gabriel Cyn., e. side of Route 39, base of steep loose slope, margin of seep, Aug. 7, 1920, 802 ft. (250 m.)

FVS: Aug. 7, 1920

SBCo.: No records found.

Cotoneaster pannosus Franch., Silverleaf Cotoneaster

(synonym: C. pannosa orth var.)

Native to s.w. China

LACo.: San Gabriel Cyn., 0.4 mi. above (east of) park admin. office at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, on sholder of dirt access rd. near seep, May 30, 2008, 879 ft. (268 m.)

Other records:

S.D. White, San Gabriel River Cyn., n. of Azusa, plarallel to Hwy. 39, cyn.bottom & adj. slopes, along unnamed dirt access rd. to gauging station below Morris Dam, May 21, 1997, 800-900 ft. (205-290 m.); R.F. Thorne, Cobal Cyn., 3 miles n. of Claremont, Mar. 18, 1971, 1650 ft. (503 m.); Jeannette L. Huber, on old Cobb Estate, n. end of Lake Ave., Altadena, growing under native conditions.; L.C. Wheeler, Santa Anita Cyn., just upstream from Winter Cr., Jan. 4, 1970, 1801 ft. (549 m.)

FVS: Jan. 4, 1970

SBCo.: T.S. Ross & Steve Boyd, “Epipactis Cyn.”, unnamed cyn. draining ENE to Lone Pine Cyn., originating near e. end of Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge (Sheep Cr. Truck Rd.) 2N56 drops n.-eastward through the lower half of this cyn.), June 18, 1990, 3380-3480 ft. (1030-1061 m.)

Drymocallis cuneifolia Rydb. var. cuneifolia, Wedgeleaf Woodbeauty

(synonym: Potentilla peirsonii _________)

Status: 1B.1 S1 G1T1

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, s.e. of Rock Cr., San Gab. Mts., June 16, 1919, 6501 ft. (1982 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Drymocallis cuneifolia Rydb. var. ewani (D.D. Keck) Ertter, Ewan’s Woodbeauty or Cinquefoil

(synonym: Potentilla glandulosa Lindl. ssp. ewani D.D. Keck)

Status: CNPS List 1B R-E-D Code 3-1-3 State/Ffed. Status: none

CRPR 1B.3 S1 G1T1 San Gab. Mts. only, Mt. Islip area

LACo.: From 6400 ft. (1951 m.), at c. 1 mile w. of Wrightwood, along Wrightwood-Big Pines Hwy., R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, July 10, 1969, to

8000 ft. (2439 m.), at Lily Springs area, on n. slope of Mt. Hawkins, drainage of S. Fork Big Rock Cr., R.F. Thorne, June 28, 1974; June-Aug., Oct.; rare; montane

FVS: June 16, 1919, F.W. Peirson, S. Fork Rock Cr., 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

SBCo.: Status: Sensitive

No records found.

Drymocallis glandulosa (Lindl.) Rydb., Sticky Cinquefoil

(synonym: Potentilla glandulosa Lindl.)

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.), at n.e. area of Glendora, Morgan Cyn. Debris Basin, R.G. Swinney, July 13, 1989, to 9118 ft. (1780 m.), at summit of Throop Pk. w. of Mt. Baden-Powell, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 27, 2001; June-Oct.; uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: June 30, 1902, LeRoy Abrams, Strains Camp, San Gab. Mts., Mt. Wilson

SBCo.: From 2919 ft. (890 m.), at w. side cyn. of Cajon Wash, 0.5 miles s.w. of Cajon, 2.1 miles s. of jct. of FS Roads 3N49 & 3N53, 2.9 miles s.e. of Lone Pine Rd. & Hwy. 138 at FS Road 3N33, w. side of far west RR tracks, R.G. Swinney, June 21, 1995, to 7282 ft. (2220 m.), at middle branch of W. Fork Lytle Cr., due n. of Mt. Harwood, c. 1 mile w. of Stockton Flat, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 19, 1996; June-Aug.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 15, 1917; I.M. Johnston, upper San Antonio Mts. 7495 ft. (2285 m.)

Drymocallis glandulosa (Lindl.) Rydb. ssp. glandulosa, Sticky Cinquefoil

(synonym: Potentilla glandulosa Lindl. ssp. glandulosa)

LACo.: From 1601 ft. (488 m.), at Cobal Cyn., north of Claremont, P.A. Munz, Mar. 16, 1925 (locations at Live Oak Cyn. & Big Santa Anita Cyns. could be lower, but no elevations were given), to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), above Claremont, D.L. Crawford, June 30 1915; Mar.-June, Sep., Nov., uncommon, transmontane at Little Rock Cr., Orlando Mistretta, May 13, 1994, 3500 ft. (1067 m.), montane, cismontane

FVS: Apr. 5, 1900, W.R. Show, Live Oak Cyn.

SBCo.: Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., May 12, 1971, c. 2500 ft. (762 m.); R.F. Thorne, San Sevaine Rd., June 5, 1971, c. 4500 ft (1372 m.); D.A. Young, end of Haven Ave., n. of Chaffey College in Deer Cyn., Apr. 25, 1969,

1500 ft. (457 m.); James Henrickson , 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino, in lower Lytle Cr. Wsh, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15, May 1, 1985, 2400-2800 ft. (732-854 m.); James Henrickson, c. 12 air miles, n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15, May 10, 1958, 2400-2800 ft. (732 m.)

FVS: May 10, 1958

Drymocallis glandulosa (Lindl.) Rydb. ssp. reflexa (Greene) Ertter, Sticky Cinquefoil

[synonym: Potentilla glandulosa Lindl. ssp. reflexa (Greene) D.D.Keck,

LACo.: From 1889 ft. (576 m.), at So. Calif. Edison transmission line corridor (Seg. 11, Impact Areas 14,15, 16 (Gould Substation) per TRTP Survey 2008), in the vic. of Arroyo Seco Cyn., Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, May 6, 2008 to 7800 ft. (2378 m.), at San Antonio Ridge, saddle 1.2 miles w. of West Mt. Baldy (summit), R.G. Swinney, Aug. 3, 1998; May-Aug.; uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: July 12, 1896, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr.

SBCo.: From 4700 ft. (1433 m.), at lower San Sevaine Flats, I.M. Johnston, July 10, 1925, to 8498 ft. (2591 lm.), at w. side of the Coldwater, Devil’s Backbone, F.W. Peirson, June 15, 1927; June-Aug.; uncommon; montane

FVS: June 16, 1918, I.M. Johnston, Icehouse Cyn., 6200 ft. (1890 m.)

+Drymocallis glandulosa (Lindl.) Rydb. ssp. viscida (Parish) Ertter, Sticky Cinquefoil

Combines features of D. glandulosa var. reflexa & D. lactea (Greene) Rydb. var. lactea]

LACo.: Little Jimmy Spring, Sep. 15, 2001, 7400 ft. (2427 m.); Throop Pk., west of Mt. Baden-Powell, Aug. 27, 2001, 5118 ft. (2780 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk., San Gabriel River (along small stream), July 6, 1918, 6498 ft. (1981 m.); I.M. Johnston, upper San Antonio Cyn., July 3, 1917, 7495 ft.

(2285 m.); Victor Duran, Buckhorn, July 29, 1933, no elev. given; Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., July 12, 1989, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk. of San Gabriel River, along small stream, July 6, 1918, 6498 ft. (1981 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Angeles Crest Hwy., 1.1 mile n.e. of Pine Hollow Picnic Ground, July 10, 1969, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); Orlando Mistretta & S.D. Boyd, Santiago Cyn., drainage n.w. of Pacific Mt., June 21, 1994, 6200 ft. (1890 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Mark Elvin, Bare Mt. Canyon, Fountainhead Spring, e. of Pacifico Mt., June 20, 1995, 6600 ft. (2012 m.); I.M. Johnston, Brown’s Flat, July 1, 1917, 4497 ft. (1371 m.)

FVS: July 1, 1917

SBCo.: small cyn. with spring, c. 200 yds. north of Baldy Ski Lift & c. 50 yds. south of W. Baldy Service Rd., c. 1/2 way up Ski Lift route (from parking lot-added 2010), Aug. 26, 1993, 7200 ft. (2195 m.); Sheep Cyn., south trib. to Icehouse Cyn., due w. of sheep Flats, July 10, 1995, 6799 ft. (2073 m.)

Other records:

Frank W. Peirson, Icehouse Cyn., July 7, 1918, 6498 ft. (1981 m.); I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., July 7, 1918, 7246 ft. (2209 m.); S.B. Parish, about springs (Icehouse Cyn.), June 16, 1918, 6996 ft. (2133 m.); I.M. Johnston, upper San Antonio Cyn., July 3, 1917, 7495 ft. (2285 m.)

Drymocallis glandulosa (Lindl.) Rydb. var. wrangelliana (Fisch. & Ave.-Lall.) Ertter,

[synonym: Potentilla glandulosa var. wrangelliana (Fisch. & Ave-Lall.) Ertter (status uncertain)

LACo.: L.A. Greata, Arroyo Seco, May 1903, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); S.B. Parish, near San Dimas, (Lone Hill), Apr. 19, 1919, no elev. given, (possibly s. of the San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Apr. 19, 1919

SBCo.: No records found.

Drymocallis lactea (Greene) Rydb. var. lactea, Sierran Woodbeauty, Nevada Cinquefoil

[synonym: Potentilla glandulosa Lindl. ssp. nevadensis (S. Watson) D.D. Keck]

LACo.: along Hwy. 2, 0.5 miles w. of Big Pines (road jct.) e. of Jackson Lake, Aug. 6, 1997, 6639 ft. (2024 m.); Columbine Spring, n. slope of Pine Mt. Ridge and flowing into Prairie Fork, 0.3 miles s. of Camp Lupine, spring & meadow, area burned summer of 1997, July 14, 1998, 7200 ft. (2195 m.)

Other records:

B.C. Templeton, Big Pines Park, July 20, 1932, 6501 ft. (1982 m.); F.W. Peirson, Big Pines, Swarthout Valley, July 5, 1922, no elev. given; P.A. Munz, San Antonio Mts., head of Swartout Valley, June 18, 1921, no elev. given; Wesley O. Griesel, Big Pines, July 11, 1963, 6800 ft. (2073 m.); F.W. Peirson, Prairie Fk., San Gabriel River, July 17, 1921, 6750 ft. (2058 m.); I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk., San Gabriel River, July 6, 1918, 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

FVS: July 6, 1918

SBCo.: W. Fk. of Grizzly Gulch, a west trib. of N. Fork Lytle Cr., 2 mi. due e. of Mt. Baldy Notch, Aug. 7, 1997, 6799 ft. (2073 m.); Sheep Mt. Wilderness, Prairie Fork Cyn., c. 0.8 miles s.e. of Prairie Fk. Road (FS Road 3N39) & jct. with E. Prairie Fk. Trail, June 12, 1994, 7400 ft. (2256 m.); San Sevaine Flats, c. 200 meters w. of jct. of FS Roads 1N34D & 1N34, July 16, 1993, 5540 ft. (1689 m.)

Other records:

Richard Noyes, Icehouse Cyn., c. 0.3 km. below saddle, July 23, 1988, 7380 ft. (2250 m.)

FVS: July 23, 1988

Duchesnea indica (Andrews) Focke var. indica, Mock or Indian Strawberry

Native to Asia

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Lost Lake, Lone Pine Cyn., (in moist soil on s. side of lake-added 2010), Oct. 19, 1991, 2781 ft. (848 m.)

Other records: None found.

Fragaria vesca L., Wood Strawberry

(synonym: Fragaria californica Cham. & Schltdl. is listed as a synonym for F. vesca L. ssp. californica, however, ssp. californica is not recognized in TJM2)

LACo.: M.A. Clausen, Evey Cyn., Apr. 19, 1965, 2499 ft. (762 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Heteromeles arbutifolia (Lindl.) M. Roem., Toyon, Christmas Berry

[synonym: H. arbutifolia (Lindl.) M. Roem. var. arbutifolia]

CA & reported from Hawaiian Islands.

LACo.: From 659 ft. (201 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabrifel Cyn., 1 mile n. of Foothill Blvd, R.G. Swinney, Dec. 4, 2008, to 3500 ft. (1067 m.), at Glendora Ridge Rd., 8 miles n. of Glendora Mt. Road & Sierra Madre Blvd. in Glendora, Kelly Middleton & David Middleton, May 23, 1988; Mar.-Aug., Nov., Dec.; abundant; cismontane

FVS: July 20, 1892, C.E. Hutchinson, Old Mt. Wilson Trail, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: Swarthout Cyn. Road, c. 100 meters w. of jct. with Applewhite Rd., (Lone Pine Cyn.-added 2010), June 25, 1992, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

Other records:

Lyman Benson, The Narrows, San Antonio Cyn., Jan 25, 1953, 3500 ft.

(1067 m.); Mark Hotchkiss, Mormon Rocks, 1 mile w. of Hwy. 15 on Hwy. 138, May 20, 1977, no elev. given; H. Lee, Lost Lake, Mar. 22, 1935, 2896 ft. (883 m.)

Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim, Oceanspray

[synonym: H. saxicola A. Heller and H. boursieri (Carriere) Rehder] Highly variable, vars. intergrade.

LACo.: From 1300 ft. (396 m.), at CA Hwy. 39, 3.5 miles n. of jct. with Sierra Madre Ave., north of Azusa, Matt Bogdanoff, May 27, 1981, to 3500 ft. (1067 m.), at Sturtevant Trail, Santa Anita Cyn., Joseph A. Ewan, July 4, 1933; May-July, Oct.; rare; cismontane

FVS: June 5, 1900, Elizabeth Lodge, cyn. near Claremont, 1500 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: Richard Noyes, Icehouse Cyn., c. 0.3 km. below saddle, July 23, 1988, 7380 ft. (2250 m.)

Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim var. discolor, Oceanspray

LACo.: From 1998 ft. (609 m.), at Spanish Cyn., above Monrovia, Joseph Andorfer Ewan, July 4, 1933, to 9994 ft. (3047 m.), at summit of Baldy, I.M. Johnston, Aug. 22, 1917; June-Aug.; rare; montane, cismontane

FVS: July 9, 1900, W.R. Dudley, Mt. Low, no elev. given

SBCo.: I.M. Johnston, Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., July 29, 1917, 6747 ft. (2057 m.); I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Pk., July 30, 1917, 8895 ft. (2712 m.);

L.R. Abrams, Mt. San Antonio, July, 1901, no elev. given

FVS: July, 1901, L.R. Abrams, Mt. San Antonio, no elev. given

+Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim var. microphyllus (Rydb.) Jeps, Rock Spiraea

(synonyms: H. microphyllus Rydb. and H. microphyllus Rydb. var. microphyllus)

LACo.: From 4000-6060 ft. (1220 m.), at ridge descending n.w. from Mt. Gleason, between upper reaches of Moody Cyn. & Arrastre Cyns., T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, May 31, 1990, to 10050 ft. (3064 m.), at summit of Mt. San Antonio, F.W. Peirson, Sep. 12, 1920; July-Oct.; fairly common; transmontane at e.-w. ridge, c. 1400 meters n. of Mt. Gleason, T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, June 4, 1990, 5080-5760 ft. (1549-1756 m.) and at headwaters of Cruthers Cr., north side of Will Thrall Pk. on Burkhart Trail, L.C. Wheeler, July 23, 1968, 6599 ft. (2012 m.),


FVS: Aug. 22, 1917, I.M. Johnston, summit of Baldy, 10000 ft. (3049 m.)

SBCo.: From 6399 ft. (1951 m.), at Lytle Cr. Cyn., bottom of unnamed side cyn., w. of Stockton Flats, R.G. Swinney, July 7, 1992, to 10000 ft. (3047 m.), at summit of Baldy, I.M. Johnston, Aug. 22, 1917; June-Aug.; fairly common; montane

FVS: July 30, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Pk., 8800 ft. (2683 m.)

Horkelia bolanderi A. Gray, Bolander’s Horkelia

Status: 1B.2 S1.2 G1

LACo.: Victor Duran, Sulphur Spring, July 11, 1933, 5000 ft. (1523 m.); F.W. Peirson, Earthquake rift, 2 miles w. of Big Pines, n. face of San Gab. Mts., Aug. 31, 1923, 6101 ft. (1860 m.)

FVS: Aug. 31, 1923

SBCo.: No records found.

Horkelia congdonis (Rydb.) Rydb.

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., n. slope of San Gab. Mts., June 25, 1925,

6800 ft. (2073 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Horkelia cuneata Lindl., Wedgeleaf Horkelia

Vars. intergrade

LACo.: A.H. Gallup, Claremont “Wash”, n.e. of Claremont (Apr. 28, 1948,

1250 ft. (381 m.) (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Horkelia cuneata Lindl. ssp. puberula (Rydb.) Ertter, Mesa or Wedgelaef Horkelia

[synonym: H. cuneata Lindl. ssp. puberula (Rydb.) D.D. Keck]

Status: CNPS List __ R-E-D Code __ State/Fed. Status __

CRPR 1B.1 S2.1 G4T2

More inland than other vars.

LACo.: Four records for Claremont, Claremont Colleges, Bernard Field Station and Pitzer College Open Space, at n.w. corner of Mills Ave. & Foothill Blvd:

Valerie Soza, Apr. 26, 1998; Justin Wood, Apr. 21, 2009, 1279 ft. (390 m.); Justin Wood, Mar. 13, 2009, 1305 ft. (398 m.); Damian Ross, Mar. 29, 1997, 1361 ft. (412 m.)

Additional records:

L.C. Wheeler, Bear Cr., off W. Fork San Gabriel River, May 5, 1963, 1800 ft.

(549 m.); L.F. LaPre & T.. Mulroy, Irwindale, near jct. of Foothill Blvd. & Irwindale Ave., Apr. 7, 1986, 551 ft. (168 m.); Lyman Benson, cyn. below Johnson’s Pasture, Claremont, May 11, 1945, 1800 ft. (549 m.); L.C. Wheeler, n. side of Sunset Ridge, under powerline, Millard Cyn., June 16, 1967, 1899 ft. (579 m.); Frank W. Peirson, ¼ mi. below the mts. (borders of Eaton Cyn.), Apr. 5, 1919, 1197 ft. (365 m.); Henry J. Ramsey, N. Craig Ave., Altadena, Mar. 5, 1938, no elev. given; Louis Greata, near Eaton Cyn., Mar., 1901

FVS: Mar., 1901

SBCo.: J.B. Feudge, Etiwanda, Mar. 4, 1925, 1500 ft. (457 m.) (s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); I.M. Johnston, San Bernardino Basin region, Deer Cyn., Wash near Etiwanda, Apr. 14, 1918, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Apr. 14, 1918

+Horkelia rydbergii Elmer, Rydberg’s Horkelia

LACo.: From 4950 ft. (1509 m.), at head of Little Rock Cr., c. 1/2 miles downstream from Alder Saddle, Orlando Mistretta, July 11, 1995, to 8997 ft.

(2743 m.), at 1/4 mile w. High Creek, San Gabriel Mts., Frank W. Peirson, Aug. 23, 1923 (can’t find a location of High Creek, but if it is in LA Co., it would have to be within the E. San Gab. Mts. boundary because of its elevation); June-Oct., Dec.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 4, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr.

SBCo.: No records found.

Horkeliella congdonis (Rydb.) Rydb., Congdon’s False Horkelia

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., n. slope of San Gab. Mts., June 25, 1925,

6800 ft. (2073 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Ivesia santolinoides A. Gray, Sierra Mousetail

LACo.: Pallet Mt., 0.5 miles e. of Burkhart Saddle, 5 miles n. of Buckhorn Flat Cmpgrd., July 3, 2008, 7639 ft. (2329 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, summit of Pallett Mt., July 23, 1968, 7760 ft. (2366 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Dawson Saddle Trail, July 6, 1993, 8120 ft. (2476 m.); Wesley O. Griesel, Dawson Saddle, June 17, 1962, no elev. given; June Latting, Throop Pk. Trail, Sep. 16, 1978, 8000 ft. (2439 m.); June Latting, Throop Pk. Trail, Oct. 16, 1977, 9099 ft. (2774 m.); F.W. Peirson, summit of Mt. Waterman Ridge, June 16, 1921, 7500 ft. (2287 m.)

FVS: June 16, 1921

SBCo.: No records found.

Malus pumila Mill., Apple

(synonym: M. sylvestris Mill., misappl.)

LACo.: T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Little Gleason Forestry Plantation, n. of Mt. Gleason Rd. about the e. headwaters of Gleason Cyn., and about 2 (air) miles e. of Mt. Gleason Summit, May 17, 1990, 5520-5800 ft. (1682-1768 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Angeles Crest Hwy. on n. side of Mt. Sally, Aug. 8, 1968, 4999 ft.

(1524 m.); L.C. Wheeler, n. side of Mt. Sally, Headwaters of Upper Big Tujunga Cyn., by Angeles Crest Hwy., c. 1 mile e. of Shortcut Picnic Grounds, Nov. 27, 1966, above 5000 ft. (1524 m.)

FVS: Nov. 27 or 30, 1966 (both dates are listed for the same voucher)

SBCo.: No records found.

Potentilla gracilis Douglas ex Hook., Slender Cinquifoil

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Wrightwood, Wright Lake, July 9, 1969, 6040 ft. (1841 m.)

Potentilla gracilis Douglas ex Hook. var. elmeri (Rydb.) Jeps.), Combleaf Cinquefoil

(synonym: P. pectinisecta Rydb.

LACo.: Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock, July 4, 1893, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Potentilla gracilis Douglas ex Hook. var. fastigiata (Nutt.) S. Watson, Slender Cinquefoil

LACo.: 0.5 miles w. of Big Pines (Meadow), e. of Jackson Lake, Aug. 6, 1997, 6639 ft. (2024; meadow at Big Pines, w. of Wrightwood, s.w. of Hwy. 2, Sep. 4, 1995, 6760 ft. (2061 m.)

Other records:

At Big Pines Meadow:

F.W. Peirson, July 5, 1922, 6800 ft. (2073 m.); B.C. Templeton, July 20, 1932, 6501 ft. (1982 m.); R.F. Thorne, M.Z. Thorne, July 9, 1969, 6799 ft. (2073 m.); Wesley O. Griesel, July 11, 1963, 6800 ft. (2073 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 7, 1968, 6700 ft. (2043 m.); R.G. Swinney, Sep. 4, 1995, 6760 ft. (2061 m.)

Additional records: Frank Peirson, about meadow and down Mescal Cr., Big Pines, Swarthout Valley Region, Mescal Cr., July 5, 1922, 6796 ft. (2072 m.)

FVS: July 5, 1922

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne & M.A. Thorne, Wrightwood, Wright Lake, July 9, 1969, 6040 ft. (1841 m.); P.A. Munz, Swartout Vallley, Wright’s Ranch, June 17, 1921, 6501 ft. (1982 m.)

Poterium sanguisorba L., Garden or Small Burnet

[synonym: Sanguisorba minor Scop. ssp. balearica (Bourg. ex Nyman) M. Garm. & C. Navarro and S. minor Scop. ssp. muricata (Bonnier & Layens) Briq.]

Native to Europe

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Whitney Cyn., near mouth, June 26, 1967, 1425 ft.

(434 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Thompson Cr., 2.5 miles n.e. LaVerne, July 25, 1932, 1250 ft. (381 m.) and July 3, 1933, 1240 ft. (378 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Thompson Cr., 2.5 miles n.e. of LaVerne, 1250 ft. (381 m.)

FVS: July 25, 1932

SBCo.: Village of Scotland, Lytle Cr. Cyn., s. of Valley Vista Dr., c. 30 meters e. of Lytle Cr. Road, June 23, 1994, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

Other records: None found.

Prunus emarginata (Douglas ex Hook.) D. Dietr., Bitter Cherry

LACo.: From 6000 ft. (1829 m.), at S. Fork Rock Cr., F.W. Peirson, June 16, 1919, to 7800 ft. (2378 m.), at upper San Antonio Cyn., I.M. Johnston, Aug. 21, 1917; May, June, Aug., Sep.; rare; transmontane at S. Fork Big Rock Cr., montane

FVS: Aug. 21, 1917

SBCo.: Coldwater Cyn., 1.2 miles w. of Lytle Cr. Road, w. of Coldwater Cyn. Road terminus, Aug. 14, 1993, 5599 ft. (1707 m.)

Other records:

F.W. Peirson, Coldwater Cyn., Lytle Creek trib., Coldwater Cyn., May 19, 1920, 5897 ft. (1798 m.); I.M. Johnston, upper San Antonio Cyn., Aug. 21, 1917,

7800 ft. (2379 m.); I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Creek, Aug. 24, 1917,

5750 ft. (1753 m.); I.M. Johnston, head of San Antonio Cyn., July 5, 1918,

7695 ft. (2346 m.); H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., June 1-3, 1900, 5697 ft.

(1737 m.)

FVS: June 1-3, 1900

Prunus fasciculata (Torr.) A. Gray, Desert Almond

LACo.: Bob’s Gap, 3.2 miles s. of Hwy. 138 on e. side of Bob’s Gap Road, Apr. 2, 2009, 4011 ft. (1223 m.)

Other records:

D.F. Howe, just e. of Big Pines, May 6, 1947, 5999 ft. (1829 m.); R.F. Thorne, S. Granger, et al., 1/4-1/2 mile n. of Bob’s Gap, n. slope of Holcomb Ridge, c. 2.5 mi. due s. of Llano, Apr. 20, 1982, 3802 ft. (1159 m.); LeRoy Gross, w. terminus of Holcomb Ridge, w. of Big Rock Cr., along the e. (&) n.e. side of hill, n. of Ft. Tejon Rd., w. of Valyermo Rd., May 3, 2005, 8559 ft. (1085 m.); LeRoy Gross, Orlando Mistsretta, et al., Big Rock Cr., n. & e. of Valyermo Ranger Station off Big Pines Hwy., May 13, 2003, 3749 ft. (1143 m.); Gordon H. True, Jr., Valyermo, June 22, 1938, no elev. given; H.S. Yates, near Valyermo, Apr. 6, 1936, 4497 ft. (1371 m.); H.A. Jensen, n.w. of Shoemaker, Rock Cr., May 9, 1933, 3887 ft. (1185 m.)

FVS: May 9, 1933

SBCo.: From 3201 ft. (976 m.), at Cajon Pass, just above Cajon Station, I.M. Johnston, May 15, 1920, to 6498 ft. (1981 m.), at. Cajon Pass, Frank W. Peirson, May 12, 1922; Apr.-May; uncommon; Cajon Pass

FVS: May 16, 1903, Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass,

2802 ft. (1159 m.)

Prunus fasciculata (Torr.) A. Gray var. fasciculata, Desert Almond

LACo.: From 3000 ft. (915 m.), at Little Rock Cr., slopes e. of Little Rock Cr. Reservoir, May 8, 1992 and at Aliso Cyn., ¼ mile s.w. of Blum Ranch, L.C. Wheeler, Apr. 20, 1973, to 5999 ft. (1829 m.), along FS. Road 4N09, s. to Mile High from Hwy. 138, G.D. Wallace, Apr. 14, 1966 and P.A. Munz at Swartout Valley, June 18, 1921, 6000-7000 ft (1829 m.); Mar.-June; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 18, 1921

SBCo.: 1.2 miles s. of Lone Pine Rd. at FS Road 3N31, within 250 ft. of either side of rd., May 15, 1993, 5399 ft. (1646 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, Horse Cyn./Circle Mt. Rehab Project, in wide drainage w. of Circle Mt., July 18, 1994, 5800 ft. (1768 m.); Lyman Benson, Big Pine Rd. from Cajon Pass, Mojave Desert drainage, Apr. 16, 1947, 5400 ft. (1646 m.); R.F. Thorne & Lindsay Smith, near Hwy. 2, c. 3 miles n.e. of Wrightwood, just inside forest boundary, May 28, 1966, 5000 ft. (1524 m.); R.F. Thorne, c. 2.5 miles NNE of Wrightwood at boundary of Nat. Forest, Apr. 23, 1966, c. 5000 ft. (1524 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, divide between Lone Pine & Swartout Valley, June 26, 1969, 6075 ft. (1852 m.); F.W. Peirson, 1.5 miles e. of Big Pines, Swartout Valley, July 5, 1922, 6500 ft. (1982 m.); Le Roy Abrams, E.A. McGregor, Lone Pine Cyn., desert slopes of San Gab. Mts., July 5, 1908, 4497 ft. (1371 m.)

FVS: July 5, 1908

+Prunus ilicifolia (Nutt.) D. Dietr., Hollyleaf Cherry

LACo.: From 971 ft. (296 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel River Cyn., El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 11, 2009, to 3781 ft.

(1153 m.), at watershed of S. Fork of Little Rock Cr. (along Angeles Natl. FS Road at Pinyon Flats), Rimo Bacigallupi with Reino Alava, July 21, 1958; Apr.-Aug., Oct.; fairly common; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Apr. 11, 1900, Grant, Mt. Lowe, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2221 ft. (677 m.), at Cajon Wash, w. of Devore Heights Off-ramp from old Hwy. 395, at base of mt. on w. side of wash, w. of RR tracks, R.G. Swinney, Sep. 28, 1991, to 4995 ft. (1523 m.), at mouth of lcehouse Cyn., S.B. Parish, June 16, 1918; Mar., May, June, Sep., Oct.; uncommon; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 16, 1903, Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass,

3802 ft. (1159 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Prunus ilicifolia (Nutt.) D. Dietr. ssp. ilicifolia, Hollyleaf Cherry

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1460 ft. (445 m.), at mouth of Burro Cyn., near confl. of E. & W. Forks. of San Gabriel River, T.S. Ross & Peter Fritsch, June 20, 1990 and at Placerita Cyn., along Placerita Cr., 1 mile e. of Newhall, C.B. Wolf & Percy C. Everet, Oct. 19, 1937 to 4300 ft. (1311 m.), at S. Fork Big Rock Cr., June Latting, June 10, 1973; Apr.-June, Aug., Nov.; fairly common; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Aug. 2, 1903, C.F. Baker, San Antonio Cyn., near Claremont, no elev. given

SBCo.: Steven R. Hill, vic. of Lost Lake, straddlin San Andreas Fault, Lost Lake Rd., w. of I-15, Apr. 25, 2001, 2831 ft. (863 m.); L.R. Heckard & Michael Morris, Cajon Cyn., Morman Rocks, s. of Route 138, June 13, 1976, 3398 ft. (1036 m.); R.F. Thorne & Lindsay Smith, Cajon Cyn., c. 1 mile w. of Cajon Jct., May 28, 1966, 3000 ft. (915 m.); Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 18, 1971, 2600 ft. (793 m.); R.F. Thorne & R. Caraolin, w. of mouth of Cucamonga Cyn., Mar. 17, 1967, 2100 ft. (640 m.); R.F. Ghorne, H.J. Eichler, base of s.w.-facing rocky slope, just above turnoff to Icehouse Cyn., July 27, 1968, 4920 ft.

(1500 m.); B.C. Templeton, above Camp Mt. Baldy, Oct. 20, 1943, no elev. given; Shirley Matoe, Mt. Baldy, 5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on Mt. Ave., May 28, 1978, 2496 ft. (761 m.); J.J. Ramsey & Mrs. Henry J. Ramsey, San Antonio Cyn., Aug. 19, 1937, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 19, 1937

Prunus mahaleb L. Mahaleb Cherry

Native to n. Africa, temperate & tropical Asia and Europe.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: 2.3 miles w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Road & Cajon Rd. on s. side of Lone Pine Cyn. Wash, Apr. 8, 1994, 3000 ft. (915 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & Larry E. DeBuhr, Lone Pine Cyn., c. 1 mile NNW of Lost Lake, where Lone Pine Cyn. Road crosses Lone Pine Creek , Oct. 13, 1972, 2950 ft.

(899 m.)

FVS: Oct. 13, 1972

Prunus persica (L.) Batsch var. persica, Peach

Probably native to China.

LACo.: mouth of San Gabriel Canyon, c. 0.5 mi. n. of Puente Largo Railway Bridge, on w. side of main channel, near 1 Quercus ilex, possibly planted

Other records:

L. C. Wheeler, San Gabriel Cyn., El Encanto, Apr. 8, 1967, no elev. given ; L.C. Wheeler, below Silver Fish Truck Tr. (2N28), Aug. 22, 1968, 2001 ft. (610 m.); S.D. White & D.E. Bramlet, s. of Mt. Islip, 1.6 mi. w. of jct. of Crystal Lake access Rd., to jct. of Hwy 2, June 29, 1998, 5600-6600 ft. (1700-2010 m.); T.S. Ross, entrance to Golden Cup Oak Plantation, Mt. Baldy District, Oct. 5, 1990, 4660 ft. (1421 m.); S.D. White & D.E. Bramlet, w. of Mt. Islip, just above e. boundary of San Gabriel Wilderness, 4-mile closed section of Hwy. 39, from c. 1.6 miles w. of jct. of Crystal Lake access rd. to jct. of Hwy. 2, June 29, 1998, 5600-6600 ft. (1700-2010 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr., at S. Fork, Bonita Trailer Park, w. side, July 12, 1968, 2900 ft. (884 m.)

FVS: Oct. 25, 1966, L.C. Wheeler, El Encanto, San Gabriel Cyn., 2000 ft.

(609 m.)

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. at S. Fork, Bonita Trailer Park, w. side, July 12, 1968, 2896 ft. (883 m.)

Prunus virginiana L. var. demissa (Nutt.) Torrey, Western Choke-cherry

LACo.: From 3998 ft. (1219 m.), near Vincent Angeles Natl. Forest, A.E. Wieslander, Apr. 17, 1928, to 9394 ft. (2864 m.), at e. slope of Mt. San Antonio, Peter Kamb, June 13, 1947; May-Oct.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: Aug. 23, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk. San Gabriel River, 5000 ft.

(1524 m.)

SBCo.: From 1961 ft. (598 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, c. 200 meters s. of Blockbuster Pavillion Parking area, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 15, 1995, to 8500 ft.

(2591 m.), along Devil’s Backbone on e. trail to Mt. San Antonio, F.W. Peirson, July 5, 1918 and H.L. Mason, Mt. San Antonio, June 15, 1927; Apr., June-Aug.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Jully 3, 1917, I.M. Johnston, upper San Antonio Cyn., 57500 ft. (2287 m.)

Purshia stansburyana (Torr.) Henrickson, Stansbury Cliffrose

Hybridizes with P. tridentata (Pursh) DC var. glandulosa in our area.

LACo.: J.A. Adams, Bob’s Gap near Valyermo, Creosote Bush (scrub) on sandy soil, Apr. 20, 1966, 3003 ft. (915 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Purshia tridentata (Pursh) DC var. glandulosa Curran) M.E. Jones, Desert Bitterbrush

LACo.: From 3001 ft. (915 m.), at Mojave Desert, n. of San Gab. Mts., Bob’s Gap near Valyermo, J.A. Adams, Apr. 20, 1966, to 5419 ft. (1652 m.), at Big John Flat, northern edge, R.G. Swinney, June 18, 1999; Mar.-June, Aug., Nov.; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: Apr. 20,1966

SBCo.: From 1998 ft. (609 m.), at 1 mile w. Cajon Pass Summit, Lyman Benson, Apr. 18, 1954, to 5996 ft. (1828 m.), at Lone Pine Cyn., A.W. Jacobs, Aug. 8, 1938; Apr.-June, Aug.; fairly common; transmontane, montane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June, 1886, S.B. Parish & W.F. Parish, Cajon Pass, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Purshia tridentata (Pursh) DC. var. tridentata, Bitterbrush

LACo.: A.E. Metcalf, w. of Wrightwood on Hwy. 2, 8.4 miles w. of jct. of Hwy. 2, & Hwy. 138, at a private rd. to Rio Hondo Prep School, May 23, 1987, 6052 ft. (1845 m.)

SBCo.: Scott D. White, Cajon Wash, just s. of Hwy. 138 crossing, Cajon Pass, Apr. 11, 1997, 2900 ft. +/_ 100 ft. (885 m.) +/_ 100 ft.

Pyracantha fortuneata (Maxim.) Li, Chinese Firethorn

Native to China

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, “Epipactis Cyn.”, unnamed cyn. draining ENE to Lone Pine Cyn., originating near e. end of Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge (Sheep Cr. Truck Rd.) 2N56, drops n.-eastward through the lower hafl of this cyn.), June 18, 1990, 3308-3480 ft. (1030-1061 m.)

Pyracantha koidzumii (Hayata) Rehder, Formosa or Taiwan Firethorn

Native to Taiwan

LACo.: T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Big Rock Cr., just above confl. of Holcomb Cr., between Big Rock Cr. Rd. & mouth of Holcomb Cyn., (this is an old homesite, plants most likely planted, lots of ornamentals there-added 2010), June 11, 1990, 4200 ft. (1255 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Pyrus communis L., Common Pear

Native to Eurasia

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: confl. of spring from Swarthout (should be Lone Pine) Cyn. and Cajon Cyn., (most likely planted/persisting-added 2010), Nov. 14, 1992, 2640 ft.

(805 m.)

Rosa californica Cham. & Schltdl., California Wild Rose

Variable, needs study.

LACo.: From 1240 ft. (378 m.), at 0.8 miles e. of Glendora Mt. Road at Big Dalton Cyn. Road, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, R.G. Swinney, June 4, 1993, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), at Big Pines, Eugene Cardiff, June 19, 1954; May-Aug., Oct.; uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: Aug. 23, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk., San Gabriel River, 5000 ft. (1524 m.)

SBCo.: From Cajon Wash, w. of Devore Heights off-ramp, from old Hwy. 395, at base of mt. on w. side of Cajon Wash, w. of RR tracks., R.G. Swinney, Sep. 28, 1991, to 5399 ft. (1646 m.), at Dustin Spring, head of Etiwanda Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, July 11, 1968; May-July, Sep.-Nov.; uncommon; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 22, 1918, I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Cyn., West Fork, 3000 ft.

(915 m.)

Rosa gymnocarpa Nutt., Wood Rose, Dwarf Rose

LACo.: Joseph A. Ewan, n. slope of Monrovia Pk., July 4, 1933, 4500 ft.

(1372 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Rosa multiflora Thumb., Multiflora Rosa

Native to e. Asia.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Millard Cyn., just s. of Natl. Forest boundary, Apr. 27, 1972, no elev. given.

SBCo.: No records found.

Rosa woodsii Lindl., Woods’ Rose

[synonym: R. woodsii Lindl. var. glabrata (Parish) Cole]

LACo.: Jackson Lake, s. side of Big Pines Hwy., Oct. 16, 2008, 6140 ft.

(1872 m.); Icy Springs, trib. of Big Rock Cr., Aug. 13, 2008, 5760 ft. (1756 m.); Big Dalton Cyn., Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, May 10, 1989, 1099 ft. (335 m.); Government Cyn., west of Wrightwood, 0.75 meters w. of co. line at Hwy. 2, Blue Ridge Mt. Area July 22, 1997, 6799 ft. (2073 m.); 0.8 miles e. of Glendora Mt. Road at Big Dalton Cyn. Road, Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, June 4, 1993, 1240 ft. (378 m.

Other records:

David Charlton, Buckhorn Cmpgrd., creek along Burkhart Trail, June 15, 1986, 5799 ft. (1768 m.); B.C. Templeton, Jackson Lake, June 18, 1932, 5799 ft.

(1768 m.); C.B. Wolf, Swartout Valley, Wrightwood Lodge, Oct. 23, 1931, 6000 ft. (1829 m.)

FVS: Oct. 23, 1931

SBCo.: Wright Lake, Wrightwood, Oct. 30, 2008, 6038 ft. (1841 m.)

Other records: R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Lone Pine Cyn. Road, where rd. crosses dry creek bed, c. 1 mile n.w. of Lost Lake, June 29, 1972, 3000 ft.

(915 m.)

FVS: June 29, 1972

Rosa woodsii Lindl. var. gratissima (Greene) Cole, Tehachapi Rose

LACo.: From 4995 ft. (1523 m.), at Prairie Fk. of San Gabriel River, I.M. Johnston, Aug. 23, 1917, to 8157 ft. (2418-2487 m.), at W. Wrightwood, Mt. High Ski Resort, Scott Zona, D. Arias, et al., June 21-28, 1989; June-Aug., Oct., Nov.; uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: July 4, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock

SBCo.: C.B. Wolf, Swartout Valley, Wrightwood Lodge, Oct. 21, 1932,

6000 ft. (1829 m.)

Rosa woodsii Lindl. var. ultramontana (S. Watson) Jeps., Interior Rose, Wood’s Rose

LACo.: Marcus E. Jones, Swartout Valley, Sep. 10, 1924, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Big Pines, Swartout (Swarthout) Valley, July 15, 1922, no elev. given;

Frank W. Peirson, Big Rock Creek Cyn., June 14, 1919, 5497 ft. (1676 m.)

FVS: June 14, 1919

SBCo.: No records found.

Rubus armeniacus Focke, Himalayan Blackberry

(synonym: R. discolor Weihe & Nees)

Native to Eurasia

LACo.: From 1800 ft. (549 m.), at Gold Cr., off Little Tujunga Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, July 18, 1967, to 4198 ft.

(1280 m.), near Mt. Baldy School, s. of Mt. Baldy Village, c. 0.75 miles e. of San Antonio Cyn. bottom, spring, dense marshy meadow, R.G. Swinney, May 31, 1997; May, Oct., Dec.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Dec. 22, 1969, Louis C. Wheeler, Big Santa Anita Cyn., 1899 ft. (579 m.)

SBCo.: From 1499 ft. (457 m.), at end of Hover Ave. n. of Chaffey College, in Deer Cyn., D.A. Young, Apr. 25, 1969, to 4999 ft. (1524 m.), at Lytle Cr. Rd., 0.25 miles below Glenn Ranch, J.A. Adams, June 12, 1965; Apr.-July, Sep., Oct.; uncommon; cismontane, montane

FVS: June 12, 1965

Rubus leucodermis Torr. & A. Gray, Blackcap Raspberry, Whitebark Raspberry

[synonym: R. leucodermis Douglas ex Torr. & A. Gray var. bernardinus (Greene) Jeps.,

LACo.: From 4002 ft. (1220 m.), at Millard’s Cyn., north of Altadena, Doris (Hoover) Bowers, Mar. 24, 1957, to 7649 ft. (2332 m.), at cyn. above Angeles Crest Hwy., c. 1 mile w. of Vincent Gap, at one of headwaters of E. Fork Big Rock Cr., n.-face of Mt. Baden Powell, R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., July 29, 1969; June-Aug., Oct.; uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: July 22, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Mt. Wilson

SBCo.: From 3001 ft. (915 m.), at Scotland, Lytle Cr. Cyn., s. of Valley Vista Dr., c. 30 meters e. of Lytle Cr. Road, R.G. Swinney, June 23, 1994, to 8600 ft.

(2622 m.), at Kelly’s Camp, s.w. of Icehouse Saddle on Ontario Pk., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 14, 1995; May-Sep., Nov.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: July 3, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk. Lytle Cr., San Antonio Mts., 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

Rubus parviflorus Nutt., Thimbleberry

[synonyms: R. parviflorus Nutt. var. velutinus Greene and R. parviflorus Nutt. var. parviflorus]

LACo.: Buckhorn Flat Campground Area:

L.C. Wheeler, July 23, 1968, 6399 ft. (1951 m.); L.E. Hoffman, Aug. 17, 1928, 7101 ft. (2165 m.); David Charlton, June 15, 1986, 5799 ft. (1768 m.); R.G. Swinney, July 2, 2008; 6581 ft. (1976 m.)

Additional records:

F.W. Peirson, on Chilao-Islip Trail at crossing, June 17, 1921, 6498 ft. (1981 m.); R.F. Thorne, moist area about spring, 1 mile s.w. of Kratka Ridge along Angeles Crest Hwy., July 2, 1969, 6800 ft. (2073 m.); G. Kaufman, 2 miles n. of Altadena in Millard Cyn., at n. end of Cheney Trail, Apr. 29, 1966, 1899 ft. (579 m.); P.A. Munz, Sawmill, Swartout Valley, June 17, 1921, 6700 ft. (2043 m.)

FVS: June 17, 1921, P.A. Munz, Swartout Valley, Sawmill, 6700 ft. (2043 m.) and June 17, 1921, F.W. Peirson, on Chileo-Islip Tr. at crossing of Little Rock, 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

SBCo.: Headwaters of Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., near Commanche Cmpgrd., July 20, 1994, 5900 ft. (1799 m.); W. Fork Acorn Canyon, c. 0.25 miles due n. of FS Road 3N06, on Blue Ridge, Aug. 16, 1999, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); cyn. bottom and small plateau between middle & w. fks. of Coldwater Cyn., near jct. of the two forks., Aug. 25, 1997, 6399 ft. (1951 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 13, 1968, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); L.C. Wheeler, spring, Grapevine Cyn. (off Lytle Cr.), at San Sevaine Rd., June 13, 1968, 4500 ft. (1372 m.)

FVS: June 13, 1968

Rubus pensilvanicus Poir, Pennsylvania Blackberry

Native to n.e. N. America


R.H. Sauer, along road, c. 2.5 mi. into Arroyo Seco Cyn., Pasadena, Apr. 13, 1965, 1401 ft. (427 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Aliso Cyn., e. of Acton, c. 2 mi. downstream from Wagonwheel Ranch, May 9, 1967, 3001 ft. (915 m.); J.A. Adams, Mt. San Antonio Cyn., 2.7 mi. above lower Mt. San Antonio Forest Station, May 14, 1965, 3319 ft. (1012 m.); R.H. Sauer, c. 2.5 mi. into Arroyo Seco Cyn., Pasadena, Apr. 13, 1965, 1401 ft. (427 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Aliso Cyn.,e. of Acton, c. 2 mi. downstream from Wagonwheel Ranch, May 9, 1967, 3001 ft.

(915 m.); R.M. Cope, road from Devil’s Cyn. Wild Area to Azusa, 8-12 miles n. of where road crosses the W. Fork of San Gabriel River, Mar. 27, 1965, 2499 ft.

(762 m.)

FVS: Mar. 27, 1965

SBCo.: No records found.

Rubus ulmifolius Schott var. anoplothyrsus Sudre, Elmleaf Blackberry

[synonym: R. ulmifolius Schott var. inermis (Willd.) Focke]

Native to Europe

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Big Santa Anita Cyn. at Winter Cr., Dec. 22, 1969, 1801 ft. (549 m.) (also listed as var. ulmifolius)

SBCo.: 2 records by L.C. Wheeler in Lytle Cr. Village: June 12, 1968 & Sep. 6, 1968, 3401 ft. (1037 m.), the other without elev.; L.C. Wheeeler, Lytle Cr., July 12, 1968, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Rubus ursinus Cham. & Schltdl., California Blackberry

LACo.: From 918 ft. (280 m.), at Duarte, lower Van Tassel Cyn., 0.3 to 0.6 miles n.w. (upstream) of confl. with San Gabriel River, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 16, 2009, to 4920 ft. (1500 m.), at lower Pine Flats, First Camp, N. Fork San Gabriel Cyn., F.R. Fosberg, Aug. 10, 1931; Mar.-June, Aug.; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: June 28, 1892, C.E. Hutchinson, San Gab. Cyn.

SBCo.: R. Spences, Lytle Cr., Aug. 9, 1974, no elev. given; Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 30, 1971, 2800 ft. (854 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Lost Lake, at w. end, at lower end of Lone Pine Cyn., Aug. 29, 1966,

2700 ft. (823 m.)

FVS: Aug. 29, 1966

Rubiaceae Bedstraw Family

Galium andrewsii A. Gray var. andrewsii, Andrews Bedstraw

LACo.: Scott D. White & Kent Hughes, northern foothills near Acton, Bajada slopes & unnamed ephemeral tributaries to Arrestre Cyn., May 16, 2000, 3201 ft. (976 m.); Dan S. Cooper, Portal Ridge, e. of Three Pts., 6.1 miles s.e. (148 deg.) of Neenach, May 5, 2011, 4366 ft. (1331 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Gleason Cyn., south of Aliso Cyn., May 9, 1967, 3300 ft. (1006 m.)

FVS: May 9, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

+Galium andrewsii A. Gray ssp. intermedium Dempster & Stebbins, Phloxleaf Bedstraw

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta, Santiago Cyn., Santiago Cr., near jct. of FS Road 4N20 & BM 3980 1213 N, Sep. 13, 1994, 3979 ft.; Frank W. Peirson, Arraster (Arrastre-added 2011) Cyn., San Gab. Mts., May 10, 1919, 3198 ft. (975 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Gleason Canyon., s. of Aliso Cyn., May 9, 1967, 3300 ft. (1006 m.); Steve Boyd, D.L. Banks, et al., sidedraw on s.e. side of Mt. Emma, Santiago Cyn., drainage, Apr. 29, 1994, 3802 ft. (1159 m.); Orland Mistretta, Santiago Cyn., June 15, 1994, no elev. given; G.D. Wallace & Ann Hiller, dirt road w. of Mt. Emma, May 18, 1983, no elev. gien.; Orlando Mistretta, Right Star Mine, s. of Acton, May 21, 1992, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Gleason Cyn.,s. of Aliso cyn.,May 9,1967, 3300 ft. (1006 m.); G.D. Wallace & Ann Hiller, dirt rd. west of Mt. Emma Rd., May 18, 1983, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta, Right Star Mine, s. of Acton May 21, 1992, no elev. given; Frank W. Peirson, Arraster (Arrastre-added 2011), May 10, 1919, 3198 ft. (975 m.)

FVS: May 10, 1919

SBCo.: No records found.

+Galium angustifolium Nutt. ex A. Gray, Narrowleaved Bedstraw

LACo.: From 971 ft. (296 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, between Hwy. 39 & the San Gabriel River, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 17, 2009, to 8400 ft. (2561 m.), at Ross Mt. summit, 0.75 miles s. of Mt. Baden-Powel on trail to Ross Mt., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 18, 2001; Mar., May-Aug.; fairly common; transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: July 1, 1947, Peter Kamp, n. slope of Mt. Disappointment, 4795 ft.

(1462 m.)

SBCo.: From 2801 ft. (854 m.), at Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash, c. 1-2 miles s. of Hwy. 138 crossing, Scott D. White, May 1, 1997, to 6199 ft. (1890 m.), at Circle Mtn. summit, s.e. of Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, July 9, 1995; May-July, Nov.; fairly common; all 4 areas

Galium angustifolium Nutt. ex A. Gray ssp. angustifolium, Narrow-leaved Bedstraw

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 997 ft. (304 m.), at Fish Cyn., Robert F. Thorne & A.C. Gibsol, May 22, 1971, to 5999 ft. (1829 m.), along Angeles Crest Hwy., c. 1/2 mile e. of Three Points & Camp Valcrest, R.F. Thorne & Larry E. DeBuhr, Aug. 8, 1972; Jan., Apr.-Sep.; common; transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: July 20, 1892, C.E. Hutchinson, Old Mt. Wilson Trail, 2999 ft. (914 m.)

SBCo.: From 2699 ft. (823 m.), at mouth of Day Cyn., R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tlilforth, et al., July 7, 1971, to 5500 ft. (1677 m.), e. of Oak Springs Cyn., ridge imm. south of Desert Front Rd., R.G. Swinney, June 29, 1995; May-Aug., fairly common; all 4 sections

FVS: Aug. 2, 1903, Anonym., San Antonio Cyn., no elev. given

+Galium angustifolium Nutt. ex A. Gray ssp. gabrielense (Munz & I.M. Johnst.) Dempster & Stebbins, San Antonio Canyon Bedstraw

(synonym: G. siccatum W. Wright var. anotinum Jeps.)

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G5T3 San Gab. Mts. only, both L.A. and SBr. counties

LACo.: From c. 1000 ft. (305 m.), n.e. of Azusa, Rincon-Red Box Rd., 3.1 miles s.w. of Hwy. 39 at Rincon Station, R.G. Swinney, May 28, 2000, to 7902 ft.

(2409 m.), at Baldy Trail from Baldy Village to summit of Mt. San Antonio, c. 2.5 miles s. of Mt. San Antonio summit along trail, LeRoy Gross & Valerie Soza, June 10, 2003; Apr.-Aug., Nov.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 20, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Baldy Lookout of USFS, 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

SBCo.: Status: Watch Plant

From 4198 ft. (1280 m.), San Antonio Cr., between Mt. Baldy (town) & Icehouse Cyn., riparian zone and slopes along creek, Scott D. White & Michael Horner, June 29, 2004, to 8695 ft. (2651 m.), at Ontario Pk. summit, I.M. Johnston, July 30, 1917; May-Aug., Nov.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 20, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Baldy Lookout of USFS (probably summit of Lookout Mt.), 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

+Galium angustifolium Nutt. ex A. Gray ssp. nudicaule Dempster & Stebb., Narrowleaf Bedstraw

LACo.: From 1640 ft. (500 m.), at Clearmont (Claremont-added 2010), Cry (Dry) Chaparral plain, 200 meters e. of Thompson Cr. Dam, Richard Noyes, July 30, 1988, to 8249 ft. (2515 m.), at Mt. Islip, G.D. Wallace, July 5, 1985; May-Sep.; uncommon; tranmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: Aug. 13, 1924, I.M. Johnston, Sunset Tr., 1 mile s. of Sunset Pk., 5200 ft. (1584 m.)

SBCo.: Circle Mt. summit, s.e. of Wrightwood, July 9, 1995, 6830 ft. (2082 m.); Chalk Pk. summit (peak 6089 ‘), July 19, 1996, 6075 ft. (1852 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist, roadside, N. Fork Lytle Cr., July 31, 1971, 5000 ft. (1524 m.); R.F. Thorne & Dick Tilforth, Controversy Springs, c. 4 miles ENE of Wrightwood (by air), June 21, 1978, 4560 ft. (1390 mT.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, “Epipactis Cyn”:, unnamed cyn. draining ENE to Lone Pine Cyn., originating near e. end of Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge (Sheep Cr. Truck Rd. 2N56), drops n.e.ward through the lower half of this cyn., June 18, 1990, 3380-3480 ft. (1030 m.); .); R.F. Thorne & Carlos Munoz, lower end of Icehouse Cyn., June 17, 1969,

4999 ft. (1524 m.)

FVS: June 17, 1969

Galium aparine L., Goose Grass, Stickywilly

LACo.: From 840 ft. (256 m.), at San Gabriel Cyn., along dirt access rd., El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park., R.G. Swinney, May 30, 2008, to 6501 ft. (1982 m.), at Big Cienega Spring, above Crystal Lake Rec. Area, R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne; Mar.-July; fairly common; approaching transmontane at Camp Verdugo Pines & vic., n. draw draining to Jackson Lake, Tim Ross & Steve Boyd, 6160-6280 ft. (1878-1915 m.), montane, cismontane

FVS: May 19,1918, L.T. Street, Mt. Wilson at Camp Valtree, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 1860 ft. (567 m.), at s. side of mouth of Lytle Cr. Canyon, c. 100 meters n. of Devore Rd. & 0.8 miles s.w. of Sierra Ave. and Lytle Cr. Road jct., R.G. Swinney, Mar. 5, 1993, to 7045 ft. (2148 m.), at Sheep Flats, s. of Icehouse Canyon, c. 1 air mile n. of Ontario Pk., R.G. Swinney, July 10, 1996; Mar.-July; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 16, 1903, Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass,

3802 ft. (1159 m.)

Galium bifolium S. Watson, Twinleaf Bedstraw, Low Mountain Bedstraw

LACo.: P.A. Munz, Mescal Cr., San Antonio Mts., May 30, 1922, 6698 ft.

(2042 m.);Wayne E. Sawyer, Lily Spring, June 16, 1981, c. 8050 ft. (2454 m.);

Robert F. Thorne & Larry DeBuhr, Lily Springs area, n. slope of Mt. Hawkins, drainage of S. Fork Big Rock Cr., June 28, 1974, 8000 ft. (2439 m.)

FVS: June 28, 1974

SBCo.: No records found.

+Galium californicum Hook. & Arn. ssp. flaccidum (Greene) Dempster & Stebb., California Bedstraw

LACo.: From 2348 ft. (716 m.), at upper Winter Cr. Trail, above Santa Anita Cyn., c. 0.4 mi. from trailhead out of Chantry Flat area, V. Soza & Samantha Tessel, June 18, 2001, 2348 ft. (716 m.), to 6799 ft. (2073 m.), at Kratka Ridge, Sharon Dougherty, Sep. 18, 1997; Jan., Apr.-July, Sep., Oct.; rare; montane, cismontane

FVS: Mar. 19, 1918, L.T. Street, Mt. Wilson at Camp Valtee, no elev. given

SBCo.: E. of Mt. Baldy Village at “dry lake”/”flat”, in Cherry Cyn., May 31, 1997, 5563 ft. (1696 m.); w. of FS Road 3N2, where n.-facing slope meets Lone Pine Valley, July 9, 1993, 4000 ft. (1220 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 9, 1993

+Galium grande McClatchie, San Gabriel Bedstraw

Status CNPS List: 1B R-E-D Code: 3-1-3 State/Fed. Status: /C2

CRPR 1B.2 S2.2 G2 San Gabriel Mts. only.

LACo.: Status: Sensitive

29 records from Chantry Flats/Winter Cr. area, by Valerie Soza, et al.;

From 2000 ft. (610 m.), at Chantry Flats, along trail to Santa Anita Cr., R.F. Thorne, Apr. 23, 1971, to 3549 ft. (1082 m.), n. of Mt. Bliss, Van Tassel Truck Trail Rd., 1N36, 0.15 miles n. of jct. of Van Tassel Truck Trail, Valerie L. Soza, Wayne Low, et al., July 7, 2000; Jan., Apr.-July; rare; cismontane

FVS: 1893, A.J. McClatchie, near Pasadena (CCH states San Bernardino Mts.), 3998 ft. (1219 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Galium hallii Munz & I.M. Johnston, Nodding Bedstraw, Hall’s Bedstraw

LACo.: From 4999 ft. (1524 m.), at N. Baldy Mt., Rock Cr. Canyon, L.R. Abrams & E.A. McGregor, July 3, 1908, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), at High Ski Resort, w. of Wrightwood, S. Zona, D. Arias, et al., June 21, 1989; May-Sep.; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 3, 1908

SBCo.: From 4999 ft. (1524 m.), at e. side of ridge between w. branch of Cajon Cyn., and Wildhorse Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, May 9, 1968, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), at Mt. Baden-Powel, n. slope at Vincent Gap, R.F. Thorne, Oct. 3, 1967; Apr.-Aug., Oct.; uncommon; transmontane, montane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June,1899, H.M. Hall, Lytle Cr., San Antonio Mts., 5747 ft. (1752 m.)

Galium hilendiae Dempster & Ehrend., Hilend’s Bedstraw

LACo.: Pechner Cyn., s.e. of community of Juniper Hills, May 20, 2009, 4799 ft. (1463 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: Ed LaRue, upper S curves in Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., Wrightwood, July 10, 1993, 5799 ft. (1768 m.)

Galium hypotrichium A. Gray ssp. hypotrichium, Alpine Bedstraw

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: R.E. Riefner & C. Jones, summit of Mt. Baldy, Devil’s Backbone Trail, Aug. 18, 1996, no elev. given

+Galium jepsonii Hilend & J.J. Howell, Jepson’s Bedstraw

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR: 4.3 S3.3 G3

LACo.: From 4267 ft. (1301 m.), at So. Calif. Transmission line tower (Seg. 6, structure 24 per TRTP survey 2008) vic. of Aliso Cyn., w. of the Ang. Forest Hwy., Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, Apr. 17, 2008, to 7700 ft.

(2348 m.), at w. end of Ontario Pk. Ridge, I.M. Johnston, Aug. 1, 1925; June-Sep.; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: Aug. 1, 1925, I.M. Johnston, western end Ontario Pk., ridge, 7700 ft.

(2348 m.)

SBCo.: Status: Watch Plant

No records found

+Galium johnstonii Dempster & Stebb., Johnston’s Bedstraw

(synonym: G. angustiflorium Nutt. ex. A. Gray, var. pinetorum Munz & I.M. Johnston)

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G3

LACo.: From 3300 ft. (1006 m.), along Little Rock Cr., 1.6 mi. above Little Rock Dam, near Reservoir Cmpgrd., R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, June 29, 1971, to 8239 ft. ( 2512 m.), at Mt. Islip summit, R.G. Swinney, Sep. 15, 2001; Apr., June- Sep.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: Aug. 20, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: Freda Detmers, Lytle Cr. Cyn., May 10, 1931, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, between Upper & Lower San Sevaine Flats, July 10, 1925, 5100 ft. (1555 m.); I.M. Johnston, head of S. Fork Lytle Cr., July 15, 1917, 5996 ft.

(1828 m.)

FVS: July 15, 1917

Galium murale (L.) All., Tiny Bedstraw

Native to Europe

LACo.: A.C. Sanders & D. Malueg, Altadena, c. 800 meters SSW of Mt. Lowe, n. end of Tanoble Dr. at Woodglen Ln., and along trail to the n.e. June 22, 1998, 1801 ft. (549 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Galium nuttallii A. Gray ssp. nuttallii, San Diego Bedstraw, Climbing Bedstraw

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Valerie Soza, et al., Firebreak above Chantry Flat Heliport, 0.7 miles s.w. of Chantry Flat, along FSR 2N41.2, s. of San Olene Cyn., June 27, 2000, 2801 ft. (854 m.); R.F. Thorne, Johnson’s Pasture’s, n. of Mt. Avenue, Claremont, Apr. 2, 1971, 1800 ft. (549 m.); F.W. Peirson, small cyn., east of Rubio Cyn., Mar. 11, 1919, 1800 ft. (549 m.)

FVS: Mar. 11, 1919

SBCo.: No records found.

Galium parishii Hilend & J.J. Howell, Parish’s Bedstraw

LACo.: From 6498 ft. (1981 m.), at hills about 2 miles, n. Big Pines, Ehrendorfer and Grant, June 14, 1959, to 10060 ft. (3067 m.), at summit of Mt. San Antonio (Old Baldy), R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., July 27, 1971 (a record of 10076 ft. for Mt. San Antonio by F.W. Peirson, is in error, the summit of Mt. San Antonio is 10064 ft.); June-Oct.; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: Aug. 16, 1893, A.J. McClatchie, Mt. San Antonio, 7997 ft. (2438 m.)

SBCo.: From 6799 ft. (2073 m.), at n.w. fork of W. Fork, Lytle Creek, c. 1 mile due w. of Stockton Flat, 1 mile n.e. of Mt. Harwood, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 5, 1997, to 10060 ft. (3067 m.), at E. Baldy Pk. at co. line, R.G. Swinney, July 16, 1992; July, Aug.; rare; montane

FVS: July 4, 1917, I.M. Johnston, summit of Baldy, 9994 ft. (3047 m.)

Galium parisiense L., Wall Bedstraw

Native to Medit.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, summit of Johnstone Pk., July 2, 1968, 3198 ft. (975 m.); Valerie Soza, Ian Gillespie, et al., SDEF, s.w. of Johnstone Pk., above Wildwood Cyn., May 18, 2000, 2150 ft. (655 m.); A.C. Sanders & D. Malueg, Altadena, c. 800 meters SSW of Mt. Lowe, n. end of Tanoble Dr. at Woodglen Ln., and along trail to the n.e., June 22, 1998, 1801 ft. (549 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Elsmere Cyn., June 26, 1967, 1450-1530 ft. (442-466 m.)

FVS: June 26, 1967

SBCo.: W. Fork Stoddard Cyn., c. 0.5 miles s.e. of Stoddard Flats, c. 100 yds. e. of Cucamonga Truck Trail (FS Road 1N35), Apr. 30, 1994, 4400 ft. (1341 m.)

Other records: None found.

Galium porrigens Dempster, Climbing Bedstraw

LACo.: s.w. border of Big Dalton Canyon Wilderness Park, along fire rd. (break-added 2011), at Bluebird Hill, May 17, 1989, 1320 ft. (402 m.)

Other records:

Robert F. Thorne, North Mt. Avenue, Claremont, Johnson’s Pastures, Apr. 2, 1971, 1797 ft. (548 m.); F.W. Peirson, summit of Mt. Wilson, May 26, 1918

FVS: May 26, 1918

SBCo.: n.e. Spring Hill area, s. of Barret Village, w. of Barret-Stoddard Rd., July 20, 1995, 4100 ft. (1250 m.); e. of Mt. Baldy Village at “Dry Lake” in Cherry Cyn., May 31, 1997, 4940 ft. (1506 m.)

Other records:

M.B. Dunkle, San Antonio Cr., above Icehouse Camp, no elev. given

FVS: Jan 15, 1994

Galium porrigens Dempster var. porrigens, Graceful Bedstraw

LACo.: From 1700 ft. (518 m.), above San Gabriel Cyn., alongside Silver Fish Rd. (FS Road 2N28), above Water Cyn., s. of Morris Reservoir, Valerie L. Soza, LeRoy Gross, et al., July 5, 2000, to 5707 ft. (1740 m.), at Horse Flats, Tim Ross, Aug. 16, 1991; Jan., Mar.-Aug.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: May 26, 1918, F.W. Peirson, summit of Mt. Wilson, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 3001 ft. (915 m.), at c. 1 mile e. of Shinn Rd., Stoddard Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Jan. 15, 1994, to 5061 ft. (1543 m.), at Cherry Cyn. “Flats”/”Dry Lake”, at s.w. base of Sugarloaf Pk., R.G. Swinney, June 18, 1996; Jan., Apr.-June; rare; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 18, 1933, M.B. Dunkle, San Antonio Cr. above Ice House Camp, no elev. given

Sherardia arvensis L., Blue Fieldmadder

Native to Medit.

LACo.: San Dimas, Tanbark Flats, weed, SDEF, 1988 (no voucher data found)

SBCo.: No records found.

Rutaceae Rue Family

Cneoridium dumosum (Nutt.) Hook. f. ex Baill., Bush Rue

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: C. Epling & Wm. Robison, San Antonio Cyn., 7 mi. above Johnson Ranch, Feb. 17, 1935, no elev. given

+Ruta chalepensis L., Fringed Rue

Native to Medit.

LACo.: Howard Stone, San Gab. Mts., Sierra Madre (w. and possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary), June 1, 1928; L.C. Wheeler, Eaton Wash, about east of (fork of mansion?), May 30, 1954, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: June 1, 1928

SBCo.: mouth of Lytle Cr., flood plain at base of mts. (100 meters n. of Devore Rd., at FS Road 1N32, w. & s. of 1N32 at switchback as it ascends, c. 0.5 miles w. of Sycamore Ranger Station (near old abandoned homesite - no evidence of structures remain-added 2010), likely planted), Mar. 18, 1993, 2080 ft. (634 m.)

Other records: None found

Salicaceae Willow Family

Populus trichocarpa Hook., Black Cottonwood

[synonym: P. balsamifera L. spp. trichocarpa (Torr. & A. Gray) Brayshaw]

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, off Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Feb. 20, 2009, to 7575 ft. (2309 m.), at S. Fork Big Rock Cr. at Angeles Crest Hwy., L.C. Wheeler, July 16, 1968; Feb.-Oct.; uncommon; all 3 areas

FVS: July 3, 1917, I.M. Johnston, upper San Anatonio Cyn., 7495 ft. (2285 m.)

SBCo.: jct. of Lone Pine Cyn. & Cajon Cyn., c. 100 meters w. of Cajon Wash, Apr. 8, 1994, 2699 ft. (823 m.)

Other records:

Joseph Andorfer Ewan & Nesta Ewan, off old rd. to Native Son Mine, Prairie Fk., July 19, 1936, 7797 ft. (2377 m.); I.M. Johnston, upper San Antonio Cyn., July 3, 1917, 7500 ft. (2287 m.)

FVS: July 3, 1917

Populus fremontii S. Watson ssp. fremontii, Alamo or Fremont Cottonwood

LACo.: From 630 ft. (192 m.), at Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel Cyn. wash, 0.4-1.0 mile n. (upstream) of Puente Largo Railway Bridge, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 21, 2009, to 6140 ft. (1872 m.), at Jackson Lake, s. side of Big Pines Hwy., R.G. Swinney, Oct. 16, 2008; Apr.-June, Aug., Oct., Nov., uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: May 15, 1909, C.F. Baker, San Antonio Cyn., Claremont

SBCo.: From 2558 ft. (780 m.), at Cajon Wash, c. 1.5 miles s. of jct. with Swarthout Cyn. Rd., R.G. Swinney, Mar. 8, 1993, to 6501 ft. (1982 m.), at Lytle Cr., F.W. Peirson; July 17, 1921; Mar.-Aug.; uncommon; transmontane, montane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Aug. 24, 1917, I.M. Johnston, upper part of N. Fork Lytle Creek, 6500 ft. (1982 m.)

Populus tremuloides Michx., Quaking Aspen

LACo.: 1.5 mi. SSW. of Dawson Saddle; Jnct. of S Fork Big Rock Creek and Hwy 2, 100 m e. of Hwy. 2 in cyn. bottom; 1 plant, less than 3 ft. high, a single trunk, largest stem previously clipped, perhaps being monitored, not found on Sep. 30, 2010, perhaps killed during Curve Fire of 2002, Aug. 22, 2001, 7560 ft. (2305 m.)

Other records: None found

SBCo.: None

Salix exigua Nutt., Slender Sandbar Willow, Narrowleaf Willow

Since subspeciffic taxa weren’t included in the 1994 Jepson Manual, many older specimens most likely had their var. names removed and the more recent ones were not det. to var. Their record in the CCH is more scarce than it should be.

LACo.: From 590 ft. (180 m.), at Lario, San Gabrfiel River Trail Path (Irwindale, n. of Foothill Blvd. and e. of channel-added 2011), Ellen Mackey, Bart O’Brien, et al., Oct. 19, 2006, to 7501 ft. (2287 m.), near head of San Antonio Cyn., I.M. Johnston, July 3, 1917; Jan., Mar.-Sep.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: July 3, 1917

SBCo.: From 2499 ft. (762 m.), at Cajon Pass, c. 0.5 miles s. of Bluecut and c. 0.5 miles n.w. of Keenbrook at powerline crossing of Cajon Cr., T.B. Salvato & A.C. Sanders, May 4, 2000, to 7501 ft. (2287 m.), upper San Antonio Cyn., I.M. Johnston, July 3, 1917 and V. Soza & LeRoy Gross, Mt. Baldy Ski area, Big Butch Wash, S. of Miners Bowl, July 18, 2001; Apr., May, July-Oct., fairly common; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 27, 1913; I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Cyn., 3000 ft. (915 m.)

Salix exigua Nutt. var. exigua, Narrow-leaved or Coyote Willow

LACo.: Carl W. Sharsmith, bottom of Lower San Gabriel Cyn., c. 9.5 km. above Azusa, Jan 17, 1932, 981 ft. (299 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Salix exigua Nutt. var. hindsiana (Benth.) Dorn, Hind’s Willow

[synonyms: S. hindsiana and S. sessilifolia Nutt. var. hindsiana (Benth.) Anderson]

Hybridizes with S. exigua Nutt. var. exigua

LACo.: L. Wheeler, San Antonio Cyn., Sep. 12, 1932, 3998 ft. (1219 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Pinyon ridge, Rock Cr., June 15, 1919, 4497 ft. (1371 m.)

FVS: June 15, 1919

SBCo.: No records found.

Salix gooddingii C.R. Ball, Goodding’s (Black) Willow

LACo.: From 590 ft. (180 m.), at Lario, San Gabriel River Trail Path (Irwindale, n. of Foothill Blvd. and e. of channel-added 2011), Ellen Mackey, Bart O’Brien, et al., Oct. 19, 2006, to 3201 ft. (976 m.), at Littlerock Cr., slopes e. of Littlerock Reservoir, Orlando Mistretta, Apr. 12, 1994; Mar.-June; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Mar. 30, 1959, J. Olmstead, ½ mile s.w. of jct. between Coyal (Cobal-added 2012), and Palmer Cyns., E. county boundary, Thompson Cr. drainage, 1351 ft. (412 m.)

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, s. of east park entrance in Cajon Wash at foot of park entrance in Cajon Wash at foot of the mts., 0.7 miles s. of Devore Road, Mar. 17, 1993, 1961 ft. (598 m.); Cucamonga Cyn. Debris Basin, Apr. 23, 1994, 2000 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, foothills on w. side of Cajon Cyn., 1/4 mile WSW of Cajon, Sep. 6, 1968, 3050 ft. (930 m.)

FVS: July 3, 1917, I.M. Johnston, upper San Antonio Cyn., 7500 ft. (2287 m.)

Salix laevigata Bebb, Red Willow

(Synonym: S. bondplandiana Kunth var. laevigata]

LACo.: From 984 ft. (300 m.), at c. 915 km. above Azusa, lower San Gabriel Cyn., Carl W. Sharsmith, Jan. 17, 1932 and R.G Swinney at 971 ft. (296 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel River at El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 26, 2009, to 6140 ft. (1872 m.), at Jackson Lake, w. of Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, June 19, 1997; Jan., Mar.-July, Oct.; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: May 15, 1909, C.F. Baker, San Antonio Cyn., Claremont

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to the w. of fishing lakes, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 7, 2008, to 8401 ft. (2561 m.), at s.e. slope of Mt. San Antonio, below Gold Ridge & near Sierra Club Ski Lodge, R.F. Thorne, Oct. 21, 1967; Apr.-Nov.; uncommon; transmontane at uper Boneyard Cyn., c. 300 meters s. of Camp Jubilee Rd. jct., Pinon Hills, R.G. Swinney, June 30, 1999,

4799 ft. (1463 m.), montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Apr. 1, 1917, C.F. Baker, San Antonio Cyn., no elev. given

Salix lasiandra Benth. var. lasiandra, Pacific Willow

[synonym: S. lucida Muhl. ssp. lasiandra (Benth.) E. Murray]

LACo.: From 977 ft. (298 m.), at bottom of lower San Gabriel Cyn., c. 11 km. above Azusa, C.W. Sharsmith, Jan. 17, 1932, to 2099 ft. (640 m.), at San Dimas Cyn., (1/2 miles above the falls), L.C. Wheeler, Mar. 8, 1930; Jan., Mar., Aug.; rare; cismontane

FVS: Jan. 17, 1932, Carl W. Sharsmith, bottom of lower San Gabriel Cyn., c. 11 km. above Azusa, 981 ft. (299 m.)

SBCo.: Marcus E. Jones, San Bernardino Mts. Region, Cajon Pass, Mar. 2, 1930, no elev. given (possibly e. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Salix lasiolepis Benth., Arroyo Willow

(synonym: S. lasiolepis Benth var. bigelovii (Torr.) Bebb) Highly variable

LACo.: From 590 ft. (180 m.), at San Gabriel River channel, n.e. of E. Huntington Dr., Lario, San Gabriel River Trail Park, Ellen Mackey & Blake Whittongton, Oct. 19, 2006, to 8020 ft. ( 2445 m.), at Wrightwood area, Flume Cyn., Spring c. 200 meters n. of Guffy Cmpgrd., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 16, 1999; Jan.-Oct., Dec.; abundant; all 3 areas

FVS: Mar. 18, 1916, D.W. Robinson, Live Oak Cyn.

SBCo.: From 1958 ft. (597 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, 0.7 miles s. of Devore Rd., s. of east park entrance in Cajon Wash, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 17, 1993, to 8380 ft. (2555 m.), at upper Alpine Cyn., west trib. of N. Fk. Lytle Cr. that begins at saddle between Dawson Pk. & Pine Mt., within 200 meters of ridge top, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 21, 1996; Mar., May-Aug., Oct., Nov.; abundant; all 4 sections

FVS: Apr. 1, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Cyn. (Charcoal Fk.), no elev. given

Salix lutea Nutt., Yellow Willow

[synonyms; S. eriocephala var. watsonii (Bebb) Dorn and S. lutea Nutt. var. watsonii (Bebb.) Jeps.]

LACo.: David Charlton, Buckhorn Cmpgrd, creek along Burkhart Trail, 5799 ft. (1768 m.)

SBCo.: I.M. Johnston, upper San Antonio Cyn., July 3, 1917, 7500 ft.

(2287 m.)

Salix melanopsis Nutt., Dusky Willow

LACo.: Joseph Andorpher Ewan, Chilao, June 15, 1932, 5297 ft. (1615 m.); L.C. Wheeler, E. Fork Alder Cr. off Big Tujunga, July 16, 1968, 4900 ft. (1493 m.) (incorrectly includes Liebre Mts. Region-added 2011); I.M. Johnston, near head of San Antonio cyn., July 3, 1917, 7500 ft. (2287 m.)

FVS: July 3, 1917

SBCo.: I.M. Johnston, upper San Antonio Cyn., July 3, Aug. 21, 1917 and July 5, 1918, 7495 ft. (2285 m.) (all 3 dates at same location-added 2011);

FVS: July 3, 1917

Salix scouleriana Barratt ex Hook., Scouler’s Willow

LACo.: w. of Wrightwood, Blue Ridge Trail, c. 1.2 miles s.e. of Hwy. 2, in small canyon trib. to Sawmill Cyn., June 25, 1997, 7400 ft. (2256 m.)

Other records:

B.C. Templeton, between Big Pines Park & Jackson Lake, June 1, 1932, 5999 ft. (1829 m.); J.C. Roos, near Mt. San Antonio, July 16, 1937, 7500 ft. (2287 m.); R. Hoffmann, Los Angeles Recreation Park, May 29, 1929, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, near head of San Antonio (Canon) Canyon, July 5, 1918, 7495 ft. (2285 m.); I.M. Johnston, Pine Mt., Aug. 22, 1917, 8498 ft. (2591 m.)

FVS: Aug. 22, 1917

SBCo.: From 5399 ft. (1646 m.), at ravine imm. north of San Sevaine Well, L.C. Wheeler, June 14, 1968, to 7501 ft. (2287 m.), at Icehouse Cyn., I.M. Johnston, June 15, 1917; Mar., June-Oct.; rare; montane

FVS: June 15, 1917

Sapindaceae Soapberry Family

(Aceraceae – Maple Family; Hippocastinaceae – Buckeye Family)

Acer glabrum Torr. var. glabrum

[synonyms: A. glabrum var. greenei A.C. Keller and A. glabrum var. torreyi (Greene) Smiley]

LACo.: Doris Bowers, Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, May 12, 1957, 1000 ft. (305 m.) (at s. margin of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: No records found.

Acer macrophyllum Pursh, Bigleaf Maple

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), at San Gabriel River Cyn., n. of Azusa, parrallel to Hwy. 39, along unnamed dirt access rd. to gauging station, below Morris Dam, Scott D. White, May 21, 1997 and C.E. Hutchinson at Altadena, in small cyn., Aug. 10, 1892, to 6698 ft. (2042 m.), at Swartout Valley, narrow n.-facing cyn., at old sawmill, P.A. Munz, Sep. 1, 1923; Mar.-Oct.; fairly common in sheltered cyns. in many locations; all 3 sections

FVS: Apr. 12, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Palmers Cyn., Claremont, 2398 ft.

(731 m.)

SBCo.: From 2601 ft. (793 m.), at c. 2 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, 2.5 miles n. of I-15 Frwy., James Henrickson, May 12, 1985, to 6196 ft. (1889 m.), at Manker Flat, Mt. Baldy, just below Ski Lifts, John Adams, Nov. 6, 1964; Apr.-July, Sep., Nov.; fairly common in sheltered cyns.; all 3 sections

FVS: July 8, 1925, I.M. Johnston, Middle Fk. Bear Cr. along Lookout Trail,

6196 ft. (1889 m.)

Acer negundo L., Boxelder

(synonym: A. negundo L. ssp. californicum)

LACo.: Big Tujunga Ponds Natural Area, 200 meters w. of I-210 Frwy., between Big Tujunga Wash and Hanes Cyn. Wash, irradicatioin of all non-native woody species currently taking place here, June 23, 2010, 1120 ft. (341 m.)

Other records:

LeRoy Gross, Andrea E. Gutman, et al., Big Tujunga Wash/Verdugo Mts.,Tujunga Ponds, Sep. 8, 2000, 1099 ft. (335 m.); Scott D. White, Big Tujunga area, alluvial fan below San Gab. Mts., s. w. of I-210 Frwy, e. of Hansen Dam and n. of Wentworth St., May 7, 1997, 1050 ft., (320 m.)

FVS: May 7, 1997

SBCo.: One record from Scott D. White & C. Mukai, Rancho Cucamonga bajada at the e. foot of the mts., w . of Beryl Avenue, imm. s.outhof Heritage Park, c. 3 road. miles n. of Foothill Blvd., Apr. 22, 1997, 1801 ft. (549 m.), solitary at margin of drainage. Clearly not planted here. Abandoned vineyard, now covered by coastal sage scrub (Artemisia californica, Eriogonum fasciculatum) & annual weeds. Drainage channel crossing site of fairly high native species density but much impacted by off-road vehicles in some areas

FVS: Apr. 18, 1976

Acer saccharinum L., Silver Maple

Native to e. US, Canada

LACo.: M.D. Wilcox, Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, n. of Jet Prop. Laboratory, Aug. 30, 2003, 1250 ft. (381 m.); T.S. Ross et. al., Big Rock Cr., just above confl. of Holcomb Cyn. Cr., between Big Rock Cr. Rd. and mouth of Holcomb Cyn., June 11, 1990, 4200 ft. (1255 m.)

FVS: June 11, 1990

SBCo.: No records found.

Aesculus californica (Spach) Nutt., California Buckeye

Although native to the nearby west and north, all specimens reported below, are most likely planted/persisting.

CA & S.W. OR; all parts Toxic

LACo.: San Antonio Cyn., n. of Claremont/Upland, w. side of Mt. Baldy Rd., 0.85 miles n. of Shinn Rd., on w. shoulder, mostl likely introduced, June 1, 2009,

2758 ft. (841 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Chaney Trail, s. side Sunset Ridge, by Millard Cyn., June 20, 1973, no elev. given; Justin M. Wood, foothills above the city of Sierra Madre, “one carter estates” at the end of Baldwin Ave., Apr. 13, 2009, elev. is in error

(49 m.); T.S. Ross, Big Rock Cr., just above confl. of Holcomb Cyn. Creek, between Big Rock Creek Rd. and mouth of Holcomb Cyn., introduced/persisting, June 11, 1990, 4116 ft. (1255 m.); Wesley O. Griesel, Millard Cyn., May 20, 1961, 2001 ft. (610 m.); Wesley O. Griesel, Millard Cyn., small tree or shrub, prob. planted, Nov. 1986, gone, no elev. given

FVS: May 20, 1961

SBCo.: No records found.

Koelreutiaria bipinnata Franchet, Golden Raintree, Chinese Flametree, Pride of China

Native to Asia, particularly China.

LACo.: Liveoak Cyn., c. 1.6 miles n. of Baseline Rd., 0.8 mi. due n. of Live Oak Cyn. Dam, Sep. 27, 1997, 1601 ft. (488 m.); San Gabriel River, under Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of Encanto Pkwy., w. of Encanto Park in Duarte, Apr. 13, 2009, 604 ft. (184 m.)

Other records:

Michael Denslow & V. Soza, S. Fork Cmpgrd., July 10, 2002, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Big Rock Creek, S. Fork Cmpgrd., July 20, 1994, no elev. given

FVS: July 20, 1994

SBCo.: No records found.

Saxifragaceae Saxifrage Family

+Boykinia rotundifolia Parry, Round-leaved Boykinia, Roundleaf Brookfoam

Status CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none


LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), at San Gabriel Cyn., Lower Dam, Lyman Benson, Sep. 15, 1948, to 6599 ft. (2012 m.), at Upper Fish Fks., San Gabriel River, c. 1 mile east (upstream) from Upper Fish Fork Cmpgrd., R.G. Swinney, Oct. 3, 1998; May-Oct., uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug., 1891, Anstruther Davidson, Millard’s Cyn.

SBCo.: Status: Watch Plant

From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, 3.3 meters w. of service rd., 1/2 way between offroad race track & main park area, R.G. Swinney, Jan 6, 1994, to 5701 ft. (1738 m.), at c. 1 mile up Icehouse Cyn., Robert F. Thorne, Aug. 30, 1965; Jan., May-Aug., rare; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 28, 1924, I.M. Johnston, Cascade Cyn., w. end Ontario Pk., 4200 ft. (1280 m.)

+Heuchera abramsii Rydb., Abrams’ or San Gabriel Alumroot

CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G3 San Gab. Mts. only.

LACo.: From 7500 ft. (2287 m.), at 1 mile e. of Dawson Summit, Angeles Creek Hwy., Gale Sphon, June 27, 1959, and at Hwy. 2, past Mt. Wilson Rd., Art Whistler, June 23, 1966, to 10000 ft. (3049 m.), at Mt. San Antonio, P.A. Munz, July 21, 1922 and I.M. Johnston, July 6, 1918 and J.C. Roos, Aug. 16, 1937 and R.G. Swinney, July 10, 1992, at 10060 ft. (3067 m.); June-Sep., Nov.; rare; approaching transmontane at Mt. Williamson, R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Nov. 9, 1968, 8200 ft. (2500 m.), montane

[see SBCo. record for Mt. San Antonio (E. Peak), R.G. Swinney, 10060 ft.

(3067 m.) at co. line]

FVS: Aug. 22, 1907, I.M. Johnston, s. slope of Baldy, 8997 ft. (2743 m.)

SBCo.: Status: Sensitive

From 8401 ft. (2561 m.), at Baldy Bowl area, s. of Mt. Baldy (E. Peak), R.G. Swinney, Aug. 28, 1995, to 10060 ft. (3067 m.), E. Baldy Pk. (Mt. San Antonio) at co. line, R.G. Swinney, July 10, 1992; July-Oct.; rare; montane

FVS: July, 1901, L.R. Abrams, Mt. San Antonio, no elev. given

+Heuchera caespitosa Eastw., Urn-flowered Alumroot

(synonym: H. elegans Abrams)

Similar to H. abramsii, H. brevistaminea, H. hirsutissima, these together forming a difficult complex.

CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G3 San Gab. Mts. only

LACo.: From 3772 ft. (1150 m.), at Rincon Red-Box Rd., West Fk. San Gabriel River, n. slope of Monrovia Pk., Orlando Mistretta, May 20, 2008, to 8400 ft.

(2561 m.), at Mt. Islip Ridge, San Gab. Mts., Fordyce Grinnell Jr., July 8, 1918; Apr.-Oct.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: 1892, Anstruther Davidson, wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: Status: Sensitive

From 3300 ft. (1006 m.), at Cucamonga Cyn., G.R. Campbell, May 2, 1953, to 8900 ft. (2713 m.), at Mt. San Antonio, headwaters of W. Fork of N. Fork Lytle Cr., L.C. Wheeler, July 15, 1968; Apr.-Aug., Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 15, 1917, I.M. Johnston, head of South Fk. Lytle Cr., 6000 ft.

(1829 m.)

Heuchera rubescens Torr. abramsii, Pink Alumroot

Previously used vars. not recognized.

LACo.: J. Vlabos, San Antonio Cyn., May 13, 1934, 4999 ft. (1524 m.); LeRoy Abrams, Mt. San Antonio, 1924, no elev. given, Isotype; Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Peak, June 1893, no elev. given

FVS: June 1893

SBCo.: H.Dearing & M. Dearing, San Antonio Pk., July 18, 1937, 10076 ft.

(3072 m.)

Lithophragma affine A. Gray, San Francisco Woodland-star

[synonyms: L. affine ssp. mixtum R.L. Taylor] Variable

LACo.: From 1000 ft. (305 m.), at s. foothills above Irwindale, Fish Creek Cyn., from mouth of cyn. at CalMat Quarry, upstrream to falls, S.D. White & Pam Devries, May 18, 2000, to 4100 ft. (1250 m.), at San Sevaine Rd., along wet banks of streambed, wet by Grapevine Springs, R.F. Thorne, June 5, 1971; Mar.-July; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Mar., 1901, Louis Greata, Sierra Madre Mts., San Gab. Mts.

SBCo.: From 2401 ft. (732 m.), at 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15, James Henrickson, May 10, 1985, to

4750 ft. (1448 m.), at San Sevaine Cow Camp, R.F. Thorne, June 5, 1971; Apr.-July; uncommon; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 16, 1924, Marcus E. Jones, Stoddard Cyn., above Upland, no elev. given

+Lithophragma bolanderi A. Gray, Bolander’s Woodland-star

LACo.: From 1351 ft. (412 m.), at Lodi Cyn., SDEF, Jack Delaini, Apr. 5, 1974, to 4950 ft. (1509 m.), along Sunset Pk. Road, 3.7 km. ESE from Glendora Ridge Rd., headwaters of Fallen Leaf Spring, V. Soza, LeRoy Gross, et al., May 9, 2002; Mar.-June; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: May 19, 1918, F.W. Peirson, Millard’s Cyn., lower slope of fae of San Gab. Mts., 1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge above Lone Pine Cyn., 1.4 miles s. of Lone Pine Rd., on 3N31, at first switchback, c. 60-80 meters s. of rd., May 28, 1995, 5640 ft. (1720 m.); near Cucamonga, Day Cyn., 0.9 miles n.w. of gauging station at mouth of cyn., at small westerly trib., Apr. 22, 1995, 3421 ft. (1043 m.); southernmost trib. from west of E. Etiwanda Cyn., c. 2 miles s.w. of San Sevaine Flats, Apr. 5, 1997, 8001 ft. (915 m.)

Other records:

Robert F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., near San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 7, 1971, 4697 ft. (1432 m.); James Henrickson, c. 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in Lower Lytle Creek (Cyn.) Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15, May 10, 1985, 2401 ft. (732 m.)

FVS: May 10, 1985

+Lithophragma heterophyllum (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. & A. Gray, Hillside Woodland-star

LACo.: From 1197 ft. (365 m.), at Little Dalton Cyn., (north of Glendora-added 2010), Edward L. Smith, Apr. 25, 1957, to 5730 ft. (1747 m.), near top of Santiago Cyn., Orlando Mistretta & T.S. Ross, June 1, 1994; Apr.-June; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 3, 1921, F.W. Peirson, Pacoima Cyn., w. end of San. Gab. Mts.,

1800 ft. (549 m.)

SBCo.: n. of Etiwanda, southernmost trib. from the w. of E. Etiwanda Cyn., c. 2 miles s.w. of San Sevaine Flats, Apr. 5, 1997, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

Other records:

Gerald L. Benny & Colin M. Wainwright, Day Cyn., burned in 1970, Apr. 14, 1971; John Olmsted, 1.5 mii. from locked gate at mouth of cyn. and at head of Saphire St., 3 miles n. of State Hwy. 30, n.e. of Upland, May 14, 1958, 2400 ft. (610 m.)

FVS: May 14, 1958

Lithophragma tenellum Nutt., Slender Woodland Star

LACo.: From 5999 ft. (1829 m.), at trail n. of Mt. Waterman , F.W. Peirson, June 16, 1921and Wesley O Griesel, Big Pines, May 28, 1962 and P.A. Munz, Big Rock Cr., May 26, 1923 to 8050 ft. (2454 m.), at Lily Spring, Wayne E. Sawyer, June 16, 1981; May-Aug.; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 1-6, 1900, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., 7235 ft. (2057 m.)

SBCo.: From 7196 ft. (2194 m.), at head of Swartout Valley, P.A. Munz, May 30, 1922, to 8470 ft. (2582 m.), within 100 yds. S., E. and N. of Wright Mt. summit, R.G. Swinney, July 12, 1993; May-July; rare; montane

FVS: June, 1900, H.M. Hall, beyond summit, Swarthout Cyn., no elev. given

Micranthes californica (Greene) Sm., Chaparral Saxifrage

(synonym: Saxifraga californica Greene,

From 1401 ft. (427 m.), at San Dimas Cyn., Angeles Natl. Forest, R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Apr. 9, 1971, to 3000 ft. (914 m.), at Bear Cyn. (a trib. of Arroyo Seco) along trail, about 500 ft. above stream, LeRoy Gross, May 8, 1999; Mar.-May, Aug.; rare; cismontane

Other records:

I.W. Clokey & E.G. Anderson, San Gabriel Cyn., above jct. , Mar. 11, 1931, no elev. given; June Latting, end of Live Oak Cyn. Rd., 3 miles n. of Claremont, Mar. 30, 1958, 1801 ft. (549 m.); Marcus E. Jones, San Antonio Cyn., Claremont , no elev. given; P.A. Munz, Johnson’s Pasture, 3 miles n. of Claremont, Mar. 10, 1923, 1600 ft. (488 m.); P.A. Munz, Coble (Cobal-added 2010) Cyn., n. of Claremont, Mar. 14, 1923, 1700 ft. (518 m.); FHB, Gage 25, San Dimas Experimental Forest, Mar. 22, 1943, no elev. given; Arthur C. Gibson & Linda Gibson, Evey Canyon, n.e. of Claremont, Mar. 27, 1971, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, Johnson’s Pasture’s, n. of Mt. Ave., Claremont, Apr. 2, 1971, c. 1800 ft. (549 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Big Dalton Cyn. (n. of Glendora-added 2010), Mar. 10, 1932, 1400 ft. (427 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Live Oak Cyn. (north of Claremont-added 2010), Mar. 19, 1934, (1550 ft. (473 m.); F.W. Peirson, Pacoima Cyn., Apr. 19, 1919, 1748 ft. (533 m.)

FVS: Apr. 19, 1919

SBCo.: Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., Apr. 2, 1971, c. 2600 ft. (793 m.)

Scrophulariaceae Snapdragon Family

(Buddlejaceae - Buddleja Family; Myoporaceae – Myoporum Familly)

Buddleja davidii Franch., Summer Lilac, Orange Eye Butterfly Bush

Native to China

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: S.D. White & Michael Horner, wash, riparian zone, & slopes along San Antonio Cr., between Mt. Baldy (town) and Icehouse Cyn., June 29, 2004,

4198 ft. (1280 m.)

Buddleja saligna Willd., False Olive, Squarestem Butterflybush

Native to s. Africa; reported from Santa Monica Mts. & San Gab. Mts.

LACo.: Tim Ross & Orlando Mistretta, the geginning of Horse Cyn., draining off n. side of Horse Cyn., Oct. 26, 1990, 3123 ft. (952 m.); C.W. Tilforth & John Dourley, growing on bank above cyn. floor at about the Heaton Flat area, w. side of E. Fork, San Gabriel River, Sep. 17, 1970

FVS: Sep. 17, 1970

SBCo.: No records found.

Limosella acaulis Sesse & Moc., Owyhee Mudwort


Records from Jackson Lake, w. of Big Pines & Wrightwood:

Robert F. Thorne, Apr. 24, 1968, 6098 ft. (1859 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, July 10, 1969, 6098 ft. (1859 m.); Robert F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Aug. 29, 1966, 6098 ft. (1859 m.); R.F. Thorne, Sep. 24, 1968, 6100 ft. (1860 m.); R.F. Thorne & John Dourley, Oct. 10, 1967, 6124 ft. (1867 m.); R.G. Swinney, June 19, 1997, 6140 ft. (1872 m.); Frank W. Peirson, July 5, 1922, July 5, 1922,

6098 ft. (1859 m.)

Other locations:

F.W. Peirson, Swartout Valley, Wright’s Ranch, July 7, 1922, 6050 ft. (1845 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Crystal Lake Rec. Area, July 19, 1967, 5550 ft.

(1692 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, at edge of Crystal Lake at Upper end of cyn., of N. Fork of San Gabriel River, Aug. 29, 1966, 5500 ft. (1677 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Big Pines Rec. Area, on rd. from Big Pines to Valyermo, Aug. 29, 1966, 6100 ft. (1860 m.); F.W. Peirson, Big Pines, July 5, 1922, no elev. given

FVS: July 5, 1922

SBCo.: No records found.

+Myoporum laetum G. Forst., Myoporum, Ngaio Tree

Native to New Zealand, Toxic: leaves & fruits may be fatal to livestock

LACo.: Azusa/Duarte, mouth of San Gabriel River, c. 250-350 meters n. of Foothill Blvd., e. bank, several trees scattered within 600 meters n. of Foothill Blvd., all on the e. side of the channel, Feb.16, 1998, 600 ft. (183 m.)

Other records:

Andrew Chen, San Gab. River River Bike Trail, e. bank, about 100-350 meters n. of Foothil Rd., Jan 3, 2011, 6900 ft. (183 m.)

FVS: Feb. 16, 1998

SBCo.: No records found.

Scrophularia californica Cham. & Schltdl., California Figwort

[synonym: S. californica Cham. & Schltdl. var. floribunda (Greene) R.J. Shaw]

Variable, study needed. Two ssp. included below – indented.

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at Duarte/Azusa, San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, e. side of channel, 1.2 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 3, 2009, to 4412 ft. (1345 m.), at ridgetop (hill 4413 ft.), on w. side of San Antonio Cyn., between Evey Cyn. & nameless 1st cyn. to north, c. 3/4 miles w. of San Antonio Cyn. Road, R.G. Swinney, June 25, 2000; Apr.-June; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: June 30, 1918, Frank W. Peirson, along Mt. Wilson Toll Rd., 3598 ft.

(1097 m.)

SBCo.: 1.1 miles w. of Glen Helen Rd. on FS Road 3N31 (Applewhite Rd.), Apr. 5, 1994, 2319 ft. (707 m.); Frankish Pk., n. of Upland, on ridgetop (pk.), June 3, 1996, 4149 ft. (1265 m.); ridgetop n.w. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, W. of Cajon Wash & s. of Swarthout Cyn. Road, June 1, 1996 (1995 burn area-added 2010)

Other records: None found.

Scrophularia californica Cham. & Schltdl. ssp. californica, California Figwort

LACo.: Tim Ross & Peter Fritsch, ridetop between W. Fork San Gabriel River & Roberts Cyn. (Rincon-Red Box Rd.), June 20, 1990, 4120-4277 ft.

(1256-1304 m.) (also det. as S. californica var. floribunda)

SBCo.: No records found.

Scrophularia californica Cham. & Schtdl. ssp. floribunda (Greene) R.T. Shaw, California Figwort

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.), at Webb Cyn., n. of Claremont, R.F. Thorne, Mar. 26, 1973, to 4120 ft. (1256 m.), at Rincon-Red Box Rd. (2N24), ridgetop between W. Fork San Gabriel River & Roberts Cyn., T.S. Ross & Peter Fritsch, June 20, 1990; Mar., May, June; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: June 14, 1931, L.C. Wheeler, Burbank Cyn., ¼ mile w. (of) Thompson Cr. Dam, 1650 ft. (503 m.)

SBCo.: 1.1 miles w. of Glen Helen Rd. on FS Road 3N31 (Applewhite Rd.), Apr. 5, 1994, 2300 ft. (701 m.)

Other records:

Gerald L. Benny & Colin M. Wainwright, Day Cyn., Gaging Station, Apr. 28, 1971, 2800 ft. (854 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., near San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 7, 1971, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); James Henrickson, c. 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino, in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, May 12, 1985, 2749 ft. (838 m.); Arthur C. Gibson, Stoddard Cyn., canyon floor, Apr. 16, 1971, 2440 ft. (744 m.)

FVS: Apr. 16, 1971

Verbascum blattaria L., Moth Mullein

Native to Eurasia

LACo.: T.S. Ross & S. D. Boyd., Big Rock Springs, imm. vicinity of Big Rock Cr., where crossed by Big Pines Hwy., (Valyermo Rd.), May 29, 1990, 3880-3920 ft. (1183 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Big Rock Cr. Cyn., along Big Rock Cr. Rd., June 11, 1990, 4490 ft. (1369 m.); Steve Boyd, Padua Hills, just w. of mouth of San Antonio Cyn., Feb. 3, 1990, no elev. given

FVS: Feb. 3, 1990

SBCo.: No records found.

Verbascum thapsus L., Woolly or Common Mullein

Native to Eurasia

LACo.: T.S. Ross, Big Tujunga Cr. between Coldwater Cyn. & Wickiup Cyn., July 10, 1992, 3175-3185 ft. (967-971 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Aliso Cyn., Sep. 6, 1966, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 6, 1966

SBCo.: Cajon Wash, c. 1.4 miles n. of Swarthout Cyn. Road, between Cajon & Cosy Dell, Oct. 29, 1994, 2870 ft. (875 m.); Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to the w. of fishing lakes, Nov. 7, 2088, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., along Cajon Cr. near Cajon Cmpgrd. in Cajon Cyn., June 29, 1972, c. 2750 ft. (838 m.)

FVS: June 29, 1972

Verbascum virgatum Stokes, Wand Mulllein

Native to Eurasia

LACo.: From 541 ft. (165 m.), at Irwindale, San Gabriel River Channel within

70 m. (north) of the I-210 Frwy, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 30, 2008, to 5100 ft.

(1555 m.), at S. Fork Little Rock Cr., 1.8 miles below Alder Saddle in Pinyon Flats area, R.F. Thorne & C. W. Tilforth, June 30, 1971; May-Sep., Nov.; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane


SBCo.: No records found.

Simaroubaceae Quassia or Simarouba Family

Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle, Tree of Heaven

Native to China

LACo.: Little Dalton Cyn., (n. of Glendora-added 2010), June 24, 1989, 1200 ft. (366 m.) (persisting plants from removed homestead in Big Dalton Cyn. have spread to a 1/2 mile radius of site, measures underway to remove plants-added 2010)

Other records:

T.S. Ross, margin of Glendora Mt. Road, along the s. ridge of Glendora Mt. near the head of Sharps Cyn., May 8, 1992, 2558 ft. (780 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Big Rock Cr., empty, gutted cabin on e. side of riparion strip, just upstream from the gaging station, May 29, 1990, 4055 ft. (1236 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Big Rock Cr., just above the confl. of Holcomb Cyn. Creek, between Big Rock Cr. Road & the mouth of Holcomb Cyn., June 11, 1990, 4115-4200 ft. (1255 m.); Tim Traver, Lytle Creek, jct. of Sheep (Cyn.) Road, May 27, 1981, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, San Dimas Cyn., West Fk., Apr. 9, 1971, 1601 ft.

(488 m.)

FVS: Apr. 9, 1971

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, N. Fork Lytle Cr., Sep. 6, 1968, no elev. given

Solanaceae Nightshade Family

Cestrum nocturnum L., Night Jessamine

Native to Mexico, S. America

LACo.: mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., Azusa/Duarte, under Puente Largo Railway Bridge, under far w. arch, c. 30 m. e. of Encanto Dr., June 28, 2009, 605 ft.

(184 m.) in moist soil at artificial seep

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Datura stramonium L., Jimson Weed

Native to Mexico

LACo.: San Dimas Cyn., 0.4 miles s.w. of Golden Hills Rd. at San Dimas Cyn. Road, Apr. 9, 1996, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

Other records:

Jerome S. Horton, San Dimas Dam, Nov. 15, 1938, 1397 ft. (426 m.); L.C. Wheeler, hehind San Dimas Cyn. Dam, Dec. 12, 1933, 1351 ft. (412 m.)

FVS: Dec. 12, 1933

SBCo.: Aloys Nicholson, Cajon Pass, San Bernardino Mts., May 26, 1930 (possibly outside boundary)

Datura wrightii Regel, Sacred Thorn-apple

May have been introduced by early Spanish

LACo.: From 640 ft. (195 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.8 miles n. of Foothill Blvd (in main channel-added 2011), R.G. Swinney, Dec. 2, 2008, to 3149 ft. (960 m.), at lower Little Rock Cr. drainage, along rd. near guard station, Orlando Mistretta & Emma Seaton, June 21, 1995; Mar.-June, Sep.-Nov.; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: May 3, 1920, F.W. Peirson, Little Tujunga Wash, w. end of San Gab. Mts., 1099 ft. (335 m.)

SBCo.: T.B. Salvatao & A.C. Sanders, Cajon Wash at Glen Helen Parkway, s. of Cajon Blvd. at Devore, May 23, 2006, 2020 ft. (616 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Glenn Ranch, Lytle Cr., July 13, 1967, 3200 ft. (976 m.)

FVS: July 13, 1967

Lycium andersonii A. Gray, Water Jacket

LACo.: Bob’s Gap, c. 1/4 mile n. of Panorama Rd. on Bob’s Gap Rd., May 17, 2001, 4041 ft. (1232 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, 1 mile n. of Bob’s Gap, 3.2 miles s. of Llano, n. slope of Holcomb Ridge, Apr. 20, 1973, 3750 ft. (1143 m.); ;R.F. Thorne, along Mt. Emma Rd., 1/2 mile e. of Little Rock Cr., below dam, May 11, 1973, c. 3400 ft. (1037 m.); T.S. Ross, Big Rock Cr., c. 0.25 miles s. of Big Pines Hwy. between the stream and Big Rock Cr. Rd., Apr. 4, 1992, c. 3960-3970 ft. (1207 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Carr Cyn., May 2, 1995, 3600 ft. (1098 m.); A.D.E. Elmer, Acton, Mt. Gleason, June 1902, no elev. given

FVS: June, 1902

SBCo.: No records found.

Lycium cooperi A. Gray, Cooper’s Box-thorn, Peach Thorn

LACo.: From 3096 ft. (944 m.), at Little Rock Cr., San Gab. Mts., Frank W. Peirson, May 19, 1921, to 4198 ft. (1280 m.), at Pallett Cr., L.C. Wheeler, May 12, 1968; Apr.-June; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: May 19, 1921, F.W. Peirson, Little Rock Cr., 3100 ft. (945 m.)

SBCo.: n.e. of Wrightwood, Horse Canyon, n.w. of Circle Mt., 100-200 meters e. of State Hwy. 2, c. 200 ft. south of Horse Cyn. Road (FS Road 3N12), June 12, 1994, 4900 ft. (1494 m.)

Other records:

Randall T. Schuh, Cassis, et al., e. of Wrightwood on Route 2, two km. west of Route 138, site L6, May 18, 2004, 5104 ft. (1556 m.); R.F. Thorne, c. 2.5 miles NNE of Wrightwood at boundary of Natl. Forest, Apr. 23, 1966, c. 5000 ft.

(1524 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Desert Front Rd. near Oak Spring, n. of Wrightwood, c. 1.5 miles w. of Sheep Cr., July 29, 1969, 4999 ft. (1524 m.); Lyman Benson, San Gab. Mts. Region, edge of Mojave Desert, 10 miles n.w. of cajon, Apr. 16, 1947, 4000 ft. (1402 m.)

FVS: Apr. 16, 1947

Lycopersicon esculentum Mill), Garden Tomato

(synonym: Solanum lycopersicon var. lycopersicon Mill)

Native to S. America

LACo.: Azusa/Irwindale boundary, San Gabriel River Channel, within 75 m. south of Foothill Blvd. bridge, Nov. 30, 2008, 581 ft. (177 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Sep. 16, 1967, 3401 ft. (1037 m.)

Nicotiana attenuata Torr., Coyote Tobacco

LACo.: From 971 ft. (296 m.), at San Gabriel River Cyn., El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 17, 2009, to 8341 ft. (2543 m.), at Pine Mt. Ridge, c. 1 mile w. of summit of Pine Mt., Sep. 7, 1998; June-Sep.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June 4, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock

SBCo.: From 3001 ft. (915 m.), at Cajon Cyn., c. 1 mile w. of Cajon Jct., R.F. Thorne & Lindsay Smith, May 28, 1966, to 6101 ft. (1860 m.), at Pinyon Hills, Pk. (6150 ft.), s.e. of Oak Springs Ranch, May 27, 1996; May-July, Sep., Oct.; rare; transmontane, montane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 24, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Icehouse Cyn., 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

Nicotiana glauca Graham, Tree Tobacco

Native to S. America.

LACo.: From 541 ft. (165 m.), at Irwindale, San Gabriel River Channel, within 70 meters (n.) of I-210 Fwy., R.G. Swinney, Nov. 30, 2008, to 3001 ft. (915 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., below the first tunnel, Fred Brooks & P.Sobkowiak, Apr. 23, 1988; Feb.-June, Aug., Sep., Nov.; fairly common; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 1, 1909, L.H. Jones, Mt. Wilson Trail, Sierra Madre, 1100 ft. (335 m.)

SBCo.: T.S. Ross, mouth of San Antonio Cyn., n.e. of San Antonio Dam, along disturbed rd. side on w. side of Mt. Ave., Jan 2, 1992, 2270 ft. (692 m.); Marilyn Porter, Upland, s. from parking area at Shinn Rd., and Mt. Baldy Rd., followed abandoned rd. beginning from rd. side to San Antonio Dam, May 17, 1991, 2200- 3000 ft. (671 m.); Steven R. Hill, vic. of San Andreas Fault, n.side of Swarthout Cyn. Rd. along Cajon Cr., north of its crossing w. of Route I-15, Apr. 25, 2001,

2670 ft. (814 m.)

FVS: July 23, 1971, R.F. Thorne, Gerald L. Benny, et al., Day Creek Cyn.,

3401 ft. (1037 m.)

Nicotiana obtusifolia M. Martens & Galeotti, Desert Tobacco

LACo.: Anstruther Davidson, Tujunga Trail, 1.5 miles n. of Switzer, Mar. 24, 1924, no elev. given

SBCo.: S.D. White, foothills near Cajon Pass, n.w. of jct. of I-15 Frwy. and State Hwy. 138, along dirt rd., c. 1 air mile w. of I-15 Frwy., from State Hwy. 138 to c. 1 air-mile n. of State Hwy. 138, June 4, 2000, 3200-3250 ft. (9701-1020 m.)

Nicotiana quadrivalvis Pursh, Indian Tobacco

[synonyms: N. bigelovii (Torr.) S. Watson and N. bigelovii (Torr.) S. Watson var. wallacii A. Gray and N. quadrivalvis var. bigelovii (Torr.) DeWolf]

Widely cultivated by w. American native people.

LACo.: Scott D. White & Michael Honer, City of Claremont, San Antonio Cyn., alluvial fan, n. of Baseline Ave. & w. of concrete–lined flood control channel, June 24, 2004, 1601 ft. (488 m.); D.L. Crawford, Soledad Cyn., May 5, 1936, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, San Gabriel Wash, Mar. 6, 1921, 700 ft. (213 m.)

FVS: Mar. 6, 1921

SBCo.: Kathleen Stockwell, Rancho Cucamonga, n.e. of jct. of Etiwana Ave. & Wilson St., alluvial fan of E. Etiwanda Cr., south base of San Gab. Mts., Apr. 20, 2004, 1676 ft. (511 m.) (at s. boundary of San Gab. Mts.)

Nierembergia hippomanica Miers, Dwarf Cupflower

Native to Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay.

LACo.: Sharon Haennett, hills around county & state park, Placerita Cyn., spring 1977, 1601 ft. (488 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Petunia integrifolia (Hook.) Schinz & Thell., Violet-flower Petunia

(synonym: P. violacea Lindl.)

Native to S. America.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, across from Chapman Ranch, July 2, 1967, 4450 ft. (1357 m.)

Petunia parviflora (Juss) D’Arch, Seaside Petunia

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to the w. of fishing Lakes, Nov. 7, 2008, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Park in Cajon Cyn., Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Clyde Ranch, Oct. 14, 1967, no elev. given

FVS: Oct. 14, 1967

Physalis lancifolia Nees, Cutleaf Groundcherry

(synonym: Physalis angulata L. var. lancifolia (Nees) Waterf.]

Native to S.America.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, 2 miles n. of Claremont , July 23, 1931, 1361 ft. (412 m.) (collected in grove-added 2011)

SBCo.: No records found.

Physalis philadelphica Lam., Tomatillo, Mexican Groundcherry

Native to Mexico, widely cultivated for food.

LACo.: KHB, weed in lysimeter area, Tanbark, SDEF, Oct. 7, 1943, 2499 ft. (762 m.); Henry J. Ramsey & Mrs. Henry J. Ramsey, N. Craig Ave., Altadena, Jan. 1, 1938, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Jan. 1, 1938

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, extreme n.w. end of park at Sycamore Flat, Aug. 18, 1993, 1961 ft. (598 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Park in Cajon Cyn., Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given

FVS: Oct. 12, 1969

Salpichroa origanifolia (Lam.) Thell., Lily of the Valley Vine

Native to S. America.

LACo.: John F. Green, Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, n. of Jet Prop. Laboratory, transect two, July 17, 2003, 1299 ft. (396 m.); O.F. Clarke, Arroyo Seco near Pasadena, Apr. 27, 2004, no elev. given.; L.C. Wheeler, Arroyo Seco, May 12, 1973, 1299 ft. (396 m.)

FVS: May 12, 1973

SBCo.: No records found.

Solanum americanum Mill., American Black Nightshade

Much like Solanum nigrum.

LACo.: T.S. Ross & Orlando Mistretta, Horse Cyn. drainage, Oct. 26, 1990, c. 2160 ft. (659 m.); Thomas Craig, Soledad Cyn., c. 8 miles w. of Ravenna, Oct. 9, 1933, 2000 ft. (610 m.); L.R. Abrams, summit of Mt. Wilson, June 20, 1902,

5800 ft. (1768 m.)

FVS: June 20, 1902

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to the w. of fishing lakes, Nov. 7, 2008, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & John Dourley, Lost Lake, Oct. 10, 1967, 2749 ft. (838 m.); Scott D. White, Cajon Wash, between Blue Cut & stream crossing at Swartout Cyn. Road, c. 3 miles s. of Hwy. 138 crossing, May 13, 1997, 2601 ft. (793 m.); L.C. Wheeler, e. side of Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, along Applewhite Rd., e. side, Sep. 16, 1967, 3000 ft. (915 m.); Scott D. White, Cajon Wash, between Blue Cut and stream crossing at Swarthout Cyn., Road, 3 miles s. of Hwy. 138 crossing, May 13, 1997, 2601 ft. (793 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, Lytle Cr., July 13, 1967, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

FVS: July 13, 1967

Solanum elaeagnifolium Cov., White Horse-nettle

Native to c. US & n. Mex.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Peter H. Raven, Cajon Pass, just below Cajon Cmpgrd., along RR tracks, Sep. 17, 1961, 2647 ft. (807 m.)

Solanum douglasii Dunal, White Nightshade, Greenspot Nightshade

LACo.: From 604 ft. (184 m.), San Gabriel River, under the Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of Encanto Pkwy., w. of Encanto Park, Duarte, Apr. 13, 2009, to 3500 ft. (1067 m.), at 1 mile n. of Padua on Mt. Baldy Rd., Brian McCodgan, May 14, 1988; Jan.-June, Aug., Oct.-Dec.; common; cismontane

FVS: June 21, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, n.w. end at Willow Grove/Sycamore Flat Area, Muscupiabe, Aug. 25, 1994, 1960 ft. (598 m.)

Other records:

P.H. Raven, Cajon Cyn., below Cajon Station, at Cajon Cmpgrd., Sep. 17, 1961, 2600 ft. (793 m.); Gerald L. Benny, Colin M. Wainwright, et al., Day Cyn., burned 1970, Apr. 14, 1971, 2800 ft. (854 m.); R.F. Thorne & John Dourley, Lost Lake, in San Andreas Fault, Oct. 10, 1967, 2749 ft. (838 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, Nov 4, 1967, no elev.; L.C. Wheeler, e. side of Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, along Applewhite Rd., e. side, Sep. 16, 1967, 3000 ft. (915 m.); James Henrickson, 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in Lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15, May 1, 1985, 2400-2800 ft. (732 m.); Aloys Nicholson, San Bernardino Mts., Cajon Pass, May 26, 1930, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 26, 1930

Solanum mauritianum Scop., Earleaf Nightshade

(synonym: S. auriculatum Aiton)

Native to S. America. Not listed in TJM2

LACo.: Scott D. White, Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland-Tujunga area, s.w. of I-210 Frwy., e. of Hansen Dam & north of Wentworth St., May 14, 1997, 1050 ft.

(320 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Solanum nigrum L., Black Nightshade

Native to Eurasia. Much like S. americanum.

LACo.: San Gabriel River, under the Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of Encanto Pkwy., w. of Encanto Park, Duarte, Apr. 13, 2009, 604 ft. (184 m.)

Other records: T.S. Ross, Brown’s Gulch: (draining to San Gabriel Cyn. at base of San Gabriel Dam), May 24, 1992, 1758 ft. (536 m.)

FVS: May 24, 1992

SBCo.: No records found.

Solanum physalifolium Rusby var. nitidibicatum (Bitter) Edmunds, Hoe Nightshade

(synonym: S. sarrachoides Sendtn., misapply.)

Native to S. America.

LACo.: all of L.C. Wheeler’s records n.e. of LaVerne & Claremont are from irrigated groves, no other records available.

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Valley, Clyde Ranch, Oct. 14, 1967

Solanum rostratum Dunal, Buffalobur Nightshade

Native to Great Plains

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Bill Campbell & Carol Campbell, Pinon Hills, Campbell property, c. 3 miles s. of Hwy. 138 off Green Rd., July 15, 1996, 4920 ft. (1500 m.)

Solanum umbelliferum Eschsch., Bluewitch Nightshade

May hybridize with S. parishii and S. xanti

No ssp. recog. by Jepson, however two synonyms are listed below and indented

LACo.: From 581 ft. (177 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., between I-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd., Azusa/Irwindale, 200-300 meters e. of San Gabriel River Channel, R.G. Swinney, Feb. 20, 2009; to 7501 ft. (2287 m.), n.w. of Wrightwood, e. end of Jackson Flat, R.G. Swinney, July 8, 1998, 7501 ft.

(2287 m.); Feb., Mar., June, July; uncommon; transmontane at Big John Flat, R.G. Swinney, June 21, 1991, 5320 ft. (1622 m.), montane, cismontane

FVS: June 21, 1899, H.M. Hall, Schwartout Cyn., San Antonio Mts., no elev. given

SBCo.: ridgetop n.w. of Grande Cielo Buffalo Ranch, w. of Cajon Wash, s. of Swarthout Cyn. Road, June 1, 1996, 3759 ft. (1146 m.); e. of Mt. Baldy Village at Dry Lake in Cherry Cyn., May 31, 1997, 5563 ft. 1696 m.); Frankish Pk., east of San Antonio Cyn., e.-w. running ridgetop with e. and w. peaks & saddle in between, Apr. 156, 1996, 4002 ft. (1220 m.)

Other records:

Kirk Taylor, 6.1 miles w. of Lytle Cr. Canyon, on San Sevaine Rd., May 27, 1976, 4500 ft. (1372 m.); Tim Traver, Lytle Cr., 1 mile s. of Ranger Station, May 27, 1981, no elev. given; D.A. Young, 2.5 miles n. of end of Haven Ave., in Deer Cyn., n. of Chaffey College, May 10, 1969, c. 1500 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: May 10, 1969

Solanum umbelliferum Eschsch. var. glabrescens Torr., Bluewitch

LACo.: Steve Boyd, T.S. Elias, Rincon-Red Box Rd., s. of Rincon Forest Station, n. of Glendora, Apr. 14, 1987, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, San Gabriel Wash, May 15, 1917, 499 ft. (152 m.) (elevation places location near I-210 Frwy. In Azusa/Irwindale)

FVS: May 15, 1917

SBCo.: No records found.

Solanum umbelliferum Eschsch. var. incanum Torr., Bluewitch

LACo.: E.B. Eldred, Route 39, 12 miles s. of Crystal Lake, San Gabriel Cyn., May 30, 1977, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Solanum wallacei (A. Gray) Parish, Wallace’s or Catalina Nightshade

Ch. Islands & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Edward L. Smith, Cobal Cyn., Feb. 18, 1958, 1998 ft. (609 m.) (only plant on the mianland outside of a botanic garden, native of Catalina Island)

SBCo.: No records found.

Solanum xanti A. Gray, Purple or Chaparral Nightshade

Variation complex, may hybridize with S. parishii and S. umbelliferum

No vars. recog. in Jepson, however two synonyms are listed below and indented

LACo.: From 551 ft. (168 m.), at City of Irwindale, c. jct. of Foothill Blvd. & Irwindale Ave. between, gravel pit & the San Gabriel River Channel, L.F. LaPre & T. Mulroy, Apr. 7, 1986, to 7642 ft. (2330 m.), at Blue Ridge Mt., Big Pine Park, B.C. Templeton, May 31, 1932; Jan.-Aug.; common; all 3 sections

FVS: June 29, 1902, L. Abrams, Mt. Wilson, 4999 ft. (1524 m.)

SBCo.: From 2200 ft. (671 m.), at Upland, s. from parking area at Shinn Road, Mt. Baldy Rd., followed abandoned rd. beginning from rd.-side to San Antonio Dam, Marilyn Porter, May 17, 1991, to 7501 ft. (2287 m.), upper part of N. Fork Lytle Cr., I.M. Johnston, July 7, 1918; Mar.-July; fairly common; all 4 sections

Synonym: +Solanum xanti A. Gray var. intermedium Parish, Chaparral Nightshade

LACo.: R.M. Cope, rd. from Devil’s Cyn. Wilderness Area to Azusa, 8-12 miles n. of where rd. crosses W. Fork of San Gabriel River, Mar. 27, 1965, 2499 ft.

(762 m.); F.R. Fosberg, alluvial ban (fan-added 2010), at mouth of San Dimas Blvd. (Cyn. ?-added 2010), May 19, 1932, no elev. given; S.D. White, Azusa, alluvial fan, e. & w. of levee, between Foothill Blvd. crossing & San Gabriel Valley Gun Club, May 22, 1997, 600 ft. (183 m.); K. Dobry, Elsmere Canyon, Apr. 4, 1991, no elev. given; H.J. Ramsey & Mrs. Henry J. Ramsey, Pacoima Cyn., near San Fernando, Angeles Natl. Forest, Mar. 26, 1937, no elev. given; C.B. Wolf, Pacoima Wash, near bridge on rd. from Tujunga to San Fernando, May 13, 1931, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

FVS: May 13, 1931

SBCo.: J.A. Adams, Lytle Cr. Road, 0.25 mi. below Glenn Ranch, June 12, 1965, 4999 ft. (1524 m.); Alva Watry, Sheep Cyn., May 10, 1931, no elev. given; Dean Brown, 1/2 mile s. of Angeles Nat. Forest, on Mt. Ave., Apr. 16, 1948,

2000 ft. (610 m.); H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., July, 1899, 6796 ft. (2072 m.)

FVS: July, 1899

Synonym: Solanum xanti A. Gray var. montanum Munz, Chaparral Nightshade

LACo.: B.C. Templeton, Big Pines Park, May 31, 1932, 6501 ft. (1982 m.); David Charlton, Lighting (Blue ?) Ridge at the jct. of FS Rd. 3N06, & Angeles Crest Hwy., c. 4 miles n.w. of San Bernardino Co., line & 5 miles n.w. of Wrightwood, June 15, 1986, 7400 ft. (2256 m.); T.S. Ross & Steve Boyd, Ball Flat, 1500 m. due n. of Jackson Lake, between the Boulder Cyn., & Mescal Cr. drainages, June 18, 1990, 5720 ft. (1744 m.); Geo. C. Johnstone, n. of Big Pines, Apr. 8, 1928, no elev. given; Thorne, R.F. & C.W. Tilforth, Pinyon Flats, 1.6 mi. below Alder Saddle along dry branch of S. Fork Little Rock Cr., June 30, 1971, 5196 ft. (1584 m.) P.A. Munz, head of Vincent Gulch, springy places, May 26, 1923, 6501 ft. (1982 m.)

FVS: May 26, 1923

SBCo.: P.C. Everette & E. K. Balls, 3 miles s.e. of LA/San Bern. Co. lline, Swartout Valley, w. of Wrightwood, May 22, 1959, 5999 ft. (1829 m.)

Styracaceae Storax Family

+Styrax redivivus (Torr.) L.C. Wheeler, California Snowdrop Bush, Drug Snowbell

(synonym: S. officinallis ssp. redivivus)

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: From 1998 ft. (609 m.), at Sycamore Flat near Lytle Creek Cyn., Louise C. Wheeler, July 18, 1933, to 5996 ft. (1828 m.), at Lone Pine Cyn., A.W. Jacobs, Aug. 8, 1938; Mar.-May, July, Aug.; rare; montane, mostly cismontane

Other records, locations only, author:

E. Fork San Sevaine Cyn., 2nd. major waterfall, c. 1 mile due s. of Grapewine Spring; E. of San Sevaine Cyn bottom on Bullock Spur Rd.; 0.25 miles w. of Glen Helen Rd. at FS Rd. 3N31 (Applewhite Rd.); 1.4 miles w. of Glen Helen Rd. at FS Rd. 3N31, 100 meters w. of rd.; 1 mile e. of Sierra Ave., c. 300 yds. n. of Devore Rd.

Other records, locations only:

Behind Sycamore Flat Forestry Station, Thorne, et al.; Between Lytle Cr. & Cajon Creek, Peirson; Mesa just e. of mouth of Lytle Cr., Wheeler; Sycamore Flat near Lytle Cyn., Wheeler; San Sevaine Cyn. between 2000 & 3500 ft. along old rd., Johnston; Glen Helen Ranch near Cajon Pass, Jaeger; Lower San Sevaine Cyn., Ewan; Lone Pine Cyn., Jacobs; Meyer Cyn off Lytle Cr., Wheeler

FVS: Apr. 22, 1898, Harey M. Hall, Lytle Creek, no elev. given

Tamaricaceae Tamarisk Family

Tamarix gallica, L., French Tamarisk

Native to s. Europe

LACo.: J.D. Olmsted, Camp Baldy Rd., near mouth of San Antonio Cyn., May 13, 1959, 2300 ft. (701 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Tamarix parviflora DC., Smallflower Tamarisk

Native to s.e. Europe

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta, drainage w. of Little Rock Cr. Reservoir just s. of dam, Mar. 28, 1995, 3749 ft. (1143 m.); D. Roche, Camp Baldy Rd., 1.0 mi. from jct. of Mills Ave. and Mt. Baldy Rd., May 26, 1993, 1820 ft. (555 m.) (at south margin of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 26, 1993

SBCo.: No records found.

Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb., Saltcedar

Native to Asia

LACo.: From 669 ft. (204 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel River Channel, 1.2 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., at mouth Fish Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Nov. 30, 2008, to 3700 ft. (1127 m.), at E. Fork San Gabriel Cyn.,near Alder Gulch, L.C. Wheeler, June 26, 1970 Apr.-Sep., Nov.; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Nov. 23, 1966, Louis C. Wheeler, Cogswell Res., W. Fork San Gabriel River, no elev. given

SBCo.: 2001 ft. (610 m.), Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to the w. of fishing lakes, Nov. 7, 2008, 2001 ft. (610 m.); Cajon Pass, c. 1 mile n. of Alray Siding, 2.8 mile n.e. of Hwy. 138 on FS Rd. 3N53, c. 200 meters w. of I-15 Fwy., c. 0.2 miles NNW of Cajon Jct., Nov. 12, 1994, c. 3601 ft. (1098 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash just s. of Hwy. 138 crossing, Apr. 16, 1997, 2900 ft. (884 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, “Epipactis Cyn.”, unnamed cyn. draining ENE to Lone Pine Cyn., originating near e. end of Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge (Sheep Cr. Truck Rd., 2N56, drops n.e.ward through the lower half of this cyn.), June 18, 1990, 3378 ft. (1030 m.)

FVS: June 18, 1990

Theophrastaceae Theophrasta Family

Samolus parviflorus Raf., Water-pimpernel, Seaside Brookweed

[synonyms: S. valerandi L. ssp. parviflorus (Raf.) Hulten and S. floribundus Kunth and S. ebracteatus Kunth]

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: springs at confl. of Cajon Wash & Lone Pine Cyn., between e. and w. of RR Tracks, Aug. 12, 1996, 2640 ft. (805 m.)

Other records:

5 records for Lost Lake: L.C. Wheeler, Oct. 1, 1933 and Oct. 27, 1951; Tim Ross & Philbrok Family, Oct. 28, 1989; R.F. Thorne & J.Dourley, Oct. 10, 1967; R.G. Swinney, Oct. 19, 1991; 2709-2781 ft. (826-848 m.) ( 1 listed in error at

3280 ft. (1000 m.)

Additional records:

L.R. Abrams, Lytle Cr. Cyn., July 14, 1902, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

FVS: July 14, 1902

Tropaeolaceae Tropaeolum Family

Tropaeolum majus L., (Garden) Nasturtium

Abundantly cultivated, originated in cultivation.

LACo.: Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel Cyn. wash, 0.4-1 mile n. (upstream) of Puente Largo (Railway-added 2010) Bridge, Apr. 21, 2009, 630 ft. (192 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Ulmaceae Elm Family

Ulmus parvifolia Jacq., Lacebark or Chinese Elm

Native to e. Asia

LACo.: T.S. Ross, N. Fork San Gabriel River, 0.9 miles n. of W. Fk. Bridge & 0.9 miles WSW of Burro Pk., as the crow flies, Oct. 5, 1990, no elev. given; Scott D. White, Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland, Tujunga area, alluvial fan at base of mts., sw. of Hwy. 210, e. of Hansen Dam & n. of Wentworth St., May 7, 1997, 1050 ft.

(320 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Big Rock Springs, imm. vicinity of Big Rock Cr., where crossed by Big Pines Hwy., May 29, 1990, 3880-3920 ft. (1183-1195 m.)

FVS: May 29, 1990

SBCo.: Cajon Wash, at Keenbrook on w. side of Wash, Oct. 29, 1994, 2440 ft. (744 m.) (also det. as Ulmus pumila)

Other records: None found.

Ulmus procera Salisb., English Elm

(synonym: U. minor auct. non Hill)

Native to Europe.

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta, Santiago Cyn., at jct. of FS Rd. 4N20 with Santiago Cr., Sep. 21, 1994, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Big Rock Springs, imm. vicinity of Big Rock Cr. where crossed by Big Pines Hwy. (Valyermo Rd.), May 29, 1990; 3880 ft. (1183 m.)

FVS: May 29, 1990

SBCo.: Glen Helen Reg. Park, c. 600 meters s. of Blockbuster Pavillion parking area, between motorcycle racetrack & n. parking area, Apr. 15, 1995, 2001 ft. (601 m.)

Other records: None found.

Ulmus pumila L., Siberian Elm

Native to n. Asia

LACo.: mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., between Foothill Blvd & I-210 Fwy., from main river channel to 300 meters east, Dec. 2, 2008, 541 ft. (165 m.); Carr Cyn., 0.4-1.5 miles s.e. of Mt. Emma Rd., up S. Fork of Carr Cyn., May 6, 2009,

3159 ft. (963 m.);

Other records:

John F. Green , Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, n. of Jet Prop. Lab., July 17, 2003, 1200 ft. (366 m.); T.S. Ross, Big Rock Springs, imm. vicinity of Big Rock Cr. where crossed by Big Pines Hwy. (Valyermo Rd.), May 29, 1990, 3880 ft. (

1183 m.)

FVS: May 29, 1990

SBCo.: Upper Cajon Cyn., nameless cyn. n. of Circle Mt. & s.e. of Controversy Spring, June 3, 1995, 4799 ft. (1453 m.); Glen Helen Regional Park, willow thicket nature walk area (boardwalk has since been removed and the area partially bulldozed-added 2010), Apr. 15, 1995, 2001 ft. (610 m.); Cajon Wash at Keenbrook, on w. side of wash, Oct. 29, 1994, 2440 ft. (744 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Oct. 29, 1994

Urticaceae Nettle Family

Hesperocnide tenella Torr., Black-hair Nettle, Western Stingingnettle

LACo.: L. Wheeler, Lower Millard Cyn., just s. of culvert, Apr. 9, 1973, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Sunset Ridge, w. of Chaney Trail, Mar. 3, 1967, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, e. side of Little Tujunga Cyn., 0.75 miles SSE of Herreres Ranch, May 4, 1969, 1801 ft. (549 m.)

FVS: May 4, 1969

SBCo.: No records found.

Parietaria hespera Hinton, California Pellitory

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: (Monrovia Cyn. Wilderness Park-modidied 2011), trail 0-40 m. above cyn bottom, from park entrance to 0.4 miles up cyn., Mar. 28, 2009, 1240 ft.

(378 m.); SDEF, Lodi Cyn., w. of San Dimas Reservoir, Apr. 10, 2008, 1519 ft. (463 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Apr. 10, 2008

SBCo.: No records found.

Parietaria hespera Hinton var. californica Hinton, California Pellitory

LACo.: San Gabriel River Cyn., El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, Mar. 10, 2009, 971 ft. (296 m.); Glendora, 0.5 miles n. of n. end of Rainbow Dr., w. of & adjacent to “W. Bender Cyn.” (local use only-added 2010), Apr. 23, 2005,

1824 ft. (556 m.)

Other records:

Tim Ross, center WSW of San Gabriel Reservoir, May 17, 1992, 1519 ft.

(463 m.)

FVS: May 17, 1992

SBCo.: No records found.

Parietaria hespera Hinton var. hespera, Rellita Pellitory

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., c. 100-350 meters n. of Foothill Blvd., e. bank., R.G. Swinney, Feb. 16, 1998, to 2601 ft. (793 m.), at San Gabriel River, W. Fork, large fill slope on s. side of Cogswell Reservoir, Scott D. White, May 6, 2009; Feb.-June; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 27, 1931, L.C. Wheeler, Burbank Cyn. (n. of Claremont-added 2012), no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Urtica dioica L. ssp. holosericea (Nutt.) Thorne, Hoary or Stinging Nettle

(synonym: U. dioica L. ssp. gracilis)

LACo.: From 630 ft. (192 m.), at Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, 0.4-1 mile n. (upstream) from Puente Largo Railway Bridge, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 21, 2009 (not yet processed), to 7350 ft. (2241 m.), at CA Hwy. 2, between Dawson Saddle & jct. of Hwy 39, 2.75 miles from Dawson Saddle, Wayne E. Sawyer, June 29, 1981; Apr.-Aug., Oct.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug., 1915, D.L. Crawford, Palmer Cyn., Claremont

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to the w. of fishing lakes, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 7, 2008, to 8899 ft. (2713 m.), n.e. slope Mt. San Antonio headwaters of W. Fork of N. Fork Lytle Cr., L.C. Wheeler, July 15, 1968; June-Aug., Oct., Nov.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 1-3, 1900, H.M. Hall, San Antonio Mts., Lytle Creek Cyn., 5747 ft. (1752 m.)

Urtica urens L., Dwarf Nettle

Native to Europe

LACo.: From 630 ft. (192 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 0.8 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., on e. side of main river channel, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 13, 2009, to 2800-3200 ft. (854 m.), n. of Sylmar and s. of Santa Clarita, within the Tujunga Ranger District of the Angeles Natl. Forest, vic. of Los Pinetos Spring, head of Los Pinetos Cyn., Steve Boyd & W. Appleby, Apr. 22, 1993; Mar.-June; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: June 8, 1936, L.C. Wheeler, mouth of Bell Cyn., 1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, e. side of mouth of San Antonio Cyn., 1/2 mile s. of Stoddard Cyn., May 10, 1969, 2350 ft. (716 m.)

Valerianaceae Valerian Family

Centranthus ruber (L.) DC., Red Valerian

Native to Medit. Europe

LACo.: From 790 ft. (241 m.), at Azusa, 0.3 miles e. of San Gabriel Canyon, Inform. Station on Hwy. 39 at mouth of Cyn., R.G. Swinney, May 25, 2000, to 1650 ft. (503 m.), n. of Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn., at jct of Lewis Paul Cyn. at Lewis Paul Falls, 50 meters n. of Big Dalton Cyn. Road (minor corr.-added 2010), R.G. Swinney, July 13, 1989; Apr.-July, Oct.; rare; cismontane

FVS: May 24, 1947, L.C. Wheeler, s. side of San Gabriel Cyn., 1/8 mi. upstream from mouth

SBCo.: Mt. Baldy Village, in Bear Cyn. streambotton, c. 10 meters s.w. of Baldy Village Comm. Church, n. of Mt. Baldy Rd., July 28, 1994, 4280 ft. (1305 m.)

Other records:

R. Spence, Lytle Cr., Aug. 9, 1974, no elev. given; H. Royaltey, 5.5 miles s. of pavement end, Lytle Creek Cyn. Road, May 22, 1970, no elev. given

FVS: May 22, 1970

Plectritis ciliosa (Greene) Jeps., Longspur Seablush

[synonym: P. ciliosa (Greene) Jeps. ssp. insignis (Suksd.) Morey]

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, W. Live Oak Cyn., Apr. 15, 1933, 1601 ft. (488 m.) and Mar. 24, 1934; Frank W. Peirson, San Gabriel Cyn., below forks, Apr. 23, 1925, 1197 ft. (365 m.); Samuel R. Tyson, SDEF, trail to flumes 4 & 5, San Dimas Cyn., May 22, 1942, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., 1/4 mile above Dam, Apr. 6, 1934, 1400 ft. (427 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Canyon, Apr. 5, 1935, 1500 ft. (457 m.); P.A. Munz, San Gabriel Canyon, Apr. 23, 1925, 1000 ft.

(305 m.)

FVS: Apr. 23, 1925

SBCo.: No records found.

Verbenaceae Vervain Family

Lantana montevidensis (Spreng.) Briq., Lantana, Trailing Shrubverbena

Native to S. America.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Bluebird Ranch (Glendora-added 2010), Apr. 13, 1968, 1424 ft. (434 m.); L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork of Morgan Cyn. near Ferguson Mtwy., Apr. 13, 1968, 1425 ft. (435 m.); Justin M. Wood, above City of Sierra Madre “one carter estates”, at the end of Baldwin Ave., Apr. 13, 2009 (

49 m.) (elev. is incorrect-added 2011); L.C. Wheeler, vic. of stables, Brown School for Girls (currently-Glendora, Church of the Open Door, far W. Fork of Hook Cyn.-added 2010), Mar. 28, 1968, 1099 ft. (335 m.)

FVS: Mar. 28, 1968

SBCo.: No records found.

Phyla lanceolata (Michx.) Greene, Lanceleaf Fogfruit

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: J.C. Roos, San Gab. Mts., SB County, July 15, 1937 (only record) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Verbena bracteata Cav. ex Laq. & Rodr., Bigbract Verbena

LACo.: Little Rock CR., 0.2 miles n. of Little Rock Reservoir, Sep. 9, 2008,

3149 ft. (960 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, 1.6 mi. above Little Rock Dam near Reservoir Cmpgrd., June 29, 1971, c. 3200 ft. (976 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Little Rock Reservoir, Sep. 6, 1966, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 6, 1966

SBCo.: No records found.

Verbena lasiostachys Link, Western Vervain

Vars. need study.

LACo.: From 699 ft. (213 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel Cyn. wash, 0.1-0.5 miles w. of San Gabriel River Bike Path parking lot, at Azusa Cyn. Road (Hwy. 39), c. 06 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 17, 2009, to 7600 ft.

(2317 m.), at Prairie Fk., L.C. Wheeler, Sep., 3, 1967, May-Oct., Dec.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Jan. 26, 1970, L.C. Wheeler, Mine Gulch Camp, E. Fork San Gabriel River, 4500 ft. (1372 m.)

SBCo.: From 4497 ft. (1371 m.), at Lytle Creek Cyn., H.M. Hall, June 1-3, 1900, to 8397 ft. (2560 m.), at stream near San Antonio Ski Hut., Peter H. Raven with H.L. Wedberg, Aug. 17, 1957; June-Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: Aug. 4, 1992, Ed LaRue, Wrightwood, across Hwy. 2 from Mormon Church, 5779 ft. (1768 m.)

Verbena lasiostachys Link var. lasiostachys, Western Vervain


LACo.: From 1043 ft. (318 m.), at Monrovia Cyn., F.W. Peirson, July 1, 1919, to 7600 ft. (2317 m.), at Prairie Fork (e. tributary of E. Fk. San Gabriel River-added 2012), L.C. Wheeler, Sep, 3, 1967; June0Sept.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 1, 1915, Anstruther Davidson, Camp Baldy

SBCo.: From 4497 ft. (1371 m.), at Lytle Cr. Canyon, H.M. Hall, June 1-3, 1900, to 8397 ft. (2560 m.), at stream near San Antonio Ski Hut., Peter H. Raven & H.L. Wedberg, Aug. 17, 1957; June-Sep.; rare; montane cismontane

FVS: June 1-3, 1900, H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., 4497 ft. (1371 m.)

Verbena lasiostachys Link var. scabrida, Moldenke, Western Vervain

LACo.: Mine Gulch at E. Fork San Gabriel River Cyn., open cyn. bottom, lower Mine Gulch with no riparian development except right at confl. with San Gabriel River, Aug. 1, 1998, 4398 ft. (1341 m.)

Other records:

S.D. White, Tanbark Flats, SDEF, Aug. 25, 2000, 2400-2900 ft. (732-884 m.); T.S. Ross & Peter Fritsch, mouth of Burro Cyn., near confl. of E. and W. Forks of San Gabriel River, from stream bottom to slopes, June 20, 1990, c. 1460-1530 ft. (445 m.); L.C. Wheeler, near Widco Mine, Dry Gulch off Coldwater Cyn., Aug. 28, 1967, 4600 ft. (1402 m.); Thekla Mohr, N. Fork San Gabriel River, 1915, no elev. given

FVS: 1915

SBCo.: San Antonio Falls, San Antonio Cyn., n. of Manker Flat, Aug. 23, 1994, 6396 ft. (1950 m.); Alpine Cyn., w. tributary of N. Fork Lytle Cr. that begins at saddle between Dawson Pk. & Pine Mt., c. 1.3 miles w. of N. Fork Rd., Aug. 21, 1996,7600 ft. (2317 m.)

Other records:

Valerie Soza & LeRoy Gross, Mt. Baldy Ski Area, Upper San Antonio Cyn., sw. end of Sugarpine Ski lift from Mt. Baldy, July 17, 2001, 6501 ft. (1981 m.); Scott D. White & Michael Honer, wash, riparian zone and slopes along San Antonio Cr., between Mt. Baldy (Town) and Ice House Cyn., June 29, 2004, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); Richard Noyes, vic. of San Antonio Falls, due n. of Camp San Antonio, Aug. 14, 1988, 6560 ft. (2000 m.)

FVS: Aug. 14, 1988,

Verbena menthifolia Benth., Mint-leaved Verbena, Mint Vervain

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. at N. end of Big Dalton Dam, July 12, 1989, 1719 ft. (524 m.); Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, June 25, 1989,

1098 ft. (335 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: June 25, 1989

SBCo.: No records found.

Verbena pulchella Sweet, South American Mock Vervain

(synonym: Glandularia pulchella (Sweet) Troncoso and V. tenuisecta Briq.)

Correct name might be V. aristigera S. Moore

Native to s. America

LACo.: (Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel River Channel, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. under the Puente Largo Railway Bridge, May 9, 2009, 604 ft. (184 m.); Glendora-added 2010), Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, Big Dalton Cyn., Sep. 22, 1993, 1099 ft. (335 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Sep. 22, 1993

SBCo.: No records found.

Verbena scabra Vahl, Sandpaper Vervain

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Reg. Park in Cajon Cyn., Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given

Violaceae Violet Family

Viola douglasii Steud., Douglas’ Golden Violet

LACo.: Horse Flats, 1 air mile NNW of Newcomb’s Ranch at Hwy. 2 (Angeles Crest Hwy.), June 3, 2009, 5642 ft. (1720 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Pinyon Flats, Apr. 16, 1955, 5300 ft. (1616 m.); Mary MacArthur, Chilao (upper) slope/directions 5 degrees W, Apr. 6, 1966, 4995 ft. (1523 m.); M. MacArthur, 7 mi. from turn-off on Angeles Crest Hwy. to lower Chilao, keeping always to right-left side of rd., by intermittent streambed, June 24, 1967, 5196 ft. (1584 m.); R.M. Straw, Horse Flats Rd., off Angeles Cr. Hwy., June16, 1954,

189 m. (in error); Frank W. Peirson, trail from Pine Flats to Chilao, June 15, 1921,

5497 ft. (1676 m.)

FVS: June 15, 1921

SBCo.: No records found.

Viola lobata Benth., Pine Violet, Yellow Wood Violet

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: I.M. Johnston, San Gab. Mts., Region, Cucamonga Cyn. (Wood Camp), May 20, 1917, 4000 ft. (1220 m.)

Viola macloskeyi Lloyd, Macloskey’s Violet, Smooth or Small White Violet

LACo.: T.P. Krantz, Lily Springs, July 4, 1980, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., near Lodgepole Picnic Area, at headwaters of Dorr Cyn., n. slope of Throop Pk., above Angeles Cr. Hwy., 1.2 miles s.e. of Dawson Saddle, July 29, 1969, 7649 ft. (2332 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, c. 1 mile w. of Wrightwood, along Wrightwood-Big Pines Hwy., July 10, 1969, c. 6400 ft. (1951 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Dorr Cyn. at Angeles Crest Hwy. by Whitethorn (=Lodgepole) Picnic Area, June 1, 1968, 7701 ft. (2348 m.)

FVS: June 1, 1968

SBCo.: P.A. Munz, Kelly’s Cabin, near Ontario Pk., July 18, 1922, 8100 ft.

(2470 m.); F.W. Peirson, Kellys Cabin, Ontario Ridge, July 18, 1922, 8100 ft. (2470 m.)

FVS: July 18, 1922

Viola nephrohylla Greene, Leconte Violet, Common Blue Violet, Northern Bog Violet

[synonym: V. sororia Willd. ssp. affinis (Leconte) R.J. Little]

LACo.: One record south of boundary in Claremont

SBCo.: H.M. Hall, Lytle Cr. Cyn., Apr. 23, 1898, 3998 ft. (1219 m.); L.T. Street, Lytle Creek Cyn., May 30, 1918, no elev. given; L.T. Street, Lytle Creek Cyn., May 19, 1918, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Lytle Cr., May 20, 1920, 3500 ft. (1067 m.) ; H.M. Hall, Lytle Cr. Cyn., Apr. 28, 1898, 3998 ft. (1219 m.)

FVS: Apr. 28, 1898

Viloa odorata L., English or Sweet Violet

Native to Eurasia

LACo.: T.S. Ross, Big Rock Cr., just above confl. of Holcomb Cyn. Cr. between Big Rock Cr. Road & mouth of Holcomb Cyn., 4115-4200 ft. (1255-1280 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Viola pedunculata Torr. & A. Gray, Johnny-jump-up

Often confused V. purpurea ssp. purpurea, V. purpurea ssp. quercetorum.

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1289 ft. (393 m.), at San Dimas, Spring Cyn., n. end between E. and W. Forks of cyn., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 16, 2008, to 2699 ft. (823 m.), at San Dimas Cyn., Samuel R. Tyson, May 28, 1942; Feb.-May; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: July 25, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont (Indian Hill), 1797 ft.

(548 m.)

SBCo.: flats imm. south of Spring Hill, w. of FS Road 2N04 (Barrett-Stoddard Truck Rd.), n. of Stoddard Pk., Apr. 1, 1995, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); Cherry Cyn. Flats, at s.w. base of Sugarloaf Pk., June 18, 1996, 5058 ft. (1542 m.)

Other records:

D.W. Robinson, Johnson’s Pastures, n. of Claremont, Mar. 8, 1916, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 8, 1916

+Viola pinetorum Greene, Mountain or Goosefoot Yellow Violet

LACo.: From 4599 ft. (1402 m.), near Pinon Hills, Mescal Highlands, 0.9 miles w. of 237th Street E., at Panorama Way, 2.3 miles s. of Ft. Tejon Rd., May 16, 1998, to 10020 ft. (3055 m.), at Mt. San Antonio (East/Old Baldy) Pk., Aug. 27, 1998; May-Aug.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: May 16, 1988, R.G. Swinney, near Pinyon Hills, Mescal Highlands, 0.9 miles w. of 237 th Street, e. of Panorama Way, 2.3 miles s. of Ft. Tejon Rd.

SBCo.: Wright Mt., s. of Wrightwood, July 8, 1998, 8479 ft. (2585 m.); Thunder Mt. Ridge, w. of Thunder Mt. Pk., July 14, 1995, 7961 ft. (2427 m.)

Other records: None found.

+Viola pinetorum Greene ssp. grisea (Jeps.) R.J. Little, Gray-leaved Violet, Goosefoot Yellow Violet

Status: CNPS List R-E-D Code State/Fed. Status

CRPR 1B.3 S2 G4G5T2

LACo.: (Not posted on Consortium) photos by Jane Tirrell, Lily Spring, n. slope of Mt. Hawkins, CNPS Lily Spring Survery, 2010, vouchers sent to R. John Little

_______, Table Mountain Cmpgrd., 2010, _____; rd. berm at drainage at w. boundary of study area, mile marker 66.82, Hwy 2 (since destroyed by Caltrans),___, ___2010; on the n.-facing bank of the ridge just e. of Lily Spring, turn off from PCT, _______, ____2010

SBCo.: No records found.

*Viola pinetorum Greene ssp. pinetorum, Goosefoot Yellow Violet

(synonym: V. purpurea Kellogg ssp. xerophyta M.S. Baker & J.C. Clausen)

LACo.: From 7200 ft. (2195 m.), at W. Blue Ridge, Big Pines Park, B.C. Templeton, May 16, 1933, to 9900 ft. (3018 m.), at W. Baldy, L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 13, 1967 and R.G. Swinney, W. Baldy Peak, Aug. 27, 1998; May-Sep.; rare; montane

FVS: June, 1897, H.E. Hasse, Baldy

SBCo.: From 6426 ft. (1959 m.), in draw and along rd. of canyon., n. to n.e. of Baldy Notch (the one that drains into Coldwater Cyn.), c. 25 km. northwest of San Bernardino, Peter Fritsch & T.S. Ross, July 12, 1990, to 10,000 ft. (3047 m.), at summit of Mt. San Antonio, F.W. Peirson, no date given; May-July, Sep.; rare; montane

FVS: June 15, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Ontario Pk., around summit, 8500 ft.

(2591 m.)

Viola purpurea Kellogg, Goosefoot Violet

ssp. variable, intergrade, need study

LACo.: W. Fork Punchbowl Cyn., near N. boundary of Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, 0.6 miles s.w. of Big Rock Cr. Road, May 8, 2008, 4146 ft. (1264 m.); W. of Devil’sPunchbowl Co. Park at jct. of Holmes Cr. & Watson Cr., May 21, 2005, 4070 ft. (1241 m.); Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, Holcomb Cyn., at jct. with S. Fork Trail, May 13, 2008, 4559 ft. (1390 m.); ridge w. of Jackson Flats, 0.4 miles n.w of Hwy 2 at Vincent Gap, on Pinyon Ridge Mtwy, 100 meters e. of jct. of FS Roads 4N12 & 3N26, June 17, 2008, 7085 ft. (2160 m.); E. of Table Mt. & n.w. of Wright Ridge, May 27, 1996, 7387 ft. (2252 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: May 27, 1996

SBCo.: From 4940 ft. (1506 m.), e. of Mt. Baldy Village at “Dry Lake” in Cherry Cyn., R.G. Swinney, May 31, 1997, to 8430 ft. (2570 m.), at Bighorn Pk., n.w. of Cucamonga Pk., R.G. Swinney, July 11, 1995; May-Aug.; uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane

+Viola purpurea Kellogg ssp. mesophyta M.S.Baker & J.C. Clausen, Goosefoot Violet

LACo.: L.R. Abrams, Coldwater Cyn., July 11, 1902, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Viola purpurea Kellogg ssp. mohavensis (M.S. Baker & J.C. Clausen) J.C. Clausen, Goosefoot Violet

LACo.: From 3451 ft. (1052 m.), at Little Rock Cr. Canyon, 0.5 miles n. of Kitter Cyn., Orlando Mistretta, Apr. 21, 1995, to 7501 ft. (2287 m.), at head of Swartout Valley, P.A. Munz, June 18, 1921; Apr.-July; uncommon; transmontane, montane; near cismontane at trail from Pine Flats to Chilao , F.W. Peirson, June 15, 1921, 5501 ft. (1677 m.)

FVS: Apr. 29, 1902, H.M. Hall, near Mescal Cr., San Gabriel Mts., 4500 ft.

(1372 m.)

SBCo.: Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge above Lone Pine Cyn., 1.4 miles s. of Lone Pine Rd. on FS Road 3N31 at first switchback, c. 60-80 meters s. of rd., May 28, 1995, 5640 ft. (1720 m.); Pinon Hills, “Oak Hills” area, c. 0.25 miles s.w. of w. end of Sunnyslope Rd., and c. 0.12 miles w. of Green Rd., 1 mile n. of Oak Spring Ranch, Apr. 3, 1997, 4959 ft. (1512 m.); e. of Table Mt. and n.w. of Wright Ridge, 2 1/4 miles s.e. of Smithsonian Observatory on e. end of ridge, May 27, 1996,

7301 ft. (2226 m.); Pinyon Hills, e. of Oak Springs Cyn., ridge imm. south of Desert Front Rd., June 29, 1995, 5500 ft. (1677 m.)

Other records:

S.D. White, Wrightwood area, unnamed ridgetop imm. north of town, May 9, 1998, 6600-6800 ft. (2000-2100 m.); Mary H. O’Brien, Wrightwood, empty lot w. of 1102 Eagle, May 13, 1976, 6000 ft. (1829 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Meyer Cyn., off Lytle Cr., May 9, 1968, 2300 ft. (701 m.)

FVS: May 9, 1968

Viola purpurea Kellogg ssp. purpurea , Mountain or Goosefoot Violet

LACo.: From 4000 ft. (1220 m.), at Spring Hill, San Antonio Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, May 15, 1968 and T. Ross, ridge descending northward from Mt. Gleason, between the upper reaches of Moody Cyn. & Arrastre Cyn., May 31, 1990, 4000-6060 ft. (1220 m.), to 7370 ft. (2247 m.), at Pine Mt. Ridge, 0.2-0.3 miles w. of Camp Lupine Trail, broad ridgetop, R.G. Swinney, July 14, 1998; Apr.-July; uncommon; montrane, cismontane

FVS: June 10, 1918, F.W. Peirson, near Observation Point, Mount Lowe,

4497 ft. (1371 m.)

SBCo.: Cherry Cyn. Flats, at s.w. base of Sugarloaf Pk., (s. of mouth of Icehouse Canyon-added 2010) June 18, 1996 and May 31, 1997 at 5563 ft. (1696 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, S. Fork Lytle Cr. at Cucamonga Pk. Trail, June 15, 1968, 6701 ft. (2043 m.)

FVS: June 15, 1968

Viola purpurea Kellogg ssp. quercetorum (M.S. Baker & J.C. Clausen) R.J. Little, Goosefoot Violet

Fresh material (light gray) +/- needed to distinguish from V. purpurea ssp. purpurea (dull to bright-green tinted +/- purple). Perhaps better treated as a separate sp.

LACo.: Upper Fish Fk. Divide, vic. of jct. of Upper Fish Fk. Trail & Dawson Pk. Trail, July 21, 1998, 5599 ft. (1707 m.); 2.3 miles n. of Hwy. 2 (at Vincent Gap) at Pinyon Ridge Mtwy., 6534 ft. (1992 m.)

Other records:

Robert Gustafson, Charlton Flats Cmpgrd., May 17, 1973, 5500 ft. (1677 m.); Thos. Craig, in Bear Cyn. Trail, to Mt. San Antonio, June 8, 1927, no elev. given; Donna Lee Hobbs, Blue Ridge Lookout, State Hwy. 2, May 1, 1962, no elev. given; V. Soza, LeRoy Gross, et al., along Sunset Ridge, Fire Rd., n. side of Sunset Pk., May 9, 2002, 5300 ft. (1616 m.); F.W. Peirson, near or slightly below Inspiration Point, Mt. Low, June 10, 1918, 4500 ft. (1372 m.)

FVS: June 10, 1918

SBCo.: Thos. Craig, jct. of Icehouse & San Antnonio Cyns., May 30, 1927, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Cyn., Charcoal Camp, May 20, 1917,

3998 ft. (1219 m.)

FVS: May 20, 1917

Viola purpurea Kellogg ssp. venosa (S. Watson) M.S. Baker & J.C. Clausen, Purple-marked Yellow Violet

LACo.: P.A. Munz, Vincent Gulch, May 26, 1923, 6599 ft. (2012 m.); Frank W. Peirson, trail Pine Flats to Chilao, June 15, 1921, 5497 ft. (1676 m.)

FVS: June 15, 1921

SBCo.: No records given.

Viola sheltonii Torr., Shelton’s Violet

LACo.: with D.W. Larson, S. Fork of Fern Cyn., n.e. of Brown’s Flat, June 25, 1999, 4198 ft. (1280 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Brown Flat, Fern Cyn., Water Trail, July 2, 1932, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); Samuel R. Tyson, San Dimas Cyn., Apr. 9, 1942,

4100 ft. (1250 m.); I.M. Johnston, near Brown’s Flat in Fern Cyn., damp, shady cyn., July 1, 1917, 4200 ft. (1280 m.)

FVS: July 1, 1917

SBCo.: I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Cyn., May 20, 1917, 3998 ft. (1219 m.); I.M. Johnston, Woodcamp, Cucamonga Cyn., May 20, 1917, 4500 ft. (1372 m.); I.M. Johnston, Charcoal Camp, Cucamonga Cyn., Apr. 1, 1917, 4200 ft. (1280 m.)

FVS: Apr. 1, 1917

Viola tricolor L., Johnny Jumpup

Veg. similar to V. arvensis

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Sunset Ridge by Millard Cyn., n. side (n.e.) of Coultere Reservoir, June 16, 1967, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Viscaceae Mistletoe Family

Arceuthobium campylopodum Engelm., Western Dwarf Mistletoe

[synonyms: A. californicum Hawksw. & Wiens and A. divaricatum Engelm. and A. abietinum (Engelm.) Hawksw. & Wiens and A. monticola Hawksw., et al., and A. occidentale Englem and A. tsugense (Rosend.) G.N. Jones and A. tsugense ssp. mertensianae Hawksw. & Nickrent and A. tsugense ssp. tsugense]

LACo.: From 5000 ft. (1524 m.), at w. end of Desert Front Rd., at Oak Springs Ranch, n. edge of San Bernardino Natl. Forest, R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Apr. 20, 1973, on Pinus monophylla and Orlando Mistretta, Santiago Cyn., ridge on w. edge of Santiago Cyn. watershed, c. 1 mile s. of Mt. Emma, Apr. 29, 1994,

4999 ft. (1524 m.), to 7800 ft. (2378 m.), at ridge running e. from pk. of Mt. Islip, R.F. Thorne & Larry E. DeBuhr, on Pinus lambertiana and R.G. Swinney, Lamel Spring on n. slope of Mt. Baden-Powell, 1.5 miles s. of Vincent Gap, on Pinus lambertaina, Aug. 11, 2001; June-Oct.; rare; montane

FVS: Sep. 20, 1916, Fordyce Grinnell Jr., Barley Flats

SBCo.: Wrightwood, Heath Cyn., c. 3/4 miles w. of Lone Pine Cyn. Road, w. side of dirt rd., Aug. 15, 1994, 6199 ft. (1890 m.), on Pinus jeffreyi

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., Wrightwood, July 28, 1971, 6561 ft. (1982 m.), on Pinus jeffreyi; Robert F. Thorne, (at foot of Sugar Pine Ski Lift), San Antonio Cyn., Aug. 23, 1971, 6498 ft. (1981 m Robert F. Thorne, San Antonio Cyn., at foot of Sugar Pine Ski Lift, on Pinus lambertiana, Aug. 23, 1971, 6591 ft.

(1979 m.) (specimen with same voucher number reads: 6500 ft. (1982 m.); L.C. Wheeeler, Cucamong Pk. Trail, on n. side of ridge between Middle Fk. and South Fk. Lytle Cr., June 15, 1968, 7600 ft. (2317 m.); .); I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk. of San Gabriel River, Aug. 22, 1917, 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

FVS: Aug. 22, 1917

Phoradendron bolleanum (Seem.) Eichl., Bollean Mistletoe

[synonyms: P. densum Torr. ex Trel. and P. pauciflorum Torr.]

The two synonyms noted above, are listed below and indented.

LACo.: ridge due n. of Big Horn Ridge & s. of San Antonio Ridge, high spot on ridge above (east of) Coldwater Canyon, Aug. 27, 1998, 7800 ft. (2378 m.), on Abies concolor; n.w. of Wrightwood, w. half of Jackson Flat, July 8, 1998, 7478 ft.

(2280 m.), on Abies concolor;

Other records:

Albert J. Perkins, San Gab. Mts./Antelope Valley, May 30, 1919

(locatioin vague, possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 30, 1919

SBCo.: Sugarloaf Pk., n.e. side of east peak, s. of Icehouse Cyn. parking area, July 9, 1996, 6881 ft. (2098 m.), on Abies concolor

Other records: Job Kuift, c. 2 miles w. of Cajon Pass, Jan. 27, 1957

FVS: Jan 27, 1957

(synonym) Phoradendron densum Torr. ex Trel., Libocedrus Mistletoe, Dense Mistletoe

LACo.: lower Sandrock Cr., 0.8 miles SSW of Valyermo Post Office, at Valyermo Rd., June 9, 2008, 3880 ft. (1183 m.), on Juniperus californica; Pinon Hills near entrance to Jubilee Scout Ranch, 2 miles s. of Hwy. 138 & just w. of co. line, c. 200 meters w. of Boneyard Cyn., June 12, 1994, 4398 ft. (1341 m.), on Juniperus; Carr Cyn., 0.5-1.0 miles e. of Littlerock Creek confl., Apr. 29, 2009, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Little Rock Cr., Feb. 22, 1933, no elev. given, on Juniperus californica; T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Little Rock Cr., on s.w. side of Little Rock Cr. Reservoir, June 11, 1990, 3270-3290 ft. (997 m.), on Juniperus californica; Little Rock Cr., slopes e. of Little Rock Reservoir, Apr. 12, 1994, 3201 ft.

(976 m.), on Juniperus californica; Randall T. Schuh, Cassis Schwartz, et al., Largo Vista Rd., 3.1 miles s. of Route 18, s.e. of Llano, site L4, May 17, 2004, 4182 ft. (1275 m.), on Juniperus; Orlando Mistretta, Carr Cyn., May 2, 1995, 3400 ft. (1037 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., slopes e. of cr. below Dam, Mar. 30, 1994, 3800 ft. (1159 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Steve Boyd, et al., Santiago Cyn., ridge on the w. edge of Santiago Cyn. watershed, c. 1 mile s. of Mt. Emma, Apr. 29, 1994, 4999 ft. (1524 m.), on Juniperus californica; F.W. Peirson, Arrastre, May 10-, 1919, 2800 ft. (854 m.), on Juniperus californica; L.C. Wheeler, Barrel Springs, Nov. 8, 1967, 2949 ft. (899 m.); L.C. Wheeeler, ½ mile n.e. of Kentucky Springs, e. of Acton, Apr. 29, 1960, no elev. given; David Charllton, n.w. Soled Pass, Kentuckky Springs development, 1 mile s. of Hwy. 14, on Angeles Forest Hwy. (N-3), c. 5 miles (airline) s. of Plmdale, Apr. 7, 1989, 3401 ft. (1037 m.), on Juniperus; J.H. Barber, Kentucky Springs, near Acton, June 28, 1897

FVS: June 28, 1897

SBCo.: Job Kuijt, c. 2 miles w. of Cajon Pass, Jan. 27, 1957, no elev. given, on Juniperus californica (possibly outside boundary); Marcus E. Jones, A.M., Cajon Pass, Oct. 10, 1923, no elev. given (host taxon on sheet) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. bo;undary)

(synonym) Phoradendron pauciflorum Torr., Fir Mistletoe

LACo.: From 5000 ft. (1524 m.), along Big Pines Hwy., in the vic. of Appletree Cmpgrd, J.R. Shevock, Apr. 24, 1976, occ. to common on Abies concolor, to 7625 ft. (2325 m.), at ridge due n. of Big Horn Ridge & s. of San Antonio Ridge, high spot on ridge above Coldwater Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 27, 1998, on Abies concolor; Jan. Apr. June-Aug., Oct.-Dec.; uncommon; montane

FVS: June 18, 1921, P.A. Munz, Swartout Valley, 6000-7000 ft. (1829-2134 m.)

SBCo.: From (c.) 5600 ft. (1707 m.), at San Sevaine Flats (at San Sevaine Well), R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., June 29, 1972, abundantly parasitizing Abies concolor, to 7872 ft. (2400 m.), at Sheep Mt. Wilderness, east hdwtrs. of Prairie Fk. at base of Pine Mt. Ridge, e. end of abandoned dirt rd. at confl. of e. branches fo Prairie Fk. R.G. Swinney, Oct. 19, 1994, on Abies concolor; Jan, Mar., May-July, Sep., Nov; uncommon; montane, near cismontane at San Sevaine Flats

FVS: July 29, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

Phoradendron juniperinum A. Gray, Juniper or Incense-cedar Mistletoe

[synonym: P. libocedri (Engelm.) Howell] and P. juniperum Engelm. ex A. Gray ssp. libocedri (Engelm.) Wiens]

LACo.: on Libocedrus; T.S. Ross, Steve Boyd, et al., Big Rock Cr. Canyon, c. 130 meters n. to 250 meters NNW of Icy Springs, June 11, 1990, 5619 ft.

(1713 m.), on Calocedrus decurrens; Del Wiens, Crystal Lake Area, Dec. 10, 1953, c. 5500 ft. (1677 m.), on Libocedrus decurrens; L.E. Hoffman, Sheep Cr., Mar. 27, 1932, no elev. given, on Incense Cedar; L.C. Wheeler, Pine Flats, N. Fork San Gabriel River, Oct. 9, 1949, no elev. given, no host given; L.C. Wheeler, Pine Flats, n. end, Aug. 25, 1946, 6000 ft. (1829 m.), on Libocedrus decurrens;

I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk. of San Gabriel River, Aug. 23, 1917, 4999 ft. (1524 m.)

FVS: Aug. 23, 1917

SBCo.: Slover Cyn., Sep. 12, 1992, 6050 ft. (1845 m.), Common on 3 Calocedrus decurrens located

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist, Stockton Flat, July 31, 1971, c. 6000 ft. (1829 m.), on Calocedrus decurrens; Del Wiens, Stockton Flats, upper Lytle Creek Cyn., June 17, 1959 & Mar. 22, 1959, c. 6000 ft. (1829 m.), on Libocedrus decurrens

FVS: June 17, 1959

Phoradendron serotinum (Raf.) M.C. Johnst., Big Leaf Mistletoe, Colorado Desert Mistletoe, American Mistletoe

[synonym: P. macrophyllum (Engelm.) Cockerell]

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.), 0.5 miles e. of Glendora Mt. Road on Big Dalton Cyn. Road, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, s. of rd., R.G. Swinney, July 31, 1989, to 4500 ft. (1372 m.), near Camp Baldy, George H. Grinnell, June 5, 1923; Jan, Feb., Apr.-Dec.; fairly common; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Feb. 17, 1917, Albert J. Perkins, Switzers Camp, Arroyo Seco, 1500 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, e.-facing slope in n.-s. trending cyn., Jan 6, 1994, uncommon on Platanus racemosa, to 3000 ft.

(915 m.), at Lytle Cr. Cyn., near Glenn Ranch, Del Wiens, Apr. 18, 1954 and R.F. Thorne, along S. Fork Lytle Creek Cyn., Oct. 17, 1970, on Platanus racemosa and M.B. Dunkle, San Antonio River Cyn., June 17, 1933, on Alder; Jan., Mar.-July, Oct.-Dec; uncommon; ccismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 15, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Lytle Creek Cyn., no elev. given

Other hosts:

parasite on Cercocarpus betuloides, Del Wiens, Apr. 4, 1954, near Glenn Ranch (Lytle Cr. Cyn.), 3000 ft. (915 m.); uncommon parasite on Juglans californica, confl. of spring from Swarthout Cyn. & Cajon Wash, R.G. Swinney, 2640 ft.

(805 m.); prasite on commercial Apricot, Del Wiens, near the single house, on dirt rd. from Lytle Cr. Cyn. to Cajon Pass Rd., Dec. 18, 1955, 3000 ft. (915 m.); parasite on Ash, Del Wiens, near Applewhite Cmpgrd., Lytle Cr. Cyn., Dec. 18, 1954, 3000 ft. (915 m.)

Phoradendron serotinum (Raf.) M.C. Johnst. var. macrophyllum (Engelm.) Kuijt,

Colorado Desert Mistletoe

[synonym: P. macrophyllum (Engelm.) Cockerell ssp. macrophyllum]

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: confl. of spring from Swarthout Cyn. & Cajon Wash, Nov. 14, 1992,

2640 ft. (805 m.), fairly common parasite on Fraxinus velutina; Cucamonga Cyn. at jct. with FS Road 1N35 (W. Cucamonga Truck Trail), n.e. of jct. on w. bank of stream, Jan 26, 1994, 2919 ft. (890 m.), common on Alnus rhombifolia

Other records: None found.

Phoradendron serotinum (Raf.0 M.C. Johnst. var. tomentosum (DC.) Kuijt, Oak Mistletoe, Pacific Mistletoe

[synonym: P. villosum (Nutt.) Engelm.]

LACo.: From 1299 ft. (396 m.), at N. Claremont (Cobal Cyn.), Del Wiens, June 10, 1960, on Quercus dumosa, to 7239 ft. (2207 m.), w. of Wrightwood, Table Mt. area, c. 100 meters n.w. of Amphitheater and Table Mt. Cmpgrd., R. G. Swinney, July 14, 1997, common on Quercus kelloggii Neuberry; Feb. Apr.-Aug., Dec.; uncommon; all 3 sections

Other hosts:

parasite on Quercus chrysolepis & Quercus wislezini, L.C. Wheeler, Cow Cyn. Saddle, Dec. 20, 1972, 4500 ft. (1372 m.); common on Quercus john-tuckeri, Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, w. trib. of W. Fork Punchbowl Cyn., 0.4 miles n.e. of park headquaters, R.G. Swinney, June 4, 2008, 4359 ft. (1329 m.); on Quercus turbinella, Louis Wheeler, Little Rock Cr., Feb. 22, 1933, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

FVS: Apr., 1900, Geo. B. Guant, Mt. Lowe, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2800 ft. (854 m.), Day Cyn., burned 1970, Gerald L. Benny & Colin M. Wainwright, Apr. 24, 1971, on Quercus chrysolepis, to 4920 ft. (1500 m.), Lone Pine Valley, Clyde Ranch, s. side of Lone Pine Rd., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 23, 1994, on Prunus mahaleb L.

FVS: July 13, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Lytle Creek Cyn., no elev. given

Other hosts:

scarce parasite on Quercus john-tuckeri, R.G. Swinney, Cajon Cyn., Baldy Mesa Ridge s. of Phelan, w. end of FS Road 3N24, 1.2 miles n.e. of Hwy. 138, Nov. 12, 1994, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); on Cercocarpus - new host record, sev. miles below Stockton Flats in upper Lytle Creek Cyn., Del Wiens, Mar. 22, 1959

Vitaceae Grape Family

Parthenocissus inserta (A. Kern.) Fritsch, Woodbine, Virginia Creeper

[synonym: P. vitacea (Knern.) Hitch.]

In TJM1, trerated as native to CA, possibly correctly

LACo.: Big Tujunga Ponds Wildlife Sanctuary, Tujunga Valley, Sep. 1, 1010, 1120 ft. (341 m.) (not yet processed)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Vitis girdiana Munson, Desert Wild Grape

LACo.: From 1198 ft. (365 m.), at Monrovia Cyn., Frank W. Peirson, May 18, 1919, to 5300 ft. (1618 m.), at Chilao Cr., near entrance to upper Chilao Flat, Old Camp, L.C. Wheeler, Aug. 8, 1968; Apr.-Nov.; rare; cismontane

FVS: May 18, 1919, Frank W. Peirson, Monrovia Cyn., 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: Cajon Pass, 0.6 miles s.w. of Swarthout Cyn. Road jct. with Cajon Rd., Nov. 10, 2008, 2640 ft. (805 m.); Glen Helen Regional Park, boardwalk (since removed-added 2010) trail, s.w. of lake, Oct. 9, 1994, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, Cajon Wash, between Blue Cut and stream crossing at Swarthout Cyn. Rd., c. 3 miles s. of Hwy. 138 crossing, May 18, 1997, 2601 ft. (793 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, lateral cyn., tributary to Lytle Cr. Cyn., near its mouth, June 26, 1969, c. 2500 ft. (762 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Scotland, Lytle Cr., July 13, 1967, 3100 ft. (945 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn. Wash, Sep. 16, 1967, 3000 ft. (915 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, lower Lone Pine Cyn., Aug. 29, 1966, perhaps 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

FVS: Aug. 29, 1966

Vitis labrusca L., Fox Grape

(synonym: V. labrusca L. var. subedentata Fernald

Native to n.e , n.c., s.e. N. America.

LACo.: Foothills of Duarte, lower Van Tassel Cyn., 0.3 to 0.6 miles n.w. (upstream) of confl. with San Gabriel River, Apr. 16, 2009, 918 ft. (280 m.)

Other records: None found

SBCo.: No records found.

Vitis vinifera L., Wine Grape

Native to Europe

LACo.: Duarte, Van Tassel Cyn., 1.45 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. at Encanto Dr. on Fish Cyn. Dr., Nov. 30, 2008, 669 ft. (204 m.); Iron Fk. a west trib. of E. Fork San Gabriel River Canyon, c. 200 m. above confl., July 28, 1999, 3119 ft.

(951 m.)

Other records:

T.S. Ross, E. Fork of the San Gabriel River, c. 145 meters SSE of the mouth of Shoemaker Cyn., May 17, 1992, no elev. given; T.S. Ross & Orlando Mistretta, Mt. Baldy Ranger District, Cape Horn Canyon, Oct. 16, 1990, 2180 ft. (665 m.)

FVS: Oct. 16, 1990

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, Oct. 9, 1994, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Other records: None found.

Zygophyllaceae Caltrop Family

Larrea tridentata (DC.) Coville., Creosote Bush

LACo.: desert slope, 223rd Street, 2.5 miles s. of F. Tejon Road, c. 30 ft. e. of road, Sep. 6, 1997, 3920 ft. (1195 m.); with Vanessa Merritt, 3 miles w. of Pinon Hills, 1.4 miles s. of Ft. Tejon Rd. at 237th Street East (Mescal Cyn. Road), 1.4 miles NNE of mouth of Mescal Cyn. at Reservoir, June 12, 1998, 4280 ft.

(1305 m.); lower Brainard Cyn., 1.4-1.8 miles s. of Mt. Emma Rd., 2.9 miles ___ (164 deg.) of Littlerock, May 12, 2009, 3480 ft. (1061 m.); Carr Cyn., 0.5-1.0 miles e. of Littlerock Creek confl., April 29, 2009, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, above Little Cr., just below Little Rock Forestry Station, 1/2 mile belw, Little Rock Dam., June 29, 1971, c. 3100 ft. (945 m.); J.P. Simon, John Dourley, et al., c. 2.5 miles s. of Pearblossom, 1/2 mile s. of jct. of Valyermo-Littlerock & Pearblossom-Punchbowl Rds. in San Andreas Rift Zone, May 1, 1970, 3700 ft. (1128 m.); R.F. Thorne & Dick Tilforth, n. of Bob’s Gap, June 21, 1978, no elev. given; R.F. Tlhorne, A.C. Gibson, et al., c. 3 miles s. of Hwy. 138 on Grandview Cyn. Road, c. 9 miles ESE of Pearblossom, Apr. 17, 1970, c. 2400 ft. (1280 m.) and one close by on the same date

FVS: Apr. 17, 1970

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, Oak Springs Cyn. burn area of 1995, July 6, 1996, 5701 ft. (1738 m.)

Other records:

J.T. Howell, new hwy. s. side of Cajon Rass, June 11, 1927, 2700 ft. (823 m.)

FVS: June 11, 1927

Tribulus terrestris L., Caltrop, Puncture Vine

Native to Medit. Toxic to livestock in vegetative condition. Now controlled by introduced weevils.

LACo.: lower San Antonio Cyn., c. 70 meters w. of San Antonio Cyn. Road and 80 meters s. of Shinn Rd., June 25, 2000, 2601 ft. (793 m.); Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, Big Dalton Cyn., 1.3 miles n.e. of Glendora Mt. Rd. on Big Dalton Cyn. Road, July 8, 1989, 1401 ft. (427 m.); San Dimas Cyn., at Puddingstone Diversion Dam., Oct. 20, 2008, 1161 ft. (354 m.);

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Camp Rincon, W. Fork, San Gabriel River, Aug. 25, 1946, 1500 ft. (457 m.); L.C.Wheeler, Vogel Flat, BigTujunga Cyn., Sep. 23, 1950, 1840 ft.

(560 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Colby Ranch, Oct. 1, 1966, 3600 ft. (1098 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Kinneloa (“Sycamore”) Cyn., near base of mts., Sep. 20, 1945, 1099 ft. (335 m.)

FVS: Sep. 20, 1945

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, parking lot at entrance to Icehouse Cyn., Aug. 30, 1965, 4900 ft. (1494 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr., Miller Narrows, July 13, 1967, no elev. given; LC. Wheeler, Glen (Glenn-added 2010) Ranch, Lytle Cr., July 16, 1948, no elev. given

FVS: July 16, 1948


Agavaceae Century Plant Family

(Liliaceae – Lily Family)

Agave americana L., American Century PLant

Native to Texas and Mexico.

LACo.: Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 1 mile n. of Footlhill Blvd., Dec. 4, 2008, 659 ft. (201 m.)

Other records:

T.S. Ross, Annette H. Ross, et al., foothills n. of La Verne, unnamed southerly canyonlet, c. 300 meters w. of Marshall Cyn., just n. of an old triangular reservoir and an old abandoned homestead, Mar. 15, 1991, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 15, 1991

SBCo.: A.C. Sanders, Tracy Tennant, et al., Etiwanda, w. side of Etiwanda Cr., on n. side of Hwy. 30 (Highland Ave.), Mar. 12, 1998, 1450 ft. (442 m.) (possibly s. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary-added 2009)

Chlorogalum pomeridianum (DC.) Kunth, Wavyleaf Soap Plant

LACo.: Justin M. Wood, City of San Dimas, Sycamore Cyn., Falcon Ridge Ranch, June 8, 2009, 1351 ft. (412 m.); Henry J. Ramsey & Mrs. Henry J. Ramsey, N. Craig Ave., Altadena, May 27, 1937, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 27, 1937

SBCo.: Scott D. White, Muscupiabe Hills, s. of Glen Heln Regional Park, along a stream, June 23, 1992, 2106 ft. (642 m.)

Chlorogalum pomeridianum (DC.) Kunth var. pomeridianum, Soaproot, Wavyleaf Soaplant

LACo.: Donald R. Bissing, Evey Cyn., above rd. cut 0.2 mi. from cyn. mouth, June 2, 1973, 2260’s (689 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., c. ¼ mile e. of hwy., June 26, 1967, 1500 ft. (457 m.); L.C. Wheeler, s. side of Millard Cyn., c. ¼ mile est from Lincoln Ave., Water Comp. Reservoir, Apr. 20, 1947, 1998 ft. (609 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr., across the rd. from Lytle Cr. Ranger Station, July 13, 1967, 2700 ft. (823 m.); Jerome S. Horton, Tanbark Flat, July 15, 1937, 2696 ft. (822 m.); F.W. Peirson, lower Rubio Cyn., June 23, 1918, 1899 ft. (579 m.)

FVS: June 23, 1918

SBCo.: 3.2 miles e. of San Sevaine (FS Road 1N34, San Sevaine Rd.), July 16, 1993, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); Frankish Pk., north of Upland on ridgetop (pk.), June 8, 1996, 4130 ft. (1259 m.)

Other records:

Gerald L. Benny & Colin M. Wainwright, Day Cyn., May 24, 1971, 3600 ft.

(1098 m.); R.F. Thorne, J. Dourley, et al., Grapevine Spring, San Bernardino Natl. Forest, July 7, 1971, 4200 ft. (1280 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Meyer Cyn. off Lytle Cr., Mar. 6, 1968, 2300 ft. (701 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr., across the rd. from Lytle Cr. Ranger Station, July 13, 1967, 2696 ft. (822 m.)

FVS: July 13, 1967,

+Hesperoyucca whipplei Torr., Chaparral Yucca

[synonyms: Yucca whipplei Torr. ssp. parishii (M.E. Jones) Haines and Yucca whipplei Torr. ssp. caespitosa (M.E. Jones) Haines]

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 594 ft. (181 m.), at Lario, San Gabriel River Trail Park, Ellen Mackey, Bart O’Brien, et al., Oct. 19, 2006, to 6790 ft. (2070 m.), at summit of Lookout (Antonio) Mt., R.G. Swinney & Vanessa Merritt, June 16, 1998; Jan. (blooming after fall fire), Apr.-June, Aug., Dec.; all 3 sections

FVS: June 4, 1919, Frank W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., 4746 ft. (1447 m.)

SBCo.: From 2801 ft. (854 m.), at 6 miles n. of Claremont, 35 ft. n.e. of Mt. Rd., 1 mile n.w. of Euclid Rd., Kelly McAndrew, May 9, 1992, to 8040 ft. (2451 m.), at Baldy Bowl area, San Antonio Cyn., w. spring area, R.G. Swinney, July 13, 1995; Apr.-Sep., Nov.; fairly common; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass (records missing for transmontane, plants are present)

FVS: June, 1899; H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

Yucca brevifolia Engelm., Joshua Tree

[synonym: Y. brevifolia Engelm. var. brevifolia and Y. brevifolia Engelm. var. herbertii (J.M. Webber) Munz]

Scarcity of records at least partially due to limited years of blooming, as they require much higher than normal precipitation to produce blooming.

LACo.: Pinon Hills, near entrance to Jubilee Scout Ranch, 2 miles s. of Hwy. 138 & just w. of c. line, c. 200 meters w. of Boneyard Cyn., June 12, 1994,

4398 ft. (1341 m.); Carr Cyn. at confl. of Littlerock Cr., May 6, 2009, 2982 ft.

(909 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, near mouth of Carr Cyn., June 1, 1995, 3100 ft. (945 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Alimony Ridge, May 27, 1968, 4900 ft. (1493 m.); J.R. Shevock, N 6 Rd.; near Devil’s Punchbowl, Mar. 15, 1971, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); B.C. Templeton, Big Rock Cr., Mar. 27, 1932, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 27, 1932

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., c. 4.5 miles n.e. of Wrightwood along Hwy. 2, July 29, 1969, 4999 ft. (1524 m.); George B. Rossbach, Route 138, Cajon Cyn., Apr. 29, 1955, 2998 ft. (914 m.); D.L. Ill, Hwy. 2, c. 3.9 miles e. of co. line, c. 50 meters from rd., Apr. 14, 1985, no elev. given; Scott D. White, vic. of Glen Helen, c. 0.5 miles s. of Institution Rd., 1-2 miles w. of Hwy I-215, Feb. 19, 1990, 1601 ft. (488 m.) (s. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary); J.M. Weber, 4 miles n.w. Cajon, Apr. 11, 1946, 3998 ft. (1219 m.)

FVS: Apr. 11, 1946

Yucca schidigera Roezl ex Ortgies, Mojave Yucca

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: F.R. Fosberg,San Gab. Mts. region, lower Cajon Wash (no elev. given, perhaps s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary), June 14, 1931

Alismataceae Water-Plantain Family

Alisma triviale Pursh, European Water-Plantain

(synonym: A. plantago-aquatica L.)

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn., Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, May 22, 1989, 1099 ft. (335 m.)

Other records:

D.E. Bramlet, Big Dalton Debris Basin, Sep. 17, 2003, 1063 ft. (324 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Pasadena, Devils Gate Dam, Aug. 20, 1951, 1000 ft. (305 m.)

FVS: Aug. 20, 1951

SBCo.: No records found.

Echinodorus berteroi (Spreng.) Fassett, Upright Burhead

LACo.: San Dimas, Puddingston Diversion Dam, San Dimas Cyn., north of San Dimas, July 1, 2009, 1161 ft. l(354 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Arroyo Seco, just upstream, 100 yds. from Pasadena Water Intake, Sep. 27, 1953, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Altadena, Devil’s Gate Dam, June 22, 1949, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 27, 1953

SBCo.: No records found.

+Sagittaria sanfordii Greene, Sanford’s or Valley Arowhead

Status: CNPS List R-E-D Code State/Fed. Status:

CRPR 1B.2 S3 G3

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Justin M. Wood & Brandy Wood, Rancho Cucamonga Alta Loma # 2 Flood Control Basin, between Haven Ave. & Hermosa Ave., just w. of Chaffey College, June 28, 2009, 1656 ft. (505 m.)

Alliaceae Onion or Garlic Family

(Liliaceae – Lily Family)

Allium amplectens Torr., Narrowleaf Onion

(synonym: A. occidentale A. Gray and A. monospermum Jeps.]

LACo.: Glendora, 50-100 yds. n. of Morgan Ranch Rd. terminus, Feb. 26, 1990 (also det. as A. haematochiton S. Watson)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Allium burlewii Davidson, Burlew’s Onion

LACo.: From 5500 ft. (1677 m.), at n. slope of Strawberry Pk., F.W. Peirson, May 27, 1924, to c. 10004 ft. (3050 m.), at the summit of Mt. San Antonio, V.W. Steinmann, June 17, 1996; Apr.-Aug.; fairly common; montane

FVS: June, 1916, Fred F. Burlew, near top of Mt. San Antonio

SBCo.: From 4999 ft. (1524 m.), at Lone Pine Cyn., P.A. Munz, June 17, 1921, to 10060 ft. (3067 m.), at E. Baldy Pk. at co. line, R.G. Swinney, July 10, 1992; May-Aug.; fairly common; montane

FVS: June 1, 1915, Fred Burlew, Mt. San Antonio, no elev. given

Allium campanulatum S. Watson, Dusky Onion

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, spring on n. side of Blue Ridge by Guffy Camp,, June 14, 1968, no elev. given; Frank W. Peirson, c. 0.5 miles w. Big Pines (along left bank of stream), Mescal Cr., July 5, 1922, 6645 ft. (2026 m.); R.F. Thorne, Big Pines, July 9, 1969, 5800 ft. (2073 m.); R.F. Thorne, n. of Shoemaker Cyn. between Mile High & Valyermo, May 1, 1973, 4400 ft. (1341 m.); R.F. Thorne & Larry E. DeBuhr, Big Meadow, Big Pines Rec. Area, near headwater fo Mescal Cr., June 28,1974, 6900 ft. (2104 m.); H.M. Hall, San Antonio Mts., June 18, 1899, 5497 ft. (1676 m.)

FVS: June 18, 1899

SBCo.: No records found.

Allium fimbriatum S. Watson, Fringed Onion

LACo.: n.e. of Valyermo, Bob’s Gap, ridgetop n. of Lime Kilms, May 14, 2005, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); Largo Vista area, c. 1/2 mile e. of Largo Vista Rd., at a point 3.56 miles s. of Hwy. 138, May 18, 2001, 4212 ft. (1284 m.); Valyermo area, ridgetop, c. 500 meters e. of s. end of Bob’s Gap, Apr. 18, 2001, 4300 ft.

(1311 m.); with Vanessa Merritt, n.w. of Jackson Flat, 0.7 miles n. of Big Pines Hwy. on 4N16, Ball Flats Rd., June 12, 1998, 6199 ft. (1890 m.); Carr Cyn., 0.3 miles s.e. of Mt. Emma Rd. crossing, May 5, 2009, 3119 ft. (951 m.)

Other records: Justin M. Wood, vic. of Littlerock Cr., just s.w. of jct. of Cheseboro Rd. & Mt. Emma Rd., May 10, 2010, 3191 ft. (973 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Hunt Cyn., 3 miles e. of Vincent, May 12, 1967, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

FVS: May 12, 1967

SBCo.: H.A. Haid, Stockton Flats in upper Lytle Creek Cyn., July 4, 1967,

5701 ft. (1738 m.); A.C. Sanders, D. Malueg, et al, Baldy Mesa, Lago-Vincent Powerline (S. Cal. Edison), s. of Phelon Rd. near Coughlin Rd., May 12, 1998 (just n. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary); John C. Roos & L. Roos, Mojave Desert, Baldy Mesa, c. 4or 5 miles s.w. of Phelan, May 17, 1952, 3700 ft. (1128 m.)

FVS: May 17, 1952

Allium fimbriatum S. Watson ssp. fimbriatum, Fringed Onion

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 2800 ft. (854 m.), at Arrastre, San Gab. Mts., F.W. Peirson, May 10, 1919, to 5720 ft. (1744 m.), at Ball Flat, 1500 m. due n. of Jackson Lake, between the Boulder Cyn. & Mescal Cr. drainages, T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd; Apr.-June; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: May 10, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Arrastre, San Gab. Mts., 2800 ft. (854 m.)

SBCo.: Pinon Hills area, c. 0.25 miles s.w. of w. end of Sunnyslope Rd. & c. 0.12 miles w. of Green Rd., 1 mile n. of Oak Spring Ranch, Apr. 3, 1997, 4959 ft. (1512 m.)

Other records:

J.C. Roos & L. Roos, Baldy Mesa, c. 4 or 5 miles s.w. of Phelan, May 17, 1952, 3700 ft. (1128 m.); S.B. Parish & Louis Greata, San Gab. Mts. Region, near Cajone (Cajon), June, 1901, no elev. given

FVS: June, 1901

+Allium fimbriatum S. Watson var. mohavense (Tidestr.) Jeps. Mojave Fringed Onion

LACo.: H.Dearing & M. Dearing, near Big Rock Cr., May 10, 1941, no elev. given; Anstruther Davidson, Acton, possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary); R. Hoffman, Rock Cr., May 19, 1929, no elev. given

FVS: May 19, 1929

SBCo.: No records found.

Allium haematochiton S. Watson, Redskin Onion

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Glendora, 50-100 yds. north of Morgan Ranch Rd. terminus, rd. to continue through the Allium site (rd. now completed, most plants elliminated-added 2010), Feb. 27, 1990, 1099 ft. (335 m.)

Other records:

Valerie L. Soza & Ian Gillespie, et al., SDEF, s.w. of Johnstone Pk., above Wildwood Cyn., May 18, 2000, 2150 ft. (655 m.); Jerome S. Horton, meadow,

south S.D. SRE (San Dimas Cyn.), Apr. 7, 1937, 1397 ft. (426 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Sycamore Flat to San Dimas Cyn., Apr. 21, 1921, 2598 ft. (792 m.); L.C. Wheeler, near mouth of San Dimas Canyon, Mar. 10, 1934, 1450 ft. (442 m.); Jack Delaini & Ken Zakar, Lodi Cyn., SDEF, Apr. 30, 1974, 2650 ft. (808 m.); F.W. Peirson, foot of San Dimas Cyn., Apr. 21, 1921, 1500 ft. (457 m.); Verne Grant, n. of San Dimas, Mar. 27, 1954, 1400 ft. (427 m.); K. Dobry, Elsmere Cyn., May 2, 1991, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, divide bet. West Fk. Eby & Little Tujunga Cyn., May 4, 1969, 2000 ft. (609 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., Apr. 19, 1969, 1500 ft. (457 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Yerba Buena Ridge, Tujunga Ranger Dist., May 14, 1990, 3621 ft. (1104 m.); P.A. Munz, Lone Hill near Glendora, Apr. 11, 1918

FVS: Apr. 11, 1918

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Gab. Mts. Range, Upland, Apr. 1, 1933, 1450 ft.

(442 m.) (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

+Allium hyalinum Curran, Glassy Onion

LACo.: T.S. H., San Dimas Cyn., s. of San Dimas runoff in field plot 585, SDEF, Apr. 4, 1941, 1397 ft. (426 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Allium lacunosum S. Watson, Pitted Onion

LACo.: Margaret Stason, Pinyon Ridge, May 14, 1927, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

+Allium lacunosum S. Watson var. davisiae (M.E. Jones) McNeal & Ownbey, Pitted Onion

LACo.: Sulphur Springs Cmpgrd. area, streamside from cmpgrd. to 300 m. downstream, May 27, 2009, 5299 ft. (1585 m.); Horse Flats, 1 air mile NNW of Neucomb’s Ranch at Hwy. 2/Angeles Cr. Hwy., June 8, 2009, 5642 ft. (1720 m.)

Other records:

Rimo Bacigalupi (with G.T. Robbas, et al., along forest service rd. between Horse Flat Camp and Pinyon Flats, June 14, 1953, 6196 ft. (1889 m.); Robert F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Pinyon Flats, 2 records at 1.5 and 1.8 miles below Alder Saddle (along dry branch of S. Fork of Little Rock Cr.), June 30, 1971, 5196 ft. (1584 m.); Joseph A. Ewan, 1/2 mile above Horse Flats, Pine Flats Region, June 15, 1932, no. elev.; Mary Mac Arthur, Chilao, June 4, 1966, no elev. given; Mary MacArthur, 0.7 mi. from turn-off on Angeles Crest Hwy. to lower Chilao keeping always to the right-left side of rd., June 24, 1967, 5196 ft. (1584 m.); F.W. Peirson, trail from Pine Flats to Chilao, June 15, 1921, 5501 ft. (1677 m.); R.M. Straw, Horse Flats Rd., off Angerles Crest Hwy., June 16, 1954, 389 m. (incorrect-added 2010); R. Hoffmann, above Rock Cr., May 19, 1929, no elev. given; Margaret Steson, Pinyon Ridge, May 14, 1927, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Arraster (Arrastre-added 2011) Cr., n. slope of San Gab. Mts., May 11, 1919, 2798 ft. (853 m.)

FVS: May 11, 1919

SBCo.: Frank W. Peirson, Arraster (Arrastre–added 2011) (there is an Arraster in the San Berndino Mts.-added 2011), San Gab. Mts., May 10, 1919, 2798 ft. (853 m.)

+Allium monticola Davidson, San Bernardino Mountain Onion

(synonym: A. monticola var. monticola (taxon uncertain)

LACo.: From 4000-6060 ft. (1220-1848 m.), at ridge descending n.w. from Mt. Gleason, between the upper reaches of Moody Cyn., & Arrastre Cyn., T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, May 31, 1990 to 10064 ft. (3068 m.), at E. Baldy Pk., collected within 50 yds. of peak, R.G. Swinney, July 10, 1992; May-Aug.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 17, 1899, H.M. Hall, San Antonio Pk., 8997-9797 ft. (2743-2987 m.)

SBCo.: From 2699 ft. (823 m.), at Mt. San Antonio, trial (trail-added 2011) from divide, F.R. Fosberg, June 23, 1931, to 10060 ft. (3067 m.), E. Baldy Pk. at co. line, R.G. Swinney, July 10, 1992; Apr., June-Aug.; uncommon-rare; montane

FVS: June, 1916, Fred Burlew, Mt. San Antonio, no elev. given

Allium peninsulare Lemmon ex Greene, Peninsular Onion, Mexicalli Onion

LACo.: Water Cyn., a trib. from the n. of San Gabriel River Cyn., n. of Morris Dam, May 13, 1997, 1319 ft. (402 m.)

Other records:

Frank W. Peirson, Fish Cyn. Falls, May 6, 1920 and May 21, 1923 for Fish Cyn., no elev. given for either record

FVS: May 21,1923

SBCo.: No records found.

Allium peninsulare Lemmon ex Greene var. peninsulare, Peninsular Onion

LACo.: S.D. White & P. Devries, foothills above Irwindale, Fish Cr. Cyn., from the mouth of the cyn. at Cal Mat Quarry, upstream to falls, May 18, 2000, 1000 ft.

(306 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Fish Cyn., July 1, 1919, 1998 ft. (609 m.); R.F. Thorne & A.C. Gibson, Fish Cyn., May 22, 1971, 1801 ft. (549 m.); Samuel R. Tyson, from w. end of 4100 down to saddle of rd., SDEF (reference from SDEF publication suggests upper E. Fork of San Dimas Cyn.-added 2010), June 20, 1944; Robert Kessler, Fish Cyn., June 1, 1924, no elev. given; Anstruther Davidson, San Gabriel Cyn., June 1, 1914

FVS: June 1, 1914,

SBCo.: No records found.

Allium praecox Brandegee, Early Onion

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: P.A. Munz, Lone Hill, San Dimas, Mar. 17, 1920, 1000 ft. (304 m.)

(possibly s. of the San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Allium vineale L., Vineyard Onion, Wild Garlic

Native to Europe

LACo.: Glendora, e. end of South Hills, disturbed area, none observed in spring 2005, recent development in area (just south of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis Family

(Liliaceae – Lily Family

Narcissus tazetta L., Paper White, Cream Narcissus

Native to Iran. Widelly naturalized elsewhere, highly polymorphic.

LACo.: Steve Boyd, (Claremont), cyn. above Padua Hills Theatre, Feb. 3, 1990 (2 diff. voucher #’s)

SBCo.: No records found.

Araceae Arum Family

(Lemnaceae - Duckweed Family)

Landoltia punctata (G. Mey.) Les & D.J. Crawford, Dotted Duckmeat

[synonyms: Spirodela punctata (G. Mey.) C.H. Thomps. and S. digorrhiza (Kurz) Hegelm.]

LACo.: Scott D. White, Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland-Tujunga area, alluvial fan below San Gab. Mts., s.w. of I-210 Frwy., e. of Hansen Dam and n. of Wentworth St., May 14, 1997, 1151 ft. (351 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Lemna minor L., Common Duckweed


LACo.: (w. of-added 2012) Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, Big Dalton Cyn., Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, May 22, 1989, 1099 ft. (335 m.)

Other records:

Andrew Wheeler, Barrel Springs, July 23, 1967, no elev. given

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, n.w. end, willow grove, Sycamore Flat area, Muscupiabe, Aug. 25, 1994, 1960 ft. (598 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, Larry E. DeBuhr, et al., due s. of Lost Lake & near Blue Cut, Oct. 13, 1972, no elev. given

FVS: Oct. 13, 1972

Lemna minuta Kunth, Least Duckweed

(synonym: L. minuscula & L. minima)

Much like L. valdiviana Phil., possibly in response to growth conditions, needs study.

LACo.: Azusa, San Gabriel River Cyn., El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, Mar. 11, 2009, 971 ft. (296 m.)

Other records:

LeRoy Gross, Tujunga Park, w. of 210 Frwy. in Big Tujunga Wash, city of Sunland, Sep. 20, 1998, 1200 ft. (365 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Wildwood Cyn., foothills n. of San Dimas, Nov. 29, 1952, no elev. given

FVS: Nov. 29, 1952

SBCo.: Cajon Wash, c. 1.4 miles n. of Swarthout Cyn. Road, between Cajon & Cosy Dell, Oct. 29, 1994, 2870 ft. (875 m.)

Other records: None found.

Lemna valdiviana Phil., Valdivia Duckweed

Variable, forms tangeled masses under other plants.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Glenn Ranch, Lytle Cr. (Sportsman) Park, Sep. 15, 1967

+Zantedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng., Calla Lily

Native to s. Africa

LACo.: San Gabriel River, north of the Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of Encanto Park in Duarte, (c. 50 m. upstream from 2nd. arch from the west-added 2011), Apr. 7, 2009, 605 ft. (184 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Arecaceae Palm Family

Phoenix canariensis Chabaud, Canary Island Date Palm

Native to Canary Islands

LACo.: with Cody Clarke & Veronica Pallan, n. of Sierra Madre, Little Santa Anita Cyn. along Mt. Wilson Trail, c. 300 meters n.e. from the s. trailhead, Apr. 5, 2001, ________ (not yet processed)

several locatioins in Glendora foothills & San Gabriel Cyn. Wash in Irwindale/Duarte, vegatative, not collected

Other locations: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Washingtonia filifera (Linden ex Andre) H. Wendl., California Fan Palm

Native to sonoran desert

LACo.: No records found. several locations in Glendora, vegative, not collected.

SBCo.: No records found.

Washingtonia robusta H. Wendl., Mexican Fan Palm, Washington Fan Palm

Native to Baja California

LACo.: No records found. observed in “Bender Cyn.” in Glendora & Garcia Cyn. & mouth of San Gabriel River in Azusa by R.G. Swinney, veg. only.

SBCo.: No records found.

Asperagaceae Asperagus Family

(Liliaceae – Lily Family)

Asparagus officinalis L., ssp. officinalis, Garden Asparagus

Native to Europe; reported from CA & Florida

LACo.: Tim Ross, 870 m. distant, 21 deg. NNE, East Fk. Station (n. end of Heaton Flat area), E. Fork of the San Gabriel River, May 17, 1991, 2076 ft.

(633 m.)

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, June 12, 1968, 3400 ft. (1037 m.)

Asphodelaceae Asphodel Family

(Liliaceae – Lily Family)

Asphodelus fistulosus L., Pink Asphodel, Onionweed

Native to s. Europe, reported from CA, New Mexico & Texas

LACo.: San Dimas, lower Ham Cyn. where it cuts through San Dimas Golf Course, just above (n. of) confl. with San Dimas Cyn., Apr. 4, 2008, 1200 ft.

(366 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Commelinaceae Spiderwort Family

Commelina benghalensis L., Dayflower, Jio

Native to tropical Asia

LACo.: Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River, c. 100-350 meters n. of Foothill Blvd., creekbank (commercial water release point-added 2010) moist soil, Feb. 16, 1998, 600 ft. (183 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Cyperaceae Sedge Family

Bolbosschoenus maritimus L. ssp. paludosus (A.Nelson) T. Koyama, Cosmopolitan Bulrush, Saltmarsh or Alkali Bulrush

[synonyms: Schoenoplectus maritimus (L.) Lye ssp. paludosus and Scirpus maritimus L. var. paludosus (A. Nelson) Kuk.]

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, Aug. 1, 1994 and Sep. 17, 1992, 1200 ft. (366 m.); (Glendora-added 2010), Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, Apr. 30, 2008, 118 ft. (341 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Sep. 17, 1992

SBCo.: No records found.

Carex abrupta Mack., Abruptbeak Sedge

Intergrades with C. mariposana, a more delicate sp. that fls. 2 weeks later.

LACo.: B.C. Templeton, Big Pines Park, below amateur Ski Jump, June 1, 1932, 6849 ft. (2088 m.); David Charlton, Buckhorn Cmpgrd., cr. along Burkhart Trail, June 15, 1986, 5799 ft. (1768 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Sulphur Spring, Aug. 2, 1967, 5200 ft. (1585 m.); F.M. Reed, summit of Baldy (Mt. San Antonio), July 3, 1920, 10060 ft. (3067m.)

FVS: July 3, 1920

SBCo.: Wrightwood Area, n.e. jct. of Mill Rd. with Mockingbird Rd., July 9, 1995, 6150 ft. (1875 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., summit ridge of Dawson Pk., July 28, 1971, c. 9550 ft. (2912 m.); F.W. Peirson, summit of pk. north of Mt. San Antonio, Sep. 15, 1920, 9500 ft. (2896 m.); F.M. Reed, summit of Baldy(Mt. San Antonio), July 3, 1920, 10060 ft. (3067 m.)

FVS: July 3, 1920

Carex alma L. Bailey, Sturdy Sedge

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), near mouth of Fish Cyn., R.F. Thorne, May 22, 1971, to 8100 ft. (2470 m.), vic. of Lily Spring, n.w. slope of Mt. Hawkins, L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 21, 1966; Mar.-Nov.; common in moist areas, all 3 sections

FVS: July 28, 1907, I.M. Johnston, upper San Antnonio Cyn., 4995 ft. (1523 m.)

SBCo.: From 2299 ft. (701 m.), at Meyer Cyn., off Lytle Cr., L.C. Wheeler, May 9, 1968, to 8397 ft. (2560 m.), near San Antonio Ski Hut, Peter H. Raven & H.L. Wedberg, Aug. 17, 1957; Apr.-Aug.; all 3 sections

FVS: July 28, 1917, I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn., (Old Gold Ridge Mine), 8000 ft. (2438 m.)

Carex athrostachya Olney, Longbracted or Slenderbeak Sedge

LACo.: Wrightwood area, Flume Cyn., spring c. 200 meters n. of Guffy Cmpgrd., spring on n.-facing slope, Aug. 16, 1999, 8020 ft. (2445 m.); Waterman Mt., ski run on e.-facing slope, July 24, 2008, 7839 ft. (2380 m.); Dawson Pk. Ridge Trail at far n.e. tributary of upper Fish Fk. San Gabriel River, 1.3 miles w. of Dawson Pk., Sep. 7, 1998, 8279 ft. (2524 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Sep. 7, 1998

SBCo.: 2.2 miles s.e. of (San)Sevaine Flats on San Sevaine Road, Oct. 17, 1992, 4051 ft. (1235 m.); Sheep Cyn., south trib. to Icehouse Cyn., due w. of Sheep Flats, July 10, 1995, 6799 ft. (2073 m.); with Cody Clarke, 1.5 miles SSW of Dawson Saddle, jct. of S. Fork Big Rock Cr. at Hwy. 2, near turn-out/parking area, Aug. 22, 2001, 7560 ft. (2305 m.); First (lowest-added 2010)waterfall in Dog Bone Cyn., west trib. of N. Fork Lytle Cr., imm. south of Alpine Canyon, n.w. of Dawson Pk., Aug. 21, 1996, 7800 ft. (2378 m.)

Other records:

Peter Fritsch & T.S. Ross, San Antonio Falls, to c. 7400 ft. from Switchback at

6424 ft. and just above last of the cabins, c. 25 km. n.w. of San Bernardino, July 12, 1990, 6426 ft. (1959 m.); I.M. Johnston, N.Fork San Antonio Cyn., July 28, 1928, 8000 ft. (2439 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Well, San Sevaine Flat, Nov. 4, 1967, 5500 ft. (1677 m.)

FVS: Nov. 4, 1967

Carex aurea Nutt., Golden Sedge

Imm. perianth +/- indistinguishable from those of C. hassei.

LACo.: Columbine Spring, n. slope of Pine Mt. Ridge & flowing into Prairie Fk., 0.3 miles s. of Camp Lupine Spring & meadow, burn of 1997, July 14, 1998,

7200 ft. (2195 m.); Upper Fish Fk. San Gabriel River, c. 0.9 air miles e. of Upper Fish Fork Cmpgrd., 1.4 air miles WSW of Dawson Pk., Aug. 14, 1999, 7039 ft. (2146 m.); Lamel Springs on n. slope of Mt. BAden-Powell, 1.5 miles s. of Vincent Gap., Aug. 11, 2001, 7790 ft. (2375 m.); upper Government Cyn., c. 2 miles w. of Wrightwood, Blue Ridge Mt. area, July 23, 1997, 7400 ft. (2256 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 23, 1997

SBCo.: first waterfall (lowest-added 2010) in Dog Bone Cyn., w. trib. of N. Fk. Lytle Creek imm. south of Alpine Canyon, n.e. of Dawson Pk., Aug. 21, 1996, 7800 ft. (2378 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, June 12, 1968, 3401 ft. (1037 m.); I.M. Johnston, N. Fork San Antonio Cyn., July 28, 1928, 8000 ft. (2439 m.); Peter Fritsch & T.S. Ross, San Antonio Falls, to c. 7400 ft. from Switchback at 6424 ft. & just above last of the cabins, c. 25 km. n.w. of San Bernardino, July 12, 1990, 6424-7400 ft.

(1959 m.); I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Mts., Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., July 3, 1917, 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

FVS: July 3, 1917

Carex barbarae Dewey, Whiteroot or Santa Barbara Sedge

LACo.: K.H. B., W. Fork Rd. above falls, SDEF, Aug. 27, 1943, no elev. given; Louis C. Wheeler, W. Fork Palmer Cyn., June 21, 1936, 2099 ft. (640 m.); I.M. Johnston, Live Oak Cyn., on west cyn.-side, Aug. 18, 1918, 1351 ft. (412 m.)

FVS: Aug. 18, 1918

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, c. 600 meters s. of Blockbuster Pavilion parking area, between motorcycle race track (to the south-added 2010) and n. parking area, Apr. 15, 1995, 2001 ft. (610 m.); Glen Helen Regional Park, Oct. 9, 1994, 2000 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, Live Oak Canyon, Aug. 18, 1918, 1348 ft. (411 m.)

FVS: May 18, 1918

Carex bolanderi Olney, Bolander’s Sedge

LACo.: Valerie L. Soza & LeRoy Gross, spring along Burkhart Trail (FS Trail 1002), from Buckhorn Flat to Cooper Cyn., c. 0.8 miles along trail from Buckhkorn Flat Trailhead, June 13, 2000, 6050 ft. (1845 m.); L.C. Wheeler, s.w. side of Mt. Waterman, July 15, 1967, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); L.C. Wheeler, confl. of Alder Cr. and East Fk., Aug. 8, 1967, c. 4100 ft. (1250 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Steve Boyd, Santiago Cyn., drainage n.w. of Pacifico Mt., ___, 5199 ft..

(1585 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Sheep Camp Spring, w. slope of Mt. Pacifico, Aug. 2, 1967, 6399 ft. (1951 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Little Rock Cr., 0.1 mi. downstream from Cooper Creek, Sep. 1, 1954, 5400 ft. (1656 m.)

FVS: Sep. 1, 1954

SBCo.: Lytle Cr. entrance to cyn. at 2.0 miles n. of San Sevaine Rd. on w. side of Lytle Cr., July 14, 1993, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 13, 1968, 4600 ft. (1492 m.)

FVS: June 13, 1968

Carex chihuahuensis Mack., Chihuahuan Sedge

Native to Arizona; Chihuahua, Mexico

LACo.: T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Big Rock Cr., empty, gutted cabin on e. side of riparian strip, just upstream from gaging station, May 29, 1990, 4054 ft. (1236 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Carex densa (L.H. Bailey) L.H. Bailey, Dense Sedge

(synonym: C. dudleyi Mack.0

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, near mouth of Bear Cyn., off Soledad Cyn., May 23, 1967, 1899 ft. (579 m.); F.R. Fosberg, Pine Flats, N. Fork San Gabriel River, Aug. 13, 1931, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 13, 1931

SBCo.: Sheep Cyn., south trib. to Icehouse Cyn., due w. of Sheep Flats, July 10, 1995, 6799 ft. (2073 m.)

Other records: None found.

Carex diandra Schrank, Lesser Tussock or Panicled Sedge

LACo.: C.W. Sharsmith, near head of Eaton Canyon, Aug. 29, 1940, no elev. given

SBCo.: small cyn. with spring c. 200 yards n. of Baldy Ski Lift & c. 50 yards s. of W. Baldy Service Rd., c. halfway up the ski-lift route, Aug. 26, 1993, 7200 ft.

(2195 m.)

Other records: None found.

Carex douglasii Boott, Douglas’ Sedge

LACo.: Boulder Cyn., north of Big John Flat, June 18, 1999, 5159 ft. (1573 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, summit of Table Mt. above Big Pines Ranger Station, July 9, 1969, 6996 ft. (2133 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, 1.8 mi. below Alder Saddle in Pinyon Flats area, dessicated branch of S. Fork Little Rock Cr., June 30, 1971, 5097 ft. (1554 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., summit of Table Mt., above Big Pines, June 29, 1972, 7495 ft. (2285 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Chilao Guard Staiton, May 12, 1946, no elev. given; LeRoy Gross, from Alder Saddle, 4 mi. down rd. 5N04 along S. Fork Little Rock Cr., June 23, 2005,

5399 ft. (1646 m.); B.C. Templeton, Big Pines Park, May 31, 1932, 6850 ft.

(2088 m.)

FVS: May 31, 1932

SBCo.: Marcus E. Jones, Cajon Pass, San Gab. Mts., May 16, 1903, 3802 ft. (1159 m.)

Carex echinata Murray, Bristle-Fruit Sedge, Star Sedge

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Lytle Creek Cyn., unnamed side cyn. from the west, 2 miles n. of San Sevaine Rd., near Hitching Ranch, July 14, 1993, 3109 ft. (948 m.)

Other records: None found.

Carex fracta Mack., Fragile Sheath Sedge

(synonym: C. amplectens Mack.)

LACo.: From 1600 ft. (488 m.), at Cobal Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, May 13, 1933, to 8079 ft. (2463 m.), at 1.5 miles SSW of Dawson Saddle, jct. of S. Fork Big Rock Cr., & Hwy.2, near turn-out/parking area, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 27, 2001; May-Sep.; rare; all 3 sections

FVS: July 6, 1922, F.W. Peirson, Big Pines Camp, 6849 ft. (2088 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), Glen Helen Regional Park, c. 600 meters s. of Blockbuster Pavilion parking area, between motorcycle racetrack (to the south-added 2010) and n. parking area, R.G. Swinney, _________, to 8039 ft.

(2451 m.), at Baldy Bowl area, near Sierra Ski Hut, in small trib. with springs, e. of San Antonio Cyn., at e. spring area, R.G. Swinney, July 13, 1995, 8041 ft. (2451 m.); Apr., June-Aug., Oct.; uncommon-rare; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 16, 1918, S.B. Parish, Icehouse Cyn., San Bernardino Mts., 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

+Carex globosa Boott, Roundfruit Sedge

Plants from SnBr. Mts. similar to C. pitophila Mack, of s. Rocky Mts., may be distinct, study needed.

LACo.: From 3936 ft. (1200 m.), at So. Calif. Edison transmission line corridor (Seg. 6, structure 75 per TRTP survey 2008), W. Fork San Gabriel River, Shortcut Cyn., Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, May 15, 2008, to 5901 ft. (1799 m.), at Chilao Cr. headwaters, L.C. Wheeler, June 1, 1968; May-Sep.; rare; montane, cismontane

FVS: Sep. 1, 1918, I.M. Johnston, n. of Browns Flat, 4200 ft. (1280 m.)

SBCo.: James Henrickson, c. 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, 2. 5 miles n. of I-15, May 12, 1985, 2601 ft. (793 m.); I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Cyn. at Charcoal Camp, June 7, 1919, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); D.L. Crawford, mts. above Claremont, Mar. 7, 1916, no elev. given;

FVS: Mar. 1, 1916

Carex hassei L.H. Bailey, Hasse’s or Salt Sedge

(synonym: C. garberi Fernald, misapplied) Like C. aurea Nutt.

LACo.: From 4097 ft. (1249 m.), at Yucca Flats Summer Home Tract at upper end of cyn. of N. Fork San Gabriel River, Robert F. Thorn & M.Z. Thorne, July 19, 1967, to 8197 ft. (2499 m.), at s. slope Mt. (“Baldy”) San Antonio, G.R. Campbell, June 28, 1952 May-Oct.; rare; all 3 sections.

FVS: June, 1897, H.E. Hasse, San Antonio Cyn.

SBCo.: From 3000 ft. (915 m.), at e. side of Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, along Applewhite Rd., e. side, L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 16, 1967 and L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Sep. 16, 1967, 3001 ft. (915 m.) to 8899 ft. (2713 m.), at n.e. slope of Mt. San Antonio headwaters of w. fork of N. Fork Lytle Cr., L.C. Wheeler, July 15, 1968; May-July, Sep.; rare; montane, cismontane

FVS: July 31, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk. Lytle Cr., San Antonio Mts., 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

Carex heteroneura W. Boott., Smooth-fruited Sedge, Different Nerve Sedge

[synonyms: C. epapillosa Mack. and C. heteroneura var. epapillosa (Mack.) F.J. Jerm. and C. bella L.H. Bailey, misapply. and C. heteroneura var. heteroneura]

LACo.: From 6698 ft. (2042 m.), at Mescal Cr. Play Area, R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, July 10, 1969, to 8000 ft. (2439 m.), at Lily Springs area on n. slope of Mt. Hawkins drainage of S. Fork Big Rock Cr., R.F. Thorne, June 28, 1974; June-Sep.; rare; montane

FVS: Aug. 12, 1931, F.R. Fosberg & J.A. Ewan, Mt. Islip, 7495 ft. (2285 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Carex jonesii L.H. Bailey, Jone’s Sedge

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Dorr Cyn., n.w. slope of Mt. Burnham, Lodgepole Picnic Area, Angeles Crest Hwy., Aug. 21, 1966, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); R.F. Thorne, Lily Springs area on n. slope of Mt. Hawkins, drainage of S. Fork Big Rock Cr., June 28, 1974, c. 8000 ft. (2439 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Mescal Cr. Play Area, July 10, 1969, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, n.w. slope of Mt. Burnham, Lodgepole Picnic Area, Aug. 21, 1966, no elev. given; S.D. White & Dave Bramlet, w. of Mt. Islip, just above e. boundary of San Gabriel Wilderness, c. 4-mile closed section of Hwy. 39 from c. 1.6 miles w. of jct. of Crystal Lake access rd. to junction Hwy. 2, Aug. 11, 1998, 5600-6600 ft. (1707-2010 m.); P.M. Kamb, Little Jimmy Spring, June 30, 1947, 7495 ft. (2285 m.)

FVS: June 30,1947

SBCo.: No records found.

+Carex leptopoda Mack., Slender-footed Sedge, Taperfruit Shortscale Sedge

(synonym: C. deweyana ssp. leptopoda)

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Lytle Creek Cyn., bottom of unnamed side cyn. w. of Stockton Flats, July 7, 1992, 6399 ft. (1951 m.); East Baldy Rd. at co. line, July 10, 1992, 10060 ft. (3067 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 7, 1992

Carex mariposana L.H. Bailey ex Mack., Mariposa Sedge

Variabale, approaches C. abrupta, but more delicate.

LACo.: Mary MacArthur, 0.7 mi. from turn-off on Angeles Crest Hwy. to lower Chilao, keeping always to right-left side of rd. by intermittent stream bed, June 24, 1967, 5196 ft. (1584 m; I.M. Johnston, Baldy Summit, July 4, 1917, 9994 ft. (3047 m.)

FVS: July 4, 1917

SBCo.: No records found.

Carex multicaulis L. Bailey, Stick, Forest or Manystem Sedge

LACo.: From 3201 ft. (976 m.), at So. California Edison transmission line tower (seg. 5, structure 65 per trip TRTP survey 2008), just e. of State Hwy. 14 (Antellope Valley Frwy.), in the vic. of Vincent, Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, Apr. 29, 2008, to 6560 ft. (2000 m.), at Twin Pks. Saddle, between Waterman Mt. & Twin Pks., the southernmost of the 2 saddles, R.G. Swinney, July 23, 2008; May-Aug.; rare; all 3 sections

FVS: June 12, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Mt. Disappointment

SBCo.: From 3998 ft. (1219 m.), at Charcoal Camp, Cucamonga Cyn., I.Johnston, May 20, 1917 and R. G. Swinney, at 4002 ft. (1220 m.), s. of Barrett Cyn. Village, along Barrett-Stoddard Rd., July 20, 1995, to 7495 ft. (2285 m.), near stream below San Antonio Ski Hut, Peter H. Raven & L. Wedberg, Aug. 17, 1957; May-Aug., Oct.; rare; montane, cismontane

FVS: May 20, 1917

Carex multicostata Mackenzie, Manyrib Sedge

LACo.: F.G. Elmore, near Big Pines, Apr. 27, 1936, no elev. given

SBCo: S.B. Parish, Icehouse Cyn., June 16, 1918, 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

Carex nebrascensis Dewey, Nebraska Sedge

LACo.: San Dimas Experimental Forest, stream woodland, SDEF, 1988, no verified voucher douments found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Carex occidentalis L.H. Bailey, Western Sedge

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Peter Fritsch & T.S. Ross, San Antonio Falls, from the falls to about 7400 ft. from switchback at 6424 ft. and just above last cabins, c. 25 km. n.w. of San Bernardino, July 12, 1990, 6424-7400 ft. (1959-2256 m.)

Carex pellita Muhl. ex Willd., Woolly Sedge

(synonym: C. lanuginosa Michx., misappl.)

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.), at San Dimas Cyn., 0.25 miles n. of Golden Hills Dr. on San Dimas Cyn Road, R.G. Swinney, May 25, 1989, to 6898 ft. (2103 m.), at Big Pines, John Thomas Howell, July 18, 1947; May, July-Sep; rare; montane, cismontane

FVS: May 25, 1989

SBCo.: near Mt. Baldy School, s. of Mt. Baldy Village, c. 75 meters e. of San Antonio Cyn. (bottom), May 31, 1997, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); Scotland, Lytle Cr. Canyon, s. of Valley Vista Dr., c. 30 meters e. of Lytle Creek Rd., June 23, 1994,

3001 ft. (915 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Regional Park, Mar. 20, 1970, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. at S. Fork, Bonita Trailer Park, w. side, July 12, 1968,

2900 ft. (884 m.)

FVS: July 12, 1968

Carex phaeocephala Piper, Dunhead or Alpine Hare Sedge

LACo.: I.M. Johnston, summit of Baldy, July 4, 1917, 9994 ft. (3047 m.)

SBCo.: E. Baldy Pk., July 10, 1992, 10000 ft. (3049 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., summit ridge of Dawson Pk., July 28, 1971, c. 9550 ft. (2912 m.) (2 voucher #s); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth et al., just e. of Baldy summit, July 27, 1968, 9350 ft. (2857 m.); P.A. Munz, Mt. San Antonio, July 21, 1922, 9800 ft. (2988 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., n.-facing ridge of Mt. San Antonio along lktrail to Dawson Pk., July 27, 1971, 9600 ft. (2927 m.); Fred Burlew, Mt. San Antonio (top), Aug. 1916, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, summit of Pk., n. of Mt. San Antonio, Sep. 15, 1920, 9500 ft. (2896 m.); P.A. Munz, Mt. San Antonio, July 21, 1922, 9500 ft. (2896 m.); L.C. Wheeler, summit Dawson Pk., July 15, 1968, 9575 ft. (2918 m.); Joseph A. Ewan, s.e. slope of Pine Mt., July 19, 1936, 8498 ft. (2591 m.); L.R. Abrams, Mt. San Antonio, July, 1901, 10000 ft. (3049 m.)

FVS: July, 1901

Carex praegracilis Boott, Black Creeper, Freeway Sedge, Clustered Field Sedge

LACo.: From 2225 ft. (678 m.), at Indian Cyn., near mouth, L.C. Wheeler, May 24, 1967, to 8300 ft. (2530 m.), at S. Fork Big Rock Cr., in the vic. of Lily Spring, L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 21, 1966; May-July, Sep.; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 23, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, Barrell Spring, San Gab. Mts./Mojave Desert Slope, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2299 ft. (701 m.), at Day Cyn., at s. foot of range, Jack Easton & D. C. Hawks, Jan 25, 1987, to 7770 ft. (2369 m.), at 120 meters e. of Baldy Notch, in unnamed cyn., R.G. Swinney, Sep. 7, 1992; Jan, Feb., June-Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 1, 1900, H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., San Antonio Mts., 6196 ft.

(1889 m.)

Carex preslii Steud., Presl’s Sedge

Like C. pachystachya but in general drier sites with more open infl., some beaks flat-tipped. At high elev’s. Sometimes like C. phaeocephala but with peri. ovate.

LACo.: Mrs. C.M. Wilder, near the summit of San Antonio Mt., 1905, 10116 ft. (3084 m.) (elev. in error–E. Baldy summit is 10,064 ft.-added 2012)

SBCo.: No records found.

Carex rossii Boott, Ross’ Sedge

(synonym: C. geophila Mack., misappl.)

LACo.: W. Baldy Pk. (Summit-added 2012), Aug. 27, 1998, 9899 ft. (3018 m.)

Other records:

John Thomas Howell, Blue Ridge, July 18, 1947, 8000-8518 ft. (2439-2591 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., natural depression SSW of Crystal Lake, June 25, 1990, 5550 ft. (1692 m.); Ivan Murray Johnston, Cucamonga Pk., July 30, 1907, 8695 ft. (2651 m.)

FVS: July 30, 1907

SBCo.: “Etiwanda Pk.”, c. 0.9 miles n.e. of Cucamonga Pk., on smae ridge, June 22, 2000, 8662 ft. (2641 m.); Plateau s.w. of Telegraph Peak c. 500 m. from peak., Aug. 11, 1994, 8849 ft. (2698 m.); Sheep Flats, s. of Icehouse Cyn., c. 1 air mile n. of Ontario Pk., July 10, 1995, 7045 ft. (2148 m.)

Other records:

Robert F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., summit ridge of Dawson Pk., July 28, 1971, 9545 ft. (2910 m.); Robert F. Thorne & Hj. Eichler, saddle just e. of Baldy summit, July 27, 1969, 9345 ft. (2849 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, e. ridge of Mt. San Antonio (Old Baldy), July 27, 1971, no elev. given; S.B.Parish, stream bank, Icehouse Cyn., San Antonio Mts., June 16, 1998, 7000 ft. (2133 m.);

R.F. Thorne, Icehouse Saddle, June 20, 1966, c. 7600 ft. (2317 m.)

FVS: June 20, 1966

+Carex schottii Dewey, Schott’s Sedge

LACo.: From 1601 ft. (488 m.), at Harrow Cyn. above Glendora, c. 0.25 miles n. of Harrow Cyn. Debris Basin, R.G. Swinney Oct. 18, 1997, to 6898 ft. (2103 m.), at Big Pines, John Thomas Howell, _________6898 ft. (2103 m.); Apr.-July, Sep., Oct.; uncommon-rare; montane, cismontane

FVS: Apr. 17, 1920, Anonym., Santa Anita Cyn.

SBCo.: Glen Gelen Regional Palrk, boardwalk trail s.w. of Lake (since dismantled-added 2010), Oct. 9, 1994, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

P.A. Munz, cyn. north of Claremont, Mar. 28, 1918, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 28, 1918

Carex senta Boott, Western Rough Sedge, Swamp Carex

LACo.: From 1299 ft. (396 m.), at Fish Cyn., R.F. Thorne & Arthur Charles Gibson, May 22, 1971, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), at s.w. side of Waterman Mt., L.C. Wheeler, July 15, 1967; May-Aug.; rare; all 3 sections

FVS: May 14, 1919, F.W. Peirson, W. Fork Eaton Cyn., 2700 ft. (823 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Carex specifica L.H. Bailey, Narrow-fruited Sedge

CA & NV; confused with C. fracta (both have contraligule), but differs in peri. length, wing width)

LACo.: George B. Grant, Mt. Wilson, June 15, 2006, 4999-5999 ft.

(1524-1829 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Carex spissa L.H. Bailey, San Diego Sedge

CA & AR.

LACo.: Azusa, 0.5 miles e. of San Gabriel Canyon Infor. Station on Hwy. 39 at mouth of cyn. (seep on s. side of rd.-added 2010) May 25, 2000, 1000 ft.

(305 m.); Harrow Cyn., above Glendora, c. 0.25 miles n. of Harrow Cyn. Debris Basin, Oct. 18, 1997, 1601 ft. (488 m.)

Other records:

Albert Perkins, Santa Anita Cyn., Apr. 27, 1920, no elev. given; San Dimas Experimental Forest, stream woodland, SDEF, 1988 (not found in CCH); Dr. A. Davidson, Mt. Wilson, 1898, no elev. given; George B. Grant, Arroyo Seco Cyn., May 5, 2004, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, San Gabriel Cyn., ¼ mi. upstream from mouth, May 4, 1947, no elev. given; Dr. A. Davidson, Mt. Wilson, 1898; Nora Pettibone & Frank W. Hubby, Ruby Cyn., near Pasadena, May 28, 1896, no elev. given

FVS: May 28, 1896

SBCo.: No records found.

Carex subfusca Boott., Rusty Slender Sedge, Pale or Brown Sedge

[synonyms: C. teneriformis Mack. and C. stenoptera Mack. and C. madoviana d’Urv. ssp. subfusca (W. Booth) T. Koyama]

LACo.: From 4251 ft. (1296 m.), along sream on s. side of cyn. of Rock Cr., F.W. Peirson, May 25, 1923, to 10001 ft. (3049 m.), at Mt. San Antonio (E. Mt. Baldy) with the following 5 records:

L.R. Abrams, July 1, 1901; I.M. Johnston, July 4, 1917; H. Dearing & M. Dearing, July 18, 1936; P.M. Kamb, June 13, 1947; R.G. Swinney, July 10, 1992; May-Sep.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: July 1901, L.R. Abrams, Mt. San Antonio, 10000 ft. (3049 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regioinal Park, c. 600 meters s. of Blockbuster Pavilion parking area, between motorcycle racetrack (to the south-added 2010), and north parking area, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 15, 1995, to 9575 ft. (2919 m.), at summit Dawson Pk., L.C. Wheeler, July 15, 1968 (listed, higher elevations are also reported under LA. Co.); Apr., June-Aug.; uncommon; montane cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 3, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk. Lytle Cr., 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

Carex triquetra Boott, Trigonous or Triangular Sedge

CA & n. Baja CA,Mex.

LACo.: Jerome S. Horton, n. end San Dimas Reservoir, Apr. 28, 1936, 1499 ft. (457 m.); I. Johnston, Evey Cyn., May 6, 1917, 2998 ft. (914 m.) (listed also as Mar. 6, 1917; L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Canyon., Mar. 23, 1934, 1397 ft.

(426 m.); P.A. Munz, San Dimas Cyn., Apr. 21, 1900, 1500 ft. (457 m.) (also listed as Apr. 21, 1920, with R.D. Harwood); George Brenard Grant, Glendora, May 1, 1902, no elev. given; E.S. Spalding, above Millard Canyon, Apr. 22, 1933, no elev. given; Geo. B. Grant, Arroyo Seco Cyn., San Gab. Mts., Aug. 1901, 1998 ft. (609 m.); F.M. Reed, Sierra Madre Mts., wash near La Canada June 12, 1925, 2299 ft. (701 m.); Dr. A Davidson, Mt. Wilson, 1895, no elev. given

FVS: 1895

SBCo.: No records found.

Cyperus difformis L., Variable Flatsedge

Native to Old World

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, June 25, 1989, 1098 ft.

(335 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork San Gabriel River, 1/2-3/4 miles w. of Bear Cr., Sep 2 & 8, 1946, 1699 ft. (518 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Gabriel Cyn., 0.25 mi. below fks., along the Hwy. on w. side, Sep 3, 1946, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 2, 1946

SBCo.: Justin M. Wood & Brandy Wood, City of Rancho Cucamonga, Alta Loma, # 2 flood control basin between Haven Ave. & Hermosa Ave., just w. of Chaffey College, June 28, 2009, 1656 ft. (505 m.) (just s. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Cyperus eragrostis Lam., Umbrella Sedge, Tall Flatsedge

LACo.: From 541 ft. (165 m.), at Irwindale, San Gabriel River channel, within 70 meters (n.) of l-210 Fwy., R.G. Swinney, Nov. 30, 2008, to 4100 ft. (1250 m.), at Yucca Flats Summer Home Tract at upper end of cyn. of N. Fork San Gabriel River, July 19, 1967, 4100 ft. (1250 m.); May-July, Sep.-Nov.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Dec. 24, 1933, L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn. Dam, 1351 ft. (412 m.)

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, extreme n.w. end of park at Sycamore Flat, Aug. 18, 1993, 1961 ft. (598 m.)

3 records for Glen Helen Regional Park:

Scott D. White, June 23, 1992, 2106 ft. (642 m.); R.G. Swinney, Aug. 18, 1994, 2001 ft. (610 m.); R.G. Swinney, Nov. 7, 2008, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Cyperus erythrorhizos Muhl., Redroot Flatsedge

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, Big Dalton Canyon, Oct. 28, 1989, 1180 ft. (360 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork San Gabriel River, Sep. 2, 1946, 1700 ft. (518 m.); F.R. Fosberg & J.Ewan, N. F0rk San Gabriel, Crystal Lake, Aug. 10, 1931, 5297 ft. (1615 m.)

FVS: Aug. 10, 1931

SBCo.: No records found.

Cyperus involucratus Rottb., Umbrella Plant

Native to e. Africa

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, Apr. 30, 2008, 1118 ft.

(341 m.); mouth of San Gabriel Cyn. between Foothill Blvd. & the I-210 Fwy., from main river channel to 300 meters east, Dec. 2, 2008, 541 ft. (165 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork San Gabriel Canyon, c. 1 mile w. of fks., June 3, 1945, no elev. given; LeRoy Gross, Tujunga Ponds, w. of I-210 Frwy. In Big Tujunga Wash, city of Sunalnd, Sep. 20, 1998, 1200 ft. (365 m.); Scott D. White, Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland-Tujunga area, alluvial fan at base of mountains, s.w. of Hwy. 20, e. of Hansen Dam & n. of Wentworth St., May 7, 1997, 1050 ft. (320 m.); John Dittes, Big Tujunga Cyn., c. 3.2 airmiles s.w. of Gold Cyn. Saddle, 1.3 airmiles n.e. of jct. of Sunland Blvd & 210 Frwy., 1.1 air-miles n.w. of Verdugo Hills High School, Oro Vista Ave. where it crosses Big Tujunga at edge of Big Tujunga Creek, Jan 2, 2006, 1289 ft. (393 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Liveoak Canyon, Oct. 7, 1933, 1597 ft. (487 m.)

FVS: Oct. 7, 1933

SBCo.: No records found.

Cyperus niger Ruiz & Pav., Black Flatsedge

[synonyms: C. niger Ruiz & Pav. var. capitatus (Britton) O’Neill and C. niger Ruiz & Pav., var. castaneus (Parsh) Kuk.]

LACo.: I. Johnston, swamp at the “Old Orchard”, San Antonio Cyn., Nov. 21, 1916, 2998 ft. (914 m.) ( also listed for San Bernardino Co., near co. line)

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, developed fishing lake, Oct. 9, 1994, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Park in Cajon Canyon, Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Glen (Glenn-added 2010) Ranch, Lytle Cr. (Sprotsman Park), Sep. 15, 1967, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 15, 1967

Cyperus odoratus L., Fragrent Flatsedge

(synonym: C. acicularis Schrad. Ex Nees)

LACo.: Little Rock Cr., 0.2 miles n. of Litle Rock Reservoir, Sep. 9, 2008,

3149 ft. (960 m.); Big Rock Cr. at Paradise Springs, Aug. 5, 2005, 4720 ft.

(1439 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Aug. 5, 2005

SBCo.: No records found.

Cyperus parishii Britton, Parish’s Flatsedge

LACo.: Juniper Hills, 0.4 miles s. of jct. of Longview Rd. & Tumbleweed Rd., Mike Booth Property, July 21, 2005, 3988 ft. (1216 m.)

Other records:

  1. Davidson, Rock Cr., Sep. 1, 1901, no elev. given (possibly n. of E. San Gab.

Mts. boundary)

FVS: Sep. 1, 1901

SBCo.: No records found.

Cyperus squarrosus L., Bearded Flatsedge

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Crystal Lake, Oct. 12, 1933, 5596 ft. (1706 m.) (also listed for Oct. 22, 1933); L.C. Wheeler, San Gabriel Cyn., Sep. 26, 1933, 1099 ft. (335 m.); V.V. Giles, Crystal Lake, July 5, 1936, no elev. given; F.R. Fosberg, Crystal Lake, N. Fork San Gabriel River, Aug. 11, 1931, 1600 ft. (488 m.)

FVS: Aug. 11, 1931

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Park, Cajon Canyon, Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 14, 1958 and July 11, 1968, 4700 ft. (1432 m.)

FVS: June 14, 1958

Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roem. & Schult., Needle Spikerush

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, Big Dalton Cyn., June 25, 1989, 1099 ft. (335 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, entreme n.w. end of park at Sycamore Flat, Aug. 18, 1993, 1961 ft. (598 m.)

Other records: None found.

Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roem. & Schult. var. acicularis, Needle Spikerush

[synonym: E. acicularis (L.) Roem. & Schutt. var. occidentalis Suens. __?]

Vars. often not identifiable.

LACo.: s.e. end of Jackson Lake, w. of Wrightwood, June 19, 1997, 6140 ft. (1872 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Well, San Sevaine Flat, Nov. 4, 1967,

5500 ft. (1677 m.)

Eleocharis bella (Piper ) Svens., Beautiful Spikerush

(synonym: E. acicularis var. bella Piper)

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., May 14, 1934, 1450 ft. (442 m.)

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 14, 1968, 4700 ft.

(1432 m.)

Eleocharis bernardina (Munz & I.M. Johnst.) Munz & I.M. Johnst, Fewflower Spikerush

[Scirpus quinqueflorus Hartmen and Scirpus pauciflorus Lightf.]

Transverse Ranges & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, s.w. side Mt. Waterman, July 15, 1967, 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

SBCo.: Baldy Bowl area, near Sierra Ski Hut, in small trib. with springs, e. of San Antonio Cyn., at east spring area, July 13, 1995, 8040 ft. (2451 m.)

Other records: None found.

Eleocharis coloradoensis (Britton) Gilly, Dwarf Spike-rush

May be used to control weeds in irrigation canals.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Crystal Lake, Oct. 22, 1933, 5600 ft. (1707 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Eleocharis macrostachya Britton, Pale Spikerush

Very variable, especially outside CA. CA plants intermediate between E. palustris and E. erythropoda Steud. or E. palustris and E. uniglumis (Link.) Schult, more study needed.

LACo.: From 1118 ft. (341 m.), at Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, Apr. 30, 2008, 1118 ft. (341 m.), to 6681 ft. (2037 m.), at head of Cedar Cyn., meadow on n. side of Big Pines Hwy., 0.5 miles w. of jct. of Hwy 2; Mar.-Aug.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: May 14, 1934, L.C. Wheeler, sunny seasonal stream in meadow near mouth of San Dimas Cyn., 1446 ft. (441 m.)

SBCo.: s.w. of the mouth of Lytle Cr. Cyn., 4.8-5.0 miles w. of Lytle Cr. Rd. (Nealy’s Corner) & c. 0.4 miles n. of Front Line Mtwy., Mar. 15, 1993, 1801 ft.

(549 m.); Glen Helen Regional Park, extreme n.w. end of park at Sycamore Flat, Aug. 18, 1993, 1961 ft. (598 m.) and Aug 18, 1994 at 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Park, Cajon Cyn., Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, Wrightwood, margin of Wright Lake, July 9, 1969, c. 6040 ft. (1842 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Sep. 16, 1967, 3401 ft. (1037 m.)

FVS: Sep. 16, 1967

Eleocharis montevidensis Kunth, Sand Spikerush

(synonym: E. montevidensis Kunth ssp. montevidensis)

Often resembles E. parishii

LACo.: Glendora, Morgan Cyn. Debris Basin, Morgan Cyn., July 13, 1989,

1200 ft. (366 m.)

Other records:

V. Soza & L. Moore, spring at Big Cienaga, c. 0.6 miles n.e. of Deer Flat Cmpgrd. along S. Mt. Hawkins Rd. (FS Road 3N07.2 ), June 14, 2000, 6498 ft. (1981 m.); Marion P. Harthill, Crystal Lake Rd., Hwy. 39, May 23, 1974, 4900 ft. (1494 m.); L.C. Wheeler, sunny seasonal stream in meadow near mouth of San Dimas Cyn., May 14, 1934, 1450 ft. (442 m.); Robert F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Yucca Flats Summer Home Tract at upper end of cyn. of N. Fork of San Gabriel River, July 19, 1967, 4097 ft. (1249 m.); Anstsruther Davidson, San Gabriel River, July 1920 (possibly s. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 14, 1934, L.C. Wheeler, sunny , seasonal stream in meadow of San Dimas Cyn., 1446 ft. (441 m.)

SBCo.: From 1961 ft. (598 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, extreme n.w. end of pard at Sycamore Flat, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 18, 1993, to 6501 ft. (1982 , at Swartout Valley, Wright’s Ranch, P.A. Munz, June 17, 1921, 6500 ft. (1982 m.); Apr.-Nov.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 15, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Glenn Ranch, Lytle Creek Cyn., no elev. given

Eleocharis pachystyla (C. Wright) C.B. Clarke, False Junco

Native to the Caribbean; reported from CA & Puerto Rico

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Crystal Lake, Oct. 22, 1933, 5600 ft. (1707 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Eleocharis parishii Britton, Parish’s Spikerush

(synonym: E. montevidensis Kunth, ssp. parishii) Some plants resemble E. montevidensis Kunth

LACo.: From 1050 ft. (320 m.), at Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland-Tujunga area, s.w. of 210 Frwy., e. of Hansen Dam & n. of Wentworth Str., S.D. White, May 14, 1997, to 6898 ft. (2103 m.), at Big Pines, John Thomas Howell, July 18, 1947; June-Oct.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June 4, 1900, H.M. Hall, San Antonio Mts.

SBCo.: From 6040 ft. (1841 m.), at Wrightwood; shallow water & wet mud of Wright Lake, R.F. Thorne, July 9, 1969 and R.G. Swinney at Wrightwood, Twin Lakes Swim Park & meadow area, private development; Apr.-Oct.; uncommon in moist areas; montane, Cajon Pass

Eleocharis parvula (Roem. & Schult.) Link ex Bluff, Nees & Schauer, Small or Dwarf Spikerush

Status CNPS List 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-1- State/Ffed. Status: none

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Crystal Lake, Oct. 22, 1933

SBCo.: No records found.

Eleocharis quinqueflora (Hartmann) O. Schwarz, Fewflower Spikerush

(synonym: E. pauciflora Lightf.)

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, s.w. side of Mt. Waterman, July 15, 1967, 7000 ft.

(2134 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Eleocharis radicans (A. Dietr.) Kunth, Rooted Spikerush

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Soledad Cyn., Santa Clara River, Sep. 21, 1968, 1740 (530 m.); LeRoy Gross, Andrea E. Gutman, et. al., Big Tujunga Wash, Tujunga Wash, Verdugo Mts., Sep., 8, 2000, 1100 ft. (335 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Santa Clara River, Soledad Cyn., Sep. 21, 1968, 1739 ft. (530 m.)

FVS: Sep. 21, 1968

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regioinal Park, extreme n.w. end of park called Sycamore Flat, Aug. 18, 1994, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

I. Johnston, Camp Baldy (San Antonio Cyn.) frequent in meadow below Camp, June 20, 1917, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr., at S. Fk., Bonita Trailer Park, w. side , July 12, 1968, 2900 ft. (883 m.)

FVS: July 12, 1968

Eleocharis rostellata (Torr.) Torr., Beaked Spikerush

LACo.: Head of Cedar Cyn., meadow on n. side of Big Pines Hwy., 0.5 miles w. of jct. of Hwy. 2, July 5, 1999, 6681 ft. (2037 m.); Big Rock Cr. at Paradise Springs, Aug. 9, 2005, 4720 ft. (1439 m.)

Other records:

F.R. Fosberg & J. Ewan, above Crystal Lake, (Big Cienega), Aug. 13, 1931,

6498 ft. (1981 m.); Valerie Soza & Laura Moore, spring at Big Cienega, c. 0.6 miles n.e. of Deer Flat Cmpgrd. above Hawkins Rd. (FS Road 3N07.2 ), June 14, 2000, 6501 ft. (1982 m.); Robert F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Big Cienega Springs above Crystal Lake Rec. Area, July 19, 1967, 6498 ft. (981 m.); Anon., by rd. on N. Fork San Gabriel Cyn., May 28, 1947, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Widman Ranch, near house, Sep. 3, 1968, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, s.w. side of Mt. Waterman, July 15, 1967, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); F.W. Peirson, Swartout Valley, c. 2 miles e. of Big Pines, July 5, 1922, 6500 ft. (1982 m.)

FVS: July 5, 1922

SBCo.: Confl. of spring from Swarthout Cyn. & Cajon Wash, Nov. 14, 1992, 2640 ft. (805 m.)

Other records:

Louis C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Nov. 11, 1933, 2647 ft. (807 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Canyon, Sep. 16, 1967, 3400 ft. (1037 m.); Freda Detmars, Lytle Creek Cyn., side cyn., May 10, 1931, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, wet marshy place, Rangers Cabin, Swarthout Valley, July 7, 1922, no elev. given

FVS: July 7, 1922

Eleocharis suksdorfiana P. Deauv., Suksdorf’s Spikerush

Herbarium specimens often confused with E. rostellata (Torr.) Torr.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: first (lowest-added 2010) waterfall in Dogbone Cyn., west trib. of N. Fork Lytle Creek, imm. s. of Alpine Cyn., n.e. of Dawson Peak, Aug. 21, 1996, 7800 ft. (2378 m.); Baldy Bowl area, near Sierra Ski Hut, in small trib. with springs, e. of San Antonio Cyn., e. of spring area, July 13, 1995, 8039 ft. (2451 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 13, 1995

Fimbristylis thermalis S. Watson, Hot Springs Fimbry

LACo.: Thekla Mohr, N. Fork San Gab. River, 1915, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Lipocarpha occidentalis (A. Gray) G. Tucker, Western Halfchaff Sedge

LACo.: Annetta M. Carter & Arthur Carter, Chilao Ranger Station at jct. of Charlton Flats (Pine Flats) & Pacifico Rd., Sep. 11, 1935, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Schoenoplectus acutus (Muhl, ex bigelow) A. Love & D. Love, Hardstem Bulrush

(synonym: Scirpus acutus Muhl. Ex Bigelow)

Two synonyms listed below and indented.

LACo.: Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 1 mile n. of Foothill Blvd (in main river channel-added 2010), Dec. 4, 2008, 659 ft. (201 m.); San Dimas, Puddingstone Diversion Dam, San Dimas Cyn., July 1, 2009, 1161 ft. (354 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Dec. 4, 2008

SBCo.: Cajon Pass, confl. of Lone Pine Cyn., & Cajon Wash, Nov 10, 2008, 2640 ft. (805 m.)

Other records: None found.

Schoenoplectus acutus (Muhl. ex Bigelow) A. Love & D. Love var. acutus, Hardstem Bulrush

(synonym: Scirpus acutus Muhl. ex Bigelow)

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Wrightwood, Twin Lakes Swim Park & meadows area, private development, June 20, 1996, 6038 ft. (1841 m.)

Other records: None found.

Schoenoplectus acutus (Muhl. ex Bigelow) A. Love & D. Love var. occidentalis (S. Watson) S.G. Sm., (Common) Tule

(synonym: Scirpus acutus Muhl. Ex Bigelow var. occidentalis)

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., Caldwell Lake near Valyermo (Sag Pond on the San Andreas Fault), July 20, 1972, 5150 ft. (1570 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Widman Ranch (Coldwater Cyn.-added 2010) near house, Sep. 3, 1968, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Big Rock Spring, jct. of Valyermo Rd. & Bob’s Gap Road, Sep, 8, 1968, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, 0.7 miles w. of Soledad Station, Soledad Cyn., n. slope of San Gab. Mts., along Santa Clara River, June 17, 1971, 2000 ft. (610 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Caldwell Lake, Aug. 28, 1946, 5150 ft. (1570 m.)

FVS: Aug. 28, 1946

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, developed fishing lake, R.G. Swinney, Oct. 9, 1994, to 4940 ft. (1506 m.), at Pinon Hills, 2.2 miles s. of Hwy. 138 & c. l50 meters e. of Green Rd. R.G. Swinney, June 20, 1996; June, Aug.-Oct.; rare; transmontane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Oct. 1, 1933, L.C. Wheeler, San Bernardino Ntional Forrest, Lost Lake, Cajon Pass at mouth of Lone Pine Cyn., 2709 ft. (826 m.)

Schoenoplectus americanus (Pers.) Volkart ex Schinz & R. Keller, American Tule, Olney’s Three-square Bulrush, Chainmaker’s Bulrush

Hybrids with S. pungens intermediate between parental spp., forming persistant clones, rare in CA

LACo.: R.F. Thorne & E.W. Tilflorth, 0.7 miles w. of Soledad Station, Soledad Cyn., n. sloping San Gab. Mts., along Santa Clara River, June 17, 1971, 2000 ft. (610 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Barrel Spring (s.w. of town of Little Rock-added 2010), July 23, 1967, no elev. given

FVS: July 23, 1967

SBCo.: Lost Lake, Lone Pine Cyn., Oct. 23, 2008 2791 ft. (851 m.); Glen Helen Regioinal Park, marsh to the w. of the fishing lakes, Nov. 7, 2008 and Oct. 9, 1994, 2001 ft. (610 m.); Cajon Cyn., 200 yds. n.w. of Old Hwy. 395 on Swarthout Cyn. Rd. & 100-300 yds. n. of rd. along the stream, Nov. 2, 1991, 2722 ft.

(830 m.)

Other records:

L.C. wheeler, Glenn (Glen) Helen Regional Park, Mar. 20, 1970, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 20, 1970

Schoenoplectus pungens (Vahl) Palla var. longispicatus (Britton) S.G. Sm., Common Threesquare Bulrush

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Cajon Wash, 0.5-0.75 miles s. of Swarthout Cyn. Rd., Oct. 17, 1992, 2642 ft. (805 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash, c.1-2 miles s. of Hwy. 138 crossing, May 1, 1997, 2801 ft. (854 m.)

FVS: Oct. 17, 1992

Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (C.C. Gmel.) Palla, Softstem Bulrush

(synonyms: Scirpus tabernaemontani CC. Gmel and Scirpus validus Vahl.

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin, Aug. 1, 1994, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Schoenus nigricans L., Black Sedge or Bogrush

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: From 2950 ft. (899 mm.), Lone Pine Cyn. c. 1 mile NNW of Lost Lake, where Lone Pine Cyn. Rd. crossed Lone Pine Cr., R.F. Thorne & Larry E. DeBuhr, Oct. 13, 1972, to 5000 ft. (1524 m.), Lone Pine Cyn., near Cajon Pass, Munz, Aug. 30, 1923; Apr.-June, Aug.-Oct.; cismontane at Lytle Cr., rare at Cajon Pass

Records at Clyde Ranch:

P.A. Munz, Aug. 30, 1923 (probably Clyde Ranch-upper section-added 2010); F.W. Peirson, Aug. 30, 1923 (probably with P.A. Munz-added 2010); R.G. Swinney, Aug. 23, 1994; R.G. Swinney, Oct. 23, 2008

Records at Lytle Cr.:

L.C. Wheeler, June 12, 1968, Lytle Cr. Village, June 12, 1968, 3400 ft. (1037 m.); Freda Detmers, small cyn. adj. to Lytle Cr., May 10, 1931, no elev. given

Additional records:

S.B. Parish, Lone Pine Cyn., Cajon Pass, June, 1887, no elev. given

FVS: June, 1887

Scirpus microcarpus C. Presl, Mountain Bog Bulrush, Panicled Bulrush

LACo.: From 2300 ft. (701 m.), at Indian Cyn., near mouth, L.C. Wheeler, May 24, 1967, to 6298-6366 ft. (1920-1941 m.), at Sheep Camp Spring at the headwaters of Santiago Cyn., 334 deg. and 520 mminutes NNW of Pacifico Mt. summit, Timothy S. Ross, Orlando Mistretta, et al., July 1, 1994; Apr.-Sep.; rare; transmontane at lower Sandrock Cr., 1.2 miles SSW of Valyermo Post Office, R.G. Swinney, June 9, 2008, 3841 ft. (1171 m.), montane, cismontane

FVS: Apr. 23, 1916, Fred Cox, San Antonio Cyn.

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, R.G. Swinney, Oct. 9, 1994, to c. 4700 ft. (1433 m.), near San Sevaine Cow Camp, R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., July 7, 1971; May-July, Sep.-Nov.; uncommon-rare; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 17,1922, F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., 4521 ft. (1296 m.)

Hydrocharitaceae Waterweed Family

Elodea canadensis Michx., Common Waterweed

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Dinmas Cyn. Dam, Dec. 13, 1933, 1351 ft. (412 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Iridaceae Iris Family

Chasmanthe floribunda (Salisb.) N.E. Br., African Cornflag

Native to Afr.; often mistaken for C. aethiopica (L.) N.E. Br.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, vic. of stables, Brown School for Girls,Mar. 28, 1968,

1099 ft. (335 m.) (w. of Hook Cyn. Flood Control Channel, just w. of Church of the Open Door, Glendora, c. 200 meters n. of Sierra Madre Ave.-added-2012)

SBCo.: No records found.

Iris douglasiana Herb., Douglas Iris

CA & s.w. OR; highly variable , thrives in pastures; unpalatably bitter to livestock

LACo.: Virgina M. Bolton, foothills below Mt. Baldy, May 4, 1966, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

+Iris hartwegii Baker ssp.australis (Parish) Lenz, Southern Hartweg’s Iris, Rainbow Iris

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: San Sevaine Flats, c. 200 meters w. of jct. of FS Roads 1N34 D & 1N34, July 16, 1993, 5540 ft. (1689 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 5, 1971, 4650 ft. (1525 m.) (also listed as 1417 m.); R.F. Thorne, Upper San Sevaine Well in Yellow Pine Forest, Oct. 17, 1970, c. 5500 ft. (1677 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 14, 1968, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); Joseph A. Ewan, San Sevaine Flat, Aug. 22, 1937, 5399 ft. (1646 m.); Kirk Taylor, 7.6 miles w. of Lytle Creek Cyn. on San Sevaine Rd., no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, Lower San Sevaine Flats, July 10, 1925,

4799 ft. (1463 m.)

FVS: July 10, 1925

Iris pseudacorus L., Water Iris, Paleyellow Iris

Native to Europe, Asia

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: upper Lytle Cr. Cyn. at Scotland (Village), Alder Way at Lytle Creek Rd., 10.9 miles n. of I-15 E. Frwy., on Lytle Creek Rd. (c. 0.5 mi. below Glenn Ranch), May 28, 1995, 3160 ft. (963 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Sportsmans Park by Glenn Ranch, N.Fkork Lytle Cr., June 3, 1968, 3201 ft. (976 m.)

FVS: June 3, 1968

Sisyrinchium bellum S.W. Spatson, Western Blue-eyed Grass

Most of CA to OR; highly variable, generally self-sterile.

LACo.: From 1174 ft. (358 m.), at Glendora, 0.6 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., n. of Pennsylvania Ave., R.G. Swinney, May 5, 1969, to 8197 ft. (2499 m.), at s. slope Mt. (“Baldy”) San Antonio, G.R. Campbell, June 28, 19552; Feb.-Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: Mar. 12, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Leslie Cyn., Claremont, 1197 ft.

(365 m.)

SBCo.: From 5996 ft. (1828 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., Frank W. Peirson, July 8, 1918, to 7495 ft. (2285 m.), at upper San Antonio Cyn., I.M. Johnston, July 3, 1917; June-Sep.; uncommon; montane

FVS: July 3, 1917

Sisyrinchium idahoense E.P. Bicknell, Idaho Blue-eyed Grass

Highly variable, generally self or cross-pollinated, vars. intergrade.

LACo.: Upper Fish Fk., furthest n.e. fork, adj. to Pine Mt. Ridge, July 24, 1998, 6599 ft. (2012 m.); upper Government Cyn., c. 2 miles w. of Wrightwood, Blue Ridge Mt. area, July 23, 1997, 7400 ft. (2256 m.); upper Fish Fk. of San Gabriel River, c. 0.9 air miles e. of Upper Fish Fork Cmpgrd., 1.4 air miles WSW of Dawson Pk., Aug. 14, 1999, 7039 ft. (2146 m.); Buford Cyn., 0.5 miles w. of co. line, s. of Hwy. 2 & Swarthout Valley, c. 2 air miles w. of Wrightwood, July 16, 1997, 6301 ft. (1921 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 16, 1997

SBCo.: Alpine Cyn., west trib. of N. Fork Lytle Cr., that begins at saddle between Dawson Pk. & Pine Mountain, c. 1.3 miles w. of N. Fork Rd., Aug. 21, 1996, 7600 ft. (2317 m.); First waterfall (lowest-added 2010), in Dog Bone Cyn., west trib. of N. Fork Lytle Creek, imm. south of Alpine Canyon, n.e. of Dawson Pork, Aug. 21, 1996, 7800 ft. (2378 m.); middle branch of W. Fork Lytle Cr., due n. of Mt. Harwood, c. 1 mile w. of Stockton Flat, Aug. 19, 1996, 7281 ft.

(2220 m.); Baldy Bowl area, near Sierra Ski Hut, in small trib. with springs, e. of San Antonio Cyn., e. of spring area, July 13, 1995, 8039 ft. (2451 m.); e.-w. running cyn. between Wright Mt. & Pine Mt., entering north trib. of N. Fork Lytle Creek, Sep. 4, 1995, 7478 ft. (2280 m.)

Other records:

Valerie Soza & LeRoy Gross, Mt. Baldy Ski area, upper Manker Cyn., below Holcumac Spring, n. of Sugarpine Ski Lift, w. of Mt. Baldy Notch, July 17, 2001, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); I.M. Johnston, upper San Antonio Cyn., July 3, 1917, 7500 ft. (2287 m.)

FVS: July 3, 1917

Sisyrinchium idahoense E.P. Bicknell var. occidentale (E.P. Bicknell) Douglass M. Hend., Idaho Blue-eyed Grass

LACo.: Lamel Springs on n. slope of Mt. Baden-Powell, 1.5 miles s. of Vincent Gap, Aug. 11, 2001, 7790 ft. (2375 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Juncaceae Rush Family

Juncus ambiguous Guss., Frog Rush

Native to Eurasia, n. Afr.; presumed introduced. Relationship to Eursion J. bufonius complex needs study.

LACo.: Louis C. Wheeler, Lewis Paul Cyn., SDEF, (n. of Glendora, trib. to Big Dalton Cyn.-added 2012), June 26, 1936, 1699 ft. (518 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Juncus balticus Willd. ssp. ater, Baltic Rush

[Synonym J. arcticus Willd. var. balticus (Willd.) Trautv.]

Variable, integrading complex, needing study. Hybridizes with J. breweri; J. mexicanus and J. lescarii.

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.), at Morgan Cyn. Debris Basin, Morgan Cyn., Glendora, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 5, 1990, to 6921 ft. (2110 m.), at Dawson Pk. Ridge (w. side), at spring on NNW-facing slope, c. 100 meters above cyn. bottom, c. 0.5 miles n.e. of Upper Fish Fk. Camp, R.G. Swinney, July 29, 1998; Mar., May-Oct.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 13, 1931, F.R. Fosberg & J.A. Ewan, Big Cienaga, Pine Flats, N. Fork San Gabrfiel River, 6560 ft. (2000 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610l m.), at Glen Helen Reg. Park, marsh to the w. of fishing lakes, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 7, 2008, to 6038 ft. (1841 m.), at Wrightwood at Wright Lake, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 12, 1996 and at 6035 ft. (1840 m.), at shallow water and wet mud of Wright Lake, R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, July 9, 1969; Feb., May-Nov.; common; all 4 sections.

FVS: Sep. 16, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., 3400 ft. (1036 m.)

Juncus bufonius L., Toad Rush

Vars. weekly delineated, relationships of N. American plants to Eurasian J. ramarius Songeon & E.P. Perrier and J. hybidus Brot. need study.

Native & naturalized

LACo.: From 840 ft. (256 m.), Azusa (added-2010), at mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., spring, 1.5 meters n. of Sierra Madre Ave. on Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 29, 2008, to 7840 ft. (2390 m.), at Waterman Mt., ski run on e.-facing slope, R.G. Swinney, July 24, 2008; May-Nov.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: May 11, 1943, Anonym., below Johnstone Peak, SDEF (w. of San Dimas Cyn.), no elev. given

SBCo.: San Sevaine Flats, near San Sevaine Well, July 16, 1993, 5320 ft.

(1622 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash: near “Blue Cut” & “Keenbrook”, c. 4-5 road miles s. of Hwy. 138 jct. with I-15 Fwy., Apr. 16, 1997, 2450 ft. (747 m.); J. Keefe, s. of Cajon Pass summit, Cajon Public Cmpgrd., May 5, 1961, 2998 ft. (914 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Lytle Cr., May 20, 1920, 1998 ft. (609 m.)

FVS: May 20, 1920

Juncus bufonius L. var. bufonius, Toad Rush

LACo.: From 1099 ft. (335 m.), at San Gabriel Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, Nov. 19, 1933, to 6550 ft. (1997 m.), at foot of Holiday Hill Ski Lift, L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 17, 1967; May-July, Sep., Nov.; all 3 sections

FVS: May 20, 1921, F.W. Peirson, Little Rock Cr., 3149 ft. (960 m.)

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Meyer Cyn., off Lytle Cr., May 9, 1968, 2299 ft. (701 m.)

Juncus bufonius L. var. occidentalis F.J. Herm., Western Toad Rush

(synonym: J. sphaerocarpus auct. non Nees ex Funck)

LACo.: From 1446 ft. (441 m.), near mouth of San Dimas Cyn., Louis C. Wheeler, May 14, 1934, to 6849 ft. (2088 m.), at upper part of large sloping meadow of Big Pines, R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, July 9, 1969; May-Sep.; rare; transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: Aug. 25, 1932, B.C. Templeton, Camp Cienaga, Big Pines Park, 6800 ft. (2072 m.)

SBCo.: San Sevaine Flats near well, July 16, 1993, 5320 ft. (1622 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 14, 1968, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); F.W. Peirson, Lytle Cr., June 14, 1968, 4700 ft. (1433 m.)

FVS: May 20, 1920, F.W. Peirson, Lytle Cr., 2000 ft. (610 m.)

Juncus covillei Piper, Coville’s Rush

[synonym: J. covillei var. obtusatus (Engelm.) C.L. Hitchc.]

LACo.: Vincent Gap, off trail c. 350 meters s.e. of parking area at spring near cyn. bottom, Sep. 4, 1993, 6521 ft. (1988 m.); Little Jimmy Spring, Sep. 15, 2001, 7400 ft. (2256 m.)

Other records:

Victor Duran, Buckhorn, July 22, 1933, 6500 ft. (1982 m.); R.F. Thorne, Little Jimmy Springs, Aug. 25, 1971, 7400 ft. (2256 m.); Peter Kamb, Little Jimmy Spring, June 1947, 7495 ft. (2285 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Little Rock Cr. at Buckhorn, Sep. 1, 1954, no elev. given; F.R. Fosberg & Joseph A. Ewan, Little Jimmy Spring, Windy Camp, n. slope of Mt. Islip, Aug. 12, 1931, 7544 ft. (2300 m.); F.R. Fosberg & J. Ewan, Windy Camp Sring, Mt. Islip, Aug. 12, 1931, 9495 ft.

(2285 m.)

FVS: Aug. 12, 1931

SBCo.: No records found.

Juncus dubius Engelm., Mariposa Rush, Questioinable Rush

Relationship to J. rugulosus needs further study; CA & n. Mex.

LACo.: Scott D. White & Justin M. Wood, San Gabriel River, West Fk. between Bear Cr. & Rincon Red Box Rd., Oct. 7, 2008, 1801 ft. (549 m.)

SBCo.: T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, “Epipactis Cyn.”, an unnamed cyn. draining ENE to Lone Pine Cyn., & originating near the e. end of Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge (Sheep Cr. Truck Rd., 2N56, drops NEward through the lower half of this cyn.), June 18, 1990, 3378 ft. (1030 m.)

+Juncus duranii Ewan, Duran’s Rush

[synonym: J. mertensianus Bong. Var. duranii (Ewan) Herm.]

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G3

LACo.: From 5399 ft. (1646 m.), at Little Rock Cr., c. 1 mi. downstream from Cooper Cr., L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 1, 1954, to 8000 ft. (2439 m.), at Lily Springs area on n. slope of Mt. Hawkins, drainage of S. Fork Big Rock Cr., R.F. Thorne & DeBuhr, June 28, 1978; June-Oct.; rare; montane

FVS: July 8, 1918, F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

SBCo.: Watch Plant

From 6038 ft. (1841 m.), at Wrightwood, Twin Lakes Swim Park and meadow area, private development, R.G. Swinney, June 20, 1996, to 8900 ft. (2713 m.), at n.e. slope of Mt. San Antonio, headwaters of W. Fork of N. Fork Lytle Cr., L.C. Wheeler & LeRoy Gross, July 15, 1968; July-Aug.; rare; montane

FVS: July 3, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk. Lytle Creek, 7000 ft (2134 m.)

Juncus effusus L., Soft, Lamp or Common Rush

LACo.: e. slope of Pacifico Mt. at Fountainhead Spring, June 2, 2009, 6599 ft. (2012 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: Joseph A. Ewan, San Sevaine Flat, Aug. 22, 1937, 5000 ft. (1524 m.)

Juncus effusus L. var. austrocalifornicus Zika, Sonoran or Baja Rush

LACo.: Justin M. Wood, city of San Dimas, Sycamore Cyn., Falcon Ridge Ranch, Apr. 22, 2009, 1351 ft. (412 m.); L.C. Wheeler, confl. of Alder Cr. and E. Fork (San Gabriel River-added 2010), Aug. 8, 1967, 4100 ft. (1250 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Mark Elvin, Bare Mt. Cyn., June 20, 1995, 5800 ft. (1768 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Sheep Camp Spring, w. slope of Mt. Pacifico, Aug. 2, 1967, 6400 ft. (1950 m.)

FVS: Aug. 2, 1967

SBCo.: San Sevaine Rd., San Sevaine Flats, Oct. 17, 1992, 5550 ft. (1692 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al, near San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 7, 1971, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); R.F. Thorne, Upper San Sevaine Flats, near San Sevaine Well in Yellow Pine Forest, Oct. 17, 1970, 5550 ft. (1755 m.); Joseplh A. Ewan, San Sevaine Flat, Aug. 22, 1937, 5000 ft. (1524 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Well, San Sevaine Flat, Nov. 4, 1967, 5500 ft. (1677 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Grapevine Cyn. off Lytle Cr., Nov 4, 1967, 4500 ft. (1372 m.); Robert F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, San Sevaine Cow Camp, slope, wet from seepage:, June 29, 1972, 4769 ft. (1454 m.); I.M. Johnston, Lower San Sevaine Flats, July 10, 1925, 4799 ft. (1463 m.)

FVS: July 10, 1925

Juncus ensifolius Wikstr., Three-Stamened Rush, Dagger or Swordleaf Rush

Relationship to J. saximontanus A. Nelson needs study.

LACo.: Joseph Andorpher Ewan, n.w. slope Mt. Waterman, Aug. 10, 1934,

7495 ft. (2285 m.); Victor Duran, Buckhorn, July 25, 1933, 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

FVS: July 25, 1933

SBCo.: No records found.

+Juncus macrandrus Coville, Long-anthered Rush

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Big Pines meadow, Swartout Valley Region, July 6, 1922, 6850 ft. (2088 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Juncus macrophyllus Coville, Longleaf Rush

LACo.: From 1350 ft. (412 m.), at Millard Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, July 11, 1947, to 7500 ft. (2287 m.), at 1/2 mile w. of Windy Camp, Mt. Islip, F.R. Fosberg & Joseph A. Ewan, Aug. 12, 1931; May-Oct.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: July 4, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Rock Cr.

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, 3.3 miles w. of service rd., 1/2 way between the off-road race track & main park area, R.G. Swinney, Jan 6, 1994 and Jack Easton, May 1, 1988, at Sycamore Flats, between Lytle Cr. Wash & Cajon Wash, to 6038 ft. (1841 m.), at Wrightwood, Wright Lake, R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, July 9, 1969; Jan., May-July, Sep.-Nov.; uncommon-fairly common ?; all 4 sections

FVS: May 18, 1920, F.W. Peirson, Lytle Cr., 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

Juncus mertensianus Bong., Mertens’ Rush

Important forage for sheep

LACo.: Robert F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., near Lodgepole Picnic area at hdwtrs. of Dorr Cyn., n. slope Throop Pk., above Angeles Crest Hwy., 1.2 meters s.e. of Dawson Saddle, July 29, 1969, 7646 ft. (2331 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Juncus mexicanus Willd., Mexican Rush

[synonym: J. arcticus Willd. var. mexicanus (Willd.) Balslev]

LACo.: From 1397 ft. (426 m.), at San Dimas Cyn., Jerome S. Horton, July 17, 1937, to 7100 ft. (2165 m.), at s.w. slope of Mt. Waterman, L.C. Wheeler, Aug. 24, 1967; Apr.-Oct.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Sep. 17, 1920, F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., 4400 ft. (1341 m.)

SBCo.: From 1801 ft. (549 m.), w. of mouth of Lytle Creek Cyn., 4.8-5.0 miles w. of Lytle Creek Rd. (Nealy’s Corner) & c. 0.4 miles n. of Front Line Mtwy. R.G. Swinney, Mar. 15, 1993, to 5550 ft. (1692 m.), at San Sevaine Flats on San Sevaine (Big Tree Ruck) Rd., R.G. Swinney, Oct. 17, 1992; Mar., May, July, Sep.: uncommon; transmontane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 10, 1931, Freda Detmers, branch of Lytle Creek Cyn., no elev. given

Juncus nevadensis S. Watson, Nevada or Sierra Rush

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Ranger’s Cabin, Swartout Valley, July 7, 1922, 5900 ft. (1798 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Juncus nodosus L., Knotted Rush

Status CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-1 State/Fed. Status: none

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, 2.2 miles s. of Hwy. 138, c. 50 meters e. of Green Rd., June 20, 1996, 4940 ft. (1506 m.); Wrightwood, Twin Lakes, Swim Park & meadow area, private development-country club, June 20, 1996, 6038 ft. (1841 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: June 20, 1996 (two records)

Juncus occidentalis Wiegand, Western Rush

LACo.: R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Yucca Flats Summer Home Tract at upper end of cyn. of N. Fork of San Gabrfiel River, July 19, 1967, 4100 ft. (1250 m.)

SBCo.: San Sevaine Flats on San Sevaine (Big Tree Truck) Rd., Oct. 17, 1992, 5550 ft. (1692 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 11, 1968, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Well, San Sevaine, Nov. 4, 1967, 5500 ft. (1677 m.);

I.M. Johnston, Upper San Sevaine Flats, July 10, 1925, 5399 ft. (1646 m.)

FVS: July 10, 1925

Juncus orthophyllus Coville, Straightleaf Rush

LACo.: Victor Duran, Buckhorn, June 22, 1933, 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Juncus oxymeris Engelm., Pointed Rush

Highly variable

LACo.: Buckhorn Cyn., 200 meters n. of Burkhart Saddle Trailhead, July 15, 2008, 6321 ft. (1927 m.)

Other records:

Samuel R. Tyson, San Dimas Cyn., June 26, 1942, 2700 ft. (823 m.); Scott D. White & Justin M. Wood, San Gabriel River-W. Fork, between Bear Cr. and Rincon Red Box Road, Oct. 7, 2008, 1801 ft. (549 m.); T.S. Ross & Peter Fritsch, near confl. of E. and W. Forks San Gabriel River, June 20, 1990, 1528 ft.

(466 m.); Louis C. Wheeler, near mouth of San Dimas Cyn., May 14, 1934,

1446 ft. (441 m.)

FVS: May 14, 1934

SBCo.: Peter H. Raven, Cajon Cyn. below Cajon Station, at Cajon Cmpgrd., streamside, Sep. 17, 1961, 2598 ft. (792 m.)

Juncus rugulosus Engelm., Wrinkled Rush

Relationship to J. dubius needs study. Monterey Co. s. to Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 630 ft. (192 m.), at Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, 0.4-1 mile n. (upstream) of Puente Largo (Railway-added 2010) Bridge, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 21, 2009, to 6760 ft. (2061 m.), at Buckhorn Station along Angeles Crest Hwy., R.F. Thorne & Larry E. DeBuhr, Aug. 18, 1972; Mar., May-Nov.; common in moist areas; all 3 sections

FVS: Oct. 15, 1916, I.M. Johnston, Evey Cyn., by creek n. of Claremont

SBCo.: From 1961 ft. (598 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, extreme n.w. end of park at Sycamore Flat, R. G. Swinney, Aug 18, 1993, to 5599 ft. (1707 m.), at Bear Flats, c. 1.7 miles n. of Mt. Baldy Village, E. Fork of Bear Cyn., R.G. Swinney & Cory Wilson, July 25, 1996; June-Nov.; fairly common in moist areas; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Nov. 20, 1891, S.B. Parish, Lytle Cr., no elev. given

Juncus saximontanus A. Nelson, Rocky Mountain Rush

[synonym: J. saximontanus f. brunnescens (Rydb.) F.J. Herm]

Relationship to J. ensifolius needs study.

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.), at Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, in Big Dalton Cyn., R.G. Swinney, June 25, 1989, to 8500 ft. (2591 m.), at Blue Ridge, J.T. Howell, July 18, 1947; June-Sep.; rare; montane, cismontane

FVS: July 6, 1922, F.W. Peirson, Big Pines Meadow, Swartout Valley, 6850 ft. (2088 m.)

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Wrightwood: Wright Lake, July 9, 1969,

c. 6040 ft. (1841 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Clyde Ranch, Oct. 14, 1967, no elev. given

FVS: Oct. 14, 1967

+Juncus textilis Buchenau, Mat or Basket Rush

LACo.: From 1250 ft. (381 m.), at Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, n. of Jet Prop. Laboratory, transect one, John F. Green, July 17, 2003 to 7800 ft (2378 m.), near Lily Spring on n. slope of Mt. Hawkins, R.F. Thorne & Larry E. DeBuhr, June 28, 1974; May-Dec.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Nov. 26, 1916, I.M. Johnston, n. of Claremont, Evey Cyn., 3697 ft.

(1127 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, c. 0.9 miles s. of park’s n.e. entrance, R.G. Swinney, Jan. 6, 1994, to 4920 ft. (1500 m.), at Clyde Ranch, Lone Pine Cyn., R.G. Swinney Oct. 23, 2008; Jan., June, Aug., Oct.; rare; near montane at Clyde Ranch, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Oct. 17, 1992, R.G. Swinney, Cajon Wash, 0.25 miles s. of Swarthout Cyn. Road & the jct. with Cajon Wash, 2690 ft. (820 m.)

Juncus tiehmii Ertter, Tiehm’s or Nevada Rush

LACo.: Barbara Ertter & Jeffrey L. Strachan, 0.5 miles n. of S. Fork Cmpgrd. on Angeles NHFS Road 4N11A, c. 3.5 airmiles s.e. of Valyermo, May 18, 1980,

4500 ft. (1372 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., slopes on e. side of cyn., s. of jct. of FS Rds. 4N15 & 5N04.3, June 6, 1994, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Sulphur Spring, Aug. 2, 1967, 5200 ft. (1585 m.); LeRoy Gross, rd. survey for Angeles Natl. Forest, from Alder Saddle 4 miles down rd. 5N04, along S. Fork Little Rock Cr., June 23, 2005, 4782 ft. (1458 m.); T.Ross, Big Tujunga Cr. between Coldwater Cyn. and Wikiup Cyn., July 10, 1992, 3175-3185 ft.

(967-971 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, upper Aliso Cyn., c. 1.5 miles n. of Mill Cr. Summitt, May 22, 2010, 4300 ft. (1311 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistsretta, upper Big Tujunga Cyn., Alder Cr., 0.4 miles upstream (n.w. ) of cr. crossing at Upper Big Tujunga Cyn., Road, June 17, 2010, 3362 ft. (1025 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, Aliso Cyn., c. 1.75 miles n.w. of jct. of Aliso Cyn. & Angeles Forest Hwy. May 19, 2010, 3618 ft. (1103 m.);

L.C. Wheeler, Big Tujunga Cyn. at Vetter Gulch, June 9,1961, 4200 ft. (1280 m.)

FVS: June 9, 1961

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 14, 1968, 4700 ft.

(1433 m.); H.A. Haid, Stockton Flats in Upper Lytle Creek Cyn., July 4, 1967,

5701 ft. (1738 m.)

FVS: July 4, 1967

Juncus torreyi Coville, Torrey’s Rush

LACo.: Glendora, Harrow Cyn. Debris Basin, seep on N.-central side, June 25, 2008, 1269 ft. (387 m.)

Other records:

T.S. Ross & Peter W. Fritsch, Big Rock Cr., just above confl. of Holcomb Cyn. Creek, between Big Rock Cr. Rd. & mouth of Holcomb Cyn., June 11, 1990,

4200 ft. (1255 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Elsmere Canyon, Oct. 14, 1967, 1450-1530 ft. (442 m.); F.W. Peirson, c. 1 mile above Pallet Creek, Sep. 4, 1928, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 4, 1928

SBCo.: s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn., Road & Cajon Rd., Aug. 12, 1996, 2640 ft. (805 m.)

Other records:

Louis C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Nov. 11, 1933, 2647 ft. (807 m.); F.W. Peirson, Clyde Ranch, Lone Pine Canyon, Aug. 30, 1923, 4900 ft. (1494 m.);

P.A. Munz, Cajon Pass, Lone Pine Canyon, Aug. 30, 1923, 4999 ft. (1524 m.)

FVS: Aug. 30, 1923 (two records)

Juncus xiphioides E. Mey., Irisleaf Rush

LACo.: From 630 ft. (192 m.), at Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel Cyn. wash, 0.4-1 mile n. (upstream) of Puente Largo (Railway-added 2010) Bridge, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 21, 2009 to 6550 ft. (1997 m.), at foot of Holiday Hill Ski Lift, L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 17, 1967; May-Nov.; fairly common in moist areas; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 23, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk. of San Gabriel River, 5000 ft. (1524 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to the w. of fishing lakes, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 7, 2008, to 6038 ft. (1841 m.), at Wrightwood, Twin Lakes Swim Park and meadow area, private development, R.G. Swinney, June 20, 1996; May-Nov.; fairly commin moist soil; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Aug. 30, 1923, F.W. Peirson, Clyde Ranch, Lone Pine Cyn., 4900 ft.

(1494 m.)

Luzula comosa E. Mey., Hairy Woodrush, Pacific Woodrush

Occasionaly misidentified as L. subsessilis (S. Watson) Buchenau.

LACo.: From 4998 ft. (1524 m.), at Prairie Fk. of San Gabriel River, I.M. Johnston, Aug. 23, 1917, to 8049 ft. (2454 m.), at Lily Spring, n. slope of Mt. Hawkins, R.G. Swinney, Sep. 15, 2001; June-Sep.; rare; montane

FVS: Aug. 31, 1954, L.C. Wheeler, Cooper Cr. near confl. with Little Rock Cr., Buckhorn, no elev. given

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, Upper San Savaine Cmpgrd., San Sevaine Flats, June 5, 1971, 5500 ft. (1677 m.); I.M. Johnston, Lower San Sevaine Flats, July 10, 1925, 4799 ft. (1463 m.)

FVS: July 10, 1925

Luzula comosa E. Mey. var. laxa Buchenau, Pacific Woodrush

LACo.: Buckhorn Cyn., 200 meters n. of Burkhart Saddle Trailhead, July 15, 2008, 6321 ft. (1927 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, upper San Sevaine Cmpgrd., June 6. 1971, 5500 ft.

(1677 m.)

Liliaceae Lily Family

+Calochortus albus Douglas ex Benth., White Globe Lily , White Fairy-lantern

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), at Azusa, 0.3 miles e. of San Gabriel Canyon Info. Station on Hwy. 39 at mouth of cyn., (on s. side of rd.-added 2010), R.G. Swinney, May 25, 2000, to 3500 ft. (1067 m.), at Little Santa Anita Cyn., F.W. Peirson, June 10, 1920; Apr.-June; rare; cismontane

FVS: May 3, 1901, R.D. Williams, Claremont, Palmer’s Cyn.

SBCo.: No records found.

Calochortus bruneaunis A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr., Bruneau Mariposa Lily

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Rock Cr., north slope of San Gab. Mts., June 25, 1925,

6800 ft. (2073 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Calochortus catalinae S. Watson, Santa Catalina Mariposa Lily

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-2-3 State/Fed. Status: none

CRPR 4.2 S3.2 G3

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., Apr. 6, 1934, 1450 ft. (442 m.); Robert L. Dressler, Johnstone Pk., June 19, 1949, 2801 ft. (854 ;m.); Valerie Soza, Ian Gillespie, et al., SDEF, s.w. of Johnstone Pk. above Wildwood Cyn., May 18, 2000, 2148 ft. (655 m.); Gary D. Cromwell & David W. Wheat, Mystic Cyn., 2 miles n.e. of Glendora, May 8, 1971, c. 2000 ft. (610 m.); Geo. L. Moxley, near Sturtevant’s Camp (Big-added 2010) Santa Anita Cyn., Sep. 1, 1913, no elev. given; E. Crow, hills 2 miles e. of Glendora, Mar. 17, 1929, no elev. given, (possibly s. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary); F.W. Peirson, Tujunga Cyn., May 16, 1920, 1600 ft. (457 m.); Ernest Braunton, Glendora, May 5, 1902 (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 5, 1902

SBCo.: No records found.

Calochortus clavatus S. Watson, Clubhair Mariposa Lily

LACo.: A.H. Warne, divide between E. For (Fork-added 2010), San Dimas & San Gabriel Cyn., SDEF, July 9, 1935, 4346 ft. (1325 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Calochortus clavatus S. Watson var. clavatus, Clubhair Mariposa Lily

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-1-3 State/Ffed. Status: none

CRPR 4.3 S3 G4T3

LACo.: James F. IIlingsworth, Claremont, canyons, June 1898, no elev. given (possibly s. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Calochortus clavatus S. Watson var. gracilis Ownbey, Slender Mariposa Lily

Status: CNPS List 1B R-E-D Code 3-2-3 State/Fed. Status: /C2

CRPR 1B.2 S2 G4T2 South base of San Gab. Mts. only

LACo.: From 1500 ft. (457 m.), at Cobels Canon. (Cobal Canyon?), Edith Moles, June 12, 1999, to 5950 ft. (1814 m.), at Lookout Mt. Trail, Orlando Mistretta, June 23, 1995; June; rare; montane at Lookout Trail, cismontane

FVS: June 14, 1914, Anstruther Davidson, San Gabriel Cyn.

SBCo.: No records found.

Calochortus invenustus Greene, Plain Mariposa Lily

CA & Mineral Co., Nev.

LACo.: From 5196 ft. (1584 m.), at 0.7 mi. from turn off on Angeles Crest Hwy. to Lower Chilao, keeping always to right-left side of rd., M. MacArthur, June 24, 1967, to 4450 ft. (1357 m.), Bare Mountain Cyn., slope on e. side of main drainage, Orlando Mistretta & S.D.Boyd, May 23, 1995; June-Aug.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: July 11, 1897, J.H. Barber, Summit Mt., San Gab. Range (check location)

SBCo.: From 4959 ft. (1512 m.), at c. 0.2 air miles WSW of Cherry Cyn. Flats on ridgetop, R.G. Swinney, June 18, 1996, to 9994 ft. (3047 m.), at Mt. San Antonio, Peter H. Raven with H.L. Wedberg, Aug. 17, 1957; June-Aug.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 1-3, 1900, H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., 5796 ft. (1767 m.)

Calochortus kennedyi Porter, Desert Mariposa Lily

LACo.: From 3100 ft. (945 m.), at dirt rd. west of jct. with Cheseburro Rd. on Mt. Emma Rd., G.D. Wallace & Ann Hiller, May 18, 1983, to 7911 ft. (2412 m.), at Waterman Mt. (summit-added 2010), R.G. Swinney, July 24, 2008; May-July; uncommon; transmontane, montane at Waterman Mt.

FVS: May 21, 1929, R. Hoffman, Big Rock Cr., 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

SBCo.: Pinon Hills area, 90-150 meters s.w. of jct. of Hwy. 138 and Sheep Cr. Rd., on ridge extending to Hwy. 138, w. of Horse Cyn., May 29, 1995, 4520 ft. (1378 m.)

Other records: None found.

Calochortus kennedyi Porter var. kennedyi, Desert Mariposa Lily

LACo.: From c. 3140-3180 ft. (957-969 m.), 1.9 miles n. of Magnetic Springs, along Moody Trail Rd., T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, June 11, 1999, to 4995 ft.

(1523 m.), at Rock Cr., north slope of San Gab. Mts., F.W. Peirson, May 26, 1923; May; uncommon; transmontane

FVS: May 20, 1921, F.W. Peirson, hills w. of Little Rock Cyn. & at least 150 ft. above it., n. slope of San Gab. Mts., 3700 ft. (1128 m.)

SBCo.: Baldy Mesa Ridge, 1.8 miles n.e. of Hwy. 138 on (FS) Road 3N24, 0.6 miles e. of point where rd. crossed ridge, c. 50-150 meters n. of rd., June 10, 1995, 4820 ft. (1470 m.)

Other records:

June Latting, knoll at w. end of Lone Pine Cyn., June 10, 1973, 5999 ft. (1829 m.)

FVS: June 10, 1973

+Calochortus palmeri S. Watson , Palmer’s Mariposa Lily (check ssp.)

LACo.: Boulder Cyn., n. of Big John Flat, June 18, 1999, 5159 ft. (1573 m.); Boulder Cyn. Wash, s. lof e.-w. road that runs through Big John Flat, June 21, 1999, 5360 ft. (1634 m.); high pt. of E. Table Mt., Wrightwood area, July 2, 1998, 7400 ft. (2256 m.)

Other records:

LeRoy Gross, road survey for Angeles Nat. Forest, from Alder Saddle 4 miles down rd. 5N04 along S. Fork Little Rock Cr., June 23, 2005, 5182 ft. (1580 m.)

FVS: July 2, 1998

SBCo.: No records found.

+Calochortus palmeri S. Watson var. palmeri, Palmer’s Mariposa Lily

Status: CNPS List R-E-D Code State/Fed. Status:

CRPR 1B.2 S2.1 G2T2

LACo.: W. Fork, Punchbowl Cyn. near n. boundary of Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, 0.6 miles s.w. of Big Rock Creek Rd., May 8, 2008, 4146 ft. (1264 m.); Juniper Hills, jct. of Tumbleweed Rd. and Long View Rd. (131st St. East), in ravine w. of Long View, June 2, 2001, 3979 ft. (1213 m.)

Other records:

Mark Elvin & Orlando Mistretta, Devils Punchbowl, May 8, 1995, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta, head of Little Rock Cr., c. 0.5 mi. downstream from Alder Saddle, June 23, 1995; Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., June 23, 1992, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta & Mark Elvin, Devil’s Punchbowl, Mar. 30, 1995, 4300 ft.

(1311 m.); Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock Cr., July 4, 1893, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, Charlton Flats burn (of 1954), July 2, 1969, 5250 ft. (1601 m.); LeRoy Gross, Rd. Survey for Angelels Natl. Forest, from Alder Saddle, 4 mi. down rd. 5N04 along S. Fork Little Rock Cr., June 23, 2005, 5182 ft. (1580 m.); Anstruther Davidson, Big Rock, July 4, 1893

FVS: July 4, 1893,

SBCo.: No records found.

+Calochortus plummerae Greene, Plummer’s Mariposa Lily

Status: CNPS List R-E-D Code State/Fed. Status:

CRPR 1B.2 S3 G3

LACo.: From 699 ft. (213 m.), at San Gabriel River drainage areas, Sierra Madre Mts., Dave Renaker, May 28, 1960, to 7419 ft. (2262 m.), at Iron Mt. Ridge, 0.5 miles s. of Iron Mt. summit, 100 meters n. of Coulter Pine pop., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 13, 1998; May-Aug.; rare; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 10, 1897, L.E. Hill, Claremont, Liveoak Cyn., 1200 ft. (366 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at c. 0.25 miles e. of n. terminus of Etiwanda Ave., Jack Easton, May 13, 1996 and R.G. Swinney at 2 miles n.w. of Lytle Creek Rd. on dirt frontage Rd., Dunn Cyn. Road and Lytle Cr. Jct., June 16, 1993, to 4599 ft. (1402 m.), ENE of Mt. Baldy School, s. of Mt. Baldy Village, c. 400 meters e. of San Antonio Cyn., R.G. Swinney, May 31, 1997; May-July; rare; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Mar. 3, 1900, H.M. Hall, Cajon Pass, 3496 ft. (1066 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary) and July 5, 1908, Le Roy Abrams & E.A. McGregor, Lone Pine Cyn., desert slopes of the San Gab. Mts., 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

Calochortus splendens Benth., Splendid Mariposa Lily

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1499 ft. (457 m.), n. of Glendora, 200 yards s. of Glendora Mt. Rd. on firebreak on w. boundary of Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, e. of Colby Fire Rd. (Trail), R.G. Swinney, May 12, 1989 and E.P. Steffa, Claremont, (Coble) (Cobal Cyn.?), no date, no elev. given and Frank W. Peirson, Soledad Cyn., June 4, 1922, 1499 ft. (457 m.) to 5901 ft. (1799 m.), at Prairie Fork, s.e. of Cabin Flat, Valerie Soza & Sarah J. DeGroot, June 11, 2003; Apr.-June; uncommon; montane at Cabin Flat, Prairie Fk., cismontane

FVS: June 12, 1918, F.W. Peirson, e. of Rubio Cyn.

SBCo.: c. 100 meters s.e. of Spring Hill area, c. 100 meters w. of Barrett-Stoddard Rd. (FS Road 2N04) & w. of the Pinus coulteri plantation, July 6, 1994, 1230 ft. (375 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge area, 1.3 miles s.e. of jct. of Lytle Creek Rd. & Penstock Rd. (2N79) on w. shoulder of FS Road 2N79, June 22, 1995, 3080 ft. (939 m.)

Other records:

Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Cyn., June 1938, no elev. given; Naomi Fraga, LeRoy Gross et al., Etiwanda Cr., alluvial fan just n.e. of jct. with Etiwanda Ave. & Wilson Ave., area burned in Grand Prix Fire of 2003, May 16, 2005, 2001 ft. (610 m.); R.F. Thorne, Cucamonga Cyn., along truck trail, June 9, 1971, c. 2600 ft. (793 m.); D.A. Young, at of (?) Haven Blvd. n. of Chaffey College, May 25, 1969, no elev. given

FVS: May 28, 1914; W.L. Jepson, Cajon Pass, 2398 ft. (731 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

+Fritillaria biflora Lindl., Mission Bells, Chocolate Lily

LACo.: Records include five from Glendora and six from San Dimas, some s. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary, only one record since 1980. Observations have recently been made by Rick Fisher, et al., in the Bluebird Hills area of Glendora on Glendora Conservancy property. From 1200 ft. (366 m.), at Glendora, 0.5 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., n. of Yucca Ridge, (the only plant present was collected-added 2010), R.G. Swinney, May 10, 1969, to 2598 ft. (792 m.), at Sycamore Flat to San Dimas Cyn., Frank W. Peirson, Apr. 10, 1921; Feb.-May; rare (apparently formerly more abundant, reported as common in grassland below 2000 ft. in San Dimas Experimental Forest, 1930’s-1950’s, SDEF, 1988); cismontane

FVS: Mar. 14, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, San Dimas,1998 ft. (609 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Fritillaria pinetorum Davidson, Pine, Pinewoods or Missionbell Fritillary

CA & Nevada

LACo.: From 6380 ft. (1945 m.), at Vincent Gulch Trail, Orlando Mistretta, June 2, 1993, to 9800 ft. (2988 m.), at W. Baldy Pk., R.F. Thorne & Robert Frampton, June 27, 1971; May-Aug.; rare; montane

FVS: June 18, 1921, F.W. Peirson, Mt. Williamson, 2 miles n.w. of Islip, 7596 ft. (2316 m.)

SBCo.: From 5996 ft. (1828 m.), at Swarthout Cyn., H.M. Hall, June 3-6, 1900, to 8800 ft. (2683 m.), at saddle between Dawson Pk. and E. Mt. Baldy, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 10, 1995; May-Aug.; rare; montane

FVS: June 3-6, 1900

+Lilium humboldtii Roezl & Leichtlin ex Duch., Humboldt Lily

LACo.: From 1250 ft. (381 m.), at Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, n. of Jet Pop. Laboratory, S.J. Myers, June 24, 2003, to 4999 ft. (1524 m.), at Bear Gulch, 0.3 miles n. of confl. with Prairie Fk. (of San Gabriel River-added 2010), R.G. Swinney, Aug. 5, 1998; June-Aug.; rare; montane, cismontane

FVS: July, 1901, LeRoy Abrams, W. Fork San Gabriel River, no elev. given

SBCo.: Stoddard Cyn. at “Stoddard Falls”, Aug. 28, 1998, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

Other records:

Don Mitchell, Stoddard Cyn., 0.5 miles n. of Army Corps of Eng. Dam, May 28, 1988, 2299 ft. (701 m.)

FVS: May 28, 1988

+Lilium humboldtii Roezl & Leichtlin ssp. ocellatum (Kellogg) Thorne, Ocellated Lily, (Ocellated) Humboldt Lily

Status: CNPS List R-E-D Code State/Fed. Status:

CRPR 4.2 S3.2 G4T3

LACo.: From 1400 ft. (427 m.), at Mystic Cyn., 2 miles n.e. of Glendora, Gary D. Cromwell & David Wheat, July 1, 1971, to 4599 ft. (1402 m.), at n. side of Bichota Cyn., e. of heliport, L.C. Wheeler, July 3, 1968; May-Sep.; rare; cismontane

FVS: July 1, 1919, F.W. Peirson, Fish Cyn., 1748 ft. (533 m.)

SBCo.: Status: Watch Plant

From 2280 ft. (695 m.), at w. side of Cajon Cyn., extension of Glen Helen Rd., c. 0.4 miles n.w. of point opposite Kenwood exit on I-15, c. 100 ft. up a slope, Dave Goodward, June 22, 1999, to 4100 ft. (1250 m.), at San Sevaine Rd., near Grapevine Spring, R.F. Thorne, June 5, 1971; June-July; rare; cismontane, Cajon Pass

Records by R.G. Swinney:

unnamed cyn. Lytle Cr., entrance to cyn. at 20 miles n. of San Sevaine Rd. on w. side of Lytle Cr., July 14, 1993, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

Other records:

Naomi Fraga, Sarah J. DeGroot, et al., near Grapvine Springs, along FS Rd.1N34, June 30, 2004, 3001 ft. (915 m.) and 3500 ft. (1067 m.); Naomi Fraga, LeRoy Gross, et al., Day Cyn., past old gaging station, n. of Day Cyn. Ave., s. of Cucamonga Pk., June 14, 2004, 2801 ft. (854 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., Grapevine Springs, July 7, 1971, 4100 ft. (1250 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, “Epipactis Cyn.”, un-named cyn. draining ENE to Lone Pine Cyn., originating near e. end of Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge (Sheep Cr. Truck Rd., 2N56, drops NEward through the lower half of this cyn., June 18, 1990, 3380-3480 ft. (1030 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., trib to Lytle Cr. Cyn., near to mouth, June 26, 1969, 2500 ft. (762 m.)

FVS: June 26, 1969

Lilium parryi S. Watson, Lemon Lily

(synonym: L. parryi S. Watson var. kessleri Davidson )

Status: CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-2-2 State/Fed. Status: /C2

CRPR 1B.2 S2 G3

s. CA & s. AZ

LACo.: From 4920 ft. (1500 m.), at Lower Pine Flats, First Camp, N. Fork San Gab. Cyn., F.R. Fosberg, Aug. 10, 1931, to 7800 ft. (2378 m.), at Mt. Baden-Powel & Lamel Spring, R.F. Thorne & John Dourley, Oct. 3, 1967; June-Oct.; rare; transmontane, montane, cismontane at Lower Pine Flats

FVS: Aug. 22, 1916, I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk. San Gabriel River, 7495 ft.

(2285 m.)

SBCo.: Mt. Baldy Bowl area, s. of Mt. Baldy E. Peak, Aug. 22, 1995, 8020 ft. (2445 m.); Baldy Bowl area, near Sierra Ski Hut, in small trib. with springs, e. of San Antonoio Cyn. east spring area, July 13, 1995, 8039 ft. (2451 m.); Hulcomic Spring, in small canyon., c. 200 yds. north of Baldy Ski Lift & c. 50 yds. s. of W. Baldy Service Rd., c. 1/2 way up ski lift route (to Baldy Notch-added 2010), Aug. 26, 1993, 7200 ft. (2195 m.); Bear Flats, n. of Baldy Village, July 12, 1995,

5599 ft. (1707 m.)

Other records:

V. Soza & LeRoy Gross, Mt. Baldy Ski area, upper Manker Cyn., below Holcumac Spring, n. of Sugarpine Ski Lift, w. of Mt. Balldy Notch, just below FS Road 3N01, July 17, 2001, 7150 ft. (2180 m.);; R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist, Cienaga near head of Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., July 31, 1971, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., near San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 7, 1971,

c. 4700 ft. (1433 m.); L.C. Wheeler, N. Fork Lytle Cr., Sep. 6, 1967, 6800 ft. (2073 m.); Orlando Mistretta, from Bear Flat, along brook on s. side of Flat, July 26, 1991, no elev. given; Joseph Andorpher Ewan & Nesta Ewan, Prairie Fk. (of San Gabriel Cyn.,-added 2010) (on abandoned rd. to Native Son Mine), July 19, 1936, 7797 ft. (2377 m.)

FVS: July 19, 1936

Scilla siberica Haw., Siberian Squill

Native to e. Europe and temperate Asia.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Mary H. O’Brien, Wrightwood, uncultivated area next to 1102 Eagle, Apr. 25, 1976, 5999 ft. (1829 m.)

Melanthiaceae False-Hellebore Family

(Liliaceae – Lily Family)

+Toxicoscordion brevibracteatum (M.E.Jones) R.R. Gates, Desert Deathcamas

[synonym: Zigadenus brevibracteatus (M.E. Jones) H.M. Hall]

LACo.: Bob’s Gap, c. 1/4 mile n. of Panorama Rd. at (c. 200 meters e. of Bob’s Gap Rd. on Holcomb Ridge-added 2010), May 17, 2001, 4041 ft. (1232 m.); Largo Vista area, hilltop c. 300 meters n. of Panorama Rd. at a point 0.8 miles w. of Largo Vista Rd., May 17, 2001, 4490 ft. (1369 m.)

Other records:

James Henrickson, c. 1 mile s.e. of Newhall in Whitney Cyn., s.e. of jct. of San Fernando Rd. & State Hwy. 14, c. ½ mile e. of Hwy. 14, Apr. 15, 2000, 1600 ft. (488 m.); R.F. Thorne, 1/4-1/2 mile n. of Bob’s Gap, n. slope of Holcomb Ridge, C. 2.5 miles due s. of Llano, May 11, 1973 and Apr. 20, 1982, 3800 ft. (1159 m.)

FVS: May 11, 1973

SBCo.: I.W. Clokey & E. Anderson, Horsethief Cyn., May 15, 1935, 3280 ft. (1000 m.) (Horsethief Cyn. is in the San Bernardino Mts. Horse Cyn. is in the San Gab. Mts., only record for SBCo.-San Gab. Mts.-added 2009)

Toxicoscordion fremontii (Torr.) Rydb., Fremont’s Deathcamas

[synonym: Zigadenus fremontii (Torr.) S. Watson, Fremont’s Deathcamas

CA; s.w. OR & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dallton Cyn. Wilderness Park, upper drainage on ridge between Pavil & Pine Cyns., (in 2002 Fire area-added 2010), May 3, 2003,

2601 ft. (793 m.)

Other records:

Jerome S. Horton, Glendora Mtwy., Little Dalton Canyon, SDEF, June 4, 1935,

1998 ft. (609 m.); Frank W. Peirson, trail below Sycamore Flat to San Dimas Creek, Apr. 21, 1921, 2598 ft. (792 m.); P.A. Munz, R.D. Harwood, San Dimas Cyn., Apr. 29, 1920, 1500 ft. (457 m.); Jack Delaini, Lodi Cyn., SDEF, May 9, 1974, 2800 ft. (854 m.); R.F. Thorne, Webb Cyn., n. of Claremont, Mar. 26, 1973, c. 1200 ft. (366 m.); Robert L. Dressler, Johnstone Pk., June 19, 1949, c. 2800 ft. (854 m.); Samuel R. Tyson, San Dimas Cyn., April 2, 1943, 1500 ft. (457 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Little Tujunga, at head of E. Fork, May 14, 1975, no elev. given; Steve Boyd & Orlando Mistretta, n. of Sylmar & s. of Santa Clarita, within the Tujunga Ranger District, w. edge of Angeles Natl. Forest, upper position of ridge on s. side of Whitney Cyn., April 23, 1993, 42400-2500 ft. (732 m.); T.S. Ross & Walter Appleby, c. 720 meters s.w. of Wilson Cyn. Saddle & 260 meters s.e. of Knoll top Radio Facility, on e. side of ridge above Wilson Cyn. Road, May 14, 1993, 3420 ft. (1043 m.); P.A. Munz & I.M. Johnston, Lone Hill near Glendora, San Gab. Mts., Apr. 1918 (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Apr. 1918

SBCo.: No records found.

Veratrum californicum Durand var. californicum, California False Hellebore

LACo.: From 6500 ft. (1982 m.) at Angeles Crest Hwy., near Baden Powell, T. Shipman, July 25, 1974, to 8049 ft. (2454 m.), at Lily Spring, Wayne E. Sawyer, Aug. 11, 1981; May-Sep.; rare; montane

FVS: June 18, 1921, P.A. Munz, head of Swartout Valley, 6800 ft. (2073 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Orchidaceae Orchid Family

Corallorhiza maculata Raf., Spotted or Summer Coralroot

LACo.: San Antonio Ridge, 1.1 miles w. of (West-added 2010) Mt. Baldy, e. of saddle, Aug. 31, 1998, 7921 ft. (2415 m.)

Other records:

Wayne E. Sawyer, Lily Spring, Aug. 11, 1981, 8050 ft. (2454 m.); R.F. Thorne, Lily Springs on n.w. slope, Mt. Hawkins, Aug. 25, 1971, 8200 ft. (2500 m.)

FVS: Aug. 25, 1971

SBCo.: Frank W. Peirson, Kelly’s Cabin, Ontario Ridge, July 13, 1922, 8095 ft. (2468 m.); Mrs. J.R. Gabbert, Icehouse Cyn., Mt. Baldy Region, Aug. 17, 1930, 7000-8000 ft. (2134-2439 m.); P.A. Munz, Kelly’s Cabin, near Ontario Pk., July 18, 1922, 8100 ft. (2470 m.); Peter Fritsch & T.S. Ross, in draw and along rd. of cyn. north to n.e. of Baldy Notch(the one that drains into Coldwater Cyn.), c. 25 km. northwest of San Bernardino, July 12, 1990, 6424-7400 ft. (1959 m.);

I.M. Johnston, vic. of Kelly’s Cabin (Ontario Pk.), July 30, 1917, 8200 ft.

(2500 m.)

FVS: July 30, 1917

Epipactis gigantea Douglas ex Hook., Stream Orchid

(synonym: E. gigantea f. rubrifolia P.M. Br.)

LACo.: From 781 ft. (238 m.), at Azusa, 0.5 miles e. of San Gabriel Canyon, Infor. Station on Hwy. 39, at mouth of cyn., R.G. Swinney, May 25, 2000, to

6921 ft. (2110 m.), at Dawson Pk. Ridge (w. side), at spring on NNW-facing slope, c. 100 m. above cyn. bottom, c. 0.5 miles n.e. of Upper Fish Fk. Camp, R.G. Swinney, July 29, 1998; Apr.-Sep., uncommon in moist soil; transmontane at mouth of Jesus Cyn., and “Paradise Springs” (Big Rock Cr.), montane, cismontane

FVS: June 12, 1893, Anstruther Davidson, Switzers Trail

SBCo.: From 2640 ft. (805 m.), at confl. of spring from Swarthout Cyn. & Cajon Wash, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 14, 1992, to 8039 ft. (2451 m.), at Baldy Bowl area, near Sierra Ski Hut, in small trib. with springs, e. of San Antonio Cyn., e. spring area, R.G. Swinney, July 13, 1995; May-Nov.; uncommon in moist soil; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 29, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Icehouse Cyn., 6500 ft. (1982 m.)

Piperia cooperi (S. Watson) Rydb., Chaparral or Cooper’s Rein Orchid

Status: CNPS List R-E-D Code State/Fed. Status:

CRPR 4.2 S3.2 G4

s. CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: P.A. Munz, San Gabriel Canyon, Apr. 3, 1925, 1000 ft. (305 m.); P.A. Munz & R.D. Harwood, San Dimas Cyn., Apr. 21, 1920, 1500 ft. (457 m.); Elbert Benjamine, San Dimas Cyn., May 29, 1929, no elev. given; E.S. Spalding, Fish Cyn. , near Monrovia, May 2, 1923, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Monroe Cyn., June 12, 1936, 1800 ft. (549 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Fish Cyn., May 5, 1933, 950 ft. (290 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Marshall Cr., Apr. 27, 1934, 1500 ft. (457 m.); F.W. Pierson, Monrovia Cyn., May 18, 1919, 1250 ft. (381 m.); L.C. Wheeler, mesa bet. Millard Cyn. & Arroyo Seco, May 19, 1950, 1400 ft. (426 m.); Frank W. Peirson, Eaton Cyn., May 14, 1919, 1998 ft. (609 m.); C.F. Baker, hills near Claremont (listed for Coastal Plains & Basins: San Bern. Basin), May 14, 1904 (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 14, 1904

SBCo.: Gerald L. Benny & Collin M. Wainwright, Day Cyn., Apr. 28, 1971,

2600 ft. (793 m.); P.A. Munz, Lytle Cr. Cutoff, 1 mi. north of Highland, deserted field, Apr. 28, 1921, 1500 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: Apr. 28, 1921

Piperia elongata Rydb., Chaparral, Wood or Denseflower Rein Orchid

LACo.: Samuel Tyson, San Dimas Cyn., Sep. 15, 1943, 2700 ft. (823 m.); K.H.B., Tanbark, Gilman Grove, SDEF, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta, Los Pinetos Spring Cyn. Trail, July 13, 1992, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Brown’s Flat Trail, 2 1/2 mi. from flat, July 3, 1931, no elev. given

FVS: July 3, 1931

SBCo.: I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Cyn., July 22, 1925, 3200 ft. (976 m.)

Piperia leptopetala Rydb., Narrow-petal Rein Orchid


LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn., Brown’s Flat Trail, July 2, 1932, 4800 ft. (1220 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Piperia transversa Suksd., Flat-spurred Piperia, Royal Rein Orchid

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Eugene Cardiff, Lytle Cr. Cyn., June 10, 1950, 2499 ft. (762 m.); I.M. Johnston, Lower San Sevaine Flats, July 10, 1925, 4799 ft. (1463 m.); I.M. Johnston, between Upper & Lower San Sevaine Flats, July 10, 1925, 5100 ft. (1555 m.); I.M. Johnston, Day Cyn., July 15, 1917, 3000 ft. (915 m.)

FVS: July 15, 1917

+Platanthera cililata (Pursh) Lindl. ex Beck var. leucostachys (Lindl.) Luer, White-flowered Bog Orchid, Sierra Bog Orchid

(synonym: P. leucostachys Lindl.)

Hybridizes with P. sparsiflora (P. xlassenii W.J. Schrenk) and others.

LACo.: From 6750 ft. (2058 m.), w. of jct. of Big Rock Creek Rd., with paved rd., June 27, 1959, to 8102 ft. (2470 m.), at Lily Spring, L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 21, 1966; June-Sep.; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 8, 1918, F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Cyn., 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

SBCo.: Upper Alpine Cyn., west trib. of N. Fork Lytle Cr., that begins at saddle between Dawson Pk and Pine Mt., within 200 m. of ridge top, Aug. 21, 1996, 8380 ft. (2555 m.); n. fork of Dog Bone Cyn., w. trib. of N. Fk. Lytle Creek, imm. south of Alpine Canyon, n.e. of Dawson Pk., Aug. 21, 1996, 7800 ft. (2378 m.)

Other records:

Peter Fritsch & T.S. Ross, in draw & along rd. of cyn. north to n.e. of Baldy Notch (the one that draws into Coldwater Cyn.), c. 25 km north-west of San Bernardino, July 12, 1990, 6424-7400 ft. (1959 m.); L.C. Wheeler, n.e. slope Mt. San Antonio, hdwtrs. of W. Fork of N. Fork Lytle Cr., July 15,1968, 8900 ft. (2713 m.); Robert C. Frampton, above falls beyond Snow Crest, San Gab. Mts., July 21, 1946, no elev. given

FVS: July 21, 1946

Platanthera limosa Lindl., Thurber’s Bog Orchid

(synonym: Habenaria limosa, (Lindl.) Hemsl.]

Native to Mexico and s.e. Arizona.

LACo.: Joseph Andorfer Ewan, n. slope, 0.5 miles w. Windy Camp, Mt. Islip, Aug. 18, 1934, 7495 ft. (2285 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Platanthera sparsiflora (S. Watson) Schltr., Green Reign Orchid, Sparseflowered Bog Orchid

LACo.: From 419 ft. (120 m.), near Baldy School, s. of Mt. Baldy Village, c. 75 meters e. of San Antonio Cyn., spring, dense, marshy meadow, R.G. Swinney, May 31, 1997 and I.M Johnston, Camp Baldy, June 20, 1917, 4200 ft. (1280 m.), to 8000 ft. (2439 m.), at Lily Springs area on n. slope of Mt. Hawkins, drainage of S. Fork Big Rock Cr., R.F. Thorne, Larry E. DeBuhr., June 28, 1974; May-Oct.; rare; transmontane at Rock Cr., F.W. Peirson, June 15, 1919, 4250 ft. (1296 m.), montane, cismontane

FVS: June 20, 1917

SBCo.: From 4198 ft. (1280 m.), at Camp Baldy, near Claremont, George H. Grinnell, June 12, 1926, to 8039 ft. (2451 m.), at Baldy Bowl area, near Sierra Ski Hut, in small trib. with springs, e. of San Antonio Cyn., e. spring area, R.G. Swinney, July 13, 1995; rare; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 20, 1917; I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Mts., Camp Baldy, 4200 ft. (1280 m.)

Poaceae Grass Family

Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. ssp. pectinatum (M. Bieb.) Tzvelev , Crested Wheatgrass

[synonyms: A. cristatum ssp. desertorum (Link.) A. Love and A. desertorum (Link) Schult. and Agropyron parishii var. leave and Elymus trachycaulus and Elymus trachycaulus ssp. subsecundus]

Native to Europe

LACo.: Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, Pavil Cyn., May 8, 1989, 1450 ft. (442 m.); W. of Wrightwood, Mt. High Ski Resort on ski run, c. 2 miles e. of Hwy. 2 on FS Road 3N06, Guffy Rd., June 25, 1997, 7760 ft. (2366 m.); 2.3 miles n. of Hwy. 2 at Vincent Gap at Pinyon Ridge Mtwy., June 17, 2008, 6534 ft. (1992 m.);

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta, Kratka Ridge, spring by rd., July 6, 1992, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, head of Los Pinetos Cyn., Aug. 20, 1968, 3600l ft. (1097 m.); T.S. Ross, Peter W. Fritsch, et al., Pinyon Ridge, w. 1/2 of ridge, between upper Little Rock Cr. and San Andreas Rift Zone, June 22, 1990, 5600-6400 ft. (1707 m.); S. Zona, D. Arias, et al., Mt. High Ski Resort; w. of Wrightwood, June 21-28, 1989, 6620-8160 ft. (2018 m.); T.S. Ross, Horse Flats, Aug. 16, 1991, 5640 ft.

(1720 m.); I.M. Johnston, Brown’s Flat, July 1, 1917, 4500 ft. (1372 m.)

FVS: July 1, 1917

SBCo.: No records found.

Agrostis capillaris L., Colonial Bent or Bentgrass

(synonym: Agrostis tenuis Sibth.)

Native to Europe.

LACo.: ?

SBCo.: Valerie Soza & LeRoy Gross, Mt. Baldy Ski area, Upper Manker Cyn., below Sugar Pine Ski Lift from Mt. Baldy Notch, w. of Miners Bowl, July 17, 2001, 6599 ft. (2012 m.)

Agrostis exarata Trin., Spike Bentgrass

LACo.: From 797 ft. (243 m.), 2.5 mi. from Azusa, San Gabriel Cyn., P.C. Everett & E.K. Balls, May 30, 1960, to 8797 ft. (2682 m.), at N. Fork San Antonio Cyn., (?), I.M. Johnston, July 28, 1917; May-Oct.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: July 28, 1917

SBCo.: From 2499 ft. (762 m.), at Day Cyn., I.M. Johnston, July 15, 1917, to 8380 ft. (2555 m.), at Baldy Bowl area, s. of Mt. Baldy-East Pk., spring area, s.w. of Sierra Ski Hut, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 22, 1995; June-Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: July, 1901, L.R. Abrams, Falls, South Fk. Lytle Cr., no elev. given

Agrostis gigantea Roth, Giant Bentgrass, Redtop

Difficult to separate from A. stolonifera

Native to Europe

LACo.: John Thomas Howell, Big Pines, July 18,1947, 6898 ft. (2103 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, et al., Big Meadow, Big Pines, July 20, 1972, 6849 ft. (2088 m.); C.E. Fellows, Big Tujunga Cyn., 1.8 miles n.e. of jct of Mt. Gleason Ave. and Rim Cyn. Road, then n. on service 1.3 miles, Aug. 22, 2005, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk., San Gabriel River, Aug. 22, 1917, 4995 ft.

(1523 m.)

FVS: Aug. 23, 1917 (22 or 23)

SBCo.: Lost Creek Canyon, trib. to Icehouse Cyn., e. of Sheep Flat, w. of Shortcut Ridge, July 22, 1994, 6599 ft. (2012 m.); R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist, Mt. Baldy Notch, July 31, 1971, 7800 ft. (2378 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: July 31, 1971

Agrostis idahoensis Nash, Idaho Redtop or Bentgrass

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, Lily Spring on n.w. slope of Mt. Hawkins, Aug. 25, 1971, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, at Windy Spring on n. slope of Mt. Islip, Aug. 25, 1971, c. 7400 ft. (2256 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, near Lodgepole Picnic Area at headwaters of Dorr Cyn., n. slope of Throop Pk., above Angeles Crest Hwy., 1.2 miles s.e. of Dawson Saddle, July 29, 1969, 7649 ft. (2332 m.); R.F. Thorne & J.

Dourley, 1.5 mile e. of Dawson Saddle, Oct. 10, 1967, 7649 ft. (2332 m.); Wayne E.Sawyer, CA Hwy. 2, between Dawson Saddle & jct. of CA Hwy. 39, 1.8 mi. from Dawson Saddle, July 24, 1981, 7500 ft. (2287 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Dorr Cyn., Aug. 21, 1966, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, hdwtrs. of Devil’s Cyn., on s. side of Mt. Waterman, Aug. 9, 1967, 7200 ft. (2195 m.); Joseph Andorfer Ewan, n.w. slope Mt. Waterman, Aug. 10, 1934, 7495 ft. (2285 m.)

FVS: Aug. 10, 1934

SBCo.: Lost Creek Canyon, trib. to Icehouse Cyn., e. of Sheep Flat, w. of Shortcut Ridge, July 22, 1994, 6599f t. (2012 m.)

Other records:

3 records for Kelly’s Cabin (Camp), Ontario Ridge: Frank W. Peirson, July 7, 1918, 8197 ft. (2499 m.); R.G. Swinney, Aug. 14, 1995, 8600 ft. (2622 m.);

I.M. Johnston, July 30, 1917, 8197 ft. (2499 m.)

FVS: July 30, 1917

Agrostis pallens Trin., Dune or Seashore Bentgrass

(synonym: A. diegoensis Vasey)

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Doe Flat, Graveyard Cyn., July 15, 1973, 2699 ft.

(823 m.); Jerome S. Horton, (Big-added 2010) Dalton Cyn. Road near Bell Cyn., SDEF, June 19, 1936, 2800 ft. (854 m.)

FVS: June 19, 1936

SBCo.: No records found.

Agrostis scabra Willd., Rough Bentgrass

[synonyms: A. perennans (Walter) Tuck., Upland Bentgrass and A. scabra Willd. var. geminatea (Trin.) Swallen]

LACo.: Lily Spring, n. slope of Mt. Hawkins, 7.5 air miles WSW of Wrightwood, Sep. 15, 2001, 8400 ft. (2561 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, E. Fork Alder Cr. at Chilao Flat, Aug. 8, 1967, 5100 ft. (1555 m.); L.C. Wheeler, E. Fork of Alder Cr., off Big Tujunga, July 16, 1968, 4900 ft.

(1494 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Fountainhead Spring, e. slope of Mt. Pacifico, Aug. 1, 1967, 6600 ft. (2012 m.); Tim Ross, Orlando Mistretta, et al., n.e. of Tie Summit Station (e. of Angeles Forest Hwy., w. dralinage that meets Tie Cyn.), July 10, 1990, 4995 ft. (1523 m.); F.R. Fosberg, Little Jimmy Spring, Windy camp, n. slope of Mt. Islip, Aug. 12, 1931, 7544 ft. (2300 m.)

FVS: Aug. 12, 1931

SBCo.: (Hulcomic Spring-added 2011), in trib. canyon between Baldy Notch service rd. & Baldy Ski Lift, w. of Baldy Notch (Aug. 23, 1994, 7200 ft. (2195 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, Lower San Sevaine Flats, July 10, 1925, 4799 ft. (1463 m.)

FVS: July 10, 1925

Agrostis stolonifera L., Creeping Bent or Bentgrass

Difficult to separate from A. gigantea Roth.

Native to Europe.

LACo.: From 2900 ft. (884 m.), at Bell Cyn./San Dimas Cyn. Divide, L.C. Wheeler, June 8, 1936, to 7400 ft,. (2256 m.), at upper Government Cyn., c. 2 miles w. of Wrightwood, Blue Ridge Mt. area, R.G. Swinney, July 23, 1997; June-Oct.; uncommon; transmontane at Mescal Cr., Joseph A. Ewan,& Nesta Ewan, Aug. 5, 1936, 4500 ft. (1372 m .), montane, cismontane

FVS: Aug. 23, 1917, I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk. of San Gabriel River, 5000 ft. (1524 m.)

SBCo.: Lone Pine Valley, Clyde Ranch, s. side of Lone Pine Rd., Aug. 23, 1994, 4920 ft. (1500 m.); Wrightwood, Twin Lakes Swim Park and meadow area, private development, June 20, 1996, 6038 ft. (1841 m.); Wrightwood, Wright Lake, Oct. 30, 2008, 6038 ft. (1841 m.);

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & Selvyn Everist, Mt. Baldy Notch, July 31, 1971, 7800 ft. (2378 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., near San Sevaine, Cow Camp, July 7, 1971,

c. 4700 ft. (1433 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, Lytle Cr., July 13, 1967, 3500 ft. (1066 m.); V. Soza & LeRoy Gross, Mt. Baldy Ski area, upper Manker Cyn., below Sugarpine Ski Lift from Mt. Baldy Notch, W. of Miners Bowl, July 17, 2001, 6599 ft. (2012 m.); Scott D. White & Michael Honer, wash, riparian zone & slope along San Antonio Cr., between Mt. Baldy (town) and Ice House Cyn., June 29, 2004, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Wrightwood, Wright Lake, July 9, 1969, c. 6040 ft. (1841 m.); R.F. Thorne, c. 1 mi. up Icehouse Cyn., Aug. 30, 1965, 5701 ft. (1738 m.)

FVS: Aug. 30, 1965

Alopecurus pratensis L., Meadow Foxtail

Native to Eurasia

LACo.: along Hwy. 2, 0.5 miles w. of Big Pines (road jct.) e. of Jackson Lake, Aug. 6, 1997, 6639 ft. (2024 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Andropogon glomeratus (Walter) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenb. var. scabriglumis C.S. Campbell, Southwestern or Roughglume Bushy Bluestem

[synonyms: A. glomeratus (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. var. pumilus Vasey ex L.H. Dewey and A. glomeratus (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggeb. var. glomeratus, Bushy Bluestem]

CA, NM & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.5 mi. upstream from entrance of old San Gabriel Cyn. Road (service rd.-added 2011), at El Encanato (El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park-added 2010), R.G. Swinney, Oct. 22, 2008, to 4100 ft. (250 m.), at Yucca Flats Summer Husing (Housing-added 2011) Tract, Angeles Natl. Forest, R.F. Thorne & J. Dourly, Oct. 19, 1967; Mar., Apr., June, Aug.-Dec. rare, cismontane

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork San Gabriel River between Rincon & N. Fork, Dec. 7, 1967, 1500 ft. (457 m.); L.C. Wheeler, between Coldbrook Cr. and Pine Flats, near Falling Springs, June 10, 1964, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, c. 1/2 way between Roberts Cyn., & Fish Canyon, Mar. 18, 1964, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, N. Fork San Gabriel River, near Bichota Cyn., Oct. 1949, 2250 ft.

(686 m.); L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork San Gabriel Cyn., 0.2 & 0.5 miles w. of Bear Cr., Sep. 2, 1946, 1700 ft. (518 m.); D.H. Wilken, N. Fork San Gabriel River, c. 5 miles n. of the W. Fork confl., Nov.1, 1965, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 3, 1917, Geo. L. Moxley, Eaton Cyn.

SBCo.: Cajon Wash, 0.25 miles s. of Swarthout Cyn. Road & the jct. with Cajon Wash, Oct. 17, 1992, 2690 ft. (820 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, Larry E. DeBuhr, et al., Lone Pine Cyn., c. 1 mile NNW of Lost Lake where Lone Pine Cyn. Rd. crosses Lone Pine Creek, Oct. 13, 1972, c. 2950 ft. (899 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Canyon, Sep. 16, 1967, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

FVS: Sep. 16, 1967

Aristida adscensionis L., Sixweeks Threeawn

LACo.: San Dimas Exp. Forest, dry open places, < 3500 ft., SDEF, 1998 (no voucher on record)

SBCo.: No records found.

Aristida purpurea Nutt. var. parishii (Hitchc.) Allred, Parish’s Threeawn

(synonym: A. parishii Hitch.)

LACo.: San Dimas Exp. Forest, dry openings, chamise, SDEF, 1988 (no voucher record found); F.M. Reed, Monrovia Cyn., June 18, 1925, 1200 ft.

(366 m.); George B. Grant, foothills, Altadena, Apr. 2, 1905, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

FVS: Apr. 2, 1905

SBCo.: No records found.

Aristida purpurea Nutt. var. purpurea, Purple Threeawn

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Liveoak Cyn., Apr. 15, 1934, 1600 ft. (488 m.);

Albert J. Perkins, Glendora, Little Dalton Tr., Feb. 11, 1920

FVS: Feb. 11, 1920

SBCo.: No records found.

Aristida ternipes Cav. var. gentilis (Henr.) Allred, Hook Three-awn, Spidergrass

(synonyms: Aristida ternipes Cav. var. hamulosa (Henr.) Trent and A. hamulosa Henr.]

LACo.: Jerome S. Horton, Bell & Volfe Cyn. Trail, SDEF, June 1, 1937, 2496 ft. (761 m.); Louis C. Wheeler, Liveoak Cyn., Apr. 15, 1934, 1597 ft. (487 m.); F.W. Peirson, in dense tufts, trail to Mt. Lowe, w. of Eaton Cyn., Nov. 17, 1919,

1998 ft. (609 m.)

FVS: Nov. 17, 1919

SBCo.: No records found.

Arundo donax L., Giant Reed

Native to Europe.

LACo.: From 541 ft. (165 m.), at San Gabriel River Channel, within 70 meters (n.) of I-210 Fwy., R.G. Swinney, Nov., 30, 2008, to 4599 ft. (1402 m.), at E. Fork Puzzle Cyn., near old (abandoned homesite at 2800 Deep Creek Cyn. Road, R.G. Swinney, June 28, 1999; Feb., Apr.-July, Sep., Nov.; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Apr. 30, 1957, L.C. Wheeler, on mesa between Little Dalton & Englewild Cyns., 1223 ft. (373 m.) (introduced into the San Gab. Mts. in the late 1800’s. for irrigation pipes)

SBCo.: 5 records at Lost Lake in e. Lone Pine Valley:

L.C. Wheeler, Oct. 27, 1951, no elev. given; R.G. Swinney, Oct. 19, 1994,

2791 ft. (851 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Mar. 20, 1970, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne & J. Dourley, Oct. 10, 1967, 2749 ft. (838 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Aug. 29, 1966, 2699 ft. (823 m.)

Additional records:

R.F. Thorne & Larry E. DeBuhr, due s. of Lost Lake & near Blue Cut, Oct. 13, 1972, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Nov. 11, 1933, 2650 ft.

(808 m.) (no plants were observed in 2009 at Lost Lake due to abatement program-Swinney)

FVS: Nov. 11, 1933

Avena barbata Link, Slender (Wild) Oat

Native to s. Europe, s. Africa to India

LACo.: From 541 ft. (165 m.), at mouth of San Gab. Cyn. between Foothill Blvd & the I-210 Fry, from the main river channel to 300 m. to the east, to 4428 ft.

(1350 m.), at c. 1 km. from trailhead at Cow Cyn. Saddle, along Coldwater Cyn. Truck Trail, V.W. Steinmann, Apr. 7, 1996; Mar.-June, Dec.; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Apr. 15, 1934, L.C. Wheeler, Liveoak Cyn., 1601 ft. (488 m.)

SBCo.: From 2040 ft. (622 m.), at e. side of mouth of Lytle Creek Cyn., c. 100 meters n. of Devore Rd. and 250 meters w. of FS Road 1N32, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 8, 1993, to 4002 ft. (1220 m.), at Frankish Pk., e. of San Antonio Cyn., E-W-running ridgetop with e. and w. peaks. & saddle in between, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 15, 1996; Mar.-June; uncommon; cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Mar. 25, 1935, H. Lee, Lost Lake, San Bernardino National Forest, 2749 ft. (838 m.)

Avena fatua L., Wild Oat

Native to Eurasia. Hybridizes with A. sativa L.

LACo.: From 554 ft. (169 m.), at Azusa/Irwindale, between the I-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd. on w. side of San Gabriel River Channel, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 7, 2009, to 2499 ft. (762 m.), at Angeles Crest Hwy. near Angeles Crest Station, s. boundary of Angelels Natl. Forest, David Charlton, Apr. 30, 1989; Mar.-June; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 15, 1934, L.C. Wheeler, Live Oak Cyn., 1601 ft. (488 m.)

SBCo.: flats imm. south of Spring Hill, w. of FS Rd. 2N04 (Barrett-Stoddard Truck Rd.), n. of Stoddard Pk., Apr. 1, 1995, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); Slate Cyn., Upper Lytle Cr. Divide, 0.3 miles n. of the jct. of FS Rds. 3N06 & 3N33, June 24, 1993,

5320 ft. (1622 m.)

FVS: June 24, 1993

Avena sativa L., Cultivated or Common Oat

[synonym: A. fatua L. var. sativa (L.) Hausskn.

Origin in Near East. Hybridizes with A. fatua L., A. sterilis L.

LACo.: Duarte, lower Van Tassel Fire Rd., Van Tassel Cyn., Apr. 16, 2009,

1440 ft. (439 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, foothills, Brown School for Girls, vicinity of stables (Glendora, now owned by Church of the Open Door, Hook Cyn.- added 2010), Mar. 21, 1968, 1099 ft. (335 m.); LeRoy Gross, w. terminus of Holcomb Ridge, w. of Big Rock Cr., e. & n.e. sides of hill, n. of Fort Tejon Rd., w. of Valyermo Rd., May 3, 2005, 3559 ft. (1085 m.); Kay H. Beach, SDEF near Dalton, July 13, 1982, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Indian Cyn., near mouth, May 24, 1967, 2225 ft.

(678 m.)

FVS: May 24, 1967

SBCo.: Aaron Liston & S. Zona, Cajon Pass, on I-15, s.e. of Wrightwood, Mar. 28, 1987, 2788 ft. (850 m.)

Bothriochloa barbinodis (Lag.) Herter, Cane Bluestem

(synonym: Andropogon barbinodis Lag.)

LACo.: Glendora, jct. of Glendora Mt. Road & Colby (Fallow Mtwy.) Rd. (Trail), s. shoulder of rd., June 16, 1992, 1601 ft. (488 m.)

Other records:

Albert J. Perkins, Glendora, Litle Dalton Tr., Feb. 16, 1920 (and Feb. 11, 1920, or one record is in error-added 2010),1201 ft. (366 m.); Jerome S. Horton, Dalton Cyn., CCC Camp, (s.e jct. of Glendora Mt. Rd. & Big Dalton Cyn. Road, Glendora-added 2010), Dec. 29, 1937, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, mouth of Live Oak Cyn., Nov. 30, 1917, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

FVS: Nov. 30, 1917

SBCo.: No records found.

Bromus arenarius Labill., Australian Chess or Brome

Native to Australia

LACo.: San Dimas Exp. Forest, weed, disturbed areas, SDEF, 1988 (no documented vouchers found.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Bromus arizonicus (Shear) Stebbins, Arizona Brome

(synonym: B. trinii var. excelsis Shear)

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: T.B. Salvato & A.C. Sanders, Cajon Wash at Glen Helen Pkwy., s. of Cajon Blvd. at Devore, May 23, 2006, 2020 ft. (616 m.); Valerie Soza & LeRoy Gross, Mt. Baldy Ski area, upper Sana (San) Antonio Cyn., c. 1/4 mile w. of Mt. Baldy Notch, alongside rd. to Mt. Baldy Notch (FS Rd. 3N01), June 11, 2001, 7200 ft. (2195 m.)

FVS: June 11, 2001

Bromus berteroanus Colla, Chilean Chess

(synonyms: Bromus trinii Desv. and Bromus trinnii Desv. var. excelsus Shear))

LACo.: A.C. Sanders, D. Malueg, et al., Soledad Pass area at n. foot of mts., c. 5 miles s.w. of Palmdale, along CE Mesa-Vincent powerline at pole 18-03, just s. of Vincent substation, June 22, 1998, 3280 ft. (1000 m.); L.C. Wheeler, near the mouth, e. side of Little Tujunga, near BM 1227 ft., May 6, 1973, 1598 ft. (487 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Aliso Cyn., c. 0.5 miles e. of Blum Ranch, Apr. 20, 1973, 3100 ft. (945 m.)

FVS: Apr. 20, 1973

SBCo.: Daisie Husang, West Mojave Desert, Hwy. 138, near Phelan, 2 mi. past jct. with Hwy. 2, Apr. 22, 2006 , 4307 ft. (1313 m.) (possibly just n. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary); A.C. Sanders & E.J. Lott, Soledad Pass area at n. foot of mts., c. 5 miles s.w. of Palmdale along SCE Meso-Vincent powerline at pole 18-03, justs of Vincent Substation, June 22, 1998, 3228 ft. (1000 m.); L.C. Wheeler, near the mouth, east side of Little Tujunga, near BM1227 (check), May 6, 1973, 1600 ft. (4887 m.)

FVS: May 6, 1973

Bromus carinatus Hook. & Arn., California Brome

LACo.: From 1374 ft. (419 m.), at 0.5 miles e. of Live Oak Cyn., edge of mts., L.C. Wheeler, May 6, 1936, to 7501 ft. (2287 m.), n.w. of Wrightwood, eastern end of Jackson Flat, R.G. Swinney, July 8, 1998; Mar., May-Sep; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Apr. 27, 1929, R. Hoffman, Little Rock Dam, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 4000 ft. (1219 m.), at Cascade Cyn., at fire rd., L.C. Wheeler, May 17, 1947 and at Spring Hill “flats”, s. of Barrett Village and n. of Stoddard Flat, c. 100 meters s.w. of FS Road (2N04.2) Barrett-Stoddard Rd., R.G. Swinney, Oct. 12, 2008, to 7800 ft. (2378 m.), e. of Wright Mt. Summit and n. of Pacific Crest Trail, R.G. Swinney, July 12, 1993; May-July, Oct., Nov.; all 4 sections

FVS: May 17, 1947

Bromus carinatus Hook. & Arn. var. carinatus, California Brome

LACo.: From 1350 ft. (412 m.), at w. fork Morgan Cyn. at Ferguson Mtwy., (n. of Glendora-added 2012), L.C. Wheeler, Mar. 17, 1968, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), s.w. side Mt. Waterman, L.C. Wheeler, July 15, 1967; Mar.-Sep.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June 15-18, 1906, Geo. B. Grant, summit, Mt. Wilson, 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

SBCo.: From 4251 ft. (1296 m.), at San Antonio Cyn. (Spring Hill), I.M. Johnston, June 15, 1917, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at Sheep Mt. Wildernerss, Prairie Fk. Canyon, c. 0.8 miles s.e. of Prairei Fk. Road (FS Road 3N39) & jct. with E. Prairie Fk. Trail, R.G. Swinney, June 12, 1994; June-July; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 15, 1917

Bromus carinatus Hook. & Arn. var. marginatus (Steud.) Barkworth & Anderson, Mountain Brome

[synonyms: B. breviaristatus Buckley and B. luzonensis J. Presl. and B. marginatus Steud. and B. subvelutinus Shear and Bromus carinatus Hook & Arn. var. linearis Shear]

LACo.: David Charlton, Lightning (=Blue?) Ridge at the jct. of Forest Rd. 3N06 and Angels Crest Hwy., c. 4 miles n.w. of San Bernardino Co. line & 5 miles n.w. of Wrightwood, June 15, 1986, 7400 ft. (2256 m.); G.L. Stebbins, Jr., on rd. from Big Pines resort to Smithsonian Observatory, June 19, 1941, 6498 ft. (1981 m.); Elizabeth McClintock, Table Mt., above Wrightwood, July 2-3, 1965, 6996 ft. (2133 m.); George B. Grant, summit Mt. Wilson, June 16, 06 (1906-added 2012), 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

FVS: June 16, 1906

SBCo.: F.M. Reed, San Antonio Cyn., above Camp Baldy, June 15, 1918, 4500 ft. (1372 m.); P.A. Munz, San Antonio Falls, July 7, 1948, 7700 ft.

(2346 m.); I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn., (Spring Hill), June 15, 1917, 4250 ft. (1296 m.)

FVS: June 15, 1917

Bromus catharticus Vahl, Rescuegrass

[synonyms: B. brevis Nees ex Steud. and B. haenkeanus (J. Presl) Kunth and B. willdenowii Kunth and Ceratochloa cathartica (Vahl) Herter]

Native to S. America

LACo.: San Gabriel River, under the Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of Encanto Pkwy., w. of (east of-added 2011) Encanto Park in Duarte, Apr. 13, 2009, 604 ft. (184 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, on mesa between Little Dalton Cyn. & Engewild Cyns. in vic. of abandoned lemon grove, May 13, 1967, 1250 ft. (380 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Old Point Comfort, Big Rock Cr., Nov. 18, 1967, 4200 ft. (1280 m.); Justin M. Wood, City of San Dimas, Sycamore Cyn., Falcon Ridge Ranch, Apr. 22, 2009, 1351 ft. (412 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Loomis Ranch, Alder Cr., Aug. 8, 1967, 4301 ft.

(1311 m.); K.H. B., Lysimeters near Tanbark Flat in SDEF, May 11, 1943,

2696 ft. (822 m.)

FVS: May 11, 1943

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Regional Park, Mar. 20, 1970, no elev. given

Bromus ciliatus L., Fringed Brome

LACo.: e. slope of Pacifico Mt., at Fountainhead Spring, June 2, 2009, 6599 ft. (2012 m.)

Other records:

K.H. B., Fern Cyn., above contour, & head of E. Fork, SDEF, May 3, 1943,

4100 ft. (1345 m.)

FVS: May 3, 1943

SBCo.: No records found.

Bromus diandrus Roth, Ripgut or Brome Grass

[synonyms: B. rigidus Roth and B. diandrus var. rigidus (Roth) Sales) and B. diandrus var. diandrus]

Native to Europe

LACo.: From 604 ft. (184 m.), San Gabriel River, under the Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Bvd., on e. side of Encanto Pkwy., w. of (e. of-added 2011) El Encanato Park in Duarte, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 13, 2009, to 6813 ft. (2077 m.), at Antonio Pk. (=Lookout Mt.), ridge, e. of Cattle Cyn. & w. of the W. Fork of Bear Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 19, 1997; Mar.-June, Aug.; abundant; transmontane at Sandrock Cr., 1.0 mile SSW of Valyermo Post Office at Valyermo Rd., R.G. Swinney, June 9, 2008,3880 ft. (1183 m.), montane, cismontane

FVS: May 27, 1924, F.W. Peirson, n. slope, Strawberry Pk., 5750 ft. (1753 m.)

SBCo.: From 2299 ft. (701 m.), at jct. of Evey Cyn. with San Antonio Cyn., R.F. Thorne, May 29, 1969, to 5747 ft. (1752 m.), Lytle Creek Cyn., H.M. Hall, May 31, 1900; Apr.-July; abundant; transmontane, montane, cismontane

FVS: May 31, 1900

Bromus grandis (Shear) Hitchc., Tall Brome

[synonym: B. porteri (J.M. Coulter) Nash var. assimilis Burt Davy]

CA & Baja CA

LACo.: From 1200 ft. (366 m.), at Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, Big Dalton Cyn., 0.7 miles e. of Glendora Mt. Rd. at Maple Cyn. (cyn. name abandoned-added 2010), R.G. Swinney, June 27, 1989, to 7997 ft. (2438 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., I.M. Johnston, July 28, 1917; Apr.-Aug., rare-uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June 30, 1891, T.M. Bonser, Mt. Lowe

SBCo.: From 2401 ft. (732 m.), at 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of l-15, James Henrickson, May 10, 1985, to

8000 ft. (2439 m.), at N. Fork San Antonio Cyn., I.M. Johnston, July 28, 1917; May-July, Sep.; rare; montane, cismontane

FVS: July 28, 1917

Bromus hordeaceus L., Soft Chess or Brome

[synonym: B. hordeaceus L. ssp. thominei (Nyman) Braun-Blanquet and B. hordeaceus ssp. hordeaceus and B. hordeaceus ssp. molliformis]

Native to Africa, Asia and Europe.

LACo.: From 918 ft. (280 m.), at Duarte, lower Van Tassel Cyn., 0.3 to 0.6 miles n.w. (upstream) of confl. with San Gabriel River, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 16, 2009, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), w. of Wrightwood, Blue Ridge Trail area, 0.2 miles s.e. of Hwy. 2 at Blue Ridge Trail, R.G. Swinney, June 25, 1997; Mar.-June; uncommon; montane at Blue Ridge, near Wrightwood, cismontane

FVS: Apr., 1919, P.A. Munz, L.T. Street, et al., San Gab. Mts., Lone Hill, San Dimas (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: flats imm. south of Spring Hill, w. of FS Road 2N04 (Barrett-Stoddard Truck Rd.) n. of Stoddard Pk., Apr. 1, 1995, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); n.w. of Fontana, e. of San Sevaine Cyn. bottom on Bullock Spur Rd., Apr. 4, 1997, 2450 ft. (747 m.); w. side of Lytle Cr. Canyon Rd., near the Hitching Ranch, 200 meters n. of FS Road 2N79, Apr. 25, 1993, 2608 ft. (795 m.)

Other records:

T.B. Salvato & A.C. Sanders, Cajon Wash at Glen Helen Pkwy., s. of Cajon Blvd at Devore, May 23, 2006, 2020 ft. (616 m.); Freda Detmers, Lytle Creek Cyn., May 10, 1931, no elev. given

FVS: May 10, 1931

Bromus inermis Leyss., Hungarian or Smooth Brome

(synonyms: ssp. not recog. in JM2, but 2 are listed below and indented)

Native to Eurasia

LACo.: c. 1/4 mile e. of Blue Ridge Cmpgrd. on Ski Run (Mt. High-added 2010), Aug. 16, 1999, 7961 ft. (2427 m.)

Other records:

Robert F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Big Cienega Springs above Crystal Lake Rec. Area, July 19, 1967, 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

FVS: Jully 19, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

Synonym (status uncertain) Bromus inermis Leyss., ssp. inermis, Smooth Brome

LACo.: LeRoy Gross & Brace Campbell, Blue Ridge Rd. (3N06), and Rd. (3N39), top of Prairie Fk., east of Lupine Cmpgrd., walk back to Angeles Crest Hwy. (2), June 29, 2006, no elev. given; Tim Ross, Horse Flats, Aug. 16, 1991, 5635 ft. (1718 m.)

FVS: Aug. 16, 1991

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist, Mt. Baldy Notch, July 31, 1971, 7800 ft. (2378 m.); T.S. Ross & S. D. Boyd., upper San Antonio Canyon, n.e. end of Manker Flat, 1600 meters WSW of Mt. Baldy Notch, June 27, 1993, 6400 ft. (1951 m.); V. Soza & LeRoy Gross, Mt. Baldy Ski area, Upper San Antonio Cyn., c. 0.4 miles w. of Mt. Baldy Notch along rd. to Mt. Baldy Notch (FS Road 3N01) n. of Miners Bowl, June 11, 2001, 7501 ft. (2287 m.); V. Soza & LeRoy Gross, Mt. Baldy Ski area, upper Manker Cyn., below Sugarpine Ski Lift, from Mt. Baldy Notch, w. of Miners Bowl, July 17, 2001, 6599 ft. (2012 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Mt. Baldy Notch, July 10, 1968, 7700 ft. (2348 m.)

FVS: July 10, 1968

Synonym (status uncertain) Bromus inermis Leyss. ssp. pumpelianus (Scribn.) Wagnor, Pumpelly’s Brome

LACo.: K.H. B., SDEF, along garbage pit rd., s. of Dry Lake (s. of Sunset Pk. - added 2010) in parking place for gage 1, June 14, 1943, 2696 ft. (822 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Bromus japonicus Thunb., Japaneze Chess, Japaneze or Field Brome

(synonym: B. arvensis L.)

Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: with Dave Larson, SDEF, head of Dry Lake Cyn. at “Dry Lake”, site of CCC Camp in 1930’s, Aug. 7, 1996, 4999 ft. (1524 m.); Dry Lake, s. of Sunset Pk., at head of Dry Lake Cyn., July 17, 1998, 4969 ft. (1515 m.)

Other records: L.C. Wheeler, Gould Mesa Picnic Ground, May (check) 12, 1973, 1400 ft. (427 m.)

FVS: May 12, 1973

SBCo.: Valerie Soza & LeRoy Gross, Mt. Baldy Ski area, upper Manker Cyn., below Sugarpine Ski Lift from Mt. Baldy Notch (North) west of Miners Bowl, July 17, 2001, 6599 ft. (2012 m.)

Bromus laevipes Shear, Woodland or Chinook Brome

LACo.: Naomi Fraga & Paul Morton, on ridgeline of Mt. Hillyer, near summit, May 18, 2004, 6101 ft. (1860 m.); Tim Ross, Orlando Mistretta, et al., Tie Summit Station, e. of Angeles Forest Hwy., San Gab. Mts., Tujunga Ranger District (w. drainage that meets Tie Cyn.), July 10, 1990, 4995 ft.

(1523 m.); L.C. Wheeler, vic. of Yerba Buena Spring, Gold Cr. off Little Tujunga, July 18, 1967, no elev. given

FVS: July 18, 1967

SBCo.: Valerie Soza & Sarah J. DeGroot, s. side of Angeles Crest Hwy. at e. edge of Wrightwood, e. side of Sheep Cr., June 12, 2003, 5651 ft. (1723 m.)

Bromus madritensis L., Compact Brome

Native to Europe.

LACo.: with David Larson, Wolfskill Falls in upllpler Wolfskill Cyn., above LaVerne & SDEF May 15, 1999, 2001 ft. (610 m.); Azusa, San Gabriel River Cyn. El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness PLlark, Mar. 10, 2009, 571 m.)

Other records:

John Thomas Howell, on trail to Switzer’s, Arroyo Seco, Feb. 18, 1928, no elev. given

FVS: Feb. 18, 1928

SBCo.: Michael Honer, Cucamonga Wash, near center of wash, c. 300 meters n. of large flood control debris basin dam, Mar. 29, 2002, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Bromus madritensis L. ssp. madritensis, Foxtail Chess

Native to Europe

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.) at Azusa, parallel to Hwy. 39, along unnamed dirt access rd. to gauging station below Morris Dam, Scott D. White, May 21, 1997, to 3300 ft. (1006 m.), at Devil’s Cyn., just above upper falls, below the cmpgrd, e. of Windy Gap; Apr.-June; rare; cismontane

FVS: June 27, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, n.e. of Cogswell Reservoir, Sunset Ridge, 2100 ft. (640 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Bromus madritensis L. ssp. rubens (L.) Husn., Red Brome

(synonym: B. rubens L.)

Native to Europe

LACo.: From 669 ft. (204 m.), at Duarte, Van Tassel Cyn., 1.45 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. at Encanto Dr. on Fish Cyn. Road, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 30, 2008, to 4681 ft. (1427 m.), at Big Rock Cr. at Paradise Springs, R.G. Swinney, 4681 ft. (1427 m.); Mar.-June, Aug., Nov.; abundant; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Apr. 11, 1925, G.R. Johnstone, Mt. Lowe, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2040 ft. (622 m.), at e. side of the mouth of Lytle Creek Cyn., c. 100 meters n. of Devore Rd. and 250 meters w. of FS Road 1N32, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 8, 1993, to 6140 ft. (1872 m.), near summit of peak. s.e. of Oak Springgs Ranch, s. of Pinon Hills, R.G. Swinney, May 27, 1996; Mar.-May; abundant; transmontane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 10, 1931; Freda Detmers, Lytle Creek Cyn., no elev. given

Bromus orcuttianus Vasey, Orcutt’s Brome

[synonyms: B. orcuttiana Vasey var. hallii Hitch. and B. halli (Hitchc.) Sarela & P.M. Peterson]

LACo.: w. of Wrightwood, c. 0.25 miles e. of Hwy. 2, c. 300 meters n. of Guffy Rd. (3N06), June 25, 1997, 7600 ft. (2317 m.); Upper Fish Fk., San Gabriel River, c. 0.5 miles e. (upstream) from Upper Fish Fork Cmprd., above 2nd waterfall in trib. from n. side San Antonio Ridge, Oct. 3, 1998, 6530 ft. (1991 m.)

Other records:

V. Duran, Buckhorn, July 20, 1933, 6500 ft. (1981 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, just s. of Big Meadows, Big Pines, July 9, 1969, 6850 ft. (2088 m.); A.A. Beetle, Rt. 2, 2 miles n. of Big Pine Camp, June 25, 1942, no elev. given; Peter Kamb, s. side of Pacoima Cyn., near Ant Cyn., June 26, 1948, 2398 ft. (731 m.);

I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk. San Gabriel River, July 6, 1918, 6498 ft. l(1981 m.)

FVS: July 6, 1918

SBCo.: Sheep Mt. Wilderness, e. headwater of Praire Fk., at base of Pine Mt. Ridge, e. end of abandoned dirt rd. at confl. of e. branch of Prairie Fork, Oct. 19, 1994, 78872 ft. (2400 m.); James Thomas Howell, Blue Ridge, July 18, 1947, 8000-8498 ft. (2439-2591 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk. of San Gabriel River, July 6, 1918, 6500 ft. (1982 m.); I.M. Johnston, lower San Sevaine Flats, July 10, 1925, 4799 ft.

(1463 m.); Peter Fritsch & T.S. Ross, in draw & along rd. of cyn. n. to n.e. of Baldy Notch (the one that drains into Coldwater Cyn.), c. 25 km. northwest of San Bernardino, July 12, 1990, 6241-7400 ft. (1959 m.); I.M. Johnston, head of S. Fork Lytle Cr,, July 15, 1917, 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

FVS: July 15, 1917

Bromus porteri (J.M. Coult.) Nash, Nodding Brome

(synonym: B. anomalus Rupr. ex Fourm) misappl.

LACo.: Upper Fish Fk., furthest n.e. fork, adj. to Pine Mt. Ridge, July 24, 1998, 6599 ft. (2012 m)

Other records:

L.R. Abrams, Little Santa Anita Cyn., July 21, 1902, no elev. given

FVS: July 21, 1902

SBCo.: No records found.

+Bromus pseudolaevipes Wagnor, Woodland or Coast Range Brome

LACo.: Valerie L. Soza, Laura Moore, Upper Winter Cr. Trail, June 30, 1999, 2800 ft. (854 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Los Pinetos Spring Cyn. Trail, July 13, 1992, no elev. given; T.S. Ross, Orlando Mistretta, et al., n.e. of Tie Summit Station & e. of Angeles Forest Hwy.,Tajunga Ranger Dist., westerly drainage that meet Tie Cyn., July 10, 1990, 5000 ft. (1524 m.); Valerie Soza & LeRoy Gross, Mt. Wilson Trail, n. of jct. with Upper Winter Cr. Trail, s.e. side of Mt. Harvard, July 15, 1999, 4400 ft. (1341 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Devil’s Canyon Campground. vic., May 31, 1968, 4000 ft. (1200 m.)

FVS: May 31, 1968

SBCo.: No records found.

Bromus racemosus L., Smooth or Bald Brome

Native to Europe.

LACo.: H.L. Cogswell, 2/3 miles n. of San Dimas Foothill Co. Park, May 8, 1951, 1498 ft. (454 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Bromus sitchensis Trin., Sitka or Alaska Brome

LACo.: F.R. Fosberg & Joeseph A. Ewan, Crystal Lake, Aug. 11, 1931, 5248 ft. (1600 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Bromus sterilis L., Poverty Brome

Native to Eurasia

LACo.: From 800 ft. (244 m.), at San Gabriel River Cyn., north of Azusa, parallel to Hwy. 39, cyn. bottom & adj. slopes along unnamed dirt access rd. to gauging station below Morris Dam, S.D. White, May 21, 1997, to 3300 ft. (1006 m.), at Devil’s Cyn., just above the upper falls, below the cmpgrd., e. of Windy Gap, L.C. Wheeler, May 31, 1968; (the following did not have an elev. listed but it should be c. 6600 ft. (2012 m.) near Sawmill Cyn.); Marion Vincent, Wrightwood Rd. at Old Ice Skating Rink across the rd. from Camp Centinella , 3 miles w. of Wrightwood, June 24, 1964, no elev. given; May-July; rare; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 24, 1964

SBCo.: No records found.

Bromus tectorum L., Downy Brome, Cheat Grass

(synonyms: B. tectorum L. var. tectorum and B. tectorum L. var. glabratus Spenn.)

Native to Eurasia

LACo.: From 1801 ft. (549 m.), at SDEF, Monroe Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 30, 2008, to 7888 ft. (2405 m.), at summit of Iron Mt., 4-5 air miles n.w. of Mt. Baldy Village, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 5, 1997; Mar.-Aug.; abundant; all 3 sections

FVS: Apr. 29, 1916, O.W. Robinson, Claremont (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: From 2201 ft. (671 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, 0.5 miles w. of Glen Helen Rd. at FS Road 3N31, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 17, 1993, to 8840 ft.

(2695 m.), at base of s. side of Telegraph Pk.(summit-modified 2010), R.G. Swinney, Aug. 11, 1994; Mar.-Aug., Nov.; abundant; all 4 sections

FVS: Nov. 5, 1913, E.S. Spalding, rd. into Lone Pine Cyn., no elev. given

Cenchrus incertus M.A. Curtis, Coastal or Common Sandbur

(synonyms: C. spinifex Cav. and C. pauciflorus Benth.

Native to s. US, Mexico, C. America and S. America

LACo.: San Dimas Exp. Forest, weed, SDEF, 1988 (no voucher record has been found.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Cenchrus longispinus (Hack.) Fernald, Mat Sandbur

LACo.: All 3 records by L.C. Wheeler from irrigated groves

SBCo.: No records found.

Chloris virgata Sw., Feather Finger Grass

Native to warm temperature regions worldwide

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, extreme n.w. end of park, (Sycamore Flat), Aug. 18, 1994, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Other records: None found.

Cortaderia jubata (Lem.) Stapf, Purple pampus Grass

[synonym: C. atacamensis (Phil.) Pilg.]

Native to montane w. S. America

LACo.: Glendora, Little Dalton Cyn., c. 100-200 yds. upstream from the debris basin, Oct. 14, 1989, 1220 ft. (372 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Cortaderia selloana (Schult. & Schult.) Asch. & Graebn., Uruguayan Pampas Grass

Native to e. S. America

LACo.: Azusa/Duarte, confl. of Van Tassel & San Gabriel Cyn., 1.3 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., w. of Encanto Pkwy., Apr. 16, 2009, 600 ft. (183 m.); Shoemaker Cyn. Road, at “Blind Deer Spring” in first cyn. north of Shoemaker Cyn. a trib. of E. Fork San Gabriel River, June 12, 2009, 2139 ft. (652 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, San Gabriel Cyn., 1/3 mile inside mouth, Sep. 21, 1966, 800 ft. (244 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Millard Cyn., c. 200 yds. upstream from S. Calif. Edison Co. high tension line, Dec. 21, 1972, 1725 ft. (526 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Arroyo Seco, c. 0.5 miles upstream from Oak Wilde, Feb. 25, 1961, 1900 ft. (579 m.)

FVS: Feb. 25, 1961

SBCo.: Cajon Wash, c. 1 mile n. of Swarthout Cyn. Road, n. of Cosy Dell, Oct. 29, 1994, 2850 ft. (869 m.); Glen Helen Regional Park, Aug. 19, 2009, 2001 ft. (610 m.); Cajon Wash, 0.5-0.75 miles s. of Swarthout Cyn. Road, Oct. 17, 1992, 2640 ft. (805 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Oct. 17, 1992

Crypsis schoenoides (L.) Lam., Swamp Pricklegrass

(synonym: Heleochloa schoenoides (L.) Host)

Native to e. Europe

LACo.: Little Rock Cr., 0.2 miles n. of Little Rock Reservoir, Sep. 9, 2008,

3149 ft. (960 m.); Glendora, Little Dalton Cyn., Debris Basin, June 25, 1989, 1200 ft. (366 m.) (modified-2010); San Dimas Cyn., at Puddingstone Diversion Dam, Oct. 20, 2008, 1161 ft. (354 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White & Justin M. Wood, San Gabriel River, W. Fork between Bear Cr. & Rincon Red Box Rd., Oct. 7, 2008, 1801 ft. (549 m.); Barry Hammel, Little Rock Reservoir, Aug. 2, 1976, 3398 ft. (1036 m.); Mike Grayum, Daryl Koutnik, et al., Big Tujunga Wash, hehind Hansen Dam, Nov. 20, 1977, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Soledad Cyn., Santa Clara River, Sep. 21, 1968, 1740 ft. (530 m.)

FVS: Sep. 21, 1968

SBCo.: No records found.

Crypsis vaginiflora (Forssk.) Opiz, African or Modest Prickle Grass

(synonym: C. aculeata aut. non (L.) Aiton

Native to Eurasia

LACo.: R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, 1.6 mi. above Little Rock Dam near Reservoir Cmpgrd., June 29, 1971, 3200 ft. (976 m.); Barry Hammel, Little Rock Reservoir, Aug. 2, 1976, 3398 ft. (1036 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Little Rock Reservoir, Sep. 6, 1966, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 6, 1966

SBCo.: No records found.

Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., Bermuda Grass

Native to Africa. Toxic

LACo.: From 541 ft. (165 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn. between Foothill Blvd. & the I-210 Fwy, from main river channel to 300 meters E., R.G. Swinney, Dec. 2, 2008, to 4720 ft. (1439 m.), at Big Rock Cr. at Paradise Springs, R. G. Swinney, Aug. 5, 2005; Mar., May, Aug., Sep., Nov., Dec.; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Sep. 5, 1932, L.C. Wheeler, San Antonio Cyn., 2900 ft. (884 m.)

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, extreme n.w. end of park (Sycamore Flat), Aug. 18, 1994, 2000 ft. (610 m.); n. of Etiwanda, E. Etiwanda Cyn., c. 1.5 miles SSW of San Sevaine Flats, Apr. 5, 1997, 2900 ft. (884 m.); Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to the w. of fishing lakes, Nov. 7, 1968, 2001 ft. (610 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr., Miller Narrows, July 13, 1967, no elev. given

FVS: July 13, 1967

Cynoserus echinatus L., Bristly Dogstail Grass

Native to s. Europe.

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, on F Route 2N24 near head of N. Fork Santa Anita Cyn, along So. Calif. Edison transmission line corridor, June 25, 2010, 3985 ft. (1215 m.); Scott D. White & Chris Huntley, Helicopter Pad, near Newcomb Pass, Sep. 30, 2008, 4051 ft. (1235 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, 530 meters WNW of Wilson Cyn. Saddle, 340 meters NNE of the Radio Facility, June 29, 1993, 3280-3370 ft. (1000 m.)

FVS: June 29, 1993

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., near San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 7, 1971, 4700 ft. (1433 m.)

Dactylis glomerata L., Orchard-grass

Native to Eurasia

LACo.: From 1299 ft. (396 m.), at Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, Big Dalton Cyn., 0.7 miles e. of Glendora Mt. Road (modified-2010), R.G. Swinney, July 24, 1989, to 7760 ft. (2366 m.), w. of Wrightwood, Mt. High Ski Resort, ski run, c. 2 miles e. of Hwy 2, on FS Road 3N06, Guffy Rd., R.G. Swinney, June 25, 1997; June-Sep.; rare; transmontane at Pinyon Ridge, western half of ridge between Upper Little Rock Cr. on San Andreas Rift Zone, T.S. Ross, Peter W. Fritsch, et al., June 22, 1998, 5600-6400 ft. (1707 m.), montane, cismontane

FVS: July 10, 1969, R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, 1.5 miles s.e. of Dawson Saddle along Angeles Crest Hwy, near Lodgepole Picnic Ground, 7600 ft.

(2317 m.)

SBCo.: From 2896 ft. (883 m.), at mouth of Day Cyn., on dry, rocky outwash plain of chaparral, Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., July 7, 1971, to 7501 ft. (2287 m.), at Mt. Baldy Ski area, Upper San Antonio Canyon, c. 0.4 mles w. of Mt. Baldy Notch, along rd. to Mt. Baldy Notch (FS Road 3N01), n. of Miners Bowl, V. Soza & LeRoy Gross, June 11, 2001; June-Aug.; rare-uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: July 7, 1971

Deschampsia danthonioides, (Trin.) Munro, Annual Hairgrass

LACo.: Waterman Mt. Ski Run, on e.-facing slope, July 24, 2008, 7839 ft.

(2390 m.) [also det. as D. elongata (Hook.) Munro]; Horse Flats, 1 air mile NNW of Neucombs Ranch at Hwy. 2/Angeles Crest Hwy., June 2, 2009, 5642 ft.

(1720 m.); Sulphur Spring Cmpgrd. area on S. Fork Littlerock Cr., July 22, 2009,

5199 ft. (1585 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, Pinyon Flats, 1.6 & 1.8 miles below Alder Saddle along dry branch of S. Fork Little Rock Cr., June 30, 1971, c. 5200 ft. (1585 m.); R.F. Thorne, Charlton Flats, burn (of 1954), July 2, 1969, 5250 ft. (1601 m.); V. Duran, Horse Flats, July 9, 1933, 5497 ft. (1676 m.)

FVS: July 9, 1933

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, 4 miles ENE of Wrightwood (by air), June 21, 1978, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 14, 1968, 4697 ft. (1432 m.)

FVS: June 14, 1968

Deschampsia elongata (Hook.) Munro, Slender Hairgrass

LACo.: Buckhorn Flat Cmpgrd., s. of Hwy. 2/Angeles Crest Hwy., July 2, 2008, 6481 ft. (1976 m.); Waterman Mt. ski run on e.-facing slope, July 24, 2008,

7839 ft. (2390 m.) (also det. as D. danthonioides (Trin.) Munro)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., Mt. Waterman, along trail above upper end of ski lift, Aug. 11, 1972, 7800 ft. (2378 m.); Kessler, Mt. Waterman, Sep. 1, 1923, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, s.w. side of Mt. Waterman, July 15, 1967, 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

FVS: July 15, 1967

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., near San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 7, 1971, c. 4700 ft. (1433 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 13, 1968, 4599 ft. (1402 m.)

FVS: June 13, 1968

Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koeler var. ciliaris, Southern Crab Grass

[synonym: D. sanguinialis var. ciliaris (Retz.) Parl.]

Native to the c. & e. US, especially the s.e.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, N. Fork San Gabriel Cyn., ¼ mi. downhill from jct. of main rd. to upper Bichota Cyn., Sep. 21, 1966, 2800 ft. (854 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Digitaria ischaemum (Schreb.) Schreb. ex Muhl., Smooth Crabgrass

Native to Europe.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Rincon Ranger Station (Camp Rincon), Oct. 27, 1966, 1551 ft. (473 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Kinneloa Canyon, Oct. 30, 1945, 1200 ft.

(365 m.)

FVS: Oct. 30, 1945

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, mesa on San Andreas Fault Rift Zone, Lone Pine Cyn., Sep. 16, 1967, 3050 ft. (930 m.)

Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop., Hairy Crabgrass

Native to Europe.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Antonio Cyn., Sep. 5, 1932, 3500 ft. (1067 m.) and Nov. 19, 1933, 1099 ft. (335 m.); K.H.B., on trail to Wolfskill Falls, SDEF, August 27, 1943, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, N. Fork San Gabriel Cyn., 1/4 mile downhill from jct. of main rd. to upper Bichota Canyon, Sep. 21, 1966, 2800 ft. (854 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Kinneloa Canyon, Oct. 30, 1945, 1197 ft. (366 m.); Fred Cox, mts. above Claremont, Apr. 15, 1916, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 15, 1916

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, mesa on San Andreas Fault Rift Zone, Lone Pine Cyn., Sep. 16, 1967, 3050 ft. (930 m.)

Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene, Saltgrass

LACo.: Sandrock Cr., 1.0 mile SSW of Valyermo Post Office at Valyermo Rd.,

June 9, 2008, 3880 ft. (1183 m.); w. of Punchbowl Co. Park, at jct. of Holmes Cr. and Watson Cr., May 21, 2005, 4070 ft. (1241 m.); Juniper Hills, 0.4 miles s. of jct. of Longview Rd. and Tumbleweed Rd., Mike Booth property, July 21, 2005,

3988 ft. (1216 m.); Caldwell Lake at Mt. High, 0.4 miles w. of jct. of 204th Street East and Big Pines Highway, Aug. 5, 2005, 5120 ft. (1561 m.); Carr Cyn., 0.3 miles s.e. of Mt. Emma Rd. crossing, May 5, 2009, 3119 ft. (951 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, E. San Gab. Mts./Mojave Desert slope: Barrell Spring, July 23, 1967, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., Caldwell Lake near Valyermo (sag pond on San Andreas Fault), July 20, 1972, c. 5150 ft. (1570 m.);

L.C. Wheeler, Caldwell Lake, Aug. 28, 1946, 5150 ft. (1569 m.)

FVS: Aug. 28, 1946

SBCo.: No records found.

Echinochloa colona (L.) Link, Jungle Rice

(synonym: E. colonum, orth. var.)

Native to Old and New Worl tropics

LACo.: In irrigated areas only.

SBCo.: Scott D. Whilte & Michael Honer, wash, riparian zone and slopes along San Antonio Cr., between Mt. Baldy (town) and Ice House Cyn., June 29, 2004, 4198 ft. (1280 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Park, Cajon Canyon, Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given

FVS: Oct. 12, 1969

Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv., Barnyard Grass

[synonyms: E. crus-galli ssp. spiralis (Vasinger) Tzvelev and E. crus-galli var. zelayensis (Kunth) Hitchc.]

Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: From 630 ft. (191 m.), at Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, 0.4-1 mile n. (upstream) of Puente Largo (Railway-added 2010) Bridge, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 21, 2009, to 6599 ft. (2012 m.), at E. Fork Rd. crossing over the N. Fork San Gabriel River, Islip Saddle, T.B. Salvato & Sarah Flack, Aug. 8, 2007; May, July- Dec.; uncommon in moist areas (locally abundant); all 3 sections

FVS: Sep. 6, 1966, L.C. Wheeler, Little Rock Reservoir

SBCo.: 100 meters n. of San Antonio Falls Rd. and Mt. Baldy Rd., east of rd. at seep area on road shoulder, Aug. 23, 1994, 6000 ft. (1828 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, Cajon Pass, Sep. 24, 1968, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 24, 1968

Echinochloa crus-pavonis (Kunth) Schult var. crus-pavonis, Gulf Cockspur Grass

Native to Mexico, S. America

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, between head of Morris Reservoir and San Gabriel Dam, Nov. 23, 1966

SBCo.: No records found.

Ehrharta calycina Sm., Perrenial Veldtgrass

Native to S. Africa.

LACo.: From 1151 ft. (351 m.), at San Dimas, San Dimas Wash just above the Puddingstone Diversion Dam and adj. to Golf Course, Justin M. Wood, Apr. 10, 2009 & R.G. Swinney, Mar. 26, 2008, to 2847 ft. (868 m.), at SDEF, s.w. of Johnstone Pk., e. side of jct. of Sycamore Flat Mtwy. and Bluebird Mtwy., V. Soza & L. Gross, May 11, 1999; Mar.-May; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: July 17, 1969, R.G. Swinney, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park “Water Pipe Cyn.” (=Pavil Cyn.),an east trib. of Big Dalton Cyn., 2001 ft. (610 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Ehrharta erecta Lam., Panic Veldtgrass

Native to s. Africa; reported from CA & the Hawiaiian Islands

LACo.: Monrovia Cyn., (Monrovia Cyn. Wilderness Park-modified 2010), Apr. 1, 2009, 1361 ft. (415 m.); Monrovia Cyn. Wilderness Park, along cyn. bottom from park entrance to 0.5 mi. up cyn., Mar. 28, 2009, 1200 ft. (366 m.) (modified-2010)

Other records: Pamela Conway & LeRoy Gross, Little Santa Anita Cyn., short distance w. from Old Mt. Wilson Toll Rd., along trail to Orchard Camp, Dec. 27, 2010, 1296 ft. (395 m.)

FVS: Mar. 28, 2009

SBCo.: A.C. Sanders, P.J. Mackay, et. al., San Bernardino Mts., Cajon Pass at Cajon Jct., Hwy. 138 at I-15, along old hwy. (now frontage rd. near mouth of Crowder Canyon, Jan 25, 2003, 3001 ft. (915 m.) (just e. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Eleusine indica (L.) Gaerth., Goose Grass, India Goose Grass

Native to s. Eurasia

LACo.: Glendora, Morgan Cyn. Debris Basin, Aug. 8, 2005, 1100 ft. (335 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, foothills above Sierra Madre, L.A. Dept. of Public Works, “Sierra Madre Villa” Debris Basin, Oct. 14, 2003, 1099 ft. (335 m.)

FVS: Oct. 14, 2003

SBCo.: No records found.

Elymus cinereus Scribn. & Merr., (Great) Basin Wildrye

[synonym: Leymus cinereus (Scnbn. & Merr.) A. Love]

Hybridizes with Elymust triticoides

LACo.: T.S. Ross & W. Appleby, c. 120 meters ESE of Wilson Cyn. Saddle, along Old Forest Service Loop Rd., May 19, 1993, 3150 ft. (960 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Elymus condensatus J. Presl, Giant Wildrye

[synonym: Leymus condensatus (J. Presl) A. Love]

LACo.: From 900 ft. (274 m.), near Teddy’s-Arroyo Seco, Raymond J. Dobbs, July 15, 1927, to 4280 ft. (1305 m.), at SDEF, s. third of west half of Brown’s Flat, Aug. 7, 1996; Apr., June, July, Sep., Nov.; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: July 2,1902, L.R. Abrams, San Gab. Mts., Sierra Madre

SBCo.: Spring Hill Flats, s. of Barrett Village & n. of Stoddard Flat, c. 100 meters s.w. of (2N04.2) Barrett-Stoddard Rd., Oct. 12, 2008, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); Cajon Wash, 2.5 miles w. of Lone Pine Rd. at Hwy. 138, s. of the hwy., June 23, 1994, 3700 ft. (1128 m.)

Other records:

J.D. Laudermilk, Cascade Cyn., w. of Ontario Pk., June 15, 1937, 5000 ft.

(1524 m.); Scott D. White, Muscupiabe Hills, s. of Glen Helen Regional Park, along a stream, June 23, 1992, 2106 ft. (642 m.); James Henrickson, c. 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernaardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash about 2-4 miles n. of I-15, May 11, 1985, 2401 ft. (732 m.); W.L. Jepson, Cajon Pass, May 28, 1914,

2798 ft. (853 m.) (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: May 28, 1914

Elymus elymoides (Raf.) Swezey, Squirreltail

LACo.: From 2998 ft. (914 m.), at Little Rock foothills, M.N. Ackley, May 8, 1927, to 9899 ft. (3018 m.), at W. Baldy Pk., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 27, 1998; May-Aug.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: June, 1899, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., 6698 ft. (2042 m.)

SBCo.: From 3802 ft. (1159 m.), at Cajon Pass, Marcus E. Jones, May 16, 1903, to 10060 ft. (3067 m.), E. Baldy Pk. at co. line, R.G. Swinney, July 10, 1992, (possibly outside E. San Gab. Mts. boundary); Apr.-Aug.; common; montane, cismontane at Spring Hill area, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 16, 1903

Elymus elymoides (Raf.) Swezey var. brevifolius (J.G. Sm.) Barkworth, Squirreltail

[synonym: E. elymoides ssp. brevifolius (J.G. Sm.) Barkworth]

LACo.: H.M. Hall, Schwartout-Canyon, San Antonio Mts., June 1, 1899, 6698 ft. (2042 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Elymus elymoides (Raf.) Swezey var. californicus (J.G. Sm.) J.P. Sm., (California) Squirreltail

[synonym: E. elymoides ssp. californicus (J.G. Sm.) Barkworth]

LACo.: From 3800 ft. (1159 m.), at Little Rock Cr. Managemnent Unit Bare Mt. Cyn. Section, Orlando Mistretta & Mark Elvin, June 20, 1995, to 10000 ft.

(3049 m.), at summit of Baldy, I.M. Johnston, Aug. 22, 1917; June-Sep.; uncommon; tranmontane, montane

FVS: June 12, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson Pk.

SBCo.: From 4034 ft. (230 m.), at c. 100 meters s.e. of Spring Hill area, c. 100 meters w. of Barrett-Stoddard Rd. (FS Rd. 2N04) & w. of the Pinus coulteri plantation, R.G. Swinney, July 6, 1994, to 10047 ft. (3063 m.), e. of Mt. Baldy summit, E. San Antonio Pk., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 38, 1995; June-Aug.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: June 23, 1931, F.R. Fosberg & Mildred E. Mathies, Mt. San Antonio, trail from divide, 8856 ft. (2700 m.)

Elymus elymoides (Raf.) Swezey var. elymoides, Squirreltail

[synonym: E. elymoides ssp. elymoides]

LACo.: From 2000 ft. (610 m.), at Placerita Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, June 26, 1967, to 9949 ft. (2896 m.), along ridge w. of summit of Mt. San Antonio, F.W. Peirson, Sep. 15, 1920; Apr.-Sep.; fairly common; transmontane, montane, cismontane at Chapman Burn, SDEF, K.H.B. & S.R.T., June 13, 1944, no elev. given

FVS: June 1899, H.M. Hall, San Antonio Mts., 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

SBCo.: From 3400 ft. (1037 m.), near Cajon Pass, n.w. of jct. of I-15/State Hwy. 138, c. 1 air mile w. of I-15, 1 air mile n. of St. Hwy. 138, S.D. White, May 13, 2000, to 9994 ft. (3047 m.), at Baldy, San Antonio Mts. summit, I.M. Johnston, July 4, 1917 & Aug. 22, 1917; May-Aug.; fairly common; all 4 sections

FVS: July 4, 1917

Elymus glaucus Buckley, Western or Blue Wildrye

LACo.: From 2257 ft. (688 m.), at Lower Shoemaker Cyn., draining to E. Fork San Gabriel River & joining it at 2125 ft. elev., Tim Ross, May 17, 1992, to

7400 ft. (2256 m.), at Windy Spring, 0.3 miles n.w. of Little Jimmy Cmpgrd., Aug. 27, 2001; May-Sep.; fairly common; transmontane at Grandview Cyn & Mescal Cyn., montane, cismontane

FVS: June 5-6, 1900, H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn.

SBCo.: From 3109 ft. (948 m.), at Lytle Cr. Cyn., unnamed side cyn. from the w., 2 miles n. of San Sevaine Rd., near the Hitching Ranch, R.G. Swinney, July 14, 1993, to 8380 ft. (2555 m.), at upper Alpine Cyn., w. trib. of N. Fk. Lytle Cr. that begins at saddle between Dawson Pk. & Pine Mt., within 200 m. of ridgetop, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 21, 1996; June-Aug., Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: June, 1900, H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

Elymus glaucus Buckley ssp. glaucus, Western or Blue Wildrye

[synonym: E. glaucus ssp. jepsonii (Burt Davy) Gould] (synonym listed below & indented)

LACo.: From 899 ft. (274 m.), at Fish Cyn., R.F. Thorne & A.C. Gibson, May 22, 1971, to 7600 ft. (2317 m.), at CA Hwy. 2 between Dawson Saddle & jct. of CA Hwy. 39, 1.6 miles from Dawson Saddle, Wayne E. Sawyer, June 29, 1981 and R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, near Lodgepole Picnic Ground, 1.5 miles s.e. of Dawson Saddle along Angeles Ceekr Hwy., July 10, 1969; May-Nov.; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: May 22, 1900, A.J. Cook, cyn.near Claremont (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: From 2300 ft. (701 m.), near jct. of Evey Cyn. with San Antonio Cyn., R.F. Thorne, May 29, 1969, to 8000 ft. (2439 m.), at head of Icehouse Cyn., I.M. Johnston, July 29, 1917; Apr.-Aug., Nov.; fairly common; montane, cismontane

FVS: Apr., 1916, I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn., (below Toll Gate), no elev. given

Synonym: Elymus glaucus Buckley ssp. jepsonii (Burtt Davy) Gould, Jepson’s Blue Wildrye

LACo.: From 2000 ft. (610 m.), at w. side of Bear Cr., off W. Fork San Gabriel River, L.C. Wheeler, May 25, 1968, to c. 6400 ft. (1951 m.), above Crystal Lake Rec. Area between Deer Flat Camp & Big Cienega Springs, R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, July 19, 1967; May-July; rare; all 3 sections

FVS: June 10, 1902, G.B. Grant, Mt. Wilson suummit

SBCo.: Frankish Pk., n. of Upland on top of ridge (peak), June 8, 1996, c.

4150 ft. (1265 m.); N. Fork of Barrett Cyn., 0.5 miles n.e. of Barrett Village and Barrett Stoddard Rd., June 15, 1996, 4500 ft. (1372 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn., (below Toll Gate), Apr., 1916, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, S. Fork Lytle Cr. along Cucamonga Peak Trail, June 15, 1968,

6901 ft. (2104 m.)

FVS: June 15, 1968

Elymus glaucus Buckley ssp. virescens (Piper) Gould, Blue Wildrye

LACo.: Dawson Pk. Ridge Trail, w.-facing slope, Sep. 7, 1998, 9040 ft.

(2756 m.)

Other records:

Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. California transmission line tower (Seg. 6, structure 115 per TRTP survey 2008), vic. of Van Tassel Canyon, Apr. 19, 2008, 1906 ft. (581 m.)

FVS: Sep. 7, 1998

SBCo.: I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Creek, Aug. 21, 1917, 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

Elymus xgouldii J.P. Sm. & Columbus, no common name found

(synonym: Leymus xmultiflorus (Gould) Bardworth & R.J. Atkins)

A sterile hybrid between E. triticoides Buckley and E. condensatus J. Presl.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr., near water intake upstream from Ranger Station, Miller Narrows, July 13, 1967, no elev. given

Elymus hispidus (Opiz) Melderis, Intermediate Wheatgrass

[synonyms: Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth & D.R. Dewey and

Elytrigia intermedia (Host) Nevski ssp. intermedia]

Recog. of ssp. require further study. Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: From 2700 ft. (822 m.), at divide between Oak Spring Cyn. and Cottonwood Cyn., off Little Tujunga Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, July 1, 1968, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), along Angeles Crest Hwy., 1.1 miles n.e. of Pine Hollow Picnic Ground, R.F. Thorne, July 10, 1969; May-Aug.; rare; all 3 sections

Records by R.G. Swinney:

Waterman Ski Run, on e.-facing slope, Waterman Mt., July 24, 2008, 7839 ft. (2390 m.) (modified-2010); w. summit of Table Mountain, n.e. of Big Pines, Aug. 25, 2009, 7492 ft. (2284 m.)

Other records:

V. Soza & Naomi Fraga, Sunset Ridge Fire Rd. (FS Road 2N07 ), 0.7 miles e. of Glendora Ridge Rd., w. of Sunset Pk., June 27, 2001, 4700 ft.

(1433 m.); T.S. Ross & Peter Fritsch, Rincon-Red Box Rd. (2N24) ridgetop between W. Fork San Gabriel River & Robert’s Cyn., June 20, 1990,

4120-4280 ft. (1256 m.); S.D. White & Dave Bramlet, w. of Mt. Islip: just above eastern boundary of San Gabriel Wilderness, c. 4 mile closed section of Hwy. 39 from c. 1.6 miles s. of jct. of Crystal Lake access rd. to junction Hwy. 2, Aug. 11, 1998, 5600-6600 ft. (1700-2010 m.); T.S. Ross, Peter W. Fritsch, et al., Pinyon Ridge: western half of ridge, between upper Little Rock Cr. and San Andreas Rift Zone, June 22, 1990, 5600-6400 ft. (1707 m.); T.S. Ross, Peter W. Fritsch, et al., Pinyon Ridge: Eastern n. of ridge, directly n. of Fenner Cyn., June 22, 1990, 6360 ft. (1939 m.); Orlando Mistretta, R. 2N09 EA Curtiss Haul Rd., Cow Cyn., from 2nd drainage down to Cattle Cyn., June 17, 1992, no elev. given; T.S. Ross & Steve Boyd, Yerba Buena Ridge, Tujunga Ranger District, May 14, 1990,

3700 ft. (1128 m.); L.C. Wheeler, divide between Oak Spring Cyn., & Cottonwood Cyn., off Little Tujunga Cyn., July 1, 1968, 2699 ft. (823 m.)

FVS: July 1, 1968

SBCo.: 200 yds. s. of Joe Elliot Big Tree Memorial (along San Sevaine/Cucamonga Truck Trail, w. of San Sevaine Flats-added 2010), July 21, 1993, 5760 ft. (1756 m.); Baldy Mesa Ridge, 2.8 miles n.e. of Hwy. 38 on FS Road 3N24, 1.6 miles e. of point where rd. crossed ridge, June 10, 1995, 4600 ft.

(1402 m.); 100 yds. east of jct. of Lone Pine Rd. and Swarthout Valley Rd., Oct. 12, 1991, 3680 ft. (1122 m.)

Other records:

V. Soza & LeRoy Gross, Mt. Baldy Ski Area, upper Manker Cyn., below Sugarpine Ski Lift from Mt. Baldy Notch, w. of Miners Bowl, July 17, 2001,

6599 ft. (2012 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd., “Eppipactis Cyn.”, draining into Lone Pine Cyn. (see location description in introduction), June 18, 1990, 3380-3480 ft. (1030 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., above San Sevaine Flats (at San Sevaine Well), June 29, 1972, 5600 ft. (1707 m.)

FVS: June 29, 1972

Elymus lanceolatus (Scribner & J.G. Sm.) Gould ssp. lanceolatus, Thickspike Wheatgrass

(synonyms: Agropyron dasystachyum (Hook.) Scribn. & J.G. Sm.; Elymus subvillosus (Hook.) Gould and Elytrigia riparia (Scribn. & J. G. Sm.) Beetle, orth. var.

LACo.: SDEF, south third of w. half of Brown’s Flat, Aug. 7, 1996, 4280 ft.

(1305 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Elymus multisetus M.E. Jones, Big Squirreltail

Hybridizes with E. elymoides var. elymoides

LACo.: D.L. Crawford, San Gab. Mts. Region, mts. above Claremont, May 20, 1916; L.C. Wheeler, Bluebird Truck Trail near Big Dalton Cyn., July 2, 1968,

2400 ft. (731 m.), no elev. given; A.D.E. Elmer, Acton, Mt. Gleason, June 1902, no elev. given (pssiblly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: June, 1902

SBCo.: Cherry Cyn. Flats at s.w. base of Sugarloaf Pk., June 18, 1996, 5061 ft. (1543 m.)

Other records:

L.R. Abrams, Mt. San Antonio, July 11, 1902, 6996 ft. (2133 m.); M.N. Ackley, Wrightwood, June 24, 1928, 5996 ft. (1828 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Chapman Ranch, above Mt. Baldy Village, July 2, 1967, c. 4450 ft. (1357 m.)

FVS: July 11, 1902, L.R. Abrams, Mt. San Antonio, 6996 ft. (2133 m.)

Elymus ponticus (Podp.) N. Snow, Tall Wheatgrass

[synonyms: Thinopyrum ponticum (Rodp.) Z.-W. Liu & R.-C. Wang and Elytrigia elongata (Host) Nevski and Elytrigia pontica (Podp.) Holub]

Native to s.e. Europe, w. Asia.

LACo.: with Dave Larson, SDEF, e. half (grass portion) of Brown’s Flat, July 17, 1996, 4320 ft. (1317 m.); with D.W. Larson, SDEF, w. third of w. half of Brown’s Flat, Aug. 7, 1996, 4280 ft. (1305 m.); with D.W. Larson, SDEF, head of Dry Lake Cyn. at “Dry Lake”, site of CCC Camp in 1930’s, Aug. 7, 1996, 4999 ft. (1524 m.); W. of Wrightwood, Mt. High Ski Resort, ski run, c. 2 miles e. of Hwy. 2, on FS Road 3N06, Guffy Rd., June 25,1997, 7760 ft. (2366 m.)

Other records:

Scott D. White, San Dimas Cyn., along San Dimas Cyn. Road, July 18, 1994,

1601 ft. (488 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Mt. Baldy Notch, Oct. 21, 1967,

7800 ft. (2378 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Foster Ranch, Sycamore Cyn., s. slope Johnston Pk., July 2, 1968, 2400 ft. (732 m.); T.S. Ross, Big Tujunga Cr. between Coldwater Cyn. & Wickiup Cyn., July 10, 1992, 3175-3185 ft. (967-971 m.); T.S. Ross, Pacifico Mt. Road, 0.38 miles e. of Roundtop Truck Rd., Aug. 14, 1991, 6240 ft. (1902 m.); L.C. Wheeler, upper Coldbrook Creek, Sep. 21, 1966, 4750 ft. (1448 m.)

FVS: Sep. 21, 1966

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Mt. Baldy Notch, c. on line between sec. 9 & 10, near watercourse, Sep. 13, 1967, 7800 ft. (2377 m.)

Elymus spicatus (Pursh) Gould, Blue Bunch Wheat Grass

[synonyms: Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) A. Lowe ssp. spicata; Roegneria spicata (Pursh) Beetle and Elytrigia spicata (Pursh) D.R. Dewey]

LACo.: I.M. Johnston, Browns Flat SDEF, July 1, 1917, 4497 ft. (1371 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

+Elymus stebbinsii Gould, Stebbins Wheatgrass

(synonyms: E. glaucus Buckley ssp. stebbinsii and E. Stebbinsii ssp. stebbinsii)

Hybridizes with E. glaucus Buckley and E. trachycaulus (Link.) Gould ex Shinners.

LACo.: with Dave Larson, SDEF, e. half (grassy portion) of Brown’s Flat, July 17, 1996, 4320 ft. (1317 m.); Dry Lake s. of Sunet Pk. at head of Dry Lake Cyn., grassy, surrounded by chaparral, July 27, 1998, 4969 ft. (1515 m.); Allison Gulch at confl. with E. Fork San Gabriel River Cyn., July 14, 1999, 2401 ft. (732 m.); San Dimas Cyn., Main Fk., c. 100 meters n. of confl. with Wolfskill Cyn., May 29, 1999, 1761 ft. (537 m.); Valyermo, Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, Holcomb Cyn., south of S. Fork Trail, Aug. 17, 2005, 4599 ft. (1402 m.)

Other records:

F.M. Reed Monrovia Cyn., June 18, 1925, 1200 ft. (366 m.); M.N. Ackley, San Dimas Cyn., May 26, 1929, 1499 ft. (457 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Bear Cr. Trail, May 24, 1968, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); Louis C. Wheeler, cmpgrd. vicinity Devil’s Cyn, June 1, 1968, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Maple Springs Trail to Mt. Lowe, June 10, 1920, 3998 ft. (1219 m.)

FVS: June 10, 1920

SBCo.: with Cory Wilson, Bear Flats, c. 1.7 miles n. of Mt. Baldy Village, E. Fork Bear Cyn., July 25, 1996, 5599 ft. (1707 m.); Icehouse Canyon, c. 1 mile e. of parking lot, July 22, 1994, 5920 ft. (1805 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., near San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 7, 1971, c.

4700 ft. (1542 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 11, 1968,

4700 ft. (1433 m.)

FVS: July 11, 1968

Elymus trachycaulus (Link) Gould ex Shinners, Slender Wheatgrass

[synonym: E. trachycaulus (Link) Gould ex Shinners ssp. subsecundus (Link) A. Love & D. Love, Slender Wheatgrass] (synonym listed below & indented)

LACo.: Wayne E. Sawyer, CA Hwy. 2, between Dawson Saddle & jct. of CA Hwy. 139, 3.1 mi. from Dawson Saddle, July 24, 1998, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Prairie Fk., Sep. 3, 1967, 7600 ft., (2317 m.); I.M. Johnston, Prairie Fk., San Gabriel River, July 6, 1918, 6498 ft. (1981 m.); I.M. Johnston, N. Fork San Antonio Cyn., July 28, 1917, 7997 ft. (2438 m.); I.M. Johnston, Browns Flat (SDEF), July 1, 1917

FVS: July 1, 1917

SBCo.: Baldy Bowl area near Sierra Ski Hut., in small trib. with springs, e. of San Antonio Cyn., at e. spring area, July 13, 1995, 8040 ft. (2451 m.)

Other records:

Peter H. Raven & H.L. Wedberg, below San Antonio lSki Hut, Aug. 17, 1957, 7495 ft. (2285 m.)F.W. Peirson, Rangers Cabin, Swarthout Valley, July 7, 1922, 5900 ft. (1799 m.)

FVS: July 7, 1922

Synonym: Elymus trachycaulus (Link) Gould ex Shinners ssp. subsecundus (Link) A. Love & D. Love, Slender Wheatgrass

LACo.: San Dimas Exp. Forest, abundant throughout, SDEF, 1988; L.C. Wheeler, Lost Cyn., at Bear Cr. Trail, May 24, 1968, 4000 ft. (1219 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., low saddle between Crystal Lake & the depression to its SSW, June 25, 1990, 5589 ft. (1704 m.); T.S. Ross, Big Rock Cr., just above confl. of Holcomb Cyn. Cr. between Big Rock Cr. Road and mouth of Holcomb Cyn., June 1, 1990, 4115-4200 ft. (1255 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, So. California Edison line corridor (Seg. 6 structure 75 per TRTP Survey 2008) W. Fork San Gabriel River, Shortcut Cyn., May 15, 2008, 3936 ft. (1200 m.); F.W. Peirson, San Antonio Canyon, Sep. 17, 1920, 4400 ft. (1341 m.)

FVS: Sep. 17, 1920

SBCo.: with Cory Wilson, Bear Flats, c. 1.7 mile n. of Mt. Baldy Village, E. Fork of Bear Cyn., July 25, 1996, 5599 ft. (1707 m.)

Other records:

Lyman Benson, flat just below Camp Baldy, May 9, 1947, 4000 ft. (1220 m.); T.S. Ross& S.D. Boyd., “Epipactis Cyn”. (see location descriptions in introduction), June 18, 1990, 3380-3480 ft. (1030 m.); F.W. Peirson, Rangers Cabin, Swartout Valley, July 6, 1922, 5900 ft. (1799 m.)

FVS: July 6, 1922

Elymus trachycaulus (Link) Gould ex Shinners ssp. trachycaulus, Slender Wheatgrass

[synonyms: Roegneria trachycaula (Link) Nevski and Triticum trachycaulum Link and Elymus plauciflorus (Schwein.) Gould, non Lam. and Agropyron violaceum (Hornem.) Lange var. andinum Scribn. & J.G. Sm.]

LACo.: SDEF, southern third of s. half of Brown’s Flat, Aug. 7, 1996, 4280 ft. (1305 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Big Cienega Springs, above Crystal Lake Rec. Area, July 19, 1967, 6500 ft. (1982 m.); R.F. Thorne, Lily Spring on n.w. slope of Mt. Hawkins, Aug. 25, 1971, no elev. given; T.S. Ross, Horse Flats, Aug. 16, 1991, 5640 ft. (1720 m.); L.C. Wheeler, c. 200 yds. e. of foot of Holiday Hill Ski Lift, Sep. 17, 1967, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, n.w. slope, Mt. Burnham, Aug. 21, 1966, no elev. given; Louis C. Wheeler, Spring on s. side of Blue Ridge by Guffy Camp, June 14, 1968, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Dorr Cyn., n.w. slope of Mt. Burnham, Lodgepole Picnic Area, Angeles Crest Hwy., Aug. 21, 1966, 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

FVS: Aug. 21, 1966

SBCo.: unnamed cyn., Lytle Cr. entrance to cyn., at 2.0 miles n. of San Sevaine Rd. on w. side of Lytle Cr., July 14, 1993, 3100 ft. (945 m.); Lone Pine Valley, Clyde Ranch, s. side of Lone Pine Road, Aug. 25, 1994, 4920 ft. (1500 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Creek, Aug. 21, 1917, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); R.F. Thorne & John Dourley, 1.5 miles e. of Dawson Saddle, Oct. 10, 1967,

7649 ft. (2332 m.); I.M. Johnston, N. Fork San Antonio Cyn., July 28, 1917,

8000 ft. (2439 m.)

FVS: July 28, 1917

Elymus triticoides Buckley, Beardless Wildrye

[synonyms: Leymus triticoides (Buckley) Pilg. and E. condensatus J. Presl var. triticoides (Buckley) Thurb]

Hybridizes with E. condensatus and E. mollis.

LACo.: From 2719 ft. (829 m.), at Acton, Mt. Gleason, A.D.E. Elmer, June, 1902, to 6760 ft. (2061 m.), at Big Pine Meadow, R. G. Swinney, Oct. 16, 2008; May-Nov.; uncommon; all 3 areas

FVS: June, 1902

SBCo.: From 4497 ft. (1371 m.), at Controversy Spring, w. side of Cajon Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 7, 1968, to 6038 ft. (1841 m.), at Wrightwood, Wright Lake, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 12, 1996; May-Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: July 13, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr., near water intake, upstream from Ranger Station, Miller Narrows, no elev. given

Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Vign. ex Janchen, Stinkgrass

[synonyms: E. megastachya (Koeler) Link and Poa cilianensis All and E. major Host and E. cilianensis ssp starosselskyi (Grossh.) Tzelev]

Native to Europe.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Los Pinetos Cyn. Spring, Aug. 20, 1968, 2800 ft. (854 m.); LeRoy Gross, s. base of San Gab. Mts., Big Tujunga Wash e. of 210 Frwy., Sep., 18, 1998, 1200 ft. (365 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Loomis Ranch, Alder Creek, Aug. 8, 1967, 4300 ft. (1311 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Grandpa’s Ranch, Aliso Cyn., Oct. 22, 1966

FVS: Oct. 22, 1966

SBCo.: LC. Wheeler, Glen Helen Park, Cajon Canyon, Oct. 12, 1969; P.H. Raven, Cajon Pass, just below Cajon Cmpgrd., Sep. 17, 1961, 2650 ft. (808 m.)

FVS: Sep. 17, 1961

Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees , Weeping Lovegrass

(synonyms: E. chloromelos Steud. and E. robusta Stent]

Native to s. Africa

LACo.: Glendora, c. 300 yds. north of Sierra Madre Ave., Big Dalton Cyn. Percolation Basin, flood control access road, Aug. 9, 1989, 2020 ft. (311 m.)

Other records:

T.S. Ross, Yerba Buena Ridge, Tujunga Ranger Dist., May 14, 1990, 3710 ft. (1131 m.); L.C. Wheeler, divide between Oak Apring Cyn. & Cottonwood Cyn., off Little Tujunga Cyn., July 1, 1968, 2700 ft. (822 m.)

FVS: July 1, 1968

SBCo.: No records found.

Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees, Lehmann’s Lovegrass

Native to s. Africa

LACo.: Kelly Middleton & David Middleton, Glendora ridge Rd., 8.4 miles n. of Glendora Mt. Road & Sierra Madre Blvd. in Glendora, May 23, 1988, 3500 ft.

(1066 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Eragrostis mexicana (Hornem.) Link ssp. virescens (J. Presl) S.D. Koch & Sanchez Vega, Chilean Lovegrass

(synonyms: E. orcuttiana Vasey and E. virescens J. Presl)

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Antonio Cyn., Sep. 12, 1932, 3802 ft. (1159 m.); T.S. Ross, San Antonio Cyn., c. 900 meters n. of Hogback, June 26, 1993, 3925 ft. (1197 m.); LeRoy Gross, s. base of San Gab. Mts., Big Tujunga Wash, e. of I-210 Freeway, Sep. 18, 1988, 1200 ft. (365 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Loomis Ranch, Alder Cr., Aug. 8, 1967, 4300 ft. (1311 m.)

FVS: Aug. 8, 1967

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, Lytle Cr. Ranger Station, July 7, 1971, 2719 ft. (829 m.)

Eragrostis pectinacea (Michx.) Nees ex Steud., Tufted Lovegrass

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Grapevine Cyn., off Lytle Cr., Nov. 4, 1967, 4500 ft.

(1371 m.)

Eragrostis pectinacea (Michx.) Nees ex Steud. var. pectinacea, Tufted Lovegrass

(synonym: E. diffusa Buckley)

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, E. Fork, San Gabriel River, 1/2 mile n. of Cattle Cyn., Oct. 12, 1966, 2000 ft. (609 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Cogswell Reservoir, W. Fk. San Gabriel River, Nov. 23, 1966, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, W. Fk. San Gabriel River, 1/2 mile w. of Bear Creek, Sep. 8, 1946, 1700 ft. (518 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn. Dam, Dec. 24, 1933, 1400 ft. (427 m.)

FVS: Dec. 24, 1933

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, San Sevaine Rd. on sandy roadside wet with seepage from water tanks at Grapevine Spring, Oct. 13, 1972, c. 4500 ft. (1372 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Park, Cajon Cyn., Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given

FVS: Oct. 12, 1969

Festuca arundinacea Schreb, Tall Fescue

[synonyms: Schedonorus phoenix (Scop.) Holub and Festuca fenas Lag and Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) S.J. Darbyshire]

Native to Eurasia. Often infected with a fungus that is Toxic to cattle.

LACo.: From 1050 ft. (320 m.), at Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland-Tujunga area, s.w. of 210 Frwy., e. of Hansen Dam & n. of wentworth St., Scott D. White, May 7,14, 1997, to 7839 ft. (2390 m.), at Waterman Mt. ski-run on e.-facing slope, R.G. Swinney, July 24, 2008; May, June, Aug., uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: May 21, 1972, L.C. Wheeler, Millard Cyn. just inside Natl. Forest boundary, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (601 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to w. of fishing lakes, R.G. Swinney, Nov. 7, 2008 and Oct. 9 1994, to 6038 ft. (1841 m.), at Wrightwood, Twin Lakes Swim Park and Meadow area, private development, R.G. Swinney, June 20, 1996; June, July, Oct., Nov.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 13, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, Lytle Cr., 3500 ft. (1066 m.)

Festuca bromoides L., Brome Fescue

[synonyms: Bromus dertonensis All and Vulpia bromoides (L.) Gray and Vulpia dertonensis (All.) Asch. & Graebin]

Native to Europe.

LACo.: Horse Flats, 1 air mile NNW of Newcomb’s Ranch at Hwy. 2/Angeles Crest Hwy., June 2,3,8, 2009, 5642 ft. (1720 m.)

Other records:

Anonymus, San Gab. Mts., Pacoima, Apr. 3, 1930, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: Apr. 3, 1930

SBCo.: No records found.

Festuca californica Vasey, Parish’s California Fescue

[synonym: F. parishii (Piper) Hitchc. ssp. parishii (Piper) Hitchc.]

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, n.w. slope Smith Mt., along Bear Cr. Trail, May 24, 1968, 4100 ft. (1249 m.); L.C. Wheeler, ridge between San Antonio Cyn. and mouth of Cascade Cyn., May 15, 1968, 3500 ft. (1066 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Millard Cyn., just inside Ntl. Forest Boundary, May 21, 1972, no elev. given; K.H.B., Wolfskill firebreak near Brown’s Flat, SDEF, May 28, 1942, no elev. given

FVS: May 28, 1942

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Cascade Cyn., at fire rd., May 17, 1947,

4000 ft. (1219 m.); I.M. Johnston, Cucamonga Canyon at Charcoal Camp, June 7, 1919, 4700 ft. (1542 m.)

FVS: June 7, 1919

Festuca idahoensis Elmer, Idaho Fescue, Blue Bunchgrass

[synonym: F. roemeri (Pavlick) E.B. Alexeev]

More studies are needed of the F. idahoensis complex. It is sometimes included in F. ovina L. and often confused with it.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Mount Baldy Notch, July 1, 1968, 7700 ft. (2348 m.)

Festuca microstachys Nutt., Small Fescue

[Synonyms: Vulpia microstachys (Nutt.) Munro] Unrecog. vars. listed below and indented.]

LACo.: From 2300 ft. (366 m.), at Indian Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, May 24, 1967, to 7370 ft. (2247 m.), at Pine Mt. Ridge, 0.2-0.3 miles w. of Camp Lupine Trail, broad ridge top, R.G. Swinney, July 14, 1998 (site of 1997 Fire ?); Apr.-July; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: Aug. 22, 1965, C.E. Fellows, 1.8 miles e. of jct. of Mt. Gleason Rd. & Rim Cyn. Road, 1.3 mi. to stream on side rd., no elev. given

SBCo.: Sheep Cr. near Pinon Hills, 0.3 miles s. of Hwy. 138 at Scrub Oak Rd., May 1, 1995, 4441 ft. (1354 m.); n.e. Spring Hill area, s. of Barrett Village, w. of Barrett-Stoddard Rd., July 20, 1995, 4100 ft. (1250 m.)

Other records: None found.

Synonym: Vulpia microstachys (Nutt.) Munro var. ciliata (Beal) Lonard & Gould, Eastwood Fescue

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, divide between Punchbowl Cyn. & Watkins Cr. at end of rd. & beginning of Burkhart Trail, May 12, 1968, 5200 ft. (1585 m.); D. Charton, Kentucky Springs, Sierra Hwy. north edge of the Angeles Natl. Forest, Apr. 15, 1990, 3401 ft. (1037 m.) (Sierra Hwy is just n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary);

L.C. Wheeler, below Hogback on San Antonio Cyn., May 28, 1932, no elev. given

FVS: May 28, 1932

SBCo.: S.D. White & Tasha LaDoux, foothills near Cajon Pass, n.w. of the jct. of I-15/State Hwy. 138), c. 1 air mile w. of I-15, 1 air mile n. of State Hwy. 138, May 13, 2000, 3400-3600 ft. (1037 m.)

Synonym: Vulpia microstachys (Nutt.) Benth. var. microstachys, Small Fescue, Desert Fescue

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, 1/4 mile n. of Bob’s Gap, 3.5 mile s. of Llano, n. slope of Holcomb Ridge: Apr. 25, 1973, c. 3800-3900 ft. (1159 m.); R.F. Thorne & G. Wallace, jct. of Pallett Cr. & Longview Roads, Apr. 24, 1973, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., Alimony Ridge, Juniper Hills, May 4, 1992, 4799 ft. (1463 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Indian Cyn., near mouth, May 24, 1967, 2300 ft. (701 m.)

FVS: May 24, 1967

SBCo.: No records found.

Synonym: Vulpia microstachys (Nutt.) Benth. var. pauciflora (Scribn. ex Beal) Lonard & Gould, Pacific Fescue

[synonym: Festuca reflexa (Buckley) Rydb.]

LACo.: From 1900-2200 ft. (579 m.), at Soledad Canyon, cyn. bottom & adj. steep n.-facing slope, Scott D. White & Kent Hughes, May 17, 2000 to 6950 ft.

(2119 m.), at Santiago Cyn., n. slope of Pacifico Mt., Orlando Mistretta, May 31, 1994; Mar.-June; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: P.A. Munz & L. Street, et al., San Gab. Mts. region, Lone Hill, San Dimas, Apr. 19, 1919, no elev. given (possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: Controversy Spring, FS Road 3N37, c. 0.4 miles s. of Hwy. 138, Cajon Cyn. near Mt. Top Jct., May 1, 1998; Ralston Pk., on s. ridge, May 23, 1998,

4379 ft. (1335 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, n. of Cajon Valley, Cajon Pass, San Antonio Mts., May 15, 1920, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, at jct. of Every (Evey-added 2010) Cyn., with San Antonio Cyn., May 29, 1969, 2300 ft. (701 m.); R.F. Thorne, Mormon Rocks and Cajon Cyn., Apr. 20, 1973, 3400 ft. (1036 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 14, 1968, 4700 ft. (1432 m.); I.M. Johnston, Evey Cyn., San Antonio Mts., May 6, 1917, no elev. given

FVS: May 6, 1917

Festuca myuros L., Rattail (Sixweeks Grass) Fescue

[synonyms: Vulpia myuros (L.) C.C. Gmel. and V. myruos var. hirsuta Hack and V. myuros f. myuros and V. myuros var. myuros and F. megalura Nutt.]

Probably native to Europe.

LACo.: From 604 ft. (184 m.), at San Gabriel River, under the Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of Encanto Pkwy., w. of (e. of-added 2011), Encanto Park in Duarte, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 13, 2009, to

5199 ft. (1585 m.), at Santiago Cyn. side drainage enterring Santiago Cyn. form the w., c. 3 miles s. of confl. of Santiago Cr. and Little Rock Cr., Orlando Mistretta, June 15, 1994; Mar.-June, Sep., Nov.; abundaant; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Apr. 1918, F.W. Peidrson, New York Dr., Altadena

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Cucamonga Wash; near center of wash, c. 300 meters n. of large flood control debris basin dam, Michael Honer, Mar. 29, 2002, to 5320 ft. (1622 m.), at San Sevaine Flats, near San Sevaine Well, R.G. Swinney, July 16, 1993; Mar.-July, Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 29, 1945, Lyman Benson, Lytle Cyn., May 29, 1945, 2500 ft. (762 m.)

Festuca octoflora Walter, Sixweeks Fescue or Grass

[synonym: Vulpia octoflora (Walter) Rydb. and Vulpia octoflora var. hirtella (Piper) Henn. and Vulpia octoflora var. octoflora and F. octoflora var. aristulata Torr. ex L.H. Dewey] Unrecog. vars. listed below and indented.

LACo.: w. of Devil’s Punchbowl Co. Park, at jct. of Holmes Cr. & Watson Cr., May 21, 2005, 4070 ft. (1241 m.); Pinon Hills area at Sheep Cr., 0.9 miles s. of Hwy. 138 at Scrub Oak Road, Mar. 25, 1995, 4520 ft. (1378 m.); Wrightwood, 1.7 miles s.w. of jct. on Oak Spring Ranch Rd. (Desert Frontage Rd.), and Hwy. 2, e. of Sheep Cr., c. 120 meters n. of Hwy. 2, May 28, 1995, 5599 ft. (1707 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Devil’s Cyn., depression on bend n.e. of Cmpgrd, May, 30, 1968, 4700 ft. (1433 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Limekilm Cyn., Apr. 30, 1967, 2800 ft. (853 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Hunt Cyn., 3 miles e. of Vincent, May 12, 1967, 3500 ft. (1067m.); T.S. Ross, Ft. Tejon Rd., 0.1 miles w. of its jct. with Hwy. 138 (& hiking +/- south to SSW), c. 0.25-0.3 miles w. of the co. line, Apr. 27, 1991, 3880 ft. (1183 m.); A.C. Sanders & D. Maleug, e. of Big Tujunga Dam below Hwy. 2, (Angeles Crest) and Tujunga Cyn. Road, ridge above Josephine Cr., So. Calif. Edison Mesa-Vincent transmission line at tower 13-2, June 24, 1998, 3201 ft. (976 m.); K.H.B. along Monroe Trail of SDEF, Apr. 4, 1940, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 4, 1940

SBCo.: Chalk Pk. (pk. 6089 ft. ), between N. Fork & Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., July 19, 1996, 6075 ft. (1852 m.); San Gab. Mts./Mojave Desert, sheep Cr., near Pinon Hills, 0.3 miles s. of Hwy. 138 at Scrub Oak Rd., May 1, 1995, 4441 ft. (1354 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: May 1, 1995

Synonym: Vulpia octoflora (Walter) Rydb. var. hirtella (Piper) Henn., Sixweeks Fescue and Festuca octoflora Walter var. hirtella (Piper) Piper ex Hitchc.

LACo.: G.D. Wallace, Bob’s Gap, Apr. 17, 1982, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Marshall Creek, Apr. 27, 1934, 1600 ft. (488 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., Alimony Ridge, May 4, 1992, 4800 ft. (1463 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Soledad Cyn. Wash, about half mile e. of Acton, Apr. 30, 1991, 2719 ft. (829 m.); LeRoy Gross, ridgeline to Mt. Emma and cyn. south of this ridge, w. from Mt. Emma (n.w. trending ridge, lower part of ridgeline starts to turn s.w.) e. of Mt. Emma Road, Apr. 28, 2005, 4343 ft. (1324 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Pinyon Flat, Apr. 16, 1955, no elev. given

FVS: Apr. 16, 1955

SBCo.: Ralston Pk. on s. ridge, May 23, 1998, 4379 ft. (1335 m.)

Other records: None found.

Synonym: Vulpia octoflora (Watler) Rydb. var. octoflora, Sixweeks Fescue

and Festuca octoflora Walter var. aristulata Torr. ex L.H. Dewey

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Big Rock Cr., 1 mile n. of Big Rock Springs, Apr. 17, 1968, 3750 ft. (1142 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Soledad Cyn. Wash, about half mile e. of Acton, Apr. 30, 1991, 2719 ft. (829 m.); Orlando Mistreatta & Christine Mistretta, So. California transmission line tower (Seg. 6, structure 5 per TRTP Surver 2008), vic. of Aliso Cyn., w. of Angeles Forest Hwy.), Apr. 12, 2008, (11185 m.) (this elev. is incorrect-added 2011); James Henrickson, c. 4 miles n. of Claremont, burned-over, rocky, open slopes of Cobal Cyn., May 5, 1963,

1699 ft. (518 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Hunt Cyn., 3 miles e. of Vincent, May 12, 1967, 3500 ft. (1067 .); L.C. Wheeler, Aliso Cyn., ¼ mile SSW of Blum Ranch, Apr. 20, 1973, 3000 ft. (915 m.); LeRoy Gross, ridgeline to Mt. Emma Cyn. south of this ridge, w. from Mt. Emma (nw. trending ridge, lower part of ridgeline starts to turn s.w.) east of Mt. Emma Rd., then dropped off ridge to cyn. bottom back to origin, Apr. 28, 2005, 4051 ft. (1235 m.); F.W. Peirson, Little Tujunga Wash, w. end of San Gabn. Mts., May 3, 1920, 1099 ft. (335 m.); I.M. Johnston, Evey Cyn., June 2, 1918, 3000 ft. (915 m.)

FVS: June 2, 1918

SBCo.: Sheep Cr., near Pinon Hills, 0.3 miles s. of Hwy. 138 at Scrub Oak Rd., May 1, 1995, 4441 ft. (1354 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, Mormon Rocks & Cajon Canyon, Apr. 20, 1973, 3400 ft. (1036 m.)

FVS: Apr. 20, 1973

Festuca perennis (L.) Columbuss & J.P. Sm.; Ryegrass

[synonyms: Lolium perenne and L. multiflorum Lam. and L. perenne L. var. multiflorum (Lam.) Parnell]

Native to Europe.

LACo.: From 541 ft. (165 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., between Foothill Blvd. & I-210 Fwy., from main channel to 300 meters to the east, R.G. Swinney, Dec. 2, 2008, to 6278 ft. (1914 m.), at northerly draw draining to Jackson Lake (Camp Verdugo Pines and vic.), Tim Ross & Steve Boyd, June 18, 1990; Mar,- June, Aug., Dec.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: May, 28, 1932, L.C. Wheeler, dry, sunny flat below Hogback in San Antonio Cyn, 4198 ft. (1280 m.)

SBCo.: Pinon Hills, c. 0.8 miles s. of Oak Springs Ranch in Oak Springs Cyn., July 6, 1995, c. 5599 ft. (1707 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Divide, 2.8 miles s.e. of Lytle Cr. Road & Applewhite Road jct., on FS Road 3N31, 1.8 miles s.e. of FS Road 2N51, June 17, 1995, 3601 ft. (1098 m.); c. 1 mile WSW of Cajon Jct., “Granite Falls” on the e. side of Ralston Pk., 1.7 miles s.e. of Lone Pine Rd. and Hwy. 138 Rd. 3N49, 0.9 miles s.e. of jct. of 3N49 & 3N53, June 21, 1995, 3559 ft. (1085 m.); Pinon Hills, c. 0.8 miles s. of Oak Springs Ranch in Oak Springs Cyn., July 6, 1995, 5599 ft. (1707 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, near San Sevaine Cow Camp; July 7, 1971, c. 4700 ft. (1542 m.); R.F. Thorne, above San Sevaine Flats (at San Sevaine Well), June 29, 1972,

c. 5599 ft. (1707 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 11, 1968,

4697 ft. (1432 m.); R.F. Thorne, Lytle Cr., Ranger Station, July 7, 1971, 2719 ft. (829 m.); James Henrickson, c. 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15, May 11, 1985, 2401 ft. (732 m.); Gerald L. Benny, Day Cyn., May 14, 1971 no elev. given

FVS: May 14, 1971

Festuca pratensis (Huds.) P. Beauv., Tall Fescue, Meadow Fescue

[synonyms: Schedonorus pratensis (Huds.) P. Beauv. and F. elatior L. p.p. and Lolium pretense (Huds.) S.J. Darbyshire]

Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: Sulphur Springs Cmpgrd. area, stream from cmpgrd. to 300 m. downstream, May 27, 2009, 5199 ft. (1585 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Festuca rubra L., Red Fescue

LACo.: T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Camp Verdugo Pines & vic.; northerly draw draing to Jackson Lake, June 18, 1990, 6160-6280 ft. (1878 m.)

SBCo.: Wrightwood, Twin Lakes Swim Park & meadow area, private development, June 20, 1996, 6038 ft. (1841 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist, Mt. Baldy Notch, July 31, 1971, 7800 ft. (2378 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, San Antonio Cyn., Chapman Ranch above Mt. Baldy Village, July 2, 1967, 4450 ft. (1356 m.)

FVS: July 2, 1967

Festuca temulenta (L.) Columbus

(synonym: Lolium temulentum L., Darnel Ryegrass

Native to Medit.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Bell Cyn., June 16, 1986, 7544 ft. (2300 m.); L.C. Wheeler, E. Fork, San Gabriel River, c. 0.3 mi. upstream from Alder Gulch, June 26, 1970, 4025 ft. (1226 m.); M.N. Ackley, Big Pline Camp, June 24, 1928, no elev. given ; L.C. Wheeler, vic. of Coulter Reservoir, Sunset Ridge, s. of Millard Cyn., May 7, 1957, 2150 ft. (655 m.); R.F. Thorne, 2 mi. up Lower Tujunga from Forestry Hdqtrs., June 17, 1971, 1499 ft. (457 m.); D.L. Crawford, mts. above Claremont, May 20, 1916

FVS: May 20, 2916

SBCo.: No records found.

Festuca trachyphylla (Hack.) Krajina, Hard or Sheep Fescue

Native to Europe. Frequently included in F. ovina L.

LACo.: T.S. Ross & Walter Appleby, s.w. of May Cyn. Saddle & 450 meters NNW of May Peak, May 14, 1993, 3948 ft. (1109 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Gastridium phleoides (Nees & Meyen) C.E. Hubbard, Nit Grass

[synonym: G. ventricosum auct. non (Gouan) Schinz & Thell, misappl. and Agrostis ventricosa auct. non Gouan]

Native to Europe.

LACo.: Glendora, 0.6 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., north of the end of Pennsylvania Ave., June 7, 1969, 1151 ft. (351 m.); K.H. B., SDEF, Sep. 21, 1943, no elev. given

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Live Oak Cyn., June 4, 1932, 1699 ft. (518 m.)

FVS: June 4, 1932

SBCo.: No records found.

Holcus lanatus L., Common Velvetgrass

(synonym: Nothoholcus lanatus (L.) Nash

Native to Europe.

LACo.: Glendora, n. end of Big Dalton Dam, Big Dalton Cyn., July 13, 1989,

1699 ft. (518 m.) (modified-2010)

Other records:

Glendora, Big Dalton Canyon Dam; San Dimas Exp. Forest, weed, SDEF (no voucher record found); LC. Wheeler, Graveyard Cyn., second side cyn., July 15, 1973, 1801 ft. (549 m.); LeRoy Gross, rd. survey for Angeles Natl. Forest, from Alder Saddle to 4 mi. down rd. 5N04 along S. Fork Little Rock Cr., June 23, 2005, 4782 ft. (1458 m.)

FVS: July 13, 1989

SBCo.: No records found.

Hordeum brachyantherum Nevski, California Barley

LACo.: Horse Flats, 1 air mile NNW of Newcomb’s Ranch at Hwy. 2 (Angeles Crest Hwy.), June 3,8, 2009, 5642 ft. (1720 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Hordeum brachyantherum Nevski ssp. brachyantherum, Northern or Meadow Barley

[synonyms: H. nodosum L. p.p. and H. jubatum var. breviaristatum Bowden and Critesion brachyantherum (Nevski) Barkworth & D.R. Dewey]

Hybridizes with E. glaucus to yield xElyhordeum stebbinsiana (Bowden) Bowden.

LACo.: Steve Boyd & Walter Appleby, n. of Sylmar & s. of Santa Clarita, within Tujunga Ranger Dist., along ridgeline on w. side of Loop Cyn., May 24, 1993, 2600-3000 ft. (792-914 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Hordeum brachyantherum Nevski ssp. californicum (Covas & Stebbins) Bothmer, N. Jacobsen & Seberg, California Barley

[synonyms: H. californicum Covas & Stebbins and Critesion californicum (Covas & Stebbins) N. Jacobsen & Seberg]

LACo.: R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, S. Fork Little Rock Cr., 1.8 mi. below Alder Saddle in Pinyon Flats area, June 30, 1971, c. 5100 ft. (1555 m.); R.F. Thorne, s.e. of Angeles Crest Hwy., 3.2 miles WSW of Cloudburst Summit, July 2, 1969, 6400 ft. (1950 m.);T.S. Ross, Horse Flats, Aug. 16, 1991, 5640 ft. (1720 m.); K.H.B., at Lysimeters near Tanbark Flat in SDEF, Mar. 3, 1943, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 31, 1943

SBCo.: No records found.

Hordeum depressum (Scribn. & J.G. Sm.) Rydb., Low, Alkali or Dwarf Barley

(synonym: Critesion depressum (Scribn.) & J.G. Sm.) A. Love]

LACo.: Tim Ross, Horse Flats, Aug. 16, 1991, 5635 ft. (1718 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Sulphur Spring, Aug. 2, 1967, 5200 ft. (1585 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Hordeum jubatum L. ssp. jubatum, Foxtail Barley

[synonyms: H. jubatum var. cespitosum (Scribn.) Hitchc. and Critesion jubatum (L.) Nevski]

Hybridizes with Elymus multisetus to yield xElyhordeum californicum (Bowden) Barkworth and with Elymus trachycaulus to yield xE. macounii (Vasey) Barkworth & D.R. Dewey

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta, Little Rock Cr., Alimony Ridge, May 4, 1992, 4800 ft. (1463 m.); Naomi Zohman, jct. of CA Hwy. 39 along W. Fork San Gab. River - FS Road, Apr. 25, 1985, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, w. margin of Jackson Lake, July 10, 1969, 6101 ft. (1860 m.); Charles Crum, Crystal Lake near Los Angeles, July 3, 1958, no elev. given

FVS: July 3, 1958

SBCo.: Lone Pine Valley, Clyde Ranch, s. side of Lone Pine Road, Aug. 23, 1994, 4920 ft. (1500 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist, Mt. Baldy Notch, July 31, 1971, 7800 ft. (2378 m.)

FVS: July 31, 1971

Hordeum marinum Huds. ssp. gussoneanum (Parl.) Thell., Mediterranean Barley

[synonyms: H. geniculatum All. and H. hystrix Roth]

Native to Medit.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., May 18, 1967, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Hordeum murinum L., Wall or Mouse Barley

Native to Africa, Asia, Europe.

LACo.: with Dave Larson, Wolfskill Falls in upper Wolfskill Cyn., above LaVerne & San Dimas, SDEF, May 15, 1999, 2001 ft. (610 m.); n. of Azusa, El Encanto Azusa River Wilderness Park, off Hwy. 39, Feb. 20, 2009, 1000 ft. (305 m.) (modified 2010); Azusa/Duarte, San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, 0.4-1 mile n. (upstream) of Puente Largo (Railway-added 2010) Bridge, Apr. 21, 2009, 630 ft. (192 m.); San Gabriel River, under the Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., on e. side of Encanto Pkwy., w. (e. of-added 2011) Encanto Park in Duarte, Apr. 7, 2009, 604 ft. (184 m.); Sulphur Springs Cmpgrd., South Fork Littlerock Cr., May 28, 2009, 5199 ft. (1585 m.)

Other records:

Gary Kovnat & LeRoy Gross, Gold Cr. Ecological Preserve, S. Terrace West Meadow Ecotone; L.C. Wheeler, Placerita Cyn., May 18,1967, 1958 ft. (594 m.); K.H.B., Dalton CCC Camp of SDEF (s.e. corner of Big Dalton Cyn. Road & Glendora Mt. Road, was never within the SDEF-added 2010), Mar. 25, 1943, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 25, 1943

SBCo.: e. side of mouth of Lytle Creek Cyn., c. 100 meters n. of Devore Rd. and

250 meters w. of FS. Road 1N32, Mar. 8, 1993, 2040 ft. (622 m.)

Hordeum murinum L. ssp. glaucum (Steud.) Tzvelev, Smooth Barley

[synonyms: Critesion glaucum (Steud.) A. Love and H. glaucum Steud and H. stebbinsii]

Native to Africa, Asia, Europe.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Glendora Ridge Truck Trail, Mar. 21, 1968, 2000 ft. (610 m.); L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork. Morgan Cyn. at Ferguson Mtwy., Mar. 17, 1968, 1350 ft. (412 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Sycamore Flat Cmpgrd, Big Rock Cr., May,__, 1967, 4300 ft. (1311 m.); J. Doughrty, Graveyard Canyon, jct. of San Gabriel Rd. & entrance to Follows Camp, May 19, 1985, no elev. given; LeRoy Gross, John Gross, et al., Valley Forge Camp, in W. Fork San Gabriel River, Apr. 27, 2002, 3467 ft. (1057 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Indian Cyn., near mouth, May 24, 1967, 2300 ft.

(701 m.); L.C.Wheeler, near mouth, e. slope Little Tujunga near BM 1227, May 6, 1973, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Gould Mesa Picnic Ground, May 12, 1973, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, wet margin of Jackson Lake, July 10, 1969, 6101 ft. (1860 m.); Steve Boyd & Walter Appleby, n. of Sylmar & s. of Santa Clarita, within Tujunga Ranger Distr., vic. of Los Pinetos Spring, head of Los Pinetos Cyn., Apr. 22, 1993, 2800-3200 ft. (854 m.); J. Keeling, s. side of Big Tujunga Rd., ½ mile e. of Mt. Gleason Jct., Tujunga, June 1, 1980, 1801 ft.

(549 m.); H.A. Jensen, Pallett Cr., May 15, 1933, 3700 ft. (1128 m.)

FVS: May 15, 1933

SBCo.: n.w. of Fontana, e. of San Sevaine Cyn. bottom on Bullock Spur Rd., Apr. 4, 1997, 2450 ft. (747 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, June 12, 1968, 3398 ft. (1036 m.)

FVS: June 12, 1968

Hordeum murinum L. ssp. leporinum (Link) Arcang., Hare Barley

[synonyms: Critesion murinum (L.) A. Love ssp. leporium (Link) A. Love and H. leporninum Link]

Native to Africa, Asia, Europe.

LACo.: From 1099 ft. (335 m.), at Fish Cyn., R.F. Thorne & A.C. Gibson, May 22, 1971 and Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 25, 1980, to 6262 ft. 1909 m.), at WNW end of Jackson Lake (sag-pond on San Andreas Fault), c. 1 1/2 mile WNW of Big Pines, June 29, 1972; Apr-June, Aug.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Mar. 24, 1940, Arthur R. Kruckeberg, Paxoima (Pacoima=added 2012) Cyn. above Dillon’s Ranch, no elev. given

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Glenn (Glen-added 2010) Helen Regional Park, Mar. 20, 1970, no elev. given

Hordeum vulgare L., Common Barley

[synonyms: H. vulgare L. var. trifurcatum (Sch. Hdl.) Alef. and H. sativum Pers. and H. irregulare Aberg & Wiebe]

Native to n. Africa, Asia, s.e. Europe.

LACo.: n.w. of Wrightwood, e. end of Jackson Flat, July 8, 1998, 7500 ft.

(2287 m.); s.w. of Wrightwood, Dry Lake adj. to FS Road 3N06 (Blue Ridge Rd.), 0.4 miles e. of Hwy. 2, July 10, 1998, 7380 ft. (2250 m.); Duarte, lower Van Tassel Fire Rd., Van Tassel Canyon, Apr. 16, 2009, 1440 ft. (439 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, foot of Holiday Hill Ski Lift, Sep. 17, 1967, 6550 ft. (1997 m.); R.F. Thorne, c. 0.3 mi. below Alder Saddle along a dry branch of the S. Fork. Little Rock Cr., June 30, 1971, c. 5300 ft. (1616 m.); R.F. Thorne, Fish Cyn., somewhat below falls, May 22, 1971, 1200 ft. (365 m.); Steve Boyd & Orlando Mistretta, n. of Sylmar & s. of Santa Clarita, within the Tujunga Ranger Distr. of the Angeles Natl. Forest, western edge of forest along Placerita Cyn. Road within Placerita Cyn., May 11, 1993, 1601 ft. (488 m.); K.H.B., near Dalton CCC Camp in SDEF (s.e. corner of Big Dalton Cyn. Road & Glendora Mt. Road, was never within the SDEF-added 2010), Mar. 25, 1943, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 25, 1943

SBCo.: H. Dearing & M. Dearing, San Antonio Pk., July 18, 1937, 10076 ft.

(3072 m.) [elev. is in error- summit = 1064 ft. (3068 m.)-added 2010]

Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf, Thatching Grass

(synonym: Andropogon hirtus L.)

Native to warm temp. Eurasia, Africa.

CA & Hawiaiian Islands.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Altadena, Cyn. Crest Dr. and Lincoln Ave., June 15, 1947, 1299 ft. (396 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Imperata brevifolia Vasey, California Satintail

(synonym: I. hookeri (Rupr. ex Anderson) Rupr. ex Hack.]

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, c. 1/2 between Roberts Cyn. and Fish Canyon, Mar. 18, 1964, no elev. given; K.H. B., w. side of N. Fk. (San Dimas Cyn.-added 2010) above Flume # 5, SDEF, Aug. 27, 1943, no elev. given; Justin M. Wood, Big Tujunga Cyn., near rd. to Wildwood Picnic area, on the n. side of the rd. in vic. of spring, Nov. 25, 2008, 1899 ft. (579 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Big Tujunga Cyn.,near Doske Rd., just e. of Ybarra Cyn., Oct. 1, 1968, 1850 ft. (564 m.); Jerome S. Horton, W. Fork San Dimas Cyn., SDEF, Oct. 12, 1937, no elev. given

FVS: Oct. 12, 1937

SBCo.: No records found.

Koeleria macrantha (Ledeb.) Shult., Junegrass or Prairie Junegrass

[K. cristata Pers., in part; K. cristata var. longifolia Burtt Davy and K. gracilis Pers., illeg.; and K. nitida Nutt. and K. pyramidata (Lam.) P. Beauv. misappl.]

LACo.: From 1499 ft. (457 m.), at Glendora, west trib. of Glencoe Heigthts Cyn., north of Palm Dr. & c. 100 meters n. of city water tank, E. of Harrow Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Mar. 11, 1995, to 6521 ft. (1988 m.), at summit of Granite Mt., R.G. Swinney, June 24, 2009; Mar., May-Sep.; rare; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 20, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: From 2400 (732 m.), at 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash about 2-4 miles n. of I-15, James Henrickson, May 10, 1985, to 5996 ft. (1828 m.), at head of S. Fork Lytle Cr., I.M. Johnston, July 15, 1917 and at upper San Antonio Cyn., I.M. Johnston, 1900’s

FVS: June 15, 1917

Lamarckia aurea (L.) Moench, Goldentop Grass

(synonym: Cynoserus aureus L.)

Native to Medit.

LACo.: From 541 ft. (165 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., between Foothill Blvd. & I-210 Fwy, from main channel to 300 meters east, R.G. Swinney, Dec. 2, 2008 to 2400 ft. (731 m.), at Limekilm Cyn., L.C. Wheeler, Apr. 30, 1967; Feb-June, Dec.; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 12, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: From 1801 ft. (549 m.), at mouth of Lytle Creek Cyn., 4.8-5.0 miles w. of Lytle Creek Rd. (Nealy’s Corner) and c. 0.4 miles n. of Front Line Mtwy., R.G. Swinney, Mar. 15, 1993 and Kathleen Stockwell, Rancho Cucamonga, n.e. of N. Etiwanda Ave., between northern & southern highpower lines, s. of Etiwanda Preserve boundary, May 14, 2004, to 2299 ft. (701 m.), at Meyer Cyn., off Lytle Cr., L.C. Wheeler, May 9, 1968; Mar., May; rare; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 21, 1928, G.R. Johnstone, San Gab. Mts. Region, near Devore, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth ssp. fascicularis (Lam.) N. Snow, Bearded Sprangletop

[synonym: L. fascicularis (Lam.) A. Gray]

LACo.: Littlerock Cr., 0.2 miles n. of Littlerock Reservoir, Sep. 9, 2008, 3149 ft. (960 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork San Gabriel River, 1.4 mi. westerly from confl. with N. Fork, Sep. 11, 1946, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 1, 1946 (1 or 11 ?) ___

SBCo.: No records found.

Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth ssp. uninervia (J. Presl) N. Snow, Mexican Sprangleltop

[synonyms: L. uninervia (J. Presl) Hitchc. & Chase and Diplachne uninervia (J. Presl) Parodi and Megastachya uninervia J. Presl]

LACo.: From 541 ft. (165 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., between Foohill Blvd. & the I-210 Fwy, from main river channel to 300 meters e., R.G. Swinney, Dec. 2, 2008, to 6599 ft. (2012 m.), at E. Fork Rd. crossing over the N. Fork San Gabriel River, Islip Saddle, T.B. Salvato & Sarah Flack, Aug. 8, 2007; June, Aug.- Oct., Dec.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Dec. 24, 1933, L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn. Dam, 1401 ft. (427 m.)

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, extreme n.w. end of park at Sycamore Flat, Aug. 18, 1993, 1960 ft. (598 m.)

Other records: None found.

Melica bulbosa Geyer ex Porter & J.M. Coult., Onion Grass

[synonyms: M. bella Piper and Bromelica bulbosa (Geyer ex Porter & J.M. Coult.) W. H. Weber and M. inflata (Bol) Vasey]

LACo.: L. Abrams & E.A. McGregor, N. Baldy Mt., July 3, 1908, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Melica imperfecta Trin., Coast-range Melic, Little California Mellica, Smallflower Melicgrass

[synonyms: M. imperfecta Trin. var. minor Scribn. and M. imperfecta Trin var. refrata Thurb. and M. imperfecta Trin. Var. flexuosa Bol.]

LACo.: From 918 ft. (280 m.), at Duarte, lower Van Tassel Cyn., 0.3 to 0.6 miles n.w. (upstream) of confl. with San Gabriel River, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 16, 2009, to 7961 ft. (2427.), at summit of Iron Mt. on w. end of San Antonio Ridge, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 13, 1998 (modified-2010); Mar.-Aug.; fairly common; montane, cismontane

FVS: June, 1902, A.D.E. Elmer, Acron(Acton-added 2012), Mt. Gleason, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Glen Helen Regional Park, c. 600 meters s. of Blockbuster Pavilion parking area, between motorcycle racetrack and n. parking area, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 15, 1995, to 6859 ft. (2091 m.), at E. summit. of Sugarloaf Pk. s. of parking lot in Icehouse Cyn., R.G. Swinney, June 18, 1997; Mar.-July, Sep.; uncommon; transmontane at Valyermo, R.C. Long, near Valyermo, desert foothills of San Gab. Mountains, Mar. 18, 1964, no elev. given, montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 20, 1917, I.M. Johnston, s. slope Mt. Baldy, no elev. given

Melica stricta Bol., Rock Melic or Melicgrass

(synonym: Melica stricta Bol. var. albicaulis Boyle)

LACo.: From 4198 ft. (1280 m.), at Big Rock Cr., P.A. Munz, May 25, 1923, to 7649 f. (2332 m.), at Hunt Cyn., 3 miles e. of Vincent, R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., July 29, 1969; May-July; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: June, 1902, A.D.E. Elmer, Acton (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

SBCo.: Dawson Pk., Aug. 10, 1995, 9479 ft. (2890 m.); Sheep Mt. Wilderness, Prairie Fork Cyn., c. 0.8 miles s.e. of Prairie Fk. Road (FS Road 3N39) & the jct. with E. Prairie Fk. Trail, June 12, 1994, 7400 ft. (2256 m.); Upper Lytle Cr. Ridge above Lone Pine Cyn., 1.4 miles s.of Lone Pine Rd., on FS Road 3N31, at first switchback, c. 60-80 meters s.w. of rd., May 28, 1995, 5642 ft. (1720 m.) (modified-2010); 1.2 miles s. of Lone Pine Rd. at FS Road 3N31, within 250 ft. (of either side of rd.), May 15, 1993, 5399 ft. (1646 m.)

Other records: Orlando Mistretta, Episcopal Camp at Wrightwood, June 3, 1992, no elev. given; I.M. Johnston, Middle Fk. Lytle Cr., July 24, 1917, 6500 ft.

(1982 m.); I.M. Johnston, Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr., July 3, 1917, 7000 ft.

(2134 m.)

FVS: July 3, 1917

+Melica torreyana Scribn., Torrey’s Melic or Melicgrass

LACo.: B.(C.F. Baker), hills near Claremont, May, 1904

SBCo.: No records found.

Melinis repens (Wild.) Zizka ssp. repens, Ruby or Natal Grass

[synonyms: Rhynchelytrum repens (Willd.) C.E. Hubbard and Rhynchelytrum roseum (Nees) Stapf & C.E. Hubbard ex Bews and Tricholaena repens (Willd.) Hitchc. and Tricholaena rosea Nees]

Native to s. Africa, w. Asia.

LACo.: w. trib. of Glencoe Heigthts Cyn., north of Palm Dr. and c. 100 meters n. of city water tank, e. of Harrow Cyn., Mar. 11, 1995, 1499 ft. (457 m.); Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.8 miles n. of Foothill Blvd (on e. side of main river channel-added 2010), Dec. 2, 2008, 640 ft. (195 m.); Glendora, Little Dalton Cyn. Debris Basin on Colby Dalton Trail, Nov. 11, 1992, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Nov. 11, 1992

SBCo.: No records found.

Muhlenbergia andina (Nutt.) Hitchc., Foxtail Muhly

(synonym: M. comata (Thurb.) Thurb. ex Benth.)

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: s. fork of West Fk. Lytle Cr., 1 mile s.w. (should be n.w.-added 2009) of Stockton Flat, Aug. 5, 1997, 6599 ft. (2012 m.)

Other records: None found.

Muhlenbergia asperifolia (Nees & Meyen ex Trin.) Parodi, Scratchgrass

[synonym: Sporobolus asperifolius (Nees & Meyen ex Trin.) Parodi]

LACo.: From 3150 ft. (960 m.), at Big Tujunga Cyn. at Colby Ranch Rd., L.C. Wheeler, Oct. 1, 1966, to 5399 ft. (1646 m.), at Cabin Flat, Prairie Fk. ( of the San Gabriel River), L.C. Wheeler, Aug. 20, 1966; Aug., Oct.; rare; transmontane, montane,

FVS: Aug. 2, 1932, Louis C. Wheeler, N. Fork San Gabriel River, 4697 ft.

(1432 m.)

SBCo.: From 2400 ft. (732 m.), at Cucamonga meadow area, c. 0.5 miles s.e. of mouth of Day Cyn., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 25, 1994, to 4920 ft. (1500 m.), at Lone Pine Valley, Clyde Ranch, s. side of Lone Pine Road, Aug. 23, 1994; Aug.-Oct.; rare; near transmontane at Controversy Spring, R.G. Swinney, Oct. 8, 1993,

4599 ft. (1402 m.), montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Sep., 1891, S.B. Parish, Lytle Cr., no elev. given

+Muhlenbergia californica Vasey, Calilfornia Muhly

Status: CNPS List ___ R-E-D Code __ State/Fed. Status:

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G3

LACo.: From 1801 ft. (549 m.), at San Gabriel River, W. Fork, between Bear Cr. & Rincon Red Box Rd., Scott D. White & Justin M. Wood, Oct. 7, 2008, to 6799 ft. (2073 m.), at Government Cyn., west of Wrightwood, 0.75 miles w. of co. line at Hwy. 2, Blue Ridge Mts area, R.G. Swinney, July 22, 1997; May-Nov.; rare; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 31, 1910, S.F. Blake, Mt. Wilson, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2600 ft. (793 m.), at Cajon Cyn., below Cajon Station, at Cajon Cmpgrd., P.H. Raven, Sep. 17, 1961, to 7800 ft. (2378 m.), at first waterfall (lowest-added 2010) in Dogbone Cyn., west trib. of N. Fork Lytle Creek, imm. south of Alpine Canyon, n.w. of Dawson Pk., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 21, 1996, June-Sep.; rare; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 20, 1890, S.B. Parish, Lytle Cr., Zanja, no elev. given

Muhlenbergia microsperma (DC.) Trin., Littleseed Muhly

LACo.: From 600 ft. (183 m.), at Duarte/Azusa, San Gabriel Cyn. Wash, e. side of channel, 1.2 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 3, 2009, to 2758 ft. (841 m.), at ridge dropping westward from Loop Cyn. Road toward Wilson Cyn., T.S. Ross & Orlando Mistretta, May 27, 1993; Jan.-May, Nov.; rare; cismontane

FVS: June 6, 1914; Mrs. H.S. Gates, Monrovia

SBCo.: No records found.

Muhlenbergia richardsonis (Trin.) Rydb., Mat Muhly

[synonym: M. squarrosa (Trin.) Rydb.]

LACo.: From 5120 ft. (1561 m.), at Grandview Cyn., c. 1.3 miles n. of Big Pines Hwy. at All Nations Camp, riparian zone, R.G. Swinney, June 30, 1999, to

7839 ft. (2390 m.), at Waterman Mt. Ski Runs on e.-facing slope, R.G. Swinney, July 24, 2008; June-Aug.; rare; transmontane at Reed Spring, Orlando Mistretta, July 12, 1994, along trail of S. Fork of Big Rock Cr., July 12, 1994, from Reed Spring to Islip Saddle, no elev. given, montane

FVS: Aug. 21, 1917, I.M. Johnston, by stream, upper San Anatonio Cyn.

SBCo.: in cyn. bottom w. of Stockton Flats, July 7, 1992, 6799 ft. (2073 m.); Middle branch of W. Fork Lytle Cr., due n. of Mt. Harwood, c. 1 mile w. of Stockton Flat, Aug. 19, 1996, 7282 ft. (2220 m.); Baldy Bowl area, near Sierra Ski Hut, in small trib. with spring, e. of San Antonio Cyn., east spring area, July 13, 1995, 8039 ft. (2451 m.)

Other records:

I.M. Johnston, San Antonio Cyn., Aug. 21, 1917, 7249 ft. (2210 m.);

I.M. Johnston, Icehouse, July 29, 1917, 6501 ft. (1982 m.)

FVS: July 29, 1917

Muhlenbergia rigens (Benth.) Hitchc., Deergrass

[synonyms: Epicampes rigens Benth. and M. marshii I.M. Johnst. and M. mundula I.M. Johnst.]

LACo.: From 1105 ft. (337 m.), at Big Tujunga Wash, e. of Hansen Dam, entered at Orcas Ave., parked at Orcas Park, hiked e. of this park along river (just n. of Wentworth St., but not as far as the Tujunga Ponds, LeRoy Gross & Wayne Law, Aug. 8, 2000, to 6560 ft. (2000 m.), at Big Cienega, Pine Flats, N. Fk., San Gabriel River, F.R. Fosberg, Aug. 13, 1931; May-Oct.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 20, 1892, Anstruther Davidson, Wilson’s Pk.

SBCo.: Cajon Pass, confl. of Lone Pine Cyn. & Cajon Wash, Nov. 10, 2008, 2650 ft. (805 m.); Clyde Ranch, Lone Pine Cyn., Oct. 23, 2008, 4920 ft.

(1500 m.); Cajon Wash, 0.25 miles s. of Swarthout Cyn. Road & the jct. with Cajon Wash, Oct. 17, 1992, 2690 ft. (820 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, Larry E. DeBuhr, et al., Cajon Cyn. along Cajon Cr., due s. of Lost Lake near Blue Cut, Oct. 13, 1972, 2650 ft. (808 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Controversy Spring, w. side Cajon Cyn., Sep. 7, 1968, 4500 ft. (1371 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn. Wash, Sep. 16, 1967, 3000 ft. (915 m.); L.C. Wheeler, side cyn. of Cajon Cyn. near Ralston Pk., Sep. 6, 1968, 3100 ft. (944 m.)

FVS: Sep. 6, 1968

Panicum acuminatum Sw., Tapered Rosette Grass

[synonyms: Dichanthelium acuminatum (Sw.) Gould & C.A. Clark var. acuminatum and P. acuminatum Sw. var. acuminatum]

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, Yucca Flats Summer Home Tract, at upper end of cyn. of N. Fork San Gabriel River, July 19, 1967, 4100 ft. (1250 m.)(also det. as D. acuminatum var. fasciculatum); R.F. Thorne, Lime Spring, trib. to Coldbrook Cr., June 28, 1974, 4100 ft. (1250 m.); L.C. Wheeler, N. Fork San Gabriel River, Yucca Flat, near Falling Spring between Coldbrook & Crystal Lake, Nov. 6, 1965, no elev. given

FVS: Nov. 6, 1965

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, e. side of Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, along Applewhite Rd., Sep. 16, 1967, 3000 ft. (915 m.)

Panicum acuminatum Sw. var. fasciculatum (Torr.) Lelong, Western Panicgrass

[synonym: Dichanthelium acuminatum (Sw.) Gould & C.A. Clark var. fasciculatum (Torr.) Freckmann and P. pacificum Hitch. & Chase]

LACo.: Robert F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Yucca Flats Summer Tract at upper end of Cyn. of N. Fork San Gabriel River, July 19, 1967, 4097 ft. (1249 m.) (also det. as D. acuminatum var. acuminatum); H.E. Hasse, San Gab. Mts., Jan., 1906

FVS: Jan., 1906

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, June 12, 1968, 3401 ft. (1037 m.) (also det. as D. acuminatum var. lindheimeri); L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Sep. 16, 1967, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

FVS: Sep. 16, 1967

Panicum acuminatum Sw. var. lindheimeri (Nash) Lelong, Lindheimer Panicgrass

[synonym: Dichanthelium acuminatum (Sw.) Gould & C.A. Clark var. lindheimeri (Nash) Gould & Clark]

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, Larry DeBuhr, et al., Lone Pine Cyn., c. 1 mile NNW of Lost Lake where Lone Pine Cyn. Road crosses Lone Pine Creek, Oct. 13, 1972, c. 2950 ft. (899 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Canyon, Sep. 16, 1967, 3000 ft.

(915 m.) (also det. as D. acuminatum var. fasciculatum)

FVS: Sep. 16, 1967

Panicum capillare L., Witchgrass

[synonyms: P. barbipulvinatum Nash and P. capillare L. ssp. barbipulvatum (Nash) Tzelev and P. capillare L. var. brevifolium Vasey ex Rydb. & Shear]

LACo.: Big Rock Cr. at Paradise Springs, Aug. 9, 2005, 4720 ft. (1439 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Cyn. Dam, Dec. 24, 1933, 1400 ft. (427 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Gabriel Cyn., Sep. 26, 1933, 1099 ft. (335 m.); L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork San Gabriel River, 1/4 mile w. of Bear Creek, Sep. 8, 1946, 1700 ft.

(518 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Gabriel Cyn., June 26, 1932, 1100 ft. (335 m.); LeRoy Gross, Big Tujunga Wash, e. of the 210 Freeway, Sep. 18, 1998, 1200 ft. (365 m.); F.R. Fosberg & J.A. Ewan, Crystal Lake, N. Fork San Gabriel Canyon, Aug. 11, 1931, 5248 ft. (1600 m.)

FVS: Aug. 11, 1931

SBCo.: Cajon Pass, 0.6 miles s.w. of Swarthout Cyn. Road jct. with Cajon Rd., Nov. 10, 2008, 2640 ft. (805 m.); Glen Helen Regional Park, extreme n.w. end of park at Sycamore Flat, Aug. 18, 1993, 1961 ft. (598 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, due s. of Lost Lake & near Blue Cut, Oct. 13, 1972, no elev. given

FVS: Oct. 13, 1972

Panicum miliaceum L. ssp. miliaceum Broomcorn Millet

Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Wrightwood at Wright Lake, Aug. 12, 1996, 6038 ft. (1841 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, vic. of Crystal Lake Cutoff on Angeles Crest Hwy., one plant on dry sunny, rocky filled ground., Sep. 21, 1966, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 21, 1966

Paspalum dilatatum Poir., Dallis Grass

Native to S. America.

LACo.: From 879 ft. (268 m.), at San Gabriel Cyn., 0.4 mi. above (east of) El Encanto Park Office, on shoulder of the old dirt rd., R.G. Swinney, May 30, 2008to 1551 ft. (473 m.), at Rincon Ranger Station (Camp Rincon), L.C. Wheeler, Oct. 27, 1966; Mar., May, June, Oct., Dec.; rare; cismontane

FVS: Oct. 27, 1966, L.C. Wheeler, Rincon Ranger Station (Camp Rincon),

1551 ft. (473 m.)

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to the w. of the fishing lakes, Nov. 7, 2008, 2001 ft. (610 m.); Swarthout Cyn. Rd., near homestead, c. 0.65 miles s.w. of jct. of Cajon Rd. & Swarthout Cyn. Road on w. shoulder of road, Oct. 19, 1994, 2720 ft. (829 m.) ( also det. P. urvellei)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Park, Cajon Canyon, Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given

FVS: Oct. 12, 1969

Paspalum distichum Poir., Dallis Grass, Knotgrass

[synonyms: P. distichum var. indutum Shinners and P. paspalodes (Michx.) Scribn.]

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Gabriel Cyn., Nov. 19, 1933, 1099 ft. (335 m.)

SBCo.: Cajon Cyn., 200 yds. n.w. of old Hwy. 395 on Swarthout Cyn Road & 100-300 yds. north of the rd. along the stream, Nov. 2, 1991, 2722 ft. (830 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Park, Cajon Canyon, Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Lone Pine Cyn., Clyde Ranch, Oct. 14, 1967, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Sportsman Park, Glenn Ranch, Lytle Creek, Sep. 15, 1967, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 15, 1967

Paspalum urvellei Steud., Vasey’s Grass

Native to S. America.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Swarthout Cyn. Road near homestead c. 0.55 miles s.w. of the jct. with Cajon Road, Oct. 19, 1994, 2719 ft. (829 m.) (also det. as P. dilatatum); c. 06 miles s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Road & Cajon Road, Aug. 12, 1996 and Nov. 10, 2008, 2640 ft. (805 m.); Cajon Wash, 0.25 miles s. of Swarthout Cyn. Road & the jct. with Cajon Wash, Oct. 17, 1992, 2690 ft. (820 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Oct. 17, 1992

Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst. ex Chiov., Kikuyu Grass

Native to Africa; reported from CA, Hawaiian Islands & Puerto Rico.

LACo.: mouth of San Gabriel Cyn. between Foothill Blvd. and I-210 Fwy, from main river channel to 300 m. east, Dec. 2, 2008, 541 ft. (165 m.); San Gabriel River, under the Puente Largo Railway Bridge, 0.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., on e. side of Encanto Pkwy., w. of (e. of-added 2011) Encanto Park in Duarte, Apr. 13, 2009, 604 ft. (184 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, 0.2 mi. inside mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., Nov. 9, 1968, 761 ft.

(232 m.); L.C. Wheeler, bottom of Millard Cyn., on both sides of Angeles Natl. Forest boundary, e. side of cyn., Dec. 29, 1974, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Millard Cyn., just below Cyn. Crest Road, Nov. 13, 1967, 1350 ft. (411 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Soledad Cyn., 0.8 meters ESE Long. ______?, Aug. 13, 1967, 1801 ft. (549 m.); L.C. Wheeler, El Encanto, San Gabriel Cyn., Oct. 25, 1966, no elev. given

FVS: Oct. 25, 1966

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, marsh to the w. of the fishing lakes, Nov. 7, 2008, 2001 ft. (610 m.); Cajon Cyn., near stream, c. 0.05 miles s. of the n. end of old Hwy. 395, Oct. 6, 1991, 2890 ft. (881 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: Oct. 6, 1991

Pennisetum purpureum Schumach, Elephant Grass

Not naturalized in CA according to TJM2. Native to Africa.

LACo.: Arthur R. Kruckeberg, open place, Mt. Wilson Toll Rd., Nov 26, 1939, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Mt. Wilson Road, c. 0.5 mi. easterly from mouth of Eaton Canyon, Feb. 2, 1947, 1200 ft. (366 m.)

FVS: Feb. 2, 1947

SBCo.: No records found.

Pennisetum setaceum (Forsk.) Hochst. ex Chiov., Crimson Fountaingrass

[synonyms: P. rappelii Steud. and Phalaris setacea Forssk.]

Native to Africa.

LACo.: Irwindale, San Gabriel River Channel within 70 m. (n.) of the 210 Fwy, Nov. 30, 2008, 541 ft. (165 m.); Roberts Cyn., 0.4-0.7 miles n. of San Gabriel Cyn. June 24, 2008, 800 ft. (244 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: June 24, 2008

SBCo.: No records found.

Phalaris aquatica L., Harding Grass, Bulbous Canarygrass

[synonyms: Phalaris tuberosa L. and P. tuberosa L. var. hirtiglumis Batta & Trabut and P. tuberosa L. var. stenopera (Hack.) Hitchc.]

Native to Medit. Europe.

LACo.: San Dimas, Johnstone Pk. Ridge, overlooking San Dimas Cyn. at end of dirt rd., s.e. from peak, May 19, 2000, 2519 ft. (768 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Susanna Cyn., 1/4 mi. upstream from mouth (San Gabriel Reservoir), Sep. 22, 1975, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Foster Ranch, Sycamore Cyn., s. slope Johnstone Pk., July 2, 1968, 2400 ft. (732 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Water Cyn., Aug. 22, 1968, 1700 ft. (518 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Bluebird Truck Trail,1 mile s.w. of Johnstone Pk., Feb. 4, 1968, 2400 ft. (731 m.); Valerie Soza & LeRoy Gross, Morgan Fire 2000 area, between Morgan & Sycamore Cyns., at end of old fire rd. west of Sycamore Flat Mtwy., FS Road 1N15, May 22, 2001, 2349 ft. (716 m.); L.C. Wheeler, divide between Oak Spring Cyn., and Cottonwood Cyn., off Little Tujunga Cyn., July 1, 1968, 2700 ft. (822 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, peripheral ridge n. from Yerba Buena Ridge Rd., dividing trib. of Oak Spring Cyn. and Boulder Cr., introduced along the FS road margin, where common, May 15, 1990, 2998-3349 ft. (914-1021 m.); T.S. Ross, c. 120 meters ESE of Wilson Cyn. Saddle along old FS Loop Rd., May 19, 1993, 3150 ft.

(960 m.)

FVS: May 19, 1993

SBCo.: Lower Lytle Cr. Divide, 2.8 miles s.e. of Lytle Cr. Rd. and Applewhite Rd. jct. on FS Rd. 3N31, 1.8 miles s.e. of FS Road 2N51, June 17, 1995, 3600 ft. (1098 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Conroversy Spring, w. side Cajon Canyon, Sep. 7, 1968, 4500 ft. (1371 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Scotland, Lytle Cr., July 13, 1967, 3100 ft. (944 m.)

FVS: July 13, 1967

Phalaris canariensis L., Annual Canarygrass

Native to Medit. Europe.

LACo.: Justin M. Wood, City of San Dimas, Sycamore Cyn. Falcon Ridge Ranch, Apr. 22, 2009, 1351 ft. (412 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Phalaris minor Retz., Littleseed Canarygrass

Native to Medit.

LACo.: Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 0.7 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave. on n. side of Hwy. 39, Mar. 12, 2009, 741 ft. (226 m.) (modified 2010)

Other records:

San Dimas Exp. Forest, firebreaks, rare, SDEF, 1988 (verified voucher was not found); L.C. Wheeler, Whitney Cyn., near mouth, June 26, 1967, 1425 ft.

(434 m.)

FVS: June 26, 1967

SBCo.: R.F. Thornne, G. Benny, et al., Day Creek Cyn., July 23, 1971, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

Phleum pratense L. (Cultivated) Timothy

[synonyms: P. nodosum L. and P. pretense L. ssp. nodosum (L.) Arcang and P. pretense L. var. nodosum (L.) Huds.]

Native to Eurasia. Not easily distinguished from P. alpinum L.

LACo.: meadow at Big Pines, w. of Wrightwood, s.w. of Hwy 2, Sep. 4, 1995, 6760 ft. (2061 m.)

Other records:

F.R. Fosberg, Big Cienega, Pine Flats, N. Fork San Gabriel River, Aug. 13, 1931, 6560 ft. (2000 m.); L.C. Wheeler, head of Los Pinetos Canyon, Aug. 20, 1968,

3601 ft. (1098 m.); F.R. Fosberg, Big Cienega N. Fork San Gabriel River,

6560 ft. (200 m.)

FVS: Aug. 13, 1921

SBCo.: Richard Noyes, Ice House Cyn., jct. of Cyn. Trail & stream below confl. of cyn. & Telegraph Wash, July 23, 1988, 6101 ft. (1860 m.)

Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud., Common Reed

[synonyms: P. australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. var. berlandieri (Fourn.) C.F. Reed and P. communis Trin. and P. communis Trin. ssp. berlandieri (Fourn.) A. Love & D. Love and P. phragmites (L.) Karst.]

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta, Bare Mt. Canyon., w. side trib . drainage n.e. of Pacifico Mt., May 23, 1995, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Middle Fk. Mill Cr., off Big Tujunga , Nov. 8, 1967, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Blind Deer Springs, first cyn. beyond Shoemaker Cyn. on w. side of E. Fork San Gabriel River, pines at new rd., Aug. 27, 1967, no elev. given (all plants were observed to be dead on June 12, 2009, by R.G. Swinney, possibly sprayed)

FVS: Aug. 27, 1967

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, e. side of Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, along Applewhite Rd., Sep. 16, 1967, 3000 ft. (914 m.)

Poa annua L., Annual Bluegrass

(synonyms: P. annua L. var. aquatica Asch. and P. annua L. var. reptans Hausskn.)

Native to Europe.

LACo.: From 541 ft. (165 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn. between Foothill Blvd. & the I-210 Fwy., from main river channel to 300 meters east, R.G. Swinney, Dec. 2, 2008, to 6849 ft. (2088 m.), at Big Pines Camp, F.W. Peirson, July 6, 1922; Mar., May, July, Sep., Dec.; uncommon; montane, cismontane

FVS: Apr., 1918, F.W. Peirson, New York Dr., Altadena, San Gabriel Mts.

SBCo.: Sycamore Flat, Muscupiabe, far w.drainage pond, Glen Heln Regional Park (s. of I-210 Fwy-modified 2010), Apr. 13, 1996, 1961 ft. (598 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, n. side of Tark Pt. Lytle Cr., Mar. 6, 1968, 2400 ft. (731 m.); V.Soza & LeRoy Gross, Mt. Baldy Ski Area, Upper Manker Cyn., below Sugarpine Ski Lift from Mt. Baldy Notch, w. of Miners Bowl, July 17, 2001, 6599 ft. (2012 m.); H.M. Hall, Swarthout Cyn., San Antonio Mts., June, 1900, 6698 ft. (2042 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Glenn (Glen) Helen Region Park, Mar. 20, 1970, no elev. given

FVS: June, 1900

Poa bulbosa L., Bulbous Bluegrass

Native to Europe.

LACo.: LeRoy Gross, Valley Forge Cmpgrd., in the W. Fork San Gabriel River, Apr. 27, 2007, 3467 ft. (1057 m.); Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, Upper Aliso Cyn., c. 1.5 miles n. of Mill Cr. Summit, May 22, 2010, 4300 ft. (1311 m.);

Michael Denslow & LeRoy Gross, along Rincon Red Box Rd. (2N24.1) near jct. with Valley Forge Cyn., May 12, 2003, 4100 ft. (1250 m.);

FVS: May 12, 2003

SBCo.: Michael Denslow, Orlando Mistretta, et al., Heath Cyn., outside Wrightwood, June 2, 2003, 6399 ft. (1951 m.);

Poa compressa L., Canadian Bluegrass

Native to Europe.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: San Antonio Falls, San Antonio Cyn., north of Manker Flat, Aug. 23, 1994, 6399 ft. (1951 m.)

Other records: None found.

Poa fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey, Muttongrass

(synonym: Eragrostis fendleriana Steud.]

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Etiwanda Pk. (pk. 8662 ft.), c. 0.8 miles n.e. of Cucamonga Pk. (on same ridge-added 2010), July 22, 2005, 8630 ft. (2631 m.)

Other records: None found.

Poa howellii Vasey & Scribn., Howell’s Bluegrass

[synonym: Poa bolanderi var. howellii (Vasey & Scribn.) M.E. Jones]

LACo.: C.H.G. SRE Plot 304, in the SDEF, San Dimas, May 25, 1933, no elev. given; E. Crow, above Camp Coldbrook, June 29, 1930, no elev. given

FVS: June 29, 1930

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, San Sevaine Rd., on wooded n.-facing, rocky bluff, June 5, 1971, 3700 ft. (1127 m.)

Poa palustris L., Fowl Bluegrass

(synonyms: P. crocata Michx. and P. eyerdamii Hulten and P. triflora Gilib.)

Native to N. American boreal forest, Eurasia.

LACo.: Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, Upper Big Tujunga Cyn., Alder Cr., 0.4 miles upstream (n.) of cyn. crossing at Upper Big Tujunga, June 17, 2010, 3362 ft. (1025 m.)

SBCo.: (Hulcomic Spring-added 2011) spring in trib. cyn. between Baldy Notch Service Rd. & Baldy Ski Lift, w. of Baldy Notch, Aug. 23, 1994, 7200 ft. (2195 m.)

Other records: None found.

Poa pratensis L., Kentucky Bluegrass

[synonyms: P. agassizensis B. Boivin & D. Love and P. pratensis L. ssp. agassizensis (B. Boivin & D. Love) Roy L. Taylor & MacBryde and P. angustifolia L. and P. pratensis L. ssp. angustifolia (L.) Lej.]

Nominate sp. not recog. in CA, these are most likely ssp. pratensis.

LACo.: From 3920 ft. (1195 m.), in Moody Cyn., (c. 2.5 air-miles n.w. of Mt. Gleason, T.S. Ross, June 1, 1990, to 8020 ft. (2445 m.), at Wrightwood area, Flume Cyn. spring c. 200 meters n. of Guffy Cmprd., R.G. Swinney, Aug. 16, 1999; May-Oct.; uncommon; transmontane, montane

FVS: Apr. 1918, F.W. Peirson, New York Dr., Altadena

SBCo.: Wright Lake, Wrightwood, Oct. 30, 2008, 6038 ft. (1841 m.); Pinon Hills, Boneyard Cyn., near spring (not) shown on topo map, very near c. line, May 8, 1999, 4799 ft. (1463 m.); Wrightwood, Twin Lakes Swim Park and meadow area, private development, June 20, 1996, 6038 ft. (1841 m.)

Other records: None found.

FVS: June 20, 1996

Poa pratensis L. ssp. pratensis, Kentucky Bluegrass

Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: SDEF, e. half (grass portion) of Brown’s Flat, July 17, 1996, 4320 ft.

(1317 m.)

Other records:

Wayne E. Sawyer, 22 feet n.e. of Little Jimmy Cmpgrd., June 16, 1981,

c. 7400 ft. (2256 m.); R.F. Thorne, Big wet sloping meadow at Big Pines, July 9, 1969, 6800 ft. (2073 m.); L.C. Wheeler, spring on n. side of Blue Ridge by Guffy Camp, June 14, 1968, no elev. given; T.Ross, Magnetic Springs, in Moody Cyn., (c. 2.15 air-miles n.w. of Mt. Gleason), June 1, 1990, 3920 ft. (1195 m.); L.C. Wheeler, c. 200 yds. e. of foot of Holiday Hill Ski Lift, Sep. 17, 1967, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 17, 1967

SBCo.: Baldy Ski Lift area, Aug. 26, 1993, 7200 ft. (2195 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, San Sevaine Cow Camp, June 5, 1971, 4650 ft. (1417 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Mt. Baldy Notch, July 10, 1968, 7700 ft. (2348 m.); V.Soza & LeRoy Gross, Mt. Baldy Ski area, upper Manker Cyn., below Sugarpine Ski Lift from Mt. Baldy Notch, WNW of Miners Bowl, July 17, 2001, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, June 12, 1968, 3398 ft. (1036 m.)

FVS: June 12, 1968

Poa secunda J.Presl, Nevada or Sandberg Bluegrass

[synonyms: P. ampla Merr. and P. brachyglossa Piper and P. sandbergii Vasey and P. secunda J. Presl var. elongata (Vasey) Dorn and Festuca oregona Vasey and P. nevadensis Vasey ex Scribn.]

LACo.: From 1450 ft. (441 m.), at Elsmere Cyn., near mouth, L.C. Wheeler, May 15, 1967, to 7888 ft. (2405 m.), at peak of Iron Mt., 4-5 air miles n.w. of Mt. Baldy Village, R.G. Swinney, Apr. 25, 1997; Mar.-Aug.; common; all 3 sections

FVS: June, 1899, H.M. Hall, San Antonio Mts., 6698 ft. (2042 m.)

SBCo.: From 2401 ft. (732 m.), at 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 miles n. of I-15 (2400-2800 ft., James Henrickson, Apr. 17, 1985, to 8662 ft. (2641 m.), at (summit-added 2010) of “Etiwanda Pk.”, c. 0.9 miles n.e. of Cucamonga Pk. on same ridge, R.G. Swinney, June 22, 2000; Apr.-July, Oct.; common; all 4 sections

FVS: Apr. 7, 1891, S.B. Parish, mouth of Cajon Pass, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Poa secunda J. Presl ssp. juncifolia (Scribn.) Soreng, Sandberg Bluegrass

(synonym: P. xlimosa Scribn. & T.A. Williams

LACo.: From 2402 ft. (731 m.), at Bluebird Truck Trail, near Big Dalton Cyn., (Glendora-added 2012), L.C. Wheeler, July 2, 1968, to 7387 ft. (2252 m.), n.w. of Wright Ridge, e. of Table Mt., R.G. Swinney, May 27, 1996; Mar.-May, July; rare; transmontane, montane at c. 1 km. from trailhead at Cow Cyn. Saddle along Coldwater Cyn. Truck Trail, Apr. 7, 1996, 4428 ft. (1350 m.) and cismontane.

FVS: Apr., 1903, George B. Grant, Old Wilson Trail, no elev. given

SBCo.: V. Soza & LeRoy Gross, Devils Backbone, c. 1 mile e. of Mt. Harwood, Mt. Baldy Ski Area, May 29, 2001, 7600 ft. (2317 m.)

Poa secunda J. Presl ssp. secunda, One-sided Bluegrass

[synonyms: P. canbyi (Scribn.) Howell and P. gracillima Vasey and P. incurva Scribn. & T.A. Williams and P. sandbergii Vasey and P. scabrella (Thurb.) Vasey] Many ecological forms have been named, all intergrade completely, probably do not warrant taxonomic recognitioin.

LACo.: From c. 1800 ft. (549 m.), at Johnston’s Pasture’s, n. of Mt. Avenue, Claremont, R.F. Thorne, Apr. 2, 1971, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), at Buckhorn Cmpgrd., cr. along Buckhard (Buckhart-added 2012) Trail, D. Charlton, June 15, 1986; Apr.-June; fairly common; all 3 sections

FVS: Apr. 22, 1900, George B. Grant, summit of Mt. Wilson, no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2430 ft. (741 m.), at mouth of Stoddaed (Stoddard-added 2012) Cyn., Arthur C. Gibson, Apr. 16, 1971, to 6399 ft. (1951 m.), at Heath Cyn., outside Wrightwood, Michael Denslow, Orlando Mistretta, et al., June 2, 2003; Apr.-July; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Apr. 7, 1891, S.B. Parish, Cajon Pass, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary) and June 18, 1899, H.M. Hall, San Antonio Mts./San Gab. Mts., n. side , 6700 ft. (2042 m.)

Poa trivialis L., Rough Bluegrass

Native to Europe.

LACo.: T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Upper Big Tujunga Cyn., margin of Big Tujunga and toes of the slopes imm. west (c. 1.6 miles ENE of Barley Flats), June 8, 1990, 3980-4040 ft. (1213-1231 m.) R.F. Thorne, Cedar Springs, c. 1/2 mile e. of Kratka Ridge along Angeles Crest Hwy., July 2, 1969, 6800 ft.

(2072 m.); R.F. Thorne, big wet sloping meadow at Big Pines, July 9, 1969,

6800 ft. (2073 m.)

FVS: July 9, 1969

SBCo.: No records found.

Polypogon australis Brongn., Chilean Beard Grass or Rabbitsfoot Grass

Native to S. America.

LACo.: Mine Gulch at E. Fork San Gabriel River Cyn., open cyn. bottom, lower Mine Gulch with no riparian development except right at confl., sandy, silty soil with rocks, Aug. 1, 1998, 4398 ft. (1341 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, E. Fork San Gabriel River at Fish Fk., June, 26, 1970, 3601 ft.

(1098 m.)

FVS: June 26, 1970

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr., Miller Narrows, near Ranger Station, July 13, 1967, 2775 ft. (846 m.); Lyman Benson, Lytle Cyn., May 29,1945, 2500 ft.

(762 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 7, 1971, c. 4700 ft. (1433 m.); H.M. Hall, mouth of Lytle Cr., June 30, 1900, 2496 ft.

(761 m.)

FVS: June 30, 1900

+Polypogon imberbis (Phil.) Johow, Streambank Rabbitsfoot Grass

[synonyms: Polypogon elongatus Kunth, misappl. and Chaetotropis imberbis (Phil.) Bjorkman and Nowodworkya imberbis Phil.]

Native to S. America.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: H.M. Hall, Lytle Creek Cyn., June 1900, 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

Polypogon interruptus Kunth, Ditch Beard Grass or Rabbitsfoot Grass

Native to S. America.

LACo.: From 659 ft. (201 m.), at San Gabriel (Azusa) Cyn., 1.5 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., on E. side of Encanto Pkwy., R.G. Swinney, May 9, 1998, to

6600 ft. (2012 m.), at Camp Lupine near Prairie Fk., R.F. Thorne & John Olmsted, Aug. 26, 1965; May, June, Aug., Dec.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: Dec. 24, 1933, L.C. Wheeler, San Dimas Dam, 1401 ft. (427 m.)

SBCo.: T.B. Salvato & A.C. Sanders, Cajon Pass, c. 0.5 miles s. of Bluecut & c. 5 miles n.w. of Keenbrook at powerline crossing of Cajon Cr., May 4, 2000,

2499 ft. (762 m.); L. Strub, Lytle Creek Cyn., May 30, 1918, no elev. given

FVS: May 30, 1918

Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf., Annual Beard Grass or Rabbitsfoot Grass

(synonym: Alopecurus monspeliensis L.)

Native to s. & w. Europe.

LACo.: From 699 ft. (213 m.), at Azusa, San Gabriel Cyn. wash, 0.1-0.5 miles w. of San Gabriel River Bike Path parking lot, at Azusa Cyn. Rd. (Hwy. 39), c. 0.6 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., R.G. Swinney, Apr. 17, 2009, to 6849 ft. (2088 m.), at Big Pines Park, B.C. Templeton, Aug. 26, 1932; Apr.-Sep.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: June 9, 1901,R.D. Williams, Claremont, Burbank Cyn., 3100 ft. (945 m.)

SBCo.: From 2640 ft. (805 m.), at springs at confl of Cajon Wash and Lone Pine Cyn., between e. & w. RR tracks, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 12, 1996, to 5930 ft.

(1808 m.), at upper Lytle Cr., 1.6 miles n. of jct. of FS Road 3N06 & 3N33, c. 100 meters n. of cmpgrd., R.G. Swinney, June 24, 1993; May-Oct.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: July 2, 1967, R.F. Thorne, Chapman Ranch, above Mt. Baldy Village,

4450 ft. (1356 m.)

Polypogon viridis (Gouan) Breistr., Green Bentgrass, Beardless Rabbitsfoot Grass, Water Beard Grass

[synonyms: Agrostis viridis Gouan and P. semiverticilata (Forsk.) Hyl. and Agrostis verticillata Vill. and Agrostis semiverticillata (Forssk.) C. Chr.]

Native to Europe, n. Africa, w. Asia.

LACo.: From 541 ft. (165 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn. between Foothill Blvd. and the I-210 Fwy., from mian river channel to 300 m. east., R.G. Swinney, Dec. 2, 2008, to 6599 ft. (2012 m.), at E. Fork Rd. crossing over the N. Fork San Gabriel River, Islip Saddle, T.B. Salvato & Sarah Flack, Aug. 8, 2007; Mar., May-Aug., Dec.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: May 20, 1916

SBCo.: From 2450 ft. (747 m.), at Cajon Pass, Cajon Wash: near “Blue Cut” & “Keenbrook”, c. 4-5 road miles s. of Hwy. 138 jct. with I-Fwy., Scott D. White, Apr. 16, 1997, to 6501 ft. (1982 m.), at Mt. Baldy Ski Area, Upper San Antonio Cyn., s.w. end of Sugarpine Ski Lift from Mt. Baldy Notch, Valerie Soza & LeRoy Gross, July 17, 2001; Apr., June-Aug., Oct., Nov.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: June 27, 1972, R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., along Cajon Cr., near Cajon Cmpgrd. in Cajon Cyn., 2750 ft. (838 m.)

Schismus arabicus Nees, Arabian Schismus

[synonyms: Festuca barbata Loefl. ex L. and S. calycinus (Loefl.) K. Koch]

Native to Eurasia.

LACo.: From 1732 ft. (528 m.), at Big Tujunga Cyn., c. 3.7 air miles n.e. of Verdugo Hills High School, c. 2.5 air-miles s.w. of Condor Pk., c. 2.5 air-miles SSE of Mt. McKinley, slope above Trail Cyn. Creek, n. of Big Tujunga Rd., John Ditts, May 30, 2006, to 6120 ft. (1866 m.), at Cedar Cyn., cyn. bottom c. 0.75 miles n.w. of Big Pines Hwy. at a point 0.5 miles w. of jct. of Hwy. 2, R.G. Swinney, July 5, 1999; Apr.-July; rare; all 3 sections

Other records:

T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., vic. of Crystal Lake, June 25, 1990, 5501 ft.

(1677 m.); R.F. Thorne & G. Wallace, jct of Pallett Cr. and Longview Roads, c. 4 miles s. of Pearblossom, Apr. 24, 1973, c. 3850 ft. (1174 m.); T.S. Ross, Glendora Ridge Rd.; n. side of ridge at head of unnamed fk. of Oak Cyn., May 8, 1992, 3329 ft. (1015 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Santiago Cyn., w. slopes of drainage near confl. with Little Rock Cr., Apr. 15, 1994, 4100 ft. (1250 m.); Phillip Bridge, n. end of Mill Cr. Camp, e. from its jct. with Soledad Cyn. Road in L.A. Natl. Forest, May 13, 1966, 2099 ft. (640 m.); K. Dobry, Elsmere Cyn., w. San Gab. Mts., Apr. 4, 1991, no elev. given; LeRoy Gross, ridgeline to Mt. Emma and cyn. south of this ridge, w. from Mt. Emma (n.w. trending ridge, lower part of ridgeline starts to turn s.w _?), e. of Mt. Emma Rd., then dropped off ridge into cyn. bottom back to origin, Apr. 28, 2005, 4051 ft. (1235 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Hunt Cyn., 3 miles e. of Vincent, May 12, 1967, 3500 ft. (1067 m.); T.Ross & S.D. Boyd, Soledad Cyn. Wash, c. ½ mile e. of Acton,Apr. 30, 1991, 2719 ft. (829 m.); M.A. Piehl, Rocky Pt. Cmpgrd, Little Rock Reservoir, c. 5.5 miles s.w. of Little Rock, May 30, 1963, no elev. given;

FVS: May 30, 1963

SBCo.: No records found.

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell, Mediteranean Schismus, Common Mediteranean Grass

Native to Europe.

LACo.: From 581 ft. (177 m.), at mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., between the I-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd., Azusa/Irwindale, 200-300 meters e. of San Gabriel River Channel, R.G. Swinney, Feb. 20, 2009, to 4599 ft. (1402 m.), at E. Fork Puzzle Cyn., near (unoccupied) homesite at 2800 Deep Cr. Canyon Rd. (modified 2010); Feb.-June; rare; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Apr. 30, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, Limekiln Cyn., 1801 ft. (549 m.)

SBCo.: From 2270 ft. (692 m.), at Cajon Wash, w. of jct. of Cajon Rd. and Kenwood Ave., about due w. to 500 yds. in Cajon Wash Channel, R.G. Swinney, June 22, 1993, to 4520 ft. (1278 m.), at Pinon Hills area at Sheep Cr., 0.9 miles s. of Hwy. 138 at Scrub Oak Rd., R.G. Swinney, Mar. 25, 1995; Mar.-June, Oct.; uncommon; transmontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Mar. 6, 1968, L.C. Wheeler, Meyer Cyn., off Lytle Cr., 2300 ft. (701 m.)

Secale cereale L., Cereal Rye

[synonyms: S. montanum Guss., nom. ing. and S. strictum (C. Presl) C. Presl and Triticum cereale (L.) Salisb.]

Native to s.w. Asia.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Palmer Cyn., June 21, 1936, no elev. given

SBCo.: R.F. Thorne, San Sevaine Rd. at lower end of Grapevine Cyn., S.B. Natl. Forest, June 5, 1971, 2299 ft. (701 m.); S.B. Parish & Louis Greate, Cajon Pass, San Gab. Mts. Region, May, 1901

FVS: May, 1901

Setaria faberi R.A.W. Herm., Chinese Foxtail

Native to Asia

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, N. Fork San Gabriel River, ¼ mi. downhill from jct. of main rd. with rd. to upper Bichota Cyn., Sep. 21, 1966, 2800 ft. 853 m.

SBCo.: No records found.

Setaria parviflora (Poir.) Kerguelen, Knotroot or Marsh Bristlegrass

[synonyms: S. gracilis Kunth and S. geniculata (Willd.) Beauv. misappl. and Chaetochloa geniculata (Lam.) Millsp. & Chase and Panicum geniculatum Lam.]

LACo.: From 659 ft. (201 m.), at Azusa/(Irwindale-added 2011), mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 1 mile n. of Foothill Blvd., R.G. Swinney, Dec. 4, 2008, to 1571 ft. (479 m.), at w. margin of Hwy. 39 & on disturbed slope descending into Brown’s Gulch, R.S. Ross, May 24, 1992; 10 records from mouth of San Gabriel River in Azusa/Duarte/Irwindale and one from Big Dalton Cyn. in Glendora; May-July, Oct.-Dec.; rare; cismontane

FVS: May 3, 1936, Robert M. Perkins, San Gabriel Cyn., no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult., Yellow Bristlegrass or Foxtail

Native to Europe.

LACo.: San Dimas Exp. Forest, weed, SDEF, 1988, no verified voucher found.

SBCo.: M.N. Ackley, Wrightwood, June 24, 1928, 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv., Green Bristlegrass

Native to Europe.

LACo.: K.H.B., at jct. of W. Fork (of San Dimas Cyn.-added 2010) & San Dimas Canyon, Oct. 12, 1943, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, N. Fork San Gabriel Cyn., 1/4 mile downhill from jct. of main rd. to upper Bichota Canyon, Sep. 21, 1966,

2800 ft. (854 m.); K.H.B. end of rd. in the Volfe Cyn. of SDEF, Aug. 21, 1943, no elev. given; K.H.B. Lysimeter plots in the Tanbark Flat of SDEF, June 18, 1943, 2696 ft. (822 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Monroe Cyn., June 12, 1936, 1800 ft. (549 m.)

FVS: June 12, 1936

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Lytle Cr. Village, Sep. 6, 1968, no elev. given

Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, Milo, Sudan Grass, Sorghum

Native to Africa. Toxic to livestock.

LACo.: San Dimas Cyn., at Puddingstone Diversion Dam, Oct. 20, 2008,

1161 ft. (354 m.); near jct. of Big Pines Hwy. and rd. to Terresita Pines Camp, c. 100 meters e. of Mescal Cyn. Park (-Mescal Cmpgrd, c. 50 meters n. of Big Pines Rd., Sep. 6, 1997, 6120 ft. (1866 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork San Gabriel Cyn., Nov. 23, 1966, no elev. given

FVS: Nov. 23, 1966

SBCo.: No records found.

Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers., Johnsongrass

[synonyms: S. miliaceum (Roxb.) Snowden and Holcus halepensis L.]

Native to Medit.

LACo.: K.H.B. , drain behind Tanbark Kitchen, Tanbark Flats, (SDEF-added 2010), Aug. 16, 1943, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, N. Fork San Gabriel Cyn., 1/4 mi. downhill from jct. of main rd. to upper Bichota Cyn., Sep. 21, 1966,

2800 ft. (854 m.); L.C. Wheeler, jct. of Big Rock Cr. andShoemaker Cyn., Sep. 8, 1968, 3900 ft. (1188 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Big Rock Cr., Old Point Comfort, Sep. 17, 1967, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, New York Dr., Altadena, Apr., 1918

FVS: Apr., 1918

SBCo.: Scotland, Lytle Cr. Cyn., s. of Valley Vista Drive, c. 30 meters e. of Lytle Creek Rd., June 23, 1994, 3001 ft. (915 m.); c. 0.6 miles s.w. of jct. of Swarthout Cyn. Road & Cajon Rd., Aug. 2, 1996, 2640 ft. (805 m.)

Other records:

L.C. Wheeler, Glenn Ranch, Lytle Cr., July 13, 1967, 3200 ft. (975 m.); R.F. Thorne, J. Benny, et al., Lytle Creek Cyn., June 23, 1971, 3000 ft (914 m.); S.B. Parish, Lytle Cr., Aug., 1886, no elev. given

FVS: Aug., 1886

Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) A. Gray, Sand Dropseed

(synonym: S. nealleyi Vasey misappl.)

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, All Trail Cyn., BM 3434 near Tom Lucas Cmpgrd., July 30, 1967, 3300 ft. (1006 m.)L.C. Wheeler, Grandad’s Ranch, Aliso Cyn., Oct. 22, 1966

FVS: Oct. 22, 1966

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, Glen Helen Regional Park, Cajon Canyon, Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given

Sporobolus indicus (L.) R. Br., Smut Grass

(synonyms: S. creber DeNardi and S. tenacissimus auct.)

Native to Africa.

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, between marsh & park lawns, Nov. 7, 2008, 2000 ft. (610 m.)

Other records: None found.

Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walter) Kuntze, Saint Augustine Grass

Probably native to S. America.

LACo.: LeRoy Gross & Andrea E. Gutman, et al., Big Tujunga Wash/Verdugo Mts., Tujunga Ponds, Sep. 8, 2000, 1100 ft. (335 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Stipa cernua Stebbins & R.M. Love, Nodding Needlegrass

[synonym: Nassella cernua (Stebbins & R.M. Love) Barkworth

CA, Baja CA, Mex. & Hawaii.

LACo.: Valerie L. Soza & LeRoy Gross, foothills above San Dimas, between Sycamore & Ham Cyns., s.w. side of peak 2397 & w. of Sycamore Flat Mtwy., May 11, 1999, 2300 ft. (701 m.); L.C. Wheeler, San Gab. Mts., e. side of San Dimas Cyn., near Dam, June 66, 1936, 1499 ft. (457 m.); H.A. Jensen, opposite mouth of Aliso Cyn., May 18, 1933, 2896 ft. (883 m.); G.D. Wallace & Ann Hiller, dirt rd. west of Mt. Emma Rd., May 18, 1983, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, n. of Mill Cyn. off Soledad Cyn., near Ravenna, Apr. 29, 1973, 2348 ft. (716 m.); Anstr. Davidson, Liebre Mts. region, Acton, June, 1920, (possibly n. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

FVS: June, 1920

SBCo.: Fontanna, e. of San Sevaine Cyn. bottom on Bullock Spur Rd., Apr. 4, 1997, 72450 ft. (747 m.); Glen Helen Regional Park, w. side of park, c. 200 meters s. of Devore Rd., Sycamore Flat, Mar. 18, 1993, 1961 ft. (598 m.)

Other records:

R.C. Long, near Valyermo, desert foothills of San Gab. Mts., Mar. 28, 1964, no elev. given

FVS: Mar. 28, 1964

Stipa coronata Thurb., Crested or Giant Needlegrass, Ricegrass

[synonym: Achnatherum coronatum (Thurb.) Barkworth and A. coronatum ssp. coronatum]

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 548 ft. (167 m.), at San Gabriel Wash (this elev. places plant between I-210 Fwy. & Foothill Blvd., H.S. Yates, June 24, 1937, to 7387 ft.

(2252 m.), e. of Table Mt. & n.w. of Wright Ridge, R.G. Swinney, May, 27, 1996; Apr.-Sep.; uncommon; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Aug. 14, 1918, Albert J. Perkins, Santa Anita Cyn.

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at Cucamonga Wash, near center of wash, c. 300 meters n. of large flood control debris basin dam., Michael Honer, Mar. 29, 2002, to 6012 ft. (1835 m.), at Upper Lytle Cr. Divide, 1.9 miles s. of Lone Pine Cyn. Rd., on FS Road 3N31 in a steep cyn. west of the rd., R.G. Swinney, June 22, 1993; Mar.-July; uncommon in transmontane, cismontane and Cajon Pass, rare in montane

FVS: Mar. 31, 1934; F.M. Reed, cyn. walls above Glenn Ranch, Lytle Creek Cyn., no elev. given

Stipa hymenoides Roem. & Schult., Sand or Indian Ricegrass

[synonyms: Oryzopsis hymenoides (Roem. & Schult.) Ricker ex Piper and Achnatherum hymenoides (Roem. & Schult.) Barkworth and Eriocoma cuspidata Nutt.]

Hybrids with S. occidentalis var. occidentalis called S. xbloomeri Bol. [Achnatherum xbloomeri (Bol.) Barkworth] [Orizopsis xbloomeri (Bol.) Ricker ex Piper]

LACo.: High point of E. Table Mt., Wrightwood area, July 2, 1998, 7400 ft.

(2256 m.); Big John Flat, s.e. end along cyn. bottom of E. Fork Boulder Cyn., June 18, 1999, 5520 ft. (1683 m.); s. of Pinon Hills, ridge n.e. of Table Mt., near co. line, area burned in summer of 1995, June 13, 1997, 5999 ft. (1829 m.); lower Brainard Cyn., 1.4-1.8 miles s. of Mt. Emma Rd., 2.9 miles SSE (164 deg.) of Lilttlerock, May 12, 2009, 3481 ft. (1061 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, above Big Pines Ranger Station, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Big John Flat, Sep. 7, 1968, 5700 ft. (1870 m.); P.A. Munz, Pallett Cr., May 27, 1923, no elev. given

FVS: May 27, 1923

SBCo.: From 1801 ft. (549 m.), at 240 W. 23rd Street, Upland, Michael Honer, May 11, 2002, to 6800 ft. (2072 m.), at Circle Mt. Peak, R.G. Swinney, June we, 1994; May-Aug.; rare; transmontane, cismontane at Upland

FVS: May 9, 1968; L.C. Wheeler, Wildhorse Cyn. (can’t find Wildhorse on the map-perhaps Horse Cyn., if collected in San Gab. Mts., Horsethief Cyn. if collected in the San Bernardino Mts.-added 2009), 5000 ft. (1523 m.)

Stipa lepida Hitchc. Foothill Needlegrass

[synonyms: Nassella lepida (Hitchc.) Barkworth and S. lepida Hitchc. var. andersonii (Vasey) Hitchc.]

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1263 ft. (385 m.), at Big Tujunga Wash, 200 meters n.w. of corner of Wescott Ave. & Grove Str., Sunland Distr., Joseph Keefe, Jan 19, 2001to

3150 ft. (960 m.), at Bell-San Dimas Cyn. Divide, L.C. Wheeler, June 8, 1936; Apr.-June; uncommon; cismontane

FVS: Apr. 12, 1910, Agnes Chase, near mouth of Rubio Cyn. (base of mt.) Echo Mt., no elev. given

SBCo.: S.D. White & Tasha LaDoux, foothills near Cajon Pass, n.w. of jct. of l- 15/State Hwy. 138, c. 1 airmile w. of I-15, 1 airmile n. of State Hwy. 138, May 13, 2000, 3400-3600 ft. (1037 m.)

Stipa miliacea (L.) Hoover var. miliacea, Smilograss

[synonyms: Piptatherum miliaceum (L.) Cosson and Agrostis miliacea L. and Oryzopsis miliacea (L.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex Asch. & Schweinf.]

Native to Europe, n. Africa.

LACo.: From 541 ft. (165 m.), at Irwindale, San Gabriel River Channel, within 70 meters (n.) of I-210 Fwy., R.G. Swinney, Nov. 30, 2008, to 4000 ft. (1220 m.), at Little Rock Cr. Drainage, e. of cr. and n. of FS Road 4N15, Orlando Mistretta, May 23, 1994; Feb., May-July, Sep.-Nov.; fairly common; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: Sep. 10, 1933, L.C. Wheeler, Santa Anita Cyn., 1750 ft. (533 m.)

SBCo.: Cajon Pass, confl. of Lone Pine Cyn. and Cajon Wash, Nov. 10, 2008, 2640 ft. (805 m.)

Other records:

T.B. Salvato & A.C. Sanders, Cajon Wash at Glen Helen Parkway, s. of Cajon Blvd. at Devore, May 23, 2006, 2020 ft. (616 m.); James Henrickson, c. 12 air miles n.w. of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Cr. Wash, c. 2-4 mi. n. of I-15, May 11, 1985, 2401 ft. (732 m.); R.F. Thorne, G. Benny, et al., Day Creek Cyn., July 23, 1971, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

FVS: July 23, 1971

Stipa occidentalis S. Watson, Western Needlegrass

[synonyms: Achnatherum occidentale (Thurb.) Barkworth and S. californica Medrr. & Burtt Davy and Achnatherum nelsonii (Scribn. Barkworth ssp. longiaristatum (Barkworth & Maze) Barkworth and S. nelsonii Scribn. var. longiaristata Barkworth & Maze]

LACo.: Waterman Mt. (summit-added 2010), July 24, 2008, 7911 ft. (2412 m.); summit of Mt. Hillyer, n. of Horse Flats, July 22, 2009, 6120 ft. (1866 m.)

Other records:

Louis C. Wheeler, spring on n. side of Blue Ridge by Guffy Camp, June 14, 1968, no elev. given; T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Big Rock Creek Cyn., 120 meters NNW of Icy Springs, around a stone building that has been gutted by fire (The Webber Cabin), June 11, 1990, 5680 ft. (1863 m.); C.W. Sharsmith, summit of Mt. Waterman, Sep. 7, 1945, no elev. given

FVS: Sep. 7, 1945

SBCo.: Dawson Pk., Aug. 10, 1995, 9530 ft. (2905 m.); Pine Mt., Aug. 10, 1995, 9479 ft. (2890 m.)

Other records: None found.

Stipa occidentalis S. Watson var. californica (Merr. & Burtt Davy) C. L. Hitchc., California Needlegrass

[synonym: Achnatherum occidentale (Thurb.) Barkworth ssp. californicum (Merr. & Burtt Davy) Barkworth,

Hybridizes with S. occidentalis var. pubescens

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, Chilao Flat, near entrance, June 26, 1971, 5300 ft.

(1616 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, summit of Table Mt. above Big Pines Ranger Station, July 9, 1969, 7000 ft. (2134 m.); Wayne E. Sawyer, Crest Trail, 0.6 miles w. of Mt. Hawkins, July 24, 1981, 8350 ft. (2546 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Camp Verdugo Pines & vic., northerly draw drainging to Jackson Lake, June 18, 1990, 6160-6280 ft. (1878 m.) (also det. as ssp. occidentale); J.C. Roos, Mt. Wilson observ. grounds, July 18, 1937, 8695 ft. (2651 m.) (wrong elev.-added 2011); R.F. Thorne, summit of Mt. Wilson, June 26, 1971, 5700 ft.

(1737 m.); I.M. Johnston, north slope of Baldy, Aug. 22, 1917, no elev. given

FVS: Aug. 22, 1917

SBCo.: Orlando Mistretta, Episcopal Camp at Wrightwood, June 3, 1992, no elev. given

Stipa occidentalis S. Watson var. occidentalis, Western Needlegrass

[synonym: Achnatherum occidentale (Thurb.) Barkworth ssp. occidentale]

Hybrids with S. hymenoides called S. xbloomeri [Achnartherum xbloomeri]

LACo.: Tim Ross & Steve Boyd, Granite Mt., July 24, 1991, 6478 ft.

(1975 m.); Tim Ross & Steve Boyd, Camp Verdugo Pines (northerly draw draining to Jackson Lake, June 18, 1990, 6150-6278 ft. (1878-1914 m.) (also det. as ssp. californicum)

FVS: June 18, 1990

SBCo.: I.M. Johnston, Kelly’s Cabin (Ontario Pk.), July 30, 1917, 8246 ft.

(2514 m.)

Stipa occidentalis S. Watson var. pubescens (Vasey) Maze, Roy L. Taylor & MacBryde, Common or Pubescent Western Needlegrass

[synonyms: Achnatherum occidentale (Thurb.) Barkworth ssp. pubescens (Vasey) Barkworth and S. elmeri Piper & Brodie ex Scribn.]

LACo.: A.A. Beetle, Rt. 2, 2 miles n. of Big Pine Camp, June 25, 1942, no elev. given; G.L. Stebbins, Jr., road from Big Pines resort to Smithsonian Observatory, June 19, 1941, 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

FVS: June 19, 1941

SBCo.: M.N. Ackley, Wrightwood, June 1929, 5996 ft. (1828 m.)

Stipa parishii Vasey var. parishii, Parish’s Needlegrass

[synonyms: Achnatherum parishii (Vasey) Barkworth var. parishii and A. parishii ssp. parishii and S. coronataThurb. var. parishii (Vasey) Hitchc.]

LACo.: From 4450 ft. (1357 m.), at Bare Mt. Canyon, slopes on e. side of main drainage, Orlando Mistretta & S.D. Boyd, May 23, 1995, to 8850 ft. (2698 m.), at summit Mt. Hawkins, L.C. Wheeler, July 26, 1970 and R.F. Thorne, Mt. Hawkins, R.F. Thorne, Aug. 25, 1971; June-Sep.; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: July 3, 1908, L.R. Abrams & E.A. McGregor, N. Baldy Mt., 7997 ft.

(2438 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Stipa pulchra Hitchc., Purple Needle Grass

[synonym: Nassella pulchra (Hitchc.) Barkworth]

LACo.: From 1401 ft. (427 m.), at Glendora, Big Dalton Cyn. Wilderness Park, Poopout Trail and firebreak, n. of jct. of Big Dalton Cyn. Road & Glendora Mt. Rd.,May 6, 1989, (modified 2010) (also det. as Nassela lepida), to 2299 ft.

(701 m.), at San Dimas, between Sycamore & Ham Canyons, s.w. side of Pk. “2397” w. of Sycamore Flat Mtwy, Valerie Soza & LeRoy Gross, May 11, 1999; May, June; rare; cismontane (all records from foothills of Glendora, San Dimas & SDEF)

FVS: June 6, 1936, L.C. Wheeler, e. side of San Dimas Cyn., near dam, 1499 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: sev. records near Cajon and just e. of I- 210 Fwy., just e. of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary

FVS: May 20, 1888, S.B. Parish, mouth of Cajon Pass, no elev. given (possibly outside San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Stipa speciosa Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth, Desert Needlegrass

[synonym: Achnatherum speciosum (Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth]

LACo.: From 548 ft. (167 m.), San Gabriel Wash, (this elev. places plant just n. of the I-210 Fwy. in Irwindale/Azusa-added 2010), H.S. Yates, June 24, 1937 and at 581 ft. (177 m.), Asusa/Irwindale, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 100-400 meters n. of I- 210 Fwy, 300 meters e. of river channel, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 20, 2009, to 7400 ft. (2256 m.), at Lightning (=Blue?) Ridge at the jct. of FS Road 3N06 & Angeles Crest Hwy., c. 4 miles n.w. of San Bernardino Co. line, & 5 miles n.w. of Wrightwood, David Charlton, June 15, 1986; Mar.-Aug., Oct.; uncommon; all 3 areas

FVS: June 24, 1937, H.S. Yates, San Gabriel Wash, 550 ft. (168 m.)

SBCo.: From 2499 ft. (762 m.), at Cajon Pass, c. 0.5 miles s. of Bluecut & c. 0.5 miles n.w. of Keenbrook at powerline crossing of Cajon Cr., T.B. Salvato & A.C. Sanders, May 4, 2000, to 7301 ft. (2226 m.), e. of Table Mt. & n.w. of Wright Ridge, 2 1/4 miles s.e. of Smithsonian Observatory on e. end of ridge, R.G. Swinney, May 27, 1996; Apr.-Aug., Nov.; uncommon; transmontane, montane, cismontane at Lytle Cr., Lyman Benson, June 12, 1945, 4100 ft. (1250 m.), Cajon Pass

FVS: June, 1901, S.B. Parish & Louis Greata, Cajon Pass, San Gab. Mts. Region, no elev. given

Stipa tenuissima Trin, Finestem Needlegrass

[synonym: Nassela tenuissima (Trin.) Barkworth]

LACo.: LeRoy Gross & Pamela Comwal, corner of Esperanza Dr. & Shemira St., by Live Oak Park, s.w. side of Live Oak Reservoir, LaVerne, seedlings coming up along roadway, July 26, 2008, 1401 ft. (427 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Stipa thurberiana Piper, Thurber’s Needlegrass

[synonym: Achnatherum thurberianum (Piper) Barkworth]

LACo.: high point of E. Table Mt., Wrightwood area, July 2, 1998, 7400 ft. (2256 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: No records found.

Tridens muticus (Torr.) Nash var. muticus, Slim Tridens

LACo.: John Dittes, Big Tujunga Cyn., c. 2.4 air-miles s. of Mt. McKinley, c. 4.3 air-miles w. of Big Tujunga Reservoir, c. 3.4 air-miles n.e. of Mt. Gleason Jr. Highschool, n. shoulder of Big Tujunga Rd., about ½ way between Delta Flats overlook and Trail Cyn. Rd.; Nov. 26, 2005, 1843 ft. (562 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Trisetum spicatum (L.) K. Richt., Spike False Oat or Tristem

[synonyms: Aira spicata L. and T. molle Kunth and T. triflorum (Bigelow) A. Love & D. Love and T. villosissimum (Lange) Louis-Marie and T. montanum Vasey) Highly variable, with much ecological variation; many intraspecific taxa described, not universally accepted.

LACo.: R.F. Thorne, 1.5 miles e. of Dawson Saddle, Oct. 10, 1967, 7649 ft. (2332 m.); R.F. Thorne, along trail from Windy Gap to Mt. Hawkins, Aug. 25, 1971, 8000 ft. (2439 m.); R.F. Thorne, Hunt Cyn., 3 miles e. of Vincent, July 29, 1969, 7649 ft. (2332 m.); Wayne E. Sawyer, Lily Spring, moist soil in area of spring, July 24, 1981, 8049 ft. (2454 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Dorr Cyn., n.w. slope of Mt. Burnham, Lodgepole Picnic Area, Angeles Crest Hwy., Aug. 21, 1966,

7000 ft. (2134 m.)

FVS: Aug. 21, 1966

SBCo.: No records found.

Triticum aestivum L., Common Wheat

(synonyms: T. hybernum L. and T. macha Dekap. & Menab. and T. sativum Lam. and T. sphaerococcuin Percival and T. vulgare Vill.)

Native to Near East.

LACo.: head of Cedar Cyn., ridge c. 200 meters n. of Big Pines Hwy., 0.5 miles w. of jct. of Hwy. 2, July 5, 1999, 7619 ft. (2323 m.); Duarte, lower Van Tassel Fire Rd., Van Tassel Cyn., Apr. 16, 2009, 1440 ft. (439 m.)

Other records:

R.F. Thorne, San Dimas Cyn., near its mouth, Mar. 14, 1973, no elev. given; T.S. Ross, jct. with Upper Monroe Rd. and Lower Monroe Rd., May 8, 1992, 3441 ft. (1049 m.); LeRoy Gross, w. terminus of Holcomb Ridge, w. of Big Rock Cr., along the e. & n.e. side of hill, n. of Ft. Tejon Road., w. of Valyermo Rd., May 3, 2005, 3559 ft. (1085 m.); Orlando Mistretta, Hunt Cyn. Shooting Area, Mt. Emma Rd., 2 miles w. of Little Rock Dam, May 18, 1992, no elev. given; R.F. Thorne, along Angeles Crest Hwy., 1.1 mile n.e. of Pine Hollow Picnic Ground, July 10, 1969, 7000 ft. (2134 m.)

FVS: July 10, 1969

SBCo.: Frankish Pk., east of San Antonio Canyon, e.-w. running ridgetop with e. & w. peaks, and saddle in between, Apr. 15, 1996, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); Baldy Bowl area, along San Antonio Falls Rd., 200 meters n.w. of jct. with San Antonio Cyn. Road, July 13, 1995, 7200 ft. (2195 m.)

Other records:

Michael Honer, San Antonio Heights above Upland, near jct. of Park Blvd and Paloma Ln., Apr. 14, 2002, 1899 ft. (579 m.)

FVS: July 13, 1995

Zea mays L., Corn

Not considered naturalized by Jepson.

Native to Meso America.

LACo.: Glendora, 0.5 miles n. of n. terminus of Rainbow Dr., w. of and adj. to W. “Bender Cyn.” (local usage-added 2010), Apr. 23, 2005, 1824 ft. (556 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Pontederiaceae Pickerel-Weed Family

Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, Common Water Hyacinth

[synonyms: E. speciosa Kunth and Piaropus crassipes (Mart.) Raf.]

Native to tropical America.

LACo.: LeRoy Gross, s. base of San Gabriel Mts., Tujunga Ponds, s. of I-210 Frwy. in Big Tujunga Wash, Sunland, Oct. 16, 1998, 2100 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: Glen Helen Regional Park, (in pond between boardwalk trail and fishing lakes to the east, no plants were observed in pond in 2009, almost exclusively Typha latifolia, board walk has been dismantled-added 2010)

Other records: None found.

Potamogetonaceae Pondweed Family

Potamogeton amplifolius Tuck, Broad-leaved or Largeleaf Pondweed

Hybridizes with P. illinoensis Morong, in our area.

LACo.: F.W. Peirson, Crystal Lake, June 19, 1921, 5497 ft. (1676 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Potamogeton crispus L., Crisp-leaved or Curly Pondweed

Native to Eurasia, Australia.

LACo.: Records at/near Jackson Lake, Sag Pond of San Andreas Fault, s. of Big Pines Hwy.:

R.F. Thorne, Aug. 29, 1966, s. of Jackson Lake, 6100 ft. (1860 m.); R.G. Swinney, June 19, 1997, s.e. end of lake, 6140 ft. (1872 m.); R.G. Swinney, Oct. 16, 2008, 6140 ft. (1872 m.); R.F. Thorne, Apr. 23, 1966, 6000 ft. (1829 m.); Anonymus: June 26, 1958, no elev. given

Additional records: None found.

FVS: June 26, 1958

SBCo.: No records found.

Potomogeton foliosus Raf., Leafy Pondweed

LACo.: LeRoy Gross, s. base of San Gab. Mts., Tujunga Pond, w. of 210 Frwy. In Big Tujunga Wash, city of Sunland, Oct. 16, 1998, 1200 ft. (366 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Soledad Cyn., Santa Clara River, Sep. 21, 1968, 1738 ft. (530 m.)

FVS: Sep. 21, 1968

SBCo.: L.R. Abrams, Lytle Cr. Cyn., July 26, 1901, no elev. given

Potamogeton foliosus Raf. ssp. foliosus, Leafy Pondweed

(synonyms: P. foliosus var. foliosus and P. curtissii Morong. and P. foliosus Raf. Var. gendinus Fernald and P. foliosus Raf. var. macellus Fernald)

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Gabriel Cyn., 0.8 mi. upstream from mouth at first bridge, n. side, Oct. 26, 1946, 850 ft. (259 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., Jackson Lake (Sag Pond of San Andreas Fault, June 29, 1972, 6150 ft.

(1875 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Paloma Flat, Big Tujunga Cyn., Sep 23, 1950, 1840 ft. (560 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Big Tujunga Cyn., near Doske Rd., Oct. 1, 1968, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Jackson Lake, Aug. 28, 1946, 6100 ft. (1860 m.)

FVS: Aug. 28, 1946

SBCo.: Sycamore Flat, Muscupiabe, far west stream flow in Glen Helen Regional Park, Apr. 13, 1996, 1950 ft. (595 m.)

Other records: None found.

Potamogeton illinoensis Morong, Shining or Illinois Pondweed

(synonyms: P. angustifolius Berchti & C. Presl and P. heterophyllus Schreb. and P. lucens auct. non L.)

Hybridizes with P. amplifolius Tuck and P. nodosus Poir, in our area.

LACo.: Records from Crystal Lake,

Robert F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Aug. 29, 1966, 5497 ft. (1676 m.): Frank W. Peirson, June 19, 1921, 5497 ft. (1676 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Oct. 22, 1933, 5600 ft. (1707 m.); Robert M. Perkins, July 5, 1936, no elev. given; F.R. Fosberg & Ewan, Aug. 11, 1931, 5248 ft. (1600 m.); Fred Brooks & W. Wisura, Sep. 7, 1988, no elev. given; H.S. Budd, Oct. 25, 1901, no elev. given

Additional locations:

G.R. Johnstone, Pine Flats, June 26, 1930, 5500 ft. (1677 m.); R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Big Pines Rec. Area, dry slope above e. end of Jackson Lake on rd.from Big Pines to Valyermo, Aug. 29, 1966, 6200 ft. (1890 m.)

FVS: Oct. 25, 1901

SBCo.: Records from Lost Lake, just w. of jct. of Lone Pine Cyn. and Cajon Wash, Sag Pond of San Andreas Fault:

P.H. Raven, Sep. 17, 1961, 2750 ft. (838 m.); R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, June 29, 1972, 2770 ft. (845 m.); R.F. Thorne & John Dourley, Oct. 10, 1967, 2749 ft. (838 m.); Tim Ross & C. Thomas Philbrick, Oct. 28, 1989, 3280 ft. (1000 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Oct. 1, 1933, 2709 ft. (826 m.); Ben Matinag, Oct. 5, 1998, 2801 ft.

(854 m.); R.G. Swinney, Oct. 19, 1991, 2781 ft. (848 m.); R.G. Swinney, Oct. 23, 2008, 2791 ft. (851 m.)

Additional locations:

I.M. Johnston, mouth of San Sevaine Cyn., July 11, 1925, 1797 ft. (548 m.)

FVS: July 11, 1925

Potamogeton nodosus Poir, Longleaf Pondweed

(synonyms: P. americanus Cham. & Schltell. and P. fluitans Roth)

Hybridizes with P. illinoensis Morong., in our area.

LACo.: J.L. Johnson, Crystal Lake, near Andora, July 19, 1989, no elev. given

SBCo.: No records found.

Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Boerner, Fennel-leaf or Sago Pondweed

[synonyms: Potamogeton pectinatus L. and Coleogeton pectinata (L.) Les & R.R. Haynes and S. pectinatus (L.) Borner, database artifact]

LACo.: R.F. Thorne & M.Z. Thorne, Jackson Lake, Aug. 29, 1966, 6200 ft.

(2034 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Caldwell Lake, Aug. 28, 1946, 5150 ft. (1570 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Jackson Lake, Aug. 28, 1946, 6101 ft. (1860 m.); R.F. Thorne, C.W. Tilforth, et al., Caldwell Lake near Valyermo (Sag Pond on the San Andreas Fault), July 20, 1972, 5150 ft. (1570 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Crystal Lake, Oct. 22, 1933, 5600 ft. (1707 m.); G.R. Johnstone, Soledad Cyn., near Ravenna, June 15, 1930, 2499 ft. (762 m.)

FVS: June 15, 1930

SBCo.: Wheeler, Glen Helen Park, Cajon Cyn., Oct. 12, 1969, no elev. given

Rupiaceae Ditch-Grass Family

Ruppia maritima L., Ditchgrass, Widgeongrass

(synonym: R. pectinata Rydb.) Eight vars. of R. maritma L. not recog. by TJM 2012

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Caldwell Lake, Aug. 28, 1946, 5150 ft. (1570 m.)

SBCo.: No records found.

Ruscaceae Butcher’s-Broom Family

(Liliaceae – Lily Family)

Maianthemum stellatum (L.) Link, Little False Solomon’s-seal, Starry False Lily of the Valley

[synonyms: Smilacina stellata (L.) Desf. and Convallaria stellata L. and Vagnera stellata (L.) Morong] Four vars. of Smilacina stellata (L.) Desf. not recog. by TJM 2012.

LACo.: From 6301 ft. (1921 m.), at Buford Cyn., 0.5 miles w. of co. line, s. of Hwy. 2 and Swarthout Valley, c. 2 air miles w. of Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, July 16, 1997, to 7997 ft. (2438 m.), at San Antonio Mts Canyon, H.M. Hall, June 1899, no elev. given (location vague, possibly out of E. San Gab. Mts. boundary) and at 7600 ft. (2317 m.), at Prairie Fk., L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 3, 1967; June-Sep.; rare; montane

Other locations:

Angeles Crest Hwy, near Dawson Saddle; Coldwater Cienega?; Columbine Spring; Cedar Cyn.; Government Cyn., Blue Ridge; Dorr Cyn, n.w. slope of Mt. Burnham; Buckkhorn Cmpgrd.; Big Pines Rec. Ground; Mt. Burnham; Mt. High Ski Resort

FVS: Sep. 14, 1920, F.W. Peirson, Coldwater Cienaga, San Gab. Mts., 2996 ft. (2133 m.)

SBCo.: Six records from Coldwater Fk. of Lytle Cr. by I.M. Johnston, P.A. Munz, R.F. Thorne & Selwyn Everist, L.C. Wheeler, F.W. Peirson and R.G. Swinney, from 1917 to 1992, from 6901-7000 ft.; T.S. Ross, s. side of Prairie Fk. in vic. of Columbine Spring, Aug. 17, 1990, no elev. given; H.M. Hall, N. Fork of Lytle Cr. (deep ravine cyn.), June 18-20, 1899, 6298 ft. (1920 m.)

FVS: June 18-20, 1899

Themidaceae Brodiaea Family

(Liliaceae – Lily Family)

Bloomeria crocea (Torr.) Coville., Common Goldenstar

LACo.: From 1352 ft. (412 m.), on s.e.-facing slope to west of cyn. mouth, Mystic Cyn., 2 miles n.e. of Glendora, D.W. Wheat, May 14, 1971, to 5196 ft. (1584 m.), at 0.7 mi. from turn-off on Angeles Crest Hwy. to lower Chilao, keeping always to right-left side of rd., M. MacCarther, June 24, 1967 and at 5199 ft. (1585 m.), at Sulphur Springs Cmpgrd. area, streamside from cmpgrd. to 300 m. downstream, R.G. Swinney, May 27, 2009; May, June; uncommon; near montane at lower Chilao, cismontane

FVS: June 28, 1918, Frank Peirson, foothills e. of Rubio Cyn., base of S. San Gab. Mts., no elev. given

SBCo.: From 2401 ft. (732 m.), at San Antonio Cyn., along Mt. Ave., Jct. of Mt. Ave. & Euclid Ave., P. Dinius, May 6, 1987, to 5540 ft. (1689 m.), at San Sevaine Flats, c. 200 meters w. of jct. of FS Roads 1N34D & 1N34, R.G. Swinney, July 16, 1993; May-July; uncommon; near montane at San Sevaine Flats, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 28, 1914, W.L. Jepson, Cajon Pass, May 28, 1914, 2398 ft. (731 m.)

Bloomeria crocea (Torr.) Coville var. crocea, Common Goldenstar

(synonym: Allium croceum Torr.)

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: Richard Noyes & L. Arnseth, n.w. of Thompson Cr.. Dam, Apr. 30, 1988, 1722 ft. (525 m.); Brian McColgan, 1 mile n. of Padua on Mt. Baldy Rd., May 14, 1988, no elev. given; Albert J. Perkins, lower end of Mt. Wilson Trail, May 3, 1916, no elev. given

FVS: May 3, 1916

SBCo.: San Sevaine Flats, c. 200 meters w. of jct. of FS Roads 1N34D & 1N34, July 16, 1993, 5540 ft. (1689 m.)

Other records: None found.

+Brodiaea filifolia S. Watson, Thread-leaved (Threadleaf) Brodiaea

(synonym: Hookera filifolia (S. Watson) Greene

Status: CNPS List: 1B R-E-D Code: 3-3-3 State/Fed. Status CE/C2

CRPR 1B.1 S1 G1

LACo.: Glendora, 0.6 miles n. of Sierra Madre Ave., n. of Pennsylvania Ave., (property formerly owned by Bender Family, now developed-added 2010), May 9, 1970, 1200 ft. (366 m.) (in non-clay soil, only plant found was collected-added 2010)

Other records:

Robert Kesler, foothills n. of Glendora, May, 1892, no elev. given; H. Davidson, M.D., Glendora, May 1921, 340 ft. (256 m.) (not posted on the Cons. of CA Herbaria., voucher housed at the Calif. Acad. of Sciences, Botany Dept. The elev. is not on the voucher, but was included on the Calif Native Plant Soc. Data Base of 1987. The lat./long. should place the collected specimen n. of Foothill Blvd. and near Live Oak Ave., near the Little Dalton Wash.); Pam DeVries, May 18, 2001, Glendora area, in or near Wildwood Cyn., May 18, 2001, 1520 ft.

(463 m.); V. Soza & LeRoy Gross, Morgan Fire of 2000 area, between Morgan & Wildwood Cyns., just below Ferguson Mtwy. (<100 ft. below) (E. Glendora-added 2010), May 22, 2001, 1551 ft. (473 m.); Christopher Michael Bronny, s. end of Glendora Fuelbreak, June 8, 2010, 1968 ft. (600 m.) (There are presently seven known populations in the Glendora/San Dimas boundary area.);

FVS: May, 1892, Robert Kessler, foothills north of Glendora

SBCo.: No records found.

Brodiaea jolonensis Eastw., Mesa or Jolon Brodiaea, Chaparral (Cluster Lily) Brodiaea

CA & Baja Ca, Mex.

LACo.: Gary D. Cromwell & D. Wheat, Mystic Cyn., 2 miles n.e. of Glendora, May 23, 1971, 1801 ft. (549 m.) ( also det. as B. terrestris ssp. kernensis); O.W. Robinson, Johnson’s Pasture (n. of Claremont-added 2010), May 7, 1946, no elev. given

FVS: May 7, 1946

SBCo.: L.C. Wheeler, San Sevaine Cow Camp, July 11, 1968, 4700 ft.

(1433 m.)

Brodiaea terrestris Kellogg ssp. kernensis (Hoover) Niehaus, Kern Brodiaea

[synonyms: B. coronaria (Salisb.) Eng. var. kernensis Hoover and B. elegans Hoover var. australis Hoover]

LACo.: Gary D. Cromwell & D. Wheat, 2 miles n.e. of Glendora, Mystic Cyn., in grassy area to w. of cyn., n.e. slope above lower cyn., May 23, 1971, 1801 ft. (549 m.)( also det. as B. jolonensis); reported as rare, grassy areas below

2000 ft. in San Dimas Experimental Forest, 1930’s-1950’s, in SDEF publ. of 1988

SBCo.: I.M. Johnston, Lower San Sevaine Flats, frequent on shaded oaks-pine forest, common locally on drying silt, July 10, 1925, 4799 ft. (1463 m.)

Dichelostemma capitatum (Benth.) Alph Wood, Blue Dicks

LACo.: From 745 ft. (227 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel River Cyn., 400 meters n.e. of River Bike Path parking lot (on w. side-added 2010) of Hwy. 39, R.G. Swinney, Mar. 16, 2009, to 6535 ft. (1945 m.), at Pinyon Ridge, 4.4 miles n. of Hwy. 2 at Vincent Gap at Pinyon Ridge Mtwy., 1.6 miles w. of pk. 6535, June 17, 2008; Mar.-June; fairly common; transmontane, cismontane

FVS: May 5, 1963, Robert F. Thorne & J. Henrickson, c. 4 miles n. Claremont (Cobal Cyn.), foothills of San Gab. Mts. 1699 ft. (518 m.)

SBCo.: Cherry Cyn. “flats”, at s.w. base of Sugarloaf Pk. (south of mouth of Icehouse Cyn.-added 2011), 5058 ft. (1542 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Ridge, 0.5 miles s.w. of Keenbrook, 3.2 miles e. of Lytle Cr. Road, on dirt rd., east.-facing ridge, w. of Cajon Wash, June 19, 1995, 3201 ft. (976 m.)

Other records:

Gerald L. Benny & Colin M. Wainwright, et al., Day Cyn., Apr. 14, 1971, no elev. given; L. Lee, Lost Lake, San Bernardino Natl. Forest, , Mar. 25, 1935, 2749 ft. (838 m.)

FVS: Mar. 25, 1935

Dichelostemma capitatum Alph Wood ssp. capitatum Wood, Blue Dicks

[synonyms: Brodiaea capitata Benth and Brodiaea pulchella (Salisb.) Greene and Hookera pulchella Salisb. and D. pulchellum (Salisb.) A. Heller]

LACo.: Sula Vanderplank, LeRoy Gross, et al., off Big Pines Hwy. (Rd. N), near Shoemaker Cyn., along ridge, wash and roadside, May 6, 2005, 4736 ft.

(1444 m.); A.C. Sanders, long abandoned gravel pit on boundary between Irwindale & Azusa, e. of Irwindale Ave. & south of Foothill Blvd., ______, 519 ft. (158 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Spring Hill, San Antonio Cyn., May 15, 1968, 4002 ft. (1220 m.); Valerie Soza & LeRoy Gross, foothills above San Dimas between Morgan & Wildwood Cyn., May 10, 1999, 1499 ft. (457 m.); Thomas E. Higley, 20 miles n.e. of Azusa, along the E. Fork of the San Gabriel River trail, Apr. 20, 1974, 1499 ft. (457 m.) Gerald Broden & Lori Ackerman, Strawberry Pk., May 19, 1988, no elev. given K.A. Wilson & D.E. Bianchi, Little Tujunga Cyn., 2 miles n. of Hwy. 118, no elev. given, Feb. 2, 1961, no elev. given; Anstruther Davidson, San Gab. Mts., hillsides; Apr., 1890

FVS: Apr., 1890

SBCo.: Pinon Hills area, 0.1 mile s. of Hwy. 138 at Beekley Rd., near Yucca Inn, May 1, 1995, 4441 ft. (1354 m.); Lower Lytle Cr. Divide, 0.7 miles n.e. of jct. of Applewhite Rd. & FS Rd. 3N31, Apr. 3, 1995, 3401 ft. (1037 m.); San Andreas Rift Zone, 0.2 miles w. of jct. of Lone Pine Rd. & Swarthout Cyn. Road, May 23, 1993, 3802 ft. (1159 m.); s. of mouth of Lytle Creek Cyn., 0.6 miles w. of the jct. of Duncan Cyn. Road & Lytle Creek Rd., 4.8 miles w. of Lytle Creek Rd. (Nealey’s Corner) and c. 0.4 miles n. of Front Line Mtwy., Mar. 15, 1993, 1801 ft. (549 m.); Bear Flats, n. of Baldy Village, July 12, 1995, 5599 ft. (1707 m.)

Other records:

Marcus E. Jones, San Gab. Mts. Region, Cajon Pass, May 16, 1903, 3800 ft. (1159 m.)

FVS: May 16, 1903

Muilla coronata Greene, Crowned Muilla

Status CNPS List: 4 R-E-D Code: 1-2-2 State/Fed. Status: /C3b

CRPR 4.2 S3.2? G3

LACo.: s. of Pinon Hills, c. 0.5 miles n.e. of (east summit of-added 2010) Table Mt., summit of ridge just w. of San Bernardino Co. line, June 13, 1997, 6799 ft. (2073 m.)

Other records: None found.

SBCo.: Sheep Cr. near Pinon Hills, 0.8 miles s. of Hwy. 138 via Scrub Oak Rd. and then 70-300 meters w. of Scrub Oak Rd., Apr. 5, 1995, 4579 ft. (1396 m.)

Other records: None found.

Muilla maritima (Torr.) S. Watson, Common Muilla, Sea Muilla

(synonym: M. tenuis Congdon and Hesperoscordium maritimum Torr.)

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

LACo.: From 1401 ft. (427 m.), at Claremont, Edmund M. Pease, Jr., May 6, 1902, to 7501 ft. (2287 m.), at head of Swartout Valley, P.A. Munz, June 18, 1921; Mar.-Aug.; uncommon; all 3 sections

FVS: May 4, 1897, Harley P. Chandler, Claremont, 1197 ft. (365 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.), at mouth of Day Cyn. at n. end of Etiwanda Ave., John Wear & Nathan Moorhatch, May 12, 1994, to 6399 ft. (1951 m.), at cyn. bottom & small plateau between “middle” and “west” forks of Coldwater Cyn., near the jct. of the 2 forks, R.G. Swinney, Aug. 25, 1997 and Michael Denslow, Orlando Mistretta, et al., Heath Cyn., outside Wrightwood, June 2, 2003; Apr.-Aug.; uncommon; montane, cismontane, Cajon Pass

FVS: May 17, 1947; L.C. Wheeler, Cascade Cyn., mesa below rd., 4000 ft. (1219 m.)

+Triteleia dudleyi Hoover, Dudley’s Triteleia

(synonym: Brodiaea dudleyi (Hoover) Munz)



LACo.: From c. 5100 ft. (1555 m.), at S. Fork of Little Rock Cr., 1.8 miles below Alder Saddle in Pinyon Flats area, R.F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, June 30, 1917, to 7000 ft. (2134 m.), at s.w. side Mt. Waterman, L.C. Wheeler, July 15, 1967; June, July; rare; transmontane, montane

FVS: June 30, 1917

SBCo.: No records found.

Triteleia hyacinthina (Lindl.) Greene, Fool’s Onion, White Brodiaea

[synonyms: Brodiaea dissimulata M. Peck and Brodiaea hyacinthina (Lindl) Baker var. lactea Baker and Hesperoscordum hyacinthinum Lindl.]

LACo.: No records found.

SBCo.: Mrs. J. Potter, Camp Baldy, 1919, no elev. given

+Triteleia ixioides (W.T. Aiton) Greene ssp. anilina (Greene) Lenz, Golden Brodiaea, Prettyface

[synonyms: Brodiaea lutea (Lindl.) Morton var. anilina (Greene) Munz and Brodiaea scabra (Greene) Baker var. anilina (Greene) M. Peck and Calllipora scabra Greene var. anilina Greene]

LACo.: Robert F. Thorne & C.W. Tilforth, bank of branch S. Fork Little Rock Cr., 1.8 miles below Alder Saddle in Pinyon Flats area, June 30, 1971, 5097 ft.

(1554 m.); Robert F. Thorne, 3.2 miles WSW of Cloudburst Summit (along Angeles Crest Hwy.), July 2, 1969, 6498 ft. (1981 m.)

FVS: July 2, 1969

SBCo.: No records found.

+Triteleia lugens Greene, Dark-leaved or Coast Range Triteleia

[synonyms: Brodiaea lugens (Greene) Baker and Callipora ixioides (W.T. Aiton) Greene var. lugens (Greene) Abrams]

Status: CNPS List __ R-E-D Code State/Fed. Status:

CRPR 4.3 S3.3 G3

Related to T. ixioides (W.T. Aiton) Greene, scattered occurences need study.

LACo.: Horse Flats, 1 air mile NNW of Newcomb’s Ranch at Hwy. 2 (Angeles Crest Hwy.), June 2, 2009, 5641 ft. (1720 m.)

Other records:

Richard M. Straw, Horse Flats Rd., off of Angeles Crest Hwy., June 16, 1954, no elev. given; Wesley O. Griesel, near Camp Valcrest (State Hwy. 2), June 1, 1961, 6000 ft. (1828 m.); Frank W. Peirson, along stream n. Waterman Mt., June 16, 1921, 6098 ft. (1859 m.)

FVS: June 16, 1921

SBCo.: No records found.

Typhaceae Cattail Family

Typha angustifolia L., Narrowleaf Cattail

[synonyms: T. angustifolia L. var. calumetensis Peattie and T. angustifolia L. var. elongata (Dudley) Wiegand]

Possibly naturalized in CA, according to Jepson 2012.

LACo.: L.C. Wheeler, Big Rock Cr., Old Point Comfort, Sep. 17, 1967, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, W. Fork San Gabriel River, Sep. 2, 1946, 1700 ft. (518 m.)

FVS: Sep. 2, 1946

SBCo.: R.C. Smith, Lost Lake, e. end, July 19, 1972, 3198 ft. (975 m.)

Typha domingensis Pers., Southern Cattail

(synonym: T. angustata Bory & Chaubard)

Very variable worldwide, needs study.

LACo.: From 636 ft. (194 m.), at San Gabriel River wash, Azusa/Duarte boundary, 0.5 miles n. of Puente Largo Railway Bridge, on e. side of main channel, 1 mile n. of Foothill Blvd. on e. side of Encanto Pkwy., June 28, 2009, to 6140 ft. (1872 m.), at Jackson Lake, w. of Wrightwood, R.G. Swinney, June 19, 1997, 6140 ft. (1872 m.); June, July, Sep., Oct.; uncommon in moist areas and in water; all 3 sectioins

FVS: May 24, 1967, L.C. Wheeler, Indian Cyn., near mouth, 2299 ft. (701 m.)

SBCo.: Controversy Springs, at head of Cajon Cyn., s.e. of Mt. Top Jct., 0.5 miles s. of Hwy. 138, on FS Road 3N37, Oct. 8, 1993, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); Lost Lake, Lone Pine Cyn., Oct. 19, 1991, 2781 ft. (848 m.)

Other records:

Dave Thompson, Lost Lake in Cajon Pass Area, June 16, 1987, 2801 ft.

(854 m.); P.H. Raven, Lost Lake, Lone Pine Cyn., Sep. 17, 1961, 2749 ft.

(838 m.)

FVS: Sep. 17, 1961

Typha latifolia L., Broadleaf Cattail

LACo.: From 640 ft. (195 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 0.8 miles n. of Foothill Blvd., R.G. Swinney, Dec. 2, 2008, to 6550 ft. (1997 m.), at foot of Holiday Hill Ski Lift, L.C. Wheeler, Sep. 17, 1967; July-Sep., Dec; fairly common in moist areas and in water; all 3 sections

FVS: Sep. 26, 1933, L.C. Wheeler, San Gabriel Cyn., 1499 ft. (457 m.)

SBCo.: From 2001 ft. (610 m.) at Glen Helen Regional Park, mouth of Cajon Pass, Dave Thomason, June 15, 1987 and R.G. Swinney, Glen Helen Regional Park, extreme n.w. end of Park (“Sycamore Flat”), Aug. 18, 1994, to 5000 ft.

(1524 m.), at Lone Pine Cyn., near Cajon Pass, P.A. Munz, Aug. 30, 1923; June, Aug.-Oct.; uncommon; montane, Cajon Pass

FVS: Aug. 30, 1923

Zannichelliaceae Horned Pondweed Family

Zannichellia palustris L., Horned Pondweed

[synonyms: Z. major (Hartm.) Boenn. ex Rchb. and Z. palustris L. var. major (Hartm.) W.D.J. Koch and Z. palustris L. var. stenophylla Asch. & Graebr.]

LACo.: From 659 ft. (201 m.), at Azusa, mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., 1 mile n. of Foothill Blvd. (in main channel-added 2010), R.G. Swinney, Dec. 4, 2008, to 6100 ft. (1859 m.), at Jackson Lake, L.C. Wheeler, Aug. 28, 1946; Mar., June-Dec.; rare; all 3 sections

FVS: Aug. 28, 1946

SBCo.: No records found.

Part II

Plants of the Liebre Mountains, not found in the main east-west block of the San Gabriel Mountains

The main text of this treatment on the plants of the San Gabriel Mountains, includes only the main east-west block of the range. A partial explanation of this descision, is included in the main text introduction. Because the “Liebre Mts (including the south-eastern area with the Sierra Pelona) are included as part of the San Gabriel Mts. on most maps, it may be insightful to include those plant species that are unique to the Liebre Mountains portion of the San Gabriel Moutains. Those plants included in the main text that were found only in the boundary region between the two components, are also listed in this treatment of the Liebre Mountains.


Marsiliaceae Marsilea Family

Marsilea vestita Hook. & Grev.ssp. vestita, Hairy Waterclover

Peter H. Raven, strand of Boquet Reservoir at e. end, Sep. 24, 1996, 2998 ft. (914 m.)

Pilularia americana A. Braun, American Pillwort


Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, et al., Plum Cyn., s.w. of Cruzan Mesa, along Arline Rd., c. 2 miles w. of jct. with Sierra Hwy., in Mint Cyn., Mar. 17, 1998, 2000 ft. (609 m.)

Pteridaceae Brake Family

Cheilanthes gracillima D.C. Eaton, Lace Lip Fern

Hybridizes with C. intertexta

Dr. H. deforest, Liebre Mts. region, _____________, chaparral along Ridge Route, June, 1931, no elev. given


Cupressaceae Cypress Family

Hesperocyparis forbesii (Jeps.) Bartel, Tecate Cypress

[synonyms: Callitropsis guadalupensis (S. Watson) D.P. Little and Neocupressus guadalupensis (S.Watson) de Laub. and Cupressus guadalupensis (S. Watson) Bartel var. forbessii (Jeps.) Little and Calliltropsis forbesii (Jeps.) D.P. Little]

Status: CRPR: 1B.1 S1.1 G2

Native in w. PR (CA) & n.w. Baja CA, Mex.; planted outside native range in s.w. mountains

S. Boyd with L. Lenz, Warm Springs Mt., along rd. to summit just w. of cutoff to Necktie Basin, on slope between rd. & steep escarpment into Warm Springs Cyn., May 2, 2001, no elev. given; Steve Boyd, Rowher Flats, area near off-hwy. vehicle staging areas at end of Angeles Ntl. Forest Rd. 5N14, Apr. 15, 2004, no elev. given

Pinaceae Pine Family

Pinus sabiana D.Don, Gray, Ghost or Foothill Pine

CA & s. OR

From 2998 ft. (914 m.) at Pine Cyn., Tejon Quad, R. St. John, Feb. 24, 1930, to 4999 ft. (1524 m.), at Sandbergs, Liebre Mtn., P.A. Munz, Apr. 24, 1921; uncommon ?; Jan.-June, Sep., Oct.


Apiaceae Carrot Family

Heracleum maximum W. Bartram, Cow Parsnip, Giant Hogweed

(synonym: H. lanatum Michx.)

T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Atmore Meadows, between Liebre & Sawmill Mts., streams draining s.w. to the N. Fork of Fish Cyn., May 11, 1994, 4320-4350 ft. (1317 m.)

Sanicula graveollens DC., Northern Sanicle

T.S. Ross, Orlando Mistretta, et al., Liebre Mt., n. slope, between Cow Spring Cyn. and Horse Camp Cyn., June 27, 1990, 4389 ft. (1338 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Liebre Mt., n. slope, along upper portions of Pacific Crest Trail which follows the ridge just e. of Horse Camp Cyn., June 27, 1990, 4881 ft. (1488 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, w. summit of Liebre Mt., w. summit here construed as the rounded knoll, 100 meters s. of the jct. of section 3,4,9, & 10, T 7N R 17W, May 25, 1994, 5524 ft. (1684 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Sawmill Mt., n. slope of the w. summit area about hdwtrs of W. Fork Devils Gulch, May 11, 1994,

4920-5080 ft. (1500 m.)

+Tauschia hartwegii (A. Gray) J.F. Macbr., Hartweg’s Umbrellawort

T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, saddle between mt’s long e. ridge & a small notched peak (3227-ft.) c. 77 meters SSW of ___ Spring (in upper Clearwater Cyn.), May 23, 1993, 290 ft. (884 m.); Vasu Dev, Dr. Barbara C. Dev, et al., Hauser Mt. From Word Rd. off-ramp, off Hwy. 14, turn left on Sierra Hwy., about 1 mi. turn right on Shannondale Rd., about 0.5 miles, turn right on Shannon Valley Rd., about 0.3 mi., turn left on Via Kramero Rd., at first right follow Shannon View Rd. uphill on narrow paved rd. about 3 miles. Park and an old silo well, below closed gate to road , microwave towers, look for rock outcropping on the n. side of rd. below the parking area, Apr. 24, 2008, no elev. given; R. Hoffman, N. Bouquet Cyn., May 4, 1931, no elev. given; Timothy S. Ross, “Old Ridge Route” 2.9 rd. miles NNW of jct. with Templin Hwy., Liebre Mts., 1840 meters WNW of confl. of Castaic Cr. and Fish Cyn., Apr. 7, 1995, 3037-3100 ft. (926-945 m.); B.C. Templeton, Bouquet Cyn., Angeles Natl. Forest, May 21, 1947, no elev. given; Darley F. Howe, Bouquet Cyn., May 4, 1948, 2194 ft. (669 m.); D.F. Howe, Bouquet Cyn., Mar. 4, 1948, 2201 ft. (671 m.)

Asteraceae Sunflower Family

Balsamorhiza deltoidea Nutt., Deltoid Balsamroot

From 2001 ft. (610 m.), Bouquet Cyn., Theodore Payne, May 19, 1939, to

5461 ft. (1665 m.), at Sawmill Mt., 5514 ft. summit & imm. adjacent slopes, June 23, 1994, 5461 ft. (1665 m.); rare-uncommon ?; Mar.-June

Deinardia kelloggii (Greene) Greene, Kellogg’s Tarweed

(synonym: Hemizonia kelloggii Greene)

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, along Elizabeth Lake Rd. in Leona Valley, s. of Portal Ridge, 5.1 rd. miles w. of jct. with 90th St. West, June 18, 1997, 3460 ft. (155 m.); L.C. Wheeler, Liebre Mt., Two Shay Ranch, Bouquet Cyn., June 21, 1965, no elev. given

+Hazardia squarrosa (Hook. & Arn.) Greene var. obtusa (Greene) Jeps., Sawtooth, Bristleweed

Lauren Raz & S.D. Boyd, Ruby Cyn., e. of jct. of FS Rd. 6N24 with Lake Hughes Rd., Oct. 23, 1996, 2000 ft. 699 m.)

+Helianthus californicus (Greene) D.D. Keck, California Sunflower

Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, Agua Dulce Cyn., just n. of Hwy. 14 & the confl. with Escondido Cyn., along Agua Dulce Cyn. Road, Oct. 14, 1996, 2200 ft. (671 m.); J.M. Porter, along I-14 at Agua Dulce exit, n. of Hwy. Nov. 5, 2006, 4920 ft.

(1500 m.); P.A. Munz, & I.M. Johnston, Bouquet Cyn., Sep. 4, 1928, 2499 ft.

(762 m.)

+Lasthenia microglossa (DC.) Greene, Small-ray Goldfields

Ernest C. Twisselmann, 0.25 miles n.w. of Old Liebre Ranch Hdqrts., Apr. 18, 1962, 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

+Lessingia glandulifera A. Gray var. peirsonii (J.T. Howell) Markos, Peirson’s Lessingia

(synonym: L. lemmonii var. peirsonii (J.T. Howell) Ferris

R. Hoffman, Chandler’s Ridge Route (US Hwy. 99), Sep. 19, 1927, no elev. given; R. Hoffman, Ridge Route US Hwy. 99, near Sandberg’s, June 8, 1927, no elev. given; R. Hoffman, Hughes Lake, July 9, 1928, no elev. given; Willard Spence, 1.7 miles w. of entrance to Lake Elizabetht Ranch Club (on the Lake Hughes), Aug. 23, 1960, no elev. given; L. Gross with P. Mortan, w. end of main crest, s. from Pacific Crest Trail along Rd. 7N23 past 2nd PCT that exits off n. of the rd., w. of Bear Gulch Camp, June 9, 2004, 5537 ft. (1688 m.); Willard Spence, 0.5 miles n. Holland Summit (Castaic Valley), July 27, 1962, no elev. given; P.A. Munz, near Ellizabeth Lodge (cyn. N. of Pine Cyn.), June 9, 1923, 3998 ft. (1219 m.); Frank W. Peirson, King Cyn., Liebre Mts., June 9, 1923,

3847 ft. (1173 m.)

+Lessingia tenuis (A. Gray) Coville, Spring Lessingia

Status: CRPR: 4.3 S3.3 G3

Marcus E. Jones, s. of Lebec, Liebre Mts., June 7, 1926, no elev. given

+Packera breweri (Burtt Davy) W.A. Weber & A. Love, Brewer’s Ragwort

(synonym: Senecio breweri Burtt Davy)

From 2900 ft. (884 m.), at saddle between Red Mts’s Long E Ridge and a small notched Pk. (3227-ft.) c. 700 meters SSW of Plum Spring (in upper Clearwater Cyn., May 23, 1993, 2900 ft. (884 m.), to 4297 ft. (1310 m.), at Sandbergs near Quail Lake, June 4, 1933, 4297 ft. (1310 m.); rare-uncommon ?; Mar.-June

Psilocarphus brevissimus Nutt., var. multiflorus, Dwarf Woolyheads

(synonym: P. globiferus Nutt.)

J.M. Porter, J. Travais Columbus, et al., c. 2 miles n. Solemint, just off Arline Rd., 2 mile, from jct. with Sierra Hwy.,around a vernal pool on shelf above Plum Cyn. & Arline Rd., June 5, 1996, 2000 ft. (610 m.); Steve Boy & Lauren Raz, Plum Cyn., s.w. of Cruzan Mesa along Arline Rd., c. 2 miles w. of jct. with Sierra Hwy., in Mint Cyn., Oct. 8, 1996, 2000 ft. (610 m.); A.C. Sanders, Santa Clarita area, Plum Cyn., s.w. of Cruzan Mesa on bench on n. side of cyn., May 11, 2005,

1879 ft. (573 m.)

+Stylocline masonii Morefield, Mason’s Neststraw

Status: CRPR: 1B.1 S1.1 G1

Tim Ross, Steve Bolyd, et al., wash 2600 ft. SSE of Acton (Soledad Cyn.) easterly extension of the Santa Clara River Wash system, Apr. 30, 1991, 2719 ft. (829 m.)

Symphyotrichium frondosum (Nutt.) G.L. Nesom, Short-rayed Alkali Aster

(synonym: Aster frondosum (Nutt.) Torr. & A. Gray)

Symphyotrichium subulatum (Michx.) G.L. Nesom var. elongatum (A.G. Jones & Lowry) S.D. Sundb. and Aster subulatum var. elongatum A.G. Jones & Lowry and A. bahamensis Britton), Eastern Annual Saltmarsh Aster

Native to s.e. US & W. Indies

Steve Boyd, Mark A. Elvin, et al., s.w. shore of Quail Lake, extreme w. end of Mojave Desert at n. base of Liebre Mts., Dec. 8, 2006 (also listed as Nov. 8, 2006), 3359 ft. 1024 m.); D. Charlton, Lake Hughes, Hwy. N-2 along the San Andreas Fault, w. of Lancaster, Oct. 7, 1989, 3001 ft. (15 m.)

Symphyotrichium subulatum var. parviflorum (Nees) S.D. Sundb., Eastern Annual Saltmarsh Aster

[synonyms; Aster subulatum var. cubensis (DC.) Shinners]

R. Hoffman near Castaic, Aug. 30, 1927, no elev. given; Steve Boyd & Mark Elvin, et al., s.w. shore of Quail Lake, extreme w. end of Mojave Desert at n. base of Liebre Mts., Nov. 8, 2006, 3359 ft. (1029 m.); Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, s.w. end of Quail Lake in seasonal flooded depression on s. side of Hwy. 138, Oct. 14, 1996, 3349 ft. (1021 m.)

Boraginaceae Borage or Waterleaf Family

+Cryptantha sparsiflora (Greene) Greene, Few-flowered Cryptantha

Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, Sierra Pelona ridgeline, c. 1.5 miles w. of Mt. McDill and 13 miles SSE of Lincoln Crest, the head of Bouquet Cyn., May 1, 1997,

4800-4960 ft. (1463 m.)

Harpagonella palmeri A. Gray, Palmer’s Grapplinghook

May be indistinct from Pectocarya, needs study

Status: CRPR: 4.2 S3.2 G4

From 1151 ft. (351 m.), at Newhall Ranch, River Park area, e. of I-5, n. of Santa Clara River and w. of Bouquet Cyn., Anuja Parikh & Nathon Gale, Apr. 29, 2005, to 2080 ft. (634 m.) at Plum Cyn., s.w. of Cruzan Mesa along Arline Rd., c. 2 miles w. of jct. with Sierra Hwy. in Mint Cyn., top of ridge on s. side of cyn., Steve Boyd, & Valerie Soza, Apr. 28, 1998; rare; Mar.-May

Plagiobothrys acanthocarpus (Piper) I.M. Johnston, Adobe Popcornflower

CA & Mex.

S.D. White, S. Leateherman (Leatherman ?-added 2012), et al.,, s.w. Liebre Mts., Grasshopper Cyn., area near Castaic Lake (Whitaker Pk.) adj. Warm Srping Mt., Apr. 24, 2001, 1700-2300 ft. (518-701 m.); Steve Boyd, Lauren Raz, et al., Plum Cyn. s.w. of Cruzan Mesa along Arline Rd., c. 2 miles w. of jct. with Sierra Hwy. in Mint Cyn., Mar. 17, 1998, 2000 ft. (609 m.)

Brassicaceae Mustard Family

Athysanus unilateralis (M.E. Jones) Jeps., Ladietongue Mustard

C; OR & Baja CA, Mex

[synonym: Hedterodraba unilateralis (M.E. Jones) Greene]

Steve Boyd, Lee Lenz, along Hwy. 138, base of hills at edge of w.-most end of Antelope Valley, just e. of jct. with Old Ridge Route, May 2, 2001, no elev. given

+Caulanthus coulteri S. Watson, Coulter’s Wild Cabbage

From 1614 ft. (492 m.) at Castaic Cr. & confl. of Fish Cyn. & general vic., T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Apr. 30, 1991, to 4398 ft. (1341 m.) at w. end of Liebre Mt. along FS Rd. 7N23, c. 0.9 rd.-miles n.e. of its jct. with Old Ridge Route, c. 4550 ft. SSW of Sandberg Triangulation Pt., T.S. Ross, Apr. 26, 1995; rare- uncommon ?; Mar.-June

Descurania pinnata (Walter) Britton ssp. brachycarpa (Richardson) Detling,

Native to Eurasia, n. Africa; a highly variable complex species

Tim S. Ross & Steve Boyd, San Francisquito Cyn., hdwtrs. of the cyn. n.e. of Green Valley, c. 600 meters s.w. of summit of grade, c. 2460 meters ESE of Grass Mt. Summit, May, 4, 1994, 3457-3529 ft. (1054-1076 m.); Carl B. Wolf, s. base of Ridge Route, 1 mile n. of Castaic, Mar. 29, 1928, 1299 ft. (396 m.); Carl B. Wolf, foothills at s. side of Antelope Valley, 2 miles s. of Neenach, Mar. 29, 1928, 3496 ft. (1066 m.)

Draba verna L., Spring Draba

Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, n. base of Liebre Mt. in the San Andreas Rift Zone, at the point where Cow Spring drainage crosses Pine Cyn. Road, Mar. 24, 1998 & May 29, 1997, 3800 ft. (1158 m.)

Hornungia procumbens (L.) Hayek, Prostrate Hutchinsia

[synonyms: Hutchinsia procumbens (L.) Desv. and Hymenolobus procumbens _____]

Native to Eurasia

V. Soza & LeRoy Gross, w. side of Bouquet Cyn., cyn. opposite Texas Cyn., Stable Fire 2001 area, Apr. 3, 2002, 1801 ft. (549 m.)

Lepidium chalepensis L., Lens-podded Hoary Cress

(synonym: Cardaria chalepensis (L.) Hand.-Mazz.)

Native to w. & c. Asia

Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, along Elizabeth Lake Rd. in Leona Valley, s. of Portal Ridge, 5.1 rd.-miles w. of jct. with 90th St. West, June 18, 1997, 3460 ft.

(1055 m.)

Lepidium lasiocarpum Nutt. ssp. lasiocarpum, Shaggyfruit Pepperweed

(synonym: L. lasiocarpum var. lasiocarpum)

CA & Mex. (?)

Matthiola incana (L.) W.T. Aiton,

Native to Europe

Anstruther Davidson, Liebre Mt. region, Acton, May 1, 1921, no elev. given; also included in main text, as it is recoreded from the s. boundary of the Liebre Mts.

Streptanthus campestris S. Watson, Southern Jewelflower

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

Status: CRPR: 1B.3 S2.3 G2

W.R. Dudley & Fitt. Lamb, Liebre Mts., Elizabeth Lake Cyn., June 9, 1896, no elev. given

Thysanocarpus curvipes var. curvipes, Sand Fringepod

No ssp. are listed in TJM2, a note under genus description in TJM2, states that revised taxonomy was too late for full treatment (Alexander et al., 2010 Syst Bot 35:559-577) includes 5 ssp. of T. curvipes (current status will be updated when obtained)

From 1614 ft. (492 m.) at Castaic Cr., confl. of Fish Cyn. & general vic., T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Apr. 30, 1991, to 5560-5685 ft. (1695 m.) at Liebre Mt., central summit area, c. 1750 meters WSW of Bear Gulch Camp, T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, May 11, 1994; uncommon; Mar.-May

Caryophyllaceae Pink Family

Minuartia pusilla (S. Watson) Mattf., Annual Sandwort

Steve Boyd, Lauren Raz, low n. flank of Bald Mt., along Pacific Crest Trail, on top of ridgeline, e. of Horse Camp Cyn., Apr. 14, 1997, 4759 ft. (1451 m.); Steve Boyd, Valerie Soza, et al., n. base of Liebre Mt. in the San Andreas Rift Zone at the point where Cow Spring drainage crosses Pine Cyn. Rd., Mar. 24, 1998, 3800 ft. (1158 m.); Steve Boyd, Valerie Soza, et al., Portal Ridge, n. of the San Andreas Rift Zone, in the Cow Spring drainage along the Pacific Crest Trail, Mar. 24, 1998, 3680 ft. (1121 m.)

Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot Family

Atriplex glauca L., Waxy Saltbush

Native to Europe

Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, s. base of Sierra Pelona Ridge, Crown Valley, just n.w. of Governor Mine, c. 0.8 miles n. of Sierra Hwy. along Crown Valley Rd., disturbed and graded area associated with high tension power lines, Mar. 4, 1997, 3237 ft. (987 m.)

Atriplex lentiformis (Torr.) S. Watson ssp. breweri (S. Watson) H.M. Hall & Clem., Quailbush

(TJM2 includes: If recognized taxononmically, coastal, ChI plants with large leaves & fruits)

T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Green Valley Pasture (in San Francisquito Cyn.) Saugus Dist., June 6, 1990, 3041 ft. (927 m.)

Atriplex polycarpa (Torr.) S. Watson, Allscale Saltbush, Cattle Saltbush

Also included in the main text.

R. Hoffman, 2 miles w. of Acton, Aug. 31, 1927, no elev. given (possibly s. of Liebre Mts. boundary); Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, rugged hills at e. edge of Bouquet Cyn., s. of Vasquez Cyn. & n.w. of Cruzan Mesa, along Vasquez Cyn. Rd., c. 0.9 miles e. of jct. with Bouquet Cyn. Road, Oct. 8, 1996, c. 1720 ft.

(524 m.); Alfred R. Roos, Mint Cyn., s. of Palmdale, Sep. 15, 1948, no elev. given

Convolvulaceae Morning-Glory Family

Calystegia collina (Greene) Brummitt ssp. venusta Brummitt, South Coast Range Morning-glory

(synonym: Calystegia malacophylla (Greene) Munz ssp. pedicellata (Jeps.) Munz)

Status: CRPR: 4.3 S3.2 G4T3

Tim Ross, Steve Boyd, et al, Piru Pond, Liebre Mt. Quad, June 6, 1990, c.

2115 ft. (645 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, et al., Liebre Mts., n.w. slope between Tentrock Cyn. & Poison Oak Cyn., June 28, 1990, 4599 ft. (1402 m.); T.S. Ross & Victor W. Steinmann, Lower Spunky Cyn., easterly slope at the effluence of the cyn. into Bouquet Reservoir, May 8, 1995, c. 3005-3040 ft. (916 m.); Marcus E. Jones, Liebre Mts. region, s. of Lebec, Liebre Mts., June 7, 1926, no elev. given (possibly n. of LIebre Mts. boundary)

Cressa truxillensis Kunth, Alkali Weed

At s. boundary of the Liebre Mts., also included in the main text.

Steve Boyd, Mark Elvin, et al., s.e. end of Peace Valley, in San Andreas Rift Zone, fault segment, south of Hwy. 138 and n. of aqueduct, c. 0.75 air miles w. of Quail Lake, June 25, 1996, 3300 ft. (1006 m.)

Cucurbitaceae Gourd Family

+Marah fabacea (Naudin) Greene, California Man-root

(synonym: M. fabaceus orth. var.)

Also included in main text.

Steve Boyd, Lauren Raz, et al., upper watershed of Osito Cyn. between I-5 and the Old Ridge Route, vic. of “Osito Flat”, a distinctive, open grass/break in slope

under high tension power lines, Apr. 1, 1997, 2601 ft. (793 m.); Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, n. base of Portal Ridge at mouth of Myrick Cyn., s. edge of the Antelope Valley, s. of Fairmont Rreservoir, Mar. 26, 1997, 3201 ft. (976 m.); R. Hoffman, Del Sur to Elizabeth Lake, May 21, 1929, no elev. given; L.C. Wheeler, Liebre Mts. region, 4 miles w. Fairmont, Mohave Desert, Apr. 9, 1932, 3001 ft.

(915 m.); R. Hoffman where Elizabeth Lake Rd. enters hills, Palmdale, Apr. 3, 1932, no elev. given

+Marah horrida (Congdon) Dunn, Sierra Man-root

(synonym: M. horridus orth. var.)

Steve Boyd & T.S. Ross, Liebre Mts., Portal Ridge, open ridgeline about jct. of Juday Truck Trail & Troedel Mtwy., s. of Troedel Spring, Mar. 21, 1997, 3880 ft. (1183 m.); Daryl Koutnik & Bruce Holguin, Antelope Valley, side from Lake Hughes to Fairmont Reservoir, Apr. 1, 1978, 3496 ft. (1066 m.); Daryl Koutnik, Bruce Holguin, Elizebeth Lake Rd., n.w. of Palmdale, Apr. 1, 1978, 2998 ft.

(914 m.)

Elatinaceae Waterwort Family

Elatinae chilensis Gay, Chilean Waterwort

Steve Boyd & Valerie Soza, Plum Cyn., s.w. of Cruzan Mesa along Arline Rd., c. 2 miles w. of jct. with Sierra Hwy. in Mint Cyn., Apr. 28, 1998, 1760 ft. (536 m.)

Fabaceae Pea Family

Acacia saligna (Labill.) H.L. Wendell, Golden Wreath Wattle

Native to s.w. Australia

T.S. Ross & Darin Banks, San Francisquito Cyn., c. 1080 meters s.w. San Francisquito Power House No. 2, Sever (several-added 2012) meters w. of the road, adj. to the riparian strip, Apr. 12, 1994, 1479 ft. (451 m.)

Caesalpinia gillesii (Hook.) D. Dietr., Bird-of paradise

Native to Argentina & Uruguay; Toxic

Also included in main text. The only record lies in between the two ranges.

T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Liebre Mts. region, lower Soledad Cyn., Soledad Cyn. Rd., 1.5 road miles e. of Hwy. 14, June 1, 1990, c. 1950 ft. (595 m.)

+Lupinus benthamii A. Heller, Spider Lupine

From 3598 ft. (1097 m.), at 2 miles e. of Gorman on St. Hwy. 138, E.R. Blakley, May 9, 1958, to _____________; rare; Apr.-June

Lupinus bicolor Lindl., Miniature Lupine

Highly variable, needs study, not recog. by TJM2

ssp. marginatus with 7 records

ssp. tridentatus with 13 records

Thermopsis californica var. argenata (Greene) C.J. Chen & B.L. Turner, Silvery-false Lupine

(synonym: T. macrophylla var. argentata (Greene) Jeps.)

Status: CRPR: 4.3 S3.3 G3T3

Scott D. White, Bold Mt. area, w. of Old Ridge Route, May 5, 2004, 4198 ft.

(1280 m.); Anstruther Davidson, hills near Lock Catrina, Manzana, May 6, 1895, no elev. given; T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., Liebre Mt., n. slope from summit near the beginning of Horse Camp Cyn. drainage, June 27, 1990, 5681 ft.

(1732 m.); Wandalee Thompson, Tweedy Lake, Pine Cyn., Elizabeth Lake Rd. between Lake Hughes & Gorman on N-2 on Pelona Ridge, May 21, 1964,

3850 ft. (1174 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd et al., Liebre Mt., w. summit area, July 6, 1994, 5645 ft. (1721 m.); Steve Boyd, Dave Bramlet, et al., along summit of Liebre Mt., near head of Robinson Cyn., vic. of concrete wildlife drinker site, n. of FS Rd. 7N23, May 10, 1997, 3600 ft. (1097 m.)

Vicia hassei S. Watson, Slender Vetch, Hasse’s Vetch

Easily confused with V. ludoviciana Torr. & A. Gray, in CA.

Steve Boyd, Valerio Soza, et al., Plum Cyn., s.w. of Cruzan Mesa along Arline Rd., c. 2 miles w. of jct. with Sierra Hwy. in Mint Cyn., Mar. 24, 1998, 2000 ft

(609 m.)

Fagaceae Oak Family

+Quercus x alvordiana Eastw., Alvord Oak

(Q. douglasii x Q. turbinella)

Hybrids involving Q. douglasii & Q. John-tuckeri, considered sp. by Eastw.

R. Hoffman, near Bob’s Place, Mint Cyn., Oct. 1, 1931, no elev. given

+Quercus douglasii Hook & Arn., Blue Oak

Hybridizes with Q. garryana, Q. john-tuckeri & Q. lobata

From 2099 ft. (640 m.), at 200 yds. n. of Mint Cyn. Cmpgrd. (off US Hwy. 6), A. Grant, May 15, 1965, to 4398 ft. (1341 m.), at w. slope of Liebre Mt., between West Liebre Lookout and the Old Ridge Route, June 28, 1990; uncommon ?; Feb., Mar.-June, Sep.-Dec.

Quercus garryana Hook.. var. breweri (Engelm.) Jeps., Oregon White Oak

[synonym: Q. garryana var. fruticosa (Engelm.) Goyaerts]

CA & OR; hybridizes with Q. saddleriana R. Br. Ter

From 3601 ft. (1098 m.), not far from Artesian Spring Camp Rd., e. of reservoir, Bouquet Cyn., to Loma Pelona Lookout, Ward B. Holt, Oct. 19, 1941, to 5169- 5189 ft. (1576-1582 m.), at Liebre Mt., upper w. end of the mt., along FS Rd. 7N23, c. 200 meters s.w. of Sandberg Triangulation Point, Timothy S. Ross & Steve Boyd, Sep. 21, 1994; uncommon ?; Apr., May, July, Sep., Oct.

Quercus wislizeni A. DC. var. wislizeni, Interior Live Oak

CA & Baja CA, Mex.; Hybridizes Q. agrifolia Nee & Q. kelloggii Newb.

T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Lower Deer Cyn., inside the rather, broad mouth of the cyn., c. 220-380 meters NNW of its confl. with Elizabeth Lake Cyn., May 10, 1994, 2863 ft. (873 m.); Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, Atmore Meadows area at the s.e. end of Liebre Mt. in a trib. drainage to the N. Fork Fish Cyn., Oct. 29, 1996, c. 4320 ft. (1317 m.)

Grossulariaceae Gooseberry Family

Ribes quercetorum Greene, Oakwoods Gooseberry

CA; AR & n. Baja CA, Mex.

From 3001 ft. (915 m.), at Knapp Ranch area at upper end of Castaic Cr. drainage in broad alluvial valley at head of Cienaga Cyn., s. of Liebre Mt., from gate of inholding boundary near spring area along FS Rd. 7N22 down to beginning of extensive wetland, s. of the old dry pastures, Apr. 25, 1996, c. 3000- 3280 ft. (915 m.), to 4198 ft. (1280 m.), at Liebre Mts., Bold Mt. area, w. of Old Ridge Route, Scott D. White, May 5, 2004; uncommon ?; Jan., Mar.-June

Lamiaceae Mint Family

+Acanthomintha obovata Jeps. ssp. cordata Jokerst., Heart-leaved Thornmint

Status: CRPR: 4.2 S3.2? G3?T3?

E.L. Adams, near Liebre, Ridge Route, 1924, no elev. given

+Lepechinia rossii S. Boyd & Mistretta, Ross’s Pitcher Sage

Status: CRPR: 1B.2 S1.2 G1

Liebre & Topatopa Mts.

Steven D. Boyd & Tammy Morgan, head of Ruby Cyn. on n. flank of Red Mt., between Elizabeth Lake and San Francisquito Cyn., May 11, 2004, 1000 ft.

(305 m.); L. Gross, V. Arvizu, et al., Ruby Clearwater Truck Trail, s. of Ruby Cyn., n. of Red Mt., May 24, 2005, 2585 ft. (788 m.); Steve Boyd & Orlando Mistretta, n. slope of Red Mt. at saddle between Ruby & Clearwater Cyns., at jct. of FS Rd. 6N24 & 7N01, May 11, 1993, no elev. given; Orlando Mistretta, Red Mt., Sep. 25, 1991, no elev. given; S. Boyd & V. Arvisu, e. of Sespe Cyn. near upper end of Tar Cr. Road and Trail, June 8, 2004, 2499 ft. (762 m.)

Mentha canadensis L., American Cornmint & Japanese Peppermint

[synonyms: M. arvensis L. var. canadensis (L.) Kuntze and M. arvensis L. var. villosa (Benth.) S.R. Stewart]

Also included in main text, found at s. boundary of Liebre Mts.

Steve Boyd & Mike Wall, confl. of Ruby Cyn. & ElizabethLake Cyn. at n.w. end of Red Mt., May 16, 1996, c. 1920 ft. (585 m.); Lauren Raz & S.D. Boyd, entrance to Ruby Cyn. on FS Rd., 6N24, c. 1/10 meter from jct. with Lake Hughes Rd., Oct. 23, 1996, 2001 ft. (610 m.); T.S. Ross, S.D. Boyd, et al., “Cottonwood Swamp” confl. of San Francisquito Cyn. stream & 2 tributaries draining off the s.e. slopes of Red Mt., July 6, 1994, 1679 ft. (512 m.)

+Monardella candicans Benth., Sierra Monardella

Status: CRPR: 4.3 S3.3 G3

B.C. Templeton, Bouquet Cyn., May 17, 1931, no elev. given

Loasaceae Loasa Family

+Petalonyx thurberi A. Gray ssp. thurberi, Thurber’s Sandpaper Plant

Also recorded in the main text. Found on s. boundary of Liebre Mts.

From 1394 ft. (425 m.), at Bouquet Cyn., s. of David Way, jct. with Bouquet Cyn. Rd., Dan S. Cooper, Sep. 19, 2011, to 2900-2959 ft. (884-902 m.), at 2 miles n.w. of Acton, sandy wash, s. side of jct. Escondido Cyn. Rd. & Red Rover Mine Rd., Timothy Ross & Steve Boyd, Sep, 20, 1994; rare; May-Oct.

Malvaceae Mallow Family

Sidalcea neomexicana A. Gray ssp. thurberi, Salt Spring Checkerbloom

Variable, taxonomy below sp. level, needs study, not listed in TJM2

Status: CRPR: 2.2 S2S3 G4?

Fay A. MacFadden, summit of hwy. through San Francisquito Cyn. to Lake Hughes, Apr. 22, 1931, no elev. given; Anstruther Davidson, Ellizabeth Lake, May, 1920, no elev. given

Sphaeralcea emoryi A. Gray var. emoryi, Emory’s Globemallow

(synonym: S. emoryi var. variabilis)

B.C. Tmepleton, Mint Cyn., May 19, 1930, 1968 ft. (600 m.); Geo. Cantwell, Mint Cyn., May, 1930, no elev. given

Nyctaginaceae Four O’Clock Family

Mirabilis multiflora (Torr.) A. Gray, Colorado Four O’Clock

R. Hoffman, Neenach, May 17, 1925, no elev. given; R. Hoffman, Neenach, June 14, 1927, no elev. given

Mirabilis multiflora (Torr.) A.Gray var. pubescens S. Watson, Colorado Four O’Clock

Also included in main text, one specimen recorded at Kentucky Springs, near boundary between the two ranges.

Orlando Mistrretta & Christine Mistretta, So. CA Edison transmission line tower (Seg. 5, structure 31 per TRTP Survey 2008) in the vic. of Portal Ridge, s.e. of Elizabeth Lake Rd., May 3, 2008, 3142 ft. (958 m.); A. Simontacchi, 1 ¾ miles WSW Manzana, May 26, 1935, 2998 ft. (914 m.); Steve Boyd, s. edge of Antelope Valley, at the n. base of Portal Ridge, n.w. of the mouth of Kings Cyn., s. of Hwy. 138 and Calif. Aquiduct, Oct. 7, 1998, 3001 ft. (915 m.); T.W. Minthorn, near Neenach, June 11, 1927, no elev. given; Anstruther Davidson, Elizabeth Lake, Sep., 1892, no elev. given

Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family

+Clarkia heterandra (Torr.) H. Lewis & P.H. Raven, Mountain Clarkia

From 3280 ft. (1000 m.), at 8 miles w. of Elizabeth Lake, C.L. Hitchcock, May 27, 1928, to 5000 ft. (1143-1524 m.), at n. slope Liebre Mts. (and si. east. of Collins Ranch-house and extending up slope, June 3, 1922; rare; May & June

Epilobium campestre (Jeps.) Hoch & W.L. Wagner, Smooth Spike-primrose

[synonyms: Boisduvalia glabella (Nutt.) Walp. and B. glabella var. campestre (Jeps.) Jeps. and E. pygmaeum (Speg.) Hoch & P.H. Raven, illeg.]

J.M. Porter, J. Travis, et al., c. 2 miles n. Solemint, just off Arline Rd., 2.0 mi. from jct. with Sierra Hwy., around vernal pool on shelf above Plum Cyn. and Arline Rd., June 5, 1996, c. 2000 ft. (610 m.); A. Parikh & N. Gale, Plum Cyn., 1.6 km. s.w. of Cruzan Mesa, 2.8 km. west of Sierra Hwy., May 24, 2003, 1870 ft.

(570 m.)

Phragmaceae Lopseed Family

+Mimulus constrictus (A.L. Grant) Pennell, Sticky Monkeyflower

[synonyms: M. viscidus Congd. ssp. constrictus (A.L. Grant) Munz and M. subsecundus A. Gray var. constrictus]

Intergrades with M. johnstonii A.L. Grant, in this area

From 3041 ft. (927 m.), at Green Valley Pasture ( in San Francisquito Cyn.), T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, June 6, 1990, to 5799 ft. (1768 m.), at Radio Towers, rd. between Liebre Camp and Sawmill Camp, Wesley O. Griesel & B. Miller, July 2, 1963; rare; May-July

Mimulus latidens (A. Gray) Greene, Broadtooth Monkeyflower

CA & Baja Ca, Mex.

Status: CRPR: CBR

Steve Boyd & Valerie Soza, Plum Cyn., s.w. of Cruzan Mesa along Airline (Arline-added 2012) Rd. about 2 miles w. of jct. with Sierra Hwy. in Mint Cyn., Apr. 28, 1998, 1761 ft. (537 m.); A.C. Sanders, Santa Clara area, Plum Cyn., s.w. of Cruzan Mesa on bench on n. side of cyn., May 11, 2005, 1879 ft. (573 m.)

Plantaginaceae Plantain Family

Callitriche marginata Torr., Winged Water-starwort

The sp. recorded for the e-w block of the San Gab. Mts. is as yet, not determined

Steve Boyd, Lauren Raz, et al., Plum Canyon, s.w. of Cruzan Mesa along Arline Rd., c. 2 miles w. of jct. with Sierra Hwy. in Mint Cyn., Mar. 17, 1998, 2000 ft.

(609 m.)

Collinsia bartsiifolia Benth., White Blue Eyed Mary

M. Shaughnessy, c. 200 ft. n. of Oakdale Cyn. Rd., w. of Cow Spring Cyn., Apr. 18, 1992, no elev. given

+Collinsea bartsiifolia Benth. var. davidsonii (Parish) Newsom, Davidson’s Blue Eyed Mary

From 3001 ft. (915 m.), at 4 miles w. Fairmont, Liebre Mts. region, Mohave Desert, L.C. Wheeler, Apr. 9, 1932, to 3851 ft. (1174 m.), at Liebre Mts. region, w. of Elizabeth Lake, June 3, 1922, ; rare; Mar.-June

Keckiella antirrhinoides (Benth.) Straw var. antirrhinoides, Snapdragon Penstemon, Chaparral Beard Tongue

CA & Mex.

Wandalee Thompson, San Francisquito Cyn. Road at Powerhouse No. 2, Apr. 11, 1964, 1499 ft. (457 m.); A. Menke, Liebre Mts. region, San Francisquito Cyn., Apr. 23, 1955, no elev. given

Penstemon laetus A. Gray, Mountain Blue Penstemon

Marcus E. Jones, s. of Lebec, June 7, 1926, no elev. given (possibly n. of Liebre Mts. boundary, listed in CCH under LA Co.)

Polemoniaceae Phlox Family

Eriastrum filifolium (Nutt.) Wooton & Standl., Lavender Woolystar

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

Status: CRPR: CBR

T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, easterly ridge of Rd Mt., c. 700-840 meters s.e. of the saddle between Ruby & Clearwater Cyns., May 23, 1993, 3080 ft. (939 m.); Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, San Francisquito Cyn., w. side of cyn. at e. end of Red Mt. Ridge system, just n. of confl. with Bee Cyn. and 1.5 mi. by road s. of the Clearwater Cyn. Truck Trail 6N24, May 6, 1997, 2000-2400 ft. (610 m.); P. Burgess & P. Munro, Hungry Valley Rd., 0.2 miles w. of Smokey Bear Rd., May 6, 2002, 2798 ft. (853 m.)

+Gilia brecciarum M.E. Jones ssp. neglecta A.D. Grant & V.E. Grant, Nevada Gilia

One record included in main text, possibly s. of San Gab. Mts. boundary)

Steve Boyd, Lauren Raz, et al., lower Leona Valley, s.e. end of Ritter Ridge and adj. wash of Amargosa Cr., n. of Elizabeth Lake Rd., Mar. 17, 1998,

2798-3198 ft. (853-975 m.

Navarretia fossalis Moran, Spreading Navarretia

CA & Baja CA, Mex.

Status: CRPR: 1B.1 S1 G1

David Gowen, n. side of Plum Cyn. Road in vernal pool on hillside above dry cr., June 30, 2008, 1873 ft. (571 m.); J.M. Porter, J. Travis Columbus, et al., c. 2 miles n. Solemint, just off Arline Rd., 2.0 mi. from jct. with Sierra Hwy., around a vernal pool on shelf above Plum Cyn. and Arline Rd., June 5, 1996, c. 2000 ft. (610 m.); Parikh & N. Gale, central part of Cruzan Mesa, 2.7 miles w. of Sierra Hwy., 0.9 km. south-west of Vasquez Cyn. Road, June 16, 2003, 2148 ft.

(655 m.)

Polygonaceae Buckwheat Family

+Eriogonum inerme (S. Watson) Jeps. var. hispidulum Goodman, Goodman’s Unarmed Wild Buckwheat

Status: CRPR: CBR

T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Warm Springs Mt., c. 450 meters n.w. of summit, June 22, 1994, c. 3740-3820 ft. (1140 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Warm Springs Mt., c. 450 meters n.w. of summit, May 25, 1994, 3739 ft.(1140 m.)

+Eriogonum ordii S. Watson, Fort Mohave Wild Buckwheat

Steve Boyd & Orlando Mistretta, rugged hills e. of Bouquet Cyn., n.e. of Cruzan Mesa & s. of Vasquez Cyn., along Vasquez Cyn. Rd., c. 1.1 miles e. of jct. with Bouquet Cyn. Rd., May 1, 1996, 1679 ft. (512 m.); Steve Boyd, Mark Elvin, et al., W. Fork Liebre Gulch in narrow side of cyn. to the east, June 24, 1996, c. 3320 ft. (1012 m.); Michael Honer & Dylan Hannon, unnamed trib. to Tick Cyn., c. 1.5 miles n. of the Santa Clara River Channel, July 2, 2003, 1860 ft. (567 m.); A.C. Sanders & T.B. Salvato, Santa Clarita area, spur at n.e. end of Cruzan Mesa, s. of Vasquez Cyn. Rd., near powerlines, Apr. 26, 2005, 2001 ft. (610 m.); Sandy Leatherman & Pam DeVries, directly n. of Esquerra Rd., 2220 meters e. of Bouquet Cyn. Rd. in Santa Clarita, Apr. 28, 2011, 1601 ft. (491 m.); Ralph Hoffman, Liebre Mts. region, Liebre Station, June 6, 1930, no elev. given

Goodmania luteola (Parry) Reveal & Ertter, Golden Goodmania

Status: CRBR: 4.2 S3.2 G3

CA & w.-e. NV

Several records just to the east of the Liebre Mts. boundary.

Primulaceae Primrose Family

Androsace elongate L., California Androsace

R. Hoffman, where Elizabeth Lake enters hills, Palmdale, Apr. 3, 1931, no elev. given

+Androsace elongata L. ssp. acuta (Greene) G.T. Robbins, California Androsace

Also included in main text, one record in Santiago Cyn.

Status: CRPR: 4.2 S3.2? G5?T3T4

Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, along SCE transmission lines, c. 1 mile s.e. of jct. of transmission lines with Elizabeth Lake Rd., Apr. 8, 2008, 3146 ft. (959 m.); Steve Boyd, Lauren Raz, et al., Anaverde Valley at n. base of Sierra Pelona, Mar. 17, 1998, 3200-3400 ft. (976 m.); Steve Boyd, Valerie Soza, et al., n. base of Portal Ridge n. of San Andreas Rift Zone at the edge of the Antelope Valley, upper mouth of Cow Spring Cyn. along Pacific Crest Trail, Mar. 24, 1998, 3457 ft. (1054 m.)

Dodecatheon clevelandii Greene ssp. insulare H.J. Thomps., Padre’s Shootingstar

(synonym: Primula clevelandii var. insulare (H.J. Thomps.) Mast & Reveal

CA & Baja CA (Guadalupe Island), Mex.

N.C. Cooper, Liebre Mts. region, Los Padres Natl. Forest, Apr. 7, 1949, 1499 ft. (457 m.) (just to the w. of the Liebre Mts. boundary)


+Delphinium parryi A. Gray var. purpurium (H. Lewis & Epling) M.J. Warnock, Mount Pinos Larkspur

Status: CRBR: 4.3 S3.3 G4T3

Wesley O. Griesel & B. Miller, on rd. between Liebre & Sawmill Mts., July 2, 1963, 4799 ft. (1463 m.); R. Hoffman, Bouquest Cyn., May 21, 1929, no elev. given; S.A. Junak, Pine Cyn. Rd., 1.1 miles e. of Route (US Hwy. 99), May 29, 1982, 3697 ft. (1127 m.); A. Simon Tacchi, 2 ¼ miles s.e. of Neenach, May 26, 1935, no elev. given; Herbert L. Mason, summit of first grade Mint Cyn. Rd., Apr. 26, 1926, no elev. given

+Enemion occidentale (Hook. & Arn.) J.R. Drumm., Western Rue-Anemone

(synonym: Isopyrum occidentale Hook. & Arn.)

R. Hoffman, upper Boquet Cyn., Apr. 28, 1993, no elev. given; Steve Boyd & Mike Wall, Lower Ruby Cyn., along Ruby Cyn. Road, c. 0.85 miles e. of jct. with Lake Hughes Rd., upstream from the confl. of Ruby Cyn. & Elizabeth Lake Cyn. at the n.w. base of Red Mt., Apr. 4, 1996, 2000 ft. (610 m.); Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, Sierra Pelona Ridge, s. flank of Martindale Cyn. near the n. end of Bouquet Cyn., s. of upper end of reservoir along FS Rd. 6N08, Mar. 26, 1997, 4579 ft. (1396 m.); L.N. Mayer & I.J. Mayer, 1 mile e. of Bouquet Cyn. Rd., on Sierra Pelona Rd., up 50 yds. along streambed, Apr. 10, 1974, no elev. given; LeRoy Gross, Sierra Pelona along Pacific Crest Trail, n. side of the crest, Apr. 10, 1999, 4500 ft. (1371 m.)

Myosurus minimus L., Tiny Mousetail

Status: CRBR: 3.1 S2.2 G5T2Q

Steve Boyd & Kent Hughes, Portal Ridge, n. of the San Andreas Rift Zone, in the Cow Spring drainage along Pacific Crest Trail, May 5, 1998, 3798 ft. (1158 m.)

Ranunculus aquatilis L. var. diffusus With., Longbeak Buttercup

[synonyms: R. aquatilus var. capillaceus (Thuill.) DC. and R. aquatilus var. subrigidus (W.B. Drew) Brietung and R. longirostris Godr. and Batrachium circinatum (Sibth.) Rchb. and R. usneoides Greene]

P.A. Munz, pond 1 mile n. of Elizabeth Lake, June 9, 1923, no elev. given; F.W. Peirson, Bouquet Cyn., May 21, 1929, no elev. given; R. Hoffman, Hughes Lake, May 21, 1929, no elev. given

Rosaceae Rose Family

Prunus domestica L., European Plum

Orlando Mistretta & Christine Mistretta, Ritter ridge, s.w. of Quartz Hill, along transmission lines just s. of Calif. Aquaduct, Seg 5, structure 17, per TRTP Survey 2008), Apr. 10, 2008, no elev. given

Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb, Almond

(synonym: P. amygdalus Batsch)

Probably native to w. Asia & n. Africa

Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, Portal Ridge n. of Lake Hughes, upper end of Myrick Cyn. drainage along Lakeview Rd., Mar. 26, 1997, 3598-3720 ft. (1097-1134 m.); Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, n. base of Portal Ridge at mouth of Myrick Cyn., s. edge of Antelope Valley, s. of Fairmont Reservoir, Mar. 26, 1997, 3201 ft.

(976 m.); Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, Sierra Pelona Ridge, upper end of Bouquet Cyn., s. of Lincoln Crest near end of off-hwy. vehicle trail which begins at Bouquet Cyn. Rd., Mar. 26, 1997, 42997 ft. (1310 m.); T. Ross & S.D. Boyd, vic. of Burns Cyn., Burns Truck Trail, low broad saddle of n. ridge, w. side of saddle draining to lower Burns Cyn., e. side draining towards Andrade Corner, May 24, 1994, 3075 ft. (1117 m.)

Sapindaceae Soapberry Family

Aesculus californica (Spach) Nutt., California Buckeye

CA & s.w. OR; all parts Toxic; reported for e.-w. block of San Gab. Mts. but not native there. All records assumed planted.

From 3500 ft. (1067 m.), at Oakgrove Cyn. near Sawmill Mt., L.C. Wheeler, Oct. 25, 1931, to 5501-5605 ft. (1677 m.), at Liebre Mt., vic. of w. summit (construed as knoll), c. 0.85 miles s. of jct. of sections 3,4, 9, 10, T.S. Ross, Orlando Mistretta, et al.,July 7, 1994; uncommon ?; Apr.-July, Oct.

Saxifragaceae Saxifrage Family

Lithophragma parviflorum (Hook.) Torr. & A. Gray, Smallflower Woodland Star

Steve Boyd & Orlando Mistretta, Sawmill Mt., upper slopes & summit at head of Heryford Cyn., e. of jct. of 7N23 & 7N08, May 1, 1996, c. 5000-5120 ft. (1524 m.)

+Lithophragma parviflorum (Hook.) Torr. & A. Gray var. parviflorum, Smallflower Woodland Star

T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Sawmill Mt., n. slope of w. summit area, about hdwtrs. of W. Fork Devils Gulch, May 11, 1994, 4920-5080 ft. (1500 m.)

Solanaceae Nightshade Family

Solanum xanti A. Gray var. xanti , Chaparral Nightshade

Variation complex., not recog. in TJM2

Scott D. White, Liebre Mts., n. slope below Bald Mt., May 10, 2004, 3601 ft. (1098 m.); T.S. Ross & T. Mark Porter, Texas Cyn., c. 1.9 rd. miles n.e. of Bouquet Cyn. Rd., May 4, 1995, 1820 ft. (555 m.); Wandalee Thompson, Liebre Mt., San Francisquito Cyn. Rd. at Powerhouse No. 2, San Francisquito Cyn., Apr. 11, 1964, 1499 ft. (457 m.)


Alliaceae Onion or Garlic Family

+Allium howellii Eastw. var. clokeyi Traub, Mount Pinos Onion

Status: CRBR: 1B.3 S2.3 G4T2

Marcus E. Jones, Castaic Cyn., Ridge Rd., Apr. 26, 1934, no elev. given

Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis Family

Narcissus papyraceus Ker Gawl., Paper White Narcissus

CA & Louisiana

Steve Boyd, T.S. Ross, et al., along Old Ridge Route, n. of Templin Hwy. and w. of confl. of Castaic Cr. & Fish Cr., Feb. 11, 1997, 3139 ft. (957 m.)

Cyperaceae Sedge Family

Isolepis cernua (Vahl) Roem. & Schult., Low Bulrush

[synonym: Scirpus cernuus Vahl) and S. cernuus Vah. var. californicus (Torr.) Beetle]

Steve Boyd & Orlando Mistretta, Castaic Lake drainage from Fish Cyn. downstream to Power Plant, n. of upper end of Castaic Lake, May 23, 1996, 1542 ft. (470 m.); Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, Knapp Ranch area at upper end of Castaic Cr. drainage in broad alluvial valley at head of Cienaga Cyn., s. of Liebre Mt., Apr. 25, 1996 & Sep. 24, 1996, 3001 ft. (915 m.)

Iridaceae Iris Familly

Iris germanica L., German Iris

Native to probably e. Mediteranean

T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, “Cottonwood Swamp” confl. of San Francisquito Cyn. stream and 2 tributaries draining off the s.e. slopes of Red Mt., May 24, 1994, 1679 ft. (512 m.)

Juncaceae Rush Family

Juncus acutus L. ssp. leopoldii (Parl.) Snogerup, Southwestern Spiny Rush

Status: CRPR: 4.2 S3.2 G5 T5

A.C. Sanders, Mark A. Elvin, et al., along Castaic Cr., 0.2 km. downstream from Lake Hughes Rd., Newhall Ranch, Apr. 30, 2003, 1152 ft. (351 m.); Steve Boyd & Orlando Mistretta, Castaic Cr. drainage from Fish Cyn. downstream to Power Plant, just n. of upper end of Castaic Lake, May 23, 1996, 1542 ft. (470 m.); Steve Boyd, Valerie Soza, et al., Castaic Cr., upstream from fish Cyn., entering the narrowed portion, July 11, 1996, 1640 ft. (500 m.); Scott D. White, Castaic Lake area, Grasshopper Cyn. Watershed, between I-5 Frwy./Old Ridge Route and the lake, proposed N. Lake Planned Community, May 19, 1998, 2398 ft. (1397 m.)

Poaceae Grass Family

Aristida adscensionis L., Sixweeks Three-awn

Also included in the main text, reported from SDEF, but no voucher specimen is recorded

Timothy S. Ross & Darin Banks, San Francisquito Cyn., c. 460 meters SSW of where Drinkwater Cyn. joins S. Fork Cyn. , Apr. 12, 1994, 1689 ft. (515 m.)

Festuca microstachys Nutt. var. confusa (Piper) Lonard & Gould, Confusing Fescue

[synonym: Vullpia microstachys (Nutt.) Munro var. confusa (Piper) Lonard & Gould]

(Listed as synonym for F. microstachys in TJM2)

T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, n.e. summit of Grass Mt., n. slopes draining toward Elizabehth Lake, s. slopes toward Green Valley, May 4, 1994, 4560 ft. (1384 m.); G.D. Wallace & M.Z. Wallace, w. of Palmdale, s. end of Munz Ranch Rd., no elev. given; Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, Sierra Pelona Ridgeline, c. 1.5 miles w. of Mt. McDill and 1.3 miles SSE of Lincoln Crest, the head of Bouquet Cyn., May 1, 1997, 4800-4960 ft. (1463 m.); Steve Boyd, w. summit of Liebre Mt., along FS Rd. 7N23, c. 4 miles n.e. of jct. with 7N22, near the head of Cold Cyn., Apr. 25, 1996, c. 5320 ft. (1622 m.); Steve Boyd & Orlando Mistretta, Sawmill Mt., upper slopes and summit at head of Heryford Cyn., e. of jct. with 7N23, and 7N08, May 1, 1996, c. 5000-5120 ft. (1524 m.); T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd, Sawmill Mt., w. summit area, c. 260-350 meters s.e. of Sawmill Cmpgrd., 5241 ft. (1598 m.)

Hordeum intercedens Nevski, Bobtail Barley

CA & n.w. Baja CA, Mex.; sometimes treated as synonym for H. pusillum Nutt., which has been reported from CA, but not naturalized, needs study

Status: CRPR: 3.2 S3S4 G3G4

Scott D. White, Castaic Lake area, Grasshoper Cyn., watershed, between I-5 Frwy./Old Ridge Route and the Lake, May 22, 1998, 1400-2400 ft. (425-730 m.)

Orcuttia californica Vasey, California Orcutt Grass

CA & n. Baja CA, Mex.

Status: CRBR: 1B.1 S1 G1

J.T. Columbus, C.R. Annable, et al., c. 2 miles n. Solemint, just off/Arline Rd., 2.0 rd. miles w. from jct. with Sierra Hwy., in vernal pool basin on shelf just n. of and above Plum Cyn. bottom & rd. turnout with an adj. Populus sp. in n.e. of 3 small deprressions within basin, June 5, 1996, c. 2000 ft. (609 m.); A.C. Sanders, Santa Clarita area, Cruzan Mesa along dirt rd. near large vernal pool, May 5, 2005, 2148 ft. (655 m.); R.E. Riefner Jr., near Solemint, in Plum Cyn. near jct. with Arline Dr. & Sierra Hwy., July 26, 2003, 1925 ft. (587 m.); A. Parikh,& N. Gale, Plum Cyn., 1.6 km. south-west of Cruzan Mesa, 2.8 km. west of Sierra Hwy., May 10, 2003 & May 24, 2003, 1870 ft. 570 m.); A. Parikh & N. Gale, central part of Cruzan Mesa, 2.7 km. west of Sierra Hwy, 6.9 km. southwest of Vasquez Cyn. Rd., June 16, 2003, 2148 ft. (655 m.)

Phalaris caroliniana Walter, Carolina Canary Grass

Native to e. U.S. & Mex.

Scott D. White & Sandy Leatherman, Castaic Lake area, Grasshopper Cyn., watershed between I-5 Frwy./Old Ridge Route and the Lake, May 22, 1998, 1400-2400 ft. (425-730 m.)

Phalaris paradoxa L., Hood Canary Grass

Native to Medit. Europe

Steve Boyd, Dave Bramlet, et al., along Old Ridge Route, n. of Templin Hwy. and n.w. of confl. of Castaic Cr. & Fish Cr., c. 600 meters s.e. of transit station “Hiway”, May 10, 1997, 3200 ft. (975 m.)

Polypogon maritimus Willd., Mediterranian Beard Grass

Native to Medit. Europe

Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, Fish Cyn., just upstream from the confl. with Castaic Cr., May 6, 1997, 1640 ft. (500 m.)

Sporobolus airoides (Torr.) Torr, Alkali Sacaton

Seeded for erosion control or wetland revegetation

Steve Boyd, Orlando Mistretta, et al., Castaic Cr. drainage upstream from confl. of Fish Cyn., June 12, 1996, 1801 ft. (549 m.); John Hodgson, Peace Valley, June 14, 1928, no elev. given

Stipa latiglumis Swallen, Wide-glumed Needle Grass

[synonym: Acnatherum latiglumis (Swallen) Barkworth]

Status: CRBR: CBR

T.S. Ross & S. D. Boyd, et al., n. slope, between Horse Camp Cyn., and Robinson Cyn., June 27, 1990, 4831 ft. (1473 m.)

Potamogetonaceae Pondweed Family

Potamogeton pusillus L., Small Pondweed

D. Thomason, Lake Elizabeth, c. 15 miles w. of Lancaster at head of Leona Valley, June 17, 1987, no elev. given

Themidaceae Brodiaea Family

+Bloomeria crocea (Torr.) Coville var. montana (Greene) J.W. Ingram, Mountain Goldenstar

Steve Boyd & L. Raz, Portal Ridge n. of the San Andreas Rift Zone, in the Cow Spring drainage along the Pacific Crest Trail, at point where trail crosses side drainage originating on ridge forming divide with Gookins Dry Lake, May 29, 1997, 3600 ft. (1098 m.); Steve Boyd & Lauren Raz, Portal Ridge, open ridgeline about jct. of Juday Truck Trail and Troedel Mtwy. s. of Troedel Spring; R. Hoffman, near Chandler’s Ridge Route, (USHwy. 99), June 13, 1927, no elev. given; Henry J. Ramsey & Mrs. Henry J. Ramsey, Sandberg, Liebre Mts., June 27, 1937, no elev. given; Wesley O. Griesel & Brian C. Miller, Pine Cyn., w. of Lake Hughes, June 2, 1963, 3500 ft. (1067 m.)

Part III

A Chronological Review of the Plants of the Los Angeles County Portion of the San Gabriel Mountains (Exclusive of the Liebre Mountains)


Cheilanthes covillei PTE Wm. H. Brewer

Polystichum imbricans ssp. curtum DRY W.H. Brewer


Oreonana vestita API S.B. Parish


Aspidotis californica PTE O.D. Allen

Dryopteris arguta DRY G. Ross Robertson


Hydrocotyle verticillata ARA J.C. Nevin

Pallaea mucronata var. mucronata PTE O. Kenney ?


Apiastrum angustifolium API Anstruther Davidson

Lomatium lucidum API H.E. Hasse

Pentagramma triangularis ssp. triangularis PTE Anonym.

Tauschia arguta API Anstruther Davidson


Pteridium aquilinum var. pubescens DEN O. Kenney

Sanicula tuberosa API Anstruther Davidson


Asclepias californica APO Anstruther Davidson

Asclepias vestita APO Anstruther Davidson

Tauschia parishii API Anstruther Davidson


Asplenium vespertinum ASP A.J. McClatchie


Adiantum capillus-veneris PTE Minnie Reed


Pellaea andromedifolia PTE T.G. Bergesch


Amaranthus blitoides AMA Anstruther Davidson

Apium graveolens API Harley P. Chandler

Apocynum cannabinum APO J.H. Barber

Artemisia ludoviciana var. ludoviciana AST Anstruther Davidson

Asclepias fascicularis APO J.H. Barber

Baccharis slaicifolia ssp. salicifolia AST Harley P. Chandler

Bidens pilosa AST H.P. Chandler

Equisetum telmateia vara. braunii EQU Harley P. Chandler

Juniperus californica CUP J.H. Barber

Lomatium dasycarpum ssp. dasycarpum API Harley P. Chandler

Pinus jeffreyi PIN ___________

Polypodium californicum POL H.P. Chandler

Rhus aromatic ANA Harley P. Chandler

Sanicula arguta API H.P. Chandler

Sanicula bipinnatifida API H.P. Chandler

Woodwardia fimbriata BLE Harley P. Chandler


Brickellia californica AST Grant

Selaginella bigelovii SEL L.R. Abrams


Osmorhiza brachypoda API Thekla Mohr


Pinus monophylla PIN H.M. Hall


Molosma laurina ANA George B. Grant

Umbellularia californica UMB Ernest Braunton


Acourtia microcephala AST L.R. Abrams

Agoseris retrorsa AST A.D.D. Elmer

Anisocoma acaulis AST A.D.E. Elmer

Asclepias eriocarpa APO L.R. Abrams

Funastrum cynanchoides ssp. hartweggii APO L.R. Abrams

Rhus ovata ANA Marcus E. Jones

Rhus trilobata var. quinata (syn.) ANA A.D.E. Elmer


Cycladenia humilis var. venusta APO Mrs. C.M. Wilder

Pollystichum imbricans ssp. imbricans DRY C.F. Baker


Amblyopappus pussillus AST Grant & Wheeler

Aralia californica ARA F.W. Peirson

Brickellia desertorum AST Michael Honer


Cystopteris fragilis WOO H.E. Hasse & Davidson


Lomatium mohavense API Anstruther Davidson

Thelypteris puberula var. sonorensis THE Ernest Braunton


Agoseris grandiflora var. grandiflora AST C.F. Baker


Calocedrus decurrens CUP Huron H. Smith

Pseudotsuga macrocarpa PIN Huron H. Smith


Pallaea mucronata PTE Albert J. Perkins


Adiantum aleuticum PTE Darley F. Howe

Artemisia douglasiana AST D.L. Crawford

Artemisia dracunculus AST Miss Mohr.

Equisetum xferrissii EQU Geo. L. Moxley

Equisetum hyemale ssp. affine EQU Albert J. Perkins

Equisetum laevigatum EQU S.B. Parish

Pinus contorta var. murrayana PIN Albert J. Perkins


Mesembryanthemum crystallinum AIZ D.L. Crawford

Pinus attenuate PIN I.M. Johnston

Toxicodendron diversilobum ANA Fred Cox


Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. albula AST I.M. Johnston

Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. incompta AST I.M. Johnston

Artemisia tridentata AST I.M. Johnst.

Ephedra viridis EPH I.M. Johnston

Rhus integrifolia ANA Mrs. S. Earle Kelley

Selaginella asprella SEL I.M. Johnston


Achillea millefolium AST I.M. Johnston

Angelica tomenntosa API I.M. Johnston

Artemisia californica AST F.W. Peirson

Osmorhiza berteroi API I.M. Johnston

Sanicula bipinnata API P.A. Munz

Yabea microcarpa API F.W. Peirson


Agoseris grandiflora AST F.W. Peirson

Amaranthus albus AMA F.R. Fosberg

Ambrosia acanthicarpa AST F.W. Peirson

Ancistrocarphus filagineus AST F.W. Peirson

Anemopsis californica SAU Frank W. Peirson

Daucus pusillus API F.W. Peirson

Lomatium nevadense var. parishii API F.W. Peirson

Pentagramma pallida PTE F.W. Peirson

Pinus ponderosa PIN V.V. Giles

Sambucus nigra ssp. cerulean ADO F.W. Peirson

Sanicula crassicaulis API F.W. Peirson


Artemisia tridentate ssp. tridentatta AST P.A. Munz

Vinca major APO P.A. Munz


Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus

var. sphaerocephalus AST F.W. Peirson

Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus AST Frank W. Peirson

Achyrachaena mollis AST F.W. Peirson

Ambrosia salsola var. salsola AST F.W. Peirson

Antennaria dimorpha AST F.W. Peirson

Apocynum androsaemifolium APO F.W. Peirson

Ceratophyllum demersum CER F.W. Peirson

Ephedra nevadensis EPH F.W. Peirson

Lomatium dissectum var. multifidum API P.A. Munz

Polystichum scopulinum DRY F.W. Peirson


Agoseris heterophylla AST F.W. Peirson

Amaranthus californicus AMA F.W. Peirson

Equisetum arvense EQU P.A. Munz

Perideridia pringlei API F.W. Peirson


Pallaea mucronata ssp. californica PTE P.A. Munz


Artemisia tridentata ssp. parishii AST L.E. Hoffman


Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus var. hirtellus AST M.N. Ackley

Pentagramma triangularis PTE May N. Ackley


Abies concolor PIN Christina Clark

Artemisia ludoviciana AST Ralph Hoffman

Pinus flexilis PIN G.R. Johnstone


Adiantum jordanii PTE L.E. Hoffman

Lomatium nevadense API R. Hoffman


Amaranthus deflexus AMA L.C. Wheeler


Ageratina adenophora AST Louis C. Wheeler

Juniperus occidentalis ssp. australis CUP B.C. Templeton

Pinus coulteri PIN L.E. Hoffman

Schinus molle ANA L.C. Wheeler

Sphenosciadium capitellatum API Bonnie C. Templeton


Argyrochosma jonesii PTE L.C. Wheeler

Baccharis glutinosa AST L.C. Wheeler

Foeniculum vulgare API


Lomatium utriculatum API L.C. Wheeler


Azolla filiculoides AZO Jerome S. Horton


Polystichum munitum DRY Joseph Andorfer Ewan


Cheilanthes newberryi PTE L.C. Wheeler

Notholaena californica ssp. leucophylla PTE L.C. Wheeler


Athyrium filix-femina ssp. cyclosorum WOO M.B. Dunkle

Bidens laevis AST L.C. Wheeler

Bowlesia incana API L.C. Wheeler

Conium maculatum API L.C. Wheeler

Pastinaca sativa API Joseph A. Ewan


Artemisia nova AST Annetta M. & Arthur Carter


Ambrosia psilostachya AST Jerome S. Horton

Anthemis cotula AST L.C. Wheeler


Ambrosia salsola AST B.C. Templeton


Pteris vitata PTE Kay H. Beach


Baccharis salicina AST L.C. Wheeler

Notholaena californica ssp. leucophylla PTE J.C. Roos


Pteris cretica PTE L.C. Wheeler


Pentagramma triangularis ssp. viscosa PTE Smith & Witt


Perideridia parishii ssp. latifolia API Wesley O. Griesel


Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyania AST June Latting


Amaranthus hybridus AMA L.C. Wheeler

Amaranthus retroflexus AMA L.C. Wheeler


Anthriscus caucalis API L.C. Wheeler

Baccharis pilularis AST L.C. Wheeler

Baccharis pilularis ssp. consuguiniea AST L.C. Wheeler

Lomatium mohavense ssp. mohavense (syn.) API R.F. Thorne, R. Corolini, et al.

Oxypolis occidentalis API L.C. Wheeler

Pteris tremula PTE L.L. Keifer


Berula erecta API L.C. Wheeler

Hedera helix ARA L.C. Wheeler

Nerium oleander APO L.C. Wheeler


Rhus viminalis ANA L.C. Wheeler


Ambrosia dumosa AST R.D. Goeden & D.W. Rick


Lomatium dasycarpum Cromwell & Wheat

Rhus trilobata var. pilosissima (syn.) ANA Gary D. Cromwell & David Wheat


Cyrtomium falcatum DRY L.C. Wheeler


Rhus trilobata var. anisophylla (syn.) ANA Michael C. Long


Lomatium mohavense ssp. longilobum (syn.) API Darley Howe


Baccharis sergilioides AST Donna Walker

Sequoia sempervirens CUP Paul M. Inman


Baccharis sarothroides AST R.G. Swinney


Hesperocyperus nevadensis CUP T.S. Ross & S.D. Boyd


Artemisia biennis AST Mike Hammitt & Jason Rick

Juniperus osteroperma CUP T.S. Ross


Ageratina occidentalis AST Orlando Mistretta


Torilis arvensis API T.S. Ross


Asclepias erosa APO Orlando Mistretta

Pinus lambertiana PIN Anstruther Davidson


Baahiopsis laciniata AST R.G. Swinney

Cycladenia humilis var. humilis APO R.G. Swinney


Perideridia gairdneri API ________


Rhus lancea ANA John F. Green


Hesperocyperus stephensonii ssp. arizonica CUP Scott D. White

Sequoiadendron giganteum CUP Scott D. White


Brickellia incana AST Robert H. Gill


Carpobrotus chilensis AIZ R.G. Swinney

Pistachia vera ANA Justin M. Wood

Selaginella watsonii SEL R.G. Swinney


Argyranthemum foeniculum AST R.G. Swinney

Bebbia juncea var. aspera AST R.G. Swinney

Cyclospermum leptophylllum API R.G. Swinney

Perideridia parishii API R.G. Swinney

Polystichum imbricans DRY R.G. Swinney



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